#old time radio play
baddieladdie · 1 year
In case you missed the Radio Play Podcast with the original Fallout 4 Celebrity Voice Actor cast!
Fallout 4 - Old Time Radio Play (Nick Valentine and Silver Shroud) ~~~ DEATH SHROUD ~~~
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Here's the event thread on Twitter if your interested as well~ The Script was written by Kenneth Vigue (@chadfallout76podcast) and Wes Johnson. If you wish to support Kenneth directly, here is the LINK to his Patreon.
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Fallout: For Hope
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Listen!! Brainrot!!
SAGAU Childe/Foul legacy finding out that his s/o(us) were a street racing back in our world!! And a great one at that yall!!
oh my goodness wait wait WAIT first you have to introduce him to vehicles in general!!!
listen, Childe does NOT know what a car is and neither does Foul Legacy. the only thing that comes close is the aquabus in Fontaine, and that's exclusively restricted to water travel (if you ask Childe, he thinks it's just a glorified high-tech boat) so to see a machine that easily take you where you need to go with just metal and a bit of gas, even more so one that's considered COMMON has your two boys completely in awe. unfortunately, Foul Legacy's too tall to fit inside, but Childe's more than willing to sit in the passenger's seat as you drive- it's absolutely exhilarating for him, especially when you go on the highway, and after you arrive at wherever you're driving to you have to sit for a few minutes because Childe's giddy and rapidly tapping his feet with a huge, wonderful grin
as for street racing, my goodness they both think you're so cool. genuinely, they think you're amazing because as much as they love the concept of cars, it also scares them a little because of how easily one wrong move can kill someone when driving, and the fact that you're handling your vehicle so easily is incredible. Childe REALLY wants to come along, but you refuse to let him put himself into danger even more, so he'll watch from the sidelines instead. Foul Legacy, on the other hand, is more concerned with making sure that you're safe. he'll mentally pull Childe away from the crowd and take control of their shared body, watching the cars from a distance until he can see yours, specifically keeping his eye trained on it for the entire race. he lets out a soft purr when it's done, shifting back into Childe to see you with other people. but don't worry, the moment you're home you'll feel claws wrap around your waist as you're scooped into Legacy's arms, rumbling and snuggling you as congratulations on a job well done
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daisyachain · 7 months
The nature of time is that (culturally) Christian Euro/Anglo colonial consumers (hereafter white ‘people’) fetishize the idea of being ‘close to nature’ or ‘primitive’ or ‘savage’ and latch on to the idea that there are groups of people in the world who are somehow bestial or who have some kind of special powers from holding animist beliefs/beliefs that acknowledge the body as opposed to the Christian belief that the body is a kind of useless appendage to a person. We see this across decades from the 19thC to today in the racist fetishization of indigenous people across the globe, particularly residents of the Americas, Australasia, and southern/eastern Africa.
White consumers use a warped conception of other cultures to live out the fantasies that the Christian soul/body stuff engenders. You keep getting told that your emotions and physical sensations are the devil’s work? You want to get in touch with those physical sensations, but you don’t want it to interfere with your worldview? Simply project them on to a convenient group of people with slightly different conventions from you. Imagine how cool it would be to be 100% physical sensation (especially those pesky violent and/or sexual urges) and no mental burden, then unleash that in a way that causes millions of deaths worldwide via the dehumanization of entire nations of people just trying to live their lives. White consumers love a Proud Warrior Race Guy.
Flash forward to the 2010s, it’s generally considered impolite to spread the same propaganda that justified the genocide and dispossession of many different groups of people. However white culture hasn’t changed that much and normal human activities still need to be explained away to maintain the veneer of white intellectualism that has been used to justify white violence for years and years. You can’t just stomp around and clap your hands and dance badly, you’ve got to project it somewhere else.
But wait! There’s a community of people considered ‘tribal’ and ‘savage’, considered violent and bestial, who were never colonized! It’s…the Norse. Fetishizing early medieval North Sea raiders can’t be cultural appropriation, see, they’re white! It’s not offensive to replace an entire culture with white (male) ideas of what’s cool if that culture is totally unassociated with colonizer stereotypes and is in fact a culture of colonizers!
