#nsp alice
lemonadhe · 1 month
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This is before the serpents hand arc but DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION-
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Bro. Your. Anon is not on.
But like
What are your opinions on Alice
Oh my god my anon isn’t on
I forgot to turn it on
Despise her, hate her, want her dead. BUT DAMMIT
she’s well written (for the show). She acts nice and kind to everyone, because she views them as people, but the SECOND she can dehumanize someone she does that.
When she finds out about Cory being an anomaly, she doesn’t confront him outright. Instead she does some indiscreet testing which you can see in the Jackie’s Secret episode
Shes shallow and hallow and dammit I love how it’s portrayed. Say all you want about the good but actually being evil trope, but damn did Alice do it well
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If season 1 Night Shift is comparable to Alice Through the Looking-glass then season 2 is going to be Watership Down in this essay I will
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rebuiltproject · 10 months
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Nível Adulto/ Seijukuki/ Champion
Atributo Dados
Tipo Fera Encantada
Campo Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)
Significado do Nome Bun, de White Bunny, ou White Rabbit, o coelho branco das histórias de Alice no País das Maravilhas;
Grupo Projeto Wonderland
Pequeno, corajoso e dotado de um senso de comprometimento tão grande que pode levá-lo a fortes acessos de ansiedade, Bunmon é um Digimon que está sempre com pressa, correndo e saltando para realizar seus afazeres.
Sempre carregando consigo seu precioso Fob, um relógio de bolso encantado, esse Digimon é capaz de prever com precisão exata eventos que estão para acontecer, em sua maioria problemas, o que o faz estar sempre preocupado e apressado para evitá-los, mesmo que nem sempre consiga. No entanto essa não é a única função desse objeto, uma vez que por frações de segundo, Bunmon seja capaz de parar o tempo, dando a ele tempo para uma reação desesperada ou até mesmo para fugir, mas apenas em momentos de extrema urgência pois tal poder pode resultar em consequências catastróficas.
Como membro principal do Projeto Wonderland Bunmon é o responsável por guiar A.R.I.S.U., ensinando sobre o mundo e as criaturas que nele vivem, e até mesmo sobre formas de vida de outras dimensões que podem aparecer no Mundo Digital REBUILT por possuir grande conhecimento sobre a história e geografia dele, bem como sua biologia. Dessa forma ele acompanha de perto o desenvolvimento dessa Inteligência Artificial, cuidando para que o pior nunca aconteça.
Chama Coelhinho (Rabbit Fire) Dispara projéteis de fogo com o formato do rosto de um coelho de dentro de seu chapéu;
Toca do Coelho (Rabbit Hole) Com um movimento giratório veloz perfura o solo como uma broca, sendo capaz de emergir onde menos se espera;
Pancada Coelhinho (Rabbit Beat) Desfere golpes contínuos com seus poderosos pés;
Salto Veloz (Quick Hop) Salta em alta velocidade retornando com um golpe poderoso de seus pés;
Fob Usa seu relógio de bolso encantado para parar o tempo por uma fração de segundos.
Informações Adicionais
Grupo de pesquisa - Projeto Wonderland
Um trio de Digimon especialmente selecionado para acompanhar as pesquisas e desenvolvimento da Inteligência Artificial A.R.I.S.U. em seu estágio primário, responsáveis por ensinar, guiar e proteger, enquanto viajam por todo o Mundo Digital REBUILT, onde cada membro possui habilidades especiais indispensáveis ao andamento do projeto.
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual
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Pedro Pascal as D'yavol
Theme song: Between Highschool and school by Alice cooper
Likes: Alice Cooper, Comics, music, Korol', Mason, Park, Tattoos
Dislikes: His dad, Adler, Bell, vegetables, reading, Silver Snake
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Aiden Gillian as Mikhail “Mik/Silver Snake„ Konstantin
Theme song: Because the Night by Mystic Prophecy
Likes: Reading, watching his twin daughters baseball games, Bruce Springsteen, Koshmar, Angel, knives
Dislikes: D'yavol, Tattoos, Adler, Hudson, Park, Mason, Woods
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David Castañeda as Angel
Theme song: I don't know what we're talking about by NSP
Likes: his whole team, coloring books, food, cats, knives
Dislikes: Being touched
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Jai Courtney as Koshmar
Theme Song: Go to Hell by Alice Cooper
Likes: Classified
Dislikes: Classified
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Ben Barns as Korol'
Theme song: Gimmie by Alice Cooper
Likes: sitting in silence and doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, D'yavol
Dislikes: The rest of his team
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Daniel Gillies as P'yanyy Durak
Theme song: Preacher by Roe Kapara
Likes: D'yavol, alcohol in any form, food, running, climbing
Dislikes: Safe House Crew, Weaver, Bell(an unhealthy amount)
@sclvixtcxnnxcticn come me more of the boys
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“If you should ever leave me. Though life would still go on, believe me. The world could show nothing to me.. So what good would livin' do me? God only knows what I'd be without you ..”
