nejene · 1 year
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Normálně sem náčrty neházím, ale tenhle se mi líbí, takže tak. Tadá.
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happylittleghost · 5 months
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Nová dávka obrázků pro díra fandom 👀
Inspirované Muchou
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marguerida · 8 months
Eu nunca ganhei flores, mas reguei decepções, colhi ingratidão e senti o aroma da dissolução, segurei espinhos que não eram meus, e no final a flor que muchou fui eu.
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ag0sto13 · 2 years
Meus pensamentos me sufocam, me prendem, me deixar sem ar.
Minha pele sangra, arde,vira ferida, cicatriza e volta sagrar novamente.
Meus olhos se derrama em lágrimas, soluços involuntários, coração acelerados, gritos que estao presos no meu subconsciente.
Tudo dói, Tudo queima, tudo existe dentro de mim.
Mais eu nao existo mais, eu nao suporto mais minha existência, eu nao quero mais minha existência.
Me deixa ir como o vento invisível, me deixar ir como uma rosa bonita que muchou com o tempo, me deixar ir como as ondas do mar, mais que apenas se vá e nao volte mais.
Nao quero mais, eu apenas nao quero mais viver!!
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kageyamaana · 2 years
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Day 3- Toman Sanzu/Cheesecake
Sanzu still remembered the reason why he tried cheesecake for the first time.
He really hates cheese but when Muchou bought cheesecake for him, he couldn't remember the last time someone bought something for him, Sanzu found himself wanting to try it just because of that.
Of course he didn't expect to end up liking it and much less that it would become his favorite food but here he was.
Mucho….Sanzu missed him but he was the one who took his life so he didn't deserve to miss Mucho.
But every time he ate cheesecake, Sanzu knew he would always think of the man who was and will always be the owner of his heart.
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dearemilia · 3 years
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WARNINGS/NOTES: GN! Reader, mentions of blood, guns, violence. I apologize if the characters are OOC. Stay safe and healthy! <3
➩ Mikey was the first to meet you. He met you when you both were still kids. 
➩ You were beating a man because someone had told you too as the others cheered on the fight, Mikey was fascinated how you are able to beat an old man’s ass up.
➩ Right after you beat up the man, Mikey introduced himself to you but you just walked away. After that, he started clinging to you and so did Baji since he follows him too.
➩ Baji started picking fights with you but you always end up wining which just motivated him more. 
➩ You sighed as you accepted that this is your new life. Once you accepted Baji and Mikey as your friends, they followed you like ducklings.
➩ Then Draken, Mitsuya, Pah-Chin, and Kazutora came in.
➩ You’re close to all of them, but you’re more closer to Draken [Sorry Mikey, baji <3] Since you relate to him a lot. Both of your moms are dead or gone, your dads are absent and there’s a man that took care of you two. 
➩ So yeah, you two would sometimes make jokes of it while the others are heavily concerned for the two of you. 
➩ Though, it’s mostly Draken who makes the jokes while you chuckle.
➩ You were going to beat up Kazutora for killing Shinichiro, but you had to remind yourself that they were both just kids.
➩ So you let him be. You didn’t know how to comfort a person, especially Mikey since you would always see him with a smile, cracking jokes here and there.
➩ After a week, you went to the Sano household and right there, you hugged Mikey. You both stayed like that in the comfortable silence.
➩ Now, after Toman was created. You are their trump card <3
➩ Basically if anything bad happens, you come and beat the gang up. And since you’re stronger than Mikey, everyone highly respects you.
➩ You sometimes argue with Peh-yan and Pah-chin. It’s not because they’re stupid, its because you call them ‘brats’ <3
➩ Hakkai is pretty shy around you since you’re quite intimidating but he began to get comfortable around you [Proud Mitsuya and Yuzuha noises] 
➩ Nahoya loves fighting with you just as much as Baji. Souya is the same as Hakkai except he’s more calm around you.
➩ Chifuyu admires you. Though, he does sulk whenever you call him and the other ‘brats’ but he knows that you’re older than him, so its fine <3
➩ Muchou really respects you, this goes the same as Sanzu. Since they both respect you, they absolutely hate it when someone talks shit about you.
➩ The person ends up going missing-
➩ ANYWAYS. Emma adores you! She thinks you’re so pretty and cool. Yuzuha had a hard time talking to you, she’s really afraid you might do something to Hakkai. But over time, she warms up to you.
