#moids are dangerous
blackpilljesus · 8 months
Saw a post on how younger generation adults tend to be more domestically reserve (closing blinds/curtains, kids not playing outside, not having strangers in for a meal etc) and the post was talking about how community spirit had been lost -and also how people are afraid about being recorded w/out consent- but once again nobody ever names the fucking problem when it comes to moids.
People -mainly women- are more guarded now because moids are evil opportunists. When you dont learn from history it's doomed to repeat itself. The same community people yearn for is the same space that was breeding grounds for abusers. There have been numerous cases of kids playing outdoors only for moids to abduct, rape, and kill them. There was a recent case of this where an autistic girl was playing outdoors & a moid chose to abduct and rape her -he impregnated her & she gave birth to a son-. There have been cases of kids playing outdoors only to be watched by a creep then he returns and kills the family & takes the child. Moids have gone to homes pretending to need help only to kill the family. Moids have seen women in homes through their windows & decided to attack them. So yeah people used to be more "open" in communities but these communities were also full of moids who'd molest kids.
I'm not saying it's right or the solution is to be boarded up but when people bother to be honest about moid violence & address it is when things will change however this will never be done on a social level because many people benefit from moids terrorism so they pretend it isn't happening all the while perpetuating & benefitting from it.
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deanwinchesterf · 7 months
youve all heard about babies on planes. now get ready for the next hot discourse: toddlers&children in gyms
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sapphsorrows · 6 months
I hate how tumblr divides men into different categories, especially cis and trans. no, a man isn't suddenly safe because he identifies as a woman. in fact i'd say he's more dangerous than your average men because he feels entitled to openly invading women's spaces in public. like in what word is a paraphilic man safer than your average, run-of-the-mill moid? nah. all men are equally dangerous to women.
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Listen, straight women nowadays don’t seem to know how to actually invest in female friendships and by the time they’re 40 (if they’re lucky) they’re already mostly alone with their family. That’s what not centring women in your life leads to. That’s dangerous to you. That’s dangerous if your moid has started a cycle of violence that you already feel trapped into because there’s woman close to you ready to help you out right at this minute if they knew what’s going on. Not one, but a web of female friends. Sisterhood. That’s what feminism encourages, that’s what straight political celibate women already do, and straight women who mostly choose not to date not for any political or feminist reason but because without any theory they know.
You need other women. You need to understand that any woman, bi women and lesbians included, can live a life happy and full enough with love without it necessarily being a life with a partner you’re married to. The heterosexual model brought to us as women at the same time the idea that romance is the epitome of our life, that we’re nothing without it. Though men are as well touched by this expectation they are not at all targeted as much as women are, and mostly they’re sold this life perspective with the promise of not having to clean the house and make meals every day. Selling women romance and love is a solid deal, the brainwashing machine functions beyond well, especially with marriage being in the package. It provides the ultimate safety.
And I get it, I’ve been socialised as a girl just like you were, but realising that this system is real and not an exaggeration is necessary. Part of women’s liberation is knowing that you are not any less than if you aren’t partnered, that women can be spending their time around women, having a strong female social circle and be grateful and joyful about it, not seen as pathetical by a culture that focuses on men and their desire to be the centre of attention at all times.
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letters-of-libertas · 5 months
🖊 blogs
Lessons learned being a single childfree woman
`/ chromosome operating like rabies theory
Fake sisterhood I
Everyone knows the danger of xys
Moid pandering is an act of survival, all women know that moids are dangerous
Women know that moids are dangerous; their pandering is mostly an act part II
What to focus on in life now as a single childfree woman
Attempted domestication of women
Genocide of the gyn
Toxicity & Exploitation of communities
MaIes are aware of female oppression, they just dont care
Energy to carry as a single childfree woman
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nudevastate · 9 months
Hi, do you have any advice on practicing separatism?
1.) the very first thing you have to do is to cultivate a very strong relationship with yourself. i know that's a bit of a dumb thing to read, but it's true. as women, we have always had to play a role in a patriarchy. we are always just someone's daughter, someone's mother, someone's sister, someone's girlfriend, someone's wife, someone's concubine and so on, and never just us on our own. get to know yourself without needing the filter or having to live vicariously through your relations with other people. find yourself and find what it is that drives you. are you a creative soul? find something to create. do you have a lot of love to give? volunteer at a shelter, whether it's for battered women, the homeless, or animals. spend time in solitude and learn to listen to yourself.
