#ppe suit
one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
I was a wizard's apprentice, but we didn't get anything done because he kept putting more and more PPE on me while explaining the importance of safety. By the end I was wearing two hazmat suits, several pairs of gloves, three boots and a giant gasmask.
We were making a low-level healing potion.
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providencehq · 2 years
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[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | ?]
More for the side tangent for the Shrike AU. Seems like Danny wasn't paying attention to who was behind him for the summoning. Also seems like maybe he's met some people before, maybe not, who knows.
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topgunreacts · 1 year
Coyote ice that leaves dead things at Mav’s doorstep as a sign of affection
Maverick buying BSL-2 rated PPE so he can accept Ice’s gifts regardless of their state of decay or nastiness, because it’s the thought that counts.
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what's up folks, felt like drawing myself as a zombie apocalypse survivor :o)
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
so im looking through a website's description for laundry/dry cleaning workers
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please, please, please tell me that the other 11% was just people saying "i don't know" or otherwise HIGHLY specialized laundromats for. idk radioactive clothing??? nuclear washing machines???
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johnypage95 · 3 months
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Shim pads for precast:-
Looking for Renovation services, plaster, flooring, plumbing services or looking for bolts & nuts or pipe cutting tools, sales, and marketing, then contact us. Anamta LLC provides three divisions manpower recruitment, general trading, and building maintenance. Contact us for any type of service. https://www.anamtallc.com/shim-pads.html
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toastsnaffler · 6 months
how is it still only tuesday wadda hell...
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bowtieengineering · 2 years
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ARC  Flash Protection- Bowtie Engineering
Your Incident Energy study is finished, your new labels are bright orange, and the PPE you purchased is in a locker. What's next? Is it time to focus on what's more essential right now? We'll presumptively presume that your maintenance corrective measures have been carried out and that you have thoroughly examined and updated your electrical safety protocol. Training in electrical safety is the next action we must take. You can go to our website for additional details:- arc flash protection
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falcontradingcowll · 2 years
Best Coverall Dealers in Saudi Arabia & Bahrain
Best Coverall Dealers in Saudi Arabia & Bahrain
Protective clothing, also known as a coverall, is any clothing specially crafted, treated, or engineered to protect wearers from dangers from hazardous working situations or extreme environmental conditions. Some protective garments may protect workers from a contaminated or infectious working environment. Personal protection equipment  (PPE) is a common term for protective gear and other items.…
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Your New Lab Rat: A Guide for Whumpers Scientists
CW: Lab whump, dehumanization, implied captivity, torture, non-sexual nudity, and restraints
Congratulations on your new lab rat! This is a big step in any scientist's career, and in this helpful guide I'll walk you through getting your subject prepared for experimentation. I know you're excited and want to jump right into the science, but trust me, the proper prep work is essential.
First things first, you need to call your lab rat something. The following are some of the most common names, but feel free to be creative!
Subject (my personal favorite)
An ID number
Their species
Did you pick out a name? Excellent! The next step is to strip away the rest of their dignity. I know this might seem a bit harsh, but it's the best way to ensure your subject cooperates, and you need their cooperation to get that sweet, sweet data you're after. Take away all their possessions, even their clothes. You can give them some scrubs or a hospital gown if you want, or you can just leave them nude. If they argue or cry, just ignore them. There's always an adjustment period when a subject enters a lab, it'll pass quickly.
Your next steps will vary based on the temperament of your subject. If your subject is docile, you might not need to do anything further in preparation and can jump right into experimenting. However, some subjects exhibit aggression, which is unproductive to data collection. You will have to tame them. There are a wide variety of techniques that can be used, so consider the resources at your disposal. Note that you do not want to cause irreparable harm to your subject at this stage. Here's a list of popular disciplinary techniques to consider:
Shock collar
Withholding food, sleep, etc.
Isolation/solitary confinement
Stress positions
And of course, give positive reinforcement when your subject completes a wanted behavior. Most subjects are eager to please once they understand that they will be rewarded for cooperation. Your subject will be behaving themself in no time!
Finally it's time to start your experiments. Stick to the scientific method, and remember results must be replicable to stand up to peer review. That means that you'll need to run the same experiment on your subject multiple times, and preferably have other subjects to compare them to.
