#mostly because I’ve put way too much time into thinking abt some of it and it’s almost embarrassing to admit
piraticoctopus · 2 years
I’ve figured out that the reason I’m kinda “eh” on a lot of ghost pokemon headcanons is for two reasons: 1) in the case of things like froslass or phantump, which were supposedly human in the past, they’ll focus on that aspect more than I care for and they end up basically just being written as human, and 2) they’re often treated too literally as paranormal entities for my taste (whereas I prefer to view them as creatures with abilities akin to those of the paranormal).
I just personally find it a lot more fun to take the perspective of trying to explain the specific features or behaviors behind those tales, and exploring the evolutionary benefit of them having said features. Like, what about phantump, the offspring of a tree monster forest guardian, gives it an uncanny resemblance to a human child? Is it the sounds it makes? The way it acts? Does coming across like a creepy child keep people away from the forest? Is it a case of natural selection producing mimicry? Is the resemblance purely coincidental?
This isn’t me saying anyone’s ideas are bad, of course. The beauty of pokemon canon having multiple versions, and of the way the pokedex is written, is that you can basically pick and choose what parts of canon to use/ignore and explain other parts as urban legends or myths.
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nouies · 4 days
lou!! how was it? how are you feeling!!
HIIIIII! omg idk where to begin.
i’ve been spending the last four days with Anitra @allwaswell16 and it’s been absolutely amazing! we got to see lots of cool stuff for the first time together, or for the second time in some cases. sometimes it shows when you’ve known a person online for seven years or so bc it’s so easy when it comes to hang out “in real life” 🥹
so anyway, we had been so lucky with mexico city’s traffic for the first two days (even on friday which was also pay day), but yesterday we got to experience the real chaos (and the scam that has become uber), so we couldn’t get there by the time doors opened and we missed Giant Rocks and the special merch for mexico city (Anitra got us merch anyway and we’re twining), but i was mostly sad abt missing my chance to finally meet An @lemelous (we’re going to meet soon so it’s fine but also it would’ve made my night way better that it already was!)
before the show, we got to trade some friendship bracelets and we got the material for the fan projects!
i got to meet in person my friend Fer @fforever-dreaming alongside with Mery @fuchsiasea (who i’m going to see very soon too!) and her sister. we only had a little time to talk but it was definitely one of the parts i was looking forward the most and a highlight of the night.
SO THE SHOW. it’s going to sound cliché but it’s an experience that you have to live it to understand it. that moment when the playlist pre-show suddenly stops and you see the stage is all ready, and then a couple of minutes after the lights go off and you know it’s starting??? priceless! i screamed a lot when Louis came out on stage and i just couldn’t really process it that i was finally seeing him after two long years!!! (which i know it’s a privilege itself bc there’s ppl who haven’t seen him).
when it finally clicked to me that he was there, i noticed the shirt which i LOVED! he looks so beautiful in polo shirts and especially that colour! (i especially loved that it was red bc it’s one of our national colours too).
it felt like it was a song after the other with no breaks. idk how the ppl watching the live-streaming felt but it went too fast! and there were so many emotions in the air! i screamed, i sang, i jumped, i participated in the projects, i teared up a bit during certain parts, I LAUGHED he’s so funny and so grateful for everything, that i just wanted to put him in a pocket and take him with me lol.
i couldn’t tell you which songs i enjoyed the most bc honestly i loved them all. i’m not a person who watches livestreams from fans, and even sometimes the videos i watch them with no audio just to see if i can make gifs from them lol so everything was a surprise for me and i loved it! i didn’t notice we were missing a song until almost at the very end but personally i didn’t need it bc he gave us so much of him already. i definitely wanted to listen to bigger than me bc it was my most listened to song in 2022 and i didn’t want to miss it. but like i said, i loved all the songs, the chats, the projects!!!
a quick parenthesis abt the projects. so originally there were three: sibwawc, walls, and saturdays. what you saw on the videos going around and the kmm project wasn’t talked abt (as far as i know, maybe i’m wrong), but we did it last year (thanks to the chilean fans of course) so i guess everyone knew that part was coming and just did it. like it looked so coordinated but it wasn’t planned (again, as far as i know) before hand. i obviously couldn’t see the rainbow lights from my section bc we were holding the same colour but when i saw the video and i saw that it worked, i loved it. and i guess you’ve seen the video where the crowd screamed “for every question why, you were my because” and it shows the crowd? we formed the mexican flag there. for saturdays i also think the project worked? i haven’t seen videos but if i’m honest i wanted to film that song for my friend who couldn’t be there so i did the project for half the song lol
the fireworks and confetti after silver tongues were so cool! i wasn’t expecting them so i was filming the whole stage and not really zooming on him? so when the fireworks showed up i felt like a child! it was just pure and genuine happiness in that moment.
lately i’ve been enjoying concerts more than when i was younger, idk why, but i scream more and jump more, and just live in the moment. and this concert even if i felt it was too short, it was still one of the best experiences ever!! i love Louis so much and i love my friends! 🫶🏻
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 5 months
Prob know the answer to this but: opinions on either fanny or rachel? Just as characters in General, what couldve been done better abt them, or what shouldve been explored more?
Goes insane
I was waiting to be asked this. I’ve been incredibly attached to Fanny and Rachel since day one cause they were the first KND characters I saw other than Sector V and what got me interested in the show (mostly because I was thinking “the hell is that blonde kid wearing??”)
Fanny is my all-time favourite KND character and one of my top five favourite characters from any media ever. So I kinda like her. Idk how to describe why I like her so much but I think she’s generally written well. I wish that they’d at least attempted to give her an actual Irish accent cause hearing her voice for the first time physically pained me as an Irish person. Also, why did they name her that it’s SO awkward talking about her to people I know irl and it’s worse because she is Irish herself, the gag is so much cruder over here than in the us. Also, they needed to stop trying to give her male crushes it isn’t fooling anyone, numbuh 19th century barely exists in my head. There are a few things I would’ve liked to see explored, like her relationship with her family since I feel like we only got tidbits of it, and I wanted to see her and Kuki actually being friends after op Slumber. And I wanted to see her and Abby interacting more but that’s purely because I like both of them a lot. Also backstory on why she went from being a nurse to a Decom soldier!! What happened she looks so innocent in the op Maurice flashback. When I first watched I expected at least something being implied but we basically got nothing. I just wish we got to see more of the Decom squad and how they work. I have a lot of thoughts about Fanny that I cannot put into words right now or ever and I also do not want this to be too long but just know there’s more! That I could say!
