#putting into words any of veronica's thoughts and feelings jd is just---
morbid-zombii · 1 month
↻ ^. "you don't get to die. not before i kill you."
TW:: NON-CON, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT (like, seriously, i didnt hold back on this)
summary:: what if jd had broken in before veronica had time to "hang" herself?
a/n:: yes, this is probably going to get hate, but i'm using this as an outlet for trauma and id like to emphasize the fact that everything written is purely fictional (obviously) and i do not condone any of this behavior in real life. if you believe that any of the stuff written in this is okay to happen irl, then you need to heavily consider getting counseling.
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Veronica sits at her desk, tuning out the sound of her parents footsteps downstairs. They'd planned a dinner date tonight, which went perfectly with the plan that she works to frantically scratch down in her journal.
"Dear Diary, no one can stop JD. Not the FBI, the CIA, or the PTA. That is to say, no one but me. I know where JD is coming from and where he is heading. He's wrong, but I'm going to teach him what's right. I'm going to stop JD.. If it's the last thing I do."
She closes her journal with a sense of finality to her plan. You see, she knew JD would be paying her a visit after seeing that Barbie doll he'd left hanging by a thread in her room, so she wanted to be one step ahead of him. Her plan originally would have been to tie a noose (Not tight enough to kill her, of course.) and pretend like she'd hung herself when JD entered. Making him think she was dead, and buying her enough time to stop whatever he was planning next.
Foolproof, right? Right, that's what she thought too. She leaves her diary on the surface of her desk, about to stand and put her plan into motion. That was until she heard the dreadfully familiar sound of her window sliding open.
Her heart lurches suddenly in her chest as she watches JD's combat boots land on her hardwood floor, and his eyes hold a promise of malice in them, sparkling under the moonlight that shines through her bedroom window.
"It was unlocked so I let myself in, hope you don't mind." He speaks nonchalantly, offering a grin Veronicas way as if he's not breaking into her house right now.
"Get out of my house." Veronica commands, her eyes shooting daggers through him as she watches JD pace her room. While her gaze remains focused on him, her hands fumble around for the diary on her desk, aiming to put it in the side drawer that was built in. Away from his prying eyes.
But, he notices her movements and quickly steps forward. Veronica tries to pull the object out of his reach, but his movements are too quick.
"JD!" Veronica yelps, rising quickly from her chair and watching in horror as he reads the now open page. This really couldn't have gone any worse for her, huh?
"Whats this, ay'?" he muses, grinning manically as he snatches the diary and pulls it out of her reach, opening it to the latest entry.
His eyes skim the writing. "let's see how he reacts to a suicide he didn't preform himself?" he quotes her own words, almost laughing before ripping out the page, crumbling it and tossing its shreds aside to fall to the floor.
"You really don't get it, do you Veronica?" He starts, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "You don't get to die. Not unless I'm the one who kills you." he declares, his tone holding an undertone of violence to it.
Veronicas gaze flickers down to his hand, only now noticing the fact that it currently lay motionless in the pocket of his worn black trenchcoat. For a brief moment she swears that she sees the silhouette of his revolver press agains the inner fabric of the pocket, only vaugely showing the outline momentarily before it vanishes again. An unspoken threat.
The tension of the room is so thick, she swears she could cut it with a knife if she had one. God, a knife would be a great thing to have right now, although it probably wouldn't do much considering a gun is much stronger than a knife, but still. Something, anything to make her feel just a little more in control of the moment right now would be amazing.
"Now listen here, just listen." He speaks rushedly once he's finally gotten her attention. Reaching into the left pocket of his trenchcoat, JD reveals a neatly folded peice of paper. "You remember that petition, right?" He doesn't let her get a word in before continuing.
"Well, it's not a petition." He grins, waving the peice of paper in the air, flaunting it as if it were the most sacred item in the world. "No, it's a suicide note. Signed by everyone in the school. And we're gonna plant this note at Westerberg after it blows tomrrow afternoon, after the pep rally." He waits for a validating response from Veronica. But all he gets is a horrified look on her face.
"Isn't it genius? Here, here I'll read it to you." He opens the paper, reciting the words written within it and ending it off with a dramatic "Fuck you all."
Silence for a long moment before Veronica finally pipes up, offering her harsh feedback. "We? We are planting this note? No, no, we are not doing anything!" Veronica declares, taking a few steps back towards the phone that sits on her bedside table.
"In fact, you're delusional. I mean, this is... This is psychotic, I'm calling the police." She stammers, breathing out a shocked laugh. "What are you thinking? Really, JD?" She scolds him, her voice tainted with disbelief.
JD steps forward, effectively blocking her path and grabbing her arm to forcefully pull her away from the phone as she tries to grab for it. JD pulls Veronica close to him, holding her arm so tightly that he doesn't even realize that his nails are digging into her skin beneath the fabric of her blue blazer.
"Let go!" Veronica yelps suddenly at the unexpected force that digs into her skin, encaging her in a vice grip.
JD ignores her, too lost in this delusion of his, the delusion that he's right. That this is the morally right thing to do, that blowing up Westerberg would solve all of his problems. "The police? When have the police done anything of use lately?" He points out, his voice coming off neurotic as he speaks.
Veronica writhes her arm under his grip and she meets eyes quickly. "Let me go or I'll scream. I'll scream, and— And my parents will come running." Veronica threatens, trying to make her voice sound confident, as if she really would do it.
But she fails. Instead of a confident, assertive tone coming out of her throat, she trips over her words and stutters; making her sound weak and terrified. This only scares her more.
She wouldn't. They both know that much already, and the way her tone wavers only solidifies the knowledge more. If anything, her scream would only come out a pathetic croak that'd be quickly muffled by JD.
"Would you quit it with the excuses already? Come on Veronica, I planned this out meticulously! Your parents just left for dinner, I've made sure of it."
Eventually though, out of his own resolution, he gives way and releases Veronicas arm. She stumbles back, almost tripping before steadying herself against her desk. She now stands behind it, using it as a barrier between him and her.
Veronica comes to the horrifying conclusion that she was right about just one thing: Nobody can stop JD, not even her; and she was idiotic to think that she ever had a chance of doing so in the first place. Because somehow, he knew, he always did. He knew that her parents would be going out, he knew that she'd be home alone, and he knew that she knew that he would be paying her a visit.
JD had waited until her parents were gone, parked down the street a short distance from her house until he'd heard the rev of a car engine down the road; her parents car. Waited until she was alone, vulnerable and defensless in her own room, the only place she thought she could find sanctuary from the one thing she sought and failed to escape from. Him.
His face turns from conceited and vain, to remorseful in an instant as he realizes that Veronica isn't buying into what he thinks is a masterful plan. His once threatening tone is now covered by a thin blanket of guilt.
"I loved you, you know that? I really did." He states, pinching his eyebrows together sorrowfully. "I killed for you, Veronica. I would've walked to the ends of the Earth for you if you'd only asked me to."
He's speaking in the past tense. Not good. Not good at all, actually. A sign of resignation to the situation, a sign he's already decided how he wants this to end and come to terms with whatever that might mean for her. Okay, don't panic; deep breaths, tell him what he wants to hear.
"I still do love you, JD." Veronica reassures, masking her tone in a soft and gentle facade in an attempt to prevent him from becoming more aggressive. "I was just.. Scared. I've never had—"
She's cut off, his voice fills the room as the blanket that hides his indignation is ripped off, and pot that carries his liquified anger finally boils over. He brings out the aforementioned revolver from his pocket, his knuckles whitening due to how tightly he had been clenching the grip. He holds it uneasily in his hand, his aim shaking as he aims it at Veronicas chest.
"You think you're smart? Think I don't see right through this?" His sudden words causing her to practically jump out of her skin in fear as adrenaline runs laps underneath her skin and courses through her veins.
His tone trembles in his throat, tangled with white hot rage at her attempt at making him believe this pathetic excuse for a lie.
"You don't love me, you never did." He tells her, his voice simmering just below a yell as his index finger grazes over the trigger guard, flirting with the idea of moving it to the trigger itself and pulling.
Pulling it would mean putting a wax seal on all of his turmoil now. Veronicas dead body would be a bitch of a mess to clean up, sure, but an easy way out is an easy way out nonetheless.
JD lets the sound of Veronicas quiet, incessant pleading with him fade into the background as he loses himself in the thought of what he should do with her. He gnaws at his lip, only stopping once he nearly draws blood from how hard he's biting. He wants her to suffer for what she's done to him. Suffer for the way she made his heart shatter, stepping on it until it broke into a million peices that he's not even sure he can glue back together this time.
He draws his gaze back up to hers. "JD, put the gun down. It doesn't have to end like this." She speaks up once she noticss that he's lowered the gun slightly. But trying to conciliate with him only offers the same effect that poking a stick at a sleeping bear would, because it simply makes him more livid.
"Fucking be quiet!" He commands her, his voice borderline yelling once again as he re-steadies his aim on her and her mouth clamps shut in an instant.
He shakes his head. No. No, he can't do that, no. She doesn't deserve the luxury of death.
JD pauses, glancing around hastily for a moment before setting his gun down on the surface of her desk. Normally, under amy other circumstance Veronica would lunge at it. Turn the tables on him. But the way his gaze shoots daggers into her, the way she can hardly see the beautiful brown of the eyes that she once fell head over heels in love with, now covered almost entirely by his pupils. The sight alone is enough to scare her straight.
"You're right." He admits, his voice laced with a feigned sense of calm as he paces towards her slowly, like a predator stalking towards prey. "It doesn't have to end this way."
He has her cornered in what seems like the blink of an eye, trapping her back against the white wall of her childhood bedroom. Her pleading eyes search his and upon searching, she only finds that nothing but contempt and disdain for her in this moment swims inside of them.
Along with something else. Something sadistic. Something that had been kept locked away from the world for far too long. Stowed away and left uncared for. Whether it had escaped on it's own, or JD had let it loose was beyond her, and frankly she didn't want to know the answer.
She's caught off guard when he suddenly slams his lips into hers, taking her mouth in a forceful kiss fueled by obsession and desire and some twisted rationale. He was plagued with the idea that this was the only way to make her realize. Make her realize that she was his, no matter what she thought otherwise. To him, she was the one who was sick; unwell. She needed enlightening, and this was his way of doing just that. Making her better. Fixing her.
"Jason–!" Veronica strains, placing her hands on JD's chest and trying to push him off of her, only to fail. She cranes her head to the side as to avoid his kiss but he grabs her jaw, forcefully pulling her lips back to his and resuming his ruthless invasion of her mouth.
He lowly moans into her mouth, kissing her still, even as she continues to persist and fight against him. He doesn't care, evidently. In his mind, she's his property. And really, after all he's done for her? She should be. I mean, he protected her when nobody else could. Saved her from being socially outcasted by Heather Chandler and even date-rape from Kurt Kelly. So in his fucked up mind, all he was doing was collecting his payment.
JD runs his hands up and down along her body hungerly as if he were a man starved and this was his first meal in God knows how long. Appreciating every picture perfect curve and crevice of her body, she was his Goddess and he was her worshipper. Even if she didn't want to be worshipped.
JD moves a hand from her waist to Veronicas breast and fondles her posessively, wishing that her clothes weren't a barrier between his rough hands and her soft skin. Whatever, he could deal with that later. Right now he's too caught up in how the girl in blue feels trapped between him to really give the matter much thought.
Finally though, JD does pull away only once the need to catch his breath outweighs his insatiable need to have his mouth on hers, leaving Veronicas lips swollen and painting the flesh of her cheeks a beautiful rosy pink.
"Get off of me, you fucking psycho!" She commands him, still struggling to free herself from the barrier that is his body. He doesn't listen, of course. What did she expect?
"Admit it, you want this." he husks sadistically, a gasp leaving Veronicas parted lips as he reaches two fingers under her knee-length skirt and moves her panties aside to slide two didgets into her folds only to pull them out after a moment, showing her own slick wetness that now coats his index and middle fingers.
"See? You want this just as much as I do." He tells her matter of factly, ignoring the way her face contorts and tears spring at the corners of her eyes, threatening to boil over.
A pause before he continues, breaking the silence. "Don't worry, though. I'll give you exactly what you want." He assures her before grabbing her arm and guiding—Or more like dragging due to the way she struggles—her across the room and to her bed.
Veronica tries to fight him off, but it's no use against the vice grip that he currrntly holds on her arm. She quicky comes to the realizatiom that she made her bed the second she chose to break up with JD, and now all that's left to do is lie in it. Literally, because her bed is only a few short steps away and by the time she's finished with her thought she finds herself being pushed into the mattress of her bed, with JD looming over her figure.
Veronica pushes herself into a sitting position as she makes an effort to stand upright, but her efforts are quickly put to a stop when JD pushes her back down by the shoulders. Veronica had been able to fight him off in the past, like at JD's rental home on the couch in his living room, when she'd first broken up with him. When he told her "You'll be back". What he'd failed to mention though, was that if she didn't come back on her own accord, he would drag her back to him. No matter the lengths in which he had to go to get a good grip on her.
Now, his resolve is stronger than hers. An impenetrable wall of steel, carefully constructed to withstand her pitiful struggling under him as well as the angel on his shoulder telling him to let her go unscathed. No, he'd let her win once but not this time. This time, it was his turn to get his way.
He grabs her wrists in his hand and forcefully pins them above her head, eliciting a shocked gasp to fall from her parted lips. She can't even struggle with how tightly he's holding her, the slightest movement of her wrists under his unrelenting gasp causes her skin to burn due to the friction between the two. He holds her as if she isn't real, and might turn to dust if he lets his grip relax in the slightest.
Jason forces a knee between her thighs, making her yelp as she feels herself being forced open for his inevitable entry. His free hand makes its way down to the zipper of his jeans and he pulls them down just enough to reveal his black boxers, as well as the buldge that the fabric does little to hide.
Veronicas stomach churns, knotting itself, and she feels like she might throw up as she watches him bring down the fabric of his jeans. Now, Veronica really tries to fight him off as the adrenaline spikes in her veins and she grows desperate for an escape.
She inhales a sharp breath, but before a scream can be born, it dies when two fingers are shoved down her throat, making her gag as they suddenly hit her uvula. Tears prick at the corners of her eyes, though she blinks them back just as quickly as they came.
Jasons gaze flicks over to the window which still remains opened from when he'd entered prviously, then brings his face close to hers as he meets her eyes yet again, his tone carrying a stern threat as he speaks.
"Scream, I dare you. Scream and see what happens." He challenges, though he already knows she won't. The look in her eyes gives it all away before she can put it into words. Glossy and wide and darting around the room, eventually landing on his revolver that sits menacingly on her desk. That's when she tosses the idea of screaming for help.
He grins. That was one thing he was good at: Knowing exactly what she was thinking at any given moment. Being able to read people, especially her, had given him quite the advantage in their relationship. For example, the night before Kurt and Rams death, when she'd questioned him on the bullets they'd be using. He'd conjured up a perfect lie and had it in the back of his head days prior to the event unfolding. He had always been a step ahead of her. Always would be.
A string of saliva follows his fingers as he retracts them from her mouth, and she gasps once the foreign object is removed. He wipes his moist fingers on the fabric of his blue flannel before pulling down his boxers completely, finally exposing his length.
He chews his lip, lining the head of his dick up with Veronicas enterance and without warning he slams into her. Being suddenly stretched after having not been for so long draws out a sharp cry from her throat that fills the air around them. She wants to dissapear, wishes the Earth would just swallow her whole already. Wishes JD was dead. Part of her wonders how she ever loved him in the first place. But the way she's positioned gives her no room to continue sturggling. The way she's positioned forces her to have her legs wrapped around him with her hands pinned above her head by his own as he continues to fuck into her. Forces her to take him fully.
The sound of skin slapping against skin fills her ears, and JD is fucking her so rough, so hungerly, that wet droplets prick in the corners of her eyes as she begins feeling like she might tear open due to how unprepared she was for his sudden intrusion. She hates everything in this moment. Hates how her breasts bounce as JD pounds into her tightness, taunting him. Encouraging his actions further. Hates how she's completely helpless at his mercy, and especially how betrayed she feels. I mean, he was supposed to love her, not hurt her like this. What had she done to deserve this? Sure, she'd broken up with him, but he was batshit crazy! He killed! She should've turned him in while she had the chance.
"JD, fucking stop it–." Veronica hiccups as the tears that prick at the corners of her eyes finally spill over, dampening her face as they roll down her cheek.
JD tuts quietly at her, using his tumb to swipe away the tears and brings his lips close, in order to pepper noxious kisses on her skin. "God, but you feel so good right now, how can I?" He questions, his soft and gentle tone a stark contrast to his rough pace and his actions which have been consistently covetous towards her.
"See what you do to me, 'Ronnie? You're fucking irresistable." He says, his lips moving down to her neck, and she lets him, even tilting her head back further to give him more room. "So perfect for me." He praises in between kisses.
She whines, feeling herself crumble under his touch, his venomous tone. Unable to put up any real fight, tired and worn out from all her struggling previously. Her resolve begins to weaken and she begins to enjoy her torment, in some fucked up way. Even beginning to buck her hips up in an attempt to help him reach deeper inside her, selfishly chasing her own orgasm even though everything in her is screaming that this is wrong.
She's confused. He's being so.. gentle all of a sudden. And after being so forceful and aggressive with her, it's starting to become a welcome change of pace for her. Does this even count as assault anymore? If she's enjoying it?
No. No, what is she even thinking? Of course this is rape, whether she's enjoying it or not, it doesn't matter. And no, she's not enjoying it. She can't. If she does, that just.. let's JD know that he's won. But then again, maybe this isn't so bad? The feeling of being fucked in just the right spot, and the moans that only JD can pull from her when he does hit that spot. The feeling that only JD can make her feel. Admittedly, she has missed this, as much as she hates to admit it. Fuck, she's so confused. And that confusion only scares her even more, fills her with a sense of dread she's never experienced before.
But this is exaclty what JD wants. He wants her to be confused. Wants her to be unablw to understand her emotions. It makes her even more vulnerable. Easier to manipulate. He wants to have the control over her that a puppeteer would have over their marrionette. And this is just one step closer to that.
