#primavera 2014
blackkdresses · 2 years
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arctic monkeys / september 2022
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strocka · 2 years
Huge news followers!!! I’m going to Glastonbury!!
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girlgirlchickabang · 2 years
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mytacobellfeelings · 2 years
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Relived my 2014 tumblr era for a night. 🖤 Alex has my heart 4 ever !!! ⛓✨
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belovedindierock · 10 months
Loyle Carner
Instagram   Facebook   Spotify
From Soundcloud to primetime TV, Loyle Carner has captured the imagination of British music with endless sincerity and unabashed openness. Since his first musical statement on 2014 EP A Little Late to new album hugo, the South London MC has displayed immense emotional intelligence and lyrical wizardry as one of modern UK hip-hop’s most distinctive voices, tackling his personal politics, his family, masculinity, pain and more. Resultantly, he has taken his music to the world and back, scoring two albums that have cracked the top five of the Official Albums Chart, a nomination for the prestigious Mercury Prize, nominations at the BRIT Awards and won an NME Award.
On the live stage, Carner has performed at Glastonbury, Reading & Leeds, Latitude, Primavera, Montreux Jazz, Parklife and countless more festivals, additionally fronting sell-out headline shows at historic venues such as London’s Alexandra Palace, Wembley Arena, Hammersmith Apollo and O2 Academy Brixton. Meanwhile, he has showcased his magnetic personality on TV shows such as Later With Jools Holland and The Graham Norton Show. With over 782 million global streams - 338 million from the UK - over 657,000 album sales, more than 40 million YouTube views and over 700,000 social media followers, Loyle Carner continues to stake his claim as one of the most accomplished British rappers in history.
Loyle Carner
the ‘hugo’ tour
Monday, Oct 16, 2023
Great American Music Hall
San Francisco, CA
Doors: 7:00PM | Show: 8:00PM
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absencesrepetees · 5 months
best films of 2023
new releases
may december (todd haynes)
pacifiction (albert serra)
showing up (kelly reichardt)
master gardener (paul schrader)
trenque lauquen (laura citarella)
knock at the cabin (m. night shyalaman)
afterwater (dane komljen)
music (angela schanelec)
jawan (atlee)
in our day (hong sang-soo)
o'er the land + the illinois parable (deborah stratman, 2009/2016)
the grapes of wrath + my darling clementine + forte apache + wagon master (john ford, 1940-1950)
history lessons + from the clouds to the resistance + the return of prodigal son + these encounters of theirs (jean-marie straub + danièle huillet, 1972/1979/2003-2006)
colossal youth + horse money (pedro costa, 2006-2014)
gang of four + up down fragile (jacques rivette, 1989-1995)
pine flat + PODWORKA (sharon lockhart, 2006-2009)
the sunchaser (michael cimino, 1996)
way of gaucho (jaqcues tourneur, 1952)
city of hope + lone star (john sayles, 1991/1996)
detours (katya selenkina, 2021)
at sea + three landscapes (paul b. hutton, 2007-2013)
public housing (frederick wiseman, 1997)
11x14 + el valley centro + los + sogobi (james benning, 1977/1999-2002)
here and elsewhere (jean-luc godard, 1976)
walking and talking (nicole holofcener, 1996)
my friend ivan lapshin (aleksey german, 1984)
angel dust (gakuryu ishii, 1994)
acto da primavera (manoel de oliveira, 1963)
love me tonight (rouben mamoulian, 1932)
wild side (donald cammell, 1996)
trois ponts sur la rivière + saltimbank (jean-claude biette, 1999-2003)
public enemies (michael mann, 2009)
blue diary + the joy of life (jenni olson, 1997/2005)
+ full list on letterboxd 💌
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klimt7 · 3 months
L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle
[ Dante, Paradiso XXIII, v.145 ]
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Perchè dietro questa ragazza
[ Angelina Mango ]
c'è una grande STORIA
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Sanremo 2007
I genitori di Angelina partecipano all'edizione di Sanremo 2007 e cantano il brano "Chissà se nevica"
Anno 2014, 8 dicembre
Pino Mango durante il concerto a Policoro ( Matera) viene colto da malore e muore.
Poche settimane prima aveva confidato alla moglie Laura: "Cosa c’è di più bello che morire mentre fai musica davanti alla gente, e cioè mentre fai la cosa che ami di più in assoluto ?"