Rachel is my 2nd favourite KND character (who would’ve guessed) and, as I said before, her garish outfit is what compelled me to get into KND. Op IT is one of my favourite episodes because I like how it portrays Rachel. It’s what set KND apart from other shows cause I don’t think a lot of kids' shows at the time would’ve acknowledged how, realistically, stressful the job of being supreme leader would be, especially for a kid. I wish we could’ve seen more of her, especially from before she became supreme leader. I know it’s a small moment in hindsight but the end scene of op fugitive gives me the idea that she acted really differently before she became supreme leader. Maybe it’s just me but compare how she scolded Fanny to how she scolded Nigel in op Zero, the one in op Fugitive just seems more personal and rude. And the fact she wanted to be the supreme leader when Chad left even though it’s established that no knd operative wants to be makes me think she was a bit arrogant before she became supreme leader. I also wish we could’ve seen her interacting with other moonbase operatives like 65.3 and 35. Also her and Chad!! They definitely were close in some way why didn’t we get to see it?!
Unsurprisingly I wish we could’ve gotten more of Fanny and Rachel’s relationship. Obviously, Fanny has a lot of respect and admiration for Rachel, which isn’t connected to Rachel’s status as supreme leader since she felt the same way before Rachel became supreme leader. Honestly, the most compelling part of their relationship to me is that there’s a bit of a disconnect between how they each view it. Fanny admires Rachel but she doesn’t consider Rachel a friend since she claims she doesn’t have any in op Slumber. But Rachel openly calls Fanny by her name which the show itself establishes is for really close friends so it’s clear that Rachel considers Fanny a friend. I’d have to guess that Fanny’s self-doubt and how much she respects Rachel makes it so that Fanny can’t imagine that Rachel would be her friend. These girls need to communicate. Also, they’ve known each other for a long time since they’re both in the op Maurice flashback. And the fact they could’ve been in the same sector cause both their brothers are in sector w. God! There’s just so much potential and I wish the show explored just a little bit of it! At least I wanted there to be a moment where it’s said out loud they’re friends cause I’m sick of people trying to claim Rachel dislikes Fanny it isn’t true (is incredibly biased)
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7rashstar · 4 months
this ended up being way longer than expected so i’m putting it under the cut ~
i miss getting tumblr anons/interacting w ppl on this site more. my old blog had almost 2k followers n i got them allllll the time. i had had that blog since 2015 tho and only stopped using it once i made this one, (after being off the net for. a long while) this is the only social media site i wanna use. i mostly just post and ghost though, barely scrolling the dash. i miss being more interactive with mutuals
i partially abandoned that blog because i felt like there were too many eyes on me 😵‍💫 the other part was bc i was really deep in addiction, and on top of all that i had some major creepy anonymous stalkers
i’ve been thinking abt making more diary oriented posts lately bc the weathers been whack n i’m not rly going on walks bc of that, i’ve also been pretty much a full time hermit since new years. i could prolly count on both (if not one) hand how many times i’ve seen my friends. i think this has been a good thing for me though,,,been having a personal renascence the past couple months. drawing every day, playing guitar and making mewsic etc etc
also thinking abt utilizing side blogs again. maybe make one for my drawings. i drew a couple pages of a comic i wanna work on more. mostly oc art and some photo collages.
i also wanna start posting my music. soundcloud or youtube or both. maybe make some vlogs too? part of the reason why i haven’t is because nothing feels finished, but i’ve realized i used to use my old soundcloud to track my progress creating on ableton when i first got it and had no idea how to use the program. coming to terms with nothing needing to be perfect, bc it’ll never get to that ‘perfectly finished’ point. it’s earnest and from my heart as it is. i do think i should start saving up for a new laptop though, mine is pretty old and laggy. i might jus try ripping everything to an external hard drive to clear up space n see if that helps…but a fresh start would also be nice. (plus i haven’t updated my mac since mojave because it would break ableton lol)
i finallllllly saved up and bought a new phone tho. it’s the same one i have right now but it’s from ebay certified refurbished so i feel pretty good abt it. hopefully it’ll come tomorroww, this one is starting to rly shit out on me. my alarms didn’t even go off this morning 😭 ended up being late to work
i miss going to shows a lot and hanging out w ppl. i think i’m finally starting to come back out of my shell, even jus a little bit.
might boot up my pc tonight and upload some stuff (but not holding myself to that lol) i found all of the old SD cards and some flash drives from my youth and some of the pictures are absolute gems
anywayyy long asf post lol but yea!! i hope everyone is doing ok
much loveeee <33
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transskywardsword · 3 months
omg for the ask game 2, 4, and 14 for both the links and the zeldas if you’re up for it??
I have had to answer this ask three times bc my phone keeps crashing and I have a cat on my chest so I can’t get my laptop, BUT I am always estatic to talk abt heroes gate and zeldas universe so let’s go!!!
2) Who was the hardest character to design?
Twilight, sky, and waker def. I wanted twilight to look very distinct from other aus, which tend to stick to common motifs like face tattoo, wolf pelt, etc, and that proved to be very, very hard and I’ve actually redesigned him a lot recently and need to post those redesigns haha. Sky was hard for similar reasons, but also bc I have a hard time with fat characters. I myself am fat, but I have a hard time making characters that look like me; I get quite embarrassed and end up not making them look how I want. Sky has always been fat since day one of designing, but making him fat on paper is much harder for me. Waker’s prosthetic gives me trouble— I wanted it to look similar to an 1800’s soldier's prosthetic, but that’s easier said than done when they were so awful for the person using htem. I’ve had to do a lot of research which has been fun, but also lots of work and redesigning over and over.
As for the zeldas, it was definitially my two armored girls, phantom and aella. phantom bc the phantom armor is ugly as fuck and very bulky and mature, something phantom is not, and aella bc I wanted to keep her elegance but had to sacrifice it for actual armor, since she is ya know. In the middle of a war.
4) Is there a character you want to include but didn't for whatever reason
I would have LOVED to include the first ever hero from the skyward sword manga. He’s one of my favorite characters to sandbox and I think he would have added a lot, but I’m already running with a shit load of characters so he got cut from the roster :(
14) Do you have any headcanons about the Rito/Zora/Goron/Hylian/ect
YOU BET I DO!! World building is my bestest of friends, and i have too many to do in one sitting (if you'd like me to go more in-depth i would loveeeee to) but i do have a huge post on the interactions between the gerudo and sheikah here. i dont agree with all of it anymore, as my ideas on ganondorf have shifted, buuuut it's still a good read :)
just gonna hit some bullet points of headcanons bc if i try and make it a cohesive paragraph we'll be here for everrrr
each race has very different ideas of gender and sex; in particular, the gerudo's terms voe/vai dont actually mean man/woman, that's just the meaning hylians put on them. it actually refers to a role in society; there is no real concept of hylian 'man' or 'woman'. the kokiri are completely agender (one of the ways oot link realizes they/she aren't kokiri is bc they/she realizes theyre/she's transfem. poor kiddo), and the gorons have little in the way of sexual dimorphism and are all genderless. the zora are all asexual, though they range in romantic orientation; they find the hylian concept of sex to be strange.
