#mao smut
magic-mao · 1 month
Male Protagonist
Day 7🍒 Isara Mao
Author's Note: I’m so behind on es nsfw month but better late than never🔥🔥 I will definitely be on time for Mao day to deliver to the MaoPs🤌
Summary: You catch the Student Council President slacking off on his work by reading a manga, but the manga isn't just any manga—it's a hentai manga!
Word Count: 3.2k+🤯
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"Yo President~♪ you in here?"
You asked, entering the student council room without knocking and unannounced. You knew that since it was well after school hours, only the Student Council's workaholic President, Isara Mao, would be the only one inside, so there wouldn't be a need for you to knock. When you stepped inside, you shut the door and caught him sitting at his desk reading a manga whereas a stack of paper was pushed to the corner of his desk.
A grin appeared on your face as Yumenosaki Academy's Student Council President was slacking off.  He was reading his manga with such focus that he didn't realize you were approaching the desk until your shadow passed over him and took the manga from his grasp. "Oooh the President is slacking off~ ♪" You teased.
"Aah! P-Producer?!" As soon as the manga was taken from his hands, his eyes opened. Trying to grab the manga that you had stolen from him, he leaped out of his seat. There was a blush spreading across his startled face, and it became clear that he was desperate to get his manga back. 
"Man, what is the President reading that is causing him to slack off?" You inquired and began flipping the pages. In all honesty, you weren't interested in what manga he was reading, presuming it to be a copy of the most recent edition of his favorite manga series; he had mentioned that the next volume would soon be available in bookstores. You wanted to play around with him because, even though you had previously stolen his manga, you had never seen him act so desperate to get it back—the mangas he read were just boring shounen with an overpowered main character.
"W-Wait! Don't—!" He cried out and leaned more of his body over his desk to grab the manga, but you ignored his repeated warnings and moved away from the desk, continuing to turn the pages. 
By chance, you landed on a page that showed a male and female character having sex. Smaller panels showed the female character sucking the male character's dick, hair getting pulled, and coming all over her face that formed an ahegao expression. It was then that you realized he wasn't reading the latest manga from his favorite series, but rather some hentai manga. Your eyes glazed over as you spotted Mao's everlasting blush, his face turning a deep red that nearly matched the hue of his maroon hair. When you turned back to the panels and turned to a different page at random, you saw that the female character was riding the male character and pushing his face into her considerably large breasts.
Perhaps you should have knocked on the door instead of storming into the student council room to avoid having to go to bed, knowing that Yumenosaki Academy's Student Council President likes reading this kind of material, but what fun would that be? You have discovered that Mao is just like any other teenage boy who keeps a stash of erotic manga under his bed. "Isara-kun, wow. I had no idea you were into this sort of thing. How perverted~" You kept turning the pages, watching as the male character became submissive at the hands of the female character. 
Huh, this reminds you of someone...
Mao genuinely wished that the floor would split open and swallow him. Not only was he tucked away in the student council room after school, reading hentai, but you caught him in the middle of it.
"Geeze Isara-kun, ease up ~♪ This is vanilla compared to the freaky stuff I've read." You turned the manga over to look at the cover and assumed him. The female character was drawn on the cover in a suggestive pose that highlighted her already obvious big tits. ... what? Did you just admit to him that you absorb less tame hentai content than the one he's reading?
He blinked at the realization but said nothing more, not knowing how to respond or what to say next as his heart wouldn't stop pounding in his chest. "Haah~" With a sigh, you set the manga down on the desk and walked over to the frozen Mao. You spun his chair around so that he faced you and his back was to the door. You swung your leg over to straddle his lap and grabbed him by his green tie to pull his face close to yours. Leaning in close to whisper, you leaned into his ear and asked "Do you always read porn in here, knowing you won't get caught, you pervert?" Mao shudders when you lick the shell of his ear, squeezing his eyes shut. 
"N-No!" He choked out. Your hands move to undo the buttons on his white shirt, and Mao begins to react. "H-Hey!" He gasped, clutching your wrists to prevent you from unbuttoning his shirt past his collarbone. "W-What are you doing?" He sat up straight by placing his feet firmly on the ground.  
"You should undress because you're very red and you're sweating," you explained in a casual tone, pulling your head away from his ear to face him directly. You acted like you hadn't been trying to get in his pants.
"But I'm not wearing anything under!" He cried out. You stared at him,  unamused. 
"Okay, and?" Both of your hands cupped his cheeks, pulling him into an unplanned kiss as you did so. "Mmph~!" You withdrew from kissing him, taking away his breath and leaving him dumbstruck. Once more, you dipped in, parting your lips and nudging him with your tongue to get him to part them. You give him a slight tilt of your head to deepen the kiss and lock lips once he parts them. They were smooth and warm against yours, and you could feel them quivering as he tried to keep up.
"Mmm-mmph~" When you bit his lower lip, he let out a needy moan. His arms wrapped around your waist to move your body closer. As you withdrew, a strand of saliva connected to your lips this time. Leaning to lick his lips, the string broke.
You panted, "Mao." He swallows hard when he hears the sound of his name coming from your panting. "Does that hentai have a sequel where the female character is fucking the male character in the student council room?" You seductively licked your lips. 
"Huh? N-No?" He gulped, "That isn't mine though..." He said in a shaky tone. 
"Oh, that's unfortunate~♪" You return for a third kiss, giving him no time to process what you just said. You explored his mouth with your tongue as it rolled out of yours. He squeezed his eyes shut, gripped your hips, and melted at the sensation of your tongue moving in his mouth. Without warning, you go to ground your hips against his, and he moans in your mouth as his nails dig into your hips; if you hadn't been wearing your white shirt, there would have been visible crescent marks.
It didn't require too much grinding for you to know he was turned on and hard as you felt his hard-on against you. He wasn't the only one in this situation who was turned on as you rubbed your intimate areas together, you felt yourself getting wetter with every cute and strangled noise and moan he let out into your mouth. 
"F-Fuck~!" He whimpered, breathless, and threw his head back when you took your lips off of him after French kissing him. You hurried to take off his shirt as you turned your focus back to unbuttoning it. After the buttons were undone, his pale and unblemished skin was nearly exposed. You assisted him in removing the shirt, which was shrugged off his shoulders and hanging over his forearms.
You kissed every inch of his chest, reaching up to his collarbones, where your tongue sucked lightly. You kept gridding him. "Aa-aah, m-more!" You did as he asked and applied more pressure to his collarbone, causing the skin to turn red around your wet lips. Then you bit down on his neck, sucking it and leaving him with a hickey to take care of, reminding him of the time you made him feel overwhelmed with pleasure.
After leaving him a lingering kiss on his neck, you slide off his lap and take pride in your work. Isara Mao's was left a needy mess, desiring more from you. He was blushing red and gasping for air, and his hair was all over the place. The yellow clip that was pinning his bangs back had some strange escape, either sticking up or sticking against his sweating forehead. His clothes were disheveled also as his uniform shirt was only halfway on and his pants had an evident bulge. you helped him get out of the chair and rolled it away from the desk that you had pressed his back against to start another passionate kiss. His hardon was nudged by a knee that was slid between his legs. You then swiftly unbuckled his belt and slid his pants to expose his black boxers. He murmured your name out as he glanced down.  You touched his cock  and the slit leaked out pre-cum, dampening against his boxes, as you rubbed your finger over a wet spot in the middle of his boxes. "Aww~♪ any longer, you would've come!" A coy smile appeared on your face as you teased.
"I-I'm glad I didn't." With a whimper, he ran a trembling arm through your hair. He didn't know what he would do if he came solely from some grinding. This was humiliating enough ~! Then you dipped your fingers into his boxer's waistband and pulled it down to expose his cock. The student council's president was startled when you put your hand around it. You used your thumb and index finger to stroke his cock. Rubbing the cockhead and swiping with your thumb and index finger at the slit where the pre-cum had leaked out.
"S-Shit--aaaahh." He cried out, with his head lolling back and his hand tightly gripping the edge of the desk until his knuckles turned white. After that, you sink onto your knees and give his cock an experimental lick. "Nngh~!" His heart raced and he bit his lip in an attempt to stop himself from making more embarrassing noises, but it was ineffective because he let out a sinful moan that happens when you suck cock.
As you sucked him off, your hands gripping his thighs for support as you sucked him off. Mao grabbed your face with unsteady hands and pushed you to take him in deeper. Your moans of getting face-fucked applied pressed on his cock and caused him to near his release. He guided your head and you played with his thighs. Mao's cock began to twitch and he whined.
"Oh f-fuck! I'm close~!" You take in more from him by sucking more deeply and hollowing out your cheeks. As he approached his climax, it wouldn't take long for him to release a choked sob and tug your hair. Before he came, he called your name and attempted to remove you from his cock, but you swatted his hands away and allowed him to come in your mouth. He came with a mewl and filled your mouth with his release after you have him one last suck.
He blurted, stuck in the hazy state from the ecstasy of his orgasm, "Ah! You don't have to swallow it. You can spit it out." But you didn't. You licked your lips at any excess come as you swallowed his release. You cupped his cheeks and drew him into a kiss, parting your lips, and let him taste himself as your tongue brushed against his mouth. He trembled against you and moaned softly. After you kissed him and tasted his own come, he became hard again.