2.) and then, go ahead and find your soulmates in other women. maybe that sounds overdramatic lol but definitely find your tribe with women exclusively. if there is a hobby you are into, find out if there is a club somewhere you can join where there are lots of women to get to know. make female friends exclusively. it's not to say that you should ignore men outright (might be too dangerous to do that), but you shouldn't rush to make them your friend. if anything, you should prevent making any male friends until and unless he proves himself to be trustworthy. (which may never happen, so whatever.)
3.) the obvious and the most debated portion of separatism is to, of course, abstain from dating, having relationships with, and having sex with men. i could pull up so many statistics and reports as to why being with men is horrible for women's health and livelihood, but i'm sure you can find those yourself. realize that the concept of heterosexual romance is made up in order to prop up the institution of "traditional marriage/family life" geared up by secular religious groups that are extremely misogynistic in nature. you can always take yourself out on dates; you can always go on "friend dates" with your gal pals. you can always masturbate or, if you do have same sex attraction, have sex with other women. you can always just date women. or just be single and thriving!
4.) a lot of the times, when women waste their time with men, they also end up missing out on some amazing opportunities. i know i missed out on some great milestones in my life back then because of this. now that you're single and by yourself, what do you want to do? what is it that you've always wanted to try, but didn't because a moid told you no? do you want to travel? get a tattoo? get a wild haircut? work on your body at the gym until you've got envious muscles? (men seem to hate muscles on women for some reason which is dumb.) now go ahead and DO THOSE THINGS, and realize how stupid the whole thing was when an ex-bf tried to prevent you from doing those things. it's because they make women happy. women are the most happy when they get to call the shots in their own lives. it's your turn now!
5.) find a community that accepts and even strongly encourages your separatist lifestyle. thank god for the internet. you can find likeminded women on here, on discord (there are loads of female exclusive discord groups to join out there now!), or other online spaces that you can find other women who are just like you. they will also give you tips on how to deal with emotions that comes with it, such as loneliness, and how to combat it. bonus tip: there ARE religious/spiritual groups that are female exclusive. dianic wicca is one of those, and they only let in women to join. practicing spirituality with women is so amazing and will also help you distance yourself further from men.
6.) request a woman. whether that's for your primary doctor, your gynecologist, a plumber, a driver, a teacher, an electrician, a photographer, whatever it is, try to check and see if you can request a female. if you can't, go someplace else. i understand that this is sometimes impossible in certain situations since men take up 50% of the world's population, but you have a voice and a mouth and you should use them. request a woman. hire women!
7.) not sure how old you are, but assuming you are in high school or about to graduate, see if you can go to an all women's college or university. if that's not possible, be sure to request going into classes that are run by female professors either all the time or the majority of the time. i can't tell you all the horror stories i've read and heard from female students when it comes to abusive and/or creepy male professors. be on the lookout for female professors on campus, and talk to them to help you out with your class schedules each semester. you deserve to be in a female only space.
8.) this is a hard one for me, but try to phase out your media consumption that was created by men. start watching movies and tv shows that are made from female directors. read books by female writers (you can start small with reading fanfics made by women lol and then go into actual books). buy products that was made by women, for women, and stop putting your money into corporations that are run by men who don't care about you. listen to music that was made by women. consume and purchase artwork made by women instead of men. watch videos made by women about topics you are passionate about.. these will normalize being in a world filled with female voices that may be similar or different than you. realize you don't have to keep listening to men if you don't want to.
9.) this one is also a little hard because of logistics, but try to see if you can work for a women-based company for employment. there may be resources out there especially for women who are in STEM and looking for work, and they can point to the appropriate companies that are either run by women, or are mostly female. it feels good to work in a place that has a lot of women in it rather than with a lot of men. i understand this might be difficult depending on the industry you are in, but try to make the most of it. if you are stuck in a career that has a lot of men in it, continue to practice separatism by keeping a strong emotional and mental distance from male colleagues, and physical if you can help it. (this is why remote work is amazing for women tbh!)
