#portland symphony orchestra
tsarisfanfiction · 27 days
Family Reunion
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Apollo, Lee, Will, Michael, Cabin Seven Apollo-as-Lester wakes up for the first time in Cabin Seven. Having children older than him is just plain wrong, thanks. TOApril day 11 - First Meeting! This is set in the aftermath of an AU of mine that I haven't yet written, and for the sake of avoiding spoiling the whole premise of that AU before I do write and post it, there is a distinct lack of explanation hanging around, oops.
Apollo jerked awake, his breathing shallow and rapid while his weak, mortal body trembled and sweated in a broadcast of distress to anyone in the vicinity – and any hope that his immediate vicinity was, in fact, vacant of company was immediately dashed into tiny pieces by the gentle touch on his forehead.
It was cool, which meant that either they ran cold or Apollo was running hot (and yes, Apollo was always hot, in both senses of the word, but Lester was not, a fact he was still struggling to come to terms with).  Apollo did not consider that a good sign, although the gentleness of the touch at least suggested it was no-one meaning immediate harm.
“Can you open your eyes?” they asked – a familiar voice, and while the identity of the owner currently escaped Apollo (an alarming fact, given Apollo wasn’t used to forgetting sounds, or anything at all), he was reasonably confident that it belonged to a male.  “Blink once for yes.”
There was a wryness to the voice, a thread that might be light-hearted at the joke.
“What if I cannot?” he asked, cringing at the raspy slur that came out of his mouth.
“Well, you can always just tell me that,” his companion pointed out, and Apollo might feel half-deaf but he could still tell there was a new note to the voice – one associated with relief.  “But given I know you’re awake, I’d rather you at least tried before giving up.”
Rather annoyingly, he had a point – and Apollo was also getting rather fed up with not being able to place the owner of the voice by aural clues alone.  He knew he knew that voice.
His eyes resisted opening, perhaps basking in the chance to be lazy for the first time since crash landing in a dumpster and becoming the servant of one Meg McCaffrey, but his companion had more or less asked nicely, so Apollo persevered until his eyelids cracked open and he could make some sense of his surroundings.
The elegant ceiling was the first thing to catch his attention, simple but homely.  It was also vaguely familiar, a feeling that increased as more of the cabin – because that was clearly what he was in – came into focus.  Plain white walls, simple wooden bunk beds, and wide windows with heart-achingly familiar yellow flowers blooming along the sills.
“Curse of Delos,” he rasped, digging a clumsy elbow into the soft material beneath him until he could force his unwilling sack of mortal flesh into something resembling a sitting position, although perhaps a pathetic recline would be a more accurate description.
“Your flowers,” his companion agreed.  “They’ve grown here for as long as I can remember.”
Finally, Apollo’s sight landed on the companion in question.  A young man, tragically older than Lester’s body by a couple of years, with short, honey blond hair and eyes closer to green than blue was perched on the edge of the cot he had awoken in.  His face was thin and drawn, a little too much to be strictly healthy, and there was dark shading around his eyes as though his eyelids had forgotten how not to have bags.
It was a sight that made Apollo’s already aching body ache a little bit more, because it was wrong.  So much of it was wrong, more wrong than right, although he’d seen those eyes before, set into the face of a first chair violinist in the Portland Symphony Orchestra.
“Lee,” he said, the name escaping him in as a breath.  His son – and the fact that his body was physically younger than that of his son’s was one of the things that was so, so, wrong – gave him a glimmer of a smile, tired and weary but a twitch of the corner of his mouth nonetheless.
“Hi, Dad,” he said.  “It’s good to see you again.”
Apollo couldn’t help the scoff that wrestled its way out of his choked up throat, because how could anything be nice about his current situation.  “Is it?” he asked despondently.
“Yes,” Lee said without hesitation.  “Don’t get me wrong, it’s not great that you’re mortal now, but I’ll take that over not knowing.”
He didn’t specify what he didn’t what to not know, but even Apollo’s patchy mortal memory could put together enough of the pieces that he couldn’t really argue that point.
