#really wish some ppl would do some reflection about this
nellienelsonspring · 6 months
its been very interesting to see some people being disappointed in the michael holden casting, especially when they say things like 'he doesn't feel like michael holden' or doesn't 'give michael holden vibes', or something to that effect... and then you see their previous fancasts and realise what the actual issue they have is
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astroyongie · 1 month
Astroyongie Podcast EP3 S1
Note: Please take I slightly. Thank you @kattyaskat for the notes <3
What happened between min heejin & hybe ent?
ADORE CEO and HYBE CEO were very closed. worked together for a long time. exclusive contracts. they both have a lot of shit on each other, but ADORE CEO the most. someone from outside offered something she wanted and she turned her back on HYBE CEO
Do idols ever regret not debuting in other groups? For example does Heesung of Enhypen wish he would've debuted in TXT?
not really since its not up to them to decide where they will be debuting. No Hesseung is happy in TXT
Can you spill the tea on X whole bullying situation with group? Also was there division because of the leader choice?
complicated so take it lightly. the competition started before the group debuting since their were put one against each other. X was actually defending A during the debut period from B,C and D. Eventually X became the pick. At the moment this are better, C reflected a lot on his actions compared to B
how Heeseung enhypen currently love life going on? is he happy and still with the foreign girl in the last reading?
What are LSS gonna do after receiving critique after their Coachella performance?
Sakura: Took things very personally and is kind of hurt about the things people said about her on internet and stuff. I personally believe Sakura thinks that she has the potential and talent and she doesn’t understand why the people are being so mean about her singing skills. I don’t think she believes she needs to work more on it. She believes she has the talent and people are being bitchy about it.
Chaewon: Mostly same like sakura. She’s getting to work on her skills. She’s trying to go more into practice and stuff and doesn’t want to make the same mistake that she did during Coachella. She feels embarrassed about what happened which is why she is putting much effort into
Kazuha: Doesn’t give a damn about what happened. Doesn’t care about what ppl say about her and her group.
Yunjin: She is pissed off with three things. 1. Pissed with Her friends because of talking shit about her. Like being very negative in the internet. 2. Pissed about her members for being low quality in a way she thinks they were the ones making the mistakes and errors during Coachella 3. Pissed with company for not providing them time to prepare to perform. At the moment she is not taking any actions, she is very bitter about the situation
Eunchae: It’s trying to work on herself as well. She is very ashamed about the performance that they gave and she is trying to work on her skills and didn’t want to make the mistake she made in Coachella, just like Chaewon.
Can you maybe do a love reading for Maki from &Team?
At the moment Maki is single. Not looking for love at the moment because of his career and idol lifestyle is not allowing to have someone by his side. He is very invested in career to be with anyone. So single and not open to love at the moment.
Is BK identity already reveal?
No. Only can be checked next month with my pendulum.
Who is Jackson Wang dating? Non idol?
I think so, most likely a non idol. Not sure if they are Chinese or foreigner.
What does Jackson Wang and BIBI think of each other?
Jackson: thinks BIBI is a bit non-lady like. She doesn’t fit the cute lady type. She very restless, has a lot of energy, very impulsive with get ideas and herself and the way she is. He feels she maybe too much for him in being girly. Not a bad vision of her but that she is just too much for him to handle.
BIBI: She thinks he is some one who is very dependable, a very nice idol who has talent and stuffs like that. Thinks he is rich, luxurious and has a good life. She admires him in a professional sense.
Which cards in tarot/spreads /combinations would suggests a connection from past life?
This is complicated cause it will depend on the question that you are making the spread about. If you are directly asking the cards if X and Y shared a past life, you have to look for cards that are very strong. eg. the 4oW,2oC, The star, The judgement, The world. The lovers could also be an indication. Or the 10oC,9oC,6oC.
Does horror movies/ scary movies can lower people vibrations?
This in interesting cause many people are afraid of watching these type of stuffs because they think it attracts those paranormal/ghost stuffs to them- No, that’s not how it works. It does not lower your vibrations. What lowers vibrations is your environment and your own feelings, thoughts. Environment with a lot of pressure, stress can lower your vibrations. However, music can vibrate with you- if you spend listening to sad songs like continuously, that will have an impact. You can listen to sad songs but only when listened to over time frequently, it might impact.
Is it better to have high or low vibration?
It’s best to have Neutral vibration. It’s like having the best of both worlds. Because when you are low vibration-be it because of your bad mental health or physical health, that’s when you are more sensitive to negative things, it’s easy for lower things/beings to be in contact with you. You are vulnerable that time. But also when you are high vibration, you become like a radio. Especially Spirits that are stuck in the veil, they might be able to connect with you. That’s why neutral is best.
So I was practicing 2 hours singing a ballad, will this impact me? I don’t practice everyday but when I practice it’s usually 2-4 hours. It’s not always the same ballade, but does this have an impact on my vibrations?
No . Since you are doing something you enjoy even if it is a sad song/ballad.
Does all human races have a soul?
Can people in one body have more than one soul?
I don’t believe so. It’s not possible. Although there's the theory that who suffers from DID are a physical body trapping several souls
Can animals have a soul as well?
Yes all animals have souls.
. How is sohee currently doing and how is his love life?
I think you said he is happily dating.
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vintagelacerosette · 4 days
Wednesday tag game
Hiii darling angelpies! I am here on timeish 😆
I was tagged by these dazzling sweethearts Nosho @creepkinginc Mel @gardenerian Evie @energievie Deanna @deedala Kat @ mybrainismelted Julia @blue-disco-lights Al @spookygingerr Jessica @guinguin1984
How did you get into the fandom?
Like a lot of us 😆 I saw a fan edit of Mickey & Ian on YouTube (I can't find it again even when I've searched my history 😭) I was kinda in between fandoms at the time with Malex from Roswell New Mexico but they were broken up at the time & buddie lol.
But then I was shot through the heart when I went through the gallavich tag & it felt like home 🥰
How long have you been here?
I was lurking at the end of 2021 & the first official time I contributed to this darling fandom in Feb 2022 with gallacrafts 💝
What's the first fandom channel you found? (youtube, reddit, tumblr, insta, twitter, FB, other?)
Here on tumblr babeeeyy
What's your favourite now?
Still tumblr but I wish I was better on discord 😅 I get overwhelmed & don't wanna talk over ppl 😔
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
Oh my goodness I had no idea but my longest mutual is the always spectacular Calli @callivich 🥰🩵💙 woooww!!