"You're still hard?" " You withdrew from his lips as his cock rubbed at your thigh, staring into his green eyes.
"Yes..." He sheepishly replied with an arm rubbing his neck. Your hands ran through his hair in search of the yellow clip to undo and let his long bangs fall over his face, nearly hiding his eyes once you unpinned his hair.
 "Anyway, time to let you live out your hentai protagonist fantasy~♡"You led him back to the chair, where you forced him to sit while you undid your uniform. You straddled his lap once more after getting undressed, but this time you lined his cock to the entrance of your pussy.
He sat up straight, his cock brushing against your seductively wet entrance as he remembered something. "W-Wait! Open the bottom draw." Mao asked, and you complied. You looked at him curiously when you pulled the draw open and noticed a tiny bottle of clear lubricant. 
"Wow, the Student Council President gets freaky in here~," You remarked in a flirty tone, winking at him. `
He sputtered, "What? No! That's been in there since my first year!" He clarified so as not to lead you to believe that he uses the student council room for sexual endeavors, either by himself or with others.
"Oh, so either Sakuma-senpai or Tenshouin-senpai keeps a bottle of lube in the bottom drawer of the desk? I wonder who..." It hardly took long for you to guess who put the lube in the draw.
"Sakuma-senpai." You and Mao said at the same time. Sakuma Rei literally went through a bad boy phase a few years ago, which is more believable than Tenchoushin Eichi putting the lube in the draw. It is impossible to see Tenshouin receiving any action. Perhaps Wataru, but it doesn't seem like he would fuck Tenshouin in the student council room.
You took the bottle of lube he handed you, squirted some on your fingers, and inserted two fingers into your pussy to stretch yourself.  "Aaagh~!" You whimpered out, and Mao let out a shaky breath when he saw the hot sight of you fingering your pussy. When you felt your finger brush against a sensitive spot, you threw your head back and arched you back, aiming to hit that spot one more time until you pulled your fingers out of your wet heat. With the excess lube mixed with the slick wetness from your pussy, you lathered his cock with it. His cock twitches in your grasp as you guided him into your pussy. 
"I-I wonder who was the one that fucked S-Sakuma-senpai? Aaah~" You inhaled before sinking down on his cock, groaning at the stretch. Mao whimpers when he feels you clench around him and wraps his arms around your hips. 
"Please don't talk about our senpais." He cups a hand around your cheek to look directly into your eyes. "J-Just focus on me~♡" He pressed a kiss against your lips and you threw your arms around his neck, lifting your hips and slamming back down his cock, taking him in deeper.
"Nngh~! Oh god!" You whimpered when you felt him bottom out. "W-Who knew the Student Council President could say that while balls deep inside me~♪" Even while having sex, you wouldn't stop teasing him, and that made him let out a whine. 
"Don't." You stopped as he gasped out. You stopped your teasing because you weren't sure if you had gone too far. Despite his people-pleaser tendencies, his willingness to accept people throwing their work at him, and not showing his true feelings, you know he can be pushed to the brink, and you were afraid you might push him too far.
As you and he both panted, he looked into your eyes with a desperate expression on his face. He swallowed his saliva before pleading out, "Don't call me Student Council President o-or Isara, please call me by my name, Mao."  He stammered, and then he pushed you against his cock, stretching your pussy with every thrust.
"Fuck it! M-Mao~♡" You cried aloud, rocking your hips as you felt Mao's cock brushing every part of you until he reached the spot that made you melt and feel the stars from when you were earlier picking at yourself. "Aaaah-!" As you continued to move up and down, chasing to hit that bundle of nerves, your hands moved down to rest on his shoulders.
"S-Shit, M-Mao, I'm close~!" When he struck that spot, you clenched around him and meowed out.
"Me too-!" You clenched around his cock and he cried out your name. "I-I love you!" you cried as you two chased your orgasms.
Something in Mao made him pull you into a kiss and cry out, "I love you too!" while opening his mouth to let his tongue slide across your lips and brush against your tongue. You both feel the pleasure rising as you moan into each other's mouths and then, with a final hit against your G-spot, you both come. You came all over his cock, and his cock spurted his release deep into your pussy.
Even after you had your orgasm, you kept grinding your hips into his, enjoying the slippery feeling of your slick come on his cock as it made bouncing up and down easier.  His come dribbled out of your pussy and onto his lap and the chair. When you felt too stimulated, you finally pulled off and sat in his lap, resting your head on his shoulder. Other than you and Mao panting to catch your breath after the dizzy orgasm, the Student Council room was quiet.
"D-Did you mean that when you said you love me?" Mao exhaled and ran a hand over his wet bangs, unsure whether if your confession was genuine. 
You smiled at him, planted a chaste kiss on his lips, and stroked his flushed cheeks."Of course, I love my Mao~♡" He was starstruck. 
You basked into each other's embraces for a while and then went to redress yourself before you had sex. As he was buttoning his shirt up, you sat on the edge of the desk, reading the discarded manga that led to you having this sexual endeavor with him. Mao went over and stepped in between your legs. "Hey Mao, I noticed something interesting in this porno."
After spending some time basking in each other's embraces, you got dressed before you even engaged in having sex. You read the abandoned manga that was the root cause for you to engage in this sexual endeavor with him while he was buttoning up his shirt. Mao approached you and stepped in between your legs. "Hey Mao, I noticed something interesting in this porno."
"Every male character from every hentai I've read, including this." You showed your lover the page that caught your attention by turning the book around. "The male character has his bangs completely covering his eyes!" The main character was drawn on the page with his bangs indeed covering his eyes.
"Yeah, so?" Yes, he did notice that shared characteristic, but he had no idea where you were going with it.
With your index finger, you gestured for him to come closer, "Well~" You unclipped the yellow hair clip he put back in moments ago to make his bangs fall in front of his eyes. "If you take that clip out from pinning your bangs back, maybe your hair will be long enough to cover your eyes and then you'll be able to live out a hentai protagonist's fantasy more often!" Mao blushed a deep red color again when you shared that piece of information. 
He cried out your name in embarrassment. "P-Producer?!" 
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sweetiecakesss · 1 month
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Not Lower Than 9 | Aventurine (18+)
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Synopsis: Land lower than 9 and he fills you to the brim.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Tags: Aventurine, Breeding, Lots of CUM, Feral and Touch starved Aven, Biting, Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it!!) No plot just pure smut.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Note: The game reader and Aven played is based off of Aven's Boss Battle <3
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How long has it been since Aventurine and you started playing his little game? At first, It was innocent and a friendly bet. You didn't expect him to take it far and then burying himself inside you, letting your warm cunt wrap around him and filling you to the brim with his seed with every roll that you failed to reach due to your stupid luck. Putting him in an advantage from that alone.
Your hands held onto Aventurine's wrist for dear life, the pads of his fingers rubbing small circles around the bud of muscle in between the folds of your pussy. Your legs shook as he moved his hips up to you in a slow manner.
"Doll, We're still playing." He let out in a breathy tone against your ear, pausing as he kissed the side of your face before lightly biting on your ear. "Pick up the dice and roll…Remember our rule, No lower than 9."
Turning your head back to look at him, you saw how his eyes narrowed at you as you cried tears of extreme pleasure. Your legs continuing to shake as you moaned.
"Aven--- I can't…Need youuu.." You let out as I squirmed on Aventurine's lap, your hips unconciously circling against him and only making things worse as you let out an over stimulated babbles of cries.
"Yes you can, My pretty gem. You can do it, o be a good girl and play the game…" Aventurine let out in a growl as he snapped his hips up, you let out another cry as your eyes widened. Trembling hands slowly reaching for the two dice that was ironically ominous and placed on the table in front of you, grabbing it you shook the dice in between in your hands before tossing it down on the table. Revealing a five.
Your eyes widened as you eyed the number on the two dice, turning your head; you looked back at Aventurine. He only gave you a smirk.
"Would you look at that…" He let out before his hand pulled away from clit and wrapping it around your neck as his other held onto your hip, guiding you to stand up as he then bended you over against the table before fucking you senseless.
His hips never faltering as his hands gripping onto your throat with enough force to make you roll your eyes back.
fuck fuck fuck fuckkk! was all you could think about from all of this, this game has been going on for about an hour now, your pussy filled to the brim from all the loses you got from playing a silly dice game with Aventurine.
"C-can't…! 's too much!…" You let out, your hand reaching back to much Aventurine away but unfortunately all he did was hold onto your hand that tried to push him away and pinning it against your back.
"Don't lie, Doll…You can take it. Just one more and we're done, yeah?" He let out, kissing your shoulder as he continued to snap his hips and fucking his cock into you. The tip of his cock hitting the deepest parts of you, skin against skin resonating in the room along with the sound of Aventurine's cum seeping out of you with every thrust he made.
"Doing so good for me," He let out pausing as he let out a soft growl and bitting harshly on the skin of your shoulders earning a loud cry from you. "Sorry, My little gem…Just so hungry for you--Fuck, gonna cum."
Aventurine then lets go of you, briefly pulling out.
"N-No…!" You let out in between your babbles of cry as he turned you around to make you look at him, he chuckled.
