#maeve x caleb
calebnichols · 8 months
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“It was interesting because right when we started our interactions in Season 4, [it was clear] there was so much history there, which was so fun to play with. Us, as actors, we really weren’t sure what that history was—we knew it was seven years [since the Season 3 finale], but we weren’t really sure how things ended with her and I. We knew that we were separated, but how did that happen? It was just so, so beautiful to be able to go toe-to-toe with her and slowly reveal what our history actually was. And it’s a pretty intense one."
- Aaron Paul, PasteMagazine [ x ]
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greenhikingboots · 9 months
Ship Game. Answer with a GIF. No repeats. 1. First Ship I thought long and hard about it, and I think my first ship must have been Mulan and Li from Disney’s Mulan. The movie came out when I was just old enough to start thinking critically about movies, noticing what I liked and didn’t like. And I realized I really, really liked Mulan and Li as individual characters, but I didn’t like that we didn’t get to see them fall in love — just the spark of something starting at the end of the movie. I think it was the first time I daydreamed about different scenarios that could have played out between them, which is basically the foundation of fanfiction, right? So…. count it!
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2. First OTP This has to be Draco and Hermione (Dramione) from Harry Potter. This is the ship that got me into reading fanfiction and actually engaging in fandom spaces. Unfinished fics still haunt my Google Docs, and I hope one day I’m going to come back to this ship and finish them. Basically, I love thinking about Draco’s possible redemption arc and I love that a relationship with Hermione helps explore and enhance it. Oh, and the angst!
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3. Current Favorite Sydney and Carmen from The Bear. It took until the end of the most recent season for the appeal to sink in, and I’d like to see more positive moments between them before romantic feelings solidify. But I think they’ve got a great foundation. Plenty of conflict, sure, but relationship experts say the frequency of conflicts and the subject matter of conflicts aren’t what indicate success in relationships. It’s all about how conflicts are repaired. And I LOVE the way they do repairs together. So vulnerable. So willing to accept responsibility and try to change. Looking forward to their development in future seasons.
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4. Shipped From the First Minute Josh and Donna from The West Wing. I watched this show way after it ended and found myself just wanting more and more of them. Like, they could have been the main characters instead of having an ensemble cast and I would have been perfectly content. Playful banter right off the bat. She keeps him in line. He’d be lost without her. They’re both smitten but dammit they work at the White House and that means they have to keep things professional. The pining! Do yourself a favor and go watch YouTube videos of just them. You won’t regret it.
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5. Wish They’d Been Endgame I’m putting Jon and Sansa (Jonsa) here so that I have a sensible spot left for other ships. I do believe they’ll be endgame in the books, if we ever get them, so this answer is for Game of Thrones specifically. We’ve all read, reblogged, and probably written a few of our own posts about how many different ways the show went sideways. I have nothing new to say here and to recap previous thoughts would take way too many paragraphs. Jon, Sansa, and the Stark legacy all deserved so much better. That’s the short of it.
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6. Wish They’d Been Canon As some other answers hint at, I typically empathize with writers’ choices even if they don’t fit my personal preference. So it was hard to think of a couple that wasn’t canon but I truly thought should have been from a cohesive narrative perspective. Maybe Caleb and Maeve from Westworld? This show went more and more off the rails with each season, so a lot more than ship dynamics would have to change to redeem it in my opinion. And I definitely wouldn’t want Caleb to have been unfaithful to his wife. But they showed us such a stronger bond between him and his daughter and between him and Maeve compared to him and his wife that, like…. maybe his wife shouldn’t have even been a character? Write her out completely, as early as possible? And then that strong partnership between Caleb and Maeve could have been something even more? Yep, that would have been better.
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7. You Like But Most of Fandom Hates Do people *hate* Jacob and Bella (Jella) from Twilight? I don’t know, but I like it 100 times more than Bella and Edward, and I think that’s probably pretty uncommon. Actually, in my college public speaking class, we had an assignment where we had to have a partner and write persuasive speeches from opposing views. And I was like, “Who wants to be my partner and have fun with this by debating Twilight ships?” I compared Jella against serious research about successful relationships and ACED IT. My instructor liked my speech so much she asked me to give it a second time to another class she taught while she recorded it. I would pay money to be able to track down a copy of that. A+ work.
