#female reader x lil lucifer au
surprisingmarch · 2 months
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Heavenly Bound: Searching (Chapter 1)
Lucifer x F!Human Reader Rating: 16+
Fandom: Lil Lucifer AU
Story Type: Fluff / Romance / Drama / Comedy
2,545 Words
-Y/N = Your name- -L/N = Last name-
Music I listened to as I wrote: - Nothing! :)
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ (In this version of the Lil Lucifer AU, Lucifer didn't start to question his father until he was around 23... in angel years, several thousands of years in human years, meaning that none of the resistance has happened yet and all the characters are still in heaven and are now adults.) ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
You survey your heavenly surroundings and recall how exactly you got here. About ten minutes ago, you woke up and begrudgingly got out of bed to make yourself some bacon and eggs for breakfast, it was around 9:06-ish A.M. and the morning sunlight was still pouring in through your curtains. As you got out your eggs and started to put your bacon on your pan with a sizzle, you were suddenly teleported into this cloud like realm. Now you're wandering aimlessly in hopes you run into a service desk of some kind or somehow figure out how you got here. You've come to the conclusion you're not dead, you pinched yourself and checked your pulse, you are alive… So you've come the the conclusion that you were either teleported here for a weirdly specific reason or by accident. …You're assuming by accident since there was seemingly no one awaiting your arrival. After a few moments you calm down and realize just how beautiful your surroundings really are.
You look up and admire the beautiful balconies where beings seem to fly down from and onto… perhaps to sleep. Your current theory is that they act as nests since the beings that fly into them seem to be quite tired looking and the ones that fly out of them seem to be refreshed and energized. If they are nests, you think that's cute, if not… you think they should have nests. You think they would like them, after all, who doesn't like a good pillow nest? You hope they get a good night's sleep if they are nests, only god knows how much they must work to take care of everything, and considering how quickly beings are walking past you, you assume they rarely stop to rest. You look up further, past the balconies and their pretty giant archways and realize there's actually tall white marble walls towering high above you, your jaw drops. "Holy shit.." You think to yourself, how on earth did you miss that? It seems that said balconies that you thought were sleeping are actually just normal balconies that are on two buildings built on top of lines of marble pillars to the left and right of you. Perhaps the balconies are an entrance way for the angels? That would make sense.. they do have wings. You wonder if all the buildings are up high like that or if you'll be able to get into one eventually.
Many angelic looking being rush past you, but they don't even seem to notice your presence. Some are almost a normal person's height, but are furry and soft looking with long ears like a goat, those beings have many fur colors, such as tan, white, cream, brown, light brown.. and grey. Other's are big round many golden wheels encircling one another with many eyes and wings on them… And then there's one that truly frightens you, they have what you assume is a normal angel's head but with many animals heads as well, and they are absolutely MASSIVE. They're practically as big as a building… You've taken a mental note to stay out of their path so you don't get squashed… if that can even happen here.
You decide to go over an inspect a pillar for clues, you carefully weave in and out of the crowd of angels rushing forward and backwards and every which way until finally, you reach a pillar. None of the angels seem to go under here, probably because it's like under a porch to them, why would they go under there? The furniture is up there! Not to mention, it's quite dark under here. You carefully look into the darkness that's just past the pillar line, you decide to ignore it but stay weary of it, You get the uncanny feeling that something is watching you from in there… or maybe it's just the paranoia and your hate for the dark… Either way, you stay faced towards it but focus on the pillar. Many symbols are carved into the golden lining on the bottom on the pillar, but sadly you don't recognize a single one. You use a finger to trace one of the symbols, suddenly, you hear something shuffle from within the darkness and quickly dart your eyes back up at it. You see something open it's eyes, beautiful baby blue glowing irises irk you from the dark.. but whatever it is doesn't seem to have a very threatening aura. The entity's bottom eye lids scrunch upwards like it's smiling and it begins to step out from the inky abyss into the.. slightly less shadowy blackness, revealing a very tall furry angel wearing beautiful white robes with lots of golden jewelry and pretty shiny gems along his collar.. His fur is a beautiful creamy white color and he seems to have a set of medium sized goat horns, unlike the other smaller furry angels you've seen. As he walks over to you you realize that he's absolutely towering, he's at least seven foot, he must be a different species of angel or something. You examine his face, he's quite handsome, he looks perfect in every way, from his nose to his jawline. His teeth are pearly white but seem normal.. except for the incisors, which are extremely sharp looking and are longer than average, but he has a beautiful smile nonetheless. His nose is long and straight, and his eyes are a stunning baby blue, you almost don't want to look away.
"Hello!" The being's voice is velvety smooth like silk and sing-songy, but slightly deeper than the average man's. You hesitantly raise a hand and wave at him, you feel a faint flush take over your cheeks, you feel so out of place here, you have no idea what to do. "Hi.." You greet coyly. The angel smiles wider and giggles at your shyness. "My name is Lucifer, the eldest archangel, it's very nice to meet you!" Lucifer says excitedly as if he rarely gets company. He reaches over and grabs one of your hands and shakes it energetically. His enthusiasm makes you chuckle a bit, you shake his hand and notice he's got quite the grip to him.. it's probably because he's so big. His hand lingers on yours for a moment before he finally lets go.. you wouldn't have minded if he wanted to hold your hand, you could use it right now.. "My name is Y/N, L/N, nice to meet you too." You say chipperly. "Y/N L/N… what a beautiful name." Lucifer responds with a smirk. You smile and flush a bit from the compliment. "Oh.. thank you.." You say softly. "Any time! So, what are you doing in heaven, toots?" Lucifer asks as he summons a golden trident covered in jewels and leans on it, await an explanation. "Well… I woke up, started to make some bacon and eggs.. then.. Poof! I was teleported here." You explain softly. Lucifer smirks widely at you. ""Poof?"" Lucifer asks teasingly. You nod then repeat yourself. "Poof." Lucifer nods in response and looks away and examines his trident for a moment. "Tell me.." His eyes dart back to you. "Are you magical in any way or know any magical beings personally?" He asks blatantly. You slowly shake your head. "Yeah.. that's what I thought. I didn't sense any magic coming off of you." He admits before he looks back down at you. He rubs his chin in thought. "Did you happen to make a pact with anyone or anything? Or did you happen to accept any items you previously didn't have in your home that suddenly appeared?" He asks. "Well…" You say guiltily. "I hate the sound of that.." Lucifer admits. You bite your lip before continuing. "Well, I did find a ring…" Lucifer face palms. "Are you serious?" Lucifer asks distraughtly. You nod. Lucifer peeks at you through his fingers before dropping his hand back down to his side. "Okay.. let me just.." He squats down in front of you, he takes your hands and holds him on top of his, he carefully examines them before a golden glow appears from each of your fingers and strings out into a bunch of symbols. You look up to try to read his expression. His eyebrows furrow and the glow goes away. "No.. that can't be right…" He carefully lets go of your small hands and stands up, he paces a bit before he finally stops and looks at you with a small frown on his face.
"It seems one of my siblings has taken a liking to you.. the ring was left by an angel, by accepting the ring you accepted an agreement.. It seems you accepted a marriage proposal, they most likely used that to get you up here for some reason. I'm not sure if it was for work reasons or because they simply enjoyed you and your antics.. or perhaps fell in love with you.. it is not unheard of… But it seems that's what happened… I didn't even know you could keep mortals up here but it says in the agreement that you shall stay with them for the rest of eternity.. you know.. like a normal proposal. So it seems someone has found a loophole in the system and are keeping you here. Because of the fact you are in an agreement, I cannot help you return home." Lucifer rants. Silence echos for a few moments until you finally pipe up. "WHAT!?" You yell out. Lucifer nods. "Yeah, I know." He says distraughtly, it seems this entire situation has flipped his world upside down. "That's not fair! I didn't even know! Doesn't that mean anything, that it wasn't voluntary!?" You ask desperately. Lucifer shakes his head. "I'm afraid not dear, that's the rules. The agreement you agreed to is quite specific and detailed.. Which leads me to believe it may be Uriel who did it… Though, he hates most people and I don't see him as the proposing type, more of the "I'll die alone in an old shack in the woods with many books type" but.. You never know." Lucifer admits. You both stare at each other. "What!?" You yell out once more. "Look, I'll take care of you until this is all sorted out, I'll make sure you're fed and give you a place to stay… unless your so called "partner" comes to claim you, and depending on who it is and what their intentions are I may still shelter and protect you myself.. But I'll go to the top with this one, I'll inform Michael and have him search and ask everyone. The only thing is.. finding him can be tricky. He's usually on earth battling demons.. but when he is up here he's usually being a recluse." Lucifer says softly. He squats down and grabs your face and squishes your cheeks. "I'll take care of this… okay?" Lucifer asks soothingly. You nod softly, tears weld in your eyes. "Shhh…" Lucifer picks you up and stands back up, he carefully rocks you side to side comfortingly while holding you like a baby. "I've got ya.." Lucifer reassures. You nod and hide your face in the crook of his neck, his fur is so soft and soothing., and he's so warm. Lucifer chuckles at you. "It's okay little one, it's not that big of a deal.. I'm sure it can be worked out in a day or two, tops." Lucifer says.