"Don't worry, Doll. You'll get what you want." He assured you as he then easily lifted you up and placing you on top of the table, His hands guiding your legs; lifting it up and placing it against his chest before he used his free hand to line the head of his cock against your slit before pushing in with a snap of his hips.
"Fuck!!" You screamed. Leaving your mouth agape in an O, back arching as he bit on your ankle while snapping his hips against you. Your entire body shaking under him, his hands keeping your legs stable against his body so you wouldn't accidentally kick him.
Plap! Plap! Plap!
With one thrust, you lost it. Your eyes rolled at the back of your head as you sprayed Aventurine, letting it out and squirting on him. Your body trembling as you continued to cry nonsense. Aventurine chuckled before kissing and rubbing onto your legs, his hips still not faltering.
Low growls escaping his mouth, arms wrapping around your legs. Your limp body growing tired as the only noise escaping your mouth was nothing but quiet and soft cries and whimpers.
"gonna cum…Gonna Cum--FUCK!" Aventurine growled before fully snapping his hips against you, coating your walls in white. Pulling out of you, Aventurine's gaze moved and stared at your oozing cunt.
His cum from earlier endeavor oozing and mixing with the recent one, dripping onto the floor with each breath you took. Aventurine smiled as he looked at your fucked out expression; Leaning down he placed a soft kiss on your stomach as he wrapped your legs around his waist.
He kept quiet as he just peppered your body with nothing but love and affection, a silent appreciation for how good you were to him.
"We should play this game often…" He let out in between soft kisses, you raised your head and glared at him, earning a chuckle from Aventurine.
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makur0 · 2 years
No Nut November?
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synopsis — they’re drawn into this daring challenge, all hoping to win. but who really has the guts to do so? [various enstars! x gn! reader]
featured characters — kuro kiryu, hiyori tomoe, shu itsuki, mika kagehira, mao isara, izumi sena, niki shiina, madara mikejima, adonis otogari, jun sazanami, tsumugi aoba, rinne amagi (phew a mouthful haha)
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. rough sex, jealous sex, cunnilingus, use of toys, penetration (both reader and character recieving), some hard dom! chara some reader, reversed role, sexual frusturation, teasing, degradation, face sitting, crack in some, fluffy sex in some, all of them being absolute whores (including me lets not lie)
author’s note — CROWD CHEERING IM BACK TO SMUT Y’ALL (tbh i failed the challenge like a week in but never actually opened that up bc... yeah.) and special thanks to all my mutuals for the characters, lol (these skanky-ass whores are kinda... mmm)
word count — 3559
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Give it up for Rinne Amagi y’all, for he isn’t trying to win. I swear this man has no intention of going clean for even twenty-four hours, what makes you think he’ll do it for a whole month? In fact, just to piss off all of the contestants he’ll drag you into his room and go feral on you. Good thing Hiyori and Kanata had decided to bunk at a different dorm (they probably saw this coming) or else they would see Rinne fucking you into his mattress, your tear-stained face shoved into the pillows as you moan shamelessly every time he slaps his pelvis against your ass. Calling you dirty names, leaving handprints on your ass, hickies, bruises and even broken skin littering your chest and shoulders. He literally turns you into a dumb stuttering doll as he pulls countless orgasms out of you, soaking his bedsheets underneath you and generally creating a mess. Which he’s honestly aiming for. Riling up all those so-called ‘clean’ people and making them regret their choice for accepting the challenge. It’s in his nature, after all, to stir up chaos.
Oh? You were planning to participate in the challenge too? Well that has him even more hyped up. He’s gonna scramble your mind (and insides) so much that you’ll be so fucking glad that you didn’t take up the offer and instead stayed with him. If he can make you feel this good, why throw it away for such a shitty gamble that you wouldn’t even gain anything from it?
I don’t think it’s quite obvious, but Jun Sazanami would have lost within the first day. He may have a bit more dignity than our favorite redhead, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a horny teenager at heart. Dragged into this mess by Ohii-san and taunted by him, he was really set on winning it, poor man. He only realized his fault as soon as the first day, when he went out with you. Jun really couldn’t help himself as he would constantly steal looks to your body, feeling himself heating up even more than usual due to the challenge itself. (Literally why are you the most horny when you want to become clean?) I feel like he won’t just fold you and start rutting into you like a bitch in heat— well to be honest i want him to do that— but he’ll secretly jerk off away from the prying eyes of his friends, in hope that people wouldn’t notice. Frantically fisting his hard-on, his other hand desperately muffling his moans, as he comes for what seems like the third time that night. Imagining that it was your hand around his cock, pumping his seed out, and your tongue licking up all of his cum. Goddamn- he can’t escape from your hold.
Of course Hiyori finds this out, but Jun isn’t really all that pissed about it... at least he can fuck you now without worrying about this stupid challenge anyways. 
Talking about him, Hiyori Tomoe wouldn’t last either! Definitely hypes himself too much, proclaiming that he will win this challenge easy-peasy. But that’s him talking when he gets pussy/dick almost every night. Even going as far as teasing his friends about it, catcalling them, but soon enough he’ll be eating those words when it hits him that he can’t call you. At least, to call you to meet him at his room again to do their almost-daily quickie. And what?! He can’t even masturbate too??
Somehow he gets through the first week (with him grinding against his sheets softly I may add- which unfortunately made the man even more needy) but it soon turns to be futile as every time he lays eyes on you, dirty fantasies fill his mind. Damn the challenge; why can’t he just have you sit on his cock in public, your nice little hole drooling over his length as you grind impatiently against him? You look so cute in those clothes anyway... 
And when you get irritated? By god he’s spiraling. He wants- no, needs you to peg or ride him until he’s seeing stars. Losing his sanity by the second, he’s shoving you into the nearest bathroom stall, impatient to finally get off after so long. And please do help him... he’s been good for a week, right? A whole seven days! He surely deserves a treat, no?
As a joke, Madara Mikejima would take on the challenge fully knowing that he’ll loose... so why? Just to see your face when he announces it? He’s fully aware that you can’t handle the sexual deprivation (even more so than he), so you’re devastated when he tells you his plan. Of course this is all just to see you break and whine to him just so he can tease you about it, but not just yet...
You couldn’t keep your composure for even a week, so soon enough Madara finds you getting off to your toys, trying to keep your loud moans at bay. He doesn’t bite for a minute or so, but once he sees your blissful face once you come undone on some fucking silicone something eats at him. Within a second he’s towering over you, throwing that slicked-over toy and biting at you with a tight smile that clearly tells you that you’re in for it. He’s being extremely petty over getting jealous by a toy, but he’s set on making sure that nobody, not even nothing can make you feel as good as he is right now. Surely, with the way you’re screaming his name for all the neighbors to unfortunately hear, right? And the way you’re convulsing on his cock, pushing him to fuck you even harsher and deeper, yeah? In the end Mama set you up for a trap but he fell in it instead... but really, what does it matter when in the end he has you fold for him?
Poor Tsumugi Aoba, trying so hard for the sake of... what was it exactly? Did he hopefully write it down? Anyways, there’s no shot that this baby wins with all the work stress he’s under. How can he lose you, his main source of relief, for an entire month? He’s likely one of the few people who took the challenge but realized the struggle, so as soon as he’s starts he starts drowning himself in even more work, as ironic as it sounds. It’s successful... for what, the first week and a half or so? But there’s only so much work to be done. He somehow burns through a whole month’s work in a span of a week, and comes up with nothing after that. That’s when the real struggle happens.
It’s almost like he’s death-staring you as he sits with you at the dinner table, but in reality he’s having a mental conniption. All of his walls melted like ice thanks to the lack of distraction, and he’s trying to stop the flow of dirty, dirty thoughts about you. His dick getting hard within a snap of your finger, his face getting flushed and hot, it doesn’t take long for you to connect the dots and mentally sigh. Usually Tsumugi would listen to you thoroughly, but as soon as the words he wanted to hear slipped out of your lips he’s pressing against you like a dog in heat, apologizing profusely as he fucks you right over the table. And he’s likely going to keep you there for a good hour- this man has stamina. Prove me wrong >:(
Kuro Kiryu is struggling because you are. See, if he didn’t catch you biting your lip in frustration, rubbing your thighs together subtly, even ghosting your hand over your sex, he himself wouldn’t feel himself getting hot and hard. What’s turning him on is your sexual frustration... which later on would definitely put it to good use. Unfortunately for him though, he’s still tied into the challenge so he has to at least try. It’s probably the worst two weeks of his life as he tries not to fold your sleeping figure next to him in bed, instead going as far as staying up through the night and taking out all his frustrations on a poor sandbag (I’m telling you, by the end of it his dick his harder than that lmfao). Yes, he loses. Halfway through November, itching for some intimate touch, he nearly praises the lord above when he catches you playing with your sex like a bitch in heat, hurriedly trying to get off. 