10.) this is more like a final boss thing lmao but if you can, if you have the means to do so, and if it is at all possible.. see if you can find an all female commune to visit at least once, and see for yourself how healing and amazing it is to live amongst women in everyday life. this is something i want to do in the long term, but i need to do some things in my life first before i can do so. but i would love to continue with and end my life in an all female commune, and die alongside with women, rather with a man.
and there you have it. there might be more, and maybe some others might chime in with their own tips, but these will help immensely. realize that perfection is not necessary, and you will stumble a few times before you can become 100% separatist, but it is possible so don't worry and take your time!
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nomorerww · 1 month
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and ofc this doesn't matter b/c a TiF in women's prisons has raped a woman and that's the same as male crime statistics!!! making women's prisons more unsafe and terrible by letting men in there "on a case by case basis" as is surely happening under woke agenda is great ( it took months for Scottish prisons to remove a dangerous moid rapist from the women's prisons)
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closetradfem · 5 days
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Nope! Still not done! I’ll ruin my health over this I don’t fucking care!
This reblog was under the moid who thinks rape is so cute uwu :3 and I want to throw this person into the sun.
Kink is so unbelievably fucking misogynistic and straight up violence generally aimed at women. You are all porn-rotted brain dead freaks that need isolating from society because you’re clearly a fucking danger.
I couldn’t give a flying fuck how you identify and I cannot stress this enough. You could be a fucking jellyfish and I’d still publicly berate you for making sexual assault something you find sexual satisfaction in.
Take a long, hard look at the demographics who find CNC, rape fantasies, CSA fantasies and worse sexually satisfying and I promise you the vast majority are trans identifying of some kind or straight males.
Then look at the SA survivors who speak about hyper sexuality after sexual assault only in the capacity of educating others rather than dressing it up in cute little pink predatory bows.
One group predominantly has penises and was born male.
I wonder why the fuck that might be?
Let’s say in the really unlikely case this is a genuine SA survivor and not a troll getting off on rage baiting women to share their SA experiences, it is vastly detrimental to other survivors to full on romanticise sexual assault fantasies on a platform where children as young as 13 fucking years old can interact with your content. Not to mention how many years this sets back survivor advocacy. You are not educating. You are promoting the most disgusting behaviours and dressing it up in a way that anyone who criticises you - and rightfully so - is a bigot.
People like you make people like my ex ask stupidly uncomfortable questions about whether I want to engage in CNC and rape fantasies to “work past my trauma” because it will be “good for me”. When I say no they push me and push me and end up raping me because they assume every SA survivor gets off on it. You open the door to the normalisation of rape kinks which is predatory behaviour. You are directly contributing to the rape and sexual assault of women and children because this is inevitably where it ends up.
Fuck you, “Patricia”. On behalf of millions of sexual assault survivors and women across the world who will inevitably suffer because of posts people like you make, fuck you.
Fuck every single one of you porn rotted freaks in his notes too.
You are all rape and pedophilia enablers and should be kept far, far away from women and children.
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1yyyyyy1 · 10 months
What you said about womyn not knowing how horrible male sexuality is is so true. Back then before I became celibate I definitely projected my own female libido and sexuality on every guy I was crushing on and then was ultimately disturbed and dissapointed when I found out that they were hypersexual perverts, who dont value passion,sensuality,intimacy but who instead are addicted to quick and cheap sexual thrills with no feelings. Like truly the way moids and womyn look at sex in so insanely different. And unfortunately it is hard to realize this as an osa womyn. Cause we will naturally as womyn believe moids look at sex and relationships the way we do, cause our way is the only way we have ever known and experienced. But yeah males see sex as a consumption and act of ownership over womyn. They are also insanely libido driven and hypersexual. Moids and womyn are so different sexually that I dont think we are even compatible. Like when moid comedians joke about how they only think about sex or moids say every man only thinks of one thing....its true,this is them admitting it. They really are just slaves to their dick.
Male sexuality is what fully proved to me that they are lesser humans. They are just like dogs.
Male sexuality is incomprehensible to the female because the male brain is a severe mutation. Men are aware of this dissimilarity and routinely admit to that themselves. His point about there being an egocentric baseline is extremely important, it is exactly how the human psyche functions. Do not blame yourself, it is physiologically impossible for you to comprehend what male sexuality is outside of reading through first-hand accounts written by men.