Which tumblerinos did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
Y'all have to understand you are all unbelievably swoon worthy & there's only so many ppl I can tag in one post (damn you tagging limit 😣)
Ok, so definitely have a big crush on Deena @suzy-queued & to see smitten feeling is mutual got me
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GIF by theresaphoenixinmyboot
Alice @darthvaders-wife Jane @captainjowl Mitch @psychicskulldamage when we became mutuals I squealed bc how much talent??
Jenna @ianrightsonly & Kay @goodkwuestion their fics changed me
Also, Benja @svltburn | Nosho | Vey @look-i-love-u Macy @heymacy Julissa @heymrspatel Jo @jomilky Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Georgia @iansw0rld Molly @deathclassic Stas @messedwithmandy Howl @howlinchickhowl Michelle @michellemisfit | Deanna | LJ @ofalltheginjoints Sam @sam-loves-seb Face @ burninface | Calli | AJ @ clingymickey Mills @gallavichsbitch Leah @whatwouldmickeydo
Also Jay!! You've left but gave me butterflies 🦋
Pls I kind hate this question! I've come to the conclusion I have a crush on you all OK?? 😭
This is why I make y'all Valentine's
First gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)?
By the magnificent Kay The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher!!! OH MY GOSH JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS FIC MAKES ME FEEL ELATED & FERAL!!! It's my favourite piece of written work & I need my non gallavich ppl to read it so I can scream into their faces how much I love it 🥰🩷🩷🩷
First fan art that blew your mind?
Seriously, Deena's gallacrafts & art always take my breath away!!! Like the artistry & creativity?? I wanna get to your level 🥰
It's three dimensional & has twinkling lights ✨️ I was astounded & my jaw literally dropped 😍
All of Alice's art especially my commissioned art 🩷
Also, Mitch's comic I stared at it forever like Ian's eyes reflecting Mick's booty 🍑👀
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn't for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
I have read some pretty freaky & nasty fic bc of curiosity, so I nothing really gave me icks in tropes, but in writing style, I got turned around with Jen @wehangout with second person POV. You're so talented that I really enjoyed them when I would nope out before 😆
What surprised you most about this fandom?
Everything surprised me about this fandom bc it was my first one!! 😆 I didn't really know how to do tumblr & didn't really get how to interact. So I used tumblr like a sticker book, then came learning tags & so ppl reached out to me which helped me gain confidence haha
This is kinda a golden standard fandom. So welcoming, loving & encouraging!! If I ever dabble in another fandom, imma have a high standard bc I've been spoiled by y'all! ILY
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you're one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with gallavich?
It was the "I'm fucking gay" scene to the "Guess what we've been doing daddy" The way he humps the car with all that conviction & screaming "he fucking loves it".
Everything clicked & I was like "Damn I love this fictional man." He is my favourite character of all time & this ship is my OTP & GOAT.
Also I love this edit too. It gives me chills
Ian or Mickey?
Mickey, but holy shit I love them both
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Which gallagher or milkovich are you?
I took a page from @/guinguin1984 & did some quizzes & I got Fiona Ian Fiona Debbie not of them feel right ahaha
I guess Fiona bc I had her twice 😅
Consider yourself tagged if I have a crush on you or mentioned you. Also tagging these sunshines & if you wanna do it too, have at it 💛🥰
@lingy910y @mickittotheman @doshiart @crossmydna @y0itsbri @7x10mickey @whatthebodygraspsnot @ms-moonlight-inn @mmmichyyy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @kiinard @transmickey @gallawitchxx @sleepyheadgallavich @rereadanon @whaticameherefor @darlingian @andthatisnotfake @ian-galagher @francesrose3
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marshiebun · 2 months
what if you made a new public twitter account instead? all fresh and new
i dont rly want people to think im running away from my past though. i feel like people would take it the wrong way, i dont want to seem like im hiding from anything bc what i took responsibility for in the past is still important to me. and i mean.. i still go by 'marshiecritter' so it'd be a bit silly
i dunno, i just wish ppl would not assume the worst i guess? i really just wanna go back so i can interact with my friends again and post art, thats rly all i want lol. none of my friends really use tumblr, despite how lovely it is here compared to twitter. i dont gaf about having a platform, but people ended up pinning me as a 'popular osc artist' and then when that crashed down it was a lot to take in. it sounds stupid but theres some lame twitter callout trauma i have from it that im still dealing with, having hundreds of people suddenly turn on you and say you're disgusting is a lot and it's very difficult to process
i just really wanna talk to more people that like the things i do! its been really lonely being confined to my priv, and even though im super extremely grateful to have mutuals and friends that understand me and support me, the outer osc is really scary. i dont want people to believe im some horrible gross nasty guy, because ive genuinely reflected on everything and learned. i've put a huge amount of work in emailing people, splitting off from problematic people, and making amends with others trying to mend my mistakes. why else would i make a whole video using my real voice addressing everything as much as i could?
some day i'll return, but for now i'm just scared of what people will think. because there are definitely still people out there that despise me, and all i want is to heal from that
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blueiight · 11 months
I was reading your tags to dre's published ask. Do you think while writing about these blood sucking monsters, Anne deliberately made one of them a former slave master? I mean the way this man during his mortal times had benefited by preying on the black race and the reflection of it in his fate where he is now in literal terms an entity who survives by preying on people? Or is it like twilight ( movies) where Jasper's past as a confederate soldeir is just dropped as if it's the most casual thing to shrug away.
( something is up with vampire media and all of them being connected to slave trade my god. Either it is a social commentary or people really do not have any self awarenesses?