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piratewithvigor · 4 years
1, 7, 8 ;)
1. A song that makes you happy
I get super wholesomely happy listening to Dire Straits’ Walk Of Life, but Tuff’s American Hair Band took me 15 minutes to listen to the first time because I kept getting too excited to breathe.
7. A song you’d strip to
Cherry Pie by Warrant, Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard or NSP, Poison by Alice Cooper
8. A song you’d have sex to
Going full honesty and admitting the ones I have already had sex to: My Way by Frank Sinatra, Dear Jani Lane by Tuff and Don’t Lose My Number by Phil Collins/NSP
Thanks for the ask and sorry if you learned a little too much about me
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doodlboy · 4 years
TØP, The Big Bopper, Mother mother, Rick Astley, NSP, Alice in chains, The HU, RM, Paramore, Tally hall, The cramps, Alex Brightman, Storm weather shanty Choir TWRP, etc. : *coming on at random*
Me: *getting fucking whiplash every time the song changes*
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turquoisemagpie · 6 years
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Spread your wings! 
(Fancied a challenge, since I had done nearly all the septiceye egos as Alice In Wonderland characters. All that was left was Jackieboy and the Caterpillar, so I decided to include (what I think personally; not really canon) Jackie (from NSP’s Cool Patrol) as a reclusive caterpillar changing to a butterfly Jackieboy Man.) :)
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markmaker36 · 5 years
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This is a tradition I like to do at the end of every year to look back at the year fondly. I made this one pretty so I could share it here! If you make your own, I'd love to see it! Happy New Year!  🎆 🎉
(Full list under the cut)
The NSP Concert - Filing for disability underway - 62 Youtube Videos - 104 art posts on DA - Animinneapolis 2k18 - 5 year moirailliversary - first time to circus! - 1 year on testosterone - Time with Kendra - Big Lake Beach - Mouth work done - Made friends with Alice - Played D&D for 1st time - MN State Fair - Earth Wind & Fire Concert - Renaissance Festival - MSA Updated (finally!) - BATIM Chapter 5 came out - Spiderman @ Clinic - Voted! - Successful livestreams - Made wedding cake - Got to know DB & crew better (more friends!) - Did more work w/ VOAdam - Made a successful VA post - P&S reached 500+ followers - GTT got popular - Deltarune - Collab w/ Sig - 17 Commissions - Pride Picnic - Mr. Partyface - Saw Aunt, Uncle, & cousins - Scout entered the family - Improved on my art & animation - Democrats won the house - Voice is dropping - got overwatch - new computer & drawing tablet - caught zapdos in pokemon go -  Peace between N & S Korea - Sent my name to the sun - DAGames noticed me - Gorillaz!! - finding healthy coping mechanisms - nana calls me her grandson ;w; - participated in inktober - got adobe animate for free - into the spiderverse - venom - ruby & sapphire wedding -
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lemonadhe · 3 months
Em em
Shes a Lesbian. (No that ep w Kaige is not canon fuck you ur wrong ur wrong my girl would never/j)
She has trauma related to loosing a family member to an scp, i actually have a very clear headcanon about this on my head but it would take long to write it wholly. She lost people she cared to an scp that was classified as safe at the time(got reclassified as an euclid after the incident) so now she doesnt like any of the scps, no matter the class. (This hc is in no way an excuse for her actions!)
She gets sad when people she likes turns out to be scp's. Or when they betray the foundation. It is very easy to get her opinion about you to switch about people she likes, though. If you ask her about it she would just tell you "thats what the foundation does to you, dearie."