➩ Yuzuha has a tiny crush on you. But she’ll never admit it anyways. 
➩ Mikey introduced you to Takemichi and let me tell you, he almost pissed his pants just by looking at you.
➩ However, he came to respect and admire you like the others. You’re really badass and scary when your fighting.
➩ Everyone knows how you’re when the meeting place is dirty and isn’t cleaned. So every month they would always clean the place. If you see any dust, they are ready to leave this world.
➩ Mitsuya, Souya, Hakkai, and Chifuyu love sending you tea <3
➩ Mikey makes fun of you for the way you drink, which caused a fight between you two.
➩ Now when Draken got stabbed, best believe that you knocked out all of Kiyomasa’s minions. 
➩ Then Kisaki came into picture and Baji left Toman for Kazutora. You weren’t dumb, there was something about Kisaki you didn’t like so you had to keep an eye on him and Baji.
➩ During the valhalla vs toman. You heard from Chifuyu that the reason why Baji left was because he can take Kisaki down.
➩ Since you four [Takemichi, Baji, and Chifuyu] don’t have evidence that Kisaki is a traitor and is just using Mikey and Toman.
➩ You had to be the one to destroy Kisaki.
➩ When you noticed that something was wrong with Baji when he got stabbed. You noticed a knife with him. 
➩ You didn’t hesitate to kick the knife away and you knocked some sense out of Baji.
➩ After saving both Kazutora and Baji. You visited Kazutora, he said that its better off if he’s dead since he was the one who ruined everything.
➩ “God, you’re such a brat. Stop saying that” You sighed “You were just a kid” With just one sentence, Kazutora didn’t know how to feel. Happy? Thankful? Relief?
➩ He doesn’t hear those type of words much, especially when it comes to you. You are known to be cold hearted but hearing you say those words to him made him feel welcomed.
➩ “Get the help you need, that’s all” And with that you left.
➩ You couldn’t believe that valhalla and toman are now one. You tried talking it out with Mikey but he said that this was for the best.
➩ Kisaki and Hanma are slightly afraid of you. They know what you’re capable of so they try to get on your good side.
➩ You’re on Kisaki’s kill list. Meanwhile, Hanma is fond of you despite being scared of you at the same time. He thinks that you’re entertaining to watch when you fight.
➩ You, Baji, Takemichi, and Chifuyu are definitely going to defeat Kisaki and Hanma.
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mementomorih · 4 years
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Tokyo Revengers 
Manga covers
By: Wakui Ken
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absurdne-obrazy · 3 years
Takže míč je u mně?
Nuž, nakoniec to bude naozaj len životospráva. Ak som si mohol jedným prstom siahnuť ako E.T. na 'merické stravovacie problémy, tak to potěš koště jak sa hovorí ... musia vlastne strašne trpieť.
Jendu prázdnotu zaplníš prijímaním inej prázdnoty, na čož si jeden taký, taky zapáli, prijíma opäť inú prázdnotu, ktorá nie je na mieste , lebo je to zvyk... keby mali šamani zmysel pre čierny humor :D, to bych moc rád videl ten web ..
Každopádne som sa bavil pred rokmi s kolegom, ktorý mal problémy so žlčníkom, že je naozaj možné sa naučiť každý deň ráno vypiť liter a pol vody. Ale chcelo to minimálne to snaženie ...
... snaženiu a jeho zdarnému koncu predchádza istý strach a ten akoby jedného presvedčil, že snaženie nemá zmysel. Takže náš 'murica dostáva uvoľnenie plynúce ako nePovinnosť, lebo povinnosť, ktorá by vznikal z prekonania strachu je "drahšia". Což vlastne z takýchto gastroOdpadlíkov ohýbačov časopriestoru okolo seba vlastne robí mučeníkov... absurdné.
Ono celkový Obrázok z hora počíta s každým, každý pridá kúsok skladačky do jedného celku. Celistvosť začína pochopením, pokračuje odpustením až k prijatiu. Potom nie je nutné nič viac ... pretože už neexistuje ... predpoklad návratu, tam je to totiž desne takmer nemožno uchopiteľný.
Napadla ma na to metafora s muchou, čo nevie, že okno je sklo, lebo cez ono okno vidiac nechápe prečo je tam obmedzenie. Pomyselná komplexnosť by sa v tomto prípade mohla prejaviť, akože je daná vec daná a nie je nutné nič konať viac. (vieš si predstaviť muchu, ktorá celou svojou existenciou vypadá ako obdoba vyššieho princípu, ale nechápe to? zrazu si sprostý, čo ?)
