#peppermint sticks
dress-this-way · 6 months
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Vintage Santa Mug ~ 1967 ~ With sugar peppermint sticks. My Photo.
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deusexautomobilis · 8 months
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Recipe for Peppermint Cupcakes with Marshmallow Fluff White Chocolate Frosting These cupcakes with a peppermint flavor are a delicious holiday treat. 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon milk or as needed, 1/8 teaspoon almond extract, 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup butter softened, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup butter softened, 2 cups confectioners' sugar, 1 teaspoon peppermint extract, 1 package white chocolate chips, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 jar marshmallow fluff, 1 dash red food coloring, 2 cups white sugar, 3/4 cup milk
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drawnforthem · 10 months
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Peppermint Cupcakes with Marshmallow Fluff White Chocolate Frosting These peppermint-flavored cupcakes are a great candy cane-flavored treat.
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trusoulchristmas · 1 year
Christmas Jazz Intrumental Music for a Peaceful Holiday 🎄 Cozy Christmas...
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mcb3k · 1 year
If you have those soft peppermint sticks or candies, and you made some hot chocolate? Put them in there. Let them melt. It's so good.
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vibrantpuppeteer · 1 year
Mint season
mint season
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I got the last 3 pack of the big mint sticks. Happy times ahead.
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shadowaj · 4 months
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Feel the RUSH!
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not-a-space-alien · 5 months
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Chocolate hand
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Sebek, Trey: Sugar Sweet and Bitter Step
Finally 👀 Sebek interacting with the dude that reminds him of his father… This is the juicy content I’ve been waiting for 😌 (It fucking slapped btw, did NOT disappoint 🦷 ✨ I especially loved when Sebek was describing the new candies he has tried and he describes pop rocks as candies that fucking attack you asduqbdoas) ASHDBAIDAIDqwehqbyoe8y IT WAS REALLY CUTE WHEN MALLEUS, LILIA, CATER, AND VIL'S VAS WISHED SEBEK-KUN HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN THE TWST YEAR III ANNI LIVESTREAM...
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What do you do on your days off?”
"Hmph, I'm glad you asked, human!" Sebek's laughter was smug and resounding. "I spend days off training!"
"You... train to relax? That sounds like an oxymoron."
The birthday boy scoffed. "As a knight and an attendant, there is no such thing as 'relaxing'! I must remain vigilant so as to best protect and serve the young master!!"
"I get that, but... your muscles would be sore after working out so much, right? You'd need to take some time off to recover, otherwise you'd be pushing your body to the brink and risk injuring yourself," Trey calmly pointed out. "I used to train back when I played soccer. Had to cut that short when I worked myself too hard, so I wouldn't want that to happen to you."
A sound like rumbling thunder collected in Sebek's throat. "O-Of course I know something as basic as that! I know to take breaks!! Don't belittle me, human!!
"When I say 'training', I don't mean it purely in a physical capacity! If I am not able to train my body, then I train my mind! As Lilia-sama says, tactical might has changed the course in many critical battles in the history of--"
"Oooh, I get it. You mean general self-improvement." His interviewer snapped his fingers as the clues all neatly fit together in his head. "So you like to read? What sorts of things do you usually go for?"
"A variety. I frequent the Mystery Shop to browse their selection, but Diasomnia and the school archives also contain a number of older volumes.
"Lilia-sama has advised that I expand my worldview, so I have taken it upon myself to read literature from many genres and eras. 'Even picture books have merit, Sebek! You should open your heart to them!' ... so he said."
"No kidding." Trey raised his brows. It certainly sounds like something Lilia would say... though I'm not sure how serious he was about it. "Hey, I've read some books to my little brother and sister before, so I could recommend a few to you."
"Picture books from the Queendom of Roses... I've yet to read those. I dislike having to make requests of others, but... on Lilia-sama's orders, I have no other option. You will provide a list of acceptable readings to me the day after today, understood?!"
"Sure, leave it to me." Trey offered a patient smile. "I gotta say though, I didn't think you'd be concerned about being so worldly. You seem a little too set in your own ways."
Ace and Deuce described him as hard-headed. Even Riddle said Sebek has a hard time handling horses in Equestrian Club because of his attitude.
Sebek looked as though he'd be struck in the heart. He recoiled, his face crumpling with upset.
"Hnngh!! I-I've heard as much from Lilia-sama that this would be a detriment if I am to serve the young master, who will no doubt face many diplomatic issues with other countries. That is why I'm making efforts to expand my horizons by diversifying my reading materials and experiencing new things."
"Such as...?"
"I have read in some texts that a good way to learn about other cultures is to consume their cuisine. I have taken to snacking on baked goods and sweets from different regions of Twisted Wonderland to this end. Cookies, muffins, and candies that the Mystery Shop stocks.
"There are lollipops in various shapes, candy so sour it makes your mouth bleed and colors it bright blue, and little granular candies that assault the taste buds with explosions when they hit your tongue...! Hard candies flavored with apples from different farms in Harveston, chewy taffies made with salt from the Coral Sea, gummy bugs from the Afterglow Savanna that gets stuck between my teeth, candied flowers from the Queendom of Roses..."