there are many kinds of zora; ocean (including subgroups like deep sea, costal, artic) zora, river zora, and lake/marsh zora. they do not have a history of getting along, but the calamity forced them together and they've become a multicultural diverse and mostly peaceful society
sheikah language is heavily gendered, but the sheikah's concept of gender is outside the hylian binary. the sheikah are deeply, deeply religious and historically served as priests and monks as well as soldiers for the hyrulian crown.
mentioned in the post i linked but: impa is a name passed down to the leader of the sheikah, and as subservient to the hylian crown (gross), it is expected that each impa will serve the queen and her children specifically as a bodyguard since the first impa (skyswd) served the first zelda.
because the sheikah were expected to carry out the hylian family's violence for so long, which primarily targeted the gerudo, there are tense relationships between the two groups
sheikah cover their faces 24/7 out of remembrance of the sheikah who worked alongside hylia, who had to hide their faces to avoid being burned by her holiness. the sheikah directly and deeply revere hylia as well as local gods and spirits.
hylian ear shape has changed over the centuries. skyswd hylians had short but pointed ears, but the later early generations of hylians had large, very long, furry ears from intermingling with zonai, and as time passed and the zonai disappeared, the ears lost their fur, became medium-sized, but stayed pointed
i have a LOT more but i dont wanna go on forever so ill stop here lol.
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tobiarts · 2 years
i’ve never been intrigued w/ a rewrite aaron idea this much pls pls tell me abt ur Aaron Lycan rewrite 🧎
👀👀👀👀 I am telling you SO hard rn
Okay SO basically this idea is built on the fact that Zane probably isn't stupid enough to let people just see him... committing mass murder and standing around hundreds of corpses?? Like he has a reputation to uphold, can't go breaking mama's heart, etc. etc.
Starts off very similar- Aaron's son comes home with some very obviously cursed amulet. Is like "Hey, dad! Look!" And Aaron is like. Holy shit put that away. As soon as he grabs it or triggers it in some way, the entire town dies, etc.
Zane isn't just vibing at the entrance laughing evilly like an idiot? So instead Aaron breaks down sobbing, absolutely destroyed by the death of everything he worked up to and had.
Sometime later Zane approaches the town with a group of guards with the expectation of finding some ten-year-old there confused as hell/crying.
Nope! There is this 7' mountain of pure muscle sobbing his heart out.
Zane approaches him with the intention of getting his guards to kill him. When Aaron instead prostrates before him and begs him to believe that he didn't do this, Zane's plans change.
Partially because Zane is so easy to manipulate if he thinks you're under his control, and also because he is nothing if not resourceful.
Also not sure if Aaron is the one with the relic, but if he is Zane recognises this and realises he cannot lose this opportunity to have a relic under his control.
So Zane agrees to hear him out under the condition he goes to jail willingly. Aaron of course does and once he's there Zane hears him out as if he wasn't the one to kill all of his friends and family.
Using this to his advantage, Zane moulds this gentle giant to his will. He convinces Aaron he wants to help him, that he believes him, that they can trust each other, etc. In his vulnerability, this is what Aaron needs and absolutely falls for it.
From there, Aaron spends some time resting and being cared for. Once better though, Zane hardly even needs to ask Aaron to be his guard. However, instead of becoming a member of the Jury of Nine, Aaron becomes his personal guard. He uses him to do any dirty work he doesn't want to be associated with, sneaking around, and following him on delicate missions.
You know Kronk and Yzma? Like that
Aaron refuses to acknowledge Zane's wrongdoings. To him, there is always a reason for his actions, an explanation, etc. He essentially woobifies Zane.
Eventually, Aaron is sent to Phoenix Drop to scout out Garroth. Either due to Aaron's lack of elegance or Aphmau and Aaron's relics being drawn to each other, Aphmau finds him in the woods. He is the worst liar + anxious as he's been majorly isolated by Zane so just stays silent. Aphmau misinterprets it as him being cool and mysterious.
While Zane is initially pissed, he eventually decides to keep Aaron there as a pair of eyes on the inside. Not even Brian knows he's there.
To shorten the story: Aphmau befriends him and he sees her as his daughter. I'm thinking she develops a one-sided crush on him, but absolutely loses it when he rejects her feelings since she's never really been told no. This break in their relationship is ultimately what keeps him with Zane when he opens up the portal to the Irene Dimension. This also removes the really OOC and forced 'villain arc' Garroth has. Irene bless.
I don't know if I want him to stay in the Irene Dimension to fight Zane, or if I want it to be someone else yet. TBH it's mostly up to him meeting Aphmau that I've been bouncing around in my noggin.
Not MCD but in Phoenix Drop High,
Aaron is a senior and Zane is his freshman childhood friend. Due to them being childhood friends, Aaron follows Zane around and helps him with his evil schemes. It's more comedic and fails horribly due to both of them being dorks. Both of them are too uncool to get into the Shadow Knights as well
ANYWAY those are my ideas. I could go on SO much about so many stupid things, but this is Aaron specifically!!! It might change, especially since I really want to fuck with Garroth and Laurences arcs.... (Also I think the boys deserve to have some sort of relationship outside of Aphmau) (Also this was weird to write since in my re-write Aphmau is called Apple...) BUT thank you sm for asking me, I am kissing you so much rn tumblr user aaronisawhore!!!!
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multiples-blades · 2 years
hrm… i’ve decided to post a short excerpt from one of my wips. i’ve not had a lot of motivation for fic writing recently and probably won’t have the energy to get back into it for a good long while, and every time i remember the existence of these wips i think abt that one post that’s like, a love letter to all the half-finished and orphaned works out there that got posted even though the authors didn’t like them or didn’t finish them, and… yea. it’s not done and it ends abruptly as of now (since the rest of it is near-incomprehensible in its unfinished state), but it’s decent, and with any luck it’ll make someone happy or scratch an itch or something. so, here you go: about 1/3 or maybe less of a fic which currently doesn’t have a title in my docs other than ‘Bog Thing’. enjoy?
(also this was intended to be in the same universe as eclipsing binary, which i have links for in my pinned post if you haven’t read it. didnt get around to an exact timeline but it would probably be taking place not too long after the end of that fic.)
By the time it’s been long enough for Danny to get used to people knowing that he is a ghost (even if that is, in some ways, as much a lie as his previous claims to humanity), it’s been long enough that the prospect of coming clean to Valerie has become both super awkward and also possibly redundant. She’s been giving him Looks, recently - which she had been doing already, of course, ever since he got outed, but now she’s doing it when he’s out as Phantom, too.
He’d had been able to tell when his parents first started catching on to him, even if at first he tried his best to ignore it. Valerie may be slightly more subtle than them, but, well - slightly more than nothing still isn’t really a lot.
