#natty takes a quiz
When We're Older || Mine
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 9,640
Chapter Rating: Explicit (warning: smut, PIV sex, NSFW, MDNI)
A/N: Thank you as always to my beta, @happyaccidentsonly :) chapter updates may be a little slower with the holidays fast approaching, but still loving this story and Seb <3
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November 1892
“What are you doing on Saturday?”
Theo looked up at Sebastian; her hair was in a long plait, and he couldn’t resist the urge to tug on the end.  She was used to the gesture, knowing he wanted her attention.
“I was planning on staying in,” Theo shivered.  It was November, and the winter chill had arrived early. “We’ve got exams coming up, and my brain is still buzzing from the Halloween masquerade last weekend.” she groaned.  
Sebastian smiled at the memory; the masquerade had been a highlight of his fall term, the night spent dancing around the Three Broomsticks with Theo, dressed in matching serpentine masks.  He’d tugged her upstairs to the room Sirona rented to long term boarders, hastily casting silencio and a locking charm on the door.  They had been the last ones to leave the pub, Sirona commanding them out the door at midnight.  When Sebastian had returned for his shift the following morning, she’d made him scrub the room from top to bottom.
Worth it, he thought.
“I was thinking we could have a quick dinner together,” Sebastian lazily threw his arm around her. “It’s been a while since we’ve had a night just the two of us.”
“Are you sure about that?” Theo raised her eyebrows, fighting back a salacious smile.
Sebastian rolled his eyes; bribing Deek to stay out of their business in the Room of Requirement would soon bankrupt him. “I meant a proper date.  You and I, sitting down to dinner with one another, in a public establishment.” he shrugged. “Saturday, early evening?  We can get back in time to quiz each other on the potions exam.”
Theo kissed the back of his hand. “Saturday it is.” she said happily.
The pair walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom; Sebastian settled into the desk he shared with Ominis, while Theo sat across the room with Natty. 
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Ominis chirped. 
“A bit,” Sebastian mumbled. “Spent most of it studying for the Runes exam.  Don’t tell her, please.”
“I won’t, but you know she’ll figure out you failed the last quiz eventually.” Ominis cautioned him.
Sebastian was exhausted.  Terribly, unbelievably happy for the first time in what felt like eons, but absolutely exhausted.  Between working for Sirona, researching solutions for Theo, and keeping up on his classes, Sebastian was averaging no more than five hours of sleep a night.  His regimen, which he’d artfully crafted the year prior to keep him on task, had become a burden. Sebastian was up for the day by five o’clock, and usually collapsing into a deep sleep at midnight.  Theo was constantly chastising him for staying up, but he couldn’t help it–his grades were slipping in all his subjects, and he kept falling behind on his assignments for Ancient Runes.  Even Amit, one of the most agreeable students at Hogwarts, had moved to his own desk after enduring two months of Sebastian’s constant questions.
The only nights Sebastian ever got a decent sleep were the ones spent sharing a bed with Theo. Deek had become quite the clever businessman, suddenly increasing the requested rate to leave the two of them alone.  He was happy to pay the fee, often collapsing face down into the Room of Requirement’s plush bed.  The room was now more often being used for them to snuggle and catch up on sleep, the stack of contraceptive potions Professor Sharp had left in the dorm rooms being left untouched.
That fact itself drove Sebastian to the brink of insanity, but pleasure would have to take a back seat to his sleep needs.
“Everyone up, out of your seats!” Professor Hecat called out.  As all the students stood, she whisked their desks to the side of the room with her wand. “Today we will be practicing with an exceptionally foul boggart.  Mr. Moon uncovered it over the summer, and it will soon be transported to the Department of Mysteries for further study.”
The room devolved into whispers; Sebastian looked over at Theo, eagerly craning her head. Any mention of the department of mysteries nowadays had her complete attention.  Professor Weasley and Professor Hecat maintained that she was the top candidate for their recommendation, and she’d already been introduced to the head of the department.
“Professor, is it safe?” Amit asked anxiously.
Professor Hecat gave a sly grin. “Of course it is, Mr. Thakkar. All of you have been well trained in the riddikulus spell, but this will be a test of your adaptivity and swiftness in dealing with the dark arts.  Now, if the class can line up, we’ll get started.”
Sebastian wove through the other students to the front of the class. “Professor, might I have a moment?” he asked.
Hecat looked up at him; Sebastian hadn’t realized how much he’d grown over the summer until he towered over his favorite professor. “Yes, Sallow?”
Sebastian scratched the back of his neck. “I wondered if I might sit this one out.” he said sheepishly. “My boggart…well, it’s Anne, usually.  And I think it would be quite traumatizing for everyone to see her…uh, incapacitated.” the sentence tumbled out of his mouth. 
Hecat gave him a sympathetic look. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Sebastian.  I understand–you may sit on the sidelines for this activity.”
Sebastian sat on the edge of a desk while the rest of the group lined up.  Theo and Ominis were towards the back, chattering with the other students.  
“For today’s exercise, one must remember casting the spell is far more complex than one would originally believe–you must maintain composure, otherwise you’ll fall victim to your fears.” Hecat announced. She summoned a rumbling chest out of her office; it flew to the center of the classroom. 
Banishing a boggart at their skill level should be fairly easy, Sebastian thought.  It would be an easy outstanding grade for anyone in their class. Despite Hecat claiming the boggart was particularly nasty, almost everyone had tamed the boggart in one try, laughter erupting amongst the group.  Hecat leaned against the wall, grinning at her students.  One might even argue the exercise was fun, a moment of levity for the seventh years as they prepared for their term exams. If Sebastian didn’t already know what his boggart was, he would’ve eagerly joined in. 
Amit’s boggart was a werewolf; Everett’s was the giant squid.  Poppy and Natty both faced poachers, while Garreth put up with his aunt Matilda screaming at him. Imelda’s greatest fear appeared to be not making a professional quidditch squad, which had the entire class laughing and the boggart quaking to return to its shelter.  
Ominis nonchalantly walked into the boggart’s range, wand at the ready. His boggart manifested as a black cloud, emitting the voice of his older brother Marvolo. However, he seemed unphased, swishing his wand to transform it into a giant puffskein. Sebastian laughed, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye; had Hobhouse been in their class, he likely would have wet himself.
Last up, Theo swaggered up to the boggart, cheekily flicking her wand in preparation.  She brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face as she braced herself. Sebastian was curious to see what hers was–for all that they’d discussed, she’d never spoken about her fears before. It often felt like Theo wasn’t afraid of anything; how could she be, when she’d bravely charged against a troll on her first day of school?
The puffskein disappeared, swirling into gray matter.  Theo’s arrogant smile faltered when it reached its final form. Sebastian had expected the boggart to take the form of Victor Rookwood or Ranrok, the two menaces who’d terrorized her during fifth year.
Instead, the class silently stared at the boggart, which had taken the form of Professor Fig. Although it didn’t look quite right; he looked quite unnatural. His eyes were glowing red, similar to Theo when she had her power surges. The real Fig always had a bright, jovial expression on his face in life; Boggart Fig looked weary and tired.
“ I’m so disappointed in you,” Boggart Fig scolded. “How could you? ”
Theo’s mouth dropped, her wand slightly faltering. “R-r-riddikulus,” she stuttered.
The boggart swirled into gray matter again, shifting forms.  Her boggart changed from Fig to a strange looking woman with dark brown hair, gathered into a neat bun at her neck.  She held a hand out to Theo, her smile eerie and unsettling. Sebastian had only seen her in the memories from the triptyque, but now Isidora Morganach was standing before the entire class.  
Theo gasped, dropping her wand.
Sebastian wasn’t sure what possessed him. He charged off the desk towards the center of the room, pushing Theo out of the boggart’s way.  He knew exactly what his boggart would be–Anne, cold and gray on the floor.  There would be no surprises; Solomon had taught him how to banish it without a second thought.
The matter swirled in the thick classroom air, and the form of a girl manifested on the ground.  However, it wasn’t Anne.  It was Theo, writhing in pain, sparks of red emitting from her body.  Unlike Theo’s fictional Professor Fig or Isidora, the boggart didn’t need to imagine what she’d look like twisted on the floor.  It fed directly off Sebastian’s memories, perfectly recreating what Theo looked like in front of the Scriptorium door, down to the exact cameo pin she’d been wearing in her ponytail that day. 
“ Riddikulus !” Sebastian panted. 
The boggart relented.  Boggart Theo stood up from the floor, a twisted smile on her face, not too different from Isidora's expression.  She looked entirely unaffected from the cruciatus curse; instead, her eyes were glimmering red as she held her wand up to Sebastian’s neck. 
Sebastian felt himself being tugged away, falling onto the ground.  Professor Hecat was waving her wand, banishing the boggart back to its chest.  Heaving, he looked up to see Theo splayed out on the floor across from him, covering her eyes with her hands.  Ominis was kneeling at her side, whispering to her.
Sebastian turned to look at the rest of the class. Everyone had somber looks on their faces, pushed back to the perimeter of the classroom. Everett was already whispering into Eric Northcott’s ear, and Natty had her hand pressed against her mouth in shock.  Sebastian felt a trickle of worry–Natty was the only person he knew who’d also faced the cruciatus curse, and she likely recognized the spell.
“Alright, class is dismissed.” Hecat called out. “And do know that if I hear any unseemly gossip about our exercise around the castle, perpetrators will be punished.” she snarled. “Sallow, in my office. Mr. Gaunt, please stay with Miss Caulfield for a moment.”
Sebastian scrambled to his feet, knowing that no matter how much Hecat threatened, the rumors would be floating around the castle in minutes.  First, that the hero of Hogwarts had been unable to banish a boggart; secondly, that her greatest fear was Professor Fig.  Astoria Crickett would have a field day rehashing that rumor, and he mentally prepared himself for the backlash that would follow.
Sebastian trailed behind Professor Hecat to her office; he looked back at Theo, who was sitting dejectedly on a desktop while Ominis held her hand. Sebastian knew it was unreasonable, unfathomable–but he couldn’t help feeling a pang of jealousy that he wasn’t the one reassuring Theo. 
The door shut behind him, and Sebastian settled uncomfortably into the seat across Hecat’s desk. 
“I expected better of you, Mr. Sallow.” Hecat tutted, sitting at her desk. “While I admire your heroism, you must allow Miss Caulfield to fail .”
Sebastian’s jaw dropped. “Professor, she was mortified–”
“And she will learn from her mistakes,” Hecat said sternly. “That is the point of being a student, is it not?”
Sebastian opened his mouth to argue, but he knew he wouldn’t win.
“I see your fears have changed as well, Mr. Sallow.” Hecat cleared her throat. “You believed your boggart would be your sister, but it seems to be Miss Caulfield. And you appear to be fearful of her being in pain.”
Sebastian swallowed thickly, wondering where Professor Hecat was going. “Y-yes.” he stuttered.
Hecat folded her hands on the desk. “Sallow, has Theodora told you she’s been a target of the cruciatus curse?” she asked softly. “As your professor, you can tell me. I know she suffered quite a bit at the hands of the ashwinders during your fifth year.”
Sebastian’s heart fell into his stomach, his organs twisting with guilt. “She hasn’t,” he gulped. “Only I worry about it, with her constantly putting herself in danger.” he hated how easily the lie came out of him.
Hecat eased into her chair. “I understand the two of you are close–love always does seem to grow between good friends.  But I must urge you, if you are still planning on my recommendation for the curse breaker program, you need to wisen up.” she warned. “Your blossoming relationship may be interfering with your future career prospects.” 
Sebastian felt sick to his stomach. “I really am trying, Professor,” he said weakly.
“Sallow, I fear you’re stretching yourself too thin.” Hecat sighed. “Professor Twiney has informed me that you’ve barely passed the last two Ancient Runes exams, and you know a mastery of the subject is required for the cursebreaker program.  You also failed the latest potions practical exam.” 
Sebastian shamefully hung his head. “I know, Professor, it’s just been a lot–”
“This is the most important year of your studies, Sebastian.  You’ve always been a bright boy, and you’ve persevered through more than most students could ever imagine–you must push through.” Hecat said determinedly.  She stood, walking around from the desk to put a hand on his shoulder. While Sebastian knew it was meant to be reassuring, it only made him feel worse.
“I understand, Professor.” Sebastian said, looking up at the woman. 
Hecat smiled, eyes wrinkling at the corners, and she patted his shoulder. “You may leave, but send Miss Caulfield in after you.”
Sebastian walked out of her office on unsteady feet; Ominis was sitting on top of the desk with Theo, still holding her hand. Sebastian fought back his frown as he walked up to his two best friends, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Hecat wants to see you now,” he muttered.  
Theo’s eyes had returned to their natural brown, and she slipped off the desk without another word.  Sebastian’s eyes followed her as she walked up the stairs, the door slipping shut behind her.
“Well, that was enough drama for one day,” Ominis huffed.  He elegantly hopped off the desk, brushing his hands against his robes. “Should we head to lunch?”
Sebastian followed him wordlessly through the hallways, Ominis chattering about their classmates and their fears.  He was trying to fill the silence, Sebastian realized; Ominis never spoke that much. It was the first signal that something was wrong, that Theo had said something to their blind companion that had clearly shook him.
