barblaz-arts · 4 months
Hi! I’ve been a follower since way back when you posted LapisxPeridot and pr17. I recently logged back on again and I realize why EnidxWednesday is comforting to me. Idk but seeing the way you draw them and their dynamic in general is so reminiscent of Trini and Kimberly’s dynamic(which I’m still hopelessly waiting for the sequel- rip). Popular x Loner/intimidating smol bean lol(also trini and Wednesday have Latin bg’s in a sense). Just wanted to point it out b/c it’s been on the back of my mind and I think I finally figured it out! Also thank you for your continuous amazing work!
(I can’t imagine Wednesday getting along w/ Zach but maybe Enid would? And if the dynamics really mirror like I think she’d do a black suit w/ yellow accents if she were ever a yellow ranger. But I wouldn’t really know- writing and English aren’t my best so I hope I’m getting across well)
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I suppose I can see why. The way I draw Enid's hair is done the same way I used to draw Kim's hair. Enid's is just fluffier hehe
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5ivebyfive · 3 months
Happy Vday! Last year or maybe the year before I made you some PR17 Valentine's Day cards and because I still feel like they are some of the best things I've contributed to the fandom I went looking for them in your archive but they aren't there. 🥺 Or maybe they are but I just did a quick glance at 2023 and 2022 and had to rush off to work. Anyway if you remember what you tagged them as I can look for them later but I would really like to see them again.
Plus some dorky Naomi because it is Valentine's Day after all. 😀
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
I do remember those, but I have no clue what i tagged them as. I will check my archive for last year and the year before when i get home from work! I’d love to reblog them again.
I see your Naomi and raise you a Becky.
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pockysquirrel · 2 months
Trying to pander without just asking something I already know the answer to is tough but if you had thoughts on this one I've forgotten them so: Does 2017 Billy/Jason make sense? Does it compel you?
It make sense to me in an academic way, like, I can understand why people might ship it? But it doesn't make sense to me personally. Doesn't compel me either.
I'm entirely shipless for PR17, now that I think about it. Which is weird for me, but not unheard of
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nari-writes · 6 months
Trick or treat! (Any lines that you're eager to use but haven't quite found the place for?)
this one!!! I wrote it as part of a PR17 soulmates fic and while I do know where it could go it's also no longer part of the POV I'm writing the fic in, so I either scrap it or write a part 2 continuation that's from a different POV - but either way it exists as just, something so fun, the concept of "they know this is not solvable by sorry (but they wish they could try that anyway)".
---- [god I need to find a new way of doing linebreaks aha]
If it were a matter of swallowing his own pride he woulda swallowed it by now; it would be so much easier if he could solve this by saying sorry.
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Option 1:  Aller-retour (11,6 km au total)
32.75754, -17.05940  Début du sentier 32.76542, -17.06046  Belvédère 1 32.77155, -17.06488  A droite sur ER 208 32.77219, -17.06466  A droite sur PR17 32.77252, -17.06251  Camping Caramujo 32.77088, -17.06130  Lagoa do Caramujo 32.76963, -17.05582 A droite sur Levada da Rebeira do Inferno 32.76394, -17.05075  PR17 32.76456, -17.04894  Belvédère 2 On revient sur nos pas
Option 2:  On continue vers Encumeada (11,2 km au total) 32.76515, -17.04458  PR17 à droite 32.76134, -17.04881  PR17 à gauche 32.75420, -17.01944  Fin du sentier à Encumeada
Le sentier de randonnée PR17 Caminho do Pináculo e Folhadal a une longueur de 15 km (aller seulement).  C'est pour cette raison que nous avons parcouru ce sentier en le fractionnant en trois segments.
La troisième section du sentier que nous avons parcouru débute à Bica de Cana et a une longueur variable dépendamment  du trajet que l'on désire parcourir (voir options ci-haut).
Il débute en bordure de la route régionale 105.  Un panneau informatif indique le début du sentier.
Le sentier, en descente, traverse une dense forêt. De nombreuses roches et racines jonchent le sol qui peut s'avérer glissant lorsqu'il a plu.
De jolies fleurs bordent le sentier et la végétation est luxuriante.  Quelques belvédères offrent de superbes points de vue sur la vallée et les montagnes lorsque le climat le permet.  Il ne faut pas oublier que c'est un secteur souvent envahi par une mer de nuages.
