#reginald fortean
dappercat123 · 2 months
What happened to Ross after he became red hulk again? Last time I checked he was last seen in a captain America run where he was kidnapped by the power elite before getting his red hulk powers back and helping cap to fight them,
Before that he was purposefully keeping his survival a secret as the world at large assumed he was dead, so maybe he’s still doing that?
But while I’m always skeptical of the many attempts to put Ross onto a more heroic light every time marvel has tried it, if he’s gonna keep trying to do good he could stand to clean up the mess he left behind
Ross, you remember your protege Reginald fortean? Yeah, he got a a lot of civilians killed during immortal hulk, specifically by following in your footsteps, he also,got,your daughter shot, you were never an A+ dad but you’ve let her know your not dead? Then again, maybe you’re worried she’ll finish the job
I’m sure you at least hard about it during Bruce banner’s broadcast to the world, he’s currently trapped in the original abomination now so maybe you should start looking into that bud
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charactersmarvel · 2 years
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10) Reginald James Fortean - General Fortean - miał obsesję na punkcie idei struktury i porządku w młodym wieku dzięki kazaniom w szkółce niedzielnej. W wieku dwudziestu ośmiu lat Fortean był majorem w Siłach Powietrznych Stanów Zjednoczonych. Reginald miał również córkę o imieniu Dionne, która podążała podobną ścieżką do swojego ojca i dołączyła do Marines, aby mu zaimponować. Fortean był jednym z żołnierzy przydzielonych do pomocy generałowi Thaddeusowi „Thunderbolt” Rossowi w wyśledzeniu Hulka, Fortean stał się jednym z najbardziej zaufanych żołnierzy Rossa, ucząc się wszystkiego, co mógł od generała. Kiedy Ross użył Life-Model Decoy, by sfingować swoją śmierć z rąk Red Hulka, sam stał się Red Hulkiem, Fortean poprzysiągł zemstę na domniemanym zabójcy Rossa. Awansowany na generała, aby wypełnić lukę pozostawioną przez pozorną śmierć Rossa, Reggie Fortean chciał uzyskać zgodę swoich przełożonych, aby pozwolili mu polować na Red Hulka, aby zmusić go do zapłaty za zabicie Rossa i zaatakowanie Białego Domu. Po tym, jak jego przełożeni go odrzucili, Fortean spotkał kilku starych wojskowych przyjaciół Rossa, którzy połączyli swoje zasoby, aby zbudować Thunderbolta, ogromny samolot, który miałby być używany jako mobilna baza do śledzenia Red Hulka, którego Ross chciał wykorzystać do śledzenia Hulka. W ramach sojuszu przyjaciele Forteana i Rossa założyli tajną nową wersję United States Hulk Operations o nazwie kodowej Shadow Base. W końcu odnajdując Red Hulka przeskakującego przez Kolorado, Fortean rozkazał swoim siłom zaatakować Red Hulka, przewracając go w połowie lotu, co spowodowało, że Red Hulk wylądował na szczycie Thunderbolt, gdzie Fortean osobiście go zaatakował, zdołał pokonać Hulka i wykopać go z Thunderbolt, jednocześnie potajemnie zarażając go nanobotami. Zaangażowanie Red Hulka kilka dni później, Fortean został oddzielony od żołnierzy, którymi dowodził, gdy Red Hulk próbował ujawnić swoją tożsamość Forteanowi, chociaż Redeemer Armor Forteana była w tym momencie uszkodzona, uniemożliwiając mu usłyszenie, kim jest