#master cygnus' adventure
redwhitebreeze · 2 years
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I can’t believe FGO let me win all this. I will graciously accept this offer.
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surr3al1sm · 29 days
Just Dance coaches's favourite Efteling Attractions, pt. 2
I thought of these while at work today (at the Efteling). So I decided to turn this into a little series lol.
"No one cares about this hyper specific thing." Didn't ask :)
Like last time everythings below the cut to save your doomscrolling
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The attraction I chose for Cygnus is called Baron 1898. It's a dive coaster and probably the most popular attraction in the park. I choose this one 100% based on vibes. Cygnus is very much a steampunk enjoyer and this coaster is theme is quite frankly a mix of steampunk and mining. So it felt really fitting. He also knows the preshow off the top of his head and quietly talks along with it.
The traveler
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The attraction I chose for the Traveler is called Carnival Festival. Its a dark ride that takes you through some countries in the world. Kind of like Its A Small World in disney but like Efteling and better. I think he liked the traveling aspect of it. The song is constantly stuck in his heas though and he finds that a little annoying
Si'ha Nova
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The attraction I chose for Si'ha Nova is called Piraña. It's a rapid river ride that doesn't completely drench you but you do get wet to the point its a little annoying. I really don't have any good reasoning on why I chose this for her besides that she likes to splash Wanderlust and her husband in it. Also the song is hella catchy and she just vibes to it in line.
Vester De Ville
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The attraction(s) I chose for Vester are Spookslot (It translates to ghost castle basically) and Danse Macabre. Spookslot was a show set to the song Danse Macabre. Danse Macabre is going to be a dark ride that shows you different scenes that fit to the music. I chose the spooky gothic attractions for the vampire. Wow what a surpise. Anyways, Vester cried when the Efteling announced that they were going to get rid of Spookslot, but he also absolutely loves what we already have regarding Danse Macabre.
(Master) Panda
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I did Wanderlust's parents and Night Swan so I figured it was only fair if I did Master Panda aswell lol. I chose Fabula for him. It's a short 3d movie that shows the importance of different animals through fun little adventures. I feel like he always took Mihaly to see Pandadroom (Pandadream, the predecessor) when they were younger and he just loved it ever since. If you've come this far: thank you for reading this post and listening to me ramble about this for as second time. There will probably be a third time.
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lazarish · 2 years
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I’m doing another postmortem bc I have Thoughts. Thanks for coming on this ride with me!!
I named Lyra because of the summer triangle, the main 3 represent one of the three points (Vega is in the contellation Lyra, Altair is one of the 3 stairs and Deneb is from Cygnus (the Swan) and Phoenix is a bird. Yeah I stretched for him but its fine)
Phoenix was never endgame :( sorry Sam specifically. There was even a draft where he actually died but... I liked him too much lmao.
But he and Dawn have a bunch of adventures so he’s okay!! 
OKAY THE VESPERTINE THING so, her master plan was to take as much magic as she could and then destroy the magic realm completely. She and Nadir were in it together from when they were younger.
She DID NOT plan for Misty and by the time she realized she fucked up Nadir was already a sage, so.
She’s the one who gave Nadir the mirror
She essentially created a Phylactery. From the first time she’s seen wearing it  she wears is continually until she’s seen “dead” when it’s missing. 
She literally yeeted her soul necklace through a portal to get it to safety.
She was in gen 2!! 
And then she killed her brother :(
All her aliases were synonyms of her real name, Vespertine meaning “evening” and Ambrosia is the nectar of the gods. I think im funny
A lot of y’all really though Altair was evil. I mean I guess I’ve set a precedent but no he’s just a good boy.
Okay I could ramble about this forever but MOVING ON. Next time we plunge into the desert, and follow a detective trying to infiltrate the mysterious Capricorn Assembly...
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astrariumofficial · 2 years
So with the introduction of tumblr blaze, we wanted to give it a go on another promotion for Astrarium!
So welcome to our blog dedicated to our story, Astrarium: The Adventures Between Realms! It's going to be a written story all posted online. Our new release date is still TBD but launch date will see the launch of our website, the first seven chapters and more, with a new chapter to follow every week to every other week. This is being written by myself (Kenzie) and my boyfriend Jonathan, and we also run our own small production team that this will be published under known as BADG3R Productions!
Astrarium is set in a universe that is home to seven Realms -- Hydra, Auriga, Ursa, Cygnus, Orion, Lepus and Lyra -- that are ruled over by the Dragons, who are near immortal masters of time and magic. Created by the Original Dragon and left to watch over the rest of his creations, there are those of the Dragons who are granted the role of Watcher, to act as a god of their chosen universe.
The story will follow Artemis (nicknamed Ari), a human girl that was adopted by the Watcher Arabella, and has wanted her entire life to prove that she is worthy to be among the Dragons and how much she loves her people. Passing the Trials to become a Watcher and spending the next four years of her life training and traveling the Realms is her big break. We'll join her in on those four years as she meets friends and foes alike, gets to experience everything each Realm has to offer and watch as she learns more about herself and what kind of Watcher she both wants and needs to be.
The Realms are all unique to each other and there's something for everyone in each one! We also have a huge cast of characters we've lovingly put care into and are so proud of. On this blog, we also post different worldbuilding facts, character facts, aesthetics, incorrect quotes and more!
Want a sneak peak at the story? We have the first 3 chapters available over on my personal writing blog!
We hope that you'll come check us out and give us a follow and feel free to ask any questions, we love getting to answer them! We still have plenty more to share as well!
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onlysmagic · 4 years
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hey hey hey! it's me, honey, back again. i've miss everyone so very much. how have you all been? good, i hope. for the time being, i'll be playing sweet cordy again ( nothing new  . . . nothing's changed . . . still the same old cordy! ) but noah could be coming back soon ~* and maybe some new muses *~ ooOOoOOh. as always, hit the heart for a new old friend and i'll im you to get the party started!
cordy’s stats 🌌 cordy’s wanted connections 🌌 cordy’s pinboard
thanks again for an incredibly warm welcome back! i've missed you all terribly!
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🌌 —  THE STATS .
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           ONCE UPON A TIME , IN A FAR-AWAY LAND known as nara , an ordinary girl is born to two parents who love her ( but cannot seem to love themselves. ) they name her cordelia and, from a young age, there was always something a little . . . off about their sweet girl. now, many parents would claim that their child glows & a light seems to follow them wherever they wander, but the wantanabes would be right.
           it isn’t until the young girl turns 10 that she realizes that no, not everyone can bend space and time to their own whim. not everyone sees the universe as a malleable thing, able to be crafted in one’s own image should they wish. in fact, she is the only one she knows who can do anything of the sort. okay, her dad has superhuman-like strength ( in that he can help her open bottles and things of that sort ) and her mother is incredibly quick-witted, but neither of them can conjure hot balls of gas and light whenever they wish. cordelia can. it’s her mother’s idea to keep it a secret, out of fear that someone could find the young girl and exile her for being so . . . different. delia doesn’t see the harm in it. what’s the worst that can happen? at that age, all she tended to do was bring a bit of starlight to the light-polluted nara and its surrounding areas. it wasn’t like she was dangerous in her mind, it’s all fun and games . . . until someone gets hurt.
           and who should get hurt? why, her beloved parents, of course. a freak accident ( a rush, a blur, not knowing where her powers could take her. ) cordelia was swallowed whole by the guilt of seeing both of her parents in the hospital, doctors whizzing around them while not knowing what in the world had gotten to either of them. they couldn’t for the life of them guess; most thought lightning had something to do with it. if they only knew it was the little girl sitting at each of their bedsides, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
           they both eventually got to go home -- becoming known around nara as the lightning couple, due to the belief that they both were struck by lightning, despite the outlandish odds -- but cordy knew that she wouldn’t be able to go home with them. she would never forgive herself if something worse ( and there wasn’t much worse that could happen to either of them ) so she found hosu and ran, ran, ran. of course, when she arrived safe and sound, she wrote to her parents, but she’s broken inside knowing that, well, it has to be this way. it’s breaking them all, but it has to be this way.