You raise back up and look at him sadly, he smiles up at you, his eyes soften like honey. He rubs his cheek on yours before he puts you down and wipes your tears from your cheeks. You inhale deeply, and exhale. "This is fine… this… is fine." You reassure yourself mentally. "Come along now, let's go look for Michael and Uriel, you can't miss them, they look about like me but Michael's usually covered in blood and Uriel usually has his nose in a book or scroll." Lucifer says as he waits for you to follow him, you follow him and he carefully takes your hand, keeping a firm grip in case you were to get pushed. You both weave in and out of beings in the opposite direction you were originally going. You accidentally trip over your won feet and bump into someone beside you. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" You swiftly apologize. A tall furry angel like Lucifer scowls down at you. "Oh hey Uriel!" Lucifer quickly greet the mysterious figure. "Lucifer. What's with the mortal? Father will be displeased if you do anything rash to bother any mortals on earth. Put it back." Uriel's voice is coarse and deep like thunder, it makes you flush slightly. He seems very.. melancholy for an angel. "Actually, I was looking for you for that very reason, take a look at her pacts, an angel has trapped her here by marrying her and it seems I cannot return her unless the pact is broken by either you or it's original maker." Lucifer explains with a smile. "What!? No angel has ever married a mortal? Sex, yes. Marry? That's a whole different level of blasphemy!" Uriel yells in surprise. "…I'm guessing that this pact isn't yours then..?" Lucifer asks hesitantly. Uriel bends down and grabs your hands, the same golden strings come off and the symbols appear again. "Absolutely not! Why on earth would you think it's me!?" Uriel asks, slightly annoyed. "It's just so.. detailed. I assumed you were the only guy capable of such a complicated pact." Lucifer confesses. Uriel carefully examines each symbol and concern fills his face. "No.. I've never seen one so complex before, nor have I ever seen one like this ever." Uriel slowly lets go of your hands, stands, and continues. "It seems who ever made this pact truly wanted her to stay.. forever. They most likely fell in love with her." Uriel confesses quite emotionlessly. You look up at Lucifer, he blinks a few time in awe before he quickly snaps out of it and looks down at you and picks you up so you don't fall over and get trampled, you have a feeling he probably meant to do that earlier, but Uriel distracted him.
Uriel rubs in between his brows then down his face, Then he sighs deeply. He lets his arm fall to his side as he glaces at all the scrolls he's holding with one arm. He makes a swift turn in the opposite direction and begins to walk. "These can wait, come along Lucifer and.. what is your name?" Uriel asks, he pauses and looks at you with a brow raised. "Oh! "Y/N, Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Uriel." You quickly say as you hold your hand out as a greeting. Uriel looks at your hand then at you before he hesitantly shakes it. "The pleasure is all mine." Uriel says politely before letting go and flying off. "Hold on tight, Y/N." Lucifer commands as his wings start to stretch out. You wrap your arms around his neck tightly and with that, he starts to fly after Uriel, whom seems to be heading to his library which you can barely see in the distance… you think.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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serena-hart-09 · 1 year
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I posted 945 times in 2022
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#obey me - 282 posts
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#obey me lucifer - 168 posts
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#shall we date obey me - 114 posts
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#obey me shall we date - 97 posts
#obey me mc - 87 posts
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#obey me mammon - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i mean yeah it isn't necessarily a bad thing since what drives the characters at that point prove the fact that they can't just talk it out
My Top Posts in 2022:
How to Survive Your Yandere Demon Boyfriend and Live with him in Peace and have Fun: Chapter 4
A/N: FINALLY. After writing 9 drafts of this chapter...... I felt this was the best of them all..... (My back is ded-) This is again a "build up" to the main conflict, so not much aside from plot-building happens.......
Also, this chapter's writing style is a bit different (imo) , but it still has the "changing povs" in between.
Also, also, after this, I won't be much active, due an upcoming exam that I have to prepare. I may start taking requests again in late july.....
Anyways, as always, have a great day ahead!
(Yandere AU x Replaced MC AU)
Yandere Lucifer x MC
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TW: Implied Bullying ; Implied Sexual Content (Mild) ; Unhealthy Mindset ; Yandere ; Angst ; Insults ; Swearing ; Denial ; (If I have missed something please tell me!)
Extra: Mention of "Note"(1) ;OOC Demon Brothers ; Changing POVs ; Unreliable Narration ; Female Reader/MC ; OC Lucifer (According to what I think of him as a Yandere) ; Secrets ; Use of Pact ; (Slight) Dark!MC.
“MC! Today I made an appointment for us at my favorite spa!”
'A memory…….'
“MC……! You should hang out with me!”
'Of those days………
Those precious days……'
“Hehehe….. you’re so cute MC!”
'You were always kind……….'
“Hey, MC………. Do you love us? Then would you stay with me and my brothers….. forever…? I promise you wouldn’t regret it!”
'I would love to………..
You are my family after all…'
“Oh, MC darling! I’m sorry, but I promised Irina that we would hang out today…….. I promise I will make it up to you!”
'Ah, it’s ok.
It’s just one time, one day.'
“uh…..MC? The thing is…… I am quite busy….. today….”
“You know MC? Blue doesn’t suit you……. *sigh* why am I with you…… rather….. why can’t you be like her….? Whatever, just my luck.”
'It’s ok.
H-he doesn’t mean it….'
“Why are you talking to me? You’re wasting my time.”
See the full post
129 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
hi^^ i'm not feeling well recently and i was wondering if i could request some Mammon fluff to heal me. the scenario being, Mammon and MC are best friends and promised to tell each other everything, so when he overhears his brothers gossiping that MC admitted to having a crush, he gets a lil upset because 1) how could you not tell him abt it first? and 2) who is MC crushing on???? and he acts moody with them until he finds out that MC's crush is on him whether by confession or the brothers, up to you. i just need a lovestruck Mammon being oblivious to his own feelings for his best friend until the idea of them being in relationship with someone else sets him off... i'm sorry if this is so cheesy and cliché!
A/N: Thank you for requesting! I hope you feel a little better after reading this! And also please take care of yourself, I hope you feel better! 💕
Let me tell you, I like my my fluff cheesy :) so don't be sorry! This is such a cute request after all!
And also....... this is my first fluff writing so, any corrections or even suggestions are appreciated! 💖
As always, have a great day ahead!
Also....! While I was writing, I was listening to-
I Like You, I Love You (Kagamine Rin)
TW: None (Apart from some mistakes and the repetition of the words "Best friends")
Extra: Fluff ; Unreliable Narration ; Second-Person POV ; Oblivious Nature ; "MC" addressed as you and not directly as "MC" (majority of the fic).
Mammon X MC
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My Other Half
Only one demon in the whole of Devildom knew you like the back of his hand.
In the first weeks of the exchange program, he had seen you as a nuisance not he nor you knew when that changed. You two had grown accustomed to each other’s presence to a point many had assumed that you were a couple. Of course, the demon had to explain that you two were best friends and not a couple (while tomato blushing). His brothers especially Lucifer and Asmo would relentlessly tease their brother while a small and soft smile played on their lips.
In the span of only a few months, the demon had become someone you could talk with and complain about in a very dramatic way that never failed to make the demon laugh at your antics. So, in the end, you ended up telling him everything about yourself, your likes, dislikes, your life back in your home realm, family, and just about everything.
Like you love chocolate filled with almonds.
Or which brand of Devildom soda you had come to like.
Or that one manga Berserk manga you love and that one manga you especially dislike. (He also agrees with you on that….)