"Has the snacking helped you learn anything new about those places or the people that live there?" Trey asked, cocking his head.
Sebek paused to think. Moments later, he, with his full chest, proudly replied, "An Octavinelle student was monopolizing all the peppermint sticks in the shop, so I saw it fit to liberate them from his grasp!!"
"... In other words, you picked a fight with him." Trey sighed. "It’s… a start. A small one, but still a start if it gets you to interact with those outside of Diasomnia. You'll just have to keep working on that—baby steps now so you can be where you want to be in the future, yeah?"
"Indeed...!!" Sebek slammed the end of his broom into the ground, the motion hard and resolute. "If I wish to stand by Malleus-sama's side, I must do all that I can to be worthy of him. To go wherever the young master is... that is my greatest dream!!"
He grinned with his teeth, displaying prominent canines. poking out from between two rows of pearly whites. It was a smile as radiant as the sun.
"Oh, that reminds me." Trey indicated his own mouth. "I hope you're remembering to properly floss and to brush your teeth well after eating all those candies. It's important to take care of your dental hygiene, especially after eating sugary snacks."
"Grrgh...!! Where do you get off on, giving me orders!?"
"I wouldn't call them orders. They were just suggestions--though I think your teeth would be happier if you followed them," Trey joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Sebek's expression creased all the same.
"That you would see fit to suggest anything of the sort to me is offensive!!" the birthday boy grumbled. "My father makes similar remarks, no matter how often I remind him that I am a grown man!"
"Ahahah... I'm sure that's just his way of showing you that he cares. It's hard for any parent to watch their kid grow up. To them, that kid will always be their baby.
"Hmph! R-Ridiculous," Sebek declared. He haughtily turned away, his cheeks tinged pink. There was hesitation, and then an uncharacteristically quiet voice that slipped out. "You... really are like him in every conceivable way. I cannot fathom humans like you sort."
"Exactly why you're trying so hard now." Trey nodded to the sky above. It was a cornflower blue morning with a healthy sprinkling of clouds. "You've been training hard, so let's see you in action."
"D-Do not presume to understand my skill! I'll show you just how powerful I am!! Faster than light, stronger than lightning... I AM HE WHO HAS SWORN TO PROTECT THE YOUNG MASTER!!"
The vow was made, his ambitions announced.
In response to his decree, the broom fizzled to life. It lifted off the ground in a single strong stroke, Sebek easily swinging on. His robes fanned out behind him, fabric flapping loudly in an errant spring breeze.
Magic crackled in the air around them, hot as sparks, bright as stars. His spells matched his energy: loud and proud.
His grip on the handle was as steady as his resolve.
His fierce gaze, focused on the future.
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ds9personallogs · 5 months
dennis reynolds is like my favorite desserts to me. i want her so bad that it makes me sick
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kyndaris · 8 months
Adrenaline Rush
After slogging through Diablo IV, all the while listening to video essays about terrible authors (thank you ReadswithRachel), there were still a mountain of games that I needed to tackle in order to bring some semblance of order to my ever-growing backlog. But rather than play through yet another hundred-hour adventure, I opted for something far shorter. Enter: Hi-Fi Rush.
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While I have very mixed feelings about Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda and now, it seems, Activision Blizzard, there is no denying that Hi-Fi Rush is a masterpiece of a game that serves as a breath of fresh air for anyone tired of the dull doldrums that come from staring at dirt or uninspired graphic design.
In fact, there is definitely something to be said for choosing a colourful, high contrast and bombastic art style to go with one's game. It certainly livens up the screen and makes everything pop. Something that could not be said of the recent triple-A games that I recently played through.
Beyond that, it just brings a smile to my face to see a game that doesn't take itself too seriously when it comes to world-building. And it's all the better for it.
Too many games these days have gone the realistic grimdark route and it has honestly sapped some of the fun out of what would have been interesting worlds. As a random aside, you can still be grimdark and still have a colourful world filled with a mixture of fun and funny characters.
But back to the game at hand!
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Releasing at the start of the year with no fanfare to describe of, Hi-Fi Rush was a sleeper hit for many gamers although it has tracked well with critics. So, when it was on sale on Steam, I went ahead and bought it. And instead of sitting there for years and years, the delay between purchase and me playing it was only a few months, give or take!
What struck me immediately was the art. I loved seeing the bold lines that defined the characters and the environment. Instead of the dreary atmosphere that came from Diablo IV or Forspoken, I was met with a highly saturated world that wasn't afraid of splashing around a little colour.
True, it might not be a colour scheme or graphic choice for every game but it certainly stood out from the stuffy triple-A crowd.
The second thing that I fell in love with were the host of allies, from Peppermint to Macaron, CNMN and finally Korsica. Though the game was fairly short and the time that I spent with them didn't extend to hundreds of hours, I enjoyed what few conversations that Chai had with them and the immediate dynamic that naturally sprung up between them through in-game banter.
