#pretending that my mom didn’t have the idea and wasn’t planning to absolve me the duty of sit and look pretty and be polite during dinner
emeraldcreeper · 9 months
It’s soooo fun to be butch and go ya I am pissing off my extended family, this button down is formal enough to pass as hey I just wanted to look festive for the dead guys birthday! I’m not pissing anyone off they can’t ever tell my button downs are mens, far as I know, but I can pretend my butch demeanor weirds them out to cope! Also I can read a goofy romcom where a college student fucks a milf with a shockingly good sex scene dead silently as everyone goes awwww grandpa died going on 2 years ago and loook the baby who looks exactly like her dad, how tragic genetics are- I mean cuuuuteeeeee baaaabyyyyyy who looks totally normal! he’s gonna never dump her for a hot girl half his age in 10 years, presuming he will someday not look like a man sized rat! noooooooo, no one in this room needs therapy noooooooooooo I’m soooooo normal and functional as a person right now and I can refuse to say what I think!
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dreamychick · 4 years
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Still have Gotham feelings. Some are probably unpopular/nitpicky but they're how I feel. Spoilers for Gotham Series.
The evolution of Edward Nygma into the Riddler is the absolute best thing about Gotham and no, you can't change my mind.
The relationship between Alfred and Bruce is the Second best thing.
The costumes and make up of the villians are all fucking awesome.
I like how they gave Harvey more depth.
I really. Really. Really. Really. REALLY. Hate Jim Gordan. He's obnoxious. Judges everyone to his standards but never holds his own self accountable. He can make mistakes. But they can't.
They introduced the Joker way to early and gave way to much of his backstory.
Cameron does a fucking phenomenal job of both Jerome and Jeremiah. Perfect face. Perfect voice. Perfect mannerisms. Just a perfect cast.
I don't like that the Joker knows who Bruce Wayne is since a main part of his character is supposed to be that he doesn't care WHO Batman is, he only cares about the cat and mouse chase.
I think the 2nd to last episode should have been the finale. It would have been perfect. Everything set up and all of the characters looking to the future. Everyone knowing what's to come but uncertainty still there.
Having the last episode be 10 years later is stupid. Nygma and Oswald were jailed for 10 fucking years? Really? And then they reduce them to comical idiots. Like in the comics I get making them more humerous. But after proving for 5 seasons they're both smart. This shit is just demeaning. Gordon is trying to retire only to...not when Batman comes back. The only reason they even introduced the retirement thing was soley for him to have something to do. We see Selina all grown up but never see Bruce. Bruce becomes Batman, who cares it's not really a well earned reveal. Barbara gets completely absolved of her past because.....baby? How many people has she killed? But she got a pass.
Jeremiah gets hit in the face with a spray and gets the crazy forced on him. And I know, he says it didn't have an effect it just turned him grey, but that's not true. Because his motivation is still to be obsessed with Bruce. Just like Jerome. He states he's sane but then still goes along with Jerome's after death plan. Jerimiah wasn't doing crazy shit before and now all of a sudden he is. Just seems stupid. If you wanted him to be crazy just like Jerome maybe explain more how he was just as crazy as Jerome as kids. Or show him being crazy before he gets caught by Jerome.
The freaking league of shadows is killed so damn easy multiple times. How did any of them get into the league if they were gonna be so easy to kill?
Why did Bruce Wayne Billionaire not have a better security system? He gets kidnapped and broken into way to many times. And having characters, Selina, point it out doesn't change that it's stupid.
Jonothan Crane didn't get enough time. (I just love him and wanted more)
Bane kind of comes in and becomes the shows plot lord the last minute.
I hate Jim Gordon. Pretends to be such a damn boyscout.
The fact that most of the show is more about a gangster turf war is a different take on the story and I love it.
I'm torn between liking that they showed lesser known characters, like Jane Doe, and being upset that it was more as an easter egg since they're not very developed.
Why can Victor Zsas not hit a damn thing when he's shooting?
I like how they show all of the different kinds of mental illness that runs rampant in this city.
The science of many of the villians is well explained. Even if it's not realistic.
Hugo Strange is never given a real reason why he's such a sadistic fuck. I love that shit.
