#otp: root and shaw
isagrimorie · 11 months
For the ship ask game: root/shaw
ship ask game meme
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Mors Praematura. I think that's the start of it for me, the first meeting did plants seeds but it was Mors Praematura that did it and every little interaction after.
Shaw lending her her gun and then going: "Okay, that was kind of hot."
And then: "Don't make me look bad."
After that, we were off to the races.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like how they're unconventional, and on another show with different actors, it could be one note and flat.
It's lightning in the bottle, the writers weren't intending for them to happen but saw it anyway and wrote towards it. Also, both of them are in some spectrum in the DSM-V from one end to the other.
But in the end, I loved that Root loved Shaw exactly as she is. She didn't want to change Shaw or fix her or make her better.
Root loved Shaw for who she is. And it's why the Machine loved Shaw too.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
For some reason this must be said but: Shaw is also just as smart as Root is, in different ways. There was some fanon that made it into fic that wrote Shaw as only the Brawn Jock.
Shaw presents herself as a jock but she's as nerdy. She's just not computer nerdy. Shaw was a brilliant doctor before she was kicked out of the medical program for bullshit reasons.
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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rootandshaw · 1 month
Fanfiction "Au delà des mots" #Shoot #RootxShaw
(Quand je demande à ChatGpt de m'écrire une courte fanfiction sur Root et Shaw dans laquelle Shaw serait celle qui ferait le premier pas!! Bordel.. il l'a fait! )
Dans l'atmosphère chargée d'électricité d'une soirée où la pluie venait de s'arrêter, laissant derrière elle l'odeur fraîche de l'asphalte mouillé, Shaw et Root se tenaient sous l'abri sommaire d'un vieux hangar désaffecté. Elles venaient de terminer une mission particulièrement éreintante, et l'adrénaline retombait lentement, laissant place à une atmosphère intime et chargée d'émotions non dites.
Shaw, habituellement si maîtresse d'elle-même, se sentait étrangement déstabilisée par la proximité de Root, par cette manière qu'elle avait de la regarder comme si elle pouvait lire en elle, percer à jour tous ses secrets.
Root : "Tu as été incroyable aujourd'hui, Sameen. Comme toujours."
Le compliment, simple en apparence, sonna aux oreilles de Shaw comme un appel à franchir le pas, à dévoiler ce cœur qu'elle gardait si farouchement protégé.
Shaw : "Root, je... je ne suis pas douée pour ce genre de choses. Les émotions, les grands discours... Ça me dépasse."
Root la regarda, un sourire tendre aux lèvres, prête à répondre, mais Shaw leva une main pour l'arrêter.
Shaw : "Mais ce que je sais, c'est que je ne veux pas imaginer ma vie sans toi. Tu es cette énigme que j'ai cessé de vouloir résoudre, parce que, d'une certaine manière, c'est... c'est mieux ainsi."
Root resta sans voix, surprise par la profondeur des sentiments que Shaw révélait. C'était un moment qu'elle n'avait jamais osé espérer.
Shaw : "Et si je continue à ne rien dire, je vais probablement exploser. Alors..."
Sans un mot de plus, Shaw franchit la distance qui les séparait et embrassa Root, une émotion brute et sincère guidant son geste. Ce n'était pas un baiser de conte de fées, mais il était réel, chargé de tout ce qu'elles avaient vécu ensemble, de tous les non-dits et des batailles partagées.
Lorsqu'elles se séparèrent enfin, le monde autour d'elles semblait avoir changé. La pluie avait cessé, laissant place à un silence réconfortant.
Root : "Sameen, je..."
Shaw : "Ne dis rien. C'est tout ce dont j'avais besoin."
Dans cet instant, elles se comprenaient parfaitement, sans besoin de mots. Shaw avait fait le premier pas, brisant les barrières qu'elle s'était imposées, et dans ce geste audacieux, elle avait trouvé un nouveau terrain d'entente avec Root, un avenir plein de promesses.
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this-is-krikkit · 2 years
... ive just realized that hange x levi is a perfect parallel for root x shaw (and characters as individuals respectively) and if you think im going to be able to work the 70 hours of work i have left to do this week while thinking about that well
you'd be right, bc im a professional. but also like. its gonna be hard as fck.
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tkbrokkoli · 2 years
latching onto those fictional queer men like they're my life support
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fatherofmachine · 2 years
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lottieurl · 5 months
tagged by @sapphicscience to post 5 otps from 5 fandoms (thank you 💜) i chose to not list yellowjackets cause honestly it's hard for me to choose one pairing. it's the rare occasion when i'm multishipping happily and won't torture myself with trying to rank those cause it depends on the week
person of interest - root and shaw THEE ship of all time truly nothing will ever compare
killing eve - eve and villanelle i mean DUH but i ignore the entirety of s4
elementary - watson and moriarty LISTEN the sheer impact this had on me cannot be overestimated. the dynamic is SO good i wish they fucked about it in canon
the 100 - clarke and lexa cause like. i had a clexa renaissance last year and it actually is still so good. the ao3 less so but it does have my fave fic of all time and ngl that might be why they're listed. in the year of our lord 2023
dare me - addy and beth WHO DOESN’T LOVE GAY TOXIC GIRL BEST FRIENDS. ive seen the show six times and it makes me insane every single time. join me in mental illness
tagging @villanevehaus @whenfatecollides @ordinaryhorror @sameensass @merevide @tinygrumpshaw and anyone else who wants to do this
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phoenixlionme · 4 months
My Favorite Fictional Couples Part 46
NOTE: Be respectful of my choices; the OTPs are not ranked, just of who I thought when making this list.