Ominis had his hand against the Great Hall’s doors, pausing when he heard Sebastian clear his throat.
“What is it?” Ominis hesitated.
“What did she say to you?” Sebastian asked, gritting his teeth.  “She must have said something.”
“Sebastian, now is hardly the time,” Ominis began, but he was swiftly cut off.
“What did Theo say, Om?” Sebastian asked quietly this time. “I need to know.”
Ominis inhaled sharply, turning to face him.  Sebastian knew Ominis couldn’t see him; his wand was down at his side.  But after years of living with one another, the boys knew each other and their mannerisms too well.  
“She thinks you’re afraid of her.” Ominis said plainly. 
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Theo had been excused from her classes for the rest of the day; Sebastian had impatiently tapped his foot all through his last class in anticipation of finding her. The second the final bell had rung, Sebastian took off running from his arithmancy classroom, bolting through the hallways to get back to the common room before Theo could slink up to her room.  He didn’t care about the prefects yelling at him; he clung onto his book bag as he tore through the hallways down to the dungeons. He nearly tumbled down the spiral stairs to the common room, his eyes raking the room for a familiar head of black hair.
“Have you seen Theo?” He gasped, turning to Grace and Imelda, who were sitting on the couch.
Imelda shook her head. “Haven’t seen her since this morning. She’s not in our room either."
“Imelda told us what happened in Defense Against the Dark Arts—Astoria Crickett and her crew were back stirring up nonsense about her and Professor Fig.” Grace advised. “I would leave her be, Sebastian.”
Like hell , Sebastian thought.  He immediately turned, running back up the stairs, two steps at a time.  He was sure he looked like a complete idiot, but nothing could stop him from his search. The Room of Requirement was the only place he could think of, and the trek from the dungeons to the top of the Astronomy Tower was an excruciating run.  Sebastian felt his stomach churning as he turned the top of the stairs, heaving as he pushed open the door.
“Mister Sallow,” Deek squeaked. “Deek wasn’t expecting you this evening,” he said hesitantly.
“Have you seen Theo?” Sebastian choked out. “I’ve been looking for her.”
Deek shook his head. “Miss Theo hasn’t been here all day, not since she picked up her potions this morning.” he gestured over to her potions station, which for once, wasn’t bubbling. 
Sebastian groaned; if she wasn’t in the Room of Requirement, it meant she was likely in Undercroft.  At least the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower was a quick walk away. He quickly bid the house elf goodbye, trying his best not to fall down the stairs as he made his way to the other wing of the castle.  Dodging all of the other students, on their way to dinner in the Great Hall, Sebastian began jogging through the hall.  He passed Professor Ronen’s classroom, going down the mahogany stairs.  He stopped to catch his breath on the third floor, looking up at the rich tapestries on the wall.  He’d always see Theo sitting on the benches against them, waiting for her private tutoring sessions with Professor Fig.
Professor Fig, whose office was just down the hall.
It all became obvious to him then, thinking back to the nights Theo would disappear from the common room towards the end of fifth year.  Things had still been awkward between them, but he always made sure to check on her usual hiding spots. On one particular night, he’d decided to check Professor Fig’s office, finding her curled up on the chair. He’d held her while she cried, wetting his shirt; the moment had rekindled their friendship.
Sebastian changed his course, his brisk pace slowing as he approached the room. The room had been locked for the majority of sixth year while the ministry carried out their inquiry on his death.  Ever since they’d returned for seventh year, the classroom had been open, now just a storage space. Mr. Moon had just cast a basic locking charm on the door, easy for any student to bypass.  Sebastian slipped through the door, shutting it softly behind him.  The classroom was empty, but he could hear a gramophone playing in the distance, up in the office.
“Theo?” Sebastian murmured, pushing the door in wider. 
Theo was sitting on a dusty chair, the one in the corner of the room.  Her feet were tucked underneath her as she waved her wand, little paper birds flying in the air.  The gramophone was playing the same song it always played–one of Professor Fig’s favorites, Sebastian presumed.
“They took all of his belongings when the ministry finished their inquiry,” Theo mused. “Black claimed most of the artifacts belonged to the school, so they’re somewhere around the castle.  Most of his personal effects were put away in a Gringotts vault, for when I turned seventeen.”
“He named you his heir?” Sebastian raised his eyebrows.
She nodded. “Professor Weasley told me when she gave me Miriam’s watch for my birthday. Honestly, it made me feel worse–like I’ve let him down.” she uttered.
Sebastian knelt down on the floor in front of her. “Theo, he would’ve been so proud of you.” he whispered. “He would’ve never been disappointed in you.”
“We were talking about what I’d do with the repository,” Theo was fighting back tears. “He said I was being wise, leaving the power in the repository. He promised we’d research over the summer, figure out what to do with Isidora’s magic.  We were brainstorming a solution together when Ranrok attacked.”
Sebastian pulled her hand into his. “You did the right thing. You went back for the power to keep the school safe, you said so yourself.  Fig would’ve agreed, Theo.”
Her eyes were shut tightly, her fingers laced through his. “That’s not what you were telling me over the summer,” she said cautiously. “Are you afraid of me?”
Sebastian froze. “That’s what you’re so upset about?” he panted. “That I would be afraid of you?”
“I overheard you talking to Ominis while I was in bed, about my eyes.” she claimed. Sebastian felt a flicker of shame; he hadn’t realized she’d been awake to hear them.  “That you’re not sure you trust me.  And you…you want to fix me, when I’m not sure there’s anything to fix.”
“Theo, that’s not how I meant it.” Sebastian assured her.
“Then why am I your boggart?” Theo asked, sniffling. “Boggarts show your true fears, and yours showed me, my eyes.” she accused him. “You’re lying to me.”
“I might have been scared at first,” Sebastian admitted, “but I know you, Theo.  I know you could never hurt me. I only worry about losing you.” He grasped their hands together, squeezing them tight. “Theo, I’ve already lost so much.  My parents, Anne…we don’t know what this power will do to you.  We don’t even know how it’s possible for you to hold it within.”
“I do know,” Theo echoed softly. “I’ve known for a while. Or at least I think I do.”
“Tell me,” Sebastian pleaded. "Explain it to me, I'm begging you."
Theo pursed her lips together, letting out a low sigh. “I told you I took the power because I thought it wasn’t safe under the school.  That was only partly true.” she fumbled with his fingers. “I lied to you.  That’s not the only reason.”
“What is it, Theo?” Sebastian asked, fearful of her answer.
She looked up at him, brown eyes wet with tears. “I did it because I love you, Sebastian.” she confessed. “Before I even had romantic feelings for you, I loved you.  I think I was yours before I even knew I wanted you.”
“Why would you do it? For me, of all people?” Sebastian strained. 
Theo chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully. “I’ve been keeping a secret from you all this time, one that would hurt you.” she admitted.
Sebastian was silent, unsure of what to say next.
“I’ve been healing Anne for the past year,” Theo wiped at her eyes. “I meet with her once a month, maybe two.  I never know when I’ll see her next; she sends me an owl when the pain starts to flare up again.”
Sebastian felt his heart drop into his stomach. “Anne?” he croaked. “She’s okay?”
Theo nodded, wisps of her black hair sticking to her tear stained cheeks. “She’s doing really well, Seb.  And I knew I’d be hurting you, keeping this secret from you, but I couldn’t let her waste away.  She’s half of you–you’re half of her.  You wouldn’t be the same if she died.”
“Oh Theo,” Sebastian groaned, pulling her down from the chair to hug her. “I don’t know how you’d ever thought I’d be angry at you.”
“You’re not mad?” her voice was muffled against his cloak. “That I’ve been lying to you?”
“Mad?” Sebastian pulled away, his hands flying to her cheeks. “How could I ever be mad at you?  You’re…you’ve kept Anne alive .” he breathed, pressing a kiss to her lips. “How does it work?  Are you absorbing her pain, like Isidora?  Is it affecting her soul, the way Isidora’s magic did?” he asked eagerly, wanting nothing more than to understand.
Theo shook her head. “Professor Fig and I did quite a lot of research into it, actually.  There’s so much we know about magic now, more than Isidora ever would’ve known.  You really do have to be so specific with your intention, so you don’t take what you’re not meant to.” Theo explained. 
“Are you in pain?” Sebastian asked, pressing his forehead to hers.
“No, I’m not.” Theo promised. “There’s a more potent magic that protects me…at least, I think it does.”
“What is it?” Sebastian asked eagerly.
She bit down on her lip. “It sounds ridiculous, but it’s love.” she cooed. “Professor Fig gave me the idea a long time ago.  He said love was the most powerful magic, and with the right intent, could protect, cure, even possibly revive.  To love deeply, unselfishly, without fear…it can do the most amazing things.” she admitted. “There’s a book, you should read it–”
Sebastian didn’t want to hear more.  Instead, he pressed her to the ground, his lips locking against hers. “I love you so much.” Sebastian groaned into her mouth. “You’re the most amazing woman. Merlin, I can’t believe you’re mine.”
She laughed, tears still streaming down her face as she kissed him back. “I love you too, an awful lot.” she sniffed as Sebastian placed kisses on her salty cheeks. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”
“I could never,” Sebastian said fiercely. “I swear it now, I’m going to spend the rest of my life worshiping you.” he declared, peppering kisses against her jaw.
“Don’t get carried away, we still have to go down for dinner.” Theo chuckled and sniffed at the same time.
“I didn’t think it was possible to love you more,” Sebastian nuzzled her neck. “But somehow, I do.”  
The couple stayed on the floor for a little while longer, listening to the song play on repeat. Sebastian had questions, of course, but he figured he now had the rest of his life to ask them.  And Anne–Anne, of all people–was alive and thriving.  The worry he had over his sister was always bubbling within him, pushed to the bottom as he tried to improve himself, but now he could relax.
Theo had been keeping her healthy. His heart felt like it was doing flips as he digested what she’d said–she’d absorbed the power long before they’d started dating, before they’d even kissed.  Way before Sebastian had felt the burning jealousy he had whenever another boy spoke to her.  They’d only been friends then, and yet she’d loved him.
Mine , he thought.  And he was hers. Before they'd even known that they'd wanted each other, they'd belonged to one another.
It was only when Theo’s stomach growled that they got to their feet; dinner would start in five minutes, and if they hurried, they could get to the Great Hall in time. Hopefully Ominis would have saved them seats–if not, Sebastian would be more than happy to run to the kitchens to fetch her food.  He’d never complain about carrying her or running through the castle for her ever again.
“Do you think Anne would be open to seeing me?” Sebastian asked eagerly, swinging Theo’s arm back and forth as they walked through Central Hall.
“I’ll ask her the next time I see her.” Theo promised. “She and I…well, it’s an interesting relationship.  I can never tell if she hates me, or thinks we’re friends.”
Sebastian snorted. “She’s like that with girls she doesn’t know well. I’m sure with time she’ll love you just as much as I do.” he assured her.
They passed the Ancient Runes classroom; Professor Twiney gave them a curious look as they walked by. Once they were past earshot, Theo cleared her throat.
“I meant to ask,” Theo interjected, “how your Runes exam went.”
Sebastian held back the wince on his face. “It was fine,” he lied. 
“Really?” Theo asked, eyebrows raised. “Amit said he had to switch desks, you were asking for too many answers.”
Sebastian cursed the Ravenclaw under his breath. “It wasn’t my best work, but you don’t have to worry.” It felt wrong to lie, but he knew he couldn’t let Theo down, not after everything she’d done for him.
“That’s fine,” Theo shrugged. “I’ll help you study over the weekend. Perhaps we can work on your translations over our dinner.” she suggested.
“I was thinking about that,” Sebastian mused, tightening his grip on her hand. “And as much as I’d love to have you out in public...perhaps we should do something just the two of us. Alone .”
“Bet Deek’s pocketing half your salary these days,” Theo snorted. “Room of Requirement, then?”
Sebastian gave her a devilish grin. “Room of Requirement.  It’s about time we put that bed to good use,” he winked.
Theo chuckled, letting out a big sigh as she slumped against him. “It’s good to not have secrets anymore.” she admitted.
Sebastian pushed open the door to the Great Hall; the food had just been summoned, and he could see Ominis at the Slytherin table, two empty seats by his side.  He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his teetering grades from Theo for much longer, but for now, Sebastian wanted to enjoy the relative peace that had been granted to them. 
Theo let go of his hand, jogging over to the table.  Sebastian’s steps faltered, a thought stopping him in his tracks as he watched Theo slide into the bench next to Ominis, chattering animatedly. The power of the repository was somehow living inside of her–consequence unknown.  While she’d assured him that her love was keeping the power at bay, Sebastian only became further dedicated to understanding and researching a solution for her.
The tricky part now, he thought, was how to preserve the power–preserve it, so that Anne might live.
“Seb,” Theo called out.  It broke him out of his thoughts, shaking his head as he looked over at his two best friends. “Are you coming?”
“Coming,” Sebastian echoed, walking towards them. 
Anne was healthy, and Theo loved him.  Those two facts alone could give Sebastian the power to push through.
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September 1898
“Everyone is staring at us,” Sebastian muttered.  
“Don’t mind them,” Ominis huffed.