Which isn’t a slight against Valerie, or anything, because Valerie is probably one of the coolest people he knows, and yes, that does include when she used to hunt him. But she also seems to think that wearing a visor means that he can’t tell when she’s staring, so…
The staring is it’s own problem. It would be less unwelcome if it wasn’t happening during ghost fights, which have been especially brutal for the past week or so thanks to the appearance of a ghost who can open portals at will. So far, the only positive aspect of the situation has been that the ghost can’t always open portals, although (as far as Phantom can tell) the rules for when portal creation is possible are confusing, contradictory, and entirely arbitrary. Thankfully, only one human has fallen through one of these portals so far, and they came out the other side shaken, but otherwise fine.
All of this is to say that Phantom isn’t entirely surprised when, mid-fight, Valerie yells, “DANNY, DUCK!”
What does surprise him is the portal Valerie had been trying to warn him about. Fortunately, he does react fast enough to duck. Unfortunately, he doesn’t react fast enough to avoid the portal abruptly reappearing directly below him.
Predictably - because since when has he ever had good luck? - the portal journey is rough, and spits him out somewhere unrecognisable. It is also entirely absent of hostile ghosts. At first, he assumes he’s about to be ambushed, so Phantom puts his back to a nearby rock and waits for something to make the first move.
And waits.
…And waits.
It takes an embarrassingly long time for him to realise that the ghost has apparently skipped fighting him entirely and instead just moved him out of the way.
Well, alright. Okay. Fine. He’ll just have to make his own way back, then.
Phantom is in a swamp. The unfamiliar landscape had started out as a mostly-normal-by-ghost-standards floating island with a forest obscuring what he’d thought to be ‘the other half’ of it, but then he’d gone into the forest, hoping to maybe come across something useful, and there was no other half, because it turned out to have actually been obscuring a swamp. An impossible swamp which was too big for an island which had looked so small only moments before. Or a bog, maybe. He’s not actually entirely clear on the difference between a bog and a swamp (and a marsh, and a mire, and a fen… huh. There’s a lot of words for that kind of thing, isn’t there?)
Either way, Phantom has by now been in the maybe-bog-maybe-swamp for way too long. It would probably be a lie if Phantom were to say that he didn’t know how he’d gotten to this point. He does know. It would be hard not to know, considering the actual reason is that he is lost, and has been lost for quite some time, and if possible he would like to stop being lost some time soon, thanks very much.
(It would probably also be a lie if Phantom were ever to describe himself as lucky.)
He hadn’t realised at first, but the portal hadn’t sent him to a recognisable part of the infinite realms. He’d assumed it had, going by the dark green sky and the strange, otherworldly plants, but the further in he wanders, the more sure he is that it can’t be the same place as where his portal goes. He can’t quite put his finger on why, exactly. A gut feeling? A hunch? The way the hairs on his neck prickle, in a way that they haven’t for years?
There is a quality to the air here like a recently broken storm; the release of pressure after a long and uncomfortable build, and the smells of rain on grass. There is a buzzing in the trees - probably insects. Hopefully insects. Sometimes loud enough that he feels it in his teeth; sometimes like a whisper; sometimes like the humming of another ghost’s core. The words don’t make sense. He tells himself that it’s some sort of auditory illusion, rather than actual speech, and yet…
(Phantom is used to being the one in charge of a haunting. It has been a long enough time for him to forget the feeling of being quite so closely watched.)
The bog-swamp-thing continues for a while, and he’s careful to drift just far enough over the ground to stay clear of the mud or mulch or who knows what else. Usually, he’d fly over the trees altogether, but… something keeps him close to the ground. Not a physical weight or barrier, but a sense - a feeling that to fly out in the open here would be a very, very bad idea.
He is no closer to finding an exit when the treeline abruptly ends and the mulch transitions into coarse earth, sandy in texture but grey-green in the same way as lichen on old stone.
In the middle of the clearing is a pond.
He lists forwards and peers down at it, uncertain. There’s frogspawn along its shore, scummy lines in the dirt where it has shrivelled and dried, the few remaining eggs milky white instead of black.
The frogspawn blinks at him. The eyes on the aspens blink too. Phantom keeps his eyes resolutely open, and makes sure only to blink out of time.
Nothing good ever comes of ghosts caught in perfect synchronicity, he’s found.
Besides the blinking frogspawn, the pond is… strangely normal. It’s not pleasant, necessarily - it’s covered in a layer of pondweed so thick he’d be surprised if anything else living in it hadn’t already been thoroughly strangled, and it has that particular pond smell that means it’s definitely long past stagnant, but even by human standards it’s not really unusual. The plants don’t even glow, or anything.
But there’s something missing.
There’s a patch near the pond’s edge where the weeds separate and leave a small window into the water; it’s still and murky, and reflects the leaves of the trees like a mirror. Phantom leans over it, and stares, making sure to keep half an eye on the frogspawn and reminding himself not to blink.
The reflection in the pond does not change. Even the leaves, which should otherwise rustle in the breeze, are frozen.
Where is his reflection?
It’s as he’s pondering this that the breath in his lungs turns to ice and makes him choke - it sticks in his throat and melts before he can exhale. He only has a moment to wonder about the strange reaction of his ghost sense when the pond starts to move.
Phantom jerks back and watches as broken twigs move through the pondweed as though dragged by an unseen hand, tangling together when they collide and twisting into knots with wet, organic crackling sounds. Where the weeds part around the movement, he sees the water become darker with disturbed sediment, and the smell of old mud makes him wrinkle his nose, heavy with ammonia and rot.
It’s less like a ghost is emerging from the pond, and more like the pond itself is pulling back a veil to reveal the face underneath. Considering the nature of ghosts, Phantom wouldn’t be altogether too surprised if that really was the case.
Phantom continues to back up as the debris in the pond forms what can only be a body, and he briefly considers just taking his chances and attempting to fly away before it finishes doing… whatever it is it’s doing, but then- the trees were blinking, too, weren’t they? It’s likely that Phantom’s physical location won’t matter, ultimately, for so long as he remains in the forest-bog-marsh-thing. Especially not if this is a haunt; especially not if Phantom, for once, is the intruder.
(He would know. He has experience in chasing out intruders, after all.)
Better to get the first word out before it’s too late, then.
“Uh, hi!” (is that too familiar?) “I mean, uh, I-” (should he introduce himself? Or should he keep his name hidden and safe, just in case?) “-I didn’t mean to intrude, I’m just-” (lost? looking for a way out? looking for home?) “-passing through! right. Yeah. Do- could you tell me the way out? I’ll leave you alone, I promise.”
Nailed it.
