#med cal restriction
wanttobepr3tty · 1 year
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Friday 24nd March
Omelette, Seeded Brown Bread & Herbal Tea w/ Honey
Calories: 255
KitKat (1 pc)
Calories: 52
Beef Curry, Flatbread & Protein Shake
Calories: 488
Total Calories Consumed: 795
Calorie Goal: 800
Day 3 of the 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓓𝓲𝓮𝓽 : ✅
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Saturday 25th March
Dates, Chicken Pie, Kebabs, Flatbread, Fried Dumplings & Supplement Shake
Calories: 984
Total Calories Consumed: 984
Calorie Goal: 1000
Day 4 of the 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓓𝓲𝓮𝓽 : ✅
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doublesidedgemini · 2 years
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Installed new footing in our indoor arena over the weekend and I just rode on it for the first time since installing it and oh. my. god. It’s literally like riding on a cloud!!!! It feels amazing. I hope it feels good for the horses too <3
It was so much fun installing it! A group of like, 14 boarders and lesson students got together. We had to tear apart the bales of footing, shred it by hand, and then spread it evenly across the arena sand… it was crazy but so worth it!! It was a lot of fun hanging out with all the barn peeps and several people told me how gorgeous and beautiful and sweet and perfect and amazing Infinity is 😌 She’s always the barn darling lol
lol, my moods are so up and down <3 just yesterday I was certain there was no one in this life for me and I’m so isolated and alone forever. And now I’m like, ah yes what a good weekend I had 😎 lmfao ok bipolar
tw: wiaiad, ed bullshit
Soooo no logs from last week because I fell behind and then my binges happened and well. Ya. Lmfao. I’m going to have to start recording my cals when I binge even if it’s scary to know what total I get up to, bc just not keeping track at all makes it too hard to track my progress overall.
BUT, today was a great day and a big step for making up for the weekend <3
Cotton candy bang — 0
Bluerazz bang — 0
Small pkg of beyond jerky, teriyaki — 90
3 tbsps of white navy beans — ~47
2 garden hot dogs from Portillo’s — 640; LMFAOOO I love these damn hot dogs smmm they are so good and vegan! If you live near a Portillo’s pls go
100 squats — ~32
100 wall pushups — ~35
200 triceps curls w/ small weight, 100 per arm — ~30
200 squats — ~47
Grooming my horse for 50 min — 187
Walk & trot for 45 min — 184
777 food - 515 exercise = 262 total 😌
I have no idea if those totals for calories burned for my exercises are accurate, I just did some googling and well. Just gotta hope for the best. Maybe 515 total burned w/ exercise is a little high but I definitely burned a couple hundred calories last night and did soooo good eating wise. Feeling back on track! Fingers crossed Tuesday and Wed go well too so I can just relax on Thursday abt things <3
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demicals · 1 year
༺ food diary ༻
ʚ 16 / 12
ꨄ︎ 1.20 pm
ꨄ︎ 101 calories
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ꨄ︎ 3.46 pm
ꨄ︎ 63 calories
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ꨄ︎ 6.21 pm
ꨄ︎ 318 calories
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ꨄ︎ 482 calories
✅ under allowance
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4n0r3x1c-ftm · 2 years
《Med Res Plan》 11-28-22
Breakfast: rice cake (35) + pb (90), & fruit (10) [Total: 135 cal]
Lunch: kiwi (about 45), 10 red grapes (34), 10 blueberries (10) [Total: 90]
I have gym class today, so I should burn a good bit as long as I push myself (my terrible Asthma usually slows me down).
I'll prob update dinner around lunch time bc all my friends ignore my existence anyway👍
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dog-v3ntz · 2 years
was able to count today’s calories pretty accurate at 872!! it’s higher than i’d prefer but i was honestly expecting to be at 1000 today so i will gladly take the 872 thank you very much~
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honeymoonhospital · 8 months
Hate to do this but I'm drunk and high and actually need to eat fucking supper. I'll take the cals out of tomorrow's cals and if there's extra I'll add them to Friday and just fast at home tomorrow.
EDIT: struggling. Keeping tomorrow under 1500, then trying the 650 day again.
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madtea69 · 1 year
so, i binged yesterday. lost count but mustve been something around 1.600 calories.. back to restricting though. i'll just call it a metabolism booster..
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losingtheweight · 6 days
Ok since I have been back on my bullshit I have to admit something… I am doing the EXACT opposite of what I did the first time I was sick.
During the first time I was sick I was alwaysss eating healthy, low cal but healthy. This time I am eating a TON of junk food but also med/low cal restriction, like I’ll eat ice cream or a piece of pizza and then eat nothing until salad for dinner. Back in my day we used to call this ‘junkarexic’
I have lost 20 lbs in the past month and I am hoping to keep up the progress or hopefully lose more weight than that.