He’s your man, so of course he has to help you! Just thank him by spilling your loud whorish moans into his ear as he fucks you on the cold bathroom floor, the heat radiating from both of your sweating bodies competing with the hot shower steam. His pent-up energy is either a blessing or a curse to your poor body, because he’s not letting go of you until he’s come at least... be real. Five or six times. And plus I’m normal about breeding so of course he’s watching his thick cum seep out of your hole, decorating the already-white marble tiles. He can’t help but take a picture for masturbation food, seeing your slicked-over hole and ass pairing with the purple, red, and pink marks he proudly left behind. Is he ashamed of losing the challenge? Honestly a bit during post-sex and when he finally has reason... but he’s learned so much that he wouldn’t know before. So it’s a 50/50 for him.
Shu Itsuki struggles because you aren’t. The Shu Itsuki, the self-proclaimed best artist, a man of culture, is frantically trying to calm down his raging hard-on as you waltz away from him, perfectly fine and calm?? No no, it should be the tables turned! You should be the one begging him to please you, and he should be scoffing at your brazen behavior! But no matter how much he wishes it to be this way, your lack of attention, sexually, has him bucking into his expensive sheets, whining into his already-soaked pillow as he tries to get himself off. I feel like Shu is the type of person to train himself to control his sexual desires when you’re not around, taking extreme caution to not to try to come over anything but you. Oh how it bites him in the back now, frustrated tears falling from his lilac eyes as he can’t bring himself to reach an orgasm even once. And he’s not the type to use toys, as the traditional man he is, so there’s nothing in his house that could accommodate to his needs. So he’s, in the worst time possible, stuck.
Finally dropping his pretentious ego, he comes to you as a whiny, horny flustered mess as his obvious hard-on pokes through his pants. You can’t help but coo at his helplessness, teasing him bit to further rile him up. But you can’t have your pretty princess wait for too long, or he’ll actually lose it. So give him a good hard fuck, riding him or pegging him it doesn’t matter, and break him over your lap until he’s a babbling flushed mess. Because of how sensitive he is you have his watery cum staining your slacks, feeling the cool liquid touch your hot skin, but you could care less as you please your baby <3.
Mika Kagehira is adamant on making sure nobody finds out he’s cheating. Who is he kidding- a person who basically lives on your quickies almost every day wouldn’t survive this challenge. But you just look so hopeful as you turned to him to win, genuinely thinking that he’ll succeed. So for your sake he’ll stay quiet, although it’ll probably kill him that he won’t be able to feel you for a while. All he has to survive off of are shitty sex toys and every once in a while plushies that permanently smell like you, so it’s definitely not the best but it could be worse.
But out of all people (although looking back he was relieved) you were the first one to find out that he was cheating all along. Walking into him whining against his pillows, grinding his dick into the cum-soaked sheets as a vibrator was shoved into his ass at the highest speed. You’re frozen in your spot for a good minute, trying to process the scene in front of you, before your wrenched out of your thoughts as the male moans out your name quite shamelessly, gripping onto the ropes he wrapped around his wrists for the thrill of the burn. He was so far gone that he couldn’t even care who walked in on him, which, good for you, could enjoy the show a little bit more before you intrude on his session. So there you are, sitting at his desk, staring at the writhing boy pleasing himself at your name. Around ten minutes pass by, and Mika’s looking pretty worn out so he reaches for the remote. But before he could shut it off you suddenly appear on him, resting your hand over his. The poor boy is flabbergasted, trying to come up with some silly excuse before your other hand is rubbing dangerously close to his dick. Even after all the orgasms he’s had he feels himself getting hard again at your touch, and soon enough wanting more like the spoiled whore he his. But dear me, he’s expecting you to be nice to him especially since he hasn’t had you for so long. He broke his promise after all, didn’t he? Hope he doesn’t mind a bit of pain...
To be fucking funny, Niki Shiina would have won. So hard. Just the way his mind works has him thinking about food all the time, and of course your one of his favorite snacks but somehow it hasn’t brutally affected his sexual deprivation. Somehow. Butttt of course you go and screw everything up. Just like Rinne you fucked the whole challenge... but why is Niki doing it??? Who the hell convinced him to do so? And just ditch you? Nope, not on your watch. You’re gonna make sure he looses, and hard.
He only realizes your intention halfway through, but it’s too late. Because of your influence his dirty mind is turning everything sexual, and it’s pushing him over the edge. He’s pretty much had enough. So, completely disregarding the challenge, he manages to corner you and outwardly express his aggravation, throwing a tantrum like the little kid he is. You simply laugh at his antics, dragging a finger across his collarbone and... wow, you can’t remember what happened after that. All you could focus on was how harsh he was shoving his face into the sheets. The high-pitched whines and moans did not match at all with the brutal pace he set on you, destroying your insides. All you could do was grip on the sheets for dear life, your pupils blown wide and face extremely flushed as Niki fucked into you like a dog in heat. If you didn’t have the pillows masking your sight, you would’ve seen the man have tears streaming down his face in pleasure, his lips stuck in a pout as he watched your hips bruise under the iron grip he had you in. For such a soft guy, he sure is rough... tenfold if he was pent up. 
Izumi Sena would be close, but not enough to win. Without you he definitely has the mindset for it. You would think he would get so frustrated by his model workload but ironically it’s what keeps him sane. Give him more than a few days off and his mind will be in the gutters in no time, no matter how much he tries to resist. But the gods seem to be on his side for the entire challenge (how he learned of it, who knows. why, confidential i guess) because the more work he got the less he talked to you. Of course you two contact on a regular basis but nothing more than a short, sweet call or texting each other for minutes at a time. It seems to be enough for him, at least. Whereas you, with a much much higher sex drive, is crying in your sheets. You just want to get off so badly and that’ll just be the end of it, but with the cocky idols teasing you and the haunting nightmares of Izumi being extremely disappointed in you helps you hold off... at least for now. You’re not sure if you can hold it out for any longer.
Fortunately for you, unfortunately for him, the Knights had an ‘emergency’ and he was called back to Japan a week before he was scheduled to leave. The emergency in question was just a lost Leo Tsukinaga, which was solved in no time, but that left Izumi back with you in person while there was just one week left in the challenge. And oh boy did you use that to your advantage. You couldn’t wait when the two of you were alone after the whole fiasco- in fact within the next day the man woke up to your naked figure sitting on his chest, tracing your fingers along his collar. With that and his usual morning wood, Izumi’s sanity and patience snapped like a twig. Flipping you over and immediately pushing inside of you, he’s plowing into you like a starved man, which he is. All of his manner, ego, and common sense is thrown out the window as he moans and curses into your chest, trying to go faster than the pistioning pace he’s already setting on. He’s reduced to a horny teenager, saying how much he missed you and your hold, even coming within the first minute of fucking you. But as soon as he has that post-orgasm mindset, and realizes what you’ve done to him with a flushed angry face, he’s not letting you go for the rest of the day. Be prepared to call out from work tomorrow, because he’s gonna make sure that you get more than what you bargained for.
Mao Isara perseverance is so godly I’m jealous of this man. ...Ok, maybe he acts like a teenager with a middle school crush around you during this challenge, but that doesn’t mean that his common sense and rationality is leading him the right way. But major kudos to the President himself because he’s balancing the stress of work and deprivation for an entire four weeks.
Like all he gets itchy when his time is almost up, and almost loses when he has a sleepover with you, seeing your slumbering body so flush and close to him he’s immediately getting hard. But no, for the sake of his reputation he has to continue, just for a little while. Then he’ll get the prize he’s drooling for. He’s jumping on you, asleep or not, and shoving his face into your sex as soon as his phone says December 1st (which he has been checking several times). He missed your taste and smell so much, he literally comes into his pants as your scent hits him like a brick wall. You’d be waking up to him devouring you from in between your legs, already waking up disoriented and, frankly, now needy. But don’t worry- he’s not letting you go anytime soon until he quenches his thirst and has you come several times for his pleasure. Even after that he’d be fucking you into the mattress, babbling about how much he missed your tight hole and thanking you so much for being patient with him, wrenching out an almost high-pitched moan every time he empties his overloaded balls into you.
Adonis Otogari has the most control over himself so of course he’s one of the very few winners among these horndogs of idols. By no means does he win for boasting rights or to tease the others, but he genuinely believes that it’ll impress you- I swear this boy will jump on any opportunity to see your face light up in excitement; he lives for it. So if this challenge will have you jumping up and down in joy, he’s down.
Minimal struggle. Of course he wakes up with the occasional morning wood, but calms himself down within an hour or so before Koga points it out and shit crashes and burns. Further into the month he has to use more... creative ways (I swear this man is willing to bathe in ice cold water to get his dong to freeze up and feel nothing) but somehow he perseveres as everybody around him starts dropping like flies. And when that clock strikes twelve on the last day of November he’s on cloud nine. Fortunately you’re with him at this time, so he doesn’t waste a single minute to drag you into bed and indulge in you for the remaining nightly hours. Instead of being rushed, harsh, and overall needy (although he is don’t lie), he’s going to take his sweet time and remind himself the pleasure he gets from either fucking you nice and slowly or eating you out so that both of your minds are reeling. He survives, but don’t expect him to do this again anytime soon.