The ghost (because what else could it be, if not a ghost? Nevermind the half-choked-on breath that should’ve been a visible cloud. Nevermind that the only hum in this place except for his own is coming from all those insects in the trees-) is done pulling itself together, it seems. Or, at least, he thinks it is; the crackling of the twigs has mostly ceased, except for when it moves, and black mud has risen to encase them like flesh over bone. Which isn’t to say it looks anything even close to human, because the limb count is all wrong and if it has a lower body at all he can’t see it, and where it should have joints it instead has bracken sticking out of the mud, jerking with every movement. It doesn’t really have a face. There’s a collection of roots and pondweed and various other aquatic plants draped over what might be a head, might just be a conveniently placed lump of mud, and here and there he can see tiny, filament-like bones submerged within the sludge. It smells of rotting fish. Phantom supposes he knows where those bones came from.
He’s about to open his mouth and try talking to it again when, with a voice that seems to come rushing over him like wind through the trees, it says, “YOU WILL NOT FIND IT.”
“Find… it?” asks Danny.
///…and from here we devolve into the kind-of incomprehensible parts. it’s mostly the pond thing dialoguing, honestly. i think i’d originally had a particular idea about how i wanted things to resolve, but i’ve sort of… forgotten it? woops. i’ll figure it out one day maybe
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hello! I'm just writing to say, in the best possible way: reading your fics, I've never thought so much about hair! See, my hair's been of the same, middling shoulder-ish length all my life, mostly because I’ve just never thought of changing it. and in your writing - there is hair in change, and change in hair, and change towards self rather than away from self, and i've never thought about it that way, and suddenly I’m thinking, and that’s so cool.
but what really drives me nuts is how in your fics, bea's hair changes in different ways. i know it’s often in the background but: she cuts it short and shaves the sides. She highlights it. She lets it down and loosens it. She lets it grow and flow. sometimes her hair doesn’t change per se, but she does, and she allows things like her hair to become a part of her. Even in the same fic sometimes, it changes. it drives me nuts because maybe it’s just unintentional on your part! Each time, it’s the same base character, but she grows in all the same ways and yet in all different ways. And I think it’s so cool you have space to explore the full range of hair and personhood, and how hair can make you feel like who you are, if that’s a way to put it.
and what I guess I’m trying to say is, beyond the intellectualising/character analysis of it all, reading about butch bea gently touching her scalp makes a small soft voice in my head go “oh, wow”, and reading about bea running, long hair flying, tied up but not no longer *tied up*, makes my heart skip and swell — and you write so well, each time it reveals a different facet of her character, and it makes me think a different way. I’m so glad your different fics / different universes have it all ❤️. maybe one day i will do something with my hair.
yah i think hair is such a big part of gender expression, especially for dfab masc people! i've felt stressed out for the majority of my life about hair & have rly gone thru some PHASES lol & so i think like.. it's a rly powerful character device, honestly, especially thinking about like. freedom & sexuality & expression — & stepping away from trauma, a new start blah blah. i feel similarly about food — what brings pleasure? how do you let yourself feel unadulterated home in ur body? etc — & so i rly like to use them if i can. i also think that like... sight is such a boring sense when ur writing, so like changing ur hair or eating smth u normally wouldn't allow yourself rly opens up all the other senses (touch, smell, taste, etc) in ways that don't seem particularly obvious or like they're trying too hard, & i would always rather have a character DO something instead of just saying how they feel interiorly (e.g. ‘i want to cut my hair’ vs ‘i’m exploring my own relationship w the feminine & masculine in a way that doesn’t completely make sense to me yet but hopefully this helps’ lol it’s just much better more compelling writing)
& for me like... i have hated haircuts lol. i've gotten bored w haircuts. i've grown out my hair rly long & then had a full meltdown in an airport lol like. queer self-expression, especially after denying that for years, is so tied up in small things. honestly getting bored of short hair, letting ur hair down, being 🙄🫠 abt a haircut is just such a part of being a person lol.
& w queer expression especially hair is like... ephemeral but not. it's way more fleeting than, for example, gender affirming surgery, but it's much less fleeting than clothes. everything together, ofc, forms a character (& a person, irl, ofc), so i just feel like i like to use all the tools that make sense. & cutting ur hair short is this like v historical rejection of a particular expectation of femininity (which i've sought out before multiple times, & it can still be rly cathartic to think about); i also feel like, eventually, everyone hopefully kinda settles into a self-expression that makes sense to them (e.g., i love mens clothes but like yknow loose expensive light fabrics. do not make me ever wear a single button down or tuck ANYTHING in i Will refuse lol) & rn i have a cool yet deeply impractical day to day masc bob that is v Chic & cool yet always in my face unless i have a hat on lmao & it feels, at least atm, like a rly comprehensible androgynous in between for me in the same way my clothes do, in the same way that gender affirming surgery has for me. w bea i think there’s so many ways for all of her pieces to fit, so it’s nice to get them to line up eventually in the context of the particular story
so yah i mean... honestly hair is such an excellent characterization device, idk why more ppl don't use it lol but i will continue to when the moment calls i suppose :)
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soulfm · 2 years
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hi hello its me again ;o its angel, ur admin, ur mother hello. i bring u all another muse, which i’m really excited for ! ty all to those who helped, u guys really reassured me and gave me the courage to bring ren to life :’) anyway here’s my lotus, n i’ll be using that to refer to him constantly so ur warned sorry abt it. y’all can contact me on any of my muse blogs or since i’m constantly switching accounts, my discord which u can find on somi’s intro ♡
i’ve got his profile, stats, some plots & a cool lil pinterest for him !
↳ ✧˚∗ — welcome to infinite entertainment! it’s MIYAZAKI REN (SOUL), who is the LEAD GUITARIST of TIDAL. i’ve heard whispers that the 28 year old is pretty INDEPENDENT but lowkey RESERVED. also, doesn’t he remind you of NAKAMOTO YUTA?
ren was born in osaka, japan on february 5, 1997
his parents were firmly business oriented people so they were away a lot
and because of that, he was raised mostly by his grandparents, he loves and treasures them a lot 
as time went on being under their care, he learned to take care of them as well 
but ren is very closed off from his parents, them being too strict and him not knowing how to handle that
however he wasn’t a lonely child, he was very close with his cousins and had a couple friends in his lessons
he did alright in school, liking his classes but loving his music class
his music teacher taught him guitar at age 10 bc of his potential and he just continued on after that
so he debuted in tidal when he was 18, having been scouted at 17 by golden media entertainment at a school concert
although he was itching to get out into the world, he was iffy about accepting. he felt conflicted as his grandparents were getting older and he felt he had to take care of them in return now that he was able to
his parents overheard his scouting news and of course, was not happy, wanting him to do more with his life rather than music
but his grandparents soon convinced him and he was on a plane to south korea
he trained for a year and a half, eventually getting put into tidal
while training, he was put in dance classes in case the band planning wouldn’t work so he’d be ready in case a boy group was approved instead so he has some skills in that
ren was very timid at first, not used to crowds or cameras or any of the idol life really but he eventually warmed up to everything
but still goofs off for lunas :’) they’re constantly like ‘is this really tidal’s quiet/normal member ?’