Men's primary mating tactic is concealing the reality of their sexuality because it is repulsive to the female, a woman would be less likely to engage with a man had she known what it was. A common consensus is that female sexuality revolves around forming an exclusive bond with a male to ensure provision and protection, it is not supported statistically seeing how antagonistic men are to their female partners on average and how much danger men pose to women during pregnancy, so I am not buying it. I believe that females used to pair bond with other females prior to the inception of sexual reproduction, and that their ability to bond with males is a rudiment of that point in history. Females have not evolved or, rather, devolved past monogamy as of right now and their attempts to come to terms with male sexuality result in confusion and distress more often than not. Promiscuity is what makes a male, and it might give you a better idea as to why men ridicule men's attempts to accommodate female monogamy; it is denying themselves their own essence and being, as in manhood, and preserving one's manhood is a big thing in male circles. Even if a man is capable of bonding with you as is willing to accommodate you physically and emotionally, you still have to understand what he would be battling for that to occur. From what I have seen, the conversations that surround male heterosexuality are shut down by women themselves, and it makes it harder for women to navigate the dynamic in earnest as well as prevents them from making an informed choice as a result. I wish you well.
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blackpilljesus · 8 months
Everyone knows that maIes on average are dangerous predators and women are their prey so anybody telling you to trust them or that "it's not all men" wants you harmed by them. They want you dead, they want you raped, they want you sacrified to the beast to save their skin or their loved ones skin. Only to blame you for it after.
Look at all the precautions the average woman takes in every aspect of their lives to navigate maIe violence. I've seen women go as far as ordering food under a maIe name because the delivery drivers would prey on them otherwise. Even when a woman IS interested in a maIe she'd still take precautions dating him because -she knows- moid on average are dangerous. This is also why women settle in crappy relationships because they KNOW their chances of encountering worse is higher than their chances of encountering better so they stay because it's personally & socially better than being alone for them. "He's emotionally distant but at least he isnt cheating on me", "he's cheating on me but at least he's not raping me", "he keeps bothering me for sex every night but at least he hasn't killed me". Women know. This is why I no longer get into back and forth about moids with women either I aint wasting my fucking time arguing shit we both know is true. I wont be your goddamn sacrificial lamb.
Moids themselves know how dangerous moids are as they "shield" their female relatives/partners from other moids. Many moids are terrified of prisons or gay moids because they fear facing what they make women face.
People wouldn't typically advise women & girls that are close to them to trust maIes, heck teenage girls are often scared off moidlets with parents saying that "boys bring trouble"/"theres only one thing boys want" typa shit. Many parents worry about their daughters because they know the evil that moids are deep down and can only hope it doesn't affect their daughters badly.
So I dont fucking care what's said online, most of these women pandering to moids or moids pulling the "it's not all men!1! We get hurt tuh!1!" bullshit would not individually trust moids. Ladies dont ever feel bad for protecting yourself. Keep generalising & judging ALL xys. You aren't crazy for seeing their evil & having your guard up. Dont explain yourselves to moids, the world already explains. Womens lives > moid feelings. It's better to be safe than sorry.
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
Those moids celebrating the death of cats to own women and libtards but im prtty sure the same moids would lose their minds if ppl were hunting dogs and posting pics of it
which is ironic considering it has been found that dogs contribute far more to native species deaths than initially though; they eat eggs and destroy nests and catch small animals. and that's even WITH the amount of lead wearing and fencing (in fact, fencing is a largely american and some other western nations thing. a lot of people, particularly in rural areas, let their dogs free roam. an estimated 75% of global dog owners do NOT fence their dogs). at least, that's the case in nz and aus, with our unique amounts of birds and lizards. south america is especially vulnerable to wild dogs as well. in some cases, dogs kill MORE native species than cats, despite the number of feral cats far outweighing the amount of feral dogs.
