captain-orlek · 5 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
That one E3 2004 moment.
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comfortfoodcontent · 8 months
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Pokemon Crystal Artwork by Orlek
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karchsmusicblog · 1 year
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architecture-ljmu · 7 months
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Please join us on Tuesday 10th October at 6pm in Liverpool School of Art and Design for an evening of debate and discussion exploring how design is influencing the climate narrative, the persuasive techniques used to shape our planets’ future, and the way in which these issues impact on social justice. 
The event is FREE and there will be refreshments.
Pete Thomas, programme leader for Graphic Design and Illustration, will be in conversation with Scott Starrett joining us live from New York. Scott is the Founder of Tandem NYC, and will be discussing his approach to socially responsible design and civic engagement movements. Scott’s work includes the visual identity for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ congressional campaign, and campaign work for Green New Deal and Planned Parenthood.
Following this LJMU Graphic Design and Illustration alumni Sana Iqbal will lead a panel discussion exploring design’s power to influence the political narrative to what action needs to be taken to support a just green transition. 
📣 Speakers include:
Steve Connor - Co-founder of Creative Concern
Sana Iqbal - Founder of Studio Sana
Jonathan Orlek - Director of Studio Polpo and Senior Lecturer in Architecture at LJMU
Jenny Porter - Visual Artist and Director for Metal Liverpool
Abdi Suleiman - Political Affairs Manager at Friends of the Earth
🎟 For tickets visit
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diarioelpepazo · 6 months
Lo que se quiere es el suministro regular y seguro del ahora vital líquido para la realización de los servicios públicos en el municipio [caption id="attachment_92007" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Prensa Alcaldía de San Francisco[/caption] (SAN FRANCISCO,) El alcalde de San Francisco, Gustavo Fernández, sostuvo un encuentro con las autoridades de PDVSA en el estado Zulia para garantizar el suministro regular y seguro de combustible, que permita la efectiva realización de todas las actividades relacionadas a los servicios públicos en el municipio. El titular municipal de San Francisco indicó que gracias a este encuentro se pudo solventar “la gravísima situación que se presentaba con la obtención de gasoil y gasolina, combustibles indispensables para desarrollar las operaciones de recolección de desechos sólidos, la atención 24/7 del sistema de salud y demás servicios públicos en San Francisco”. Durante el encuentro, estuvo presente el director general de la la alcaldía de San Francisco, Orlek Ferrer, director de despacho, Villapol Morales y el asesor Jaime Montilla. Entre los directivos de PDVSA, por parte de la Renacionalización de los Servicios Públicos, Contralmte. Douglas Ríos, PDVSA Suministro Occidente, José Luis y por la Coordinación y Atención del Transporte y los Servicios Públicos, Omar Cobarrubia. Sistema de salud continúa su labor 24/7 Gracias a este importante convenio, hoy en horas de la tarde las ambulancias pertenecientes al Sistema Médico de Emergencia del Sur (Sismesur) del Instituto Público Municipal de la Salud (Imsasur) fueron abastecidas con el vital líquido en la estación de servicio "Las Banderas" del municipio Maracaibo, sellando así este acuerdo que garantizará el suministro de combustible para las labores que reliza la alcaldía a través de los institutos públicos. En este sentido, el presidente de Imsasur, Dr. Juan Carlos Rangel, agardeció al alcalde Gustavo Fernández por "esta alianza estratégica para el suministro de gasolina y gasoil que son de vital importancia para nosotros, debido a esto nuestra red de emergencia Sismesur puede tener habilitadas las 24 horas tres unidades de ambulancia, dos de soporte básico y una de soporte avanzado, al mismo tiempo colocamos también en funcionamiento nuestra clínica móvil para beneficio de los ciudadanos". El alcalde Gustavo Fernández destacó sentirse satisfecho con "esta solución que logramos para los habitantes del municipio, seguiremos avanzando y dando gracias a Dios porque pudimos solucionar esta problemática, ahora continuamos la correcta ejecución de las labores públicas en las siete parroquias". Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Alcaldía de San Francisco
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assetarrest · 6 months
What is culture-led housing and can it play a role in tackling the UK's housing crisis?
This is the introductory episode to a new ASSET ARREST mini-series on 'culture-led housing', made in collaboration with The London Cultural Diversity Lab at City, University of London. The London Cultural Diversity Lab is one of five cross-Europe “laboratories” that form the Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE). Throughout 2023, the five labs are exploring the multiple challenges and opportunities facing the European creative economy in the midst of an unfolding polycrisis. In this episode I introduce the idea of 'culture-led housing' and speak to architectural researcher and practitioner Jonathan Orlek.
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erospendragon · 6 months
Vi a primavera desfolhada
Nas lágrimas que
Você verteu
Quando as primeiras
Luzes da manhã
Te fizeram lembrar
De sua última paixão
Sei que por te amar
Quero ser único
E que teus sonhos
Não relutem
Em me possuir
Mas você é muito mais
Que minha mulher
Leonor, mi amor y pasion, de verdad que me estan deciendo que se exijirá de mi que permanesca todo el tempo disponível posible dentro de mi hogar concentrado em el trabalho inesgotable y com verdadeira devocion y en lá busqueda de lá perfeccion absoluta hasta la muerte como lá mas absoluta prioridad, si no lá única, se asi se exije, para el cumplimiento de mi deber?
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Estou muito desanimado com tudo. Não sinto mais vontade de fazer nada. Não sei até que ponto eu deva simplesmente me considerar ridículo por ter sempre acreditado nisso, mas tendo você em mente as coisas faziam sentido. Agora, ao tentar pensar em qualquer coisa me sinto ridículo, fora do meu lugar, sem razões para fazer nada. Eu cheguei num ponto de confiar na realidade da comunidade que construimos sem hesitar, de que era tudo verdade, de que tudo estava realmente acontecendo, que essa nao era uma questão que precisava ser mais analisada. Depois esse sentimento se afastou quando li sobre o quando me deixei iludir, apesar de não saber se era isso o que significava. Ei não quero deixar de gostar de você, não quero não poder ser seu amigo. Você e sua familia representam para mim algo bem estabelecido, pessoas que foram gentis comigo, por quem eu nutro sincero e verdadeiro amor, afeto, carinho. Em você eu vejo uma pessoa especial, investida de compromisso, que é como eu me sinto quanto a voce, por mais que esteja tentando fingir que nào. Eu estou completamente perdido, e eu estava com medo de que isso fosse acontecer. Meu comportamento está arisco, eu não estou com a cabeça no lugar e ao invés de contribuir para que fique tudo bem eu me ponho em situações de risco. Perder o carinho de vocês está acabando comigo. Eu briguei com todo mundo, fiz tudo que podia do jeito mais errado possivel. Estou muito, muito triste. Quero ajudar, mas agora eu realmente não sei mais se consigo, nao sei o que vou fazer comigo. Mas quero que saiba que não é culpa sua, que não vejo as coisas assim, apenas não entendo mais nada. Me arrependo desses últimos tempos. Queria ter agido de outra forma.
Me desculpe.
Rei Felipe, se você algum dia ler isso, permita que eu seja amigo de sua filha. A ideia de perdê-la está acabando comigo.
"Rapha. How are you?"
I really dont know, sis.
"Eros, You have exposed everybody at the same time in one move. Brother, really, this was the braviest, boldest, most corageous, most painfull yet most intelligent and complex strategy I have ever seen. Ever. Its impossoble to understand what you have done."
And to forget as well.
"Oh, brother... what woll you do?"
I don't know.
"You collapsed the system, Eros."
I wish I never left the farm.
"Victory is what you seem to hate the most."
Judas was there.
"I saw."
Well. I'm sorry, sis.
"This is going to end, Rapha."
I know.
"Tu es o Leão de Judá."
Si, mi dulce hermana. Mi padre me lo ha dicho.
"Como lo hiciste hoy?"
5 points logic reasoning.
"Que es eso, Rafa. Lo has creado tu?"
Si. Estoy con el regalo de Poseidon.
"Lo he visto. Que noche aquella. Cuanta magia y hermosura."
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outandaboutciq · 2 years
Montez Press Radio
Montez Press Radio broadcasting from the shipping container on the CIQ Square at Urban Futures on the 2nd & 3rd of July, with contributions from artists Ashley Holmes and Jon Orlek. Montez press will also be at Paint Jam on 6th & 7th August and Sustainibility on the 3rd & 4th September. #outandaboutciq
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zanimljivaekonomija · 2 years
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Festival muzičkog dokumentarnog filma Dok'n'Ritam od 14. do 17.juna 
Sedmo izdanje  festivala Dok'n'Ritam, održaće se u terminu 14-17.jun 2022. u Domu kulture Studentski grad. Kako najavljuju organizatori, ove godine, prvi put, pored regionalne, imaće i internacionalnu takmičarsku selekciju - muzičke dokumentarce iz svih krajeva sveta.