i dont know about twilight book or movie to make a meaningful comparison to louis’s book counterpart. i wish i knew. and tbh, its hard to prescribe authorial intent on a dead woman who wrote a sprawling epic of 20+ books for 50 years , especially with shifting perspectives , namely pivoting away from louis to lestat as her MC bc of what fantasy/POV was more interesting to her. but i think in the first book there was some intention there, i cant just say how much. lestat wants to hunt the runaway slaves along the freniere plantation, and louis discourages him from doing it not out of compassion for enslaved people (which would be condescending and abysmal writing for a slaveowning character), but for his proximity to the freniere’s as fellow planters. ive talked about it a lot how its really interesting in the first 2 books that the american planter is created both literally + vampirically by the european aristocrat.. and theyre both parasitic beings in relation to the enslaved people, eventually draining them+ burning the plantation down. iwtv early book louis is resentful of lestat in part bc he thought lestat wanted his plantation, but when he learns who lestat is + where he came from, the power and will he has. hes far more genial to him. its a very dark book, and i think the fact that these characters are so vicious + melancholic is intentional on the authors part. i dont know how much race based chattel slavery is meaningfully explored from the perspective of the slaveowner, but book louis thinking of people in his captivity as fixtures, as creepy ‘things’ more proximate to the supernatural bc of their ‘african nature’ (that had yet to be ‘trained’ out of them) is a very probable, chilling, and haunting perspective of a former slaveowner to take even a hundred and some years removed from it. or if we take it as book louis immersing himself in his perspective @ the time. either way. and its pathetic when fans try to flatten book louis into ‘he was a good slaveowner’ cuz at that point theyre just conflating the movie with the book. i kinda joke that book louis is the vampire it girl bc he was such a terrible mortal LOL. im still indeterminate on the exact mode or purpose, or how much it was just about the aesthetic of gothic horror (re: the earth’s a savage garden). especially bc later books fixate on very discrete modes and metaphors of servitude/subjugation ‘being a slave to the blood’ is a recurring motif running antiparallel with the motif of ‘purifying the african/asian/foreign’ (through ‘admixture’ with the ‘european’) (s/o poacher bro gabi + talamasca bro dave ig) and in later works, theres the cycle of slavery through marius & armand.. marius, whos mother was a slave, purchases armand. chattel slavery took inspo from the romans in the idea of maternal based slave caste inheritance.. idk. idk. ive had very long rambly convos w ppl on here in the past (& im still a bit embarrased abt it) on this, but i think the reasons why fans dont rly get into it is cuz most ppl got into these books at a young age + was just into the cool lore or the queer shit and were able to handwave things as just aesthetic/era/quirky anne things etc. idk.
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kadextra · 12 days
after my previous post, I decided to read ahead of the manhwa now bc I can’t wait!!! and I kinda feel like writing down some liveblog thoughts here while doing it :D
here we go, starting from chapter 184
[ MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!! DO NOT CLICK if you haven’t ever read before. I’m so serious its a lot of spoilers. pls just ignore this and scroll on ]
ummm dokja saying “oh this scenario will be fine! don’t worry i’m prepared this will be problem-free & so very easy haha :)” + getting all emotional about his friends is setting off my red flag senses so hard. dokja you still have the fate message praying on your downfall….
dokja I’m scared. Dokja I Don’t Like This
ah. hah. the demon king guy is literally dead on the floor 🧍awesome
damn I knew this couldn’t be trusted and some plot twist would happen it was never going to be that simple. someone has to take the position now. I hate you nebulaes how about you catch these hands
my boys are fighting o(-(
yo wait turns out the world won’t reset even if he regresses??? but still :( he won’t be able to see this to the end and will get stuck back in the loop :(( joonghyuk has changed so much from the start and I’ve grown to like him a lot he doesn’t deserve this I’ll cry
dokja’s self reflection of how the reason he survived all the tragedies in his life is bc of TWSA & watching how joonghyuk never gave up…. the whole “it’s because you saved me so now it’s my turn to save you” from a person directed to their favorite character and their favorite story which was their life companion…. honestly I don’t quite have words to describe the way these lines make me feel. it’s just profound and deeply relatable
gilyoung my poor son he doesn’t want his hyung to die 😭
sighs it’s too late. at least demon king dokja looks cool…. now the wings fanart I’ve seen in passing makes sense…..
he’s a goner
I am going to be completely honest. I genuinely expected to be reading more of an epic shounen-style final battle where he uses all the cool corrupted demon powers and maybe goes a little wacky because that’s usually what happens in stories when the protagonist unlocks an evil power and has to fight his friends. NOT THIS????????
the situation has zero hope and he is just standing there one sidedly taking hits from his friends who are forced to kill him. while guiding them on how to do it. smiling and offering them words of encouragement. this is so devastating I feel sick
URIEL MY BABY seeing her cry is the worst it’s torture
of course his stigma is called sacrificial will
im full on crying now
all the constellations messages of they don’t wish for his death I’m not strong enough
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reading this feels like getting ripped apart limb by limb
uriel T-T
he died
demon king of salvation
need to just lay here for a bit
ok I’m back joonghyuk is disassociating from the grief. relatable
“What if Yoo Joonghyuk went back and there was no Kim Dokja? or what if Kim Dokja never acted like this again? Yoo Joonghyuk was afraid of something for the first time.”
“He met Kim Dokja in his third regression and they became companions. Then he lost Kim Dokja”
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he cares for him so much
a scenario without dokja.
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whag did I just read
UGH that was so good. emotional damage was an understatement now I get why ppl were warning me
why did I decide to do this in the middle of the night…. I need to stop now I’m tired but how am I going to sleep? im haunted with thoughts
it’ll take a bit longer for the manhwa to adapt this part but I’m honestly really glad I continued reading and got to imagine it all myself in detail first- it hit so hard. I’ll let it sit and take a few days break before I continue. excited to see how they adapt it into drawings and cry all over again cause this wound ain’t healing for a while
I have the need to recommend this story to all my friends and family
oh right!!!!
the other day I went through youtube animatics & saved some that I could watch when finishing certain chapters into a note (thank goodness most put a warning of when to watch in the first few seconds!)
since I finished 188, I get to watch this one :D
I just watched it
I cry myself to sleep
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lunadreamscaper · 12 days
I know some people don’t like I don’t ship Ghost x Toast still and I find that very funny.
Anyways I am considering a poly ship where Ghost and Toast are queer platonic and Ghost and Josh are also partners (idk what kind of relationship but maybe they kiss who knows 👉👈) Because Ghost has two hands.
The way I want to ship Spooker and Ghost but can’t 😭
Anyways if you get mad at people who ship anything but what you ship you might need to do some self reflection and a break from the internet 😭 I know there’s people out there.
As long it’s not a fucking pro-ship or anything like that it’s fine.
I will be honest as a disclaimer: I can be a little weird about ships bc of past drama negatively impacting me but I’m trying to do better.🙏🏻
Anyways shout out to Pielycule fucking love that. Ghost x Colon is great (I can’t take it seriously but also I respect that ship so hard),
Spooker x Ghost is so dear to me… I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks about Spooker having a crush on Ghost but him not returning the feelings (sometimes I wish he did personally but that’s okay)
do people ship Toast with anyone else other than Ghost?? Sometimes ppl forget he’s his own person without Ghost so idk/lh/lh/hj
Personally I’m a big fan of Spooker x Colon. Spolon? Spoon?(/j) that one doesn’t feel super special but also I like it. Also I had a dream they were together before I even considered shipping them so I gotta lol
Some people might be wondering about why Javin/Gavin x Jimmy isn’t in this and I’m gonna say I don’t really have any thoughts on it lol😭 maybe I’d like it more if there was more like canon interactions between them to go off of.
