#or if it is an 80s thing which i wouldnt understand
sparklingoctopus · 2 months
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It's so sad but also kinda funny
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yukidragon · 1 year
What happens if Jack was friendzoned by MC, believing that he wouldnt any lewd things or adult stuff because he's a child friendly character, more so by his personality?
That is an interesting idea that MC might avoid thinking about Jack in a sexual or even romantic way on the basis that he's a character from a TV show made to educate young kids. It could be because MC feels that it's "wrong" to think about that sort of character in that way. It could be because they assume that Jack would have no concept of anything not G-rated due to his commitment to the bit and how he talks like he's still in a children's show. He does genuinely seem to believe that he's Sunny Day Jack after all.
Heck, my own MC, Alice, makes the same mistaken assumption in chapter 6 of Sunshine in Hell. Little does she know that even as she thinks that very misconception, Jack is off doing something that is definitely meant for Adults Only.
Who would have ever imagined the wholesome Sunny Day Jack would ever masturbate in a public space so openly? Imagine the scandal! I'm sure reporters like Dan would've killed to unearth something like this back in the day.
Anyway, this would be a bit of a tricky situation for Jack, understandably. He wants to get closer to MC, be more important to them. He loves them and he desires them. Sex also seems to be something he closely associates with love and being closer to someone. Not to mention it provides MC with something they want, even something just as basic as sexual gratification.
At the same time, sex is out of character for Sunny Day Jack. There's no way sex would even be hinted at in a show for young kids, especially in the early 80's. I'd imagine the unmistakable fact that he has these sexual desires would be a strain against that characterization that Jack has used to hold onto his sanity and some faint sense of self while his soul was trapped in the VHS.
Jack spent 40 years in a place he described as hell, a place that was cold where he couldn't sleep. He forgot who he was and only remembered being the character he played because of that place. It's entirely possible that it was impossible for him to feel physical desire or pleasure while he was suffering. While I don't think he forgot what sex is, he might have forgotten that he ever experienced sexual desires when he buried his memories of being Joseph. It might even have been a shock to him that he was capable of having these desires once he was released, which would create a dissonance that would probably fuel his yandere instability.
Like with any cognitive dissonance, the mind needs a way to settle it. Adult stuff like swearing is something Sunny Day Jack can't do, but... sex makes babies, and babies still exist even in the technicolor world of children's television. Making babies is only natural, right? What's that classic saying when explaining where babies come from? "When a man and woman love each other very much..." That's the phrase often used to very young kids to avoid teaching them sex education. I heard it quite often when growing up, and even quoted in media I watched.
So that's the way Jack could settle the dissonance. What Jack is feeling is just love. Sexual desire - even if not intended to make babies - is just another facet of love, one he only feels for his sunshine because he loves them. That's why Sunny Day Jack never experienced these desires before. MC is special. What the two of them have is special, so this is a special exception to his squeaky clean G-rated persona.
Being "friendzoned" would then be something of a complication for Jack. He wants to be MC's friend, he needs to be. He needs them to need him. They're the most important person in his life and he needs them to need him just as badly as he needs them. Being MC's friend - their extra special best friend - is what he wants... but he knows he wants more than platonic friendship. He wants and needs their love. He loves them so badly, and he wants to show it in every way that they'll allow...
While I think Jack would be fine with an asexual MC who doesn't want to have sex with him, he would probably need reassurance that they love him in other ways. He needs to feel like he's the most important person to MC, because they're the most important person to him, and his survival depends on them needing him.
If it's a question of an asexual or even aromantic nature in MC... I'm pretty sure Jack would be okay with that. Sure, it'll no doubt be a disappointment to him, but he wants to support his sunshine. As long as he's the most important person to them and they never let him go, he'll be okay with it, I'd imagine.
However, as the game shows, MC feels at least some level of romantic and sexual desire, even if they might be on the asexual/aromantic spectrum. Ian used to be the person they were in a romantic and sexual relationship with. He was closest to them and most dear to them. Jack would want to be in that spot that Ian vacated, especially before someone else might work their way into it and take his sunshine away from him...
So then it comes back to the misconception MC might have that Jack is an entirely child-friendly and G-rated character who "shouldn't" be thought of as a romantic or sexual partner. If the issue is that MC assumes he simply doesn't have those desires and as such it would be inappropriate to think about him that way, I imagine he would pick up on this and try to subtly correct his sunshine's misconception.
Moments of closeness between them, sexual tension... Jack could draw them in closer, do "innocent" things to show off his body so that they would see him as a sexual being and desire him. A good example of this would be him removing his shirt when putting his jacket on MC and lying down next to them, giving them a very good look at his half-naked body.
We see Jack subtly flirting in the game, getting touchy when he can. He rubs MC's shoulder, take their hand, holds them close, has them sit snuggly in his lap when they cuddle on the couch, shares a bed with them... I'm sure that he's been trying to encourage their desire for him in a very non-platonic way the entire time they've been together.
