#rad gussy
musicaparaelmundo · 1 year
Prada Sport, el nuevo lanzamiento del artista colombiano Rad Gussy
Damos un vistazo al universo del cocreador del colectivo LNF, y desvestimos su más reciente lanzamiento.
Es poca la información que puedes encontrar de un enigmático artista emergente, y mucho más de alguien que no cuenta con entrevistas en internet a la fecha. Esto ha llevado a numerosas personas a obsesionarse con la nube de humo y misterio que se ha creado alrededor del artista, tratando de engranar sus distintos lanzamientos y avistamientos al ojo público, como si cada uno tratara de descifrar una pequeña parte de él y reconstruir su historia.
Jaime Rivera, también conocido como Rad Gussy, es el autor, productor, escritor e intérprete del sencillo "Prada Sport" la cual intentaremos desnudar a partir de su letra y su sonido arcano y pulsante que se asemeja a una banda sonora de la segunda venida de jesucristo o la música de fondo de un palacio que posa sobre una nube en el vacío.
Lo primero que tenemos que descifrar, es el nombre “Prada Sport” el cual hace referencia a la campaña de Prada “Luna Rossa Sport” descrita como "Una Fragancia de ámbar sensual y picante, con lavanda vibrante y jengibre explosivo y bayas de enebro. Con tabaco, habas de tonka y vainilla como notas de fondo, Luna Rossa Sport expresa el espíritu palpitante de una regata con una potente explosión de vitalidad."
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Su primera línea, “luces en mi auto, me muevo como un phantom” hace referencia al símbolo de estatus y extravagancia automotriz màs reconocido del mundo: el Roll Royce Phantom, del cual solo puede gozar la décima parte del uno por ciento de la población mundial, lo cual se confirma en su siguiente verso "lo que estoy viviendo, tu lo está soñando" haciendo alusión a que cuenta con un mérito propio de unos cuantos, las distorsiones visuales y sensación flotante de conducir y moverse como un vehículo fantasma.
En esta parte se pone aún más interesante, haciendo mención “banda luxo en el navío, y en el dm Sofía Osío” el cual hace referencia, por un lado, a la vida pop star de la banda musical más popular de Springfield, Banda de Luxo, por otro lado, se refiere a la modelo colombiana Sofía Osío, quien tiene como apellido Luna, el cual entreteje un sentido intrínseco a la referencia de la fragancia de Prada “Luna Rossa”. Se descubre un anhelo de una vida soñada, como una super estrella y un fenómeno que se revela ante el mundo como un tesoro que espera ser encontrado.
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La línea de tiempo avanzada y el pre-coro nos presenta “famosos que me escriben, quieren cambiar mi destino, pero lo cambié yo mismo, ahora vestimos fino” probablemente hace referencia a todo el entramado conspirativo de personas alrededor del mundo queriendo tomar la vida de artistas para venderles una vida de la cual terminan siendo esclavos y arrepintiéndose más tarde. Mucha de la narrativa de este artista, cuenta con un sentido profundo que nunca deja a la vista. Generalmente las personas no entienden su estética y sin embargo, se sienten atraídos.
Entramos al coro, aparentemente sencillo y bastante pegajoso. Su primera línea “endi, fendi” un juego de palabras con la droga del amor “èxtasis” y la firma de moda italiana de artículos de lujo fundada en Roma en 1918.
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Lo que es también notable, es que Rad Gussy afirma en uno de sus live, que la instrumental de esta canción existía desde el 2020, y que al encontrarla de nuevo, grabó encima un freestyle, quedando sellado para la eternidad y las futuras generaciones su sonido característico.
Distintos sonidos van y vienen de un lado a otro en el campo espacial creado por los sonidos futuristas y eléctricos que pulsan el oído, y cada vez se siente como cada vez se entra en un universo desconocido mientras la liberación de químicos en el cerebro se hace exquisita y de puro deleite. Una revelación para el Trap Colombiano y el Trap Latino, que antes estaba tan permeado por la influencia americana, parece más volcarse hacia los rap de nube más experimentales de soundcloud de artistas europeos de la última generación. 
En numerosos momentos el artista enseña su cadena con el dije de la "estrella de David" el cual nos confirma su comunión con un símbolo sagrado y milenario de protección, el cual tiene coherencia con su sonido casi divino y su aura sagrada, el cual se siente como una revelación profética recibida por un maestro que medita en lo alto de un campo despejado y un cielo completamente vestido de azul zafiro.
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La canción finaliza con una estrofa bastante disruptiva a lo que se había presentado hasta el momento en los primeros dos minutos de la obra:
“Mi niña esto lo hice por ti
Lo vivimos,
Y ahora que no está aquí ,
No me olvido“
Mientras se dirige al cielo, hablando sobre una pérdida, la letra a simple vista, no parece realmente profunda, pero toda la narrativa anterior a este verso habla sobre el deseo de una vida soñada, los artículos de lujo y las emociones que emanan del deseo de vivir, y ahora en contraste, se volca a un verso más “amoroso” y “decepcionante”, que habla sobre vivir el ahora y el recuerdo que queda en el presente de una persona que le marcó significativamente, con lo cual desaparece su voz y los sonidos sintéticos y atmosféricos quedan en el ambiente, anunciando el cierre de un ciclo y el comienzo de uno nuevo.