Okay but I feel like Gavin x Ghost would be kinda interesting and funny bc I get the vibe that Gavin had a crush on Ghost but he only ever hung out with his twin so it just became hella bitter bahaha
Hmmm Ghost x Therapy is a good one that’s really underlooked personally.
Damn I just realized I’m incapable of shipping Jimmy with anyone 💀
I want more polycule ships..
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mochiwrites · 16 days
mochi i always appreciate how friendly u are, u answer so many different asks, even if u don’t agree with the content ur very understanding and are empathic towards the other person, which is a very earnest and kind thing to do. ur able to match the vibes of asks as well, making sure ppl feel hyped up, which makes them feel more confident in themselves, especially because it can be a bit of a vulnerable thing to put ur self out there. u either have an understanding of this, or are naturally inclined to support the other person, both of which reflect really well on you
ur also incredibly talented, creative, and smart. you have multiple sometimes long running aus and ideas that you’ve slowly chipped away at, it’s incredibly admirable, especially considering you are a student. ur frequent updates just show how strong of a writer u are, and i’m sure whatever u do with ur degree ur gonna do amazing things. your also super emotionally in touch with yourself-likely one of the reasons why u perused psych- and are able to communicate ur feelings well, in a very graceful way, it’s a very strong thing to set boundaries with an audience, cause in some way admitting something isn’t working is kind of scary (at least to some) so i’m really proud of u for it. (and a side note- anyone who doesn’t respect or tries to overdramatize u protecting yourself when ur obviously having some personal conflicts needs to take a deep breath, u give them a lot more understanding and gentleness, and it shows well on ur part)
all that being said as well it is up to u what u respond to and engage with, and i truly hope you don’t ever push yourself uncomfortably for any reason out of obligation. i hope that u support ur self first. it’s not a crime to prioritize yourself, i promise. (i don’t know u personally, so i would have no way of knowing if this is something you would struggle with, but just in case wanted to include it lol)
yea! ur great mochi keep being amazing pspsps have some cat treats
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taking the cat treats ty ty
but also ;w; thank you <333 this is really sweet and I genuinely teared up reading it dvdbfbfgtb wahhhhh
I think being kind and empathetic is just… really important y’know? and I try to be as friendly and open as I can with people because I know that it can be scary sometimes when you throw out an idea or even send a message to someone you’re not familiar with or know on a personal level. it’s that general idea of treat people how you want to be treated. with any luck, the kindness I extend to others will eventually come back around to me. I like supporting people and encouraging them <33 I guess I just try to be the person I wish I had while growing up
I wasn’t a very confident kid, didn’t have a lot of friends, and was terrified of the people around me. so I really do get and understand the vulnerability that comes with putting yourself out there. and !!! even if I don’t agree with something suggested, I try to be gentle in my approach to it. I just like being kind to people dbfbfbfhtg
and wahhhhh thank you ;w; writing is just something that I’ve always done alongside school so it feels super natural to do the two at once :D I’ve always been like ??? weirdly in tune with my emotions and how I’m feeling (I feel REALLY strongly, it’s insane how emotional of a person I am), and yeah!!! it was partly why I pursued psych as a major. but setting boundaries was definitely not a thing I was good at while growing up ^^; I think I only started to get good at it within the last few years honestly. but I’m definitely not afraid to sit down and say that something isn’t working. I try to look at from two views: it’s not fun for me if I’m working on something I’m unhappy with, which means it’s not fun for others as well. and I only want to write things that I’m proud of and passionate about, meaning I’m motivated :D
and it helps knowing that if I restart, I can make something a lot better <3 trial and error is an important part of learning !!!
but ueueue I never feel an obligation to interact with something that makes me uncomfortable or anything like that !!! I love the interactions I get, and feel really lucky that I’m able to share my stuff with so many people and have the same love for my work echoed back at me 🥹💕💕
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calypsolemon · 1 year
if i did have one Actual Criticism of ToH (I actually have a few I just am trying to avoid sounding negative about the show bc overall I very much enjoyed it and think its good) it would be that I do think the reasoning Papa Titan gives Luz for why Belos's actions and her own do not come from the same place is... a little off the mark.
Mainly because I think there's not too many ways in which you could say Belos's choices aren't genuine to him. Oh, the reasoning he gives other people of course are a bunch of lies and bullshit, and he even lies to himself, but the root cause of his delusions lies in the puritanistic upbringing he was exposed to from a young age. An upbringing which very much convinces people that control and subjugation of others are necessary to protect their mortal souls from the damnation of hell.
For this reason, "genuine-ness" reads a bit too much of a handwavy abstraction of Luz's actual concern to me. Belos's existence has made her painfully aware that it is really easy to rationalize massively harmful actions to yourself if you believe it is in service of protecting someone else. This doesn't mean that Luz actually has hurt anyone, or that she needed to be as harshly punishing of herself as she was (in fact I would say her desire for self-punishment is a reflection of Belos's puritan values weighing on her), but rather that I think it doesn't really solve her conundrum to simply tell her "well, Belos is kind of a big fat liar who is trying to control people, but don't worry, you're Not That."
What I really wish he had said, and what I do think the series implies in other ways but maybe could have been served to have said openly in that moment, is that Luz is not the same because she is capable of self reflection. In all the times Luz has ever lied to someone, or attempted to change someone or something else to fit her idea of them (think attempting to cure Eda, playing along with King about him being the king of demons, Witches before Wizards, etc) she has ultimately realized it was wrong, and allowed herself to embrace the way things naturally are. In fact, she more often feels like she should be trying to change herself in response to ppl expecting her to fit into social norms. When her environment feels too stifling for her, she finds a different one. She doesn't attempt to fit everything around her into a mold that perfectly suits her, nor does she attempt to destroy everything which doesn't agree with her.
Luz stresses over being just like Belos because she has been raised to, if anything, be too self reflective, and feel like an awful person for not being able to conform to norms that don't naturally fit her. What she needs to be told is that it's admirable, that she tries so hard, and it's a good thing that she is able to see where she maybe needs to change herself at times, but she needs to allow herself the same grace she gives others. She needs to be told that nothing good comes from keeping yourself from happiness. That wanting acceptance and love from others is not the same as attempting to control them.