Sebastian grumbled to himself, walking a few paces behind Ominis and Theo.  Garreth Weasley’s supper club had been a humble watering hole when he left London three years prior, but it had somehow become the most popular dining establishment in Diagon Alley in his absence.  Everyone watched as the trio entered, whispering to one another as they climbed the stairs.  Sebastian nodded curtly at Cyrus Lestrange, his former dormmate, who was standing amongst the patrons. Once they were out of sight, Sebastian could hear the music and chattering pick up again.
Theo guided the boys to one of the private dining rooms; Sebastian’s face flushed as she pulled back the curtain, revealing Natty, Poppy, and Imelda.
“Welcome home, Sebastian!” Poppy exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug.  The petite brunette hadn’t changed much at all; if anything, she looked a little more grizzled after her time away as a magizoologist.  Her bob was bluntly cut at her chin, but her cherub-like cheeks betrayed her age.
“Sallow,” Imelda gave him a heavy slap on the back. Now one of the world’s most distinguished chasers, Imelda’s embrace felt more like a beater’s club against his spine. Sebastian had often seen her picture in the paper, wearing her Holyhead Harpies kit.  It almost seemed strange to see her wearing a formal dress, bright gold and green to match her team’s colors.
Sebastian approached Natty next; he’d already seen her before at the Ministry of Magic, but it was still a treat to have her around.  “I was not surprised when Ominis sent an owl canceling dinner,” she winked, giving him and Theo a haughty grin.
“Sit, sit,” Ominis commanded, letting everyone take their place around the table. “Figured we’d have a quick dinner with the six of us, and then join the rest of the club for the festivities,” he announced.  Despite hating society events, Ominis was the most picturesque host.  He was seated at the head of the table, smiling broadly at the group assembled. 
“Garreth has a string quartet playing most nights,” Theo leaned over to whisper in his ear, her breath tickling his skin. “After the boys smoke their cigars.”
Sebastian bit his lower lip. “I’d much rather spend the night with you,” he murmured.
“Enough of your whispers,” Imelda complained. “Haven’t you two had enough time together?”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, chuckling as he looked back at the group. “Never enough time with her, I’m afraid.” He slipped his hand under the table, resting it on Theo’s thigh.
Poppy gave them a beaming smile, leaning her chin into the palm of her hand. “Oh, I’m just so happy to see the two of you next to each other again.  And with Ominis too–the trio, back in action.”
“No action from me,” Ominis waved his arms. “I’ve had a lifetime of trouble already with those two, I’d very much like to enjoy my peace and quiet.”
Natty poured more wine into her glass. “I doubt you’ll have a moment of peace with Sebastian home.” 
“Quite right, Natty.” Ominis chuckled. “You know, Sebastian did tackle me in front of Prewett and Hobhouse…it was quite a sight.”
The velvet curtain was pushed open; Sebastian frowned as Theo brushed his hand off of her leg. His eyes went to the doorway, seeing a cheerful Garreth Weasley step into the room.  His red hair was slicked back, wearing a fine burgundy velvet suit. 
“Sebastian Sallow, my good man,” Garreth announced, making a quick stride over to the table to shake his hand. “Welcome home.”
Sebastian stood, shaking the redhead’s hand eagerly. “Weasley, good to see you.  You’ve done well, I see.”
Garreth grinned broadly, his hands on his hips. “Hottest spot in town; Aunt Matilda was quite shocked at how badly the wizarding community needed a dinner club.”  He turned his head as a parade of little house elves puttered into the room, conjuring their meal. “Took in some retired house elves,” he murmured. “They drive a hard bargain, but nothing beats their cooking skills.”
Sebastian snorted. “Well, glad to see the place is still standing.”
“You’ll be at Prewett’s wedding, won’t you?” Garreth asked. “With Sebastian Sallow back on the market, I’m sure it’ll be a splash.” he winked.
“Gar,” Natty chided. “Theo’s right here.”
Garreth blushed. “Sorry, Theo.”
Theo merely rolled her eyes, waving him off as she grabbed Ominis’s hand. Sebastian knew she was only playing the part, but something in his chest burned at the idea of her dismissing Garreth’s quip about Sebastian’s status.  He never wanted to picture a reality where they weren’t together, but he would’ve hoped she would pine after him a little harder.
This is ridiculous, Sebastian reminded himself. He’d only spent the last twenty four hours wrapped up in her bed, yet he was jealous of a fake relationship.
“Well, it’s good to see you regardless–we’ll catch up in the cigar lounge.” Garreth promised, disappearing behind the curtain once the food had been settled.
Sebastian took his seat again, placing his hand back on Theo’s leg, its rightful place.  
“Well, with that out of the way, shall we enjoy our meal?” Imelda cut the silence. “I’ve heard the lamb is quite spectacular–stole the recipe right from the Hogwarts kitchens.”
The dinner went on, but everyone felt the slight tension in the room.  Sebastian poked at his dinner plate glumly.  Even Theo’s hand over his didn’t ease his discomfort, and the rest of the guests knew it.  It wasn’t long before Imelda, Natty, and Poppy were excusing themselves to join the other ladies in the parlor. 
“Are you two alright?” Ominis asked hesitantly, holding his wand out.  “Shall we head to the lounge, Sebastian?”
“Just a moment, Om.” Theo said gently. “Sebastian will find you.”
Ominis disappeared behind the curtain, and Theo backed Sebastian against the table.  She held him by the lapels of his dinner jacket, pouting up at him. 
“Are you cross with me?” she asked quietly.
Sebastian groaned. “Never, I could never be cross with you.” he muttered. “It’s just Weasley–reminding me how we have to pretend .” Sebastian’s voice was strained. 
“Seb, it’s only a little while longer.” Theo reminded him. “Ominis and I are trying to come up with a plan, it’s only been a few days.” 
He rolled his eyes, slumping against her. “I know, I know. My fault for not telling you I was coming home, anyways.” he grumbled. “Promise me a dance tonight, will you?”
“I’ll give you as many dances as possible,” Theo promised, pressing her lips to his jaw. “And quite a few more when we’re home, I might add.”
Sebastian felt his face heat up as she backed away, smiling proudly at him.  “You enjoy cigars with Ominis, and I’ll find you in the ballroom.” she promised.  Sebastian’s eyes lingered on her form as she sashayed away; the dark green taffeta gown she’d chosen for the night reminded him of the inky waters of the Black Lake.
Garreth’s club had been retrofitted into an old townhouse in Diagon Alley, the rooms magically charmed to expand, adding nooks and crannies in the house for private parties.  Sebastian found himself wandering through the hallways, nodding at familiar faces as he passed.  Arthur Plummly and Leonora Everleigh gave him polite smiles; Lucan Brattleby stopped him for nearly five minutes, the young auror wanting all the details of Sebastian’s adventures abroad.  He could’ve sworn he saw Andrew Larson on the next floor up, ducking out from behind a curtain with a very paranoid looking Philippa Bulstrode.  
Sebastian passed another room, pausing as he heard a familiar voice.
“Did you hear Sallow is back in town?” 
Sebastian pressed himself against the wall, listening from the doorway. Clearly whoever was in the room had decided to forego silencing charms.
“I did–saw him come into the club with Ominis Gaunt and Theodora Caulfield.” Sebastian recognized the voice-it was Cyrus Lestrange, who'd seen them earlier than evening.
“How strange,” the man tutted. The other voice was Peter Parkinson, his former roommate from Hogwarts. “Can you imagine how awkward that must be?”
“I feel for him–left for his job, only to come home and find out his best mate stole his woman.” Lestrange let out a low whistle. “Honestly, I’m shocked the Gaunts are letting him keep up with Theo.  She’s a half-blood, after all.”
“Yes, but she has that peculiar magic,” Parkinson pointed out. 
“You know the Gaunts,” Lestrange reminded him. “Blood purists, complete fanatics.  No matter how powerful Theo is, they’ll kill Ominis if he marries her.  Merlin forbid he get her pregnant.”
Parkinson laughed. “That reminds me, Violet wrote this morning–she ran into the two of them buying contraceptive potions at the apothecary.”
Sebastian swore under his breath; damn Violet McDowell and her incessant need to gossip.
“Ominis and Theo?”
“No, Theo with Sallow,” Parkinson took a second to puff on his cigar. “Just like old times, eh?”
“I’m not surprised,” Lestrange chuckled darkly. “Imagine the next slew of Gaunts come out freckled and brunette…not like Ominis will be able to tell the difference anyways. It’ll be like Larson and Philippa all over again.”
Sebastian backed away from the door as they laughed, red in the face with anger.  His hands balled up into fists as he stalked down the hallway, back to the staircase. He couldn’t care less what people said about him, but he’d be damned if he let rumors spread about Theo.  It felt like their school years all over again; while she seemed immune to any rumors spread about her, Sebastian couldn’t stand hearing her name come from other’s mouths. 
“Sebastian!” Garreth roared, waving his hands at him. “You’ve completely missed the lounge.”
Sebastian shook out of his anger, turning to the redhead. “It’s been a while.” he lied. “Forgot where it was.”
“Well, you’re just in time–music just started up, the ballroom is buzzing.” Garreth grinned. “Come on, get your wits about you; there are plenty of single women in there to dance with.” As Garreth pushed him into the large ballroom, Sebastian had to remind himself that he did in fact quite like him, and that punching him without reason would be a bad look indeed.
Garreth directed him to a group of their classmates; he quite eagerly took a glass of champagne from the table, downing it in three large gulps.
“Sebastian!” Amit greeted him. “It’s good to see you, my friend.”
“Amit,” Sebastian acknowledged him, craning his head over the crowd to see who was on the dance floor. 
“You’ve just missed everyone, taking off for the first dance.” Everett said, sliding his glasses up his nose. “Prewett and his bride, Northcott and Poppy.”
Andrew Larson appeared out of seemingly nowhere, also sipping on his champagne. “Jenkins has asked Natty to dance, poor man has two left feet. Hope she comes out unscathed.”  He gave Sebastian a rather pointed look before gazing back out at the dance floor.
“Oh, Ominis and Theo are dancing.” Amit pointed out.  “They are rather graceful together, aren’t they–oof!”
Sebastian pretended he didn’t see Everett elbow Amit in the side, and Amit’s apologetic look that followed.  He stared out at the dance floor, where Theo was twirling around with Ominis.  The two were laughing together as Theo danced with Ominis, the pair swaying elegantly.  Again, her taffeta gown shimmered under the candle light, the beading on her scandalously low neckline sparkling from across the room.
“Excuse us,” Everett said, tugging Amit away.  Sebastian could hear him scolding the poor man–it seemed like everyone was walking on eggshells around him, expecting him to lash out in anger at any moment.
“They make a handsome couple,” Larson observed, lifting his glass to his lips again.
“They do,” Sebastian echoed through gritted teeth.
Larson sighed loudly. “I guess that’s our lot in life, isn’t it?  Watching the girl who got away.”
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows at him.  
Larson looked back out at the dance floor. Not far from Ominis and Theo, Philippa Greengrass, now Bulstrode, was dancing with her husband.  The couple looked mismatched; Philippa was tall and willowy, her brutish husband quite stout besides to her.  Nonetheless, she danced on his arm with a placid smile, eyes flitting back to Larson every now and then.
“That’s not what it’s like.” Sebastian insisted.  While he knew the truth, he couldn’t suppress the bubbling resentment that was rising in his throat.  
“That’s what I told myself six years ago,” Larson muttered, gulping down the rest of his champagne and setting the coupe on a table behind them. “Take my advice, Sallow–move on, before it’s too late.”
The song ended as Larson walked away, and Sebastian felt like there was a cinder block pinned to his chest. His heart pattered as Theo walked towards him, clapping for the musicians with Ominis’s hand on the small of her back. Ominis had never been touchy in their youth, complaining about hugs and nudges during their school years.  Sebastian had taken note of how comfortable he’d become around Theo in his absence; it had started with Ominis hanging her blouses, and now it was glaringly obvious as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
Mine, Sebastian’s heart roared. Not his.
“I’ve had my fill of dancing,” Ominis announced loudly. “I think I’ll retire for the night–Sebastian, would you mind terribly accompanying Theo?”
Inquiring minds were staring at them, so Sebastian swallowed his pride and smiled politely. “Of course,” he nodded his head, quickly shaking Ominis’s hand. 
“Behave, you two.” Ominis snickered.
“Can’t make any promises,” Theo patted his cheek, pressing a quick kiss to the opposite one.  
Ominis made a show of his exit, which left Theo and Sebastian standing next to each other.  The musicians picked back up on their instruments, starting the next song.
“I believe I promised you a dance, Mr. Sallow.” Theo said sweetly. “Do me the honor?”
“It would be mine, entirely.” Sebastian murmured, taking her hand.  He led her out onto the dance floor, knowing the entire room’s eyes were on them.  With that in mind, he placed his hand quite low on her waist, gripping her through the fabric of her gown. It had been too long since he’d done a proper dance, so he glanced down at Theo quite shyly.
“I fear I’ve forgotten the steps,” he admitted sheepishly.
Theo gave him a sparkling smile. “I’ll guide you, don’t worry.” she reassured him.