people don't want to hear the REAL first step to this all, which is to completely ban animal breeding (or at least cat and dog breeding). ferals get captured, desexed, and adopted out if they are young or sociable enough, and the ones that aren't get released sterilised. and we keep doing this. there's no such thing as an instant or quick solution to the feral cat and dog problem, not even the many mass exterminations entire governments have done have worked. the closest is in nz has multiple islands and fenced native sanctuaries that are pest free, but not only did it cost many millions and years of effort for even just a couple square acres of pest free land, they are having to constantly keep it up 24/7 to make sure those areas STAY pest free, and some occasionally still get in even with all that. not to mention that it would cause havoc on the already havocked ecosystem, as the second you remove a mass amount of cats and dogs, you'd have a rodent explosion, which would b far more dangerous than a bunch of feral cats or dogs, due to disease risks (i love rats and mice, but the wild ones are toxic little things).
tldr; moid response of 'every problem can be solved with violence'
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werewolffem · 1 year
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i am going to use this weirdo moid as an example. this is guilt tripping + gaslighting at it's finest. this is something i probably would have fallen for years ago. they try to install this...odd, odd fear in attempts to get you to "their side".
i had been in the trans community for probably a decade or close to it. i had been transitioning for 6 of those years. i know all about what happens in that community and it is nothing good. most of these people assume that any radical feminist has not been on their side before or in the community itself, they just assume it. they assume you've been "stolen" or "taken" from them if someone agrees with radical feminism and they do their best to attempt to convince you you're wrong. if not convinced or you've moved away from that community they will turn on you like a snap.
in the community, females (ftm or a female identifying as another gender) are treated the same as ever -- like females everyday. the males know they hold power still, they just redirect it towards saying they are the most oppressed and the most in danger so the females should protect them and defend them. the females get abused by these males yet don't know and understand that they are. whether it's sexual, violent, or something like gaslighting. trans identified females are the most likely and are the most to still experience sexual harassment/aggression/rape/and murder from these males.
many trans identified males have been outed as pedophiles/abusers/rapists/murderers, as i am sure all of the radfem community knows, yet they are still protected and defended and are allowed to keep their status. and TiFs will STILL protect them and show respect. it's a community full of men that know they can get away with things as long as they "identified as a woman". the amount of survivors and victims in the TiF group is more than 90% from what i have seen. too many have the same shared experiences or can understand each other. TiMs will proudly just send you sexual pics. no context. they'll just send them to you. much like any other male out there in the world. but at least they aren't calling it their girl****.
this community HATES women. HATES them. they hate you even if you side with them. as soon as you say something that is deemed transphobic they will go rabid towards you. it's sometimes for the silliest thing! a woman loving her body is transphobic for example. even though i have noticed even now, that TiFs are the ones who are constantly miserable and obsessing over our bodies. the TiMs...why would they? they know what they have and what they can do. they're still proud. too proud. if they're not calling women c*nt or b*tch then they're probably trying to doxx you and harass/attack you that way.
the community is the MOST racist group i have come across. i would rather be called a spic, beaner, or wetback by some str8 snowman of a guy than the trans community doing it. it is some of the most aggressive and degrading racism i have seen ESPECIALLY towards black women. some cop fucking yelled at me after seeing my name and became more aggressive and i would rather go through that again than see what they say towards black women. i know a woman right now going through this treatment and she didn't even speak about the trans community for it to happen. yet they are the ones doing the most.
the homophobia... the absolute nerve of this community guilting lesbians into the whole twaw issue and they're not really lesbian unless you're attracted and include TiMs as well... this is another violent issue. ik everyone knows what i am talking about...
the death threats, the sexual abuse, harassment, rape threats, misogyny, racism, doxxing, stalking... this hasn't changed one bit since i have left that community. as soon as someone detransitions, most attacks towards the women, they will attempt to just... try and ruin you the best they can. the community is a nightmare, they protect the monsters instead of getting rid of them, agps and men who just get off to being a "woman" are the ones speaking to fucking companies and apparently the president now which is absurd and makes absolutely no sense... it's truly a nightmare.
and before anyone is like bbbbbbut the radfems! YES. i have seen self proclaimed "radfems" being racist/abusive/whatnot but you know what makes the difference? radical feminists call them out, bring it to the attention of others so we know, we don't protect them.
sorry if this is long but goddddd...these condescending males are getting on my last nerve here.