Buuuut I know they only had like 3 minutes to convey what's going on so I get why they phrased it the way they did. What Luz really needed was a 7 hour long therapy session with daddy titan which. I'm not even sure would have been entirely on point bc the Titan himself probably has some issues he needs to work through. But that's another post
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zaruba-needslove · 24 days
Times I wonder if some people were overthinking too hard on some of the initial motivations for many of Geats major and minor characters.
Like how some people claim that D may appear to be an AH but they might actually be a nice person because of the wish they make and their back stories... or how C's wish might seem pretty shallow but it's actually pretty deep and reflected their past etc...
I mean for real...
Aside from Ace... I doubt any of the DGP players had time to think up any long-term goals when they make their wish. So their wishes that they wrote down on their cards shouldn't be too deep, even if you'd argue that the wishes weren't made rashly.
Like how Tanba's wish was to be young again, i doubt that the old man really made a thorough plan on what he gonna do once he got that wish come true or WHY he wanted so much to be young again to justify risking his life for it. Tanba probably only thought if he could be young again he don't have to worry about how he gonna spend the rest of his old age by himself in the current short term. The same should be for many of the minor or major players in the series.
Like take Keiwa for example. When he arrived at the Desire Temple with everyone and suddenly they were asked to write in a wish, did anyone took note at how much time given for players to think up a wish and write it down on their card? Not very long... esp when no one was being told of all the finer details and hidden traps that waits them should they sign up as player. If people were told of all the risks involved, would they recklessly write in their wish recklessly? Had ppl known that they'd die for real if they get killed by the Jyamato, won't their resolve start to waver... like what happened to Win's friend? And seriously, had anyone able to think deeply about their wishes... they wouldn't have written such reckless wishes.
Back to Keiwa, when he wrote down the World Peace wish... I doubt he really thought too deep about the wish. To Keiwa, at that point he can't think up on any wish that he would want... so he settled on his usual standard answer. World Peace. Because that should be a good wish, right? A world where people are happy, no war no disease etc... if only that was so simple, right? No. Because that wish was too vague. Yet it was accepted into the system, unlike A's wish to see Mitsume. Why? Because in the end, the GM would determine HOW the wish be fulfilled. Like how Ace's wish of turning the DGP management as his family only really affect Girori and Tsumuri, and not all of the hidden staff of the DGP including Win. Likewise, had Keiwa won his first DGP... his 'World Peace' probably only really affect just Keiwa's 'world'. Since it's not like Keiwa actually specify the wish exactly. Regardless, the only reason Keiwa's wish for world peace at the end of the show become a well-thought wish compared to his first world peace wish that Keiwa wrote down was because so many things had happened in between that makes Keiwa think deeply what 'world peace' really meant for him. Not just a standard answer like what a Miss World candidate might answer to appear virtuous or pure, but something [Sakurai Keiwa] would deeply wish.
In short, Keiwa's first world peace wish DO NOT reflect who Keiwa really was. Because no one would have clear knowledge of what they are from the start.
This above point is important for what comes after this.
I would use this same argument to all the other main characters. Aka Ace, Neon, (Win), Daichi... and even Michi.
Like when Ace wrote down his wish to meet Mitsume, and other subsequent roundabout wishes to get to her; all he cared about was reuniting with mama. Ace cared NOTHING about other people... but then he met Keiwa and stuff and Ace's wish for Mitsume (which was for her to be happy -which strange enough, mirrors Keiwa's who made their wish for Sara) evolved into a wish to grant happiness to everyone. Like Keiwa, that wish (and sacrifice) Ace made was not something Ace thought up on a whim. Like Keiwa, Ace's initial wish was not reflective of their whole personality.
Let's get to Neon. Cos I had some1 telling me about some random post saying that Neon's wish for true love wasn't shallow but actually really deep. And i just-- Guys? Do we forget how sheltered Neon's life used to be? How her idea of finding 'happiness' was for her to meet her prince charming who'll give her a happy ending like some dis-knee story? Her initial wish was really just THAT. And it's likely not for some reason some overthinking ppl projected themselves to what they imagined Neon's 11 years of life could be. Neon's initial wish for 'true love' was most likely stemmed from her idealistic image of a loved one as well as a desire to live freely (without needing constant protection cos she's a rich heir who face risks of getting kidnapped for ransom all the time). Like why else was mom trying to find a suitor for her, aside from wanting to give her a secure life? (since Neon's life was always so sheltered). So since mum was trying to get her to marry, she might as well wish for someone she could truly love, right?
Neon's initial wish was really as shallow as it was. Like really, even if she won her initial DGP I doubt she'd really get her 'true love'. Because the wish might end up just 'brainwashing' a random person near Neon to be her prince charming. But would that really be 'true love'?
Yet Neon's wish for true love did become much deeper than it initially was (but it definitely did NOT happen until at least the Dezastar arc, because only starting then she had a much clearer idea of what kind of love she was looking for and it's not just abt finding a husband, but finding true happiness). Still, it didn't change the fact that Neon did used to wish for a superficial wish, and willing to sacrifice other people's wish to get her own fulfilled. Neon's wish to find her prince charming in the end of the show was definitely not the same wish she made at the beginning, because this time... she had a clear image of what her prince charming should be. And that prince is Kyuun.
And now we come to the main root of contention. Which was someone's wish to [Crush all Kamen Riders]. Because someone claimed that a certain cow was thinking about the 'good of humanity' when they make that wish and STUCK to it until almost near the end.
That wish about crushing the Kamen Riders? it's just a plain simple wish. Because (some) Kamen Riders made his friend get killed so he wanted every other Kamen Rider to die. While cow might have thought of a 'deeper, noble' reason of why he needed the power to why he wanted to fight as a kamen rider later on (which may stem from a sudden newfound guilt for 'killing' Sara in front of Keiwa), it still doesn't change the fact that the dude did wish for the ability for his Rider system to bypass the DGP Rider system's safety features that prevents any DGP rider to cause physical damage to another DGP rider just to allow him to take his (supposed) revenge on Tohru's killers (whom he still have no idea who). And those two things had nothing to do with each other, since the reason why someone wanted the power to crush Kamen Rider was because Tohru died. He just wanted that power for revenge. Like seriously it's not that complicated.
Like seriously if you're the cow and you just saw your ONLY friend being pulverised literally in front of you. Would your first thought be 'I wanted a power to save the people from their own greed'? NO. You'd just wish for a power to destroy everything that had a hand in causing the friend to die stupidly even if you may end up dragging along some innocent ppl cos your anger caused you to have tunnel vision and only see the object of your final goal. Which is..... all kamen riders be destroyed by you.
