#lo personal
offansandflames · 1 year
Hey, I know it's been ages since I've done an update on my SasuNaruSasu fic Inked (terribad writer's block + life + insert excuse). But I want y'all to know that it is in no way forgotten.
I'm 373k+ words in, and I have another 6 chapters unposted, one of which just might be my favorite in the entire fic. Yet I want to hold off on posting until I have at least a rough draft to the ending. (Unless I crack and post a chapter because my writing is fueled by comments.) I don't want to leave everyone in the lurch like this again.
I'm getting close to the finale, and I feel a shitton of internal pressure to fucking nail it because, hell, it's the ending. There are key developments, and I have to deliver them in a way that makes you really feel.
And if you're a fan and want to continue reading this, please like this post, or even better, comment! They say that motivation should come from within, but let's be real, it's nice to be appreciated.
Thank you so much for your patience. I promise you that I will see this through. 💜
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lo-55 · 1 year
Me: I should write something
me : … or I could spent 78 hours straight making a miniature library with a working LED chandelier
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royalarchivist · 1 month
Artea: So I- I used to be on 2b2t for quite a while, and then I stopped playing for a really long time, because I fell out of MC for a bit, so... [Laughs]
Artea: Yeah, I used to be on 2b2t, I've met- I've seen Fit on 2b2t before as well. And then was promptly killed, but you know what, that's fine. Yeah. I haven't even told Fit that story yet, so... Honestly, you guys are the first one to hear about that aside from like, one or two admins.
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pigdemonart · 4 months
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Some doodles of vico vico niiiiiii
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blueskittlesart · 9 months
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I've had this tree as a desktop background ever since I drew it almost 6 years ago. every few years I like to go back and redraw it to see how my style and skillset have changed and improved! this is the newest edition, drawn today (2023). the 3 older versions are from 2021, 2018, and 2016!
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taniushka12 · 6 days
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Based exactas
(Descripción en texto alternativo)
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genericpuff · 4 months
the last few episodes of persephone moping around have felt like less of a self-reflective moment for her to grow and change and more rachel griping about criticism and surrounding herself with yes men
this isn't gonna be in any way a formal essay like my usual sort, more of a slam post honestly, so fair warning that i'm gonna be a little salty here
but seriously, it's been a pity party of greek proportions because this constant "woe is me" shit with persephone that's constantly met with "no queeen you're amazing and perfect" has been going on for DAYS (real time and comic time)
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literally every episode since the comic returned has had some segment of either persephone or hades (or both) being upsetti spaghetti over their current situation because oh nooo persephone made the deal with erebus and had to sacrifice something. even though they both knew that was gonna happen and yet she did it anyways. so she just continues to lock herself away in her mansion and spout adorkable quips while her husband, mother, and colleagues deal with the mess she caused.
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and of course there's the constant inclusion of apollo spitting straight facts about persephone being a terrible queen and person, but of course because it's apollo saying it, it's not meant to be taken as gospel, essentially clapping back at the words of the critics who call out persephone for being a shitty and toxic protagonist by putting those words into the mouth of a literal rapist.
and yeah episode 263 had a lot of the same shit, to the point that you could literally swap out the names of the characters and the words they were speaking and it applies exactly to rachel and the corner she put herself in u.u it's been a thing for a while now that apollo has just felt like a mouthpiece for LO criticism but as mentioned by users within the subreddit during the discussion of this newest episode, it's never felt more apparent than now.
so yeah enjoy this satirical text edit of a sequence from the newest FP episode, which I honestly can't tell is meant to satirize the critical community or Rachel's reactions to the critical community because the weird reality this comic and its community exist in has just become that wack that it's hard to believe it's not directly from The Onion sometimes LMAO
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-and as much as i find myself empathizing with the pressure that rachel is surely under right now - no one should have to be subject to the screeching howls of the peanut gallery - i can't help but be reminded of the memes and tweets she's put out that basically outright say "persephone is supposed to be celebrated for being a shitty person, if you can't handle her at her worst you don't deserve her at her best 💅"-
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-and how often she's ruined her own day looking for critical groups or people with the "wrong opinions" that were minding their own business, or how much she's stifled her own community's attempts to discuss the story openly by having her mods ban anyone with even so much as a question regarding persephone's integrity.