Or perhaps more importantly, that arguing that point would only drag Lee’s mental state down further, and his son didn’t need to suffer any more.
He pushed himself up further, internally grumbling at his reluctant body as it begrudgingly obeyed.  Lee’s hand dropped from his forehead, but settled on his arm instead, a cool touch to Apollo’s forearm.  His son had thick, soft wrist warmers on each wrist, the flicker of gold barely visible beneath the long sleeves of his hoodie.  Had he always liked those?  Apollo couldn’t remember.
Instead of letting on just how many holes his memory seemed to have, enough to make his mind a fully functional sieve, no doubt, he turned his thoughts elsewhere.  “Where’s Meg?”
The smile that crept across Lee’s face was fond.  “Making friends,” he said.  “Connor’s going to need an eyepatch for a few days, and Sherman’s going to be walking with a limp for a while after that kick to the crotch.”  He sounded amused.
Apollo couldn’t say he was surprised, given his brief but intense crash course in the consequences of spending time in the personal space of Meg McCaffrey, but he had to ask.  “Making friends?”
Lee’s smile grew.  “Michael was the same when he was her age,” he said.  “And she’s Kayla’s age.  Either those three are going to tear each other to pieces, or become a gremlin trio.  They’ll be fine.”
He seemed wholly unconcerned at the prospect of Meg potentially tearing apart other demigods – or other demigods tearing Meg apart.  Then again, the necklace around his neck was laden with beads, reminding Apollo that Lee was as close as an expert to camp dynamics as any demigod.
The cabin door crept open and quiet feet pattered across the floor, accelerating the closer they got to him until there was another blond young man in his eyeline, this one still a teenager, although still too close to Apollo’s mortal age for comfort.  “You’re awake!” he said, his hands immediately reaching for Apollo’s head.  “How are you feeling?  I tried to heal you, but-”
“Take a breath, Will,” Lee interrupted him gently, the hand that wasn’t still resting on Apollo’s arm coming to wrap around his younger brother’s shoulders.  “He can’t answer you if you’re still talking.”  Will – his hair had the exact same curl around the ears that that Texan country singer had had, this was her son – obediently silenced, and Apollo found himself the recipient of twin expectant looks.
If he hadn’t already known the two of them were brothers, he would’ve realised then.  Lee’s eyes were greener than Will’s pure blue, and of course he was about five years older, but the look was identical.
“I ache,” he admitted, his voice whining pathetically.  “I have acne and flab.”
“Welcome to mortal teenagerhood,” Lee said wryly, as Will gaped.  “Will, want to give him the rundown?”
“Swollen nose but not broken,” Apollo’s younger son – and Olympus he was not going to be getting used to this teenage son being a similar age to his body, let alone the son that looked to be more or less out of his teenager years and into full adulthood being obviously older – reported.  “Your ribs were cracked but are healing well, and your vital signs are all good for a mortal.”  His voice broke on the last word, and to Apollo’s alarm, his eyes started to dampen.  “I gave you nectar,” he admitted, his voice shaking.  “I didn’t know- your lips started smoking-”
Lee tugged him closer, rubbing his hand along Will’s arm.  “We didn’t know,” he assured him quietly, but that didn’t stop Will’s lip from quivering.  “It’s not your fault.”
Apollo distantly hoped that that explained his fire-and-brimstone-esque nightmare.
“I take it Meg didn’t think to tell you,” he said instead, and got a fond head shake from Lee.
“I think she was too busy screeching at us to remember to give medical critical information,” he said.  “Connor and Sherman winding her up didn’t help.”
“She’s waiting outside,” Will added.  “Along with everyone else.”
As if on cue, the door slammed open, the person responsible clearly not particularly caring that Apollo might have still been passed out.  It was exactly the sort of behaviour Apollo thought Meg would be capable of, but while the height of the figure was about right, the black hair was too long, and there was a distinct lack of glinty rhinestone glasses.
They were also, unmistakably, another boy.