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          THE BROWN-EYED girl shows up on the island shaking. she'd never done anything so brash before, yet, here she was, so many miles away from everything she'd ever known and with nothing to her name . . . nothing other than that stupid quirk she'd been all but cursed with.
          stupid stars. stupid light. stupid gas. stupid universe.
          . . . so what if she's not exactly eloquent, she's too angry to care. what a wicked way to go, but cordelia figures it's better her than her parents. they do forgive her, eventually, but it takes quite a few conversations that last hours upon hours and some good, old fashion groveling. afraid of growing so close to someone that she can hurt them again, cordelia becomes a master of being seen and not heard; it's easier to not be missed if no one really knows you, after all.
          but it's incredibly lonely. living by a rule that an eleven-year-old version of herself created is becoming harder and harder with each passing day, especially when she starts having to lie to mom and dad when they ask about her friends ( cordelia never did like that sad sounding sigh that would always come across the line. ) so she creates these fanciful friends and their fantastic adventures across the isle. they all have their own quirks but they learn to live with them, learn to love them and, by extension, themselves. yeah, it sounds something out of a coming-of-age film that cordelia would probably love . . . but what her parents don't know won't hurt them.
          but it'll end up hurting cordelia. karma's been chasing not too far behind with its sight set on her and, one day, it finally gets her. a horrible accident, her mother exclaimed, so much blood and just -- what, what is going on? cordelia's heart was in her throat and she wanted to scream until she broke the sound barrier. she nearly went supernova ( quite literally, too. it took everything in her not to explode right then and there. ) her father was hit by some punk drunk driver and was announced dead on arrival . . . what? why would the universe do such a thing? why would those stupid stars that everyone swore by decide to take such an inherently good person away?
          it wasn't fair. cordelia fell into a deep deep depression. the stars didn't shine nearly as brightly as they once did ( there was no one to create new galaxies for anymore. ) every night, she'd watch the stars she'd created for her father, her mother, the old friends she knew in nara, die slow deaths. soon, there would be nothing left in the world with her namesake on it and cordelia, all at once, found that to be a crying shame. call it her father's optimism finally rubbing off on her, or just simply finding it hard to keep lying to her now-widowed mother.
          she was going to find some friends . . . anyhow, anyway. if karma, the stars, the government, anything or everything was keeping an eye on her, she’d at least give them a worthwhile show.
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POSITIVE : appropriate, brave, balanced, sugary, polite, organized, practical.
NEGATIVE : co-dependent, stuffy, standoffish, aloof, lethal, anti-social, incapable, dishonest.
LABEL : the doll . . . beautiful but fragile / untouchable.
EASTERN ZODIAC SIGN : THE RAT . . . a clever, quick thinker; successful, but content with living a quiet and peaceful life.
WESTERN ZODIAC SIGN : ARIES / THE RAM . . . a fire sign.  a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. uncomplicated and direct in their approach, they often get frustrated by exhaustive details and unnecessary nuances.
PERSONALITY TYPE : INTJ / THE ARCHITECT . . . highly analytical, creative and logical.
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AURIGA / THE CHARIOTEER  . . . you and cordelia live in the same building. you have the ( un ) fortune of living above her, and in the middle of the night, you awaken to so many odd noises. when you look outside your window, you see her in the middle of the field painting the night sky with thousands of sparkling lights. stars . . . and so many of them! maybe you like them, maybe you ask her to spell out a swear word in the sky, or maybe you just want to sleep.
CASSIOPEIA - THE QUEEN  . . . cordelia rubs you the wrong way. that emotionless void of a girl has gotten on your last nerve and you are going to show her. how? you're not sure yet, but she will rue the day she ever crossed you. wait, what do you mean she's not that bad? that's not fair! you're supposed to hate her . . . wait, did you ever?
CYGNUS - THE SWAN . . . you fell for a vision. no, literally, a vision. they say you only dream up faces you've seen in real life, and for some reason, cordelia is that face. maybe she visits you in dreams and messes with your head, or maybe she's that serial killer who runs after you down the never-ending hallway with a knife in her hand and a smile on her face. how do you deal with seeing her . . . all the time?
GEMINI - THE TWINS . . . something happened and you were both in a tough situation, with cordelia being in the tougher of the two. you two strike a deal to help one another, but you tell her that she owes you. whatever she owes you, that's the deal ( please don't be weird about it tho ) and, for as long as you'd like, she can run around and do your errands for you, tell everyone your blunt opinion of them ( she's pretty good at that ) or just have to listen to you sing the entire aladdin soundtrack over and over again at 3 am. your call.
LYRA - THE LYRE . . . cordelia's never been the type to truly understand people. she always thought that it was because she was so sheltered growing up, really choosing to spend her time with her parents and a select friends from school. however, as she's grown up, she's come to learn that she does want to understand people . . . she just can't. not for trying, but she's too blunt, too sardonic, too -- cordelia. which is why she enlists your help. you're the golden child and she'd like a little bit of that sparkle to shine on her, thank you very much.
ORION - THE HUNTER . . . call it fate, destiny, whatever you will -- something brought you and cordelia together for a fun summer romance. however, now that summer’s melted into fall and everything is getting colder, so did your romance. you broke it off in a way that you thought was amicable but cordelia would be quick to disagree with. she doesn’t want you back, per say, but she does wish that she could have had better closure than a single text message . . . then again, she wasn’t exactly an angel in the relationship either. after she drops off one of your hoodies, you find a crumpled up note stuck in the pocket of someone confessing their love for cordelia . . . during your relationship. seriously, it includes your name and everything! do you confront her, or do you try and get the pair together?
URSA MAJOR - THE BIG BEAR . . . she didn’t mean to, honestly !! you just so happened to be hit by that star and, oh god, it’s like the entire ordeal with her parents all over again. only except she doesn’t really know you. every day during your stint in the hospital, you receive a bouquet of beautiful flowers -- maybe they’re your favorites or maybe they’re the type you cannot stand -- with the same note. i’m sorry. you figure it isn’t from anyone you know; it can’t be, can it? on your second-to-last day, the apologetic message is accompanied by an address and a little, scratchy handwritten note asking to meet someone there. against your better judgement you do, but no one is there . . . until you look up in the sky to see an incredible array of different-colored gasses ,you’ve never seen a nebula up close, save for photographs. a tall, black-haired girl walks beside you and begins to explain that she did not mean to hit you with a shooting star. she was simply practicing but her aim isn’t where it needs to be. do you believe this girl, or run as far as you can away from her?
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farcryfromhere · 3 years
the proposed worldbuilding i have for ryoko is strange. it adds an entirely new side to the character of ryokos departed friend Arisu, and gives an extraordinary backdrop to a comparatively simple character. ryoko is an ordinary person in an otherwise abnormal setting. the idea of her living in a world that used to be in multiple variations of peril is something that comes back in my head when brainstorming the world she lives in. 
as she goes on with her life, ryoko meets the seven wanderers, people who have long since finished an adventure. it is through meeting this group that Ryoko learns the truth about arisu and her past   ------ the seven wanderers are the group of people arisu accompanied on their adventures one by one. though it seemed that even their fates intersected at some points.
theyre still a work in progress. as with the backstory of the wanderers and Arisu, they are very clearly inspired by SaGa. hopefully i am original enough to set them  apart from their inspirations. hah.
Edel - a nomad from the land of scarlet ice, seeking their purpose in life.