A note on safety: even the best trained subject can act out if in pain. I always recommend the use of restraints during experimentation for your own safety. Additionally, always make sure you are wearing the proper PPE. Gloves, safety goggles, lab coat, hazmat suit, etc. make your you protect yourself!
Science is hard work, but by preparing your subject beforehand it will be that much easier. Whatever your research goals, I wish you and your subject good luck!
If you decide to write your own lab rat whumpee, consider submitting to The Whumpboratory, our lab whump-themed anthology! Submissions are open until July 31, 2024. More info here!
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sixeyescurseuser · 28 days
Thinking about figure skater Gojo who tirelessly trains to qualify and compete at the next Olympic Games.
Gojo is such a legend in the skating world, very well known for his jaw-dropping, difficult performances, handsome looks, and charming personality! He was built for the spotlight.
Naturally, he has many global fans, fan accounts, and ordinary people who follow his career.
People who meet Gojo in-person after having only seen him on tv are shocked at how tall he is, yet manages to skate so well. All those triple and quad axels? And the amount of grace and power he skates with is insane considering his build. 
Once, an interviewer asks Gojo what other skaters he admires? Gojo talks about a few current big names, then sneaks in a mention of, “Oh, Suguru is also in my list , hehe.”
The interviewer chuckles alongside him, yet can’t help but ask, “Suguru…who?”
Later, Geto Suguru nearly spits out his water while watching the interview posted on Youtube. He doesn’t hesitate to text his boyfriend.
Geto: “Why do you keep bringing me up? I literally just skated in high school 😭”
Gojo sends back an old video of Geto’s skating routine from a regional competition: ❤️❤️
Gojo: “heyyy >:(“
Gojo: “It makes me happy 🥰 I loved watching you”
Growing up, Gojo and Geto skated at the same club.  But while Gojo continued skating as his professional career after, Geto dropped skating in order to focus on his academics in college.
Gojo often reminisces on the long practices they had where they would watch each other run through their routines and give each other feedback, when they would mess around and throw the craziest combinations just for shits and giggles.
He didn’t realize their time together on the rink would be so short in the long run, but they began dating when they were only sixteen, and have been going strong together since.
Gojo is still lucky to have Suguru to come home to after his long days at the rink.  
After college, Geto went on to become a marine biologist, where he does a lot of work in ocean wildlife conservation. He’s either on a boat collecting data for research or in the lab analyzing his sample results. 
Gojo is not only busy training in Japan, but he also frequently travels to train in different countries. Gojo receives lots of updates from Suguru in the form of selfies and blurry photos with ocean wildlife or results from the lab.
Suguru in the lab with his ppe (personal protection equipment). Suguru wearing his wet suit while investigating algae farms. Suguru smiling while holding a crab.  
Gojo makes the last one his lock screen. Suguru just looks so cute with his hair pulled back, and when Gojo holds his finger down on the live photo, he can hear Suguru’s voice talking in baby to the crab.
(Geto’s wallpaper is a selfie of them when they were teens.)
Geto gets super excited telling Gojo about his new findings, taking the time to explain different facts and technical terms. Gojo eagerly nods along on the phone and asks questions, commenting, “No way! The algae increased nearly double the amount with your XXX solution? That’s amazing!”
Gojo loves what he does, but it’s always a relief to come back home and find his comfort place in Suguru’s arms. 
Nothing beats taking a shower and raiding Suguru’s closet after, cooking dinner with his boyfriend, and then cuddles on the couch.
The first thing they see when they turn on the tv is a sports reporter announcing Gojo Satoru's third national championship title, and what it means for the road to the Olympics.
“Oh wow, this guy is on a roll. He should train for the Olympics or something,” Geto says.
Gojo simply buries face in Suguru’s neck and snickers: “Or something.”
Once, while getting ready to sleep one night, Gojo whispers in Geto’s: “Remember that one time you ripped your pants during the Junior Grand Prix?”
Geto doesn’t react at first.
Then, without warning, he tries to smother his boyfriend with his pillow.
One of the best memories is when Geto surprised Gojo by showing up in-person to one of the abroad competitions. 
In the middle of his post-win interview, still in his competition suit, makeup dewey and hair fluffy, Gojo suddenly spots a familiar face behind one of the paparazzi. 
Gojo is literally mid-answer when he locks in and SPRINTS to get his boyfriend in his arms.
“Suguru!!” Gojo shouts. He’s already leaping and oh, Suguru’s arms readily catch him. 