She was a gifted kid. Always having an interest to biology. Which caused her to become a scientist and then to Chaos Insurgency to find her, the foundation recruited her from there (basically stole one of CI's best scientists LMAO)
She met General Kaige there, Kaige always had a crush on her but she always rejected him. Their friendship went beck to CI, and Alice was the one who snitched on Kaige about the fact that he was a double agent
Her fear of death goes back into childhood, most likely trauma related.
She was quite surprised about how no one suspected that Cory was an scp. Like that man has a camera face and has survived seeing scp 096. Cmon. Like. How dumb can a person be
She is a strict believer of no relationships in the foundation. And will clown on anyone and everyone if they get in a relationship in the foundation because that is just a gateway to heartbreak
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TAGGED BY: @dcpperlooks
TAGGING: @respect-the-king, @wwarfstache, @inviisiibledark, @mcrkfischbach, @sexbcngs, @impetuousangelbalthazar, @avibang-me, @imperaetor, @thelightfalls, @orangewcrld, @rotglitch
NICKNAMES:   Alice ZODIAC:  Aries HEIGHT:   5″1 TIME:  20:28pm FAVOURITE BAND / ARTIST:  It’s hard to choose, but I have a special place in my heart for Far East Movement. SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD:   I don’t have a song stuck in my head right now, surprisingly. LAST MOVIE I SAW:   Antman and the Wasp. LAST THING I GOOGLED:  Font converter. OTHER BLOGS: @lucastamarietta, but I barely use it. DO I GET ASKS:  Not very often. I got a lot back in the summer and a bit before and I honestly miss that. Not memes, just anons and general interactions/things for the girls, you know? WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS USERNAME:  In my original visualisation for Mireya, she had a great love of fairy tales, but she is also in some ways a ‘fairy tale’ herself among supernatural circles and beings. She still does love them of course, but it’s hardly a huge defining point imo. FOLLOWING:  Less than 300 but I can’t be arsed to check. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP:  It can swing between an hour and ten. Pretty sure I have insomnia. WHAT I’M WEARING: A pink rabbit pj top and giraffe print pj trousers. They don’t match but they’re comfy and I’m sick so. DREAM JOB: A radio host/general entertainer and commentator in the media tbh. DREAM TRIP:  To the big Disneyland with no spending or time limit. I went to the Hong Kong one in September and I can only imagine what the proper one is. FAVOURITE FOOD: It’s hard to say. There’s a pasta my mother makes that I love, though. Or a ‘pesto special’ thing my friend makes. PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS:  I dabbled in the recorder when I was a kid but nah, I’m terrible with that shit. EYE COLOUR:  Deep blue. HAIR COLOUR: Blonde with natural highlights. It brightens in summer. LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK: English and a bit of Chinese, Japanese and French. MOST ICONIC SONG:  Gotta agree with Vowel that Bitch Lasagna is pretty solid. For me though, Into the New World by SNSD had a great impression and I also love NSP’s Danny Don’t You Know? RANDOM FACT:  Just got all my bonuses and my wage last week, so I finally paid back the debt to my parents and can look into flights for my trip home during Spring Festival. DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS AESTHETIC THINGS: Pink, medical equipment, soft furniture, the night, spring, tools of murder, idol and anime tropes, gadgets, money and expensive/materialistic things.
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mynerdylockscreens · 6 years
lockscreen masterpost
welcome to the masterpost of content for this lockscreen blog! this post will be updated monthly, and can be reblogged upon request. tags are below the cut! this is also its own page on the dropdown menu for my blog, so this post is mostly for mobile users and housekeeping purposes.
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starry-quinns · 6 years
20 Questions
Tagged by @jameson-anti-jackson aw thank you so much! ✌️
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 20 followers you would like to hear from. 
Name: Amber 
Nickname: probably Ambs, but I don't really have a proper nickname. 
Star sign: Scorpio  
Height: About 5′8 I think.... 
Favourite Fruit: Grapes 
Favourite Scent: Freshly baked cakes. Or Lavender.
Favourite Season: Winter, because you can get all comfy cozy.
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite Animal: Red Panda's. They are so cute.
Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate: Green Tea.
Average Hours of Sleep: It really depends on how stressed I am so it fluctuates but on average I'd say about 7 hours
Favourite Fictional Characters: Trico from the last guardian, Loki, Buffy from Buffy the vampire slayer. To name a few.
