#love lifes and stuff for a while but i've also caught myself thinking 'sounds kinda disgusting when is this over?'
sol-draws-sometimes · 5 months
Disc World Book Club Thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 33-62
Hey @anna-neko, and uh anyone who's still following this... haaaa remember this....
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Anyways, ha! Me when I lie!!!! Look, the end of the semester started kicking full gear and then holidays but I'M BACK(what I always say, but I swear I mean it this time!) Ugh, as I keep reiterating in this series, reading hard for me, not because of the act of reading in itself, but the motivation it requires for me to stay focused long enough on a book to actually finish it. In the past I was using the the audio book for quick 5-20 minutes stints, but I was mostly doing the combo of audio+book because I want to process everything. Anyway, I made the executive decision to treat this book like a podcast which means I am missing more little details BUT it has made getting through the book easier. That sounds like the book is a slug to get through, and that's not true, I'm really enjoying this book. It's just, getting my brain to actually start reading is a hassle and a half. I've gotten through an hour of book in a week though, so that's pretty exciting!
Anyway, onto scatter book thoughts as I was having them!
Yah you spoiled that to but I finally got that point! Also, I forgotten WHO it was but was SHUFTI
Actually we have a small problem where I just can't remember half of the casts names so ESPECIALLY their last names, but me as of 1/8/2024 has written their full names down so hopefull I'll remember now. Also I read Blouse's fanwiki cause I forgot who he was and spoiled myself a little but nothing too serious I don't think. Oopsies! Anyways, I have their names written down so no more confusion!
The way I was thinking "Polly's crossdressing!" like no, she's literally just being her normal gender!!!!! We love a girl crossdressing as a guy crossdressing as a girl.
In all seriousness, I really enjoyed that whole sequnce of her beating up guys crossdressing as a girl, and the Maldict joining her and the whole Jackrum taking the as prisoners and talking to them. Just a fun section of the book I really enjoyed. I love Polly and Maladict's friendship! It's so fun, and they got great chemistry
Also, interesting how the whole thing is that men go to war cause they're strong and stuff, but the first enemies Polly fights, she does as a girl. Idk just neat!
Also I've already mentioned this, but I'm obbssed with Polly as a character, she's so interesting because she's so judgy of the others. And she's the epitome of the "I can tell crowd."(looks at her being surprised that Tonker's a girl) Obviously, she's not doing it for transphobia reasons, but it's facinating to me how her stress of getting caught and stuff leads to her being overly critical of how the other girls are trying to pass. Like, Lofti got caught for saying "sugar" but Polly caught herself not cursing either, also I think she starts making the active effort to curse more after that. Just interesting how she adds on her act of being a guy with everyone else's mistakes.
American moment: Me learning bugger is vulgar?????
YOO THEY'RE REVALING THEMSELVES!!! I thought Maladict was included in that, but I guess not cause she was interrupted.
Also I think???? Jackrum is openinly showing he knows???(lets be real he knows they're girls). He refered to them as ladies but then used he/him for Polly, so I'm kinda confused on that front, but I'll just wait for a scene will clarify that for me
Also learning they’re reasons for joing are all pretty interesting!
Anyways this quote was cool (quote bellow)
It was for the other one, the little lesson that life sometimes rams home with a stick: you are not the only one watching the world, other people are also people, while you watch them they watch you, and they think about you while you think about them. The world isn't just about you.
OH DEATH MENTION!!!! This is a war book so he'll probably appear in this book. Obviously I don't want any of the characters to die, but I've heard GREAT things about Death, so I'm excited to meet him!(hopefully is a near-death moment and not a real death moment, but lets face it, someone's gonna have to die)
They're cutting to Vimes and stuff, and they're defineitly some "wink wink" "nudge nudge" moements that I'm missing, not to say that I'm not understanding anything, but I can just tell I'm in the know, you know. That being said, the sections with Vimes are pretty intresting and Angua seems pretty cool.
Also idk why but "bitch" caught me off gaurd??? Apparently they've been cursing and shit thorughout the book but bitch is the first curse word that actually means something to me. I'm sure they've said some other curse words that I recognize but I stopped reading the books for a couple a months. Also I have the mouth of a sailor, so it's not like a care, I guess I'm just confused that it surprised me. Also, Polly herself said she doesn't curse much so that probably means that the curse was light in the book since it's in her POV(also, curse words like "damn, bastard, etc. mean nothing to me")
Also I don't know how elaborate on this besides, "Wow, this is totally not a commentary on how British people view Christianity and the royal family!"
[insert pic]
Yah yah, jokes aside, I grew up agnostic and in the US, so not much to say beside monarchy bad(hot take am I right) Tho, tbh even the obvious connection is the royal family, man sometimes to does seems like certain groups worship politicians on a religious level. Also, there is smoothing to be said about a lot of manipulation tactics of authoritarian governments is the whole 'make them have problems' and then say, "I am the solutions to all your problems." And so with all the abominations being things that are so bad that it leads to the citizens not being able to eat well, it makes it easier to get the population to manipulate say that "X" is the bad guy.
Interesting seeing Polly have disphoria. I don't know if that's the terminology they would've used when the book came out, but Polly being like "damn, do I really that convincing as a boy" and feeling akward that everyone was 100% sure she was a guy. Like that is the goal, cause she's trying to be undercover, but also it's weird knowing people percive you the wrong gender, you know.
Also side note but I recently watched Blue Eyed Samurai, so spoilers for the first ep, but Mizu is also an undercover girl, and it's like damn, it like, in alot of these stories, these women are able to pass as guys cause they're natrual frame helps them alot in that regard. Like I have pretty boxy frame, so maybe when I was younger I could've passed as a guy if I tried, but me now, that would be way harder cause of my chest. And idk like, man it'd be cool if I could try to pass as another gender pretty easily you know?? I'd just have to work on my voice cause it's super high. Tho, I have been gendered as a guy cause of my hair + buttondown combo, so who knows, maybe I could. Anyway, back to the story
Not me reading a really dark scene of Polly and Maladict finding bruttally murdered bodies and laughing at the, "they would not grow older" line. SOLL GET IT TOGETHER!!! Anyway, despite what that sentence may imply, that whole scene was like, wow that's dark. Like the scene in Mulan right after girl worth fighting for.
Watching Polly gasp for air was like AAAAAAAH
Also Maladict having to contain herself cause of the blood, just an intresting scene!
I'm surprised Polly was saying " I thought we were the good guys" cause she seemed to have pretty good media literacy(for being a Boragravian) like, she was mention how the newspapers would proabbly not be trustworthy(cause she only knows her current governement), and she knew that the whole "Boragravia is winning" stance that everyone was saying is wrong. Also way back earlier in the book she talks about there always being a war, but I guess she wasn't being satrical??? (here's the quote)
There was always a war. Usually they were border disputes, the national equivalent of complaining that the neighbor was letting their hedge grow too long. Sometimes they were bigger. Borogravia was a peace-loving country in the midst of treacherous, devious, warlike enemies. They had to be treacherous, devious, and warlike, otherwise we wouldn't be fighting them, eh? There was always a war.
Guess Polly wasn't immune to propaganda (insert Garfield pic). I guess it makes sense tho, cause it's hard to process that your homecountry does horrible shit.
Also intresting how Jackrum dismissed it, like, I guess I thought he'd be more in the know that the government aint the best. Idk, he's pretty intresting, cause Idk his full stance on things. He telling Blouse that the news is coming from the enemy, but like, it's hard to deny that Boragravia's doing well. Guess that now that he's fully encharge we get to see him more than him just him being a nice relif from Strappi. Anyway, WOW Jackrum is a nuanced charcter???!!! Sarcasm aside, I think I need to read a bit more get my full thoughts on him.
Also something something, they're getting deprogrammed(for example, shufti and wazzer realizing they're losing) through experiencing war.
Anyway TONESHIFT Polly trying not to kill Blouse while shaving him is hilarious
K where I left off!!! Strappi(or so Polly thinks, and I'm inclined to believe her) has stolen a bunch of shit from the girls, so shit's about to go down. Poor Maladict doesn't have her cofee, and POLLY'S HAIR IS MISSING.AAAAAAH! Tbh, I thought her letter from Paul would be missing, so at least she still has that.
It's like 2:00 rn, so I'm pretty tired but I'm pretty hooked on the book rn, and maybe this semester I'll read more! Well, Feburary's gonna be busy cause I'll be auditioning to schools, but I'll try to make space to read. Also apperantly the hoopla has sections they've marked as chapters???? Tbh, it's proably whenever the audiobook plays the little military music. Anyways, I think another issue with the discworld books is that Terry Prachett doesn't do chapters, so I don't have that dopamine hit of "chapter completed!" But yah, maybe I'll try to keep track of the "chapters," to see if that motivates me more. Anyway, uh, I'll proabbly quee this for like 3:00 cause it's 8:00 in England and the book series is more popular over there. Okay, think that's it I'll talk next week.
Ps: idk how I indedent in the bullets, did it by accident on laptop and then copypasted it, I don’t know how I did that
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randomidiocyncrazies · 9 months
B, H, O, S?
thanks for the ask!!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
i know i've talked about Dojima/Namatame before, but it's one of those things that i never thought about until i saw a prompt for it on the kinkmeme back in the day??? and once i started thinking about it i feel like... as much of a crack ship this sounds like, there's basis for understanding but also conflict (obviously) that makes them interesting to ship under specific circumstances? though i guess i did most of the work figuring out how their dynamic might look like
also, your pitch for sombra/symmetra makes a lot of sense! while i didn't oppose shipping them beforehand, i was never quite convinced until you broke their possible dynamic down
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
hm, i think i come across animation more often than the other examples listed—i love animation! so from statistics it's likelier for me to be into a fandom of an animated show, and live-action stuff is very hit or miss for me.
for writing fic though, i guess i like books/manga/comics because it's easier for me to find the exact location of a scene that i want to reference?
