#marriage rate
inhwa-kim · 10 months
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The marriage rate is definitely declining in Korea. By the way, just because they didn't get married and didn't register their marriage on the administration system, are they really living alone without a partner?
Korea is a society that cares extraordinarily about eyes of others. In traditional Korean way of thinking, they do not think about why they are doing something, but simply say, 'Other people do it, so I do it too'. But these days, it seems that there are more people who think, 'Why me?'
The essence of marriage is that two like-minded people live their lives together, and whether or not a wedding event is held has no effect on its essence. In an agrarian society or a feudal society where social life was possible only after receiving acceptance from the people around, weddings would be held for social purposes, but in today's society where people do not know even who lives next door, wedding celebrations have no real meaning other than 'social gatherings of extroverts' or 'religious celebrations of religious people'. Very introverts are reluctant to meet acquaintances, so it is not easy for them to welcome a wedding that is crowded with people they do not even know. Who would spend effort and money on an event they do not want and have no practical meaning or benefit?
Those who enjoy meeting people and holding magnificent events will continue to have weddings, and those who hate meeting people will not hold weddings. So, although the number of weddings event will decrease, as only those who are outgoing and like big events hold weddings, the scale of the event itself will become larger and more expensive in the future.
In the case of marriage registration, the automobile insurance premiums are reduced due to marriage registration, but in the case of youth loans, the amount of money that can be received is rather reduced. Even if you already live together, it is a reasonable way of thinking to register marriage if there is something beneficial to you and not to register if there is a loss. Administrative systems are all created for the convenience of people, and there is no need to use a system that is not beneficial to the individual.
In the case of childbirth, in the past, when the time came, everyone would have children, so you would have had them too, but this is not the case now. If you think your life needs life with children, you will have children, if you don't, you won't have children. The economic burdenis is a matter of the next rank. There are some people who come up with patriotism and national economic issues in relation to childbirth, where private life is at stake, and put forward the logic of 'Shouldn't you have children because the country is going to ruin due to low birth rates?' But, is it a normal way of thinking to give birth out of patriotism?
In the past, everyone went to college, so they went to college, others said it was better to stay at one full-time job for a long time, so they only looked for full-time jobs, others said they had to own a house, so they took out a loan to buy a house, and the pastors said they had to keep Sunday, so they went to church. This will not be the case in the future. Those who only believe, or want to believe, that the existing system will remain forever, there is a possibility that their livelihood is cut off.
한국에서는 확실히 혼인율이 줄어들고 있다. 그런데, 결혼식을 안 올리고, 구청에 혼인신고를 안 했다고 해서 정말 그들이 다들 짝도 없이 혼자 살고 있는 것일까?
한국은 지독히도 남들의 시선에 신경을 쓰는 나라이다. 뭔가 하면서도 그걸 왜 하는지를 스스로 생각해 보지 않고 그저 '남들이 다 하니까 나도 한다'는 게 고전적(?)인 한국인의 사고방식이다. 그런데 요즘 들어 '굳이 나까지 왜?'라는 생각을 하는 사람들이 생겨나고 있는 것 같다. 결혼의 본질은 마음이 맞는 두 사람이 같이 삶을 살아가는 것이고, 결혼식 이벤트를 하고 안 하고는 그 본질에 아무 영향을 미치지 않는다.
주변인들로부터 용인을 받아야만 사회생활이 가능하던 농경사회나 봉건주의 사회라면, 사회적인 목적으로라도 결혼식을 올리겠지만, 옆집에 누가 사는지도 모르고 사는 오늘날 사회에서의 결혼식은 '외향적인 사람들의 친목 모임'이나 '종교인들의 종교 이벤트' 외에는 아무런 실질적인 의미가 없다. 내향성이 강한 사람들은 지기가 아는 지인을 만나는 것도 꺼려하는데.. 알지도 못하는 사람들까지 우글우글 몰려오는 결혼식을 그들이 반기기는 쉽지 않다. 본인들이 원하지 않고, 실질적인 의미나 이득도 없는 행사를 노력과 돈을 들여가며 할 사람이 누가 있을까?