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8. Don’t Even Watch But Ship Them Anyway Eddie and Chrissy (HellCheer) from Stranger Things. Opposites attract? Grumpy sunshine appearing but maybe not really? Outcast boy and popular girl? A ship name that isn’t about their names? DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE? What’s not to love, you know? Plus, this ship’s fans make amazing art! And if I remember correctly, it loosely inspired a Jonsa AU fic I really enjoyed, lounge act.
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9. Wish They’d Had a Different Storyline Stefan and Caroline (Steroline) from the Vampire Diaries. I’ve only dabbled in this fandom, but it seems like Klaus and Caroline (Klaroline) is a much more popular ship. They had great chemistry, so I get the appeal. But the surface-level unrequited crush to reluctant mentor/mentee to genuine friends to platonic soulmates to lovers slow burn of Steroline is just chef's kiss. But then — spoiler alert — right after they get married, Stefan sacrifices himself so his brother and ex-girlfriend can be together? From a writer’s perspective, I get that ending. Full circle, brotherly love, blah blah blah. But I liked Stefan and Caroline so much more than Damon and Elena and would have rather seen the former couple get the happy ending.
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10. Favorite that was Endgame Coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami Taylor from Friday Night Lights. Do they count? They were together the entire series and had few serious marital conflicts. So there was never any threat of being something other than endgame. But I’m picking them anyway. I love their classic bickering like an old married couple and the way they still lust for each other after so many years. And I love, love, love that the series finale ended with them making a move that was more for her career than his. Relationship goals.
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I love Maeve and Caleb's dynamic and you couldn't stop this ship from sailing in my mind since they were introduced. I also appreciate the absolute selfishness of Maeve's character; choosing to allow Caleb a chance to live and have something to live for but in the end couldn't help but search him out. It's about love, no matter how you define that love and that is the most beautiful aspect of the host and human relationship that binds us.
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zoi-no-miko · 2 years
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I have a lot of meta FEELINGS about Westworld S4, Dolores and the Machine, okay??
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cagedchoices · 5 months
is it too late to give my url/beyondthescully
@killjoysanonymous / @beyondthescully
oh it is never too late to come get loved on! but also everyone hold onto ur butts 'cause I have so. many. nice things to say about the amazing human being that is KG!!
We are, as you put it so perfectly yourself, in cahoots. If I remember it right, we first became acquainted a little over 3 and a half years ago, not very long after I started writing Caleb in the first place - in fact I think it was when I still had him contained on a sideblog to an old multimuse and you had Dolores on a solo blog. We tried writing a few threads and ask memes back and forth which went pretty well considering I was still very much figuring out who Caleb was at that point, but looking back I can see how inexperienced I was and how I didn't really know what direction to take anything in, which I think is what contributed the most to us drifting apart after a while, but you know, sometimes that happens.
When we both sort of made a comeback after the announcement that another season of Westworld was indeed happening and we found each other again we started back up with some classic Dolores and Caleb bonding for old time's sake, and then after the first few episodes of season 4 premiered we got to talking and you told me you were really tempted to add Maeve to your multi and naturally I went "do it" and the rest is history. Maeve and Caleb quickly became one of my favorite OTPs and they remain because their dynamic is so damn fun to write.
We've been blowing up each other's notifications on tumblr and discord and occasionally wire on a pretty consistent basis for over a year and a half now with anything and everything from angst to action to romance to the difficult, hard-hitting questions and humanistic wonders and fluff and anything in between. Chatting with each other to the effect of "so I noticed A Thing the last time I saw this" and plotting cute scene ideas and being all 'will you... [gets down on one knee] ship with me? 🥺🥺" and yelling enthusiasm about our threads and headcanons or just dropping by occasionally to say hi and check up on each other as life continues to life on us, sometimes quite harshly.
I was a bit surprised when I saw you mention you had only just finished watching X-Files season 1 and were adding Scully as a muse, but I knew this character would be in good, capable hands the moment you decided to pick her up. It's so easy to see in every single post you make just how much she means to you, how much you love her as a muse and how driven you are to doing her canon justice with your portrayal. It's been really exciting and a full beans honor to kick off another lil fledgling relationship between Scully and Caleb and I can't wait to see where they wind up going with it.
I could literally continue to go on for HOURS but I really just need everyone to know how superb KG is.
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ellestra · 2 years
No Future For Old Humans
This turned out pretty close to what I deduced last week. The woman who will save the world is grown-up Frankie and the weapon buried in the sand is Maeve. And Maeve did blow up that part of the desert and got buried there but not the 1920 version - only the expansion site. But it was probably silly to hope Caleb would be still alive. But on the plus side - Halores seem to have figured out fidelity for humans.
