#ramblings of a mad muppet
ohmygodthemuppets · 9 months
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so yall are telling me this is what got de-saturated...because the wrong file was picked and uploaded making everything seemingly "washed out"...
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arikihalloween · 2 months
Welcome Home × Wakfu AU ramble
The people have spoken, Wakfu AU comes first !
What's Wakfu AU ?
Set in the universe of the mmorpg games and serie Wakfu, Welcome Home is a little guild of adventurers of all kinds known for their adventures (and misadventures) !
Starting off by answering this question by @gaypyro
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Home is not a Shushu possessing a house ( that felt overdone, since Luis exist lol )
Home is a Xelor, adoptive father of Sally and Wally, and owner of the guild. He took under his roof many promising adventurers, and seems quite entertained by their antics. Despite his looks, he's pretty friendly, and loves a good joke or bonding moment with the guild members. ( Just don't get him mad ! We don't know what would happen then 👀)
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Sally is a dramatic young xelor adopted by Home. She received a full huppermage education as well, and will boast about it whenever she can, making it a whole show. Rather than time, she has particular interest in the stars and astral readings.
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Wally is the second son of Home. He has no affiliation to any god, he just lives his life, going on adventures with his best friend Barnaby, an oujinak.
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Julie is a iop that was raised in a Sadida family. Hyper energetic, curious and playful, she tends to run in fights head first ! When she's not adventuring with Frank and Eddie, you'll find her hanging out with Wally, Howdy or Sally.
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Frank is a feca that specialised in shield magic, to cover Julie while they get into fights. However, he's not above throwing a good punch, and thus Eddie often has to drag the two back to the guild as they are injured or bruised all over. Frank is a curious fellow, who loves knowledge. Julie helps him identify the new plants they encounter.
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Eddie is a sacrier, who tried his best to appear calm, although he's often pretty anxious. He generally travels with Julie and Frank, getting the two out of fights more often than not. He likes traveling and discovering new locations !
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Howdy is an osamoda merchant, who joined the guild to try adventuring after his old shop was destroyed in a fight, although he can't really get rid of his old ways ... Poppy is his trusted dragodinde companion, who gained sentience after one of Sally's messed up spells ! Poor Poppy is quite the anxious animal, but she finds comfort in the guild's cheerful atmosphere.
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And finally, we have Nyxie ( because I have to include her and Suave haha) as an eliatrope !
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And that's all the characters I've done so far !
I've also included Bailey as a baby dragodinde and and the Joyful family !
Don't hesitate if you have more questions, headcanons, ideas of situations and adventures for those sillies, etc !
I had fun designing everyone, although some characters gave me troubles
Turns out it's hard to apply different species, logic and cultures to muppets from the 70s /j
I tried to keep them easy to recognise while making them more adapted to the wakfu world
It's just a silly AU to do silly comics and jokes ! Completly angst free, just a calm lil heaven of sillyness
I hope you liked it !
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stevesaxetogrind · 1 year
Truly those calling it “bad writing” that Robin and Vickie share similarities doesn’t make sense. She’s not been given enough time to be more than just a love interest, but we do have some info about her:
1. Molly Ringwald inspo, giving us shorthand about being kind of a quirky gal. Hat! Visually, she’s similar to Robin, but that’s not a bad thing because literally similar interests draw people together. She is also skirts vs Robin’s trousers. Femme/Soft Butch! You’re telling me Vickie would wear a tie? Lies.
2. Likes goofy jokes, namely Steve’s joke about Muppet Tammy. Which, Robin doesn’t laugh at Steve’s jokes that much- she dismisses them, but it means Vickie has a bit of a jocular sense of humour.
3. Vickie also likes Steve’s brand of movies, not Robin’s- which is pretty fucking funny. Again, this is not making Vickie similar to Robin, but to things shared with Robin’s Platonic Soulmate. Like, bro movies? Stupid lil jokes? I predict Steve and Vickie having a dad joke competition next season & torturing Robin with how corny they are. People like to talk about the similarities to Robin, but not the similarities to Steve! That’s kind of clever drawing Vickie closer to one of Robin’s favourite people, at least superficially.
4. Talks a lot when one on one, but Vickie wasn’t nervous/flustered in the band scene, so we can infer in more crowded spaces she acts differently/subdued - as like she was in the War Zone. This is unlike Robin who does actually ramble in group scenes, like freaking out over the thing in El’s leg, the rabies bit, or generally a lot of Season 4 where she looses her “cool girl” archetype from Season 3 in favour of chaos. Vickie seems more like she would quietly panic, as opposed to Eddie, Argyle, and Steve who all loudly go WHAT THE FUCK. Which is going to be interesting to see as the whole town is now thrown into an open gate downtown Hawkins probably releasing demogorgons every other hour like it’s Pacific Rim up in this bitch.