Le sentier quitte un court moment la forêt puisque l'on doit parcourir une petite distance sur la route régionale 208 (chemin de terre rocheux).
Le sentier pénètre à nouveau dans la forêt et passe à proximité du camping Caramujo qui est maintenant abandonné.  De vieux bâtiments colorés sont toujours présents et rendent le paysage vraiment pittoresque.
En poursuivant notre randonnée, nous traversons une superbe forêt composée d'arbres tortueux.  Nous passons près du Lagoa do Caramujo, un étang qui était à sec lors de notre passage.
Nous devons traverser un petit tunnel creusé dans la falaise.  Il est préférable d'avoir une lumière pour le traverser car le sol est jonché de roches.
Nous avons le plaisir d'observer une belle et longue cascade qui se déverse le long d'un mur recouvert de végétation.
Nous nous retrouvons ensuite au sommet d'une étroite crête qui nous permet d'obtenir de jolis points de vue (belvédère 2) sur la région.
A partir de ce belvédère, nous pensions prendre un sentier nommé "Paredes".  Cependant, il nous a été déconseillé de l'emprunter puisque ce n'est pas un sentier officiel et qu'il y a beaucoup de broussailles.
Nous avions l'option de faire le retour sur le même sentier, mais nous voulions éviter la longue pente ascendante qui mène au stationnement à la fin du sentier.
C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de nous rendre plutôt à Encumeada (option 2) et tenter de faire de l'autostop pour le retour à Bica da Cana.
Nous avons donc poursuivi notre randonnée au sommet de cette crête et puis avons entamé une très longue descente sur des marches d'escalier qui nous paraissaient d'ailleurs interminables.  Heureusement que nous n'avions pas fait le trajet en sens inverse!
Nous avons ensuite amorcé une dernière montée pour enfin rejoindre le sentier qui longe la levada do Norte et qui mène à Encumeada.  
Cette dernière section n'apparaît pas dans cette vidéo puisque nous l'avions déjà présentée dans une précédente vidéo.  Elle est facile à parcourir puisqu'il n'y a aucun dénivelé.  Cependant, il y a quelques tunnels à traverser.  Prévoir une lumière.
A notre arrivée, nous avons tenté de faire de l'autostop, mais sans succès.  Peu de voitures se dirigeaient vers Bica da Cana.  Et aucun transport en commun ne dessert cette région.
Nous avons donc dû nous résigner à prendre un taxi pour retourner à notre point de départ.  Le prix demandé pour ce trajet a été de 45 euros.
ABONNEZ-VOUS  ► https://www.youtube.com/c/SouthAngelVideo?sub_confirmation=1
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christophe76460 · 11 months
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Le 17 Juin
Une sagesse pour aujourd’hui
Les petits-fils
Les petits-fils sont la couronne des vieillards, et les pères sont la parure de leurs fils. (Pr17.6).
Lorsqu’on parle des petits-fils, cela évoque trois générations : celle des grands-pères (vieillards), celle des pères, et celle des fils, petits-fils des grands-pères.
Le sage affirme que les petits-fils sont la couronne des vieillards.
Pourquoi dit-il cela ?
La couronne ici est le symbole d’une consécration, d’un honneur, d’une gloire.
Ce qui veut dire que lorsque les vieillards voient leurs petits-fils, ils se sentent comme bénéficiaires d’un grand honneur.
Ils éprouvent un sentiment de réussite car au travers de la présence de leurs petits fils, ils voient le fruit de leur investissement dans la vie de leurs fils.Le sage affirme que les pères sont la parure de leurs fils.
Qu’est-ce que cela signifie ?
Une parure c’est ce qui orne, embellit. Dire que les pères sont la parure de leurs fils revient à dire que c’est aux pères que revient le droit, l’honneur et le privilège de transmettre les valeurs à leurs fils.
Si vous êtes parent, quelles valeurs transmettez-vous à vos enfants ?
Si vous êtes enfants, comment exprimez-vous votre honneur à vos parents ?