and his members too to make them smile or cheer them up, like an introvert who’s only loud around his friends
think jun from seventeen (my man :’))
but he’s gone big brother mode sometimes, giving them water or offering to go first during a photoshoot so they can rest more or u can call him the dad/mom friend, either way he doesn’t mind
ren also likes to participate in lyric writing, it’s his outlet for his heaviest thoughts
inspiration for performance mannerisms ; luke hemmings (5sos) and phantom (ghost)
doing a tiny dance (luke & phantom) and being silly + getting on his knees more than he should (phantom)
like i’ve mentioned !! he’s a reserved lil guy
but he frequently has these moments where he wants to have some fun and explore new things, he didn’t really get to as a kid/teen as he was very timid and stuck to only familiar places or basically by his grandparents’ sides
and that being said, even though he may be very shy, he’s all for adventure !!!
take him to get ramen on some far away street or explore an abandoned pool with him, yeah. . idol image who ??
peak raccoon behavior 
he was sad when golden media got acquired, he doesn’t like change that much
he’s VERY scared of the higher execs of infinite, they remind him a lot of his parents and that’s enough to make him feel like a kid again
he’s super protective of his members and friends though, holding them close and putting them in his pocket n making sure they’re happy 
his quietness can get him in trouble though, getting mistaken for him just being snobby or intimidating but that’s not his intention
continuing on my streak of hoe muses, my son is indeed partaking in that lifestyle (where somi is highkey about it, ren is lowkey)
after doing some research, he will be an aquarius as it’s way too fitting
be gay do crimes basically except his crime is just wandering off at random times without telling anyone and collect rocks n lil trinkets or smth
when he can sit still, he’s glued to animal crossing and he totally got that from me 
pls don’t ask me his hair color (it’s red, save his scalp)
LOVES PHOTOGRAPHY, he will take pics of everything he finds pretty
tattoos !!!!???? he’s got a good bunch
piercings ????!!!! give it all to him
can speak japanese, korean and learning english
i think ?? that’s it, yes yes pls love this dweeb
okok that’s all i promise aaa<3 i’ve got ideas on his plots page, took all most of them from somi’s but i’m open to anything tbh, im fr not picky about it so let’s brainstorm !! lmk if ur interested or i can hit u up,, ok love u guys ♡
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simmonsized · 2 years
It’s okay, rambles are fun to read. Anything that talks about a character I like is inherently entertaining by default.
I just realized how much I’ve been sending you asks, I apologize. This is way more than I planned but it’s just really fun.
That’s true too, about like the older guardians. I recognized that they’re harder to talk about like we do with the strilonde Guardians, so general thoughts about them are cool too!
It’s very sweet how much Alpha Rose cares for her brother :)
Mom and Bro are my favorite subjects, mainly because their history is so unavailable. It’s just pure speculation. We get hints of it with Mom because she works for Skaianet but Bro? What the fuck is his deal?
We can say the same thing for Alpha Dave and Rose and we can just assume they had a similar upbringing in some ways, but that just brings us back to “what was up with you guys??”
Okay, it’s Mom and Bro time because ofc I have to ask about them again. Still pretty interested in that traveling stuff that’s been hinted in your fic.
Also, I just reread some of the Bro POV chapters and I love when they hug. This one person I was talking to jokingly described them as the unstoppable force and immovable object. I thought it was the cutest shit ever. I just wanted to share that.
Hello sorry I put off answering this because I've been busy BUT
yes, alpha rose and dave are stupid codependent and it is tragic and silly but they'll be okay. one day.
but who cares about them (me) MOM AND BRO AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT?????????????????????????
(RNG canon stuff obviously) I feel like it would be spoiling what i call the (well i call it by my name but for simplicity we'll say my url) deserts cinematic fic universe where i just. have connecting plot points between all my works for no goddamn reason BUT
Basically the little headcanon is that Mom and Bro were on their own in their respective Places (New York, Houston) for the first thirteen years of their lives. Canon to the Skaianet logs (once again, cringe and bad but like, works for me thematically), Harley set them both up with financials, but we'll assume they didn't have real access to them. I like to think it was Nanna who eventually couldn't fucking take how badly these two little punks were doing anymore and insisted on intervening. Bro was up to some. Not good shit lol it involved swords. Mom was just being a brat somewhere
ANYWAY due to the obligations of the session and timeline they couldn't KEEP them (nanna had a husband and son and a job to do after all and harley is. well. harley) but they did a lot of VISITING, mostly flying to washington to stay with nanna for the summers, and sometimes bro would even get flown to new york if harley was in town. grandpa let roxy visit the island (once) but never bro. go fucking figure (though if hiveswap is to be believed he did have a creepy old house in the woods too LOL). it came to a head when they were 16, and nanna and grandpa decided they were old enough to be sat down and told about The Stuff (though in my world guardians always kind of Know though whether that comes with age or not, who is to say, but like, u know, basically laying out the feeling for them into a concrete idea.
Bro already knew that all, ofc
grandpa tells mom that she's gonna be getting the house and stuff and then she and bro get into a fight abt it bc he loves her but he's so horribly bitter and jealous and already knows he's going to die yes i guess this is spoillies but whatever, and anyway that is how they like, friend breakup. Bro goes back to doing his fucked up sword thing, Mom waits for the house to be built.
once the house is built she invites bro back to new york but he's Different Now in a way she can't explain and it's so obvious his heart is all closed off and he just. sucks!!! god that guy sucks but i love him
ANYWAY YES they used to spend summers in different places but always houston, wa, or new york and stuff together! and they'd share a suitcase bc mom would constantly lose hers, so bro would always underpack so he conveniently had room for her.
anyway they love each other but have deeply hurt each other
razzle dazzle
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commaclear · 2 years
I 100% forgot abt that ask I left on Friday, so I’m back to hopefully make sense.
I’m gonna start with my opinions on Wilbur. I think he thinks too much about gifts. He has the problem of getting too sentimental and then being let down when the receiver pulls that whole “oh…. Okay thanks I guess” shit. I’d say it comes from the fact that he grew up in foster care and the first time someone ever actually listened to what he wanted, he got a gift that meant a lot to him. He probably sucked at gifts when he was younger, mostly just because he was around people who were able to out do him, but as he got older, he became the odd one out.
Wilbur seems like the kind of person that you could tell to just get you a target gift card and then he’d show up with an intricate gift that represents some obscure detail from three years ago plus a target gift card. He knows that when he says “I don’t care” it means he wants others to care for him, but that just got him a lot of cheap birthday cards with a few bucks crammed inside.