"That's it baby, give in." JD encourages her as he senses her resistance start to wane. His tone is sickeningly sweet as he brushes a hand through her brown strands of hair. "Come all over my cock, you know you wanna." He rasps in her ear, only driving her closer to the edge.
After a moment, his hand finds its way to her already throbbing clit, and Veronica jumps as JD begins moving his fingers in circles along the nerve, causing her legs to quiver ever so slightly, and waves of white hot electricity to flow through her.
This is his favorite game, and he loves every second he gets to play. Just watching her break beneath him as he keeps working his fingers on her, and unravelling her like a tightly tied knot that only he knows how to untangle. It only fills him with a sense of pride knowing that he's the only one who can make her sound like this, make her react like this to his every touch and caress and graze of his fingers, or his lips, on her skin. It only fuels his posessiveness, his insatiable desire to own her even more.
It's humiliating, in a way. After begging him to get off, and pleading for him to stop, what? She's just.. enjoying it all of a sudden? It's confusing, her conflicting emotions, and it makes her question if she really does want this afterall. I mean, her body is screaming yes in every way possible, but everything in her head is telling her no. That this is wrong. That this needs to stop.
But despite her protests, she begins to feel something build within her. A feeling that she struggles to hold back. She arches herself slightly and lets her eyes flick to the back of her head, closing them and letting herself bask in the sensation of his cock rubbing perfectly against her inner walls, repeatedly hitting that spot that makes her tremble.
"Yeah?" He hums as he notes her reactions to everything he's doing, taking in all of her facial expressions as if she were a peice of art in a museum to be admired. "Right there? Just like that?"
"Fuck–" She tries to hold back her words, but fails miserably as the overwhelming urge for release consumes her. "Yes, oh, God yes." She speaks as she nods her head quickly, her shallow panting only continues adding to the mixture of noises leaving her mouth. Music to JD's fucking ears.
So of course, he continues to thrust in and out, loving the fact that she's finally come to her senses and let him make her feel good. Finally stopped resisting him.
This continues until finally, finally, she convulses letting out one final peircing moan as she's overcome with a sudden wave of euphoria that crashes over her, and she feels herself come undone around the length of his cock inside her, tantalizingly working her through her orgasm with deep, slow thrusts before finally resting his weight beside her on the bed, it shifting under his weight.
What's strange is she doesn't even get up. Doesn't try to stand or do anything to put any distance between her and her assaulter. No, she lets herself continue lying there, on her soft mattress, completely and utterly spent.
JD notices this and decides to use the fact in his favor, turning his head to the side and meeting Veronicas lidded gaze. "See, Veronica? I knew deep down, you loved me." He insists breathlessly, letting a soft grin play at his expression.
Either he knows all too well what he's doing, or he truly doesn't see an issue with this what he's just done. And either way, it's not a good sign. At all.
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horror-lady00 · 3 months
I decided to start translating my Heather Dean fic. Here's a prolog (Veronica's POV) :p
When you are a teenager, death still is a bit of a murky subject. On one hand, you know it exists, on the other you don’t think it’s about you. Death never bothers a teen, until something grabs you by the neck and firmly states, “Games are over, sonny. Now shit gets real”. For most, such wake up call is death of your beloved Golfish or Hamster. Other times a cat, who was in the family before you were born. My wake up call was sound of shattered glass, when body of Heather Chandler broke it in myriad pieces. It felt like a dream at that moment. As if I regained some silver of child’s innocence, that refused to believe, that she was truly dead. That is, until I felt squeeze of my shoulder. I turned to JD, who gave me a stern look. That’s when I knew, It was real.
Days before funerals I was like in a fog. My parents were saying words of empty support. They reminisced on what a good girl Heather was and mourned this great loss. Shit, they didn’t knew her at all! On that day, I could’ve not go. I could have stayed in bed whole day and pretend, that everything is okay. To think, that just in the morning Heather will call and ask, if I need a ride to school. But different Heather was on the other side of the phone. McNamara could barely put words together. It was clear as day, that she wasn’t feeling any better, than me. So when Duke took the phone and simply said, “Come, I won’t manage alone here”, I couldn’t say no.
In church, it felt suffocating. I remember visiting Synagogue, when I was just a kid… but that was years ago. Attendants were mostly students of Westerburg, only couple of parents has showed up. I don’t remember Heather’s parents at all. Did they not showed up to say final goodbye to they own daughter? It got worse, when they asked us to come to the coffin. I didn’t had to say anything outloud… but it didn’t made it easy. Heather didn’t even looked dead! Just asleep. In all her bitchy glory… “Heather would hate this dress. She would either be burried in red or not burried at all… If it means something to you, I’m sorry. I know, technically that’s not even my fault, but… my conscience isn’t completely dead yet. I hope something good will come out of this! I just want my school to be a good place”. I didn’t knew to whom I was saying those words. Maybe to Heather, maybe to God himself? It doesn’t matter. The ceremony was over and I headed to the exit. Rest of my pierce were leaving too, but I noticed Heather waving me to come over. She and Heather were standing by saucer with holly water, seemingly just finished some kind of conversation. “Ronny”, they said at the same time. “Hey”, I answerd, putting my hand on the side, opposite of Heather. “Have any plans for the evening?” hastily asked golden Heather nervously tapping her fingers Heather McNamara was always a bit nervous kind of girl. She spoke loud and, at times, out of line. But we, her friends, were used to those quirks of her. I smiled and Heather just shook her head. “Nothing special”, I answered, “Mourn… Maybe watch some TV”. “Maybe a sleepover!? At your house”, she said and tapping of her fingers became more rapid. “It’ll help to distract ourselves”, added Heather. Sweet Heather, she seemed a lot calmer, than our mutual friend. But I knew her long enough, to notice minor signs of equal nervousness in her movements. “We shouldn’t be alone right now. Right?” I gave that thought a moment. There was no objective reasons to say no. But the way those two act was suspicious. Do they know? But… how? I throw silly idea to the side immediately. “Yeah, sure. Sounds great”.
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Hello! Hopefully you’re still taking requests but it’s okay if not 😊 could I request JD x reader where the reader is quite shy and affectionate / clingy with JD because she only really trusts him - if that makes sense? Like with anyone else she’s just silent but she’s very trusting in JD because he treats her nice (she or they pronouns Idm :))
Hey Anon sorry I couldn't tag you and its been a while but here we are! For context I’m going to be using They pronouns seeing as I rather write a gender netural reader so my rambles are more accessible to everyone. I hope that is okay 😊 Again if anyone has any requests for any of the characters on my masterlist send em in. Also this is going to be sent during the time of heathers but Veronica never stopped at the 7/11 and only had the one interaction with JD and went back to being Martha’s friend and trying to get to summer. Lets go!
You were sat at the back of the classroom with your boyfriend being right by your side. Boyfriend. Gosh that was a word you weren’t expecting to use in a sentence. Not because you didn’t want a boyfriend. You did and you loved your boyfriend. Jason Dean, JD. But you were shy, you didn’t speak much and the bad boy who beat up Ram and Kurt was definitely not someone you thought you would be dating. But you felt safe with him and despite the first impression he was relatively calm.
Either way you sat in class your arms wrapped around your boyfriends waist under his trench coat with your head resting on his chest as you dragged small circles on the fabric of your boyfriends shirt. This was something that had become a habit something you did without realising and JD never mentioned it anymore it was something he knew that made you calm and he was fine with it.
As you half listened to the ending of Miss Flemmings class you lifted your head slightly from the chest of your boyfriend looking at him as he looked at you with a small smile. “Are you still sure you want to go to dairy queen later?” he asked softly suddenly his hand was fiddling with your hair running his hand through your soft hair as you looked up at him and gave a single affirming nod.
As the class which was about love in the 60’s for some reason drew to a close you collected the few things you had out your pencil and notebook putting it into your bag as your boyfriend waited already having his belongings collected holding his hand out for you to take which you did bag slung over your back and your hand tightly encased by your boyfriends.
As you walked through the hallway of the school the noise being louder than when school was in session as most of the students were in a rush to leave the premise and Jason held you tight putting his arm around your shoulder and holding you close as you walked through the halls and out of the door.
The dairy queen was only a 5 minute walk from Westerberg high and you had happily clung to your boyfriend his arm slung around yours as he asked what you would like before you got there so you wouldn’t have to deal with the spotlight of being asked by a server because, despite how friendly they were or could be he knew that you would feel safer if he just ordered and so he did.
As you sat down enjoying your ice cream and feeling particularly clingy after being away all weekend and piping up in your quiet voice. “Hey JD, I love you…” you said before hugging him tightly with him giving a small smile and a small chuckle seeing as you felt the need to remind him every day. “I love you too.”
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goobergoeslive · 2 years
HeatherBloggin Part 16 (End)
We're coming up near the end, and during their final confrontation, Veronica finally gives JD a swift kick in the nuts. Good for her!
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The track that plays during this scene is really good. It has popped up in other parts of the movie, but with a different arrangement, and here it helps elevate the tense atmosphere. Because really, considering what has happened so far, would it be so surprising if JD actually succeeded? And even though I already know the outcome, this part keeps me glued to the screen every time.
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“You want to clean the slate as much as I do. All right, so maybe I am killing everyone in the school… because nobody loves me! Let’s face it, alright?! The only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven.”
I like how, immediately after this line, it cuts back to the pep rally in the gym, where everyone in school is getting along.
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“Seriously, people are going to look at the ashes of Westerburg and say “Now there is a school that self-destructed not because society didn’t care, but because the school was society! It’s pretty deep, huh?”
JD truly is a man of Society.
But he does tell Veronica which button to press to turn off the bomb. And not only that (and this is something that I only noticed in a recent viewing) when he lunges forwards and Veronica shoots him on instinct, he deliberately jams his switchblade into the explosives in such a way that the timer stops.
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Which I think is the reason why Veronica says that what she wants is “cool guys like him out of her life”. And I do think she is being sarcastic with the word “cool” here, but I also it’s her recognising that, for once, JD did the right thing. And this also makes Veronica leaving JD behind with the bomb make more sense, since she never confirmed if he was indeed dead. If she didn’t believe he wouldn’t try to set the bomb off, I don’t think she would have just left him like that, since it would have been massively irresponsible and very careless. 
When Veronica goes upstairs into the gym, she is greeted with cheers and applause, and yeah, I know that in-universe they aren’t for her, but I can’t help but feel that the juxtaposition is deliberate, as if the narrative is congratulating her on her victory.
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“Color me impressed! You, uh, you fucked me up pretty bad, Veronica. You, uhm… You got power. Power I didn’t think you had. The slate is clean.”
JD then lives his final moments, as he waits for the bomb he set up on himself to explode. Veronica watches on, not making any attempt to stop him, which is kind of cruel, but honestly, after what JD put her through, I don’t blame her.
The gag with JD having to bonk on the timer when it stops running is pretty solid, too.
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I don't have anything to add here, I just like this shot.
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Veronica then takes the red scrunchie away from Duke and puts it on her hair, signifying her role as the new “leader”, she’s the “new sheriff in town”. But just because she has taken the crown of Heather, doesn’t mean she will slip into the same attitude as Chandler and Duke.
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As Veronica’s first act immediately afterwards is to invite Martha to hang out with her and watch some movies. Instead of being a megabitch, she chose to be a friend. For the first time, we actually hear Martha speak, as she happily accepts Veronica's invitation.
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The “New Happiness” banner in the background is torn off, and Veronica and Martha walk down the hall together, having an amicable conversation. And thus the movie ends.
And this is does it for Heathers! Despite this being the end of the movie, I am still not done talking about it. But I will save my thoughts for some other occasion, as this liveblog as taken a lot of my time already! Thank you for reading along thus far, I assure you that there are more ramblings coming up.
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fuckedforger · 5 years
hc + jason dean
𝚂𝙴𝙽𝙳 ‘ 𝙷𝙲 ‘  + 𝙰 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳  //  @teenhrror
HOOOOOO BOY HERE WE GO [ puts on my essay writin’ smoking jacket ]When it comes to JD Veronica has a LOT of mixed feelings and opinions and very little of it is she willing to fully investigate because of what that would lead to in introspection and while she’s intentionally like 90% compartmentalization at the this point she knows her stability is about as solid as a a jenga tower about 3/4s thru the game and if she’d like to be Functional that means as little to no deep introspection as possible. If asked she’d say she doesn’t hate him even after all the fuckery, if she was honest she’d say she’s still kinda in love with him. She ‘d really only dated earlier because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do and her middle school crush on the Heathers got her a one way ticket to Hell. Before JD Veronica was on a pretty heavy spiral into deeper and deeper depressions with more and more apathy being one of the major elements of it, by the time they met she was pretty checked out. When they met he actually really did help pull her out of The Pit and sparked some life back into her. There are basically two broad categories you can use to help make sense of this gordian knot of shit 1. the love stuff 2. the grim shit. They blur a LOT but there’s enough definition that it gives me some way to impose some order on this so it’s comprehensible. Both the positive and the negative originate from the same place: She really gets him on a visceral level. The kind where if she tried to relay it would sound like fucking nonsense because it really is that instinctual. Where problems begin is that she refuses to believe is that he was right when he pointed out the same-- that he also really understood her --because what he was pointing out about her was something she couldn’t deal with. And that’s one of the HUGE things that fucks her up about him and kind of impairs her sorting her shit out about him.There’s a bit from the script that doesn’t make it into the movie that I think about pretty much every fucking day which really kinda hits on that element of her conflict imo. It’s from the diary scene immediately post- Kurt and Ram’s funeral:
VERONICA (V.O.)[…] I gave J.D. shit about the Ich Luge thing but what really frightens me is that I’m not frightened by what J.D.’ll do next. It’s God versus my boyfriend and God’s losing….
It also crops up in that she’s not super sorry she shot him or let him “kill” himself, she’s more horrified by what her okayness with that means about her than the action itself. It’s the side of herself that spurred her into being a Heather and kept her there. Betty Finn didn’t sell her soul for power and only occasionally feels bad about her actions in maintaining it, that’s Veronica. And that’s the same part of her that was okay with what they did, that agreed with JD’s thinking. I mean Kurt and Ram were utter trash and Heather was not much better lbr. But Veronica does have enough --whatever you wanna say it is-- to recognize that death was not the only way to deal with them and that their actions created new and more insidious problems for more vulnerable people who SUPER don’t deserve it.But that also doesn’t change the fact she’s super into JD like, this is from the script like LINES before they break up
J.D. (malevolently) They're playing our song....As the "song" kicks in (a bunch of guys shouting over a drummachine), J.D. seductively moves toward VERONICA, semi-lip-syncing it. As a seethingly angry but not unarousedVERONICA watches, J.D. slithers onto the couch.
Veronica’s pretty much never NOT into him. He’s like her awful trenchcoated kryptonite and it also stems from that inherent affinity. It’s not just some grim metaphor holding up of the mirror showing her her terrible truths or whatever. The Heathers can also do that to her easily because of their own affinity, it’s also the good qualities of him and the broken ones that keep her in a knot about him. And she’s deeply aware she should not feel positively about him given his actions but she does and it’s another part of why she doesn’t really examine it too closely. There’s also noooooo illusions of like “ Oh but my love can fix him uwu ” shit going at any point, I mean bitch shot him 3 times she’s not deluded. She just sees how engaging, intelligent, funny, caring and loving he can be with the same clarity she can see how absolutely fucking dangerous he is. And what TERRIFIES HER is that it doesn’t worry her at all, that she’s still totally hot for him.That after all the shit they did together she still doesn’t hate him, that she misses him and wishes he was around and wants to just talk to him about anything and everything and hear his opinions on them no matter how batshit. And that says a whole metric FUCK TON about her that she’s reALLY NOT READY TO LOOK AT.
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ophie-writes · 2 years
hey, you said you wanted requests (like six days ago but still) so i was wondering if you could do smut prompt 24-26-27 with jd? Idk i saw the prompts and i was curious on what you'd write :)
hey!! I tried to get this out on 2/2/22 because it literally has 2222 words, but alas, it's 1 AM and I've failed smh. ANYWAY, this one's a long time coming, but in my defense, I've been horribly busy with college/career things that have been putting my whole life on hold. enough rambling though!
psyche I'm not done rambling. I've seen such a surge in demand for J.D. content thanks to Tiktok, and though I have my thoughts about that, I'd be happy to write some requests! without any further ado, I think we're ready for this one.
(yes the title is from a Måneskin song)
Were you masturbating?
Have they ever touched you like this?
My boyfriend would kill us
Warnings: s m u t, cheating, praise kink, vaguely shitty relationship, multiple orgasms, fingering, Oral sex (AFAB receiving), brief mentions of murder, canon compliant J.D. , the word 'Pretty' is used A LOT.
Words: 2222
For Your Love- J.D. x GN! AFAB Reader
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Your relationship had been fine for the most part. You’d gone through some stuff a while back and just needed a distraction. But now? Now you just feel caught up in it. You knew your boyfriend for way longer than you’ve been dating him, so it seemed like something to try. Something new to get you out of the rut you were in.
That sure as hell wasn’t helping, and that rut felt deeper than ever especially considering that you barely felt anything for this person. Everything just felt so forced, but he wouldn’t say the same. Your boyfriend would probably go on to tell everyone about your dates, and make fabricated sex jokes about your almost non existent sex life while everyone blabbed about how much of a cute couple you both are. Yeah, sure, communicating is hard, but how can you tell someone that they haven’t been there for your physical and emotional needs when you’ve been pretending everything was ok for so long?
You were planning on ending it with him soon, you really were this time. But the opportunity just kept failing to present itself. Even tonight, where you’d invited some friends and acquaintances from school over to your house since your parents were out of town for a bit and figured you could break it off easy and still have fun with your friends, he couldn’t show. Something about having to watch a younger sibling or whatever.