U saopšenju se navodi:
Festival otvara film Laurent Garnier:Off the Record, 14.6. a u narednim festivalskim danima, takmičarski filmovi iz selekcije Planeta, vode nas na karneval u Brazilu, čuvene rock klubove Portugala i Finske, upoznaćemo tursku minstrelsku tradiciju...Regionalna selekcija donosi priču o antiratnoj muzičkoj manifestaciji, "Koncert za Mir", održanoj u Kragujevcu 1991. Priče svedoka i arhivski materijali, čine upečatljivu sliku atmosfere, u trenutku u kom počinju ratni sukobi u SFRJ. Sa druge strane, u okviru programa Planeta, film Glasovi sećanja, rekonstruiše devojački orkestar Aušvica, na temelju izvornih svedočanstava preživelih iz ovog logora. Regionalna  takmičarska selekcija donosi nam  i priče o Dalekoj Obali u Americi, "rudarskom " rokpankfolk bendu Orlek, Uskršnjem Rock Maratonu...Proći ćemo kroz karijeru benda El.Org,  dugu četiri decenije,  ispričanu kroz pokušaj organizovanja slavljeničkog koncerta u doba Kovida. Činjenica je da su dvehiljadite, u velikoj meri, obeležile dame na muzičkoj sceni regiona. Kako izgleda put do stejdža, iz ženskog ugla, i šta se dešava kad se reflektori ugase, imaćemo priliku da saznamo premijerno u takmičarskom programu.
Sekcija Work in Progress predstavlja nam muzičke dokumentarce u radnom procesu : U različitim fazama produkcije, nalaze se filmovi o kompozitoru Lazi Ristovskom, grupi SMAK, svetski uspešnom operskom pevaču Željku Lučiću, YU Grupi.
Posebni programi Posvete umetnicima koji su nas napustili između dva izdanja : pričaćemo o Peđi Vraneševiću, Marku Brecelju i Bernardinu Modriću. Specijalne projekcije ove godine donose dva dokumentarca: jedan je film o "kralju romske muzike" Šabanu Bajramoviću, a drugi je film o Tomi Zdravkoviću, čije ime je sinonim za neponovljivu pojavu na muzičkoj sceni u regionu. Posle velikog uspeha igranog filma "Toma", biće zanimljivo pogledati dokumentarni prikaz života ovog velikog umetnika. Notabook nam donosi knjigu Kako (ni) je propao rokenrol u Srbiji (1991-2017).
U okviru programa Koncerti DnR, kao i prethodnih godina u saradnji sa BUNT rok festivalom, pravimo nove dokumente našeg ritma. Koncert Zatvaranja prirediće nam grupa S.T.R.A.H. Biće i nekih scenskih iznenađenja.
Fotogarfija S.T.R.A.H : Brian Rasic
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captain-orlek · 9 months
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I've been watching the Evo2023 and decided to draw her again.
I also made a quick Juri Han sketch.
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years
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Snake be careful, it’s Hatsune Miku! by Orlek@Orlek_
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wayahthecherokee · 2 years
Part 1
Chapter 1 - A quiet country lad
In a small little cottage in the country on a very chilly morning, the young Derek slumbered in his bed. He was new to manhood in accordance with the standards of his clan. His cottage was small. It was a one room cottage with a stone fireplace, wooden floors, and was quite dusty. The embers from the fire were just going out from the cold night.
Sunlight shown through his window illuminating the soft dust. His waddle and daub hut was very sturdy. The inside was a thick layer of limestone and clay cement applied to a waddle of saplings tied to timber framing. The outside wall was logs to protect the hut from the bitter winters and storms. He had a window on the south side. He did the glass project with his mentor and friend, Thomas. The window was a decorative pane of stained glass. It held a cup with a fire and the word wisdom written across the top. The rest of the glass was clear enough to let the sun in. The window was 3 feet by 3 feet on the south side of his hut. His door was on the north side. His window was designed to open for fresh air and had been left open all night. A gentle breeze came through and the dust began to clear from the stream of light.
The young man was old for his age. He was a boy lost in his own time. He snored, passed out from a long night. As the birds began to sing, he began to wake from his deep sleep. The coup de grace was the rooster of the farmer next door. It was loud and boisterous. He awoke with a start. He moaned with the pain of regret. A splitting headache greeted him and thoughts of nothing.
It took a few minutes to get his bearings. He looked around, not quite sure how he made it home. The events of the night before came to recollection. Embarrassment flooded his thoughts. “Crap” was all he could muster to say. Derek had drunken himself into the river of no memory.
He looked at the wooden week calendar board on the nightstand by his bed. It was forumsday. He moved the disk to the rung on the week board. The Ghaelieh clan had eight days in their week and forumsday was the day of mustering. The entire clan was required to come together for voting. He had been warned that being an adult now in the clan required him to report to the town voting registrar and muster in the forum. It was his first time voting. The vote didn’t matter in the end anyway. The queen called the town to vote on various decisions she had to make but in the end it was her decision. The forum was a tradition the royal family used to involve the people in the governance of the town and lay aside some of the blame for most happenings gone wrong. We are all in this together was what the lay person of the town citizenry always recited when there were grumblings about politics and policy.
Forumsday also offered the chance to discuss philosophy, politics, religion, and business in the town forum; a great building in the center of the market district. Mustering in the forum was at a quarter after sunrise. Or so he remembered from Thomas’ instructions.
Thomas was the closest thing Derek had to a father. He was more of a mentor. He was the one who raised Derek in the orphanage and began him on his journey through the age of apprenticeship at seven. Thomas had educated Derek before his apprenticeships in basic reading, writing and arithmetic. Derek was a gifted student and Thomas had hammered into his head the desire to learn. Knowledge and understanding were the path to success and peace was what Thomas ingrained into Derek. Derek carved it on an oak board that he carved as the carpenter’s apprentice when he was nine. Derek understood the harsh realities of life but was taught enough etiquette by Thomas not to expose his peers in the village to them.
His star board showed they were still under the sign of Orlek, the Ghaelien god of lightning, thunder, rains and storms. It was the time of the storms and hurricanes. When Orlek was the longest sign in the sky and peaked at the top of the southern arch, it was hurricane season on the central part of Ghille, the continent they resided on. The sign of Bountial would follow Orlek into the beginning of harvest. Of course Bountial was the goddess of the harvest and household.
Derek looked up on his mantle above his stone fireplace at his carvings. They were toys when he was younger but now a remembrance of the things that shaped him. The carvings included pets, friends, his parents and even his gods. Derek celebrated a triune god mostly separate from the Ghaelean gods but incorporated into the Ghaelean’s pantheon sometimes out of spite and sometimes out of compassion. Derek cut some bread and cheese from the table in the corner and went out to draw some water for a quick wash and some drink.
When he opened his door, the painful sun greeted his eyes. He grunted and stood for a second to catch the rays and at least experience some pleasantness. He was still in his attire from the night before. He wore just his undershirt and leather pants and mud boots. His engineer’s tunic lay on his table.
“Hey, Derek!” Alice was standing at the fence between her father’s farm and Derek’s hut. “Hey!”, Derek called back. Derek didn’t actually own the land. Robert the farmer did. But Derek’s rent was paid by his current master. The fence was to keep in cattle. It was an easy and open post and beam fence meant to keep large cattle in and large predators out. Alice and her three brothers stood to greet Derek. John began to laugh at the pekidness and the dizziness in Derek’s gait.
“You don’t look too good mouse!”, John laughed at Derek. Derek looked at the three.
John was a little bigger than Derek and was about 16 years of age. Steven was 12 and was about Derek’s size. Alice was 12 as well. She would be 13 in the fall. During the sign of Orek. John and Steven both had long brown hair but Alice was freckled with braided long hair.
“Ech, I know. Last night was horrible. I can’t remember half of it,” Derek replied.
“Thomas is going to ring your neck,” Steven said laughing.
“And what of your dad? You guys were there too.”
“Yeah, he cut our wages for a month. It was worth it though. I think we spent a month’s wages.” Steven laughed some more. John shook his head.
“That hurt me more than it hurt Steven,” John shook his head. “I’m on a man’s wage right now.”
“Welcome to manhood, Derek,” Alice said with a chuckle. Steven jabbed Alice with his elbow joking. “Stop, leave me alone. It’s true.”
John looked at Derek and shook his head. Derek blushed a bit as he opened the fence and drew water. “You going to the forums John?”
“It’s a must. Mom’s the one staying behind.”
“It’s a good thing I have no farm to stand watch on,” Derek commented.
“Technically you could stand watch on our farm. You’re a member of our land since you’re renting according to the clan laws.” Alice stated for the record. Derek smiled.
“Well I should get ready,” Derek finished the morning greeting with the Parneils. Derek finished drawing water from the well inside the fence and went back inside his hut. He thought of Alice. She was a year younger than him. Not to the age of womanhood yet.
Mat, I know that you have a plan for me. But a woman might be nice soon. All the girls in the village will be given in marriage between their families. I have no family or land to represent me. Maybe another orphan. Perhaps Thomas will know of a girl with a compass of some sort. Mat, I don’t want to scheme too much. I know what Thomas has taught me about you and how you provide. You give good gifts to your children. Thank you for taking care of me and teaching me your way, Da. Derek ended his small prayer.
He washed up, drank his fill and began feeding, watering and loading his donkey who lived in a stall on the West side of his hut close enough to the fence for one to reach over and feed it. “Hey, son. Marghille!” Derek turned and Robert was standing at the fence door. “Hey, Robert! Marghille!”
“You know Alice has taken a liking to you,” Robert commented. Derek thought for a moment.
“What would that mean for you, sir?” Derek replied.
“She comes into womanhood in the fall and she is promised to the Carleil family. A young man named Odek. The Carleil’s are worshippers of Orek but my father doesn’t care about religious boundaries when it comes to gaining coin.”
“You sound hesitant about the situation,” Derek probed a bit.