Chaque parent transmet des valeurs à ses enfants, que ce soit intentionnellement ou non. En tant que parent, on aura beau dire ou enseigner aux enfants de faire ci ou de ne pas faire ça, on ne produira jamais que ce que nous sommes nous-mêmes.
Si nous voulons plus tard être des grands parents épanouis, investissons dès maintenant dans la vie de nos enfants des valeurs éternelles, celles-là qui résistent aux temps, aux lieux, aux circonstances et aux pandémies de toutes sortes, par ce que nous sommes, pensons, faisons et disons.Jésus leur dit de nouveau :Si vous portez beaucoup de fruit, c’est ainsi que mon Père sera glorifié, et que vous serez mes disciples.(Jn15.8).Jésus dit cela à ses disciples pour leur faire comprendre que ce qui fait la joie et la gloire de Dieu le Père, c’est la multiplication des disciples.
Vérité : Ce que Dieu veut, c’est la multiplication des disciples, et non le cumul des convertis.
Applications :
1. Aspirer à être un disciple accompli de Jésus.
2. En tant que parent, faire de chacun de mes enfants un disciple accompli de Jésus.
3. Chercher à faire des disciples accomplis de Jésus et non à faire des fidèles pour ma communauté.
Promesse à mémoriser : Tous tes fils seront disciples de l’Eternel, et grande sera la prospérité de tes fils. (Es54.13).
Prions ensemble : Père, fais-moi ressembler à ton Fils Jésus, dans son être et sa façon de faire. Amen !
Lecture pour aujourd’hui : Ps81-Ps85, Pr17, Es7-Es9.
Vous êtes béni(e) !
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squiremaximus · 3 years
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you will humbly walk amongst your peers, but heroes you all will be
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pipiro17 · 5 years
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Mi oc LN dentro de un vaso de agua
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kathillards · 6 years
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🏳️‍🌈  power rangers ladies + pride: kimberly ann hart is gay in every incarnation  🏳️‍🌈
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Wow I sure love the new power rangers
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kimbartelt · 4 years
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TODAY FROM 15 - 22 H PR17 OPEN SPACE Paul-Robeson Str. 17 10439 Berlin GREGOR HILDEBRANDT, AXEL GEIS, TINE FUHRLER, OLIVIA BERKEMEYER, ANDY HOPE 1930, JAKOB SCHMIDT, JOHN BOCK, THOMAS ZITZWITZ, ATUSA JAFARI, PATRICK CIERPKA, MARION EICHMANN, PHILIP GROETZINGER, GOTTHARD GRAUBNER, BERTRAM HASENAUER, LISA JUNGHANS, AMELIE ESTHERHAZY, OLIVER LANZ AND MANY MANY MORE Image: Detail of ‘Day’ 120 x 120 cm, 2020, paper on canvas on view at PR17 today . . . . #art #exhibition #PR17 #berlinartweek #kimbartelt #paper #abstract #artiststudio (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFBw7hjlnpB/?igshid=1rdaccdtbtw2a
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
I’m seeing an influx of “new” people in the PR17/Trimberly fandom. As far as posting about it. So I need to know!!
Did you recently discover PR2017? Have you always loved it? Did you change accounts? Have you been here all along and I didn’t notice you?? I’m curious!
Come to me (possibly) new fandom members! Talk to me! If you’re new, WELCOME TO THE INSANITY. If you’re not, WELCOME BACK.
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avasilvugh · 7 years
11, trimberly!
11. things you said when you were drunk
find it on:ao3
Trini hasn’t said a word since she appeared on Kim’s doorstep, puffy eyed and clutching an already half empty bottle of whiskey.
That in itself was terrifying; it was the middle of the night and Kim’s parents were out of town, gone until next weekend at least, and Trini hadn’t texted, called—nothing.  All of a sudden there were just slow, heavy knocks on the front door, startling Kim from where she had fallen asleep on the couch.
And then there was Trini, looking a mess with her hair tied up and mussed, like she’d been running her fingers through it, the way she did when she was stressed.  She was barefoot too, but didn’t seem to notice it; her legs were bare, covered in mud, her sleep shorts wrinkled and rolling up her thighs.  Kim wasn’t sure she’d ever seen her so vulnerable, even at the bonfire, even after getting her ass kicked.