That one game you like and also the character you like so much that you call him your “Husbando”. (he nearly wanted to throw hands with a fictional character)
So of course, not only Mammon would boast about how was he your first, but also about how much he knows you and how you would spoil him.
You two would help each other in almost everything, and also get punishment from the eldest together.
“The peas of the same pod.” You two were truly just that.
Or that was supposed to be that way…..
For some days you acting quite….. weird….. but in a good way.
Out of nowhere, you would take him to Hell’s Kitchen or Madam Screams and then you would look in his eyes, searching for something in them.
Then you started to hug him out of nowhere while running at him at lightning speed….. every day. At first, he did not at all understand why you do this, which caused him to think that you were in danger so he literally sprinted in the direction you came from, to rip the sonnuvabich to pieces, only for you to tell him with a smirk that you wanted to surprise him. Why………. I mean he is not against the hug itself it's just that it was so sudden. Though, don’t worry now he will catch you and hug you before you could! After all, he ain’t the fastest demon for nothing!
Only….. for you to pout at him……. (so cute…..No! He ain’t blushing or anything!)
Then one day, a demon started to hit on him, only to get spooked by your very angry face. That day, Leviathan screamed at you for being so much jealous that it triggered his demonic nature.
Were you…….
See the full post
171 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
ok see Mammon having named a crow after mc when they leave after season 1. Cue Mammon being embarrassed and having to explain to mc why this crow has the same name as them when they walk in him.
A/N: A lot smaller than I expected... but still I hope you like this anon! (damn I am getting a lot of Mammon fluff reqs, I'm not complaining tho-) Plus, this was very cute request! Thank you for requesting!
Also any corrections or suggestions are highly appreciated! 💖💖
As always, have a great day ahead!
TW: None. ; Fluff.
Extra: GN!MC ; Second-Person POV ; Unreliable Narration.
Mammon x GN!MC
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Missed you so.....
Finally, you were back to your lovable and dorky demons.
It felt like it had been too long, even if it wasn’t truly like that…
It's just that these demons and everyone else had become a part of your heart that can’t be replaced…….
And it seemed that even they shared the same sentiment.
You were smothered by bear hugs the minute you made your entry, as they told you how they missed you. (some of them cried too-) (Mammon denies all claims of this-)
It felt like coming home.
Warm and soft.
It felt as if everything was in place, as it should be, perfect.
So then why was your name being frantically called by the Avatar of Greed in the long hallways of your abode?
“Mammon?” you call him peeking your head to see the commotion, worried for the demon.
“Tch. Where in the- where did it go?!” the demon searches frantically for something…..
You approach him quietly, “Where did what go?”
“I- uh- uh- NOTHIN’ BYE”
‘So something is up’ you think as you can still hear Mammon screaming your name.
You sigh and go back to your room, exhausted.
Just as you enter your room, a loud cawing noise greets you.
You look up to see a crow sitting on your room’s window looking at you as if to say something….?
See the full post
205 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
How to Survive Your Yandere Demon Boyfriend and Live with in Peace have Fun: Chapter 3
A/N: I have finally decided to write this fic again! Though it is still on Semi-Hiatus. This chapter is basically setting up the timeline of when this Au happens and a deep dive into Reader/MC’s thoughts over the situation. So, not much happens in this chapter (except Lucifer and MC’s relationship gets a little depth as well-)
I hope you like this!
As always, have a great day ahead!
(Yandere AU x Replaced MC AU)
Yandere Lucifer x MC
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TW: Unhealthy Obsession, Unhealthy Mindset, Manipulation, Yandere, Implied Sexual Content, Abandonment Issues, Angst, Mentioned Stalking, Implied Imprisonment (?), Self-Doubt(?), Denial, Curse Word (only once). (If I have missed something please tell me!)
Extra: Changing POVs, Unreliable Narration, Female Reader/MC, Slight Dark!MC (?) , OC Lucifer (Yandere) (According to what I think of him as a Yandere), Slight Masochism (?).
Third Person POV:
“Lucifer, we need to talk.”
Lucifer spun around in 0.1 second at that line, anxiety already churning his guts. Even so, he flashes his smirk at her, “Yes, love?” he asks trying to sound normal.
“Do you have any updates on Irina? Anything new?”
“Ah………. Yes, it seems she had learned about pacts today and was asking Mammon to make one with her. He somehow got away from her.”
Ever since that evening, Lucifer has kept tabs on Irina’s movements under MC’s order.
“……Tch.” She shakes her head, as if to say, ‘she had seen this coming’. “Lu, can you please call all your brothers here in your study?”
The demon raises his eyebrow, “Will you be ordering them not to make a pact with Irina?”
“…..Yes. Would that be petty?”
“…..Yes, however, I do feel you should do it since it is a need now.” He looks at her, eyes soft and reassuring. The human looks away from him, eyes looking outside the window. She sighs deeply eyes closing for a moment-
“Do you think that I should have been stricter towards them?”
“Do you think maybe I should have been like Solomon? Making pacts just for the power? Maybe then…. Then things wouldn’t have come to this……”
“Maybe it was because I was too trusting of them……. Maybe it was because……. I was too soft on them? Or maybe….. they only pretended that they care for me………”
“…….” He knew that this was wrong, but he had now seen an opportunity arise at this. “Maybe they did….” He replies, standing up and walking towards her, a faint yet twisted smile on his face.
“Maybe they did, after all they are demons. They may have pretended to like you since, Diavolo and I had told them to be civil towards you.” He wraps his large hands around her waist and kisses her on the neck, he continues, “They may have done it out of fear.”
“If that is so, then even you may be pretending right at this moment, yes?”
Chuckling darkly, he smiles at her lovingly, “I am not like them, sweetheart. They did so for their own good and became blind to their own power over your heart and you, our master. Even though it hurts my pride a bit, but it is the truth, demons in pacts are like wild dogs. They need to be trained to respect their master. If the master doesn’t trains them? Well, there are repercussions of it. For example, losing respect towards them.”
“But they can be disciplined with love as well, right?”
“True, there are two ways teach an insolent, bratty dog, either to love them or to show them where their place truly is. You, my darling, have taught me through love, something that I and many others saw as an impossible feat. Yet you achieved it.” His hands tighten around her figure, he nuzzles on her neck.
“I am your loyal dog. And you are my master. I have already pledged my loyalty to you since the night I had bound myself to you through our pact, but I shall pledge it once more to you.” He suddenly removes his arms and steps away from her.
See the full post
269 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Could we get Mc finding out diavolo has concubines while they are dating. And diavolo doesn't understand what is wrong with it. The angst, the drama.... then Mc just tell him she'll indulge in the brother then. And maybe it clicks for dia.... and he is just like..." oh...OH! Ya ok, we getting rid of the concubines, MC COME BACK!" And basically turns into a sad puppy dog following Mc around saying sorry over and over as Mc just keeps kissing the brothers, like all of them, one by one, right in front of Dia, until he finally really gets it. That if he wants real love and true loyalty in a lover, that the same is expected of him.
Ps, I like your writing, so whichever way you take this, I am down. I like seeing what ya do and reading your stuff. Keep being awesome! ^-^
A/N: First of all, thank you for the compliments! Second, I did make some changes just to fit it better, for the angst. Third, I really, really hope you like this story! And fourth, thank you for requesting!
Tbh, it was little difficult, since I never wrote anything for Diavolo. I feel like he is guy that is very hard to figure out, more than Lucifer.
But! I still had quite the fun making him suffer :)
And as always, have great day ahead!
Edit:  My thoughts on writing Part 2
TW: Implied Cheating ; Mentions of Cheating ; Angst ; Depression ; Fainting (?) ; Mentions of Concubines ; Harem ; Pretending to be alright when you are not (idk if this a real TW but oh well-) ; Poly Relationships ; Implied Sexual Content.
Other: Cheater!Diavolo ; MC addressed as "you" and not directly as "MC".
Diavolo X MC
MC X Brothers
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How does it feel now?
The name falls off of your mouth in utter horror as you look at the scene in front of you.
There he is, sitting on his throne looking ever so handsome, embracing and kissing a body that is not yours.
You don’t know if your voice was unheard or ignored, as Diavolo, your ever so charming lover, was kissing the lips that were not your own. A moan escapes from his mouth as one of those…………. whoever she was had started pleasuring him with her mouth, as you had once.