Red Hulka. W tym momencie Fortean poinformował Red Hulka o wypuszczonych przez siebie nanobotach zawierających nanominę, a kiedy Red Hulk przekształcił się wcześniej w swoją ludzką postać, nanoboty otrzymały określone odczyty dotyczące transformacji i że Fortean usmaży mózg Red Hulka w chwili, gdy znów stanie się człowiekiem. Fortean powiedział także Red Hulkowi, że osoba, która jest Red Hulkiem, nie jest niczym Bruce Banner i że dni Red Hulka są policzone. Jednak z uszkodzoną zbroją Redeemer Armor, Fortean zdecydował się porzucić zbroję i Red Hulka. Śledząc Red Hulka do Llano w Teksasie, Fortean wystrzelił specjalne pociski z Thunderbolta, tworząc duże stworzenia z pobliskiej skały, jednocześnie drwiąc z Red Hulka. Po tym, jak Red Hulk szybko ich pokonał, Fortean podziękował mu za pomoc w przetestowaniu ich, a następnie poinformował Red Hulka, że ​​sen może być dobrym pomysłem (co zwiększyło obawy Red Hulka, że ​​spanie może przywrócić go do Rossa i umożliwić Forteanowi zabicie go). Fortean przeprosił również Annie, ponieważ jego skanery nie wykryły jej obecności i nie chciał jej skrzywdzić. Podążając za Red Hulkiem do Beebe w Arkansas, Fortean był sfrustrowany, widząc, jak ratuje mieszkańców miasta przed tornadem, wierząc, że była to manipulacyjna próba ze strony Red Hulka, aby zaciągnąć opinię publiczną, a nie prawdziwą próbę ratowania ludzi. Później śledząc Red Hulka na Mojave Boneyard, Fortean był świadkiem ucieczki Black Fog po walce z Red Hulkiem. Fortean później udał się za granicę z nieznanych powodów. Po usłyszeniu o bitwie Red Hulka z Omegexem w Bostonie, Fortean powrócił, rozmieszczając swoje oddziały skalne, aby spróbować w końcu zabić Red Hulka. Kiedy Red Hulk został przesunięty fazowo przez Zero/One, Fortean zwrócił swoją uwagę na Omegexa, który szybko go pokonał. Red Hulk zmusił Zero/One do przywrócenia go do normalnej fazy z Ziemią, aby mógł uratować Forteana. Po porażce Omegexa i zneutralizowaniu przez Zero/One nanomin w mózgu Red Hulka, Fortean wyśledził Red Hulka w Manitobie, gdzie ponownie się z nim skonfrontował, będąc w ulepszonej zbroi Redeemer. Obaj walczyli bez rozstrzygnięcia, dopóki Fortean nie otrzymał telefonu w sprawie śmierci byłego kolegi Willa Krugauera. To spowodowało, że Fortean wycofał się, gdy Red Hulk otrzymał wiadomość od Annie o tym, co powiedziano Forteanowi. Kiedy Red Hulk później zbadał sprawę śmierci z pomocą Machine Mana i znalazł się w obliczu Sultana Magusa, przybycie Forteana zakończyło walkę, gdy poinformował Red Hulka, że Stany Zjednoczone rozpoznają zbuntowany stan Sułtana Magusa, Sharzhad, i że ta ciągła wrogość wobec Magusa spowodowałby, że siły zbrojne USA zaatakowały Red Hulka. Reginald Fortean przyprowadził ze sobą kilku urzędników państwowych i wsparcie finansowe, aby przetestować swój projekt Echlon. Test zostaje przerwany przez Red She-Hulk, która bije E1 i grozi Forteanowi zamknięciem projektu. Fortean otrzymał wtedy zgodę na kontynuowanie swojego projektu z nieograniczonymi funduszami. Na Deseched Island, telepata Echlonu, imieniem Remmick, ostrzega Forteana o obecności Red She-Hulk w bazie. Kiedy Fortean ogłasza alarm na Echlonie, Red She-Hulk pokonuje większość żołnierzy. Po założeniu Redeemer Armor zbroi Redeemer, Fortean wciąga Red She-Hulk do studni grawitacyjnej. Kiedy