so yeah, as much as i can empathize with her from one creator to another that being under this amount of pressure and scrutiny must be immensely frustrating and exhausting, beyond that one similarity i just can't empathize or relate to this mindset of almost learned helplessness that's taken a firm grip over her writing. this is the story she wants to tell and by all means no one is entitled to make her stop, but if she's gonna keep using her greek myth "retelling" comic that's trying to be "feminist" as a mouthpiece for her own griping over criticisms that are largely on-point and justified - to the point of putting the words of her critics into the mouth of her token villain like she's playing some single player barbie doll "act out that fight that sounded cooler in your head" game - then she's gonna keep getting called out, full stop. i figured she didn't have any nose left to rip off in spite of her face but apparently not.
look, i get it, there are some opinions and behaviors within the critical community that even i'm not on board with. there are people who absolutely take shit too far on both sides of the fandom, and i think both sides need to do more to hold themselves accountable for how they interact with each other, the comic, and rachel herself. i make it a point to keep my shit in my own house, i'm not entitled to rachel's attention and frankly it's the last thing i want because i have a lot of fun here and i don't want that to be potentially ruined or dampened! but if you come into my house and complain about the decorating, then i legitimately don't know what to tell you. i used to love LO and i'm so sad for my past self knowing fully well they're not gonna be able to wholeheartedly enjoy this comic forever due to how manipulative and shitty the storytelling has become. a story that i once connected to as an AFAB who was a victim of assault and abuse and generational trauma.
if persephone being the true main villain in her own story was ever meant to be the point of Lore Olympus, then it's taken way, way too long to get to that point, and rachel herself definitely doesn't seem to be of the mindset that that's what she's become with all of her blasé meme'ing on a plot arc that she's still expecting us to take seriously. persephone was never a very complex character to begin with - being an easy self-insert for the audience and rachel to project themselves onto and relate to - but at least in the beginning she felt like she had so much legitimate potential, she was naive but put her best foot forward and clearly wanted to make a life for herself, made by herself.
now she's just mean. jaded and mean. dependent on the constant validation of others to the point of being manipulative. an absolute shell of a person who can only grow a spine when she's punching down on people weaker than her, completely incapable of standing up to the people who are a legitimate threat to her. it's not empowering, it's not subversive, it's just another pick me story about women pitting themselves against other women and never taking accountability for their own behavior, mistakes, and deliberate actions meant to hurt others, often teetering on the line of straight up narcissism all for the sake of a "boss babe" moment.
anyways, if you want an actual well-written and GOOD scene of an empathetic female protagonist struggling to find their footing in adulthood being called the fuck out for their learned helplessness behavior, go read Tamberlane, it tackles this topic much better through its main character who keeps using her brokenness as an excuse to never do better, it slaps and it's so real.
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aethersea · 10 months
etiquette for copying tags
you can and should copy tags onto the body of the post if you think they’re cool! the only rule for doing this is you should @ the person you got the tags from to give credit. this is polite! do this!!
but I’m persnickety so here are some lesser rules, which are not essential but which I think you should also follow bc they make the site experience nicer
1. if you can, copy-paste the tags directly, don’t screenshot. this makes the tags accessible for everyone using e-readers! I say “if you can” bc I’m given to understand this is basically impossible on tumblr mobile. rip everyone using the mobile app, braver than any us marine
2. the format™ for tags is to have a # in front of every line. sometimes you will copy-paste the tags and they won’t look that way, for mysterious reasons knowable only to software devs. you should tidy them up so they do, bc if there’s nothing clearly demarcating the start of a tag, it’s all just a weird river of words. it’s like removing all the periods from a paragraph.