5. Meaningful look with Robin in the War Zone- not “oh hi band friend!” A scared/caught/dismayed look that she was there. So there is a connection, and she broke up with her boyfriend after that connection. Anything more is speculation, but the way she wasn’t looking at Robin when she gave the “he doesn’t like Fast Times” reason lets the audience draw points and maybe she felt trapped? Like it was just an excuse to pursue a different interest? Obviously because music is playing indicating a romantic relationship. We don’t have much to compare Robin with on this one, but around Keith she still had more confidence and bullshittery trying to convince him to hire Steve when Keith assumed they were a thing.
6. Vickie also doesn’t seem jealous. Robin is jealous. She was livid at Steve for being the object of Tammy’s affections, but Vickie hasn’t seemed to even look twice at Steve- even as Robin looked over at him while she and Vickie had her last scene.
For such a short amount of time in the season, I think that we have a good foundation for similarities and differences to Robin. Also, once again, it’s not a crime to avoid “opposites attract” tropes. Having similarities is good! Like, the amount of couples I know that are essentially the same archetype of queer person is not even close to zero. Especially when it comes to older queer couples who got together in the 80s/90s, they kind of morph into being one granola bar of a human being. Kind of similar with straight people when they genuinely like one another.
I hope they flesh Vickie out, but like, we’ve gotten a similar amount of screen time for Mr Clarke but no one is mad he is “one dimensional” when he is just, some exposition science guy. He’s a stock and standard teacher, has a girlfriend, and kind of goes along with explaining shit without questioning why a lot. But folks love Mr Clarke. Is it because Mr Clarke isn’t getting in the way of your ship?
I never thought I would see the day there were some true blue f/f ship wars, but bruh, Robin’s love life isn’t an A Plot so give the writers some slack. They’re human, not the devil. None of you were gleeks and it shows so fucking much. None of you lived through “angry lesbians on the internet don’t want me dating you”.
Personally I’m looking forward to Robin and Vickie getting together and maybe hopefully kicking monster butt together- or at least, Robin getting a nice little badass moment defending her gal.
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psi-scribe · 2 months
The Infinite and Divine, Review
So it took me about 3 days of reading on and off but I finished reading The Infinite and The Divine! Let's get an important question out of the way first, does it live up to the hype? Honestly? It does, it really does. I understand now, all the memes about Trazyn and Orikan, my mind eye's is open.
10/10 would recommend this to anyone looking to tip their toes into necrons or just looking for a sincerely fun book full of thrills and angsty moments.
I would like to remind everyone that the characters in question are older than the Emperor by a long freaking time, millions of years.
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And they act like this, consistently. Truly "growing old is mandatory by growing up is optional".
As always spoiler filled rambling under the read-more (though I will be avoiding parts of the plot because no, you really do need to read this on your own.)
But of course, now I shall begin reading Renegades: Lord of Excess~
Ok so I really do need to touch on the humor first because this book is hilarious, in so many ways. From the back-and-forward banter between Trazyn and Orikan, their actions in general (more so on Trazyn's part) and their remarks to the other necrons. Someone tells Trazyn "you can't drink wine??" because he has a wine cellar and doesn't want to move it, Trazyn replies that of course he doesn't drink it! That would be a waste! Rather than the fact that he...literally can't drink. At another point a necron lady named Phillias (hey I love her too) basically called them idiots and Trazyn said "yeah you are too."
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Ok but onto the more serious aspects of the book. I really enjoyed just how well we get to see how immortal beings deal with time. Orikan spends decades, centuries even studying just one subject, a necron court trial (yes, that's not a joke there was a lawsuit) takes years just to gather evidence and decide on a mediator. Hell, later on even more time passes, we see the rise and fall of several civilizations just on one planet. And this matters so little to the necrons.
Trazyn even remarks that the worst enemy for an immortal is boredom, that's just a good insight.
And as a brief side note, remember what happens in the beginning and hang onto it, trust me.
There's also so much lore about the necrons back when they were the necrontyr and the culture they had. Despite everything there was a culture, they had smoking pipes, gods before the C'tan, they had plays and music, all of this made despite all they were afflicted with. This is something that that both Trazyn and Orikan remark that they had in come with humanity; they lived shortly but managed to seize control of the galaxy despite it.