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Taglist: @mishkakagehishka @yandere-daze @ciderwebs @sakumasmut @mumuugi @procrastination-is-my-profession @ibaraluvr
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sucrows · 11 months
hii can i get natsume 10 (dom) and mao 9 (sub) pls?
back to writing again hell yeah lets gooo
9. Forced to watch themselves get bred using a mirror, or watching a video of the last time they were bred  (AMAB Reader) 10. Finding ways to keep their cum inside their s/o  (GN Reader)
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[9. Mirror/Video]
Mao doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to see this training room in the same way anymore now that he’s seen his own fucked out face in the mirrors. It’s embarrassing, humiliating, exposing... but he can’t take his eyes away from the sight. The place where your bodies meet, the arms that you wrap around his waist, his flustered expression and mussed up hair, every single little spot burns into his eyes and makes him feel hotter and hotter inside. 
You hit a perfect spot inside him and his whole body tenses up further. You croon at him and meet his eyes in the mirror, watching the way drool flows from his mouth and he begs- for more? For less? You can’t even tell anymore and by the way Mao is acting, you don’t even think he knows what he wants. His body reacts on nothing but instinct now. 
His back arches against your body and you thrust into him harder then before, eager to fill him up and claim him from the inside. He’s not the only one feeling the heat at this point and you are more than happy to give him the further pleasure his body craves. You free one of your arms from the vice grip you have on his waist and with a smile, grab his jaw and force him to watch in the mirror as you cum, filling up his pretty little body in just the way he deserves. 
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[10. Keeping cum inside]
Natsume places his hand on the back of your neck and pushes your face further into the pillow, using his other arm to pull your hips further up. His ministrations have you shamefully presenting yourself for him. You can’t see his face from this angle but you’re sure that if you could, you would see a smirk spanning his face. He seems more satisfied with himself than ever now that he’s filled you up. 
In this position, his seed has nowhere to go but deeper within you. You can’t tell if it's your imagination or not, but you swear you can feel it trickling further and further in. The sensation has you trying to rub your thighs together, arching your back even further in an attempt to seek out more pleasure. 
Entertained by your squirming, Natsume finally places a hand back in between your legs and starts to pump his fingers in and out of your cum-filled hole. The pressure on your walls is just so good- it just feels so right, like your body was meant to accept him in you... He’s truly ruined you for anyone else, and as you climax under his touch, you can’t help but want him to mark you as his own all over again. 
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sakumasmut · 1 month
Enstars x Reader NSFW Month Day 7
I’m late but I’m still here to provide food! This is for all the Mao fuckers popping up, especially after that new cg
Mao Isara x Gn!Reader
tags/warnings: aphrodisiacs, rough sex, penetration, no lube
Mao was the perfect boyfriend. On dates he was a complete gentleman, holding your hand while you walked side by side down park paths, or offering a bite of his food when you ate at a cafe, eagerly listening to every word of whatever you were rambling about. In bed was no different, and his libido was certainly nothing to complain about. He was so gentle and careful every time you had sex, starting with his fingers and mouth to leave you crooning his name and always making sure you were more than wet enough before allowing himself to slip inside with ease. And once he bottomed out, every other thrust was accompanied by kisses and whispered “I love you”s. He was sweet, and you would never take someone like him for granted, but you wondered if he was holding himself back for your sake. Oh, how naive you were.
You wanted to see what aphrodisiacs could do to your boyfriend, never having tried them yourself. The idea came up almost randomly, a seemingly passing thought, but it only grew as you pondered it more and more. The only bit of hesitance you had was when you initially asked Ritsu about where to obtain them and what kind to buy, since he seemed to be interested in that type of thing. Instead of a brand name, Ritsu had offered a few of his own in an unlabelled plastic container. It was suspicious, but he was a friend of both you and Mao, surely it’d be fine, right?
It didn’t take too much to persuade Mao to try it, just assuring him that you’d be with him the whole night and morning after since neither of you had work. One swallowed pill later and you were cuddling up to Mao on the bed, waiting for it to kick in. You were both already changed into your sleepwear, so all that was left to do was wait.
“Do you feel any different?” You asked, one arm lazily draped across his chest as your head leaned on his arm. You seemed more anxious about it than he was, despite him being the test subject for the night.
“Not yet.” Mao patted your head, ruffling your hair a bit. “How long does it usually take?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe you’ll start to feel it when you get turned on?”
“Well, we have the whole night to ourselves to find out, don’t we?”
He gave you a quick peck on the lips, and you grinned as you leaned in to return it, giggling into the kiss. Looping your hands around his neck, it wasn’t long before your kisses turned into a more heated make out session, feeling your cheeks heat up when each kiss lasted longer than the last.
His kisses were always passionate, but when you pulled away to catch your breath, he took you by surprise by pulling you back in, tongue slipping past your lips and muffling your moans. The hands that had circled around the dip in your back moved downwards to squeeze your ass, something hard poking your thigh and rubbing against it. You had to tug on his hair to get him to pull away, and when he finally let go you were gasping for air, barely noticing the hazy look in his eyes.
“H-Hey, I think I’m starting to feel it.”
His breath felt hot on your skin. The strain against his sweatpants was much more prominent now, and you gasped as he tried desperately to rub it up against your crotch.
“Body’s too warm, need to take everything off.”
His skin was almost feverish when you pressed a hand to his cheeks, and a pang of guilt hit you, hoping that his temperature would go down once the aphrodisiac wore off. Your hands moved down to tug his pants low, the only thing you could do to help right now. His cock sprang out, completely hard and already leaking despite not stimulating it directly. His hands only left your body for a few seconds to throw his shirt off, and then they were grabbing you to pull you close again, abs pressing against your covered chest. His mouth latched onto the nearest piece of skin, the middle of your shoulder, and it felt like he was trying to devour you from how his tongue lapped at the spot he was sucking, desperate to taste you.
Everything was moving so fast. You weren’t sure what you were reacting to with each moan that left your mouth, because Mao was doing so many different things all at once. His hands slipped inside your pants, groping the curve of your ass and trying to slide them off at the same time. You wiggled around, your bodies a mess of tangled limbs. Trying to take them off when Mao was refusing to let go left them stuck halfway up your knees. It was only when he finally released his mouth to gasp for air that your pants somehow managed to fall off your legs and were promptly tossed aside like a dirty rag. The shadow of his body towered over you as you fell backwards onto the mattress, eyes devouring your naked lower half.
“God, I need you. I need you right now.”
You could feel his cock press against your exposed hole, only now registering that he had positioned himself so that his knees kept your legs apart.
“Mao? W-Wait, I’m not—“
He hadn’t used lube or even prepared you, yet the next second his dick was trying to push itself inside you, searing pain accompanying the pressure of his tip being sucked in. His cock tried to ram into you, but as expected the lack of foreplay made it rough on both of you. You cried out in pain as his length only made it a few inches in, and that was when he stopped and looked you in the eyes, concerned at your reaction.
Mao was still clinging onto some self control despite how obvious it was from his breathless panting that he needed to raw you. You could tell him to stop if you really wanted to, but at the same time the aphrodisiac was doing exactly what you wanted. The pain of being forcefully split apart was new, and you wanted to know exactly what it felt like to be treated so harshly.
He let out a ragged breath before he pulled out and tried slamming his hips against yours again, going deeper this time. The stretch burned, and you were certain your hole would feel like it was on fire once you were done. But right now, it was everything you wanted, choking out his name as he forced himself deeper.
The initial pain went away as your walls adjusted, but it was still different from the usual pleasure you felt from his length rubbing up against your insides. Each thrust hurt from all the friction, the only lubricant aiding him the precum that dripped from his slit. His pace was erratic and clumsy too, focused less on making you feel good and about trying to fulfill his own desire, a simple animal trying to fulfill its primal urge to fuck.
“Feels so, so good.” He panted, the drag of his cock painful yet all too addicting. “God, /name/, you just take me so well. Like you were made for me.”
You mewled, the tip of his cock pressing into the deepest parts of your insides. You couldn’t comprehend how the man who guided you through your first time together so gently was the same one absolutely fucking your brains out right now. You felt your orgasm coming hard and fast, and barely gave a sound of warning before it crashed throughout your body. You screamed his name for all your neighbors to hear, body clenching tightly around his cock. You felt him spill inside you in response to your own climax, unable to contain himself when you were clenched around him so tightly. Yet the movement of his hips against yours continued through both orgasms, rutting into you with his still firm cock.
Your head was spinning. Your brain felt like mush, and your legs turned into jelly, only registering when Mao lifted them on top of his shoulders through your vision. His gaze was dark, sweat rolling from his forehead onto his flushed cheeks. You were addicted, and he was too. There was no going back to his vanilla tendencies, not when you knew that he could manhandle you with just a bit of a push.
Maybe it was time to ask Ritsu where to get more of those pills.
