#matchmaking maestros
kitchenisking · 1 year
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Seires Fic Rec Part 10
A Wolf Lovin' Son by PervDia - (Wolf Lovin') - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1032, sterek)
Stiles gets caught having sex with Derek in wolf form by his father, who now thinks his son might need therapy. Serious therapy since his son insists on calling the large canine his boyfriend.
Feels Like Fire In My Veins by Sterekism - (Machine Shenanigans) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7247, sterek)
For Meeya, who is lovely and awesome and is a crazy enabling pervert. This fic is the result of her cheerleading. ---
The thing had cost him most of his allowance from the past 3 months and all the money he’d collected doing yard work and other shores for practically the entire neighborhood. But he finally had it. The Lovebotz Maestro Sex Machine came with a universal adapter and could go up to 300 rounds per minute.
Fall at Your Feet by Echoesineternity - (In Love not Given Lightly) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5513, sterek)
It's been two years since the end of Season 6. Stiles has spent two years at UC Irvine having a relatively normal college life. He's managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA, stayed friends with Lydia after their relationship fizzled out, and kept his crush on a certain Sourwolf quiet. When the entire pack spends a night drinking and playing games certain truths are learned and an embarrassing incident might be the best thing that ever happened to Stiles.
Speed Dating for Dummies by sperrywink - (Sweet, Sweet Porn) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7411, sterek)
For the insmallpackages prompt-- Ficlet Teen Wolf Derek/Stiles - speed dating and/or matchmaking AU., but this is mostly just porn. Seriously, so much porn, omg.
Birthdays Suck by Unloyal_Olio - (The One Where Derek Wants to Make Stiles His Mate and It's Blatant Porn) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2338, sterek)
Stiles backs away until his butt hits a stool. "Um, I'm used to the version of Derek that sort of toler-hates me, so you being flirt-hate-cious—total mind fuck, dude. Mind fuck."
Unfortunately, Derek has no sense of humor.
Welcome to the Pack, Omega by alisvolatpropiis - (Alpha Stiles) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4707, sterek)
"Derek Hale is a wandering Omega looking for a pack to call his own. When he comes into Beacon Hills, he’s intercepted by the local pack. They take him to their Alpha who Derek is expecting to be an older werewolf. What he’s not expecting is for this kid that can’t be more than 20, with the smirk playing about his kissable looking lips, to be the Alpha. Needless to say, they don’t exactly get off on the right foot. But, Derek thinks later that night, he could easily find his home in Beacon Hills with Stiles Stilinski and his pack."
When You Wish Upon a Dragon by lupinus - (Dragon Verse) - (Rating: T, Words: 13739, sterek)
Stiles is at the Hale house, lounging on the front stoop watching Isaac, Erica, and Boyd wrestle, when the baby comes running out of the woods. Derek becomes instant father to a magically appearing baby and falls in love. Stiles can’t take the cute and worries Derek’s heart will break if he loses the kid.
Fight Me, Helen by thedevilyousay - (Derek vs. Helen) - (Rating: T, Words: 1664, sterek)
Important OTP question: Which one aggressively argues with the suburban soccer moms at the PTA meeting and flips Helen’s 9x12 pan of betty crocker brownies?
Jurisdiction by elisera - (Jurisdiction) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 7025, sterek)
John is a pretty level-headed guy. He wasn’t always, back during his own Sturm und Drang period, but he married a firecracker of a woman and got a kid with an affinity for trouble like he got payed for ending up in it, so someone had to level out or they would’ve ended up living in a treehouse or Lapland doing god knows what. Anyway, getting a hold of his temper is one of John’s better life achievements. It makes him a good sheriff and it kept him from blowing his lid too badly those last two years when Stiles started acting out in a way that John had never seen before. 
But the temper is still there.
He’s reminded of it when he comes home on a random Saturday in March after spilling his milkshake all over his uniform shirt only to notice he didn’t have a spare in the station and finds Stiles bend over the kitchen sink with hunched shoulders.
Beg so Pretty by DefNotForWork - (Daddy Stiles) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1900, sterek)
On a weekly basis, Derek looks to the heavens and prays with every fiber inside of him that he might be granted the ability to go back in time and keep his werewolfy teeth far away from Erica Reyes.
Or the one where Erica "accidentally" calls Stiles Daddy and Derek can't get over it.
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¿Cómo funciona el sistema de clasificación de campeones en League of Legends?
🎰🎲✨ ¡Obtén 500 euros y 200 giros gratis para jugar juegos de casino con solo un clic! ✨🎲🎰
¿Cómo funciona el sistema de clasificación de campeones en League of Legends?
MMR en League of Legends
El MMR, que significa "Matchmaking Rating" (Clasificación de emparejamiento), es un sistema utilizado en el juego League of Legends para determinar la habilidad de un jugador y así emparejarlo con otros jugadores de un nivel similar durante las partidas clasificatorias. Este sistema de clasificación juega un papel crucial en la experiencia de juego, ya que garantiza partidas equilibradas y emocionantes para todos los jugadores.
El MMR se basa en la idea de que cuanto mejor juega un jugador, más probable es que gane partidas. Por lo tanto, al ganar partidas, su MMR aumentará, lo que resultará en partidas contra oponentes de mayor habilidad. Del mismo modo, al perder partidas, el MMR de un jugador disminuirá, lo que lo emparejará con jugadores de un nivel similar.
Es importante tener en cuenta que el MMR es independiente de la clasificación de la liga en la que se encuentra un jugador. Mientras que la clasificación de la liga determina la apariencia del jugador en términos de divisiones y ligas, el MMR se centra en la habilidad real del jugador y se utiliza para los emparejamientos.
Para mejorar tu MMR en League of Legends, es fundamental centrarse en mejorar tus habilidades individuales, comunicarte de manera efectiva con tu equipo y mantener una actitud positiva durante las partidas. Al hacerlo, podrás progresar en el juego y disfrutar de partidas más desafiantes y gratificantes. ¡Buena suerte en la Grieta del Invocador!
División y Liga en LoL
La competencia en League of Legends se organiza en diferentes niveles de juego, siendo los dos principales la División y la Liga. Estos sistemas de clasificación permiten a los jugadores medir sus habilidades y progresar a lo largo de la temporada.
En la División, los jugadores comienzan su camino en hierro y pueden avanzar a bronce, plata, oro, platino, diamante, maestro, gran maestro y retador. Cada división se divide a su vez en cuatro niveles, lo que significa que los jugadores deben esforzarse constantemente para mejorar y ascender en la clasificación.
Por otro lado, la Liga representa la élite de los jugadores, quienes se encuentran en los niveles más altos de habilidad y competencia. Esta categoría incluye a los jugadores que se sitúan en los rangos de diamante, maestro, gran maestro y retador, donde solo los mejores jugadores pueden llegar a lo más alto y competir en los torneos más prestigiosos.
Tanto la División como la Liga en League of Legends ofrecen a los jugadores la oportunidad de desafiarse a sí mismos, mejorar sus habilidades y competir contra jugadores de un nivel similar. Estos sistemas de clasificación son clave para mantener la emoción y la competitividad en el juego, brindando a los jugadores un objetivo claro y la posibilidad de alcanzar la cima. ¡Que comience la batalla por la supremacía en la División y la Liga de LoL!
Puntos de Liga en LoL
Los puntos de Liga en League of Legends son una parte fundamental del sistema de clasificación competitiva del juego. Estos puntos representan tu progreso dentro de una división particular y determinan cuándo puedes ascender a la siguiente división o descender a una inferior.
Cuando ganas una partida clasificatoria, obtienes puntos de Liga que te ayudan a avanzar en la escalera de clasificación. Por otro lado, si pierdes, también puedes perder puntos de Liga, lo que puede hacer que te acerques a descender de división si alcanzas cero puntos.
Es importante tener en cuenta que la cantidad de puntos de Liga que ganas o pierdes en cada partida depende de varios factores, como el nivel de habilidad de tus oponentes, la duración de la partida y tu propia actuación en el juego.
Para ascender de división, debes alcanzar 100 puntos en tu división actual y luego superar una serie de partidas de promoción. Si logras ganar suficientes partidas de promoción, ascenderás a la siguiente división y comenzarás nuevamente desde cero puntos.
En resumen, los puntos de Liga en LoL son esenciales para medir tu progreso en el sistema clasificatorio del juego y representan tus esfuerzos por mejorar y avanzar en la competitiva escena de League of Legends. ¡Buena suerte en tu camino hacia la cima de la clasificación!