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
hm. most of my music are OST or songs associated with a specific property, so it's gonna be biased. i guess i'll go on youtube or spotify or something try to find a random song
*15 minutes later*
NEVER SAY GOODBYE (apparently it's an opening for Golden Kamuy, but since idk anything about it* i figure it's neutral enough): it's got an extremely shounen vibe, so Kamina from Gurren Lagann is an obvious shoe-in—he is THE Cool Big Bro in my cultural consciousness after all.
*the only thing i know about Golden Kamuy is that the author loves drawing naked muscly men and there are a lot of animal deaths(?)
just for fun there's another one: YoiYoi KonKon (lyrics)—my Japanese is nowhere near good enough to parse the lyrics, so i'm purely going by vibes alone. the whole thing screams "reckless indulgence", and the mesh of traditional instruments with a modern beat/melody obviously turned my mind towards settings and characters kinda caught between time? not necessarily literally, just that they're lost/losing themselves in some sense. I guess the use of traditional instruments plus the "recklessly losing myself in pleasure to hide/run away from my sadness" kinda made me think of Tsunayoshi (or Tokuko) from Ooku the Inner Chambers, the one where most of Japan were ruled by women bc a freak plague decimated the male population
(also, the vibe of this song reminds me of Tokio Funka a bit)
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
okay so i assume this means "show us an example of a headcanon in your fanworks"?
the headcanon about YukiChie cooking and Yosuke's crappy pics in the (still unfinished) YukiChie fic that you beta'd:
Wounded pride aside, her mother has a point. They can’t rely on other people to cook for them all the time. It’s one of those Essential Life Skills™ that they were supposed to have mastered by the time they finished high school or whatever. Yu’s been making (and generously sharing) delicious lunches for as long as they’ve known him, and Rise’s cooking is perfectly safe as long as she doesn't have access to chili powder. Kanji and Naoto do fine on their own too. Heck, even Yosuke knows how to make staple dishes, judging by all the terrible photos he posts to their group chat at the weirdest times (also: she’s gonna show up at his university dorm and murder him if he ever spams her with blurry homemade tamagoyaki pics at 3 AM again.Yukiko will help her hide the body.) So yeah. They’re way behind schedule at this point, and it’s kind of a bummer to realize their culinary skills are about on par with Teddie’s—probably with him taking the lead to boot.
(I also absolutely think Yukiko doesn't look at recipes because she thinks she should just figure it out on her own)
[ask prompts here!]
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shachiruka · 3 years
#maybe it was a mistake to reread those youth fiction books again that made me think about love and stuff#it did make me have another one of those dreams. you know one of those where i finally fall in love with someone who shockingly even likes#me too! and then you feel warm and loved and then you wake up and it's back to being lonely as usual#just a bit worse since the memory lingers even if it wasn't real. and then you feel like the world's most pathetic heap of trash#bc of course you keep thinking about the dream and try to bring that warm feeling back although you shouldn't#ah man... and after that i found a website where i could read the missing volumes of the series#(i used to have all 5+1 volumes except the 2nd but i already took them to a fleamarket once years ago where i sold only the last 2) volumes#but reading the last one made me remember that i felt alienated even back then bc the main character who was p relatable to me#fell in love towards the end of volume 4/was with her bf in volume 5 and i could not relate to that anymore#and the one girl i felt i could relate to anymore bc she was the only one without any interest in boys and love and relationships#well she fell in love too (with a girl which was a nice change of pace in the literature i read but still. wasn't my experience as well and#made me feel even more alone and stupid for not being like anyone else)#hhhhhhh... usually i like being ace as a concept but tbh there are so many moments where i just wish i could be like p much everyone else#around me. asking myself why i can't fall in love with a nice boy or girl since my mom already asks about both when it comes to this topic#or at least to understand my friends instead of feeling uncomfortable and trying to hide it bc i also want my friends to be able to tell me#things that affect them! i feel like i'm such a bad friend sometimes... like i can listen to talk about their partners and details about#love lifes and stuff for a while but i've also caught myself thinking 'sounds kinda disgusting when is this over?'#and i feel i should show more interest but i just don't know how bc i'd kinda rather talk about anything else#anyways... maybe i'll at least have another nice dream tonight even though it's only smoke and mirrors#i am sorry if anyone had to read this stupid moping tho. i just don't know where to stuff my thoughts sometimes#rukarambles#personal
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cooltrainererika · 2 years
Heroes: A Fragments of Sky Silver fanfic
Alternate titles: Keep Needing Ya to Laugh and Be Free For Once, Gramps
Finally posting fic of my Fate waifu! Wooooo-
So in this fic my headcanon is pretty apparent because it starts to drift from canon. The fic's premise is basically "What if Berserker was given a nickname that wasn't Berserker" and "What if he was a cynical middle aged man in the body of his young Servant self?". This fanfic is basically my interpretation of Tatsumi and Berserker's first encounter with those alterations.
(Pretty sure everyone reading knows who FoSS Berserker is by now but I'm not saying his name just in case someone doesn't know. Though if you don't, minor spoilers)
Also I've got, like, no confidence on if Tatsumi is written in-character. But I read about their dynamic on Wikis and some fanfic and basically fell in love with these two dorks' dynamic. I really hope he isn't too off. But because Berserker is written differently Tatsumi has to pretty much have enough optimism to carry the two so he ended up like this.
Another nickname I wanted to give Berserker was "Gabriel". I may post that version sometime too. So consider this "version one" of that fic if I post that.
Also, for those who read this; reblogs are very much appreciated!
Fandom: Fate Series (Fragments of Sky Silver), with references from character's source material
Rating: K
Characters: Berserker (FoSS), Tatsumi Kitano
Prompt: Hero
Get out to find it now, don’t ever let go
The brighter future knows to reach it
Even when the world is caught and full of wrong
Keep needing ya to laugh and be free for once
No, I cannot be hurting no one
I wanted, I wanted to be stronger now
Woken to resume my need to stay the real me
- Monster, by Yoasobi
“I think I know what I’m gonna wish for.”
The Berserker was somewhat surprised by the speed at which his young master responded.
“Oh? What may it be?”
The boy looked out into the city he called home; on closer inspection, his hand subtly shook as it grasped at the window frame, his countenance anxious, yet also bright with his conviction.
“I wanna protect Tokyo. It’s my home. ...And I want to stop this war so it doesn’t happen again, to anyone else.”
Berserker’s eyes subtly widened in surprise. Such pure words, such virtue, such honor from a man so young.
Here stood a son, a brother, a schoolboy, by all means an average young man, whom had just now learned that he had been in possession of magecraft abilities all his life, but his ultimate wish nothing but a simple desire for the safety of everything and everyone he loved and had loved. Not immortality, not infinite riches, not any of the sort. It was so simple, humble. As such, he envied it so.
The boy turned to face him again, looking down to inspect his crest on his hand.
“...That is your wish?”
“Yup! I’m kinda scared, and I still don’t really get what I’ve gotten myself into, but... I don’t want anyone to get hurt, y’know?”
He smiled.
“...Hey, we’re kind of like heroes, aren’t we. Don’t you think so, Berserker?”
Berserker blinked.
“Y’know, a hero of justice, like Ultra Man and stuff! Or maybe more like Yatterman since that’s a duo? ...Nah that’s not exactly it... Oh, you probably aren’t too familiar with those things, sorry. But Kitano Tatsumi and Berserker! Heroic duo! Has a nice to ring to it, right? And you’re a Heroic Spirit, or something, aren’t you?”
Berserker chuckled to himself in a melancholic, somewhat bitter-tinged manner, uncomfortably adjusting his sitting posture on the floor, not being able to help a small, pessimistic smile, dim beside the boy’s warm glow.
He was good, but foolish. Almost childish.
He was in no way a hero, how absurd. It even sounded almost humorous. Especially as, while it appeared that his unsightly, vile self, his vile self that had grown unimaginably more powerful for how he had become known, was for now suppressed, his current name itself - Berserker - was a permanent branding of sin. Well, as he was a "Heroic" Spirit now, he perhaps could not fault the boy for believing he was some sort of great hero of yore.
“I am terribly sorry. Hero? I am no such thing, Master. Do not be so daft.”
The boy frowned. Then, he shook his head, suddenly grasping his hand, directing his determined, resolute gaze to him, his crest briefly glowing as weak mana coursed through his mana circuits. He believed he felt a tinge almost electrifying in nature at the fire in the youth’s eyes.
“I’m not one yet either. But we can be heroes. I just know it!”
His light was blinding; yet, he almost felt as if this lad, despite his lack of worldliness, despite his naïveté, could truly stay true to his word.
Was this a sign from the Lord?
The real holy grail, he recalled, was to be achieved by the purest and most good of all. It was, more than it’s inherent value or wish granting properties, a test of character, of both chivalry and spiritual righteousness.
Berserker now knew why it was he who was summoned. For him, this was to be his quest of salvation. Perhaps, this youth, this brave, good-hearted youth, a better man than he had ever been at such a young age, his intentions pure, was to be the light that he had yearned for, the one that would at last lead him to his redemption, his redemption for all his hypocrisy and his duplicity, for all his debauchery and licentiousness and complacency and sinfulness.
For this young man was of such character, of such honesty... Much like someone he had known, when he was a youth as he, declaring his intention to study law all those years ago.
Yes, someone... Someone he had deceived worst of all.
The boy smiled sheepishly.
“...Well I guess it might sound stupid and kinda cheesy. I’m not too good at this, I know that. I just learned that magic exists and that I can apparently use it an hour ago, and it’s a lot to take in, totally. And again, to be honest I’m scared. But I hope I can do right by you. ...What do you say?”
His Master’s hand was raised. It appeared he was to meet it in a similar gesture.
The two hands clapped, producing a small, but satisfying “slap”. Jekyll understood this to be friendly gesture, one expressing a camaraderie.
“If you wish to be a Hero... That shall be my wish too. I shall serve you, Master, as you wish.”