The music picked up speed and Sebastian locked his eyes on Theo’s.  She had always been beautiful, with shiny hair and a pretty complexion. Despite all the time they’d spent together since his return, Sebastian wasn’t sure they’d ever have enough time for him to properly digest how she’d changed in his absence.  Her posture was different, even cockier than she’d been when they were teenagers.  Cheekbones slightly sharper, lips a bit poutier (perhaps still swollen from the kisses he’d lavished her with that afternoon). 
“What are you staring at?” Theo asked teasingly.
“Just how ravishing you look,” Sebastian hummed, pulling her tighter.
Theo rolled her eyes. “There are people watching, Seb.”
“I don’t care,” Sebastian declared. “We’re the talk of the town, if you haven’t heard.”
More people joined the dance floor, crowding around the pair.  Sebastian spun Theo around, grabbing her by the waist again to lift her in the air.  The dance steps came back to him quite easily, reminding him of their youth.  Back then, before the Crimson Lion was an elegant establishment, Sebastian and Theo had spent many evenings dining and dancing with their friends, up until the wee hours of the morning.
“What have you overheard?” Theo asked, clasping her hand on his shoulder as he lifted her.
“Well, for starters, everyone thinks I’m about to combust.” Sebastian chuffed. “They all think I’m about to murder Ominis for stealing you away.”
Theo grinned at him. “Is that not every girl’s dream, to have the two most eligible bachelors chasing her?”
“My nightmare,” Sebastian growled, tugging her body flush against his. “I can’t wait to prove you’re mine, only mine.”  He rather scandalously tipped her chin up towards him, his fingers trailing down her neck. “Where’s your necklace?” he observed, noticing the silver chain was gone.
“Left it at home,” Theo licked her berry stained lips. “I took it off while you were in the bath. Left it somewhere for you to find.”
Sebastian blinked at her,  picturing Theo slipping the engagement ring off her neck, hiding it in the house. He knew Theo wasn’t a legilimens, but somehow she’d read his mind that morning, knowing he was brainstorming the perfect way to steal the bauble back from her. They’d torn her dressing room apart already the night before–Sebastian was ready to do it again, eager to find the ring and fall to his knees in front of her. 
The song ended, and Theo stepped away from him. He fussed at the loss of her as the music stopped and she stepped away, clapping for the musicians. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Theo asked, giving him a cheeky smile.
“Come with me,” Sebastian growled, tugging her hand away from the ballroom.  He could feel everyone’s eyes raking over them, watching as he stalked out of the ballroom dragging Theo behind him.
“Sebastian!” Theo chided him. “Everyone’s watching.”
“I don’t care,” He strained. “I want to be alone with you.”
Theo pretended to protest, but her feet willingly followed him out of the room. Her little heeled slippers clacked on the stairs as he tugged her up to one of the private floors.  
“Quick, in here.” Theo insisted, pushing him into one of the powder rooms.  She pulled her wand from the folds of her skirt, wordlessly locking the door behind them.
“Non-verbal, nice work,” Sebastian started to say, soon cut off by the feeling of her lips on his.
“You’re maddening,” Theo snapped between kisses. “You knew everyone was watching—”
“And I had to prove yet again that you are mine.” Sebastian slid his tongue easily into her mouth, his hands roving up her waist and to the bodice of her dress. “Tell me, do you always wear pretty dresses with this low of a neckline?” he whispered, pressing her back against the sink.
“I was saving this one for an occasion where you wouldn’t rip it,” Theo laughed against his lips. “You’ve destroyed two of my dresses already.”
“Well, I shall endeavor to take good care of this one,” Sebastian said, his fingertips ghosting the top of her breasts. “We’ll keep it on, then.” He rucked off his dinner jacket, letting it fall to the floor. His vest quickly followed.
“Keep it on?” Theo asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Keep. It. On.” Sebastian murmured, his hands trailing underneath her skirt.  He smiled as she gasped, his fingers pushing her undergarments aside to slide against her core.
“Sebastian!” Theo smacked his shoulder. 
“You’re the one who cast a silencing charm on the door.” Sebastian waggled his eyebrows. “Besides, I can’t exactly remember, but we have shagged in this club quite a few times…” he reminded her.
Theo’s head fell back, pretty little gasps spilling from her lips as she tried to talk sense into him. “We…were…we were younger then.” 
“Oh my darling, that doesn’t mean we can’t keep having fun.” Sebastian plunged two fingers into her easily, pumping them in and out of her as he steadied her against the sink.
“You’re infuriating,” Theo muttered, fumbling with the clasp on his trousers.  “Don’t mess up my hair,” she warned, her hand sliding in against his arousal.
Sebastian choked back a groan as she gripped his cock, her thumb running over the slit. “We’re quite good at this, for not having done it in so long.” His forehead fell against her shoulder, savoring every second of her hands on him.
“Hmm.  Like riding a bike–or perhaps in this case, a broom.” Theo laughed breathily, turning to a gasp as he curled his fingers inside of her.
“Turn around,” Sebastian bit down on his lower lip. “Lean over the sink.”
“I want to look at you,” Theo whined.
“You will,” Sebastian grunted, pulling his hand out from beneath her skirts to turn her around.  Theo’s hands planted on the porcelain top, looking back at Sebastian in the mirror.  She blushed as he pulled her skirts up with one hand, the other pressing her back to arch perfectly for him.
“I want you to watch,” Sebastian growled, unclasping his suspenders. Once freed from their constraint, he shoved his trousers down to his knees, gripping his length as he stared at Theo in the mirror.  Her face was a mixture of interest and amusement, her eyes burning into him. Sebastian stroked himself, pressing his tip against her warm center. He cherished the stuttered moan that came out of her mouth as he prodded her. His own breath faltered as he sunk his length fully into her, watching her curiosity fade into pleasure as he grinded his hips against her body.
“Seems Violet McLaggen has spread the word we’re being intimate again,” Sebastian whispered against her ear, gritting his teeth as she pushed her hips back to meet his thrusts. “So, soon everyone will know.”
“Don’t lie,” Theo moaned, her head tilting back to hit his shoulder. “That gave you some pleasure, didn’t it?” Her mouth dropped open, eyes shutting as she reached his arm around, tangling her fingers in his hair.
“Eyes open,” Sebastian instructed, withdrawing his length from her.  When she whined at the loss of him, eyes opening, he speared himself into her once more. Sebastian’s arm trailed down to her waist, tugging her even closer to his body.  He did always prefer to have her bare beneath him, but something about taking her in the bathroom, her pretty dress rucked over her waist, made him feral. He rocked his hips into her over and over again, rutting his cock in just the right angle. The sound of skin slapping, their shared moans, and the crinkling of taffeta filled the room.
Thank Merlin for silencing charms, he thought.
“Sebastian,” Theo let out a staggered moan. “Sebastian, you’re going to make me–”
“I said, eyes open.” Sebastian grunted, quickening his pace. He relished the way Theo’s eyes looked glazed over; for three years, he’d spent night over night, dreaming of fucking her into a hazy state. Every morning he woke up stiff and unsatisfied, desperately fucking his fist while wishing it was her. Now, having felt her flutter around him for just the last 24 hours, Sebastian wasn’t sure he could ever be convinced to leave rainy old London ever again. 
With one arm wrapped around her waist, the other against the sink edge to steady himself, Sebastian knew his orgasm wasn’t far away. Theo opened her mouth, a soft whine spilling from her lips as she found her climax. She cried out his name as her hands flew against the mirror, palms pressed flat against the foggy surface. Sebastian imagined her walking out of the powder room, pretending nothing untoward had happened, with his seed secretly dripping down her thighs the rest of the night. While he hated keeping up their ruse, the idea of her dancing prettily in the ballroom again after screaming his name was enough to make him snap.
“You’re mine. Mine, mine, mine,” Sebastian groaned, choking out curses against the crook of her neck as he buried his cock into her.  He pumped his seed into her quivering cunt, grateful that she’d remembered to take one of the contraceptive potions after that morning’s activities. 
Fully satiated, Sebastian gingerly pulled out of her, tugging her skirts down as he tucked himself back into his trousers.
“Are you finished now?” Theo panted, holding onto the sink with trembling hands to steady herself.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “You’d like to go again? I’ll have you wherever you want me, but perhaps you’d feel more comfortable if we found a bed.”
Theo whirled around, laughing breathily as she placed a hand on his chest. “Being jealous, I meant.”
Sebastian reddened, choking back his own laugh. “Er, maybe.”
“Let me guess,” Theo fastened the buttons at the front of his trousers. “You got all riled up hearing the rumors about us.” She clipped one of his suspenders on while he worked on the other, sliding the straps over his now sweaty shirt.
Sebastian gave her a guilty shrug, dipping down to the floor to pick up his discarded vest and jacket. “Perhaps I did. Could you blame me?  I had to walk into the ballroom and see the most beautiful woman in the world, dancing on my best friend’s arm.” he demurred, pressing a kiss to her cheek. He slid on the vest, shaking out any wrinkles from his jacket.
“Seb,” Theo sighed, lurching forward to button his vest. “You know I’m yours.  I’ve been yours since we were sixteen.  I don’t know why you’d be jealous of Ominis, of all people.” Once she’d finished with him, she turned back around to the mirror to appraise her appearance. “You’ve mucked up my hair.  Everyone will have known we were shagging.” 
Sebastian chewed on his lower lip, leaning against the door. “I overheard Lestrange, comparing us to the Bulstrodes.” he admitted, fingers curling into his dinner jacket. “That might have done me in.”
“Compare how?” Theo asked, patting down a curl.
Sebastian lolled his head to the side. “Said he wouldn’t be surprised if the next era of Gaunts had freckles and brown hair.” he muttered.
Theo turned around, placing a hand on his cheek. “Rest assured, I only ever plan on having your babies.  They may have rather large heads and be quite stubborn like their father, but nonetheless, my children will all be Sallows.” she assured him, pinching his cheek.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I don’t have a big head.” he mumbled.
Theo snorted, turning back to the mirror.  She dabbed a piece of tissue against her forehead. “You had one as a child, Anne told me. Said your mum was quite worried about it.”
Sebastian flushed, realizing that not only had Theo been talking about his parents with his sister, but had also likely brought up the topic of having his children with her.  His heart ached–he missed Anne, but had not forgotten the cruel words she’d imparted on him during their last conversation. That had been five long years ago, but her words were burned onto his soul.
“Shall we retire for the night?” Sebastian asked. “We’ll have to make a quick getaway.”
Theo turned to him, smiling earnestly. “Let’s go home.  Perhaps you can start looking for your bounty.” she winked. “Let me leave first, and you wait a few moments after.  I’ll pretend we had a row, and you can meet me back at home.”
Home, Sebastian thought. Home, where they could share a bed, and not hide their relationship.  Home, where his mother’s engagement ring was hidden, waiting for him to find it.
“Yeah, I’ll meet you at home.” Sebastian repeated, a goofy smile on his lips.
19 notes · View notes
pxgeturner · 18 days
new quiz alert!
🚀 • cosmo persona
i was tagged by lovely @inklore !
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i feel called out in both the positive and negative sense…
this is such a cute and quick quiz ! i recommend you all take it <3 it ‘twas v fun !!
tagging: @amourrs @gg-is-a-loser @cannibalizedyke @natti-ice @arlowthenacho @rottencranberry @rotten1angel (tbh want all my mutuals to take it i’m just low on energy)
6 notes · View notes
sanguineterrain · 2 years
No Such Thing (4) - Bucky Barnes
Series summary: You’ve been assigned to write a column for your school paper on the team’s spectacular running back. You don’t care very much for your university’s football team; you just can’t understand the hype, okay? Turns out your distaste for football bigheads was exactly on point: James Barnes is insufferable.
Pairing: college!Bucky Barnes x female!Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: enemies to lovers, pretty sure that's it.
SERIES MASTERLIST |  MAIN MASTERLIST | Follow my notification blog @sanguine-marvel​ for fic updates!
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"So what exactly were the circumstances that led to you landing directly on top of him?"
"Okay, that is not a question on my flashcards."
Nat set down the pile of note cards, shrugging. You pointedly didn't meet her gaze, not wanting to encourage her.  
"I'm just saying. It took you a worryingly long time to actually get off of him. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you weren't in any rush."
You looked up from your laptop, mouth twisted.
"It didn't take me a worryingly long time. I was cold and Barnes offered no support whatsoever, besides snarky comments. For a supposedly well-muscled, star athlete, he sure crumbles like feta." 
"So now he's well-muscled?” She raised a perfectly groomed brow. “I thought his face made you ill."
"Well, yeah. But I have eyes. Barnes has the physique of a football player, so what?" 
"I see. And what exactly constitutes such a physique?"
"Broad-shoulders, big arms, bulky thighs. Don't you know? You're dating one after all."
"No, I know what they look like, I just wanted to see if you did too."
"Are you going to quiz me? And not on football players. I have a paper to work on if you're not going to help me study."
"We've gone over these a dozen times. Give your brain a break, will you?"
You sighed, expelling the breath slowly, then shut your laptop and set it aside, stretching in your seat. 
"Anyway, I thought you were done with finals.” 
"Nope,” you sighed. “Some professors don't believe in the unofficial courtesy of not assigning ten page papers during the end of football season. Little goblins."
"Come take a walk," she cajoled. "You've been cooped up in the library cramming all week."
"It's thirty degrees out, Natasha."