The talk about what love is fits with Jack trying to get out of the "friendzone" as it were. He needs to encourage MC to think about him not just as a platonic friend, but as a romantic partner, someone who would be the most dear to them.
This reflects in the kiss and hug routes. When MC chooses to hug Jack instead of kiss him, I think he's aware that the thought of kissing him crossed their mind, but they didn't want to "make it weird" between them. They're hesitant to cross the line from friends to something more, which is no doubt why he felt so vulnerable/scared/sad that they would keep pushing him away no matter what he tried, thus leading into that conversation about how there's multiple ways to be with someone. I believe he was trying to encourage MC to think about him romantically rather than platonically.
Naturally, in the kiss route, MC chooses to cross the line and Jack takes full advantage. It's not just a chaste kiss on the lips, it's a full on French kiss complete with tongue, as suggested by this steamy CG from the game.
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What a first kiss, am I right?
Even with screencaps from the game, I want to make sure to credit Sauce for their steamy artwork, along with the rest of the team at SnaccPop Studios.
It's an unmistakably sensual kiss, one meant for adults and not a sweet peck intended to remain G-rated. He follows this up with touches, huskily breathing their name, and kissing their neck, all of which is definitely not kid-friendly affection.
I believe Jack has been trying to guide MC into making romantic and even sexual advances with him all along. That's why he guides them in to the kiss and why they feel more mentored than anything. I'm sure that he's been trying to break out of the friendzone as it were for quite a while now. The kiss would be finally crossing that line, and he's elated... even though he's understandably frustrated when work obligations force an abrupt end to the progress they've made. Still, progress was made between them, a line has been crossed, and I'm sure Jack couldn't be happier about that.
For as much as Jack wants to cultivate his persona as a G-rated, squeaky clean kids show host, he also wants to be alluring to MC, sensual. Joseph seems to have a bigger sexual appetite than Sunny Day Jack, as we've seen from hints so far, and that influences his characterization of Jack when he made the character his persona.
Jack wants MC and needs to draw them in. They're his special exception. He's never felt this way before, as he's claimed in Sleepy Time Jack, because he forgot that he ever was even capable of desiring anyone else. That dissonance and most of Jack's problems in general, including his tenuous hold on the world and being an actual entity in it... it all depends on love, his sunshine's love. It's more reason for him to be yandere for them since they are so important to his very essence.
Sooooo... yeah, Jack isn't going to stay in the friendzone with his sunshine if he can help it. He's definitely going to do his best to make sure that MC won't mistake him for someone incapable of X-rated desires, at least when it comes to to his sunshine. He loves and needs them, and he's going to do whatever it takes to make sure they love and need him just as much.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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201xs · 1 year
ranking the lego ninjago ninjas based on how likely they are to be a age regressor
lloyd: 100% he was literally magically aged up like 7 years. he goes through so much shit and hes still mentally 11. someone get this guy some toys
kai: 99% this is basically canon based on how he was immediately able to be vulnerable and kiddy around his parents when they were finally able to spend time with him. he had to raise his little sister basically all by himself after his parents went MIA and didnt have the chance to have a proper childhood which is the perfect cocktail for becoming an age regressor. he wears gaming diapers
jay: 80% he had a pretty good childhood, but is autistic. also he just has the vibes
cole: 60% i feel like he wouldnt be interested in it but he could benefit from participating in it with his ninja bros. i feel like he is more of a CG
nya: 40% traumatized but very stubborn and hard on herself. tries to be as mature as humanly possible and ends up not realizing how immature she is in the process. would be too embarrassed to do any of that kiddy stuff and would rather get into a coping mechanism that involves punching things and/or talking to her mom.
zane: 20% he is a robot and struggles enough with being human, and doesnt need to be pressured to fully understand something as deeply nuanced as age regression. but- he loves being silly and having fun and for sure would play toys with them. insanely efficient CG
pixal: 10% the only coping mechanism she will ever need is building giant robots
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theladyinwhite13 · 9 months
(it’s me. hi. i am Julie, it’s me.) what the biggest red flag you seen? what’s the longest thing you’ve written? Is life a computer simulation?
there’s this boy (he really doesn’t deserve to be called a man) who’s the son of a family friend, and so my dad is *convinced* that I like him and he’s not really a bad person per se, so I try to be nice to him, but he’s just SO DUMB. and i KNOW i shouldn’t call people dumb, but this guy really just isn’t smart. so anyway he works at this store and when we were checking out, he was ringing up liquid chlorine, and the price was 79.99 for four bottles or 159.99 for eight. and I was explaining to him that you can just round the 79.99 to 80 and then minus the two extra pennies later, and that the total cost for two four packs is 159.98, so the price wasn’t that different and that it just depended on how much chlorine my dad needed AT THE MOMENT bc there was not “deal” for buying more, but this dick IGNORED ME, and put two four packs in the cart to see if the price was less than when he put one eight pack in the cart, like I just fucking gave you the answer. the thing is that I genuinely don’t think he was trying to be misogynistic or anything, just that he honestly didn’t understand the math that I was explaining, which is FINE, some people need it to be visual, but COME ON. (actually tell me if how I explained that math made sense so I know if it’s me or him that is stupid) also once he was super rude to his mom, bc their dog was trying to eat their pet pig that was supposed to be a meat pig (welcome to the south y’all) and he didn’t think his mom should care about a pig that wasn’t supposed to be a pig, like dude be nicer to her, YOU LITERALLY WOULDNT EXIST WITHOUT HER.