Sally probably told him it was childish. She probably thought his above and beyond thinking when it came to gifts was endearing when they were younger, but as they got older, she was quick to get fed up with his shit. They probably had plenty of fights because she told him that he didn’t need to make it a big deal and he still did. They’ve probably had fights because he wanted to buy Fundy something super unique and cool for his birthday, but sally insisted that kids don’t care about anything but a cheap toy from walmart.
Wilbur disagrees with that because when he was a kid a gift like that would’ve meant the world to him, but that never really mattered did it? After countless incidents of no one appreciating the amount of thought he put towards things, he just stopped trying. He doesn’t even believe he has the time for that stuff anymore. Now he avoids giving gifts all together. It’s too much work considering no one actually cares.
Quackity is similar, but he’s also different.
Based on what I’ve guessed with his previous relationships, he really just wants his happy ending. I mean, it’s implied that schlatt was his high school boyfriend and high school relationships are some of the most iffy things out there when it comes to celebrating shit.
Like you have this teenager who is lacking in support at home so he’s seeking validation from his partner. And then you have a guy who cares but is also a huge dick who always wants his way.
I’m going to guess that Quackity wanted to try celebrating things. But schlatt didn’t always take it so well. I’m guessing that it left him always overthinking the smallest things.
I think he still really likes the idea of gift giving. I think he wants to show how much he cares about people through it. I just thinks he’s scared of their reaction. He’s always worried that he did too much or didn’t do what the other person wanted. He also hates the stress that comes from holidays because of this.
I have pretty much written the same thing for both of them but the reasoning is slightly different. This was gonna be longer, but I’m tired again.
- the Quackity analysis anon
You astound me, quackity analysis anon
Somehow you come to such accurate conclusions based on such little evidence, it's amazing
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gureshinlover · 4 months
Rhkebssk bro, same
I think I went through puberty late lmao
I also feel like I’m destroying (some) relationships (mainly my “main” friend group).
It’s alright to express your thoughts, likes or dislikes. For all my life I’ve been going along with the flow, doing things even if I don’t like it only because I was asked to do it, changing the way I speak, changing my whole attitude when outside the house, and etc
Rn, I say if I dislike a certain thing, I use vocabulary that makes me feel free and completely expresses what I want to say, I’m starting to act like how I want to around friends and family, and not being so closed off bc I might say the wrong thing
Sure, half of my friends are surprised at the way I suddenly act now but they’re accepting it and not questioning me or alienating me bc I’m suddenly not who I was before (Even though I know how they actually talk behind my back abt how much I’ve suddenly changed lmao but that’s just how they are. It’s a toxic group where everyone keeps being plastics but remain friends for the benefits)
And the other half (which are new friends) aren’t surprised at all bc they know the “real” me and not the front I’ve been putting up in front of, quite literally, everyone
Oh gosh, this is sooo long rhekshskaj and kind of like a rant too??? But yea,
TLDR; just be yourself. If they can’t accept you for you truly are then maybe they just aren’t the right people for you
Oh thank you for sharing your experiences on this! Nice to know I'm not alone, also your "friends" talking behind your back must be annoying but I hope you'll have more fun with your new friends!!
It's exactly the same for me, I'm always easygoing and always change the way I speak and act between different people. I always play it safe with everyone, especially my family. It feels weird when I see other people being able to talk to their parents like they're friends or are able to express their real thoughts even if they're not close with their parents. I don't think I'll ever be able to do that, they will never know what my thoughts are, or my life and who I really am (I cringe when I write it like this hhhh I guess this is why I never went through puberty, always felt it was too cringe LOL)
It's like that with my friends too, I don't think I was like this when I was little but as I grew up (and mostly after the pandemic??) I became more closed-off and avoided any talk that could cause conflict. There are countless times that I was hurt when I noticed some friends' behaviour against me but I almost never said I was hurt, at most I tried to say how I felt through jokes,,
One time, when my ex-friend-group did something that hurt me badly I never said anything to them, but I don't like playing friends with people I don't like so I stopped seeing them. And I was ready for conflict that time, I was ready tell them that I was angry if they asked me and explain why I didn't want to see them anymore. But they never asked. I even had dreams once or twice about me being able to get angry at them, just because I wasn't able to do it in real life lmao I'm giving this example to show how much I bottle things up 😭
I wanna be like you and open up more about my thoughts and feelings and be myself, if I can find myself first tho haha But really thanks for talking to me, I wish you the best of luck with your new life after "puberty"✨✨✨
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piraticoctopus · 1 year
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I posted 2,035 times in 2022
That's 303 more posts than 2021!
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#animals - 273 posts
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#hk fan art - 137 posts
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Longest Tag: 108 characters
#mostly because i’ve put way too much time into thinking abt some of it and it’s almost embarrassing to admit
My Top Posts in 2022:
On the one hand, a more ‘shrimpy’ PK just feels right for a number of reasons, but on the other hand if we assume he’s got this sorta elongate body with multiple limbs then I have no explanation for how the fully grown Hollow Knight is humanoid-shaped and so I am left conflicted.
78 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
I have no justification for this
(NSFW audio from snapcube sonic adventure 2 fandub)
202 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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I made a shitpost a year ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it so here’s a termite PK
233 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
I’ve come to make an announcement:
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The Pale King’s a bitch-ass motherfucker.
He stole my fucking moths. That’s right— he stole my moths and made them forget me, and he said “No blazing kin,” and I said “That’s blasphemous”.
So I’m making a callout post through the Dream Realm: Pale King, you’ve got a shitty light. It makes bugs have free will and anxiety. And guess what? Here’s what my light looks like—
*dramatic Radiance light-beam sound effect*
That’s right, baby. All instinct, all unity, no higher thought— look at that, it gives them super strength.
He stole my moths, so guess what, I’m gonna steal them back. That’s right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LIGHT PLAGUE!!!
Except I’m not just stealing the moths. I’m gonna go higher. I’m inFECTING ALL OF HALLOWNEST!!!
How do you like that, Wyrm?! I infected the whole KINGDOM, you idiot!
You have twenty-three hours before the infection DRRROPLLLETS break the fucking populace, now get outta my fucking sight, before I infect you too!