Lucius is smart as hell and comes in with fun toys whenever you see him.
Did I mention that I hate Jim Gordan?
Selina and Bruce's relationship is awesome.
Gotham was such a good show. I really enjoyed it as a character study show. Watching the characters grow and become what they've turned into and why is so good.
Having the show circle around Gordan makes sense but does not make it any easier to watch the parts that focus only on him.
There's alot I could say about this show. Probably could talk for hours about it honestly. Cuz I have lots of feelings. About wasted oppurtunities. Shit that was amazing. Shit that was complex. Too simplistic. My opinions about what I like or hate just because it doesn't suit me. No valid reasons at all, just because.
Really liked Gotham. And honestly. I'm going to pretend that the show ends with Ed and Oswald looking to the future of rebuilding their gangs, Bruce goes off to learn how to be Batman, Alfred is rebuilding the Manor, Gordan is working to make Gotham a safe place for his new baby, Barbara looks toward changing into being a mom toward Barbara, Joker is "Brain Dead" and Selina is left alone to figure out wherr her future is headed. Everyone is looking toward their respective futures. We don't have to be told what happens. You don't have to show us. People who read the comics already know what's coming. And people who haven't....well it doesn't explain anything anyway, just introduces new ideas and then leaves it. It's all tacked on for no reason.
Leave us looking toward the future. Our imaginations will take care of the rest.
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
Y'all The White Privilege/Victimhood on Good Girls Jumped Out!!
Season 2 Finale Spoilers below.
Good Girls is my show, and I enjoy the heck out of and always will, but I'm about to get Peak Tumblr analyzing this finale... so let's just go over this. I'm trying to process how this played out because ...
Dean was a serial cheater who cheated on his wife even when she was struggling with post-Partum depression. Beth didn't even find out the full-extent of his cheating because he only copped to his secretary AFTER Beth found out about it on her own. And that same secretary told Beth about all the other women this season because Dean never told her the truth. Plus he faked cancer to manipulate Beth and that was not addressed once all season.
Instead Dean got a soft edit where he became the rational, responsible adult and doting, dedicated father. He was the one to show Beth all the ways in which she erred with her criminal activities and putting them at risk. His infidelity was softened by adding backstory about how Beth closed herself off when she was battling post partum depression and beyond and he felt his emotional needs weren't being met and he felt inadequate because of how she treated him.
He took her kids as if to imply she was a terrible mother despite her being the primary caretaking parent to all four of their children since they were born up until she chose to take on the dealership. He took her kids away from her. But he never really suffered any consequences for how terrible he was and he ended the season in a comfortable friendship with Beth despite all the ways he wronged her as if he's the ideal, supportive husband. And he got redemption without earning it or acknowledging the extent of his shortcomings.
Boomer is the trashiest most despicable character of them all. He knew about the money laundering and had other illegal activities going on at the store. He attempted to rape Annie and did rape and emotionally abuse and manipulate Mary Pat. And Turner KNEW all of this but didn't care if it meant he could leverage Boomer to get to Beth. No charges for anything since he helped. And that's disturbing AF.
Boomer stole money from his grandmother constantly and blackmailed everyone. He was forcing Mary Pat to marry him. Then he bolted after he was presumed dead and was willing to let the girls go to prison for his murder. But despite everything he has done, the rape, the abuse, all the illegal crap he would've gotten off Scott free if not for Nana forcing him to take responsibility. He's still facing NO repercussions. What?
Mary Pat had ample time to get out of the business or turn the girls in, but she chose to blackmail them for more money instead even though it clearly isn't what Jesus would do.
She chopped up her husband's body and put him in the freezer so she could keep collecting his veteran benefits. She enlisted the girls to take Boomer out for her, but then ran Boomer over with her car, wrapped his body up in tarp and planned to dispose of him too. But when she found out he was alive and gone, she didn't tell the FBI or the girls. Instead she had them dispose of her husband's body thinking it was Boomer's.
Her part in the operation was dismissed by Turner as long as he could use her to take down Beth. So Mary Pat did all of that and got off Scott damn free. Because she was cast as victim. She was a victim long before she actually was one (regarding her abuse by Boomer). And nothing came from any of her actions. Victim or not there are still consequences, right? Apparently not.
