aesir-alchemist · 8 months
I know there is a Great Divide(tm)(r)(c) in the Loki fandom between Lokius and Sylkie and I simply don’t want to take sides in it.
Because I want the not-so-secret third thing.
I want the polycule.
I want that slightly wholesome, playfully jealous, emotionally balanced (because Mobius is the only one of them who has gone to therapy) 3some and I want it bad.
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Enc's Mini Monthly List (April + May + August 2023)
just a list of writing I posted in august along with april and may. decided to put them in one bc i can, sksksk.
this can be a bookmark ref or something if you use a browser that is.
okay, and onto the writing we go!
Original Works
Enchant’s Re-Intro (Take 3)
On the Set (Original Story)
Gain a Result (Original Story)
Hwan Rikuta/Tegan Mahar + Cooking (L.o.a.s.t.i Tale + Prompt)
Kumari + Joy (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Titanarin + Excited (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Kumari + Consequences (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Nishan/Kumari + Dancing (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Hwan Rikuta/Tegan Mahar + Gift-Search (L.o.a.s.t.i Tale + Prompt)
Kumari + Reaction to a Hug (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Eubha + Seagulls (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Crew + Disguises/Dressing Up (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
Those Rueful Woes (Original Story)
Those Searing Surroundings (Original Story)
Moloky + Treasure (Blasted Scorn Tale + Prompt)
The Ruined Flow (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow + DCEU!Justice Society)
Episode 9: Abide by the Code (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Rewrite)
Episode 10: Dropped to What’s Ahead (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Rewrite)
Couple of Co-Counselors (Captain America)
Claude Strodloge (OC) + Sneaking (DC Comics)
Tent Set-Ups Gone Wrong (Captain America)
Claude Strodloge (OC) + Wrong (DC Comics)
Seeking Shelter from Rainfall (Captain America)
Woodsy Stake-Out (Captain America)
As usual, most of my shared stuff are compiled in this (x).
Monthly Round-Up Tag-list (send an ask or reply here to be added or removed): @savvy-minnow, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @spuddlespud, @lockejhaven, @365runesoftheamalgamations, @outpost51, @liv-is, @charlesjosephwrites, @poetinprose, @sapphic-story, @idreamonpaper.
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povrus · 2 years
Молоки в сметанно-горчичном соусе
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anunclenamedmoose · 3 years
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Se mphete, uen'a ratehang, 'Moloki oa ka; Ha u ntse u utloa ba bang, U nkutloe le 'na! Jeso , Jeso, kea u rapela, Ha u ntse u sitsa ba bang, Se mphete le 'na. Ke ka ho hlomoha pelo Ke tlang ho uena; Ha u hauhela batho, Nkhauhele le 'na. Jeso, Jeso, kea u rapela, Ha u ntse u sitsa ba bang, Se mphete le 'na. Na ke ne ke tla tšepa mang, Ha e se uena? Ha u nts'u folisa ba bang, Mpholise le 'na. Jeso, Jeso, kea u rapela, Ha u ntse u sitsa ba bang, Se mphete le 'na. Ha ke na se u khahlisang, Ke mofutsana; 'Me ha u sa khese ba bang, se nkhese le 'na. Jeso, Jeso, kea u rapela, Ha u ntse u sitsa ba bang, Se mphete le 'na. Jesu, na nka phelela mang, Ha e se uena? A lerato le lekaakang; U nchoetse le 'na! Jeso, Jeso, kea u rapela, Ha u ntse u sitsa ba bang, Se mphete le 'na. Tsohle tsee ke li thabelang Li tsoa ho uena; ruri, ha u rata ba bang, Ua nthata le 'na. Jeso, Jeso, kea u rapela, Ha u ntse u sitsa ba bang, Se mphete le 'na. #mzalwane #christian #gratitude #photography #art #ndimhlenyani #kyokushi #calisthenics 📸: @lwazitom (at RUCC MINISTRIES) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVH0d2WjZnO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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diceprophet · 6 years
D&D 5e | “Curse of Strahd” Game #6 Notes
Session 6: The Tser Pool Serpent
Last time, the party escorted Ireena Kolyana westward at the behest of her adoptive brother Ismark. The path through the woods would prove perilous, but eventually they encountered some friendly faces in the form of the Vistani resting at the Tser Pool Encampment. There, the mysterious Madame Eva performed a reading of their futures, spelling out grave omens. [Link to Previous Session Notes] Today, the adventurers dive deeper and learn more about the land and its sordid histories.