Dreamworks' Trolls franchise: King Gristle + Bridget = Gridget
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2. Dreamworks' Trolls franchise: Bruce "Spruce" + Brandi = Sprandi
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3. Ben 10 franchise: Gwen Tennyson + Kevin "Kevin 11" = Gwevin
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4. Rugrats/All Grown Up! franchise: Angelica Pickles + Harold Frumpkin = Harangelica
(Edit not mine; found on Google)
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5. Rugrats/All Grown Up! franchise: Charles "Chas" Finster + Kira Finster = Chaskira
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6. Rugrats/All Grown Up! franchise: Kimi Watanabe-Finster + Z = Kimiz
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7. TMNT Mutant Mayehm: April O'Neil + Leonardo "Leo" Hamato = Aprilnardo
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8. Tangled franchise: Cassandra + Princess Rapunzel = Cassunzel
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9. OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes:  Bernard + Wilhamena = Witchwolf
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10. Person of Interest: Sameen Shaw + Root = Shoot
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evviejo · 25 days
Favorite ship (from any show)?
shoot, i guess. that is, for those of you who aren't familiar - root and shaw from person of interest. abolute otp, they belong together. them with their ai girlfriend and their dog.
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isagrimorie · 2 years
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” -root/shaw
from this ask meme:
“Is there a reason,” Shaw began, stepping inside her room and dropping her bag on the floor, “why you’re naked and in my bed?”
Root grinned, cheeky, “Aside from the blindingly obvious?”
“Finch is just outside,” Shaw pointed out, affecting disinterest despite never looking away from Root’s body.
Shaw catalogued everything and then Shaw came to a stop when she saw the full picture. “You could have said you have multiple injuries and not bled all over my bed.”
“What’s the fun in that?”
“Save me doing the laundry.”
“You were gonna burn the bedsheets anyway to keep your DNA footprint to a minimum.”
There were no cameras in and around the apartment she chose. Shaw was pretty sure there were none in the basement furnace.
“Don’t worry, sweetie, She wasn’t spying on you. It’s just a logical observation based on your past behavior.” Root said with a cheeky grin.
Shaw picked up her surgical kit, the bottle of cheap whiskey she always kept for this precise reason. “You’re saying I’m predictable.”
“Don’t worry, Shaw,” Root cooed as Shaw crouched down, following Shaw with her eyes. “We’ll never be bored of you.”
Most of Shaw’s injuries were superficial, but the gash on Root’s side and her leg would need stitches. How she got here without passing out of blood loss was a mystery.
Shaw paused her visual inspection and raised an eyebrow. “What’s this “we”, Kemosabe?”
“Myself and the Machine.” The smile turned beatific.
Shaw popped open the bottle and pushed it on Root. “Don’t put in the middle of whatever weird thing you have with the Machine.”
Root seemed to realize Shaw’s position, her nearly naked on Shaw’s bed, and Shaw on her knees examining the various injuries on her body.
“Are you sure I can’t tempt you?”
Shaw watched her attempt a wink. Shaw poured disinfectant on the ugly wound on Root’s thigh. As expected Root hissed and let out an aggravated: “Sonuvabitch!”
Shaw tightened her grip on Root’s bruised leg and cleaned the wound as best she could.
“Miss Shaw?” Harold called out and then a beat later, “Do you need help? Does Miss Groves need assistance?”
“I’m busy, Finch.”
“Doing me!” Root yelled.
Shaw glared. The awkwardness from outside radiated, Harold cleared his throat and said, “I see… I’ll be just outside.”
“You’re pretty cocky for someone whose about to be on the wrong side of my needle.” Years in med school, a stint as a resident and her fair share of field surgery made it easier for Shaw to prepare everything she needed to suture the wound. All she needed was for the patient to sit still, for someone who took orders from the Machine without blinking, Root can be the brattiest patient.
“Promises, promises,” Root cooed and leaned down to kiss her; Shaw considered turning her head but at the last minute met Root head on, she saw Root’s eyes widen in surprise before closing her eyes.
Suddenly Root yelped and tried to jerk her leg away but Shaw clamped down on Root’s left leg and with her other hand did fast work on closing the wound.
Root let out an impressive string of invectives, almost as creative and colorful as any sailor, and then Root reached out and thumped Shaw’s shoulder, hard. “Warn a girl!”
Shaw made sure Root saw her smirk and cheeky grin and said, “What’s the fun in that?”