“Hey, stop calling me that. It’s kinda weird. It’s Tatsumi. Just call me Tatsumi.”
Tatsumi. ...This truly was a child. Or perhaps, it was normal custom to be addressed by given name in this culture. The knowledge he was provided about contemporary culture could be awfully inconsistent.
“Yes... Mr. Tatsumi.”
“Mr? Man, you’re making me kind of anxious again... But fine, whatever you’re comfortable with, Berserker. ...Pffft.”
He heard Tatsumi giggle, to his confusion, the young magus’ shoulders shaking slightly.
“...What is it, Tatsumi?”
“Pfff! I just can’t. I can’t!” He snorted, covering his mouth to stifle his laughter. “I can’t call you Berserker, it’s just so weird! Okay, now that you have a name to call me by, I think you need one too. Berserker can’t be your real name, right?”
“It is indeed not. But I am terribly sorry, I cannot disclose it to you now.”
“I am sorry. But if other Servants were to know my identity, it may give them leverage against us.”
“Fiiiinnneeee... I’m not gonna keep calling you Berserker though. I just can’t say that with a straight face.”
The boy’s gaze glanced over his thin, slight frame.
“I shall inform you, I was not this slight-framed last I recall...”
“Sorry, but it’s just... S-sorry! It’s not like I’m saying that you look wimpy or anything!”
“No, no, do not fret. It is not much of an issue.”
Berserker could not help but find something about his worry endearing. And while he indeed held little pride in his build at the age he had manifested in, he held even less pride in the sin he was to forever carry; another name was very much welcome.
“Oh, ok... Hmm... Well you kind of act like an old man, you know that. And you kind of remind me of my grandpa... I dunno why, I guess it’s because I summoned you from his journal I think? ...How’s ‘Gramps’ for a nickname?”
Berserker raised his eyebrow slightly in mild bemusement, toying with his hair as if to look for the silvery strands of white that, unbeknownst to the boy, indeed were once a time ago starting to streak his silky blond, rose-tinged hair.
“...By Jove, lad, do I show my age that much?”
Though perhaps, if only his life had gone down a different, correct path, had he lived, married, supported a wife like a respectable man should have, he may have very well been able to hold a grandchild in his arms in life by when he had in reality perished, alone with nothing but his own and his - or perhaps just his own, or his - deranged mind.
“Sorry! I don’t know why I thought that. I mean you don’t even look a day older than 30, that was weird of me. I didn’t mean to call you old! I mean you probably are actually old, but not old like that... You know what I mean.”
Berserker felt himself genuinely smile.
“...But if it is of sentimental value to you, I would not mind such a name.”
“Oh... You like it?”
“Yes. I very much do. You do not understand how much.”
Many of his peers in life, of his standing, may have found this arrangement shameful on its face, to be under the control of another, to be a servant, much less to a mere schoolboy, an oriental, of no notability and of little fortune, and to add to insult be addressed by such names by him; and while he had indeed admittedly lamented his standing to a degree before, that had by now all but disappeared. There was something comforting about hearing Tatsumi call him such an impolite, yet friendly name, instead of that title, even if it could not erase the truth of his class, his very reason to be deemed as significant enough for existence as a Heroic Spirit.
That night, he swore, in the name of the Lord who had blessed him with this fateful meeting, that he was to defend this young man - he and his simple, humble wish and ideals - at all cost.
This boy was his lord, and he his knight, just as he had read in his youth in novels chronicling stories of old; fitting, as it was, considering the artifact they were vying for.
What he felt, however, was not merely so; perhaps, it was akin to the love a father felt for a child.
Perhaps, this lad, Tatsumi, was what he had needed to keep his darkness, the beast within that clawed and gnawed at his innards, at bay. At least, he made him believe he could.
Perhaps, it would be alright.
Perhaps, they could be heroes after all.
“Hey, you look uncomfortable. Should I get you a chair?”
Dr. Jekyll glanced down onto the floor, and chuckled lightly as he shifted his legs again.
“I am terribly sorry, I am not used to sitting on the floor. Yes, that would be excellent.”
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
*spoilers* I liked this chapter in isolation.
*spoilery spoilers* I dislike this chapter when comparing it to other chapters.
Here's the battle Vegeta fans have been waiting for...! (Glad I lowered my greatly expectations)
First, let's talk about use of panels real quick. When there is action, Toyo has done better and uses about 6 panels max to convey the fight. But when there is dialogue, he uses too many panels. Like 7 to 9 panels on one page. That is too much for dialogue. And he has pointless reaction shots often.
It begins with the axolotl inspired Sugarians leaving their fishbowl homes through cleaning-tube roadways. I like their aquarium-like city and their buildings.
And here we are on page 2 with the Toyotaro dialogue. 😒 How can I tell? Compare it to Dragon Ball and you can easily tell the difference between Toriyama's dialogue & Toyotaro's dialogue. (Toriyama has been more focused with working on the DBS movies. I highly doubt he contributes as much to the manga as some fans believe.)
Vegeta sounds like Mr. Satan when calling fusion and cloning "tricks" lol. And no, I doubt Vegeta's Forced Spirit Fission would work on Granolah. Granolah split himself in 2 with a technique. It is still all Granolah & he hasn't absorbed anyone. Forced Spirit Fission is useless here.
Granolah sure is chatty again after he kept saying how he really really wants to kill these Saiyans. Vegeta tells him he parted ways with Freeza and he is an enemy now, as to which Granolah laughs. Granolah thinks Vegeta is betraying Freeza to spare his own life. This just let's us know what kind of person Granolah is...
Granolah is a nonsensical idiot who doesn't know how to reason well & doesn't listen to truth because he assumes he is already right. I don't like ppl like him who refuse to grow mentally. I went from liking Granolah, to not caring about his bland personality, to disliking him. 😑
Oatmeel's input is pointless because he doesn't sway Granolah into believing the Saiyans may not be lying. He quickly gives up and becomes quiet. Vegeta informs Granolah that he was a child when Planet Cereal's ppl were killed and wasn't part of the attack. But he doesn't care and Paragus wants revenge against the royal family... I mean, Baby wants revenge on all Saiya... Granolah wants to kill all Saiyans.
Then we get Vegeta saying he will kill Granolah after barely talking to the guy who was willing to talk. I guess Vegeta just wants to fight and test his power instead of trying to redeem himself like earlier chapters implied and fans theorized. Throw that out the window.
He turns SSB Evolution & Hakai's large rocks around Granolah. But Granolah appears behind him and shows Vegeta true hakai. He elevates a big chunk of the ground & blows it up then the force pushes Vegeta to him and Granolah strikes him. Cool way to use the environment in battle.
Also, Granolah knows Hakai. He shows it off by using his own more powerful Hakai & suggests Vegeta's training with Beerus is lacking.
There is some cool looking art. Their fight moves from forest to river to lake. Interesting environment s for DB. Reminds me of the Cooler movie and the fights on Namek a bit.
This entire time, Vegeta is on the defensive and has to run. But, I find pages 16-21 silly.
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Why is Vegeta swimming when he can fly through the water?! Swimming is slower & Granolah is firing fast ki blasts at him!
YOU: "But, Vegeta is swimming so Granolah can't detect his ki."
Granolah can see him! His right eye is supposed to see blood flow and stuff. He nearly hits him multiple times. And lets not forget he was sniping them long distance and his Goku in the neck and almost took him out. Why does Granolah need aim assist now? I'll tell ya why. To make Vegeta look more impressive than Goku by making Goku look like a poor fighter. And this was a Goku who was using Ultra Instinct and still got messed up by Granolah while Vegeta is just using SSB Evolution. Character sabotage... 😒
Back to my complaints about Vegeta swimming. The swimmin' would work in OG Dragon Ball but not here. It would work on Namek with Freeza who can't sense ki, but not here with Granolah who can sense ki (& maybe even god ki) & his eye can percieve all kinds of movements of the body.
And why does Vegeta momentarily pop up out the water then go hide back into it? Don't say its 'cause he needs to catch his breath. He aparently did training holding his breath while on the Heeter's ship, so he should be fine holding his breath. It was for a short period of time anyways. It just doesn't fit and is unnecessary in multiple ways.
Vegeta Hakai's Granolah's big blast to escape it and it blows him out of the water. Interesting kinda... Until you realize that Vegeta's training that we were shown was lame. He just Hakai'd logs & rocks! It should've shown him trying to Hakai ki blasts from Beerus. Make his training look cool darn it!
Chapter 70 Established that Hakai has changed. It no longer is just erasing things from existence in different ways. It has to have a *boom* explosion to it. So when Beerus Hakai'd Zamasu in chapter 19, there should've been an explosion instead of turning him into sand? So, now whenever the Hakai is used, there will always be an explosion...? I don't like how Toyo is quick to change what he set up just for his convenience...
Granolah brags about himself then Vegeta brags about himself-...! That's why I dislike Granolah! He's just like Vegeta! Maybe if I stop thinking of Granolah as a "good guy" then he will be cooler? I did like evil Vegeta as an evil character. We were supposed to hate him. So, if I imagine Granolah as an evil Vegeta... It worked! Granolah's unappealing attitude works perfectly if you view him as an evil enemy! (Still kinda preachy tho)
VEGETA: "But I'm still going to win."
Vegeta fans rejoice! Your prayers have been answered by the great Zalama! Vegeta announced victory...! Wait... I've seen this before... Yo... Vegeta fans, prepare for Vegeta to be defeated just in case. He has a record of announcing victory then ultimately losing. Don't get your hopes up too high.
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Lol Granolah disses Vegeta's ego 👌. But Granolah is unknowingly talking about himself too XD. Dummies. Vegeta mocks him by calling him "Mr. Strongest" & Granolah has nothing to day. Granolah can dish it out but can't take it.
Goku wakes up and sees Vegeta fighting Granolah. Who cares? How are you gonna be caught off gaurd in a form that reacts on its own? Go back to sleep. I'm not mad at you, Goku. I'm just disappointed.