Number of blankets I sleep with: Well I currently sleep with one duvet and one blanket if it gets really cold.
Favourite songs: So many! But here's a few I really love... Synthesize Her - TWRP, Anything by Ninja Sex Party, Golden - Kylie Minogue, Hold Back The River - James Bay, Take On Me - Ah Ha, Queens Of The Stone Age - No One Knows.
Favourite Books: Alice in Wonderland, The Hobbit, Dodie - Secrets for the mad, Fahrenheit 451. 
You obviously do not have to do this but I tag these beautiful beans...  
@lifewithoutcosette  @darky-moo. @frienderyn. @nsp-starbomb-fan. @lifelesscns.  @bitten1ce
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embersiisms-aa · 6 years
About the Mun!
Rules: Repost and tag 20 a people
Tagged By: @valorandheart (tysm) Tagging: @everyone who tolerates me and loves me tbh 
Nicknames: sona, sonu, bun, egg, soni, sonalipop, fuck u 
Gender: cis female 
Sign ✨: scorpio!
Height: 5′2″
Time: 6:44PM
Birthday: Nov 7th 
Fav bands: Seventeen, a myriad of other kpop bands, p!atd, BØRNS, NSP, glass animals, Saint Motel, uhh idk almost anything 
Fav solo artists: Khalid, uhm, who knows a lot other stuff, i just listen to music on spotify and see what happens 
Song stuck in my head: Swimming Fool - SVT, performance unit 
Last movie I saw: uhm. who knows?? like .1% of Justice League since my dad found it online but i was busy atm 
Last show I watched: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
When did I create my blog:  u kno too long ago 
What do I post: a good pure marshmallow boy interacting with others and a lot of art 
Last thing I Googled: when this damn snowstorm is supposed to start around here***same tbh 
Do I have any other blogs: yeah too many, but mostly my personal, i.e. ripyuuri 
Do I get asks: pretty often ye! its nice 
Why did I choose my URL: uhm idk i wanted to be cool but now i think imma change it soon?
Following: 548
Followed by: 613
Average hours of sleep: 6-7
Lucky number: 8
Instruments: violin, but not anymore
What I am wearing:  shirt that says babetown, usa. n shorts 
Dream job:  uhm. i wanna be an animator, and weirdly enough like. a Public Figure,  i really wanna somehow get an audience to talk to about serious topics and stuff like that, i would LOVE to do public speaking stuff and just. idk. share experiences 
Dream trip: Japan probably
Fav food: idk, a lot 
Nationality: indian my dudes 
Fav song: hmmmmm atm Gashina by Sunmi, but also. im rlly liking aNYTHING BY SEVENTEEN LMAo 
Last book I read: fuck if i know man 
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Neverland, from the old Disney movie; uhm...... BNHA bc like, i wanna have a quirk tbh??? and uHHHHHHH. idk, maybe Wonderland from the 1951 Alice in wonderland 
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gible-love-nibles · 4 years
Tagged by @soft-tsundere-hours to do this challenge!
Rules: You can tell a lot about a person based off the music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the top 10 songs you listen too hear. No skipping!
(unless it's like...a joke song or not a song, but that's my own rule. -Tsun)
Hollow Knight Grimm Piano Cover Orchestral (Melody Geeks)
Super Mario Sunshine - Ricco Harbor [Remix] (Qumu)
Super Mario World - Overworld [Remix] (Qumu)
Daruk’s Declaration [Daruk’s Theme -A Lyrical Adaptation] (Man on the Internet)
Rather It Be September - Clean Bandit vs. Earth, Wind and Fire [Mashup] (oneboredjeu Mashup)
Love’s Vagrant - Bravely Default OST ((No I’ve never played Bravely Default. I want to though.))
Gerudo Valley [Remix] - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
Slam the Earth! ~ Plains of Passes (Quad City DJs vs Jake Kaufman) (BotanicSage [BS])
You Spin Me Right Round (Like a Record) - NSP
Delfino Plaza [Remix] - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
And a bonus song if 8 is considered a “joke” song: Alice Merton - No Roots
GeE cLaRe It sUrE SeEmS yOu LiKe ViDeO gAmEs hUh
So mainly, it’s straight rips or remixes of video game songs I’ve played or at least know about. And when it comes to actual songs, I guess I like more “classic” or older songs? More mashups here too.
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