Potom mi to ale drahý Martin nedá, vieš, keď sa staneš ultra-muchou, lebo si sa chytil na lep efektov špeciálnych a úspešne pomocou svojho zámeru prejebať okno, ho predsa len prejebeš. Nestaneš sa ničím, len muchou, na ktorú ani nikto neukáže prstom, pretože si to od začiatku nepochopil. Už som Ti to vravel raz, a poviem Ti to znova, berieš si žeriav dvíhajúc mosty, na rozbitý hrnček.
Nie si vlastne nič iné než obyčajný hlupák :D .. ja sa Ti nevysmievam. Nemôžem Ti byť ani učiteľom, ani žiakom, ani synom, ani otcom. Veľa si sa naučil, ale ničomu nerozumieš.
to však s reflexiou nemá nič spoločné. Akoby tam bol hnev, keby som sa pýtal, tak bych odstal veľmi klasickú odpoveď od seba, že je to predsa strach o Teba. Takto sa asi cíti rodič, nie ? Musíš venovať svojmu blízkemu toľko dôvery, že ho necháš putovať čiernym lesom a naďalej sa nestaráš ..
Na konci tejto myšlienky mi pristálo v hlave len, že .. je niečo nedokončené. Neviem kde, neviem kedy a neviem čo.
Argumentovanie v hlave vedie k chytaniu sa predpokladov, ktoré sú scestné a živia pomyslený hnev.
Taková blvosť :D
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cheiasdeamorproprio · 4 years
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O menor conto de fadas do mundo!!! Era uma vez uma moça que perguntou a um rapaz - Quer casar comigo?? E ele respondeu: - Não!!! E a moça viveu feliz para sempre, foi viajar, vivia fazendo compra tinha roupas, sapatos e bolsas maravilhosas, conheceu muitoooo outros rapazes, foi a praia vivia passeando e sorrindo, sempre estava de bom humor com a pele otima pois não tinha sogra e não tinha que aguentar mau humor de homem, não tinha que lavar e passar e nunca lhe faltava nada, sempre bebia as melhores bebibas com as amigas sempre que tinha vontade porque ninguem mandava nela. Ahh o rapaz ficou sozinho,careca, barrigudo, o pinto caiu, a bunda muchou e pobre porque nenhum homem controi nada sem uma mulher!!! FIM (em Quarentena City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDurYFehxH4/?igshid=1unnlautw9txs
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sdmn-edits · 7 years
Thank y’all for 900 followers muchous appreciatous!!! 😊❤️
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anihkawaii · 4 years
A flor
Linda olhando sua vida passar...
Chove ..faz sol...faz frio..e ela ali
Sendo firme...
Mas a humanidade a destrói...
Bela ...e amada?
Protegida e regada?
Foi afogada... E muchou...
Despedaça .... Machucada está.
....o exagero ..levou ela ao seu fim
O vida voou...e em suas pétalas seus últimos suspiros ..
A vida se foi e sobrou a morte....
Suas cores ... .. Apagada ..
Só esperando suas pétalas sumirem...