Anno 2019
La moglie di Mango, Laura Valente, ex cantante ed ex voce dei Matia Bazar, rilascia alcune interviste in occasione della pubblicazione del cofanetto con un volume contenente diversi scritti di Pino Mango, e il disco che rende omaggio alla sua intera carriera musicale.
L'intervista alla madre, Laura Valente [2019]
Anno 2024
Angelina Mango dopo aver partecipato alla edizione 2022 di "Amici", partecipa al Festival 2024 e trionfa con pieno merito sbaragliando avversari molto più noti e affermati di lei (Annalisa, Loredana Bertè, Mahmood, Emma, Fiorella Mannoia).
Nella serata di venerdì 9 febbraio con una esecuzione da brividi, che ha commosso tante persone sia in tv che nel Teatro Ariston di Sanremo, Angelina tributa un omaggio molto particolare, al padre Pino, eseguendo il suo brano "Rondine", in una versione del tutto inedita e con un nuovo arrangiamento curato da lei stessa e dal fratello maggiore Filippo (1995).
Ecco, davanti ad una famiglia così, davanti ad un rapporto di questo tipo, davanti a una Storia del genere, le parole, tutte le parole possibili si diradano, rimpiccioliscono e infine scompaiono.
Resta solo un silenzio di ammirazione e commozione.
In ciò che ci è dato scorgere, io stesso, lo ammetto, fatico a trovare le parole.
Solo l'ascolto e il silenzio hanno senso.
Davanti a certi "miracoli'", ci si sente smarriti e disarmati. La commozione sommerge ogni cosa.
Una emozione che mi fa vedere la "magia" che sa trasformare le vite delle persone. Che può illuminarle!
E poi c'è la gratitudine per questa grande emozione che arriva a mostrarci, la trama di luce che attraversa ogni tempo e ogni spazio.
Le altre riflessioni e considerazioni, fatele Voi.
Io mi tengo stretta, questa emozione.
Pino Mango soltanto pochi anni fa cantava un brano: "L'amore è invisibile"...
Io per una volta, sento di doverlo smentire.
Se siamo attenti, se impariamo a leggere e decodificare la realtà esterna, lo vediamo e lo sentiamo perfettamente, che l'Amore è l'energia, che innerva l'intero Universo.
Pino Mango, Laura, Filippo e Angelina stessa, ci tolgono ogni dubbio e incertezza al riguardo.
No. L'amore non è invisibile.
Lo possiamo annusare, fiutare nel vento e nel tempo, dentro le persone, in tutte le epoche.
Come un profumo di buono e di pulito, come un tepore di primavera, un sapore unico.
La magia che brilla negli occhi di chi è stato toccato da questo prodigio, arriva ovunque. È qualcosa di potente. Arriva a contagiarci e a cambiare, il nostro stesso modo di guardare il mondo.
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libriaco · 2 months
La festa dell'uovo
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Anche la Pasqua, come il Natale, era inizialmente una festa soprattutto religiosa, divenuta col tempo un’importante festa dedicata ai bambini. Come mostrano il suo nome in molte lingue e i riti a essa connessi, la Pasqua possiede profondi significati simbolici in relazione alla nascita, alla rinascita e alla fertilità. I termini tedesco e inglese derivano dal nome della divinità germanica Ostara, dea della primavera e della fecondità. Suo contrassegno era l’uovo e suo messaggero la lepre; fu questa l’origine dell’uovo di Pasqua e della Lepre di Pasqua. L’uovo occupa un posto di rilievo nei miti della creazione di tutto il mondo a significare la nascita e già a partire dal IV secolo ne è attestato il collegamento con le cerimonie pasquali. Nel XII secolo la chiesa cattolica diede la sua legittimazione a tale collegamento introducendo la Benedictio Ovarum (*), la benedizione delle uova, e autorizzandone un uso particolare nelle festività pasquali. Da allora l’uovo ha sempre occupato un posto centrale nella celebrazione della Pasqua, dalla tradizionale corsa delle uova, alla caccia alle uova da parte dei bambini, all’uso di regalare uova riccamente decorate. La lepre, come poi il coniglio, si prestava naturalmente a simboleggiare la fertilità, per la sua nota prolificità. Il primo riferimento in lingua tedesca alla lepre in rapporto all’uovo pasquale risale al 1572, quando peraltro l’usanza era da lungo tempo affermata.
