aenslem · 1 year
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bruises and bite marks say takes one to bring the pain passion lies in dreams of estacitic dreams ⤷ MAJOR GROM: PLAGUE DOCTOR (2021)
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julielilac · 2 years
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In a room full of art, I'd still stare at you.
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dictatorshipper · 1 year
There is something special about villians who is obsessed with their heroes
Obsessed so much that they are going to ruin their hero's live
First bailian, then darklina, now razgrom... I'm definitely into this trope
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ciricecomplex · 10 months
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
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Listen I don’t even go here lmao but I saw this post and knew immediately the razgrom folks needed to see it cause It’s Them
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yourcutebarbie · 1 year
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игорь гром х сергей разумовский  майор гром: чумной доктор!AU
AU!, в котором майора полиции Игоря Грома обвиняют в серии жестоких убийств. Сергей Разумовский - свидетель защиты, который может спасти Грома, дав показания в суде.  Но Сергей не собирается этого делать. Ведь на самом деле, убийца - он. 
(вообще, если так разобраться, то это почти никакая не AU!, а вполне себе возможная версия развития событий, если бы план Разумовского удался и Игоря приняли за Чумного Доктора.  если честно, у меня это было сохранено в заметках еще очень давно и относилось это все к другой истории, но тут я нашла эти записи и… вспомнила про МГЧД. одно-другое-третье и я поняла, что я хочу увидеть такой фик, где в ЧД победило не добро, а Птица и его хаос.  поэтому, вот. держите «затравку» и красивую картинку впридачу.  у меня все. спасибо.)
— еще больше эдитов/эстетик/коллажей/подборок в моем тг-канале «- та самая Кэт» и моем инстаграме notcutebarbie —
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frauhumorist · 3 days
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Au! where is Sergei Razumovsky - the first beautiful man of the village of Medvedevo, the late 19th century.
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sovamurka · 6 months
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Bubble Comics will release two stickerpacks for their 11th anniversary!!!
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loadsofcats · 2 years
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I never really shipped RazGrom, but they style their eyebrows (almost) the same way <3
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herbertwest · 2 years
Be My Nemesis
[Part of a prompt-swap challenge using a prompt by @urfriendlywriter]
The feeling is unmistakable. Heart pounding, blood racing, butterflies in the stomach. Even the thought of that special person makes you break out in a stupid grin. Every thought is of them; every song is their tune. You would do anything to spend just one more second with them. You would die for them; kill for them. This is, of course, the feeling of having a nemesis.
“This is a very impressive palace you bought,” said Oleg Volkov, Sergey Razumovsky’s best friend and confidant, glancing anxiously at the gilded walls. “Very grand. Not a single bullet hole anywhere to be seen. I sure hope you keep it that way.”
Sergey, who was sprawled on a purple velvet chaise lounge, laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to shoot you this time. I will set up a variety of death traps, but I’m going to tell you where all of them are, so if you fall into one that’s on you.”
“That’s very generous of you,” said Oleg dryly.
“I think you’re going to like my new Garden of Sinners. It now has traps based on all seven deadly sins PLUS two more that I made up that SHOULD be deadly sins. Everything is all ready. Now we wait. Do you want to play chess?”
“NO,” choked Oleg, immediately going into fight-or-flight mode, his pupils dilating. He clutched his chest, feeling the five scars there.
“Do you think Major Grom wants to play chess?” asked Sergey, kicking his legs in the air.
“I suspect he wants to play chess even less than I do.”
“Why? We had so much fun last time!”
“You killed all his friends.”
“Yes, and it was so much fun!” Sergey grinned beatifically.
Oleg sighed.
Sergey pulled out his phone. “I sent Major Grom the latest puzzle ten minutes ago! Why hasn’t he answered?”
“He’s probably busy trying to stop everything from exploding again,” said Oleg. “Which I believe was the point of the puzzle.”
“Oh. Right.” Sergey put down his phone. “I’m bored. I guess I’ll just read something until he shows up.”