In his wake trailed several other figures, all taller but something told Apollo they were all younger, too.  It might have been the impressive collection of beads around his neck, or – and Apollo was going to persuade himself it was the second option – his memory wasn’t so terrible that he didn’t recognise more of his children, even if some of the newcomers were also the same age or older than his Lester-body.
It took him longer than he liked to put names to faces, but at least they did come, before he had to face the awkwardness of admitting he’d forgotten any of his children.  The two African-American boys, both in their early teens and blessedly younger than Apollo’s current state still, were Elias and Austin – Elias with the long locs, and Austin with the intricate cornrows – while the third boy, the one with a permanent limp and a strangely-dangling jacket sleeve, to say nothing of the trio of slashing scars across one side of his face, was Nathan.  The older girl, liberally freckled with her hair dangling in brown bunches, was Joy, and he was pretty certain the youngest of the group with hair the colour of Greek fire was Kayla.
Then there was the oldest teenager at the head of the pack, striding forwards with all the confidence of someone that was going to get his answers, regardless of anyone else’s wishes – or Apollo’s injuries.
Michael came to a stop next to Will, flanking his younger brother and just about in arm’s reach of Lee if the young man chose to reach out any further, and Apollo found himself fixed with an unimpressed look.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
I'd love to read smth w blaine being a total simp for kurt ? thank u!
We had a similar ask before, and here is the tab "clingy" which has a number of fics where Blaine is smitten, not always a good thing.
However, there are loads of fics with positivity of how much he loves Kurt, and shows it. Here's just a few. Please recommend more! ~Jen
The Fiddler and the Maestro by dahlstrom
Symphony AU. Kurt is the 27-year-old first violinist and concertmaster of the Oregon Symphony Orchestra in Portland. Blaine arrives in town to guest conduct their concert of Holst's The Planets.
Love in Later chapters by @annepi-blog
Blaine, starting a new chapter after his divorce, decides to explore new territory by learning a new sport he's been curious about. His goal is to regain his confidence and find new joy. Little does he know that it will open the door to a remarkable new connection and bring someone new into his life.
Life and Times of author B A Dalton by mistyday
Blaine Anderson (aka B.A. Dalton) is a writer from Los Angeles. Kurt Hummel changes him. (Aptly nicknamed the Writer!Blaine AU)
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opera-ghosts · 10 months
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OTD in Music History: Composer Ernest Bloch (1880 -1959) dies in Portland, Oregon. Hailed as one of the greatest Swiss-born composers in “classical” music history, Bloch was born in Geneva to Jewish parents. He began playing the violin at the age of 9, and was soon exploring original composition as well. As a young man he studied music at the Brussels Conservatory, where his teachers included the celebrated Belgian violinist Eugene Ysaye (1858 - 1931). Following his graduation, Bloch spent a decade traveling across Europe, before immigrating to the United States in 1916. In America, he held several important professorships at prominent universities – including serving as the first composition teacher at the Mannes School or Music and the first Musical Director at the Cleveland Institution of Music – and he counted both George Antheil (1900 -1959) and Roger Sessions (1896 - 1985) among his students. Bloch's musical style defies easy categorization, although many of his works heavily invoke his Jewish heritage. (Bloch's father had at one point intended to become a rabbi, and the young Ernest enjoyed a strong religious upbringing; as an adult, he stated that he felt that writing music which expressed his Jewish identity was "the only way in which I can produce music of vitality and significance.”) Among Bloch’s most notable works are the “Israel Symphony” (1916), the tone poem “Schlomo” for cello and orchestra (1916), the “Baal Shem Suite” for violin and piano (1923), the “American” Rhapsody for orchestra (1926), “Avodath Hakodesh” for baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1930–33), and a notable series of five string quartets (1916, 1945, 1952, 1953, 1956). PICTURED: A c. 1940s photograph showing the elderly Bloch, which he signed.
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abnerkrill · 2 years
14, 16, 36!
hello thank you!!