Part 1: Something In the Water
The Tser pool was safe to tread and collect water, but there were rumors of a great skeletal serpent that patrolled a small island at the center. This undead monstrosity was once a powerful naga named Moloki, who ventured into Ravenloft to challenge Strahd. After being thoroughly trounced by the Dark Lord, the vampire made an example of him. Lord Strahd peeled the flesh from its bones and eternally bound it to this one location, reducing the once-proud serpent into a wretched mockery of life, forced to act as a glorified sentry for a meaningless set of trinkets.
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Part 2: Common Enemy
The party (excluding Salazar, who was infinitely uninterested and unwilling to risk his skin in the water) took a canoe into the misty waters to parlay with Moloki. The first contact was aptly terrifying, as they came face-to-face with a talking skeletal serpent with a humanoid face.
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Part 3: Return to Shore
Ismark promised the wrathful serpent a postmortem vengeance in return for information. Negotiations were moderately successful; Moloki divulged the existence and details of a tome that would drastically reduce Strahd’s power. Obviously, Moloki had failed to procure this artifact before his doomed confrontation with the Dread Lord. With this information, they amicably parted ways. However, things went tits-up when Moloki realized that the aasimar wizard Evangeline had flown onto his island and nicked all of the magical items that he was tasked with guarding. The bone naga flew into a rage and attacked the party as they frantically fled back to shore. Some party members were thrown overboard and others were scorched by lightning blasts, but in the end they triumphed against the undead menace, granting him a second more permanent rest.
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Part 4: Dungeon Master’s Closing Thoughts
What happens when you didn’t plan anything when game night rolls around? IMPROVISE A RANDOM SIDE QUEST AS A STALL TACTIC! I am worthless, no-good, hack of a DM. BUT YOU CAN’T PROVE THAT.
Follow the Dice Prophet Twitch Channel for more tabletop gaming streams! Until next time!
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billysigudla · 4 years
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116 Jesu ke 'Moloki wa ka. O nkhethetse bodulo; Kea mo rata, hob'a nthata, A 'neile bophelo. #Sefela116 (at Brits Letlhabile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8nVPbD3CN/?igshid=w86unz0ay0kd
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terribadass · 4 years
Moloko - Sing It Back (Official HD Video)
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rezeptblud · 4 years
Молоки лососевых рыб в сметанном соусе
New Post has been published on https://rezeptblud.ru/2020/02/23/moloki-lososevyh-ryb-v-smetannom-souse/
Молоки лососевых рыб в сметанном соусе
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Ooooh a writing prompt you say? How about Nishan and Kumari + dancing?? 👀
~ @poetinprose 🩵 (p.s.: thank you for being so patient with me atm!!)
heya there, jay! thank you for this particular request! this got a lil' longer than intended. however, i'm glad i got an excuse to focus on this story. 👏
this particular tale takes place prior to the main Blasted Scorn plot. just the crew chilling in an island village. 🏝🏝🏝
(no problem! i understand you get busy, so it's cool. you're welcome to interact at your own pace. ^-^)
send me a prompt? for any oc, dynamic, fandom characters, concepts.
Word Count: 901
T.W/C.W: romance, i guess
After a journey from kingdom to empire, the captain decided to stop by to a small village. Located on a small island, where they didn't have much visitors. They wanted to take the crew to have a night off and a break from their travels.
With the ship by the docks and night approaching, there had been a celebration of sorts. Multiple villagers gathered at the town center. Various lights of different colors and shapes decorated on random places. Attached on a string that connected some poles together. Lanterns surrounding the edges of a large fountain, where water shimmered from it's luminosity.
Nishan's breath caught in her throat at the sight of it all.
A small group of musicians played a jaunty tune and people chattered or laughed. Just clad in a combination of casual and formal.
Strangely enough, the villagers welcomed them with cordiality. One of them even murmured something to Titanarin, who shook their hand and gave a small smile.
Something told Nishan that they either must have done them a favor. Or they had been an old friend of theirs. Nonetheless, this might be one of those rare moments that nobody had a grudge for their thievery or tricks.
Biligan and Kentway were sitting by the table, drinking some wine and champagne. Just getting inebriated within minutes after they arrived.
Ianette joined in a game of cards with some villagers, clutching onto a beer bottle. They wore a black tunic and matching boots, their focus fixed on their valuables. Watching their opponents fiercely.
Eubha was making flower crowns for children, helping them to style their hair. Dressed in a sundress of ocean wave patterns. She smiled, her expression full of fondness.