Ah Orikan, what a bastard (as Trazyn also calls him, lmao they really do curse a lot in this book) but he's so interesting? He warned all the necrontyr about what would happen with the biotransference, he was dragged unwilling into the forge. He doesn't understand why Trazyn would be mad about him breaking his (Trazyn's) old cane, why he collects everything he does. Orikan wants to ascend further now, leaving behind his metal body to become energy.
Man I would love to see him and Szeras interact given that Szeras was so involved with biotransference and wants to become a god.
Another part, despite their arrogance the necrons have their doubts, worries, regrets and fears. They are terrified of the flayer virus and the virus that creates the destroyers. And, here's a real kick in the gut, the C'tan messed with their memories to the point they can't really recall their own pasts, just fragments and pieces, what's there might be false too. Man the C'tan suck.
I have so many emotions due to reading this book. More parts related to the plot buutt I can't spoil it, I really can't.
Love Executioner Phillias, remember that too.
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ellecdc · 10 days
crap i just sent this without the emoji like a dingus pls delete that one im sorry!!
hi baby! how are you doing sweet thing?? i hope you are your pets are doing well, that you are taking care of yourself and that the job is still jobbing. i haven't been around in forever and i feel like i've missed sooo much, including the start of the 2000 celebration!?!? blasphemous.
so how could i not participate in matchmaker?? the idea of THE elle judging me and pairing me with our lovely wizards and witches made me all mushy.
so! my favorite colors as of right now are orangy-red, cornflower blue, and brown.
favorite things to do are reading (duh), going on hikes, last minute dinner dates with my friends, having long philosophical conversations about life, drawing and doing art while a lil blazed, and dancing and singing to whatever music obsession of the week (rn it's erykah badu, sade, 90s rap n hip hop, kendrick. led zepplin always)
my favorite movies are fantastic mr. fox, juno, grey gardens, and shrek. my all time favorite shows are the muppet show and adventure time, but i also love phineas and ferb, ouran hs host club (for nostalgia), and the calarts short film finals when they come out (highly recommend, they are all on youtube and INCREDIBLE).
 i love elephants fish, and bears for animals (it's so hard to choose!).
hope i didn't ramble to much, it's hard to keep your essence concise lol.
love ya babes <3 and thank you in advance! -ʕ⁠·⁠ᴥ⁠·⁠ʔ
(ps to flip this on you i ship you with remus and barty! i feel like you have enough feisty-ness and also relaxed energy/common sense to either compliment remus really well, or to ground barty but not diminish his chaos. i also think your intelligence would mesh really well with these absolute geniuses lol. like writing really well worded, beautiful letters to eachother type couples :D)
babe you are so James coded it's not even funny so I have to say him and maybe Regulus [because I think you'd help yank him out of his shell]
I see Jamie as being a philosophical dude as well and would maybe ask the most deep [or the most ridiculous] questions while stoned. I think Regulus would love to do art with youuuu
the shows and movies are all James coded tbh and I think Regulus would make fun of you for it but watch it dutifully anyways [& he'd love Shrek, regardless of what he says about it]
thanks so much for being here with me! and thanks for playing AND matching me!!!! xx
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Ignore just a rant i dont want on my main. Cw: paranoid ramblings ig.
Ill delete soon
//I actually hate my brain , i felt i made a friend - And i just confirmed another person Actualy wants and likes being my friend so my cruel brain made me have an awfull dream of them lying and hacking my account and saying hiw discussing i was for being in my line of work ( if you know you know ig) and only liked me bc they thought i was someone else and gir so mad at me when i wasn't the person they thought i was...
Like all i could do was watch as i felt so dumb for letting more ppl in like holy shit it just made me hate ppl more.
Like everday i wish my visual illusions where real and ppl where muppets bc they cant be as disgustingly Cruella as ppl are. . . but like i KNOW its just a dream but if i look at there names i feel so sick , my paranoia's getting so bad man . I fucking hate it here. //
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artemishasthebluez · 10 months
in case my wonderful followers wonder what i do all day:
watch muppets
refuse to take my medicine
watch muppets
make my friends mad with amongus
reblog weird science art
think about gay scientists..
ramble about my hyperfixations
watch muppets
do a silly dance
not necessarily in that order but yeah
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onesaltyerik · 4 months
I haven't slept (shocker I know, the insomniac hasn't slept? madness) so yall are getting a ramble of my sort of queer sort of trans awakening (or the closest to it that little me had before understanding those terms) and surprise, it's not Mulan.