Geto laughs with his whole chest, squeezing tightly around Gojo’s middle.
“Hello, darling.”
Gojo has to finish the interview but he’s so bubbly now because teehee Suguru is right there and watching proudly. 
Gojo needs him in his bed immediately.
After the interview, Geto explains he got his lab assistants to cover their project for the next week so he could fly out and visit Gojo in Australia!
Gojo happily drags Geto back to his hotel room,  giggling and babbling about the plans they could have for the next week. The couple excitedly discuss outings to art and performance events, to the beach, even the zoo - which Geto is ecstatic for. 
Upon entering the hotel room, Geto quickly drops his luggage off in the corner. Gojo is still yapping when Geto suddenly walks him backwards to the bed. 
The back of Gojo’s knees hit the edge and he falls back with an “oof!”
Geto smoothly crawls on top to lay his whole body weight on his boyfriend’s. 
Gojo chuckles. He combs through Suguru’s hair and continues his talking, knowing Suguru is tired from traveling and this will help them both relax.
Gojo gradually runs out of things to say, and the soft breaths against his neck tell him yep, he unfortunately needs to poke his boyfriend awake so they can both shower and freshen up before bed.
Gojo pats Geto’s lower back. “Suguru, wakey wakey.”
No response.
Pat pat on the lower back again, then smoothing his hands up to pat the upper-back.
“Babyyy, wake up. We need to shower. And eat.”
Geto offers a protesting grunt, then nuzzles against Gojo’s neck.
This leaves Gojo no choice.
He sneaks a hand down to pinch Geto’s ass.
“Ouch- hey what the fuck?”
Gojo yelps when he feels Suguru pinch his nipple in retaliation, then rolls off Gojo’s body to head toward the bathroom.
Five minutes later, the couple shower together while casually recapping the results of the skating event.
“Any feedback for me today?” Gojo asks. Geto hums, more focused on massaging the shampoo into Gojo’s hair. He applies the perfect amount of pressure that makes Gojo moan in appreciation.
“The only feedback I have is that you look amazing out there, Satoru. All the hard work you put into training clearly pays off. I am so so proud of you,” Geto says, dropping a kiss to Gojo’s nape.
Gojo preens, and completely surrenders himself to his boyfriend's tender touches.
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hazmatgearguy · 9 months
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Two men in MSA half mask respirators and Tyvek suits.
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triptrippy · 2 months
I love your art so much! If you don't mind me asking what's your process for designing characters/outfits?
i had to think about this for a while
when designing characters sometimes im just thinking of a concept ive been exposed to and want to expand in my mind, like with my dunmeshi ocs there were multiple Things in dungeon meshi i wanted to play around with.
dwarves having high tech ruins with trolleys? telephones? there must be Some innovation going on with dwarven society, what if i made someone interested in that innovation but theyre not a dwarf. elves have magic but instead of casting, this character leans toward that tinkering mentality and they brew magic potions and make explosives. Then, i know the noble dwarves in the story are drawn like Rennaissance lords but they have telephones, so maybe there could be a little bit of a steampunk vibe. And then being an elf, around dwarves, they probably get their gender confused more often, maybe they actually dont mind that much and its fun. maybe they work for the dwarven noble in the party? i think that was basically my thought process for fry. and then for his physical appearence, i started drawing an elf and i was focusing on that "likes to have fun" part and i gave him sort of that elven shagginess/laid back look, and messed around with the color pallett until i picked something i liked. he almost had bleach white hair reminiscent of a mad scientist but brown felt more grounded. and its pink at the root because its cute!
i feel like i wing it with outfits but i think i use the same logic. hes an alchemist and lives around nobility, so he has kind of a suit as if hes in academia. but hes cute, so it has a skirt and no jacket. he has a magical prosthetic that he controls with a puppet spell like milsiril uses to control her puppets. it doesnt heal when hes healed because he was born without the arm, and it also doesnt count towards the 1/13th of body missing that would ruin a ressurection since it was never there to begin with. SORRY I GOT INTO THE LORE ON YOU umm yeah and then his head is very warm toned so his outfit i chose warm tones as well. i put goggles and gloves because safety first proper PPE. and thats it! i pick outfits that make sense for what i know of the character, their class(monetarily) how practical i imagine they are, what they would dress for on a daily basis. either before or during the design process im thinking of the silouette and color chemistry as well, but that can change with an outfit.
awesome question thank u!