“She is my daughter and follows Matamah like her mother god rest her soul. As we know Matamah is a jealous god. If she is handed over to an Orek temple, I’m not sure about Matamah’s opinion on the subject. But there’s nothing I can do. My whole kin is for the marriage. I pray my priest of Risan can make peace between the gods. Joining the Carleil feifdom in marriage will open up a lot of opportunities.”
“How does Alice feel?” Derek was concerned. Robert smiled.
“Do you like Alice?” Robert asked rather bluntly. Derek was concerned about the politics of the question. If things went wrong with Robert, the prince of his family feifdom and the owner of the farm he was on, things could go awry. He could insult Robert either way on the subject. He thought back to his lessons on etiquette and business from Thomas.
“I care very much for Alice, sir. She has been a good friend and is an honorable maiden. She is fun to work with during the harvest and keeps one’s spirits high. But romance is left to Mat, fortune and the wills of fathers.”
“A good answer. A little spineless but a good answer,” Robert retorted. Robert whistled and John yelled from the house. He was finding it hard to keep up this morning. “Keep pace with us on our way to the forums this morning, lad,” Robert invited Derek leaving Derek’s question unanswered.
“Aye, sir,” replied Derek. When John caught up to them, Derek began leading his donkey along with them and they set out towards the village.
“It’s a gentle wind today,” Robert commented.
“Aye. The winds are coming from the north more and more it seems,” Derek replied.
“Are you looking forward to the harvest?” Robert asked.
“Oh yes. Sometimes I enjoy being outside of Warren’s lab for five minutes.”
“Warren is an odd duck,” Robert replied. “His fiefdom and even inner family looks at him as just an oddball.”
“He is brilliant though. His work is very important to the nobility,” Derek interjected.
“What kind of projects does he have you working on?” Robert was curious.
“Right now I am training in the ways of natural forces. The behavior of lightning across conductors and such. We call it current. Many of the things Warren works on are kept in secret by the nobility for the sake of our kingdom’s security. I have yet to lay my eyes on anything serious. Right now, I do a lot of repairs to the circuit grid at the estates.”
“I’ve heard of the circuit grid. Lights that turn off and on with the press of a lever. Harnessing lightning seems to have opened up a wealth of technology. Certainly more powerful than my watermill.”
“You can use your watermill to also generate current for a circuit if you link another gear to it.” Derek commented.
“Interesting,” Robert began thinking. “I’ll have to talk to you more about that after harvest.”
“Sure,” Derek replied.
“Sucking up to the old man,” John joked.
“Nah, just bored.” Derek replied with a smile. John held back much about being bored.
The walk to town was about an hour and a half. The coast was to their west and they saw occasional sea vultures who ventured further inland to compete with the crows and other fowls. They passed on the North road towards the village. Ghaelville and its surrounding farm lands was a bustling fishing village that frequently took in cargo and exported cargo. It was a smaller port than the merchant city of Diran in the north and was often used for overfill if Diran had too many ships in dock. They passed by rolling hills with grain, rice paddies and many herds behind fences. Occasionally there was a mill or a trading post. The day was bright and sunny. Derek thought about the beach to their west and the cool water. John seemed to be thinking the same way.
“Da, feel like taking a dip after the forums today?”
“You know your mother, sister and brother are probably doing just that after the chores are finished.”
“That justifies it even more,” John joked hopefully.
“We’ll see. I don’t know how long they’ll go. There’s a rumor two more kingdoms fell to the Filetma in the North. Another kingdom fell to the Tyrac in the south. Their emperors have become very ambitious and are both pushing inward. Vilet is forming an alliance with Caravino and they may offer an ultimatum to Besaria. We may have to join Caravino or be invaded. Caravino and Vilet want our resources to fight Filetma and Tyrac.”
John looked at Derek harshly. “How does your god have a history of violent conquest but magically turn into a peace loving fool?”
Derek chuckled. “The old war songs say he got sick of the sword. He made his kingdom one of the heart. We are ambassadors with warrior hearts. But if I am conscripted, I am to respect the nobility’s right to defend our lands with my own sword under their authority. It is a harsh reality, war. My god frowns on it but it is part of functioning in the world. He gives blessings to kings and also may dethrone them. But always by the sword.”
John pondered this. “I guess it has more to do with order than pacificsm. No one is above the gods.”
Derek looked at John curious to see he was beginning to understand something.
As they neared the town, there was a crowd to get in. They headed towards the Northern gate and arrived in the back of the mob to get in. In front of them was more of the Parneil clan. Robert’s cousin Jason and his wife Moa were in the back. Moa noticed them approach. Jason walked toward Robert as Moa stayed behind with their ox and cart.
“Robert! MarGhille!”
“Marghille, Jason. It lights a fire to see you again my cousin.” Robert greeted Jason with a warm hug. “The crowd here is huge. What’s going on today?”
“Have you heard the news, Robert? Prince Wilhelm was assassinated in his villa at lake Eden.”
Robert hung his head and put his hand to his brow. John was excited. “Looks like it’s war Derek. You’re my squire and no one else.”
“The fates say no poor John,” Jason interjected. It looks like Derek will have to settle with his trade for a bit. He’s to continue working on projects with Warren to support the war effort. Those giant war machines they’re digging out of earth are coming back to life now that they found a way to revive them with the current. The queen made a speech this morning to the Ghaelean army. We are to send troops to the west to support king Wilhelm in case Vilet invades. There’s an investigation being done. Rumors of a band of assassins called the Black Hand are everywhere and they are prime suspects. Who the Black Hand is backed by, no one is sure. Rumors are everywhere.”
Derek turned to John. “That’s a recipe for trouble.”
John turned and leaned toward him, “what do you mean?”
“With tensions so high, all parties will think all enemy parties are supporting the Black Hand. The Black Hand will have the power to light a tinderbox.”
“Oh…,” John’s eyes widened. The entire continent could burn in a great war and the Black hand could choose exactly where and when it will start.
“Keep that bit of information in the fog young squire,” Jason shot a glance at Derek but also realized the detriment of the situation.
“The love of money is always the motivation behind all villainy,” Derek chimed.
Jason nodded. “Nonetheless, keep your lips sealed. You’ll be working on some projects where you will have to practice a lot of that. No more,” Jason shot him a stern look.
“Aye, sir,” Derek replied. Derek was a squire now and he was conscripted. Warren was with the nobility and now his machines were all weapons that his team would no doubt be wielding themselves.
“Derek, you’ll want to talk to Warren after the forums. He wants to meet you at his shop in the industrial center.”
“Aye, sir,” Derek replied to Jason.
They rejoined the crowd as it dissipated and approached the guards at the gate. They showed their crests from their necklaces and the guards took their names on a ledger. When Derek gave his name, a guard pulled him aside into the guard house.
“Derek Chancét?”
“Yes, sir.”
“My name is Sergeant Phillip Crete. I am hereby conscripting you into the army of King Wilhelm O’Calina the second of Besaria. Do you pledge your allegiance to Besaria, pledge your sword to the service of its security and swear your allegiance with the Calina clan?”
“I am a son of Mat. We do not swear oaths to any but him but I will submit to the Calina as my masters and serve with my life.”
“Your response is recorded and you are hereby conscripted. Here is the manual of the Besarian army. Here are your formal orders to report to the garrison barracks on the fourth Firstday under the sign of Orek, the year 3645 of the second alignment.”
“Aye, sir,” Derek accepted his fate.
“You are only allowed a sea bag for your personal effects. Deal with your affairs after the forums. We are aware of your arrangements with the Parneils and Warren O’Calina. The Barracks will expect you by sunset tomorrow.” The sergeant put his documents in a satchel and handed it to him.
“Aye, sir.”
“You are dismissed.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Derek took a deep breath. He wasn’t expecting it to be this formal. Apparently he was in for some training. He would speak to Warren this afternoon. He opened the door back into the open yard and found Robert, Jason and John still talking outside. Jason turned around.
“It’s official then,” Jason aimed his statement at Derek for confirmation.
“Apparently. I was expecting to be ordered by Warren.”
“Well, you have now been added to the forces of the garrison in service of Warren. But conscription is a reminder your loyalty is to the king first, not Warren. You are also officially released from your serfdom to the Parneils like it or not. You should find a crest of the garrison in that satchel.”
“Aye, here it is.”
“Stand in front of me boy and hand me the garrison crest. The Parneil family thanks you for your service. We pronounce you a freeman. You have our blessings. May Risan be with you. Please relinquish your crest.”
Derek handed him his necklace off his shoulders. “Should I wear the crest of the garrison?”
“Have you joined the garrison yet?”
“No but I belong to them.”
“Well if you insist on not having a day off, go ahead and put it on.”
Derek smiled. “I will before I lose it.”
Jason smiled as Derek put the garrison crest on.
“Don’t forget to see Warren later.”
“Aye, sir.”
Derek was already exhausted and now he had to endure the forums. They went down the side street near the garrison house heading for the center of the market district. The wall was to their left along with the refuse of the city. They took a street south towards the forum. They passed through some market stalls. Robert purchased some dried figs and beef for lunch with some coppers and they moved on. Derek looked at his crest in thought. He was excited but tense about the looming task ahead. The security of Besaria.
Chapter 2 - Forumsday
The forum was a large building in the center of the market district surrounded by a park. It was circular like an arena but was covered to ward off the rains. In the center was a pyre that vented out a large opening in the center of the roof. It was open in winter and summer and the pyre was sacred to the kingdom. Round tables surrounded the pyre and in the north side of the gigantic room was a podium for a public speaker. Derek tied his donkey off outside the forum and they entered through the south side of the building. The forum had four designated entrances. The North entrances were set aside for town officials and the nobility. The West entrance was for honored guests and high ranking families of the town. The Southern entrance was for low ranking families and the east side was larger and was meant more as a gate for the rest of the population to have exposure to decisions made inside.