PLZ give me options that are less unhealthy but taste unhealthy if you know what I mean. I really need to bring healthy shit back in, it will speed up the weight loss so much. Thanks!!
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y0ugiveth3flv · 24 days
i had a latte that was like 200 cal, and i was wondering if i should eat food when i get home or drink some black coffee.
also side tangent, but i swear when i eat for every meal under cal limit, its harder to stay within restriction.
but when i fast for like a whole day, its easier but it has its cons too. like i need to keep myself busy, and pump myself full of caffeine, and i can’t take any meds without my stomach hurting.
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doublesidedgemini · 2 years
Even though work always royally fucks my ass on Mondays, it was overall a good day yesterday! I’m running really low on funds and I pushed myself to go out and do instacart/door dash deliveries until like 10:30 at night after work! Unfortunately, I’ll have to go out a couple more times to really make a substantial amount, but hopefully I just have to keep it up for a few weeks and then I’ll be good after that.
tw: wiaiad, cal log, ed mention/vent after the cut
I was worried that handling other people’s food last night would drive me bonkers with cravings but it didn’t! I haven’t done these gigs in a minute so the stress of figuring everything out again and driving around in the dark (shout out astigmatisms lol!) was enough to make me nauseous. I’ve been working on having “neutral” responses to food so I’m not bothered by food one way or the other / indifferent to it, so this was a nice chance to practice that.
Monster zero ultra — 10
Roasted seaweed snacks, sesame flavor - 50
1 cup vegan chili — ~255
1/4 cup white rice — 50
1/2 cup garbanzo beans — 110
caramel rice cake — 50
1 tbsp peanut butter — 90
1 tbsp jelly — 50
1 packet McDonalds strawberry preserves LOL — 35
1 packet McDonalds Mexican style salsa — 5
1 double stuff oreo — 70
Celsius, dragonfruit lime flavor — 10
Total: 785 - 41 (from walking) = 744! Huzzah! Pretty decent for me all things considering :)
I think going all out and just eating whatever on Sunday really gave me the boost I needed. I recognize I come across as very up-and-down in my posts but I have bipolar, I’ve always been like this lol. I don’t want people to think I just suddenly picked up this mental illness out of nowhere and made myself sick… just bipolar things 🤪
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poison-writes · 3 months
How I lost 60 lbs and how I’m doing it again
Disclaimer: everyone has different food rules and this is in no way anything I condone, this is just what works for me. Practice harm reduction! Safety is more important than any number or goal you have in mind!!!!
I eat low sodium everyday. I’ve been doing this for three years on and off. I really don’t recommend this for extended periods unless you get at least weekly to bi weekly blood work bc low sodium is super dangerous and super easy to get if you’re doing this and drinking a ton of water. I only restrict sodium because I also restrict water.
I only drink two small glasses of water a day. Laxative tea and caffeinated beverages are unlimited tho. Anything I drink when faint or with meds is free.
I only drink caloric liquids if I feel my electrolytes are off or I’m really faint at work.
I go for at least a two mile walk at 6:15 every morning. I’m extremely structured with my time so this helps my mental health a lot to have quiet time in the morning.
I get around 80% of my calories from raw fruits and vegetables.
On week days I eat below 300 cal and on weekends I can eat up to 1000.
Binging is natural and not shameful but it is not something I want to do. I actively avoid binge triggers.
I focus on self care beyond food. I make sure to do therapy assignments. I color when stressed. Skin and hair care and dressing nice when I can always makes me feel better about myself. It’s also a good way to distract from cravings!
I practice affirmations. “You will lose x lbs” “I am strong willed” “I am productive” “I am disciplined” are my favorites. Thinking of weight loss as a certainty makes you more likely to achieve it.
Stay safe lovelies<3
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skinimini80 · 5 months
Guys I think I’m gonna stop weighing myself for a bit.
I’m just gonna focus on my 1000 cal budget again for a while. It’s nice and simple.
I just can’t purge rn. It’s a waste of my medication. I can’t afford to waste it. Cals in cals out always works. So long as I’m diligent with my calorie counting, I’ll know if I’m doing well.
Plus this water weight is kicking my ass mentally. I know I’ve gained some real weight too, but I can see the puffiness in my face and hands and stuff.
Also I’m gonna incorporate more activity into my life again. Staying busy helps me mentally. It’s a lot easier to focus on hobbies when I’m as well fed as I am rn, so I’m really trying to branch out today and do things that are fun. Soon I’ll have school again and when I do I’m gonna reach that end of the day “I deserve some joy let me b/p or eat ‘normally’” but I hate the way I feel for the rest of the night.
Also l’m bringing back the cal bank. My limit is 1000 per day so really it’s 7000 per week. I can save up for the weekend or just try to enjoy each day at 1000. Either way, it’s a simple rule that helps me sometimes.