anyway aside for that walking red flag, it really bothers me when people are super inauthentic. like when I was a kid, I would befriend someone and then see them with other friends later and they were super different. it just bugs the hell out of me. i mostly only had that problem when I was younger though. i’m just more selective with who I spend time with now.
when I was twelve, I attempted to write a fantasy novel. it was a prince and the pauper retelling with two girls and there was this magic system where people could steal dreams and nightmare and sell them on the black market. i deleted it a few years ago, but between the 60,000 word manuscript and the notebooks full of ideas for it, it was the longest thing i’ve written. it was also the gayest thing I’ve ever written.
after I realized I didn’t believe in God (emphasis on the big G), I had phase of being really unsteady with my feelings about the world (like the physical earth) bc if he didn’t create it than where the fuck did it come from. obviously science has its explanations, but after so many years of being told it’s “God’s creation” I was really just lost. eventually, my perspective started to start bc I realized that it literally DOES NOT MATTER where the hell the world came from or where we will eventually be. yes, a happy afterlife would be cool, but so would dying peacefully alongside loved ones and never having to worry about all the shit that doesn’t involve me like the creation and/or creator of the world. so, my point is that even if the whole world is just a simulation I’m sort of okay with that, and I’ve told myself to not waste my valuable time caring about that, and instead just focus on what is immediately available to me, like the present moment.
these were very long response, I guess it IS me, I AM the problem. who knew? (actually I knew)
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demadogs · 2 years
I might be on the wrong here, but i honestly don't understand why is it a problem for both Jancy and Byler or Jancy and M*leven happening at the same time??? So what if two siblings are dating another two siblings????? It's not like shipping Mike and Nancy... which would be problematic. I've seen that sort of thing happening in real life -brothers dating sisters and such. Heck, my sister married my cousin's ex boyfriend.
no youre right i dont see why it matters. i find it weird when people bring up that they wouldnt be allowed to marry each other bc homie… its the 80s… ignoring the fact that theyre literally 15, its not like mike and will could marry each other any time soon if they wanted to. thats just a dumb argument.
i saw someone say that they might be going back to stancy to avoid that “problem” but i dont think stancys getting back together bc in a recent interview it sounded like they leave it kinda ambiguous at the end. jancy might break up but i dont think stancy will get back together.
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spade-club · 1 year
Okay I'm finally eating and I think I want to talk about Her now. Its a tough trauma to talk about and I probs shouldn't on a work day but yolo.
Anyway so theres an alter who is tied to a trauma I do not have access to memories about at all, and if I've deduced correctly it may have been early enough in my life that I could never know. She's for sure persecutory, which I always hate saying because it feels mean but its true, its what she does. I think everything I know about this trauma is because of her. We used to know a bit more before we moved and all the frequenters switched around (idk who we are 80% of the time now tho) but point is. I only know what I know because of her coming about occasionally lately.
I can gather from her that this is our big car related SA trauma. The one I desperately want to ignore but has been affecting me for as long as I can remember. I can gather that the person who hurt me then was a man. I had suspected this for many years but the pattern has been really consistent. Not yet have I come up with the relation to this person or how they had access to me. But I think that detail is secured.
Anyway so the alter... she is... interesting. She really likes to taunt me, flirtatiously. If I'm having a flashback she will always be there to say really gross things implying that I wanted it or want it to happen again. Honestly most of the mental symptoms of a flashback to this is her, all the rest are physical symptoms I otherwise wouldnt be able to put together.
It really bothers me how she speaks to me, but I know why she does. Its just her way of lessening the pain. Like, if we did want this to happen, and if only we could experience it again intentionally, then it will all be okay. I understand that way of thinking. I just never know how to handle it because she only ever comes out in public (bc... cars.) And like. I can handle things like this, theres more of us who think like this and theres healthy outlets for them. Its just really hard to do those things in directly triggering environments and also in public so... idk!
In conclusion, I dont know how to help her, but talking through it here has helped me understand her a bit better. I hope one day she finds one of us who can handle being talked to like that and they can just cooperatively cope with the trauma in their own way.
Hypersexuality in theory but the inability to act on it is such a weird middle ground to be in... sometimes I wish my brain could just commit to one.
