seiwas · 1 month
omg... niku.... I WILL BE SO HOENST AND SAY THAT iwa is isn't that handsome in the anIME OK. lIKE.SDGVHSGDJM he looks better in the timeskip bUT THERE'S RLLY JUST AN IMAGE OF HIM IN MY BRAIN THAT HAS ME GNAWING LIKE A DOG EVERY TIME I THINK OF HIM SDGBSN but ok i will try
i like these ones from the anime ehe he is so very cutie in the second one
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in the manga i love him timeskip sbfhsdgvfh BUT NONE OF THE PANELS DO JUSTICE TO THE IWAIZUMI IN MY MIIND...
this is a funny college iwa one tho + a cute one ehe
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ask me stuff from this character ask game!
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alleesaur · 6 months
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a miku (meatku? niku?) design doodle 🥩
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jchelles · 29 days
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angelic-carousel · 9 months
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Another sticker sheet 👉👈
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tomoryoshka · 2 years
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おたのしみタイム🥰🍷🍾🥩 お昼は天重食べたけど呑んでなかったので、普段は行かないタイプのおしゃれなお店に😌 #0616 #nofilter #travelphotography #広島 #Hiroshima #旅行 #広島駅 #dinner #redwine #Champagne #ステーキ #鶏のコンフィ #ちょい肉セット #iphone12promax (Niku Toku) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch3MZkwvIUS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sleepyzenpanda · 5 years
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Favorite meals in Japan
Breakfast buffet at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel 🏨
Room service Waffles and fruit from the Keio Plaza Hotel
Tempaki Wagyu beef 🥩 from Niku no Mansei near Akihabara
Vegetables sushi from Sushizanmai Tsukijiekiemae-ten in Taukiji
Hamburger 🍔 and from Jurin at the Keio Plaza Hotel
Fried chicken tenders🍗 on skewers and mini ham cutlets and fries 🍟 from Cobara-Hetta at VenusFort in Odaiba
Ham sandwich 🥪 from cafe on Miyajima Island
Ham sandwich for Jurin at the Keio Plaza Hotel
Rainbow cheese toast 🌈 from Rainbow Sweets Harajuku in Harajuku Takeshita-dori
Giant cheese toast from Restaurant in Kyoto Station
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seiwas · 3 months
okay.... I suppose I will ask. About what That Man would wear ..... shirts that let you see you know what?
omg.... niku... gojo... jhsbfasd
ok. i am. by default. very much a fitted black shirt gojo lover. THOUGH i do think he looks really good in a button-down + slacks too bc that's what he always wears... and pop open that top button and you see it...... his collarbones.
gojo looks good in everything; it's unfair, evidenced by his questionable fashion that doesn't look as ridiculous as it should. i would say his button-down + slacks combo isn't as jaw-dropping bc he wears it so often. BUT when he wears silk... or something smooth and flowy that drapes over his shoulders and accentuates the model proportions of his body... oh he looks so good. he always keeps his slutty collarbones on display, gels his hair a little too so that the strands on his forehead form a little comma.
i think gojo would look good in a white shirt + blue jeans, but mostly because of the relaxed nature of it. he's always covered up that seeing him like this is kinda refreshing, and really domestic. he does not have the ass for it though, sadly. but he wears a slight v-neck to make up for it, because again—collarbones and everything.
now. gojo in a fitted black shirt + sweatpants?? oh my god. no one expects it at all. he popped out of the box looking like that and has never turned back since. there's some meat in him, not just the lanky frame you were always used to. his shoulders are sculpted, back wide as it tapers down into his itty bitty slutty waist. the cuts of his biceps flex when he moves, and you have no idea how he even has those forearm veins but when he catches you staring at them, he smirks, and completely stops wearing long sleeves around you.
the sweatpants hide the fact of his very flat ass but the garter hugs his waist just right that the focus is entirely diverted to that area only. gojo doesn't even workout a lot, but he has good genes, so his chest puffs out slightly even without all the training that's supposed to go with it. and athleisure isn't exactly his number one pick, but he finds himself reaching for that short-sleeved compression shirt when he plans to lounge around you. (and maybe, it doesn't hurt that a few reps in the gym give him an insane pump too).
send me a character and i’ll tell you which outfit they’d look 🥵 in: white shirt + blue jeans / fitted black shirt + sweatpants / button-down + slacks
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seiwas · 3 months
.....okay so i am half tempted to ask for That Man for your lil outfit ask game but i don't wanna but I DON'T KNOW WHO ELSE TO ASK FOR............................................................megumi.