You drop on the ground, as you feel………. a lot of things……
First comes fear, disgust, and then despair.
You can’t hear anything.
You can’t see anything.
You can’t feel your own body.
Everything is dark.
Before losing to the darkness, you wish only one thing-
‘Please let this be an illusion.’
How naïve you were.
You open your eyes to the ceiling of his bedroom.
His bedroom……. wait.
Shooting right up from the bed, eyes wide open, looking everywhere.
You sit in silence and internally plead to every god for that……scene to be just a very bad dream.
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893 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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diavohno · 4 years
peccant pt.1
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▹ pairing: lucifer x fem!reader, mammon x fem!reader, leviathan x fem!reader, satan x fem!reader, asmodeus x fem!reader, beelzebub x fem!reader, belphegor x fem!reader
▹ genre: smut, rut!au
▹ words: 6.6k
▹ rating: nsfw
▹ warnings: mc curses like a sailor and solomon has no filter, lucifer’s had a rough time, a pinch of grinding, mentions of masturbation, hickies, explicit sexual content, vaginal sex, rough sex
▹ notes: tadaa! this took a bit longer than I had originally planned (hence the big gap between the sneak peek and the full release) but I was determined to crank this out for @hornywrath​‘s birthday! hope you enjoy a lil bit of mammon hun, and happy birthday! also, I guess this also counts for a 400 follower milestone, which we hit very recently! thank you all for being here, I hope the wait was worth it ;)
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“Solomon, I’m about ready to fight someone,” you seethed to the sorcerer as you glared up at his ceiling from your comfortable resting spot on top of his bed.
The entire situation was ridiculous. The brothers had been actively avoiding you almost all week, which was annoying enough, but today they had cut off all communication with you entirely. No one came down to breakfast, no one was in any of your shared classes, and no one even bothered to text you so you’d know what the hell was going on. If they were going to give you the cold shoulder the LEAST they could do would be to tell you why.
Instead, you were left to wonder what you had done wrong because surely there was some explanation for their behavior. After a full day of scouring your memory during boring classes (in which there was no one to distract you, unlike usual) you were still drawing a blank on what exactly you had done. 
This only meant one thing: you were 100% innocent in this situation, and the brothers would never live this down if you had anything to say about it.
When you were about halfway back to the House of Lamentation after class your D.D.D. buzzed. Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest seeing that the notification was a text from Lucifer. It was the first time any of the brothers had contacted you all day! With any luck, you’d finally get some explanation as to just what was going on, and (if you were lucky) an apology. The second one is highly unlikely given that it was Lucifer who had texted you, but you still had hope. That is, until you opened the message.
After class, immediately go to Purgatory Hall. You will be staying there with the other exchange students until further notice.
A second set of buzzes followed the first, in case one punch to your heart wasn’t enough.
Under no circumstances are you allowed to return to the House of Lamentation without permission.
Excuse you? Were you seriously just told that you weren’t allowed in your own house anymore? Sadly, yes, that seemed to be exactly what had just happened, and Lucifer isn’t the sort of person that you’d argue with about an order.
But come on, you hadn’t even gotten an explanation!
With no other choice, you turned your livid butt around and marched (read: stomped) over to your new home, ready to tell (read: rant to) your fellow exchange students of the injustices you had been served as of late. As if Lady Luck wanted to send an ‘F U’ herself, Solomon was the only one in Purgatory Hall when you arrived. Not the beautiful and benevolent Simeon, or Luke, who you thought of as an angelic younger brother, but Solomon, with a fox’s grin that was far too smug for your liking. And, unfortunately, the smugness only grew as you lamented about how abysmally bad your week had been thus far.
“Oh, y/n,” he said, a teasing coo woven into his tone. Your attention shifted from his incredibly interesting ceiling to his incredibly boring head that he was propping up on his desk with his incredibly boring hand. Solomon may be one of your best friends, but you’d be lying if you said he didn’t push your buttons all the damn time. “You’re so naive to the ways of the world.”
“Sorry I’m not a fancy pants magic bitch like you,” you grumbled with no real bite behind your words. Would you believe he then had the audacity to snicker at you? Because that’s exactly what he did. It took all of your strength plus a little extra from the Big Man Upstairs to not clock the white-haired menace into next week. “Solomon, explain to me what’s going on before I do something I won’t regret.”
Ever the fake pacifist, he raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright, no need for violence. And, really, it’s your own fault that you don’t know about demon ruts.”
Silence filled the room, leaving you to sit there and drown in it as Solomon seemingly decided the desk itself would make a much more comfortable seat than his chair. With just those few words he had managed to switch your brain from operating on Google Chrome to Internet Explorer, and what is the next thing he does? Perches on his desk like it was normal. 
After some time passed with you buffering and Solomon preening as if he had just been graced by God, you finally managed to spit out, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
More snickering. Try as you might, you couldn’t fight off the blush that had been steadily creeping onto your cheeks, so you instead gave in and decided to find out as much as you could. “You mean, right now, they’re at home—”
“Jacking themselves off on anything of yours that they can get their cummy little demon mitts on? Ding ding ding, you’ve guessed it! Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been in your room already. Having a—” calculating eyes swept your form from head to toe before continuing irritatingly hesitantly, “presumably fertile female so close is akin to torture when they’re rutting, so what remains of your pheromones are probably the only thing they can smell at the moment.”
Taking the high road for once in your little gremlin life, you chose to ignore the ‘presumably fertile’ comment and remained focused on the topic at hand: the brothers were going through a demon rutting period. “That is so unbelievably disgusting and hot at the same time.”
So some of your inner gremlin slipped out, sue you.
Solomon sighed as if he expected nothing more from you, white strands of hair falling onto his face as he pressed it into the palms of his hands. “Leave it to you to be turned on by the suffering of others.”
“Shut it, Solomon, you know what I mean.” Heat flared across your cheeks at the insinuation. You may be many things, but a sadist was not one of them; Lucifer had that title locked down anyway. “Dammit. What do I do, Solomon? Lucifer texted me saying that I can’t go back, so does he really expect me to wear the same clothes for however many days it takes for their ruts to end?”
“Probably. He’s twisted like that. Ooh, what if he’s getting off to the idea that you’re—”
Before you had a chance to cut Solomon off from finishing a sentence that would have undoubtedly mortified you to no end, a series of rapid-fire buzzes from your phone did it for you. You had patted both yourself and the area around you on the bed down thoroughly only for Solomon to dangle your phone in the air. Warning bells sounded off in your head loud and clear the moment you noticed his cheeky grin.
“I think you should put this one on speaker.”
With a flick of his wrist, your phone sailed through the air and landed on the bed next to you after you failed to catch it. Ignoring Solomon’s snort, you flipped your phone over to see who was calling you. The name, along with everything you had just discussed with Solomon, caused your pulse to pound in your ears.
It was Mammon.
Panic ran through your veins like liquid lightning. Should you answer it? There could only be one reason why he would be calling if he was rutting. Warmth shot straight to your core. Deep down, you realize that if he was calling you to ask for help, you’d say yes. Solomon cleared his throat and gestured at your phone, reminding you to answer before you lost your chance. Without hesitation, you answered the call, switching to speakerphone with a pointed glare from the man across from you.
Within seconds, breathy groans rang out from the phone. Your face flushed as you spared a glance at Solomon, who had donned a shit-eating grin, before your attention snapped back to the phone upon hearing Mammon’s voice. “Where are ya, y/n?” he whined. “I need ya so bad.”
Your teeth caught your bottom lip between them. “Lucifer told me not to come back for now, so I’m at Purgatory Hall.”
A string of expletives exploded from the speaker, although they died down as quickly as they started. When Mammon addressed you again, the pleading tone to his voice was in no way subtle. “Please. . . Please come help me, y/n. I need ya.”
“Mammon, babe, are you rutting?” Your eyes widened in horror while Solomon snickered gleefully; the question had fallen out before you could really even think about it. 
You weren’t given much time to worry over it, though, as Mammon answered in confirmation, “Yeah. And everythin’. . . Everythin’ fuckin’ HURTS. It hurts so bad, y/n, please.” Images of some of your succubi and incubi friends flashed through your head. It would probably be best that a demon helped him through his heat. If you helped, you’d likely get hurt. You had just begun to offer to call one of your friends when your words were cut short with a growl. “No, dammit! I only want you! Only you, ya hear me, y/n?”