People showed up and hung out, including your friend Veronica, who brought with her Jason Dean. it felt almost intentional on her part. How fitting to bring the boy who had been staring at you from across the cafeteria, who caught you blushing at him in the parking lot while mounting his motorbike on multiple different occasions, to your party. J.D. and Veronica weren’t together or anything, but it just felt more like an unconscious reminder of what you couldn’t have. Hell, you’ve barely spoken with him. To rub salt in the wound, those precious few interactions had involved quite a bit of flirting on his part. Needless to say, you felt pretty taunted by the universe right now. After a while of being unable to keep your eyes off him, he disappeared after you turned away for a drink or two.
That’s how you found yourself here. In your room, door locked, with one hand rubbing circles on your aching clit, and the other palming your breast. It felt at least a little wrong to be fucking yourself to the thought of someone else, but wow did you need this. The party was still going on downstairs, and the screen door to the balcony to your room was blowing cold night air inside. The smell of cigarettes coming in from the outside fueling your fantasy. You imagined J.D. between your thighs instead of your hand, thought about him licking and sucking hungrily at your folds instead of you being the one lightly pinching your clit between your fingers. You closed your eyes as you fantasized about him. The thought of the noises he’d make as he ate you out, the words that might fall from his lips
“You’re doing so good” he’d say.
“What a pretty mess you are for me.” The thought alone was enough to let a moan slip from your mouth as you nodded. You felt yourself getting closer, circles getting faster and tighter as your abdomen tensed. Oh god maybe he’d make you beg? Would he deny you? Overstimulate you? You found your breathing was getting heavier and your volume was increasing as you neared your orgasm. Nobody would be able to hear you downstairs anyway, so you were as loud as you wanted
“Mmh! Fuck! Jason-! Please~” you whined as you reached your peak. Panting heavily and barely coming down and eyes snapping open when you heard a sliding noise to your right. Shit. standing in front of the screen door was the boy you were getting off to. Jason Fucking Dean. you were laying on top of any covers you had, absolutely no way to hide anything or make up any excuses. You were absolutely speechless. So was he. J.D. didn’t budge though. After the initial eyebrow raise, and momentary look of shock, you looked into his eyes like a deer in headlights. He seemed to be eying you up and down. You couldn’t read his expression as he slightly licked his bottom lip.
“Were you…masturbating?” he asked. Was he being serious? Of course, but how were you supposed to answer that? You nod as you didn’t even move to get your pants back on. You were absolutely astounded when J.D. walks toward the door. Smirks to himself, and grabs the knob
“Wait-” you start, the dark haired boy turns around. His expression is hard to read. You couldn’t tell if he was aroused or unfazed. God, that was hot. He cocks one eyebrow and makes his way closer. You stay in the same position as you were, but made knowing eye contact with him. He seems to have caught your drift, because he’s looking at you with hungry eyes, and leans down to kiss you. J.D.’s tongue invades your mouth as he deepens the kiss. You moan a little in the kiss, and that must have set something primal off in this boy because the next thing you know, that massive coat and blue flannel of his are on the floor as you’re straddled. J.D.’s hands move up and down your body, removing your shirt and leaving you bare and exposed. He kissed down your neck and eventually reached your chest.
“You want this?” he asked. It felt genuine and caring. You moved back any lines that could have been crossed with no guilt.
“Yeah…” you almost groan as the moment you give the ok, his mouth is making fast work of your nipple, and a hand is snaking down your body, almost making you whimper. You arch into his touch as his tongue bats at your nipple back and forth. His hand finds its way to your already dripping slit, and teases your wet entrance with his middle finger. Your hands go to his back and leave scratches when he teases you, making him moan around your nipple, his finger slipping inside you made you do the same.
“Already fucked yourself, and you’re still so tight,” J.D. teases as he works his ring finger inside you too. “Has he ever touched you like this?” he asks, moving his fingers faster, curling them up and finding your spot.
You gasp and nod, moaning a little louder. J.D.’s fingers hit deeper inside your core.
“Answer me, Y/N. Has he ever touched you like this?” He punctuated the end of the sentence with a curl of his fingers as he began to kiss his way down your body.
“N-no he hasn’t.” you respond with another moan.
“Don’t think that I don’t see the way you watch me. Y/N.” J.D.’s kisses get lower and slower as he teases you. You arch your pelvis just a little in pleasure before his other arm moves over your center to hold you in place. “Now I’m not the most subtle guy myself but fucking yourself to the thought of me? I’ve gotta say, I’m flattered” before you could formulate a response, JD’s tongue found your clit, and you didn’t shy away from moaning loudly as he started going down on you. The noises he made while devouring your pussy were so much better than you had ever imagined. Not to mention the beautiful groan that went straight to your cunt when you reached down to tug at his hair. The grip also made his tongue work faster, moving rapidly from side to side as you tensed around his fingers.
“Oh Fuck!” you whined. You were getting close as his tongue and fingers continued making you an incoherent mess as you were about to fall over the edge. Once J.D. felt your clit pulsing and tensing on his tongue, he quickly removed his fingers and mouth from your lower half, making you gasp and let out a weak moan in protest. “Why?”
“Wanna feel that for myself.” he responds, reaching for his coat on the ground to fish out a condom. Making eye contact with you as if asking permission.
“Please?” you asked. You didn’t know how else to express how much you needed him inside you. J.D. smirks and shakes his head a little in mock disbelief
“Needy, aren't we?” He mutters, voice deep and sending shivers down your body.
“Shut up and fuck me.” you bite back before J.D. cups your face in one hand, roughly kissing you and instantly sliding his tongue as far back in your mouth as he could. You moan into the hungry kiss as the tip of his length prods at your entrance.
“Now what was that?” he runs his up and down your slit in teasing strokes, making you groan.
“Please!” you repeat yourself, he was right. You needed this. J.D. obliged by sliding inside of you. It pushed inside with ease, seeing as you came so close earlier, but you still squeezed around him as you both made your own respective noises of pleasure. “Oh god!” you gasp as he bottoms out, starting to move slowly. He’s so fucking pretty. Even now, as he gets accustomed to your insides, he looks almost like he’s concentrating. His brows are knit together, and his lips parted with a low groan before his hips find a steady pace.
The second J.D. speeds up, his eyes are on you. At that moment, it’s hard to focus on anything else. He’s studying your face with such intensity. Angling his cock just right and taking in your reactions. J.D. leans down to kiss, bite, and suck on your neck, in turn making you take him deeper as he hits that spot that has you moaning incoherently. He pulls away from your neck as you groan. Your eyes meet his as he gives you the same smirk he had when he first walked in on you. Knowing that he’s the one pulling those beautiful noises from you gives him even more pride. Pride that goes straight to his dick as his thrusts get damn near relentless.
“Touch yourself for me.” J.D. says, his voice almost a growl as he traps your lips in another rough kiss.
“Wh-what?” you ask through moans one he pulls away. Too blissed out to fully comprehend what he said.
“I said touch yourself.” J.D. grips your chin, making you focus on his hazel eyes while he pounds into you. “You’re gonna cum with me, darling. And I get to say when.” you nod, and let out a needy whimper as your hand meets your clit once again.
“Good.” he maintains eye contact. The praise makes you squeeze and tense up around him. Eliciting the sweetest moan you’ve ever heard from the boy above you.
“Fuck!” it was more of a breathy whisper than a groan, and J.D. kisses you again. Softer this time. The erratic movement of his hips says something else entirely. Feeling you tense around him again, he mutters between kisses and thrusts
“M’ almost there too, darling” there it was again. Darling. Nobody had ever called you darling before, and coming from J.D. It meant the world. Your cunt pulses around his length. Your need for release becoming too strong to take anymore as your hand works frantically. Your eyes shoot open as J.D. replaces your hand with his. Moving at the same pace, if not faster as you whine and buck your hips. “Come on, sweetheart. You can cum for me, baby.” and with that, you come undone on his cock. He moans again as he stills inside you. Both panting and staring at each other for a few more moments before he pulls out, disposes the condom and lays back down next to you.
You half expected J.D. to just get dressed again and leave, but you’re glad he doesn’t. You turn to him and lay your head on his chest. You’re both spent and sweaty, but you haven’t felt this close to someone in a long time. Not even your own boyfriend. Shit. your boyfriend. You must have tensed up or something because the ever intuitive boy you were cuddling asks;
“I mean yeah. If he knew anything about any of this, my boyfriend would kill us.” this only gets another small laugh from J.D.
“Not if I kill him first.” Wow, it’s hard to tell when he’s joking. “You’re mine now, and you’re fuckin’ crazy if you think I’m about to let him get in my way.” he tilts your chin up for one more sweet kiss. “You have no clue what I’m capable of, darling.” it almost seemed like a threat. You feel like you should be intimidated. Scared, even. But somehow you weren’t. For the first time in a very long time, things weren’t just fine. They were exciting.
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softie-rain · 2 years
pairings: jason dean x gen!reader
warnings: mention of murder, allusion to domestic violence and jokes about suicide
summary: it's always been a dream of yours to go to prom with your boyfriend, and when you finally get one you think your dream will come true. Too bad your boyfriend is Jason Dean.
a/n: is this going to get not even one note because it's jd and i never wrote about him? yes. do i care? no. i loved writing this and i will write more even if you don't want bye
please forgive me if it's a bit out of character
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Dating someone like Jason Dean wasn't easy. At all. 
There were days where you two would simply hang out together in your room, just laying side by side on your bed talking about nothing. 
Other when you'd hang out in his room, planning murder. It may have sounded weird, but it was fine by you as long as you knew and agreed who he was killing. 
Then there were some days, the worst, where JD would come to school with small bruises on his arms and/or face. "He did it again?" You would try to ask him, fully aware of what his father did to him. 
"Did what?" He always acted like you didn't know anything. He wanted to keep you safe, at any cost. And so you simply smiled tenderly at him and kissed him just wanting him to feel loved, knowing how much he needed that.
But no matter what day it was, a good or a bad one, of one thing you were sure: he hated prom. You made this discovery when you brought up the subject a couple of weeks ago, since that event was coming around a few days, thinking it would have been a cute idea to go together.
He bursted out laughing. 
"You're so funny y/n, love." He suddenly stopped running his hand through your hair and looked seriously at you. "You were kidding right?" You shook your head and tried to hide your disappointment as you answered him. "Obviously I was joking. Us? Prom? Please." 
You had already asked your mom to buy the dress. You wanted to bury yourself alive. 
"Just to know… Why don't you wanna go?" You asked, and he scrunched his nose. "It's stupid. Prom is like a celebration of Hell that someone decided to call school, where a bunch of horny teenagers just decide to dress up all cool to forget their problems by grinding on other horny teenagers like it's dirty dancing or some shit." You nodded. You didn't agree with him, going to the prom with your date has always been a dream of yours.
And you knew it may have sounded childish, but you didn't care. I mean, everyone loves to go to Prom right?
Not JD. 
Now, you had no idea if he noticed your slight sadness at his answer or if he didn't, but you never spoke about it again. Until today at least.
You were walking out of school, when Veronica surprised you from behind. "Guess who?" She said, in a high pitched voice. You chuckled. "You turned into Heather, Veronica?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe. So… What are you wearing next Saturday?" She winked at you. Saturday. Prom. 
You gave her a look that spoke more than all the words you could have used. "JD doesn't want to uh?"
"He literally cried from how hard he was laughing. Jason Dean. Laughing."
"C'mon, he did laugh at other times."
"I know. That's not the point Ronnie." 
She gave you a sympathetic look. "I'm sure you'll do something just as exciting." You raised an eyebrow. "Highly doubt that. For Mr. Dean, it's just another normal day." 
"Ah, I thought my ears were ringing." 
Your boyfriend appeared, hugging you from behind. "Hey JD." You said softly. "Well I'm leaving you two alone. I'll call you later y/n." Veronica left and so there you were, standing in front of your school with Jason. "Come on, I'll give you a ride home." He took your hand and, without waiting for an answer, he led you to his bike. 
The ride was silent and comforting. It always was with him. He had the gift of being able to put you at ease whatever you did together. Then suddenly, he stopped. You were at the 7/11. Typical. "Wait here. Cherry?"
"As usual." 
You weren't mad that he didn't want to go to the prom. Really, you weren't. Dating meant that both the partners needed to be happy, and if going made JD sad or uncomfortable, in some way, then you had to come to terms with it. Besides, who said that you couldn't dance alone, on your own? 
Maybe you could go on a date. Planning something special, like a pic-nic or- "y/n?" You turned around when you heard Jason calling you. When you saw him, he was helding a white paper, written in big font: PROM? 
Your eyes widened, not believing what you were reading. You kept staring at him and the paper for at least ten minutes, until he spoke. "I think you need to give me an answer, love." You were speechless. "I don't understand, I thought you said… I thought you… hated it." You stuttered, unsure of what to say. 
He rolled his eyes in a playful way. "Oh trust me, I still do. I think it's a stupid thing to do, and if it was for me I would never go. But I know you do want to." You put on a look to tell him that you didn't, and he was imagining it. But he knew better. "Y/n please, I know you. Going to that ball would make you the happiest you've been in a while. And if in order to make you happy that means I have to sacrifice one night and go dancing in the gym, then so be it." He put down the paper and offered you the slushy he was helding with one hand. 
"So here I am, asking you to come with me in front of the most romantic place I know." You chuckled, and he grinned in response. "Yeah, I'd really like to go to prom with you." He smiled and leaned in to kiss you.  
You happily reciprocated it, more than happy to have someone like JD in your life.
Finally he brought you back home, and when you offered him to come with you he declined. "You probably have a lot of shopping to do anyway." He winked at you, and he was about to leave when you stopped him. "What made you change your mind?" You asked him. He looked at you for a moment, then lifted his hand to caress your cheek.
"I'd literally do anything to make you happy. You always take care of me when I don't even ask for help, when I don't want it. But you don't care, you keep helping me and cover my bruises in the most caring and affectionate ways. Going to Prom is the least I could do for you." You were fluttered at his explanation, and terribly happy that he appreciated it when you helped him after the bad days with his father, when you spent the whole time thinking it annoyed him. 
He smiled and leaned in to kiss your cheek. "Besides, it's really no sacrifice if I do it with you. I'd enjoy even dying, if it was with you." You raised an eyebrow. "I mean, once I would enjoyed that alone too." He chuckled. "But I'm not so sure about that anymore. You finally gave me a reason to stay alive." 
You didn't know what to say and so you just hugged him, hoping he wouldn't reject you knowing he wasn't exactly the hug person. 
"I love you Jason Dean. More than I can express with words." 
You could feel him smile as he hid his face in your neck. 
"Love you with all I have, y/n." 
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simpingforwomen · 4 years
Dead Girl Walking
[smut] [jd x veronica] [musical] [based off of the Enter Stage Left version on YouTube Dead Girl Walking] _____________________
Veronica, sweating in anticipation, finally gets open JD's window. She climbs through, yelping as her hair gets stuck in the windowsill.
She yanks her brown curls out and swiftly pulls her other leg over, entering the room. She quickly takes in her surroundings: a large, grey room set in white marble flooring with nothing but a glass desk, a wooden dresser, and a bed- jackpot.
JD, previously peacefully asleep, suddenly awakens at the noise, shooting straight up from his sleeping position. His confused eyes land on Veronica, squinting, processing her.
"Veronica? What are you doing in my room-"
Veronica sprints quietly over to him, covering his mouth with her hand so he doesn't wake his dad up. She feels his warm, slightly chapped, pulsating lips on her skin as she presses her shaking fingers to keep him quiet.
"Shhhhhhh!!!" Veronica hushes loudly, laughing maniacally as she looks at the boy.
JD raises an eyebrow in amusement, taking in the girl he shared a slushie with earlier. Her knee high blue socks, white Oxford saddle shoes, grey skirt, and blue blazer look dirty, or disheveled. What happened to the powerful girl who was the talk of the school?
Is she drunk?
Veronica stares directly into his sable coloured eyes, determination glinting in hers almost like a physical reflection. "Sorry, but I really had to wake you," she says, slurring her words, confidence in her voice as she slowly releases her hand from his mouth, now a bit of JD's saliva on her palm. "But I need it to be just you and me tonight."
JD's eyes turn from confusion to amusement. He eyebrows remain furrowed, and he tilts his head ever so slightly in curiosity of Veronica, licking his lips slowly. He studies her, squinting his eyes as he decides what to do in this situation.
You do not know what you're getting yourself into, darling.
Veronica carelessly climbs on the queen sized bed, her knees sinking into the memory foam mattress. She wraps her thighs around JD's waist, her body on top of his black sweatpants, her bare thighs rubbing against the rough cotton. The bright moonlight seeping through the windowpanes luminously shines on his shirtless torso, causing Veronica to fail to pull her eyes away from his sparkling bare chest.
"You look like Edward Cullen," she laughs drunkenly, tilting her head slightly as she makes an allusion to the infamous Twilight vampire.
JD laughs, his attention piqued. "Okay."
Veronica seems to ponder for a minute, biting her bottom lip while pouting and blowing air, causing her bangs to blow around. She quickly shakes her head, giggling. "I got off topic. Your chest is just so sparkly!" Veronica stares longingly at JD's shining chest.
"No! Veronica! Focus!" She breaks her eye contact with his glimmering skin and scolds herself as JD simply watches, him solely entertained.
I'm a dead girl walking," Veronica changes the subject. "My life will be over tomorrow."
JD raises a single eyebrow as Veronica leans in and places drunk, wet kisses all over JD's porcelain face- his thin lips, cheek, outer corner of his mouth, nose.
He continues to cock his head to the side, a small smirk dancing on his lips. Pure amusement floods JD as Veronica sloppily kisses him. Her complete vulnerability and susceptibleness interests him, his attention now entirely focused on her. His conscience nags at him, telling him he needs to warn her, but he pushes his inner voice away, letting it play only in his head as he disregards any principles he previously held.
I suggest you leave immediately.
Veronica slowly inches her face close to JD's, her hot breath emitting the scent of blueberry vodka tingling him. She glowers, her face suddenly almost mournful. "The world outside is cold, and hurtful. But in here... it can be beautiful." Her morose expression quickly flits to a more hopeful, happy one: "Can you make it beautiful?"
JD slyly scoffs, his smirk growing. Veronica's utter obliviousness renders it difficult for him to not break out in laughter in utter bewilderment.
If that's what you want to believe, I'm not going to tell you otherwise.