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Redes sociales.
Autor: música para el mundo.
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rachelroams · 2 days
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Portraits from @the_explorers_club Annual Dinner are live! It’s fun to get gussied up every now and again—particularly when I have a chance to sit in power alongside storyteller friends like @deneabuckingham & @julianne_snow.
IMAGE 1: Thanks to the immensely talented @felixkunze for the chance to sit for a portrait. It was rad to play in his studio and see his team work like a well-oiled machine. 
IMAGE 2: Props to @patriciakoophotography, not only because I’m stoked to have portraits shot by her, but also because she manages to keep the positive energy high on longgg red carpet shoots.
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elvisgrace · 2 years
139 followers gift, cont'd
Part I here.
EDIT: Looking at my preview pics in Tumblr made me a little unhappy with the quality of the walls/floors, so I gussied them up, replaced them in the zip, reuploaded, and updated the download links.
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Hidimart Retail Display! The top picture is a scultpture, the bottom two are fully functional, slotted OFB shelves, brought into existence through the munificence of @hugelunatic's tutorial.
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The Golden Meriklime Display. I wasn't able to make @faesims4 elderberry and grape seedlings look good in the game, so the elderberry seedling (above left) has been replaced with an edit of the TS2 hydroponic plant, and the grape seedling (above right) has been replaced with an edit of @sunmoon-starfactory's fantastic Grapes of Rad (credit provided in the item's catalog description).
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Visions of Sugarplums Toybox, with My Little Pegasus, My First Wand, and Butterfly Wand. The animations for the toys aren't perfect, but the toybox is functional, and the animations are on point.
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The Champignon Toadstool Chair and accessory toadstools. The chair is found in chairs, and the toadstools under Landscaping/Flowers.
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In the interest of not having to hunt through every single category for this stuff, a collection file containing E V E R Y T H I N G above has been included - look for the icon above in your collections folder.
That's it! Huge thanks to @faesims4 for their amazingly, breathtakingly beautiful creations, and for allowing me to convert them, @jennifairy2000 for play-testing, and @purepanic for unswerving moral support, and all of you for following! THANK YOU!
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angel-gidget · 4 years
Amethyst #1: A Riveting Reboot
I could say Amethyst #1 written and illustrated by Amy Reeder is a work of art and you’d all be like “no duh, gidge. comics are half art” but Amethyst #1 is also clearly a work of LOVE. I’ve been reading and flailing and feeling like I should review, but have been uncertain where to start. So I shall try to simply pick 10 delights that stand out to me.
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Heads up for spoilers!
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1. Her mom and dad. Amy’s origin has clearly been restored from the left turn at Albuquerque that was the nu52. I love that Reeder shows right out the gate that Amy’s adoptive parents are supportive yet struggling with raising a daughter that spends more and more time in a magical realm they can’t enter. Or can they? We will see what the rules are as we go.
In the original series, anybody who didn’t have magic risked getting lost and stranded between realms if they tried to cross between the Gemworld and earth. That doesn’t conflict with the glimpses we’ve seen in YJ, exactly, so we’ll wait and see how things unfold.
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2. One thing that DOES conflict with what we’ve seen in YJ though: Turquoise’s number of arms. Or, the number of arms on anybody living in her entire kingdom for that matter. Might be that Reeder and Bendis didn’t get a chance to double-check those details against each other before committing to their scripts. But who thinks to ask about things like that though? (“Hey, your redesign of this character has the standard 4 limbs or less, not 6, right?”)
You know what? I’m okay with this. We get pretty Bendis/Gleason?/Timms? design and this totally funky four-armed broad-sword user and I think I will enjoy seeing if they actually DO come up with an in-canon explanation of the discrepancy.
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Also, apparently this Turquoise is married? He’s clearly a consort rather than a ruler, and I wanna know more. (All of the bullpen appears on board with avoiding the Amy/Topaz/Turquoise love triangle from the original series and that’s probably for the best. I just hope that we’ll get to see my boy Topaz at some point anyway, even if he’s no longer a romantic candidate for either fair lady.)
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3. Hallelujah! We have a name! I have always loved that Amethyst rides around on a pegasus/pegacorn (another YJ mismatch here, but seems like semantics to me). BUT HE’S NEVER HAD A NAME. HE FINALLY HAS A NAME! IT’S A BADASS NAME. Ypsilos. Greek & unique. I dig it. ‘Bout time.
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4. Her mentors. Granch and Citrine(a) are back! Ok, they’re actually missing, but it was good to see their faces smiling down on itty bitty!Amy. I dug the way “witch mother Citrina” would roll off the tongue in the original series, but it didn’t make totally sense that everybody gets to take the exact name of a gemstone while Citrine gets her name kinda anglicized by sticking an A on the end. Small fix, I appreciate the logic.