Pois nela...não ah mais vida...ela muchou e se esvaiu
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jbgravereaux · 7 years
Roque Ferreira - Taiêra (Roque Ferreira) - Terreiros                                                                                                                                                                             Taiêra Roque Ferreira                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Flô morena, dor cheirosa Quem foi que te perfumou Quem te fez assim vistosa Com esse óio de amô Foi o relento da noite Que a primavera beijou Ou foi água do riacho Onde a virgem se banhou No sertão por onde ando Vi muita moça cheirosa Umas com cheiro de cravo Outras com cheiro de rosa Umas com cheiro de acácia Outras cheirando a jasmim Mas morena eu nunca vi Moça cheirosa igual a ti Indereré, indereré Taiêra, taiêra, indereré Nem tudo se costura com agulha Que é vezo de couro e pano Se o raio coze a fagulha Chuleia a paia do abano No cemitério sem cova Cava é a voz das caveira Ali a paz não desova É ninho de catingueira No raso da Catarina Medo é modo de falar Lampião quando tem sede Bebe no caraguatá Indereré, indereré Taiêra, taiêra, indereré Saudade que o boi pisou Pisada que o rio lambeu Quando o olho d´agua secou Meu peito sonso chamou Cego Aderaldo atendeu Bucho da morte emprenhou Os "arubu" do sertão Barranca se amofinou Sal do barreiro muchou O rio chegou no caixão O pé de mandacaru Arranha a unha do sol Caatinga toda enfezou Verdejo só de Icó No coito do caritó Lucas da feira saudou São Benedito no andor Indereré, indereré Taiêra, taiêra, indereré Chove chuva pro boi cumê Sabiá cantá, vaca mugir Bezerro mamá, eô
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ag0sto13 · 3 years
E hoje eu chorei por um passado que nao volta mais, por querer algo impossível que um dia me fez tao feliz, por querer preencher um vazio que não tem fim. Chorei por fazer tudo errado, por querer concerta tudo e nao poder, por imaginar tudo diferente, mais abrir os olhos e tudo, absolutamente tudo esta igual, eu estraguei tudo, minha vida, meu mundo. Eu queria tanto poder voltar e planta aquela rosa, abraça-la com meu amor e fazer ela crescer entre meus braços, torna-la segura, minha e so minha, e ser apenas dela. mais nao dar, e eu sofro em lembrar como ela sangrou por mim e muchou sem uma gota do meu carinho e nao tem como voltar, nao posso impedir que aconteça, porque ja foi, o passado ja aconteceu, a merda ja foi feita, entao como seguir com todos esses espinhos entrando sobre minha pele, com minha mente fantaciando algo que nao existir mais, como sobreviver em um mundo que nao sou feliz?? Eu queria apenas aquela rosa de volta, mais o que restou foi os espinhos e as lembraças para me lembrar todos os dias que agora eu sou um só, ou aprendo a conviver com isso ou daqui um tempo serei apenas uma lembraça também, como folhas seca que caem de uma árvore depois que nao tem mais serventia. Um dia vou ser alguém como tantos outros que nao estao mais entre nós. 💔 #SB
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itstatiifagundes · 7 years
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A um ano atrás, eu me via como uma flor que acabara de morrer: sem vida. Despedaçada. Sem perspectiva de reviver. Aquela rosa que eu ganhei muchou, e no mesmo período eu também. Quem eu amava me matou naquele dia. Hoje, um pouco mais de um ano daquela cena, tenho aqui dois vasos de flores que eu ganhei no aniversário da Amandinha. Essas flores, ao serem cuidadas, em meio ao frio, a dias sem sol brilhando, elas ainda estão desabroxando, crescendo, dando vida. Eu também sou assim agora. É inevitável que existam dias ruins, pessoas que nos machuquem, mas precisamos aprender a reviver, a reamar, a se redescobrir. Eu não quero mais ser a que morre. Eu nunca mais quero viver aqueles dias aonde eu só pensava em matar meu corpo, afinal meu coração e alma estavam mortos. Hoje eu só quero buscar ser cuidada pelas pessoas que me amam e florescer.
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dearemilia · 3 years
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NOTE: Fem! Reader, All Characters, fluff, I apologize if The reader is OOC. Stay safe and healthy everyone <3
➩ How did they met you was something for sure. It all started exactly 2 years ago, the boys finished up eating their food and bumped into you accidently. Upon sensing your aura, they could tell you are someone important.
➩ Unfortunately for them, Baji accidently spilled water on your expensive clothes. Let’s be honest here, they thought they were gonna die.
➩ However, they didn’t [well duh] Because you had a soft spot for children, you forgave them easily with you patting Baji’s head, making him blush.
➩ Mikey, being the little shit he is, decided to ask you to pat his head. You chuckled softly “My, my, where are your parents, hm?” You asked, not knowing that most of them had parents issues.
➩ “I don’t have parents” “I think they died-” “My mom’s busy” They all responded.
➩ God, you were so embarrassed “I apologize for my rudeness” You quickly apologized which caused Mikey to giggle.
➩ Okay, after all that stuff. You realize that Mikey is your lover’s brother. 
➩ You stared at both Emma and Mikey who looked back at you while Shinichiro sweatdrop “Dear, why didn’t you tell me Mikey is your brother?” You asked with a gentle tone.
➩ Shinichiro chuckled nervously “W-Well, I wasn’t ready! Plus, they would probably judge me for dating someone like you” He sulks as Emma and Mikey nod their heads.
➩ Mikey and Emma grabbed both of your hands “[Last Name]-san, did he kidnapped you?” Emma asked with concern in her eyes.