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girlhorse · 10 months
hey! not trying to fight--i scanned ur blog & you are clearly in the same dogwalking/sitting/training business as myself, and your pitbull essay makes some valid points, and what that shelter doing is clearly fucked up--but i just wanted to point out a couple things: you put a heavy emphasis on "statistics" that can't be denied, and they straight up can be--many dog bites are mislabelled as pit bites. because people dont know dog breeds and assume the dog that bit them, since it was aggressive, was a pit. pit bites are also reported more often because they do bite-grab, so their bites often result in worse injuries, which is important to know about them, but does mean that those statistics dont actually show that they bite more, just that they bite worse, and therefore dont correlate with aggression as a trait the way they seem to. also (this is an aside) some studies have shown that dogs are actually often mislabelled as pit mixes at shelters, bc shelters look at any dog with a big boxy head and slap pit mix on them, so this issue works in both directions. another thing--i know you did say you werent that informed on it, so i cant hold it against you, but your paragraph about "people wanting guard dogs in the 80s" does perpetuate some racist myths, and i would suggest reading up on the connection between racism and pitbull stereotypes. but anyway as the owner of the worlds friendliest pitty boy, i will say that even though my dog adores every living creature thats ever crossed his path, i still wouldnt recommend a dog like him be owned by someone without proper dog experience, because he did take a lot of training and is extremely high energy and super strong, and many petowners are just looking for dogs that dont need so much time and attention, and thats okay.
i do appreciate your concern. I am aware that my post oversimplifies the nuance of the issue, and parts of the argument i made aren't quite as strong as others. I didn't speak on the antiblackness in particular about anti-pitbull rhetoric partially because I don't personally feel equipped to do so, but mostly because it felt beyond the scope of the point I was trying to make. I know that those antiblack stereotypes exist and that they are extremely harmful, and while I personally was not intending to reify the existing racism wrt the pit bull debate, i regret that i hadnt written a bit more about it in the post to make that point clearer.
i am also aware about the potential for error in bite statistics - as someone who was very involved with statistics in college i understand that numbers never tell the full picture, and that numbers can be manipulated for any agenda imaginable. I agree that there may be a handful of instances were breed is misidentified by the person reporting the bite, but the reality is that pitbulls are extremely common in the USA, and not particularly difficult to identify, either, so it would be a bit if a stretch IMO to insinuate that the numbers were so bad as to be completely compromised.
I also agree that most non-injury causing dog bites do not get reported, and agree that the reason pits are more often reported is because their bites tend to do more damage. Most people are not going to report air bites, or bites that cause nothing more than a bruise, or really any bite that doesn't need medical attention.
My point is not to slander pit bulls or to insinuate that they are more aggressive or more dangerous than any other breed. They're not even the breed with the strongest bite force! There are also dog breeds that were bred specifically to attack human invaders, and they are absolutely going to be much more aggressive and dangerous than any pit bull. those breeds, though, are extremely rare, and are usually not owned by anyone but fanciers or working dog owners. Pit bulls are everywhere in the south, on the other hand.
there is still a point to be made about the fact that there are so many pitbulls in inappropriate homes and so many that do end up hurting someone, or someone's pet, or getting hurt themselves, because of their breed-specific traits that their owners are woefully unprepared for.
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kmclaude · 2 years
Thinkin bout Michael again and about that post of what would happen if he tried to pull his little shtick on Tiefer. And now I kinda think that post getting-what-he-asked-for that Michael would be kinda struggling to accept what has happened to him and wouldnt understand (or wouldnt want to admit to himself) how he lost control in that situation so easily - so naturally he would come back (I mean, he cant stand the idea of anyone being able to have some level of control over him) and he would try and insight that scenario again - just to try it over. So Michael, embodying the brattiest kid possible, would kinda keep coming back to Tiefer just trying to figure out a way for that scenario to play out how he wants it to.
All in all, everyone wins - Tiefer gets to fuck another boy (plus the bonus of making Jehan a little jealous - which he'd never admit) and Michael gets to explore his inevitable loss of control :)
this ask reminded me that i really need to go through my tumblr and a: update tags (so many things i neglected to tag) and b: move a whole lotta my writing to marquisdeclaude.com lmaoooo because you know how hard it was to find these specific michael posts???
anyway i kiss you with the kiss of my mouth anon!!!!!!
michael would be AFFRONTED that SOMEBODY beat him at his own game -- absolutely a kicked dog, yes, but it just makes him doubledown that he's right to be doing what he does and how dare this priest call his bluff and turn the tables on him?! so of course he has to try again--maybe plays his cards differently, abandons the innocent boy act, gets all accusatory...sauntering up to tiefer after mass in the sacristy all "you've done that before! you've fucked kids!"
and tiefer's just "wow. how'd you guess. what a smart boy."
and michael goes off, concocting a whole narrative--"i bet you do that all the time, lure POOR INNOCENT BOYS like me in AND *RAPE* THEM" this and "so how many victims you got??" that and ultimately a nice little "you know I COULD REPORT YOU for that unless you, maybe, you know, do everything I say?" -- which tiefer very patiently listens to, very highly aware that jehan is also there (and, obviously, silently fuming both because how dare this brat and because he's kinda always wanted to go off on tiefer like that)
of course when michael's finished and played his hand -- going for less slanderous character assassination and more, well, slightly embellished facts -- tiefer just laughs (which absolutely causes michael to pout and nearly throw a tantrum), all, "kid, it's your word versus mine. who do you think anyone's gonna listen to? people love me and trust me. you're some brat who's daddy sent him off to live with his cousin and suddenly you go slinging wild accusations? cute. but please do go on about all the poor innocent boys i've lured into my, uh, hey Jehan what was it he said? right yeah depraved sex dungeon..."