I’m wondering if Cintrine is as powerful of a magic user in this story as she was in the original. I mean, probably not, bc of House Amethyst disapearing without a trace, but it will be cool to see how it goes. I dig how Amy notes how much she usually relies on them, and how this sensibly leads to…
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5. Noob ruler, a lil’ tone-deaf. She’s clearly trying. Taking some good speech-giving cues from Braveheart, probably. But this scene shows she IS inexperienced and bc she’s still in training, she doesn’t have a lot of trust from her neighboring common people. PEOPLE IN THE CROWD ARE MISSING LIMBS. Turquoise warned her about this. These people clearly HAVE been fighting. They aren’t turning her down bc they lack courage. They’re just insulted that this tiny neighbor princess showed up in a BALLGOWN royal-splaining warrior grit to them.
I gotta admit, I was a bit worried when Amy Reeder’s interview (also at the back of the comic) came out, and she talked about Amy Winston having a “little miss perfect” personality. There were some character details that never got fleshed out about 80′s Amy, but I’m relieved that this new iteration actually has some of the original character flaws shown.
She’s a lil’ presumptuous. She gets her ideas from watching Earth movies and TV. Sometimes it pans out, and she’s like “Of course it did! You backwards middle ages people are so quaint. No worries, I will bless you with my high school knowledge of democracy and vaccination.” But she lacks the foresight to see when and why a youthful earth-style plan won’t work in the Gemworld’s environment.
Re-worked Amy just gets really lucky here that Nameless Warrior of the Cool Haircut and Rad Caterpillar Creature sees that she’s such a tiny summer child and decides to assist, impugning of honor aside.
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6. Monsters vs. Innocent Creatures. This was always a fun aspect of the Gemworld! Is that a terrifying monster or a cute critter? Maybe it’s both! Or maybe its not a monster at all, and you’re just biased. Nice to meet you, Stan.
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7. Living birth parents? That’s a twist (Or, it still CAN be.) In the original series, Amy’s birth father was revealed be the host of a Lord of Order (If that sounds familiar, it’s a Dr. Fate thing.) That meant she technically had an original living parent, but… that’s where the writing went South and turned obnoxiously edgy and tangential. But this implies that both her bio mom and dad are plain-ol’-fashioned alive. Which is new and an intriguing dangling plot-thread. Cool cool.
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8. He’s just… so evil. It’s great. I’ve already blubbered about the pleasant simplicity of Dark Opal’s villainy, but I also appreciate that his funky face clasp is back, and I dig the drone-spiders. In the original series, his adopted son Carnelian was the techie, so I’ll be curious to see if there any nods to that in the future.
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9. One seriously solid exposition page. Pretty, concise... and just enough holes to entice. This implies that the events of the first Amethyst mini series have ALREADY HAPPENED in this continuity. But some things are CLEARLY different. (Turquoise kingdom world-building, Amy does not change her age between realms, etc.) That leaves some surprises in store.
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10. First issue parallels. It’s her birthday. Again. Her parents are giving her title-drop jewelry. Again. She’s all gussied up in an over-the-top dress for her mentor’s sake, but it’s completely inappropriate for battling evil which is what she’s gonna have to ACTUALLY go do bc that’s her luck. Again. I do love me some good symmetry.
TO CONCLUDE... I am so, so happy to read this. Reeder has done right by my girl, and I look forward to issue #2. Huzzah!
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theculturedmarxist · 3 years
more like badfems lmao
The rule of thumb seems to be that if they have “rad” or “radical” in their username and they aren’t devoted to the obviation of whatever identity they cling to then they’re not radical in the least bit. They’re identity fundamentalists that use the language of oppression to gussy up their odious essentialism.
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sternerstufftoys · 4 years
A slice of the action
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Action Masters are panic. At the start of the 1990s the Transformers brand was collapsing faster than a flan in a wind turbine and for some reason the good folks at Hasbro were not okay with this. Toy franchises come and go all the time, and six years was a healthy lifespan. Hell, at the time He-Man had already gone the way of the plastic dodo and Mattel had basically just sighed, shrugged and gone back to churning out Barbies.
But for some reason Transformers was the brand that they would not let die. Kids apparently wanted the old classic characters back, but rising production costs meant that repeating the entire 1984 product line would be unfeasible (though a spirited attempt was made in Europe, gawdbless). What to do? Why, action figures of course! Action figures with accessories no less! Action figures that were poorly articulated even by the standards of the time, action figures that had to have all the distinctive alt mode kibble removed to the point of homogeneity in order to freely interact with said accessories and vehicles, and yes, vehicles for transformers even though that made no goddamn sense at all. Just try anything to keep Transformers alive, no matter how terrible the idea is!
Which brings us to Slicer, an interesting creation in his own right, being an early example of practice which would later become exceedingly common in the following decade - take an old and familiar character, gussy it up with new colours, and make it someone else. In this case, Wheeljack. So by the time Prime rolled around with it's weird sword-wielding Wheeljack, it made ludicrously easy sense to fire it out in blue and bronze as a new Slicer.