She looked so small.  Still looks small, curled up in the armchair in Kimberly’s living room.  It was usually Kim’s favorite spot, but she always ceded it to Trini when the rangers were over, always found more warmth in the image of the smaller girl looking so comfortable in Kim’s space.
That warmth is still there, but lessened now; less insistent, less likely to make Kim say something stupid.  Trini had offered her the bottle silently when she walked in, but Kim hadn’t accepted, made a snap decision that she’d need to be clear headed considering how these things usually went with them, since Trini obviously wasn’t.
She’s not sure how to ask what Trini needs.  Because if it was a pep talk she wanted, Jason was a better bet.  If her mom was ragging on her, she would have gone to Billy’s, where his mother would feed her and make up the guest bed with no questions.  If she just wanted to do stupid shit—Zack’s, probably, with his willingness to feed into whatever recklessness Trini’s drummed up.
Trini sometimes comes to her when she can’t sleep, when she needs a warm body in her bed, but usually she comes to Kim when she’s got too much energy and self-loathing and needs something to do with it—they tend to be the most in sync of all the rangers, at least for now.  But this wasn’t like those times when Trini hauled herself through Kim’s bedroom window, her eyes dark and wanting.  She came to the door, which she never does when it’s just her, not all of them.  
Frankly, Kim has no fucking clue as to why Trini’s here.
She’s just about to ask, just about to tiptoe her way around the way her heart dropped when she saw the bottle, saw that Trini had been crying.  Kim’s got the right question, she thinks, the safest one that will get her an answer without getting Trini to shut down, but then—
“Am I broken?” Trini asks abruptly, her eyes closed and head leaned back.  Kim almost thinks she’s asleep, that she just imagined her question, but then Trini adds in a quieter voice, “It feels like I am.”
“Trini—,” Kim starts, feeling like her chest is cracking open with love for this girl, feeling like the universe is so fucking cruel for making Trini feel like this, for not letting her see herself how Kim sees her, for not putting them in the right world where Kim can tell her how she sees her, where she’s not allowed to tell Trini how her entire world has kind of rearranged itself around Trini’s smile.
The other girl lifts her free hand to stop her.  “I think I am,” she says, and maybe this is what she came for.  She needed to say this, needed someone who would listen, who would let her get it all out.  Jason would keep trying to cheer Trini up, Zack wouldn’t let her speak so poorly of herself, Billy would give her explanations; Kim’s the only one that really understands this, at least, the all-consuming need to just have some fucking space to hate yourself.  Even if it hurts.  Even if it can’t be true.
“I think that—I think they’re right.”  She doesn’t elaborate who she thinks is right, just keeps going, gaining speed, traction.  “I think maybe I was just?  Born bad?  Like maybe my mom gave birth to her perfect daughter, but the hospital fucked up and switched her with me and now there’s this girl running around out in the world that could make my family so happy, but they’re stuck with me.”  
She pauses, takes another long drink; misses her mouth just a little, wipes the spilled liquor off her chin with her arm.
Trini’s eyes are open now, staring up at the ceiling.  Kim thinks that maybe she just wanted a witness for this.  Someone to hear it, so that she wasn’t the only one with these words rattling around in her head.  
Kim’s known for a long time that she’ll be whatever Trini needs her to be.  Even if that’s just someone in her bed.  Even if that’s just a confessional.
“Like,” Trini picks back up, seeming to jump to a new subject, unaware.  “Like who fucks up a friendship just—just because—,” she breaks off, clenching her jaw and turning to look at Kim helplessly, like she can’t find the right words, like maybe Kim will know.  And—god, Kim would do anything to help her, to find her the right words.  Anything to help her look a little less scared, a little less helpless.
Trini starts to cry, her face screwing up and Kim’s—she’s never—
She doesn’t know what to do.  Doesn’t know if Trini wants to be touched, held; doesn’t know if she’s like Kim, where she just wants everyone to pretend like she’s not even crying.  They’ve never really done this with each other outside of bonfire nights, but then there’s the boys as buffers, there’s the quarry and the woods and all the places they’ve found to hide away from one another.  They’ve never had to traverse the minefield that is emotional intimacy.
But it hurts too much to do ignore, to pretend like Trini pulling her knees up to her chest and sobbing into them isn’t one of the most painful things that Kim’s ever experienced—dying in a fiery pit included.