And that’s my theory on why there are so many Norse-inspired folk bands/video games/tv shows/memes/literally anything in the 2010s. VSaga not counted because that manga has been running since 2003 and is actually well-researched and comes out of a culture with a similar but distinct tradition of racism. The Euro storytelling tendencies of needing some kind of violent avatar have taken on ye anciente Norseman now that people care a little bit about the gallons of blood used to sketch other ethnic stereotypes. Done and dusted. Except the other side is that the fetishization of early medieval Norse culture is literally just white supremacist 101 and a lot of artists don’t step around that nearly as carefully as they should
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dan-crimes · 11 months
LMAO so funny thing is everyone knows the whole Sonic and Shadow looking alike thing is total bullshit and I totally agree those comments they try to pull in the games and show(s? I'm not technically a Sonic fan I dunno if it's multiple) make basically no sense to me but then my Mom comes in while watching Sonic Prime and says "So what, Sonic has a brother or something?" and this whole other world has opened up to me and I've seen the truth of it all
#so to clarify I do not consider myself a Sonic fan since I have never played a Sonic game and I've never read any of the comics#and idk the lore cuz I've never really bothered to watch other people play it and I have watched some of the shows#y'know my grandma had 4Kids so sometimes I would catch Sonic X on TV#but literally most of my knowledge of the Sonic franchise is just having people talk to me about it#like when I was a kid my grandma babysat these kids who were older than me I forget how old I was like under 10 I think#and one of the kid's big interest was Sonic so I would just sit and listen to him talk about Sonic the entire time I was there#he would play the games too I think but my brain didn't process any of that so I have no actual memory of the screen#I would mostly just pay attention to him talking cuz he would talk about it while playing it was great#so that is the base of my knowledge and then after my grandma stopped babysitting them it was radio silence#until y'know people would occasionally bring stuff up in videos I'd watch and I'd look @ videos about people talking abt Sonic#occasionally and see like memes or YTPs of Sonic or y'know abridged stuff#but I literally never actually watched a Sonic game until Frontiers came out and then The Murder Of Sonic the Hedgehog#and Sonic Prime is the first Sonic show I properly sat down and watched which show is great btw I enjoy it a lot#but yeah and it was vaguely purposeful like I was keeping myself away cuz I know how I am about stuff and I WILL try to learn EVERYTHING#if I get too interested in Sonic as a franchise#oh I did play Unleashed sometime after it first came out and couldn't get past like the first fuckin level but tbf I was like 7 years old#possibly 8 years old cuz I'm not 100% sure how much later I got the game but like I was really bad @ any game that wasn't just like#spamming buttons since I grew up on fighting games lmao#but yeah I dropped the game almost immediated I do not count that for anything#but yeah long story short: all my knowledge is second hand like I still think I know a good amount for what it's worth but#I wouldn't trust my own knowledge
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pumpkinsouppe · 5 months
Listen,,,, I love the phantom hourglass and Linebeck and ciela,,, but everyday I sob and wail thinking about how we could’ve had a 3d sequel to the wind Waker if people didn’t hate good art styles
Also the phantom hourglass did tetra insanely dirty which makes me even more upset we didn’t get a 3d sequel where that didnt happen to her
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mariocki · 2 months
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Night Key (1937)
"Now, listen, Steve. Twenty years ago you robbed me of the patent rights of the system that you're now using. Perhaps there was some excuse for that: because it gave you wealth, success, position, all the things that tempt one man to rob another. But now that you have everything and I have nothing, what possible reason is there for you to do this to me again?"
#night key#lloyd corrigan#1937#boris karloff#tristram tupper#jack moffitt#william a. pierce#warren hull#jean rogers#alan baxter#hobart cavanaugh#samuel s. hinds#david oliver#ward bond#frank reicher#edwin maxwell#george cleveland#george humbert#charles c. wilson#light hearted karloff vehicle which doesn't really deserve the sci fi label it's been given; yes‚ BK is an inventor of slightly fantastical#gadgets‚ but mostly this film is concerned with big business skullduggery with a side of organised crime. Karloff‚ as he often did‚ is#playing older than he was but he's very good and highly sympathetic as the doddery old prof. there's lots of good performances here‚ from#Jean Rogers' charming daughter to Warren Hull's romantic interest (much less tiresome than the usual role fillers in these movies) and#special mention to Hobart C as a delightfully seedy smalltime crook who attaches himself to BK like a stray dog. the only dud note is#Alan Baxter's weirdly monotone turn as the big bad‚ lacking any of the threat the character needs. the ending is twee and silly and there's#some (understandably) shaky fx work but this is genuinely a very fun time and a pleasant change from the usual Karloff vehicle of the era#one jarring moment: there's a very brief moment where a plot related news bulletin is heard on the radio‚ and as soon as it's finished the#news announcer begins to turn to the 'news from Spain' but the radio is switched off and the film moves on before we hear any more; this is#1937 remember‚ a moment of global tumult and thick in the gathering storm of the years to come but this is the only moment that the real#world is allowed to intrude into the charming and slighty silly world of eccentric inventors and sinister crooks