Still I wonder why Hale never excavated Maeve - both for her powers and just to be sure. On the other hand all who knew where Maeve was buried were dead - except Halores herself but she wouldn't tell. Just make new William and move on. How was she to know someone could go into Sublime and check?
But that makes me wonder how the Sublime simulation could know that. Simulation needs data - preferably real time to be most accurate - and that implies they can still receive information from the RL in there. I suppose someone has to monitor the conditions to make sure servers are safe.
So Bernard spent 30 000 years in the Sublime. He went in when during the whole Rehoboam destruction revolution. That was 7 years before Caleb and Maeve Park trip. The 23 years later future is on top of that so 30 years in RL x millenium.
I knew it take decades to iron out all the kinks in the plan and see all the possibilities. he bug was part of his path we saw in glimpses during last episode. This was him making sure he is still on the right track with the timeline that saves humanity - it means he is still on the right path. It was also to make sure this is where Maeve’s body is.
The wording was ambiguous but I don’t think all adults (and only the adults) who were resistant to Halores' control. From what Hale said it seems like it was just hard to fully and seamlessly convert them. We saw the bugs - like with the senator’s wife and even the cartel member being all off and Maya’s parents seem to have just gone stiff. There was probably a lot of broken adults. Maybe some ended up like that homeless guy - rejected for seeing the truth. Children on the other hand grew up with the harness on their brains and just nightmares sometimes hinting what was done to them. And sometimes, a few figure it out like Peter did but the built in narratives kill them. It’s 23 years later, the now adult infected are what’s left of humanity and let Hale run the world. No wonder everyone looks so young in Christina’s world.
But the outliers are still putting the spoke in the plans to control humanity. I think they are the same ones Rehoboam couldn’t predict. The ones who are able to resist Hale’s orders just like Caleb did. After all Frankie was a child when Hale infected the world (and so was her girlfriend) but she’s still free. I bet she inherited this resistance (resistance made of those resistant).
Halores tells Caleb she runs everything but she clearly knows there is resistance (sent those hosts to infiltrate) so her control isn't as absolute as she makes it. And I think that when she answers him about his family still being free and alive but not for long it was the truth about the present - they are still free (we know Frankie certainly is) and she thinks she’s about to capture/kill them (she doesn’t know about Bernard yet).
This is probably also why Hale went through all that trouble to try to figure out how to resurrect humans in host form. All Delos tries failed and she had to run 278 versions of Caleb before getting one to pass fidelity test. That’s a lot of effort just because some dead host (Dolores and Maeve) considered him interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised if she just wants to understand how outliers work. And maybe get to Frankie and resistance through him.
Hale is triumphant but she doesn’t realise things are slipping from her. Bernard came with the knowledge from the Sublime where you can simulate people - and hosts - with even greater precision due to all of the Delos data and he is working with the Resistance. Maeve is back with her powers and a grudge. And Christina is waking up - with a little help from some friends.
But I’m still wonder about that last one. Teddy is for sure himself not a lookalike as he makes way too much allusions to his and Dolores past in WestWorld park. And he's clearly checking how much Christina remembers. It almost made me wonder if that storyline is even further in the future when Sublime gets open again and he comes back from there to try to restore Dolores. Her own fidelity test.
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1. “I’ve got you”: Nate x Alizée
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones: Maïa x Felix x Rime (+ Anisa and Sage)
3. “Wait you love me?” - “I always have”: Eleanor x Haley
4. Cinderella Moment: Isa and Priscilla
5. x + 1 : Darla x Reyner
6. Corn Maze: Abby x Karen (+Alizée, Nate and the whole gang)
7. Porch Swing: Mai x Lea
8. Alt 3: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes: Diana x Maeve
9. Annoyances at first sight: Aurren x Caleb
10. Love of my Life: Aislin x Ella
11. Sweet Tooth: Cameron x Sam
12. Fire & Ice: Amy x Rosalyn
13. Wrong place, wrong time: Evan x Xiao
14. “I hate it” - “No, you don’t”: Dean x Zeph
15. Alt 4: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights: Aislin x Ella
16. Singing one another to sleep: Kora x Martha
17. Encouraging someone to achieve a goal: Nate x Alizée
18. “Did you plan for this to happen?”: Eira x Asra
19. Keeping someone safe: Nora x Lorcan
20. Pumpkin: Isa x Amber
21. Swoon: Lilly x Elliott
22. Picking: Hazel x Celestia
23. Trinket: River x Seb
24. [melting emoji] (🫠): Leo x Alex
25. Nook: Nora x Lorcan
26. Fireplace: Florian x Casey
27. Outdoor Event: Darla x Reyner
28. Soothing Touch: Logan x Felicia
29. “Hey, wake up!”: Aurren x Caleb
30. Alt 1: Hot Chocolate: Abby & Ally
31. Dreams Do Come True: Aislin x Ella
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thedearidiot · 2 years
The new westworld season is soooo good! Perfect writing. I love what they are doing with the flies and how it seems so dichotomous to have them there, in the ultra sanitized and sterile robotic world. Total abjection babe. I am so close to make a maeve/caleb x gilgamesh/enkidu parallel!!!