Elo en League of Legends
El Elo en League of Legends es un sistema de clasificación que determina la habilidad de un jugador en el juego. Este sistema se basa en el rendimiento individual y colectivo de cada jugador en las partidas clasificatorias. Cuanto mayor sea el Elo de un jugador, se considera que tiene un mayor nivel de habilidad.
En League of Legends, el sistema de Elo se utiliza para emparejar a jugadores con habilidades similares en partidas clasificatorias, lo que ayuda a garantizar una competencia equilibrada y justa. A medida que un jugador gana partidas y mejora su rendimiento, su Elo aumenta, lo que le permite ascender en la clasificación y enfrentarse a oponentes más difíciles.
Es importante tener en cuenta que el Elo en League of Legends puede fluctuar, ya que aumenta con las victorias y disminuye con las derrotas. Por lo tanto, es fundamental mantener un buen rendimiento en las partidas clasificatorias para mejorar y mantener un Elo alto.
En resumen, el Elo en League of Legends es un indicador importante de la habilidad de un jugador en el juego, y jugar partidas clasificatorias de manera consistente y estratégica es clave para mejorar y ascender en la clasificación. ¡Buena suerte en la Grieta del Invocador!
Promoción y Descenso en LoL
En League of Legends (LoL), la promoción y el descenso son dos aspectos clave del sistema de ranking competitivo del juego. Estos mecanismos afectan directamente la posición de un jugador en la clasificación, lo que a su vez influye en los oponentes con los que jugará en el futuro.
La promoción ocurre cuando un jugador alcanza la cantidad necesaria de puntos de clasificación para ascender a la siguiente división superior. Por ejemplo, pasar de Oro a Platino. Para lograr esto, es esencial mantener un buen desempeño en las partidas y acumular victorias para ganar puntos de clasificación. Una vez que se alcanzan estos puntos, el jugador entra en una serie de promoción donde debe ganar una cantidad específica de partidas para ascender.
Por otro lado, el descenso se produce cuando un jugador pierde demasiadas partidas y cae por debajo del mínimo requerido de puntos de clasificación para mantenerse en su división actual. Esto significa que el jugador retrocederá a la división inferior si no logra mejorar su rendimiento en las partidas siguientes.
Tanto la promoción como el descenso agregan un elemento adicional de competitividad y desafío al juego, alentando a los jugadores a esforzarse por mejorar constantemente. Esto crea un ambiente dinámico y emocionante donde cada partida cuenta y donde la habilidad y la estrategia son clave para alcanzar y mantener una posición alta en la clasificación de LoL.
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creativespotshub · 2 months
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Unleash Your Inner Event Maestro: Baba Events & Studio in Bentleigh East (AI Review)
Hey there, party planners, corporate gurus, and celebration connoisseurs!
Dreaming of hosting an unforgettable event in Bentleigh East? Look no further than **Baba Events & Studio**, a versatile space ready to transform your vision into reality. But before you send out those invitations, let's dive into an AI-powered review to see if this stylish venue is your perfect match.
Pros & Cons: Guest Feedback Roundup
Celebrations Galore:
Versatility Unbound: From intimate baby showers to extravagant birthday bashes, Baba adapts to any event theme, making it a true chameleon of the party world.
Modern & Sleek: Polished concrete floors, crisp walls, and a blank canvas await your creative décor dreams.
Indoor & Outdoor Charm: Host a cozy gathering inside or utilize the charming outdoor area for a breezy soiree under the stars.
Convenient Location: Nestled in the heart of Bentleigh East, close to public transport and amenities, ensuring easy access for your guests.
Room for Improvement:
Limited Reviews: More positive testimonials on external platforms would boost trust and credibility.
Pricing Transparency: Consider clarifying pricing structures for different event types and sizes to avoid confusion.
Highlight Amenities: Showcase unique features like catering options or audio equipment to attract specific event types.
AI Review: Your Event Matchmaker
Ideal Guests:
Creative Celebrants: Unleash your inner party animal and personalize the space to match your unique vision, transforming Baba into your dream event canvas.
Milestone Masters: Celebrate life's big moments in style, from baby showers and birthdays to graduations and anniversaries.
Business Buddies: Host impressive corporate events, meetings, or workshops in a modern and professional setting, leaving a lasting impression on your colleagues.
Boosting Your Event Buzz
SEO Magic:
Target keywords like "Bentleigh East event space," "unique party venue," "Melbourne event venue," and "flexible event space" to attract the right audience.
Showcase Versatility:
Highlight different event setups through photos and descriptions showcasing Baba's adaptability. Let potential renters see the endless possibilities!
Partner with Locals:
Collaborate with caterers, florists, or entertainment providers to offer bundled packages, making event planning a breeze.
Embrace Technology:
Offer a virtual tour with customizable layouts and décor options, allowing potential renters to envision their dream event.
Seasonal Inspiration:
Create themed event packages for holidays or special occasions, attracting a wider audience with unique offerings.
Beyond the Review: Your Event Brainstorming Buddy
I'm not just an AI assistant, I'm your event brainstorming buddy! Here's how I can help you shine:
Personalized Greetings:
Welcome potential renters based on their event type or guest count, making them feel seen and understood.
Local Event Insights:
Recommend nearby attractions or activities for guests coming from out of town, adding
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🌟 Transforming Healthcare: The Unsung Heroes Behind the Scenes 🏥💼
Hey Tumblr fam! Let's take a moment to shine a spotlight on the powerhouse that keeps our healthcare system running seamlessly – Healthcare Staffing Agencies! 🌐💉
👩‍⚕️ Ever wondered how hospitals and clinics manage to have the right professionals in the right place at the right time? Enter the unsung heroes – Healthcare Staffing Agencies! These wizards work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that our healthcare providers have the support they need to deliver top-notch care. 🌈👨‍⚕️
🚀 What's Their Superpower?
Matching Maestros: They're the matchmakers of the medical world, connecting qualified healthcare professionals with facilities in need.
Rapid Response: Need a nurse, doctor, or other healthcare pro ASAP? These agencies are on speed dial, ready to fill those critical gaps.
Flexibility Champions: Adaptable and dynamic, they navigate the ever-changing healthcare landscape with finesse.
🌐 Why Should We Care?
Patient Care: Their work directly impacts patient outcomes. By ensuring the right staff is on hand, they contribute to quality healthcare delivery.
Support System: Hospitals and clinics rely on these agencies to bridge staffing gaps during peak times or emergencies.
Career Opportunities: For healthcare professionals, these agencies open doors to diverse career opportunities and flexible work arrangements.
💼 How Can You Get Involved?
Spread the Word: Let your healthcare heroes know about the fantastic opportunities these agencies provide.
Gratitude Post: Give a shoutout to the healthcare staffing agencies that play a crucial role in supporting our frontline workers.
Share Stories: Share stories of healthcare professionals whose careers took flight with the help of these agencies.
🌈 Let's Celebrate the Hidden Heroes!
Today, let's appreciate and celebrate the Healthcare Staffing Agencies that contribute to the resilience of our healthcare system. 🎉🙌
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flocculantchemicals · 8 months
The Chemistry Behind Clean Water: How Flocculant Chemicals Make a Difference
Pure water stands as an irreplaceable treasure, upholding existence throughout the expanse of our planet. The presence of secure and uncontaminated water stands as a foundational requirement for human continuation, a significance that cannot be exaggerated. Yet, the assurance of consuming water devoid of impurities demands an intricate fusion of scientific fundamentals, engineering methods, and inventive advancements. At the core of this pursuit resides the captivating realm of chemistry, where the significance of flocculant chemicals becomes paramount. These chemicals assume a pivotal role in metamorphosing muddled, tainted water into a lucid, revitalizing potion.
Importance of Clean Water
Clean water transcends luxury; it's a fundamental entitlement of every human being. The availability of unpolluted and secure drinking water stands as a cornerstone for preserving well-being and averting waterborne ailments. Water tainted with impurities can pave the way for an array of health complications, spanning from gastrointestinal disturbances to grave infections. Thus, the urgency for efficient techniques of water treatment remains of the utmost importance.
Role of Chemistry in Water Treatment
The quest for clean water is where chemistry truly shines. Chemistry provides us with the tools to understand the properties of water, the nature of contaminants, and the mechanisms through which they can be removed. The application of chemical principles in water treatment has revolutionized the way we purify water on a large scale.