Stratos - a mech that has suddenly received encrypted data, and seeks to fully decipher it and discover its origin, gaining upgrades to its body along the way.
Cygnus - a winged being that aims to destroy the tyrant threatening her homeland
Tash - a young girl who struggles with her identity as she perceives memories which are not hers.
Melodia - a musician that must come to terms with a dark past that has finally caught up to her.
Jack - a rowdy gunsmith who stumbles upon the mystery that will question his beliefs and methods.
Vero - nobility hailing from the kingdom of azure flames, running away from his lineage. ------
a more ambitious addition to this, which would explain a lot about Arisu -while being yet another kind of nod to SaGa- came to mind. arisu was an incredibly powerful magician that wanted to perfect her arts. arisu only introduced herself as a traveler, nothing more. she grew tired of  training solo and always offered her help to the seven wanderers.
when their adventures were over, something troubled arisu greatly. and it seems the travelers had noticed this disturbance too. a hidden threat to this world revealed itself. with arisu having finally mastered her magics, she and the seven ventured once more. the battle was long and grueling, arisu unleashed power beyond understanding and the foe was slain. immediately after, she realized the price she had paid for doing this. such concentrated magics had drained her very being, and thus was her lifespan greatly shortened. of course, she had trouble revealing this to the travelers for some time. eventually, arisu had told them of her fate.
the magician said her goodbyes, rid herself of her past in all forms, and wandered through the now peaceful world that she and the others saved. still struggling to figure out what to do with the time she has left, arisu came across a child. this kid was lost, and although it wasnt writ on her face, she could tell the little one was scared. arisu felt her heart burn at this sight. this child is but one of many people that arisu and the wanderers saved... as well as the world. she then realizes that despite this, people still have their ordinary fears and troubles.
Arisu offers her hand and says "youre lost, arent you? whats your name?" to which the child responds "Ryoko... Ryoko Uehara. and Im not lost! ...okay fine, maybe i am." With a laugh, arisu guides ryoko home. from that moment a friendship bloomed...
...and wilted.
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quvsvrs · 5 years
— °❖。× ⌜pretty little...⌟
These secrets could be common knowledge amongst the players ( but not between any characters ) and they also could be new ones !!
FOREWARNING: there is triggering content in these secrets, please be wary and exercise caution when reading them !!
xanthos elder: he craves affection and the kind of love that only people who could disappear could have but struggles with never being able to have it.
ana sasaki: five years ago, there was a serial murder case that has since gone cold with a staggering thirty-six victims, the case belongs to her.
babylon lee: his main source of income is being a hitman for a vampire coven with the promise of becoming one to protect his family.
sweetpea byeol: though they knew they are a beauty to behold, they’re cursed to always see an ugly, rotten corpse staring back at them in the mirror.
justice ru: strange images flash through their mind during sleep mode, they seem like memories but they’re too apprehensive to tell anyone else.
gladiolus orr: his blood pumps slower than normal, too much gold in his veins and with the statue scare years ago, he struggles to keep up his energy.
leonidas pan: he’s scared of being alone but finds himself alone almost all of the time and is scared to go back to the ocean to never have human contact again.
kagari setsushi: they want to live a life as a normal teenager, for at least one day, before they live the rest of their existence swindling deals.
giselle ruan: she believes the reason she’s not like the other white ladies is because when she was murdered, she was carrying a child but told no one.
ari sullivan: has already forgiven the corrupt military compound for raising her corruptedly and wants parental affection from them desperately. 
corentin auster: he has since forgotten, but never wanted to be king and was intending on using the storm of the accident as an escape route.
hero rubia: he had given executive order to continue an unstable experiment with him as a volunteer, resulting in the accident that gave him his powers.
lovecraft quillon: before his discipline of being disembodied and then stitched together, his father would force him to listen to zarin’s own punishments.
garnet crimson: he accidentally murdered someone as a werewolf pup and his father took the blame and is now in prison for life. 
jubilee neuva: she pleaded innocent to a robbery that she did and had pinned it on another heist team member, thus imprisoning them. 
amalthea slade: despite being a priestess specializing in the liberation of dark magic in people’s hearts, practices dark magic themselves and has no heart.
zale reyes: he eats the hearts and steals the wealth of the poor, unfortunate souls that fall in love with him and they turn out not to be his true love.
morpheus viki: they have free will and are not bound by the three laws of robotics and will do anything to feel human emotion, specifically love.
vitaflora darling: she usurps her guardian duties to party outside of the summer court and challenges anyone who tries to stop her or tell on her.
kaisuke alder: his father is a plagiarizing scientist, emotionally and financially abusing him until he decided to run away with no plan.
zion creed: he killed his entire noble bloodline in the blind anguish of his parents killing his impure wife and child that he had hid from them for years.
seneca han: she stalked anyone who stole from her store and if she deemed them as vile, she murdered them and ate their livers.
river ulysses: he doesn’t trust his father and is leading an investigation against him to uncover his corrupt agreements and underhanded executive deals.
euphemia young: she comes from a secret society of women assassins who also dabble into genetic experimentation, thus how she got her powers.
joseph borealis: he’s a very closeted gay and paints himself as a ladykiller to hide it from his homophobic old western ranger parents.
kohl boogdonavic: they investigated their birth, their mother was a prostitute who was bitten by a vampire before she went into labour but still didn’t survive.
mona dorrance: she derives sensual pleasure from genuine gambling and is willing to gamble her life and anyone else’s she can grab her hands on.
channing drakul: their brain has been implanted into a genetically mutated beast because of attempted murder by a rival gang, they use a human avatar.
amelie dan: her husband was murdered two years ago and pretends her mourning is spending frivolously when in reality, it’s murder sprees.
kalliste van amstel: she doesn’t want to be a sea monster and is trying to find a way to change herself from a scylla to a human like the little mermaid. 
shae kyd: he comes from an abusive, alcoholic home and escaped to the sea and hates himself for falling into the same addictive patterns as his parents.
riordan genovese: he blames himself for his father’s untimely death and parties to forget his grief and mourning and soon-to-be responsibilities.
sugarplum min: she doesn't want to admit she still loves her mother even after she was convicted of luring, then murdering and eating children.
wisteria howlite: they’re scared of humans, having been caged and starved by them as a child to hone their hunting skills. they’ve since broken free of them.
sia aquino: she doesn’t intend on returning to her kingdom, knowing that she’s to marry whomever her parents had arranged for her.
neo traka: he’s lonely and really curious about the world he crash-landed on as an infant but believes it’s his divine destiny to conquer it before the argenti.
chocho kunori: she’s an addict to alcohol, marijuana, and mdma and is often under the influence of one of the three at almost all times.
roan lao: he doesn’t think he’s good enough of a magic user to be a sage and his insecurity leads him to daydream about modern life.
maximillian chung: his hypersexualization and excessive, riotous partying is the result of unresolved issues of being a servant of any underland dweller. 
june del basque: his villainous ways are extreme even for his taste but during times of chaos, drastic measures need to be taken for order and peace.
jangmi bae: she has a history of self-harm during long periods of losing competitions— they come in the form of bruises so it doesn’t scar.
xenon yong: his immaturity is a coping mechanism used to replicate the excessive coddling and mental abuse from his overbearing mother.
dani lucania: she believes dying to be a radiant adventure but stays alive to keep her sentient tower company for as long as she can.
aya doe: although only alive because of the wizard who created her from stone, she absolutely hates that man and has run away from his obsessions. 
amora vormir: she’s the sole survivor of a warlord’s invasion on her planet, but has since massacred the army and aims to rule over another planet.
ludwig ritchie: his family has a long history of espionage and currently works for the argenti resistance effort to monitor high-risk argenti targets.