“I just—I keep ruining things,” Trini sobs as Kim stands, moving towards her slowly.  “Rita—she was right.”  Kim bristles at the name, at the thought of the woman that killed Billy, that nearly killed them all.  That left those scars on Trini’s neck.
“C’mere,” Kim murmurs, leaning down and slipping one arm around Trini’s shoulders, one under her knees.  She lifts her easily and Trini doesn’t seem to mind or, well, even notice.  Kim rearranges them in the armchair, holds Trini to her chest and manages to slip the bottle out of her hand, manages to set it on the side table, just out of Trini’s reach.  
When her arms go back around Trini, the other girl tenses and for a minute Kim thinks that this was the wrong move, that she’s fucked up, freaked her out.  But then she relaxes, turns into Kim.  She’s got to be drunk, has to be completely blitzed because there’s no way she’d be out and out cuddling into Kim otherwise, not when awake at least.
"Rita was right—I’m the fuck up on this team.  You—you all fit together, but I—I’m going to get you all killed one day, I’m—I’m fucking awful, I can’t—I can’t—,” she breaks off into another body wracking sob and everything hurts, everything in Kim wants to make this pain disappear, wants to convince Trini that she’s not all these things, that she’s just as important to the team as any of them.
She doesn’t have the words for that, struggles to find them for herself too.  There’s nothing she can do for Trini, nothing to fix this hurt.  This is years of her family, her shitty schools—god, if Kim could go back in time and fight everyone that had a hand in breaking Trini down this much, she would.  In an instant.  In a heartbeat.
“And I—,” Trini finally manages, her voice cracking.  “I keep—I keep thinking a-about—.”  She stops again, lets out this high, keening noise that feels like a shot, straight through Kim.  She starts running through possible ends for that sentence, each one scaring her more than the last.  I keep thinking about leaving.  I keep thinking about dying.  “I keep thinking about you,” Trini spits.
And—shit.  She wasn’t expecting that.
“I keep thinking about you, and I—I’m disgusting, I’m awful, you’re my—my best friend,” she says like it pains her, like she has to force the words out.  “You deserve so much better.  You deserve more than whatever I can give you.”
“Trini,” Kim tries, feeling like she’s invading the other girl’s privacy somehow, as if she hadn’t shown up on Kim’s doorstep.  “Trini, you’re drunk.”
“No shit,” Trini huffs.
“I don’t—you’ll regret this in the morning, if you remember it at all.”
“I won’t.”  Won’t what? Kim wants to ask, wants to clarify.  “You deserve more and you deserve to know that—that I know you deserve more.”
“Trin,” she tries again, feeling like they’re hurtling towards something inevitable, something that’s going to change them forever.  Something she thought she’d have more time to prepare for.
“You shouldn’t—,” Trini whispers thickly.  “You shouldn’t have to be okay with just me.  You shouldn’t have to hide because of me.”
It won’t do any good to try and argue with her now, to try and assure her that any time she can get with Trini is worth it.  That she’s willing to take anything Trini is willing to give her.  That she made this decision because she wanted to.  Trini’s too drunk and too deep into this spiral to really hear it—maybe later, maybe when she’s sober, maybe if she holds her hand in the light of day—maybe then she’ll understand how deep Kim is in this.
“You need to sleep this off,” Kim says instead of all of that.  “You’re staying over tonight.”
“I should go home,” Trini slurs.
Kim brushes back some of Trini’s hair, tucks it back out of her eyes.  “You can have my bed,” she offers.  “But I’ll drive you, if you really need to get back.”
She knows she’s won their nonexistent argument by the way Trini’s eyes have started to droop, by the way the smaller girl’s started to sag against Kim.
Kim stands, brings Trini with her.  She’ll come through and clean up later, once Trini’s in bed; she’ll pour out the rest of the whiskey and hide the evidence, put everything back the way it was, just in case Trini doesn’t want to acknowledge it all.  Trini’s head drops onto her shoulder as she walks up the stairs, her nose cold as she presses her face into the juncture of Kim’s neck.
“Stay,” she mumbles once Kim’s laid her down, pulled the blankets over her.