사람 만나서 이벤트 열기를 즐겨하는 사람은 앞으로도 계속 결혼식을 할 것이고, 사람 만나는 걸 싫어하는 사람은 결혼식을 안 하게 될 것이다. 그래서 결혼식을 올리는 숫자 자체는 줄어들겠지만, 외향적이고 큰 이벤트를 좋아하는 사람들만 결혼식을 올리게 되면서, 행사의 규모 자체는 앞으로 더욱 커지고, 비용도 더 많이 들게 될 것이다.
혼인신고의 경우에도, 자동차보험료 같은 경우에는 혼인신고로 인해 보험료가 줄어들지만, 청년 대출 같은 경우에는 오히려 받을 수 있는 돈이 줄어든다. 이미 같이 살고 있더라도, 본인들에게 이득이 되는 게 있으면 신고를 하고,  손해가 발생한다면 신고를 안 하는 게 합리적인 사고방식이다. 행정 제도라는 것들은 모두 사람의 편의를 위해서 만들어진 것인데, 혼인신고를 안 하는 게 불법인 아닌 이상, 본인들에게 이익이 되지 않는 제도까지 이용할 필요는 없다.
출산의 경우에는, 예전에는 때가 되면 다들 자식 낳고 사니까 본인도 낳았겠지만 지금은 그렇지 않다. 스스로 생각해서, 자녀가 있는 삶이 본인 인생에 필요하다고 생각하면 낳고, 아니면 낳지 않는다. 경제적인 부담은 그 다음의 문제이다. 이런 개인적인 삶이 걸린 출산의 문제에 애국심과 국가경제의 문제까지 끌고 들어와 '저출산으로 국가가 무너지는데 너라도 애를 낳아야 하지 않느냐?'는 논리를 들고오는 사람들도 있는데, 애국하자고 애를 낳을까?
앞으로 대학 진학, 정규직 취업, 주택 구매, 종교행사 참석과 같은 문제들에서도 똑같은 사고방식을 가진 사람들이  늘어나게 될 것이다. 예전에는 다들 대학 가니까 대학 가고, 정규직으로 한 직장 오래 다니는 게 좋다니까 다니고, 집은 있어야 한다니까 대출받아 집 사고, 주일성수 해야 한다니까 교회에 나갔겠지만, 앞으로는 그렇지 않을 것이다. 기존 시스템이 그대로 유지될 거라고만 믿고 있는, 혹은 믿고 싶은 사람은, 밥줄이 끊길 가능성이 있다.
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knifearo · 4 months
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like it's honestly kind of ridiculous at this point
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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"I just think that the John and Aeryn story is more like most people's stories," began Browder. "You know, in any relationship there's no linearity. It's not always, 'Just do this and now you've reached it.' I've been married for 36 years, yeah, almost 36 years I've been married, and I can guarantee you that one day you're going to try to kill each other, and the other day you're gonna be just so into each other over time. And so I think that it's real. I think it feels real to people. I think people feel the desires. They feel the pain that people cause one another. They feel the impossibility of it." He continued: "You know, you can be in a relationship and you can be madly in love, and something in life is gonna pull you apart. That could be work. It could be kids. It could be finances. It could be a pandemic, and it's going to stress your relationship, and that's what makes it real. That's what makes it interesting. And the fact that [...] you want to see them together is a testament to the writing staff and to Claudia Black. It's chemistry, which is the metaphor, but you take these [...] two vials, you pour them together, and you end up with something which is effervescent ."
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canisalbus · 3 months
Just the thought of a wedding between Vasco and Machete is mind-numbingly sweet. They deserve the best one possible.
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911-on-abc · 22 days
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I have mixed feelings about Tim but I genuinely respect him for at least being honest about this (x)
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tinylittlelilac · 1 year
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first real post and I am shaking in my boots. please enjoy them! and read jingle bells!!
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dnffics · 1 day
fueled by the pyre of your enemies
by indigoh
Rated E, 12.5k words
Tags: Road Trips, Hurt/Comfort, Marriage, Sexual Content
George has been sleeping his days away lately. Dream tries to keep him up with funny TikToks and kisses, but George is stubborn, and realistically, Dream knows that George is his own man, and that he can’t just force him to do what he wants. They’ve been like yin and yang in a way – two opposite forces working beautifully together: Dream can’t sleep; sleeping is all George can do.