"Fresh air! Then I'll make you my mom's hot apple tea."
"I think it's a dirty trick to use hot drink bribery against me," you announced, already packing up. 
"Yes. I'm a bad, bad lady who exploits your iron deficiency."
"You are," you agreed, following her outside. "But I'll allow it."
"Hey, honey!" 
Sam jogged up the library steps before you could make it down, catching Nat in a brief kiss and rubbing her shoulder. 
"Hi," she returned, smiling up at him. "We were just going for a walk. Care to join?"
"Sure you should try that, Y/N?" Sam asked, grinning brightly. "I think my grandma might have a spare walker you can borrow."
"Et tu, Sam? Is there anyone that pumpkin head didn't tell?"
"Pumpkin head. Interesting. Nat actually told me."
"What? You slip, Bucky catches you, and you expect me not to tell anyone?" 
"I'm lucky I didn't break anything," you pouted. 
"Yeah, I think landing on him mitigated all possibilities of that."
"She landed on him?" gawked Sam. 
"Oh, yeah. Full body contact." 
"I'm right here," you huffed. "You're making it sound lewd. Falling onto him was unpleasant."
"Is that so?" Nat hummed. "Even with his football physique?"
"I'm going to the dorm," you announced, sticking your nose up. "Some of us have work to do."
"What about our walk?" she protested. 
"It's drier than a Triscuit out here, Natty. Any more fresh air and I'll probably get a nosebleed. I'll catch up with you later."
"Alright, but take a break, seriously."
"Yeah, yeah," you shrugged her off, beginning to walk in the opposite direction. 
"I can text him if you need an escort back!"
"Watch it, Wilson!"
You made it back to your dorm (without slipping, thank you) faster than usual with finals winding to an end. The hall was empty, save for the hulking blond standing in front of your door. 
Wait a second. You knew that hulking blond. 
His head snapped to you and he rocked back a couple steps, wringing his hands slightly.  
"Hi, hey. Y/N. Uh, sorry. I was—Nat said I should come here for my jacket, I was just about to knock. This probably looks weird, like I was just waiting, but I wasn't! Um…"
"Dude, relax," you laughed, unlocking the door and waving him inside. "Come on in. I'll get your jacket right now."
Steve followed you, gently shutting the door behind him. You went to fetch the jacket that had definitely seen better days, handing it to him with a grimace.
"I really did try to get all of the ink out," you sighed, frowning at the spots of faded blue along the sleeves and collar. 
"Don't worry about it," he assured with a smile. "I heard they're planning on redesigning next year's. We'll probably end up getting new ones anyway."
"Well, thank you again. It was nice, what you did."
"Of course. I'm glad you're okay," he smiled. 
"Yeah. And the, um, ocean thing was thoughtful as well."
You glanced at him, watching curiously. But Steve only cocked his head. 
"Ocean thing?"
"Ah, never mind. D'you want something to drink? Nat makes the fancy teas and stuff but I think I can manage some Swiss Miss if you're interested."
"Oh! I was actually going to ask you if you maybe, uh, wanted to go for a cup of coffee? Or tea, or something, it doesn't have to be coffee. If you're not busy. I understand, of course, if—"
"You're pretty endearing, you know that?"
His lips pulled up bashfully, ears tinged pink. 
"Heh. Thank you."
"Coffee sounds great. The one on-campus?"
"Actually, there's a place just across the street that I'm a regular at. Their donuts are incredible. If you're up for it?"
"Definitely. I never turn down incredible donuts."
"Oh, good," he grinned, visibly relaxing. 
"Did you think I'd turn you down?" you asked. 
"Well, I mean... maybe. I know we haven't interacted much and I didn't want to assume something that's not there."
"Nah, you're not," you assured, locking the door behind you. "I like you, Steve."
"I like you too, Y/N," he returned with a broad grin. 
The cafe was an old brownstone building with bookshelves and cozy couches with throws that had owls crocheted on them. It was considerably less crowded than the regular place on campus and smelled like cinnamon and coffee grounds. 
"This is so much nicer," you commented as you and Steve took a seat. "Way cozier than the other place."
"Yeah, I'm really grateful we found it early on. Their muffins are life-savers after a hangover. Not-not that I get a lot of those. It's just once in a while, you know."
"I get it," you chuckled. "With a friend like Barnes, it's probably inevitable."
"Yeah," Steve said quietly, smiling slightly. "He's the one who discovered this place, actually, in freshman year. We've been coming here ever since." 
"Well, he's got taste,” you allowed. “That's all I'll give him, though."
"Right. I, ah, heard about your ice incident."
You sighed, rolling your eyes. 
"Seriously, was it on the five o'clock news?"
He laughed, shaking his head. 
"Word gets around, is all. That ice is no joke, though. They usually put frost covers on; I guess they weren't expecting freezing rain last week. Good thing you weren’t hurt." 
"Yeah, thank you! Not like I've got ballerina balance. Some of us slip on ice." 
"They should've warned you at the very least," Steve agreed. "But, um, the lines looked great. Very clean."
"Thanks, man. At least someone appreciates my hard work." 
"Yeah, definitely. If no one did that, we wouldn't have a field to play on. Speaking of, uh, I know you said you're pretty set on not going to any games, but… do you think you'd reconsider?"
"Not you too," you snorted. "I think you're the fourth person to suggest I attend this month."
"No pressure," Steve assured, holding his hands up. "Just… it'd be really nice to see you there, that's all."
"Mm, probably not. Sorry. It's just not my thing. I get really cold."
"Fair enough." 
"Do you think you're going to win this one?"
"Honestly? Not to toot our own horn or anything, but I kinda do. We've done really well this season. I think it's going to be a great game."
Steve chewed his lip, shrugging a shoulder. 
"Sure hope I didn't just jinx us."
"I doubt it. I bet you guys'll win too," you stated confidently. 
His phone began to buzz and Steve took it out, shaking his head. 
"I'm sorry about this… and, it's my ma.” He sighed. “Bad timing. Do you mind if I—"
"Go for it, no worries."
"Thank you. Sorry," he said again earnestly before getting up. 
You leaned back in your chair, peacefully sipping your tea. They made matcha a thousand times better than the place on campus. You would definitely have to bring Nat here. 
You twisted around in your seat, trying to catch a glimpse of Steve. He didn't go outside, did he? He would be the type to take a call in thirty degree weather out of politeness. You craned your neck, squinting to find him. 
"Are we sure you're not the stalker here? ‘Cause I haven’t seen you here once before today."
You startled in your seat, quickly setting down your cup to avoid a spill. 
Bucky wasn't wearing his hideous varsity merchandise today, instead clad in a black leather jacket, pulled snug around his biceps and chest. He slid into Steve’s chair with his own cup, posture easy, eyes half-lidded like a jungle cat’s. You felt your eye twitch.
“No. Mm-mm. Nope. Not today. Shoo, fly.”
“There's nowhere else to sit," he shrugged, despite the half-empty cafe. "I promise I won't go near any ice. I know you're still getting the hang of balancing on two feet."
"I’m going to put this in very simple terms for you, Barnes: Piss. Off.”
"Don't you want company? Sipping matcha all by your lonesome?"
"Actually, that seat is very taken. I've got great company, thanks."
Bucky leaned back, evidently just now seeing the simple coffee and cream with a glazed donut in front of him. 
A grin crept onto his face, looking you up and down like he’d just won the lottery. 
"Oh, sweetheart. Are you on a date? Did he bolt already?"
"What? No, I'm just out for coffee. With Steve. So if you don't mind, not that I care if you do—"
"Our very own Steve? Now I know you're on a date. Look at you, scoring with Stevie. No wonder he was so secretive this morning, that sly rascal."
You could feel your face growing hot, lips pursing.
"We are not on a date, Barnes. Steve just asked if I wanted coffee. We're getting to know each other, as friends, although I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that since you've probably never gotten to know anybody of the opposite sex without prior expectations."
Bucky chuckled, and you folded your arms. He sobered then, lifting a brow.  
"You're serious? L/N, you can't possibly think this is just coffee."
"No one ever said it was a date. We’ve only spoken, like, twice."
"Alright," he shrugged. "It's not a date."
"That's right, it's not."
"So Steve wasn't all bumbling and nervous like he's been his entire life around pretty girls he likes?"
"And he didn't sit you at a table instead of one of the armchairs like friends would?"
"Maybe he just likes tables better."
Bucky narrowed his eyes, smirk pulling at his mouth. 
"You willing to wager on that?"
"Uh, no. I'm not willing to bet money on anything with you, Barnes."
"Not money. Somethin' else.”
“I’m not gonna kiss you.”
He chuckled at that, startled. 
“It's sweet you're thinking of me, but I ain't that big of a scoundrel, honey,” Bucky winked. “No, how about… how ‘bout this: at the end, if it turns out to be a date, you have to come to my game. Last of the season. And you've gotta stay the whole time."
You snorted. 
"I'm not agreeing to that."
"Because I'm right."
"Because it's stupid."
"You know I'm right and that I'll win. I understand." 
"I am not afraid that you may be right for the first time in your life."
"Then?" he prompted.
You glanced around, checking to see if maybe Steve was listening in secretly from under a table. 
"Alright. But I want something if I win." 
Bucky's answering grin was a little too proud for your tastes.
"Lay it on me, L/N. Keep in mind that I would like to remain a student at this school."
"Okay, um…" You scrunched your forehead in thought.
"This year would be nice," Bucky sing-songed.
"Shut up, I'm thinking."
"Oh, I know. I can hear the hamster spinning on its wheel from here." 
"Asshole. Okay, I got it. If I win, then you have to scrub the field after the last game."
"Really? You don't want me to, I dunno, streak through the park? Make me shave my head?"
"How is that a good deal for me? Half the people here have probably already seen your ass anyway, Barnes."
"It just seems kinda tame for you, L/N. Not going soft on me, are you?"
"As if. Scrubbing paint from turf is no joke. Especially after a night of getting tackled to the ground."
"Huh. I stand corrected. Clearly, you’ve put some thought into this. It’s a deal, then. Shake on it."
"If you spit on your hand, I'm leaving."
"It's a bonding ritual," Bucky informed you, gently taking your hand into his larger one, warm, callused, and slightly dry from the cold. 
"And no reneging when I end up being right," you added, pulling away.
"I would never.” He gave a three-fingered salute. “Scout's Honor."
"You weren't a Scout."
"Oh, sure I was. Till Steve got us both kicked out."
"Right. Steve. Sure."
“It’s true. He’s a rebel-rouser. You go with him, you’re chasing trouble. But I’ll give you my blessing anyhow.”
"Steve is just being friendly. You're going to be wrong and I'm going to laugh in your face."
"It's nice to see you're such a good sport, L/N."
"Now where's the fun in that, Barnes?"
"So you are having fun. Well, I am delightful; it's no wonder." 
You rolled your eyes. 
"I don't know why you're so set on this being a date. I mean, you were the one who said Steve would never go for me in a million years."
"I can hardly wrap my head around it, actually. I personally suspect witchcraft, but I can't rule out the possibility that I've fallen into an alternate universe." 
"Nah. If I were a witch, I'd have turned you into a frog already," you shrugged. 
"Know what? I think I could make it work. The first amphibian athlete."
"Now that's a story," you snorted. 
"Nope, sorry. It's already copyrighted. Find your next bestseller somewhere else."
"You'd only butcher it, Barnes. Leave the story-writing to me."
"Fine, but I want ten percent royalties."
"Oh, keep dreaming. You get four."
"Six and a half," you decided. "I'm feeling generous." 
"Then I want a dedication page. 'To Barnes, the handsomest, most talented football all-star I know, whom I owe all my success to.'" 
"Yeah, you know, if football doesn't work out, you could have a very promising career as a court jester."
Bucky nodded, looking over your shoulder. 
"Lovesick golden retriever, twelve o'clock."
"Hey, sorry about that. My ma wanted to know about holiday plans…" Steve trailed off as he neared the table, looking between you and Bucky. 
"He sat here on his own," you said quickly, suddenly aware of how Bucky sitting across from you in a cafe might appear. 
"Buck, what're you doing here?"
"Getting coffee, Stevie; what's it look like? Proud of you, though, pulling enough guts to take your crush out for joe."
Steve flushed redder than his jacket. 
"Well," chirped Bucky, cheerfully pushing in his seat. "I'm sure you kids want some privacy, eh? Rootin' for you, pal. Ice Queen, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other—in fact, I think you can bet on it."
He gave Steve a light pat on the back and left, waving at you through the window as he passed. You glared at him, then turned your attention to Steve, who was watching Bucky walk away.
"I told him to leave," you swore, not wanting him to assume the worst.
Steve shook his head, smiling slightly as he sat. 
"It's fine. He's a pinhead. Usually not this much, but…" A crinkle formed in the middle of his brows as he studied you. "Something's drawing it out of him, I guess."
"Could've fooled me," you snorted. "Figured that was his natural disposition."
"Yeah, sorry about him. Didn't know he'd be here."
"No, it's totally fine, Steve. Wasn't your doing."
Steve smiled, nodding. 
"Well, I'm, uh, glad he didn't put you off. It'd be a shame." 
"Yeah. I know I've kinda been nervous today, but, gosh, I really do like you, Y/N, and it was nice spending time with you."