So. Little me. They were a weird kiddo. Parent's never discouraged or encouraged their outfit choices or names or pronouns (until I came out officially) but their school did. (hee hoo culty private school run by a religious group) Poor kid always got told "why can't you be more polite for a girl your age?" "why can't you be more girly?" "that's not appropriate for a girl" etc... by their peers and teachers and such. And while parents didn't discourage or encourage certain outfits, the occasional "you have all these cute dresses, don't you want to wear one?" didn't exactly help. Little me never really got along well with the girls their age, had maybe one or two close friends who were girls, the rest were boys. Little me thought at the time it was because "girls were boring" and (insert other horrendously misogynistic ways of thinking about girls) when really, little me just related better to the guys for some reason. (Huh, wonder why.) Anywho, little me's trans realization, or at least the closest they could get to one at the time, was NOT Mulan. I've heard others say it was theirs and while yeah I can see it, little me just went "ah, yeah that makes sense, girls can do that too, she's cool" and didn't really process it beyound that other than "I'm doing that too." Nah Little Me's trans realization was Treasure Island. All iterations of it. Particularly Treasure Planet. Little Me read the book, watched the early live action films, adored the Muppets version of the story. Little Me saw Jim Hawkins and immediately latched onto that character, whenever playing pretend or some iteration of "pirates", I was ALWAYS the cabin boy. Running around, doing chores around the ship, helping the cook, transporting gunpowder, listening in on plots of mutiny deciding when or if I should report it to the captain, engaging in sword fights against my pirate mentor and being torn between who to trust. The works. But Treasure Planet. Ya boi saw that iteration of Jim Hawkins and something clicked. That feeling of being different and not understanding why the world didn't like you, wanting some aspect of freedom but not fully knowing why or even what that freedom was you were reaching for, feeling abandoned by the adults in your life who on one hand loved and cared for you but on the other just did not understand you, all while not even understanding yourself, wanting to escape from it all in some grand attempt at proving you were...something...someone...not fully able to grasp what that was but wanting it all the same, finding that sudden rush of joy at being able to express yourself and feel free to make your own path in life, ya know, Jim.
So yeah, Disney's Mulan did not "push some woke, trans agenda" onto my young little brain. But Treasure Planet and all iterations of Treasure Island sure did lol.
Anywho, I'm gonna go listen to Still Here again.
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manofmanymons · 4 months
thanks so much for responding to my ask about Ryo x Minoru!! the stuff you wrote was so cute, especially the “this could be us”picture (I 100% could see Minoru sending that) also the idea you had of them kissing because they thought they were gonna die…your mind omg. I could also see them doing one of those “thank god we’re alive” kisses where they thought they were gonna die but when they live they’re so happy and that the other person is happy that they just. smooch lol
also I did see that other post you made about them and I loved it! but it’s funny that you see everyone being shocked when they say they’re together because I hc that they’d both be super obvious even when they try to hide that they like each other (esp Minoru, the word subtle isn’t in that boy’s dictionary). if either of them confided in Kaito for whatever reason, I can 100% picture him saying in the most deadpan voice, “congrats, you’re officially the last one to know.” I think it would specifically be obvious because they’d talk about each other all the time, even if it was about things that “annoyed” them and then trying too hard to play it cool by immediately following up with “not that I care about him or anything!!!1!” or something like that.
I just think they’re neat and I’m honestly surprised that there aren’t more people who ship them. like they spend a good amount of time together, they both have come running when the other one is distressed, and I also noticed that falcomon is the only kemonogami who can understand kunemon, and since the kemonogami represent their partner’s hearts, I feel like it shows that they both understand each other. also if Minoru gets captured by dokugumon in chapter 1, ryo will complain about Minoru being a pain, which makes Minoru mad, but falcomon reassures him that Ryo’s just making such a fuss because he was worried about Minoru (which Ryo denies and gets embarrassed over ofc).
on a less serious note, I feel like they would be kinda like those two old guys from the muppets once they start dating where they bond over roasting other people/each other. I also get reminded of them when I see that one post where it’s like “I had a crush on someone in my class and didn’t know how to deal with it so I just wrote a letter that said ‘get out of my school.’” like they both are soft™️ on the inside but have such a hard time expressing it.
sorry i totally rambled about them but it’s just nice to see someone else who ships this rare pair!! i wish more people enjoyed it/wrote about it! I literally made one of those dumb comic sans powerpoints about them one day because I was bored and because digimon survive hyperfixation™️ and because i freakin love them. so thanks so much, i really appreciate it!! 💕
Y'know what anon, I see the vision. I see the poorly concealed crush disguised as annoyance. Them thinking everyone would be surprised only to be met with "guys we literally all knew." I love that we both decided they would not shut up about each other though XD
Also 100% in love with the idea of their partners being a reflection of how well they get each other. You're so big brained aaaaaah.