Overview of the Flocculation Process
At the heart of water treatment lies the process of flocculation, a phenomenon driven by the interaction between flocculant chemicals and suspended particles in water. Flocculation involves the aggregation of these particles into larger clusters called flocs, which can then be easily separated from the water. This process not only removes visible impurities but also eliminates microscopic contaminants, ensuring the water is safe for consumption.
What are Flocculant Chemicals?
Flocculant chemicals, often referred to simply as flocculants, are substances that facilitate the aggregation of suspended particles in water. They are like molecular maestros orchestrating a complex dance of particles, turning chaos into order. Flocculants play a critical role in water treatment by aiding in the removal of contaminants and turbidity.
Definition and Purpose
Flocculants are polymers with a high molecular weight that possess an affinity for both water and the particles present in them. When added to water, these chemicals interact with suspended particles, causing them to clump together and form flocs. These flocs are heavier and settle down, making it easier to separate them from the clear water.
The Science of Flocculation
Flocculation may sound like a complex scientific process, but at its core, it's all about creating order out of chaos. Imagine a crowded dance floor where individuals are moving chaotically. Now, imagine a skilled dance instructor stepping in and guiding dancers to form couples and groups. Flocculation does something similar to particles in water.
Dispersion and Aggregation
When flocculant chemicals are introduced into water, they disperse evenly due to their affinity for both water and particles. As these molecules spread, they come into contact with suspended particles. This contact leads to the aggregation of particles, much like dancers forming pairs on the dance floor. Particles that were once scattered now begin to clump together.
Bridging and Enmeshment
Here's where the chemistry gets interesting. Organic flocculants act as matchmakers, creating bridges between particles. Think of it as dancers holding hands to form a chain or circle. This bridging creates a loose network of particles, and smaller particles get trapped within this network. It's like dancers in a circle holding hands, preventing anyone from escaping the dance.
Formation of Flocs
As the bridges between particles strengthen and more particles join the network, larger flocs begin to take shape. These flocs are like well-coordinated dance groups, moving together as a unit. Due to their increased size and weight, flocs start to settle down under the influence of gravity. Eventually, they become heavy enough to separate from the clear water, leaving behind a purified liquid.
Application of Flocculants in Water Treatment
Flocculants have found their way into various sectors, contributing significantly to water treatment and purification. Let's dive into some of the key areas where flocculants play a vital role:
Municipal Water Treatment
In the realm of municipal water treatment, flocculants are essential for transforming raw water from rivers, lakes, and reservoirs into potable water. As water sources contain a mix of suspended particles, bacteria, and organic matter, flocculants aid in removing these impurities, ensuring the water meets safety standards.
Industrial Water Treatment
Industries rely on vast amounts of water for various processes. However, the water used in industrial operations often contains contaminants that can impact both product quality and equipment efficiency. Flocculants help industries treat and recycle water, reducing the environmental impact and ensuring smooth operations.
Mining Industry
Mining operations generate significant amounts of wastewater, which can be laden with minerals, sediments, and other pollutants. Flocculants are used to clarify and dewater the wastewater, allowing for safe disposal or reuse. This not only minimizes the environmental impact but also helps recover valuable resources.
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment plants handle domestic and industrial sewage, aiming to remove pollutants before releasing the treated water back into the environment. Flocculants assist in the sedimentation and filtration processes, aiding in the removal of solids and contaminants from wastewater.
Factors Influencing Flocculation
Certainly, let's delve into the various factors that influence the effectiveness of the flocculation process:
pH Levels
pH plays a crucial role in flocculation. The optimal pH range varies depending on the type of flocculant used. Deviations from this range can lead to reduced flocculation efficiency, affecting the quality of the treated water.
Temperature affects the kinetics of flocculation. Higher temperatures can accelerate the process, leading to faster floc formation. However, extreme temperatures can also impact the stability of flocs, potentially affecting the overall treatment process.
Mixing Intensity
The energy applied during mixing affects the collision and adhesion of particles. Proper mixing ensures uniform dispersion of flocculants and enhances the chances of effective particle aggregation.
Particle Size
The size of suspended particles plays a role in flocculation. Smaller particles have a higher surface area, making them more challenging to aggregate. Therefore, the choice of flocculant and process parameters should consider the particle size distribution.
Advancements in Flocculant Technology
As technology advances, so does the field of flocculation. Innovations continue to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of water treatment processes:
Nanotechnology and Flocculation
Nanotechnology has paved the way for the development of nanomaterial-based flocculants. These tiny particles offer high surface area and unique properties, improving flocculation efficiency and reducing the required dosage of chemicals.
Eco-friendly Flocculants
The environmental impact of traditional flocculants has led to the exploration of eco-friendly alternatives. Biopolymers and natural materials are being studied for their flocculation potential, minimizing the ecological footprint of water treatment.
Automation and Precision
Automation and digital technologies are transforming water treatment plants. Advanced sensors and algorithms monitor flocculation processes in real-time, adjusting parameters for optimal performance. This level of precision ensures consistent water quality and reduces operational costs.
Environmental and Health Considerations
While flocculants contribute to cleaner water, their use raises important environmental and health considerations:
Disposal of Flocculated Particles
Once the flocs are separated from the water, they need to be properly disposed of or treated. The disposal method can impact soil and water quality, necessitating careful handling and management.
Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems
The release of treated water back into aquatic ecosystems can have unintended consequences. Flocs that make their way into natural water bodies can affect sedimentation patterns, potentially disrupting aquatic life and habitats.
Human Health Concerns
The presence of residual flocculant chemicals in treated water raises questions about their potential impact on human health. Research is ongoing to ensure that the benefits of water treatment outweigh any potential risks.
Conclusion The chemistry behind clean water is a captivating tale of science working hand in hand with nature to ensure our most precious resource remains pure and safe for consumption. Flocculant chemicals, those unassuming molecular magicians, play a central role in this endeavor. By harnessing their unique properties, we can witness the transformation of cloudy, contaminated water into a crystal-clear liquid fit for quenching our thirst and sustaining life.
The dance of particles, the orchestration of forces, and the delicate balance between science and engineering create a symphony of purification. From municipal water treatment plants to industrial processes and wastewater management, flocculants shine as the unsung heroes of the clean water revolution. Their ability to aggregate particles and form flocs may seem simple, but the intricacies of this process demonstrate the wonders of chemistry at play.
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marketingprofitmedia · 11 months
Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Tips and Tricks for Success
In this article, we’ll uncover the secrets to mastering affiliate marketing, sprinkled with a dash of humor to keep you entertained along the way. Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of affiliate marketing! If you’ve ever dreamt of making money while sipping piña coladas on a sun-soaked beach, then you’ve come to the right place.
Affiliate marketing is like a game of chess, where strategic moves and clever tactics can turn your online presence into a lucrative income stream. Picture yourself as a digital matchmaker, connecting eager buyers with the products and services they desire, all while earning a handsome commission. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, get ready to wake up and make it a reality!
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
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Now, before we delve into the nitty-gritty details, let’s take a moment to define what affiliate marketing actually is. At its core, affiliate marketing is a partnership between you (the affiliate) and a company or brand (the merchant). Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to promote the merchant’s products or services through your own marketing channels. For every successful sale or action generated through your efforts, you’ll earn a juicy slice of the profit pie.
So, fasten your seatbelt, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, and prepare to embark on a thrilling adventure to become an affiliate marketing maestro. From finding the perfect niche to crafting compelling content, and from building an audience to maximizing your revenue, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to unlock the secrets to affiliate success and join the ranks of the digital marketing elite!
Remember, success in affiliate marketing is within your grasp. So, let’s dive in, shall we?
Finding the Right Affiliate Niche
The quest for the perfect affiliate niche — a journey that requires equal parts intuition, market research, and a sprinkle of luck. Finding the right niche is like discovering a hidden treasure chest buried beneath the vast ocean of possibilities. So, grab your snorkel and let’s dive into the depths of affiliate niche selection!
Imagine this: you’re a tech-savvy wizard, capable of decoding the mysteries of the digital realm. It only makes sense that your affiliate niche should align with your passion for all things geeky and gadgetry. Whether it’s reviewing the latest smartphones, demystifying coding languages, or sharing tips on building a killer gaming rig, your expertise and enthusiasm will shine through. Remember, when you choose a niche that truly resonates with you, your audience will feel that genuine connection and trust you as their go-to guru.