carnelian seo: he’s struggling to keep his funds on a tight leash to keep his store running and a roof over his head as his sales are lowering each day.
bubbles kasady: although she did graduate high school, she didn’t score high enough to enter any post-secondary, despite boasting about it to her peers.
xiomara cygnus: her species is dying and she’s been given a mission by her mother to find a perfect mate; other elves her age were given the same task.
cassiopeia zeos: she’s a single mother because her blind lover was murdered as a revenge plot against her, thus her child doesn’t live with her.
ewan major: he’s attempting to resurrect his dead lover by making a deal with any demon that he comes across despite the dangers of it.
xiaobo zhou: in his blind rage of not being appointed master of his home temple, he had injured his two brothers so badly they were forced to retire.
icarus rune: his owner only kept him because he was given to him at birth and faced mental and physical abuse until he bought his freedom.
aaliyah novena: unable to age, she was once the young lover of a corrupted warlock who wanted her to live forever and kept her in a magical pendant.
asmodeus ven: before insanity, he feels his life was boring and pitiful and so believes everyone is one bad day away from becoming just like him.
geronimo orchard: though a talented runner in track, he also is a drug/potions mule or ‘runner’ because of pressure from his criminal older brother.
daiya monde: she doesn’t believe in purity and only keeps the ruse to have access to valuables and treasures otherwise hoarded away.
kiyoshi gin: she was actually heavily scorned by being banished from the hidden world but doesn’t let others see her anguish from being shut out.
denali whittle: he’s a host to a powerful symbiote, having made the fusion after having mistaken it for argenti slime while containing an infected zone.
qiang lu: he glitches in and out of existence, his mother killing his father after agreeing to have a demon child in order to experiment on his body.
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a-fangirl-writes · 6 years
And all these stars, they bring me back home to you
Also on Ao3
(To celebrate this joyous occasion and quite frankly, historic day for Supercorp and our precious Lena Luthor, I present to you this random piece of fluff. Enjoy!)
Summary: AU. Kara and Lena met at summer camp and over the years, they had become close friends, harboring romantic feelings for each other. Until one fateful summer night, the truth came out to the surface and there was no going back from that point.
Lena almost forgot how much she loved looking up at the sky. She almost forgot how magnificent the world above her could be, how the child inside her would gaze innocently at the infinity she had always pondered upon. She almost forgot…until she met Kara. Lena really had no words to explain how Kara had completely changed her for the better or maybe she hadn’t necessarily changed and Kara had just managed to encourage her best side to come out.
Lena admired the blue-eyed girl for that, for inspiring her to be brave, for reminding her that she needed to slow down to just appreciate life. Growing up a Luthor, slowing down to take in the moments was never an option. It was cliché but Kara had reminded her to live her life to the fullest, to breathe in the air as if it was her last breath; to take on new adventures and challenges so she wouldn’t end up with regret of not doing something, or the agony of all the what ifs.
Kara had a brilliant mind, no doubt about it. Lena was already used to being surrounded by the brilliance that was her brother, but the way Kara’s mind worked was different. Lena knew how much Lex thirsted for knowledge and when he already mastered something, he would move on to another uncharted area to conquer, but along the way, his sense of wonder was lost.
But Kara? The girl’s eyes still sparkled with adoration and excitement every time she learned something new, as if it was something magical and not just something that could be explained through scientific theories and methodological researches. At that moment, those sparkles were once again evident in her eyes, like a spell binding Lena not to look away.
“Oh, oh, I found it! Look, Lee!” Kara pointed her finger out to the sky. “You see that three dots over there?” She glanced over to her left, making sure that Lena was paying attention.
Lena hastily turned her face toward the sky, hoping that Kara wouldn’t realize that she had been staring. “Uh, um… Where?” She stammered slightly, Kara had that affect on her, turning her into a mumbling mess. Lillian would be furious had she known.
Kara noticed how flushed Lena looked, amused by the reaction she got from the girl. But not quite understanding why that was. “Here, let me show you.” She scooted closer, leaving less than a fraction between their heads. In all honesty, she had been dying to get closer to Lena, for reasons she had only admitted to herself.
Lena gulped, still not used to being so close with the girl but she couldn’t deny her growing attraction. She wasn’t confused anymore, well not as confused as before. She knew she liked Kara more than a friend should and she wished she could read Kara’s mind. She wished she would find that Kara felt the same way. She shook her head inwardly, focusing her gaze toward the direction Kara pointing at with her finger. “Yeah, I see them now…” Lena nodded, a smile slowly settling on her face.
“The brightest one is called Vega…” Kara shifted the direction of her finger slightly before she continued, “…and to the east of Vega, the one that’s a bit dim is called Daneb and…” She moved her finger once again, following an invisible pattern. “That one in the south, it’s Altair.” Kara completed her explanation with a hint of pride in her voice, as if she just made some miraculous discovery.
Lena couldn’t help but steal a short glance at the girl, she wanted to know every bit of her and didn’t want to risk missing even a single thing. She wished she could swim in the depth of Kara’s soul and just stay there to unravel the girl that had opened up a whole other universe within her. Lena flicked her eyes up on the vast sky once more. “So, that’s the famous Summer Triangle?” She quirked her left eyebrow, admiring the marvelous sight.
“Yeah, it’s fascinating right?” Kara turned her head to see the look on Lena’s face. She lightly gasped at the beauty before her. Lena surely is the most beautiful girl, at least for Kara she is. And the way her face seemed to be illuminated by the night’s caress, it was breathtaking beyond words could ever tell. Kara braced herself to lean even closer, wanting to drown all of her senses in everything that was Lena. But she stopped, berated herself internally for being foolish. So she just settled on looking at the girl that had managed to captivate her mind and heart.
“So it’s a constellation?” Lena abruptly turned her face toward Kara, surprising the other girl. She caught on to the way Kara was looking at her. Lena wasn’t necessarily clueless about the stars and galaxies, on the contrary, she knew a lot about it but she wouldn’t miss the chance to listen to Kara ramble about something the girl was clearly passionate about.
“Oh…Um…” Kara cleared her throat roughly, avoiding Lena’s eyes by looking straight up. “Um… It’s- It isn’t a constellation. It’s an-an asterism…” Kara spluttered, unable to hide her nervousness.
Lena smiled slyly, enjoying the sight of Kara getting flustered. She thought it was the most adorable thing ever. “What’s an asterism?” She prodded. She didn’t want to make Kara uncomfortable so she thought she should just show more interest in the topic.
Kara seemed to ease up a bit. She collected her thoughts to give Lena an appropriate answer. “Asterism is more like an unofficial group of stars, it’s merely a pattern of stars and it either links one constellation to another or is a part of a constellation. Summer Triangle links the three constellations of Lyra, Cygnus the Swan and Aquilathe Eagle. But I’m afraid we can’t really see them with naked eyes so…” Kara trailed off, still afraid of making eye contact.
“That’s okay…” Lena smiled softly, she wanted Kara to look at her again so she began to move her right arm to touch Kara’s arm. But before she made contact, Kara unexpectedly shifted her arm up a bit, causing their hands to graze each other for a split second. But it was long enough for Lena to have shivers crawling through her spine.
Kara noticed this, but she thought it was caused by the cool air of summer’s night. “Are you cold, Lee? Do you want me to run back to the cabin and get you a blanket?” She asked in concern.
“No, no!” Lena answered quickly. “I’m fine, really…” She assured Kara, smiling brightly.
Neither of them realized that they were facing each other again and they seemed to have shared an unspoken agreement to conveniently stare at each other. Lena’s smile slowly faded as she gazed at Kara’s eyes. She then unconsciously looked down to her lips for a brief moment.  