(and if michael's next ploy is "threaten to accuse Jehan", well, he better not throw that hand down anywhere tiefer can hear him,,,)
((I will say, the michael character only really works...post 2002ish or so, you know, when the sex scandals hit BIG BIG BIG here--I know there've always been scandals and the first reported one in the states i think was in the 80s in louisiana even--but like...you know...national news crazy worthy...))
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thirddeyetarot · 2 months
I have some slightly weird questions, first is have you ever been able to tell how long anyones current life time is or what age they would be if they were to pass away? second is have you ever done anything like being able to connect with ancestors or use automatic handwriting? third is what do you think really happens to our spirits once we pass over? ik these are kind of morbid but im curious to know and honestly wouldnt mind passing away early in life either
These are actually very interesting, I will go through the questions in order.
1st: Since I don't usually read about this topic, I haven't got anything like this from my readings bc death is not something that just can pop out of cards (I mean like: "yeah x is gonna d** soon because of y reason during a love related reading), but if I were to read about it, it would probably be possible to say, but not in the way that you could say an exact year, it's more just a feeling that you know that person is gonna live even up to their 70' or 80's or gonna pass away at a younger age, maybs even as a young adult, but since I don't have experience with it, I can't say too much about this topic.
2nd: I don't usually connect with other peoples ancestors, unless they would ask that the reading be directed only to that. But it should also be mentioned that probably not all people's ancestors are cooperative and helpful, there has to be some that are curel and are bad "spirits" and were bad person while they were living, like yk lets say in the dark middle ages. For myself, I prefer meditation, I don't really do readings on myself---> maybe in the future I will make a post ab it bc thats interesting too!
3rd: I have read a lot about this, but it would be difficult to single out one that I could agree with. It is a difficult ask because it is kinda hard to put into words so that anyone else could understand too lmao but in my opinion its kinda like reincarnation, the spirit has a task during life on earth and after. Let's say you grew up in an abusive household, with toxic parents, your task could be to break those ties, and be free, but while being a good hearted soul, who if decides to have children, giving them a safe environment unlike your parents did, which also leads to your kids karma, like a karma breaking thingy. After you pass away, your job can be many things, let's say to help souls on earth, working with other passed away spirits, maybe even with higher entities!? Many possibilities, but nobody can know for a 100%, that's how I could imagine, and even from my experiences from during readings and meditation.
I hope you got a satisfactory answer to your questions. 💓 I don't mind these asks, i love talking about these things, honestly. 🧐
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andyourhostkristenwiig · 11 months
🙈 I realise this is the entirely wrong website to complain about Helene Fischer fans...yet here I go 😂
She has some super intense fans that, I'm pretty sure would give an organ or limb to attend as many concerts as possible. Anyway, they're bad! Like they'll pick someone who's a critical fan or even just not as intense as they are, and call them out until they're like "you know what? I'm gonna be a silent fan now"...they're the same girls camping in front of the venue starting the morning and being just the worst in queue and all.
So after yesterday's bloody end to the concert, even those who weren't there had the strongest opinions. Like they went against everyone and every media that shared images/videos of the accident...but they themselves only found out through those as well. Like the concert wasn't even cancelled yet and we got tons of messages "Whats happening at the concert right now?"
They called out anyone as disrespectful and not a real fan who went out to say they're disappointed or who tried to calm down those who weren't there by saying she walked off stage herself and even finished the song despite all the blood. But they're stubborn and wouldnt let anyone reason with them. Today they went all out and told everyone to boycott news channels who showed the accident but at the same time they also showed some fans interviewed in front of the arena 😂
Some people went as far as saying the only reason why she kept on was because she was afraid of what would be said about her in the media and that everyone who shared information should be ashamed and they're not real fans. And by sharing anything at all, we'd disappoint her and just feed the media. But that person was not at the concert either so how did they know!? 😂 also...she's a singer, in a sold out stadium, 40 minutes into the show...she didn't want to continue for the media to shut up but because that's what we and her entire team were there for.
Then tonight, finally a statement from Helene herself and they all went "Oh Helene could never disappoint us. How awful that she came to apologize."
Which is total bullshit. That was 80€ on gas, 114€ on the ticket, a 2 hour ride to Hannover, a 4 hour wait in the sun, a 2 hour wait in the arena and then a sudden 2 hour ride back home. You bet your ass I am disappointed and I hope she'll give us a new date for the concert. But I completely understand why she had to stop the concert. Two entirely different things, doesn't make me less of a fan or a bad fan.