➩ “If he did, just say so. His fart stinks by the way” Mikey added with a grin as Shinichiro yelled at him. You looked at your lover and hushed him “Don’t yell at Mikey, darling” Shinichiro just pouted while crossing his arms.
➩ Emma and Mikey smile, seeing him getting defeated. Nonetheless, his siblings love you and dubbed you as their big sister.
➩ Emma threatened Shinichiro that if you both broke up, she will kick him out of the house. 
➩ His grandfather didn’t mind you, he thinks that you deserve better anyways.
➩ When Mikey and his friends decided to create their own gang, they had come to you for money to make their uniforms. At first, Draken and Mitsuya were hesitant.
➩ But after you reassure that it’s fine, they all cheered and celebrated. You payed, of course.
➩ When Shinichiro died, you didn’t dare to cry not in front of Mikey, Emma, and his friends. Instead, you were there for the both of them. 
➩ Mikey didn’t come out of his room for days, and you tried understanding. But because he had only eaten sweets, you started to worry more.
➩ Eventually, he came to you and cried all day and all you could do was embrace him in your arms and let him cry.
➩ You didn’t blame Baji, you knew he was still young. Baji apologized multiple times that he’s sorry for killing Shinichiro, even his mother came.
➩ Baji and his mother were thankful that you didn’t get mad at him. Although, Baji knew that he didn’t deserve your kindness.
➩ When you visited Kazutora, you tried to talk to him but you could tell that he has changed. You wanted to talk to him, send him to therapy but all he did was stare at you, saying that it was Mikey’s fault.
➩ And because of this, the relation between you and Kazutora drifted.
➩ Fast forward 2 years later. You are basically Toman’s informant or big sis lmao.
➩ Draken sometimes gets tired of Mikey’s childish acts, and you’d scold Mikey for tiring Draken, which he is grateful for.
➩ Draken looks up to you and sees you as more of a mother since you raised him and took care of him like how a mother would.
➩ Mitsuya sees you as a sister figure, he’s really thankful that you remind him to take care of himself and to take breaks. 
➩ Baji admires you and is protective over you. The only two women he can listen to is you and his mom.
➩ Pah-Chin feels more calm when he’s around you, plus you smell expensive and flowery.
➩ Chifuyu honestly had a tiny crush on you, i mean who would not fall in love with a rich badass women? But after realizing how old you were, he stopped that crush and looked up to you.
➩ Hakkai and Peh-Yan are shy around you and tends to stutter a lot when you ask them something, so you give them some space so that they can talk to you normally.
➩ Nahoya and Souya love you! Nahoya would tease Souya for getting shy around you and loves poking fun of him. You sometimes have to stop Nahoya from punching anyone, this goes for Baji too.
➩ You actually enjoy Muchou and Sanzu’s company, they’re really calm which you’re fine with it.
➩ Just like the others, they actually admire/look up to you too <3 [yay you gained their interest]
➩ There are times when you have to pay the damage that the boys did.
➩ When Mikey introduced you to Takemichi, you felt off with the boy but you welcomed him with open arms and gifted him and his girlfriend, Hinata gifts
➩ Takemichi knows you from the future since he and Naoto had visited you to ask about what happened to toman and Mikey.
➩ He thinks your intelligence and leadership is what makes a lot of people admire you <3
➩ You love the girls, you often take them to the mall and even buy them gucci, chanel, louis vuitton, etc. Which Yuzuha and Hinata are really flustered and grateful for.
➩ Emma’s used to your expensive gifts and would sometimes go to you for advice on how to get Draken’s attention. Though, you just tell her to just confess which she refuses to do.
➩ The girls would always scold the boys for using your money. In the end, the boys didn’t listen and they still use your money <3
➩ At this point you’re a sugar mommy or a sugar sissy-
➩ Hearing the news that Draken got stabbed, you immediately left your office and drove to the Hospital. Mikey was expecting a slap from you, but all you did was hug him, he didn’t expected that.
➩ You understood why Peh-Yan did it, but still, you got mad at him and scolded him for doing such thing [He apologized in the end, dont worry <3]
➩ You hated Kisaki when you saw him, he just gave off a different vibe. He hates you too, so the feeling is mutual.
➩ When Baji left, you ran to him and asked why he did that. He dragged you away and told you all about what he thought of Kisaki.
➩ Fast forward during the bloody halloween, you ordered one of your loyal assistants to guard Baji.
