#mia brooks icons
iconclassic · 1 year
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Star Trek Discovery Icons, S1. Pt. 1./?
Admiral Cornwell, #3,500
Amanda Grayson #270
Michael Burnham #37,000
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danwhobrowses · 9 months
One Piece Chapter 1089 - Initial Thoughts
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It has been months
We've had awesome side quests and painstaking breaks, but now we return to Egghead for the Egghead Island Arc. Though at this rate we may just need to rename this the 'Incidents Arc' considering it's one incident after the other.
Still, we miss our sillies, so let's not wait any longer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Nami is savage for the cover page, 'no thanks I already saw the stars' XD
I didn't even notice Sanji in the window the first time around
To recap though before we get to the chapter; Luffy and Lucci are fighting S-Bear, Bonney is going through Kuma's memory bubble, Shaka and Pythagoras are dead, Usopp and Lilith are stoned by S-Snake, Franky is partly stoned and chasing after S-Snake, Nami, Brook, Edison and Sanji are fighting S-Shark, Jinbe and Stussy are in the weapons area, Robin, Chopper and Atlas are exploring the organ regrowth area, S-Hawk is pursuing weaker targets but is being pursued by Zoro and Kaku, and Vegapunk is in the prison with the kidnapped CP agents next to Shaka's dead body and York. Sentomaru is rounding up Mark IIIs against the remaining CP forces in the main island, while most of the navy are outside with Kizaru and Jay Garcia Saturn. All goods? Let's gooooooo!
Starting at Foosha with the headlines involving Garp
Oda once again repeating our thoughts pointing out that MIA does not equal dead
Even iconic mayor Woop Slap isn't worried
But jail for iconic mayor Woop Slap for accidentally yelling at Makino's baby
Does Makino's baby have a distinct laugh? TCB reads it as kya ha ha but that's mainly women or Dellinger and I doubt either are the daddy. Then again did we ever confirm that Makino's baby was even a boy?
They apparently recognize Luffy from the papers though, I wonder if there's something instinctual *nonchalantly pushes ShanksxMakino agenda*
Also Makino calling Luffy 'Big Bro Luffy' to her child because dammit she raised those boys too!
Final mention because I have to soak in every moment of happy Makino I can because she is lovely and I will not take any slander towards her
Dadan is tearful though, I mean Morgans has painted Luffy as a kidnapper and now Garp's MIA, she has gone through the ringer
Hold up is that Fake Nami?
Earthquakes and Tsunamis across all four blues, these poor civilians
Iceburg, Tilestone and Pepe Lulu too? Oh god Water Seven don't need another Aqua Laguna
Hina and Momonosuke are noticing it too
Oh this is because of Lulusia
Wow...what a hole...kinda feels familiar doesn't it?
Vegapunk's tech is based off of Ancient Kingdom tech, so what if the Mother Frame is the same? What if Enies Lobby was the original Lulusia
Oh and the Sea Level has risen 1m, that's not great
Oda's tackling Global Warming
The World Government just fucked up the entire planet, drowned and displaced several millions people, and wiped out an entire nation just to test a fancy superweapon
Beaches gone, so no Okamas can chase Sanji across it, Top Gun cadets can't play volleyball, the Seychelles gone!
And god damn if you flood Foosha and any harm comes to Makino there will be fisticuffs
Also I fear very much that the World Government will blame the Fish-Men for the flooding
Plus if Wano ever opens its borders that water level is gonna rise even more
The fleet at Egghead notice it too
'More than enough firepower to put a buster call to shame'
1 in five ships are warships (20 out of 100), 30K marines, 9 Vice Admirals and Kizaru
Some of the vice admirals look familiar; Doll of course but I'm pretty sure on her left is Doberman, the bottom right could be Strawberry, wouldn't rule out one of them being a Giant either
The latter still chatting with Sentomaru, feasting on oodles of noodles, despite on different sides, as Sentomaru reprimands attacking the sea beasts and for wanting to kill Vegapunk
Kizaru still is very much an 'orders are orders' guy, in spite of the brief panel of him hanging out with the two
It's true though that everything in this incident is a net loss to the WG, but they also confirm with Sentomaru that CP0 failed
Saturn is still here keeping his presence under wraps
He at least approves of Morgans' headline, while getting the true facts
Oda's back at it with the silly doodle faces and the map levels
The Navy are pretty in the dark though; they still think all the Punks are alive, and that they are using the Seraphim
10 Members so far *sighs longingly at Carrot4Nakama agenda, before sifting to ViviReturns2Nakama agenda*
Even had to do a doodle of Hattori the Pigeon
Concerned with them highlighting that the Dome is at 100% gotta watch the numbers
Saturn is weird though; he hears that the Egghead researchers and citizens are accounted for and he goes 'sink them' but he hears that Bonney is on the island and goes 'ah, we have no use for her, but she's just a little girl so leave her be' like dude what?