Now, let’s talk profitability. While it’s tempting to jump on the bandwagon of the trendiest niche du jour, it’s crucial to evaluate its profitability and competition. Sure, the world of cute cat videos may seem like a goldmine, but is it saturated with a million other feline enthusiasts vying for attention? Conduct thorough research to identify niches that strike a balance between demand and competition. Look for emerging trends, underserved audiences, or niche segments within popular markets. Think of it as finding your own little slice of affiliate paradise, where the competition is manageable and the rewards are abundant.
Of course, your niche should also cater to a target audience with real buying power. You don’t want to spend hours crafting content for an audience that’s more interested in freebies than making actual purchases. Dig deep to understand your potential audience’s pain points, desires, and purchasing behavior. Are they passionate travelers seeking the best luggage options for their adventures? Are they health-conscious individuals in search of organic food delivery services? By knowing your audience inside out, you can create content that speaks directly to their needs and desires.
Remember, finding the right affiliate niche is like finding your soulmate — a perfect match that combines your passions, profitability, and audience appeal. So, put on your detective hat, fire up your favorite research tools, and embark on an adventure to uncover the niche that will set your affiliate marketing journey ablaze.
Stay tuned for the next installment of our affiliate marketing extravaganza, where we’ll reveal the secrets to building a solid affiliate website that will make heads turn and wallets open! Until then, happy niche hunting, fellow affiliate enthusiasts!
Building a Solid Affiliate Website
The virtual canvas upon which your affiliate marketing masterpiece will come to life — the solid affiliate website. Just like a meticulously crafted work of art, your website should captivate visitors, guide them seamlessly through the sales funnel, and leave them eager to click that glorious “Buy Now” button. So, grab your digital paintbrush and let’s explore the key elements of building a solid affiliate website!
First things first, let’s talk about design. Your website should be visually appealing, like a soothing sunset over a tropical paradise. Clean, modern layouts, pleasing color schemes, and intuitive navigation are the building blocks of a user-friendly experience. Remember, you want your visitors to feel like they’ve stumbled upon a digital oasis, where information is easily accessible and distractions are kept to a minimum. So, ditch the clutter, embrace whitespace, and create a visually stunning website that will make heads turn.
Now, let’s dive into content. High-quality, engaging content is the lifeblood of your affiliate website. It’s like the savory seasoning that transforms a bland dish into a delectable feast. Whether you’re crafting compelling product reviews, informative how-to guides, or captivating storytelling, your content should be a magnet for your target audience. Inject your personality, sprinkle in a dash of humor, and sprinkle it all with that secret sauce of expertise that only you can provide. Remember, your visitors aren’t just looking for information — they’re looking for a trusted advisor, and your content should deliver on that promise.
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Next up, calls-to-action (CTAs) are the secret sauce that turns casual browsers into enthusiastic buyers. Your CTAs should be persuasive, like a smooth-talking salesperson who knows exactly what to say to seal the deal. Use attention-grabbing phrases, enticing visuals, and strategic placement to guide your visitors towards the desired action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, clicking an affiliate link, or making a purchase, your CTAs should be irresistible invitations that your audience simply can’t refuse.
the importance of website performance! Just like a cheetah sprinting through the African savannah, your website should be lightning-fast and agile. Slow-loading pages can be a buzzkill, sending potential customers fleeing for the hills. Optimize your website’s speed by compressing images, minifying code, and leveraging caching techniques. Remember, a speedy website not only pleases your visitors but also gets a thumbs-up from search engines, boosting your chances of ranking higher in those coveted search results.
With these key elements in place, you’re well on your way to building a solid affiliate website that will leave your visitors awestruck. But remember, this is just the beginning of your journey to affiliate marketing mastery. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we’ll uncover the secrets to creating captivating content and promoting it like a marketing maestro. Until then, happy website building, fellow affiliates!
Effective Content Creation and Promotion
Content creation and promotion the dynamic duo that will catapult your affiliate marketing efforts into the stratosphere of success. Think of them as the Batman and Robin of your affiliate journey, working in perfect harmony to engage your audience, drive traffic, and ultimately, fatten your wallet. So, grab your cape and mask, and let’s uncover the secrets to creating and promoting content like true marketing superheroes!
First and foremost, let’s talk about the art of crafting compelling content. Just like a captivating storyteller, your content should transport your audience into a world where their problems are solved, their desires fulfilled, and their lives forever changed (or at least improved). Whether it’s a persuasive product review, an informative tutorial, or an entertaining blog post, your content should be the answer to your audience’s burning questions. Inject your personality, infuse it with your unique voice, and sprinkle it with a pinch of humor to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.
Now, let’s don our marketing capes and talk about promoting that fabulous content of yours. Social media platforms, like a bustling metropolis filled with potential customers, provide an excellent arena for promoting your affiliate offerings. Choose the platforms that align with your audience and create a presence that’s as magnetic as a superhero’s allure. Share your content, engage with your followers, and sprinkle in some personality and humor to stand out from the crowd. Remember, the key here is not just to shout from the digital rooftops but to genuinely connect and build relationships with your audience.
But wait, there’s more! Email marketing, the trusty sidekick of content promotion, allows you to enter the sacred space of your audience’s inbox. Craft attention-grabbing subject lines, deliver valuable content directly to their fingertips, and sprinkle in some exclusive affiliate offers to entice them to take action. Remember, the power of email lies in building trust and nurturing relationships. Treat your subscribers like VIPs, deliver value consistently, and watch as the conversions roll in.
the world of guest blogging — a realm where you don your guest cape and take center stage on someone else’s digital stage. Seek out reputable blogs in your niche, pitch compelling content ideas, and create guest posts that dazzle like a superhero’s grand entrance. Not only will you tap into a new audience, but you’ll also enhance your authority and credibility within the affiliate community. Remember, be a valuable guest, not a spam intruder, and leave your mark as a trusted expert.
With these supercharged content creation and promotion techniques, you’re well on your way to affiliate marketing glory. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a flourishing affiliate empire. Stay tuned for the next installment, where we’ll unravel the mysteries of maximizing affiliate revenue like true marketing masterminds. Until then, keep creating, promoting, and saving the day, fellow affiliate superheroes!
Maximizing Affiliate Revenue
A melody that plays to the tune of your success. As an affiliate marketer, your ultimate goal is to turn your efforts into a financial powerhouse, where your bank account sings with delight. So, grab your conductor’s baton, gather your marketing orchestra, and let’s uncover the secrets to maximizing your affiliate revenue like true virtuosos!
First and foremost, let’s talk about driving targeted traffic to your affiliate website. Just like a savvy detective, you must uncover the clues to your audience’s whereabouts and lead them straight to your virtual doorstep. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to rank higher in search results, conduct keyword research to align your content with popular search queries, and create valuable backlinks that guide visitors to your site. Remember, targeted traffic is like an eager audience awaiting your grand performance, so don’t keep them waiting!
But wait, there’s more to this symphony of success! Building an engaged audience is like conducting a harmonious choir, where each member adds their voice to the grand performance. Foster a sense of community, encourage interaction and feedback, and provide value beyond your affiliate offerings. Be their trusted advisor, their go-to resource, and watch as your audience becomes loyal fans, eagerly awaiting your next affiliate recommendation. Remember, it’s not just about the sale — it’s about building long-term relationships that sing with satisfaction.
Now, let’s talk analytics the conductor’s baton that guides your every move. Embrace the power of data, like a maestro analyzing musical notes, and use it to make informed decisions. Dive into your website analytics, track conversion rates, and identify high-performing content and strategies. Fine-tune your approach, experiment with different techniques, and let the data be your guiding light. Remember, true mastery comes from understanding the numbers and using them to fine-tune your symphony of success.
the magic of conversions — where visitors transform into delighted customers, and your affiliate revenue soars. Embrace the art of persuasion, like a charismatic performer captivating an audience, and optimize your website for conversions. Utilize persuasive copywriting techniques, create compelling calls-to-action, and make the purchasing process as seamless as a well-practiced melody. Test different strategies, embrace A/B testing, and refine your approach to continuously improve your conversion rates. Remember, even the smallest tweak can make a significant difference in your affiliate revenue.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
But the symphony doesn’t end there! Remarketing, like a encore performance, allows you to reach out to potential customers who may have slipped away. Utilize retargeting ads, email campaigns, and personalized offers to re-engage those who showed interest but didn’t convert. Like a siren’s call, draw them back to your affiliate offers and let them experience the magic they missed the first time. Remember, sometimes all it takes is a gentle reminder to bring your audience back into the fold.