934 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
977 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rubien-unhinged · 1 year
Omg I just found your fic and it’s so good???? Hate myself bc I binge read it yesterday and it’s all I’ve been thinking abt all day 😭 Chapter 3??? So stressful and intense I was at the edge of my seat the whole time but also stragely cute?? Luke is so nice I’m honestly in love with the way you write him. He’s hardened from the war but he’s still the kind and considerate boy he was before. And I feel so bad for Aemond but I know he’s in good hands (literally at the end) so I cannot feel too bad lmao. I also LOVE the fact that you included Alys and Nettles, in fact, this is the first fic I saw which included them. I’m really curious how you will work them into your story, especially since we have no pieces abt their characters except a few lines from the book. I wonder what Rhaenyra thinks abt her relationship with Daemon. Is that something that she was aware of or are there going to be more conflicts abt that too? 3some maybe 😳? Are we going to meet Aegon and Daeron too? Sorry if this is too rambly, english isn’t my first language and I’m terrible at organizing my thoughts anyway. Originally I wanted to comment on ao3 but I couldn’t put a coherent paragraph together for the life of me I felt so embarrassed (still do) 😭😭
Anyways take your time and happy holidays!
oh my god! I must say, I read your ask three times already and I want you to know that it made my day <3
I really like to write stressful and intense things so I should warn you that this is not the end of angst and hurt :3 though they (and by they I mean mostly Aemond) will take a little, small break so it won't be that bad... as you said, Aemond ended up in very good hands of our dear Luke. I can't even say how happy I am that you enjoy how I write him. He's seen some shit at this point, lost a lot of people, but he is still trying his best... which will lead to some very sudden decisions in the next chapter >3
I love Alys and Nettles so much, I just couldn't not include them in one way or another. I hope I will do them justice, especially Nettles because she is a very good friend of Lucerys at this point. Regarding her relationship with Rhaenyra and Daemon... I guess it remains to be seen :3 after all, I believe in the books Rhaenyra is implied to have known that Daemon still was occasionally with Mysaria and was okay with it, but not with Nettles because of her paranoia (and also Mysaria), so we will see how this plays out here :3
Aegon is key for the story so I will most certainly include him. Regarding Daeron... I will keep that as a surprise :3
Please, don't ever apologize! I am so very glad that you enjoy my fic, and remember it's always okay to leave a comment on AO3 or in my askbox (or my message box), even if you feel your English is not good enough - which btw I have to tell you that it's actually very good <3
I so very much thank you for this ask and I hope I hear from you again <3 happy holidays and new year
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foxstens · 2 years
grisaia has been surprisingly mature so far
im abt 3 hrs in so i’ve seen basically nothing but it’s been so fun. at the end of every reading session my face just hurts because im laughing too much, and it doesn’t even happen only during ‘funny moments’, i find these characters so endearing i just smile all the time
and it feels so mature. it hasn’t brought up any really heavy topics yet and since it’s been mostly character introductions and comedy so far you’d think it’d just feel like any average vn, but it doesn’t. there’s something about the dialogue, the way the characters interact and the things they say that gives it a very different atmosphere. i should know since i’ve dropped countless vns for feeling too juvenile. even some of the ones ive finished i didnt enjoy as much as i could have because, despite including some interesting and heavy topics, they just felt average writing-wise
yuuji is very interesting, he doesn’t come off as edgy for the sake of being edgy in my opinion, he’s just kind of emotionless? kind of... but it seems that, even if he doesn’t always behave the typical way, he does know how to interact with people and how not to come off as a complete lunatic at all times. i think.
i really like how he interacts with the girls and especially the fact that he wants to get along with them, with some of them he actually has to put in some work to get them to even talk to him and i love that. he also seems to be very knowledgeable about things, well so far it’s only been 2 pretty different topics he’s gone in-depth about but it caught my attention. im not sure about the setting of the game yet, they seem to use plenty of foreign words and there’s also stuff i can’t really read sooooooo. but yea based on what i’ve seen so far plus everything i’ve read about this game i do not think it’s just a normal modern world setting
on a completely different note, the level of moe in this game is through the roof. i recently noticed that the girls’ eyebrows are really freaking long and i think that plus their really detailed eyes is what makes them look so cute, but holy fucking shit. even the resident loli whom i should hate on principle and also bc she has a really high borderline annoying voice, BUT I CAN’T BC SHE’S TOO FRICKING CUTE. OH MY GOD SOOOOOOO CUUUUUTE. i think her route is going to destroy me but that’s besides the point
anyway yes having a great time i love this game
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babygirlgiles · 2 years
The more I think abt Hannibal in his il Mostro di Firenzi era (and even before that, through all of his young adult years really), the more I want to know abt him. The version of Hannibal we meet in Baltimore is well-established and self-assured, sometimes to a fault. By that point Hannibal understands himself, or at least confidently believes that he does, and has carefully curated which parts of himself he displays to the outside world. But there must have been a time before that, when he was still trying to figure out what to incorporate into his outward persona, and that must have been a process (as much as I imagine he would deny it) of trial and error. He’s insanely observant, of course, and I imagine a lot of how he decides to behave/present himself is based not just on his own sense of morals and principles, but also on how he’s observed people reacting to each other and from that, a kind of pragmatism of “if I act this way people will do xyz for me”. And like, as much as Hannibal’s lifestyle and mannerisms can be… pretty outlandish, you got admit the guy is good at getting what he wants, especially in social situations. But anyway, what I’m trying to say is that no matter how good he is at choosing social behaviors based on his observations, it’s never guaranteed. By the time he meets Will, he clearly has a pretty good sense of how people will react to him, and can orchestrate situations partly by anticipating how people will read him and his behavior (hence why Will, who’s behavior he can’t anticipate reliably, is a shock and revelation to him). But what was the process of that learning, of refining the mannerisms and styles that garnered the responses he wants?
(And just as a side note abt, not something I’ve thought abt in depth, but I imagine that’s part of why Hannibal hates rudeness so much. Like ofc the distaste for discourtesy, blah blah blah, but also that rudeness deviates from the social script Hannibal is reading from and as a control freak that would drive him up the wall).
I also wanna know abt Hannibal’s failed tableaus from that period of his life too because I feel like there just has to be some!! by the time Will meets him, they’re intricate and masterful but also that’s after decades, years and years, of practice putting these tableaus together. He’s an insane perfectionist and must obviously extensively plan and research, but also there are just something that are impossible to predict or plan for!! And especially in his early years of making the tableaus in his Il Mostro period, there must have been mistakes as he was perfecting his methods and techniques, of the displays but also the killings themselves, like things must have gone topsy turvy at least once or twice. I can just imagine something in a tableau not going his way, something just won’t sit right or keeps falling or whatever, and he just decides to scrap the whole thing, pack everything up, and take it home, because he’s so intensely meticulous that having something he thought would work not actually work would probably drive him insane.
Also he can be so impulsive, even as an older adult when he’s got himself together and carefully constructed his life, so as a young man in his twenties? Which is not exactly an era of life that’s renowned for impulse control? And especially because Hannibal is mostly shown to be impulsive when things aren’t going his way? Impulsiveness must have been so much more of a prominent character trait for him back then, considering what we see what he does have it a lot more under control, especially as he’s fine tuning out how he wants to present himself to the world and perfecting his tableaus.
And the last reason why I’m so fascinated by the concept of young Hannibal is bc that one picture we see of him is very hot. I want to know more abt him is bc young Hannibal was very, very sexy.
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