#priya chen
creamybeemovie69 · 3 months
Some of my favourite little details in avatar: frontiers of pandora
The two guards outside the council room in the aranahe hometree that just chat shit? All the time? Even during that last confrontation with Etuwa's father they're just stood chatting about someone's poor foraging skills or some shit it's so funny
The fact that the camera lowers when you're speaking to humans, which I know is probably so we can get a good look at them but I chose to believe it's because your sarentu slowly kneels until they're eye level with them
Nefika and Relun's dynamic of miserable old man and batshit crazy old woman
Whatever the fuck Okul's got going on. Gender? Babes they're clinically insane, they're too busy running into poisonous gas to worry about gender
The sleeping pod things hanging from the ceiling in the hometree. It took me forever to work out where they were all sleeping because there was no way they were all fitting in that one sleeping den
"it is sound proof Priya."
Anqa forgetting her training and getting attacked by wasps because she's too busy thinking about Priya
Hajir and Alex planning to have tea, no one talk to me
Daniella being this very capable badass soldier with a hardened exterior and her himbo husband who's just happy to be there as long as there's wood to whittle and food to cook
The sarentu humming sarentu songs while they cook
Zomey refusing to leave the plane until she saw Eetu get out
The resistance humans wearing clothes that have been altered/repaired by Na'vi weavers
Minang losing her shit and charging the base in the plains despite being the calmer, more collected one? Good shit.
That little detail in the cloud spitter description that says kids make a game of seeing how close they can get to the plant without triggering it
"I can still smell the chemicals" just kill me now I can't take this
Every single individual human having to ask Jake Sully for permission to stay on the planet. Were they forced to go back to the RDA if he said no? Or were they just left to die out on pandora?
The ferals being unable to communicate with eachother and being so angry because they're so lonely
Kin, Relun and the Kame'tire trader all being friends before the Kame'tire were banished
Priya not being able to talk to Alma in her human form because her avatar was her friend
Nor just. Disappearing? Where did he go? Is he okay? Why can't I go looking for him?
The Na'vi naming options for your Ikran being the names of other kids in TAP
So'lek collecting the identity tags of the soldiers he kills
So'lek in general actually. "This dReAmWaLkEr decided to lock you up in a box instead 👀"
Alex being granted permission to stay on pandora because he wanted to keep Grace's legacy alive through his work. Why is this never mentioned anywhere but in his character description?
The comic book pages
The fact that Priya dyes her hair. Are you actually telling me this excitable little climatologist worked out how to make hair dye from pandoran plants before Alex figured out how to eat any of it?
Anqa's fucking "my land was invaded too". Give this head-empty lesbian a break man
Everyone hating Billy because they think he can't be trusted only for him to be one of the most loyal among them
Etuwa's father refusing to fight because he lost his wife, then deciding to fight because he won't let them take his daughter too
"what have they done to you, my beautiful?" Actually sobbing like a fucking baby rn
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itsvalpenguin1 · 28 days
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solek and the sarentu but cursed
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sutxdreamwalker · 13 days
More Avatar Frontiers of Pandora image memes
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elffees · 16 days
How Fragile Allyship is Portrayed in Frontiers of Pandora
So I really love this audio log from Priya and needed to talk about it. This entire post will be based on this log.
"I ... it's Priya. Obviously. I don't know what day it is. Nothing makes sense... Alma's dead. Alma. Is. Dead.
Oh wow. That's weird. But you know what the really weird, screwy part is? There's this whole other Alma just walking around. Except she's not blue and she's got tiny eyes. Do we all have such tiny eyes? I just ... I feel like good Alma was killed. And we're left with this other one who everyone hates. But really it's the same person. Or is it?
I don't know what to think. I'm not really the one for existential crises, but this is a real brain-breaker. And I'm ... I'm sad. My friend died. No. No. She was murdered. I know she did some bad things, but Nor had no right. I'm glad he's gone. Maybe he's glad too. He never liked it here. Never liked us. Humans.
But we're trying to help. Alma was trying to help. She was protecting them. She tried. Right? Mercer's the bad one. That's all I know for sure. And that other Alma... she wants to hang out, just like old times. But... she's not my friend. Not— I think I hear someone. Signing off."
This audio log can be found in the Resistance Hideout.
I really like this log because it encapsulates the different ways allies & marginalized peoples view and are affected by certain situations.