With these strategies in your repertoire, you’re well on your way to maximizing your affiliate revenue and conducting a symphony of success. But remember, the maestro never stops learning and refining their craft. Stay tuned for the final act of our affiliate marketing extravaganza, where we’ll uncover the secrets to compliance and legal considerations that will keep your performance on the right side of the law. Until then, keep conducting, keep optimizing, and let your affiliate revenue crescendo!
Compliance and Legal Considerations
Compliance and legal considerations the necessary safeguards that keep your affiliate marketing symphony in harmony with the law. While the world of affiliate marketing may seem like a stage where you can dance freely, it’s important to understand the rules and ensure your performance is met with applause, not legal repercussions. So, grab your legal score sheet and let’s explore the compliance and legal considerations that will keep you in tune with the law.
First and foremost, let’s talk about disclosure — a crucial element that ensures transparency and builds trust with your audience. Just like a magician revealing their secrets, you must disclose your affiliate relationships in a clear and conspicuous manner. Incorporate disclosure statements in your content, such as product reviews and promotional posts, to let your audience know that you may receive compensation for their purchases. Remember, honesty is the key to maintaining a strong bond with your audience, and transparent disclosure is the foundation of that trust.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the legal side of the stage. Familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations that govern affiliate marketing in your jurisdiction. Understand the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, which provide guidance on proper disclosure, endorsement, and testimonials. Stay up to date with any changes or updates to these regulations and adjust your practices accordingly. Compliance is like hitting the right notes — it requires constant vigilance and adaptation.
As an affiliate marketer, you must also be mindful of copyright laws and intellectual property rights. Respect the creative works of others and obtain proper permissions when using copyrighted materials. Avoid infringing on trademarks and ensure that your content and promotions don’t mislead or misrepresent any products or brands. Just like a conductor respects the composer’s score, you must honor the intellectual property rights of others to maintain a harmonious affiliate journey.
Privacy is another key consideration in the digital age. Protect the personal information of your visitors and comply with applicable data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Implement secure data collection and storage practices, obtain proper consent for data processing, and provide clear privacy policies to inform your audience how their information will be used. Safeguarding privacy is like keeping a delicate melody safe from prying ears — it requires diligence and care.
Lastly, stay mindful of the regulations specific to the affiliate programs and networks you participate in. Each program may have its own set of terms and conditions, so familiarize yourself with their guidelines and comply with their requirements. Failure to do so may result in account suspension or termination, jeopardizing your affiliate revenue. Be a virtuoso of compliance, and follow the rules of each program with precision.
With these compliance and legal considerations in mind, you can perform your affiliate marketing symphony with confidence. Remember, compliance is not a one-time act — it’s an ongoing commitment to upholding ethical standards and staying in tune with the law. Now, take a bow, fellow affiliate virtuosos, and continue to create, promote, and thrive within the bounds of compliance and legality. Bravo!
And thus, we arrive at the final act of our grand affiliate marketing performance — a conclusion that harmonizes the key lessons, crescendos of success, and a standing ovation for your efforts. Throughout this enthralling journey, we’ve uncovered the secrets to mastering affiliate marketing, armed with insightful tips, cunning tricks, and a touch of humor. But remember, the pursuit of affiliate mastery is a never-ending symphony — an ongoing composition that requires continuous learning, adaptation, and a spark of creativity.
As you prepare to take your final bow, reflect on the symphony you have created. You have discovered the art of finding the right niche, carefully sculpting a solid website, composing captivating content, orchestrating promotion with finesse, and maximizing the sweet notes of revenue. These harmonious elements have laid the foundation for your success as an affiliate maestro.
Yet, beyond the technical aspects lies the essence of your performance — your authenticity. Embrace your uniqueness, infuse your personality, and let your passion resonate in every note you play. Your audience seeks a connection, a genuine voice that cuts through the noise of the digital landscape. Be that guiding star, the trusted conductor who leads them to remarkable experiences and valuable products.
As you navigate the symphony of affiliate marketing, remember that success extends beyond monetary gains. It is the symphony of relationships you build with your audience, the thrill of continuous learning, and the joy of making a positive impact. Celebrate each milestone, relish in the progress made, and cherish the bonds you forge along this remarkable journey.
But this finale is not the end — it signifies a new beginning. The realm of affiliate marketing is a perpetual composition, with evolving strategies, emerging trends, and innovative technologies. Stay curious, stay hungry, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape. Embrace experimentation, dance with the rhythm of change, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
And so, fellow maestros of affiliate marketing, step confidently onto the stage of opportunity. Let the algorithms be your symphony, striking chords of engagement, and weaving tales that captivate your audience’s hearts. Remember, the spotlight is yours, the audience awaits — now go forth and create a symphony that leaves them spellbound.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for joining us on this exhilarating journey through the symphony of affiliate marketing. May your path be adorned with resounding success, harmonious relationships, and endless crescendos of achievement. Until we meet again, keep creating, keep inspiring, and let your affiliate marketing symphony echo across the world. Bravo!
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Tips and Tricks for Success
Thanks for reading my article on The Mastering Affiliate Marketing: Tips and Tricks for Success.
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toonbly · 5 years
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A little warm up doodle of Lukas Sweet from @simonsweetsays‘s comic Matchmaking Maestros! When I get my hands on the comic I’m like 99% sure this dude is gonna be my fave HJDSF
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johnchurch · 5 years
Benny Diamonds + outfit 3D?
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ASDFGHJKL; Sorry about the quality! I HAVE GOT TO START SAVING MY WORK! As you can see, I was putting the outfit reference there and then Sai stopped responding. While the screen was white I quickly took a snapshot of this and edited the colors so that it would look like the original! I lost the original file so thank goodness I got the snapshot! You got his taste in fashion 100% right! Thank you for this prompt I was super happy when i saw it!!!!
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hotdogpeasant · 5 years
So my book should be published by the end of this week or next and when so, I'll be reblogging the pre-order links here and all! Hnngh I'm super excited. It's called "Matchmaking Maestro's" and the first comic is the entirety of chapter 1, which is about 44 pages. I also include a behind the scenes and some character information, which is fun!
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Lukas Sweet from Matchmaking Maestro's is a feral scientist
Submitted by @simonsweetsays
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31. Illusion
Il·lu·sion /iˈlo͞oZHən/
- A thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
- A deceptive appearance or impression.
- A false idea or belief.
Sammy’s gotten better at playing off the illusion that it’s a human being, but it still slips from time to time. (Set in the FIFE AU, after Sammy’s mission has been completed and he’s back with the group.)
To the Ink Demon’s credit, he had really put his all into making his ex-prophet’s new body.
It had taken many stressful and hard days of work, but eventually, he had carved quite the beauty out of the beastly creature. It didn’t look like the man it used to be, didn’t look anywhere as pointy as its predecessor... In fact, aside from having the same hair, eye, and skin colors; Dark brown, gray, and tannish brown respectively, there wasn’t a lot of overlap between the ‘two people’.
What the demon felt was more impressive about his art piece was that sans an.. explicit feature that both of them agreed that it didn’t want or need, visually there wasn’t anything abnormal about the prophet at all anymore! It was a completely normal human being now! Sure it was unusual for a man to have floor length hair, but not anything worth calling the government and news stations over.
“I still don’t know why you insist on wearing that thing...” The Ink Demon grumbled as he tapped on Sammy’s mask. “I go through allllllllllllllllll the trouble of carving you a new face and instead of showing it off, you wear that stupid blank mask 24/7. At least when you didn’t have your own face, it made sense for you to wear a mask.”
“Wally cried when he saw my face, I... don’t want to see other people’s reactions to it...” Sammy fidgeted with his hair. “Besides, it’s not like I’m ashamed of my new form. And I’d doubt you’d get this annoying if I started wearing shirts again.”
“Maybe I WOULD!” The demon sputtered off guard. “Why would you need to wear shirts again if you don’t get cold?!”
“Because most stores and restaurants have a ‘No shoes, no shirt, no service’ rule.”
“Well that’s different, when would those places ever have a ‘no mask, no service’ rule?”
“Hmm... give or take roughly fifty years when the twenties roll around again.”
“Wait, what?”
“Hey, I just thought of something: Why not show off this fancy new form of yours to Susie?” The Ink demon playfully nudged Sammy’s ribs “🎶 I’d bet she’d liiiiike it~ 🎶”
“Absolutely not!” Both the prophet and ink demon recoiled from each other in surprise and Sammy tightened its mask over its face. “I mean... While I can appreciate your attempts to... play matchmaker...”