They absolutely would talk shit together lmao. Mean old ladies on a porch swing except they're both teenage boys XD Also why are they actually both the "he's bullying you because he likes you" one in the relationship ToT
I am dying to know about this powerpoint lakdjfakj I also am surprised more people don't ship it tbh like at least for me they are like THE pairing from the game that falls the most into my usual preferred tropes. Annoyances to friends to lovers. Sunshine x grumpy except they're both a little grumpy. "He's an idiot but he's MY idiot." Rowdy boys. "I hate you (affectionate)." They're so good together. They should kith.
I should provide further context that she has a point redeem for talking in a high pitched voice so that's why we were talking like that lmao.
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ohmygodthemuppets · 11 months
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ethereal-maia · 5 months
OKAY i finally managed to watch the Christmas Carol you suggested to me and i have Thoughts
its good, like really good. very accurate to the book, overtly christmassy, delighfully spooky, slightly maniacal. its great
now allow me to ramble;
why was the Ghost of Christmas Present not wearing a shirt? that man was standing bare-chested in snowy london
Bob Cratchit was a lovable dork and his kids adorable. Tiny Tim owns my heart im pretty sure
the bit where Scrooge wakes up again and starts jumping on the bed like a mad man? perfectly executed
Fred and Janet were adorable and the scene where Scrooge goes to apologise nearly had me sobbing
no im serious i think Tiny Tim took my heart (and he can have it, that kid is Too Pure)
Scrooge's red waistcoat at the end of the movie? i would like one please
That said; I do still prefer the Muppets. I'm sorry, I'm partial to the songs they sing lol (and the fact that their are muppets like cmon)
Is this long enough? I think so
It’s one of the most accurate adaptations out there I think. I didn’t watch it this year *le gasp* but I have a pretty good memory of it I think.
The ghost of Christmas present doesn’t wear a shirt in a lot of adaptations I’ve seen lmao he just goes out there tits out. Plus he’s magic ig? So he doesn’t need to be warm? The kids under his robe used to scare me out of my mind actually they are terrifying. Scarier than the ghost of Christmas Future. To me.
THE CRATCHITS <333333333 I love them sooo so much ok Martha is the loml
YES it’s so genius yk he like… he’s been reborn he’s acting like a kid again… yeah
YEAHHHH but the party scene is fucking hilarious (if not heartbreaking)
I also think the muppets version is really good!! I watched for the very first time last year and WOW I loved it. The songs were amazing, the costumes were SO SO GOOD and the whole thing was hilarious.
I’m so glad you like it!
If you’re looking for any other adaptations to watch, Scrooge (2022) is FANTASTIC! I like it, at least, but I love every movie I watch bc I’m not very critical. In any case, the songs are really fun in that one (it’s geared for kids) and it deviates from the traditional story quite a bit, and it had me with tears streaming down my face at some points. But if you’re all Christmas Carol-ed out, I get it 😅
(but if you’re on the fence, here’s something to convince you:
^^^^ best part of the movie for real) (it’s sung by belle and present Scrooge TO past Scrooge!! It can’t get any better than that!!!)
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arikihalloween · 2 months
Welcome Home × Wakfu AU ramble
The people have spoken, Wakfu AU comes first !
What's Wakfu AU ?
Set in the universe of the mmorpg games and serie Wakfu, Welcome Home is a little guild of adventurers of all kinds known for their adventures (and misadventures) !
Starting off by answering this question by @gaypyro
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Home is not a Shushu possessing a house ( that felt overdone, since Luis exist lol )
Home is a Xelor, adoptive father of Sally and Wally, and owner of the guild. He took under his roof many promising adventurers, and seems quite entertained by their antics. Despite his looks, he's pretty friendly, and loves a good joke or bonding moment with the guild members. ( Just don't get him mad ! We don't know what would happen then 👀)
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Sally is a dramatic young xelor adopted by Home. She received a full huppermage education as well, and will boast about it whenever she can, making it a whole show. Rather than time, she has particular interest in the stars and astral readings.
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Wally is the second son of Home. He has no affiliation to any god, he just lives his life, going on adventures with his best friend Barnaby, an oujinak.
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Julie is a iop that was raised in a Sadida family. Hyper energetic, curious and playful, she tends to run in fights head first ! When she's not adventuring with Frank and Eddie, you'll find her hanging out with Wally, Howdy or Sally.