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I lend pretty freely because I'm usually the type of person who is like YOU HAVE GOT TO READ THIS INSTANTLY. unfortunately that has led to me losing a couple books over the years, and i know at least 2 people who have books of mine that i'm... probably never getting back. but at the same time, i don't really mind all that much, it's just a $5 book. [but i wouldn't lend out the few books that have real physical/historic/personal importance anyway—my ultra-bookmarked/highlighted LOTR trilogy and the Brothers Lionheart i got at Powells Books in Portland, OR come to mind.]
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
beluga whale (stuffed animal). she lives on my bed so it's pretty frequent i will just put her in the book. i have a great collection of tourist bookmarks from around the world, so i definitely get good use out of those!!
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
chinese american 2nd gen mixed race diaspora babey! also: classical violin, symphony orchestra, Worked At A Newspaper (those 4am mornings...), work in hollywood (...remotely, but i think i'm getting a fairly good gist of The Culture), traveled to 40+ countries, lived for significant periods of time in asia/europe/north america, archaeology and classics especially Greek, lived on a ship, worked PR/radio/film, had to take an ambulance 2x, had life-threatening anaphylaxis, and finally, experience with the university systems in both north america and europe. i think that pretty much sums me up lol
ask some weird questions for writers <3
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don-lichterman · 1 year
Where to see holiday music and stories on stage
Where to see holiday music and stories on stage
Singer Laura Darrell, a Maine native, performs with the Portland Symphony Orchestra in “Magic of Christmas” last year. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer In the run-up to the holiday season, fans of classical music and performing arts in Greater Portland have a variety of options at the ready – if they can find time to take them all in. Here’s a sampling of some local events happening between…
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how-to-be-a-grouch · 3 years
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Poster for Big Bird’s appearance at The Portland Symphony Orchestra, 1980
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migueldelaguila · 3 years
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Tomorrow May 6, 12:30pm Don't miss #PortlandSymphony's performance of #CARIBAÑA conducted by #EckartPreu. For details: https://portlandsymphony.org/event/the-science-of-sound-2/
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fresherbrine · 6 years
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gabrielkahane · 3 years
Open Music in Portland, solo show in Seattle, choral music in Minneapolis & Philly
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Hearing a new piece is always thrilling and terrifying. A couple weeks back, I had an experience of an altogether different order, witnessing the premiere of Heirloom, the piano concerto I’d written for my dad, and a piece which serves as an aural history of our family, from my grandmother’s escape from Nazi Germany to the first years of my young daughter’s life. The Kansas City Symphony, returning to full orchestral performances for the first time in eighteen months, sounded fabulous—their Mahler 1 under Michael Stern’s baton was at once full of humor and portent—but more importantly, they were kind and generous at a time that feels fragile and uncertain for all of us. And my dad — what can I say — he played beautifully and with ferocious intensity; I was moved to tears. Those in the Pacific Northwest can book tickets now for the next performances of the piece, which will occur this coming March with the Oregon Symphony.
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Then it was onto New York to play my first show in the city since the pandemic began. I sang a dozen new songs, and am so grateful to all those who were there for their generosity of spirit as I tried out new material. I’ll be offering up a similar set at the Meany Center for the Performing Arts in Seattle on November 6th. I’d love to see you there.
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Before I forget, I should mention that tomorrow evening, Wednesday, October 6th, at 7:30pm, is the first installment of Open Music, hosted by me, presented by the Oregon Symphony at The Old Church in Portland. I’ll be in conversation with the wonderful composer Kenji Bunch, and we’ll hear music by Béla Bartók, Morton Feldman, inti figgis-vizueta, Johannes Brahms, Johnny Cash (sort of), Hawa Kassé Mady Diabaté, and Kenji himself. Tickets are $20 and are available here. (Vaccine cards or negative COVID test required; all must be masked!)
Last but not least, two pieces of choral music to tell you about!
On October 16th, VocalEssence will give the premiere of a new choral work, We are the Saints, at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis. Tickets are here.
On November 21st, The Crossing will give the premiere of another new choral work, Choral Music: a memoir, at Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill in Philly. Tickets are here.That’s all for now folks!