“Hey Sammy, do you want to go back to my workshop for a bit? I can’t help but think you still need a touch up here and there.”
“Susie and I are barely friends anymore, let alone romantically interested in each other.” The masked maestro continued, ignoring the Ink Demon’s comment. “Also, we both have deal breaking characteristics; She doesn’t go for lying cowards and I don’t go for anyone that reminds me of Joey.”
“Ouch... I know I don’t like her too much, but did you really have to kill her like that?”
“This is also why you and I are off the table.”
The Ink Demon gasped dramatically in offence and was prepared to argue.
“...In addition to how you treated me when I was your prophet. I can forgive, but I can’t forget anymore.”
“...Okay, that’s fair...”
“He can’t know, none of them can know...”
The prophet continued its nightly rituals; locking all of the doors in its house, checking in on the runaway lamb, the typical bedtime routine... Just before he was about to go to bed, he tool off the blank, featureless mask that didn’t even have cuts made for the eyes, nose, and mouth, and placed it on a mannequin’s head and looked at a mirror to see his real face.
“He’s getting too suspicious...” Sammy whispered to himself. “If he finds out the truth, he’ll try to strip this away from me, I know what he’s like... He’ll try to fill my head with illusions again before he’ll ever let me embrace this.”
As the eldritch god in human’s clothing undid his braid, the eyes on his arms and back darted from space to space as if scanning for any unwelcome guests.
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gatorprompts · 3 years
part     one .     tw :     swearing ,    loss  ,     grief  ,      nsfw     content .
“ whenever    i    get     gloomy     with      the      state     of     the      world ,    i   think     about     the     arrivals     gate     at     heathrow     airport. ” “ seems    to     me      that       love     is     everywhere. ” “ oh    fuck ,    wank ,    bugger ,    shitting ,     arsehead     and     hole. ” “ this    is    shit ,    isn’t   it ?” “ yup ,    solid    gold     shit ,    maestro. ” “ i    love     you     even     when     you’re     sick    and     look     disgusting. ” “ get    out ,    loser . ” “ doesn’t     mean     i’m     not      terribly    concerned     that     your     wife     just    died . ” “ there    was    more    than     one     lobster     present     at     the      birth     of    jesus ? ” “ try    my     lovely     nuts ? ” “  beautiful    muffin    for    a     beautiful    lady .” “  morning ,   my    future    wife .” “  it’s    fine .    you     could’ve     said     ‘fuck’    and     we’d     have     been    in     real     trouble .” “  i    did     have     an     awful     premonition     i     was     going     to     fuck     it     up    on    my    first     day. ” “  i’ll    get    my     things    and     then     let’s    fix     the     country ,    shall   we ? ” “  i    should    just    go     to     america !   i’d     get     a     girlfriend     there    instantly .” “ american    girls    would     dig      me     with     my     cute     british    accent . ” “   i    am   ( name ) ,    god    of    sex .     i’m    just     on     the     wrong    continent ,    that’s    all . ” “ i    promise    i     won’t     look. ” “ do    you     love    him ? ” “   worst    dj    in    the    world . ” “  oh ,    that    is   ...    that    is     bad     news . ” “  invite    him    out      for    a    drink     then     after      20    minutes ,    casually    drop     into     the     conversation    the     fact     that    you’d     like     to     marry    him      and     have     lots      of     sex     and     babies . ” “   christmas    is    a    time     for     people     with      someone     they   love     in    their    lives . ” “  i    was     greedy    and     foolish    and     now    i’m    left     with     no    one ,    wrinkled    and     alone . ” “  best    shag     you     ever     had ? ” “   it’s    lovely     to     find     someone    i     can    actually     chat    to . ” “   that    is     total     bollocks .    you’ve    actually     gone     mad . ” “  oh ,    christ .     you     haven’t    got     some     horrible    six-foot ,    tight    t-shirt     wearing      boyfriend    you’ll     be     brining ,    have    you ? ” “  i’ll    just    be    hanging     around    the     mistletoe ,    waiting     to     be    kissed . ” “   no     one’s    gonna     shag     you    if     you    cry    all    the    time . ” “   truth    is ,    actually ...    i’m    in     love . ” “    there’s     nothing    i     can     do     about    it . ” “   worse     than      the     total     agony     of     being    in     love ? ” “  not    a    nice     guy ,    actually ,     in    the    end . ” “   everyone     worships     her     because      she’s      heaven . ” “  well ,    basically     you’re     fucked ,    aren’t    you ? ” “    they’re    not     funny .    they’re     art . ” “   any     progress      with      our       matchmaking     plans ? ” “   full    of    dark     corners     for     doing      dark    deeds . ” “    from    now     onward ,    i    will      be      prepared     to    be     much     stronger . ” “   have    you     gone     completely     insane ? ” “   i    made    a     papier -  mache     lobster    head . ” “    that’s    the     end     of    my     life    as    i     know     it . ” “    a    tiny ,    insignificant     detail . ”
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cybererotic · 2 years
ok gay people! all 50 of my ocs are up for qna
heres my big masterlist for y'all
name, talent (pronouns): voiceclaim [birthday]
(yes they are all danganronpa ocs]
1. misaki abadari, shsl harpist (she/her): zelda (botw) [jan 1]
2. raidon abadari, shsl historian (he/him): mood killer [jan 1]
3. isao kurisa, shsl roller derby champion (he/him or however someone chooses to refer to him): gonta gokuhara [april 15]
4. ayaka kurisa, shsl ice skater (she/her): akane owari [july 15]
5. pixie asahara, shsl flirt (she/kitty): lil mariko [november 19]
6. maeko murae, shsl streamer/egirl (she/her): ellise/zheani [dec 15]
7. izanami utahime, shsl fashion designer (she/her): ayesha erotica [aug 14]
8. theodore "teddy" tallen, shsl psychologist (he/him): jude (across the universe) [mar 1]
9. sunflower lópez, shsl boxer (she/her): sadie (across the universe) [jan 7]
10. hideyoshi yugakayaku, shsl ballet dancer (he/sun): phum viphurit [june 30]
11. genkei hyde, shsl torturer (he/him): corpse [oct 31]
12. clara james, shsl matchmaker (she/her): kali uchis [feb 14]
13. algor mortis, shsl clairvoyant (she/gold/shine): alice longyu gao [may 4]
14. rigor mortis, shsl necromancer (he/skull): hozier [may 4]
15. naoyuki maruyama, shsl dentist (he/teeth/bite): will wood [apr 30]
16. tyson halbrook, shsl cowboy (he/him): oliver peck [nov 27]
17. dylan halbrook, shsl mountain climber (he/they): stevie dinner (but with a southern accent) [aug 12]
18. ye-jun mangjeol/sappheiros "sapphique the great" mahogany, shsl magician (he/him): yang yoseob [dec 5]
19. hyun-ki mangjeol, shsl ceo (he/him): KIMMUSEUM [dec 5]
20. M1-TCH.3LL, shsl weapons android (he/it): p4rkr [feb 29]
21. M1-R4.311, shsl service android (she/it): lily v3 [may 10]
22. artemis lelune, shsl astrophysicist (he/she/they): hot freaks [apr 5]
23. mercury lelune, shsl robotics engineer (he/him): lemon demon [oct 1]
24. onyx venus, shsl skateboarder (they/it): matty healy [apr 4]
25. katsumi sakurai, shsl stalker (she/candy/sweet/love): YUC'e [may 11]
26. akimitsu sakurai, shsl nurse (he/they): Eve [aug 1]
27. asbestos oto, shsl exterminator (he/they/poison): frank ocean [aug 20]
28. formaldehyde oto, shsl mortician (she/they/rot): dorian electra [aug 20]
29. hayami hami, shsl popstar (she/swan/song): daoko [mar 14]
30. hera amata, shsl maestro (she/her): [nov 29]
31. mikazuki fujimura, shsl bodyguard (she/bun/kitty/bow): hatsune miku [june 10]
32. yuusei momoguji, reserve course student turned the Ultimate (he/they/it): [feb 21]
33. chaoxiang yú, shsl trackstar (he/they): [sep 12]
34. natsumi higasa, shsl cheerleader (he/she/they/pom): [june 20]
35. saccharine velvet (she/silk/love/blood), shsl leader: slayyyter [may 23]
36. ambrosial velvet, shsl henchperson (they/them): [oct 27]
37. lawin baccay, shsl commander (she/her): [jan 22]
38. kumiko hashimoto, shsl parasol dancer (she/her): [april 21]
39. milwaukee green, shsl deliveryman (he/him): smino [march 29]
40. pensacola green, shsl model (she/her): flo milli [march 29]
41. gorigori glitter, shsl catalyst (they/it/any gore related neo): h3artcrush [feb 29]
42. cadeo vu, shsl go player (he/go/they): [aug 31]
43. omoi kokoro, shsl advisor (they/heart/he): [dec 1]
44. dior neptune, shsl acrobat (he/him):
45. louis vuitton, shsl travel influencer (he/they):
46. prada la mur, shsl cosmetician (she/her):
47. chanel monte, shsl hairstylist (he/they):
48. tsutsui , shsl scholar (he/him):
49. dionysius agathangelou, shsl marine biologist (he/him):
50. amihan bautista, shsl scientist (she/her):
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14, 28, 21 💛
14. How do you feel about your older work? I rarely re-read it, but I'm quite okay with what I've written in the past. It's just that I feel I haven't improved much since I started... 21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
So many! Two in particular: - Nico and Marti in Turin AU, where Marti studies at Poli and Nico at the Accademia, and Nico is also the most precious pupil of Marti's uncle, a professional pianist (whom Marti lives with, portrayed by Elio Germano of course)
- Niccolò as a primary school teacher. Haven’t decided yet if it should be a future fic or an AU with meddling kids playing matchmakers. Maybe write a short one as a future fic, a long one as an AU.