Disclaimer before I start: I am not saying Priya is a bad person, nor am I saying allies are bad people.
For starters, I can understand why Priya, and likely other Resistance members, have mixed feelings towards Alma. It's a very complex situation. So Priya regarding it as "weird" and being at a complete loss makes sense.
What I want to focus on in this post are the last 3 paragraphs. Where she expresses confusion and hurt because "Good Alma was murdered".
I think this right here is a very well written distinction on how allies and the marginalized communities they assist experience situations differently.
Alma's Reveal
Everyone had their worlds turned upside down when Alma confessed the full extent of her actions in TAP. Alma admits that her avatar was a tool for manipulation. Although she may care for the Sarentu children now, for the majority of their relationship, from the genocide, to TAP, to being frozen and left behind, Alma's avatar was a tool to manipulate and coerce Na'vi into viewing her (and by extension TAP, then later the Resistance) as "one of them". As someone to trust and relate to. The purpose of her having an avatar was to act as a golden ticket into Na'vi society.
Alma was not "murdered". There is no "good" or even "bad" Alma. There is only Alma.
The human who played a role in the massacre of a clan, then manipulated its survivors for years, then left them behind to remain in stasis for nearly 2 more decades.
Who is also the human who founded the Western Resistance and tried to band together several Na'vi clans to protect Pandora, who encouraged the Sarentu to reclaim their culture and customs the ones that didn't expose her ofc, and who helped rid Pandora of cackling narcissist John Mercer.
There is only ONE Alma that has done all of these things.
Alma was not "murdered". Her tool of manipulation was destroyed. The object, the mask, the weapon that gave Alma her power and confidence and that helped her fool not only the Sarentu, not only the Resistance, but also herself into thinking she was something she was not, was taken from her.
Alma was not murdered. She was thrust back into reality.
And so, Priya's last 3 paragraphs interest me. It's completely fine that she mourns the image of who she thought Alma was. In a way I think the Sarentu (sans Nor) do as well. Everyone thought Alma was just a good person who only wanted to help with no ulterior motives. It's painful to realize that was far from the case.
But then Priya goes on to hate Nor. She spits his name out like a curse. Glad he's gone because "he never liked them anyway". That he had no right to "murder" Alma because she only did a few "bad things".
There's a lot to unpack there.
Priya's Blaming of Nor & It's Ties to Fragile Allyship
I want to break down the lines one by one.
She was murdered. I know she did some bad things, but Nor had no right.
For starters, it is EXTREMELY COMMON for allies of marginalized communities to "insert their two cents" on a delicate topic. More often than not when there is inter-community issues, allies have a tendency to say the phrase: "I'm [insert demographic] so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, BUT I think..." Any and all oppressed classes have heard this phrase from MILLIONS of allies before.
The FOP writers did remarkably well at capturing what allyship looks like when writing the Resistance. Because Priya, as a human formerly part of the oppressive group trying to wipe out the Na'vi and Pandoran wildlife, fully believes she can judge whether Nor had a right or not.
It's not her call.
She cannot determine whether Nor was justified or not because she, as someone part of the privileged class in the world of the game, has never suffered from the harm that Alma's avatar has caused.
She, and none of the Resistance members, were raised by Alma's avatar.
They were not lied to by Alma's avatar for YEARS about the true fate of their families and loved ones.
They were not encouraged to view Alma as a mother-figure or nurturing teacher or beloved caretaker, when she was actually just eager for fame and success.
They were not put into cryosleep and then left behind for 16 MORE YEARS with suspicions that this abandonment was an intentional coverup.
They did not suffer any of that.
They saw her as the leader of the Resistance and as a friend, which does cause an impactful betrayal of course, but Alma's avatar never tried to force them to see her as family. As someone to love.
While Priya only says all this in a private audio log and thankfully doesn't say it to any of the Sarentu or god forbid So'lek, these are her thoughts. The simple fact she believes she can judge Nor, that she has the capacity and authority to scold one of the main victims, is a reoccurring feature of privileged allies who struggle to realize that they cannot relate or ever fully understand how marginalized communities experience oppression.
Priya says Nor had "no right" to "murder" Alma. When truthfully, Priya has no right to judge how the Sarentu feel and respond.
I'm glad he's gone. Maybe he's glad too. He never liked it here. Never liked us. Humans.
After Priya attempts to place judgement on Nor's actions, she then dives deeper.