A milky-white hand clamped firmly against his mouth was the only thing preventing Solomon from alerting Mammon to the fact that you were not the only human hearing him at that moment, and that hand was getting dangerously close to not being enough to save the two of you. The thought of how Mammon would react upon finding the two of you out sent a shiver down your back. You could NOT let that happen.
Executive authority coursed through you as you turned off the speakerphone and brought it up to your ear instead; a curling lick of satisfaction in your chest was the only thing Solomon’s huff of discontent managed to elicit. “Okay, Mammon, I’m on my way.”
A pleased groan answered your words, followed by a click. You blinked a few times, waiting to no avail for anything else— he had hung up on you. Although you’re not quite sure what you expected (some thanks would have been nice) you couldn’t help but to notice how your body seemed to be thrumming with anticipation.
“Oh, you’re on your way, are you? You DO realize that if you go to help one of them you’ll have to help ALL of them, right? So are you stupid? Is that it?” the whirlwind that was Solomon accused, white brows furrowed in total scorn. “And here I was, thinking that you were a creature of intelligence. Oh, how it pains me to be wrong.”
Already on your feet, you pocketed your phone and smoothed out your clothes, ready to head to the House of Lamentation at any moment. After concluding that you were presentable enough to go have a demon rip your clothes off your body— a matter that you had grown incredibly serious about in a somewhat suspiciously short amount of time, as if the thought of being ravaged by the brothers had crossed your mind before— you turned to address the snarky sorcerer in the room. “You heard him, Solomon. He’s in serious pain right now, and he wasn’t going to accept anyone else’s help getting through it.”
“That’s a bullshit excuse and you know it,” he said in exasperation. “He’s a DEMON. He’d say whatever he needed to in order to get you there!”
Arguing with him was clearly going to get you nowhere. Instead, you stared down Solomon, daring him to continue trying to change your mind. It was a battle of the minds, and luckily for you, you happened to be one of the most bull-headed humans to ever grace the earth. After what couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, Solomon relented with a burdened groan.
“Fine, just let me cast a spell on you so you aren’t impregnated and obliterated, for the love of God.” His eyes searched yours imploringly. If you didn’t know any better you’d almost think that he was worried about you, but that would be a ridiculous idea. Still, you agreed, to which he let out a breath of relief.
Without wasting any time he crossed the room and took your hands in his own. Low mutterings in a language you didn’t recognize left his mouth, so you focused on the feeling of his hands; they were surprisingly soft and a bit bigger than you had previously thought.
A faint warmth and a corresponding tingling sensation started at your fingertips and soon encased your entire body, the tingling somehow reassuring as it raised goosebumps to the surface of your skin. Your eyes flitted up to Solomon’s questioningly, only for them to widen in shock— his eyes had gone entirely white and were glowing. Just as you were about to admit that his magic was actually pretty cool, it stopped.
The warmth and tingling disappeared, and Solomon’s eyes blinked back to normal. The only effect of the magic that you could feel was a particular humming sensation in your lower abdomen. That, and you felt like you could take on Diavolo himself and win, but that wasn’t a new feeling; an uncommon one, sure, but definitely not new.
Satisfied with his work, Solomon staggered a few steps backward before flopping onto his bed. “You should be good to go.” He propped himself up on his elbows, fixing you with a squinted stare. “You’re lucky I enjoy our banter, y/n. Can’t let you go and get yourself fucked to death, now can I?”
“God, don’t phrase it like that,” you said in a strangled voice, to which Solomon cackled and dropped onto his back once again. Just when you thought the two of you might have grown closer, he had to go and say something as mortifying as that. With renewed vigor, you scurry out of the room.
Solomon’s silvery voice echoed through the open door behind you. “Like what, the truth?”
He just managed to catch your snort before you walked out of earshot, leaving the sorcerer sprawled out on his bed, his chest heaving in deep breaths of air. The spell he had cast on you had taken quite a bit out of him. Now, he struggled to even keep his eyes open as waves of sleep crashed over him.
Would it normally take this much energy to prepare a human body for a demon rut? He supposed not, although it wasn’t exactly something he did except on the rare occasion, but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you wouldn’t just be dealing with one demon. There was something else, too. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Ah, well, it was sure to come to him after he had rested up again. The comforting blanket of sleep settled over him, as well as his own blankets after he slipped under their covers. Right before he entered dreamland, the vision of a glowing pact mark appeared in his mind. His eyebrows knitted together; was this a premonition?
However, the mark was soon swallowed up by the foggy mist of his mind, and Solomon drifted off to sleep. 
x x x x x
Never before had you gotten to the House of Lamentation faster than you did today. Just going home wasn’t nearly the same level of motivation as going to get some demon dick, so you hauled ass in record time, weaving in and out of random pedestrians you encountered that were walking the paths around the Devildom. Your friends really were right: you had no hope of making it into heaven. The worst part is, they had no clue whatsoever how true that statement was.
You came to a halt in front of the dorm you had recently come to call home, your hands on your knees as you struggled to regain your breath. It took everything you had not to just collapse into a weary heap on the front steps, but the promise of what was to come was enough to keep you going. Instead, you took a minute to steady your breathing before climbing the steps and slipping into the house. Technically, Lucifer had forbidden you from coming home, so it would probably be best to not alert him to your unwanted presence.
Thankfully, you had plenty of practice tip-toeing around from all of the times you’d snuck out with Asmo to go clubbing. Lucifer would never know you were there.
As you snuck past the kitchen toward the hallway of bedrooms, the sound of the tap turning on freeze you in your tracks. With your heart in your throat, you slowly twisted your head toward the direction of the sound, hoping from the bottom of your sin-stained heart that the person responsible wasn’t who you thought it was.
There, his bare back hunched over the sink with a glass of water clenched tightly in his degloved hand, stood Lucifer. Although the mere presence of the man had you rattled, what he was wearing— or rather, what he WASN’T wearing— made you even more so. He had donned a pair of baggy grey sweatpants that rested low on his hips and had lost the rest, leaving little to be imagined. Little to be imagined of HIM, that is— the sight sparked plenty of thoughts on your part. 
The temptation to slink away to Mammon before you were discovered was great, but the temptation of marveling this new side of Lucifer was greater; you steeled yourself and moved toward him.
His rut seemed to have taken quite the toll on him already, as his usually well-kept hair was now disheveled and somewhat damp as if he had just recently gotten out of the shower. A shiver ran down your spine as the image of Lucifer in his shower was plastered to the forefront of your mind. With much thanks to your abysmally short attention span, the thought was easily discarded when you noticed that his muscles rippled along his back with each movement he took: emptying his glass; placing it back down on the counter; pushing his hair back.
Even as he turned around and realized someone had joined him in the kitchen, you couldn’t find it in yourself to run for cover. Maybe you’d screwed up your survival instincts at some point?
“y/n?” Lucifer croaked, his gaze predatory as it raked down your form. Something akin to a harrowed smirk cracked across his face when you shivered at the intensity radiating off of him, yet it was soon replaced with a pained grimace. His hands clenched the edge of the counter behind him so tightly that his knuckles were white as he ripped his gaze away from you. “I believe I explicitly told you not to return here until you received further instruction. You disobeyed me.”
You’d be lying if you said that the commanding growl in his words didn’t turn you on. Hell, if anyone told YOU that you’d just laugh in their face because damn if that wasn’t the sexiest thing you’d ever heard. Not to mention the electrifying effect it had on your body; it was as if every fiber of your being was on edge right now, acutely aware of every single thing that Lucifer said or did.
You found yourself longing to press your body up onto his, to entangle your hands in his already messy hair and mesh your lips together while you hook one of your legs around his waist to keep him close as he slams you up against the counter—
The purposeful clearing of his throat snapped you out of your imagination. It’s odd for you to have become so withdrawn from reality, but you just chalked it up to it being a side effect from whatever spell Solomon had cast on you. Anyway, Lucifer had asked you a question, and while it may not have been the smartest decision in the long run, you were in no mental state to be pulling lies out of your ass. “Mammon asked me to come over and help him.”
“Oh really? So you’ve discovered our dirty little secret, but still came?” he hummed in thought, more to himself than to you. Some switch must have flipped in him as he had gone from very obviously holding himself back to slowly stalking toward you with a wolfish glint in his eyes. It was at that moment that your survival instincts kicked in and you took two small steps back for every one Lucifer took forward. Sadly, you seemed to have walked further into the kitchen than you had originally thought you did and soon found yourself pressed along the center table with nowhere else to run from the demon in front of you.