(only officially this is just regular Jack again, because securing a brand new name trademark for a BBTS exclusive would be a complete waste. As a collector, you'd have to be a ridiculously joyless pedant to insist that this was Wheeljack and not Slicer)
It's a remarkably good fit. Prime Wheeljack wasn't a bad character in the least, but it always felt like a strange choice to make the sword-loving bad boy loner character Wheeljack. I strongly suspect that orders from on high said that Wheeljack needed to make an appearance, but the show runners had no need for a wacky inventor and every need for an arsehole with a knife obsession. He might as well have been Drift, or Springer or Roadbuster or anyone else as Wheeljack.
So divorced from the context of the show, this mould is far better as Slicer than it is Wheeljack. The permanent scowl, so deep as to have pulled his entire face in with it, is perfect for a Decepticon. The long ape-like arms give him a feral quality. And, y'know, he's carrying a pair of slicers. So there's that. He has that issue that you occasionally find, where the figure looks awesome in almost any pose, but actual articulation is somewhat limited. The shoulders don't swing out very far and there's no rotation at the elbow, so actual sword swinging is limited. Maybe that's his thing. He's a massive poser, but can't actually fight all that well.
Transformation is far more traditional than many of the Prime line, with no real shellforming and plenty of steps. It's complex without being complicated, which is just great. Not only that but the car mode isn't overly-tiny, another common problem with Prime. You can stick the two swords to the front like massive angry tusks, but this dumb and stupid and people who do it obviously smell of biscuits and ennui. They'd either get stuck or snap off the moment you ram them into anything. Stick them on the sides so it looks more like massive angry bull horns. Made of knives.
So yeah, it fits in with pretty much any CHUG collection, helps fill out the Decepticon ground troops and adds a nice pop of colour with his glittery translucent styles. And here's the thing, there ought to be way more like him. The old Action Master characters all had obvious nods to what they transformed into, like Skyfall's jet intakes, Rad's car bonnet chest or Kick-Off's surly disposition towards Sensible Soccer. They're easy targets for quick repaints of existing toys, and yet outside of overpriced Collector's Club exclusives they've barely been touched. It's Krok, Axor and Banzai-Tron, I guess? Give us some Autobots. Give us Jackpot. Or Mainframe. One of the dumb ones, anyhow.
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brandonnatali · 4 years
Cool Car Ads of the 1990s
Compared to the 1980s, the ‘90s was not a great decade for car ads—lots of uninspiring photos and navel-gazing copy. But there were some very good car ads gracing the pages of our beloved car magazines, and we’ve collected a bunch of them here, along with a couple of duds, because this was the ‘90s, after all.
1990 Chrysler Performance Lineup: I’m Joe Isuzu
This four-page spread was rad on a number of levels. For one thing, it broke the unspoken (and oft-broken) advertising rule that one should never acknowledge the competition, and it did so by citing Joe Isuzu, one of the best-known and best-liked ad campaigns in autodom (see Cool Car Ads of the 1980s). It addressed one of the key (and not entirely untrue) criticisms of Chrysler, which is that its lineup consisted of nothing but gussied-up K-Cars, although calling the Diablo a Chrysler product might have been a wee bit of a stretch. And it was one of the last ads to feature Lee Iacocca, the company’s loud-and-proud savior who some said was past his own best-if-used-by date. Perhaps it’s fitting that they photographed Mr. Iacocca in the setting sun.
1991 Honda Civic: Vanity Plates
Throughout the 1980s, Honda ads were always slick and often entertaining, but this one took on a bit of a cynical edge—a deliberate skewering of pop culture. Vanity plates were nothing new, but they did seem to be rising in popularity in the 1990s, and this ad hits that trend head-on. This ad probably didn’t sit well with car magazine readers who had custom plates… but then again, those folks probably weren’t going to buy Civics anyway.
1992 GMC Jimmy SLT: Nothing Against Station Wagons
Ouch, babe. At the time this ad was written, minivans and station wagons were still the family cars of choice, and the SUV craze was just beginning its long acceleration run. As with the “Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile” ads of the 1980s, this one drew a bullseye on the American psyche by putting into words what everyone was thinking, and while it’d be silly to credit one advertisement with the decimation of the wagon market, we must acknowledge this ad as a nail in the coffin. Actually, it’s kind of amazing that General Motors brass allowed this ad to run, as several other divisions were still trying to sell station wagons in 1992.
1992 Subaru SVX: Both Sides of the Brain
When Subaru brought out its SVX sports car, no one knew quite what to make of it—nor did they know what to make of this ad. More so than today, “retired in Miami” brought up images of blue-haired shuffleboard players wearing track suits and driving jumbo-sized Buicks with carriage roofs, whitewall tires and gold-dipped trim. Why Subaru would want to bring about even the merest whiff of a hint of a glimmer of association with such people for potential buyers of their strange new sporty coupe is as hard to understand as the SVX’s half-opening windows. No wonder they couldn’t sell the damn thing.
1993 Cadillac Northstar: No Coolant
Say what you will about Cadillac, but this ad promoting the fact that the Northstar V-8 could run without coolant got jaws a-flappin’. Many car enthusiasts of the early ‘90s, especially fans of domestics, still harbored a lack of trust regarding new-fangled doohickeys like fuel injectors and distributor-less ignitions. This ad helped cement the Northstar V-8 as a technical powerhouse, and it stole a march on Japanese brands, which merely made luxury cars that didn’t break. The messaging worked: The Seville Touring Sedan and Eldorado Touring Coupe were the first Cadillacs in ages to be taken seriously by enthusiasts younger than 80, and they ushered in a vein of driver-centric Caddys that culminated in the awesome CTS-V.