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Vegeta fires a barrage of ki at Granolah and Granolah Hakai's them. Then Vegeta fools Ganolah into destroying an ancient city of the Cerelians.
VEGETA: "I can tell, you know... That you only recently acquired this absurd strength."
GRANOLAH: "How? How can you tell?"
VEGETA: "Thank you for confirming."
There's the Granolah we know. Quick to give out valuable info. Also, this is to make Vegeta appear "smarter" & a "better fighter" than Goku. Realistically, a master martial artist like Goku would be first to notice that Granolah recently acquired this kind of power. But, Goku is being dumbed down for Vegeta's sake.
VEGETA: "Need I repeat myself...? You may be stronger but... there's no gaurantee that I'll lose to you!" *attempts to break Granolah's leg*
So says the guy who always loses unless the opponent is weaker than him. But, he even lost to weaker opponents on Earth before, so....
Vegeta fans calm down, calm down. This is basic Vegeta dribble. Let's be real. When has Vegeta ever defeated an opponent that was stronger than himself? Never. When has Vegeta become stronger than his opponent and defeat them because they're weaker than him now? Always. Does Vegeta ever win when he is too cocky? Nope. This is to hype y'all up. Don't be mad if he loses. Y'all know this routine. The arc ain't even over so the chances of him winning are low.
Now let's examine Vegeta's fight in comparison to Goku's fight.
Goku goes through all his forms & uses Ultra Instinct in base, SSJ, SSG, SSB, & then goes silver haired UI when fighting Granolah. Then, he loses in every form. Vegeta goes straight to Blue Evolution and only seriously gets hurt once.
Goku keeps getting hit despite having a technique that is all about evasion. Vegeta gets hit far less & doesn't have Ultra Instinct.
Goku was struggling to fight a clone that was half the power of Granolah. Vegeta fights Granolah at his full power and struggles less.
Goku complains about his training and how he is struggling using his technique. Vegeta who had less time with Hakai training isn't complaining about struggling with Hakai.
Goku far surpassed Vegeta in the Moro arc, yet they are crippling Goku to let Vegeta catch up & make him look better. Vegeta has literally gotten a handout that he didnt have to work hard for in order to catch up with Goku... This chapter is fine when isolated and you aren't thinking about any other previous chapter. But, it is a convoluted mess when you look back at the previous chapters, the piss poor storytelling, & Vegeta's poor Hakai training that leads up to this chapter.
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Where'd that "heroic" Vegeta and that "redemption" stuff go? Its as if Toyotaro decided he should stop tying to make Vegeta the hero & main character instead of Goku being the main. (Thank God.)
But... Vegeta says that he loves fights that are unpredictable?? That I disagree completely with. Vegeta wants fights to go in his favor through all of DBZ and will throw a fit when it doesn't.
In RoF: it was going in his favor so he loved it.
Destroyer Tournament arc: he didn't like that things didn't go his way in the end.
Future Trunks arc: he was upset when losing to Black, but loved it when he thought he was going to win.
ToP: angry when everyone else surpassed him, happy when he gained an upperhand, upset when he lost the upperhand.
Moro arc: Vegeta is upset that Moro is stronger but even more upset that Goku is stronger than him. When he is stronger than Moro he is loving it. Then when he loses the advantage, he is upset.
Vegeta doesn't love unpredictable fights, Goku does! Vegeta loves predictable fights in his favor.
Granolah asks how many lives were sacrificed for Vegeta's carnage. Vegeta doesn't answer. Why? Because its best to ignore the fact that he has killed billions of ppl so that Vegeta fans can ignore his bad actions (Yet many say that Vegeta has developed so much without acknowledging his terrible past). Can't have Vegeta looking like a bad guy in this chapter, right?
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Oh boy! Page 37 is more "Vegeta hype!" He doesn't care about strongest or second strongest ('cause he has never been 1st place) & he basically explains Dragon Ball to us.
Roshi already taught Goku & Krillin that there will always be somebody stronger, so they need to keep reaching higher and higher.
If Vegeta is stronger than he was a few minutes ago, would that mean the same for Goku when he was fighting? Why did he perform so poorly? I wonder... 🤔
Granolah jabs Vegeta in the stomach, but Vegeta manages to slow it down (how come Goku using Ultra Instinct couldn't do that?). And cool. Blood. Anime has better writing and cool character development/moments. The manga has blood... Well, I guess blood is cooler to some ppl.
Vegeta is looking like Goku in the ToP before he attained UI. He has his head down & all. Vegeta just isn't talking about hownl much he sucks. Why does Goku keep insulting himself? N-nevermind. This is about Vegeta who keeps complimenting himself.
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Why did Granolah become scared of Vegeta suddenly? Wouldn't he just see him as a mad dog and use his amazing power to put Vegeta down before he can do anything? He hates them so much, but keeps letting them live.
Uh oh... Vegeta doesn't like protecting and saving? BuT I tHoUgHt hE wAs a hErO! Where is his development going?? Ya mean the real development he had in the anime or the pseudo development in the manga?
But even after saying all that... I prefer manga Vegeta to be like this instead of a wannabe hero. Wannabe hero doesn't fit. This feels like Vegeta is in character again. I like this. I was just criticizing how Vegeta was written in past chapters in comparison to this one. A more chill Vegeta who loves battles? This is what I've wanted from DBS manga Vegeta for a long time!
Oh snap! Vegeta's transforming? I wonder what it will look like (thanks for the warning from the leaks 👍). Oil... Why are you even in this chapter? We don't care about you right now & you're boring without Maki. Goku says it ain't "any old god ki."
I wonder how Goku never knew about this new form if he and Vegeta trained on Beerus Planet together. Ya think he would've sensed and saw it & even wanted to fight against it.
So is this new form a spur of the moment thing? So Vegeta has a new form that he never trained... And he asks if Granolah has been training his new power on page 34... Sounds hypocritical of Vegeta, or he is being thrown a bone to make him look capable. Is Vegeta gonna pull a Golden Freeza by not training this new form? Or maybe a UI Goku at the ToP and lose the form?
Page 43, Granolah shoots tiny ki blasts at Vegeta's tower of flaming ki and he is surprised it did nothing. Why not try again but this time use that one big blast instead. No? Gonna let the guy of the race you hate finish transforming? Just gonna be scared and shocked to make Vegeta look impressive? Ok.
Pages 41, 44, & 45
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Oh! Here it is! The new form...! Aaaand I still don't like it. Also, he healed up like Goku did last chapter too. Odd. Why does transforming heal them now? Didn't before.
No build up to make the form more cool, it's just
"Here, Vegeta. Goku has one more form than you do & he has mastered UI, so we can't let you fall too far behind. So I just pulled this crap transformation fresh outa my butt and gave it to you."
Another undeserved handout. Can you please make Vegeta earn a new form in the manga? PLEASE?!
Vegeta looks like he is in his own UI Omen form (like how Vegeta fans begged for Vegeta to get for the longest time). Dark hair with sone lighter coloured higlights, light coloured pupils, new aura. But this is what I see...
SSJ3ROSÉ of DESTRUCTION INSTINCT OMEN (or just "SSJ-ChexMix" for short)
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Looks like in the end, Vegeta needed to resort to his own Ultra Instinct equivalent!
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Oh no... I criticized Vegeta's bad writing too much! I bet some Vegeta fans are gonna automatically assume that I hate him because I want him to be written better without plotholes! 😱
This chapter is good when isolated on its own. But, this chapter is filled with inconsistencies when you look back at previous chapters. Overall, it's... a mixed bag that I barely like. It's just so retarded that Goku had to be dragged through the mud just for Vegeta to look better. That is insulting to Vegeta and it either shows how much he sucks or or how weak the writing for Vegeta is. But we got what we got...
Wanna know how to make Vegeta look good without making Goku look pathetic? Goku never uses MUI! Goku defeats Granolah's clone with SSB. Then, Granolah merges back with his clone & catches SSB Goku by surprise and knocks him out.
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Then, the reason why Vegeta seems to be doing better is because Vegeta is using SSBE, unlike SSB Goku who was caught off guard. Why make the MUI form & Goku both look like trash just to give Vegeta his own Ultra (Destructive) Intinct? Is Vegeta really that trash?! 😓😴
I don't wanna see the Heeters anymore. My hype for them died, but maybe a later chapter can make me like them more. Idk.
Where is my homie, Moniato?! 🐌 (BEST CHARACTER OF THE ARC SO FAR!)
Oh yeah...I was supposed to complain about not seeing Freeza again like I do every chapter... Who cares at this point? If Granolah is stronger than Goku & Vegeta, what can Freeza do? Hide for 3 yrs and let Granolah die?
What are my predictions for next chapter? More Vegeta wanking of course. More gloating & looking down on Granolah too. A battle of overinflated egos. Bad dialogue and decent to good art. I'll probably find it mostly boring but I may be surprised (that could be a good or bad thing). Vegeta will appear to be winning before...
Vegeta gets defeated & certain Vegeta fans will rage & be annoying. Those ones will complain about how Vegeta always gets the short end of the deal (that's what he gets for being shorter than Bulma & 12 cm taller than Krillin). This one should happen imo based off of Goku's performance.
Vegeta's fight will get interrupted before the battle ends so that Vegeta fans don't get angry. Make Vegeta fans feel that Vegeta could've won and keep them grasping on to hope. (How manipulative.) This one is most likely to happen to "satisfy" all fans.
Vegeta will win and Vegeta fans will rejoice & some will be very annoying. Despite the fact that he had terrible training, was handed a new form just to stay relevant, and Goku had to underperform & UI had to be nerfed just to make Vegeta look good. This one may happen just to appease Vegeta fans. (That is the worst outcome imo.) If Vegeta gets "a win/a W" against a main villain, make sure his training looks impressive and he has some sort of connection to the main bad guy. That way the victory feels well deserved.