Someone's calling Marejois from Egghead
One of the Navy members reminding Kizaru that he can listen in on the call with the Black snail on his wrist that's been there since his debut
York has made the call, and naturally is annoyed why the WG intended to kill her too
I mean the Gorosei do have that loophole: they want Vegapunk dead and York is a Vegapunk, though York does point out that if they had any interest in the Void Century they wouldn't have sold the others out
After citing the Seraphim as the reason for her survival, conversation turns to the massive fleet
Ju Peter however goes into the goods; they wanna know if York can replicate the Mother Frame
Does that mean that it's a one-time thing or are we doing scorched Earth?
York can, it's requested by 'someone' likely Im, their workplace is in Egghead
York introduces the terms of the new deal; no touching the lab, and the celestial dragon deal is still on, but also one more thing: save her from Luffy
Ah the crew are all here!
York has been conversing under threat of blade
Nami's packing heat and gets it, Luffy's packing meat and gets nothing XD
Usopp - looking cool with the anime shades flash - and Franky are quite unstoned as well, plus Vegapunk and Bonney's here, and Lucci seething at the back
Strange though, no Kaku, no Stussy, no Lilith, no Edison, no Atlas, no Seraphim, also no Caribou but we never know where he is...guess the spread's not big enough for them but most egregiously NO ROBIN!?
Oda, sir, we need to talk about your breaks, we just came back from 5 weeks of breaks spread between 2 chapters and now another break? Thought the eye surgery was supposed to alleviate this
Well we got our sillies back: for one whole panel XD
It was a really good chapter still, but it's more one that makes me concerned for the rest of the world; we've got two gaping holes in the ocean that have fucked up the natural world, islands have sank, earthquakes and tsunamis are happening all across the world. I wonder if Aqua Laguna was caused by the hole that made Enies Lobby if this is what happened to it. I think what makes me most sad about it is that it cannot be undone, at least not in a way that won't further fuck something else up, the only caveat is that the quakes probably will affect the Red Line's structural integrity.
This does still feel like the calm before the storm, but it also seems that the game of Among Us has resolved off-screen, so I hope next chapter(s) we track back to that first before continuing with this Siege on Egghead. An important note is that Kizaru's been listening in on the conversation, so he has more context to go by.
Also, forgot to mention on posting, this is the first time the Straw Hats have interaction with the Gorosei, they know their voices now, they know their intentions, that's a big deal.
But yeah, another break kinda sucks given that we just came back from one, plus it means more waiting -_- the only plus side is that this final saga will last longer - though who really believed Oda when he said 5 years back in like 2021-22?
1090 is next though, and Oda likes round numbers so expectations are high.
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inourtownofhawkins · 1 year
Tagged by the beloved @gracelcdomas to list five comfort characters and tag five people!
Brooke from The Enemy; all I can say is that she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment.
Mia from Evil Dead; if I ever get reincarnated, I'd wanna be reincarnated as her.
Connor from Detroit: Become Human; all I have to say is *gasp* MY BOY.
Eddie Munson from Stranger Things; I don't need to go into detail about this one, yall already know how much I love this man.
Emily from Until Dawn; "understand the palm of my hand, bitch" was a cultural reset and I haven't been the same since.