(*) Libriaco: Propenderei per una Benedictio *Ovorum*!
B. Bettelheim, [A good enough parent, 1987] Un genitore quasi perfetto, Milano, Feltrinelli 2014 [Trad. A. Bottini]
Immagine: Petrit Halilaj e Álvaro Urbano, Ensemble lunare per mari in rivolta - Particolare. Dalla mostra Thus waves come in Pairs, Ocean Space. Venezia, Chiesa di san Lorenzo, 2023. Foto: per gentile concessione di Robyn Yeary.
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criptochecca · 2 months
An attempt at making a playlist of an italian song for every year 1960-2024 (with some holes that maybe ill fill in the future)
list under cut
1960: il cielo in una stanza
1961: la ballata dell'eroe
1963: sapore di sale
1964: la canzone di marinella
1965: il mondo
1966: mi sei scoppiato dentro al cuore
1967: ciao amore ciao
1968: Contessa
1969: che freddo fa
1970: se bruciasse la città
1971: io vivrò senza di te
1972: impressioni di settembre
1973: il bombarolo
1974: rumore
1975: stalingrado
1976: mio fratello è figlio unico
1977: il gatto e la volpe
1978: bomba o non bomba
1979: la mia banda suona il rock
1980: cervo a primavera
1981: maledetta primavera
1982: quante volte
1983: il mare d’inverno
1984: siberia
1985: ti sento
1987: nessun dolore
1988: quello che le donne non dicono
1989: almeno tu nell'universo
1992: cumm'è
1994: in un giorno di pioggia
1995: mockba 993
1996: la cura
1998: acida
1999: qualcosa di grande
2000: vento in faccia
2001: luce (tramonti a est)
2002: nuova ossessione
2003: non in mio nome
2004: damigella della notte
2005: mentre tutto scorre
2006: ritmo di contrabbando
2008: che rumore fa la felicità
2011: spugne
2012: la rivolta
2014: avrai ragione tu
2015: io ti aspetto
2016: vanchiglia
2017: gli occhi
2018: intostreet
2019: domenica
2020: diana
2021: moda italiana
2022: la strega del frutteto
2023: tanto piove
2024: casa mia
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alines · 2 years
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‘Mizumono’, Hannibal (2014) / ‘Primavera’, Hannibal (2015) / ‘Caffeine, Pt. 1’, 4:41 by Sean Glatch (2016)
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Tal día como hoy 17 de diciembre ...
2014: Tras setenta años, la jueza de Carolina del Sur (Estados Unidos), Carmen Tevis Mullen, decreta que el condenado a muerte más joven de la historia de Estados Unidos, no tuvo un proceso justo.
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2010: El joven universitario Mohamed Bouazizi se quema a lo bonzo en Túnez, con este hecho dará comienzo la Revolución de los Jazmines. que será a su vez el detonante de la Primavera Árabe en los meses siguientes.
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1999: Se estrena la película de animación Disney "Fantasía 2000", en Nueva York (Estados Unidos). Una versión actualizada del clásico de 1940 con nuevos temas de música clásica e historias.
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1989: En Estados Unidos, la cadena de televisión Fox emite el primer capítulo de la serie animada "Los Simpson".
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1983: El grupo terrorista IRA Provisional hace estallar una bomba en una tienda de Harrods de Londres, matando siete personas.
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1983: En Madrid (España) ocurre el incendio de la discoteca Alcalá 20, en la que fallecen 82 personas.
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1969: En Estados Unidos, las Fuerzas Aéreas cierran el Proyecto "Libro Azul", por el que se realizó un estudio de investigación sobre los ovnis desde 1947.
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1903: Los hermanos Wright realizan el primer vuelo de prueba de su primer avión (el Wright Flyer), en Kitty Hawk (Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos).
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1843: El escritor británico Charles Dickens publica la primera edición de su novela A Christmas Carol (Cuento de Navidad).
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1790: Se descubre la Piedra del Sol azteca al realizar unas obras de urbanismo en la ciudad de México, recibiendo el nombre de calendario azteca ya que se pensó que era un artilugio para medir el tiempo.
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perqueheplorat · 1 month
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S'ha anunciat el repartiment de Mar i cel 2024!