A pink tongue darted out from his mouth, wetting the bottom lip that it dragged along. Lucifer had you right where he wanted you. It took a total of three steps for him to close the gap between you two, his arms resting on either side of you to cage you in. Desire flickered in his half-lidded eyes as he stared you down. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for you to be here?”
You hummed in response, too fixated on how alluring his slightly-parted, flushed lips looked. Due to your intense focus on said lips, you didn’t miss how the corners of his mouth quirked up before he leaned forward and out of your sight. Your breath caught in your throat as his heated breath fanned out across your neck while he spoke. “You’re lucky that you ran into myself and not one of my brothers. Unlike them,” his hips met yours and instantly began to slowly roll, “I can control myself.”
The hardness of his length and the waver in his tone seemed to suggest otherwise. 
A devious thought pushed itself to the forefront of your mind, one that you were all too willing to go along with. One of your hands ghosted down his chest, your nails lightly scratching his pale skin while the other snaked upward and caressed his cheek. Lucifer shuddered into your touch and bit back a quiet groan, his hips grinding against yours with a tad more urgency.
“What happened to being able to control yourself?” you asked breathily. With any luck, you’d be able to get his self-control to snap and he’d take you right then and there. Your thighs tensed slightly as heat shot to your core at the thought.
Then he pulled away and your entire mastermind plan came crashing down.
Lucifer stumbled backward, fingers pinching his nose tightly shut as he glared holes into the ground. Wait, do you smell or something? You could’ve sworn you had put deodorant on that morning. A discreet sniff of yourself reassured you that you did not stink, so why the abrupt stop?
“I believe that you should find Mammon in your room.” He staggered backward with urgency; so much so that he would have clipped his side on the counter had you not warned him. Pink dusted his cheeks for a moment as he cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed from not noticing the counter. Your bemusement was cut short, however, when he fixed you with a piercing look that sent shivers down your back. “I expect to see you in my room once you are finished.”
Unable to stop yourself, you quipped back, “I’ll think about it.”
“By all means, do,” he purred, red eyes narrowing into seductive slits. Even as he backed out of the room, sweat beads beginning to glisten on his forehead, he somehow still made you want to do nothing more than hand yourself over to him completely. “But let me assure you that the actual thing will be so much more enjoyable than whatever you end up imagining.”
With that, he was gone, and you were left with nothing but yourself and your newfound neediness. You had half a mind to chase after the first-born, but the other half of your mind was insisting that you go to Mammon, as he was the one who had called you in the first place. With a small sigh, you headed off down the hallway toward your room. It was a short walk, as per usual, but the anticipation that had once again began to swirl in your stomach lengthened it a good bit.
What, exactly, did helping a demon through their rut entail? You assumed that they needed help finishing, but was that it? Of course, you’d help the brothers out with anything, ESPECIALLY if they were in pain because of it, but it was a little unnerving not knowing exactly what you had gotten yourself into. Thank God that Solomon had been there to help cast a spell on you (which you still had no clue what it did, but you trusted him enough to believe that you’d be fine) because, now that you’ve had some more time to think about it, there was no way you’d be able to walk away from this little excursion of yours unscathed.
You hesitated outside of your partially opened door for just a moment before stepping inside and locking the door behind you. As you turned around to once again face the rest of your room, quiet huffing and groaning alerted you of the demon in the room with you.
The sight that blessed your eyes ignited a white-hot fire in your core.
Mammon was sprawled out buck-naked on your bed, your sheets and comforter rumpled enough to lead you to assume that he had been wriggling around on them for a while. As a surprise to no one, your eyes immediately zeroed in on his hand— namely, how said hand was loosely wrapped around his length and lightly jerking it. His caramel skin glistened under a sheen layer of sweat from his exertions, and his head was tipped back against your pillow as he chased a semblance of relief.
You mindlessly take a few steps toward the sight. Had he not noticed you were in the room yet? Considering how tightly his eyes were screwed shut and how his breathing was getting progressively louder, it wasn’t impossible.
“Mammon?” you called out hesitantly, unsure if you should be interrupting or not. Although, he had called you specifically to help him with this exact thing, so maybe you were worrying about nothing.
His eyes snapped wide open the moment his name came out of your mouth; he really hadn’t heard you enter then. A shuddering inhale shook his form for a moment before he pushed himself up to a seated position and said in disbelief, “You really came.”
As if you could ignore his phone call. You rolled your eyes as you finished closing the gap between the two of you, your hands lifting to cup Mammon’s warm cheeks. “I said I would, didn’t I?” Unintelligible mumbling followed that you silenced by pressing your thumb against his lips. “What do you want me to do?”
Without a word, Mammon’s hands gripped your waist and guided you onto his lap, your knees on either side of him. His hot mouth instantly found your neck, the feeling of his hasty kisses and the occasional nip stealing your breath away. Not staying in one place too long, the kisses quickly trailed their way down toward your collarbone, only for the fabric of your shirt to get in the way. Aside from his annoyed grumbling, Mammon didn’t make any comments about it and simply tugged at your shirt, wordlessly asking you to take it off.
Of course you complied (because why would you not?) and freed yourself from the now-restrictive fabric. No sooner had you wriggled out of your top than had Mammon’s hands begun to roam all over your body, almost as if he was attempting to commit your form to memory. 
Everywhere his hands went brought a tingling sensation to your skin. Eventually, one dipped low enough to fiddle with the band of your shorts, although it didn’t go any farther than that. As great as the makeout session was, a growing firmness pressing along the inside of your thigh and the unsteadiness of his touch reminded you of exactly why you were called in the first place.
“Mammon,” you tried, but your words fell on deaf ears as Mammon was too lost in the feeling and taste and touch of you to even register that you had spoken. Fog rolled across your mind as he found a particularly sensitive spot and capitalized on it, teeth gently scraping against the skin which was immediately followed by a soothing swipe of his tongue. Still, you found it somewhere within you to try again. “Mammon, wait.”
“Hm?” His lips buzzed pleasantly against your neck, eyes turning up toward your own.
Your stomach flipped at the sheer want pooling in their golden ichor. “I’m here to help you with your rut, but right now I feel more like we’re focusing on me.”
“Of course I’m focusin’ on you,” he harrumphed, a look of embarrassment shading his features. “You’re a human! There’s no way you’d be able to jump right on in without gettin’ hurt, so I’m… I’m tryin’ to warm you up a bit.”
You chuckled, running a hand through his hair reassuringly. “That’s awful sweet of you, babe, but I’m seriously fine. Solomon hooked me up with some magic before I came over, so I’m all set.”
His grip on your hips tightened at the mention of the sorcerer, but he didn’t say anything about it. Instead, his hands jumped from your hips to your shoulders, flipping you onto the bed with Mammon positioned between your legs. You’d never noticed it before, but his canines were slightly more pointed than a human’s; they’re all you focused on when a smirk crept onto his features. “You should’ve said somethin’ sooner.”
If before had been the warm-up, then the main event was the warm-up times ten. Your mouths crashed together, and you found yourself fighting to stay caught up with Mammon’s urgent pace. The bed creaked underneath the two of you as Mammon rushed to get the rest of your clothes off. It was impressive how he managed to slide off your shorts without breaking away from you, but you weren’t allowed to dwell on that thought for very long at all.
“You’re sure about this?” His breathless question warmed your heart. Even now, as his legs trembled with the discomfort he was surely in and his gaze grew hazy, he had the decency to make sure that you were sure. You hadn’t faltered from your original commitment once, but now you were certain you had made the right choice.
A cheeky grin split across your face. “I’ve never been more sure about something in my life.”
No sooner had you gotten the words out than had Mammon’s cock shoved its way through your entrance, his hips pressing flush against your own. The burning feeling of your walls stretching to take him in so suddenly proved too much to handle, your body arching into his own as a gasping whine tore from your lips.
For a moment— just a moment— he stilled, allowing you to adjust to his size. One of his hands hooked underneath your knee and pulled it closer to your side so he could get a better angle. A shot of pleasure ran through you as the repositioning briefly caused your muscles clenched around him. Seeing the shudder rack your form, Mammon rolled his hips into yours. Your head tipped back at the feeling of his swollen length dragging against your walls, and he wasted no time in leaving blossoms of orchid and rouge along the now-exposed column of your neck.