“You’re drunk,” Kim says again, trying to pull her hand out of Trini’s grasp and failing (though, if she’s honest, she’s not trying that hard).
Trini blinks up at her.  “I am,” she nods sleepily.  “But I always sleep better with you.”  She manages to pull Kim into the bed, onto her; unfazed, Trini rolls her off to one side before settling back in.  “I feel safer,” she admits, her eyes closing.  
“Yeah,” Kim hums in agreement, finding her way under the covers as well.  Trini reaches out, links their hands.  “Me too.”
(in the morning, in the unflinching light of day, Kim does the same.  Trini startles, stares at her, but doesn’t pull away.  It’s not everything, not even close to all the things they need to talk about.  But it’s a start.  And it’s enough)
find it on:ao3
“We should totally get married.”
Kim freezes, drops the pan she was scrubbing with a bang.  “What?” she calls back, disbelieving.  From the kitchen, she can just barely see the top of Trini’s head, her hair a mess and hanging down over the arm of the couch.  Her drinking game with Zack had gotten a little competitive, despite their mutual assurances that it was just a friendly game; Zack had left fifteen minutes ago, supported between Jason and Tommy and still mumbling that he could totally drink Trini under the table.
Considering Trini managed to make it to the couch on her own and that fact that she’s still managing complete—if startling—sentences, Kim would have to say that she won.
“WE SHOULD GET MARRIED,” Trini yells back, her hands coming up to cup her mouth.
“Oh my god,” Kim snorts, rinsing the dish soap off of her hands before walking into the living.  She snags a dishtowel on her way, leans against the doorway and nervously dries them.  “I could hear you,” she says to clarify.  “That just seems like a pretty big statement.”
Trini rolls onto her stomach, props her head up with her arms.  “That’s because what I feel for you is pretty big,” she says plainly.
“You’re drunk.”
“I bought you a ring.”
Oh.  “Oh.”  So this wasn’t some heat of the moment thing; this was Trini, too anxious to say it sober.  She’d probably had the ring for—
“I got it a few months ago, but I kept—uh.  Wimping out isn’t the right word,” she huffs, “but I kept wimping out right before I’d ask.”  Trini frowns for a second, tears gathering and then she says in awe and confusion—“I just?  Love you so much?”
Jesus—Kim is so in love.  So head over heels, stupidly in love with this woman.  “You punk,” she mutters, tossing the dishtowel over the back of one of the dining chairs off to her right before she comes forward, kneels in front of Trini.  “I got you a ring too,” she says, reaching out to cradle Trini’s face.
“You did?”
“Yeah.  I thought I might actually beat you to it.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I’m a little too drunk to go get your ring right now.  I hid it really, really well.”
“Can we raincheck trying to outpropose each other until I’m sober?”
“Of course.”
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barb-l · 2 years
wait omg i also only watched ben 10 as a kid because of gwen... i loved her so much i literally wanted to be her. i would refuse to watch episodes that didn't have her in it lmao
Lmao moooood
Gwen was probably one of my childhood crushes. Remember the episodes where they showed their adult versions?
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*heart eyes*
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32.74184, -17.04644  Stationnement Lombo do Mouro 32.74273, -17.04474  Début du sentier 32.75357, -17.04603  Pinaculo 32.75567, -17.05349  Fin du sentier On retourne sur nos pas
Le sentier de randonnée PR17 Caminho do Pináculo e Folhadal a une longueur de 15 km (aller seulement).  C'est pour cette raison que nous avons parcouru ce sentier en le fractionnant en trois segments.
La deuxième section du sentier que nous avons parcouru débute à Lombo do Mouro et a une longueur de 3,4 km (aller seulement).  Nous en ferons l'aller-retour.
Le sentier débute en bordure de la route régionale 105 et longe la levada da Serra. Cependant, à +/- 750 m du début du sentier se trouve un long escalier escarpé qui nous amène à un niveau supérieur, nous permettant de bénéficier de jolies vues panoramiques sur les montagnes avoisinantes.
Nous apercevons d'ailleurs quelques villages aux pied de ces magnifiques montagnes.
Nous rencontrons plusieurs cascades qui se déversent directement sur le sentier.  La végétation est luxuriante et il y a beaucoup de jolies fleurs.