Noah tampered with evidence and botched his own investigation based on his relationship with Annie. He jeopardized the entire case more than once. He slept with his mark and caught feelings. He openly lied and deceived both the agency and Annie and ... nothing comes from it? No consequences at all, huh? He gets to relocate to Arizona to be with his kid.
These are all characters have done varying degrees of bad to despicable things that should have resulted in some form of repercussions and yet they face none. Why?
Turner's obsessive focus on Beth in part has to do with his disgust over her pretending to be the white suburban mom and stepford wife entangled in all of this. He recognizes that she is the sort to get away with things because of who and what she is and the image she projects.
But then he also caters to this pervasive white (woman) victimhood issue that happens a lot. He never viewed Mary Pat as anything but a desperate single mom who is a victim no matter what she did, and he absolved her of her wrong doing and slapped her on the wrist just to get to Beth which counters everything he's intending to do with Beth. Hold her accountable image be damned.
Then there is Annie who is also a single mom who gets the sympathetic play to potentially turn on her own sister. She gets the doting boyfriend and companionship to make her consider it or to get information out of her. She gets the soft play. Like she doesn't have agency in her criminal plots with her sister and Ruby. Like she too is a victim of Beth's or whomever and warrants sympathy and the benefit of the doubt.
Contrast that with what Ruby gets. Ruby got harassed for months to the point of her having case to file a complaint. She got Turner putting the squeeze on her and her husband and family repeatedly and consistently.
And worse yet, Turner did this under the guise of "doing them a solid because he didn't want them to go down for this white woman" so to speak, but he still was willing to ruin them for her anyway.
Stan is the only one who got arrested and humiliated in front of his colleagues. He's the only one who went to jail. STAN whose connection to this is flimsy. The sole black man on their side of things got hauled into jail.
And then Ruby with the sick daughter who needs meds and the husband who was hauled away is treated like a demon by Beth for considering turning on her when Ruby was the only one facing any fire or harassment.
Ruby and Stan the most wholesome and logical and least problematic had their entire world upended and ruined and faced the brunt of the repercussions. Ruby and Stan were both facing charges and jail time while Beth faced nothing while they worked to build a case against her and Annie never was considered as a threat.
If Ruby didn't turn on Beth she and Stan could be sitting in prison while everyone else roamed free. Like, YIKES!
And the way Turner is both the guy who wants to take down this white woman who would likely catch a break in the system but also the means by which he does it by his abhorrent treatment of POC is disturbing.
The first season established that Rio was basically untouchable. The second season confirmed it when Rio was literally playing tennis with an attorney filling him on things and he has connections in the FBI.
So Turner never wants to go after Rio specifically because of this even though he knows Rio is Beth's boss and the bigger fish. No, he wants to take down Beth.
So that brings me to the final Rio scene that was the most disturbing of all. Turner has played fast and loose with the rules but still tried to come across as an earnest lawman wanting to do his job.
But Turner watches Beth shoot Rio multiple times because "Rio is her problem" and to save Turner.
And if it was really about doing what was right, he could have had her arrested right then and there. He heard their conversations. Knew about their connection. All of it.
But instead he sends her home. He keeps the gun with her prints on it as something else to hold over her I'm sure, but for what?
And then he kneels down, as a law enforcement person whose sole job is to protect and serve, justice and equality, fairness ... and he taunted a dying brown man instead of calling 911. We got a brown man gurgling, his life at the mercy of the law (made all the worse with it being an agent of color), and he toys with him, toys with the idea of whether or not he should call the ambulance and phone it in... assist him before he dies. He wants something out of Rio first before he can help.
Hella more Yikes. And what a brutal takedown of Rio. The potential death of a brown man at the hands of a white woman convinced she was victimized by him or the exploited potential death of a brown man by a cop. Yikes!
Then there is Beth who somehow throughout all of this walked away convinced that she was Rio's victim when she kept going back to HIM. They made their amends and made up for taking his money, and he said they were good. BETH was the one who went to him and left a string of pearls. She's the one who wanted more work and opportunities.
She was the one who wanted the keys to the kingdom. She's the one who wanted more work. She's the one who wanted a bigger role. She sought him out repeatedly.