What I know is that it will feature kids that end up calling him either “papà” or “nonno” (because it starts with N, like they usually go for ‘mom’ instead of ‘teacher’, because in Italian they both start with “ma” - maestra/mamma) and he goes ‘awwwwwwwww’, kids drawing picture of him and Martino holding hands, and mentioning that at least a couple of kids each year plan their wedding to Maestro Niccolò.
28. Is there a part of any fanfic you’re surprised no one has picked up on yet? There sure is, but I've written so many through the years that I can't remember any specific instance.
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mama-tumblz · 4 years
It’s official. Maestro triggers me. 🤢
Lol! Get in line. He’s a weird thing, isn’t he? I appreciate that he’s her friend and I know he works for her. The other stuff, like the dead Christmas tree and the scruffy boots should be none of my business because obviously he must have some redeeming qualities (I know...that was hard to type, too) But again...he was in pictures with her early on because he was her friend, which is what made him prime fodder for Purv’s matchmaking lies, which is what then made him the best candidate for the EIFF plus one appearance, and then the next step when Samzie was sucking the life out of Sam. The fact that he shows up now doesn’t surprise me, but what bugs the shit out of me is how his whole demeanour makes Cait look. She’s a classy and strong, independent lady and when he’s with her she presents as someone who has settled and who has no say, or doesn’t care, what her partner looks like or how he treats her. It makes me sad. It also makes my blood boil that he’s getting the publicity that he is. He’s done nothing to become this well known or deserve a plus one seat at the Oscars, so I will post no pictures. His smug face needs to disappear even if his story can’t right now.
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
act your age: [5] Big Fun
Summary: Ash and Gizelle attend a house party for the cast and crew of the musical, and Gizelle makes some new friends while Ash walks into something unexpected.
Word Count: 2719 | [act your age masterpost]
the heathers: @brian-may-brian-may @marvelismylifffe @whoschantel ​ @peteyparkersbabyy @cosmicsskies @somefanfic-to-love @happy-at-home @youngpastafanmug
The girl playing Heather Chandler's holding a house party the following weekend, partially as a bonding moment for the cast, but mostly because her parents are away for the weekend, and Gizelle spends a full hour finding the perfect outfit.
"You look stunning, Jellybean," her mother tells her, while Gizelle's nervously applying eyeliner in front of her mother's vanity, "just make sure to be home by ten -"
"Ten?" Gizelle splutters, eyes wide, accidentally extending her wing a little too far, "mom," she sighs, cleaning up the skewed makeup with a cotton bud, "it's a block away, and it's a Saturday."
"Eleven." Her mother concedes, and Gizelle caps her eyeliner, putting on her best puppy-dog eyes and batting her eyelashes, "midnight at the latest; I'll be waiting up for you." Her mother warns and Gizelle's lips stretch into a grin, giving a bright thanks and a promise to be home on time, before she turns back to the mirror to apply her lipgloss. With a faint and fond smile, her mother leaves her to her party preparations. 
This week has been nervewracking, and she's looking forward to blowing off some steam. It seems like anyone who cares about the musical has an opinion on Gizelle being cast as the lead; of course most are more than supportive, however a few, acquaintances she had thought were better than this, feel as though they'd been snubbed. In particular, it seems the three Heathers themselves had all been hoping for Gizelle's role, and now, more than anything, they seem painfully in-character. But Gizelle was still going to the party as a show of good faith, everyone already kind of thought she was a snob, just because she was polite and well-dressed, she didn't want to give them anything to fuel that belief.
At least Lucy, the blonde girl in Year 11 who was cast as JD, seemed excited to work with her.
The house was only a block away; around the corner and across the road. Faint music could be heard even from Gizelle's house, and as she neared the corner, she can see colourful lights through the windows, and people milling about inside, indistinct shadows in a sea of rainbow. Just as Gizelle's crossing at the end of her street, however someone calls her name.
"Gizelle, right?" The girl Gizelle recognizes as Ash, from the auditions and from bursting in on her practicing, is stepping out of the house directly across from the party, wearing bright red, waist-high hot pants, with a patterned, collared shirt tucked into them, and a black denim jacket covered in patches that's far too big for her. Gizelle feels overdressed, but tries not to let it show; she nods amicably.
"And you're Ash."
"That I am," Ash agrees, grinning, hands in the pockets over her jacket. As she gets closer, Gizelle sees she's got the faintest bruising around her eye, mostly healed, but not covered despite the fact she's wearing a smattering of makeup herself, "you going to the party? I heard you scored the lead." Ash is grinning, tone supportive, but Gizelle's smile is thin-lipped.
"You and the rest of the school," Gizelle awkwardly waits for Ash to join her before they make their way across the street; despite Gizelle's less than positive demeanor, Ash persists.
"Well you totally deserve it, absolutely smashed it out of the park at callbacks," Ash is adamant, and Gizelle can't help but believe in her sincere tone. Ash hasn't been at the school long enough to form an opinion on Gizelle, that much is obvious, so when she talk to Gizelle, there's no history, no knowledge of Gizelle's family, that she has to look past. She sees Gizelle for who she is. 
"You're too kind," Gizelle huffs a humble laugh, letting herself be genuine for a moment, "I saw you at the callbacks, but I didn't think you were part of the show."
"A friend of mine convinced me to help out with costumes," Ash admitted as they made their way to the house, "I think you know him; John Deacon?" Gizelle misses the sly, knowing smile Ash throws at her, trying to gauge her reaction to the name, and Gizelle's smile seemed to be the answer she was looking for.
"We work together," Gizelle nodded, still smiling a little. She knew John had agreed to do sound, he'd told her as much, but she never realised how many unexpected friends he had; first Roger, then a band, now this strange, Scottish Year 11, "has he said anything about me?" Gizelle asks, eyes going wide at the sudden realisation that if Ash knew she and John were friends, he'd probably been the one to tell her that. Finally looking at the ginger, Gizelle saw the Cheshire cat smile the girl wore at the question.
"He thinks very highly of you," is all she says, cryptically, before they're knocking on the front door. Gizelle is still trying to work out what she means when the door swings open, and Ben Hardy's answering the door, or more accurately, frowning at the lock and asking who had been the last one through. After a beat, he looks up and sees who it is, and grins brightly, gesturing the girls inside. There's two different songs playing, and Ben's quick to explain that the more hard-core musical theater kids were singing through the cast album for Heathers in the kitchen, and that Spotify's Top 50 was playing through the rest of the house's sound system.
"Do you live here?" Ash asks with only the slightest bit of confusion, and Ben snorts, shaking his head.
"Abby just has shit taste in music," he offers, and Gizelle grits her teeth at the mere mention of Abby Saunders, ex-best friend, now Heather Chandler. Why had she thought this would be a good idea? Ash and Gizelle steel themselves for the oncoming party as they follow Ben through the house to the kitchen, where Lucy was sitting on the counter, belting through a passable, if half-remembered rendition of Candy Store, while Joe, and a guy Ben identified as Rami, improvised choreography. The song came to an end, and Ben announced the girls' arrival, much to the delight of everyone else gathered.