Robert saw his father the head of the Parneil feifdom and he began to make his way over. Derek would have to stand as Robert’s attendant but it was better than mustering in the park with the rest of the town.
“Robert!” Robert’s father rose to greet him with open arms. “How goes it lad!”
“Oh fine, getting ready for harvest!” Robert hugged him.
“John, did Risan favor you after Holy day?”
“Aye, he did grandpa.”
“I heard,” Robert’s father looked cockeyed at John. Derek looked at John questioningly and a little startled. He began wondering what sort of mischief was on the other end of his memory. The followers of Risan were very loose with their passions for each other. They had boundaries but those boundaries were very much less than the followers of Mat.
“No adultery I hope lad. I don’t want any family feud’s on my hands.”
“Kenneth!” Lady Ellen snapped at grandpa.
“What! I like to be aware of drama since it all falls on me,”
“No, sir. No adultery.” John said smiling.
Kenneth turned to Derek. “And this one. I heard of your mischief the other night. Your god is a very strict one. To visit Ma’am Veila’s on Holy day. Bad omens.” Kenneth laughed. “But it seems your reputation survived the night. We’ll see if any sons pop up from the mouse.”
Lady Ellen laughed. “Mice have 20 kits in a nest at a time. That would be scandalous to see this one popping children all over the place.”
“A son is like an arrow in a quiver. Valuable to a warrior.” Thomas appeared to join the group..
“Thomas!” Robert yelled in excitement. He hugged him very closely. Thomas gave him a hearty greeting back. “Hello brother!”
“Your prodigy had quite a night last night,” Lady Ellen chimed in to Thomas. Thomas looked at Derek with a frown. “He’s a man now. His life from here to eternity is between him and Mat.”
“I’m sorry Thomas,” Derek somberly looked at Thomas.
“Nothing else to say, lad?’ Thomas said. “It’s ok. I heard your actions last night were more odd than dishonorable.” Derek looked at him quizzically. “What do you mean sir?”
Thomas laughed. “Ah the fog of war.”
John laughed. “Don’t worry kid. Ma’am Viela kicked you out before you bedded any of her women. You were reciting the wars of your god Bratha. It offended Ma’am Veila so much she kicked you out.”
Derek looked down at his feet and shrugged his shoulders. Lady Ellen laughed. “The brute of a mouse. Still a virgin. So goes you followers of Mat.”
“I don’t want Ma’am Viela to be angry at me now,” Derek put his hand to his brow.
“Oh don’t worry about her. After a night of drinking she forgives regardless of what she remembers.” Lady Ellen replied. “She’s a follower of Lequilla. Romance is life to her. You were just very unromantic last night according to the bustle at the fountain this morning.”
“There is a moment and a season for all things,” Thomas looked at Derek with a smile.
“Derek, go and check the dial,” Robert wanted to know the time. The other noble families were flooding in and there was a lot of banter, greetings, hugs and shaking of hands. Derek went out through the bustling crowd at the east entrance to the park and checked the sun dial. It wasn’t quite a quarter way through but it was very near.
“Hey Derek,” a feminine familiar voice greeted him from behind. He turned and there was Rachael.
“Hey, Rachael, Marghille!”
“What news from the estates and Warren?”
“Nothing new. I keep to myself. Warren has me working on little things here and there learning the basics.”
“Still learning the ropes after a year and a half? You’ve usually mastered your craft by now. Carpenter, black smith, farmer, when will you settle into something?”
“The engineering suits me so far.”
“I meant something else too, mouse.” He looked at Rachael and she shot him an odd glance. Rachael was beautiful. She was past the age of womanhood but led a precarious life. She worked on the estates as a gardener. But there were rumors she was involved with ma’am Veila and the royal family though she still dressed in pauper’s clothes. She was also an orphan of Thomas’. He had raised her on the ways of Mat but she was a few years older and Derek wasn’t sure what god she followed in truth. Derek began pondering a truth test. The test of the sword was a way to get to the truth behind who a person is. But how could he devise a test of the sword with her. Was it even his right to do so.
Derek smiled. “I could afford a wife if I could afford children. Right now I am a simple apprentice and now I’ve been conscripted. I would have to get Warren’s permission just to marry. He’s my superior officer now and my life is in his hands.”
“Oh mouse. You can’t even afford a little romance?” “Lover’s quarrels and hurt feelings every day?” Derek said sarcastically.
“No wonder you were kicked out of ma’am Veila’s. Such words are blasphemous to lady Lequila.” Rachael joked.
Derek looked at her unsure. “Are you studying Lequila then?” He asked out of curiosity. waiting for the test of the sword to reveal itself. Rachael handed him a skin. “Taste and see.” He looked at her quizzically. He drank from the skin and it was water. He half expected wine. He handed it back to her. She looked at him with sharp eyes.
“Thanks for the drink,” he said smiling. Her eyes turned friendly. She hugged him and went back to a group of people she had business with. He glanced at the sundial again. Still time. He found Robert and his father sharing a beer.
“Almost time, sir,” Derek said as he approached the attendant’s seats at the edge of the circle near the Parneil family tables.
“Good!” Kenneth began pounding on the table with his fist in a rhythm. “Ghillemar, ghillemar, ghillemar,” the Parneil clan pounded on the tables with Kenneth. Kenneth had five brothers. They all had children and grandchildren. Two of the brothers had disappeared. Kenneth had cousins too. Only a few still lived. Kenneth was the next in line as the oldest brother after two of his cousins died. The Parneil clan were farmers, fishermen and soldiers.
“Peace kinsmen! Peace!” a large shout came from the north side of the forum. It was the town speaker. The man was voted in to run the forums. He was in charge of order and was considered a host and messenger between the townspeople and queen.
As the crowd lulled to a hushed quiet, the speaker began opening up the first order of business. “As you know, or may have heard, Ghille is in chaos across the continent. Our one hundred years of peace has ended. Tyrac and Filetma are expanding in the North and South. They have ambitious young kings you both wish to forge empires. The mountain people of Caravino are beginning to sing for war. Vilet has forged an alliance with Caravino and the queen of Caravino wishes to expand their lines into Besaria. Besaria has a reputation of being rich in trade and technology and Caravino wants our support against the invaders from the North and South. War is coming. And now a striking blow has been delt with the assassination of the prince. We have three main points to discuss today before discussing local affairs. One, the queen wants the town’s agreement to begin conscription of troops to re-inforce our garrison. The second related to that is an increase in land taxes to assist with supporting those troops. And a third is a tax on interest and rental incomes to also assist in supporting the garrison. We have been ordered to send 300 troops to the western border of Besaria. The royal government is unsure of an invasion and our grieving king has yet to begin peace talks with Caravino. All the villages and cities are being taxed a conscription of troops. We will also need to reinforce our garrison for defense of the village in case of swift invasion. I will open up the floor for discussion.”
“I request the floor, sir.” A giant man on the west side of the room stood.
“Granted,” the speaker gave him the floor.
“It appears this order of business is not left in the hands of the town but in the hands of fate. If the conscription is a royal decree as the speaker has stated to send 300 to the west, we have no choice. To refuse to is to side with our enemies in dereliction of our duties to our kingdom. I motion to impose a draft for our conscription. The first born of each family shall report to the garrison for training. That will leave well more than enough troops here at home. Perhaps those at home that the queen is requesting can act as a reserve instead of a dedicated garrison. Devote time to training but also assist with the harvest. Winter is coming and harvest is essential to war. Without food, we cannot feed troops.”
“Here, here!”, there was a loud confirmation from other fief leaders in the room.
“Very well, I will take the request to the queen. Regarding the topic of taxes. The floor is still open.”
“How much does she want?” a sudden shout came from the floor.
“One sixth of all resources harvested from the land and sea is what the treasurer is recommending to prepare for war,” the speaker replied. “The royalty of Besaria will require tribute as well from our sixth.”
“Well I guess the treasurer knows what he is doing. So be it I say,” an elder say.
“Aye,” moaned a begrudging audience.
“So we’ll take it to a vote. One sixth of all our bounty will go to the funding of the military and governance in preparation for war.”
“Yay! Came a resounding ring from the tables.” Several attendants counted hands at their designated tables and brought their tally quickly to the speaker.
The room was silent.’
“Very well. The town has spoken and the queen has her answer. We have several other items on the docket regarding the harvest.”
The speaker and the crowd went on inside the forum. Derek felt his nerves going off. The reality of what was happening penetrated his heart. He gave a signal to Robert to be dismissed and Robert waved him away. Derek left the south entrance.
He began pacing and walking through the park. Many people were gathered in groups all talking and enjoying each other’s company. The commoners were mingling with each other discussing business and marriages and the decision making happening inside as they received word from the east entrance of the forums. Derek saw Rachael with a few friendly people across the way. Derek decided to approach and try to mingle a bit. She noticed him sulking and waved to him. He waved back and welcomed the invitation to join her.
“Ghillemar, Rachael.”
“Hello, mouse. Need a breather? I noticed you enter with the Parneils.”
“Yeah. War is coming.”
“We heard. It appears the fief lords are as helpless as us commoners to stop it.”