Like really, we're talking about a character whose strategy was just 'pick a target and rush forward' like a bull being taunted by a matador to rush blindly at them. You expect this guy to think about stuff in a big picture?
That said, as much as I'm commenting about some people overthinking things over plot stuff that was just plain simplistic, here I am making super ass long meta post because I had too much thoughts about stuff and gets stupidly bothered when some people are spreading misinformation about fictional stuff 😃
I should be better off writing porn about characters that i extremely dislike 😂😂😂😂
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sandraharissa · 2 years
So one thing I like very much about the current stolitz and that’s maybe hard for ppl to convey in discussions in fandom is how there’s this push and pull forces at work.
It’s not just that Stolas and Blitz simply need to talk it out cos both want the same thing and they just need to tell each other about it.
Blitz deep down can’t help but crave a relationship and he already has some kind of feelings for Stolas despite himself, so in bitterness he says
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“Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. *voice breaking* But, I just, I-I can't do it tonight, okay?”
as tho he’s blaming Stolas for a ruined chance at a relationship. On some level it is indeed reflective of his feelings. But on a more conscious and rational level Blitz already made and keeps on making the active choice of not wanting a relationship, he’s been hurt in the past and he’s given up on it. He’s made a decision that he stands by which colors his behavior and limits his heart’s ability to emotionally care for/connect to ppl. Because it stems from his trauma, it’s likely nothing would have changed about his attitude/choice even if Stolas did everything right.
Stolas is actually right at the end of ‘Circus’ that his love is unrequited and all he can do is accept that and let Blitz go. Blitz having unwanted feelings, ones that he consciously rejects, only proves this further.
When it comes to Stolas, at this point he’s gotta let Blitz go, cos while Blitz has his faults, not wanting to be with/rescue Stolas, a de facto stranger as far as Blitz is concerned, is completely fair and not Blitz’s responsibility, but Stolas tried to force it on him regardless (without telling him that, maybe even without consciously realizing it himself). And Stolas is not in a position where he can wait around for Blitz or whomever to save him, he’s in a dire DA situation with his wife even trying to get him killed and he needs to get out asap first and foremost. He also needs to give Blitz the crystal to get rid of the toxic book arrangement in order to do right by Blitz.
The situation isn’t just that Stolas loves Blitz and if Blitz only knew that they’d live happily ever after. Stolas’ most profound character development/ the best thing that came out of his affair with Blitz is that he grew a spine and matured to the point where he’s ready to end it, give up on the false dream that he wishes was true and that he wants more than anything and instead get around to changing his life in the way he needs to in order to truly improve it, aka the divorce.
In terms of these characters’ development in relation to each other, simplistically speaking, Blitz wants ‘no relationship with Stolas’, but he ‘needs’ a relationship with Stolas, as in I imagine Blitz’s interest in Stolas will come as a consequence and sign of Blitz solving his intimacy issues, meanwhile Stolas wants to be in a relationship with Blitz but what he actually needs is a divorce from his wife, to exchange the escapist fantasy of being free and loved for an actual escape from abuse and also for real freedom and self-love. Those are diametrically opposed.
The relationship wouldn’t just work out if they revealed what they both want. It doesn’t work and is currently falling apart cos 1) Blitz chooses to not want it and 2) Stolas holding onto it was the only thing keeping them together and it was what was holding him back and perpetuating the toxicity, and so he chose to let go of it and it was the right decision.
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there's alot of bad faith takes online (whether YouTube twitter or Tumblr). any idea how they happened and how to avoid making them? i notice some ppl have used political topic when analyzing media (mainly for kids) some tropes and story elements are based on stuff from the real world, has they ever work properly and how?
There are a variety of reasons why people have bad faith takes on anything, really. If you wish to avoid them, then you need to consider other people's perspective and assume good intentions. Allow people to clarify themselves if there is a misunderstanding. Don't make wild accusations about people in general. Don't think you're right all the time and that it's ok that people make mistakes, so long as they acknowledge them and genuinely apologize.
Just follow the Golden Rule.
As for analyzing media (even kids' media) through a political lens, you really need to know what you're talking about so you don't oh, I don't know, accuse a Jewish woman of being a Nazi sympathizer. Part of that is doing research, the other part is acknowledging your own limitations and that you will never know everything.
I think you can analyze any form of media through a particular lens but there actually has to be enough textual evidence to justify it. ATLA is a good exploration of totalitarianism and how the powers that be that control the narrative dictate how the ordinary citizen sees the world. The Ba Sing Se arc itself is a great showcase of a police state and how those in power stay in power. The reason why is because ATLA takes its time depicting how the Dai Li operate and how the Earth King is a puppet. Ba Sing Se itself is basically a caste system that separates the elites from the refugees, so that those living comfortably can live in peace while the poor continue to suffer.
On the other hand, despite what many fans think, The Owl House is not a good depiction of colonization, fascism, or really any other major oppressive system because of how inconsistent the writing is. No one cares that Eda is a wild witch or a criminal, not even when she strolls into her former school. The EC is either menacing or wildly incompetent. There aren't any groups of wild witches being persecuted by Belos' regime despite that being a practical gimme.
Plus, there is Toh's biggest sin regarding writing oppressive systems is that you cannot pin it all on One Bad Guy. That's the point of it, if you take the One Bad Man out, another guy will replace him, that's how oppressive systems perpetuate themselves. The Dai Li didn't disband because Long Feng was defeated, the Dai Li betrayed him because they saw a stronger leader in Azula, who then used their power to take over the city from the inside (The Legend of Korra would continue this trend of corrupt leadership with the Earth Queen). Compare that to the Emperor's Coven which never had any consistent power and influence over the isles and were effectively defunct as soon as Belos was slammed into a wall.
All of this is to say that if your show is going to tackle real world issues, you'd better know how they actually operate and make sure your writing reflects that.