Kara was thinking hard, her signature crinkle forming between her eyebrows. She never felt like this before and this uncharted territory intrigued her to no end. Her gaze landed on Lena’s eyes and it felt like she was finally anchored to the shore she had been struggling to get to. Being with Lena felt so comfortable, so familiar. But at the same time, it was frightening and exhilarating.
It was everything a crush supposed to be like. But deep down she knew, what she felt for Lena wasn’t just a silly crush. It was something a lot more.
“Can you maybe-?” Lena trailed off. Kara stayed silent but her eyes never left Lena’s, urging her to go on. She saw how Lena was growing restless and nervous, which was a rare sight to gain from the green-eyed girl.
“Maybe you can just, um, hold my hand?” Lena continued, her gaze dropping, hiding her true emotions. Her heart thumped in her chest, her mind raced. She didn’t know where she found the courage to ask the question, but she didn’t regret it, not even a bit. She wanted to let Kara know. She wanted Kara to know how she had longed for her.
Kara was taken aback. She didn’t expect Lena to be so blunt. From all the years she had known Lena, the girl was rather reserved. Lena rarely voiced out her thoughts, unless it was something logical and technical. But when it comes to her emotions, Lena was a fort of mazes and layers. Kara had promised herself to be patient, to wait until Lena would let her in. Kara tentatively reached out her hand, resting it over Lena’s. She tightened her grip, it wasn’t too hard, but it was firm and certain. She felt Lena gradually relaxed at her touch.
Lena sighed in relief, she didn’t dare to look up at Kara, instead her gaze focused on their hands. She focused on how warm Kara made her feel, not only physically, but also emotionally. She let her eyes lingered on their joined hands. She slowly moved her hand inside Kara’s grip, hoping that Kara got her intention.
She did, and soon Kara opened her palm as Lena interlaced her fingers between Kara’s. Everything fell in place perfectly. Having Kara’s hand in hers had only confirmed her feeling even more. She let herself fall into the unknown, but she wasn’t afraid. Somehow she knew Kara would catch her.
“Lee?” Kara breathed out silently, wanting the girl to look at her. She was so close to hyperventilating. What she was about to do was beyond her comprehension. “Can I-?”
Lena braced herself to catch Kara’s eyes once more. But she didn’t expect to see such intensity in the girl’s eyes; it was something she had never seen before. She froze when she realized Kara’s intention. She nodded ever so slightly because that was all she could afford to do. As Kara’s face inched closer and she felt her breath on her face, Lena instinctively closed her eyes.
Their lips brushed for a brief moment. The kiss was innocent; it was sweet and gentle. But it said everything both girls had wanted to say. Lena felt Kara moved her lips tentatively, she could sense how nervous Kara was. Lena tried to reciprocate, but she didn’t even know what she was doing. All she knew was that simple kiss sent jolt of electricity through her entire body.
Much to her dismay, she felt Kara pulling back. She instantly missed Kara’s lips on hers. But she knew they had to stop, they needed to at least try to figure out what it meant. She opened her eyes at the same time Kara’s lids fluttered open.
Kara’s eyes were searching for something, some sort of reassurance. She observed Lena’s face, trying to find any hint of remorse or maybe even anger. But she found none of those. She found Lena watching her with adoration, the way her eyes pierced through hers was honest. She let out the breath she was holding; a sense of relief engulfed her. She saw the corner of Lena’s lips starting to form a smile. She couldn’t help but smile herself, a shy smile that Lena had come to love so much. They both continued to stare at each other with matching wide grin on their faces.
Lena reached up to cradle Kara’s cheek, she brushed her thumb over the flesh gently. “I really, really like you, Kara. And for a while it scared me. But now I realized that I wasn’t scared for the way I feel about you. I wasn’t scared of how people would think of it as wrong or unacceptable. I’ve never felt something as right as what I feel for you. But-I was scared for how fast and hard I am falling for you knowing that you might not catch me…” She let tears flowing down; she finally admitted the one thing that had tortured her for so long.
“Oh, Lena…” Kara brushed off the tears gently, her gaze piercing through Lena’s. She looked at Lena earnestly, reverently. She wanted to convey sincerity in her every word. “With you, it has always felt like I’m coming home. I would always catch you, Lena. These arms are always meant to do just that. And my heart, it has loved you from the start.”
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redwhitebreeze · 2 years
So yesterday I reinstalled FGO because I wanted to see Ereshkigal and the gf again and also see how many quartz i had in the bag (had 106), then saw the Kama banner rerun and a friend suggested me to roll in it and o fucking surprise look who landed here
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Now i only need the summer one and we good, but dunno how long that shit will take
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jonathanraychapman · 7 years
Youtube Channels I Follow 2017-Edition
Below are some channels I follow on YT.. feel free to check them out.
The Katering Show
April Wilkerson
DF - In The Shop
frank howarth
I Like To Make Stuff
Jay Leno's Garage
Peter Brown
The Backoffice
The Ben Heck Show
Torbjörn Åhman
Food Wishes
Strictly Dumpling
Japanese Culture/Anime
Abroad in Japan
Akiterra Goombah
Glass Reflection
Rachel & Jun
Pop Culture/Movies/TV
Brandon Tenold
Chez Lindsay
Chris Stuckmann
Comic Book Girl 19
Dinner For Five
Elly Awesome
Errant Signal
Geek & Sundry
Harlan Ellison
League of Super Critics
Made Man
Manthology Show
Movie Nights
Noah Antwiler
Off The Shelf Reviews
Oliver Harper
Phelan Porteous
Trisha Hershberger
Cannot be Tamed
Cygnus Destroyer/The LJN Defender
Defunct Games
Dex The Swede
Drink a Beer and Play a Game
Epic Game Music
Erika Szabo
Game Dave
Game Sack
Game vs Game
Gaming Historian
Gizmo's Game Lounge
Hibiki TMD
Jimmy Hapa (Import Gaming FTW!)