As your eyes rolled back at the feeling, you missed how he shifted above you, gripping the head of your headboard with his other hand for support. You didn’t miss how his hips pulled back and thrust up into you, nor did you miss how each thrust following that was just as strong.
Unrestrained sounds fell from your open mouth as Mammon launched into an aggressive pace that left you scrabbling for purchase on his shoulders or back so you wouldn’t hit your headboard. The moment your hands bumped into something protruding from his back, your eyes flew open to search for what exactly you had just touched. 
At some point, Mammon must have shifted to his demon form, as his wings were currently curling over the two of you almost like some sort of shield. Your legs squeezed together at the sight, allowing Mammon’s next thrusts to find your g-spot. 
“Fuck, Ma-Mammon,” you cursed, the demon on top of you growling lowly as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“You’re so tight,” he groaned before pressing a firm kiss along your jaw. “You’re doin’ so good for me, y/n.”
You answered with a keening moan, as you were sure that you wouldn’t be able to articulate any more actual words— not while Mammon kept plowing into you at this speed, anyway. Tension coiled tightly in your abdomen, each thrust drawing you closer and closer to your peak. You couldn’t tell how close Mammon was, but with as ragged as his panting was growing, you assumed he wasn’t all that far behind you.
With every passing moment, your body grew more and more flush with heat and your moans increased in volume, which Mammon encouraged with more whispered praise. One particularly strong smack of his hips against yours triggered the release of a loud whine from your throat, and you were sure you wouldn’t be able to last much longer. “Just like that, sweetheart.” His lips brushed tantalizingly against your ear, making sure that you heard him over yourself. “Let ‘em all know who’s makin’ you feel this good.”
A few more solid thrusts were all it took to make you unravel, your toes curling and your body arching into Mammon at the utter bliss engulfing you entirely. 
“Mammon!” you wailed, all other words escaping you as stars danced behind your eyes. Your walls clenching down on him pushed Mammon over the edge as well, his hips stuttering before pressing as deep inside of you as he could, release spilling into your throbbing core. A groan tumbled from his lips as his teeth sunk into the crook of your neck, the sharp stinging drawing a soft whine from yourself.
After a few moments of deepening his mark, Mammon flopped onto his back and rolled you on top of him, his arms wrapping tightly around your body to gently hold you against him. The bliss from orgasming was now wearing off and was being replaced with exhaustion. Tension seeped out of you in waves as you relaxed against Mammon’s heaving chest, his skin cool against your warm cheek.
Laughter soon met your ears, and the shaking body beneath you made it pretty obvious who it was coming from. Drowsily, you pushed yourself up to a sitting position and let Mammon slip himself out of you while you threw an inquisitive look his way. The eyes that met your own were no longer ones of a demon in rut, but ones filled with total admiration. “What are you laughing about?”
“You,” he answered simply, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear while his other hand rested loosely on your bare hip.
Your heart fluttered at that, but you played it off with a small smile and a tiny slap against his chest. “Why are you being so cheesy?”
He said nothing, only answering with another laugh as he leaned forward to pepper your face with soft kisses. His laughter turned out to be infectious as you, too, began to laugh, leaving the two of you giggling into each others’ mouths before he pulled away, resting his forehead against your own. “I’m just so happy you actually came, y/n.”
“Me too, I was starting to get worried there for a bit,” you snarked, the teasing lilt evident in your tone. Mammon scoffed at playfully rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist as the corner of his mouth tugged up in a smirk. 
“Sure fooled me. You sure sounded like you were enjoying yourself.” Now it was your turn to fake being offended; you gasped indignantly before turning your head away in a fake pout.
“With this much disrespect, maybe I’ll just show myself out.” 
“Woah there, let’s not be too hasty.” A thumb and forefinger grip your chin and turn your head back toward Mammon, who had a peculiar twinkle in his eye. It was something warm and knowing and light, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it. The odd look didn’t leave when he pulled you against his chest for what felt like the hundredth time that day, nor did it leave when you tangled yourselves up in the other while you cuddled, just taking time to soak the other in.
Eventually, Mammon gave himself over to sleep, his light snores rumbling softly against the side of your neck as he unconsciously wriggled himself impossibly closer into you. You were just about to as well until two short sets of buzzes caught your attention.
Twisting around carefully in Mammon’s arms, you were just able to see your D.D.D. flicking off again after receiving the messages. Luckily, your shorts had ended up getting thrown onto your nightstand, so it wasn’t too much of a challenge to snag your D.D.D. from your back pocket without waking up the sleeping demon latched on to you.
Flicking it open, you saw that the messages had come from Levi.
come over please. I know your with mammon right now
I need help too y/n, please
You cast a glance over your shoulder at the said demon, guilt gnawing at your heart as memories resurfaced of how sweet he had been earlier; however, those memories were soon replaced with ones of Lucifer, disheveled and leaning into your touch, and of Solomon, warning you that you’d end up helping all of the brothers out. With a sigh, you tapped a quick reply to Levi that you were on your way and eased yourself out of Mammon’s arms.
As you got to your feet, you were surprised to find that you weren’t sore in the slightest, despite how rough Mammon had been. Solomon’s magic really was no joke. It didn’t take you long to slip back into your clothes (granted, you didn’t bother putting your bra and underwear back on because you’d just be taking them off again) and you soon found yourself staring down at Mammon.
You were still guilty about running off to go fuck his younger brother while he was sleeping, but at the same time, you’d feel even more guilty about only helping one brother and leaving the other six to deal with their ruts by themselves. Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth for a moment, you finally steel yourself and commit to your decision, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead before turning around and marching yourself straight out of your door. You don’t look back, because you know that if you do, the rest of the brothers would end up suffering through their ruts alone.
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
rules for hetalia
rules for soul eater
rules for afterl!fe
since my other one didn’t work well (the links weren’t working), here’s another one. i apologize to any of those who had trouble with it. ^^’
make sure to check HERE. its my fandom list which shows what fandoms im in and what characters i will write for that fandom. PLEASE LOOK HERE BEFORE REQUESTING!
key ;
fluff - 🌸
smut - 🔥
angst - 💧
crack - ⭐️
- not meant to be friends ; when (y/n) can’t put up with being known more as a replacement for the brothers’ deceased sister instead of them seeing her as herself | all brothers & female reader | 💧
chats ;
- chat 001 | female reader | ⭐️
- why him? ; after seeing how happy you seem to be with diavolo, lucifer can’t help the ache in his chest | gender nuetral reader + hanahaki warning | 💧
- punishment ; after a fight, and being neglected, jealousy only bubbles inside of lucifer as he sees you with his brothers and decides he has to claim what is rightfully his | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- minecraft ; after he catches (y/n) up late at night playing a game, he gets offered to play and does so | female reader | 🌸⭐️
- daddy ; after an accidental slip up from (y/n), lucifer decides he needs a well needed break | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- my little bunny ; whilst occompaning mammon for a photo shoot, (y/n) feels herself slowly becoming aroused with what mammon’s wearing, leading to mammon smelling and taking care of her | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- sensitive ; a switch of dominance in bed when (y/n) finds levi’s skin and tail to be more sensitive than she thought | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- by the ocean ; (y/n) took a little vacation to escape her thoughts to the ocean, only to find a little someone there | female reader + merman!levi | 🌸
- games ; (y/n) introduces levi to the glory of human world games | female reader | 🌸
- hentai ; when (y/n) catches onto some hentai manga and sites levi has been searching and looking at, she decides to confront him about it | female reader & genetalia | 🔥
- root beer float ; when her friends tried to set her up with one of their friends, she wonders if this is what love feels like | female reader + 50’s au | 🌸
- unnamed ; as maddie comes to devildom and requests that satan and lucifer be her escorts, (y/n) can’t stop the jealousy that bubbles inside her | jealous female reader | 🌸
- virginity ; maybe, loosing your virginity to the avatar of lust was a wonderful idea | female reader + genetilia | 🔥
- midnight snack ; too hungry to move, and knowing that (y/n) is just a horny as he is, beel decides he found his midnight snack for the night | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- 7MIH ; dragged into playing a silly little game ends up into a confession | collab | gender neutral reader + second pov | 🌸
- studying ; stuck helping his girlfriend study, belphie finds himself at the perfect opportunity to have sex with her | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- together part 1 | part 2 | part 3 |
- brat ; with (y/n) having that sort of attitude, especially at dinner, belphegor can’t hide how aroused he is by it and decides to take action | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- birthday surprise ; when the others have forgotten about her birthday, it seems diavolo remembers and makes sure its one to remember | female reader | 🌸
- dungeon Necessities ; deciding to open up with what barbatos is into, he ends up giving his s/o a wonderful time | male reader + genetalia | 🔥
- mistake ; when a moody (y/n) makes the mistake of yelling at the wrong person, she gets a punishment | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- birth my children ; when (y/n) brings up the thought of a family to her husband, he couldn’t help but agree | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- dungeon Necessities ; deciding to open up with what barbatos is into, he ends up giving his s/o a wonderful time | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
Headcannons ;
NedSwe Headcannons | netherlands x female reader x sweden dating headcannons nsfw & sfw | female promouns & genetalia | 🔥🌸
- 2pJapan Headcannons | 2pJapan x gender neutral reader/maybe female reader if you squint dating headcannons sfw & nsfw | second pov | 🌸🔥
stories ;
oneshots ;
stories ;
INSANITY || death the kid x female reader [mentions of death, self harm, strong language]
prologue | part 1 | part 2 | part 3
headcannons ;
oneshots ;
stories ;
headcannons ;
period drama noctu || female reader || when the manager gets her period
period drama diluculo || female reader || when the manager gets her period
period drama hesperide || female reader || when the manager gets her period
oneshots :
chats :
- house maid please || chat 001 || after spilling her drink, reader/manager officially now has a jungle gym ; aka sei housemaster
- death traps || chat 002 || when a lil shit of a person leaves legos outside reader/manager’s door
- 420 plant version || chat 003 || smoke weed everyday 2.0 but with a plant
stories ;
- DECISIONS || gender neutral reader + crewmates || interactive story
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
oneshots ;
headcannons ;
oneshots ;
headcannons ;
- ryuk, namikawa, & matsuda with a artist s/o || gender neutral || 🌸
481 notes · View notes
Reader Insert Masterlist Part X
All Masterlists
If it says 18+ it means 18+. Please respect adult writers who wish to keep children and teens away from their adult content.