You smiled slowly, nodding. 
"I had a great time with you too, Steve. This was a great break from studying."
"Oh." Steve's face fell slightly. "A break. Right. Well, I'm—I'm glad I could help." 
You sighed, closing your eyes. Damn that Barnes. Bet or not, you couldn't ignore Steve's kicked puppy expression. 
"This was a date, wasn't it?" 
"No, no! Not if you didn't want it to be."
He rubbed the back of his neck. 
"I guess that wasn’t too clear, huh?" 
"I really thought you were just being friendly," you laughed, embarrassment dawning on you. 
"That's my fault," Steve said genuinely. "I should've been clearer about my intentions. But you've gotta know, like, I don't have any expectations for this to go further, you know. And if you don't want this to be a date, no hard feelings, honestly." 
"No, no, it just caught me off guard, is all. I haven't done this very much and I… am not very good at picking up on cues, evidently."
"I should've asked you properly," he insisted, shaking his head. "So there were no misunderstandings. I don't have much experience in this either, truthfully."
"You? No way."
"I was a late bloomer. Bucky's the charmer."
"Nah," you grinned. "I think you've got plenty of charm, Steve."
"Thanks," he chuckled. "It bodes well for me that you think my awkwardness is charming."
"Hey, you're a sweet guy. Maybe just call it a date next time, yeah?"
"Next time?"
"Well, sure. Why not? I had fun."
"Yeah. No expectations, right?"
"Definitely not," Steve assured. "And no Bucky, I promise."
"Right, heh, yeah," you nodded, then took a deep breath. Time to bite the bullet. 
"And uh, you know what? I've decided I'm coming to the final game."
"Hey, that's great! What changed your mind?"
"Just... thought it over. Besides, I want to support you and Sam. And the team." 
Steve's answering smile was golden. 
"I'm glad you're coming. The games are tons of fun, I swear. Especially the last one."
"Can't wait. Finally gonna pop my football game cherry."
Steve gave you a funny look. 
“You know, ‘cause I’ve never been to a game?”
“Oh, yeah... I guess you are."
"Yeah." You cleared your throat, breezing past the joke that had fallen flat. "Walk me back?"
"Sure. Nat mentioned you have finals until next week; I don't wanna keep you from studying. I'll bring you an extra jacket on the day of the game too."
"Steve, you don't have to do that—"
"It's nothing, honest. I want you to have a good time. And to be warm."
"Well, that's very thoughtful of you." 
It was quiet on the way back, similar to the trip to the cafe. Steve walked you all the way up to your floor, ensuring you got in safely. 
"Thanks for coffee," you said.
"Sure, yeah. Thanks for being cool about the date-not-date."
"Ah, it was just a silly miscommunication," you shrugged with a laugh. "Next time'll be smoother, I bet."
You fiddled with the key in your hand, glancing between him and the door. 
"Well, I'll see you," you blurted, giving him a nod and slipping inside. 
You shut the door too loud, staring at it a moment more before sighing and flopping onto the couch.
Stupid bets.
Next chapter
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For the song lyric for drabble thing: Bean/Jason - "Got me feelin' like it's real for sure. This is gettin' kinda out of my head."
got me feeling like it’s real for sure. this is getting kinda out of my head
It starts like this: she’s his math tutor. 
Jason Alvarado is absolute shit at math. Bean has spent the last two weeks trying to explain what a unit circle is to him, and he is no closer to understanding it than he was at the start. And maybe she should take that as some sort of personal failure, but--
It’s Jason.
And that’s not meant to sound rude. Really. Here’s what she means:
She’s spent two weeks hanging out with this guy, three weeks trying to teach him what exactly Trig is so he can get his grade up from a low D to a low C (or maybe even a low B? God, that’d be a miracle) and continue to play football. three weeks. And they’ll sit with knees brushing in the library until he gets too antsy to stay, and then they’ll walk over to her house, and he’ll play catch with her brothers while she tries to quiz him on trig identities until he starts to laugh and forces her to join in. And it’s that look on his face when she can throw a perfect spiral-- the shock and surprise and the laugh he spits out when the ball flies right into his arms.
What she means is that she’s having fun with him.
She likes it when he texts her math memes, even when he doesn’t get them, just because she’d laughed at one once, and he’d noticed. She likes it when he brings her those chocolate chip cookies his mom makes, hands her a tupperware full of them with this half shrug like we had extra, and how he watches for her reaction like it’s something he waits for. She likes the idea of them being almost friends-- more than just acquaintances, less than real friends. It’s sort of comforting. Weirdly, a lot about Jason is sort of comforting.
So she goes to the Homecoming game even though she hasn’t been to a single game since her brother graduated last year, and she sits up in the stands, and she cheers so fucking loud when he scores the game winning touchdown. And he’d invited her to his post-Homecoming party last week with some sort of earnestness that felt so incredibly genuine, and she hadn’t planned on going but now…
She bumps into him in the kitchen, the music leaving everything around her feeling a bit like it’s shaking. He’s holding a bowl of chips and a Natty Light, and it makes her roll her eyes how stereotypical it is. He grins at her.
“You made it.”
“Yeah. Congrats on that touchdown, by the way. It was a really good catch.”
He shrugs. “Mostly Luke. I was just in the right place.”
“Well you were still there,” she says. “That has to count for something.”
He shrugs again, his gaze shifting over slightly, just past her, out towards the deck, a frown edging it’s way onto his features. 
“You okay?” she asks, taking a half step closer to him. His grip on the beer is leaving his knuckles white, and she almost wants to take it from him before it bursts open.
“Yeah it’s just…” he pauses, exhales slowly. She wonders if he trusts her. She wonders if she trusts him. God, she’s only really known him for three weeks. “Erika is here with some guy.”
“Oh.” Erika, his ex girlfriend. Bean thinks she remembers her glaring over as she sat shotgun in his Jeep. Bean couldn’t figure out why then. She can’t now either.
She takes a deep breath, feels a little bold as she blinks up at him. “This is gonna sound stupid, but how do you feel about fake dating?”
send me a song lyric and a pairing and i’ll write you a drabble
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rickwestman · 3 years
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Usa today How FEMA, businesses and Donald Trump are confronting the country's N95 mask shortage amid coronavirus pandemic
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Usa today
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The Military National Guard commander of a COVID-19 checking out plan explains the necessity for masks that surely work. USA TODAY
In all likelihood no peril is more pressing for health care workers at some point of the United States as they warfare the radical coronavirus than the shortage of inner most protective equipment (PPE) to make your mind up away from contamination.
Face masks, including N95 masks that offer more security than free-fitting surgical masks, have gotten scarcer, arena to increasing quiz and even going thru impress gouging as local officials stare to bolster their stockpile thru the non-public sector.
“I’ll contract with an organization for 1,000 masks,” Contemporary York Gov. Andrew Cuomo acknowledged Sunday in his day after day briefing. “They’ll call aid 20 minutes later and affirm, ‘The price excellent went up,’ because they'd a larger offer. I bear in mind the truth that. Diversified states who are decided for these goods literally offer more cash than we had been paying. It’s a bustle that’s raising costs elevated and elevated.”
This comes as several local officials are pleading for President Donald Trump to enact the Defense Production Act, which would allow the non-public sector to ramp up the manufacturing of PPE to mitigate the nationwide shortage.
Coronavirus questions: We're answering them.
The Federal Emergency Administration Company has a strategic reserve of N95 masks from which it has begun to distribute to states which would be specifically in need. In an interview with ABC News, FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor acknowledged the agency become “ready to head to zero within the stockpile to fulfill quiz.”
Pulling from the stockpile, nevertheless, is probably going no longer the handiest option.
In but one more interview, with NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” Gaynor acknowledged local governors can comprise to strive to buy the clinical provides to mercurial meet the demands of their constituents.
'If we stop, the field stops': Truckers intrepid coronavirus outbreak to verbalize goods
“What I’ll affirm is at the same time as potentialities are you'll presumably maybe win it on the open market, stride buy it,” Gaynor acknowledged. “Any governor that wants it, and you win it, stride buy it. FEMA will reimburse you below this emergency.”
Gaynor acknowledged on CNN’s “Relate of the Union” that the areas most stricken by the spread of the virus – Contemporary York, California and Washington impart – are the main focal point of FEMA’s efforts.
“Ought to you don’t need it upright away, you’re going to be slightly of bit farther down the list,” Gaynor acknowledged.
As of Sunday afternoon, Cuomo indicated that confirmed cases in Contemporary York impart had topped 15,000, with a loss of life toll of 114, every of that are absolute most reasonable within the United States. Washington impart had the 2nd-most confirmed cases with virtually about 1,800 and 94 deaths, and California become third with larger than 1,500 cases and 28 deaths, in step with the Johns Hopkins University data dashboard.
Usa today #GetMePPE trends on social media
The N95 conceal shortage is even forcing hospitals to ration them.
In a memo dispensed to his colleagues, Dr. Craig R. Smith, the chair of the department of surgical plot at NewYork-Presbyterian, acknowledged the clinical institution is “energetic 40,000 such masks per day, which is estimated to reach 70,000 per day” at height ranges.
Complicating matters, N95 masks will no longer be the handiest ones in quiz.
As sanatorium treatment workers continue to face publicity and that potentialities are you'll presumably maybe also imagine contamination, every employee of NewYork-Presbyterian, the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Weill Cornell Effectively being facility will acquire one non-N95 conceal “to be feeble handiest if the person becomes symptomatic.” Smith additionally famed within the memo that “workers can be accountable for keeping their one conceal excellent and on hand.”
What does that time out? These states are ordering residents to cease dwelling or refuge in location.
Some corporations are joining the fight in opposition to the conceal shortage. The pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. announced it delivered 500,000 masks to Contemporary York Metropolis Emergency Administration on Sunday morning.
Harbor Freight, a gadget and equipment retailer, announced it become donating its entire supply of N95 masks, face shields, and 5 mil and 7 mil Nitrile gloves to hospitals within the communities where the company has retail outlets.
On the White Dwelling on Saturday, Trump acknowledged the apparel company Hanes become “retrofitting manufacturing capabilities in natty sections of the vegetation to fabricate masks.”
JOANN materials launched a program on Saturday that is giving out free pieces of cloth, elastic and different wanted provides to customers so as that they'll accept as true with attach-it-yourself masks to donate to hospitals. On its web plan, JOANN even has a video tutorial on the correct ways to accept as true with the masks to make certain they can be licensed by hospitals.
There had been calls for crowdsourcing on social media, too. Healthcare workers asked for others to donate any masks, goggles or different equipment utilizing the trending hashtag #GetMePPE. Folk who had surplus provides of clinical equipment additionally feeble the hashtag to encourage detect those clinical workers in need. Many additionally feeble the hashtag to tweet at elected officials, including Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Usa today Any conceal is better than no conceal at all
Though the attach-it-yourself versions accept as true with no longer meet the N95 designation, the donations can quiet provide clinical workers with some layer of security.
In line with the Meals and Drug Administration, “the ‘N95’ designation components that once subjected to careful checking out, the respirator blocks no longer decrease than 95 p.c of very small (0.3 micron) take a look at particles.” The FDA did add that even when successfully fitted, an N95 conceal “doesn't fully acquire rid of the threat of illness or loss of life.”
Across several states, small businesses and organizations are additionally joining the streak to ease quiz by crafting and donating attach-it-yourself masks to healthcare mavens.
In Arizona, a nonprofit in Flagstaff, Threaded Collectively, is utilizing surgical cloth recycled by the Flagstaff Medical Center to sew masks. A Gilbert small industrial, My Minute Dwelling made Store, started stitching masks and giving them away for free after local healthcare workers reported no longer being supplied masks because they weren't regarded as “at-threat” and after the owner of the shop heard that clinical doctors within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Workers had been wearing bandanas as an different.