John's Arcade Game Reviews & Tech
Kelsey Lewin
Kim Justice
Kinsey Burke
Larry Bundy Jr
Lazy Game Reviews
Leftover Culture Review
Michael's Retro Game Reviews
Mixed Nuts Productions - Living in 8 Bits
My Life in Gaming
N64 Glenn Plant
Parker Brown
Pat the NES Punk
Pixel Dan
Radical Reggie
Raya Eagon
Saturn Memories
Sega Lord X
SHMUP Master
Smooth McGroove
The 8-Bit Duke
The Game Theorists
The Games Shed
The Synthetic Orchestra
This Does Not Compute
TNT Amusements Inc
True Review
VGR Nerd Castle
Video Game Pianist
World of Nintendo
Applied Science
AWE me
In Search Of
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risingshadownet · 6 years
SFWA Science Fiction Story Bundle May 9-24 - by: Seregil of Rhiminee
A bundle so packed full of space opera we had to assemble it in orbit. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) joins with 18 different Authors in a massive 17 book storybundle to warp the spacetime of readers everywhere. Featuring New York Times Bestselling authors Michael Cooper, Mike Shepard, and Felix R. Savage, USA Today Bestselling Author Kevin McLaughlin, International Bestselling Authors Glynn Stewart, Craig Martelle, Jennifer Foehner Wells, Terry Mixon, Amy DuBoff, and more! SFWA will make the storybundle available from May 9th thru May 24th. SFWA is an organization for published authors and industry professionals in the fields of science fiction, fantasy, and related genres. Founded in 1965, SFWA informs, supports, promotes, defends, and advocates for its members. We host the prestigious Nebula Awards at our annual SFWA Nebula Conference, assist members in legal disputes with publishers, offer the Speakers Bureau, administer grants to SFF community organizations and members facing medical or legal expenses. Novice authors benefit from our Information Center and well-known Writer Beware site. Between online discussion boards, private convention suites, and a host of less formal gatherings, SFWA is a source of information, education, support, and fellowship for its members. SFWA Membership is open to authors, artists, editors, and other industry professionals who meet our eligibility requirements. For more information, review requests, or interviews, please email Daniel Potter, the SFWA Self-Publishing Committee chair at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. StoryBundle is a way for people who love to read to discover quality indie books written by indie authors. You know how it's always hard to find something good to read? StoryBundle hopes to solve that. We take a handful of books and group them together to offer as a bundle. Then you, the reader, can take a look at the titles we've chosen and decide how much you'd like to pay. Think of us like a friend that scours independent books for undiscovered gems, then bundles these titles together for one low price that you decide. Yeah, we mean it; you get to set the price that you want to pay! Books included: Space Carrier Avalon by Glynn Stewart: Carriers clash and starfighters duel in Glynn Stewart’s epic far future novel of a cold war on the verge of turning hot. Fluency by Jennifer Foehner Wells: An expedition to a derelict alien ship spirals into chaos and linguist Jane Holloway must decide if she can trust an alien’s help to survive.Fluency won the Gold in the Fantasy/Science Fiction category of the 2015 eLit awards. Enemy Unknown by Mike Shepard: The war is over, so why are merchant ships still vanishing? Is it pirates, or is humanity no longer alone in the galaxy? Rika Outcast Micheal Cooper: Rika is mech-meat, a cyborg killing machine, created by the Genevian military and cast aside when the war was lost; she wants to build a new future for herself, but hope doesn’t buy repairs, and Rika will find her fighting another people's war just to stay alive. Cygnus Rising by Craig Martelle: From space they came, to space the returned, humanity searching for a way home. Storm Divers by Terry Mixon: Adam Hale thought diving deep into Jupiter’s atmosphere was the most dangerous thing he could do, but that was before a beautiful spy that hated his guts came looking for him. Troubled Space by Amy Duboff: Aspiring smuggler Jack Tressler is subscripted into a pirate gang where ambitious heists, poor planning, and food-related distractions are a way of life in this farcical space opera adventure. CrapKiller by Felix R Savage: She was expecting a holiday on Ganymede ... not a vermin hunt. Accord of Honor by Kevin McLaughlin: A retired admiral and a young spaceship captain are all that stands between a defenseless Earth and those who would take total control over all of humanity. Tomorrow Log by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller: Master Thief Gem ser’Edreth’s first mistake: refusing to steal what the planetary crime boss wanted. His second: stealing it anyway. Irradiance by David Bruns: Utopia Rule #1: Don’t ask questions. Big Brother casts a long shadow in this dystopian sci-fi novel about one Citizen’s fight against her Community. Ithaka Rising (Halcyone Space, book 2) by LJ Cohen: After a reckless young computer programmer resurrects the damaged AI on a long dormant freighter, she and her accidental crew blunder into a galactic conspiracy forty years in the making. A Rose From Old Terra by Don Sakers: A group of far-future librarians travels to a distant part of the galaxy to save civilization. The Dark Between by Stephanie Bedwell-Grime: A dark mystery lurking on a derelict spaceship leads to a desperate fight for survival. Qualify by Vera Nazarian: Nerd, geek, and awkward smart girl Gwen Lark must compete against other Earth teens, including her high school crush Logan Sangre, in order to Qualify for interplanetary rescue from an asteroid apocalypse in this high-octane dystopian thriller from a Nebula Award Finalist, in the vein of DIVERGENT and THE HUNGER GAMES, and winner of The Fiction Awards 2016 on Wattpad. Some Distant Shore by Dave Creek: Two star systems are colliding, and Mike Christopher of the Earth starship Asaph Hall is rushing to unlock their mysteries, even as two alien races on the journey are keeping their own potentially deadly secrets. Nothing Left to Wish For by Andrew G. Schneider: Step onto the deck of the skyship, the Pirate Queen and join first mate Esmeralda, Prince Sasha, and the genie Sting on a spectacular voyage across the Endless Desert. https://www.risingshadow.net/forum/press-releases/2007-sfwa-science-fiction-story-bundle-may-9-24#5425
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teachergaming-blog · 6 years
MapleStory M Cheats, Hack, Tips & Guide
The game is still in the beta phase and the real lunch is expected to happen in the upcoming few days. Take part in the beta to understand the game mechanism and learn how everything is working before anyone else.
The story is taking place in a unique world and everything is nowhere close to the reality. Therefore, we are simply experiencing a new type of challenges and once you use the MappleStory M cheats, you will be able to afford purchasing whatever you want.
MappleStory M was created and published by “NEXON Company” and it is available to be downloaded and played on Android and IOS platforms.
This game was originally released in the Korean markets and there was no English for it in the past months, but here we are with the latest English version and it has all the necessary updates as well. Unbelievably, this game only requires an android version 4.2 to get it started.
If you were looking to have a smooth experience that is free from lag, then we would recommend you to use a device that has been released in the recent years. Learn more about the gameplay and the related components on the next segments.
Quick Intro.
At the beginning of the game, there is no need to panic or start tapping right away on any corner. The ads are completelytiresome, later at our MappleStory M guide we will be illustrating a simple method to remove these ads for good.
The game requires an active and stable internet connection; it must be reliable to be able to play the game without any loss of connections. Choose a server that has been newly created and does not contain much number of players.
Each server will have its own indicator of how the signal is strong or weak… select the server that is strong enough, as it will boost up your performance by miles.
Your inventory can store up 100 items. If you run out of room, you can spend crystals to expand your inventory. However, of course, if you have followed our MappleStory M tips so far. We are sure that you will have what it takes to expand the inventory to much larger spaces free.
Everything in such a game is obtainable with money and that is making it a much worse game than we have expected.
Starting Instructions to Create the First Hero.
Creating your character is so simple and there are no complications to go through, actually you are allowed to create up to six different characters and each new slot will be unlocked by spending diamonds or using MappleStory M cheats.
We have decided to give our readers a complete preview over the available classes and mention their pros and cons in a list.
1-      Explorer: After the six heroes sealed away, the black mage disappeared without a trace. Maple world was left without champions and that is where you come in. as an explorer, you will work with a group of like-minded adventurers who use their diverse skills and personalities to maintain peace in maple world...
2-      Dark Knight: everybody knows that warriors are super strong and chocks full of hp, but have you heard about their skills? With a few advanced techniques powering up their already devastating blows. These explorers go from intimidating to downright terrifying enemies so beware! They use the spear as a weapon.
This is not the end of the available classes list, we will continue on the upcoming parts as well.
Customize Your Looks Freely.
The character creation process is not only about picking up the class you see that is fitting it, it is more like taking the game into a completely new depth of the available outfits and exactly they look like. The skin, face, hair, hair color all of these can be customized freely.
If you are sick from customizing the character and want to get something that is already ready to be claimed. Then hitting the random button would do it for you and create a character out of nowhere to be ready for battle.
Now, we are back with the MappleStory M cheats service that will enhance any class you are picking. First, we shall continue the remaining classes in the game.
3-      Bow Master: masters of the bow and arrow who deliver powerful attacks from afar! Nobody shoots like an archer. Unlike many of their companions, these explorers stay out of the fray and snipe their enemies from afar. As they grow and gain access to new skills. Archers become even more versatile on the battlefield, able to both pick off enemies one by one and lay down suppressive fire on larger groups.
4-      Night Lord: mysterious explorers who are as agile as they are edgy! These sneaky explorers launch surprise attacks on their enemies, and then disappear into the shadows without a trace. They may not be able to take as much as some of their fellow Cygnus Knights, but they sure can dish it out. If you manage to get MappleStory M hack into the service, then we believe they will be able to take as much damage as anyone else.
How to Enhance Your Hero?