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tomwambsgans · 3 months
that gay brother/little sister post you reblogged was soooo juicy so now i wanna ask your thoughts on gay roman (i’m absolutely a gay roman truther)
so i'm not attached enough to roman to have TOO many pre-formed thoughts on this but i'm gay enough i can't not have thoughts, so. another disclaimer, due to my lack of attachment i'm not whatsoever married to the notion of either kendall or roman (or shiv for that matter) being gay as opposed to bi. however i have eyes and a brain so i know they're all not straight, like that much is basically textual.
but anyway. when it comes to any of the roy siblings and homosexuality, i'll say my very first thought is this monologue from Angels in America. not that they would necessarily have that exact ideology about it, but those notions would greatly inform their attitude about themselves. imo roman, with his inclination toward fascistic masculinity in particular, would be the most likely to overtly think these things, and i do think he kind of does. roman knows that he's unable to get off with normative sex, but he also explicitly derides "liberal butt-love" and implicitly (sometimes explicitly) all the non-conforming and gender-bending stuff that goes along with it. that's at least partially because he's talking about a category of people that he does not belong to, due to being far above it. it's often the case for those who are rich and powerful and condemn the same "deviant" practices that they themselves engage in, whether it's gay sex, or just generally non-normative sex, abortion, etc. it's okay for me, but not for you.
but that's just one piece to roman's puzzle because there's also clearly shame wrt masculinity (logan's masculinity) and also some sexual trauma involved. i think kieran and/or one of the writers has said something about not wanting to pin Why Roman Is Like That on anything in particular, like not wanting to definitively say that something happened to him as a kid, but honestly i think it's extremely unlikely that he'd be like that about sex if nothing did. maybe it was very complicated and it not any singular event, but there's got to be something. some sexual depth to his childhood abuse that never got explicitly touched on. other people much more invested in roman than i have done really good meta on the roys' relationships to their bodies (like w the Summer of Competetive Eating Disorders), so i'm not gonna try to rehash those other ppl's thoughts, but in short that's the sort of thing i think of when i'm trying to imagine what the fuck happened to roman. like just over-arching themes of The Boot throughout roman's life, the lack of ownership over his own body in a way that reflects femininity and strips him of manhood, whether at home or at military school, etc.
i mean, we (as in the audience) are definitely at least supposed to wonder, like when it's implied that Mo's pederasty wasn't exclusive to girls (Don't Get In The Pool With Him), but also, if anything of that nature happened to him and informed roman's relationship with his sexuality, i have to also think that roman doesn't actually remember. his whole thing in austerlitz where he jokes to connor "i'm gonna tell them you diddled me" gives me the sense that maybe roman just kind of wishes it was that cut-and-dry, because then he'd have something specific to blame his whole deal on.
anyway. this is about roman being gay, not specifically sexually Weird - i just think the context of all that is relevant to how he'd conceptualize himself and any gay feelings he has. and i do think that if and when roman has ever had sex with men, he probably does lump it in with the fact that he can't have Normal sex. i think roman would have to undergo a lot of character development to ever consider it normal sex. honestly, simply recieving a handjob from his personal trainer was likely "wrong" enough for roman to get off despite how the average gay man would see it as extremely vanilla compared to roman needing to be degraded or fantasizing about necrophilia. growing up with logan "i didn't figure you for a faggot" roy would have, of course, really reinforced the ideas about that being Wrong.
(speaking of logan dropping the f slur, i think it's interesting that despite how roman acts anti-woke in front of others, he's shocked when logan says it. it's clearly crossing a line even for him, almost certainly because he's been abused with this word throughout his life. :'/)
so yeah i don't think roman would ever call himself gay (or even bi or queer) even if he is. and as for the matter of if he is, like as in, if tabitha and gerri are exceptions... i honestly don't know, but i don't think roman knows either. i think the relationship he has with love and sex, his own body and others, the very concept of desire and the love and affection and closeness he seeks out... are genuinely so gnarled and complicated, and wrapped up in all the aforementioned shame and abuse, that figuring out where gender factors into it would - once again - basically require years of therapy on his part.
it's definitely very plausible to me that kinky, non-normative sex is something he only needs in order to get off with women because he has no innate desire for them even when he loves them (and roman definitely has a lot of love inside of him that he will bend over backwards to give and recieve). but it's just as plausible that roman's association of feelings of wrongness with sexual pleasure is in fact unrelated to whatever gendered desire he has or doesn't have. his attraction to men is, funnily enough, more undeniable to me than his attraction to women is, but i do think that how it's portrayed in the show emphasizes roman's role in the world more than desire he holds inside of him. i always think of that one tweet that's like "whenever there's a guy that needs to be seduced, instead of shiv or some other hot woman they send roman." and his role as the Desired One (aka Practically A Woman) is likely a sort of spite factor in him wanting to deny overt homosexual interest too, since it's kind of imposed on him before he has a chance to say anything about who he is.
it's funny bc roman is the one male character where like... i simultaneously like the idea of them being gay and enjoy their relationships with women. he's just so complicated that he kind of exists outside the constructions of sexual orientation? like not in the "he's closeted and he's never coming out so even if he's gay, he's also not" way, but "this guy would not be able to figure out how to define attraction or desire to begin with." gerri being the love of his life and the notion of him being gay are not whatsoever mutually exclusive in my mind, because he's just that complicated.
finally i wanna say, again, that i'm not extremely attached to roman. nowhere near to the degree that i care about tom and greg. which i say because yknow.. i want to kill and maim when i see anything implying that either tom or greg are anything but gay. idk how you feel about it but i'd totally sympathize if you were the same about roman, lol. and i wanna emphasize that it's very likely the only reason i'm not necessarily a gay roman truther is because i haven't thought about it enough. i'd love to see anyone else's gay roman meta if they have it.
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pix3lplays · 3 months
To Argenti, who would you say are your fav ppl or things? What if I try to rizz you up 😈 (I’m joking dw, I am curious what ur fav things are tho. Like person, food, drink and activities)
Rizz me up? *Argenti checks a piece of paper written for him. It’s a guide to slang* OH. I assure you I would be quite flattered, but I promise that my ‘Rizz game’ is Superior. *The Knight seems quite confident in this fact.*
(Pixel: oh boy. Now you’ve done it.)
*Argenti brings a hand to his chest, looking elegant and proud as he replies to the questions*
My favorite person? Perhaps not a ‘person’ but…the answer will Always be Idrila…*he rambles a bit about Idrila. You feel like you’re being preached to…
He does EVENTUALLY realize he’s rambling, and promptly clears his throat and moves on to the next question.*
My favorite food…well…personally I do not have a very expansive palate, given my lifestyle as a knight. Truthfully I do not come across many opportunities to try new things so…I suppose I will always have a special fondness for the classic delicacy that is bread. It pairs nicely with so many things, no? I…wouldn’t really know to much about that, but that’s what I hear.
Favorite drink…I’m afraid I’m in a similar situation with the food question but…I do have a fondness for tea. Specifically rose tea.
I enjoy a variety of activities…most notably the joys of travel appeal to me…being able to expand my world by meeting people, talking to them, sharing the significance of Beauty to them…it means very much to me.
I also enjoy photography, though I am still…amateurish at the art. Sometimes, if taken properly, even a still picture can reflect beauty magnificently.