1994 Chevrolet Impala SS: Lord Vader, Your Car is Ready
Arguably the best car ad of the 1990s, the Lord Vader ad took the Caprice, then the laughing stock of the automotive world, and turned it into a superhero—or, perhaps even better, a supervillain. We doubt many people bothered to read the rest of the ad copy, because the picture and the headline told you all you needed to know. Bear in mind that much of the target audience still remembered (and probably drove) the Impala SS from the 1960s, and to twist that legendary car into something new and different was a very risky move. General Motors made a lot of mistakes in the ‘80s and ‘90s, but this wasn’t one of them—with the 1994 Impala SS and its ad campaign, Chevy nailed it and stuck the landing.
1995 Mercury Mystique: Eat No One’s Dust
When your job as an ad writer is to highlight a cabin filter on the old man’s version of a European family sedan, you know that somewhere along the line you must have really pissed off your boss. Ads about components are rarely very exciting, but this may be the exception:  A well-executed ad with a witty headline that actually got some attention for a car no one cared about and a part no one thought about. Time bears the proof: The Mercury Mystique has faded into oblivion, but cabin filters are more popular than ever.
1995 Nissan Quest: Overprotective Parents
Parenting was changing in the 1990s: The economy was strong, stay-at-home parenting was on the rise again, and the world seemed to be a more dangerous place for children than it was in the 1960s and ‘70s. Pundits poked fun at overprotective parents, but Nissan embraced the nature of the mother-and-cub relationship with this brilliant ad for the Quest minivan. Selling safety is never an easy thing to do (read Lee Iaccoca’s biography and he’ll tell you how he learned that lesson at Ford in the 1950s), but the Quest did it brilliantly.
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
This ad for the Cavalier was a direct rip-off of Honda’s famous two-page spreads: Same lighting, same photo of the car in profile, same font, same informal tone in the copy. Even the Chevy bow-tie is blue, just like the contemporary Honda logo. If there was some reference to the Civic in the copy, we might think they were being ironic, but no—this appears to be nothing but an attempt to rip off and capitalize on Honda’s success. What a shame that GM of the 1990s was copying Honda’s ads and not its cars. No matter how slick the ads were, the Cavalier sedan was a low-budget loser and everyone knew it—everyone except General Motors, that is.
1996 Dodge Stratus & Intrepid: AutoStick!
Nowadays we take it for granted that automatic transmissions can be shifted manually, but back in the 1990s this was a new and revolutionary concept, and one that had to be explained, which this ad did rather brilliantly. AutoStick became The Thing To Have, and other automakers rushed to get their own “manumatics” into production.
1996 Franklin Mint Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud: Before the Bottom Dropped Out
There was a time when the only halfway-decent diecast metal model cars came from outfits like the Franklin Mint, which charged outrageous sums—$135 (in five easy payments!)—for cars like this Rolls, and that didn’t include the $4.95 shipping and handling charge, which is probably what the model really cost to make. Sadly for Franklin Mint, this business model was about to take a nosedive: Toy makers were just getting into the diecast fray with a vengeance, and soon models of this caliber would be available in Costco for twenty bucks or less.
1997 BMW: Engine as Luxury
It was an old and rarely broken tradition that car ads showed pictures of cars, and German car ads usually augmented such photos with busy paragraphs describing the virtues that everyone already knew about. This ad was a break from tradition, and oh, what a beautiful break it was. For the record, BMW wasn’t the first to do this; Oldsmobile ran ads showing the valve cover of their Quad 4, an engine notable for a) having a four-valve, two-cam head and b) not being a steaming dog turd, but the BMW engine was way, way sexier.
1998 Dodge Durango: Bin Fun
The 1990s was the Decade of the Witty Ad Headline, and this Durango delivers. It’s a cute ad that gets the message across quickly and cleanly, and actually represents quite an accomplishment: Remember that Dodge had to sell this butch-looking SUV with its Ram-derived front end to suburban families, and this ad appealed to Mom without emasculating Dad. Well done.
1998 Nissan Altima: Altima on VHS
Back in the days of Netscape Navigator 4.0, when the whole idea of real-time video over the Internet seemed like a distant dream, one way Nissan would sell you an Altima was to send you this thing called a “video tape”, which would be sent to you using a system called a “postal service” after you ordered it with a “telephone”. While Nissan was still mucking about with tape, it famously missed the chance to register Nissan.com, leading to an eight-year battle that it ultimately lost. We have one of these Altima tapes, and we’ll watch it again as soon as we can figure out how to insert it into our Blu-ray player.
1998 Mitsubishi Montero: Getting Coffee
Waaaaait a minute—did Mitsubishi just insult its adventurous would-be buyers by implying they would never use their mighty terrain-conquering Montero for anything more adventurous than buying overpriced hipster coffee? I think they just did.