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Read or Share this legend: https://www.usatoday.com/legend/news/nation/2020/03/22/coronavirus-n-95-conceal-shortage-us-fema-donald-trump/2895344001/
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sydneykristin-j · 5 years
If I could go back
two years and talk to the girl that just graduated, who was sitting at her mom’s kitchen table thinking about what was going to be next I would tell her:
I wish I could tell you that those were the best four years of your life, but they’re not. They’re just different but in the best possible form of the word.. There’s responsibility but it’s not the same ones you’ll have to come. You wake up and you go to class, you sit with your friends as you scarf down a dining hall omelet, you remember you have a pop quiz and the boy you like isn't texting you back, your friends tell you about how they failed their bio test and they need to get a job. You all don’t know that you’re on your paths, you’ll be just fine. You take shots of straight vodka at night, barely flinching, wake up the next day chug Gatorade and take an Advil, do it all over again day after day. It sounds like fun but it’s not sustainable, you learn to live off of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you make a lot of temporary friends. After you graduate you realize the ones that you’ll want to keep for the rest of your life and which ones you’ll silently root for from the comfort of double tapping their Instagram posts. Graduating is really fucking stressful, in fact, it sucks. You’re going to panic about getting a job. You’ll probably get a job that you’re not passionate about. You might even panic about doing something you’re not passionate about for the rest of your life. Don’t worry, you're going to work a ton of jobs, and then maybe you’ll find something. You’re not going to be passionate about it probably, but it’s something it pays the bills. That’s okay, but never stop dreaming of your passions. Keep learning; this is not the end of wanting to know everything. There’s a whole world to learn. The world is yours to travel, even if it’s just to a new town nearby, keep exploring. There’s so much at your fingertips if you look around. Read anything you can get your hands on, eat the weird piece of sushi that you might not like, sign up for that half marathon that you keep telling yourself you’re going to do one day. Make a list of the things you want to improve about yourself and actually work on them. Keep your passion alive for things you enjoy: keep making friends and complimenting strangers on the streets. Have conversations in coffee shops, don’t let go of the little bit of light that was alive inside of you in college. People around you are going to change, some of your friends are going to isolate themselves inside of work or relationships, maybe you find yourself doing that too. But never forget the people that pushed you through school; the ones who ended their tequila-filled nights crying with you about graduating over slices of buffalo chicken pizza. Don’t forget to sing on the top of your lungs and that a quick dance session to something ridiculous can fix almost anything. Never forget how uncomfortable you were when you started but how satisfying it was when you stood up and shook your Dean's hand at graduation. There’s going to be a ton of moments that make you uncomfortable but they’re so so worth it. I want you to know that some days are good, and some days are terrible: looking back you’ll never remember the days the sky opened up on your way to class but you’ll never forget the laughs with your friends sitting on your porch drinking a lukewarm Natty Light. You’ll never remember a crappy day of work but you’re going to remember the days you make the most out of, even if it's sitting on a porch with a slightly more expensive glass of wine in a green solo cup.  Life doesn’t end here so stop thinking it does.
It’s only just begun.
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bellakitse · 3 years
17 questions
tagged by @reyesstrand thanks love! 💗
Nicknames: Stef, which just about everyone calls me, tefito by most of my family, and chaparri by my mom.
Zodiac: Proud Cancer, my b-day is July 16th
Height: 5’2
Hogwarts house: Every quiz I have ever taken says Gryffindor, but I consider myself a Hufflepuff.
Last thing I googled: Heart attack symptoms for a story and a restaurant in Austin for the same story.
Song stuck in my head: La major version de mi -remix by Natti Natasha y Romeo Santos
Number of followers: 3,138
Amount of sleep: If I take a sleeping aid 6/7 hours, if not, I’m lucky to get 4.
Lucky number: I don’t have one.
Dream job: Something that makes me happy? Still not sure what that is.
Wearing: lightweight sleep shirt (it’s currently close to 90 degrees here)
Favorite song: Not sure I have just one. My dad’s Spanish oldies like Leo Dan hold a special place in my heart, though.
Favorite instrument: I play nothing, but if I did, it would be the piano
Aesthetic: Jeans, heeled boots, and a girly top? Red lipstick and mascara always. I’m pretty simple.
Favorite author: If I had to pick just one, then it would be Lori Foster. She’s a big reason I write the way I write. Her stories are sweet romances with witty one-liners and awesome friends and family. They’re feel-good books which is what I want my stories to be.
Favorite animal noises: My birdies chirping for attention. (though I currently don’t have any 😔)
Random: Umm. I’m going to Greece next year, so I’m trying to learn Greek with Duolingo.
Tagging @reyescarlos, @reyeslonestar @morganaspendragonss @howtosingit
@paramedicstrand @lire-casander @iboatedhere
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skqq-net · 4 years
The 5 Best Free Email Hosting Solutions For Everyone
By rising your trade presence on-line, considered considered one of many best stuff it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover possess is an electronic mail handle hosted at your space.
Having a space electronic mail provider lends a pleasurable look to your trade, which with out lengthen goes to take into accounta long way with doable prospects. On memoir of of this, many web hosts encompass free electronic mail web roar internet hosting with the acquisition of a space and web roar internet hosting bundle deal.
On the alternative hand, while you happen to signed up for a web roar web roar internet hosting supplier that doesn’t encompass electronic mail provider with a space, there are a necessity of high-quality free electronic mail web roar internet hosting suppliers obtainable to collect your pleasurable electronic mail residing up.
To your comfort, I’ll spotlight 5 of the one free electronic mail web roar internet hosting alternate solutions with a customized space to your trade:
Zoho Mail (Versatile electronic mail provider with person-suited cell app)
GMX Mail (Toughen for extra-high-quality electronic mail attachments)
Yandex Mail (Includes limitless mailbox state of affairs and built-in cloud storage)
Migadu (Provides limitless electronic mail addresses at your customized space)
Gmail with ImprovMX  (Gmail-basically primarily based answer for specific individual dwelling homeowners)
1. Zoho Mail
Urged for: Tiny firms with as much as 25 staff.
Zoho Mail is considered considered one of many most conventional free electronic mail web roar internet hosting suppliers as a result of it provides a wide range of companies and is extraordinarily person-suited.
Zoho Mail is supreme for dinky firms significantly as a result of it means that you can present as much as 25 assorted electronic mail addresses at a single space freed from fee. In addition to to, each individual will get as much as 5 GB of storage state of affairs, absolutely free.
The Zoho Mail electronic mail consumer is extremely straightforward to make make use of of and resembles the interface of predominant electronic mail clients esteem Microsoft Outlook and Gmail. Importantly, there’s moreover a cell app and browser-basically primarily based consumer so it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover gather admission to your trade electronic mail from anyplace. All variations of the patron allow you to residing up your mail into folders and categorize messages with tags for straightforward buying later.
One way or the other, Zoho Mail makes it straightforward to manage your trade electronic mail. The government. dashboard means that you can with out nervousness produce new customers and to residing solutions for handing over assorted sorts of mail to assorted sub-sections of your inbox. In convey for you, it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover moreover make use of POP or IMAP to ahead your mail to at least one extra handle or electronic mail provider.
It moreover has Out Of Quandary of job message characteristic, it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover residing up automatic-answer for a selected memoir, interval, or contact guidelines. Clean, there are only a few downsides to utilizing Zoho’s free electronic mail provider.
The predominant is that there might be no map to import your contacts from social media, so it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely should enter them manually. Secondly, there often are not any saved searches or natty filters that routinely categorize emails into folders.
As much as 25 electronic mail addresses
Cell app obtainable
Every individual will get 5 GB of storage state of affairs
Very good administrative interface
No contact importing from social media
2. GMX Mail
Urged for: Further-high-quality attachments.
GMX Mail is an especially highly effective free customized space electronic mail web roar internet hosting answer. This provider provides limitless inbox state of affairs and attachments as much as 50 MB, which beats out nearly each different free electronic mail web roar internet hosting supplier.
On the alternative hand, the associated fee for all of this recordsdata state of affairs is that the rep-basically primarily based electronic mail consumer is closely clogged with advertisements.
The interface is cut up into further than one bins, lots of which might per likelihood nicely be merely advertisements, so it is a long way additionally traumatic to collect mature to sifting by the use of the patron to collect admission to your emails inside the muse.
In distinction, the cell app shows fewer adverts and is worthy easier to make make use of of. For that motive, GMX Mail is just for firms which are okay with working largely on cell devices or with forwarding to at least one extra electronic mail supplier.
GMX Mail does present a necessity of enough elements for conserving organized, together with a calendar that routinely reminds you of upcoming occasions. It’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood per likelihood moreover residing auto-responses which are precipitated when a buyer sends an electronic mail, akin to to your enhance electronic mail handle. Whereas the patron doesn’t routinely produce contacts while you happen to ship and collect emails, it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover routinely import contacts from Fb.
50 MB electronic mail attachments
Cell app has few advertisements
Auto-responses obtainable
In a state of affairs to import contacts from Fb
Net consumer has many advertisements
3. Yandex Mail
Urged for: Constructed-in electronic mail and cloud storage.
Yandex Mail provides a necessity of incentives to make make use of of it to your trade electronic mail, together with the flexibleness to produce as much as 1,000 specific individual accounts at your space. Higher however, all of these accounts gather limitless mailbox storage and 10 GB of free cloud storage state of affairs. Attachments are restricted to 25 GB, though worthy as for Gmail, attachments larger than this dimension are routinely uploaded to the cloud and despatched as obtain hyperlinks.
The Yandex Mail consumer is tidy and customizable with a necessity of various themes, which makes it straightforward to tailor your inbox to what’s most tickled as a way to form by the use of. Should you don’t esteem the Yandex consumer, it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover make use of IMAP or POP to ahead your trade mail to each different predominant electronic mail platform.
Yet one more very enough characteristic of Yandex Mail is the flexibleness to ship messages later, utilizing a built-in timer. It’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood per likelihood moreover mix further than one Yandex Mail accounts right into a single inbox, which is enough in case your trade has further than one enhance electronic mail addresses.
Probably the most attention-grabbing plot again to Yandex Mail is that the alternate solutions for filtering are significantly venerable. That makes it subtle to routinely categorize incoming mail into assorted sections of your inbox or routinely construct labels.
As much as 1,000 accounts
Limitless mailbox storage
10 GB free cloud storage state of affairs
Few alternate solutions for filtering mail
4. Migadu
Urged for: Limitless electronic mail addresses at your space.
Migadu’s undeniable-textual snort web roar doesn’t encourage self perception, nonetheless don’t let that waste you from taking good factor about this extraordinarily adaptive free electronic mail space web roar internet hosting provider. Migadu provides an infinite want of electronic mail addresses at your customized space, so that you don’t should terror about switching companies as your crew grows.
In addition to to, given that web consumer in all fairness naked-bones, it tons of worthy further shortly than many competing companies’ web clients. Migadu moreover provides a responsive buyer assist crew and is continuous to roll out new companies.
Establishing your electronic mail is simple ensuing from Migadu’s built-in space nameserver. And, not like with different free customized space electronic mail web roar internet hosting alternate solutions, you don’t should terror about your recordsdata being shared with third-parties or in-client advertisements. Migadu moreover provides superior direct mail filters that plan it straightforward to be distinct your inbox simply is not cluttered with junk.
The predominant drawback of utilizing Migadu is that all inboxes are restricted to acceptable 1 GB of storage state of affairs. That’s not a practice while you happen to’re principally sending textual snort-only emails, nonetheless if attachments are normal that state of affairs can recede shortly. Whereas emails forwarded to at least one extra memoir acquired’t rely in opposition to your quota, Migadu warns that the company will quiz you to pork up while you happen to abuse this workaround.
Additionally stAMP that Migadu doesn’t present accent elements esteem duties and calendars, and there might be not any cell or desktop utility to collect admission to your electronic mail. Which methodology it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely should make make use of of the stripped-down web consumer model or determine to ahead your electronic mail to at least one extra memoir.
Limitless electronic mail addresses
Knowledge stays private
Developed direct mail filters
No cell or desktop functions
Mailboxes restricted to 1 GB of storage each
5. Gmail & ImprovMX
Urged for: Sole proprietors who should make make use of of Gmail.
Should you’re in trade to your self and would fairly possess trade emails despatched to your private Gmail memoir in should enroll in a free electronic mail web roar internet hosting provider, it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover make use of ImprovMX.
This provider makes make use of of aliases to routinely ahead electronic mail despatched to an handle at your space identify to your current Gmail memoir.
Getting setup is simple by the use of ImprovMX, which walks you by the use of the path of of together with the precious space nameserver addresses to your space identify memoir. As quickly as that’s performed, all you can complete is add your new alias electronic mail handle in Gmail beneath ‘Settings > Accounts and Imports > Ship mail as:’. Edifying take observe to moreover replace your electronic mail signatures and ‘Ship from’ settings in Gmail in order that it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover very nicely be not responding to trade mail alongside together with your private memoir unintentionally.
Degree to that whereas your mail is exhibiting up in Gmail, sending and receiving is tranquil counting on ImprovMX’s servers. Thankfully, ImprovMX boasts a 99.99% uptime and provides 24/7 free enhance by technique of dwell chat.
Integrates with Gmail
Straightforward setup
Free 24/7 enhance dwell chat
Shrimp effectivity for further than one customers
Incomplete RoR set up e-book
Discovering the Right Free Piece of email Net web roar internet hosting Risk
Having a pleasurable electronic mail hosted at your space identify is an especially essential ingredient of performing pleasurable to doable prospects. Whereas it’s in all probability going you may per likelihood nicely per likelihood moreover sometimes gather free electronic mail web roar internet hosting by the use of your web roar host, there are a necessity of companies obtainable that present free customized space electronic mail web roar internet hosting.
Here is how the 5 free electronic mail web roar internet hosting alternate solutions I reviewed stack up:
Zoho Mail is a flexible trade electronic mail with a cell app obtainable
GMX Mail helps huge 50 MB electronic mail attachments
Yandex Mail accommodates limitless mailbox state of affairs 10 MB of cloud storage state of affairs
Migadu provides an infinite want of electronic mail accounts at your space
Gmail with ImprovMX means that you can make make use of of Gmail with an electronic mail handle at your space
Did this e-book permit you to insist the one free electronic mail web roar internet hosting supplier to your trade? Let me know inside the suggestions beneath!
The submit The 5 Handiest Free Piece of email Net web roar internet hosting Alternate solutions For Every individual appeared first on Net Net web roar internet hosting Critiques by Correct Clients and Net Net web roar internet hosting Consultants.