okazało się, że Fortean uwięził Red She-Hulk, Machine Man uwolnił ją i oboje zniknęli. W Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Fortean pokazał Kapitanowi Ameryce skutki szaleństwa Red She-Hulk i przekonał go, by powiedział, kim jest Red She-Hulk. Przypuszczano, że Kapitan Ameryka powiedział Forteanowi o tożsamości Red She-Hulk, ponieważ wojsko USA i dwóch żołnierzy Echelonu próbowało schwytać Betty Ross, zanim zdążyła zmienić się w Red She-Hulk. Fortean w końcu odkrył prawdę, że Thunderbolt Ross był Red Hulkiem, i odwiedził go w ośrodku po jego pozbawieniu mocy z rąk Hulka i późniejszym aresztowaniu. Z przekonaniem, że Ross będzie kontynuował misję powstrzymania Hulka, Fortean zmusił Shadow Base do działania. Biorąc przykład z podejścia Rossa do przekształcenia się w rodzaj potwora, którego próbował pokonać, Fortean kazał Shadow Base specjalizować się w bronieniu mutacji gamma i tworzeniu potworów gamma, których mogliby użyć przeciwko Hulkowi. Jedno ze stworzeń wyprodukowanych przez Shadow Base pochodziło z przymusowego zamknięcia Ricka Jonesa w tkance aktywowanej gamma, odzyskanej ze zwłok Abominationa. Fortean był sfrustrowany po tym, jak Hulk uwolnił Jonesa z tkanki podczas ich walki, a sprawa została skonfiskowana przez grupę zadaniową Gamma Flight. Biorąc sprawy w swoje ręce, Fortean założył ulepszoną zbroję Redeemer i najechał na kwaterę główną Gamma Flight na pokładzie stacji kosmicznej Alpha Flight. Obezwładniając jego członków, odzyskał tkankę i wrócił do Shadow Base. Fortean zdecydował się wejść w kontakt z tkanką, która go pochłonęła, nadając mu sylwetkę podobną do Abominationa. Gamma Flight teleportowali się do Shadow Base Bazy Cienia w odwecie, ale Fortean widział, jak przeszli przez jego operację psychicznego nadzoru. Ich spotkanie zostało przerwane przez niespodziewany nalot Hulka, Harpy, nowego alter ego Betty Ross, Ricka Jonesa i reportera Jackie McGee. Hulk i jego sojusznicy połączyli siły z Gamma Flight, aby podbić Shadow Base. Fortean stawił czoła Hulkowi, stając się coraz bardziej nieobliczalnym. Kiedy Fortean przypadkowo zabił dwóch swoich ludzi atakiem kwasu i nie okazał skrupułów, jego zastępca, dr McGowan, zwolnił go z obowiązku, ponieważ nie był już w stanie się kontrolować, i nakazał wszystkim ustąpić. Dalej wściekły, Fortean został uwięziony w walce z Hulkiem i zabili się nawzajem. Ze względu na to, że stał się mutantem gamma, dusza Forteana została przeniesiona do    Below-Place wraz z Brucem Bannerem. Pod kontrolą swojego alter Joe Fixita, Bruce skręcił kark Forteanowi, uniemożliwiając jego natychmiastowe zmartwychwstanie. Fortean w końcu przeszedł przez Green Door, próbując się wskrzesić. Jednak jego ciało zostało przejęte przez Abominationa, wysyłając jego duszę do wymiaru podobnego do Planu Astralnego po energię gamma. Po wchłonięciu wspomnień Forteana, Abomination podawał się za niego, aby założyć Project Green Spring i zachęcić córkę Forteana, Dionne, by do niego dołączyła. Gamma Flight i Dionne napotkali Forteana w tym Planie Astralnym gamma po tym, jak zostali zepchnięci do niego przez wypadek teleportacji. Udało mu się ostrzec Dionne o kradzieży jego tożsamości i planach Abominationa zorganizowania powstania. Zanim mógł kontynuować rozmowę z córką, Gamma Flight i Dionne zostali teleportowani.