“Sometimes the best idea on the board is to be reactive rather than proactive though. The decision remains clearer that way.” One of Rachael’s friends chimed in.
“I heard the first male of every family is going to be set in reserve for the garrison. I guess you’re in by default mouse. And already conscripted I see.” One of Rachael’s female friends Macy pointed at his crest. “You no longer belong to the Parneils?”
“Not really belonged to them to begin with. I had to fulfill the duties of a serf but I am an apprentice of Warren the engineer,” Derek replied.
“Ah,” said Macy.
“Allow me to introduce everyone. These are some of the servants of the estates. Richard the head chef, Macy the head maid, and the one knowledgeable of board games; Tyrus the head of sporting for the royal family.”
“I enjoy a good hunt and so does the queen,” interjected Tyrus. Derek immediately found himself in an awkward situation. Rachael was rubbing elbows with the supervising stations of the estates. There was silence for a second.
“How do your families fair with the news of the conscription?”
“I finally get to do some hunting,” Tyrus stated. “I guess I will be doing some training to be held in reserve while performing my duties on the estate.”
“You seem excited,” Derek replied.
“The best part of training is the sparring young lad. You get to wield weapons, practice techniques and train in formations. For one who holds interest in sport and tactics, it can be quite exhilarating,” Tyrus said with a smile and a bit of excitement.
“Hey, mouse!” A young feminine voice greeted him from his right. He turned and he saw a young blond. He replied with a simple hello.
“The name is Alexis.” the blond belted out. Alexis was a beautiful girl in the apprentice garbs of an engineer. Leather pants, the engineer’s tunic and an undershirt. “I’ve come from Diran to assist Warren. I’ve heard he has taken a liking to you.”
“Warren and I spend a lot of time together. He has taught me much.”
“You have learned much very quickly,” Alexis commented. “I’m headed to Warren’s after the forums. I heard you were too. Come with me.”
“Of course my lady.” Derek noticed her crest as he gave her a casual and short bow. She was a member of the nobility apparently; possibly related to Warren. Rachael noticed the crest as well and her eyes widened. Alexis walked off.
Derek turned to Rachael. “Who have you been rubbing elbows with, squeaky?” Rachael elbowed Derek. “Sometimes I have no idea,” retorted Derek.
Derek spent the rest of the morning talking politics with Rachael and her friends. Derek never had much to say. Thomas taught him to be quick to listen and slow to speak. One gains more understanding of another’s character that way. Derek found much interest in other people’s character and the more they spoke, the more he learned.
“Do you know much about hand to hand combat?” Tyrus asked Derek, putting him on the spot.
“I’ve wrestled quite a bit with the Parneils. We’ve wrestled each other and also had to bring a fair share of livestock into submission.”
“You slopping with the pigs? I couldn’t imagine. The brilliant engineer taking down a mother sow.” Rachael laughed.
“Laugh as you may until you take on a ram or a boar. I have yet to engage in bull fighting.”
“You may have lost your chance. You’re in Warren’s group now. The hush hush research and development division of the army,” Macy mentioned.
“Does everyone know about Warren’s ambitions except for me?” Derek laughed quizically. “It doesn’t seem like such a secret at this point.”
“There’s not much you can hide about neogenesis technology. It’s being dug up all over Ghille. All the kingdoms are in an arms race to re-awaken the old machines for military superiority. The mystery is how far Warren and the rest of the Royal Engineering Corp has gotten with their own Neogenesis ambitions.” Macy looked at Derek expectantly.
“I’d tell you if I could. I’m a low level engineer just learning the ropes of the natural forces involved in such technologies. I have yet to even lay hands on a machine. Besides, I’m sword to secrecy now. It’s all considered classified at this point. Even the simple security at the estates is a matter of warfare now more than simply keeping thieves out,” Derek explained.
“Ah. So we couldn’t get an answer out of you even if we tried,” Rachael said a little flirtatiously. Derek looked at her with purposeful study. She smiled slyly.
“Alright guys. I’m sorry to take my leave of you. I should return to Robert. It’s my last day with his family. I need to say cheers to John. He’s the first born and I may find myself in his training group.”
“Aw, but I wanted to extract more information out of you,” Rachael chuckled.
“You most likely could if I had any,” Derek laughed. “I’ll see you around.”
“Indeed,” Macy replied.
Derek walked back into the forum. The town seemed to being debating zoning regulations. The central topic was a training field for the troops about to be conscripted. Derek nodded at Robert and went back to sitting in the attendant seats on the edge of the room. John got up and went and sat by him.
“What do you think Derek?”
“Not much it appears. War seems inevitable to everyone. Yet, maybe there’s a chance a peaceful solution can be reached with Vilet and Caravino. Maybe the empires in the North and South will be satisfied with their increase before they reach us.”
“I don’t know Derek. That seems pretty optimistic,” replied John.
“I’m wondering why everyone is suddenly so ambitious across the continent. The assassination comes after the fact. It seems to have just loaded the rifle for the first shot. But other rifles have been shooting already. War is already in the North and South. Why is joining an alliance with those empires off the chopping block? I think there is something else going on.”
“Very interesting,” John began to think and stroke his chin. “These neogenesis machines may be the center of it. Perhaps someone dug something up a little more powerful than a horseless death machine.”
“The floor now stands for volunteers to give up land for the training grounds! We need a host!” the town speaker pounded the gavel. Lord Nostrim stood up.
“My family are the largest landowners in the fief. The royal family may use my lands. We are unprepared for harvest this year as I have been doing a lot trading across the ocean for my profits these past few years. It would be very easy to clear my lands of debris for a training ground. Of course, it may be appreciated if I were compensated for the rental.”
“Your offer will stand with the queen. Thank you Lord Nostrim.”
“That seems to be all of the topics on the docket this week. I would like to open the floor for anyone to motion any further subjects to take up with the town and the queen,” Everyone was silent. “Is there a motion to close the agenda?”
Lord Nostrim stood up once again. “I will motion to close the agenda.”
The speaker repeated “all in favor?”
The vote was unanimous. The speaker recapped the meeting. The town was now ready and agreed to meet the challenges of war.
“Meeting adjourned.” The speaker pounded his gavel.
The room suddenly became a bustle of talking and greetings once again.
Immediately, a young woman got up from her table on the western side of the room and approached Derek.
“Hello young man, Anna Deiran.”
“Good morning my lady,” Derek gave a slight bow. “The Deirans are great patrons of Thomas Ghillan’s charity. I myself went through his tutelage on the charity of such proponents.”
“I’m glad my family could help. Are you a follower of the god Matamah.”
“I am my lady. He has given me the purpose I needed to find peace in my life,” Derek replied.
“He is a god of peace that once matched our god of war in mythology.”
“He is both a god of wrath and love my lady. But his wrath is not passionate like ours. His wrath is just because of his holiness and brings him great sorrow.”
“Why should wrath bring one sorrow? Surely, it is satisfying to dispatch one’s enemies in righteous vengeance.”
“Imagine a king sitting on his throne forced by the laws of righteousness in his kingdom to sentence his son and heir to death for the evil he has committed. Such is my God’s perspective with us.”
“That is a sad thought,” lady Anna replied somberly. “Never have I met a god who feels regret sending a malicious soul to hades. Your god is much different than Bountial. She is a mother ruthless in the defense of the household and hearth.”
“The followers of Bountial find purpose and meaning in the strength of the household. It is a noble pursuit to care for one’s kin.” Derek replied.
“And what of your god. What purpose have you found in him?”
“My god is the holder of a greater household. Hyperion is his household and he invites his children to be a part of it. My purpose as his creation is to please him in having been created. It pleases him further when I do well in righteousness. But ultimately my purpose is to belong to him. Matamah is my creator father. A bond thicker than blood.”
“Do you imagine yourself a demigod son of a god?” lady Anna looked at him confused.
“No my lady, I am no demigod. Matamah is a jealous father and a jealous god. There is no other god or demigod for me but him.”
“So, you believe Matamah to be the only god.” lady Anna became tense, almost angry.
“He is a god of gods in our tradition. But I will not go further for the sake of honoring my lady and her presence. How goes the harvest?”
Lady Anna suddenly was aware at how tense her posture had become towards Derek. She remembered her parents were nearby. And the sudden question of harvest rang quickly towards responsibilities flooding her mind. She looked down at the ground.
“I am to be married after the harvest to the prince of the Nostrim family,” she looked at Derek. “How is harvest for you?”
“I am conscripted. I will be joining the engineering corps preparing for a war.”
“You have no family to speak of to hold you. You seem like a drifter lost in the world,” lady Anna looked at Derek with some pity.
“I have my god as my family and he has taken me this far. I have a feeling this war will leave me honored with lands or leave me for dead. Either way hyperion is my family and I will find rest at the end.”
Anna hugged him and went back to her family. Derek let out a relaxed breath. Every time something like that happened, he could end up the enemy of a great house. He was fully aware of his political situation. Thomas and Warren seemed like the best people to stick close to in the coming months. Someone that could vouch for his character if anything happened. It would be very easy for a household to make his life a nightmare in seconds. Thomas had educated him well on the precariousness of politics and the poverty of the orphan.
“Derek, Derek, news from the south,” Derek turned to find Rachael tapping his shoulder. “Tyrac is stepping on Fillearland. We just got news.”
Derek turned. “Hey Rachael. I don’t know. That may distract Caravino a bit. I’m not sure if Caravino and Vilet could handle a war on two sides.”