All my best,
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dragonologist-phd · 3 years
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My desire to solve mysteries has led me to play through way too many routes of @bodycountgame, which in turn has left me with lots of OC feelings. So here’s a run down of my contestants so far! (picrew here)
Cassidy Watson (left): Physics enthusiast, confectionery expert, & maker of terrible puns. Was that annoying kid in high school who aced every test despite never seeming to study. Chicago native whose plans to take a gap year before grad school were slightly derailed when her parents cut her funds off. With months left before the semester starts, she could either spend her remaining time in Europe slaving away at a temp job...or sign up for a reality show. Anyone who knows Cass knows what the obvious choice is.
Already BFF’s with Charlie and Griff, enjoyed some flirty pool antics with Syd, and coupled up with Florrie. She’s playing it cool for now, but let’s be honest- she pretty much fell in love the first time she heard her say “fuckity-fuck”
Wren Malone (middle): Aspiring horror author, paranormal researcher, & coffee addict. Would fight Steven King in a parking lot. Moved from Portland to England in an attempt to stir up some writing inspiration, but it’s hard to work on a novel while also trying to make ends meet at a shitty office job. Reality shows aren’t her thing, and neither are romance stories- but a boatload of cash? Definitely her thing.
Slow to make friends, but finds herself quite intrigued by Vinh, and enjoys needling Avery a little too much. Coupled with Nyra- she claims it’s a strategic move, but she wouldn’t protest a bit more cozying up. Just to make the whole thing more believable, of course.
Olivia Blake (right): Cellist, lover of the arts, & hopeless romantic. Has both a practical mind and the soul of a poet, which is probably why she has a hard time making decisions. Dreams of playing in the London Symphony Orchestra, but she’s had some trouble turning that dream into a stable gig. Feeling lost, she’s done the last thing she thought she’d ever do- sign up to be on television. She’s not one for the spotlight, surely it’s worth it to put a little romance in her life, right?
A total sweetheart who maybe falls in love a little too easily- had dates with Ellis, Imogen, and Adegoke, and already feels torn between them. And then there’s the surprisingly endearing Charlie, who she can’t keep out of her thoughts. Coupled with Ellis and was feeling good about the romance until...
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837: Frank Lestina on teaching
Frank Lestina is an educator and double bassist in metro Chicago.  He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from Roosevelt University and his Master’s Degree in Administration from the University of Illinois, and he has had a celebrated career as a high school orchestra director and guest clinician.
We talk about Frank’s sudden hearing loss on one ear right before a Midwest Clinic performance, his path from studying double bass into teaching, lessons learned along the way, and much more.
Enjoy, and be sure to follow along with Frank on his website and on Facebook!
  Subscribe to the podcast to get these interviews delivered to you automatically!
  Check out our Online Sheet Music Store with 100+ wide-ranging titles for bassists.
  Listen to Contrabass Conversations with our free app for iOS, Android, and Kindle.
Check out my Beginner's Classical Bass course, available exclusively from Discover Double Bass.
  Thank you to our sponsors!
  Upton Bass String Instrument Company - Upton’s Karr Model Upton Double Bass represents an evolution of our popular first Karr model, refined and enhanced with further input from Gary Karr. Since its introduction, the Karr Model with its combination of comfort and tone has gained a loyal following with jazz and roots players. The slim, long “Karr neck” has even become a favorite of crossover electric players.
  Carnegie Mellon University Double Bass Studio - CMU is dedicated to helping each student achieve their goals as a musician. Every week each student receives private lessons and participates in a solo class with Micah Howard. Peter Guild, another member of the PSO, teaches Orchestral Literature and Repertoire weekly. They encourage students to reach out to the great bassists in their area for lessons and direction. Many of the bassists from all of the city's ensembles are more than willing to lend a hand. Every year members of the Symphony, the Opera and the Ballet give classes and offer our students individual attention. Click here to visit Micah’s website and to sign up for a free online trial lesson.