She is glad Nor is gone. Not ONLY because of what he did to Alma's avatar. No. She is also glad he's gone because Nor was not friendly.
Another prime instance of fragile allyship is that allies tend to believe that marginalized people are only worth their sympathy if they're likeable.
This has a lot ties to the "Perfect Victim" concept.
Because Nor was not friendly, because his trauma caused him to distrust humans and he did not quickly get over it and befriend Resistance members, he is undeserving of as much sympathy as the other Sarentu.
It's seen as a positive that he's gone (despite the fact he ran away in clear emotional distress.) Not just because of what he did to Alma's avatar, but because now Priya and the Resistance no longer have to assist someone that's "ungrateful" and "not as nice" as they should be.
The purpose of being an ally is to help oppressed classes survive against circumstances that would otherwise have them discriminated against or have them dead. Being a truly good ally should not hinder on whether the person is "likeable" or "grateful" for their services. But sadly, in the real world, that is one of the most common "conditions" a LOT of allies have when it comes to offering support. How much they like the person or groups they claim to want to help.
Allyship is more often than not based on likeability, rather than morality.
But we're trying to help. Alma was trying to help. She tried. Right?
Another feature of fragile allyship is the tendency to change sides.
Priya agrees that what Alma did was wrong. She understands that.
But because of the simple fact that Alma is human, Priya not only relates but tries to defend Alma's actions. Seeing herself in Alma is understandable because they are both human and were friends. The problem comes when Priya begins to project and defend Alma's actions.
It doesn't matter that by her own admission Alma's main goals were fame and achievement. It doesn't matter how much the Sarentu are hurt by her actions. It doesn't matter that Nor was outraged. It doesn't matter that even calm and collected Ri'nela was disgusted. It doesn't matter HOW the Sarentu, as the direct victims, feel about Alma's actions. It doesn't matter that intent ≠ impact.
Alma is human like Priya, so from Priya's POV, Alma's 'intentions' hold more value than how the Sarentu were impacted. "We're" trying to help. Alma was trying to help. So her actions can't have been that bad. Right?
Mercer's the bad one. That's all I know for sure.
And finally, this is another feature of how allies tend to respond to things.
Of the two, Mercer is the one who unabashedly committed the massacre and oppressed the Sarentu for years. Mercer is "the bad one" because his actions are overt. They are clear cut, obvious, and maniacally evil.
When real world marginalized groups face microaggressions or covert prejudice, allies have a tendency to step in and defend the offender. "Hm, I don't think that was racist." "Are you sure that's homophobic?" "It's just a word. I don't see how it can be ableist to say." - "It's not like it's really hurting anyone."
When oppression is not as clear cut to allies, they tend to dismiss it entirely. It doesn't matter how the victims feel about the situation. As discussed earlier in the post, allies tend to think they have the authority and capability to make judgements on prejudice they do not face, and ergo believe they can determine how "bad" something really is. Better than the marginalized class can themselves.
In Priya's eyes, Alma is better than Mercer because Mercer's oppression was harsh yelling, explosions, and murder. "Mercer's the bad one" while Alma was "only trying to help."
But in truth, both Mercer and Alma have done and continued to do harmful things. They both played a part in the decimation and continued manipulation of the Sarentu. Both for their own selfish purposes.
Oppression has many faces. It does not always look the same, it is not always a mustache twirling villain. It can be subtle and quiet. It can be hidden behind gentle eyes and smiles. It can be from "good intentions" just as easily as it comes from "bad intentions". It can be subconscious, it can be self aware, it can be secretive, it can be out in the open. It can be many things. There is not only "one bad" style.
Oppression is just as diverse as the communities it aims to harm.
I want to reiterate that I do not dislike Priya and this post isn't a hate campaign against her. I know many dudebros in the fanbase unfairly criticize her.
The point of this post is to applaud the FOP writers. It is very rare when mainstream media is able to accurately depict how fragile allyship is. Priya's reaction to Nor stabbing Alma's avatar is painfully realistic to the many ways allies have reacted to certain situations in the real world.
This is one of the many reasons why I love this game and feel it hits home. Not only can I relate to the Na'vi clans, but my god can I relate to the way allies are written in relation to them. And I feel like this audio log from Priya, while brief and easily missable, is one of the prime moments of realism this game portrays really well.