Coffee Houses and Book Bags- (Peter Parker/Overweight Reader)
Sleepy- (Pietro Maximoff/Reader)
Tastes Like Home- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
Tabloids- (Tony Stark/Overweight Reader) TW: Insecurities, nasty tabloid papers
Hero- (Peter Parker/Reader) TW: Robber?
Karen- (Peter Parker/Reader)
How Tony Stark Nearly Dies- (Siblings Tony Stark/Reader) TW: Bad driving
Quiet Nights- (Bruce Banner/Reader)
Why Not Me?- (Pietro Maximoff/Overweight Reader)
So?- (Wanda Maximoff/Male Reader)
You’re My Favourite- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
Ink- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) Tattoo Shop AU
Strangely Traditional- (Tony Stark/Male Reader)
The Bather- (Bucky Barnes/Overweight Reader) TW: NSFW, nudity, suggested sexual feelings
Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Long Days- (Jake Peralta/Reader)
You Could Have- (Jake Peralta/Reader) TW: Argument
Gone Awry- (Jake Peralta/Reader (that can get pregnant but pronouns not specified)) TW: Angst
Stranger Things:
Phone Lines- (Steve Harrington/Reader)
Bus Stops- (Steve Harrington/Reader)
Momma Bear- (Steve Harrington/Reader)
We All Need A Friend Sometimes- (Steve Harrington/Reader) TW: Arguments with parents
Teen Wolf:
Caught- (Isaac Lahey/Reader)
Rainbow Road- (Isaac Lahey/Reader)
Everything Is Monet- (Derek Hale/Reader)
Exhibition- (Scott McCall/Reader) TW: Minor mention of anxiety
Together- TW: Angst, feeling sad
Star Wars:
Office Romance- (Obi Wan Kenobi/Reader) 
Surprises- (Walter O’Brien/Reader)
Still You- (Walter O’Brien/Reader (Platonic))
Wonder Woman:
Gazing- (Steve Trevor/Reader)
Harry Potter:
Face Painting- (George Weasley/Reader)
Eyes On Me- (Discussed Eggsy Unwin/Reader)
Come Off It- (Eggsy Unwin/Reader) TW: Brief mention of sex
Mission Report- (Eggsy Unwin/Reader) TW: Bath time = Nudity
Photographs- (Eggsy Unwin/Reader)
Florence Nightingale- (’Uncle’ Lucifer/Lil’ Reader)
Star Trek:
Five Years- (Jim Kirk/Reader) TW: Long distance
Magnificent Seven:
A Better Life- (Non-Romantic Josh Faraday/Reader) TW: Heavy themes of domestic abuse (emotional over physical), very sad. Please do not read if these themes are going to trigger you.  
You Don’t Have To Be Betty Grable- (Collins/Overweight Reader) TW: Few mentions of general body insecurities
True Tenderness- (Collins/Reader)
More Than Kisses, Letters Mingle Souls- (Tommy/Reader) TW: Little bit of angst
Fond Farewell- (Collins/Reader) TW: Little sad, but also sweet
Stains On The Soul- (Alex/Reader: TW: Angst, monologue, PTSD/Battle fatigue mention
The Nurse and the Pilot- (Collins/Female Reader)
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit:
Cultural Differences- (Thorin/Reader)
Wonder Woman: 
Snowmen- (Steve Trevor/Reader)
Game of Thrones:
The Bear and the Giant Part 1- (Tormund Giantsbane/overweight female reader) TW: Strong language
The Bear and the Giant Part 2- (Tormund Giantsbane/overweight female reader) TW: Strong language
The Bear and the Giant Part 3- (Tormund Giantsbane/overweight female reader) TW: Strong language, Smut, NSFW, 18+
^ This part has been made private by tumblr, but can be seen on my archive of our own here so never fear!
The Bear and the Giant Part 4- (Tormund Giantsbane/overweight female reader) TW: Strong Language, Smut, NSFW, 18+
Easy There- (Thor)
Distracting- (Peter Parker)
Remove The Hand- (Peggy Carter)
You Don’t Scare Me- (Bucky Barnes)
Wanna Dance- (Bucky Barnes)
Massage- (Natasha Romanoff)
Comfortable- (Bucky Barnes)
It’s Funny- (Tony Stark)
Hey!- (Tony Stark)
Love Songs- (Peter Parker)
I Can’t- (Tony Stark) TW: Angst
Potatoes- (Peter Parker)
Awkward- (Tony Stark)
Don’t Leave- (Sam Winchester) 
Star Trek:
You Did What?- (Jim Kirk)
I Almost Lost You- (Jim Kirk)
Fine Print- (Pavel Chekov)
Please Don’t Leave- (Jim Kirk) TW: Angst
Smells Like Nature- (Sylvester)
Thunderstorms- (Happy)
Legacy- (Walter O’Brien)
The Outsiders:
I Can’t Believe You Talked Me Into This- (Darry Curtis)
Teen Wolf:
So Cute- (Stiles Stilinski ft. Isaac Lahey)
Boo- (Erica)
So I Found This Waterfall- (Erica)
Drop It- (Isaac Lahey)
The Worst- (Dear Rabbit: Lottie)
Dork- (Scott McCall)
Why?- (Peter Hale)
Cute- (Kira Yukimura) 
Please Don’t Do This- (Scott McCall)
Jurassic World:
Wanna Bet- (Owen Grady)
This Doesn’t Define You- (Lucifer Morningstar)
Spite- (Lucifer Morningstar)
Alternate Universe- (Percival)
Thank You- (Percival)
Kiss Me- (Eggsy Unwin) TW: Mentions sex
Shirt- (Eggsy Unwin) TW: Implied sexual content
The Way You Look At Me- (Eggsy Unwin) TW: 18+ Sexual themes
I Have No Idea What You’re Saying- (Eggsy Unwin)
Accidents- (Eggsy Unwin)
Envy- (Eggsy Unwin)
Stranger Things:
Do I Have To?- (Steve Harrington)
How Do You Feel?- (Steve Harrington) TW: Hurt, pain, season 2 spoilers
Pacific Rim:
Make Me- (Chuck Hansen)
Is There Anything You Need- (Jughead Jones)
Star Wars:
Have You Lost Your Damn Mind?- (Finn)
You Fainted- (Poe Dameron)
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