1999 Daewoo Leganza CDX: WTF?
Ah, Daewoo. The only thing that made less sense than this ad was the car it was advertising.
1999 Honda Accord: Confidence
The motivational poster, in its one-giant-word form, was invented in 1985 by a company called Successories, and by the late 1990s they were spreading like wildfire, polluting office walls from coast to coast. Honda, always sensitive to the zeitgeist and willing to skewer it, came up with this zinger to promote the 1999 Accord. Most people today credit the Internet for killing off these awful wall hangings, but Honda took an early stab, and for that we are forever grateful.
1999 Land Rover Discovery Series II: Feel It
Butts! Hahahahahaaaa!
The post Cool Car Ads of the 1990s appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
Cool Car Ads of the 1990s published first on https://kwsseuren.tumblr.com/
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femkinkharry · 7 years
i was tagged by the beautiful @horsegirlharry to post 10 songs that i've been vibin', autumn edition! instead of just listing them, my extra ass made y'all a playlist AND a list AND colors! enjoy! o1. Gravity ~ Dresden Dolls you called this one, phoe! this song always makes me feel like i'm in high school again? and there's just something sexy about it. very black and lace and plum purple and maroon lipstick. fav lyric: "you think i can't fly? | well you just watch me" o2. Stromata ~ Charlotte Martin the song my september started with. heavy and pounding and longing and sorrowful. black and royal purple with flashes of lightning yellow. fav lyric: "i'm singing you in every breath i'm left to heave" o3. Waiting Game ~ Banks girl direction feels! this is sooo girl!harry it's actually hilarious. i never finish anything i write ever but i have ideas based on this song. 😩 eyeliner black, smoke grey, the red of blood. fav lyric: "i wish i was in love | but i don't want to cause any pain" o4. Sign Language ~ Dylan Gardner finally a song that's not dark lmao! this comes on the radio at work and it's a bop, lads! i've been learning asl, too, so this cute lil song reminds me to study. ☺️ lime green, neon purple, aquamarine. fav lyric: "we could use our hands and take our time" o5. Mornings ~ GUSSY god i love this song. the way it's put together, the lyrics, their voice, the music! the fact that they're an LGBT artist!!!! i'm obsessed. gauzy creams, slate blues, the pink of bitten lips. fav lyric: "I'll tell you and you tell me | all the things that we want to hear" o6. Friends ~ Ed Sheeran early fall is ed time lmao. every year since 2012! this gives me feelings about x factor h and l so. y'know. grass green, the orange and yellow of a flame. fav lyric: "friends should sleep in another bed | and friends shouldn't kiss me like you do" o7. San Cristobal ~ Mal Blum another wonderful LGBT artist! this song was on my summer vibe playlist so it's kind of cheating but i love this song so much! mal, you handsome devil, come further south and lemme show you how rad my small town can be. 😘sand yellow, blazing red, the brown of liquor. fav lyric: "you found religion in a dirty crystal ball | in the back of a dollar store in that shopping mall" o8. Cecelia and the Satellite ~ Andrew McMahon in the Wildnerness another song that comes on the radio at work. took me forever to find it! it's so calming and for some reason reminds me of louis? [hint: every single song reminds me of the boys lmao] i adore the message and the vibe and the colours and just literally everything about this song! very sky blue and royal blue and sea blue. fav lyric: "cafe crawl through amsterdam | been around the world with a punk rock band" o9. I Feel You ~ Placebo [cover of Depeche Mode] now y'all know i am so far up brian molko's ass that i couldn't leave placebo off of this list! i got to look into his beautiful blue eyes and tell him that he saved my life so this band is something i hold near and dear. of course i could have included literally any song that they've written but recently this song has been on my mind. i've felt disconnected from everything recently and this song brings me back to a time of connection and passion and power. smoky grey, shadow black, slashes of red, and the enigmatic brown of a lover's eyes. fav lyric: "this is the dawning of our love" 1o. Come Here Boy ~ Imogen Heap i recently reblogged these last two songs during horny music hour with lauren lmao. autumn is a sexy time! this is undeniably a sexy song! naturally it's included. ochre yellow, wine red, the white flash of a smirk. fav lyric: "i'm wanting and i'm needing | to show you the slut i am" a lot of pals have been tagged so i'm hoping to hit some that haven't! ❤️ i kind of hate tagging bc I have the worst memory and i never want anyone to feel left out so if i didn't tag you, do it anyway lol! anyway: @goldbootsandvans, @lovelylarrie, @lousongs, @fookoff, @jlf23tumble, @tightropeofhope, @bunnythevampirebot, @samewhiteshirt, @heathenharry, and @harryisabean!
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thesparringring · 7 years
For the get to know you meme- 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 15!! :D
Hellooooo! Thanks for the ask! (And sorry for the delay- I had a doctor’s appointment)
1- What’s your first name?
I’ve been told that my first name is a combination of Divine Justinia and Augustus Caesar. It was the most badass thing I’ve ever been told about my name. But just call me Gussie. 
2- How old are you?
I’m 22, thank you very much :)
3- What’s your favorite subject in school?
I think... Art? Though it depends on the year. We had a rad Biology teacher and I enjoyed that a lot, too. 