If the final enemy is Freeza, then Vegeta defeating Granolah isn't "a win" against a major villain. Granolah will just be a bump in the road. He's already set up to not be a "bad guy." In the end, the main bad guy will be either Freeza, Gas, 7-3, or someone. Vegeta fans shouldn't care if Vegeta wins or loses against Granolah. He isn't the "final boss."
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yes hello amygda i've been lurking here for quite some time and it's lovely but honestly i don't feel like saying the usual wOw YoUr BlOg Is 100% GuD and i AdOrE iT stuff. i mean your blog actually is and i do but it almost feels obligatory when every single ClasspectMe ask does that. and le oops, i spilled it - it'd be nice to hear your ideas about my Mythological Role! i've been searching for the right one for some time now. i trust your knowledge, though.
anyway personality is the first thing i want to describe. and the hardest one as well. you see, a common thing in my life is that i can't remember anything. like literally i remember less than 1% of everything that happened to me, ever. it's easier to describe what i was feeling than what actually happened. it's a genetic thing iirc because my mom has that too, but that's beside the point. i'm quite a talkative person and i tend to do the thing i did like a sentence before a lot. i used to be described as "impulsive and agressive" but that isn't true anymore, i can contain myself. that's probably the thing that led to my emotions being kind of, uh, separate from my mind. by that i mean i actually know i felt something a little bit after the fact, i just, i dunno, ignore it so hard i don't even acknowledge the feeling. that led to me joking about "selling my soul to a demon" as an explanation and the joke is still running
i kind of roleplay an arrogant piece of shit? not as a Knight-type persona but like for fun and not actually annoying anyone too much, and basically everyone knows i do. no self-worth problems though
surprisingly i don't have any problems typical for people my age and my family isn't a bunch of assholes, which has both led me to living a life in "easy mode" and to me being spoiled enough not to give a shit about basically anything. it's not a depressed thing: there are little to none things that motivate me besides "i have to" and "i'll literally die if i won't", and even the ones that exist don't seem to have any relation to one another. i'd say i'm an ambivert, but that would imply that i get energy from both being alone and from being with people, and i don't get it at all. i'd also say i'm a pessimist, but honestly i'm just an optimist that tries really hard to be pessimistic and it really shows sometimes, like when i tell my friends some edgy sarcastic shit and then help someone for no reason or give a stranger a chocolate bar or something. i do that a lot for my actual friends though and i actually have no problem making friendos and opening up to anyone
i use mutedHypocrisy as my chumhandle-ish nickname because 1. i don't really judge anyone out loud? i have are a lot of bUdDiEs with DEBATABLE opinions but i just don't discuss it almost ever, keeping to myself. not really a reason for this. and 2. because of my extremely unique memory i usually dont havr or don't remember any opinions of my own except for some really important ones, which had led me to saying two opposite takes on the same thing to a single person, them going "what the fuck", and that happened more than a single time.
on to symbols. well, the tarot cards mark me as The Star and my fate as a fate of The Fool. which is shown by me being, well, talented enough and having a lot of freedom but not enough ambition to really use it, making me basically useless. also the star thing? its number is 17 and the one before is 16, which is the Tower, which is a fucking cataclysm, and the thing is me being a few hours away from being born under "the tower" is also reflected in the situation in which i was born. i won't elaborate though cuz thats personal shit.
i guess fate kind of likes playing with me? in a friendly way. like i'm always in the best circumstances possible BUT i get trolled by luck along the way. like that friend who pranks you a lot but is actually a nice person and is fun to be around, the world around me feels, as i already said, "easy mode". a lot of people have it worse. i feel bad because i've got everything one could ever want but zero motivation and ambition to do things. and it's not even a "willpower" problem, because that thing helps me do A LOT and is the only reason i'm still functional.
i seem to have an affinity for the things i hate, even though this sounds stupid as fuck. i may despise something completely but i'll be like the meme about a guy who says "disgusting" and keeps looking anyway.
i perceive things as a play, making myself a fourth-wall-breaker type of character. i don't think i take it too seriously but that's kinda fun. i think it started when i noticed that my life and the projects i participate in have some patterns that don't change at all. it's not a thing about some situations always being the same, it's some specific things -- the beginnings and endings of ppl's relationships in the friend group, their roles there and my relationships with the people on em, for example. that's some conspiracy theorist shit right there though.
i don't think i can describe my arcs? i don't remember them. like i mean i was literally babied throughout my whole life, even if not in a way i hate or in an overbearing/limiting way. i had some anger issues and despised rules, but that's a teenager thing mostly -- i respect them now for the most part.
if there's anything important i forgot please tell me!!! can't describe my own ass right if i don't remember 95% of my life. love your work anyway.
Well, as much as it's appreciated, it's definitely not obligatory! And I hope no one feels that it is. Now, there's a few possible options. The main things to consider are Rogue or Mage of Heart and Heir or Maid of Mind, though you may also want to consider Void or Breath as the aspects.
You lack Heart in various ways, though not completely. You still try to take on various opinions or roles. This could be due to being a Rogue of Heart. Rogues tend to lack their aspects, and the taking on of opinions/roles could be stealing Heart. You do seem to focus on things like emotions and relationships, and especially your lack of motivation. Mages can also lack their aspect, but this tends to cause them to suffer - you don’t appear to focus on suffering too much, so it’s not as likely as Rogue. However, if you feel that you attempt to experience Heart to learn about it rather than simply just taking it on, then you might want to consider it. 
Alternatively, you could be an Heir of Mind - this is less likely as you only seem to have focus on the roles and adaptability of Mind while you focus on many more parts of Heart. However, if you were so caught up in those things like an Heir could be, it might explain why you ignore those things and lack parts of Heart as well. A Maid is also likely to get caught up serving only particular parts of their aspect - again, this is less likely than Heir as you seem to change Mind rather than create it, but you might feel differently on this. 
To decide between the Heart or Mind would depend on how you define things like your roleplay - does it feel like an exploration and taking (or experiencing) of Heart or does it feel like a changing/creating of roles which would suit Mind?
You could also consider Void if it feels like the circumstances of your life causes you to live in confusion and if it feels like your lack of memory is the main focus rather than it causing you to miss parts of Heart. Reading what you gave me it doesn’t seem to be the case, but you could decide otherwise. In a similar way, Breath could be an option if you feel disconnected from things, especially as you do focus a bit on freedom. For both of these aspects you could consider Heir, Maid or Mage as an option, especially as with Breath you’re clearly not connected to parts of it like motivation.
Hopefully this helps! Sorry it’s a lot of options, so feel free to ask me anything to help you narrow it down. ^^
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 4 years
Demon Bite
Avengers x reader
A/N: This is new and I'm excited! But there is some blood and gore that I have always wanted to write in my stories and I think that now is my chance. So I hope you enjoy and that this fic is a success if not I will learn to try again.
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Hitchhiking and stealing a couple of bucks from people was my lifestyle, for a while. Well, ever since I've been solo. Inside I know it's a bad thing but its survival.
A couple of bucks gives me a nice hotel, with a semi soft bed, a hot shower and sometimes a meal to fill me up for a week or two..oh and free breakfast. Talking about a meal....
"You were supposed to get the menthol cigarettes not this shit!" A hard smack echoed throughout the almost empty lobby. The tears and bruises made my blood boil and stomach growl.
After shoving, I'm guessing his wife into the room he looked around. I just waved my hand and winked at him. His dirty smile and smell made my nose burn.
"What room?" He spoke loud enough for me to hear.
"16" I said giving him another wink and walked away making sure his eyes were on me. Fuckin pig.
Before getting my stuff ready to leave right away i decide to call the lobby.
"Hello blackbird hotel, how may I assist?" Perfect it's the lady.
"Yes, do you mind coming to room 16 It sounds as If there is something in the vents and it's kinda disturbing my sleep."
"I will send some-"
"No! "I didn't mean to shout. But I had to, i wanted it to go to plan.
"I would want a woman to come, usually men somehow think that we are dramatic"
Finally she agreed and I panicked trying to find a way to tell her that I was going to kill the bastard of her husband.
While splashing some water on my face a knock on the door made me slip on some water that I had dropped.
"Coming" I opened the door to find the poor lady with a now purple eye. I moved aside letting her pass, then I heard it. A soft pitter patter, this lady is with child.
"So where is the noise coming from" I rubbed my hands and offered her some water and asked for her to take a seat.
"There is no noise..." she stayed quiet and I noticed her breathing speed up.
"I'm not going to do anything to you, but, do you love your partner?" A tear rolled down her cheek and shook her head.
"I fuckin hate him; I wish he where gone" she drank the water and a huge wave of relief washed over me.
"What if I can grant you that wish?" Her eyes sparked. This woman was desperate, and she despised him.
"How?" I placed my hand on hers and told her not to worry.
Another knock made her jump in fear. This man had done some damage to her.
"Stay put" I said and opened the door to find the same man. Surprisingly he showered and got ready for a fuck that will never happen.
"Hi" he said showing his same nasty teeth. I stepped aside and let him in.
"So- what the fuck are you doing here?!" He yelled
"I'm doing her a favor" I twisted his shoulder until I felt pressure. He yelled and continued cursing.
"Shut up" I said.
"You bi-" I snapped his shoulder making him cry in pain.
"Kneel" he continued cursing scaring her more.
"I said kneel!" I let my nail grow and stabbed his collar bone keeping my finger in.
He finally got on his knees and each time he cursed at her I would dig deeper into the stab. From the corner of my eye i noticed her shiver in fear.
"Sweetheart, stand up" I said keeping him still.
She stood in front of him but I held him back from lashing out at her.
"Apologize to her" I whispered into his ear.
"NO" I dug little more deeper until I touched his collarbone and snaped it.
"Apologize to her!" I said feeling the sharpness of my teeth gently scrape my lip.
"I'm sorry....please stop I'm sorry, im sorry, im sorry" he said making the lady cry once more. I finally managed to break the man.