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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falsestardust · 1 year
pinned post because I have no space in my bio for any information whatsoever
my pronouns.cc
very long tagging system below the cut (entirely for my own usage and reference, links aren’t fully complete yet)
character tags list
andrew: 🥄
angel: 🌃
angelus: 🌌
anya: 🏞️
buffy: 🌸
connor: 🗡️
cordelia: 💎
darla: 🌅
dawn: 🥤
drusilla: 🌼
faith: 💥
fred: 🍂
giles: ☕️
glory: 🏛️
gunn: 🪓
illyria: ❄️
jenny: 💾
lindsey: ⛓️
lorne: 🎤
oz: 🎸
riley: 🏈
robin: 🏫
spike: ⚰️
tara: 🎇
wesley: 🎯
willow: 🍰
xander: 🛹
ship tags list
root/shaw: otp : four alarm fire
buffy/faith: otp : is this your mind or mine?
buffy/willow: ship : I kind of love you
buffy/spike: ship : were you there with me?
tara/willow: ship : I will always find you
season/ep tags format:
btvs S1: 🔄1️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12
btvs S2: 🔄2️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
btvs S3: 🔄3️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
btvs S4: 🔄4️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
btvs S5: 🔄5️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
btvs S6: 🔄6️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
btvs S7: 🔄7️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
btvs comics: 🔄*️⃣
ats S1: 🔀1️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
ats S2: 🔀2️⃣
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ats S3: 🔀3️⃣
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ats S4: 🔀4️⃣
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ats S5: 🔀5️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
ats comics: 🔀*️⃣
poi S1: ↪️1️⃣
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poi S2: ↪️2️⃣
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poi S3: ↪️3️⃣
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poi S4: ↪️4️⃣
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poi S5: ↪️5️⃣
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
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littleladymab · 1 year
For @tornainbow who asked for Root/Shaw: "Free" by Florence + The Machine
(send me a character or otp and I’ll reply with a song from my spotify wrapped!)
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dyke-fruit · 2 years
the locked tomb series & shoot for those fandom asks ❤️
was HOPING someone would ask about the locked tomb !!! >:) thank you.
the locked tomb
fav character: god. GOD? wait no, not literally god. harrow. i think i switch between harrow and gideon (currently re-reading gtn and am LOVING gideon...) but harrow.
least fav character: hmm. ACTUALLY god i guess. and silas octakiseron.
5 fav ships: harrow/gideon. palamedes/camilla (and dulcie and/or pyrrha). coronabeth/ianthe (i will say NOTHING!). harrow/ianthe.
most attractive: camilla or coronabeth. i'm a slut for a pretty girl, what can i say. (harrow, sometimes).
would marry: oh GOD. they're all so dreadful. i WANT to marry harrow but she'd be mean to me and i would cry. so maybe not. corona is too much for me to handle. camilla hides her feelings too much for me. gah.
would be besties: i HOPE i could be besties with gideon. i want to be so badly.
random thought: why, in the absence of each other, do both gideon and harrow turn to ianthe?? what is it ABOUT HER?? (i get it)
unpopular opinion: i'm not... hugely versed enough in the fandom to know what's popular/unpopular, but maybe mine is that i think palamedes and camilla being cousins makes it better :)
canon otp: what IS canon, really? are cam/pal canon? i mean. griddlehark is canon in that they both obviously love each other, but WHAT does canon mean for them?????
non-canon otp: gideon/harrow. i thought nona had made me okay with not having them anymore, but in my current reread i was reminded that i'm insane about them. thanks.
most badass character: camilla hect. bar none.
most epic villain: not john:) he's not even epic:) maybe wake!
pairing i don't like: i don't really like kiriona/ianthe but it's growing on me, slowly.
character i feel the writer screwed up: mmm, i don't know! i don't have strong opinions re: this
fav friendship: oooooo... nona/camilla/palamedes/pyrrha?
character i most identify with: gideon <3
character i wish i could be: pyrrha dve!!! but also camilla.
when i started shipping them: funnily enough, i remember asking a mutual at the time which one was which in her gifsets. i was into them from the beginning and started the show bc of them <3 best idea ever
my thoughts: a delightfully vague prompt. well, they're it! i love them a lot. i love root so much. i love shaw an insane amount. it's rare that i tend to love two characters in a ship equally, and these two are probably the only ship i have that i don't like one over the other. they're both my lil meow meows
what makes me happy: they're kinky, they're made for each other, they're specifically made puzzle pieces that fit just right. shaw is angry and expresses her feelings only rarely and root is okay with that! bc she loves her! and doens't need to hear it! just needs to hold shaw's hand every once in a while
what makes me sad: The Day The World Went Away.
things in fanfic that annoy me: ummmm. general stuff like characterization, etc. other than that, i'm not super picky.
things i look for in fanfic: shaw bottoming <3
wishlist: seeing as this is a show long gone... my wishlist is that they live happy ever after and kick some ass
who they could end up w, if not each other: hmm. usually i'm okay with multishipping but i think both root and shaw are like, not people who would just "end up with" someone else. they choose each other specifically, and without them, they would just be alone (not in sad way!)
happily ever after: see wishlist
ask me stuff from this list:)
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Root and Shaw
NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK ALREADY
i know i highlighted just fuck already, and they sure did!
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mybodywakesup · 3 years
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WLW GIF MEME: ↳ [1/10] relationships ► root/shaw (person of interest)
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