4- Coffee or tea?
I’m having a coffee with foamy milk (YESSS) at the moment but I drink tea all day. Seriously, yesterday I drank two cups of tea in an hour and a half while drawing Varric
8- Who is your favorite singer/band?
Oooooh, difficult one! I listen to so much music and so many different bands. I sold my heart to Biffy Clyro years ago, but my current musical crush is SOHN. And FKA Twigs. And Monrobots (you can find their only three demos here, but they broke up years ago. I only know them because they used to study music with my boyfriend in England). 
13- What is your favorite type of flower?
*thinking* I’d say fresias. They’re beautiful and smell even better.
15- What is your current favorite show?
I’m not watching any at the moment :( due to a lack of both internet and Netflix at home, all my folks and I watch are DVDs we buy. Yes, we’re THAT old-fashioned, lol.
Thank you so much for asking!!
[Get to know the blogger]
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askderynsharp · 7 years
Deryn how rad is your braid game
Dylan didn’t like these parties.
He didn’t like them in trousers back when he was anassistant to the Lady Boffin, he didn’t like them in skirts when studying forhis doctorate, and just above twenty years since joining the society he didn’t like them back in a male  captain’s uniform again. He knew it wasgoing to be even worse this time. Instead of being Dr. Barlow’s pretty apprentice or Alek’s social outcast of apartner, Dylan was a barking guest of honor.
The Fawcett Society had been sponsoring Dylan for ages. When it was first announced he would be serving aboard the Mazikeen Dylan had been invited to their ranks, but the society forbade him to meet with any ofits members. Dylan himself didn’t mind particularly at first, up until he received his first pay grade as an officer. Even after that Dylan wasmore an honorary member than anything. Even less of a member since the switch back to Mr. Sharp, thank you very much. But with Ms. Fawcettgone and many of the core members too old to make much of a fuss, Dylan was theonly mascot they had left. This meant that when Dylan Sharp attendeda Society function everyone and their gran lined up to greet him while he satpretty at the centre table under the public gaze without a hope of escape.
Usually Dylan tried his best to avoid London whenMillicent’s Memorial Fundraiser rolled around. It would only amount to him trying to booze his way through the evening without Alek’s notice while he overheardthe members discussing whether or not his ‘accomplishments in modern feminist’ count anymore. But then the testosterone shots had gone and failed him, and thus was stuck inLondon until the new little bugger was born. The cheery event organizer had gone onabout how ‘Lucky’ it was that Dylan was in town, whilst Dylan silently musedthe only lucky thing was that he was early on enough to wear his uniform andnot one of those awful ‘maternity’ gowns.
It seemed like the twins were excited however, particularlyEmmaline. This came as a shock to Dylan who had always seen the girl assomething of an introvert. Apparently there was some personal hero of hersin attendance. Marina, Dylan suspected, just wanted to spend time together as afamily, and what could he say to that?
So he gussied up like a good puppet and waited in thekitchen for the dreaded hour while the nanny did battle with the twinsupstairs. Alek sat behind him looking elegant like the handsome bumrag he was,mercifully not commenting on Dylan having borrowed one of his shirts- as it was more forgiving in the abdominal region.
“It is only one evening,” Alek said comfortingly, “You mighteven enjoy yourself.”
“I’m not allowed to drinkAlek,” Dylan reminded him.
There was a loud thud thatpunctuated Emmaline’s screech of “But I took a bath this morning!”
Dylan glanced up at the sounds of a small girl being draggedto the bathroom and frowned.
“I feel like I should get involved,” he admitted.
“Last time you orchestrated dressing the girls for a publicfunction security had to confiscate a scalpel from Emmaline.” Alek said flatly.
“I thought I got them all…” Dylan mumbled, plucking a petalfrom the vase of flowers on the kitchen table to fiddle with nervously.
Soon a very exhausted Pelly lurched down the stairs and informed them that both girlswere presentable. Alek smiled sympathetically to her and pressed a few extranotes into her hand.
“You were a godsend as usual, Pelly,” he said as he lead herout, “I take it you’ll need me to drive you home?”
As Alek grabbed his coat and hat Dylan watched his daughterscome to stand in the kitchen for inspection like prisoners to the noose. Pelly really was a miracle worker,there was hardly any trace of struggle or dirt on either of them. Maybe it wasjust because he’d been a bit broody lately, but Deryn felt a sudden lurch ofpaternal pride and mused that he had to have the prettiest little lassies onthe face of the Earth.
Marina stood three inches taller than her sister, poised andperfect with her soft blue eyes and shiny bronze hair draping about her shoulderslike tree vines. Despite her scowl even Emmaline looked less like a ravingnutter than usual and more like the daughter of an honoured guest. Her mess of blonde hair wastied up into neat little ringlets that hung in rows on either side of her head,and Dylan was baffled to find that Pelly had actually managed to get a smallblack ribbon atop each bundle. Despite all this, a fire of rebellion gleamedbehind those polished glasses, Dylan made a note not to let the lass out of his sight. Both girls wore matching navy frocks that hung down a few inches above theirwhite stockinged knees, matched with little black shoes as dark and shiny asriver stones.