Captain Titanarin sauntered throughout the area with Moloky following them. Flapping her wings, squawking. They laughed as she perched on top of their hat.
As for Kumari, she. . . She wore something known as a lancha. A green and yellow long sleeved shirt with a skirt flaring around her ankles. Her brown hair cascaded down her back in waves and some braids.
She stroked a sheep's head as it bleeped at her. Other people, children and adults, were accompanying the animals in the shed.
Clearly, a stunning sight to behold, she thought. Her heart fluttered and she coughed, pressing a hand over her tight chest.
She hadn't brought much fancy clothes since she got on board of the ship. She fixed her dark curly hair onto a bun on top of her head. Letting some strands frame her face. She chose a beige long, loose chiffon dress containing a pink and lilac embroidered lines around the torso. She could move easily in it, watching the fabric billow in the breeze.
She only sat by the fountain, observing most of the festivities. She would have brought a book with her if she didn't fret over losing it by accident. So, she settled to be quiet and enjoy the joy from her companions.
Before she could scoot to another spot, Kumari skipped towards her. She scrunched her nose and propped her hands at her sides.
"Hey! Why are just sitting here?" Kumari asked, propping her chin over her wrist.
"I'm okay with seeing everyone else enjoying the night," Nishan answered with a shrug. "I'd explore this village. But I suppose we won't be here for too long."
"Oww, that's a shame." Nishan pouted. "But certainly, you can explore this little square."
"I already did that." She chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's alright, you can go and be merry. I won't be bothered."
When Nishan gulped, she nearly jumped at a sudden clap.
"Ooh, I know! Dance with me! It'll be fun!"
"Are. . . are you sure?"
"Very much so. Just one dance, that's all I'm requesting."
Kumari stretched a hand out, her eyes twinkling. Nishan bowed her head, feeling beads of sweat trickling down her face.
It would be one dance and just that. She wouldn't. . . she wouldn't do so terribly. She had learned how to dance from her father back at her home land.
Nishan's cheeks heated as she clasped onto Kumari's hand. She laughed and brought her along to a circle of people by the fire.
The lights glimmered around them in a bright golden glow as if a part of a different place. A smooth and cheerful melody resounded the area as the musicians performed another song.
To Nishan's surprise, she saw Kumari waved at a villager. They offered her a hand and someone else did the same for Nishan, who nearly didn't notice. They moved into a circle, going around slowly.
Compared to most dances she witnessed at a ball or gala, it wasn't people paired off together. Yet rather a small group of people, linking their hands and throwing a small kick forward.
Yet it could be just as intimate as a dance between two people. In terms of proximity and the amount of holding hands.
With their fingers entwined and Nishan's heart rate going between erratic and steady, she probably could faint. However, warmth engulfed her while Kumari threw her head back. She laughed, her expression brimming with pure mirth.
Just dazzling like sunshine in a clear sky. And utterly precious.
Nishan smiled, squeezing her hand tighter onto Kumari's. Just breathing in, relishing in her warmth. Sharing a wild laugh with her, grateful to know her.
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kzakkwilliams · 6 years
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FACT: MOLOKI☝🏻The Phalic Rock In MOLOKI, HAWAII #1 Stop Besides The Only Bar On The Island 🌴 No Introduction Needed!💫⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🐾💕🌷
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Moloki hawaii
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artsvark · 7 years
Gospel Easter festivities at Joburg Theatre
Gospel Spectacular is a feel-good show for the whole family and has something for fans of virtually every gospel genre.
Mahalia Buchanan
Gospel is South Africa’s top music genre and now Joburg Theatre and ATTV take South Africa’s favourite gospel songs and stage them in a multimedia spectacular that includes giant LED screens, video projections, lasers, pyrotechnics and other special effects. Gospel Spectacular will run on The Mandela stage from April 13 to April 23.
Brian Temba
Heading up the 30-strong cast are top South African gospel and pop artists Brian Temba, Connell Cruise and Mahalia Buchanan, backed by a big ensemble of singers and dancers. Traditional gospel legend Teboho Moloi also makes a special appearance. Not only will the cast perform everyone’s gospel favourites like “O Happy Day”, “Malibongwe”, “Stomp”, “Moya Wam” and “Joyful, Joyful”, each will also perform some of their own songs, so fans won’t go away disappointed!Gospel Spectacular is a feel-good show for the whole family and has something for fans of virtually every gospel genre. From pop hits like Shackles (Mary, Mary) to traditional songs “O Mpha Tsohle” (Teboho Moloi), movie favourites like “I Will Follow Him”, to light classics like “You Raise Me Up” and “The Prayer”, to sing-along praise songs like “Ancient of Days” and “Jesu Ke Moloki Waka”, Gospel Spectacular has it all! Even Carman’s dramatic story song, “The Champion”, gets staged with incredible lighting, graphics and stage effects.