Oleg left, trying to find somewhere in the palace where he was least likely to become collateral damage.
About two hours later, Major Grom showed up, slightly singed.
He dodged about two thirds of Sergey’s traps, barely escaping with his life from the other third.
“Razumovsky,” he gasped upon reaching Sergey. “This time I’ll end you. I swear it.”
Sergey put down his book. “Hey, remember when we were both the avatars of gods, and we fought, and you forgave me for everything and then exploded? Because that was great. Definitely in the top ten Razgrom moments.”
Major Grom narrowed his eyes, but he did not fall for the bait of asking what Razgrom was.
“So…do you want me to hit you in the head with a shovel for old time’s sake, or should I use knock-out gas? The Garden of Sinners is waiting for you and it is so much better than last time,” said Sergey.
“I am not running naked through your murder garden again,” said Major Grom.
“It’s not really optional.”
Major Grom drew himself up to his full height. “Razumovsky, this has gone on long enough. You have been a blight upon St. Petersburg for much too long. At first I thought it would be enough to lock you away. I should have known better. You’re a cockroach. You’re a rabid cat, always clawing its way back to haunt me…but you’re on your last life.”
“That is a LOT of metaphor mixing,” said Sergey, picking up his book again and angling the cover towards Major Grom.
“You don’t take anything seriously! Do lives mean nothing to you? Do you have not the slightest spark of goodness left in you? I can’t escape from you…every time I dream you’re the ringmaster of my nightmares.”
“Be mine,” blurted Sergey.
“Is that a line from the book you’re reading?” asked Major Grom, taken aback, monologue forgotten.
“What? No, this is Dostoyevsky. Remember, you asked me before if I’d read Dostoyevsky? I’ve got to say, Raskolnikov spent a whole lot of time whining about nothing. What I want is for you to be my nemesis. I cannot resist your abject stupidity. You foil all my most ingenious schemes by running at them screaming with a blunt object. You track me down to the ends of the earth when everyone else has assumed me dead.”
Major Grom looked at him for a long moment. “To hell with this. I’m leaving. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I am not taking part in it.” He turned around and started to leave.
Sergey sighed and picked up a shovel from under his chaise lounge. He bounded over to Major Grom and smacked him in the head with the blade.
“You are the bane of my existence,” whispered Major Grom, right before he fell unconscious.
“Music to my ears,” said Sergey. “Oleg! Help me get him into the Garden of Sinners.”
Oleg cautiously emerged from the wings. “I don’t understand why you don’t just kill him,” he said, poking Major Grom with his foot.
“I’m trying! That’s the beauty of it. There’s no way he’ll make it out of the Garden this time.”
Sergey started to drag Major Grom away.
Oleg went to check how much money was in Sergey’s ‘get Sergey out of prison’ fund. He suspected they’d need it.
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aenslem · 8 days
ship ask: razumovsky/igor grom 😏😏😏😏😏😏
when I started shipping it if I did: oh, I will just put this comic book part here and that's the moment I started shipping them, however, idk why, must be censorship, but in the original comic book Igor was completely naked, there were no pants, not like you could see anything anyway, but come on, he was naked :D
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my thoughts: oh man, I have so many thoughts of them, like, this is one of the rarest pairs that I wanted to write anything for, and I used to, might be because I had no laptop with me to gif at that time when I was literally so much into major grom, I was so active on twitter and was active in fandom, so my love needed to be expressed different ways since I could not gif, so I was drawing and writing. My love for them only grew when the movie came out, and you know how much I loved that movie, I fell so hard for Igor and Sergey from the movie. Can't wait for the second one, can't say I am super excited, like I wait for it, but I am not in MGPD fandom anymore, I am not active on twitter either, I don't do anything for Razgrom, but I think it will all hit me back once I see anything related to them on screen, cos every time I see Sergey I am like 'MA BOOOOOOI MY SOOOOON' I love him, I love these characters and I hope I won't be disappointed with the second movie. I know the movie will be different from the comic book 'the game', but I hope some parts will stay there at least, like, I really want Razgrom in their black/white suits playing chess hehe, not sure they will ever come to the part where they shoot 'the time of the raven' comic book, the ark with Kutkh, but if they do, you will hear me yelling no matter where you are :D cos in the comic books Razgrom are literally two parts of Kutkh's soul, the raven god, like dark and light sides and I absolutely love that story. I need more of them in movies. I only come back to read the comic books when there's crossovers where Igor and Sergey meet, but it has not happened for so long... not sure it will ever happen again.