Abomination Shell: Po dotknięciu pozostałości tkanki Abominationa szybko pochłonęła go i przekształciła w nowego Abominationa, dając Forteanowi następujące moce:   
Nadludzka siła: Posiada nieznany poziom super siły, ale wystarczy, by dorównać sile Hulka
Nadludzka wytrzymałość: Wydaje się, że ma wysoki poziom wytrzymałości, może wytrzymać uderzenie Hulka i nie wydaje się mieć żadnych obrażeń
Regeneracja: Jako Abomination może być w stanie wyzdrowieć po ciężkich obrażeniach, a nawet utraconych organach
Pazury: Fortean ma na każdym z palców pazury wystarczająco ostre, by porysować nawet Hulka
Generowanie Kwasu: Jako Abomination, Fortean może generować silnie żrący kwas, który jest wystarczająco silny, aby rozpuścić ciało Hulka i zanegować jego zdolność uzdrawiania
Umiejętności: Fortean ma doświadczenie wojskowe
Ekwipunek: Ulepszona Redeemer Armor
Bronie: Liczne bronie palne, niektóre specjalnie stworzone do obsługi Red Hulka, w tym pistolet, który był używany do uwalniania nanomin do Red Hulka
Transport: Dawniej Thunderbolt
Drobnostki: Nazwisko Forteana jest najprawdopodobniej ukłonem w stronę ruchu o tej samej nazwie, który został zainspirowany zainteresowaniem Charlesa Forta dziwnymi wydarzeniami.
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lirhyapetitpain · 2 years
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Immortal Hulk
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Immortal Hulk 22 (2019) by Al Ewing & Joe Bennett 
Cover: Alex Ross
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comicwaren · 3 years
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“Hulk not okay. Hulk scared. This place... this place will hurt Hulk. Hulk can feel it. Why Hulk here?” -- Hulk
Cover art for Immortal Hulk #050, “Of Hell and of Death”
Art by Alex Ross
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Two questions related to Immortal Hulk. 1: Have you read the Bruce Jones run from the early 2000s? It was apparently an influence on this one. 2: Thoughts on the character of General Fortean?
1. I think I’ve read the first arc in the big collection paired with that miniseries by Azzarello and Corben, and my vague recollection is that was pretty good; I can certainly see how some influence might have transferred over.
2. Not especially - he’s a stock character, but one utilized extremely effectively.
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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Ross grew up in a military environment with both his father and paternal grandfather in the military.[4]
Ross is the Air Force general in charge of Bruce Banner's gamma bomb project. His daughter, Betty, takes a liking to the young scientist, deepening Ross' dislike for the "weakling". After Banner's transformation into the Hulk, Ross spends years chasing the monster, becoming obsessed enough to commit treason by allying himself with the Leader, MODOK, and the Abomination[5] to destroy the Hulk. Dismissed from the military, he shows up at Betty and Bruce's wedding with a gun and shoots Rick Jones. He is recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Clay Quartermain to merge with the electric creature Zzzax, a process that gives Ross superpowers but also makes him mentally unstable. He is later restored to human form but retains some residual energy-generating powers.[6]
Finally, the Nevermind, a mutant who drains people of their life energy, attacks Gamma Base in search of a strong host, in this case the Hulk. After witnessing Banner and Rick Jones (who was the Hulk at that time) heroically engaging the mutant, Ross realizes that he has been wrong about the Hulk being a mindless monster. He saves his daughter by allowing the mutant to latch on him and discharging the energy resources he retained from Zzzax. Giving his blessing to Bruce and Betty, he dies in his daughter's arms.[7]
Ross' body is later stolen by the Leader, who uses the powers of one of his followers to resurrect Ross. He turns him into a mindless replacement for his fallen soldier Redeemer. Ross is eventually recovered and revived by agents of the alien Troyjan and returns to the Air Force. He later comes up with a more cost-effective method of confronting the Hulk when he is in his childlike stage: active non-resistance. He and his men simply do not fire on or engage the Hulk in any way. The Hulk, confused, does not smash and leaps away.[volume & issue needed]
Ross would make friends with Banner, but when Betty is seemingly killed due to what both Ross and Banner believed to have been Banner's gamma-irradiated DNA interacting with hers, he once more pursues the Hulk with a vendetta.[volume & issue needed]