He runs his slender fingers through his thick, dark, yet soft locks as he nods, trying not to burst out in laughter at her childlike innocence. He rolls his lips into his mouth, nodding in affirmation, as he listens to Veronica talk about making it beautiful as if she is a kid telling her father what happened at school that day.
His eyes focus on Veronica's as he reaches his arm, light reflecting off of it as if he applied lotion, and softly caresses Veronica's cheek with his thumb, entirely captivated at her lack of knowledge on what is happening.
It's adorable that you're missing all of the red flags. You're cute. I'm gonna keep you.
Veronica's breath hitches as JD touches her- she was doing all of the touching, and now he finally touched her. Her heart races rapidly in her chest, her mocha coloured eyes fixed on JD's.
"Let's make this beautiful," Veronica asks, waiting for JD to agree. Her puppy dog eyes bare into JD's soul as she looks at him, begging.
He licks his bottom lip.
Oh, honey, you really shouldn't tease me.
"That works for me," JD chuckles darkly, hoping Veronica didn't notice his sinister tone of voice, and both him and Veronica dive into each other, their mouths smashing against the other's, both fighting for dominance.
In not even a second, JD quickly overpowers Veronica. He roughly and passionately explores her mouth, the taste of alcohol burning his senses while Veronica tries, and fails, to match his fast pace. JD's hands slowly travel to Veronica's waist as he tightly and possessively pulls her into him more, her body riding his waist as he fails to loosen his grip even slightly.
Veronica suddenly breaks the kiss, causing JD tilt his head back in frustration and groan slightly in annoyance. She huffs as she uses all her barely existent strength and puts her hands on JD's hard chest to force him down, who gives into her push and lets his head fall on his pillow, his annoyance diminished, now solely entertained.
"I think you tore my mattress," he chuckles, amused at the try-hard dominance that Veronica is exhibiting. His eyes flicker in more entertainment as he watches Veronica's fingers aggressively undo her buttons of her blazer and tear it off of herself, throwing it onto the floor, leaving her just in her blue socks, crinkled grey skirt, and lacy black bralette.
"You won't get any sleep tonight," Veronica says to JD, confidence filling in her voice as she looks proudly down at him, as if she is in full control of the situation.
JD, making no effort to get up, raises his eyebrows. "Oh, really?" His attempts to keep his laughs held back fail as he chuckles again. If anyone isn't going to get sleep tonight, it's going to be Veronica, not him. But he isn't going to tell her that and break the force field in her mind of her being the one in power.
"Let's break your bed," Veronica shouts at JD, her words mixing together.
JD slowly rises upwards, meeting her chest with his. "Okay, okay," he laughs strongly and confidently, merely amused.
Cute that you think you're the one in charge.
I don't want to feel anymore," Veronica admits, bringing the conversation to a slightly deeper topic, as she forcefully yanks JD to her.
JD bites the inside of his cheek, trying to keep himself from saying, Yeah, well you'll definitely feel something tonight. 
Veronica releases her grip on him and moves her mouth to his neck, causing him to have to stifle a laugh as her soft lips press lightly on his skin, leaving small butterfly-like tingles.
Honey, you have absolutely no idea how insane, sick, and twisted I am. And you're kissing my neck?
JD laughs as he moves a hand to Veronica's head, firmly but gently keeping her face buried in his neck. It tickles him, but also ignites his senses, giving him slight pleasure, along with the emotional amusement he is getting by watching Veronica think she's in charge.
"Gentle, hun. Don't hurt yourself," he says, chuckling.
Veronica softly leaves a trail of kisses on the other side of JD's neck as he stays quiet and smirks, merely entertained.
Veronica's soft kisses linger on his skin as she pulls back to face JD again. "What now?"
She was letting him take charge? Good. He's been in charge the entire time, at least now she realizes it. 
"Get off of me, darling," JD says smoothly, entertained, as he motions for her to lie down and let him take control. 
Veronica stops for a second, unsure. This causes JD to snicker as he watches her falter.
Thoughts race in Veronica's head as she fights herself, hesitant and uncertain of what she should do.
Her mind is soon made up as she gives into JD's orders.
"Okay," Veronica asks weakly, suddenly becoming more timid, the powerful side of her now nowhere to be seen. 
JD smirks. He broke her. The strong, dominant girl that walked in ten minutes ago now is whimpering under his finger. Forget letting her think she's in charge. She needs to know he was the one controlling this, and has been from the start.
"You'll get it hard."
JD closes his eyes and leans down into Veronica's chest. He forcefully and lustfully bites the top of her breast, closing his eyes, while his hands travel to her milky white thighs, running them up and down her soft legs. His coarse hands against her satin skin feel right, like this is where they should be.
"Wait! Wait!"
JD immediately stops what he is doing as soon as he hears her protests, looking up into her now frightened eyes.
"What," he says, his voice low. He waits impatiently, no response coming from Veronica, who opens her mouth, but cannot seem to form a sentence.
It clicks. JD laughs as he figures it out, even more amused. "You're a virgin?" 
This just keeps getting better and better.
Veronica looks away, blushing. She tries to wiggle out from under him. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea-"
JD pins her down even tighter. "Hey. Look at me. You're okay," he says, looking into her eyes. As soon as Veronica's heartbeat slows down even slightly, and she calms down; he leans into her neck, placing passionate but gentle kisses on it. 
Veronica tenses up, a small whimper escaping her mouth.
"All I'm doing is kissing your neck, and you're whimpering," JD says, amused.
JD spoons a sleeping Veronica in his arms, her cuddled up under him, her legs intertwined with his. He ever so gently runs his fingers through her hair as he holds her tightly to him, recalling the events of the past night.
He feels badly that she was in pain- that's not at all his goal- but he made sure she felt pleasure, too- what he DID want her to feel.
JD also is annoyed that she doesn't feel entirely safe with him- she is definitely more afraid of him than he wanted her to be. Slight respect is good, absolute fear- like the kind that was in her eyes when she thought he was going to hit her- is not good.
The rising sun's iridescent rays start to seep through JD's window, glistening on Veronica's body. JD takes the opportunity to inspect her to see what the damage from last night was. He winces when he sees bruises don't just line places he intended to mark- her neck and chest-  but the rest of her body he had no intention of harming- her wrists, arms, honestly, every part of her body. He needs to be gentler, treat her softly. She needs to be protected.
JD caresses Veronica's face, whispering, "Everyone who hurts you will die." 
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Abandoned 7
Summary: Sweet Pea/reader Soulmate AU- the first sentence say about your soulmate is tattooed on their body
This is the seventh piece in the Abandoned Series and this imagines continuation can be provided by: two or more requests for it in the askbox
You turn your alarm off tugging on your running shoes and workout gear as you make your way to school and to track practice. You’re just finishing up your last lap when you spot Kevin waiting by the bleachers after wrestling.
“Hey Kevin, what’s up?”
“So you know the musical we’re working on?” You nod stretching as he talks. “Do you think you can help with costuming?” You stare at him for a moment.
“You don’t have to I just-“
“Kevin, of course. It’s no trouble. When do you need everything by? Any idea what I should bring costume wise or-“ Kevin doesn’t respond, hugging you.
“Kevin get off you’re sweaty from wrestling!” you struggle in his grip as he sighs relieved.
You were relieved he had asked you to help with the costumes, instead of asking for you to audition; you preferred to work behind the scenes, letting anyone else funnel the praise and attention away from you. You know there’s no popularity contest, either way Cheryl would win it, no one can resist her; it’s just you much preferred the ease and anonymity of the background. Blending into the crowd and doing small favors when needed. Let everyone else handle the big events; you were just happy to stock extra papers and work on the musical’s behind the scenes. Still what you knew to be your first words from your soulmate brought you comfort. Definitely understand why you’re considered Northside royalty. You wouldn’t consider yourself anything close to royalty from the Northside; your family was only slightly above the financial line in need of moving to the Southside; in addition to living just off the bridge towards it. Still you enjoyed the thought that your soulmate was hopefully going to appreciate you from the start, something you usually had to earn or at least remind other people of.
Kevin was insistent that you help him with the script and set-up for Heathers, after Cheryl had changed it, you knew he’d been dreading announcing the change, apparently Evelyn hadn’t taken it well and refused to help him produce a “musical with such violent and un-farm like ideals” Which is how you found yourself awake at five am, hauling a box filled with potential costumes into the theatre.
“Thanks, you’re an angel.” You laugh at Kevin shaking your head.
“Honestly it’s no problem Kev; I was awake anyways and never miss an opportunity to go thrifting and digging through old clothes.” He beams and pulls another box from the stack you’ve left outside the door, you turn back pulling the last box in.
“You think you can help with the sound check?” He starts to pout at you and you snort.
“If you don’t mind listening to my off key singing.” He rolls his eyes shoving a microphone into your hand.
“We have most people already cast, so we just need to fine tune it and make sure everyone can be heard, which is where you come in, I’ll just cue the track and-“
“I sing; I got the gist Kev.” He offers you a thumbs up and you smile as you hear the track to Dead Girl Walking start playing. You hum before starting you sing, half dancing across the stage laughing as you finish.
“How was that?” You turn startled to see more of Kevin’s friends lounging in the chairs, you wave to Reggie before jumping from the stage.
“So who’s cast?”
“Well we have Cheryl as Heather C, myself as Heather D, Josie as Veronica, Veronica as Heather M, and Sweet Pea as JD so far, you want to audition?” You nod smiling at Betty who lists off everyone. Kevin nods turning to talk to Betty and you busy yourself unpacking some of the boxes, until Kevin see’s you and starts to scold you.
“Seriously Y/N you’ve done more than enough, go get some coffee or a muffin please, watching you work is just making me feel more indebted to you.”
“Kevin it’s my pleasure, anyway I can help. It’s what I love to do, trust me.” You smile nodding as you point him towards the snack table you helped set up earlier.
“I made the blueberry ones by the way.” His eyes light up as he looks at them.
“With the crumble topping?”
“Of course.” You nod and pull another shirt out grabbing a hanger to put it on the current costume rack.
“Definitely understand why you’re considered Northside royalty.” You can hear Kevin and Betty gasp, they know your words, you turn unsure how you’re going to respond, the words falling from your lips as you take in the Southside Serpent standing in front of you, holding one of the muffins you made, bite taken out of it.
“Wow I guess what they say about the devil is true then, he does come dressed as everything you want.” You laugh a little and you can see Fangs cheering. Sweet Pea just stares at you.
“Because you’re playing the dick guy in Heathers.” You state and he nods.
“Sorry I just.” He shrugs and you tilt your head.
“Not how you were expecting that to be said then?” He laughs nodding.
“Yeah, I’m sure the same goes for you?”
“To be fair I spent half my childhood expecting to end up like the princess diaries.” You shrug and Sweet Pea laughs.
“I must be a disappointment then.” You shake your head smiling.
“From where I’m standing an improvement so far.” He smiles peeling the wrapper from the muffin he grabbed.
“These are heavenly by the way.” He smirks and you laugh.
“Well you officially have an unlimited supply of them.” He beams.
‘And my family?” You arch an eyebrow.
“You mean the serpents?” He ducks his head nodding.
“I don’t know if I can make that many every week.”
“Wait I get these every week??” He bounces on his heels.
“If you want, it was just a suggestion. I have other recipes as well and- Sweet Pea!” You squeak as he picks you up hugging you.
“Dude chill.” Fangs speaks through his laughter.
“Sorry, I just got excited.”
“About the muffins? Or your soulmate?” Kevin snorts and you watch Sweet Pea’s face seem to soften, he glances to you almost shyly blush suddenly on his face and his eyes filling with amazement. He smiles at you before jerking and turning away.
“So rehearsal?” He nods to Kevin and Kevin rolls his eyes.
“Will be after school today, please don’t method act Dead Girl Walking. I need you both in one piece, we still need to figure out costumes as well.”
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heathersgameoftag · 3 years
preview of next fic under the cut
not me forgetting that i put these on my blog now
“I wanted to do a nice happy greeting, but instead I have to warn you that you have a problem up ahead.’
Betty, Martha and JD had all met them by a window that Duke had happily perched herself on. Well, happy was a stretch. Content might be a better word. She hadn’t exactly been joyful at any point throughout the entire morning, it was starting to get excessive, even for her. It made Heather so sure that she was still keeping a lot from her, even though she had confessed she was upset because of her parents, because there had been plenty of times she had been upset with her parents and she had recovered the next day. It was down to the sad fact of ‘growing numb from it’, but still. She wouldn’t even turn away from the scenery outside, though it was grey and dim, to greet any of the newcomers.
Heather followed Betty’s gaze as she nodded up the few steps next to them. She had been speaking to Veronica, but it concerned her too.
“Oooh, look who decided to show her face,” Veronica commented, having also turned to see the figure furiously marching towards them.
“Oh, she looks mad,” JD said, coming to stand next to her. “And she’s looking at you directly. Good look, babe!” He shoved her forward playfully, to which she grunted at him indignantly.
“I love having support from my boyfriend,” she snarked, before turning back to the huffing girl stopping just a few feet away, glowering at her dangerously. Not that it was scary, Courtney wasn’t all that tall.
“What the hell did you do?” she hissed. Heather just smiled innocently at her.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“You - or somebody here, knows exactly what I mean.” She shot an accusatory glare to all of them. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed. People have been whispering about me all goddamn week, and I want answers.” She reached out and grabbed her collar, sneering, “What did you tell them?”
Heather slapped her hand off in disgust. “You’re delusional,” she said, feeling a twinge of guilt for pretty much gaslighting her, but she reminded herself that it was different from when her parents did it to her. Courtney actually deserved it. “I haven’t spread anything about you.”
“It has to be you!” Courtney barked. “I know you’re upset that I insulted your little loser posse.” She eyed Betty, Martha, JD, Veronica and Duke in disdain. “It’s not my fault you let a bunch of nobodies infiltrate your friendship group, I was just pointing out the obvious!”
“Now, if you keep talking like that, maybe I will spread a rumour about you,” Heather said. “How’s, ‘the amount of times I’ve seen Courtney not wash her hands after using the restroom is gag-inducing, to say the least.’”
The group (except Duke) chuckled quietly while Courtney looked disgusted.
“That’s not even true!”
“Doesn’t have to be true. They’ll believe me.” She examined her nails, looking aloof. That only enraged Courtney more.
“You spread something! Tell me what it is, Chandler!” she demanded furiously. “Nobody will tell me. Whatever it is, you’re going to tell me right n-”
“Oh, fuck off, Courtney,” Duke suddenly spoke up, turning her head away from the window at last to shoot her an irritated glare. “Take your damage elsewhere, would you? Literally none of us care about some random preppy bitch scared of what some randos in the school are saying about her. You’ll be forgotten as soon as we all leave for college, hell, you’d be forgotten now if you didn’t constantly whine like a stuck up, spoiled little brat.”
Courtney, as well as everyone else, was understandably taken aback by the sudden outburst. Perhaps it wouldn’t have seemed so harsh, had Duke not looked so disinterested. She didn’t even hold her gaze, she just turned back around and gestured for her to leave with a flick of her wrist. Courtney let out a frustrated grunt, but exited the scene and made sure to glare at Heather snidely on the way out. Once she was out of sight, she laughed out loud.
“Oh, she is mad,” she chortled. “Coming up with a non-existent rumour was perfect, Heather.” She glanced at Duke, hoping to catch her eye to give her some praise, but she didn’t turn around. She gave a shrug, to Heather’s disappointment.
The group frowned at her, and while Mac decided to sit next to her on the window sill, she heard Martha lean to Veronica and whisper,
“Is she okay?”
“Um… she’s…” Veronica stammered, wondering what to say that wouldn’t get his head bitten off by Duke.
“Her parents are… getting on her nerves,” Heather quickly said, saving Veronica the stress. That shouldn’t reveal more than Duke would have liked; everyone gets irritated by their parents.
“That’s one way to put it,” Duke muttered, mostly to herself. Mac scratched the back of her neck nervously.
“So, should we go grab lunch? Since we’re all here,” she asked, looking around the group. The mood lifted and everyone agreed.
“I’ll catch up,” Heather told them. “I just need to get today’s question for lunchtime poll.” She left with them down the hallway, but stopped when they reached a turn.
“I also need the bathroom, so, I’ll catch up too,” JD added, hurrying off ahead of the group. Heather went in the opposite direction, and just before she reached the door to the student room, an arm slammed in front of her. She stepped backwards, immediately growing irritated upon seeing Courtney again. Didn’t she ever quit?
“I know you did something,’ she growled. ‘I’m not giving up until you tell me what.”
“Fuck off and stop bothering me, you goddamn leech.” She pushed her arm aside and tried walking towards the door again, only for her to step in her way.
“And here I thought you were wise in picking friends and enemies, Heather,” she hummed patronisingly. “As of late, it appears that isn’t true.”
“I know what I’m doing, so quit acting like I’m falling from grace or whatever you want to call it. Those people sit at my table because I let them. They’re Veronica’s friends, so I’d rather they not be harassed by bitches like you. And, you know, I’m dating one of them, of course,” she quickly amended. Courtney’s eyes narrowed.
“So you’re picking loserdome over people actually worthy of recognition now?” She not-so-subtly gestured to herself. “You’re a disappointment.”
“If it pisses you off, that’s fine by me.” She went to step around her, but Courtney wasn’t finished.
“Fine. If that’s how you want to play this, then maybe I’ll just find something to spread about you. You know, to make it even.”
Heather laughed out loud at that. “Good luck getting people believing you. Why do you think no one ever bothers us, hm? I make sure they don’t.” She turned to sneer at her. “Spreading lies about me won’t get you anywhere.”
Courtney took a step back, but brushed her threat off. “You’re not exactly as respected as you once were, Heather. Hence my whole warning about the friends you’re picking.” She cocked her head to the side and smirked. “Besides, I wasn’t going to spread a lie. I’m sure behind that perfect little image you’ve made for yourself, there’s something dreadfully embarrassing that you’d hate for anyone to get their claws on.”
Heather did her best to keep her expression from changing.