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
God forbid you wanna nap in this neighborhood
I stg every time I lay down to, the big ass stereo guy decides "ahh now is the perfect time to be an asshole 😌" and starts
Usually it's like 2pm-4pm that he's out but today nothing... until 5:45pm when I was TRYING to take a fucking quick nap... 😑 I'm gonna throw hard boiled eggs at his house I stg
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: March 25
"Groovy Little Summer Song" by James Otto
#song of the day#it's not at all summer yet but it is spring!!#it's chilly when the wind blows and the dew-damp sticks around until noon but the sun is out and the sky is maybe not clear but close!#spring!!!!#I put my first early plantings in the garden today#I had planned for a bunch of marigolds but I got a different batch of flowers instead#so now what's down is rootings for a bunch of perennial flowers#sea holly and red-hot pokers and butterfly weed and hollyhocks#and then my little pea plants#I told Kelly I'd share pictures but for today it only looks like a square of dirt--I'll definitely share pics when my sprouts come in!!#beautiful beautiful garden times#summer of 2010 when this song came out was the first time in three-ish years I'd spent much continuous time with my family#my littlest siblings were old enough to be away from Mom for a while and still young enough to be lulled to sleep by the car#and Mom was very eager to be left home alone to sleep (and play this weird chicken bowling game she was briefly addicted to)#and so we went on a lot of long leisurely pointless car rides and we listed to a lot of#(I will never not hear this in my head) 96.9 The Kat! country music radio#and this got added to the short list of songs I sang to myself#it's so catchy!! cute fun moderately-bouncy little earworm and my voice cruises up and down it so easy#'when the days start gettin warmer / the sun starts sinkin slower / weekends go by faster / and beer starts tastin colder#wanna tune into a station / takes me on a soul vacation / hey there mister dj / come on won't you please play'#and crucially Dad did not mind this song--which could not be said for 'There Is No Arizona' by Jamie O'Neal#or (after I sang it approximately ninety million times) 'Just What I Do' by Trick Pony#we also had--this was very fun for me--we had exactly one CD we could play in the car (because it was stuck in the disk player)#and that was Joe Diffie's 'Third Rock From The Sun'#so many songs of absolute joy on that album. lucky as hell that Dad agreed because it meant we'd crank it up so loud#close my eyes and let the sun shine all red through my eyelids#sing some real dumbass enjoyable-as-all-getout songs at the top of my absolute voice#Dad laughing and singing along and the littles sleeping through the all of it like the precious babies they were#these are the songs of sunshine and pointless happiness! it's not summer but it will be! my garden doesn't have plants yet but it will!#sing a song!!
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the-blackdale · 3 months
Sometime do you just...... realise that the amazon made official Aziraphale and Crowley playlists are like.....the most romantic shit ever ?!?!??! Do you sometimes just.......
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talkinghead1968 · 4 months
i love how the band is like. tumblr music now. that's like. radio pop music to me.
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xcziel · 1 year
currently cranky that kpop is never played on the radio??
i am old and i just want to hear txt's tinnitus while i'm driving home from work without like having to hook up a phone playlist
why are radio stations so stupid?
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baddieladdie · 7 months
Bless ao3 writers - there's even fanfics for Gunsmoke
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They also had a Tv show running from 1955 - 1975.
Super niche, these old cowboy tales. Yet, ao3 has nearly 300 fanfics with Marshall Dillon, Kitty, Doc, Chester and the other memorable characters. I wasn't expecting it, but I know exactly what I'll be reading while I wait to get over this damn cough.
The Devil works hard, but ao3 writers work harder
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jessiesjaded · 1 year
I'm obsessed with the "experts" they get on australian tv like one time I was watching a morning show and they had some beauty skin expert lady on and one of the hosts asked about taking make-up off at the end of the day and the expert lady was just like Well you've already had the make-up on your skin for probably 12 or so hours by the time you go to take it off so what's the point of bothering? and the host was clearly confused and just sorta went along with it and I still think about that because I could go on tv and tell everyone not to wash their face at the end of the day
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thedevotionaltour · 10 months
i love radio my best friend radio forever i hold my dreams of radio in my heart forever forever forever i owe my life to radio
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apparently my cd player is not only being sold for at least a hundred dollars in some places but is from 2008 at the latest
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multishipper-baby · 11 months
Now I'm thinking more about... Ray and how he feels about Owynn's music...
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