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coochiequeens · 2 days
An old article but relevant with some moid musician turned activist attacking women on the basis that sometimes their views line up with conservatives
Julie Bindel OCTOBER 3, 2023   
Louise Distras was once a darling of the anti-establishment Left. An underground punk singer whose hits include “Dreams From the Factory Floor”, this working-class woman is unafraid to speak her mind. Five years ago, she was being invited onstage by Billy Bragg, the folk singer and progressive activist — but since then, a lot has changed. Recently, Bragg has publicly and repeatedly condemned Distras, because she had done what she has always done: speak out against misogyny. This time, though, she was criticising the backlash against women who refuse to recite the “trans women are women” mantra.
Distras has been expressing concern about gender ideology in private since late 2021, but the first time she went public with her opinions was in May of this year. “I’m a woman, and a woman is an adult human female,” she said in an interview with Louder than War, a music website. “I’m a woman that’s experienced domestic abuse.” She later made comments, on Twitter, about how women are silenced for questioning gender ideology: “No amount of rainbows and ‘kindness’ can hide the authoritarianism and misogyny and homophobia that’s on display here, especially in the arts.”
Born in Wakefield in 1987, Distras ran away from home in her teens and, she told me, “stayed with a lot of dangerous people who took advantage of me”. She turned to song writing as a form of escape. Her bravery is remarkable. But as soon as her straightforward resistance to gender ideology became known, she was met with horrendous abuse. Distras has been called every name under the sun, including anti-trans, Nazi, scum, prostitute, grifter, child serial killer, and witch. She soon realised that she had been “marked for life” as a “disgusting terf” — that no redemption would ever be possible. She was told she deserves to be chucked out of the music industry. Her booking agency has said that her attitude towards transwomen could “have detrimental effects on [her] musical career”. Radio stations have stopped playing her songs and venues cancelled her gigs. “If I go back to the industry as it stands,” she says, “if someone had the balls to book me for a gig, I would likely be physically attacked. It’s not safe.”
Having been rejected by the majority of her contacts in the music industry, Distras decided she might as well use her voice to speak out. Alongside five other women, her testimony featured in the Daily Mail about the experience of being ostracised for daring to question gender ideology. One of the first derogatory reactions was from Bragg. “What??”, he tweeted, linking to the feature, which included a photograph of Distras — who usually wears black and leather on stage — wearing a formal dress. “Louise Distras hates trans people so much that she’s willing to dress in a style acceptable to Daily Mail readers in order to have a go at them. What does this have to do with feminism Louise? Or punk rock?”
Bragg fancies himself a bit of a trans ally. And prides himself on being an all-round anti-sexist bloke. In 2014, he posed with a sign, “I pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about men’s violence against women in all its forms,” as part of the White Ribbon campaign.
Back in the early days of her career, Bragg championed Distras as one of a “new breed” of singers, tweeting in 2013 that her song Love Me The Way I Am should be our next Eurovision entry. Another of her songs, The Hand You Hold, is about how what women say and do should matter more than how we look, and she tells me that “Billy for some reason loved that song and that’s why he invited me to go play on his stage” — which she did that year, at Glastonbury, and again in 2017. “So for him to now take a pop at me and start criticising what I look like instead of actually listening to what I have to say means he is the biggest hypocrite.”
But it is not only men who have gone after Distras. In a recent interview with Kerrang!, Phoebe Lunny of the Lambrini Girls reacted to Distras speaking out against trans ideology and the silencing of women: “I will scrap any Terf, any day, in person, with my fists.” In a tweet, Distras pointed to the hypocrisy of claiming to be progressive while “inciting violence against women”. She also condemned Kerrang! for publishing the remarks, saying she is “ashamed my face was printed on its pages. Vile!”
Spoken word poet Amelia Vandergast also responded angrily to Distras’s public statements about being cancelled by trans activists. In a feature entitled, “Wipe away the terf tears: freedom of expression was never permission to perpetuate hate in the music industry”, published in A&R Factory website, she wrote:
“In the recent Daily Mail article, which attempted to portray women as the victims of their transphobic hate, Louise Distras bemoaned the journalists, radio stations, and her booking agency who rightly refuse to have anything to do with her for the self-piteous bile spewed across her social media platforms (anyone got a tiny little violin I can borrow?)”