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pixelheart27 · 7 years
New Video: Back to Hogwarts Quiz ϟ Pottermore Quiz #1
How good is my Harry Potter ϟ  Hogwarts knowledge? Well we find out in this quiz, the first of three! Come and join me and take the quiz yourself and let me know in the comments. #Pottermore #HarryPotter #backtohowartsquiz
►Link to quiz: https://www.pottermore.com/features/back-to-hogwarts-quiz-cleansweep-seven
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►Follow Me Tumblr: littlemissnat27.tumblr.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/littlemissnat27 Instagram: littlemissnatalie27
Nattie (◕‿-)
✘ Outro music Song: Jim Yosef - Speed [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video Link: https://youtu.be/lP6mK2-nLIk Download Link: http://NCS.lnk.to/Speed
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rickwestman · 3 years
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
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News ‘An international example of bad judgment’: Local officials stunned by raucous Memorial Day festivities - The Washington Post
An epidemic couldn’t execute The US’s most crowded events this Memorial Day weekend, even because the unusual coronavirus took at the least 2,000 more American lives.
At a flashy club in Houston, dozens splashed round the pool and sipped on drinks on the patio. In rural North Carolina, thousands packed the stands shoulder to shoulder at Ace Speedway on its opening night, where face masks were the exception. And in Daytona Seaside, Fla., even after an tournament called “Orlando Invades Daytona” used to be canceled, a whole bunch nonetheless danced in the road and on high of autos advance the boardwalk.
“It appears admire there are two other americans out the sunroof throwing cash,” the seemingly perplexed pilot of a police helicopter said over his radio, flying over the wild scene advance the seaside to uncover a more in-depth scrutinize. “They’re clearly throwing cash at the crowd.”
The raucous events all the contrivance throughout the country over the vacation weekend led some local officials to sound the probability Monday, warning that consequences would possibly possibly perhaps even be dire if such behavior continued unchecked.
One Ozarks pool event at Backwater Jack’s featured stay song below the theme “Zero Geese Given,” while photography at one other yacht club showed dozens of contributors filled collectively beneath a brand that said, “Please be aware social distancing.” On Monday, St. Louis County Government Sam Page, who would possibly be a doctor, entreated employers to quiz employees about their recent travels, and suggested a 14-day quarantine for anybody who flouted social distancing.
“This reckless behavior endangers endless other americans and risks setting us aid substantially from the growth now we contain made in slowing the spread of COVID-19,” Page said in a assertion announcing the mosey advisory.
The weekend’s crowded festivities would possibly possibly perhaps also presage the challenges local officials would possibly possibly perhaps also face this summer as governors gradually roll aid restrictions and residents flood reopened firms. In areas that now no longer contain enforceable govt orders, authorities articulate there is puny they can stay to require other americans to contain a examine social distancing. The mayor of Osage Seaside, Mo., where the viral pool events took plot, said he views it as wanted that his city’s tourist-dependent firms reopen, while police there said they couldn’t effect in power any restrictions.
“It kind of ties our hands when they’re appropriate guidelines and no longer mandates,” Chris Twitchel, captain of operations for the Camden County Sheriff’s Station of work, in the Lake of the Ozarks, suggested The Washington Put up this weekend. He added, “We're doing the appropriate ingredient that we can by urging other americans to make exercise of social distancing. But in a roundabout contrivance, there’s no longer plenty we can stay about it.”
In other locations, even supposing govt orders are in plot, some local sheriffs contain refused to build in power them. Such used to be the case in Alamance County, N.C., where Ace Speedway is positioned.
Although Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s 2d allotment of reopening North Carolina limits outside gatherings to 25 other americans, Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson said he would refuse to “effect in power an unconstitutional law,” allowing the speedway’s opening night to proceed as deliberate on Saturday night, WTVD reported.
“We’re drained of being caught in the house,” one spectator, Becky Woosley, suggested FOX 8. “I’m no longer panicked of this virus one bit.”
In a Fb video sooner than the tournament, Ace Speedway’s Turner asked attendees to respect other spectators’ plot and to natty their hands recurrently, even despite the truth that he said nothing of face masks. He also asked attendees to jot down their names and telephone numbers on a fair pad at the entrances, to aid the county health department in contact tracing must nonetheless anybody later take a look at plug for the virus.
“We know every person’s aroused, every person’s chomping at the bit to uncover aid out here and uncover aid to about a normalcy, nonetheless now we must remain so responsibly,” Turner said on the video, urging other americans which contain come in contact with anybody who’s tested certain to remain home.
He thanked the sheriff for “standing up for our constitutional rights.”
Police in other locations weren't slightly so open-minded to spirited mass crowds in their communities. But admire in tourist-swarmed Lake of the Ozarks, authorities in Daytona Seaside said they couldn’t simply arrest other americans that gathered en masse.
“We don’t get this calmly, especially with the crowds gathering collectively loyal now as we purchased the coronavirus nonetheless going round and other americans no longer training social distancing,” Daytona Police Chief Craig Capri said at a Sunday news convention relating to the crowds. “But I’m no longer the social distancing police — that’s no longer my job.”
Police convinced the promoters of the “Orlando Invades Daytona” tournament to execute it, nonetheless a whole bunch nonetheless showed up Saturday. “We were invaded by other americans from Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando,” Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood said.
On Saturday, roughly 200 other americans clogged the twin carriageway adjacent to the boardwalk and began dancing and hollering, as two men revved up the crowd from the sunroof of a white car. They started throwing cash while other americans in the crowd scrambled to grasp it up — causing an mountainous visitors jam.
Things purchased worse. A shooting broke out shut by round 7: 30 p.m. Two other americans in the crowd were shot and four others were injured by shrapnel, police said. Nobody has been arrested.
Tranquil, police praised the total response to the demanding affirm, announcing that other great crowds they encountered alongside the seaside dispersed when asked. Chitwood said he has heard from critics who insisted these recklessly gathering must nonetheless had been arrested, or that he even must nonetheless contain worn roam gas, nonetheless the sheriff said that used to be out of the quiz.
“I can characterize you the appropriate investigation now we contain occurring loyal now would possibly possibly perhaps be for the a------ that used to be throwing cash out of the automobile,” he said.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news Championship Sunday picks: Who'll hit Super Bowl LIV? - NFL.com
Fox news
Gregg Rosenthal went 2-2 on his predictions for the Divisional Round, bringing his season file to 167-96-1. How will he fare on Championship Sunday? His picks are below.
San Francisco 49ers 30, Green Bay Packers 26
6: 40 p.m. ET (FOX) | Levi's Stadium (Santa Clara, Calif.)
There are a bunch of reasons to mediate that the 49ers' blowout victory over the Packers in Week 12 would possibly perchance perchance perchance now now not be instructive on Sunday, nonetheless let's launch up with the most evident one: Every sport in this league of small margins is dramatically plenty of and unpredictable.
To borrow a favorite Mike McCarthy phrase, these Packers are no one's underdog. Aaron Rodgers played at a locked-in, correct stage final week that would possibly perchance perchance perchance fair composed divulge 49ers Dependable. He showed a willingness to take shots when they had been readily accessible and exhaust his legs when considerable. He offers the Packers a decisive edge at quarterback if he plays that neatly again. And it's price noting the skills gap between these two groups is now not genuinely that immense.
Whereas the Packers are stepping near up in faculty per week after dealing with the Seahawks' protection, so is Gash Bosa against Dependable Bowl form out David Bakhtiari. Packers moral form out Bryan Bulaga, who had a very good rebound season, will doubtless be encourage for this sport. Davante Adams lining up against someone plenty of than Richard Sherman is a mismatch. I would take Aaron Jones over any of the 49ers' operating backs. Packers defensive form out Kenny Clark is Dependable Soccer Level of curiosity' No. 2 inner lineman since Week 9, trailing most sharp Aaron Donald. Za'Darius Smith is No. 1 amongst all edge rushers over that span. That is now not genuinely some courageous band of upstarts.
The threshold for the 49ers in this week (and most weeks), nonetheless, doesn't factual come from their loaded roster. I belief Kyle Shanahan to safe Packers inner linebacker Blake Martinez sight misplaced in coverage and the operating sport. I quiz San Francisco to attempt cornerbacks Kevin King and Tramon Williams. I quiz George Kittle to be the excellent participant on the discipline and Fred Warner to handbook the excellent-tackling crew within the NFL on story of that's what they've executed for the final four months.
The Packers can compete if Rodgers plays terminate to his simplest and in converse that they'll safe if their circulation skedaddle forces Jimmy Garoppolo to play too like a flash, nonetheless the odds composed are now now not in Green Bay's desire. Whereas the Packers include proven chuffed in terminate games, the 49ers include overcome extra adversity from injuries and brutal losses all season to safe right here. They're struggle examined, proficient and natty.
The excellent Gigantic Bowl matchup on the board remains Chiefs-49ers and that's the reason the matchup we'll safe, even supposing the Levi's Stadium crowd has to sweat this one out.
Kansas Metropolis Chiefs 37, Tennessee Titans 27
There are no moral solutions to the questions that Patrick Mahomes creates. On two of Travis Kelce's touchdowns final week, the Texans had the correct play name: six defenders attempting to remain two receivers and Mahomes, who finds ways to beat the math.
Derrick Henry currently resides in a equally elevated airplane of existence.His 66-yard soul-stealing lag against the Ravens came on a play the build a 260-pound behemoth Matthew Judon, untouched, had a free shot on Henry. He bounced off him devour a fashion of pour souls in a Henry high college combine tape.
The Chiefs had been used against the flee all twelve months, even when Chris Jones used to be within the lineup, so the expectation will doubtless be that Henry rushes over 30 times again. Fabricate now now not be so certain. Tennessee's protection would possibly perchance perchance perchance now not safe off the discipline the first time these two groups met in November, and Titans coach Mike Vrabel is unlikely to play to his protection devour within the crew's first two playoff matchups on story of no one plays to their protection against Kansas Metropolis. Ryan Tannehill didn't ultimate fortune into averaging a league-simplest 9.6 yards per strive on the season, and Tennessee's play-action sport would possibly perchance exhaust Tyrann Mathieu and Daniel Sorensen's aggressiveness against them devour the Titans did to Earl Thomas in Baltimore.
Tennessee, now now not now not just like the 2018 Patriots, can shapeshift looking out on the opponent. And factual devour in final twelve months's AFC Championship Sport, the excellent route to safe in Arrowhead will doubtless be by job of a shootout. The Titans include the weapons in a position to a hit this form of sport -- factual sight at their 35-32 victory over the Chiefs in Week 10 -- nonetheless it's a onerous course to stir on story of Okay.C. has so many ways to beat you.
Mecole Hardman, Tyreek Hill, Sammy Watkins and Damien Williams stretch the discipline horizontally as important as vertically. They're a monitor crew that would possibly perchance perchance budge 50 yards on any play. It on the total takes a tumble or penalty to remain a Chiefs force, especially against a crew devour the Titans that does now now not include important of a circulation skedaddle. Vrabel would possibly perchance perchance perchance fair play it safe on protection devour he did within the first meeting -- force the Chiefs to circulation the ball down the discipline slowly and hope that Andy Reid botches sport management late within the fourth quarter devour he did in Nashville.
The discipline with that realizing is what happens within the first three quarters. Andy Reid is the most influential offensive thoughts of the final two decades with the excellent sequence of skills he is ever coached, including the quarterback with the most ridiculous potential situation in NFL historic previous. The Titans' mid-stage protection played extra snaps final week than any protection played in an NFL sport all twelve months. Or now now not it is the Chiefs' time.
Order Gregg Rosenthal on Twitter @greggrosenthal.
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pixelheart27 · 7 years
New Video: My Hogwarts House according to Playbuzz! and more!   ϟ Quiz!
You've seen what my Hogwarts house is according to Pottermore, so now let's try an unofficial quiz! As well as my Ilvermorny house and Patronus. Will I get the answers I want?
✘Quiz Links! ☂What Hogwarts House Would You Be Sorted Into?: http://www.playbuzz.com/hannahblomgren10/what-hogwarts-house-would-you-be-sorted-into#eightieth ☂Take This Sorting Quiz To Find Out Your Ilvermorny House!: http://www.playbuzz.com/dbqauo10/take-this-sorting-quiz-to-find-out-your-ilvermorny-house#eightieth ☂What is your Patronus?: http://www.playbuzz.com/aashimas10/what-is-your-patronus#eightieth
✘Pottermore quiz videos ☂Discovering My Patronus ϟ  Pottermore Quiz: https://youtu.be/VmHg37Jzbr0 ☂Which Harry Potter Character Am I?: https://youtu.be/29ZA8DQlFUc ☂Discovering My Pottermore Wand!: https://youtu.be/Ppq92R7wA1A ☂Which Ilvermorny House am I In?: https://youtu.be/Fmw4QwRw9Eg
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✘Some of my favourite videos you may also enjoy ☂Resident Evil 7 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn9muvbIE6MmIwRcvphrLl2j1pvel7U9E ☂Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Vlog plus Haul ϟ Spoiler Free: https://youtu.be/ioHq1faHsCA
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Nattie (◕‿-)
✘ Outro music Song: Jim Yosef - Speed [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video Link: https://youtu.be/lP6mK2-nLIk Download Link: http://NCS.lnk.to/Speed
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