She's the one who initiated their sexual relationship both times. She is who broke things off, but she is also who came back looking for more. She's the one who convinced herself she was his equal and his partner, but then shied away whenever he told her to prove it. She played hot and cold this whole time, and he went along with it anyway.
She claimed he never helped her when he did. He doesn't owe her anything at all but still did more than she ever gave him credit for. When she botched that situation with those druggies and thought they kidnapped her daughter, Rio did look into it. He even got her daughter's toy back for her.
Beth's biggest issue with Rio is she mistook Rio's silence for inaction.
She assumed because he wasn't giving her play by plays that he wasn't helping her, but that was the thing to, why did he need to help her?
She wanted to be Queen but didn't want the hard work. He recognized that she wanted this and he fostered it. He told her to take care of her rotten eggs. He encouraged her to fix her own problems. He held her accountable for her own actions.
And in turn, the man who actually listened to her. The one who actually treated her as an equal and respected her is who she shot because she claimed she was his victim.
He told her this shit is medieval. He told her if she wanted to be the king she had to kill the king. But a real queen would at least own her shit instead of pretending to be a victim.
She wanted a kingdom HE built without any of the dirty work and effort. She felt entitled to it.
And then she shot him hoping she killed him and Christopher Columbus appropriated his empire.
Is this your Queen?
That finale highlighted just how interesting this season has been. So in the end, Rio is the only who didn't "win" but too many of these other terrible characters get passes? Hm.
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disruptedvice · 5 years
Cooking fluff (b99 fic)
Because everything over on ao3 looked sad
Jake is an amazing cook. Amy didn't find this out about him until after they started dating.
Over all the years she had known him as her partner, she assumed he was a horrible cook, because why else would he choose to eat mayo nut spoonsies if he could make something actually edible.
Amy was the worst cook she knew, but even she wouldn't sink that low. She’d rather eat tree bark than the nasty concoctions that he came up with.
Then, one night, Jake decided to “spontaneously” make dinner from scratch. She thought they’d order in pizza and continue their movie night, but he said he had a better idea, and told her to sit back and relax on the couch while he fixed something up.
She only waited a few minutes before checking on him, because she was genuinely worried about Jake making something she was expected to eat.
AO3 Link
Cooking fluff ___________
Jake is an amazing cook. Amy didn't find this out about him until after they started dating. In fact, it was a few month into their romantic relationship before she got even a hint of how good her boyfriend was at making meals.
Over all the years she had known him as her partner, she assumed he was a horrible cook, because why else would he choose to eat mayo nut spoonsies if he could make something actually edible.
Amy was the worst cook she knew, but even she wouldn't sink that low. She’d rather eat tree bark than the nasty concoctions that he came up with.
Then, one night, Jake decided to “spontaneously” make dinner from scratch. She thought they’d order in pizza and continue their movie night, but he said he had a better idea, and told her to sit back and relax on the couch while he fixed something up.
She only waited a few minutes before checking on him, because she was genuinely worried about Jake making something she was expected to eat.
She found him in the kitchen, his back towards her, facing the stove and sprinkling spices over something.
The scent wafting over to her nostrils was mouthwatering, though.
Over his shoulder she could see some sort of vegetables covered and being steamed, a pot of water filled with potatoes, and a skillet that's sizzling chicken covered in some intoxicating spices that she could almost taste on her tongue.
“How in the world did you manage this?” She near gasped, and Jake looked back over his shoulder, noticing her standing there for the first time.
“I know it seems like a miracle compared to you, but most people have at least some ability to cook.”
“I know I suck in the kitchen, but I’ve watched plenty of other people mix and bake. This is not just ‘some ability,’ Jake,” she told him. “It's not even finished yet, and it's already the best thing I've ever smelled. When did you start cooking? How could you not tell me you started cooking?” Amy knew this had to be a recent development, and she couldn't believe that Jake didn't tell her when he started learning how to cook.
“I've always had a bit of master chef in me,” Jake answered. “But I've been a great cook for forever. Learned when I was a kid, so pretty much my whole life”.