“Yes but if they go to war in Fillearland, they could gain an ally. Caravino seems more intimidated by Tyrac than anything.”
“That’s true, all they have to do is supply enough troops to tip the balance against Tyrac. At least with Caravino distracted, the looming threat of invasion is dissuaded a bit. But it’s official. Our entire continent is at war. We will end up on someone’s side at some point.”
Rachael looked at Derek. “I’ll miss you mouse. We will have to go our separate ways.”
Derek nodded. “You are a beautiful lass. Enjoy what you can of life. I’ll miss you too.”
Derek milled around the Parneils saying his goodbyes for the afternoon. When the sun was at three quarters, it was time.
“Derek! Time to go squeaky!” Alexis was waving insistentantly on them going to Warren’s together. Derek waved back.
“I’ll be with you in a moment, lass!” Derek yelled back.
Alice smiled. “New friend?”
“I guess so. A noble and apparently an assistant of Warren’s,” Derek responded.
“I’ll miss all of you my friends,” Derek began farewell hugs with John, Steven and Alice.
“You’d better write,” Alice chimed in.
“I’ll write you all,” Derek replied noting that when he next writes, she will most likely be married. He’d be writing John for the sake of propriety.
“Well get going, man. That there be a bonny lass waiting for you,” John waved Derek off. Derek looked back and noticed Alexis waiting patiently.
“I’m coming my lady!” Derek responded and began exiting the forum with Alexis out the West end of her family’s gate.
They made their way south through the market toward the industrial district.
“Warren says many things about you young Derek. All of them good. You seem to excel at your learning,” Alexis made some conversation as they passed by the stalls.
“I suppose that’s a good thing. Thomas was a good mentor and taught me how to work like our god Bratha. Though, I will never be as good as Thomas.”
“Are you in competition with Thomas?” joked Alexis.
“No, of course not.”
“That’s good,” Alexis said. “Thomas cares for orphans. You’re a royal engineer. You’re both playing on different fields. Competition wouldn’t make much sense.”
Derek grunted in agreement. He looked at the ground.
“Are you trying to make sense of life too?” Alexis asked quizically.
“Somewhat Derek replied. Since I was young, I gave up on day dreaming and decided to just go with the flow and do my best trusting that Mat will carry me where I needed to go. Not much of my life has been my decision. I mean it’s been my decision to honor Thomas and the queen and I suppose that’s good. It’s carried me this far. It just seems like I’m on a river through a vast forest never exploring the forest.”
“The river is just one of many paths through the forest, young Derek. You’re still exploring the forest. The river just happens to be the path you’re on.”
Derek smiled. “I guess you’re right”.
They neared the industrial district and crossed the main road. “Almost there,” Alexis chimed.
Chapter 3: Missing in Action
Prince Wilhelm sat in his boat sailing the bay of Sumacia. The freedom in his heart of finally knowing he had nowhere to go tomorrow. But then there was a heaviness in the task ahead. “Sir, how goes the new persona?”
Prince Wilhelm stared back at Jack. “Well Jack. I wasn’t expecting a knitted shawl. But this will do for the moment.” Jack laughed. Wilhelm was decked out in a poverty stricken woman’s dress and shawl. They were sailing North east toward Sumacia.
“You look right for a maids wedding sir,” Jack laughed.
“You’d better shut it,”
“Ech, you’re not the prince anymore technically sir. The prince is very sadly deceased. And I’d dare not let you live this down,” Jack laughed. The prince turned his head in a grumbling comedic laugh. Jack made adjustments on the rudder and the sail and the long night was conveniently foggy across the black waters. Wilhelm looked at his maps under the lamp light. “We are close to the Pilen tribe’s post. Is Professor Seeren prepared?”
“Aye he should be. He said to land two miles west of the Pilen camp site. Seeren will be taking us directly to the retreat.”
“Good. And a change of clothes is of the highest priority.”
Jack laughed. “And I heard lady Sarah is with Seeren. She has a lot of research she wants to get done on the project.” Prince Wilhelm looked up at him. He thought of lady Sarah.
Sarah was a childhood friend that had budded into his closest ally and even lover. Sarah was the only one in the world he could trust not to betray him. They both trained in the temple of Breckhilt together for many years. They were both warriors at heart and warriors in reality as well. Sarah also enjoyed the sciences. An interesting coincidence. Wilhelm was relieved to find out she would be greeting them at their mountain hide away. He smiled.
After a few hours they came into sight of a fire on the beaches of Sumacia. The fire was their greeting party. There was some loud music and it sounded like drinking. The beach fire was disguised as a typical drinking party apparently. “Well, Jack, this will be a relief,”
“We’re not out of the fire yet. Filetma spies are most likely everywhere. And a party like this may attract attention. Though everyone is dressed as a proper pauper and a rogue.”
“Very appropriate,” prince Wilhelm smiled. As they came into site of the people on the beach, it was late at night and the fire light shown everywhere. Jack lit the boat’s lamp and began to draw down the sails. As they drifted into shore, there was lady Sarah. She was beautiful in a ma’am’s attire. “Oh no.” Wilhelm laughed.
Jack looked up and he was enamored for a moment. “Well she is properly dressed for the occasion it seems my lord.”
“Quite the opposite, Jack.” Wilhelm chuckled.
As the boat came into the beach, sarah gave Wilhelm a smile. “Sir, welcome to our soiree.”
“Thank you ma’am.” prince Wilhelm was eager to greet Sarah.
“Joleene for the night and at your service sir.” lady Sarah had taken a fake name for the evening.
“You may call me Mr. White.” Wilhelm returned a quip. Fiddles and drums played as much of the party was actually drinking and dancing. Professor Seeren was over by the fire huddled to gain its warmth. “Hello, sir. May I have the pleasure of your name for the evening?” Wilhelm greeted the professor.
“You may call me Mr. Gray,” the professor responded with a smile. A woman stumbled out of one of the decorated wagons toward the professor. “Sally, over here, woman.”
“Ah Mr. Gray. I have to say this is the funnest party the girls and I have ever hosted. And to see such a woman properly dressed for the occasion is the greatest sight I have ever seen,” Sally laughed pointing at Sarah with a beer.
“Careful Sally,” Seeren muttered to the woman dressed in ma’am’s attire. She sunk to sit in Seeren’s arms. He laughed and fell back.
“Have a drink my lord.” Sally brought the beer to Seeren’s lips. “How long have you wanted me out of your town and suddenly in one night we’re dear lovers,” Sally laughed.
“An interesting turn of events for the end of the world,” Seeren commented. Seeren held nobility in Sumacia. The mountain hide away they would be attending was an ancient ancestral home left abandoned. Seeren technically was a baron. Sally was from a town in his barony city that was an element, he struggled to influence out of the town. But it now seemed she was his closest ally. Able to handle the most dangerous situation with a light heart and discretion, there was a reason she was a successful ma’am. And it turns out she knew his town better than he did. He found her an incredible ally. And for the night, his personal attendant.
Wilhelm looked at Sarah and could hardly take his eyes off her. She invited him into one of the carriages.
“We must get some proper attire, Mr. White.”
He entered with her and they were given time to greet each other more thoroughly.
The party lasted long into the night. They did not intend to stay for the fire to die out however. The carriages formed a caravan toward the end of the night and they headed out before sunrise North toward the Sumacian mountains.
They did not meet any ambushes nor did spies reveal themselves. Apparently the disguise of the party had held its sway. The countryside from the coast to the mountains was mainly boring farm land. Seeren arranged the party so that it did not attract much attention anyway. The Piren tribe nearest to their camp site were a holy people who followed a god much like Bountial of the hearth. Their homes and familial loyalties were incredibly important to them and the sight of a prostitute was a bad omen among their people.
The caravan was left alone as it passed to the base of the mountains and then up a mountain pass toward Gildehall a mountain fortress within Seeren’s lands. There was a fog that morning and it was a bit chilli. The harvest was very soon. The Besarian gods were not well known in Sumacia. The Sumacians worshiped the elders. Above each class of animal there was a protector god. The people of Piren worshipped the bear god Tegran. The people of Seeren’s barony had many beast god’s they worshipped. Lord Seeren, the professor was agnostic however. He did not know what to make of religion. He knew science and stuck to it. He found security in it. The pursuit of knowledge was important to him. He studied everything from the behavior of people to the behaviors of the neogenesis equipment dug up from the earth by Basarian scientists. The discovery of the crucible project united prince Wilhelm and Seeren in a common bond.
The crucible project threatened the sanity of the whole of the Cup of the Earth. It could cause a world war beyond painful confusion and devastation. When it was discovered by prince Wilhelm, files had to start disappearing and the prince himself had to disappear into obscurity.
One step at a time was what Seeren’s father always said regarding the ways of science and life. One step at a time. Don’t trip over yourself. Seeren was being very careful. He didn’t even bother to have the mountain hideaway prepared. Those in his party were his closest friends and advisors. The girls hired by Ma’am Sally all knew that they had been conscripted into service. The fact they still only had to practice their craft made it easier. But now they were soldiers. And their loyalty was their only commodity.
Most of the girls slept tired from hosting Seeren’s men the night before. The boundaries of the prostitute were maintained though. Seeren’s agreement with Sally was an agreement with a ma’am. One of the men sang a song as they slowly crept through the mountain pass. The fog made things eerie. As they approached the mountain fortress, the fog separated and the beauty of the Sumacian mountains opened up.