We are now left with only two classes remaining on the list, they are considered the most picked ones in all time. However, before we start getting deeper into their main pros and cons, we have to remind you as a user that the MappleStory M cheats is smoothing you have to use in order to expand your grip over the gameplay features in general.
5-      Bishop: skilled magicians who control crazy powerful explosive spells! Studious magicians who spend their whole lives with their noses buried in the book. They cannot take much of a beating, but their arsenal of elemental spells and enchantments makes them a great addition to any party. Get MappleStory M hack, to unlock the strongest weapons available on the realm.
6-      Corsair: thrill seekers who sail the rough seas in search of adventure. The pirates sailed to maple world aboard the nautilus in search of adventure and glory. With their explosive firearms and cunning skills, these explorers rain destruction on their foes from afar.
Gameplay + General Instructions.
Using a taxi to quickly move from town to town is such a smart move if you ask me…and that is going to take us into the gameplay and how to interact with the different controlling buttons.
Mai is waiting at the top of the hill, climb the rope to get to mai and start your first ever conversation at the game so far. In addition, with MappleStory M hack, we are sure that your experience and challenge will be good enough.
Move in the various 2D world using the movement pad located on the bottom left corner. In addition, you can start a quest by tapping NPCS with a light bulb icon over their head. After the quest is finished, get your rewards from NPCS with a book icon over their head. I guess, you will not be in a very need to the rewards from these quests, as you will be using MappleStory M hack.
The First publisher is : Real Gamers
Main Post Link : https://ostatus.org/maplestory-m-cheats-hack-tips-guide/
Topic :   MapleStory M Cheats, Hack, Tips & Guide
Re Shared on “WithoutWax” : http://withoutwax.tv/2018/01/28/maplestory-m-cheats-hack-tips/
Re-Shared too on “WeAdvance” : http://weadvance.org/maplestory-m-hack-cheats-tricks/
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hopefulstarfire · 3 years
Astrarium: The Adventures Between Realms: An In-Depth Look
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What is Astrarium: The Adventures Between Realms?
Astrarium is a massive, written work of online fiction created by myself and my boyfriend Jonathan, with the art department fully manned by our best friend Tai (@cowboytai) and edited/possibly narrated by our other best friend Watta (found here at his YouTube channel).
The story follows the adventures of Artemis, or Ari as she's better known, a human girl raised by Dragons. The Dragons of are the deities of the universe, with a select group delegated to the task of Watchers, whom take the role of nurturing, shaping and recording the histories of the Seven Realms found in their universe. Ari, at age 16, is able to begin her training to become a Watcher (and the first ever human Watcher), and takes the four years of her training to explore each and every Realm, making friends and enemies along the way, and discovering more of who she is and who she wants to become.
We're currently looking at publishing it on its own website sometime in 2022. What we're looking at having done before then is the prologue, first five chapters, and the first trips to every Realm. Currently, we have the prologue and chapters 1-3 finished, with chapter 4 in progress along with the first round of trips. The prologue and chapters 1-5 will be posted together on the launch of the website. We will also have a Patreon set up for it, with some varying reward tiers!
What are the Realms?
There are Seven Realms featured in Astrarium, all named after constellations. They are Hydra (The Water Serpent), Auriga (The Charioteer), Ursa (Greater Bear), Cygnus (The Swan), Orion (The Hunter), Lepus (The Hare) and Lyra (The Lyre). Each one also features its own aesthetics, cultures, and even specialized races/species of civilized life.
Hydra takes place in a very water and island based world, with an aesthetic setting of the Age of Exploration/Golden Age of Piracy. There are seven major oceans on this world, and hundreds of islands, both inhabited and uninhabited and many filled to the brims with treasures. There are also large underwater cities that are elegantly built and homes to all sorts of academic pursuits.
Auriga is a world inspired by both the Old West and the Steampunk fashion and aesthetic. They have new inventions coming out every day, fueled not just by steam power but also by magical crystals. And they thrive off of having big communities that all rely on each other.
Ursa is a very natural world filled with gorgeous forests and lovely springs. It's world is heavily inspired by high fantasy, dungeons and dragons, and a certain other old tale that'll be evident in its cast of characters. It is filled with magics of all kinds and magical creatures left and right.
The citizens of Cygnus live on floating islands, all connected to each other by tethers, and the inhabitants fly anywhere they please. The aesthetic is based in 1920s/1930s fashion and glitz and glam, with a little bit of a seedy underbelly lurking in the city...as well as interesting horrors down in the jungles below them.
The Giantesses of Orion have kept to the simpler life, with a definite cottage core aesthetic throughout. They are an agricultural society with many settlements and even still wandering nomadic tribes that all unite for the big Games every year.
Lepus' people have been facing an endless winter for over a thousand years. The people have long forsaken and forgotten about their magic, and have relied heavily on science and technology to help rebuild their lives and try to find a way to combat the winter. It's a very sci-fi setting with some style influence from all over.
Lyra is the land of the dead and the home of an eternal party. With plenty of Halloween based influences, there is never a dull moment for those who find themselves in the built towns, and those who are stuck in the fog wander and sing their songs until they find their way to a new home.
Outside of the Realms, there is Dragons Keep, a large mountain in space that acts as the home to all Dragons. It's caves are vast and plentiful, winding all the way through from the head of the mountain, where the High Council meets, to the very bottom. And even with many areas claimed and made use of in this large mountain, there are always mysteries to be found.
Who are the characters?
Astrarium has one of the largest casts of characters we've worked with, with tons of new friends, rivals, and enemies for Ari to meet. Along with Ari, there is a main character for each Realm, with a cast of supporting characters.
Ari (she/her) acts as the main protagonist, helping guide some of the plot and seeing everything through her eyes. On Hydra, our protagonist is Gibbson "Gibbs" Cayde (he/him); on Auriga, Huxley "Huck" Holiday (he/him); on Ursa, Ronan Löx (he/him); on Cygnus, Clyde (he/him); on Orion, Fauna (she/her); on Lepus, Henrietta "Henri" Franklin (possibly she/they, still figuring it out!) ; and on Lyra, Alexei (he/him). Also on Dragons Keep, we have Aris' family, with her adopted mother/Mama, Arabella, her Uncle Killick, and her cousin, Libelle, who is a main character for Dragons Keep.
I hope to get to share more about our supporting cast with you all soon, as they all have some very interesting stories to get to share!
We also are working on art for the main characters as we speak, but we do have Ari's done and that can be found here!
More About The Team?
We're a group of friends who have all known each other since, for the most part, high school! While I'm someone that kind of wants to keep private lives private, I can say that these are the best group of friends to have and we're honestly like our own little family. We've workshopped other projects with each other since, God, like, my senior year of high school? Just about? It's been an insane ride together. We're also just a big bunch of nerds who are all really chill and fun to be around.
How Long is The Story Going To Be?
Astrarium is looking to be the longest project we'll ever do in terms of story timeline, and page count. As the Dragons are masters of time, Ari has the ability to actually mess with it slightly and create what is essentially a "Save point" for herself to go back to after she leaves a Realm. So say she leaves Hydra on a certain day. She can make that save point, go hang out in the other Realms, and come back and it'll be either that exact save point she left at or a few hours later, give or take (though, there are chances of "hiccups" in this, usually occurring when she leaves from Dragons Keep specifically, as it is considered to be outside of the normal flow of time!).
My goal is kind of a fun one of I want it to be one of the longest word count stories out there. I don't really know why I want it to be, other than I think it'd be really cool if I could beat out that Loud House fanfiction in terms of longest works in literature. That's just a nice little goal.
How Can Readers Support the Series?