"I hope that you suffer. You made my life miserable and I'm glad this child isn't yours you fuckin bastard" a harsh slap across his face made him quiet.
"Rot In hell" she rubbed her red hand walked out leaving us.
A smile appeared on my face.
"Aww is someone upset" I teased.
"You whore!" He pulled out a pocket knife with his uninjured arm and stabbed my leg and side. Angrily I finished breaking his collarbone and with force I pushed him across the room hitting the small dining table.
"Ow" I said taking out the knife and tossing it. The fear in his eyes is what I needed it made them taste tender.
"How is that possible?" The quiver in his voice was satisfying. Racing towards him I lifted him up and pinned him to the wall.
"Anything is possible" he began crying and shaking like a child. My teeth became sharper and nails longer ready to pierce his neck. In the reflection of his eyes I found mine blacked out.
"I need you hopeless" I growled and sank my teeth into him savoring the red liquid.
"What else do you have in store for me?" The color began leaving him. Dropping his body I grab the blade and open him up. His screamed echoed. I for sure knew that i had to leave tonight but i found satisfaction by this. His scream, the fear in his eyes and the rapid pumping of the remaining blood in his body. In seconds his organs rose and his eyes where about to pop out of its sockets.
"Hmm, liver is good " my hand circled inside him finding the main source of vitamins, facts. His breathing speed up soon as I pulled it out.
"But my favorite is the.." I forced my hand into his chest pulling out the juice box.
"....the heart" I licked my fingers and made sure that was the last thing he saw. Soon as I dug my teeth into his heart I felt my joints crack, skin tighten, and fatigue vanish. My energy had came back. My only way of surviving.
Once I had finished the most important parts the same sudden wave of disgust and emotions washed over me.
I ate people to live, but I only ate the evil, removing them from this earth.
I decided to eat more since I didn't know when my full belly would come again, regular food only helped so little. I cleaned up my mess and disposed of the almost empty carvis into a rundown fire pit they had in the back, before I showered.
"Hello?" I went to pay when the lady came out with red puffy eyes, i also didn't miss the small fear in them.
"You look different" I said
"So do you, more younger..." she opened her mouth but shut it right a way.
"About what happened-" she frantically shook her hands.
"I promise! I won't tell anyone!" I chuckled and i told her to relax as i pulled out some money from a wallet.
"I know you won't. And i expect you to take care of yourself and that child.." i pointed at her swollen belly.
"If not, i will know and i will take the child away and give it a better life." I gave her the room key and got ready to leave.
I didn't mean what i said. Its just intimation, to get them to become better people.
"I will and thank you!" She said as i walked out.
"Sure" i scratched my neck.
"Any big citys around here?"
"New York is north two hours away" new york? Ive never been there.
I left without another word. Walking out with a duffle bag, i looked around for a new ride. Thats when is noticed a blue 18 wheeler in the parking lot.
"Lost, lady?" A male accent caught me off guard.
"Yes. Um i was wondering if that blue beauty yours?" I noticed that he is nice elderly mexican man, with a mustache and tinted glasses.
"Si. Where are you going?" We began walking towards his 18 wheeler.
"Two hours North" he nodded and took a sip of his coffee.
"That is where i have to go. I give you ride." His accent made me smile. I nodded and hopped on the passenger side. He had a kind heart but a piece was dark...i could sense it. We spoke and the two hours seemed like 30 minutes. 
"Thanks for the ride Eduardo" i hopped off with one of burritos that his wife had made for him.
"Anytime. You know.." i took a bite out of the burrito.
"You remind me of one of my grandchildren."  I choked on my food.
"Youngest one."
We bid our goodbyes and hoped that we crossed paths someday.
I turned and found myself in the middle of a park full of people. Now that i am miles away i could probably start a new life.
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ask-ivory · 5 years
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Chapter one: Welcome to Shade
Those hunk muffins earned it! I don't care what they thought. If they were so worried about their little dust company, then I would have sided with the Schnees.
"I'm done with dust." I told my stepfather, as we parted ways, "I want to be a huntress; a hero. And nothing is going to stop me!"
Those days were far behind me. Weeks of prepping and training were way in the past. I had passed the entrance exam, my real parents filled out the paperwork, my documents were handed in and I was on an airship bound for Shade Academy, in Vacuo.
My bags were packed the previous night (courtesy of my sand servents). I had barely slept last night, because questions like "what is Shade gonna be like?", "Who will be on my team?", "How many friends will I make?", And many more floated in my head. Now I was actually going there, flying at a hundred miles an hour towards my dream come true.
I wasn't the only one here on this airship. A hundred people, at least my age or older, were here on this airship with me. The Vacuo news was on the screen systems near the windows, (probably to keep the passengers from getting bored, because if so, things tend to get pretty ugly). The news was announcing the latest robberies from the technical laboratories in Vacuo. Normally the news doesn't really interest me, but now that I'm training, I'm beginning to wonder if a huntress fought more then just the Creatures of Grimm. If so, then I would also stop crime.
"Focus on the task at hand," I told myself, "Train and prepare to be a huntress first, fight evil Grimm and other junk like that later."
I gazed out the window, thinking about my brother Basin. He was already at the academy, starting on his third year. He told me about how great Shade Academy is, and sent me pictures of the school.
He also sent me pictures of his team, Team BLCK (Pronounced Black), and told me about each teammate. On his team, he had a pair of fox faunus twins, whose names were Larry and Kerry Steel (get it? Steal? Steel? I just got that). He also had a another guy named Cade Blackstone. All of them were the same age and followed in Basin's leadership (well, most of the time anyway).
He even snuck some pictures of his classes that he had attended in his first and second years (spoiler alert, he got into detention for that, but with a semblance like his, that rarely happened).
Anyway, before the day came to move here, I looked at the pictures over and over again, memorizing the school grounds, my brother's teammates (just in case they decided to kill me with pranks), and teachers' mad faces when they caught Basin taking illegal pictures in class (heh heh).
I thought about pulling my scroll out again to look at the pictures again, but then the news shut off on the screens and a holographic image of a woman appeared. She was tall with long black hair. Her bare arms were adorn with golden bracelets and she wore a sleeveless dress that faded with purple to blue at the waist, all the way down to green at the bottom. In her hair was a golden headset, decorated with peacock feathers. She had a pair of, what looked like fans, strapped to her golden belt. She had golden high heels that were so ridiculously high that she looked like she had ballerina slippers on. Her face was beautiful but in a harsh mother-knows-best-now-don't-cross-my-path-or-i-will-have-to-step-on-you, kind of way. She wore blue eyeshadow, which matched her eyes.
"Welcome back all returning students and greetings to our new first year students." Her voice sounded stern, like she had spent her free time yelling at bad puppies. "I am Professor Hera Peacock, your combat trainer for this year. You are all very privileged to be attending this excellent institution. The world of Remnant is moving at an incredible length of pace, maintaining it's peace and prosperity. As future hunters, your training here will be vital to your future career. I wish you the best of luck"(I don't think she meant this part)" and welcome again to Shade Academy." The hologram turned off after finishing the welcome speech.
I looked out the window to find that the airship was just yards away from the landing docks. I ran to get my bags, but I bumped into someone.
"Ow!" I exclaimed.
"Ohff!" My accident responded. We both fell backwards.
"Sorry." I apologized, getting up, "I'm soo-" then my voice left me speechless. The girl I bumped into stood up.
The girl wore a sleeveless dress that started at gold and faded to orange and ended with blue. The dress itself was short at the knees. Her hair matched her dress, but only matched to the fading orange part. She wore a black belt, with pouches for dust on the side, and a pair of golden swords, that appeared to be folded in half, were attached to the back. She wore dark blue shoes with star patterns on them. Her eyes were a light crystal blue. But her wings were the thing that unnerved me.
On her back was a blinding white pair of wings. She was definitely a faunus, but she was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. In the few months that I lived in Vacuo, I had seen faunus of all types and traits: everything from ram's horns to lizard's tails. I had only heard of faunus with wings from the stories my father told me, the tales of the Great War. One of the things he said was that after the Siege of Vacuo, the winged faunus who fought with Vacuo just left and never returned. I heard people say that the chances of a faunus born with wings were pretty rare.
But here I was. And here she was.
"You can stop starring now." the girl said. "Just please, don't make any jokes."
"Oh no!" I protested "I wasn't planning on making jokes about your wings. It's just, I've never seen anything like this before. Their beautiful."
The girl seemed to brighten up at this comment, "You really think so?"
"Of course! I heard that having wings is a really rare trait. I've never seen it in person before."
"Yeah..." the girl muttered "That's what everyone thinks. Their not exactly right though...."
"Wait. What?"
"Nothing." the girl held out her hand. "I'm Lyra by the way. Lyra Phoebus."
"And I'm Aliar Ivory." We shoke hands.
"Oh!" Lyra exclaimed,"you are a first year student, are you?"
"Of course." I responded. "I'm so excited to start the year. But..." I hesitated "I'm also kinda nervous too. Even though my brother told me what Shade Academy's like, I still don't know what to expect."
"Is your brother a huntsman?"
"No, he's a third year. His name is Basin Obsidian, and he's the leader of team BLCK." I pulled my scroll out of my purse. "I've got pictures of him and his team. And..." I added with a smile, "He managed to sneak some pictures of the classes we'll be attending. Wanna see?"
She was about to respond when the speakers overhead turned on, "Attention students, we are about to land. Please bring all personal belongings with you as you leave the airship. Another reminder to reclaim your baggage and suitcases before you enter the school. For returning students, please meet up with your team leaders and move your things to your assigned dorms. For first years, once you have retrieved your items, please drop them off at the Great Hall. All students will meet in the auditorium for the ordination speech in eighty minutes. Welcome to Shade Academy."
People started flocking towards the exit. I could feel the ship landing slowly under my feet.
"Come on!" Lyra grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the door,"The pictures can wait. We're about to see the real thing!"