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poetryandfluffycats · 2 months
hii i was the mao drabbler anon and im back with more mao brainrot
so last time i talked abt tying him up and riding him until he broke but now im imagining the opposite .. imagine youre at a fancy event and youre wearing this long beautiful dress and of course your supportive boyfriend loves it!! except its a bit revealing.. leaving him to stare at you the entire night imagining the things he’s gonna do to you later .. which causes him to have to leave to go to the bathroom numerous times to get himself to calm down (iykwim), but he cant help it! he loves his cute little girlfriend! when he gets you alone later that night its over. have fun sleeping that night (youre not) because mao is pounding into like there is no tomorrow. i can imagine him babbling things out like “‘m sorry.. you just looked so fucking pretty in that dress tonight” OMMFGGFFDHDHDSJSJ
also i just realized how long that was sorry you can ignore this but can i be 🦎anon pls because i WILL be back to bless the other mao thirsters (trust)
you can def be 🦎 anon!
when he's in the bathroom sorting himself out;) he doesn't let himself cum cuz he doesn't want to get all messy(plus he low-key wants to save it for you) so when you get home HES SO PENT UP. he's pounding into you the second you get in the door, babbling out apologises and praises as he shoots his load into you over and over again.
you cant walk after, whoops!
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mariondeux · 2 years
hi, could I get abo au alpha mao x omega reader where the reader suddenly goes into heat during school and while helping them mao can’t control himself and mates with them in the student council room/infirmary?
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— SYNOPSIS ; You suddenly go into heat and with Mao with you, he helps you into the empty student council room to protect you from any possible dangers. But with how strong your sweet smell is, how could he ever resist you?
CW ; NSFW, A/B/O, Heat, fingering
PAIRING ; Alpha!Mao Isara x Omega!GN!Reader
A/N ; This was my first time writing A/B/O to be honest, I hope it’s not too bad!
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You expected your heat to start at least next week, you didn’t think it’d start now where you’re in school!
You don't know what you would have done if Mao hadn't been so kind as to offer to let you hide in the student council room. Here you are, crouching down in one of the chairs. Since you weren't at home to handle this yourself, you weren't sure what to do and there wasn't much to be done. 
Additionally, you were in the same room as an alpha. You were embarrassingly desperate to have him touch and fondle you all over, it was obvious.
Mao could smell you from all the way across to the room, he’s just here to help you and yet now all he wanted was to take you on one of the tables.
God, he doesn’t think he can go on like this for any longer.
“Yes, yes please just hurry up!” You jumped right out of your seat with your face ablaze, the sweat on your skin as clear as day. If you continued in this unbearable heat without having Mao inside of you, you would lose your mind.
Mao didn't need to ask you twice to approach you, grab you, and push you against the table. He pressed his lips to yours while standing between your legs. He gave you free rein to do as you liked and to move your hands anywhere on his body. He made a slight movement to allow you to remove his jacket and tie before navigating his own way around to remove your uniform.
Mao jumped right to pulling your bottom apparel off along with your underwear since removing each and every one of your clothes felt like it would take too much time. He laughed lightly as his fingers moved over your hole and slipped a finger inside.
“You’re so slick already, we won’t even need lube,” In order to sufficiently stretch you out so that it wouldn't hurt when he entered you, he slid in a second finger.
“Hurry.. please, I need you inside me so badly,” You whimpered while wriggling your hips slightly to increase the friction created by his fingers alone.
Mao kissed your cheek while stooping to kiss you. He cooperated with your requests and sped up the process by adding a third and then a fourth finger a short while later for further precaution. 
After finishing, he removed his fingers and licked the slick from them.
“So good~”
It was physically impossible to make your face redder than it was before, but god did that make you throb.
“Quit teasing me—“
Mao only grinned while grabbing your hips and pulling you toward the edge. He put his cock in your hole and pushed the tip of the cock against it. He looked up once more to check in on you, but he guessed he didn’t need to since you were already bucking your hips into his. His cock effortlessly slipped inside of you and proceeded all the way to the base after what felt like forever of not having him in you.
You almost squealed from that alone, and you moved your hips to try to capture more of the same thrill. Mao began kissing your chest and neck while slipping his cock in and out of you. Every sound you made, every time you cried out his name in desperation, he took in. 
It will be exhausting to clean up the student council room afterward, but once he's brought your heat down a notch, he'll need to figure out a way to bring you home safely.
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geminihell666 · 2 months
Alr so far im planning for 8 pics for my mao mao x jinshi nsfw honeymoon pic set (not including the cover) with 2 (pin up) pics being posted on my socials and the rest needing to be purchased
The only thing i need to plan for now is finding someone to write the fanfic aspect of it preferably 😓 i cant imagine doing all that art AND writing a 10-20k word fanfic on top of it
If anyone has any ideas for writers let me know! I need someone with writing experience, comfortable writing smut, and can follow along with the pics i have planned for the plot
No payment but i will give person 35% of profits (IF I MAKE ANY 😭)
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veampa · 4 months
Hi there, thanks for stopping by!
It’s a pleasure to have you stop by my blog, my name is milsia, ill admit that ive never read the manga but ive watched the anime’s so my apologies if my writing isn’t as accurate as the characters should be!
I write- Smut! (mdni with smut posts!!! I also won’t write smut for ciel, elizabeth, doll, alois or any other minors!), Yandere! I will gladly write yandere and don’t mind writing for it (for minors it will be platonic!!), Romance! (Again im more than happy to write it but i wont write it for minors), Platonic!, fluff!, angst!, headcanons (most of my writing will be those IM SORRY I JUST FIND IT EASIER), Drabbles!, Oneshots!
I will gladly write any gender:)
Thank you for reading that! Now for my Don'ts-
Don’t request- smut or romance for minors, I’m not comfortable writing for them in those ways!
Pedophillia. I don’t need to even explain.
Piss, scat, incest.
Sending the same request, if i haven’t done your request then theres a chance i haven’t gotten to it yet, still writing it or just don’t or can’t write it.
It is not my responsibility to monitor what you do online but I will block you if I find out you are a minor.
MOST OF THE CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ARE IN THE TAGS (if the one you want to request isn’t there i’ll probably write for them, just forgot to add them)
A little bit more about me-
Im 21. I am a taurus!
I live in the uk.
I absolutely love mercury! I think its a beautiful planet:)
I love vampires!
My pronouns are they/them.
Im afab!
I don’t own any of the photos i may use!
My posting times aren’t consistent (SORRY!!)
That is all, thank you dearie for reading
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mintys-musings · 9 months
okay I’m biting. spare smexy mao thoughts/hcs? can never get enough of that guy -rei
i getcha rei. mao is just so *squeezes him* he needs more love
NSFW under cut~
mao isara service top with a breeding kink is so real in my heart
he's nervous about sex. as much as he fantasizes and no matter how much talking there is beforehand, mao will forever get a little nervous right before doing it. he worries he won't live up to expectations or that his partner will get bored. the more he's with them, the more that goes away. but still. he acts like a virgin every time
plays music during sex. usually rock or something else that's fast and loud. it's a leftover thing from whenever he goes back home. even if his family doesn't pay him any mind, mao is paranoid so he plays music to cover up any noises that might slip.
speaking of noises— he is so noisy. even when he's trying to keep it down, he's whimpering and panting in his partner's ear like a damn dog. cannot go too long before singing praises about his partner's body or babbling about how good he feels
mao is pretty vanilla, but he generally fantasizes a lot
while he likes the typical horny guy stuff (thighs, ass, boobs/pecs), he has an obsession with stomachs. yes it's the breeding kink. he also likes upper arms/biceps
also in typical horny guy fashion, skimpy clothes make him weak and will make him stare. poor guy cant control himself and now has to hide his boner
very handsy once he gets in the mood
the slightest smooch makes him flustered and whimpery. the idea of making out ALONE has gotten him hard on more occasions than he'd like to admit
not to be. me. but. mao imo also has a mild lactation kink. it wouldn't be something he actively thinks about. but like if his partner is capable of it... it's like a chain reaction
get mao in the mood -> he thinks of breeding -> he thinks of pregnancy -> he thinks of a baby -> babies sometimes mean breastfeeding -> *mental image of partner lactating* -> mao wants milk
he wouldn't say anything though. he'd rather die than reveal any of his kinks (even if they're relatively tame compared to others) so unless his partner brings it up, his lips are sealed
pegging him is a hard maybe. he'd try it at least once, but mao is not the kind of guy to bottom really
he has tried fingering his own ass and he did not really enjoy it so he really needs to be convinced if you're planning on fucking him
phone sex with mao is one of the few times he'd be in more of a submissive role. and like i said, he's noisy. so you'll hear all of it through the speaker
lowkey also a monsterfucker, but mostly the more humanoid ones. he likes slime girls and vampires the most
good at fingering. he has callouses from playing guitar so... texture
has pretty good stamina from basketball so he can last long while 💚
10/10 aftercare gang. will even throw your clothes in the wash while yall rest
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peppermint-angel · 2 years
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these are VERY similar
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beidou3799 · 9 months
🔞 Flower Power 🌸
Pretty much Mo Ran and Chu Wanning stumble on some funky flowers :D
- Pussy Chu Wanning
- 2.0 Mo Ran
- My badly written smut
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sweetiecakesss · 2 months
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Twt Prn Links (18+)
✿➷➹❀ These are all VISUAL smut links, Be sure to log in to twitter to access!
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AVENTURINE - He's so needy for you that he doesn't even want to fuck you just yet, let him play with you first.
DR. RATIO - No time to undress. He needs to cream inside you before he went back to doing his research.
GALLAGHER - After a shift in the bar, what better way to relieve his nerves than letting you roll your hips on top of him as he made eye contact with you, letting you know he's watching you while you bleed him dry.