NIKUS DFJHBASDF you may ask That Man if your heart so desires (i know it does). but alas! for now, i shall do megs 🥹
i am personally a megumi in a button-down + slacks enthusiast bc i think he cleans up so good. he'd look so handsome. so pretty. so many of his features are clean lines and sharp edges and i think that complements the outfit really well. he has model proportions, is a bit lanky and lean, so the soft fabric of his button-down is sure to sit perfectly on his torso. his legs look long in a pair of straight slacks. the spiky hair can stay, but if you gel it a little?? ooooOOOh he's winning it all. i also think he'd smell soooo good.
another honourary mention is megs in a white shirt + blue jeans (as per @soumies) he doesn't have the best butt but i think it's the fact that he doesn't wear casual clothes like this often. the colourway isn't even really him, the white shirt and light-washed denim a contrast to the dark neutrals he typically wears. i think he'd look cute though, a different type of appeal. a sort of boy-next-door but more like shy-neighbour. you've only seen him wear it a handful times, and it's mostly when he comes back from out of town.
send me a character and i’ll tell you which outfit they’d look 🥵 in: white shirt + blue jeans / fitted black shirt + sweatpants / button-down + slacks
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seiwas · 8 months
sel I wanna hear the deets of how u and ur bf developed feelings!!!!
niku!! 🥺 welcome to the sleepover!! ✨ omg thank u for asking 🥹 im surprised i haven't told you yet tbh but!!! here goes!!!
let's have a sleepover!! 💗 send me any questions/stories you wanna share!!!
the summer before our senior year of hs we attended this extra study thing to prep us for college admissions!! at this point we were really good friends!! went to junior prom together and everything!! and we were talking almost everyday, but it was rlly just friends!! we didn't coordinate the schedule or anything bc we were both busy with our own stuff apart from the classes but we literally ended up being classmates 😭 like out of all the timeslots we coincidentally ended up in the same one & we were seatmates too!!
the teachers in those classes would tease us a lot cos we sat together in the corner at the front, i'd draw random doodles on his book for him to find later on 😭, and he and his family would drop me home every time they came to fetch him!! because i lived really nearby.
i developed feelings for him that summer, but honestly i think i was denying it for a long time and just admitted it to myself then 😭 a lot of girls found him cute (i did too, when i first met him! but didn't entertain it then bc i had a thing with another guy for a bit (who i'm also still friends with today omg this is another story...)) but!! bc lots of girls were trying to talk to him, i wanted to make sure that i was talking to him out of genuine intent of wanting to be his friend!!
anyway! so i developed feelings the summer before our senior year of hs and tried so hard to make it go away because i didn't want to ruin the friendship 😭 so we spent that year getting closer, talking everyday, going out just the two of us, doing each other's snapchat streaks if the other would be away (if you know that omg) + we were eachother's top snapchat streaks lmao and i thought i was over it!! until i found out that he was considering college abroad.
honestly i think my heart sunk a bit, but also! it was kind of the closure i needed? like. i was set on letting my feelings die along with him leaving for college, y'know? and we could still be friends. but we got together before the year ended so i guess! no need for feelings to die? (then we did ldr for 4 years!)
whenever i ask him how his feelings developed, he can never give me an answer!! but his brother told me recently that i was the only one he was chatting with constantly back then 😭 like he was notoriously bad at replying, as in 2 days delayed shdbfhgs but his brother said that he'd leave others on delivered and just talk to me (still delayed... like a day but HAHAHA better than nothing!!!) & whenever i ask my bf what caused the shift from just friendship to smth more, he always says it's bc he felt & saw a love/care that was different with me (?), like... one that he wouldn't be able to find anywhere else? (sounds sooooo funny now when you think about it, him at 18 thinking that when he's literally never been romantic ever but! maybe he was onto smth bc we're here now 5 years later...)