For Distras, the hypocrisy within the so-called radical music scene is appalling. While the misogyny of trans activists is ignored, women are viciously attacked for daring to defend their sex-based rights. She is one of a growing list of female artists criticising cancel culture — a phenomenon of which Bragg denies the existence.
But Bragg has form. He has dismissed feminist concerns about self-identification and argued that, owing to our incompatible “hardware”, lesbians are biologically ill-equipped for sex with other women and should therefore understand the plight of men claiming to be female. When Maya Forstater was harassed by trans activists in the street, Bragg suggested that she could not possibly have been scared or upset, because she appeared to be smiling. This is a classic sexist trope. Too often, women are told by men to “Give us a smile” when we complain about being sexually harassed by them, and yet women are informed we must have enjoyed the harassment if we attempt to laugh it off.
“I think he’s a misogynist,” Distras says, of Bragg. “I think it’s just plain to see for everybody and the way he is — the way that so many men are in the music industry.” She talks about how uncomfortable she has felt with him, describing him as “creepy”. “He’s everything he says he’s not. His words and his actions just don’t match up for me… The way he goes after women over the trans issue has made it really clear to me that he’s just a misogynist, and that he just doesn’t care about women”. She says what many feminists have said of many men in recent years: “The trans thing is just an excuse for him to bully women with impunity and do it publicly and get applauded for it.”
Bragg also showed no sympathy for Róisín Murphy, another female singer-songwriter who has faced the wrath of trans activists. After a private Facebook conversation in which she criticised the policy of giving children puberty blockers was leaked, she was admonished by Bragg for holding the wrong opinion. “Them’s the breaks,” Bragg tweeted when it was suggested that Murphy was being punished by having BBC coverage and concerts cancelled. “Think before you post is my advice, especially on issues that are contentious.” This is cowardice.
Distras strongly feels that the music industry used to be about “freedom of expression and freedom of speech”, but is currently in thrall to gender ideology and “totally monotheistic”. “There’s an urgent need to build a new one, with a proper counterculture that isn’t dominated by misogynists like Billy Bragg, where women have actually got a proper say,” she says, telling me she has had numerous messages from female musicians who are too scared to speak out — especially after seeing what happened to Murphy. “It’s well established that violence towards women is a massive problem in the music industry,” says Distras, “and here they are inciting more violence, and the rest of the music industry just applauds them for it and tells them they are stunning and brave.”
“We need more musicians to come forward courageously and without apology. There’s been so much support for me, and there will be for the other women. And the more of us that stand up, the more these men like Billy Bragg will not be so dominant.”
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letters-of-libertas · 4 months
I'm bi and yeah your note on women not having solidarity seems sadly true. Apart from not dating men would there be anything you would suggest to improve ones life apart from stating away from those women if possible?
I love this question because this is how to start thinking: being practical.
What it takes to "improve ones life" is subjective so with that said firstly define what a better life(style) for yourself away from moids would look like. Temporarily mentally remove xy terrorist existence. What would your habits/routine be? What would you work towards & pour your energy into? What would you want to be? What would you center your life around? Take your time with these questions or anymore that come up. Have a general idea then be more specific and start breaking your life down into sectors/sections/areas, then look at where you want to be in those areas and work towards it.
For example; I divide my life into 6-7 aspects:
Physical Strength - Not just about muscle but knowing how to fight, where to hit and when to fight. Being stronger makes it easier to defend yourself in altercations (especially with other women). Some mfs will try you & you cant always rely on others coming to your rescue. Also work on building stamina to help endurance, and keeping as healthy as possible.
Emotional Strength - If you cant control your emotions they will control you. In a world of chaos being emotionally strong will let you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Building emotional strength is not easy but it's worth it. Being able to rise above immediate reactions and pace yourself will allow you to assess situations more rationally & make more beneficial choices.
Finances - Get your bag up. Having money to gain resources is imperative to quality of life. I dont care what anyone says having a certain amount of money in life WILL make you happier as you're able to meet your needs better. Having more money/resources also makes it easier to support other women should you choose to do so, it also allows you to be more influential and have more control over your life. However, dont become a slave to getting money tho because that's how you get scammed.