The illusion wasn’t even ruined by Emmaline’s profanity whenDylan rose to kiss each of their heads.
“Gross!” was Emmaline’s least offensive exclamation as she leapt back while her sister bouncedexcitedly on the balls of her feet.
“I was going to wear my ribbons tonight!” Marina said, “ButPelly said I could wear pins like a lady!”
She twirled and the thin ropes of shimmery hair stayedperfectly in place, the metal of her hairclips sparkling in the electricallights.
“Very nice,” Dylan said with a smirk, “Pretty as a box ofpeacocks.”
Marina grinned ear to ear and spun again, Emmaline stillscowling beside her.
“Then why am I inribbons?” she grumbled, to which Marina only stuck out her tongue.
Dylan chuckled and shook his head, then had an idea.
“Do you like shiny things Marina?” he asked, “I’ve got awhole box of them upstairs if you’d want to have it.”
The way Marina lit up warmed Dylan’s heart, as well asbolstered his pride. Marina was far lovelier then either Dylan or Alek had been at their age, the girl much was more suited to dainty little things like pearls and hairpins. Dylan left the girls to go find the box in question, wondering if he could convince Alek to pierce one of the girls ears and rid himself of the earrings too. 
Upon pulling the dusty neglected box from its place in ashoe cupboard Dylan heard a crash and a screech from down stairs.
“You…you did that on purpose!”Marina shouted in a high broken voice.  
“N-no I…” Emmaline spluttered.
Cursing that he couldn’t leave the girls alone without themtrying to kill each other for threeminutes, Dylan arrived to see Marina soaking wet and shaking while a white facedEmmaline tried to babble out apologies. Dylan’s gaze slid across both girls,then finally to the vase of flowers that lay emptied on the floor. The momentMarina spotted Dylan she spun and pointed a finger.
“Daddy!” Shesobbed, “Emmy poured water on me!”
“I didn’t!” Emmaline said, “I just wanted to shove her!”
Dylan’s stomach went cold as his daughters looked at him expectantly. Swallowing the sudden lump in his throat, he sighed.
“Um…well let’s get you changed first…” Dylan said, “Thenwe’ll think about…all that.”
Marina’s lip quivered but she nonetheless followed Dyaln upstairs to dry off and don a new dress. Dylan tried his best to dry her head,but with all the pins and ties he couldn’t make sense withoutdismantling the entire hairdo. This was no sweat off Dylan’s back, nothing wasworth his lass catching cold, but he couldn’t help but notice the distressedway Marina looked at her ruined appearance.
“C-can we call Pelly back?” She asked, looking up at herwith those large blue eyes that just about broke his heart.
“Um…” Dylan said, knowing full well no chains of love oriron would bring that woman back to this house after getting paid, “Well, thenwe might be late for the party, wouldn’t we?”
Marina deflated and muttered a half hearted, “Okay,” and resignedto looking at herself dully in the mirror.
“Well…” Dylan mumbled, “Icould do it for you…”
Emmaline snorted a laugh from where she had followed them tothe doorframe.
“What,” Dyaln asked, “You think I can’t do it?”
Marina flushed and played with a strand of sodden hair,“Pelly’s was so nice looking…”
Well this was all a bit much. Dylan could tie every riggingknot there was in a few seconds, surely he could do just as well with hair.  
“I’ll do you one better.”He insisted with a huff.
Hair was a lot different then rope.
For one, it was made upof a bunch of tiny threads that were already oily from the special lotionsPelly had rubbed into Marina’s scalp, making them slip away from each other like a dark amber river. Dylan hadhalf a mind to send Emmaline to get some glue.
Marina kicked her feet as Dylan worked, all but beaming into the little hand mirror she held in two hands. It seemed the girl was more enthusiastic bythe ritual itself then the result, humming and cooing as she always didwhen Dylan coddled her. Dylan usually found the practice sweet enough to stop his heart, but now it just put morepressure on Dylan to do a good job.
Which he wasn’t, bythe way.
Dylan decided half way through to dismantle the entireaffair, choosing instead to go with twin plaits down her back. Perhaps ‘twin’was too generous a word, as they weren’t at all identical. One waslonger then the other, and there were tufts of hair busting out of the braid inrandom clumps. Still, at least Marina wouldn’t be skewered by dylan’s handiwork.
Marina twirled in front of Dylan’s supportive eyes a fewtimes the picture of girlish glee.
“Thank you Daddy!” she said, bouncing on the balls of herfeet before rushing over to hug Dylan’s middle.
Dylan put a hand to her back and huffed out a sigh ofrelief. It wasn’t so bad really he supposed. Marina was a pretty enough lass to go without any hair at all, thoughDylan wouldn’t care to see it happen. Hand in hand Dylan and Marina rose to gowait for Alek downstairs, but suddenly found the door blocked by Emmaline.
Soaking wet Emmaline.
“Me next! Do me!” she squealed.
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sureshaker · 7 years
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Azza G, Gussy Gold and the G Train are on their way back from Coffs and headed to @radbarcafe in the Gong tonight. @goldmembermusic then out on tour with @booseeka and @limecordiale (at Rad)
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