Seeren hopped into Wilhelm and Sarah’s carriage. “Well Mr. White. It seems there is unfortunate news I did not report to you last night. Biren has been invaded by Filetma troops from Kiron and Filetma. They established a beach head in the North West side of the country. Biren quickly gave up territory and decided to start burning crop land. They are retreating through their country toward Sumacia leaving behind sharp shooters and hunters to harass Filetma troops. The Filetma has been stalled in all out confusion. They were expecting frontal assault. Insten Biren has pulled their livestock and troops east slowing the progress of Filetma across the country. Filetma will have to re-address their supply lines. Biren may assault them while they are reforming. If the war with Biren floods into Sumacia, we may find ourselves having to finally take sides soon. The Telren family does not know of your presence here Mr. White. This is a project between you and I because of its sensitivity. If things become complicated, it seems I may be torn apart for treason.”
“I’m sorry my friend that life has become so complicated,” Wilhelm answered.
“It’s alright. I am going to begin a secret campaign among the nobility to protect the crucible project. The tribal elders don’t understand much about neogenesis technology but their children have been educated to an extent. And something like this will make an impact. There will have to be a demonstration though as to why we have to protect it. And I have an idea in mind that will cause some shock and awe in the mountains.”
“I am apprehensive to demonstrate a weapon we are trying to keep secret from use. If this thing falls into the wrong hands, the entire continent could be quickly decimated,” Wilhelm answered back.
“Unfortunately, times are getting desperate,” Seeren answered back.
As they approached the old abandoned fortress, the reconnaissance team Seeren sent ahead opened the gate and they passed through.
“Are we there yet!” Sally yelled ahead at Seeren. “Yes my lady!”
“I be no lady your lordship but thank you for the complement!” Sally yelled back at Seeren. “Alright girls, wake up. It’s time to host our new manor,” Sally yelled at the girls. They began nudging each other awake.
“I hate keeping house,” One of the girls said annoyed looking up at the castle. “But it’s so romantic,” said her friend. “Oh to hell with the morning dove,” she said. “I’m tired.”
“Take your time,” Seeren said. “Make sure to act casual. We are having an end of the world soiree. Remember. It’s not of military importance. You’re being hired to take a camping trip with friends.” He gave orders to his contingent to secure the mountain fortress and set up patrols. He needed to send an envoy to surrounding farmers with his seal to ensure a tribute was sent to the fortress while they were there. A very friendly envoy with his seal and to the most discreet locals they could find. They had enough food in the caravan to last a week or two so they could take their time. He needed time on his side. The slowest he acted, like a panther among a herd of deer, his casual slow speed would distract from attention. He got out of the carriage and went to spend some time with Sally for the morning while his attendants got breakfast together.
Wilhelm and Sarah went and each claimed a room and Sarah unloaded her carriage. She had things for Wilhelm stored in it. Everything was scandalous about the situation. Wilhelm thought what’s the use. He may as well bunk with her. They both agreed to have separate rooms but nearby was the best way to go.
The first day was kept alive by Seeren’s chef. He kept food always coming. Everyone had their fill and rested up from the night before slowly getting the essential parts of the fortress in order. Even the patrol contingent spent most of its time asleep. They disguised themselves as vagrants on the road and fit the part.
The scandal back in Seeren’s town was abuzz. The baron was gone and so was the ma’am and almost her entire house of women. She was closed for business. Seeren had left the town mayor in charge saying he had some business in Besaria to attend to. It was a half truth.
As they were making preparations in the castle, Wilhelm finally approached Sarah. “Alright. Let’s see this monstrosity that you and Warren found. “
“Why, technically you’re the one that stole it.”
“Aye, but the package was to be handled with care. I didn’t dare activate it.”
“We’ll head to Seeren’s lab and see if we can get the box hooked up to the lab core.”
Chapter 4 The Mad Scientist
Derek and Alexis approached Warren’s Industrial lab and two guards stood post which was not typical. They showed their crests and the guards quickly ushered them in. Warren was inside screaming at a machine in the corner. Derek and Alexis found him and looked at him quizically.
“Uncle Warren?” Alexis addressed the mad scientist in the corner.
“What!” he turned and saw Derek and Alexis. His eyes widened.
“Derek go restart the main power control box.”
Derek quickly ran up the stairs along the wall to the power control block. He flipped the main breaker off. Everything in the lab went dark. Then everything came back online.
“Brilliant. My little mentally deficient creation is finally coming online.”
“Doesn’t it have a power control unit of its own?” Derek questioned Warren.
“It does but the switch is jammed. The replacement hasn’t gotten here from the machinist.”
“Do you want me to try and fabricate one?”
“How long will it take you?”
“If you have the old one, it would help. To reverse engineer a simple switch probably a day.”
“Brilliant, please do Derek.”
“I do have to report to the barracks for training however.”
“Training? Oh yes, you are a conscript. You have to learn how to stab people.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’ll send paperwork for you to check in as soon as you are done with the switch. A day of lost stabby stab time won’t hurt.”
“Alright, sir.”
“Alexis!” Warren turned to address his niece. It is wonderful to see you my dear. He hugged her warmly. “I’m sorry for yelling at you like that.”
“It’s alright uncle Warren. What are you working on?”
“Well this is the new control unit to a special military asset our small city has just been granted by the royal family.”
“What is it?”
Warren looked at Derek. “I’m not cleared to show it off myself yet. I’m waiting on the decree to authorize me to clear other people for classified information.”
Alexis was disappointed. “May I look at the control unit?”
“Sure, dear.”
She went to the control board that was linked to the unit and began scanning its files. “Uncle?” He smiled. “Well it appears I have to kill her for knowing too much.” He shushed her with his index finger. She nodded.
“We have a situation with the royal family. With the assassination of prince Wilhelm, a secret project and its files were stolen from the royal city. If we find out any information on its whereabouts we are to report it as soon as possible.”
“Okay uncle. Any word on what the project was?”
“I can’t say much yet. All I know is that it could be devastating to all of our country’s interests.”
“That worries me uncle.”
“Yes and it will worry everyone in the general populace as well. If the black hand has the project, we could be doomed. The populace will most likely turn on us to find out what the project is. But the project is very sensitive scientifically. If its inner workings were made known, every kingdom in Ghille would be fighting each other frantically to get a hold of it. So silence is the word.”
“Yes uncle,” Alexis said anxiously. Derek rolled his eyes. This was getting ridiculous. How could his life get worse was the thought going through his head.
“I’ll get to work on the switch,” Derek said.
“Thanks lad. The old one is still attached on the lower part of the unit.” Derek got to work.
Meanwhile at the docks, sail boats were returning for the day. One unlucky fisherman had been out all day. He had hauled nothing for the market early in the morning and had skipped the forums to try his luck further north. What his particular batch of chum had attracted was a greater catch than he could have imagined that day. Many animals existed on the cup of the world and all of them loved food. Among these animals were some that made a larger impact than others. Dragons and even titans favored an occasional showing although the continent of Ghille had been free of such beasts on land for some time.
Long misplaced in the minds of sailors on the eastern coast was the fact that many such beasts were bound to the sea. Michael had no luck that day. And his luck was about to get worse. As he sailed and closed into the port, a long seam of spines followed his boat just far enough away not to be easily noticed. Michael had a stalker in the water.
When Michael pulled up to the harbor master’s dock to show his insignia flag, he was waved through. The spines passed by the entrance of the harbor south along the rocky break wall that provided protection to the harbor’s ships.
The harbor master waved Michael through and Michael docked along his small boat on the beach to the North side of the harbor.
Back at the shop, Derek labored on the switch. Alexis and Warren had gone to a pub in the industrial district for some food. “How long has Derek been working with you uncle?”
“About a year, young one. He’s a fast learner and came highly recommended by the machinist.”
“He was a machinist?”
“Yes he was. Derek is a lad of unusual intellect. He is a skilled carpenter, blacksmith, farmer and machinist. And now he is at the verge of finishing his neogenesis training. Once he is finished with boolean mathematics, I will introduce him to that processing core and he will start to understand the underpinnings of the calculating portions of the machines.”
“What does he know of physics and science?”
“He knows what I and the machinist have taught him. Working for the machinist, he learned a lot about leverage, power, hydraulics and physical mechanics. Working for me, he has learned about the current and its many properties. The higher mysteries of neogenesis technology are for higher echelon scientists. But I am about to welcome Derek into the outer circle once my authority comes through to do so.”
“He’s that smart?”
“He is my dear. He just doesn’t know it. Answers come easily to him. But in his heart, he is a very simple peasant. At the moment he is content to be a tool of his superiors looking for only peace in his life. What he is going through in his mind concerning the war and everything happening to him and around him I can only imagine.”
“He likes peace? That’s very odd for a boy,” Alexis chuckled.
“Derek is no boy lass. He’s been an old soul for some time. He just barely came to the age of manhood but he’s been fulfilling his life to the standards of most men in the village since the age of 7. His mentor Thomas had a huge role in his life. All I know is that Derek has a thirst for knowledge both in business and of the physical world. And he has learned a lot of discretion. That is why I trust the lad to assist me.”
“Discretion? Good judgement?”
“Yes, lass. He knows when not to open his mouth. He speaks very little and keeps most things between him and the gods.”
“What gods does he worship?” Alexis was now very curious about the inner workings of Derek. “He is a follower of Mat and Bratha. As an orphan Thomas has brought him into the belief that Mat himself offers the fatherhood he needs.”
“Very interesting. Does Derek think himself as high as the gods.”