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saraphiels · 4 years
Seeing Maeve and Dolores Fight even though I knew they were gonna fight..
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stacycooper · 4 years
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Westworld: Season 4, Episode 4 "Generation Loss" Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
Scorecard: 10/10
Feedback : [email protected] (audio MP4 or written)
Twitter: BlackGirl_Couch
Tumblr: slowlandrogynousmiracle
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catherinexlinton · 4 years
why is noone talking about the fact that dolores was protecting caleb with her own body and LITERALLY took a bullet for him ?  
bc i wanna talk about it.
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scumlow · 4 years
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I can’t let him go. I never understood why people said that. If you love someone, why would you ever let them go?
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flotillakrys · 4 years
TV Ship Questions
I wasn't tagged but still wanted to do it.
Rules: Answer with gifs then tag!
1. Favorite ship?
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2. First ship?
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3. First ship you were crazy for?
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4. Newest ship?
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5. Ship you like but no one else does?
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6. Ship you wish was endgame?
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7. Ship you wish had screen time?
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8. Ship you want to have more screen time?
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9. Ship you wish had been canon?
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10. Ship you want to be canon?
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80s4life · 3 years
Character/Movie List
Below is movies and TV shows I like personally and are lsited as a reference. If you don't see something you're interested in, it is not that I don't like it, it is because I most likely forgot it because I love so many movies/shows tbh. Just ask, and I'll answer! And, from the Rules and Regulations page, what I had meant by "mostly" is that I can dabble outside of the acting world and into actors/actresses themselves and/or singers, popstars, etc.
{Another side-note, I am not so much into shows, but mostly movies! Although, there are some exceptions that I love beyond belief!}
Back to the Future Series:
Biff Tannen
Griff Tannen (Maybe, he wasn't the best of the Tannen's imo)
Buford Tannen
Marty McFly
George McFly
Doc Brown
Lorraine Baines
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Jack Dawson
Caledon Hockley
Brock Lovett
Rabrizio De Rossi
Thomas "Tommy" Ryan
Karate Kid Series {1/2/3}:
John Kreese
Mr. Miyagi
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel LaRusso
Bobby Brown (not so much; don't know him too well)
Ali Mills
Lucille LaRusso
Terry Silver (duh lmao)
Mike Barnes (also duh)
Jessica Andrews
Stand By Me:
Vern Tessio
Billy Tessio
Gordie LaChance
Chris Chambers
Eyeball Chambers
Ace Merrill
Teddy Duchamp
Jake Fratelli (he was kinda hot ngl)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off:
Ferris Bueller
Jeanie Bueller
Cameron Frye
Sloane Peterson
License to Drive:
Les Anderson
Mercedes Lane
Toy Soldiers:
Billy Tepper
Joey Trotta
Snuffy Bradberry
Ricardo Montoya
Hank Giles
Scream Movie Series {1/2}:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
Randy Meeks
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Gale Weathers
Cotton Weary
Derek Feldman
Escape Plan:
Emil Rottmayer/ "Victor Maheim"
Ray Breslin/ "Anthony Portos"
The Expendables:
Barney Ross
Lee Christmas
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
Bao Thao/ "Yin Yang"
Hale Caesar
Divergent Movie Series {1/2/3}:
Beatrice "Tris" Prior
Caleb Prior
Tobias "Four" Eaton
Christina "Chris"
Eric Coulter
Marcus Eaton
Terminator Series:
T-100/"Uncle Bob"/Terminator
T-1000 "Austin"
John Connor
Sarah Connor
Dani Ramos
Dazed and Confused:
David Wooderson
Fred O'Bannion
Randall "Pink" Floyd
Ron Slater
Don Dawson
Mitch Kramer
Benny O'Donnell
Rocky Series:
Rocky Balboa
Apollo Creed
Captain Ivan Drago
Zombieland {1/2}:
Little Rock
Lethal Weapon Movie Series {1/2/3/4}:
Martin Riggs
Roger Myrtaugh
Rianne Murtaugh
Leo Getz
Henry Hill
Jimmy Conway
Tommy DeVito
Karen Hill
Avengers Heroes-