Anyway...I'm a quiet fan for most people these days cause fandoms are often so toxic. But the Helene Fischer fans yesterday/today were pretty intense and I hate fandoms so much. 🙈
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apencilandpen · 1 year
Initial "FML" thoughts (which means i havent looked at the lyrics yet):
Man I wish they said fuck with their whole chests. Like I get it but it would've been fun 😄 they deserve it. Also, this is a me thing and my own expectations, but I thought "F*ck My Life" was gonna be more aggressive. But like, that's just me. I do like the refrain "fight for my life." Like a lot.
"Super" is such a groove and the more I listen to it the more it FUCKS. The chorus is so fucking cool! Hoshi's lines and moments are so very Hoshi! I love how big and bold it sounds! It's so very Title Track!
Ngl, "Fire" sounds like a spotify ad 😄 its grown on me, but it sounds like an ad and I can't unhear it now
It makes me very emo that "I Don't Understand But I Luv You" has the Chinese members on it. Also like, I can't wait to see what kind of performance goes with it. I like it a lot and the more I listen to it the more I like it
"Dust" sounds like an 80s montage and I love that for me. It and "Domino" sit at the same table covered in sparkles and glitter wearing bright 80s eye makeup. The more I hear Seungkwan's voice the more I like it and I think this song suits him and his voice really well
"April shower" is not what I was expecting but I really really like it. The beginning reminds me of Troye Sivan and I'm a big big fan. It's so dance-y and groovy and fun but with like a depth to it. Feels very shimmery pastel blue
My thing with SVT is that I wish I liked them more than I do. What I like, I really really like, and what I don't, I wouldn't turn it off but i wouldnt pick it. But like, as a group I really like them and I like watching them perform so I wanna get like fully into all of it, but it doesn't always happen. And that's okay! Face the Sun was and is a no skips album. It's amazing and I love all of it. This one, I like most of them (it's only been out for like 18 hours so like give ot time 😄) enough to want to own the physical version! Which is super fun! Hope I get to have one someday!
I think my ranking is probably: I don't understand... = super > dust = April shower = f*ck my life > fire
But a things are subject to change with time 😄
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Tea reactions for my au that im gonna call the originals or something idk
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Oc tea:+80 hp (flavor text: susie: (I cant tell if they are drinking it fast to get it over with or because he wants the energy burst) ralsei: (D-dont drink so fast kris!)/noelle: (they are smirking?)/oc: (why do i feel aroused all of a sudden?) jovenette: (thats just your general mood oc)/jovan: (you should not be drinking it that fast) )
jovenette tea:+60 hp (flavor text: susie: (they are just staring at the cup...) ralsei: (are they observing the tea?)/noelle: (out of all the things kris has done this is the weirdest)/oc: (oh thats blood) jovenette: (yes)/jovan: (thats blood which isnt suprising) )
Jovan tea:+70 hp (flavor text: susie: (they seem to be enjoying it at least) ralsei: (...)/noelle: (they are just drinking it normally)/oc and jovenette: (they are enjoying it?)/jovan: (i'm...) )
Oc tea:+10 hp (flavor text: susie: (wait a second... This is expired!) ralsei: (calm down susie im sure we can get a refund)/noelle: (she seems outraged,doesnt seem expired though)/oc: (...) jovenette: (oc,dont attack her.)/jovan: (dont drink that) )
jovenette tea:+50 hp (flavor text: susie: (what is this flavor?) ralsei: (cmon susie! Take a sip!)/noelle: (why is she just standing there?)/oc and jovenette: (hehe she doesnt know its blood)/jovan: (i wouldnt drink that if i were you) )
jovan tea:+80 hp (flavor text: susie: (tastes like a ripoff of someone else's marshmallow drink) ralsei: (really?)/noelle: (huh,she seems mildly disgusted?)/oc and jovenette: (IT ISNT A RIPOFF!)/jovan: (*sad boy noises*) )
Oc tea:+10 hp (flavor text: susie: (so how does it tas-) Ralsei:(okay no)/noelle: (i just realized what it is)/oc: (...) jovenette: (DONT GO SILENT OC!)/jovan: (dont drink it) )
jovenette tea:+10 hp (flavor text: susie: (cmon take a sip!) ralsei: (no)/noelle: (i understand why he isnt drinking it)/oc and jovenette: (cmon drink it!)/jovan: (dont) )
jovan tea:+400 hp (flavor text: ralsei: (tastes like an old family recipe!) susie: (really?)/noelle: (why is he drinking it so fast and in that way?)/oc: (they are definently gay) jovenette: (SUPER gay)/jovan: (why do i feel aroused? Please dont drink it that way!) )
Oc tea:-10 hp (flavor text: ralsei and susie: (did she just throw the glass bottle?)/noelle: (NO I WILL NOT!)/oc: (why no-) jovenette: (what even is that)/jovan: (good choice) )
jovenette tea:+200 hp (flavor text: susie: (why are you staring at me?) ralsei: (seems she is nolstalgic?)/noelle: (this give me nolstalgia of susie...)/oc and jovenette: (she is staring at the wall...?)/jovan: (nolstalgia amirigth?) )
jovan tea:+40 hp (flavor text: susie: (she is slowly drinking it...) ralsei: (oh well...)/noelle: (cold water on a hot day!)/oc and jovenette: (change the pace!)/jovan: (we are waiting...) )
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jugayism · 4 years
The people working at insurance companies are literally so fucking dumb. Bitches trying to charge me literally $1,100 more than I actually owe because they dont understand when you tell a computer subtract B from A, and B is negative, you’re actually adding the numbers.