I might omad today, idk. I’m not hungry yet as I overate yesterday. I wanted to purge so bad because it hurt but I didn’t! I couldn’t waste my medication! Instead I took a nap to get through the worst of it, woke up and got some groceries while I was still too full to want to touch them, and took a nice shower. I just kept drinking water throughout all of this and come today I’m not hungry but I’m not stuffed! I’m more or less satiated. I did estimate cals because I ate some takeout. I knew exactly how much alcohol I drank, and I knew exactly the cals in some food I ate at home but the takeout makes it difficult to know.
Anyways I ate like 2700 ish cals. Let me remind you I do need more cals to heal rn, but since I’ve been overeating every day I’m switching back to restriction. If my body needs the cals it can snatch them from my fat fucking arms. I’m already being so good with not purging. I only failed once since getting these meds (literally on day 2 of the 10 day course lol). I haven’t allowed that to stop me from doing better.
So basically I don’t know my maintenance rn. It’s usually around 1600-1750 when I’m doing the bare minimum of walking to get from point a to point b. So my 1000 cal budget is safe.
Despite the fact that I’ve eaten a lot this week, I’m just gonna have today be a fresh start. Like I said, I do need extra cals rn. I’ve eaten them. I‘m set. So I have 3000 cals left for the week. I’m not at all hungry right now even though it’s almost 1:30 p.m. I have a package I ordered that’s supposed to come in tonight, so I’m excited about that (I like never treat myself to online shopping).
Here’s to my next honeymoon phase (I’ll actually drink to it later tonight before my omad if I even eat at all).
Also i know alcohol hinders healing, but I’m in a lot of pain rn and deserve a little fucking joy. Plus it helps me Slow down and really enjoy my food. Eating sober just isn’t that fun anymore.
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witch-of-thorns · 1 year
I’m doing that cabbage soup diet thing and holy
It’s been two days and like
1. The soup is so low cal that having it is so guilt free while feeling like I’m having a proper meal so it’s nice. Most of my restriction goes bad because the small portions go so fast that I have so much free time to just think about food. The soup can fill a whole bowl and still be barely any calories, takes me more time to finish, and I won’t hate myself if I get a second bowl. And then I actually feel full!
2. In my opinion it actually tastes really good unlike most ana diets where I just don’t really like the food. Like most ana meals are just so fucking bland but this soup is so flavourful it’s awesome. Being able to enjoy it ends up actually leaving me without craving other food because, well I just had something yummy so I’m happy.
3. The bathroom situation… ya it’s true. It’s like a free laxative which is nice to me for a few reasons. For one, I hate not being able to go because I feel like it messes up the accuracy of the scale. And two, I started getting in the habit of using actual laxatives so if I can have a more natural approach that won’t mess up my body then that’s awesome
I’ll try to keep updating about this diet and I’ll do a final result post but so far so good. Definitely recommend to my low res lovelies to try. And even if you’re med or high res, the best part about soups in general is how customizable they are. Add stuff like potato, tuna, carrot, etc and enjoy a diet for once <3
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grotesquefreakk · 6 months
Is 600 cals med, high, or low restriction to you?
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desperate2lose · 11 months
July 28th, 2023
2 pm: ow. headache. OWWWW. i think maybe because all i’ve had today was potato salad. and also i didnt wear my glasses for a few hours. and ykw im havin for lunch? potato salad. because that shit slaps and is surprisingly not that high in cals.
i got stuff todayyyy!!!✨ i picked up my meds, got sugar free gum, powerade zero, stevia, and multivitamins! ALSO I WEIGHED MYSELF AND IM 251.6 🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 but only time will tell 👻
Nearly 9 pm: still have a headache :/ took a FAT nap. couch naps hit different. also for every meal today i just ate potato salad LMAO i have mastered the art of binging 👯
i’m gonna try not to eat again tonight tho even tho ive got like 300 cals to spare.
11 pm: yay! i had sugar free gum and met my goal<3 my fitness pal got mad at me tho and said i need to eat more. i genuinely feel fine tho.
i was thinking to myself earlier that i think i’m going to restrict until i hit about 180 and then try to incorporate working out more and eating a bit more, because i’m worried about what happens when i hit my goal weight. what if i go from eating 900 cals a day to the internet telling me that i need to eat 1500 in order to maintain? would my body not understand and just gain the weight back? i guess it would be impossible for me to gain 100 lbs back so it’s better than nothing. and if i gained even 20 lbs back i could work that off at the gym maybe? idk. some random thoughts.
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Trying to keep myself on a cal restriction by planning meals and eating at specific times, but because of my meds, at those specific times I have no appetite.
I know if I don't eat at these specific times I'm going to binge when the meds wear off but GOD eating when not hungry feels so disgusting
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