Tagging: @corroded-hellfire, @hellfireclubs, @wordscomehither, @bowersbubbles and @usedtobecooler
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(icon by @lightofsanday)
Full name: Donna Marie Pinciotti-Forman
Nicknames: Ms. Nude Argentina (by herself), Hot Donna (on WFPP Radio Station) D, Big Red, Godzilla, Big Bone Magoo, Carnation Instant Bitch, Double Dillhole, Young Lady, Baby, (by Eric), Sexy schoolgirl (by Fez), Granny, Granny Panties (by Hyde), Big D, Big Red, Jugs a Poppin (by Kelso), Lumberjack (by Jackie), The Neighbor Girl (by Red), Mom (by Leia), Aunt Donna (by Kristie, Betsy, Jay), Mrs.Forman (Jay, Nate, Gwen, Nikki, Ozzie)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Birth Place: Watchung, New Jersey
Birthday: February 13, 1960 (age 63)
Age: 16 (t7s season 1-3), 16-17 (t7s season 4), 17-18 (t7s season 5), 18 (t7s season 6), 18-19 (t7s season 7), 19 (t7s season 8), 35 (t9s season 1-part of s3), 36 (rest of t9s s3-mid s5), 37 (rest of t9s s5-mid s6), 38 (rest of t9s s6-early s8), 39 (rest of t9s season 8)
Occupation: Author/News Reporter
Family: Eric Forman (husband), Leia Forman (daughter), Mia Forman (daughter), Bob Pinciotti (father), Midge Pinciotti (mother), Valerie Pinciotti (older sister), Tina Pinciotti (younger sister), Clara (maternal aunt), Jenny (aunt), Red Forman (father-in-law), Kitty Forman (mother-in-law), Laurie Forman (sister-in-law), Steven Hyde (foster brother-in-law), Kristie Forman (niece), Betsy Kelso (honorary niece), Mr. Bonkers (pet cat)†, Mitch Pinciotti (nephew), Ridge Pinciotti (nephew), Jay Kelso (son in law), Reggie Hyde (son in law/godson), Kat Hyde (goddaughter)
Romances: Eric Forman (boyfriend; That 90s Pilot-Promise Ring, ex-boyfriend; It's a Wonderful Life-Love, Wisconsin Style, boyfriend; Going to California- ), Casey Kelso (ex-boyfriend; Donna Dates A Kelso-Love, Wisconsin Style), Steven Hyde (former crusher; early s1-First Date)
Friends: Jackie Burkhart (best friend), Steven Hyde (close friend), Fez (good friend), Michael Kelso (friend), Brooke Rockwell, Rhonda Tate
Enemies: Laurie Forman (frenemy)
First Appearance: That 70s Pilot, That 90s Pilot
Last Appearance: The Holy Union of the Burnout and the Devil, TBD
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ecnmatic · 3 years
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cookiecollors · 3 years
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➛ ᯫ ( 끝 . ) ◜﹫: Mia, Rahim & Lake ᭡ 🤍 ٬٬
🎻 ─ 吝 ﹏ 🎬 : Love Victor s2 ◟▢ ⟆⠀ ̈ 🥀
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filmicvns · 4 years
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love, victor icons, like if you save!
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drownersicons · 4 years
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lotustuff · 4 years
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⠀𓈈  ،  mia brooks (love, victor)   ҂  icons
⠀– like or reblog if you save ♡
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directiolfiepacks · 4 years
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∞ Icons: Rachel Naomi Hilson ∞ © @directiolfie; like or reblog the post; don’t repost it >.<
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gt-icons · 3 years
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Site Model icons
‒ like or reblog if you save
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anabruni · 3 years
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𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐬 | 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (1982)
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iconsfinder · 3 years
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multiprises · 7 years
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Lethe, Star Trek: Discovery, 1.06
Doug Aarniokoski (D), Ted Sullivan & Joe Menosky (S), 22/10/17
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fandom-lover20 · 3 years
Requests Are OPEN
(I’m happy to do crossovers for anyone who like one)
I’ll do more than just romance ideas as well, if you want a father/daughter or best friends, siblings etc. that’s completely okay. This is also the same masterlist for if anyone wants any Match-ups, gifs, icons basically just anything you want. If it's in italics then it's because those are my favourite or the ones I just find easiest to write. One-shots: Whatever relationship you like, characters included and either writing prompt or small idea of what you want to happen Match-ups: Fandom (as many as you like), gender/pronouns and sexuality, basic description of physical features and some hobbies/interests, style, any extra info if you like
⭐  - Headcanon
❤ - Romance
💋 - Smut
💛 - Fluff
🌹 - Angst
Requests are open for the following fandoms: 
The Alienist
John Moore
Laszlo Kreisler
Lucius Issacson
Marcus Issacson
Sara Howard
The Breakfast Club
Allison Reynolds (the basketcase)
Andrew Clark (the jock)
Brian Johnson (the nerd)
Claire Standish (the princess)