“There is no way you've been great at cooking since before I met you,” Amy scoffed, immediately dismissing such an unbelievable claim. “This would be the best secret talent anyone's ever hidden and you're the last person to hide even your worst talents. No way. If you could always cook this well, why would you reduce yourself to eating gummy bears dipped in chocolate milk when you had the skill to make something that wasn't disgusting? No way you've kept this secret talent hidden the whole time I've known you. You didn't always have this. I would've known.”
“First off, gummy bears and chocolate milk are delicious,” he corrected her vehemently. “I eat them because they're delicious. Second off, is it really that hard to believe? Single mom, remember. Had to cook for myself a lot. Though my nana was the one who taught me how to actually do it well. I had years of practice before I even got to high school. Whole life. Well, I wasn't allowed to touch the stove until I was ten, but even before that I did all the mixing and spices with the rest of the ingredients when Nana did the hot stuff so I wouldn't burn myself.” ___________
Amy narrowed her eyes. She wanted to believe him, she really did. But this was Jake.
“Okay, where did you get the ingredients? No way you ran down to the store and back in 180 seconds without me hearing the door even if you had superhuman speed. I would've heard from the couch if some sweet old neighbor of yours brought over some fresh ingredients when you texted them cooking 911. You couldn't have gotten these in the time I was just in the other room without me noticing. How do you explain that then, mister?” She jabbed his shoulder with her finger, and Jake chuckled at her accusatory tone.
“I got them from my fridge, Amy. Hate to disappoint when you think I have some power to make food appear out of nowhere, cause that would be the best power in the history of ever, and I would so not use that power for good. But no dice. We were talking in the other room, I walked in here, pulled everything out of my fridge, then started cooking. I'm not that sneaky to have covert ingredient deliveries. Hate to burst your bubble.”
“Jake, I've seen the inside of your fridge many times before. I've seen the horrors you keep stocked in there. You don't keep fresh things that any human can stomach other than you. I don't even open your fridge anymore when I'm looking for a snack, because I know the exact kind of ‘food’ you keep in there. You never have anything like this handy. Fresh ingredients are the kinds of things you have to buy in advance. Maybe if you were actually a healthy eater it wouldn't be suspicious if you just pulled stuff like this out of your fridge without warning.”
She thought she had him there.
“Maybe this meal is a little less spontaneous than I initially led you to believe,” Jake said casually as he lifted the lid off the vegetables and stirred them, when she knew it was anything but.
That he had actually been planning this, even though he was too embarrassed to let her know that. And it was probably the most adorable thing ever all the effort he put into it, and all the effort he put into hiding all that effort. Jake trying to pretend that not ordering in tonight was one of those Jake Peralta whims when he had actually been planning this at least a day or two in advance.
Instead of replying to his confession, Amy just hugged him from behind.
He stiffened for a millisecond after her surprise embrace and his not at all casual meaningfulness, but he relaxed into her two milliseconds later.
“Thank you,” she murmured, kissing the back of his neck sweetly. Without even looking, she knew he was smiling. ___________
“Oh my god, that was amazing. You should cook like this more often,” Amy said, actually pushing away her empty plate with a groan after she finished off her seconds. She’d been singing him praises the whole time they ate, and she wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen Jake smile at her so happily and shyly as he did with every compliment. She swore he actually blushed a couple times. “We could do it together, you know,” she suggested.
Jake raised a curious eyebrow, leaning forward, like he was subconsciously trying to get closer to her sitting across from him.
“Cooking, I mean,” Amy clarified. “If you wanted to do something like this again. We could do it together. Or I could try and help. Cause you know I’m no good at cooking myself-”
“You can say that again,” Jake muttered under his breath with a teasing smile. Everyone at the nine nine’s got their fair share of close calls when it came to food prepared by Amy Santiago.
Amy just rolled her eyes. “As I was saying, if you- if you wanted to. If you wanted to pull out your secret cooking talent again, I could try and help out or something, and maybe we could make dinner together sometime.”
“Yeah,” Jake nodded, smiling, without a hint of teasing in it. Just a genuine smile. “Yeah, that sounds nice.” ___________
Then it becomes a thing that they do. ___________
The thing about Jake Peralta cooking is that the end result is always amazing, and he can make things in record time, but he always leaves the kitchen in a disaster area in his wake. It’s really the only way to describe it- he’s just a tornado in the kitchen. He leaves out every single ingredient, and always makes a mess.