This was a game that didn't waste one's time with endless backstory. It was a burst of game that could be replayed if one wanted and did not overstay its welcome.
Combat, too, took on an interesting twist with attacks landing on beat. This provided some extra challenge to combat but never made pulling off combos difficult as I slashed and slammed my way through the Vandelay Technologies offices to bring down the man - or in this particular case, greedy CEO Kale Vandelay.
It also made sense from a narrative perspective with Chai having his music player being inserted into his chest when his broken arm was initially replaced with a robot arm at the start of the game.
And perhaps that's what makes Hi-Fi Rush such a great game. Almost all of the aspects of the game are interconnected - be it the gameplay, the narrative or even the logs that players can pick up. The fact that the game isn't afraid to also poke fun and get a little meta, which only adds to the game's charm.
While the villains were a little one-note, playing into stereotypes, there were also hidden depths to their characters that were often revealed in their boss battles. And what spectacles they were! Especially against Roquefort! That was truly wonderful - especially the homage to Scrooge McDuck's money bin.
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Honestly, there were so many iconic moments, it's hard for me to nail down which one was my favourite.
If I had to say what my main gripe with the game was though, I'd say it had to be the lack of healing options during battle except for special abilities. It was also disappointing to see how little Chai recovered when he picked up the small health energy that was scattered around the environment.
Still, it did make the boss battles nailbiting knowing that I could only heal Chai only once I'd managed to fill up the energy bar to use my healing special ability.
As for gameplay that wasn't combat related, while it annoyed me that I couldn't explore every inch without first unlocking another character first, I enjoyed the challenges although I did find the platforming a little finicky on occasion.
Overall, though, Hi-Fi Rush was an excellent palate cleanser after the less than impressive Diablo IV. And while I would have liked to spend more time in the world of Hi-Fi Rush to understand the backstory for a few more of the characters, I enjoyed my time with it - from the zany plans to the humorous gags that are maintained through the entire game like the Vandelay robots rebelling by ensuring all the coffee machines only serving decaf.
Here's hoping that developers learn to break up their usual doom and gloom with something that brings back the joy of gaming. It almost feels like we're returning to the early 2000s when all games needed to have dark broody tortured protagonists except they're also now extending it to the game design and game world. Which, in all honestly, I'm not enjoying.
After all, you can still make gut-punching emotional games and still have a beautiful world to admire!
True, don't go the route of Thor: Love and Thunder but it doesn't need to be another cookie-cutter stale grey world.
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iambirchu503 · 4 months
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daily crk challenge front of 1st page
im doing my own little challenge thingy where i draw one crk character everyday :3
2/7/24-2/10/24 drawn traditionally, scanned, then edited
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heaven-helpus · 6 months
soft peppermints are literally the superior type of peppermint. and this is a fact.
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asexualstellar · 5 months
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tigertaurus22 · 9 months
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Magian Milcery and Alcremie!
The Cream Pokémon
Both are Fairy Type
Milcery was born from sugary particles in the air condensed into cream. Milcery were first discovered in Magia when one appeared in a patisserie shop, found in a can of freshly churned cream.
No one is sure how they came to be. One theory posits that the cream they were born from had special magical properties that gave them sentience and form.
They say that Milcery were originally from Magia
Like it’s Galarian counterpart, Milcery evolves into Alcremie while holding a Sweet.
However, in lieu of requiring its Trainer to spin and strike a pose, they instead need to cast a spell.
They can still do the spinning and posing trick, which will result in it turning into its Galarian forms, but Magian Alcremie are special in that they can turn into six different forms separate from the originals. 
The form it evolves into depends on the time of day and/or the environment.
Its cosmetic appearance is further determined by the type of Sweet that is held, mostly it’s eye color and mix of aromas. 
When it is content, Alcremie secrets a sweet syrupy substance from its body. Sweet makers use this in a variety of different pastries and candies.
It tastes and even smells different depending on the form it takes. This is because of the way its cells spontaneously shift during evolution.
The senses of taste and smell are very much connected.
Pumpkin Spice- early morning/chilly
Its flavor is an aromatic blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger
Butterscotch Cream- afternoon/warm
Its flavor is bitter, but pleasantly sweet. Butterscotch is said to be similar to caramel, but with the addition of butter
Peppermint Cream- midnight/snow
It’s flavor is sharp, crisp, and slightly bitter with spicy notes.
White Chocolate- night/cool temperatures
It’s flavor is sweet and buttery with hints of vanilla and fresh milk. 
Milk Chocolate- evening/room temperature
It’s flavor is sweet and chocolatey, with notes of cooked milk and caramelized sugar and a vanilla aftertaste
Dark Chocolate- midday/high temperatures
It’s flavor is a combination of sweet, bitter, and sour with a more pronounced chocolate taste.
Cinnamon sticks- brown
Marshmallows- pale
Mint leaves- green
Raspberries- pink
Candy corn- orange
Fondant Roses- lavender
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