John Bender (the criminal)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Rupert Giles
Willow Rosenberg
Xander Harris
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Alex Blake
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Elle Greenway
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Kate Callahan
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
DC - (I'm not the biggest fan so the character list for this is short)
(any characters from)
Wonder Woman - I haven't watched 1984, sorry
Caleb Prior
Tobias Eaton
Tris Prior
Doctor Who
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Amy Pond
Artie Abrams
Blaine Anderson
Britney Pierce
Finn Hudson
Jake Puckerman
Kurt Hummel
Kitty Wilde
Marley Rose
Mike Chang
Noah Puckerman
Quinn Fabray
Rachel Berry
Santana Lopez
Sam Evans
Tina Cohen-Chang
The Greatest Showman
Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Charles Stratton
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz
Phillip Carlyle
P.T Barnum
W.D Wheeler
Grey’s Anatomy (up to the end of season 9)
Addison Montgomery
Alex Karev
Amelia Shepard
April Kepner
Arizona Robbins
Callie Torres
Christina Yang
Derek Shepard (McDreamy)
Finn Dandridge (McVet)
George O’Malley
Izzie Stevens
Jo Wilson
Lexie Grey
Mark Sloan (McSteamy)
Meredith Grey
Miranda Bailey
Owen Hunt (McSoldier)
Richard Webber
Teddy Altman
Harry Potter
Angelina Johnston
Blaise Zabini
Dean Thomas
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Pansy Parkinson
Ron Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
(Young) Tom Riddle
Bellatrix Lestrange
James Potter
Lily Evans
Narcissa Malfoy
Newt Scammander
Nymphadora Tonks
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
The Hunger Games
Effie Trinket
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthrone
Haymitch Abernethy
Joannah Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose Everdeen
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Marta Cabrera
Ransom Drysdale
Kong: Skull Island
Houstan Brooks
Jack Chapman
James Conrad
Mason Weaver
Lab Rats
Adam Davenport
Bree Davenport
Chase Davenport
Donald Davenport
Douglas Davenport
Leo Dooley
Marcus Davenport
Tasha Davenport
Mamma Mia
Donna Sheridan
Sam Carmichael
Bill Anderson
Harry Bright
Sophie Sheridan
Marvel Cinematic Universe (I haven’t watched WandaVision but it’s on my list, I just don’t want to ball my eyes out)
Baron Helmet Zemo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Darcy Lewis
Jane Foster
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Peggy Carter
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Sam Wilson
Sharon Carter
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
The Mighty Ducks
Adam Banks
Charlie Conway
Connie Monreau
Dean Portman
Dwayne Robertson
Fulton Reed
Gordan Bombay
Greg Goldberg
Guy Germaine
Jesse Hall
Julie Gaffney
Lester Averman
Luiz Mendoza
Russ Tyler
Ted Orion
Terry Hall
Eleanor Bishop
Kate Todd
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Nick Torres
Timothee McGee
Tony Dinozzo
Ziva David
Now You See Me
Daniel Atlas
Dylan Rhodes
Henley Reeves
Jack Wilder
Lula May
Merritt McKinney
One Tree Hill
Brooke Davis
Haley James-Scott
Lukas Scott
Mouth McFadden
Nathan Scott
Peyton Sawyer
The Originals
Davina Claire
Elijah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Joshua (Josh) Rosza
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Pitch Perfect
Barden Bellas
Beca Mitchell
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Pieter Kramer
Bumper Allen
James Hunt
Niki Lauda
Scandal (seasons 1-3)
Abby Whelan
David Rosen
Fitz Grant
Harrison Wright
Jake Ballard
Mellie Grant
Olivia Pope
Quinn Perkins
Stephen Finch
Sherlock (RDJ Movies)
Irene Adler
John Watson
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock BBC
Greg Lestrade
Irene Adler
Jim Moriarty
John Watson
Mary Watson
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Suits (I'm halfway through S3, just finished thingy oils plotline)
Donna Paulsen
Harvey Spectre
Louis Litt
Mike Ross
Rachel Zane
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf
Adrian Harris
Allison Argent
Bobby Finstock
Chris Argent
Derek Hale
Issac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimara
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate/Hale
Noah Stilinski
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
Alice Cullen
Bella Swan/Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Edward Cullen
Embry McCall
Emmet Cullen
Esme Cullen
Jasper Hale
Leah Clearwater
Paul Lahote
Rosalie Hale
Seth Clearwater
The Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman
Bonnie Bennet
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Enzo St. John
Damon Salvatore
Jenna Sommers
Jo Laughlin
Kai Parker
Matt Donovan
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Lexi Branson
Liv Parker
Vicki Donovan
Charles Xavier
Kurt Wagner
Dean Youngblood
Derek Sutton
Jessie Chadwick
Coach Murray Chadwick
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