Around this time, General Ryker takes over the pursuit of the Hulk. Ross is indirectly involved, observing when Ryker mentally tortures Banner to try to figure out how the Hulk works. The Hulk escapes from Ryker's control and, after several adventures, is lost in space.[volume & issue needed]
After the Hulk returns from exile and initiates "World War Hulk", General Ross, now a full general, makes his own return, electing to bring the fight to his nemesis once more after the Hulk beats Iron Man. After a failed assault on the Hulk, Ross and his men are captured and placed in chains under the watch of Hulk's Warbound, the army he has brought back from space. The Hulk is eventually defeated via satellite weapons that revert him to human form.[8]
Military branchEdit
Ross' military affiliation has been inconsistently portrayed in the comics. Many early Hulk stories depicted Ross as an Army general trying to capture or destroy the Hulk with a U.S. Army battalion called the "Hulkbusters". However, he is also frequently seen in an Air Force uniform, as in his first appearance in Incredible Hulk #1. Stories about his service during World War II portray him as an Army officer in the U.S. Army Air Corps, as the Air Force was not a separate branch of the Armed Forces until September 18, 1947. In a November 2010 Q&A column, then-Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada clarified that Ross is a member of the U.S. Air Force and that inconsistencies in his uniform can be explained via the artistic license with which artists attempt to present a more dramatic-looking uniform, and that Ross may be a part of a special unit of the U.S. Air Force, or the Marvel Universe's version of it, which has its own unique dress code.[9]
The Army continuity is also followed in various Hulk adaptations, such as in the 1966 and 1996–1998 cartoon versions of the Hulk, the 2003 Ang Lee movie Hulk in which he is portrayed by Sam Elliott, and in the 2008 movie The Incredible Hulk, in which he is portrayed by William Hurt. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Hulk 2004 issue officially indicates Ross to be a three-star lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force.
Red HulkEdit
Red Hulk as seen on the cover of Hulk vol. 2 #1 (January 2008). Art by Ed McGuinness.
Red Hulk (also known as Rulk[10] or The IncREDible Hulk) was introduced in 2008 in Hulk #1.[11] The Red Hulk was created to be an uninhibited, tactically intelligent adversary to the Hulk.[12][13] Although Kenneth Johnson, the creator of the 1970s TV series The Incredible Hulk, had suggested a red Hulk for that adaptation decades earlier,[14] Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada proposed the idea for the comics to debut a red version of the character whose human identity was a secret.[15] Initially, Red Hulk's identity was unknown both to the characters in the story[16] and to the reading audience.[17]
The opening story arc of the Hulk series that premiered in 2008 established that the Red Hulk is very aggressive, as he murders the Hulk adversaries Wendigo and Abomination; destroys the Helicarrier of the spy organization S.H.I.E.L.D.; defeats several Marvel heroes; and, after causing an earthquake in San Francisco, is finally defeated by the combined efforts of the Hulk and Thor. In a subsequent storyline, the Collector places the character with other villains on a team called the Offenders, an evil version of the Defenders, in a bid to prevent the original Hulk from reuniting with Jarella.[18] In that story Red Hulk siphons the Power Cosmic from the Silver Surfer, seemingly killing him, steals his board along with Terrax' cosmic axe, and uses the power to go on a killing spree, killing Namor, Tiger Shark, Dr. Strange, Baron Mordo, the Grandmaster, Terrax, a time-displaced Hulk, and Psycho Man. However, when Red Hulk reveals this to Galactus, Galactus swiftly takes back the Power Cosmic from him. Subsequently, almost everyone he killed is brought back to life with no memory of the event.[19]
The Red Hulk was created as part of a Super Soldier program by persons including Doc Samson,[20] and the criminal think tank Intelligencia,[21] headed by MODOK.[22] The 2009 "Code Red" story arc[16] also made allusions to Red Hulk's real identity, and introduced a Red She-Hulk character, when Domino identifies Red Hulk before his transformation.[23]