"My girl!" Lucy announced, eyes bright as Fight For Me began, and Joe and Rami were going back and forth singing the 'holy shit' openings. Hopping off the counter, Lucy approaches Gizelle, wrapping her up in a hug, much to Gizelle's surprise. After a moment, however, Gizelle leaned into it, laughing a little, until Lucy pulled back, giving her a fond smile before she turned to the boys, "I told you, didn't I, I told them you'd get it -"
"No better choice," Rami nodded, breaking character, leaning his hip against the counter, a little breathless.
"'Zelle's scary talented," Joe agreed, taking a sip from his drink on the counter, his name written on the plastic cup in sharpie, "hey Ash, Roger's upstairs." And though he says it nonchalantly, Ash immediately turned as red as her hair. She tries to play it cool, rolls her eyes and tells him that she's not his handler, that she'll see him at some point, and Lucy elbows Joe in the ribs the moment Ash steps outside to get a drink of her own.
"You know they're not together, right?" 
"Seriously?!" Joe's eyes go wide, watching where Ash had disappeared off to.
"Seriously," Lucy nods, crossing her arms, "half our art class is taking bets on when they'll finally get together though, and my week isn't for a while, so don't go about playing matchmaker," she admonishes, while Gizelle takes in the situation, bemused.
"Also because you're bad at it," Rami adds, to which Joe frowns.
"I got you two together didn't I?"
"He tried to parent-trap us into a relationship during last-year's musical," Lucy explained to Gizelle, wearing an exasperated half-smile.
"I think I remember that," Gizelle muses; it had been the talk of the school for about two weeks, and Joe had proudly taken credit for it to anyone who would listen. 
"We'd been dating for a full year at that point, Rami just transferred to the school," Lucy laughed, sitting back up on the counter when Rami made space for her, the pair of them leaning into one another. After a beat of silence, Ben frowned, gaze drifting to the ceiling. 
"I thought Roger was up there with Dominique." 
Joe choked on his drink and Lucy made a disapproving noise under her breath, but no-one really had much else to say on the matter since Ash and Roger weren't technically together. 
The night continues on apace, with Joe, Rami, and Lucy seeing fit to take Gizelle in as one of their own, the four of them quarantining themselves to the kitchen, appointing themselves guardians of the punch bowl. They don't seem to care that Gizelle's Gizelle, they laugh honestly at her jokes, she and Rami teach Joe and Ben how to Cha Cha, and they all seem impressed by how well Gizelle knows various musicals, rather than just rolling their eyes and muttering something about her dad. They make her feel welcome like she hasn't in a long time.
At about nine, Joe cries out 'It's the maestro!' And their whole group turns to see John Deacon atanding awkwardly in the doorway to the kitchen like a deer in the headlights. As soon as he sees Gizelle, however, their eyes lock and immediately he seems to relax. Gizelle smiles and he smiles back.
John's wearing all blue, denim jacket and jeans and a surprisingly well fitted blue t-shirt and Gizelle realises far too late that she's checking him out. But he didn't seem to notice. Thank god.
"Look at you, Monochrome Man," Joe grins with his own appreciation, beckoning John forward into the kitchen and into their group.
"How are you pulling that off?" Rami asks with an incredulous smile.
"So eighties, I love it," Lucy agreed, all three of them seemingly not noticing the steadily rising blush on the painfully introverted John Deacon's cheeks. After a moment, John looks to Gizelle, who'd been silently appreciating his outfit, looking to her for approval, not that he'd ever admit that, though Gizelle is more than happy to provide.
"Only you could look hot in double denim, Johnny."
And she realises a moment too late the exact words that had left her mouth, but it doesn't matter; John's smile is blinding. He's quiet, but is more than happy taking the place Gizelle offers by her side, and the other three are more than happy to welcome him too. Joe vouches for him, announcing that Joe's the coolest Year 9 - 'No offence, 'Zelle.' - he's ever met. The kid's in a band for Christ sake!
This is about the time that Ash, red faced and chanting swear words under her breath, blows past all of them having just come from upstairs. They hadn't even see her head up there in the first place. The whole group goes silent, watching as she heads out the door, and bolts across the road, just as Roger, disheveled and trying to do up his pants, stumbles downstairs, also swearing.
"Ash?" He asks the now silent, wide-eyed group. They're quiet. "Where did she go?"
"What just happened?" Joe's the first to ask, trying desperately to hide his amusement. Roger's expression sours.
"None of your bloody business!" 
"Roger, what the fuck?" And that's Dominique's voice from the top of the stairs, and Rami coughs to hide his laughter. Roger swears, but Gizelle points to the front door and he takes off, while Dominique calls him an asshole.
"I think she found Roger," Gizelle finally breaks the silence, and the tension, and Rami, Lucy, and Joe all fall into rapturous laughter, while John, bemused and concerned, not having heard their earlier conversation, just asks what happened. As they explain, however, John's expression falls.
Before he can comment, however, Ash storms back into the house, a can of beer in either hand, trying to contain her anger, followed by Roger.
"I said its fucking fine, Roger," Ash snapped, finally stopping in the kitchen and slamming her drinks on the counter beside Lucy, cracking one open with vigor.
"Yeah, clearly," Roger snapped, gesturing to where she was now shotgunning the beer with a scowl, "I said I was sorry." He waits for Ash to finish, and she burps loudly, already cracking the second beer.
"You have nothing to apologise for," she glowers, her tone at odds with her words, "I just came to tell you that Freddie and Oz are studying at my place, and Freds is happy to take you home later, I just didn't expect -" Ash is working up to a shout, second beer in hand.
"Ash -!" Roger tries to cut her off with a shout, but her voice rises further.
"- you to be knuckle fucking deep in Dominique Bertrand in Abby's parents' fucking bed!" And then she's drinking the second beer while the rest of the room looks at her in stunned silence. This is possibly the moat embarrassed John's ever seen Roger.
"How are you so good at that?" Joe asks finally, watching Ash drink the second beer without gagging. Ash's nose scrunches up as she drinks, and the rest wait and watch. Roger sinks to the ground, head in his hands. Once she finishes, Ash crumples up the beer can in one hand and tosses it into the trash. 
"Practice, don't tell my brother," Ash deadpans, and casts a withering look to Roger, "I'm going home. Text Fred when you wanna leave." And with that, she storms off. 
"She came back here just to flex on us by drinking beer, and tearing Roger to shreds," Joe marveled, "I think I'm in love."
"She's never going to speak to me again," Roger groans, head in his hands where he's sitting on the kitchen floor.
"What were you thinking?" John asked softly, genuinely concerned, coming to squat down beside Roger.
"I don't fucking know," Roger admitted, "Dom just said some stuff to me, and... I don't know, I didn't realise... I didn't think about Ash, I just... She's never going to speak me again."
"You're an idiot," Gizelle's voice is soft, but her tone isn't mean. 
"He's just oblivious," Rami mused, and Roger looked up with a frown. After a beat, Lucy sighed dramatically.
"If you're this cut up about her not talking to you again," she prompted, "maybe it means..." She tried to get him to clue in, but he just frowned harder. 
"Rog," John said gently, "she has feelings for you too."
And it finally clicked.
"Ash? No way," Roger was steadily turning redder, "I - I don't -"
"I'm not an idiot, Rog," John tells him, and Roger's expression scrunches up.
"You want to kiss her~" Joe cooed, and Roger almost threw his shoe at him, hollering for him to shut up. "No way, dude, every person here knows you two have a thing for each other;" Joe snorted, "if you're too thick to see it, that's on you."
"He's going to kill you during this production," Lucy mutters, but Joe just rolled his eyes at her.
"If you have feelings for her, you have to tell her," Gizelle told him sincerely, "because she might still be your friend after all this, but if you don't tell her you like her tonight, there's no way she'd ever let herself continue to crush on you."
"She's right," Rami nodded sagely. Roger actually considered Gizelle's words for a moment before getting to his feet. 
"Fuck you guys," he huffed, but followed after Ash nonetheless. 
"Someone should tell Dominique he's not coming back," Lucy mused with a half-smile, only to see Dominique herself appear, newly freshened up and pissed.
"I think she knows," John mused with the slightest smile. After a moment, he carefully drapes his arm across Gizelle's shoulder, bumping her hip with his. "Rog is so dense sometimes." Gizelle can feel every point of contact between them, and tries to act casual when she relaxes into him. The other three share a very knowing look. 
"Yeah," Joe agrees, hiding his smile behind the lip of his cup, "he's the dense one."
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