Iron Man/Tony Stark
Ant-Man/Scott Lang
Hulk/Bruce Banner
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Hawkeye/ Clint Barton
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Black Panther/T'Challa
Vision/Victor Shade
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Avengers Anti-Heroes/Antagonists:
Yondu Udonta
Loki Laufeyson
Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
Wolverine/Logan Howlett
Sabretooth/Victor Creed
Bolt/Chris Bradley
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Cyclops/Scott Summers
(Younger!)Professor X
Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Cable/Nathan Summers
Colossus/Piotr "Peter" Nikolayevich Rasputin
Negasonic Teenage Warhead/Ellie Phimister
DC Universe:
Superman/Clark Kent (Henry Cavill)
Batman/Bruce Wayne (Affleck, Bale versions)
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Joker (Leto, Ledger, Phoenix versions)
Captain Boomerang
Rick Flagg
Bane (Tom Hardy)
TV Shows
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Joyce Byers
Johnathan Byers
Maxine "Max" Hargrove
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
Jim Hopper
Steve Harrington
Sex Education:
Erric Effiong
Aimee Gibbs
Adam Groff
Ola Nyman
Otis Milburn
Maeve Wiley
Hannibal (Show):
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Dr. Alana Bloom
Jack Crawford
Abigail Hobbs
Orange Is the New Black (OITNB):
Piper Chapman
Nicky Nichols
Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren
Galina "Red" Reznikov
Tasha "Taystee" Jefferson
Dayanara "Daya" Diaz
Gloria Mendoza
Lorna Morello
Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett
Alex Vause
Joel Luschek
Big Boo
Maritza Ramos
Poussey Washington
Yoga Jones
Gina Murphy
Brook Soso
Sophia Burst
George "Pornstache" Mendez
Larry Bloom
Polly Harper
Stella Carlin
The Boys:
Billy Butcher
Starlight/Annie January
Hughie Campbell
Kimiko Miyashiro
Queen Maeve/Maggie Shaw
Mother's Milk "M.M."
The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
Becca Butcher
The Walking Dead (TWD):
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Lori Grimes
Maggie Greene
Beth Greene
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Michonne Hawthorne
Carol Peletier
Shane Walsh
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
Eugene Porter
Sgt. Abraham Ford
Outer Banks (OBX):
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Ward Cameron
John B
Frank Gallagher
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Jimmy "Steve" Lishman
Karen Jackson
Cobra Kai
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Robby Keene
Carmen Diaz
John Kreese (baby version & old version)
Terry Silver (baby version & old version)
Tory Nichols
Samantha "Sam" LaRusso
If there is something or someone you like not on this list, feel free to ask or direct message me! For movies like the DC Universe and Marvel, if there is multiple actors of that character and you want a certain one, please make sure that you add that detail!
Rules & Regulations
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1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes: Amy x Rosalyn
2. “You’ve told your parents?”: Isa x Amber
3. Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other: Abby & Ally
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies: Nora x Lorcan
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”: Eira x Asra
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights: Lilly x Elliot
7. Movie Marathon: Abby x Karen
8. Shooting Stars: Celestia x Hazel
9. Game Day (Sports): Nate x Alizée
10. Love Language: Aurren x Caleb
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft: Diana x Maeve
12. “You kept this?”: Eira x Asra
13. Secret Family Recipe: Leo x Alex
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions: River x Leah
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally: Felicia x Logan
16. Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss: Amy x Rosalyn
17. Animal Shelter: Alizée x Nate
18. Soulmate AU: Aislin x Ella
19. Hot Chocolate: Maïa x Felix x Rime
20. Bedtime Stories: Lilly x Elliot
21. Kiss for Good Luck: Zeph x Dean
22. “Have you heard?”: Abby x Karen
23. Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together: Aurren x Caleb
24. All the Hugs: Felicia x Logan
25. First Dance: River x Leah
26. Blankets: Diana x Maeve
27. Reunion: Foggy x Theo
28. Picnic: Isa x Amber
29. Leaves: Leo x Alex
30. Dear Diary: Nora x Lorcan
Part 1
31. A Sweet Treat: Aislin x Ella
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