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Frank is a feca that specialised in shield magic, to cover Julie while they get into fights. However, he's not above throwing a good punch, and thus Eddie often has to drag the two back to the guild as they are injured or bruised all over. Frank is a curious fellow, who loves knowledge. Julie helps him identify the new plants they encounter.
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Eddie is a sacrier, who tried his best to appear calm, although he's often pretty anxious. He generally travels with Julie and Frank, getting the two out of fights more often than not. He likes traveling and discovering new locations !
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Howdy is an osamoda merchant, who joined the guild to try adventuring after his old shop was destroyed in a fight, although he can't really get rid of his old ways ... Poppy is his trusted dragodinde companion, who gained sentience after one of Sally's messed up spells ! Poor Poppy is quite the anxious animal, but she finds comfort in the guild's cheerful atmosphere.
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And finally, we have Nyxie ( because I have to include her and Suave haha) as an eliatrope !
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And that's all the characters I've done so far !
I've also included Bailey as a baby dragodinde and and the Joyful family !
Don't hesitate if you have more questions, headcanons, ideas of situations and adventures for those sillies, etc !
I had fun designing everyone, although some characters gave me troubles
Turns out it's hard to apply different species, logic and cultures to muppets from the 70s /j
I tried to keep them easy to recognise while making them more adapted to the wakfu world
It's just a silly AU to do silly comics and jokes ! Completly angst free, just a calm lil heaven of sillyness
I hope you liked it !
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cornwithhorn · 10 months
Welcome to my Tumblr page!
Hello, hello, hello, the name is Corn or Cornelious. I'm Non-Binary going by They/Them. And I'm also Bisexual. I'm 18yrs old, and I generally prefer if minors don't interact with my blog considering I sometimes post drawings that lean more on the NSFW side of things, and I sometimes reblog stuff that's not meant for kids. So if you're a minor, I kindly ask you leave. For your safety and my own. On my Tumblr page, I post art, my hyperfixations, sleep deprived rambles, and all as such. I love these Movies/TV Shows: Doctor Who (9-12 fucking hate 13) Invader Zim, Trollhunters, Good Omens, Ghost Adventures, Darkwing Duck, Ash Vs. Evil Dead, The Dark Crystal, The Labyrinth, Star Trek DS9, Beetlejuice, Gargoyles, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The X-Files, The Addams Family, DBZ, MIB 1-3, Gremlins 1-2, and TMNT (2010 because it's the best version and you can fight me on that). I like these Movies/TV Shows: Star Trek Voyage, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetlejuice, The Lost Boys, The Neverending Story, Willow, Goonies, Critters 1-4, It old and new, Duck Tales, Astro Boy (The original), Inspector Gadget, Sweet Tooth, Angel, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Sailor Moon, The Witches (I fucking hate the newer one), The Pagemaster, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Casper (Live Action), Hook (Live Action), Jumanji (Old, I think the newer ones were alright), Hercules, Anastasia, Bartok the Magnificent, Matilda, Hocus Pocus (The old one, the new one was alright I guess), Ferngully, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Brave Little Toaster, Wild Wild West, The Iron Giant, A Goofy Movie, Aladdin (Original one), The Lion King, The Jungle Book, Cats Don't Dance (Watch it if you can, it's so underrated), and I love these music artists: Forrest Day, Sub Urban, Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Imagine Dragons, Lemon Demon, The Correspondents, Venga Boys, Lady Gaga, Queen, Twenty One Pilots, David Bowie, Elton John, Neoni, Cg5, Missio, Layto, Unlike Pluto, Glass Animals, SAFIA, ck9c, AViVA, Aurelio Voltaire, Adam Jensen, updog, Jake Daniels, The Chainsmokers, Jagwar Twin, Des Rocs, YOHIO, NIVIRO, Depeche Mode, grandson, Weathers, Halsey, Icarus Dive, Dagames, FAKE TYPE., Cosmo Sheldrake, Lorde, Lewis Blisset, They Might Be Giants, Mia Rodriguez, UPSAHL, The Ready Set, Timmy Trumpet, Bronze Radio Return, Napolean XIV, and Conor Maynar. I love these video games: The Last of Us, PVZ, Psychonauts, Batman Arkham Asylum, Destroy All Humans, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning, Medievil, Dragons Crown, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Stray, Skylanders Spyros Adventure, Alice Madness Returns, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Astroneer, Minecraft, Terraria, Forager, Cookie Clicker, Grounded, Roblox SCP: 3008 Infinite Ikea, Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator, Ark: Survival Evolved, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pacman, Alex Kidd, Bonanza Bros, Death Jr. Root of Evil Wii, Coralina Wii game, Rabbids Rayman TV Wii, and Mario Kart Wii. DNI: P*dophile/MAP
Minor N*crophilia
Foot Fetish
Scat or piss fetish
Conservative/Republican/Far Righter/Libertarian
Transphobic, Homophobic, racist, sexist, and or misogynistic
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megamanrecut · 2 years
Since it’s…been awhile since I’ve posted anything, here’s a small snipit from the next chapter of Mega Man Recut Miniseries: Karma, the scene in Episode 6: The Incredible Shrinking Mega Man where Proto Man pretends to order Elec Man to destroy himself to test if Elec Man is capable of mutiny (also where the fic got its name).