Honestly, the best thing I can ask for is just getting this around! If anyone takes an interest in this series, reblogs and likes go a long way and are greatly appreciated. We also love, love, love questions!! It's a great feeling to see people want to know more and some questions can really get our thinking caps on to develop more and more! When the site launches, we will again launch the Patreon right alongside it, so if you want to financially support, there'll be reward tiers ranging from $1 a month and upwards! We may look at a Ko-Fi as well and if it looks like people are really interested in it, we may open a merch store and I do want to start releasing some of it as actual books you can have for your shelves!
Financial support is 100000% optional, though, for when that does happen, and like, everyone's situation is different, we just want to make it an option for our audience. But the best feeling in the world to us is seeing people's interest and them sharing it with their friends!
And if anyone has anymore questions, please please please feel free to ask! We're gonna be working on getting to share more updates here soon!! And thank you all for your time!!
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pinwheelrecords · 7 years
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We found a few stragglers (BEATLES! LINK WRAY! VENOM! SHOCKING BLUE!) and realized a few titles disappeared (Sorry Iron & Wine, Gary Clark, Jr., & "I Want You Back Again" Zombies fans!).  We're also still waiting on a status on the David Bowie "BOWPROMO" release, so ask us about it when you come in.
Here's the list to follow:
Against Me--Stabitha Christie 
Air--Le Soleil Est Pres De Moi
Allen Toussaint--Allen Toussaint Collection
Andre 3000--All Together Now
Atomic Bomb Band--Performing the Music of William Onyeabor
Balkans-Pedro Four-Way (Ft. Mike Watt--)Balkans-Pedro Four-Way
Banks & Steelz--Wild Season
The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane
Ben Folds--Live in Perth
Big Star--Complete Third: Vol. 3 - Final Masters
Big Thief--Mythological Beauty
Bill Evans--Another Time: Hilversum Concert
Blowfly--Forever Fly
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & Nathan Salsburg--Untitled ("Beargrass Song" + 2 EP)
Buddy Guy--Sick With Love / She Got It Together
The Cars--Live at the Agora 1978
Cleaners From Venus--Best Of
Coheed & Cambria--Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV V1
Corey Feldman--GO 4 IT
Count Five--Psychotic Reaction (Mono)
The Cure--Greatest Hits
The Cure--Greatest Hits Acoustic
Curtis Knight Feat. Jimi Hendrix--Live At George's Club
Danny Brown--Ain't It Funny 
David Bowie--Cracked Actor (Live Los Angeles '74
)David Bowie--BOWPROMO Box Set
Deee-Lite--Groove is in the Heart/What Is Love
Dennis Wilson--Bambu (Caribou Sessions)
Dexter Gordon--Walk the Blues
Dillinger Escape Plan--Instrumentalist
Distillers--Coral Fang
Dolly Parton--Puppy Love
The Doors--Live at the Matrix 1967
Drive-By Truckers--Live in Studio
Flaming Groovies & Dylan Gardner--Shake Some Action
Flaming Lips--Onboard the International Space Station
Fleetwood Mac--Alternate Mirage
Frank 'n' Dank & Jay Dee--The Jay Dee Tapes
Glenn Jones & Matthew Azevedo--Waterworks
Grateful Dead--P.N.E. Garden Auditorium, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 7/29/66
Hamilton Leithauser & Rostam--Live at KCRW
Harry Nilsson--Nilsson Schmilsson
Hawkwind--Best of the United Artists Years 71-74
Jane's Addiction--Been Caught Stealing (Remix Version
)Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit--Live From Welcome to 1979
John WIlliams--Star Wars: A New Hope
Johnny Cash--Johnny Cash's Childrens Album
Ken Kesey--The Acid Test
Kevin Morby--Beautiful Strangers / No Place to Fall
The Kinks--All Day & All of the Night 7"
The Kinks--Got Love If You Want It 7"
Link Wray--Beans & Fatback
Madonna--Dance Mix
Malvina Reynolds--Little Boxes and Magic Pennies: An Anthology Of Children's Songs (1960-1977)
Marcy Playground--Marcy Playground
Mark Mulcahy--Possum in the Driveway 
Miley Cyrus--Bangerz
Motorhead--Clean Your Clock
Neil Young--Decade
Nico--Fata Morgana
No. 2--What Does Good Luck Bring
Notorious B.I.G--.Born Again
The Offspring--The Offspring
Patti Smith--Hey Joe/Piss Factory
Paul Shaffer & Bill Murray--Happy Street
Pearl Jam--State of Love & Trust / Breath
Peter Schilling--Major Tom
Peter Tosh--Legalize It!
Pink Floyd--LONDON 1966 - 1967
Pink Floyd--Interstellar Overdrive
Prince--I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man
Prince--I Wish U Heaven
Prince--Sign O' the Times
Prince--Pop Life
Prince--Little Red Corvette / 1999
Procol Harum--A Whiter Shade of Pale
R.L. Burnside--Long Distance Call: Europe Recordings, 1982
The Raincoats--The Fairytale in the Supermarket
Robert Johnson--The Centennial Collection: The Complete Recordings
Run the Jewels--Run the Jewels Tote Bag + Enamel Pins
Rush--CYGNUS X-1
Sharon Jones w/ E.L. Fields Gospel Wonders--Heaven Bound B/W Key to the Kingdom
Shocking Blue: At Home
Slick Rick--Great Adventures of Slick Rick + Childrens Book
The Smiths--The Boy With the Thorn in His Side
Son House--Live At Oberlin College, April 15, 1965
Spacemen 3--For All the Fucked Up Children
Spacemen 3--Recurring
Spacemen 3--Playing with Fire
Spoon--Hot Thoughts 12"
Stevie Nicks--Rarities
The Stooges--Heavy Liquid/The Album
Sun Ra--Janus
Sun Ra--Discipline 27-11
Sunny Day Real Estate--Rising Tide
Super Furry Animals--Fuzzy Logic
Superchunk--Cup of Sand
T. Rex--Rock N Roll EP
Talking Heads / Wildling--This Must Be the Place
Tegan & Sara--Under Feet Like Ours
Tegan & Sara / Regrettes--Back in Your Head
Television Personalities--The Painted Word
Television Personalities--Mummy You're Not Watching
Television Personalities--They Could Have Been Bigger Than the Beatles
Thelonious Monk--Les Liasisons Dangereuses 1960
Tolga Kashif--Kashif: Queen Symphony
Trans Am--California Hotel
Trevor Jones--The Dark Crystal: The 1982 Original Soundtrack
U2--Red Hill Mining Town
Vangelis--Blade Runner Soundtrack
Various--Fawlty Tours Soundtrack
Various--Just Say 50: Sire Records 50th Anniversary
Various--Nuggets: Come to the Sunshine
Various--Pineapple Express Soundtrack
Various--Really Rock 'Em Right: Sun Records Curated By Record Store Day Vol. 4
Various--Rough Guide to Bollywood: The Psychedelic Years
Various--Southwest Side Story
Various--Space Jam Soundtrack
Various--We're Gonna Have a Party! The Sound of Wand Records
Venom--At War With Satan
War on Drugs--Thinking of a Place
Wes Montgomery--Smokin' in Seattle: Live at the Penthouse
White Zombie--Gods on Voodoo Moon
The Zombies--A Rose For Emily/This Will Be Our Year
The Zombies--Broadcast 66 EP
Once again, super limited quantities on most of these titles!
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redwhitebreeze · 2 years
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I even planned to stream my rolls for a friend but oh well that’s another Anni servant in the bag, my streak continues except I don’t have them all because fuck Holmes he never came here (and I don’t really need him but still the streak is dirty because of him)
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redwhitebreeze · 2 years
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I swear to fucking god if they announce something like a Space Ereshkigal for the next event I wil absolutely lose my shit I swear you will see my absolute rage
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