Network - The type of people you hang around can make or break who you are as a person. Aim to connect with likeminded women who will encourage & inspire you as you go on this journey. Hang around people that value & will be honest with you while giving you grace. Not all women you engage with have to be single & childfree but beware the moid crazy ones because they will bring danger to you in their quest for maIe validation. Life isn't perfect but you cant go wrong having the right people around you, valuable relationships are hard to find but it goes a long way even if it's just online. However, no company > bad company.
Spirituality/Guide - Having something bigger than yourself to guide you through the chaos in this world can offer guidance/purpose that keeps you grounded & focused. For many people generally this is religion/god. Not everyone needs or ascribes to religion/spirituality though, but at least consider sets of morals/beliefs to follow. However even that isn't for everyone. So if you feel better off without spirituality or a 'higher' guide at least be clear on it & your reasons why (for yourself).
Hobbies & Interests - As turbulent as the world is, find things to enjoy amidst the chaos. Constant work, doom, and gloom will not change anything you will only hurt yourself. Take time to indulge in things that make you happy to recharge & relax. Engage in hobbies that serve you, share your passion with other women & hear theirs out too. It goes a long way in terms of mental health.
Security - It takes privilege to decide to not get married or have children as a woman & live it out. Everyone's situation is different so what I'll generally suggest is to constantly look into how you can protect yourself, have backup methods, and stay in the loop of xy predation. Dont drown in it but moids are predators & being completely blind to them is being blind to danger. Elaborated on point 10 here.
Sounds like a lot? Great, it'll keep you busy because this isn't a vacation or destination but a lifestyle. And to be honest, some of y'all can do with the busyness as it'll let you focus on what actually matters. This not to say to overwhelm yourself in things for the sake of it but to prioritise your energy on effective things for your life. As you focus on building you'll find that you have less energy to care about insignificant stuff or stuff out of your control anyways. For example, Instead of getting wound up about user somerandomadjectivefem stirring discourse calling you an extremist or whining about how impossible it is for her & other women to live without romantic love n' whatnot (or even women irl pulling this crap), you either ignore or quickly shut down the conversation & swiftly move on.
Everything I've mentioned are just examples, you may feel differently do whatever you feel best applies. Also remember to enjoy the process along the way as you are living through it afterall :3
Long story short: Work on building resources & other aspects of your life up for yourself.
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nomorerww · 8 months
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what in the absolutely insane moid brainrot is this
they're joking right? chai moid thinks that TiFs are into his vile, oversharing ass specifically and that Canadian french speaking ex bathhouse employee whose job description was keeping the older predators (chickenhawks) away from the young gays thinks that "heterosexual women" are leaving each other with a "shit ton of sexual trauma" (wheeeeze).
bro I've been traumatized by what I've had to read on your blogs. forget about the dumb LARPing bisexual women having sex with each other, which I'm not even sure is happening, tbf.
"gay men holding the bag" sounds like some of the most offensive shit I've ever heard because gay men couldn't give less of a fucking shit about women, when they're not threatening to kill or seriously hurt them for co-opting the word gay man.
are they fucking kidding me. chai routinely threatens to physically assault TiFs. He's a dangerous asshole and he legit thinks that he's an absolute catch regardless.
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chansaw · 7 months
the thing about radfems is that the mindset their philosophy demands of its subscribers is just such a miserable way to live. just constantly marinating in this stew of anger, fear, and mistrust of the world around you.
"the world is filled with scary MALE MANBEASTS who are OBSESSED WITH THEIR MALE PENISES who want to RAPE and MURDER you, so PUREHEARTED INNOCENT FEEEEEEEEEEMALE WOMEN with UTERUSES must create WOMBYN-ONLY spaces exclusively for SOFT and PURE FEMALE VAGINA AND OVARY HAVING NATAL WIMMIN. but wait! some of these MANBEASTS have discovered ways of INSIDIOUSLY sliding their UGLY GROSS MALE PENISES into our SACRED DIVINE FEMALE SPACES. THEY are out to get you. THEY could be anyone - your friends, your neighbors, strangers on the street - any one of THEM could be a SEXUALLY DERANGED TESTICLE MOID MALE. you are in danger. be afraid. the only people you can really trust are other us, the TRUE WOMPYN BORN WXMXN."
like, it must be exhausting to just constantly assume the worst in everyone around you, isn't it?
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