GEPARD - Making out with your pussy is Gepard's number one priority. Sucking, Licking and Kissing it until you start feeling loved all over.
BLADE - Coming home from the mission in Luofu, Blade was tired and stressed from the events. Letting the Mara control him, he fucked you ti'll you can't cry anymore.
JING YUAN - What better way to enjoy sex by doing it on the couch while cuddling. Jing Yuan, holding onto you tightly as you move your hips against hip.
DAN HENG - Dan Heng wants nothing but to be intimate with you, hitting all the right places in you as he fucks your tight asshole.
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makur0 · 2 years
hii could i request a mao x fem reader where reader is getting behind on their work for school, and the concepts are all just too hard for her! :( so mao offers to tutor her to the best of his ability~ but soon enough, that tutoring session turns into a hopeless one as reader gets more and more lazy.. so then mao decides to let her sit on his cock while studying!! get the answer right, he lets her move a little bit for both of their pleasure. get the answer wrong, he makes her sit absolutely still. but who is he kidding, he can’t control himself and ends up making love to her anyway!
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“I can’t help myself, you look so pretty…”
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synopsis — he sees you struggling with your schoolwork, so he tries to help. of course, things don't go as intended and soon you're bent over... [mao isara x fem! reader]
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. semi-exhibitionism, penetration, cockwarming, edging, praise, sexual frusturation, breeding (mentioned), slightly obsessive behavior
author's note — I LOVE MAO I LOVE HIM HES MY KIN MY EVERYTHING GOD SEND ME A MAN LIKE HIM *says this while scrolling through mao cgs ahem*
word count — 1591
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You were in the Student Council office of Yumenosaki Academy after school hours, accompanied by the president himself, Mao Isara. His gaze stern yet sympathetic, he glanced at your careless figure slouched against the chair.
"[name]," He repeated, more firmly. "You have to change something soon, or you're going to be thrown out of the school."
...Even though that would be more of a fuss than having her fail nearly all of her classes. Not only would they lose a precious student in the Producer course, but he wouldn't have a chance...
"I don't have time to study, so therefore I don't pass," You shrugged, eye twitching. "And I don't have the patience nor the brain capacity for this shit-"
"Language. Please," Mao interjected, sighing. "Look, I know it's hard for somebody like you, but there are so many other students here in Yumenosaki and they persevere through it. You're a great student, I think you'll be able to succeed if you had your mind on it."
Crossing your arms, you broke off your eye contact with him, trying to hide your hurt gaze. He was right- you could have done so much better if you set yourself a goal, but with everything else going on in your life you didn't think you wanted to spare the energy for this... all you wanted to do was to just graduate and run off. What's so bad about that?
"How-" He cleared his throat. "How about I see your work? I think I may be able to help you."
Staring at him, brushing off his almost flustered look, you hummed and dragged your bag over, digging through it and bringing out your stuffed folder. Mao grimaced at the sheer number of packets, sheets, and overall papers that seem to be spilling out from every corner. Sliding it over to his side of the desk and opening it, he skimmed through the pile. Fortunately you did try to start most of the pages, but nearly all of them were unfinished.
"Here," He pulled out a blank worksheet. "Why don't you bring your chair over here and we can start on this one? This seems fairly easy."
"To you," You muttered under your breath, but you followed his directions and sat next to his Council chair, resting your arm on one of the rests.
Much to Mao's relief you didn't seem to argue about every little thing he listed off... but you didn't even try to answer them yourself. It got even worse when they barely made it through half of the first page, him having to constantly remind you to pay attention or reiterate several of his questions. It was like the more he got frustrated, the more you grew tired and lazy.
But he didn't want to give up on you. A part of his brain was almost... fantasizing. If he somehow solved your studying problem, would you like him? His heart jumped at the thought of you being thankful towards him, expressing your joy. Could this really be his chance?
He first had to just figure out how to make you focused on studying.
A loud whine shook him out of his thoughts. "It's not working, Isara," You complained. "Can I just leave? Please-"
"Ah, no!" He said, almost too quickly. You raised an eyebrow at his antics, and he brushed them off with a slightly embarrassed look. "I-I actually have a method of helping you..."
"If it's me getting dick then I'm up for it, but-" Faltering at your sudden joke, you stared at the red blossoming on Mao's face, almost matching his maroon hair. "Uh, Isara? I was joking..."
The President coughed into his fist, still extremely flustered. "I mean- if you think that would work we could definitely try..."
You stared at him. Did you really joke about sex that much that he took it seriously? You didn't even mention it once until now! What on earth...
The awkward tension arose and became almost suffocating until you finally opened your mouth. "I guess we could give it a go...? If you're alright with it, of course."
Mao swallowed, nodding quickly as he gestured to his lap. You stood up, but kept your eyes glued onto the desk, feeling your cheeks heating up as you heard him fuss with his belt and pants.
"You can sit down now..." He said quietly, and lifting your skirt up you lowered yourself on him, feeling his hands resting on your hips to guide you.
Suddenly glad that he couldn't see your expression, your eyes flew wide open and you bit your lip quickly.
He- oh god, how big is he?!
"A-alright then," Mao stuttered, looking over your shoulder and snaking his arms under yours to reach his desk. "Here, you get a question right and then you can- move. Get it wrong and sit still."
You already were struggling not to grind against him. Already a few seconds in and you were crying mentally. And the fact you couldn't see Mao's own expression...
Sighing, you tried to focus on the worksheet in front of you, your grip on the pen tightening. Thank the gods it was an easy question you couldn't mess up. Quickly scrawling out your answer, you tapped on Mao for him to check it, anxious energy radiating from the both of you.
"Yes," He breathed out, sounding relieved. "That's correct. Nice jobmm-" A stuttered groan left him as you immediately started to move, your head dipping as you pleased yourself. But as soon as you started Mao's hands grabbed your hips, slowing you down. "Start- on the next question now."
Looking through blurred eyes you glanced at the next question, and your throat parched.
Welp, this was it.
Your face was scrunched up in frustration and helplessness as you sat completely still on Mao's cock, your hands clenching and releasing as you used basically all of your willpower not to snap and just move. If you looked behind you, the President's eyes were half-lidded, biting his lip as he tried to push down his rising neediness. He really didn't expect it to be this bad when he tried this idea. Of course he was tempted to just accept your wrong answer, but he still had a shred of dignity left, and forced you to keep trying until you got the right answer.
How long were you in this? Thirty, forty minutes? You couldn't really think because your mind was in shambles. When you either had personal sessions or with somebody else (which was rare) you were quick to give you the pleasure you wanted, you needed. So to say the least, because you were basically being edged the only thing you could think about right now was how much you needed that orgasm.
"Here," You said shortly, almost slapping Mao as you showed him your paper, pleading that you were finally correct after so many failed tries.
Hazy green eyes looked at the paper, also wishing that the right answer was in front of him, but life was basically sucked out of him as his gaze fell on one, just one incorrect factor.
"It's wrong isn't it..." You whined, collapsing your torso on the desk and tossing your pen away. "I can't get it right! It's too hard!"
Panicked, Mao reached over to you to try to comfort you, but he had accidentally flipped your skirt over and revealed the scene under it. As soon as he saw it, he combusted.
Slick had started to pool out and decorate his pelvis, glinting brightly back at him. He saw your thighs twitching constantly, dotted with sweat.
That was his breaking point.
"Isara- ugh!" A shocked moan left you as you felt the male stand up behind you and suddenly thrust into you, causing you to grip the desk tightly. After all this time of staying still, you weren't the one to break, he was. He started fucking you erratically, small, whiny grunts leaving him. Soon enough noises of your own started to spill, but one of his hands went up to your mouth and shoved his fingers in there, muffling you.
"I'm sorry, sorry..." he mumbled against your back, his eyes scrunched up. "I can't help myself, you look so pretty..."
Due to the sensitivity before you came immediately, then was shoved harshly into overstimulation as Mao didn't seem to slow down at all. Your eyes fluttered close, drooling all over the male's fingers as your knees buckled, your only support now being the arm wrapped around your hips.
This was like a dream come true to him... well, sexualized of course. The way you tightened around him was almost like a verbal acceptance of his love to you. This was it, wasn't it? You were basically his now.
An unhinged moan left him as he orgasmed, green eyes dilating as he watched his seed fill you up and spill out, carelessly running down your shaking thighs.
You still laid over his desk, breathing heavily as he reached over and kissed you on the lips, smiling to himself as you immediately accepted it.
"How 'bout this..." He grabbed the worksheet and crumpled it into a ball, tossing it into his wastebasket. "A new game. The longer you stay quiet, the more we can keep going~ I’d be able to fill up you up, fill you up so well…”
"Fuckin' hell-" You sighed loudly. "Yes. Please, please—
"Atta girl... I knew I chose the right one.”
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sucrows · 3 months
OKAY I thought about it and I’m going to be predictable. collar and breed with mao…mao being the one collared but the one breeding afab reader. looking forward to more of your writing! -rei
hahahahaha 🫵🫵🫵 mao simp 🫵🫵🫵 hahahaha
[ BREED ]; the sender attempts to breed the receiver [ COLLAR  ] ;  the sender puts a collar on the receiver. (AFAB Reader)
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Mao is more than out of breath as he ruts into you over and over again. His neck is straining against the smooth leather tight around his throat while he tries to get closer and closer to you. He has you on your back, legs pushed up as close to your chest as he can manage and using all his weight to push down on you and thrust down into you- a mating press. It’s mind-numbingly good the way his cockhead presses against the walls of your cunt and push ever so slightly deeper with every movement. 