She dragged me out the door into the golden sun. The cool atmosphere of the airship turned to scorching desert heat in a heartbeat. Momentarily, I was binded by the shinning rays of the sun. When I adjusted to the light, I couldn't find the words to describe what I saw, or how I felt.
In front of me was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. Shade Academy was a huge palace-like building, maby eighty years old, it was several stories high, surrounded by a tropical court yard. It looked really good which is saying alot because nowadays, it's hard to find beauty in Vacuo. Now I'm not saying that it was perfect, because it wasn't. Some of the sandstone benches were broken, and the marble memorial wall was well worn. Not to mention the entire courtyard had a decent layer of sand covering it, but this was Vacuo, so there wasn't much they could do about that, (but that kind of thing doesn't really bother me very much.) Despite all it's flaws, I loved it. It was even grander then Atlas.
"This place is great!" Lyra exclaimed.
"And packed." I added, "come on. Let's get our things."
One thing I learned the hard way about Vacuo: all sence of order and organization is tossed out the window.
There was no line or anything. Just a crowd of people trying to get to there things before any of it got stolen. We squeezed through the crowd and barely managed to get our stuff (not-so-cool fact: it took us at least twenty minutes, which is generous because it probably took longer.) The airship wasn't too tightly packed, but other airships were coming in, some had even more people than our airship. All of the luggage was delivered in a big package mess of chaos, so we had to shuffle through hundreds if not thousands of bags and hope we didn't grab the wrong luggage. It was so crowded that at one point, Lyra said that she needed air. So she climbed on a random guy's back while he was leaning over to grab a suitcase, and leaped into the air,(yes, dear readers, we somehow managed to stay together the whole time, though, I'm still not entirely sure how.)
Much later, we finally stumbled out of the crowd. I was sweating so hard, I wondered how I didn't faint. We collapsed on one of the stone benches. Small groups of students (probably teammates, probably friends) were walking around the courtyard talking about their vacation time, or maybe some of them were new students becoming friends. Most of the students were trying desperately not to trip and fall as they hauled their things indoors. A few managed, but others had no such luck. One poor guy accidentally opened his suitcase while he was pulling it out of a sand dune, and all of his things fell out. Another guy, maybe a friend or family member, dropped his things too help his buddy out. It made me glad to see that, even though it was a rough start for everyone, the school and the students still kept the same respect that Vacuo had for it's people.
Well... almost everyone.
"Hey! Your in my seat!"
Startled, I turned to see a tall blonde girl barely managing to stand straight and tall in her fancy clothes. And when I say fancy, I mean something a casual Atlisian citizen would wear: a sleeveless pink dress with a faint flower print towards the bottom. She wore a pair of hot pink high heels that were so ridiculously high, that I thought she was going for the floating princess look. Her face was covered in a super heavy layer of makeup. Her blonde hair was streaked with pink all over the place, and she was oviously wearing hair extensions, because there was no way that her hair was long enough to touch her butt.
"I'm sorry," I said as I looked at her sideways, "you must have the wrong bench."
"And the wrong school." Lyra added.
The blonde gave Lyra a distasteful look. "No one asked for your opinion, weirdo. By the way, are those pillows on your back? Or are you supposed to be some kind of 'rare' species or something?"
Lyra's face burned with hate "They're wings. And before you ask, yes, they are real."
"Well," the blonde sneered "I don't know what kind of trash is going through the headmistress' mind, recruiting freaks like you into one of the most famous combat schools in the world. You're definitely not worthy of even being here."
I was so mad that I got to my feet in an instant. "Well at least this is the most friendly kingdom in Remnant. In Atlas, they don't give a dime about anyone unless your rich. They definitely don't like faunus. And because of that, I think that Atlas is a crappy kingdom. I bet that you come from a rich, spoiled, ignorant, family who only cares about themselves. I wonder what would've made them hate you so much for them to send you to place that's to low for your standards."
She was so mad, that I thought she was going to blow a fuse. "What?! How dare you just assume..."
"I'm not assuming!" I snarled. "I was raised in Atlas. And I know first hand how awful the people are."
"You traitor!" She shrieked. "How dare you betray your home kingdom like..."
"Like what?" A taller girl walked up. She had deep red eyes, which shone behind a pair of circular spectacles. Her long brown hair was tied back in twin braids, and her bangs with red streaks were parted. She mainly wore dark red and brown colors, with gold as an accent. The only thing I could say was different about her, besides her clothes and her neat appearance, was her accent. I wouldn't say she sounded atlesian. Maybe she was half and half? I don't know. I couldn't tell how she felt because she looked pretty emotionless, but my guts told me she was far from pleased. I could tell because her position was rather tense and her tone was rather stiff.
"This little brat is talking trash about her home kingdom! She needs to be put in her place!" The blonde shook her head, flouncing her overdyed hair. The other girl rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip. She used her other hand to push her spectacles in place.
"Sounds more like you need to be put in your place. If you wanted people who looked, walked and talked like you as friends, then you should have gone to Atlas. You made a poor choice in Academy chosing. Your physic doesn't even look huntress worthy. It's a surprise you even passed the Shade academy entrance exam." The girl bluntly stated, causing the blonde to glare daggers right through her newfound enemy.
"I-it's not my fault I was sent to this garbage kingdom! I was forced to! By my parents!" The blonde protested.
"Huh, how fun. It's a shame really. If this is an Atlesian tradition, then it must suck like crazy. What forced your parents to send you here, when you could have been at home, spoiled rotten to the core?" The girl grinned wryly. Boy, there was no end to the shame this girl could endow upon that blonde.
"And besides," I added, "Technically, I was born in Vacuo. So that gives you no valid excuse to call me racist."
"And I've visited Atlas in the past." Lyra said in a sour tone. "Do you want to know what I think of Atlas? It's an illusion. An illusion to all the people outside and in. People look at Atlas and think it's the best and most advanced kingdom of the present. But like any illusion, it can shatter in an instant. If you think Atlas is a great kingdom, then you can believe that if you want to. Nothing lasts forever."
"I've been born and raised in Atlas, and I will say that my lifestyle sucked, which is why I left to live in Vale. My only friend was a faunus, who was beaten and discriminated because of her faunus traits and family status. I agree with the standard that Atlas is nothing more then a mere fantasy. You can enjoy your beliefs, but watch where it will lead you, because it may lead you straight to your doom." The dark girl joined in. She wasn't even fazed by the Barbie girl's reaction. She just glared laser eyes through her plastic frame.
The blonde girl was looking at all of us with a murderous glare, "Well, I can't stand for any of this trash. I'm heading inside to find more sensible people to talk to. I think you all are a bunch of a..."
Her cuss word ( I'll let you guess which one,) was cut off by a squeal of joy that was so loud, that I almost had to cover my ears. It came from all the way across the courtyard, where the students were being dropped off from the airships. I couldn't see who exactly screamed, but she was definitely loud enough to silence the whole courtyard.
"Wow." I said in a small voice, "Someone's definitely excited."
"I bet even the people inside heard that, too." Lyra added. The dark girl nodded in agreement.
After a moment of silence, the blonde said, "Let this be a warning to you. If I see you ever again, then I will beat the stuffing out of you."
She gathered her four hot pink colored bags, and started struggling to get her things to the academy.
"What a jerk," the dark girl said, "I hope I'm never on a team with that girl."
"Um..." I looked more closely at the stranger and instantly realized something: the only luggage she had was a leather backpack. "Hey. Where are your bags?" I asked.
"I dropped them off at the Grand Hall." She said casually, "I kept my backpack on me just in case."
"Huh." Lyra nodded, "ok, who are you?"
"I'm Dracella. Dracella von Burgundy."
"Hi, there." I said "I'm Aliar Ivory." I helt out my hand. Dracella took my hand, and we shook.
"And I'm Lyra Phoebus. " Lyra shook hands with the new girl.
"Are you an Ivory?" asked Dracella.
"I am." I responded, "but I'm not into business, I'm a fighter."
"Interesting." Dracella said. "My uncle told me about the Ivory family. My parents don't like you guys."
"Um... Does this make us enemies?"
"No. In order for us to be enemies, we have to hate each other. I don't hate you."
Lyra let out her breath like she was relieved, "Thank goodness. Cause I thought you were gonna..."
"Take a selfie!!!" A squeaky voice behind me exclaimed.
I almost jumped out of my shoes. Behind us was the girl with the exact same voice that echoed throughout the courtyard. Except, she wasn't a girl, she was a faunus. She was wearing a vertically stripped skirt patterned with black and white. She wore a magenta colored shirt with short puffy sleeves, and a darker purple button-up vest on top of that. She had a pair of dark purple high heeled boots on. Also, she was wearing a tie across her neck. I usually thought that ties were worn by business workers, but she wore it like a practical joke. Her crazy, purple colored hair and matching colored cat ears only made her look more unprofessional, but in a good way. Maybe it was her black gloves that gave off the message that she wasn't here to mess around. With a folding fan on her belt, a scoll in her hand, and a look of pure craziness on her face, she looked like she was ready to fight an army of Grimm, then take a bunch of selfies of herself right next to the decaying corpses. Then, she'd probably take selfies with her scroll on every inch of the campus.
All in all, she looked like someone from the lower classes of Atlas, or maybe someone from Minstral.
"How did you get here?" Asked Lyra.
"I took the scenic route." She sounded like a girl who was living the life of a party. "Oh! And my name is Catness Magenta."
We all exchanged names. Then Dracella said that she had to go text her cousin before the welcoming ceremony, and she ran into the school.
"So," Catness asked, "Why aren't you two inside the building?"
I face palmed myself. "Right!" Then I turned to Lyra, "We should get our bags to the Grand Hall."
"Well if you wanna talk later, then I'm always available." Catness offered. Then she smiled, flashing two rows of shiny white teeth, and disappeared.
For a minute we didn't say anything. Lyra piped up first. "Huh. That was a thing."