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elvesofnoldor · 5 years
#yolanda talks#if i have to rate it all the romances worth noting in dragon age#for da:o. leliana's is like 75%? not bad at all. just personally doesnt rly dig her and surana--lacks passion#for both alistair and zevran: 75% as well. solid stuff#for morrigan. technically it'd be like. 45% because the male warden x morrigan romance is literally the worst thing ever#god all the dialogues are so bad. i think gaider wrote it as a damn joke#BUT if morrigan can romance a female warden. it'd probably be like. 80% tbh.#for da2. isabela's romance is like 85% to 89% i cant decide djdjs i like it a lot. probably 85%#idk how good her romance is for male hawke but im assuming its more or less the same stuff. say 85% 4 male hawke and 89% 4 female hawke#merrill's romance? 89% djdj im biased tho but i'd rated it 90% if not for the lack of understanding in regards to blood magic on hawkes part#fenris' romance....90%....it's just really REALLY GOOD. too bad i wouldnt romance him#for da:i...dorian's romance is like...75%....yeah he's my 'canon' dai romance but like his romance quest sucks#did i ever complain abt it? well i did now it sucks. it doesnt come off as a romance quest and its random af#doesnt rly build his character in a very meaningful way. doesnt rly connect with his personal quest.#his personal quest could be better too#yeah and thats it tbh. da:o's romances are all worth mentioning but they are all kinda meh#da2 got the best romances all around tbh#even ander's. which i didnt mention. seems pretty alright. but i refuse to rate it#and everybody's romances suck in da:i. dorian's supposed to be my favourite and honestly even his isnt that great in game#there was a time where i rly thought da:i romance were pretty decent. that was a time before i played da2
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thatblondeperson · 2 years
How do you think Tim and Stephanie's first few months as new parents would be like?
Good question!!!
I feel like Steph would be very emotional right off the bat. For someone who had to give up a child at a very young age, before she was old enough to be considering becoming a mother, it would be a pretty intense experience. It's no secret that she considered keeping her baby on several occasions, despite her circumstances.
In Robin issue #58, she's given the option of abortion but she's pretty against it. (Yes this was the 90s and the tone of a prolife agenda is not missed here)
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And then again in Robin issue #58, she expresses to Robin her thoughts of keeping the baby.
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Regardless of how unprepared she feels, she still is this baby's mother, and in understanding that, she feels a responsibility to care for her.
This panel from the Young Justice Secret Origins 80 Page Giant: (thank you @der-andere-aang )
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Steph wants this baby to have a good life. She doesn't want this baby to suffer the way she did. I think Steph firmly believes that if she could give this baby a good life, she would.
And in Robin issue #64, she expresses keeping the baby again.
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In Robin issue #65 after she's given birth, we do see some pretty damning evidence of Steph's desire to care for this baby.
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"Whose baby are you? Mine. All mine."
This is something she's imagining while asleep, but I think it's very telling of how she would react as a new mom. Holding a baby that this time is all hers. (and Tim's) There's gonna be a period of her just wanting to pinch herself to be sure she isn't dreaming again. This baby is hers, it will have a good life, with good parents. It's not going to suffer in the way that she did. I can absolutely see her just getting super emotional over that for the first few months, getting overwhelmed at the wonder of this child in her hands that she gets to watch grow up.
And Steph is just great with kids in general. There's too many examples to count here, but there are a ton of great ones throughout her Batgirl (2009) run. Kids love her, she's such a kid and empathetic character. Kids just gravitate towards her in think because she has such a comforting aura around her. They trust her. Look at the way she was able to get through to Damian. And of course we get a glimpse of mom!Steph in Batgirl issue #24 but there's not much to take from that except again, her desire to have a child she gets to watch grow. (cough * Tim's child * cough)
I like the thought of Steph singing to her baby, knitting little booties for it, just absolutely fawning over her child. I can see her the first few nights just not wanting to leave her baby's side, watching her sleep, with Tim having to carry her back to bed. Not like he wouldnt want to stay there with her sometimes. I can also see Steph being overly sentimental, making one of those "baby's firsts" scrapbooks where they even have you save the first haircut clipping. But it was something she never got to do before. So you're damn right she's breaking out a canvas and having herself, Tim, and their baby put their handprints on it. Purple for Steph, red for Tim, and a lovely mix of the colors for the baby. It's hanging above the crib.