“Then I wish you luck finding whatever secrets you expect to find somehow. You’ll need it.” She straightened herself up, brushing non-existent dust off of her collar as if the mere presence of Courtney was making her filthy. “Meanwhile, I’ll find a lot of entertainment in your weird obsession with me.”
“It’s not an obsession-”
“Yeah, yeah. Have fun stalking me to figure out what’s happening in my personal life!” she sang over her shoulder as she walked away. “Totally not weird of you at all!”
She was soon out of her view, having stepped into the student room to grab her clipboard from Peter. She read over the question several times on her way back to the cafeteria, but it was hard to focus. As amusing as her argument with Courtney had been, the thought of her actually figuring something out did alarm her, whether she wanted to admit it or not. It’s not that she felt insecure about her choice in friends - even times when she thought she regretted expanding her bubble the way she did, she immediately shook the thought away when remembering what had happened last time she had disregarded Veronica’s friends as little more than the scum of the school that she could take advantage of whenever she wanted.
She wasn’t going to go back to that state of mind all because Courtney didn’t approve of her decisions. As daunting as the status quo change had been, she knew it was for the best to rid of that toxic mindset. But since she was making that choice, it seemed now she was an easy target for sabotage. And there was a lot of material one could use, if they found out somehow. Small things, like how her relationship with JD wasn’t real, or that she hasn’t seen a Remington party invite in ages, and didn’t want to see one ever again. Or there were the bigger things, like her actual choice in partners, or her reasonings for being so much more wary at parties. If any of those things got out, she knew it would be the end. Sure, Duke had managed to stay in power, but she wasn’t sure if she could be quite as strong as her if it came out that she was pansexual. Last time people had assumed she was attracted to women, hell had broken loose, and�� she never wanted to go through that again.
The exception being her family, of course. That hadn’t bothered her at all. Coming out was little more than a tool to cut them out of her life for good.
She unfortunately found herself wondering if it would be better to separate the lunch tables again; perhaps she’d be safer that way. Not even just her - all four of them would be safe. Then that thought was dismissed upon seeing Veronica so happy to have Betty and Martha with him, laughing as he attempted to toss popcorn into Betty’s mouth from one corner of the table to another. No, she absolutely could not return to the old status quo, even if it benefited her a lot more. She had to stop being so selfish.
Then she found herself wondering, what of her reputation? She wasn’t about to deny that it was definitely crumbling. People still looked up to her, sure, but how long would that last? Would her newfound generosity slowly erode it away until she was just a face in the crowd?
But that thought got chased away while she was travelling around table to table, when she saw JD in the line for lunch, later than the rest of the group due to his trip to the bathroom, probably. A couple of guys were pushing and shoving him, all to cut in front of him in the queue. Well that just wouldn’t do. She marched over and grabbed his arm, pinning all three boys with a piercing glare.
“Is there a problem here?” she spat. Their brave, cocky expressions all collapsed, frightened ones being left behind in their place. They slowly shook their heads, awkwardly and fearfully. One of them stepped backwards in line, as if offering JD his place back, but she just scoffed scornfully and walked forward, until the two of them were right at the front. She felt bad for the girl who was about to grab a tray and walk through to grab her food, but it was worth it to gain the satisfaction of having JD grin at not having to wait in line any longer. When the girl behind them shot them a disgruntled look, she glowered at her threateningly, which got her to lower her head.
“Nice, I love boyfriend privileges,” JD said, grabbing a tray. He stepped aside and gestured to the space next to him. “You coming?”
“I’ll be there in a bit, I still have to bother some people with today’s question.” She stepped away. “See you later.”
So, no, she wasn’t going to change anything about her relationships to get Courtney off her back. If Courtney wanted to try and have her revenge with her, then so be it. If she suffered because of her, then surely, surely it would be worth it.
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slasherscream · 5 years
Poly JD and Veronica Headcanons where you and JD share a braincell and Verona is like “,,,nO!”
A/N: this guy knows what i’m about
              jd x reader x veronica ft. chaotic bastards and their tired wrangler 
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You’d always been a little wild. The boldest of Veronica’s friends. Bold enough that you hadn’t allowed yourself to get run out of her life just because Chandler was determined to make a pet project out of your best friend. Fuck the social structure of high-school and your place within it. 
It was a small tug-of-war over her at all times but more often than not Veronica always gravitated back to you even as she played right hand to Heather (which never failed to enrage her). Then the most mythic bitch in school kicked the bucket-
You were in the cafeteria trying to decide if you wanted to gag because of the food or because of all this sudden pretending that Heather Chandler was a fallen angel.
The reason you haven’t been voicing your thoughts is because no one would want to hear them. At the moment not even Veronica would appreciate them. That you could tell, which was surprising. You’d been able to tell that the pressure of being first class high-school royalty had started getting to her in the last few months. She’d let some of your more scathing comments towards the Heathers begin to slide. She’d even started making some of her own. The thought of those good times brings a smile to your face. 
Someone walks by your table, blowing like a trumpet into a tissue and whimpering Heather’s name. Your good will is short-lived.
“Oh get a life,” You scoff under your breath.
“So someone else does find this little display sickening.” You look to your left and there’s Veronica’s unexpected boy toy, Jason Dean. Before him you thought she was done with high-school guys. There are exceptions to every rule, you guess.
“Beyond sickening,” You’ve bottled up so many of your real feelings all day that you can’t stop your motor mouth from getting away from you, “The simple act of dying does not Mother Teresa make. This is a clown show           the girl was a stone cold bitch.“ 
A moment of silence and then laughter. The genuine kind that makes your shoulders shake no matter how quiet you do it. Despite your bad mood the sound makes you smile. 
“The name’s-”
“I know your name.” You interrupt and hold out your hand, “I’m Veronica’s best friend. Y/N.“ 
“Well then…. seems this meeting was overdue.” He shakes your hand but you two linger for a moment longer than necessary. 
So that’s, that.
Veronica feels a small bit of dread when she’s walking to her locker and sees you and JD both leaning against it, not even noticing her yet, so focused on one another. 
There’s no jealousy at how close you two are leaned into each others space though she thinks there should be.
Right before she can make up her mind on it you two notice her at the same time and both your faces light up. So there’s that as well       
You and Veronica start to get close again in the days following the death of Heather. Although there was no real distance in the relationship before other than a Chandler sized wedge that often tried (but failed) to come between you two.
Now she’s gone and Veronica …. Veronica seems like she’s trying to lean on you. Like she wants to tell you something but can’t find the words. You had to pull her out the shower yesterday. She was fully clothed and just sitting on the floor of her tub. She might’ve been crying but with the shower spray you couldn’t tell and she’d pulled herself together quickly. 
You don’t mean to talk about Veronica’s newfound emotional state with JD. But you were a little shaken up and when you walked into 7/11 to find him there you were talking before you could stop yourself. A reoccurring theme.
“I don’t want to sound …cold or something but I just don’t get why this is effecting her so much. She hated Heather, you know. Sure they were “friends” but Veronica hated her. But she’s like…actually depressed and shit.“ You say, shaking your head. “It’s just weird-” “Well she’s got us looking out for her. She’ll be fine.” JD throws an arm around your shoulder and without thinking you reach up to squeeze his hand. You’re too deep in thought to see how his face softens as he watches you. 
You hear the rumor Kurt and Ram are spreading about Veronica and want to put your fist through a wall. Or through them.
You run into JD before you run into Veronica.
You were skipping a class, hiding out behind the school and trying to get control of your temper. A shadow falls over you and you look up ready to snap at a fellow classmate or play innocent to a teacher. It’s just JD and the anger on your face settles because you know he won’t judge you for it. 
“What’s got you in a mood?” He asks and sounds like he actually gives a damn about the answer. 
“Have you heard the shit Kurt and Ram are saying about Veronica? It’s fucking disgusting. They’re disgusting-” “What are they saying about Veronica?” He interrupts you before you can start in on a rant about how much you hate Tweedledum and Tweedledee. He looks much more alert and serious than he had a minute ago even as he slumps against the wall next to you, shoulders and sides pressed together. 
You tell him. You tell him about the specific bullshit they’re pulling with Veronica right now. You tell him about the bullshit of the past they’ve put many a innocent through. You tell him everything that’s ever made you want to put those two six feet in the ground and lower. 
“Little intense.” JD says at the end of it all even as he’s eyeing you with a renewed interest. His jaw is still set with anger the same way yours is. You think about how you’re both bound to get a headache or cramp soon. 
“Maybe they deserve a little bit more than a little intense,” You snap and then regret it, “I’m sorry. Veronica’s been through enough this week and I’m kinda just ready to start swinging at this point. Swinging a knife." 
"If you do start swinging a knife give me a call and I’ll help you get rid of the body, tiger.”
You both sound a little too serious about your casual banter and you both part ways….wondering, to say the least. 
Veronica breaks that afternoon when you’re comforting her about the jock duo and trying your hardest to be sweet and understanding about how she must be (somehow) missing Heather Chandler. 
Turns out you were right about Veronica acting weird. It’s not really grief so much as it is guilt coloring her actions because she and JD totally killed her.
You feel shock but not disgust. Veronica couldn’t do anything to disgust you except occasionally get the wrong snacks for movie night. You love her. She’s your best friend (and truthfully a lot more, but that’s not important) and you hold her close as she finally cries, pressing kisses to her head and cooing comfortingly all while you think carefully about JD. 
You do the dumb, impulsive thing and tell him you know the very next time you see him. He yanks you into an empty classroom faster than you can blink.
You should probably be scared of being alone with him. But you just pull yourself from his bruising grip and sit down on the teacher’s desk impassively.
Eventually your calm makes him calm even though your silence itself should be unnerving. Or maybe you’re just two cats playing a waiting game with each other. Nothing but the tension before the pounce. Finally       “First off I’m not gonna tell anyone because I’d never do anything to get Veronica in trouble. Second? Well … if there was ever someone at this school that needed to die-”
That’s how you find yourself involved in the plot to get back at Kurt and Ram. Instantly you know JD is lying when he says Ich Luge bullets because you do happen to be taking German this year. Also it just sounds like grade A bullshit. But even as you and JD exchange a knowing glance while Veronica isn’t looking you don’t call him out on it. 
JD kills Ram and Veronica misses Kurt, thinking this is all far less serious than it is. You take the gun from her and give chase, herding him back towards JD where he shoots him and you’re both left staring at each other with a level of captivation that can’t be normal. Then you glance at Veronica.
There’s was a satisfaction to seeing the two get what they deserve until you see Veronica’s fast building panic. Which is great … because now you feel guilty.
You soothe her as best as you can while JD sets the scene of the crime to perfection and Veronica makes a hasty note. 
The three of you rush back to the car where you hide and Veronica and JD make out to throw off the cop you know isn’t far behind.
Once he leaves you poke your head up from the backseat and are met with the sight of your best friend in a bra and her boyfriend shirtless. You try to look away respectfully but you know you gawked for a second, Veronica’s red face and JD’s smug smirk telling you that much. The embarrassment is blessedly short lived before Veronica begins to blow her top. 
Another few days another funeral. You try to ignore all the feelings that have been welling up inside you. It doesn’t really work and so, despite wanting to be there for Veronica through another difficult time (caused by totally avoidable murder), you’ve been avoiding both her and JD. 
Until JD comes crawling through your window. He doesn’t pull any punches when he asks you if you’re regretting what the three of you did but upon studying your stricken expression just from seeing him quickly changes the question. 
"You feel it too?” and well…. isn’t that interesting. You don’t do anything else together but confirm your mutual feelings. After-all neither of you would ever do anything to hurt Veronica. 
But JD seems certain that Veronica is just as in love with you as you are with her. Which is why he drags you out of your room and to Veronica’s house in the dead of the night just to force you both to confess to each other. 
He doesn’t kiss you until after Veronica has and it feels like some sort of pact. You were in it before but now you’re his and Veronica’s and more importantly than both those things Veronica belongs to the two of you. 
There are still a lot of people who you both want dead but you, being Veronica’s best friend, convince JD for the sake of your relationship’s longevity to not kill everyone who is a problem in Veronica’s life. 
She’s very grateful for that. 
So the rest of high-school goes by without a hitch. College, however - 
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stereotvpes · 4 years
class fight.
summary: jason dean is a complication for heather chandler. a nuisance. a problem. she cannot lose veronica to him. she needs to regain control.
but plans can always backfire.
warnings: graphic violence, major character death
A/N: hi!! this is my first fic, i hope everyone enjoys it!
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Hanging out with the Heathers was never Veronica’s favourite thing to do.
Sure, they were her friends, but she didn’t really like them all that much. When she walked with them, it was like putting on a different skin. Veronica could never fully be herself: she’d run the risk of being Heather Chandler’s verbal punching bag for the week. Chandler was fierce and predatory, like a hawk, or a lion. She had sharp, watchful eyes that seemed to criticize her every move, never afraid to bite. God forbid Veronica befriended anyone outside of Chandler’s little circle.
But with JD, it was different, like a teenager rebelling against a parent. With JD, Veronica could push aside the petty things in life, like what skirt Nancy Stevens was wearing or how there was another college party next week. He gave her the courage to do things she’d never had the guts to. She had deep conversations with him, talking about the stars and what the future would look like until she fell asleep in his arms, his coat smelling like cigarettes and gunpowder.
 When Heather Chandler began to notice that Veronica was slowly drifting away from her group, a wave of fury washed over her. What did Veronica see in that loser, anyway?
Chandler couldn’t really explain why she was so upset at the fact. Maybe it was because Veronica said she had sworn off high school boys, and that was a lie. Or maybe it was something deeper— Veronica’s complete indifference of what the school thought of her, how Chandler felt almost jealous that she could never be Veronica Sawyer. Chandler had spent ages trying to impress Veronica, but to no avail. So how come this little twerp managed to catch her eye in a day?
 She had to put it to an end.
It started off with simple daydreams— poisoning Jason Dean and hiding his body where he’d never be found, Veronica crawling back to her looking to be comforted. Or maybe burning him alive in one of his father’s abandoned construction sites, and being a shoulder for Ronnie to cry on.
Then, one day, when she came back from school, she grabbed the address book from the top of her dresser and flipped through it casually, as if she planned to visit an old friend. His address was easy enough to find— who didn’t know Big Bud Dean’s Construction? Her parents weren’t home, which was expected, so Chandler headed out again after printing out the address carefully in her swirly handwriting on a piece of red stationary. 
When she knocked at the door it swung open almost immediately, JD standing at the door with a smug look on his face and motor oil smeared on his shirt.
“Well, well, well,” he said, giving a half-bow. “Didn’t expect to see you here, Heather... Duke, is it?”
“Chandler, thank you very much,” Heather sniffed, only slightly offended. She suspected he got her name wrong on purpose. There wasn’t a person at school who didn’t know who she was. “Can I come in?”
“Why, of course,” said JD, unusually courteous. He opened the door wider and walked her into the living room, where a TV spoke in muted tones and a motorcycle wheel covered in motor oil sat on the coffee table. “What brings the occasion?”
Shit. Shit! What was she doing? She had no plan, not even a weapon! Chandler could feel herself breaking into a cold sweat.
Regaining her composure, she said, “It’s about Veronica. We... need to talk.”
“Ronnie, huh? What’s the problem? Is she spending a little too much time away from the kingdom?”
So he was mocking her! Hearing Veronica’s nickname come from his mouth made the anger bubble up inside her. She started to narrow her eyes— then stopped, and smiled sweetly at him.
“Actually... could I get a glass of water? It’s been so dry out, I can almost feel myself being fossilized.”
“Sure, the glasses are in the kitchen, second cupboard to the left.” JD turned away from her, focusing on the motorcycle wheel again.
Chandler ventured through the living room to the kitchen, trying to ignore a picture of a young JD and his parents on a nearby shelf. She filled a glass with water, gulped it down, and took a deep breath. This was it. She was going to be rid of him once and for all.
She quietly pulled open drawers until she found what she was really looking for: a kitchen knife. Holding it behind her back, she called, “Hey, JD, do you think you could give me a hand? I can’t seem to find the glasses anywhere... and you’re the host, I mean— shouldn’t you be getting me water?”
Chandler could hear JD give a huff of annoyance, tools clanking as he set them down on the coffee table. He walked in, wiping his hands on his shirt, seeing the glass on the kitchen counter. He stopped, raising his eyebrows at Chandler with irritation.
“Looks to me like you found them just f-“
Chandler lunged at him with the knife, aiming for his stomach. JD’s eyes widened in surprise, but his demeanor hardened again when he caught her arm just in time. She struggled against it, desperately trying to nick him or at least scare him bad enough that he would leave Veronica alone.
No such luck. JD was a lot stronger than someone who looked so lanky would seem. They were caught in a silent gridlock. As one arm held hers with the knife, something cold pressed against her temple. Chandler looked up in horror to see the same pistol that JD had used a few days ago in the cafeteria against her forehead. Even if it was filled with blanks last time, she wasn’t taking any risks.
As she relaxed, so did JD— only slightly. Instead of looking angry, he had an emotion on his face that made him look much scarier: exhilaration.
“Alright,” he panted, stepping away, still pointing the gun at her. “This isn’t about Veronica, is it?”
“Yes, it is,” Chandler insisted through gritted teeth, still gripping the handle of the knife tightly and pointing it at him. “I want you to break up with her. If you’re even dating her at all. She doesn’t belong with someone like you.”
“And what makes you say that?”
“She said it herself before you got here,” Chandler spat venomously. “That she’d given up on high school boys. She should be at college keggers with me, not going on long walks at the beach with you.”
Chandler couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. This kid had a gun pointed at her, and she was the one making demands. She almost laughed at the absurdity of it all.
“You’re... jealous?” JD raised an eyebrow, half amused and half suspicious.
“I’m not jealous— I’m doing what’s best for her. Which is getting rid of you.”
JD chuckled lightly, no mirth in his eyes.
“Sure, okay. Look, why don’t we make a deal?” His hand was steady on his gun, as if he’d done this a million times before.
“Like what?” Chandler’s voice shook slightly.
“I’ll pretend that all this never happened, and let you leave, but only on two conditions: if you continue to let Veronica spend time with me, and you forget all this happened, too. Hell, I’ll even make sure she still has lunch with your little clique. Deal?”