Your mind is fuzzy but he’s not any better than you as he gasps out a thank you when you yank on the chain connecting your hand to his neck. He’s too sweet for his own good, you sometimes think, as he takes the harsh treatment without a moment of hesitation. 
Heat builds in the both of you and in the air in between you two. Every single point of contact on your skin. The subtle changes in his body course through your own just as strongly as his- just how good he’s feeling- just how much he wants you... an intoxicating, addicting sensation. He’s close, oh so close, you can tell in the way he presses against you harder, the way his body stutters and trembles in exertion.... 
You pull him in ever closer by the chain- another gasping moan leaves him- and lock your legs behind his back, ankles crossed tight. His body reacts accordingly, and his hips hardly leave your own while he grinds against you. 
He gets closer and closer, things get hotter and hotter, until neither of you can hold it anymore, and he’s releasing into you as deeply as he can reach while you bring your face to his to make him drink in the sounds you make. 
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sakumasmut · 10 months
late once again, but I couldn’t leave out the hybrid fic. I’ll try to put out one more fic for the event after this!
Dogboy!Mao Isara x Afab!Reader
tags: mating cycles, praise, breeding, knotting, blowjob, size kink, rough sex
You felt something warm engulfing your entire body as you stirred awake, the heavy breathing on your neck helping you connect the dots to realize that the source of the heat was not in fact the heaviest blanket in the world, but your boyfriend cuddling up to you. Mao had you in his embrace, nuzzling his nose into your neck while his fluffy tail whacked against your calf.
“Mao?” You yawned sleepily, trying to shift your body to face him, though it was hard to move with his arms wrapped tightly around you. He licked your cheek in response, getting a giggle out of you, but it quickly turned into a small gasp when you felt something pressed in between your legs.
You were suddenly much more awake as you squirmed from his grasp, and though Mao let out an unhappy whine when you pried his arms off, he didn’t immediately latch himself back onto you. You finally got to face him, and it was clear something was up. His face was flushed, likely from his skin being much warmer than usual, an obvious bulge was formed in his shorts, and his expression was a lot darker, something primal wanting to emerge—or being held back.
“Oh, poor baby.” You sighed, pressing a hand to his forehead. “Is it that time already?”
He nodded, trying to control the urge to nuzzle his face against your hand. Well, you knew his rut was going to start soon, but it was always a bit of a surprise when it did. Mao acted so differently when he needed to mate, unable to form sentences properly and instead just making growling noises while either cuddling you or rearranging your insides. You would never forget the first time you helped with his rut, and how you weren’t able to walk properly the few days after.
“Need you.” Mao mumbled, bumping his head against your own. His inhales were deep, trying to take in as much of your scent as possible. “Please?”
“Did you let the others know you can’t work this week?” You asked, and he nodded again. “That’s good. Let me just message work real quick to let them know I’ll be gone too, mkay?”
He pouted in response, ears drooping low.
“C’mon, don’t be like that, I’ll only be a minute.” You reassured him before you left the bed to look for your phone. It’s not like you were trying to delay the inevitable, you just had to make sure everything was ready first. You certainly didn’t want to have to explain your absence in the middle of catering to your boyfriend’s desires, your brain wouldn’t be functioning well enough to do that.
You found your phone in the bathroom, and quickly typed out an email that sounded pretty professional, at least considering the topic was that you were going to be fucked into next week. When you got back to the bedroom, Mao had discarded his clothes on the floor, leaving him nude and letting you take a good look at his unsheathed cock. It was a bright red, dribbles of precum already leaking out of his tip and trailing down his veiny length. The base had a slightly bigger girth than the rest of his dick, telling of the knot that was going to form once his rut really got started. Your heart began to pound as you took your shorts and underwear off, not wanting them to be ruined by your boyfriend’s sharp claws.
“I’m back.” You sounded breathless, eyes unable to leave the sight of his veiny, throbbing cock. “You’re such a good boy for waiting, you know that?”
His tail began to wag again, eyes brightening at your praise. You smiled as he perked up, kneeling in front of him to bring your face towards his cock.
“And good boys deserve a reward.”
Making sure that he was watching, you leaned forward and gave the head of his cock kitten licks, tasting the salty fluid leaking out. Mao groaned in approval, claws digging into the sheets and threatening to sink into the mattress as you moved from simply licking to taking in his tip with your mouth. You ran your tongue all over the veins while your head bobbed up and down, looking up at him with nothing less than love and adoration. Mao’s face was as red as his hair, but he kept watching you take his cock in more and more, loving the erotic sight of your cheeks bulging each time you moved down. You kept taking him inch by inch, a remarkable feat with how long he was, until your nose brushed up against his knot, having already expanded in anticipation for his release.
You pressed a hand against his thigh to stabilize yourself while the other moved to fondle the swollen part of his cock, feeling your arousal grow when your hand wouldn't wrap around it all the way. It hadn’t even swelled to full size, and it was already so thick. The mere thought of it inside you had you rubbing your thighs together, feeling yourself clench around thin air. At this point, you couldn’t wait any more than Mao could. You popped his cock out of your mouth, making him whine from the loss of warmth, but immediately made up for it by turning around and getting on your hands and knees.
“Mao~” You called for him in a sweet tone. You didn’t need to tell him what you wanted. His tongue lolled out as he panted happily, scrambling to mount you.
With no warning, he immediately sank his entire length into you, minus his knot. You cried out from the intrusion, your impatience punishing you for the lack of prep. You couldn’t care less though, because the next moment Mao was already dragging his cock against your walls, and all the pain you felt was outweighed by the sheer pleasure of being stretched out. You were suffocating in his warmth, his loud pants and moans filling the air as he rammed his cock into you. Normally he could’ve gone in deeper, but your hole was refusing to take his knot in, making you wail as he slowly stretched your walls to accommodate him, each wet slap against your cunt making your body jiggle.
You chanted Mao’s name over and over again, unable to think of anything other than him when he was the one ravaging you. He growled next to your ear, hands overlapping with yours as his hips kept slamming against your ass, trying to force his knot in. Just trying to get it inside you was enough to make you cum, your eyes rolling back as he kept fucking you through your orgasm, enjoying the squeeze while your body shuddered. You got no time to relax when it was over, the next orgasm building up much faster than the first.
“T-Too fast!” You gasped, gripping the bedsheets with balled up fists.
“You can take it.” was his only response, letting you know there was no way he was slowing down, not when he was so close to making his knot fit. And he wasn’t wrong, how many times had you been in this exact situation, ass up and wailing his name as he bred you to satiate his primal need to make you his mate?
Minutes felt like hours as he kept pushing and pushing, prying your tight walls loose with each thrust, the rim of his knot always trying and failing to slide in. Mao couldn’t cum until he was sure it would all be plugged up, and his frustration that it hadn’t happened yet made his movements harsher, plowing into you with such force that your legs were about to collapse. You came again, the release feeling like being dropped out of the sky. It seemed like it would go on forever, and you were so blissed out you certainly wouldn’t mind if it did. But then finally, your slick folds opened up enough to let his swollen base in. His knot felt amazing pressed inside you, and you let out a cry of pleasure that was completely drowned out by the satisfactory howl Mao let out as every single drop of his warm seed filled your core. His weight completely pressed down onto you, forcing your upper half into the mattress as you struggled to breath with your face smushed into the pillows.
The static in your head cleared as your post-orgasm high faded, and with it came the dull ache from being fucked too hard. After a moment, he shifted you both onto your sides so that you could rest more comfortably while he was locked inside you, wrapping his arms around your torso. Mao licked your face affectionately, getting hums in response.
“…Sorry.” He muttered. “Got carried away.”
“It’s okay, baby.” You patted the hand he had pressed on your stomach. “I know you’d never hurt me.”
He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck again, inhaling your scent. You could tell he enjoyed this position the most, his seed safely locked inside your womb while holding you close to him. You reached behind you to scratch his furry ears affectionately, feeling the way his tail brushed against your leg when it wagged in excitement. Gosh, he just looked so cute whenever the topic of starting a family came up, and if you were lucky, you’d be starting one in a few months. But to make sure of that, Mao had a lot more time to spend, and a lot more knots to push inside you.
When he felt his knot deflate, Mao pulled out his cock from inside you until only the tip remained. It was covered in sticky fluids, a mix of both his and yours, but still as red and erect as when he first took you. He kissed the back of your neck before hilting his whole length back inside you, the tip able to press against your cervix since his knot hadn’t formed yet. You mewled in delight, hands gripping onto his as he began to thrust again.
“Gonna give you a nice, big litter.” He grunted, cock smoothly gliding in and out of your cunt now that it had been painted with his cum, the first load of many for the day. “Our pups will be just as adorable as you.”
You couldn’t wait to spend the next few days with him. Or even your whole life, giving him as many puppies as he wanted.
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