Aquí el teniu. Hi afegeixo algunes obres on han sortit els actors que potser reconeixeu.
Blanca: Alèxia Pascual (ex-concursant d'Eufòria)
Saïd: Jordi Garreta
Ferran i Arquebisbe Ribera: Eloi Gómez (sens dubte, un dels actors joves amb més experiència al teatre musical als escenaris catalans: L'alegria que passa, El petit príncep, El despertar de la primavera, Golfus de Roma, Next to Normal, Paràsits el musical, Sweeney Todd...)
Joanot: Abel Garcia
Felip, Duc de Lerma i Caporal: Bittor Fernández (l'actor que fa de Titó a l'S3, que també té experiència al teatre musical en diverses obres per a públic familiar i El despertar de la primavera, Cantando bajo la lluvia, Carrie, The producers)
Hassèn: Albert Gràcia (llarga experiència també en el teatre musical espanyol i català, a produccions a Madrid com El rey león i La bella y la bestia i vàries a Catalunya, incloent-ne amb La Cubana)
Idriss: Berta Luna (ex-concursant de La Voz Kids, si no m'equivoco serà la seva 2a obra professional després del Médico)
Don Carles: Xavi Fernández (qui ja havia interpretat aquest paper anteriorment als revivals del 2004 i del 2014-2016)
Mare de Saïd i Teresa: Clara Renom (ja ha cantat anteriorment obra de Guinovart en versió concert)
Malek i soldat: Sergio Escribano (també amb participació a musicals a Madrid i al País Valencià)
Maria i dona morisca: Candela Díaz
Osman i soldat: Esteve Roig
Salam, baró de Dénia i soldat: Cisco Cruz (Maremar i El petit príncep)
Rei Felip II, Albanès i soldat: Albert Mora
Reina Margarida, Carme i dona morisca: Anna Alborch (guanyadora del Premi a Millor Actriu de Musical dels Premis Butxaca 2008 pel seu paper a Ruddigore o la nissaga maleïda, ha participat a molts altres musicals inclòs Scaramouche)
Saïd nen i Montserrat: Estel Aparicio
Rosa i dona morisca: Carme Giner (cantant de música tradicional valenciana, ha aparegut en diverses sèries d'À Punt com ara L'alqueria blanca)
Abderrahim i Idriss 2: Biel Llongueras
Pare de Saïd: Guillem Ripoll
Mohamed i soldat: Guillem Fole (L'alegria que passa)
13 músics a l'orquestra
Enhorabona per aquest repartiment tan prometedor!
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7-dreamers · 10 months
25 July 2023, [K-changers]⑮Targeting a niche market, growing ‘Step-dol’ Dreamcatcher
Re-debut after disbandment, idols of longevity A unique concept popular in the west Promoting K-pop through continuous overseas tours
Nowadays, the domestic music industry is becoming less romantic. Idols backed by the capital power of large entertainment companies are on the rise, while popular groups from small- or medium-sized companies are hard to find. Recently, FIFTY FIFTY, from a small company, gained popularity, but soon after they became entangled in a bitter legal battle with their company.
Dreamcatcher is a rare girl group to see during these times. They debuted in 2017 with the company Dreamcatcher Company and have been quietly contributing to the spread of K-pop. They have not only been holding out. Last year, they were the first K-pop artist to be invited to Spain’s international rock festival “Primavera Sound”. At the time when their flight was delayed, the organizers sent a private jet. Fans sang along at their performance that was safely held as scheduled.
Dreamcatcher’s nickname is “step-dol” (T/N: combination of “step” and “idol”, as in making progress step-by-step). They did not stand out from the start, but their continued and steady growth is why fans use the nickname. Last year, they got 1st place on a music show for the first time, 1924 days after debut. Their first week album sales, which were 4,200 copies at debut, grew to 72,900 copies, a 17-fold increase. They also conduct overseas tours at the “hall level” (around 3000 seats) every year. You can count the number of girl groups who have continuously gathered this many overseas audiences on 10 fingers.
Large numbers of 'western fans' attracted by unique concept
Dreamcatcher is a 7-member group. Five of them are originally from the group Minx that debuted in 2014. Minx was not able to stand out with their cheerful concept and songs with an innocent feeling. Indeed they flopped. Dreamcatcher Company added two members and put out a new girl group in 2017. That was Dreamcatcher. With a unique concept for K-pop idols, they targeted a niche market.