Note: Admittedly, this scene was kinda dark? At least for Recut anyway, hahaha. I originally wrote it to address repeated comments asking if the real reason some Robot Masters were not reoccurring was because Wily sent them to Brain Bots’s ‘Robot Recycler’(™) when they failed (which is both super dark and a cool interpretation!). For Recut Wily? No, he’s basically a muppet and wouldn’t kill a Robot Master unless they were completely out of his control (like Ice Man, who fortunately got away >:D) and his actual reason for some Robot Masters only used in one plot then never again is, uh, he kinda forgets they exist. That’s also my personal head canon for why RS Wily’s schemes vary wildly in scope and scale, practicality, and yet sometimes repeat: one track mind, easily distracted (and Proto Man’s willingly along for the hilarious and exciting ride) /…end unexpected ramble 
Note 2: This wasn’t completely edited, the beginning is still copy/paste from the original episode :D  Snipit after cut:
Karma, Chapter 10:
“That man is insane.”
"Gee, really? The mad science hadn't tipped me off yet.”
Instead of reporting immediately to the hangar as Dr. Wily instructed, Proto Man had followed Elec Man out of the laboratory and was walking with him down the hallway that lead to the armory.
"Weren't you listening?" Elec Man asked incredulously. "He's making shrink rays powered by magic crystals. It's an insult to your intelligence and mine.”
"Maybe, but if it does work, wouldn't that be cool?"
"If Wily shrinks every major city, it'll destroy the economy, including the Underground which we normally trade with," Elec Man continued.
"Quit looking for holes in Wily's plans," Proto Man said dismissively. "Just go with the flow." 
The door to the armory at the end of the hallway was straight ahead of them. Proto Man looked over at Elec Man, and said in a casual yet low voice, "Hey Elec Man, do me a favor? Know our recycling room? Go to the scrap metal compactor, turn it on, and step inside.”
The words didn’t immediately register. Elec Man was so accustomed to abusing Wily in front of Proto Man that he had suspected nothing off about Proto Man accompanying him toward the armory instead of reporting to the hangar as Wily had asked. He glanced over at Proto Man’s face, which cheerful yet unreadable, the overhead lights shining dully off his visor, and lowered his own voice. "Is this another one of your jokes? I will be destroyed.”
Proto Man shrugged. ”Yeah, I think you will. That’s an order. Hop to it.”
Elec Man felt…stunned. Wily was inventing shrink rays and planning to auction off cities, and now, now, Proto Man had finally decided to act like a true second-in-command and dispose of the dangerous and defiant criminal within their ranks?! 
With no choice but to obey, Elec Man glared at Proto Man and was about to turn back down the hallway toward the recycling room—but before Elec Man had a chance to fully process a premature and unpleasant demise, Proto Man quickly stopped him.
"I'm just kidding, I'd never order you to hurt yourself, Wily'd have a fit. Just testing your loyalty, you're a good sport.”
Elec Man’s shock, indignation, and betrayal evaporated instantly. He couldn’t believe Proto Man had had him going there. It appeared Proto Man had picked up more about acting like a ruthless gangster than Elec Man had given him credit for. Though he felt annoyed for falling for the ruse, Elec Man surmised Proto Man’s motivation hadn’t been for a cruel laugh at his expense. "This has something to do with Ice Man's betrayal, doesn't it?"
"You know it. Of all the other Robot Masters Dr. Wily's reprogrammed, your personality and will have changed the least…and in your case, that could be a problem.”
"It gives me no pleasure following your orders. If I could disobey Wily, you'd both be dead.”
Proto Man laughed. ”See, that's what I'm talkin' about! Though no offense, if you were capable of killing me, you wouldn't be here.”
"So how do you justify keeping me here against my will?”
"Never said I did,” Proto Man said frankly, though he paused on the question for a moment. “…Do you believe in karma?”