The thing about Amy Santiago cooking is that she can’t. Even with someone as good as Jake guiding her. Her last major screw up came when Jake gave her a measuring cup and asked her to fill it with baking powder and dump it in the bowl while he was doing this weird thing called basting to some turkey. They didn’t find out until after they sat down to eat that Amy didn’t fill the measuring cup with baking powder, but baking soda (“What? I thought they were the same thing!” “They’re not! They’re so not! People clean with this stuff, Amy! You use like a teaspoon of baking soda if you’re making bread, and any more than that is the amount you use to scour a bathtub! Why didn’t you just ask? You know I know your kitchen skill level. I wouldn’t have called something anything other than what the label says when I’m cooking with you. There is a very big difference between baking soda and baking powder. Huge difference.”)
So yeah, she’d pretty much lost her ingredient-contribution privileges.
But that turned out to be for the best. Because while Amy was not a chef, she could admit she was a bit of a neat freak. She liked keeping things orderly and clean. And after she was absolved from actually trying to help Jake make amazing meals for the two of them, that’s when their actual kitchen partnership began to shine.
Every time he was making meals she followed his tornado wreckage that he made over the counters and picked up what he left out, the spills and messes he made, and just cleaned up a bit while he continued tearing through the kitchen.
They made great kitchen partners.
Jake liked cooking, he was good at it, and he was incredibly messy. Amy liked cleaning, she was good at it, and she couldn’t cook to save anyone’s life. They were a good match.
~FIN~ ___________
Author’s note: this was lowkey inspired by a comment in a jennamarbles video from two years ago about Julien being a great cook but a tornado around the kitchen leaving a mess, and Jenna following around and picking up the disaster zone cause boy doesn’t know how to throw away a paper towel I thought that sounded like how Jake and Amy’s partnership in a kitchen would be like
So yeah, this fic was conceived of back in 2016, published now because all the peraltiago stuff looked so sad this morning on AO3
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somebooksmakeusfree · 7 years
Oh, hai Mark. I usually write original stuff and not fic. With that being said, here’s some Bughead fic. 
Homecoming didn’t end when Jughead ran out the door. It didn’t end when Betty, Archie and Veronica argued, then went their separate ways. Music continued to flood the gym as the twinkling low light brought old and new world together. It was still Homecoming and there were still a king and queen to be crowned.
“I want to pull my name from the running,” Cheryl demanded, a hand resting dangerously on her left hip. Her mouth was twisted in its usual pout, red as blood.
“Are you sure?” questioned Principal Weatherbee. He was surprised. Despite being around his students for close to 60 hours a week, he understood nothing.
Cheryl frowned, “I’m sure.” With a flip of her hair, she turned and walked across the gym. Her heels clicked, each pace taking her farther away from Weatherbee and absolving her from further questioning. She didn’t need a crown, she already knew she was queen of Riverdale.
Truthfully, Cheryl couldn’t picture herself standing on that stage. She couldn’t see the crown on her perfectly curled head or the pink sash clashing with the red of her dress. It would be too much to paste her perfect smile on. Not tonight. Whatever nobody was crowned king would take it upon himself to touch her, to dance clumsily with her while she pretended to have fun for the crowd. No.
“Jason…if Jason was alive…he would be king,” she thought. They would be a team, like they always were. The king and queen of Riverdale. “Who’s the real king…now that he’s gone?”
It was the reason she’d planned to run as a co-queen with Polly. Part of Jason was inside her, his blood. If Jason couldn’t stand on that stage with her in the flesh, then his blood would have to do. Her parents ruined it like they ruined everything. She’d told Betty it was a pregnancy excuse. What else could she have said? “Oh, my parents drugged Polly with a sweet berry milkshake and now she’ll be sleeping until kingdom come.”
“Jason…” Cheryl whispered to the night air. “…if he killed you, I swear I’ll make him pay…and, if he didn’t, I’ll find who did. I’ll figure out what our parents aren’t telling me and I’ll bury whoever did this…whoever ruined our lives.”