Award-winning creative director Andrew Timm is responsible for mounting one of the most ambitious musical extravaganzas of the year. Choreography is by showbiz veteran Sandy Dyer, and the musical director is Dale Scheepers, former musical director for Showtime Australia and band leader of the Joburg Theatre Panto 2017.
“Gospel Spectacular will be just that,” says Andrew Timm. “Patrons will be dazzled by the sheer visual spectacle of it all, but the real stars of the show are the songs; there’s something in the show for everyone.”
Tickets range from R100 to R250 and are available by visiting www.joburgtheatre.com or calling 0861 670 670, and through Webtickets. For group bookings of 10 or more, please contact the theatre directly on 011 877 6853/6815.
  Gospel Easter festivities at Joburg Theatre was originally published on Artsvark
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edamoresonykpk · 5 years
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billysigudla · 4 years
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Ha le lakatsa ho tseba Ka mo ke pholositsweng, Mamelang ha ke le jwetsa, Ke le sopisa tsela. Jesu ke 'Moloki wa ka. O nkhethetse bodulo; Kea mo rata, hob'a nthata, O 'neile bophelo. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 (at Brits Letlhabile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF6FL1_jrEw/?igshid=accms52newk
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Hey Enchant! Happy STS!! (yeeting Good Vibes at you)
For any wip: How much would change if you were to rewrite the story through the pov of your favorite side character?
Hey there, Charles! Happy STS! And thanks for the good vibes. Yeeting tons back at ya! 💙💙💙
For Blasted Scorn, if it were through Moloky's (the parrot) POV, it'd go like this: waking up to bickering, flying across the sea, making fun of Seagulls, gets into a fight with Heraldi the Donkey. . . but also getting the tea of the knights vs pirates trouble. . . yeah, a lot of the stories events would be left out, bahaha.
Send me an ask for STS?
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Hi Enchant, time for another prompt 😌
Moloky + treasure
heya there, pal. thank you for this adorable yet funny idea. 😌
i decided to take a different spin with it, lmao. and moloky sure is a hoot to explore, that's for sure. 🦜 🦜 🦜
send me a prompt? for any oc, dynamic, fandom characters, concepts.
Word Count: 337 T.W/C.W: None-ish
This looked shiny was Moloky's first thought upon her sight at a crest on the Captain's office. Peering at it from a view, perched on her tree stand.
Several jewels and gold filled it up. Sparkling and glimmering, just beyond her grasp.
No one guarded this room and Captain appeared to be off the ship, busy elsewhere. They wouldn't be bothered if she had a closer look. . . and it wouldn't be anyone's business if they found her. . . hoarding it.
Slowly, she started flapping her wings and jumped out of her seat. Soaring high and zoomed into the treasures awaiting her.
Before she could even land on it, an arm swept over it and she flew back, flapping her wings. She blinked, searching for what or. . . who would put a dent to her scheme. . .
"No," a raspy-ish voice said. Then slammed the crest trunk down, obscuring what was in it.
Tilting her head, she let out a pitiful caw.
Most sad noises often let people think twice and take what she wanted. However. . . However. . . This particular person. . . they wouldn't. Therefore, it wouldn't be much of a success.
"Uh oh," Moloky uttered, feeling her insides sink.
"You wretched, foul beast," Ianette replied, blocking her way. "You shall not be allowed to be near it. Captain's gonna sell it for business."
Moloky's beak dropped. "Drats! Drats!"
Ianette chuckled, raising their head with a smirk. They simply plopped down on a chair in front of the desk. Moloky deflated, her wings nearly ready to give out on her.
Foiled! Thwarted! How dare they!?
She had known that pesky human didn't enjoy her company. Especially when she spun around their head in circles, cawing and squawking.
But to this extent? Of putting such treasures from her reach?
How treacherous, she thought. How rude.
With a feeble caw, she settled back onto her tree stand. Wiping a foot across it, her gaze fixed on the wooden crest. Closed and hiding those shiny treasures.
Perhaps, she would try this again. . . without any interferences involved.
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