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seiwas · 21 days
NIKE YOU 🫵 HEY 😭😭😭😭 that’s my worst nightmare… me suddenly losing my love for matcha… waking up one day to lose my palate for it… and thinking it tastes like grass 😓
BUT REALLY hmm… a grass fact… when i was younger i used to pluck all the weeds in my garden 🥺 because i learned how to do it from animal crossing 😭😭 it was always weed central in my town 🤧
send me a word and i’ll tell you a fact about myself related to it!
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seiwas · 3 months
selllllll can i ask 20 and 60 for you and iwa? pweaseee?
niku!! thanks for asking 🥺
ask me me ship questions for any of my reader dynamics / selfships!
#20 choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
you know, for as much as i use music for inspiration for everything, i don't have a single song that i can truly say is seiwa 😭 i feel like i just haven't given it much thought & that it changes from time to time but lately!!! infinitely falling by fly by midnight is a very hajime song to me 🥹 (also a lot of the songs are like... songs i just imagine playing in the car, and not really ones that describe the relationship or anything)
#60 who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
definitely me jhdbfhsd hajime runs hot so he can do without all the added warmth but i am unfortunately Cold and Like hugging him so he has no choice
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seiwas · 2 days
selsellllll can I ask ..... 5 and 18?
nikuuuuu ofc you can ask!!! thank you for playing 🥺
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
i don't but also technically do? i have some winnie the pooh and piglet stuffed pillows that are on my bed but i don't hold them when i sleep! they're usually just... there... 😭
18. Who is the last person you texted? 
my bf 🥺 but if it's tumblr/discord friends, a gc i'm in with soph (soumies)!!!
ask me anything from this ask game!
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seiwas · 2 months
SEL .... you know I have to ask col couple for 10. I'm not even sure it's it's possible.
omg niku 🥺 thanks for asking 🥺
ask me anything from this fanfic couples/relationships ask game!
10. has just been struck by a magic spell, and now they're mortal enemies! What happens now?
omg... i don't even know what to think of this. jshdfhjsa. for your true enemies to lovers heart, i think... there's just something they can't stand about each other. for col reader, it's probably frustration that gojo can't be genuine for one second of his life. col reader is observant in a way that they can kinda see through him, and can also understand a lot of gojo's intentions—which is why it's frustrating that there's always some twist-y, roundabout way that he goes about it all the time. he never says what he means, and in some ways can seem dishonest, which col reader hates.
for gojo, it's probably the fact that col reader can see through him so well LMAO. i think he hates that he's seen. hates that his intentions can be read so clearly—which is why he tries even harder to hide it. col reader always manages to call him out, smth like 'you don't have to pretend here, gojo' and it's genuine. it grates on his nerves even more because col reader is right.
they don't get paired often for missions because their techniques work better alone, but col reader typically gets roped in when the higher ups have problems with gojo—mainly because they see col reader as the next person who understands him best, and the only other person that gojo adjusts for (even though it is to become just more insufferable). col reader hates it, feels like they're some kind of babysitter (which frustrates them even more because if gojo could just be honest, and quit going the roundabout way with things, then maybe, the higher ups would understand that he won't go psycho rogue.
i think col reader gets full of it, and honestly confronts him (but still nicely). is probably like 'you'd make things a lot easier for everyone if you were just upfront about it, you know.' and gojo tries to evade it again, but col reader cuts him off and is like, 'you aren't dumb enough to think that's going to work on me, gojo.' and it's like oh shit, cos col reader is serious now. AND I THINK that's maybe where it starts. it probably intrigues gojo in that weird gojo way of his—smth smth with the idea that his shenanigans can get past most of everyone but col reader is honestly quite done with his shit.