Or, Dream has always been there when George gets sad.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 7 months
King of My Heart
Author: soprano_squad
Rating: M
Status: Completed in July 2023
Word Count: 60,941
Summary: New York high society– fraught with gossip, lies, and a rigid social hierarchy. A hierarchy that some would do anything to climb the ranks of…
Essentially: Kurt is filthy rich. Blaine is even richer. Blaine is blackmailed into an arranged marriage with Kurt, who doesn’t know the truth behind their engagement. Banter, pining, smut, and spending obscene amounts of money ensues.
Tropes/Genre: wealthy!Blaine, wealthy!Kurt, angst, arranged marriage, NYC!Klaine, future!fic, Burt Hummel, enemies to lovers, dark!Blaine
Lynne's review: Wow! Such a roller coaster of emotions! I haven't read a dark!Blaine fic in a long time. Not sure I can actually picture Burt like this, but well done! I actually stayed up past my bedtime several nights - binge worthy for sure! Really enjoyed it. 
Read at: AO3
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stuckinapril · 1 month
Why did you delete the posts abt marriage gurllll😭 (I mean it's totally your choice ofc) but I wanted to read them, I saw them at night and was feeling kinda sleepy and it was literally gonna be morning read😔💔
BC I WAS LIKE?? Why the fuck am I being a bummer about this. I was staunchly anti-marriage when I was younger, but the older I get the more I’m like. I get it. It’s a nice thought. I want to eternally intertwine myself w someone who’ll always have a loving glow for me too. And just bc that hasn’t happened to me yet doesn’t mean I’m gonna be a typical 21 year old gen z girl going on ab how love is not real. I wanna rise above it
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drarryreads · 10 months
Take the Moon
by @tackytigerfic (Mature, 15K)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. Living with Draco (biscuit-lover, no work/life balance, good hair) and his son Scorpius (also biscuit-lover, colour-codes his bricks, proud bearer of plastic swan-shaped garden ornament) gives Harry the routine and companionship he’s always craved. There’s also the matter of the really great sex (because what’s a marriage of convenience without a little fun, after all?) It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
This isn't the story of the marriage. This is the story of two hurt and damaged men who learned how hard they could work for the sake of love.
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a lady of winterfell update, chapter fifteen: the masqueraders
I have always considered myself a son first and a military man second, but all that has changed. I am your husband first, and I cannot bear for you to think that you could be anything less than the woman who has consumed my every thought and held sway over my every move long before I knew you did. Your joy is my joy, and your pain is my pain. The home that you have made in my heart belongs to you and you alone, Sansa. Without you, there is only an emptiness within me that I will never be able to fill. You, you are more than I imagined and you are more than I deserve. And whether or not you return these feelings, it will not change the fact that I-I love you.
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stinkrascal · 1 month
also im gonna try to post more than once a week when i can so i can speed this along bc maaaan this is taking way longer than i thought. it usually takes me like a week to complete one post though so we will see 🙈
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deus-ex-mona · 7 days
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coochiequeens · 3 months
When some women have the means to give up marriage and kids men will turn to women with less options. In the meantime they attack women for rejecting them.
In South Korea, many single men in search of a wife are turning to Vietnam, using marriage agencies in their search for a soulmate. Over there, many young women dream of a better life in a South Korea, even if they don’t speak the language and only know the country through boy bands and hit TV series. 
These men don't just want wives
South Korea’s birth rate has become a national emergency
The country’s twin expenses of education and housing is putting young couples off having children
By JAEMIN LE The writer is a professor of law at Seoul National University
South Korea has beaten its own record once again. The country has registered a new low in its already faltering birth rate. The rate for 2023 was just 0.72. This is an unprecedented number in the global community (the average for OECD countries was 1.58 in 2021).
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snamioneasks · 1 month
I have a question! I'm looking for fanfiction where Hermione and Severus have to marry, this is after the war, and both work at Hogwarts. Their marriage isn't a secret and they both sort of have a sexless marriage until a redhead teacher joins the staff and starts flirting with Severus. Hermione winds up in the bedroom and overhears him defend their marriage to the other woman. Do you guys know that one, its AO3.
Honestly, I've been looking for this for weeks because this is right up my alley. But I'm struggling. I'm going to put it out there and see if any of our readers recognize it?
Edit: @qdrew in the comments identify this fic and we also got an anon ask doing the same. Thank you!!
The Marriage Benefit by miamadwyn - M, 2 chapters - It's all about the money.
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