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itsladykit · 1 year
One thing that drives me nuts about the narrative surrounding the Radium Girls is that the company still has such a strong hold on the way the story is often told.
Granted, it may be an attempt to affirm to a modern audience that these girls--deliberately using 'girls', not 'women' because most of them were in their teens or early twenties at most--had no idea how harmful radium could be, but the narrative always seems to start out that "no one knew it was dangerous".
As soon as anyone does a deep dive, though, you realize someone did: company higher ups. In fact, men working in the same company--doing a different job, that I would say involved less contact with radium--were given full PPE for their jobs. One company scientist, upon hearing the women were practicing "lip-dipping"--which involved the girls using their lips to bring the fine-bristled, radium-soaked paintbrushes to a point--was reportedly horrified and tried to stop the practice, before any of the girls ever reported any symptoms. But the policy wasn't enforced because stopping the girls from lip-dipping cut into profits. So they turned a blind eye, telling the girls radium was completely safe out of one side of their mouth while they told the men to fully suit up out of the other.
There's better coverage of the company's reprehensible behavior during the trials--claiming the girls' symptoms were a sign of syphilis, funding misleading/fabricated studies on the safety of radium, etc. I really just wish it was more clearly stated that the company knew from the start. That knowledge hadn't trickled down to the general population yet, and they fully took advantage of that.
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beannary · 7 months
Hey question! Does Donnie have an actual lab, or does he just use his room, and also There is no WAY he hasn't blown something up and charred one of his cute little suits.
yes he does have an actual lab! donnie and big mama live in the nexus hotel in the penthouse suit and that's where his room is. Big Mama has an office that is on a lower floor and Donnie's lab is nearby on that same floor. It wasn't originally a lab space, but as a reward for good behavior, Big Mama renovated the room into a lab for Donnie.
Donnie doesn't get a whole lot of opportunities to like tinker around with whatever he wants to, he pretty much just only works on projects that Big Mama assigns him, but he has DEFINITELY ruined some of his little suits while working in there since he doesn't have proper PPE
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thrown-away-opinions · 3 months
I've been really enjoying Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, but I can't shake how fucking insulting fucking stupid and preachy this game is about Nuclear power. Spoilers after the break, so don't click unless you don't want to be spoiled on some major plot points.
Kiryu spends decades of games chain smoking, and the Y8 has the audacity to have Kiryu contract fatal, terminal cancer after spending the last several games going on about his tragic fake death and how he can never be seen and no one can know he's still alive... and the reason for that cancer? Kiryu breathed in some radioactive dirt dust while working at a waste disposal site after some small accident knocked over a few barrels.
And I want to credit them for acknowledging that the large amount of "nuclear waste" is not toxic sludge that kills you if you get too close, but just stuff like dirt, used PPE suits, and a very small, very carefully handled amount of spent fuel rods... but at the same time, they committed to killing off their most iconic character because he got a whiff of radioactive dirt. Which is even weirder because those barrels of radioactive waste are most often sealed in concrete. Kiryu should be dead from being crushed under several thousand pounds of fucking concrete and the barrels shouldn't have leaked a thing, because that's how waste disposal and storage works.
It's not even acknowledged if it's from the Fukushima disaster, where they had to remove several inches of ground from the surrounding area, which arguably may have made things worse.
And it gets worse. The evil scheme the story unveils as you go involves a corrupt super mafia shadow government controlled by a religious cult who has struck a deal with the remaining Japanese Yakuza, the Hawaiian government, and Japanese politicians. Their evil plan is, get this, to build new nuclear power plants and then store the radioactive waste on a remote, uninhabited hawaiian island.
That island is the fictional holy land of the religious cult and already used for shady crime stuff anyways, but it's not framed as being some ecological disaster that will deface some natural paradise. The real problem is that greedy politicians will allow more nuclear power plants to be built and then ex-yakuza will be tricked into slaving in the waste storage mines until they die!! Them colluding with criminal organizations isn't even the problem.
The heroes are slightly more worried about the ex-yakuza guys being forced to work in the storage facility where they will get Kiryu cancer, but the overall message comes across as "Nuclear Power is so evil and dangerous that only corrupt and evil criminal guys cutting shady deals with bigger criminals and politicians would dare to push it"
I fucking hate it.
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