Lors de cette randonnée, nous pouvons également observer un pinnacle, une haute formation rocheuse qui domine le plateau.
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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_*Le 17 Octobre*_
_*Une sagesse pour aujourd’hui…*_
_*Education sans bâton ?*_
« _*Un reproche fait plus d’impression sur l’homme intelligent que cent coups sur l’insensé.*_ » (Pr17.10).
```Dans ce verset, le sage montre la différence entre l’homme intelligent et l’insensé en comparant l’efficacité des différents modèles d’éducation qui leur sont appliqués.```
_*Exercice :* Connaissez-vous un seul parent au monde qui aimerait donner naissance à un insensé ? Connaissez-vous des parents qui n’éduquent leurs enfants qu’à coups de bâton ? Pensez-vous qu’il soit possible d’envisager une éducation des enfants sans bâton du tout ?_
*Un reproche fait plus d’impression sur l’homme intelligent que cent coups sur l’insensé.* _Cela signifie pour le sage que ce qui change l’insensé, ce ne sont pas des coups de bâton, quel que soit leur nombre. On n’éduque pas un insensé à coups de bâtons ou même de paroles, cela pourrait renforcer sa folie._
*Ce dont l’homme intelligent a besoin pour sa vie et pour son développement, ce ne sont pas des coups de bâtons à répétition, mais un modèle de vie qu’il voit et imite, et des paroles justes et appropriées qu’il entend et garde.*
_*Le sage est-il en train de déconseiller formellement l’utilisation du bâton comme moyen possible dans le processus de correction de l’enfant ?*_
Notre verset du jour sera très apprécié des « _anti-bâtons_ », mais il serait bien d’avoir une vue globale de la pensée du sage sur la question, afin de ne pas lui faire dire ce qu’il n’a pas dit. (Pr10.13 // 22.15 // 23.13-14 // 26.3 // 29.15 // 2Sa7.14).
*Ce qui va faire de nos enfants des hommes intelligents, ce ne sera pas le fait d’avoir utilisé le bâton ou pas, mais bien plutôt le fait de la grâce de Dieu d’une part, et le fait de notre responsabilité en tant que parents d’autre part.*
*Donc dans l’éducation des enfants, nous devons :*
_1. D’une part, prendre en compte la grâce de Dieu, afin de pouvoir prier pour eux comme si tout ne dépendait que de Dieu._
_2. Et d’autre part, prendre en compte notre responsabilité, afin de pouvoir les aimer inconditionnellement et être pour eux, des modèles en tout, dans le faire et dans le dire, comme si tout ne dépendait que de nous._
*NB : La profondeur et l’étendue de notre relation avec nos enfants va dépendre de la profondeur et de l’étendue de notre relation avec Dieu.*
Jésus dit : « *En vérité, en vérité, je vous le dis, le Fils ne peut rien faire par lui-même, mais seulement ce qu’il voit faire au Père ; et tout ce que le Père fait, le Fils aussi le fait également.* » (Jn5.19).
_Jésus fait cette déclaration importante aux Juifs, pour leur montrer que tout ce qu’il fait est en parfait accord avec son Père et que s’opposer à Lui, c’est s’opposer à son Père qui est Dieu._
*Vérités :*
*1. Tel père, tel fils.*
*2. Jésus-Christ Fils de Dieu est en parfait accord avec son Père dans ce qu’il pense, dans ce qu’il ressent, dans ce qu’il dit et dans ce qu’il fait.*
_*Applications :*_
_1. Réfléchir sur ce que j’aimerais que mes enfants soient, et travailler à l’être d’abord._
_2. Résister à la chair et penser, ressentir, parler et agir selon Dieu en toute chose._
_*Recommandation :* « Et vous, pères, n’irritez pas vos enfants, mais élevez-les en les corrigeant et en les avertissant selon le Seigneur. » (Ep6.4)._
_*Prions ensemble :* Père, ouvre-moi l’intelligence pour comprendre ta parole, et donne-moi d’être un modèle en tout pour mes enfants. Au nom de Jésus ! Amen !_
_*Lecture pour aujourd’hui :* Ps81-Ps85, Pr17, 1Co10-1Co12._
_*Vous êtes béni(e) !*
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