"Well, while I can't go into the details of your past, let's just say maybe you had something like this coming.”
Being forced to work for an inept mad scientist as punishment for being a member of the Syndicate was a bizarre definition of karma. Elec Man cast an appraising look at Light’s prototype, who willing assisted Wily in unleashing chaos on an unsuspecting populace just for the fun of it, and asked, "And what does karma have in store for you?”
Proto Man smirked. "I don't believe in karma. Listen, I don't understand what you're unhappy about. I know you think working at Skull Fortress is slumming, but by this time next week, you'll be back on top. In the mean time, you've got important jobs to do, jobs too tedious for a human like Wily to do it himself. He's the creative architect, after all, which takes up all his time.”
Elec Man remained unmoved; he refused to see crime as a game like Proto Man did. ”A child can dream up a shrink ray."
"Yeah, but only a mad genius can build one. Wily specializes in impossible inventions. For example, you were reprogrammed by a gun made of vacuum tubes and price scanner parts. Isn't that amazing?”
Elec Man ignored the last jab as he crossed through the door into the armory and shut it firmly behind him. 
Keep talking, idiot. Your time will come—and it won’t seem fun when you finally face the harsh reality of crime.
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erigold13261 · 9 months
For a change of mood, can we get your queer/pronoun HCs for the Spiderverse cast so far? I love you platonically!
Aw thanks! I care for you as well! (also you help prove my point that people come to me asking for my opinions lol, so thank you for that!)
But uh, I don't really have any queer headcanons outside of what has already become known on this blog lol. For some reason I just can't put effort into making headcanons for these characters. I think it's because they are a lot more established than the NSR characters and have lots of lore behind them.
I'll try to give what I do have so far though! Maybe a new one will pop up while typing this.
-Peni using kit/kitself pronouns
-Hobie using it/they pronouns mainly
-Actually, I like aroace Hobie too! Put that one down for me as well!
-Miles being bisexual
-Gwen is straight and trans
-Ganke is probably gay. I have a few asks with him I still need to answer about that I think.
-I don't personally have this, but there's an ask for T4T Pav and Gaya which I think is super cute (and hope to draw for so sorry that hasn't been answered yet).
-Peter Porker being genderfluid, or like some kind of genderfluid (like librafluid or something like that on the agender spectrum).
-I don't know anything about Jessica's lore, but I like the idea her husband is a transman and they used IVF or a sperm donor for Jess to get pregnant (Jess sees herself as straight but she is in a queer relationship so kinda counts for this)
-There was an ask about Miguel being a lesbian that I kinda liked (another one I want to draw for). Though I think personally I won't be using this headcanon, it is a cool one to think about like the T4T Pav and Gaya one!
-Noir being agender. Or somewhere on that spectrum. I forget what an asker sent in for a specific label, maybe it was agender switched from NB (or the other way around), either way they/them Noir!
-Honestly T4T MJ and Peter B is one that I might lean into
-Lesbian Margo is one I am thinking of leaning into as well (mainly because someone sent an ask for Margo and Tila which I honestly think is so cute and again want to draw that).
-Also Peni and Yinu becoming a couple (another ask I got) is something I can see happening (Yinu in the NSpidR AU is about 13 going on 14 and Peni would be about 14 going on 15, somewhere in that range. Similar with Margo and Tila, Margo is like 17, maybe 18, for me while Tila is 18 maybe about to be 19 if Margo is 18. I don't have set ages honestly).
-Um... I don't know, I kinda like the idea that the Vulture is a gay old man that acts like those two muppets that make fun of everyone lol. Him and Elivy could talk mad trash about stuff hehe
-Olivia might be an aroace lesbian.
-I definitely think Jonathan has some queerness to him but don't know exactly what (now all I can think of are glory hole jokes lol!)
So yeah, I think that's all I got. Got a few new ones along with acknowledging some asks I got from a while ago I do plan on trying to answer at some point. Honestly most of these were from asks that I got from other people and I just absorbed their headcanons into my canon lol.
Especially that Peter Porker one! I initially was gonna have him be the cishet one of the group but then the whole looney tunes/bugs bunny genderfluid thing came up and I just had to incorporate that!
Anyway, thanks for the ask! My inbox has quite a few asks I plan to answer (and to not answer) so hopefully I can get the ball rolling on those! I just am also trying to draw a comic, get commissions done, redesign OCs and get a job. So a lot of stress, but I'm overall happy! (and now I'm just full on rambling lol. Have a good day/night! You deserve it!)
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unkindness313 · 5 years
Tumblr media
We’re not gonna have sex
Cue music
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