3. it’s common practice to just paste the whole thing as a block of text, but in my opinion it’s nice sometimes to break it up into paragraphs, especially if it’s a lot of tags. improves readability, you know? more pleasant than reading a massive block of text
4. it is good and right to add image descriptions to screenshotted tags if you encounter them in the wild, to make the post accessible for everyone using e-readers. good samaritan behavior, we love you
5. don’t screenshot and then add an image description in the same reblog?? just paste the tags in directly?? why would you take up twice the space you need to and make everyone read the thing twice??? if you have the capacity to show the tags as text, then you...have the capacity to show the tags as text??? clown behavior, this baffles me
6. ‘prev tags’ has been outlawed by tumblr staff
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bpdohwhatajoy · 10 months
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El atardecer
Aquel día, me encontré con un atardecer, el sol poniéndose en el horizonte, el cielo pintándose de colores, y entonces me acordé de ti, supe que eras tú quien me lo enviaba, diciéndome que estabas bien, allá arriba.
Me arrepiento, me arrepiento de no haber pasado más tiempo contigo cuando pude hacerlo; de no haberte abrazado más, de no darte la atención que querías, de no mostrarte lo que realmente sentía y sigo sintiendo por ti, un amor que es más grande que el universo entero.
La vida te puede sorprender tan duro con inesperados momentos que llegan en tan solo segundos, esos pequeños minutos, duelen para siempre, te vi morir en mis brazos, respirando tus últimas bocanadas de aire, desesperada traté de salvarte, pero no pude, era tarde, me invadió la tristeza enorme que todavía me sigue visitando con tus recuerdos.
Ya no te vería más, ya no me sonreirías, se apagó tu voz, dejarías de estar a lado mío, ya no respirabas, me dejaste.
Me duele no tenerte más, no verte, sentir tu ausencia y ese vacío en mi alma, ni siquiera me despedí de ti, y te vi ahí sufriendo, aferrándote a la vida, esos ojitos con los que me mirabas, ya estaban cerrados, esa sonrisa había desaparecido de tu linda carita, y yo lo único que quería era irme contigo, empezar de nuevo, darte el amor que tal vez me faltó demostrarte, tengo tanto miedo de perder a los que me quedan.
Y esa tarde, la tarde en la que te fuiste para jamás regresar, hubo un cielo rojo, quizá estabas diciéndome que brillabas, ahora allí, como lo hiciste en la tierra, y ahora cada vez que los miro, te recuerdo a ti, al igual que una puesta de sol, tan fugaz, tan hermoso, queriendo que seas eterno.
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offansandflames · 1 year
3 years later
So I'm possibly just throwing this into the void. I'm not sure which of my friends still use Tumblr. I made a solid transition to Twitter soon after the nsfw ban in 2019. Sure, I've rebloged a few times and posted a couple Inked announcements (not even all of them), but it stops there.
I'm an nsfw content creator, and kink is a significant part of my life outside of the internet. After the purge, Tumblr felt like a space where I could no longer be my true self. I had to censor myself and curb my words, which was exhausting. It was compounded by the fact that most of my friends left.
Now, the future of Twitter is questionable too. I feel like I'm running out of places to be myself, if that makes sense. And I miss what Tumblr used to provide. My Facebook is sterile because I need to keep it work-safe. And Fetlife? Don't even get me started. I can hardly utter a word or post a pic without a random cismale "dom" expounding on the many things he'd like to do to me. Makes me want to wear a bag over my head sometimes, because it's just so gross.
Anyhow, I'm not just here to bitch about social media. I met some of my best friends on Tumblr, and a ton of my readers were on this site. If any of y'all are still on here, send me a like or a dm, would you? It's been a crazy 3 years, but I miss you all.
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comradekatara · 5 months
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eightyones · 5 months
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Pato O'Ward | McLaren reserve driver for 2024
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notlikethechampagne · 6 months
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azaracyy · 3 months
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"...that's all from me. does any of you have any questions?" "nope! crystal clear." "kew!" "that's good! um... thank you for this discussion." "you're the one who came up with this awesome plan, lopmon. have more confidence in yourself." "kew, kew kew kew!" digimon survive week 2024 day 2: cooperation
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