In the 2010 storyline "Fall of the Hulks: Gamma", Red Hulk is related in flashback to have killed General Ross at the behest of Bruce Banner, with whom he has formed an alliance.[24] However, the 2010 "World War Hulks" storyline reveals that Red Hulk is Thunderbolt Ross himself, the Red She-Hulk his daughter Betty, and that the Ross who was "killed" was a Life Model Decoy used to convince the world that he had died. Red Hulk then thwarts the Intelligencia's plan to take over the United States with a Life Model Decoy of Glenn Talbot by destroying the Talbot LMD and attempts to take over the country himself.[8] He is thwarted by a restored Hulk, who beats Red Hulk mostly due to Red Hulk's exhaustion from overheating. Hulk tells Red Hulk that it was his idea to fake Ross' death and that he can never again resume that identity. After imprisoning Red Hulk in the Gamma Base, Banner makes arrangements with Steve Rogers for Red Hulk to join the Avengers.[25][26]
After Steve Rogers recruits Red Hulk, Red Hulk manages to stop Intelligencia's failsafe plan "Scorched Earth". Although Banner had claimed that he removed Red Hulk's energy-draining ability from him because it was killing Red Hulk, Red Hulk is shown to still possess this ability.[27] After the events of the Scorched Earth program, Red Hulk is paired up with a Life Model Decoy named Annie. Red Hulk is occasionally assaulted by Ross' former protégé General Reginald Fortean, a scientist given superhuman mutations by MODOK named Zero/One, and the Indian serial killer Black Fog .[28]
Red Hulk plays a vital role in the Infinity Gem crisis of the "Heroic Age" storyline.[29] During the 2011 "Fear Itself" storyline, Red Hulk attempts unsuccessfully to stop the Thing (in the form of Angrir, Breaker of Souls) from destroying the Avengers Tower,[30] as MODOK Superior and Black Fog converge on both combatants during the fight. Angrir dispatches Red Hulk by knocking him out of the city and into Vermont.[31]
As part of the 2012 Marvel NOW! relaunch, Red Hulk leads a non-government sponsored version of the Thunderbolts.[3] This incarnation is a strike team that cleans up the messes left by Ross' military career, but the team later decides on a new arrangement in which the team will do one mission for Ross, then a mission for a random member.[citation needed]
After Hulk takes away the powers of Rick Jones, Skaar and Betty Ross, Ross starts monitoring Hulk's movements. This leads to a battle in which Doc Green subdues Red Hulk and injects him with a formula that reverts him to Ross. The Army is alerted to the confrontation. When they arrive, the Army arrests Ross for deserting his country.[32]
The 2016 "Civil War II" storyline reveals that Thunderbolt Ross is incarcerated in a classified military prison.[33]
In 2018's Free Comic Book Day Captain America issue indicates that Ross is no longer incarcerated.[34] Subsequently, in that year's Captain America #1, it is revealed that Ross was paroled for helping a resistance cell during the "Secret Empire" storyline and appointed head of the investigation into the attack.[35] However, he was later killed, and Captain America was framed for his murder.[
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multiversecarnavep · 3 years
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After his death, Rick Jones was buried at Severin Memorial Cemetery. The Immortal Hulk takes Doc Samson there in order to prove that he, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, and Rick Jones are all connected to one constant theme: resurrection. They find Rick Jones' grave dug up and his body missing.[80] In the U.S. Hulk Operations' Shadow Base Site B, Rick Jones' corpse is used for gamma experiments by scientists led by Charlene McGowan and his whole body is covered in gamma energy, which resurrects him as an Abomination/A-Bomb-like creature with two faces and many finger-like structures surrounding his face called Subject B.[81] Using a camera placed inside Rick's head, the U.S. Hulk Operations dispatched Subject B to Reno, Nevada to draw out Hulk. After Subject B killed two bystanders, Hulk appeared to fight it thinking that it was a form of Abomination. He discovered that it was actually Rick as his two faces spoke short and tortured sentences.[82] Hulk had no other choice but to fight Rick's Subject B form. During the fight, Subject B shot acid at Hulk that dissolved part of his flesh and negated his ability to heal. Upon melting Hulk's limbs, Betty Ross' Harpy form appeared and ripped open Hulk in order to consume his heart.