There was no doubt in JD’s voice that he was going to get what he wanted, deal or not. Chandler lowered the knife a slight increment.
“Deal,” she said, feeling as if she had just sold her soul to the Devil himself.
And just like that, JD looked normal again. Almost.
“Great!” he said. “I’ll show you out now.” He guided her out of the house with the pistol pointed at her. “And you can leave the knife on the counter— unless you plan on making some lunch.” He grinned at his own joke. “Goodbye, Heather Chandler,” he said, shutting the door in her face.
Chandler walked home stunned, sure he would keep his promise, but unsure of what was to come.
As soon as he shut the door, JD began to pace around the room. He couldn’t fathom what possibly could’ve driven that girl to try to murder him. It wasn’t friendship, that was for sure. Unless... unless.
Unless she felt the same way about Veronica as he did.
The realization hit him fast, disgust balling up his fists. Stupid. Stupid! He didn’t want another body on his hands, but he knew he should’ve killed her right then in his kitchen. There was no way he and Chandler would be able to coexist in peace if she felt the same way about her that he did.
 He was going to have to break their deal.
 The weeks went by smoothly as JD created his plan, with Chandler truly seeming to have forgotten their unusual meeting and Veronica completely oblivious. He was much more prepared than Chandler. All he had to do was wait for an opportunity to jump.
It finally came the morning after one of Veronica’s rendezvous at a college party. JD had seen the lights on in her room and crawled in through the window, listening to her rave about how she wanted Heather Chandler out of her life.
It felt like it was too good to be true to JD, as if it was a sign from God that his plan was ready to be put in action.
So, the morning after, he tagged along with Veronica to check up on Chandler.
 When Chandler heard footsteps inside her house, fear rocketed through her. Was JD finally here to finish her off? She had had more than a few sleepless nights, with nightmares of Jason Dean breaking into her house and strangling her or shooting her through the forehead (with her corpse looking like a mess!). But she heard Veronica’s voice laughing at his, so she relaxed and feigned sleep. He wouldn’t try anything with her around.
So when JD brought the cup into the room, she assumed that it was that awful concoction of milk and orange juice they were giggling at in her kitchen. When she saw it was blue, she rolled her eyes, thinking they found some food dye to mess with her. She wasn’t going to let JD make a fool out of her again, especially in front of Veronica, so in one last attempt to prove herself to Veronica, she downed the cup in one go.
Immediately after she swallowed a gulp, bitterness stung and burned her throat. She felt like her throat was closing up on her, and she dropped the cup, grabbing at her throat frantically and trying to say something, anything. This is it, she thought. This is when I die.
Struggling to breathe, she choked out, “Corn... nuts,” and blacked out, falling onto the glass table as the darkness engulfed her.
Veronica stood in silent shock, hands going over her mouth. “I just killed my best friend,” she said shakily.
“And your worst enemy,” JD added.
As they slowly pieced together what to do, with JD feigning surprise and shock, she forged the note and turned to leave the house. JD had already left, waiting impatiently for her in the car. But right before she left, something on Chandler’s vanity dresser caught her eye. It was a crumpled-up note, the stationary the same as the one Veronica used to write Chandler’s suicide note with. She unfolded it, smoothing out the creases.
JD’s address was printed on the first line of the paper in Chandler’s discernible flowery handwriting. Veronica frowned in confusion. She looked at JD, out of his line of sight from the car, and pocketed the note.
She never mentioned it to JD, or anyone else, after that day.
Veronica turned to look at Heather Chandler’s lifeless body on the shag carpet. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, and fled out of the house.
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Heathers | Sweet Pea
A/N: As I said, I was rewriting Riverdale’s Heathers episode with focus on Sweet Pea and Reader as JD and Veronica Sawyer, and the rehearsals for the musical rather than everything around it (and if it’s the drama around it, it’s drama between Sweet Pea and Y/N).  We’ve been robbed of the masterpiece that is Sweet Pea singing Meant To Be Yours. I mean??? That song is amazing in both the off-Broadway and the West End prodcution and Sweet Pea would’ve looked SO HOT singing it and going all completely mental!  I did add some characters as friends of Y/N that are part of the musical too since I wanted an appropriate character to play Martha other than Toni (????) who really does not fit the role of Martha Dunnstock.  So, I think it’s going to be a six parter and I’ll try to upload one every night at 7pm. (can’t promise anything though)  Lemme know if I need to make a taglist and who to put on it! :)  Enjoy, kiddos! 
Words: 1711
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Y/N
Warnings: cursing, angst
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Act one: Freeze Your Brain 
Every year we do a different musical at Riverdale High. Last year, we did Carrie, but this year, we’re doing my favorite musical ever: Heathers. If Cheryl Blossom hadn’t claimed the role of Heather Chandler, I would’ve auditioned for it. Mainly so I could yell ‘Shut up, Heather!’ at pretty much any given moment. But I did get the role of Veronica Sawyer which is kind of a more important role than Heather Chandler. I mean, Heather does die quite early on. “I’ve asked Evelyn to step up as co-director,” Kevin Keller, who always directs the musicals, says at our first day of rehearsals. I liked him as director in last year’s play and I think he and Evelyn will be a good team on this year’s musical too. However, Betty Cooper does not agree with that. “Why don’t we introduce ourselves and the parts we’re playing to get Evelyn up to speed with everything?” Cheryl gets up from her chair, clearly wanting to be the first one to go. “I’m Cheryl Blossom and I’m obviously playing Heather Chandler.” I roll my eyes at her. Being ‘theater-nerd’ means not getting along with the popular kids such as Cheryl Blossom and Betty Cooper. It’s not that I hate them, I just don’t want to be friends with them. I mean, it wouldn’t click between us anyway since all I ever do – according to most jocks – is talk and think and dream of musicals. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think they’re assuming I always sing when I speak. Misconceptions about theater kids. “I’m Veronica Lodge, and I play Heather McNamara,” the rich girl with the raven-hair introduces herself. To be honest, Veronica did play Chris in last year’s play and she was honestly amazing. Her voice is to die for. I would ask her to join the drama club, but I’m too scared to. “Betty Cooper, I’m playing the third Heather; Heather Duke.” Then Reggie Mantle clears his throat, clearly wanting to go next, “Reggie, AKA jock Ram Sweeney. Going to bro it up with my bud Arch here. Just two single straight dudes doing some theater.” Once again I have to roll my eyes back at the annoying toxic masculinity-filled jock behind me. “And I play Kurt Kelly,” Archie then says with a small smile. He seems to be annoyed by the antics of his bro. I chuckle at the two boys, earning a glare from them. “You do know Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney are actually fake outed as gay by JD and Veronica, right?” I ask them with an amused smile on my face before turning back to Kevin and Evelyn. “I’m Y/N, and I play the ever so lovely Veronica Sawyer. Outcast, turned Heather, then blowing up my boyfriend.” Margot and Ella, my two best friends from drama club give me a sly grin. They both have the same idea as me; neither one of these guys knows the script yet. “Hi, I’m Sweet Pea,” a guy behind me then says. He’s one of the only Serpents with a vital part in the musical. The other Serpents are part of the ensemble, which is also important. But Sweet Pea’s role is one of the biggest, along with mine. “I play Jason Dean, or JD. Veronica’s bad-boy love interest who apparently blows up?” I turn to look at him and give him a nod that tells him he should believe me when I say Jason Dean gets blown up in the end. My eyes glance down to his neck where his Serpent tattoo prominently decorates his skin. I don’t mind the Serpents as much as the other Northsiders did. I didn’t mind when they transferred to our school whilst others picked on them and nearly got them suspended. I don’t hate them but I’m not friends with them either. I just don’t care. I mind my own business, which is theater most of the time. “I’m Jodie Smiths,” the girl next to Margot says. Jodie is also part of the drama club, but we’re not really great friends. I mean, we tolerate each other, and we do what we’re told when we have to do a scene together. But it’s not like I would invite her for a milkshake at Pop’s after rehearsals. Not like I do with Margot and Ella. “I’m portraying Martha Dunnstock in Heathers.” “Fangs,” another one of the Serpents raising his hand as he speaks up, “Hipster dork.” “Toni,” the girl Serpent then speaks up, “New wave girl.” “I’m Josie,” another Northsider girl goes, “And I’m the republican girl.” “Hi, my name’s Margot and I play the role of Stoner chick.” “And I’m Ella, playing the role of preppy kid.” I give my two best friends a wide smile. I’m proud of both of them for making it into the cast even though most of the popular kids claimed the other roles. A few other Serpents and Northsiders tell Evelyn – and the rest of us – what their role in the ensemble is, but I don’t even listen anymore. I’m too filled up with excitement to get started on my favorite musical ever. And then nerves start kicking in when I think of all the scenes I’ll have to do with Cheryl Blossom, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, but mostly the ones with Sweet Pea. I have to make out with Sweet Pea. On stage. “Okay, let’s get started on vocal warm-ups and we’ll sing a few songs from the script to get us started,” Kevin suggests as he claps his hands. “Y/N, Margot, Ella and Jodie, why don’t you guide us through vocal warm-ups?” The four of us nod and get up off our chair, urging the others to do the same. We then teach them the sounds we always make during drama class to warm up. “Good!” Kevin then exclaims when we tell him they’re ready. “Let’s start with Beautiful then. Veronica Sawyer, take it away.” I nod and head up the stage, along with the rest. We don’t know any choreography yet, but it’ll be better if we’re up there to sing the songs. “September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary: I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think that there's good in everyone, but—here we are! First day of senior year! And uh... I look around at these kids that I've known all my life and I ask myself—what happened?” That’s how Heathers: the musical always starts, and that’s how this adventure starts too. “And you know, you know, you know Life can be beautiful You hope, you dream, you pray And you get your way! Ask me how it feels Lookin' like hell on wheels... My God, it's beautiful! I might be beautiful... And when you're beautiful... It's a beautiful frickin' day!” I belt out the last note just like Barret Wilbert Weed does on the cast recording of the Broadway show. I feel like Barret Wilbert Weed or any other Broadway actress I’ve looked up to since I was a child. The ensemble belts out their last note too, getting Kevin, Evelyn and Sweet Pea up on their feet and clapping. I’m not entirely sure whether it’s just for me or for the entire cast, but it still gives me a wicked feeling of pride. “Y/N! I was obsessed with everything you put in that performance!” Evelyn exclaims when the clapping had died down. “Damn, girl! I’m so glad we casted you!” I can hear Betty scoff behind me, but I don’t care. All I care about is that they liked what I did with the song. Even though it’s just what I always do in my shower when I sing that song at the top of my lungs. “Yes! And ensemble was good too!” Kevin then adds to give them some compliments too. “Let’s just go in order of songs, so Candy Store next!” he informs, so I get off the stage and grab my water bottle to drink. I just have one line to say, but no singing in this song, sadly enough. I only go back on when Fight For Me is on and stay on for Freeze Your Brain. I hadn’t heard Sweet Pea yet as this song is his first one in the whole show. “I've been through ten high schools They start to get blurry No point planting roots 'Cause you're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den” My eyes widen a little when his voice chimes through the auditorium. He has a nice singing voice. Pleasant to listen to. Very soothing. “Care for a hit?” he asks, spoken this time, but still part of the song. It takes me away from my thoughts about how good his voice is. “Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?” I shoot back, and then he goes back into singing. My breath hitches in my throat when his voice grows louder and the notes get higher, but he hits them perfectly. I figured he could sing a bit since he got cast as JD, but I didn’t expect him to be this good. My knees even buckle a little at the way he sings ‘Veronica Sawyer’. All of a sudden, the boy becomes more attractive to me than he already was. I mean, he’s not bad looking, but the fact that he can hit all of those notes makes him twice as attractive. He makes me jump out of my thoughts when his voice grows softer and more vulnerable. “Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...” His eyes meet mine when he goes, “Try it,” in a spoken voice, just like Ryan McCartan who sings it in the off-Broadway version. Then applause bursts from the auditorium, making me jump a little. I had almost forgotten we were still in rehearsals. “Damn, you’re good,” I mumble, and hope he doesn’t hear. But judging from the little smirk that pulls at the corner of his mouth, I think he has. From that moment on, I knew this musical was going to change things in my life. Whether it was making new friends or playing the role of my dreams, it will change everything. 
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thegreatestofheck · 4 years
Meant to Be Yours ♦Rafe Cameron♦
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(gif not mine, all credit to samarasweaving!) 
Word Count -  1256 Warnings - murder mentions, suicide mentions, very toxic relationship Synopsis -  Rafe Cameron, your boyfriend, was more broken than you realized. He wants more from you than you can give.  A/N - This is sort of a Heathers!au, where you, the reader, are Veronica, and Rafe is JD. I listened to “Meant to Be Yours” from the musical on repeat while writing this, so that might give a little extra context. Enjoy! 
His voice sent chills through your body. Slamming your bathroom door shut, your hands shook as you locked it. You stared at the door, sure that he was out there. He slammed his hands against the door and you shrieked, jumping backward. You backed away from the door until you hit the bathtub, tumbling inside. 
“I know you’re in there, Veronica.” 
You flinched, closing your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks. 
“I know you’re scared, baby, but they got what they deserved,” he mused. You watched, eyes snapping open, as the door knob jiggled ferociously. 
Sure, maybe your dad was an asshole and your school bully shattered your self esteem, but that didn’t mean they deserved to die. You had confided in Rafe, one of the few people you ever felt able to trust and now your two tormentors were dead. 
You thought he was joking when he said there was arsenic in your dad’s morning coffee. You thought he was joking when he told you the gun was loaded. He told you that he did it for a reason, that they deserved to die. But he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger, wasn’t the one who gave your dad the coffee. That was you. You did that. The blood was on your hands and Rafe Cameron put it there. 
“You tossed me out of your room like trash, Veronica, do you know how that makes me feel?” 
You sucked in a heavy breath. 
“But I know that it’s not your fault. Your asshole friends are keeping you away from me. They’re messing with your mind, Veronica, keeping you away from me. I can set you free from them, you know that.” 
You put your hands over your face, trying to stifle your sobs.
“When you walked out on me, I didn’t know what to do.” His voice was gentle, soft, Your heart pounded. “I admit, I blew up a little bit. Maybe punched the wall a few times, but who can blame me?” 
There had to be some way out of this, you told yourself. But you were stuck in the bathroom, the only exit blocked by your boyfriend. 
“But you changed me, Veronica. You did.” He paused. “We are perfect together, you and me. You can heal me and I can protect you. I won’t anyone hurt you.” 
You leaned your head back against the wall, hoping to drown out his words. 
“I was meant to be yours,” he said softly. “It was supposed to be me and you forever. I can’t live in this world alone.” 
How many times had he told you that? How many times had he told you that he was the only one who could ever love you right? How many times did you believe him? 
“Just tell me who’s hurting you, baby,” he said. You could imagine him putting his hands on the door, forehead pressed against it. You slowly crawled out of the tub, careful not to make any sound. “I’ll get rid of them. Then we can go to the beach. Bring some beer, maybe some marshmallows. I know you love those. I’ll hold you and I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.” 
You knelt in front of the door, placing your palms and forehead against it just as you imagined him doing. 
What had gone wrong? What wrong turn did you take? How did this happen? The boy you loved so deeply was falling apart and you had failed to hold him together. 
“We were meant to be one, Veronica. I can’t take this alone. We have to finish what we started.” 
We? You opened your eyes, backing away from the door. There was no we. How many times had you begged him to stop, begging him to let it go. It had always been about him, always been about his own issues that he projected onto you. 
“You were meant to be mine!” You stood, backing away. There was only one way out of this. “I am all that you need, Veronica!” 
With every word he was getting more and more agitated. You heard the wood floor creak beneath him as he stood. 
“You carved me open, baby. You can’t just let me bleed out!” 
You pulled down the shower curtains, your entire body trembling as you tied them around you just as JJ taught you long ago. 
“You want to disappear?” He had asked. “Fake suicide, that’s what my dad always said. I can show you how to tie a noose that won’t kill you.” 
You always thought you would never need it, but here you were, stranded in a bathroom with your psycho boyfriend trying to pound his way in. You sent a silent prayer thanking God that JJ was a weirdo who knew things about how to fake suicide. 
“Veronica!” You jumped at the sudden ferocity in Rafe’s voice. He pounded his fist against the door, making you shake even more as you hurried to tie the noose around you properly. You didn’t really want to die, but there was no way else out. 
“Open the door, please. Baby, please, open the door.” You swallowed a lump in your throat, throwing the shower curtain over the light fixture. “Baby, let’s not fight anymore. Please? Baby, I know you’re scared, I know. I was scared too, but I can set you free.” 
You pulled on the curtain, feeling the pressure on your neck but you could still breathe. You tied the other end to the toilet. 
“Don’t make me come in there, Veronica,” Rafe said, his anger rising once again. “You have three seconds.” 
Three seconds. 
You climbed back onto the side of the tub. 
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. 
Just before Rafe broke the door down, you stepped off the tub, letting yourself drop. 
Everything was silent. You squeezed your eyes shut. No matter how badly you wanted to see the look on his face, you wouldn’t open your eyes. You couldn’t. 
“No.” He choked out a sob. You heard him fall to his knees, gasping for breath. “Veronica.” 
Don’t breathe, you told herself. Don’t breathe. 
“Please, don’t leave me alone.” 
You heard the heartbreak in his voice. 
“You were all that I had.” 
You couldn’t cry. You wouldn’t let yourself cry. He was still trying to manipulate you, dead or not. 
“I can’t do this alone.” 
You wondered to yourself what this was. Living? A new plan? It didn’t matter. You weren’t his to control anymore. 
“Still, I will if it must.” 
He you heard him stand and walk toward you. Your heart pounded, afraid that he was going to check your pulse. But all he did was plant a kiss on your cheek. His lips were wet from his tears. Part of you wanted to reach out and pull him into your chest, to hold him there and never let go.
But you already tried that. You tried to be the loving girlfriend, to be the healer he needed. He needed more than that. 
You heard his footsteps retreat, but you still hung there, waiting. Once you were sure he was gone, you opened your eyes. Pulling the curtains from around your neck, you dropped to the ground. 