And speaking of art, I occasionally enjoy bringing pen to paper, typically in the form of poetry.
Yes, a truly beautiful art. One I wish to master some day.
And I do enjoy physical activities. Exercise is always something enjoyable for me.
Recently I’ve found myself doing some light reading as well, too. I have a fondness for romance novels.
And of course I do enjoy my fair share of sewing…sometimes rips and tears on the fabric aspect of my armor happen and one needs to know how to take care of such things, especially when on your own as often as I am.
Finally I do enjoy making modifications to The One and Only, typically detailing work…though I also have a fair bit of knowledge on how to maintain the mechanical aspects of my ship as well.
That’s what comes to mind off the top of my head but…I am willing to try new things as well.
Recently I’ve been curious about ice skating. I have never had the opportunity to try it…I must change that soon.
-Argenti, Knight of Beauty
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
i saw this post: “bitches in fandoms will use "the women aren't well developed characters and they're boring bc the writers are misogynists and didn't give them anything >:(((" as an excuse to never talk about any female characters but then they'll have an entire made up backstory and 700 fics on ao3 for background male character #4 who doesn't have a canonical last name. “
and this relates sooo much to hp fandom. i love drarry and wolfstar but sometimes the things i see about reg is just kinda… that. we are talking about his door sign (bc ofc we read this glimpse in the book) and his story is very good indeed since he’s like an anti-hero but idk if it’s bc the original writing but we don’t talk much about the female characters that much. like i’ve never seen bunch of fics that detail hermione dealing with her parents after the war, how they could have felt betrayed that she made then forget their whole lives. i read one hermione/millicent fic that talks abt it but nothing… deeper. we don’t see much abt pansy potentially breaking down after trying to give harry to voldemort. my point is we never explore much of these characters. i’ve never seen fic festivals abt them. it’s all about the men in the universe and don’t get me wrong i love them but i wish we’d put more effort in writing wlw media and that we could discuss a female character’s little things or traumas.
i’m sending this to you bc i love your blog and i’m looking for more sapphic content! and i’m begging other ppl in hp fandom to reflect on it. anyway if you have any blog or fic recs that really focus on the female characters, i’d like to know! sorry if there’s any mistake, english isn’t my first language
I think this is a really nuanced topic and yes there is truth in the message of the post and what you’re saying but it’s also not the whole picture if that makes sense? It would require like an essay on fandom, gender and sexuality to explore M/M vs F/F topic (and there are many great ones!).
I want to approach it from a different angle with my reply, that they do exist. Pandora, Mary, Dorcas and Marlene are also only named in canon but have a big fanon presence. There are people who write and engage with female characters to that depth and with so much passion.
They’re not as visible, I agree, but it’s a self-perpetuating issue. They also feel alone in creating their works even though there are multiple, several posts like this. I’m gonna tag some accounts to check out down below, please use them as a jumping point to connect with creatives!
@hpsaffics @femmefest @fleurmioneweek sapphicspringfest @hpwlwbigbang @hpfemslash-minifest @hpfemslashweek @hpfemslashficrecs-blog @hpfemslash @hpfemships @harrypotterfemslash @thehpfemslashnet @hpfemslashnetwork @hpfemsecretsanta HP single mums Pansyfest @dirtygrangerfest @lunalovegoodfest @hermiones-haven @astoriafest @sapphicnovember @flonksfest femslashficlets @harrypotterfemslashcentral @andromedafreed @pansmione-archive
Also, if any of my followers and mutuals have female-centric or femslash works they’d like to share, please reply to this with your links!
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sickgraymeat · 11 months
Ooooh!!! 20 for the ask game :D
part of canon you found tedious or boring
I wrote most of this several hours ago and just barely edited it lol so hope it makes sense! Added some spaces which probably doesn’t help a whole lot lol it’s… very long. Thanks for asking!!!! You don’t have to read it all hshbdnnrns
This one is actually probably p nonviolent bc I don’t think this is a very controversial take round these parts! But definitely all of Finn’s romantic plot lines. I can sort of make an argument abt how they reflect the part of his character that’s really invested in the fairytale idea of being a hero which implies being the romantic lead
(I lean toward hcing him as aroace but don’t feel super strongly abt it, but that or gay or otherwise not into women also adds a comphet element— regardless it’s an interesting parallel with lots of characters but in particular Bonnie, who very clearly has lived her life according to rules she gathered and interpreted about who and what a princess is AND what a girl is. Very gendered so for Finn there’s a bit of toxic masculinity involved in his romantic pursuits and also his inclination toward violence in the earlier seasons. Plus the whole overarching theme of rebuilding society post-post-apocalypse and most of the characters kind of forcing themselves into a mold using what they know and don’t know about past societies combined with how their own has interacted w them.
Comphet also obviously parallel with Bonnie continuing to call Mr. CP her boyfriend etc etc etc, but also maybe more relevant— I hc Marceline as bi so I dont think being attracted to men is compulsory for her but still think heteronormativity is very relevant to her story & I think the same would be true for Finn regardless of orientation. Actually very similar for both of them subconsciously recreating heteronormative relationships which are so reflective of their own specific family structures— Marcy drawn to the Hunson in Ash and dare I say the Simon and the Betty AND the Elise in Bonnie? + Finn drawn to both the Minerva and the Margaret in Bonnie and FP and, to an extent, HW too. Caregivers who are also leaders and answer to no one. HW is a little less officially this but I’d argue that as a female character heavily associated with both nature and protection she is inherently at least a little bit mom-adjacent-coded or something idk what I’m saying but yeah that! Digression lol.)
BUT way overdone even if that was the intention. A lot of that time could’ve been spent on him and Jake and BMO doing silly shit or like expanding on his relationships with Jermaine and Margaret and Joshua and Fern and the humans etc etc. and/or more depth for the love interests themselves. Ofc I always want more Bonnie and there’s a lot more to dig into with FP (and the two of them together for that matter!) & also HW has such a cool design and she’s interesting but I feel like I don’t know much about her and had she and Finn had a different relationship there may have been more room for her to develop. It feels like fan service though I’m guessing now it’s not actually in service of most ppl who are still really big fans. Maybe more so network service lol.
Also sad that some of those songs (all gummed up slaps too hard) and episodes are really good/funny imo I wish they were about something else 😭 (too young is extremely important to me I refuse to discount it but I obvs understand why a lot of ppl want to it’s super frustrating/disappointing.)
Anyway!!!! Thank you for asking and thank you everyone who reads this!!
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