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naavispider · 2 months
Merciless - chapter 8
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Priya led the way towards the comms desk - a more secluded space that had only one human sitting sentinel and no other ears to eavesdrop. Spider nodded at the man who was sitting with his feet up on the desk, looking relaxed but assertive. He supposed it was this guy’s job to monitor the radios. “Hi.”
Priya led him over to the set up. “Do you know how to use the system?” she asked, gesturing to the tech.
“Er… I could probably figure it out.” Of that, he was sure, but it was probably faster to let Priya show him.
“Okay,” Priya grinned, in a way that let Spider know she’d help him anyway. She directed her next question to the techie. “What frequency we on?”
“62.1,” came the reply.
Spider’s heart lurched uncomfortably again when Priya adjusted the settings on the radio station. He wasn’t too familiar with the ins and outs of rebel communications on Pandora, other than knowing it was a constant battle to keep messages hidden from the RDA. He’d known Jake had tried to disseminate the technology to other clan leaders when the RDA returned, but he’d never really considered how it all worked. He’d never needed to contact anyone from outside of High Camp before now.
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dilfsyndrome · 1 month
Hidden Weakness
⚠︎︎ Afop Spoilers ⚠︎︎
Saving this quest for last since I got a lot more to do and since it is like the final quest till next update then I’m saving it for last.
(Alma just standing there)
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anxious7sami · 2 months
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Dr. Alma “scum” Cortez…..plus Priya Chen
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pandorafallz · 1 month
Alma reflects on what she has done. What she had been a part of in TAP, what she had done to… get the school going. The truth had come out into the open and everyone knows of what she had been a part of. 'Good' Alma, the Avatar was dead. Killed. She was the 'other' Alma, that they despised. Where does she stand now in the Resistance when no one wants her around?
Chapter 11 snippet
“The new avatars,” Alma started, her voice stern, “how many?”
Harding continued to smirk still. “None of your concern.”
“Does Mercer have an avatar like this new squad?”
At that, Harding seemed to laugh, wincing a little at the pain the motion brought her. “Hell no. He couldn’t pass the tests required, mental or physical.” She shook her head. “He’s a psycho.”
Alma rose slowly to her feet, bringing her arm to her chest to avoid leaning on it. She brushed the grass from her clothes as she fixed her former colleague with a long look. “I look forward to meeting your recom, Colonel Harding.”
She didn’t dare look at So’lek as she turned and headed towards the exit.
“No you won’t,” Harding called after her almost gleefully. “You’re a dead woman, Cortez!” Alma didn’t stop at her shout, her voice meant to sound loud now like a threat. “You’re a dead woman walking, Cortez!!”
“I know…” Alma whispered to herself, exhausted already still.
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winterfieldfrontiers · 5 months
Main Asian characters of Avatar franchise
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Priya Chen - Chinese-Thai =  a Resistance biologist, So'lek's ally. (Na'vi Side)
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She looks like Pattie Ungsumalynn Sirapatsakmetha (Thai famous actress)
Avatar 3
Karina Mogue - Chinese-american, Parker Selfridge's assistant (RDA's side?)
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the-goofball · 4 months
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Anqa and Priya - my favorite couple. They're too cute to be true lol
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cryingevanafton · 4 months
Tyler Nguyen-Baker
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marcmarcmomarc · 10 days
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
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Takes place after the movie.
Is visited by Sora.
Starring the voices of:
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Other Friend)
Addie Chandler as Devon
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Sherry Cola as Helen
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Mia Tagano as Lily
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
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sutxdreamwalker · 4 months
Even more Frontiers of Pandora incorrect quotes
Every fem Ri’nela simp: I’m gay for you, and your gay for me
Nor: Ri’nela why gay for that girl?
Ri’nela: I’m not! She’s talking stupid
_________________ Priya: dear note log, today I couldn’t find a tablet to put down my note log so that’s what I’m writing it down on both of my Kung Fu Panda 2 dvds
The Sarentu: I’m the pandora guardian, guardian of pandora
Teylan: the RDA quivers before them!
The Sarentu: flipping off some RDA soldiers fuck off!
Okul: admiring the sarentu you look pretty
The Sarentu: what?
Okul: uh- I said you look dirty, goodnight Sarentu! runs away
The Sarentu: I told So’lek’s ears turn red when he lies
Teylan: why did you do that?
The Sarentu: so I could do this
The Sarentu: hey So’lek do you love us?