“Alright, Riverdale! It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. I would ask for a drumroll, but it appears our musicians are nowhere to be found,” Principal Weatherbee shouted into the mic with forced enthusiasm. “Now, to announce your 2017 Homecoming King and Queen, I present the sovereign lady of our town, Mayor McCoy!” The crowd clapped.
“Thank you, Principal Weatherbee,” she smiled. “It is my pleasure to announce that this year’s Homecoming King and Queen are Reggie Mantle and…Betty Cooper!” Applause, cheers, and whispers went around the room. To the students, it seemed like Betty had beaten Cheryl to the throne. A new queen of Riverdale had ascended, but Reggie climbed the stage, alone.
“Betty Cooper?” called Weatherbee. “It seems she’s disappeared as well. Be sure to congratulate her if you see her in the hall on Monday. Now, Mr. Mantle, I give you leave to dance the royal waltz with whichever lovely lady…ahem…or gentleman, you wish.”
Was nothing sacred? Was there no one left in this stupid town that he could trust? His oldest friend and girlfriend conspiring against his father behind his back. It was unbelievable.
“My father didn’t kill Jason Blossom,” Jughead thought to himself. He sat on the floor of FP’s trailer. The place was in shambles. “He’s a lot of things…a lousy father…a drunk…a Serpent, but he’s not a murderer…definitely not a murderer…right?” He cradled his head in his hands, his knees tucked close to him as he leaned against the wall. How could Betty do this to him? How could Archie, no, he was less surprised about that one. Archie didn’t think things through. He acted on impulse, something he picked up from the football field and couldn’t quite get rid of. Betty though, he trusted her. He knew her parents could be terrible people, they had crappy parents in common, but she should have told him what Alice was doing.
Was nothing sacred? Was there no end to what her mother would do to get her way and prove a point? Her mother had planned that dinner as a trap. She might as well have skipped the pie, stuck a knife in FP and served him up on a platter instead. As much as she thought her capable of calling the sheriff, her mother wouldn’t have had time to plant the gun in FP’s trailer. Worse yet, whoever planted that gun, might have really killed Jason Blossom.
“Jughead is going to hate me for this,” Betty thought sadly. “Why do I always have to ruin things? I think I’m making the right decision…that I’m protecting people, and then it all blows up. I have to make him understand. I have to tell him FP’s innocent.”
“I think your dad was framed…no…I know your dad was framed,” Betty insisted. “That gun isn’t his and it wasn’t in his trailer when…when…”
“…when Veronica and Archie broke in and searched through all his stuff?” Jughead finished for her.” His voice was pained. He still felt betrayed. “Great, I’m glad you think he’s innocent now.”
“I always thought he was innocent, Juggie,” Betty began. “I told you…I believed he was innocent as long as you did. My mom did this…and I should have told you, but Jughead, we’ve got to stop reacting like this with each other. You told me once that we weren’t our parents, that we didn’t have to turn out like them, but I’m not sure I believe that anymore. The way you lash out when you feel betrayed, the way I raise my voice, our hurtful words…they all remind me of my parents. Maybe we spend our entire youth trying desperately to outrun our parents’ influence only to become them in the end.” There were tears beginning to form in her eyes. He wanted to wipe them away, even though she’d hurt him. “I’m sorry FP is in jail. I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about my mom.”
His eyes softened and he took her hands. She was right. He had this programming in his brain, a fight or flight response, that took over whenever he felt threatened. He’d been let down so many times, by his family and by people he thought were friends. Now, at the first scent of danger, he chose to both fight and run. He’d never solved a problem that way and he never would.
“We’re not our parents,” he whispered. Jughead took off his hat, letting down his walls once more. He placed it atop Betty’s head, her ponytail creating an odd lump at the back of it, and smiled. “A crown doesn’t make a man a king and our genes don’t make us our parents. Maybe we’ve been wired to be like them since birth because they’ve always been there, pushing their ideas on us, but it just means we have to try harder to re-wire that part of ourselves. We have to do better next time and be the people we want to be.” He kissed her. “Speaking of royalty, I hear you’re our reigning queen. Sorry you missed your coronation.”
“I didn’t miss it,” Betty thought.
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