“I doubt it. From how hard he works and from the discretion he shows, I think he is very aware of his mortality. The way of his gods is one of peace though. I intend to try and keep him as far away from the bloody days ahead as I can. If I can use him as a researcher, it will save him from the front lines, however brilliant he is.”
“Do the generals know about Derek and his intellect?” Alexis was curious.
“Not that I know of. The way of the generals tends to be more political anyway.”
“If he were trained in tactics, he might make a profitable field commander,” Alexis thought out loud in conversation.
“I would forbid it. I need him on our projects. He may end up in the field tracking down that missing technology though. Once my peers are aware of his capabilities, they will want to put him to use too.”
“Are there others like Derek. Brilliant schemers and engineers.”
“Yes there are. But very few with the background of Derek. You yourself measured very highly on our intelligence exams which is why you’ve been assigned to assist me. But Derek has a second attribute that very few of the brilliant young ones across the kingdom do not have.”
“And what is that uncle.”
“Humility. He’s consistent and understands the harsh realities of life but has not lost the desire to do good. Such a thing takes great humility. To keep serving with a hope for the future.”
“Yes but what future does he hope for? He’s a peasant,” Alexis was very curious.
“I suppose that is between he and his gods.”
“What do you know of his gods,” Alexis was very curious.
“From my conversations with Thomas in the village. Mat is the father of Bratha and they are considered foreign gods. They are a completely separate belief. Mat is a god outside of our reality that looks in and created time and space. A very peculiar concept. Bratha is his son always trying to satisfy Mats happiness trying to be a good son.”
“So Bratha is a demigod?”
“I don’t believe so. He is fully a god in their belief. He holds some sort of bond with Mat as if they share the same mind. But they are separate entities. Bratha is the example for his followers while Mat is their caretaker. Thomas realized that many of the orphans without parents found Mat to be a wonderful father and so dedicated his time to caring for the orphans in the village with his father’s permission.”
“So peculiar to care for those without royal blood,” Alexis commented.
“Many of the gods find it a great service to care for the orphan. Although most of them become slaves.”
“Is Derek a slave?”
“No, he is considered a freeman. He doesn’t accrue debt with people. He hardly spends a dime and when he has come across any financial trouble it was well within my means to cover his expense and the expense was entirely justified. He may as well be a slave with the way he works.”
“An odd boy. He doesn’t get in trouble with girls and gambling and drinking?” Alexis was almost laughing.
“No, he doesn’t. All his expenses are incurred in support of his apprenticeship. He doesn’t feast, buy prostitutes, anything. I think it has to do with his god.”
“Very interesting. Well he’s bound to slip up at some point. He does sound like a valuable subject,” Alexis chimed with giggling.
“Well enough of Derek. I want to hear about your parents.”
The two spoke long in the evening at their corner table as Alexis rehearsed news about her parents.
The clock at the bar struck about midnight and suddenly there was a large sound like thunder but extended into an alarm.
“What was that!?” Alexis was immediately alarmed. Warren half way into his third glass of wine very casually said,”Why that sounds like Sarxis. What is old Sarxis doing back here. I thought he’d gone out to settle across the sea. Good old man come back for a visit.”
“Sarxis? You mean the sea monster?” Alexis was very alarmed. Another blast was heard over the village and suddenly the ground started shaking rhythmically. Another blast and immediately people outside began running towards the west gate.
“That does it. I’ve spilt my wine. Come my dear. It’s time to go get our gadget.” Warren tossed some gold to the bartender who was scrambling to gather some valuables as he was about to make a get away. They made their way back to the shop quickly and saw to the east a giant form over the docks. The creature blasted another thunderous roar into the air. They quickly found the control module being fitted back together by Derek who was finishing up his repair.
“Excellent,” Warren yelled as he entered frantically. “Derek my boy get that unit onto the elevator deck there immediately.” They lowered the unit down beneath the floor and Warren ran down a hatch to the lower deck of the lab. They followed him down and there was a huge mechanical beast beneath them. It had wheels with tread, a bucket with spikes in the front and numerous apparatus on it that looked like it spewed weapons everywhere. Warren quickly got the control deck dropped into the front of the mechanical monstrosity. He began a sequence on the wall and the lab opened up and began raising the mechanical beast into the air. “Get inside guys. I’ll take the helm.” They got in and had no idea what was to come. Warren got into the front of the cock pit and they mounted two of the seats in the front with him. “Strap in!” There were belts they quickly put on. Warren pressed a few buttons and they felt a rumble as the tank began lifting into the air with spinning blades above it. They hovered up until the beast coming gradually from the port came into full view.
Warren pushed gently forward on the stick in front of them and their mechanical beast began leaning forward and hovering in the direction of the port. “Derek the stick in front of you controls targeting. Move it arround and those buttons control which weapons to launch. Do not press the blue one. Use the trigger and the thumb button and the array right there. I will meneuver around Mr. Sarxis. Perhaps he will scare back into the sea before we get a chance to bag him. My hope is that we bag him.”
Derek moved the control stick around and saw a target appear on the glass in front of him. He centered it on the Sarxis and started with the trigger. A stream of light poured out of the cannons of their flying tank and a few landed on the Sarxis broad side. The Sarxis roared in pain and looked toward the tank. The Sarxis began moving quickly back into the sea. “Launch some of those cannon shells with the thumb button. See if you can down him!” Derek thumbed the button on the top of the stick while targeting the back of the Sarxis. He also let another stream of light go up the tail and back side as the Sarxis scurried as quickly as it could across the rocky break wall.
They passed overhead and Warren turned for another pass. “He hasn’t dived yet. Shoot the spines!” Derek used his thumb and trigger to shoot down into the water where he saw spines in the moonlight moving away from the harbor. They passed over again.
“Damn, he’s gone. Well back to the shop.” Warren hovered the mechanical beast back to the shop and began the sequence to enter the lab again. They sat for a bit processing what just happened.
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houseofhauntz · 3 years
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cerealinabowl · 3 years
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gracedenton · 2 years
A Sick Logic
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A book by Anna Chrystal Stephens and Glen Stoker Designed by Paul Bailey Contributions from: Monique Besten, Fernanda Eugenio, Anna Francis, Jake Harries, Cristina Lina, Fiona MacDonald, Hadiru Mahdi, Dorothée Perin, Sally Pointer & Gareth Riseborough, Richard Prideaux, Laura Sillars, Stefan Szczelkun, Studio Polpo (Mark Parsons & Jon Orlek), J.D. Taylor, Carla Wright. Published by Site Gallery, 2017 A Sick Logic came from a quest to seek old knowledge and apply it to current problems. Through an exploration of how to exist as part of an integrated ecosystem, the book presents life-changing information about survival strategies and the experience of skills acquisition, as well as demonstrating how we can be part of a cross-disciplinary collaborative approach to making change. The publication contains responses to research activities such as plant identification courses, instructional skills sessions and long walks in the form of image sequences and essays. There are a range of contributions from mentors, peers and other explorers who have been part of the project.
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diarioelpepazo · 9 months
Esto lo anunció el burgomaestre en la clausura del Primer Encuentro Técnico, Científico, Popular para el Rescate del Lago de Maracaibo Este jueves el alcalde Gustavo Fernández participó en el cierre de la plenaria, con motivo del Primer Encuentro Técnico, Científico, Popular para el Rescate, Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible del Lago de Maracaibo. " Cada nivel de gobierno tiene su responsabilidad y en el caso de los derrames petroleros, el ejecutivo nacional lo ha asumido. Nosotros por nuestra parte mañana viernes, iniciamos el saneamiento de los 8 kilómetros de costas que tiene el municipio San Francisco y para ello debemos trabajar en conjunto con PDVSA, ya que gran parte de estos kilómetros de costas se encuentran dentro de los muelles de la estatal petrolera" informó Fernández. El mandatario local estuvo acompañado por su equipo de gobierno, conformado por el Ingeniero Orlek Ferrer, Director General, Villapol Morales, director del despacho, Arquitecto José Luis Ramírez, Gerente de Infraestructura, Jorge Luis Sará, Comisionado Jefe de Polisur, y el Ingeniero Carlos Calles, Presidente de Instituto Municipal de Ambiente y Aseo Urbano. Desde el Salón Bolívar del hotel Tibisay del Lago, en la ciudad de Maracaibo, los tres niveles de gobierno se reunieron para unificar esfuerzos por el rescate y conservación del estuario zuliano. La actividad estuvo encabezada por el Ministro de Energía Eléctrica y vicepresidente sectorial de Obras Públicas y Servicios G/J Néstor Reverol, entre otras autoridades nacionales, regionales y municipales. Más de 300 personas del ámbito científico, político y social del país, expusieron sus propuestas y posibles soluciones en 6 vértices de acción para la recuperación y saneamiento del principal reservorio de agua del estado Zulia. " El rescate del Lago de Maracaibo va más allá de la limpieza de las orillas de nuestras costas. Nosotros hemos insistido en la necesidad de una recolección eficiente de desechos sólidos en tierra. Para cumplir esta meta tenemos que hacer alianzas estratégicas con los tres niveles de gobierno, y evitar que miles de toneladas de basura desemboquen en estas aguas, a través de las 7 cañadas que atraviesan el municipio San Francisco, 13 de Maracaibo, 7 del municipio Urdaneta y 4 de Rosario de Perijá . Es un gran trabajo que tenemos que articular todos" detalló el alcalde del municipio San Francisco.     Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Alcaldía de San Francisco
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