So’lek: his ears turn red no
The Sarentu and Teylan: snickering
Nor: when I think about my worries and when I think about my strife, here is what I simply say
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ncytiri · 4 months
i really love the amount of lgbtq+ rep we get in frontiers of pandora like you can play as a man, woman, or nonbinary character who, no matter what gender you choose, is always referred to with they/them pronouns, two characters (priya chen and anqa salaam) within the resistance (one being leader of the resistance's operations in the western frontier) are lesbians and have crushes on one another (i think they can get together but i haven't made it that far yet!), there are two nonbinary na'vi, tsu'kiri who is mourning over the loss of their friend and okul (who i haven't met yet as i am not in the last region of the western frontiers yet either skdflksd), an herbalist in the kame'tire clan and may be considered the first non-female tsakarem (within current avatar lore)!! there is also idle dialogue from a female zeswa member talking about wanting to talk her crush who is a girl :')
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naavispider · 1 month
Merciless, chapter 10
I know I only reblogged chapter 9 a few days ago, but we're here with chapter 10 already! (And chapter 11 is already written). ✨ I'm really excited for you guys to see where this is heading eventually 🙌🏻
“I know where this is going, and no.” Norm crossed an arm in front of Spider, preventing him from standing up to say his idea. 
“You don’t even know what I was going to say!”
“I do. And if you think I’m gonna sit here and let you offer yourself back up to the RDA again, you have another thing coming, young man.”
There was an awkward moment of silence as Spider glared at Norm and Norm stared unrelentingly back.
“What were you going to say, Spider?” Priya asked. 
As Spider turned back towards her, he stole a glimpse of So’lek’s expression across the table. He didn’t know what he was hoping to see there, but the warrior remained stoic and guarded. 
Norm rolled his eyes angrily as Spider replied. “I was gonna say that it sounds like it could be helpful for me to go back in and try to figure out more about what they’re up to.” Nervously, he looked around the room at Priya and the techie’s faces, then the Sarentu. 
The techie looked like he was contemplating it. “We do need more info,” he began measuredly. “But that’s what the purpose of our mole is.”
Priya nodded. “I agree. You’re how old? It would be kinda irresponsible for us to send you back in, even if you do want to do it.”
“Thank you!” Norm said, raising his hands up in the air. 
Spider bristled. It was nice that Norm clearly cared about him, but hadn’t Spider already proved that he could handle it? He tried to stop the spiteful thoughts that swirled around the edges of his mind. He slumped back in his seat. “Well if you have a better idea, I’m all ears.”
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May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month!
Check out these fiction picks as we celebrate Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month this May!
Late Bloomers by Deepa Varadarajan
After thirty-six years of a dutiful but unhappy arranged marriage, recently divorced Suresh and Lata Raman find themselves starting new paths in life. Suresh is trying to navigate the world of online dating, while Lata is enjoying her newfound independence. Meanwhile, their children, Priya and Nikesh, embark upon their own relationships, but hide the truth of what they really entail. Over the course of three weeks, the family uncovers one another's secrets, confront the limits of love and loyalty, and explore life's second chances. 
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
Authors June Hayward and Athena Liu were supposed to be twin rising stars. But Athena's a literary darling while June is literally nobody. So when June witnesses Athena's death in a freak accident, she acts on impulse: she steals Athena's just-finished masterpiece, an experimental novel about the unsung contributions of Chinese laborers during World War I. Doesn't this piece of history deserve to be told, whoever the teller? But June can't get away from Athena's shadow, and emerging evidence threatens to bring June's (stolen) success down around her. 
Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li
History is told by the conquerors. Across the Western world, museums display the spoils of war, of conquest, of colonialism: priceless pieces of art looted from other countries, kept even now. Will Chen plans to steal them back. His crew has every heist archetype imaginable and each member has their own complicated relationship with China and the identity they've cultivated as Chinese Americans. If they succeed, they earn fifty million dollars and a chance to make history. But if they fail, they will lose everything they've dreamed for themselves, as well as the chance to take back what colonialism has stolen.
Happiness Falls by Angie Kim
Mia, an irreverent, hyperanalytical twenty-year-old, has an explanation for everything - which is why she isn't initially concerned when her father and younger brother Eugene don't return from a walk in a nearby park. They must have lost their phone. Or stopped for an errand somewhere. But by the time Mia's brother runs through the front door bloody and alone, it becomes clear that the father in this tight-knit family is missing and the only witness is Eugene, who has the rare genetic condition Angelman syndrome and cannot speak. 
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