➩ In the end he got saved! Woohoo! Though, he still got stabbed “Your lucky Ganyu was there” “I’M SORRY!” 
➩ When you visited Kazutora again, you sent a therapy to him and he’s really thankful for that. After having a talk with his mother, you realize how neglectful she is towards her son.
➩ Kazutora is now your traumatized son and you tend to visit him, sending him letters and chatting with him <3
➩ Hanma thinks your hot, he’s into women like you anyways-
➩ They would literally beat anyone up if anyone dares to talk shit about you, even the girls would too.
➩ Christmas came in, and guess what? You punched Taiju which surprised the toman members and Yuzuha included.
➩ Again, you paid a fucking therapy session for Hakkai and Yuzuha :D
➩ You’ve known Inui from Shinichiro, so your really glad to meet him again. Inui loves talking to you about black dragons and Shinichiro. You feel more relaxed when you talk to him and he feels the same way.
➩ Koko loves how you think the way he does, money is everything <3 why should you and him be sad? <3
➩ You make him feel broke but at the same time rich since you also give him money :D
➩ When Kisaki got fired, you couldn’t help but smirk at his reaction. 
➩ Let’s be honest here, they’re all extremely loyal towards you and love you very much <3
➩ Whenever you visit the boys and girls, you would always get hit on. Baji and Nahoya save you and just beat up the man. While, the other members asked you whether you’re okay or not.
➩ The man was asking directions-
➩ You would sometimes let them visit you in your Jade Chamber [sadly, in this head canon, the Jade Chamber won’t be floating]
➩ They’re really amazed by how well built and expensive the Jade Chamber is.
➩ They heard you built some kind of weapons which they’re really shocked about.
➩ They probably broke a few things which irked you but you forgave them since you love them.
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prahaeu · 5 years
Praha nabídla Moravskému Krumlovu možnost dočasně získat Slovanskou epopej – nutná je však úprava prostor
Hlavní město hledá krátkodobé i dlouhodobé řešení pro umístění Slovanské epopeje. O krátkodobé umístění má významný zájem i Moravský Krumlov. Tomu Praha nabídla čas do konce dubna, aby vyřešil financování nutné pro možné vystavení v místním zámku. Za současných podmínek totiž není možné v zámku takto cenné dílo vystavit a navíc by jej v takovém prostoru ani nebylo možné pojistit. Pokud Moravský Krumlov potřebné finance v řádech desítek milionů získá, metropole bude ráda pokračovat v jednání o vystavení dvaceti obrazů od Alfonse Muchy. O zapůjčení by pak ve finále musela rozhodnout městská rada a zastupitelstvo.
Dočasným umístěním epopeje v Moravském Krumlově se hlavní město mimo jiné snaží rozumně vyřešit smírem soudní spor táhnoucí se z minulosti. Ten město stojí zbytečné finanční prostředky a s umístěním epopeje v Krumlově dle svých předchozích vyjádření souhlasí i John Mucha, vnuk malíře Alfonse Muchy.
„Slovanská epopej patří mezi kulturní symboly této země. Hádat se a soudit kvůli ní je ostuda a nesmysl. Proto jsme začali se všemi stranami vstřícně jednat a já doufám, že brzy dojdeme k rozumnému řešení,“ uvedla radní Hana Třeštíková.
Pro vystavení epopeje musí Moravský Krumlov získat peníze, za které prostory upraví. Pro dvacet obrazů je nutné zajistit trvalou teplotu v rozmezí 18 až 20 stupňů Celsia, vlhkost prostředí v rozmezí 45-55 % s minimálním denním výkyvem a zabezpečení objektu s napojením na pult centrální ochrany a požární zabezpečení. Dále je nutné v možných prostorách výstavy zařídit odpovídající regulovatelné osvětlení a výstavní architekturu včetně panelů.  Krom zabezpečení však v tuto chvíli není v Krumlově nic z uvedeného k dispozici a zámek zatím nemá ani odpovídající vytápění či chlazení.
V Moravském Krumlově by byly obrazy vystaveny pouze po dobu zhruba pěti let, což by určovala dohoda mezi městy a Johnem Muchou. K jejich zapůjčení bude nutný také souhlas pražské rady a schválení zastupitelstvem. Představitelé hlavního města zároveň v tuto chvíli hledají možnosti, kde v Praze by mohla být Slovanská epopej dlouhodobě vystavena.
Praha 12. 2. 2019
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