Let's get into Tim.
Obviously Tim has never had to think of having a child of his own, but he was there for Steph during her pregnancy. He took her to lamaze classes which is shown in Robin issue #60.
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We love a good supportive boyfriend.
But Tim is good with kids too. We don't see it super often, but there are a few instances in comics.
In Superman (1939) issue #668, he watches over Chris Kent while Bruce and Clark are busy.
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He's very good at keeping kids entertained, he's very sweet with them. He's eager to listen to them, make them smile and teach them things. Tim also doesn't seem to mind taking responsibility. He's been a leader many times in his life so there's not a huge surprise there, but he's a big sweetie with kids.
I mean look at him with Helena Wayne in Catwoman (2002) issue #72
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Tim's a big softie.
I'm at picture limit so no more photo examples but it's important to note his empathy and understanding with the kids/teens he saves/protects. He tries to create equal ground with them, I think. Whereas with some of his teammates he can come off as a bit controlling and stubborn, that gentleness we all know and love from him comes through with children. I think it bodes well for him being a good dad.
There was of course a glimpse into a future in Nightwing New Order issue #3 where Tim is seen as a stay at home dad which I love for him. Though not his receding hairline, RIP to Tim's beautiful hair. (Though men with receding hairlines are still beautiful, no shame)
I like the idea of Tim being a bit nervous as a new dad. Steph read the pregnancy books, but Tim has little tabs on pages and he has notes and highlighted sections. When Steph was pregnant in comics, he clearly worried about her a lot, and I think that would carry over even more when it's his baby.
He's scared for this fragile thing in his arms that he needs to protect. Tim has lost a lot, a baby is a scary thing to have when you do what he and Steph do. I can see him panicking at the baby's first cold. Like he knows it'll be fine, but how can it be? This baby may as well be made of glass and a cold is just a hammer waiting to fall.
But even with that, I think he would be pretty chill. He just wants what's best for the baby. He's just as enamored as Steph is, but he's calmer. He takes naps with his child, and Stephanie has absolutely gotten a million pictures of them asleep on the couch together. Tim I think would also talk to the baby a lot. Like he's down in his Nest doing some computer work or fixing up one of his vehicles and he's just rattling off to his baby who's in a little playpen next to him. He just loves letting the baby hear his voice. He wants to be there, keep his baby involved. I think the neglect he experienced would make him want to be extra present for his own child. He's not going to let them feel alone or ignored, he wants this baby to know that he's there, and he'll stay there.
I do fully believe that Tim and Steph would be good parents. I can see Tim being the one that reads to the baby, Sherlock Holmes, Lord of the Rings, spinning stories using his D&D DM skills. Steph being the best at making her baby laugh, smothering the child with kisses constantly.
I think they both just have the right temperament and emotional intelligence to be a really stable home for a baby (or more later). Both of them have had childhood that I think would make them eager to do better by their own child. The care and love that I think they'd provide, how intelligent they both are, how protective they both are. It all just points to a happy home imo.
And tbh it'll always end up with Steph still reigning as Batgirl and maybe later, Nightwing, with Tim in the basement acting as her Oracle, with their two dogs sleeping at his feet, and their kids asking if they can use the big computer for video gaming when their mom gets home.
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swimmingleo · 2 years
It’s surreal and sometimes sad to think that people 30 years from now will try to find queer subtext in one direction’s and Harry and Louis’ music like you do for PF. I hope they don’t have to stay closeted and by that time it’s more of a oh my god they were queer in their earlier music too before they came out.
I knowww it's weird to think of this!!! But those people will have a GOLDMINE of internet archives, masterposts, and queer song analyses made by an enormous subfandom to help them understand all of this, HOW LUCKY THEY'LL BEEE
Thing is, I've seen a lot of queer people being touched by PF lyrics, or like, saying they feel uncomfortable and legit terrified by The Wall, which... yes, indeed, but they just.. stop there. Man you could write a thesis out of this feeling!! I know that analyzing The Wall with a queer lense is VERY unpleasant, I don't think I've ever heard such a raw and ugly expression of queer trauma in music, EVER. So no fan would want to unpack all that, and what it could imply for the band and Roger especially, and that's fair. You signed for some good prog rock, not a therapy session. I just have a weird notion of what a hobby is obvs
In this regard, H&L really got themselves a great fandom. There are some bad eggs, obviously, but overall? supportive fans and lots of enthusiastic open minded folks!! Eager to unpack all of that queer subtext their favs do, or to question the media, or challenge their own perceptions! Meanwhile PF had such a concentration of conservatives and actual fascists among their fans it's alarming. You bet that if i were a lil lesbian in the 80s, I wouldnt even consider that it might be music for me.
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