Compared to Minx, they were completely different from head to toe. Rock and metal genre-based music and dark concepts became the main focus. Their makeup, hair, and outfits were drastically changed to match the intense vibes. Reactions came from overseas first. After seeing their music video, a Brazilian performance agency contacted them. Confirming their potential to succeed, Dreamcatcher went on a world tour 8 months after debuting. They visited Japan, Brazil, United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc., touring 9 countries on 3 continents. Starting then, they have since done 9 world tours.
MD marketing and active use of platforms
Getting into something is called “deokjil” (T/N: English equivalent would be “stan”). It’s a term commonly use by K-pop fans. Dreamcatcher’s MD (merchandise) is popular with fans who enjoy unique designs and products. A representative example is their lightstick. It is famous for being the longest among idol lightsticks. It can be combined and separated into 3 parts and reaches 78cm when all 3 sections are connected. The design is in the style of medieval fantasy. It was so popular that the first release sold out. Their robe that matches the concept was also popular. There are even times when MD sales exceed their ticket sales. Normally they have MD booths set up near the venue on concert days.
Their early entry into ‘Weverse’ also helped increase the fanbase. Weverse is a fandom platform created by HYBE in 2018. It is a community where artists can directly communicate with fans. Dreamcatcher joined in 2020. At the time, it was in the early stages of release, and there was almost no one outside of HYBE artists on the app. There were also cases where fans joined Dreamcatcher’s community after coming to the app for another artist. That is because Weverse has grown into a fandom platform app that has reached 100 million downloads for the first time in the world. As of the 24th, Dreamcatcher’s community has 458,800 fans.
Company and members sharing the same dream
Earlier this year, Dreamcatcher surpassed the obstacle of contract renewal, something that is not easy for idols to overcome. After surpassing “step-dol”, Dreamcatcher now dreams of becoming “elevator-dol”. One of the ways they plan to do that is an English album. In the second half of this year, they plan to release an English version remake album of their existing songs.
Along with the release of the album, they plan to expand the fanbase in the North American market through a North American tour. Dreamcatcher Company also plans to focus on attracting external investments in order to support Dreamcatcher’s activities. Dreamcatcher’s director, Cho Dong-hyun says he “is still surprised to see the response of Western fans and to see the number of fans grow every time they go on an overseas tour” and “wants to contribute to the spread of K-pop in the future”.
Source : Asia Economy
[Reporter Oh Yu-gyo]
Translation by 7-Dreamers irshu Please do not take translation without credit
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girlgirlchickabang · 2 years
I saw arctic monkeys live…I was two people away from front barricade. Alex Turner was performing FEET away from me
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Hi Liv. I know you mostly read shorter stories now days but a while back you recommended criminal by @the-sinking-ship (at least I think it was you) and it is one of my favorite drarry stories, so I was just wondering if you’ve got anything else like that? Were Draco is sort of shady with the law and harry is sort of a cop? Preferably a bit on the longer side but anything is good!
Hi anon! Absolutely, I love Criminal and I highly recommend checking Sly’s catalogue for more incredible long fics. Chasing Dragons is one of my personal favourites! 🙌 as for fics with that specific (and delicious!) trope, here are some recs:
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (2022, E, 3k)
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed.
Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by @the-starryknight (2021, M, 16k)
The Ministry didn’t turn bad overnight. Harry didn’t suddenly turn rogue either. Between covert Legilimency links and Polyjuice disguises and running and running and running, Draco has forgotten what it is like to have a safe harbor that isn’t a person. If there’s an art to fighting back, then they’ll find it hand in hand.
Exiled by A_factorygirl_69 (2013, E, 16k)
Draco is declared persona non grata by the Ministry after the War. Harry has been tasked with keeping an eye on him, ensuring he stays out of England.
The Good Guys by Frayach (2014, E, 26k)
The Second Voldemort War is limping into its fourth year, and the Forces of Shining Light are slowly turning into the Forces of Expedient Grey. When Draco Malfoy is captured red-handed trying to sell an illegal potion to a clerk at Borgin & Burkes, he is handed over to the Department of Essential and Necessary Truth’s newest interrogator. And as soon as he sees Malfoy, bound and waiting in his cell, Harry Potter knows he’s in trouble. Deep trouble.
Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis by @vukovich (2022, E, 50k)
Harry's assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy's missing persons case so he can be declared dead. But who's making withdrawals from Malfoy's vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
A Pocket Full of Stones by @amywaterwings (2022, E, 68k)
A curse is spreading through the wizarding world, erasing memories of the war. Harry Potter is on the case! Where Draco is the DMLE’s most wanted dark wizard and Harry is the private investigator tasked with bringing him in. It goes as well as one might expect.
Crown Witness by @slytherco (2020, E, 70k)
After the war, wizarding society is oppressed by a new kind of plague—an organised crime group calling itself the Family. When Harry Potter goes to interrogate a potential witness, he doesn’t expect to end up on the run again, trying to keep Draco Malfoy alive, while a manhunt follows in their footsteps, adamant on eliminating the one witness that could ruin everything.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (2020, E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
The Darklist by dysonrules (2014, M, 87k)
When Draco Malfoy, wanted criminal, strolled into the Ministry to give himself up, he seemed destined for Azkaban until he offered to hand over information to avert an upcoming crime. Of course, he refused to divulge that knowledge to anyone but Harry Potter.
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (2021, E, 110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
And here’s a subversion of that trope with Auror Draco and criminal Harry 👌🏼
Violent Delights by @primavera-cerezos (2021, E, 20k)
Draco Malfoy's life should be going very well. He's engaged to a wonderful man and in line for the Head Auror job. He's been made lead investigator on a serial murder case, trying to figure out who is killing off the scum of the wizarding world, one by one. So what if he's kind of miserable? Things always get better.
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clochardscelestes · 29 days
Chère Amie,
Je t'écris en ayant l'impression que ça fait plusieurs éternités que je ne l'ai plus fait. Je suis encore là, je suis encore à Rennes pourtant mes derniers mois se rapprochent beaucoup des pires que j'ai pu vivre. Je suis encore à Rennes et dans ce printemps qui semble enfin décidé à nous envelopper tendrement, j'aime à penser que c'est un peu de ton soleil d'Italie qui réchauffe ma peau, qui caresse mon coeur. Je suis conscient de ne plus avoir grand chose à dire, plus grand chose à apporter, ici comme dans la vie, ces 5 années à travailler m'ont asphyxiées jusqu'à sucer jusqu'aux dernières gouttes de ma sève d'antan. C'est le coeur flétri et l'âme en lambeaux que je t'adresse ces mots. Je me rappelle parfois ces printemps précédents, ces jours plus tranquilles bien que tristement immobiles et je crève de ce que le temps m'inflige, de ce que la vie a fait de mes nombreuses failures. Sur la platine, Gazzelle est en train de chanter "È stata la primavera più brutta di sempre" et rien ne m'a jamais semblé plus vrai que ces quelques mots en italiens, comme lorsque réécouter Bon Iver me renvoie instantanément au printemps 2012. C'est cette douceur amère, celle qui lacère la chair mais qui garde le coeur vivant, puisqu'il faut qu'il batte et qu'il batte encore, pour ressentir cette douleur de vivre, cette morsure qui me tient à la vie au bord du précipice. Tu sais, cette année ça fera déjà 15 ans, mon départ pour Londres le 8 Juillet 2009 et ce qui en a découlé. Ça fera aussi 10 ans que j'ai arpenté pour la toute première fois les rues ensoleillées de Turin au coeur de l'été 2014, sous une chaleur accablante, c'était le 12 Août, et puis 10 ans aussi, le 30 septembre cette fois, le concert de reformation des Libertines avec mon frère et ma soeur. Toutes ces dates, tu sais comment je suis avec les dates, même si j'ai énormément progressé avec ça ces dernières années avec mon ancienne psychologue, toutes ces dates font qu'il est vital pour moi que Turin se réalise cette année, le plus tôt possible, il en va de ma survie je crois, de ma santé mentale aussi, du moins ce qu'il en reste.
J'ai bien conscience que ce ne sont que de simples mots jetés à la va-vite dans l'immensité froide d'internet mais je voulais tout de même essayer de t'expliquer, pourquoi tout est si dur pour moi en ce moment, pourquoi je suis de plus en plus fatigué de continuer à me battre. Si il n'y a pas Turin, je ne sais pas, je ne sais pa ce que je ferais, il n'y a pas de plan B, il n'y en a jamais eu.
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