[83] This caused Rick Jones' Subject B to attack Betty Ross' Harpy. Hulk revives enough to regenerate his limbs and punch Subject B. Harpy then continues her attack on Subject B and rips at his stomach to prevent him from emitting acid. During the fight between Subject B and Harpy, Hulk got Jackie McGee to safety as two War-Wagons sent by Reginald Fortean arrive. When in the air, Harpy dropped Subject B onto one of the War-Wagons. After destroying the War-Wagons, Hulk ripped open Subject B's body to discover that it was a shell containing an emaciated Rick in his human form. With Rick in tow, Hulk, Harpy, and Jackie fled the area upon Hulk seeing Gamma Flight approaching.[84] Some days later, Rick was still emaciated and speaking broken words until a burst of energy awakens and restores him. Using what he had learned while being experimented on, Rick directed Hulk, Harpy, and Jackie McGee toward the U.S. Hulk Operations' base at Groom Lake in Area 51.[85] When Doc Samson and Gamma Flight confronted General Fortean at the U.S. Hulk Operations' base, Hulk, Rick, Harpy, and Jackie also show up as both sides see that General Fortean has merged with the Subject B body.[86] While Hulk and Gamma Flight fight General Fortean and the U.S. Hulk Operations' soldiers, Rick assisted Harpy and Jackie McGee where they found the gamma mutate Delbert Frye in a room with scientist and Charlene McGowan who tearfully accepted responsibility for what happened to Rick and Delbert. This caused Rick to spare her life.[87]
Soon after, however, it is revealed that Rick's body is in fact a puppet controlled by The Leader.[88] During Hulk's photo op following the repairs of Georgeville, Iowa which was wrecked during Hulk's fight with the Avengers, Leader controlled Rick Jones into overflowing Hulk with gamma energy to kill him which caused an explosion.[89] Rick protected the people from the explosion, but was mutated into an elongated form with extra arms and legs in the process. Using Rick, Leader watched Hulk's fight with Gamma Flight. When Titania noticed that Rick made an unintelligent comment, Leader controlled Rick into knocking her down causing Absorbing Man to fight Hulk some more. Then Leader allows Rick to be teleported to Shadow Base just as he planned.[90
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dappercat123 · 1 year
Charlene: man, Reginald Fortean was a bitch
Dionne: come on, he’s dead
Charlene: being dead did not make him any less of a bitch
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1271
Monday, July 22, 2019
 I finally got some nice fishing weather, cloudy with a slight breeze, for a solo trip out to the lake this morning. A great time was had by me. Lots of exciting news coming out of the San Diego Comic Con this past weekend. Hearts were all a-flutter but I am dead inside now and wasn't fazed. I am happy that they cast a Chinese Canadian in the lead role for the Shang Chi movie.
 Domino: Hotshots #5 - Gail Simone (writer) David Baldeon & Michael Shelfer (art) Jim Charalampidis (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Yay Neena Thurman and her Hotshots. The day is saved and I await the next story. I really hope this goes on but if this is the last issue then I am satisfied. This was a great story overall and I loved the art.
 The Unstoppable Wasp #10 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Gurihiru (art) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Nadia and the G.I.R.L.s beat the bad guy and we have another happy ending. Wow, it looks like this is the last issue of this title too and I'm sad that it won't be on the racks anymore. I've enjoyed reading every issue and I will be recommending the collections to fans looking for some fun stories.
 Immortal Hulk #21 - Al Ewing (writer) Ryan Bodenheim (art) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I've been curious about who this Major General Reginald James Fortean is that heads Shadow Base and now I wonder no more. This issue tells his origin story and it's so complete you'll totally get where he's coming from when it concerns the Hulk. The last page means very bad things are in store for the big green galoot down the road.
 Daredevil #8 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Lalit Kumar Sharma (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Java Tartaglia (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). No Devils, Only God part 3. Wow, what a great issue and the costume was nowhere in sight. Matt manages to turn a nice Italian family dinner into a major debacle. Hell's Kitchen is heating up while Mayor Fisk plots. This book is climbing the charts.
 Blossoms 666 #5 - Cullen Bunn (writer) Laura Braga (art) Matt Herms (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). I wouldn't still be reading this if it wasn't for the terrific art. It's sick and twisted and made even more enjoyable because these are Archie characters. I am waiting to find out who the Ant-Christ will be.