You had created the monster Rafe had become. It was on you and you alone to stop him before he hurt anyone else. 
Leaving the homemade noose up as a reminder, you stormed from the bathroom, your war path set. 
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ladyartemisia28 · 4 years
Say Amen (Saturday Night)Chapter 4
Pairings: Prinxiety, side Logicality, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic/Family Logince.
Warnings: Cursing?
Summary: Sanders Sides Human College AU
Chapter 4- Nine in the Afternoon
Author’s Note- Very advised to get a hold of the song Welcome to the Black Parade- by My Chemical Romance.
After they finished gathering their things, Roman led Virgil out to the parking lot.
He slowly shuffled his feet as he caught up to Roman who walked up to open the trunk of a very nice red car. The symbol on the front of the car was a large L.
Virgil raised his eyes up from the ground to look at the vehicle with wide eyes.
“This is your car?” he roughly tossed his bag in the back set
“Yeah, I was hoping for a Lamborghini.” Roman joked with a wink as gently placed his bag in the trunk.
Virgil attempted silence small bitter voice in his head.
“When I was 14 and my cousin, Adora, got her Quiñceanera. She chose me to be her chambelán de honor or chosen escort. I was SOOOOOO JEALOUS!” He dramatically flourished with his hands as he grabbed the trunk lid and closed it shut. “So to bribe me my parents told me that they'd get me a car a year early.”
“Sorry but I have to ask, but I...I'm not sure what it is?” Virgil asked
“Oh uh, sorry” Roman apologized with a smile.
Virgil hummed as a response.
“It's the big birthday that Cis Latina girls get when they turn into 'women'. Silly and patriarchal, I know!” Roman added with a open palms gesture when he saw the eyebrow raise that Virgil gave. “But it was so fun, so fancy and beautiful!”
Roman pushed the key fob to unlock the car and they got themselves settled in.
“It's fucked up that other genders don't get anything like that.”
“Yeah I even stole the catalogue that she picked her dress out of. I cut out my favourites and glued my face on them. Put them all up and down my mirror.” Roman said with a proud smile remembering the happy memories.
Images of Roman in slinky cocktail dresses rushed into Virgil's mind. His face dropped to a small frown as he struggled to stop that particular train of thought.
Roman was unsure if he had said something that upset Virgil to make him clam up again.
"Uh you can pick the music if you'd like?” Roman offered as a break in the sudden silence. “CD's are in the middle.”
He waited for Virgil to buckle himself in before he pulled his car out of the parking lot. Virgil went through all the preset radio stations before opening the middle console.
“CD's? I would have thought that you would have your car set up with Spotify or Pandora or something like that?” he said as he opened opened the console and looked through the collection
“Eh, CD's are great. No commercials for long car trips. ”
All of the Cds were for musicals, a few that he had heard of like Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and Guys and Dolls. And some that Virgil didn't know, Dear Evan Hanson, Six the Musical, and...Legally Blonde? He did not know that that was a musical.
Then he spotted one that Roman had mentioned.
“Um, any suggestions from Heathers? You said that I might like this the 7/11 song?”  
“I usually go through the whole thing in order....but I suggest for you, Track number 4.”
“Could I get some context?” Virgil asked as he pressed the button for the track number.
“The uh, 7/11 scene in the movie...But in song.” Roman offered with a bit of a smug smile.
“I probably should have guessed that.” he admitted with a grumble.
Virgil closed his eyes as he listened to the song and imagined the scene in his head.
Just like in the Heathers movie JD was recounting to Veronica how he travelled all over the place because of his father. And because of that he didn't feel like he was able to connect to the people and places. No place felt like home, except for 7/11.
It was always a weird scene in Virgil's opinion. Like JD is just opening up to this person he just met and telling her his very strong feelings about a convenience store and Slushies.
Even though it was strange Virgil had to admit, it was a good song. Parts of the song were a little to close to home, like “When the voice in your head says you're better off dead”.
“So what do you think? ”
“Yeah I get it. Its good.”
“That's all?”  Roman asked exasperatedly
“I guess I was expecting something different???”
“Like what?”
“I just thought that JD was going to be a little more intense. Like crazy sounding or something?”
“Ah what YOU are searching for is 'Meant to Be Yours' number 17.”
He pressed the button until he reached the number and sat back in his seat to listen.
“So is that was you were expecting?” Roman asked as they exited the car after arriving at the store.
“Yeah, it was” Virgil smiled “Real Intense.”
The pair stopped after they reached to threshold to get their bearings.
“I get so lost in here.” Roman complained with a slight whine to his voice. “I don't usually do the grocery shopping.
Before Virgil could comment Roman continued.
“Lo likes to go to make sure that the budget is kept tight, but he's been so busy with his job. He just got his a new taker for his math tutoring.”
“So Logan's your brother?” Virgil
“My brother, well Step brother. My Mama married his Papa. When I was old enough to remember that I was getting a new family, but young enough that it's no longer weird.” Roman offered a little bit more information than necessary.
Roman briefly considered mentioning that he was at the party and Virgil had briefly seen him, but he didn't want to bring up the previous night.
At lest he didn't want to bring it up first.
They were getting along so well that he didn't want to make Virgil uncomfortable.
“Really, I grew up with him so he is my brother. Soooooo do you have any siblings?” Roman began to play with the sleeves of his jacket as he attempted a more personal question.
“Uh yeah, a older sister” he muttered.
“And her name is...?”
“Melantha,” he responded with little inflection “she prefers to be called Missy.”
“Melantha?! WOW, huh! Did your parents just grab a baby name book and open a page at random for ALL their kids!” Roman teased with a mocking laugh as they arrived at the Dairy and Juice section.  
“Yeah haha, Virgil's got a weird name. I've NEVER heard that before.” Virgil rolled his eyes as his tone changed from frosty to salty. “You know Roman isn't really the most common name either.”
“I am far from COMMON! Besides I wasn't saying your name was BAD! It is 'strange and usual like you'.” Roman winked as he tried to steer their conversation back to more friendly waters.
“Quoting Beetljuice at me? You'll have to do better than that.” Virgil grinned in spite of himself as he grabbed a six pack of orange drink and placed it in the cart.
“Come on you gotta give a guy some credit for remembering what your interests are right?”
“Yeah I guess” he said with a reluctantly happier tone.
“Hey do you see the Almond Milk?” Roman asked after he finished his scan bottles and cartons.
“Uh no, I think that might be over in the Organic or like Vegan section. Why does your brother have you on a specialized diet as well as his, what was it? His extremist water agenda? What does that even mean?” Virgil chuckled as he took the cart from Roman and led him toward the other end of the store.
“It's just what I call his super weird thing about getting enough water everyday. And yeah he does keep our kitchen stocked with a lot of green veggies. Also he checks to sure I kept up a sleep schedule”
Virgil's eyebrows rose in surprise at hearing all things.
“Yikes, he sounds like a bit of a control freak...”
“Yeah he is sometimes. Like I have hide my Butterfinger stash from him.” Roman complained. “He's not as bad I make him sound...NEVER tell him I told you that.”  
Roman went over to the shelf and looked over the choices, Soy, Almond, Lactose- Free lined the shelves.
“Oh and to answer why the special milk, I'm THINKING of starting the Paleo diet right now. My brother has no influence on this though, just want to try and see what works. I might try Keto if this one doesn't work for me.
“ah right.” Virgil nodded eyes slightly widened hoping that the look on his face didn't betrayal the fact that he did NOT know what the heck a Paleo or a Keto diet meant.
Virgil felt heard a chime from his pocket so he pulled out his phone.
“Hey I'm going to get this.” he shook his phone up to show Roman before he stepped away from the cold of the meat section.
Roman nodded in return as he turned to look at the selection of skinless chicken.
Virgil got a message from Green_Tea_Gay on his Instagram account, Anxious_On_Main.
'Hey so that “Study Partner” is a hot piece!'
'Remy do you have a point' Virgil replied
'Gurl do you know? have you seen his pics? HOW is he Single!!'
After the three little dots disappeared in their place were several pictures
His face reddened as he looked at the pictures of the previously mentioned selfies. Roman wearing tight jeans in front of a mirror with his backside captured on the camera. Another with him laying on his stomach caught at an angle getting his short clad behind in shot.
He quickly glanced over to Roman, who was still distracted.
He looked back at him phone and quickly texted back.
'Don't send me those!'
'They are posted to the public! I didn't hack his phone'
'I don't care, no more pics of his butt'
Just about the time he was going to put his phone back into his pocket another chime stopped him.
The next series of pictures were of Roman exercising posing with a dumbbell doing a curl, stretching, and other gym activities,  
And the last was Roman in swimwear that exposed more skin than he thought was allowed outside of certain websites.
His body felt instant heat and he looked and took a few calming breaths before returning to message Remy.
'I said no more pics!'
'Sis you told me no pics of his ass'
'Easy there Baby! No need to get your knickers in a twist. I'm just trying to help. Look at what you will be missing if you don't Snatch. That. Up!'
'What the hell Rem! We are NOT getting together! He is not into me.'
'Nah sweetie, you should have been paying more attention. That is totally a smitten kitten'
'You are the worst'
'No I am literally the best and you two are soooo getting together. Don't worry I know I made my point.'
'You asshole'
'Enjoy the pictures ;)'
Roman noticed that after he returned from his handling of his phone business Virgil had gotten quiet again and seemed to shift his gaze away from Roman.
'Did I spent too much time with the chicken?'
They walked down to the breakfast aisle.
As Virgil picked up some a box of Count Chocula cereal Roman slowed the cart to a stop behind him.
“You can only get this one around this time of year” he looked at it with a fondness that made Roman's stomach flip.
“So what are you planning on making?” Roman asked as he leaned his arms on the handle bar of the cart.
“Making? Uh, nothing, just like a bowl of cereal.... like with milk...from a cow” Virgil tilted his head to one side.
Confusion on his face as he held up the box and gave it a shake.
Roman could feel heat creep over his face, he was very caught off guard by the unexpected softness on Virgil's face.
'Shit!...now he thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to eat cereal!'
Virgil turned around and did not see Roman's flushed face as he hide his own.
Basic cereal... I guess I could be making something with it like a cereal bar or something? A cake? Maybe? It isnt very impressive...and it's probably not on the platleo diet or whatever it was...
They stood in awkward silence until Virgil turned back around.
“I guess that cereal isn't something that YOU would be eating.” he looked at the cart. “From what I see here, you eat like you are going to be in the next Avengers movie or something.”
“Thanks, I mean I try.” Roman said with his eyes downwards as his body did an uncharacteristic shy sway.
“Yeah, I gues if you workout half as much as you take all those pictures, you could get away with more than the occasional  Butterfinger.” Virgil's eyes widened as he realized what he had said.
'.. shut up! shut up! shut up!'
Roman's head snapped up to look at Virgil.
“You've seen my gyms pictures?” Roman asked in a whisper.
“Ah Yeah that's like all over your Instagram page,” he attempted to sound super casual
He did not sound casual.
Like at all
They felt a charged moment between them and the longer it went on the longer they were unsure of who was going to break the silence.
Roman took it upon himself to interrupt the quiet as he tool the box of chocolate cereal in hand.
“I like the marshmallow bats.” he said with sheepish smile.
When they returned to the car they loaded Roman's groceries into the trunk and Virgil's bags into the back seat. Then they got themselves settled in their seats.
“SO where am I uh dropping you off?” Roman asked as they pulled out of the parking lot.
“I live in the dorms," Virgil asked as he started his usual habit of checking all the radio stations. “You don't?”
He found a song that he seemed to like on one of stations, Roman recognized it as a song by Imagine Dragons.
“I live in a apartment a little bit away from the college, with Logan.”
“Um, I live in the north dorms.” Virgil said as he a small bit of nervousness as took his thumbnail between his teeth. “With Patton, my best friend.”
After that song ended, a G piano note began the next song. Roman vaguely recognized it from somewhere he couldn't place. He figured when it got to the singing part he would be able to identify it.
Virgil tensed out of both excitement and fear.
He was about to embarrassed himself in front of Roman.  At lest Roman was driving so he wouldn't be stared at. So he took a breath and let himself focus on the lyrics.  
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city” Virgil sang out beautifully. “To see a marching band”
Roman's jaw dropped and his breath stilled. He felt like he was going to swoon.
He was so very grateful that they were at a red stoplight.
“He said, son, when you grow up Would you be the saviour of the broken The beaten, and the damned? He said, will you defeat them Your demons and all the non-believers?”
Virgil sang with closed eyes losing himself in the song. While Roman's heart thumped hard in his chest and he felt an assortment of warring emotions.
“The plans that they have made? Because one day I'll leave you A phantom to lead you in the summer To join the black parade”
As the song picked up in tempo Roman realized where he had heard this song before. He remembered that he had a few friends who were into My Chemical Romance, it was 'Welcome to the Black Parade'.
“When I was a young boy My father took me into the city To see a marching band He said, son, when you grow up Will you be the savior of the broken The beaten, and the damned?”
Virgil continued a little more intensely. As the song got more upbeat Roman joined Virgil in singing and continued his drive toward the dorm.  
“Sometimes I get the feeling She's watching over me And other times I feel like I should go”
Virgil eyes popped wide open and he smiled.
“And through it all The rise and fall The bodies in the streets And when you're gone, we want you all to know
We'll carry on, we'll carry on And though you're dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And in my heart I can't contain it The anthem won't explain it”
As Roman turned a corner they continued to sing together
“A world that sends you reeling From decimated dreams Your misery and hate will kill us all So paint it black And take it back Let's shout it loud and clear Defiant to the end We hear the call”
Roman followed the music with dramatic hand gestures as he continued driving with his left hand. Even Virgil joined in with less dramatic the hand motions.  
“To carry on We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches”
Virgil sang with a full grinning face, his relief at Roman joining him in singing the song had caused him to relax and he was able to sing louder with more feeling.
“On and on, we carry through the fears (Oh, oh, oh) Disappointed faces of your peers (Oh, oh, oh)”  
Take a look at me 'Cause I could not care at all”
Roman held onto the note at the end for a bit. Virgil continued on with the lyrics
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part I won't explain or say I'm sorry I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar Give a cheer for all the broken Listen here, because it's who we are I'm just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song I'm just a man, I'm not a hero I don't care
They arrived at the dorms parking lot and Roman parked.
We'll carry on We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on You'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches on
Roman contuined his singing the longer held notes as they song concluded.
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on) Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on) Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on) Go and try, you'll never break me (We'll carry) We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)
“We'll carry on!”
They both sang as the song ended to the sounds of drums.
At the conclusion of the song both Virgil and Roman were out of breath and grinning.
Roman felt his heart race.
He had thought that he had experienced maximum attraction that morning toward Virgil. But he was very wrong.
'Damnit Virgil why does your voice have to sound like sexy melted chocolate!'
He fought every instinct to just lean over and initiate a vehicular makeout session.        
Roman caught a brief glimpse of Virgil's eyes peak out from underneath his bangs and he gave him a very full smile.
Virgil nervously took a glance at Roman from underneath his dark hair.
Roman had the brightest and most authentic smile that Virgil thought he ever saw on his face.
It wasn't like Virgil thought that Roman faked his other smiles, the feelings of joy and friendliness were not false. But it seemed a lot of the other smiles that Roman gave seemed too perfect, Virgil guessed he practised his expressions in front of a mirror.      
This smile was of shear amazement, it was pointed in Virgil's direction. Like he could not believe what he heard, it caused Virgil to feel an annoying sensation in his chest.
“I didn't know you could sing” Roman spoke softly breaking the silence.
“Uh sure I guess I can sing a tune here or there.” Virgil shrugged with a dismissive sigh.
“I think its more than that!” Roman attempted to offer him a very sincere compliment.
“Yeah I'm not about to sell out stadiums anytime.” Virgil chuckled at the thought.
'I wish you were in a band. I'd buy all your albums. Be front row in your concerts, I'd....shit I can't tell him any of this!'
“So My Chemical Romance huh?” Roman said with a wide smirk.
“What about it?!”
“They are like the most cliché Emo band ever.” Roman snickered.
“Ah cliche? Really YOU want to go there do you?!” Virgil said
“Whatever do you mean by that?” Roman asked with a raised eyebrow.
“For a theatre kid you would think you'd dress a bit more stylish or something?” Virgil attempted to say with an indifferent air.
“What like take the costume from Hot Mikado out around the quad?”
“Absolute no clue what that is.” Virgil laughed as he exited the vehicle.
“It's....never mind that. I have only dressed subtly to spare those around me. ” Roman responded as he walked to back of the car. “How would anyone be able to concentrate on their schooling if I were to show up in full regalia?!”
“Full Regalia, huh, you sure think highly of yourself don't you? I'm not sure you should be bragging quite so much.”
“Is that a formal challenge?” Roman felt his racing heart in his chest in the midst of their back and forth.
“Not sure how impressive you'll actually be, but I'll keep an open mind, I guess.” Virgil shrugged with a small smirk as he began to take out the bags.
'I'll show him'
Roman noticed a few heavier bags that he could chivalrously offer to help him with.
“I can help you carry some of your groceries to your dorm?”
“Ah you just want an excuse to come to my room.” Virgil teased in a deep low voice  as he waited for Roman to banter back.
“YES YOU BET I DO!!!!....play it cool, Roman play it cool!'
“N...no...! I uh... as a gentleman I ... have to help anyone I see that is in need...” Roman sputtered out before he took ahold of small package of bagels “You ...you have... you have to carry..lots there.”
Virgil read his flustering as a rejection of his flirtation.
“No thanks! I got it! ” he quickly and loudly shouted in a panic as he took the bag out of Roman's hands.
Virgil thought that he and Roman had just shared a moment together.
'You just were imaging it! You shouldn't have believed Remy, you complete moron! ' He sling his messenger bag over his shoulder.
Then he draped the loops of the several other bags onto each elbow crook. And then took another bag into his left hand.
As he struggled to stuff the bagel bag into an already full bag, Roman again attempted to offer help.
“It's not a problem!” Roman gestured to the bagels.