What makes me happy about them: everything related to Razgrom makes me happy, I can't even put all of it in words, just everything :D
What makes me sad about them: that while the comic books are interesting, I read a little of 'igor grom' comic books, some of 'plague doctor' which were after the events of Major Grom and the crossover books, and they are fine, but somehow, when the story revolves around Igor AND Sergey it is 1000x times more interesting for me, and somehow always better. I know there are interesting and fun characters, some of them I like myself, but I just love those two together and want more. And it makes me sad that they don't have more crossovers with them, and I hope that in the movies they will not separate them right away, like, literally two parts of the same god's soul, I want it to happen in the movies, I want all the drama and angst and pain and I want them to have all those weird dreams, like, just give me Razgrom and I will be happy.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: crossover ships put into fics without warnings
things I look for in fanfic: oh, the angst, loved the fics where they explored feelings, explored the connection between Sergey and Igor, fics about them being literal soulmates, being the dark and light sides of the same soul. Loved the fics post the time of the raven events.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Igor with Julia, obviously, the movie version, cos she is amazing. And Sergey... well, I don't want him to end up with Oleg, cos I don't like that ship, but seems like there's nobody else Sergey could be with if there's no Igor. But maybe I will leave him alone :D in the comic books.. well, Julia is dead in the comic books, so idk who could be with Igor, I read some of 'Igor Grom' and there was this lady, I don't remember her name, but somehow I don't see Igor with her either, so maybe I would leave him alone too :D Maybe in 'Major Igor Grom' (honestly bubble come up with better titles for your comics) there's somebody with whom he could be, or Sergey in 'Plague Doctor', but I have not read them, so idk.
My happily ever after for them: my happily ever after has nothing to do with reality, and will never happen, so I would like them to work together at least, not on the same side maybe, but you know, meeting here and there and sometimes helping each other... mutual respect maybe :D
who is the big spoon/little spoon: movie Sergey is lil spoon, comic book Sergey is chaos in bed so you either fall from the bed or you end up with Sergey all around you :D Igor can be both big and little spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: going to museums all around the world, and eating shawarma on the roofs somewhere looking at the city at night :D
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7ooo-ru · 2 months
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Победа «Торпедо» над СКА, фиаско «Салавата», разгром «Локомотива»: как стартовал розыгрыш Кубка Гагарина
Дубли Василия Атанасова и Сергея Гончарука помогли «Торпедо» одержать сенсационную победу над СКА в гостях и прервать серию из семи поражений подряд, а три очка Михаила Григоренко позволили ЦСКА на выезде разгромить «Локомотив». «Салават Юлаев» на своём льду неожиданно проиграл «Трактору», а «Ак Барс» упустил уйму моментов и уступил «Автомобилисту». В свою очередь, «Спартак» справился с «Северсталью» благодаря голу и пасу Павла Порядина, а «Авангард» крупно обыграл «Ладу». Чем запомнились первые матчи плей-офф КХЛ — в материале RT.
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Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/03/02/928-pobeda-torpedo-nad-ska-fiasko-salavata-razgrom-lokomotiva-kak-startoval-rozygrysh-kubka-gagarina-grss-286797431.html
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dictatorshipper · 1 year
Comics Razumovsky: /ties naked Grom to the chair, walks in front of Grom in his wardrobe only, gives Grom ambiguous compliments, touches Grom in mocking and somewhat indecent way/
Me: mmm, no, not my cup of tea
Movie Grom: /being nice to Razumovsky/
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julielilac · 2 years
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Incorrect Quotes
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