 Batman #75 - Tom King (writer) Tony S. Daniel & Mitch Gerads (art) Tomeu Morey & Mitch Gerads (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). City of Bane part 1. Tom King turns this title upside down as he winds up his tenure slated to end with issue #87 or so. Now we know who climbed out of the pit at the end of the last issue. Bane is the mayor of Gotham City. Batman's rogues gallery all work for the GCPD. This new Batman has a new sidekick who is a lot more powerful than a Robin. The negotiation between Bane and the POTUS caps off this unbelievable reality. Batman is going to be a very interesting book to read the rest of this year.
 Loki #1 - Daniel Kibblesmith (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Loki is the new King of Jotunheim. If you want to know how that came about go read War of the Realms. It's not easy for the God of Mischief to sit still, so this debut shows us how Loki has evolved to fill the shoes of the ruler of the Frost Giants. I like the humour in this and if the shenanigans are fun, I will keep reading.
 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #1 - Matt Fraction (writer) Steve Lieber (art) Nathan Fairbairn (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). I wasn't going to read this new title after the snippet I read in Superman Leviathan Rising #1 but I wanted to give Matt Fraction a chance to wow me since I've enjoyed his previous writing gigs. I liked Jimmy's misadventures 50 years ago and these short stories are similarly silly, but I've outgrown them. Not even the mystery of how he winds up banished to Gotham City will keep me hanging around.
 Spider-Man Life Story #5 The '00s - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Mark Bagley (pencils) John Dell (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Someone coined the term the aughties for the decade between 2000 and 2010 and I thought that was quite clever. I love how Chip is incorporating Marvel continuity into these stories. Here we have the Civil War raging between Iron Man and Captain America while Morlun is hunting Spider powered people during Spider-Geddon. Peter and Mary Jane are living in Portland with their twins Claire and Ben while clone Ben Riley pretends to be Peter Parker in New York City and fights crime as Spider-Man. Peter is forced to come out of hiding to fight Morlun and the battle ends with a thrilling conclusion.  I can't wait to see what happens in the next 10 years.
 Silver Surfer Black #2 - Donny Cates (writer) Tradd Moore (art) Dave Stewart (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). What a cosmically epic issue as the Silver Surfer fights Knull, God of the Symbiotes. Yeah, that's right. Black costume and Venom Symbiotes. That was surprising, but then an ally pops up and it's an even bigger surprise.
 The Superior Spider-Man #9 - Christos Gage (writer) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Otto gets the keys to the city of San Francisco after all he's done to protect it from Terrax and Master Pandemonium and during War of the Realms. I loved how his arrogant reaction to the ceremony leads to more emotional growth for the reformed super villain. The cover shows Norman Osborn rearing his ugly head but he doesn't show up until the last page. This Norm must come from some alternate universe because he's got six arms and a henchman named Spiders-Man. 'Tis to laugh. I also got a chuckle from the old timey bad guy from 1982 that Otto fights in the main story. I'm getting to like the Superior Spider-Man more and more.
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thecomicon · 5 years
The Secret History Of Reginald Fortean In Immortal Hulk #21
The Secret History Of Reginald Fortean In Immortal Hulk #21
[*Mild Spoilers Ahead!]
We turn our attention to General Reginald Fortean, leader of Shadow Base and the man most dedicated to hunting down the Hulk and his kind. He wants the Abomination’s body back from Gamma Flight, and so he dons the Redeemer Armor and teleports to Gamma Flight’s orbital base. He has the element of surprise and tears through Absorbing Man, Titania, Puck, Walter Langkowski,…
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Immortal Hulk 24 (2019) by Al Ewing & Joe Bennett
Cover: Alex Ross
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From Gamma Flight #003, “New Territory”
Art by Lan Medina and Antonio Fabela
Written by Al Ewing and Crystal Frasier
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Immortal Hulk 21 (2019) by Al Ewing & Ryan Bodenheim 
Cover: Alex Ross
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Immortal Hulk 20 (2019) by Al Ewing & Joe Bennett 
Cover: Alex Ross
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