“NO! I got it” Virgil just wanted to disappear as quickly as he could. He then placed the plastic of the bag in between his teeth.
“Cee Ou ENESAH.” Virgil shouted through clenched teeth as he retreated.
“Uh yeah.” Roman spoke to an empty damp parking lot. “see you”
Author's Note
The long pause was due to new job and lack of constant access to a working computer.
I think I will still have a job later after the situation clears, but I am unsure....
What do people think of me backtracking and converting all of the mentions of DEE to JAE? It won't be too much trouble as he has not even appeared yet.
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Heathers (Musical) Fem!Reader Insert
-NO JD.- time: 2020
"Martha~!" I said as I sat down at our table, handing her my sandwich, only wanting my fries.
"Thanks (Y/n)! How was your day?" She asked me.
"Well Veronica wasn't in first period so I had to finish out group project alone and she avoided me like a plague. Do you know why?" I said.
Martha was soon coughing on her drink.
"N-No reason!" She said, clearly lying. I stared at her until she craked.
"F-Fine. She somehow joined the Heathers." Said Martha.
"Oh heck no...." I said, sighing. Knowing nothing I could do beside wishing she'll come back to us unharm.
Veronica pov.
"You know (Y/n)?" I asked.
"Yes because She's one of the few people who don't care about The Heathers." Said Chandler, fixing her makeup.
"She doesn't really care for much of anything beside her grades and her friends." I told them.
"But She still choosed this life." Said Duke. "She's a bitch."
Oh God, (Y/n) might murder me...
(Y/n) pov.
"Can't we talk this out now? You shouldn't be rude." I said to Ram and Kurt, who was messing with me, again. I can't miss next class, I have a test today!
"We aren't being rude. We're just showing you a way of life that you're use to." Said Ram.
"So messing with me?" I said. They had me corner and I have not way out. I soon took out my wallet, giving them both 10 dollars. "Leave me alone for the rest of the week." I said, walking off.
'Did she just play them off?'
Thought Martha and Veronica.
3rd person pov.
"(Y/n)?" Said Veronica, knowing her friend has not yet talked to her. "I'm sorry, I wanted to know hey you didn't tell me Kurt and Ram was bothering you too." Said Veronica.
"You can't doing anything about anyway, Veronica." Said (Y/n). "You're a Heather, you now are above it all, remember?" She hissed. Veronica never knew (Y/n) could say a name in such disarray.
"See know, you're the only one that has ever that word, being truly angry." Said a new voice, behind (Y/n).
"Fudge." Mumbled (Y/n), turning around to face the 'Mythic Bitch' as Verinica once said. Heather Chandler, still as (Y/n) remembers, dressed in red.
"But I can promise you that next time would be your last mistake." Said Chandler, stepping closer to (Y/n).
(Y/n) sensing danger, stepped back into Veronica, who was visually tense. All three Heathers now stood in front of her and Veronica.
And (Y/n) did the only sensible thing.
*She ran away.
Veronica never seen (Y/n) run that fast ever.
"Atleast that scared her off for now." Said Duke.
"Come on Veronica, there is a party we have to go to tonight." Said McNamara.
(Y/n) pov.
"Martha, please don't go." I pleaded. "You can't believe that Ram has just changed."
"(Y/n), he invited me. I'm going with -."
"That's not alcohol. Here take with." I said handing her some of my Dad's John Daniel, taking the sparkling juice for myself.
"Thanks." She said hugging me. "You can come, you know."
"Don't do parties but if things go bad, you can come here and we can watch the Princess Bride." I told her, letting her go.
"I'll come here right away if anything goes wrong. Thanks for the drink. Bye." She said before leaving before I sighed, going to my dad to tell him he was out.
-Later that Night-
I was right to say, Martha said he wasn't as rude as he could have been because of the alcohol I gave her.
"Was Veronica there?" I asked.
"Y-Yes but please don't do hurt her." Said Martha, I sighed.
"Not today." I said. "But she will feel me anger soon. Now let's watch that movie."
-3:00 am-
I couldn't sleep, I was angry and I look at Martha, she was asleep on my bed. Luckly I lived in the attic so I had enough room for my bed and a couch with the TV. I sat up grabbing a jacket and my wallet and wrote a note just in case Martha wakes up.
I exited threw my window and there was ladder because one time I jump and sprained my ankle.
I soon was on the side walk, enjoying the coldness on my feet and the quietness of the world. Planing heading to 7/11 for some snacks.
"You know you have no shoes?" Asked a voice of a person, I didn't want to deal with.
"Don't care, I need some snacks." I told her.
"Get in my Jeep. I'll drop you off before heading home." Said Duke, stopping her Jeep.
"Fine but if you kidnap me, I'm gonna be upset." I told her, sitting in the passenger sit.
"Why are you up at 3 in the morning?" I asked.
"Leaving a party, you?" She said, sounding like she didn't truly care.
"Couldn't sleep so I've been watching TV." I said.
"You're so lame." Said Duke.
"Thanks." I said, not caring.
"You really don't care anymore?" She asked. "Not what people say about you or what they may do to you?" She continued to ask me.
"Caring is for the weak or strong." I said as she parked her Jeep. "Thanks, Heather." I exited her car and ran into the store.
"(Y/n)! Where the heck were you?" Said Martha as I entered the window, with 3 bags of stuff.
"7/11. For snacks.-"
"At 4 in the morning?!" She said.
"Well it was 3 when I left." I said sitting down own my couch. Martha soon sat beside, looking though the bags.
"Sodas, chips, a monster, those tiny bread sticks you dip in cheese, pringles, slim Jim, and shoes?" Said Martha.
"No shoes no shirt no business is an awful rule." I told her. "I wanted to binge watch something on Netflix, now if you want to..?"
"Of course but we have school tomorrow." Said Martha. "How are going to stay awake?"
"I'll get though it, I'm bring snack to school tommorow if we have any left." I said snickering and letting Martha pick a TV show to watch.
-Next Morning-
I was drink the energy drink so I could stay alive and not accident hurt someone's emotions.
"Hopefully you don't run into Veronica today, for her own sake." Said Martha as I leaned on her for support.
"You look like hell." Said Veronica, I just glared at her talking a sip of my drink. "Oh. You didn't sleep?"
"Yeah. Me and Martha had a sleepover last night." I told her, be nice I told myself.
"Less sleep when it came to you?" Said Veronica before she was pulled away by something yellow.
"Bye..." said Martha and I before we headed to cafeteria. There was a female at our table, maybe she is a new student. Me and Martha sat in front of her. She was reading a book but she soon noticed us.
"Oh. Hello." She said putting down her book. "I'm Penny. Nice to meet you." Said Penny.
Martha and Penny soon got in discussion about the book Penmy was reading.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"(Y/n)." I said, busy being on my phone.
"It fits you." She said and I was questioning her motives.
"Thank you?" I said and she laughed.
"Are you not use to getting compliments?" She said. "You're kinda cute."
"I'm gonna go somewhere else now! Bye." I said getting my stuff and running off, not noticing the extra people listening to the conversation.
Hiding in the bathroom was a bad idea on my part but I wasn't think clearly.
"(Y/n)?" Questioned Veronica seeing me in a stall. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, seeing my red face. "Are you sick?"
"Didn't think you would ever sho-. What is wrong with you?" Said Chandler.
"She's red." Said Veronica.
The bell rang and I soon tried to run but someone got the back of my by bag, taking my energy drink.
"This isn't good for you, you know?" Said McNamara, going to pour it out.
"No! I didn't sleep last night so I kinda need that." I said struggling with Duke holding both of my arms.
"So you didn't get your beauty sleep... We will give it back if you tell us what got you so red and hiding." Said Chandler.
"It was the new girl, Penny. She called me cute and I freaked out."" I said and Veronica laughed.
"You really can't handle people flirting with you." Said Veronica, still laughing.
Then I felt Duke's breath on my neck and her leaning on my shoulder.
"You don't say?" She said and because of the other reaction, I was blushing. McNamara handed me my energy drink.
"Thank you." I said taking a few sips, trying to cool my face.
"No problem, sweetie." She said making me cough and choke on my drink.
"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked.
"No. Embarrase you, yes." Said Chandler.
"..." I have nothing else to say and have no clue what to do now. "Can I go now?" I asked.
"Hang on..." said Chandler, she put both her hands on my cheeks and leaned in, getting really closer. "That girl was right tho, you are cute." Said Chandler before backing away laughing. But this time I wasn't blushing because I expected it. I was pissed.
They noticed this.
"What I am I not good enough-?!"
"No!" I yelled getting out of Duke's grip. "No of you are! That the reason I don't worship you like the rest of the school because this is w-what you do. Mess with people!" I said barely low enough not to be yelling.
"(Y/n), calm down before you regret-." Said Veronica.
"You, I'm angry at too." I said.
"Yes! You go off to join the Heather's then I know you wrote that note that Martha got and you didn't even try to help her! She came to me upset and crying Veronica!" I said to her.
"Miss Emotional." Said Duke.
"... Screw staying here I rather be tartey or have dentention." I said heading out.
-Lunch time-
"I'm sorry Penny, I'm really not use to people flirting with me. Sorry if I upset you." I said.
"It's fine, I enjoyed your reactions. Plus you gave me a whole bag of chips and a sandwich." Said Penny, eating the food I gave her.
"So... I kinda made the Heathers and Veronica mad at me." I said.
"Who are they?"
"Why (Y/n)? I'm pretty sure they can get away with murder."
That were the two very different reactions I got.
"Heather are like the Queens of this jungle of a school and our friend, Veronica joined them earlier this week." I explained.
"Oh. (Y/n), you sound very screwed. I advise become homeschooled." Said Penny.
"Yeah but my mom is never home and my dad isn't that smart." I explained.
"Hey (Y/n). Saw you talking to the Heathers earlier today." Said Kurt, as he and Ram sat on both sides of me.
"Thinking you might be moving up in this world, thought I would give you a chance with us." Said Ram.
"No thanks." I said.
"Are you Homo?" Asked Kurt, acting like it 1989.
"Boys, its 2020. Grow up and learn some manners." I told them, trying to get them to back away.
But everything I've tried today seem to fail as the two boys leaned closer, onto me.
"You're just playing hard to get, sweetheart." One of them said. I've been though to much today emotional to deal with shit.
"(Y/n), are they bothering you?" Asked McNamara. I could not see her but seeing was Penny and Martha looked behind me, she was there.
"Yes." I said and the two boys were drag off the seat and away from me to the floor before I could see anything gruesome, or look behind me. Veronica sat beside me and pulled me into a hug and I yawn.
"You okay?" She asked.
"I'm taking that's a yes. You sleepy?"
"Okay." Said Veronica. She was warm and I had my eyes closed and I was slowly losing my conscious.
"Shut upp."
"Did she just tell me to shut up in her sleep?" I heard someone, clearly Chandler, say.
I was something really comfortable, more than Veronica. A bed? Martha? I was very confused and still kinda sleepy. My couch.
"Her room is a mess." Said Duke.
"If you don't like it, you can leave." I muttered, sitting up.
"Hey! We didn't have to save you from the two idoits earlier." Said Duke.
"They wouldn't have come after me if they didn't see me with you three." I told them, I yawned. "You know what I don't care."
"You really don't care? If someone messes with you?" Said McNamara.
"I'm to tired to care at the moment." I said.
"You just woke up." Said Chandler earning glare from me and she glared right back.
"And I would have stayed that way if I didn't hear your voice." I said before earning everyone's glares beside Veronica. "Okay, sorry. Just stop staring at me." I complained. Someone grabbed my chin hard making me look at them, Chandler.
"Do not insult me (Y/n)." She said making me and everyone else shiver.
"N-Noted. P-Please let my chin go so I wouldn't have a bruise." I said, but her gripped tighten. Getting a whimper out of me.
"OKAY! I'M SORRY." I said and she finally let me go. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.
"Did you really have to do that?" Said Veronica, heading over to me.
"She needs to know who is in charge even if we aren't in school, Veronica." Said Chandler, glaring at Veronica who was checking on my forming bruise.
"You didn't need to hurt her!" Said Veronica, hugging me and I accepted the hug, hugging her back.
"Are you questioning me?" Asked Chandler, I could feel her glare on us.
"You can't be serious." Said Duke. "Don't defend her Veronica."
"..." McNamara was quiet for this.
"Get out." I said, letting Veronica go. "Now."
"You'll regret this (Y/n)." Said Chandler. I laughed at this.
"Oh?" I said, getting completely serious, knocking her off guard. "You can mess with in school but in my house, Chandler. This is my territory. So get out."
I clearly scared them, Chandler huffed.
"Fine. Veronica, this isn't over." She said before leaving my room with the other Heathers.
"You should go with them Veronica. I'm going to mess up this deal you have with them."
"It doesn't matter (Y/n)! She just injured you! I know they have their issues with you but injuring you is something else."
"...It's not the first time Veronica." I muttered and Veronica gasped. "There's a story, there was a time where there wasn't any shit between use. Last year of Middle School."
- 2016
I was a bright kid, making people happy and being nice was a thing I was great at. Diffently to my neighbor Heather McNamara, who's been making me call her McNamara since there was 2 other Heathers at the school.
I've hung out with the three of them a few times. They seemed to be nice but they were getting more popular with the other students.
I felt that we were drifting away from each other but me being myself, knew if that what was to make her happy, I was happy.
So I started talking to other people like Martha. Clearly someone didn't like it as I was pulled in a closed off classroom one break period.
"(Y/n)." Said Chandler. "We tolerate you but your just not caring."
I was bullying confused.
"Not caring?" I questioned.
"About your reputation at this school! You've started hanging out with Martha now, like you're wanting to be her friend." Said Duke and I made a face.
"(Y/n)." Said McNamara and I looked her in the eyes. "Don't you see what we've been trying to give you? You could have all the power over these students. You'll be at the top with me!"
"Well below us but above everyone else." Said Chandler.
"Nah." I said.
"What?" Said McNamara.
"You aren't hanging out with the right people Heather but I'm not gonna stop you but I'm not helping." I said before leaving.
But Chandler had others ideas and grabbed my arm and dug her nails into my skin.
"Stop thinking like a fool for once. We are offer you power and popularity and you say no to us?" She said.
"Y-yes?" I told her before she pulled me closer to her.
"You are going to regret this, I swear." She said letting me go and pushing me out of the classroom. I stumbled to get my standing.
"(Y/n) there you are!" Said Martha and I turned to face her. She was dragging a tall lanky girl behind her. "I want you to meet my other bestie, Veronica." Said Martha.
"It's nice to meet you Veronica. I'm happy to finally do so since Martha talks about you as much as her taste in movies." I said.
"Right back at ya." Said Veronica. "Did you get...um injured?" She asked looking at my arm. There was bloody nail marks on my arm let by the one and not only Heather, Chandler.
"I probably scratched it on something, don't worry. I got bandaids in my bag but worry if we get in class on time." I said noticing the time.
"I'm gonna murder them." Said Veronica.
"Calm down. That's in the past and it would have stayed there if someone wasn't a fool and joined them." I said. "What were you even thinking?! Things with them never end well with the other party." I exploded at her before she pulled me into a hug. I felt she was crying.
"I'm sorry." She muttered.
"Me too."
Veronica had left and I've haven't seen her at school. She wasn't with the Heather's. I sat with Penny and Martha as normal.
"Penny, I've given you enough time to realise that we aren't popular at all. Like being seen with us will lower it for you." I told her and she just giggles.
"I don't really care about that. I enjoy both of your friendships and I love turning your red in the morning (Y/n)." Said Penny. What is with her and flirting with me every morning?
I turn red still being not use to it and Martha laughs at my misery.
"I've never seen anyone who takes a compliment like you, like no one notices your beauti."
"Ahahaha." I nervously laughed.
"So you're the Penny, (Y/n) was talking about." Said Veronica, out of nowhere with the Heathers. Weren't they mad at her? Penny and I turned around in our seats to face them.
"So you've been talking about me? I'm flattered." Said Penny. "But yes I am that Penny, what do you want?" She said with a different tone altogether, making me nervous.
"Back off of what's not yours." Said Chandler.
What? I'm not anyone's.
"Who said?" Asked Penny. "(Y/n) is a single female and fits all I like in a girl."
"W-wait what?" I said.
"Be quiet for me honey please." Said Penny.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I actually listened.
"You can't actually think you'll win against us." Said Duke.
"And if you do win, what are you going to do then? Fight each other? Because I know you incapable of sharing." Said Penny. "I went to middle school with all of you. I know how you've fought over her then and then decided to hate her when she said no to your little plan of popularity."
I'm super happy everyone decided to leave, probably because the Heathers threatened them.
"Stalker much?" Said Duke.
"I was always on the side line but it doesn't matter." Said Penny. She didn't answer the question. "(Y/n) has already said no to the three of you, why try again?"
"I'm confused. You liked me back then?" I questioned.
"It was obvious." Said McNamara.
"To a normal person! I can be dense as fuck when it comes to romance!" I told her.
"We noticed." Said Duke and Penny put an arm around me and pulled me closer earning glares and growles from the others.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you have this." Said Penny before putting a hand on my face and turned me to look at her.
"Penny?" I questioned.
"I know it is unlikely for you to chose me but it wouldn't stop me from trying." She said before kissing me on my lips, stealing my first kiss.
It ended as quickly as it happened because I was pulled away and out of my seat and McNamara had her arms me and held my back towards her.
I looked behind me and at her and she moved her hand to mouth and wipe off was probably Penny's lipstick.
I couldn't focus on what the others were doing, probably yelling at Penny, knowing they couldn't truly harm her physically.
"Are you okay?" Asked McNamara, seeming to know I was in a daze.
"I'm feeling out of it. Probably because the shock of 5 girls actually like me and one just kissed me." I said truthfully.
"Ah... I'm sorry for all of this."
"Me too." I mumbled.
This has been a year and 2 day long thing. I'd lost interest in it for awhile but I reread it and fixed it and finished it. Clearly it's not done but it felt how this part should end.
Forgiving for what they've caused the other, knowing or not. I know this isn't my normal gender neutral but this is one of my passion of my love of women and before I started doing all my writing gender neutral.
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