  Ear Trumpet Labs - They make hand-built mics out of Portland, OR and they have an excellent mic for upright bass called Nadine. The Nadine is a condenser mic with a clear natural sound and incredible feedback rejection. This mic is a completely new design -- the head mounts in between the strings above the tailpiece with a rubber grommet, and the body securely straps to the tailpiece with velcro elastic. A 14-inch Mogami cable connects the two parts making it easy to place on any bass. It’s durable and holds up to the demanding needs of the instrument while offering excellent sound quality. Ear Trumpet Labs is offering a free t-shirt just for Contrabass listeners with the purchase of a mic, just visit EarTrumpetLabs.com/contrabass to claim yours and check out the Nadine!
  Contrabass Conversations production team:
Jason Heath, host
Michael Cooper and Steve Hinchey, audio editing
Mitch Moehring, audio engineer
Trevor Jones, publication and promotion
theme music by Eric Hochberg
Check out this episode!
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hey guys! hope ur okay. i was wondering if u have any reccs for klaine fics like turn into a pose (absolutely in love with it) where blaine is like a goody two shoes such a nice person and and kurt is sort of not letting him in at first, like a slow burn? totally ignore this question if u don’t feel like answering btw! thank u
The only rare times we don’t publically reply to asks is when they are negative about the blog (we want this to be a place of positivity). Some asks take more time to find fic recs than others. If we don’t have a recommendations, chances are our followers do.
You might also want to check out our Nerd!Blaine and slow build tags. I added the fic you mentioned for the benefit of our other followers. - HKVoyage
I Won't Let You Down by MrsCriss2012
AU. 16 year old Blaine moves to Lima with his mom and new step family. Desperately unhappy and alone, he is befriended by one Burt Hummel who lives across the road. The pair start to restore a classic car together, but what will Blaine make of Burt's surly 27 year old son?
Bittersweet Memories by @zavocado
Blaine lost his best friend to popularity and social status his freshmen year of high school. After everything that’s happened he can’t forget what Kurt meant to him. And despite losing what meant the world to him, Kurt can’t let go of their memories. AU
If I Could Use Your Love by raeofultraviolet
Blaine Anderson is an incredibly talented musician living in Los Angeles and trying to make a name for himself. He is also incredibly shy and can't assert himself enough to get in the limelight. When a chance meeting with Kurt Hummel, a famous actor, opens up an opportunity for him, how can he say no? The only problem is, it requires the two of them to lie to everyone around them.
Right In Front of You by munchkinpandas
Blaine is a nerdy barista by day that is in love with his favorite coffee patron Kurt Hummel, the only problem is Kurt is not reciprocating the feelings. But Kurt can’t think about anyone who isn’t this hot curly headed lead singer of his favorite band. Little does he know that the singer is the same barista that has been nervously flirting with him for weeks.
In My Place by @heartsmadeofbooks
Blaine has always been shy and introverted, so after his father dies, he looks for comfort into his childhood dream - owning a bookstore. But then Kurt Hummel walks into his life, turning his dream into a complicated affair.
The Fiddler & the Maestro by dahlstrom
Symphony AU. Kurt is the 27-year-old first violinist and concertmaster of the Oregon Symphony Orchestra in Portland. Blaine arrives in town to guest conduct their concert of Holst's The Planets.
Turn Into A Pose by @little-escapist (active WIP)
Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
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Well, this is happening in Portland Oregon soon. Has anyone ever heard of this?
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bostonluxorlimo · 3 years
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bostontaxicabs · 3 years
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Magnificent & Luxury Taxi Cab Service to or from Boston to Greenfield MA with Child Car seat
Call at: (617) 858-7300 or Book Taxi Online:
Boston Taxi Cab Service is providing Minivan Taxi Cab and Boston Airport Cab Service to or from Boston to Greenfield MA with Toddler Child Seat. We’ve got different vehicles like SUVs, Luxury Sedans, Black Car Service, and Minivans on a trip from Boston to different cities. All the drivers are incredibly master and know the best places in Greenfield MA. We kept our vehicle in place so that you could not face any problems in the way. We offer a very luxurious and comfortable ride from Boston to Greenfield with different child seats, such as a toddler, regular, and booster seats. At the point when your youngsters oblige you, kindly book your kid’s seat ahead of time. Our taxi service provides children’s seats at a very affordable price. Our drivers are well known for the best routes from Boston to Greenfield.