"We should probably go drop our stuff off." I suggested. I picked up my black duffle bag and slung it over my shoulder. Then I grabbed my two white suit cases by the handles and got to my feet. Lyra grabbed a golden suitcase and a blue duffle bag.
"Yeah," she agreed, "We don't want to be late."
I amplified my Aura and the sand beneath my feet solidified, creating a solid ground for me to walk on.
"Lyra," I told her, "I may have just met you and I think you're a good person. I hope maybe we can be on a team together. Or at least be friends."
Lyra smiled. "Well we can be friends. And I think I could definitely live with you on the same team as me. But..." Her smile faded, "I don't know how they pick the teams. Let's just hope the system's friendly enough to at least let us make a choice."
"One can only hope." I muttered. "Wanna meet me at the auditorium after we drop our stuff off?"
"Sounds fun to me." Then she took off, flying over the scorching sand, with her suitcase dangling in the air.
"Oh yeah." I smiled as I walked towards the Grand Hall. "This may be a tough first year, but it's gonna be fun."
@saiyoyuutsume, @cinnamon-pineforest, @taiyang-too-long, @doctoroobleck, @fallentitan98, @ask-stjerne-a-fallende, @ask-dracella-von-burgundy, @ask-professor-goodwitch
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clockworkfromspace · 4 years
The Book v2 chapter 5
-Jea seems to be completely drawn into her comic-
Jenifer: She'll be like that until she's done with it.
Jenifer: We might as well leave her be.
-she walks out of the room-
Chris turns into a pup and runs off
*follows jenifer*
-Mr. Kon pulls into the driveway-
Chris waits at the door
-he opens the door-
Chris just stays
-not noticing Chris, he steps over him-
He whimpers
*whispers to Jenifer* oh shit that’s your dad. i’ll be in the attic *teleports to attic*
Mr. Kon: oh sorry gir-- Boy, forgot Jea brought you home.
Chris jumps on him
-Jenifer walks in-
"Hey dad."
Mr. Kon: Hey Jenny. Where's your sister?
Jenifer: She's in her room reading.
Mr. Kon: Okay.
Chris follows mr. Kon
-he goes to his room-
Chris doesn't go in
Mr. Kon: I'm pretty worn out so I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up in 30 minutes.
Jenifer: Okay.
-he closes his door down goes to sleep-
-Jenifer sits on the couch and turns o the tv-
-30 min later, Jea comes out of her room-
-She crawls out of her room groaning-
Jenifer: What's wrong?
Jea: That book was so boring. I need something to interest me.
Jea: When was the last time you spoke with Leah?
Jea: As your TWIN sister, your love life is 65% my business.
Jenifer: Your logic is invalid
Jenifer: Also, keep your voice down before someone hears you -she points to the roof and to Chris-
Chris was sleeping at the door
Jea: Sorry.
-she scoots back into her room-
Jenifer: Oh yeah, dad. HEY DAD, WAKE UP!
-Mr. Kon literally rolls out of bed and falls onto the floor-
Mr. Kon: Ow. Thanks Jenny!
-he takes a while to change into a casual outfit then steps outside-
He steps on chris who was sleeping
Mr. Kon: Sorry about that boy!
-he picks him up-
He yawns
-he pets the spot he stepped on-
Mr. Kon: Jenny, I'm gonna be back pretty late. I'll leave you girls some money to order some food.
He licks mr. Kon's face
-Mr. Kon holds Chris away from his face-
He whines
Mr. Kon: No licking the face.
Mr. Kon: You're adorable but no.
-he puts him down-
Jenifer: Where are you headed?
He stands on his hind legs
Mr. Kon: Oh I'm just going out to hang with a.. Friend.
Jea [in her room]: My shipping senses are tingling.
-she peeks her head out her room door- "Who's the girl?"
Chris didn't want him to go
-Mr. Kon heads out the door-
Jea: Aw, he didn't answer my question.
Jea: Where'd that Jeff guy go?
-Jenifer takes a broom then beats on the roof-
*jeff hears the beating and teleports down to jea's room* Wuzzup? i was up there forever
Jea: AH! OUT!!!
fine. jeez. *walks out into the hallway*
Chris whimpers
Jenifer: I swear you pop in there while she's changing, I'm gonna kill you.
Jenifer: What's wrong Chris?
"I didn't want him to leave..."
Jenifer: Now you're free to speak or return to your human form. And Jeff doesn't have to camp out in the roof.
*sarcastically says* damn. i liked it up there. all the heat and mold.
Chris laughs
Jenifer: By the way, how well could you hear us from up there?
all i heard was that knocking
-she sighs with relief-
and i heard someone yell
Jenifer: Oh yeah, that was me waking up my dad.
-there's a knock at the door-
should i hide?
-there's a voice from outside-
"that won't be necessary."
*shocked* what the fuck?
-Jenifer grabs a bat then creeps up to the door and opens it-
Man in lab coat and bow tie: Here's Johnny!
Jolly Johnny: God I love that movie.
damn that’s creepy as fuck.
Chris attacks him "GO AWAY"
-Jea puts on a tin foil hat-
Jolly Johnny: You know that doesn't work right?
"who are you?"
Jolly Johnny: Name's Jolly Johnny nice to meet ya, Jeff!
Chris jumps at him and scratches him
how the hell do you know who i am?
Jea: He's the psychotic psychic from my book!
ah got it
nice to meet ya psychotic psychic jolly johnny.
-Chris scratched an illusion-
Jolly Johnny: Calm down your "dog" or I'll have him kill himself.
ok don’t do that. i actually kinda like him
yo chris calm down
He growls and leaves to another room
Jolly Johnny: Wanna see a cool trick?
depends on what the trick is.
-Jolly Johnny mind controls Jeff to teleport a soda into his hands-
Jolly Johnny: Thanks.
*jeff not realizing he did this* whoah. you can teleport things to you?
Jolly Johnny: Yeah, let's go with that.
that’s awesome
Jea: How are you real!?
Jolly Johnny: That comic book you have was given to you by someone with A LOT of power. It's sort of a window into my life.
Jea: So the other characters are..
Jolly J: Yeap.
Jea: How come no one else can..
Jolly J: The person who gave it to you favors you.
so what are you doing here?
Jolly Johnny: I came here to meet y'all. You're crazy enough to drop people from roofs, Chris has the potential to kick ass but acts like a pussy, and Jea caught the eye of SIB.
Jea: SIB?
Jolly Johnny: The guy who gave you that book.
Chris barks at him
Jenifer: Wow, so I'm the only normal one here? -she shrugs-
yeah. that was hilarious and that idiotic normie deserved it.
Jolly Johnny: You people interest me but... I feel myself growing bored of you.
damn. harsh...
-Jea has a worried look-
ima go get food. *teleports away and then teleports back with ice cream in hand*
Jolly Johnny: Don't worry Jea. If I toyed with you, I'd likely get killed off.
*mouth full of ice cream* damn jea. what can you do?
Jolly Johnny: Oh no, not her. I'd be killed off by SIB. He's one of the only people who can actually kill me.
Jolly Johnny: He's over powered even for my taste.
well this dude sounds awesome *plops down on the couch*
so when do we get to meet SIB?
*stuffs mouth with ice cream*
Jolly Johnny: I literally know everything except that.
i doubt you know everything
Jolly Johnny: Their is a universe with beings who's power is to know everything except the future and I read their minds.
oh damn. fine. what’s my birthday?
Jolly Johnny: June 4th 2058.
holy shit
that’s creepy
Jolly Johnny: Even if I didn't read their minds, I'd know that from your mind.
well how’d you know i dropped someone off a roof. did you get that from reading my mind?
Jolly Johnny: I got that from Blake Taio. The art teacher.
oh that teacher who came up to the roof.
Jolly Johnny: Yep. He's on my list of minds I'm constantly reading.
whys he so special?
Jolly Johnny: I can't see ghosts, he can. I read his mind, I see ghosts.
Jolly Johnny: He's one of the original seven Divine Guardians.
Jolly Johnny: Oh you don't know what that is. Poor poor uneducated boy.
that’s awesome... and one of the what?
Jolly Johnny: The first seven Divine Guardians are the first Ultra Beings in each universe.
oh ok
Jolly Johnny: a Divine Guardian doesn't just have abilities though. When they die, they reincarnate.
are you one of those?
Jolly Johnny: Yes but I am not one of the original seven.
Jolly Johnny: I am the Guardian of minds.
Jolly Johnny: Your universe doesn't have a Guardian of Minds.
Jenifer: How do these "Divine Guardians" get their abilities?
Jolly Johnny: I'd tell ya but SIB wants that classified.
*sarcastically* can i be one? *chuckles*
Jolly Johnny: Possibly but at the moment, you're not strong enough. I became a guardian because I'm the strongest telepathy from my universe. And even then, it's a bit more complicated than that.
Jolly Johnny: There are 13 Divine Guardians in this universe and 14 from mine.
wow. i was joking, but i didn’t think you would say it’s possible
Jolly Johnny: The originals were born as Divine Guardians. All divine guardians that came after were born Ultra Beings and later became Divine Guardians.
-he yawns- "I've never been this bored before. I've been playing story teller for much too long."
Jolly Johnny: Jea, take a nap.
-she falls asleep-
Jolly Johnny: Time to have some fun. -he gains a creepy smile-
-Jolly Johnny turns and looks at Chris-
Jolly Johnny: Lets see what you've got mutt. -he tales out a knife and brainwashes him into returning to his human form-
aww cmon don’t hurt chris. he’s one of the few people i like.
Jolly Johnny: I don't plan to kill him. Just roughen him up a bit. That is, unless he decides to "man" up and fights back.
*thinks a bit about that soda thing* wait... how did you teleport something if you’re just a psychic?
Jolly j: The same way I just turned your dog into a human. By manipulating his powers
Jolly j: in other words, you gave it to me unintentionally
wait... i did that?
-something red appears in Jeff's hands-
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