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seiwas · 8 months
okie okie, i didn't tell a story for the last sleepover. and i don't think i've told you this story either (cuz I think i have only ever told u the really juicy stories LMAO)
so this is a story from when i was in high school. there was a boy i liked that i'd known from middle school and we had two classes together— the one before lunch and the one right after with one class without him in between. we talked a little bit because, but nothing too in depth, and then one day he disappeared all of a sudden. no one knew what happened to him and i couldn't contact him.
after some time, i can't remember how long. he started coming back to school again. naturally, i'd gone up to him and asked if he was okay and what happened; apparently he'd gotten into the hospital due to an extremely severe allergic reaction. i found out later no one else had actually asked him where he'd been, and after that we started talking more,
one day, i'd made a comment about being hungry in the class we shared before and he handed me a llittle snack pack that had crackers and peanut butter. i was super thankful but i didn't mention that i'm allergic to peanut butter; i ate the crackers but passed the peanut butter on to another classmate.
in the class we shared after lunch he came up to me all concerned— he'd realized he didn't know if i had a peanut allergy and was worried i couldn't eat the snack he'd given me. he'd been extra concerned since he'd had that really bad reaction himself but i told him that i'd just given him the peanut butter to someone else.
fast forward to right after we started dating, it was after school and we usually walked together to a spot where he'd be picked up by his parents. he mentioned he had something to give me and with the cracker incident in mind, i thought he was going to give me a cookie or something.
he gave me a kiss instead.
i was so shocked and stunned and i was standing there for a bit. later on that day, my best friend had called me and told me she'd seen it all! i was so embarrassed.
...okay that's my story i feel embarrassed all over again because it was so long LMAO.
omg niku 🥹 welcome to the sleepover ✨
oh my god???!!!!!!!!! niku this is the cutest thing ever what the hellllllll 😭😭😭😭 lil niku having the purest heart checking up on him when he came back too!!! 🥺 he is also SO SWEET for giving u crackers and being all worried after omg 😭 everything is so precious askskzj
AND U STARTED DATING!!! 🥹🥺🫶🏻 that’s so cute and his lil cute first kiss move on you too oh my gOOOOSH my heart is mush!!! adorable!!! 🥺 it’s so cute i love it thank u for sharing niku 🥺
i am still sad you’re allergic to peanut butter bc it’s one of my favourite things to snack on 🥺 but am lactose intolerant so… i’m missing out there 🤧
join the sleepover! send an ask sharing/asking anything you want!
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seiwas · 2 months
sel just call me evil it's okay LMAOOOOO
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seiwas · 2 months
HEWWO SEL i come with questions.
🎧 last song you listened too 🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be 🍒 what is your earliest memory also looking at your answer to stephanie. i am dropping my own custom question. would you want to write a like... hard crime/detective sort of fic? i think it would be interesting to see from you. uwu....
NIKU hehe 😼 thanks for asking 🥹
ask me any of these emojis!
🎧 last song you listened too
what love is - zimmer90 (i love it despite all its viralness jsdhfjs) (it's also the theme song for the col mini series!!!)
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
HONESTLY. for jjk, megumi 🥹 i can fix him heal his soul love him good sjdhbfsdjfb he's also so pretty i want to see for myself if those eyelashes really do go on for miles
for bnha, kiri!! what i would do for a kiri hug 🥹 i think he smells like sweat and man tho but it's ok. i'll fix it. i'll fix him. (kidding).
for hq, ADMITTEDLY i want akaashi or bokuto 🥹 akaashi is sooooo pretty i'd boyfriend him up QUICK lol. and bokuto just feels like such a character!! i'd love to have him around, it'd be so fun 🥹🥹
🍒 what is your earliest memory
... i'm terrible at remembering things you know this ... i think probably hmm ... maybe feeding my neighbour's fish (they had giant tanks full of fish, i think they were breeding or smth tbh i'm not so sure)
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