When you’re looking for a taxi from Boston to Greenfield MA, you’re just calling us. This city is 93 miles from Boston, and it requires just 1 hour and 40 minutes to arrive. It is located in Franklin County, Massachusetts, and is a very famous city in the USA. We serve in different parts of this town, such as Taxi service near me from Boston to Shelburne, Colrain, Bernardston, Gill, Millers Falls, Museum Of Our Industrial Heritage, Deerfield, Cheapside MA, and  Montague City.
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thisdayinwwi · 4 years
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The Seattle Star., Dec 24 1919
A mailman, heavily laden with Christmas packages, stopped Tuesday afternoon at 3 p. m. In front of 723 Marion St., Mrs. Fred Finke went to the floor. The mailman handed her three packages done up in holly paper and gaudy with Christmas seals and gay ribbons. One package, heaviest of the three, fell to the floor Mrs, Finke picked it up, shook it and remarked: "Never mind. There's nothing broken." She went into the kitchen, her three children-—Fred, 12; Walter, 10, and Lilly 9 clustered about her, and began taking off the wrapping. Fate kindly with Mrs Finke and her little ones when it prompted her to break open the package rather than untie it in the usual manner intended by the sender. For the package contained a deadly infernal machine. The bomb consisted of a loaded .38 calibre revolver, containing three shells, placed in such a manner in a box filled with minced dynamite and a half dozen high powered percussion caps, that it was designed to explode when the lid of the box was slipped back. The hammer of the revolver was cocked and held in place by a rubber elastic attached to the lid. The contents were tightly packed in the container by cotton. "Something told me," said Mrs Finke to be careful." Police declare the explosives were sufficient, had the bomb worked, to have blown the building up killing the occupants. The bomb was mailed Monday from Portland and the wrapper was marked with a stamp issued by the G. F. Johnson Music house of that city. Husband a Musician Finke is a musician In the Seattle Symphony orchestra. He arrived home just as his wife was examining the bomb He is convinced he knows the man who planned to destroy his family. The sender evidently knew Finke is a musician and probably thought by sending the package in a box labelled with a music company's tag it would be accepted without suspicion.
Finke furnished the detective department with the name of his enemy, and an effort is being made to locate the man, as it is believed he came to the city, after ending his machine, to learn the results. According to Finke, the suspected man was infatuated with Finke's wife, and suffered from brain disorder. Finke recognised the box in which the bomb was placed by the burned design on It. "It looks like the box that used to be on this fellow's dresser in Salt Lake City, when he roomed at my house." said Flnke. "and I am certain I remember the box." "This is the second time an attempt has been made to kill my family The first attempt was made a few months ago. when we left the children in bed and went out we returned home and found them near death, and their room filled with gas The gas meter had been sawed with a hack saw. Physicians worked four hours before the children were revived." The sender is believed by Mrs. Finke, she said. to be the owner of a mine in Colorado, who lived in Salt Lake. The dynamite, it is presumed may have come from the mine.
"I hope they catch him." she said. "He would make a fine Christmas present." Finke sats he moved his family from Salt Lake, following the first attempt on the lives of the children. He has since attempted to locate the former roomer, but without success.
There were a number of roomers in the house at the time the bomb was delivered. Among them was E. Muller, also a musician. Muller called the police, and Motorcycle Patrolman C. Rix responded to the call. He brought the bomb to the station. Patrolman Rix declared the gun was well oiled, and worked smoothly. He expressed considerable surprise that the gun didn't explode with the rough handling the fake Christmas box had received. The bomb wan turned over to the postal authorities. All three of the Finke children were home from school on their Christmas vacation. Lilly was helping her mother iron in the kitchen when the bomb arrived, while the two boys were playing in the kitchen. Altho the children are old enough to appreciate their miraculous escape from death, none seemed to be nervous. Mrs. Finke laughed and calmly inspected the contents of the death box. altho Muller, the roomer, said she did turn white for an instant, when she first removed the revolver.
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