#remix distribution ltd
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dumbbullet · 4 years
I had nothing to do this week at work, so I made a fake tv intro for the Magnus Archives. I’m really proud of how it came together.
The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. and Licensed under a Creative Commons Sharalike 4.0 International License. The TMA intro music remix was done by OneManJam on youtube
[[CONTENT WARNINGS: This video contains some flashing imagery (lightning, glitch effects, flashing florescent lights and some RGB distortion).]]
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jkflesh · 2 years
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GODFLESH “Long Live the New Flesh” 4xCD box set
This is a pre-order
Ltd 500 copies
Ships early Feb 2022
Web exclusive: 80 boxsets with postcard signed by the band
Ltd quantities distributed worldwide around Mar/Apr 2022
Gold box, gold CD's
Contains all-new GODFLESH since reforming + all dubs/remixes/versions that can be found on the domestic Japanese CD editions + 2 unreleased songs from the Post Self sessions. This is CD boxset version of the vinyl boxset.
All purchases come with a .zip of New Flesh in Dub Vol. 1 (AREC053DUB)
The .zip contains all dubs/remixes/versions + the unreleased Post Self sessions tracks. This can also be purchased alone on Bandcamp.
Avalanche Recordings 2021 (AREC053CD)
IMPORTANT: All orders are entirely fulfilled by We Ship Vinyl in The Netherlands, EU.
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zenrydaz · 5 years
ZEN RYDAZ ZEN TRAX EP.1 7Inch Vinyl Release on 13th April 2019 (Record Store Day)!!!!!
Check it out!!!!! https://soundcloud.com/cros…/…/zen-rydaz-zen-trax-ep-1-vinyl
今回の7インチの為にMIXを施し直しました。 45RPMでMade in Japanをお楽しみください!
Thanx 東洋化成!!!
\1620(Tax In) on Sale 13th Apr 2019
SIDE X(A): Utopia 04:24
SIDE Y(B) : Chuu (Long Edit)   04:04
7 Inch Vinyl 45RPM
Arranged & produced by ZEN RYDAZ (MACKA-CHIN, MAL & J.A.K.A.M.)
mixed by J.A.K.A.M. Mastering : E-MURA Picture : NANDE Design : MaL
Utopia 04:24
Vocal : Acharu Violin : Kyoko Oikawa Hang : Goro
Chuu 04:04
Shakuhachi : Kenji Ikegami Violin : Kyoko Oikawa
それぞれのフィールドで長年活動し生き抜いてきた同年代の個性派3人が、2018年満を持してZEN RYDAZを結成。 ワールドミュージックをテーマに、それぞれの世界観、感性、スキルを結集し、バウンシーでドープ、自由な発想と飽くなき音楽魂を禅flavaに乗せ、アジア発のライダー達が音を発信!
東京都足立区出身。NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUNDのメンバーとして活動し、ラッパーとしてはもちろん、アーティストへの楽曲プロデュースやトラック制作などもこなすアウトプットディレクター。ソロ活動ではトラックからラップまで全て一人で創るスタイルでジャンルの壁を越えHIP-HOPにとどまらず他のジャンル界からも話題になる作品を発表し続けている。メジャーレーベルからのセルフプロデュースのソロアルバム(Victor Music,EMI records)の他、MACKA-CHIN名義でのDVD作品やスケボービデオのサウンドトラック集、HP(NIKE,DAIWA,UNITED ARROWS etc)音楽、CM(寿月堂 etc)音楽など多岐にわたって制作している。2013年には楽曲プロデューサーにGRUNTERZを迎え、自身初となるラップだけに徹したアルバム"incompleteness theorem"を発表し日本のHIP-HOP/RAPシーンから話題を集めた。2014年には"心が落ち着く音楽"をテーマに掲げ、架空の映画のサウンドトラックアルバムとしてアンビエントアルバム"静かな月と夜"を術ノ穴レーベルから発表。オリジナリティ溢れる作品はアート作品としても話題になり各業界からも注目され話題に。2016年10月には全国各地から9組14名のアーティストを客演に迎えた初のPRODUCE ALBUM "MARIRIN CAFE BLUE"を発表。TRACK MAKERとしても改めて高い評価を得る。またソロ以外の活動も活発でMABO(MACKA-CHIN+DABO)やMONTIEN(SUIKEN+TINA+MACKA-CHIN)、東京弐拾伍時(DABO+MACKA-CHIN+SUIKEN+S-WORD)としてコンビを組み多くの作品、アルバムを発表。またDJの活動も忙しく、グルーブで繫ぐ幅広い選曲はジャンルレスに様々なイベントやフェスに数多く呼ばれ、制作にLIVEやDJと全国を数多く飛び回っている。DJ名義ではBLACK SMOKER RECORDSからのリリースやアパレルブランド(BACK CHANNEL etc)等とのコラボレーションCDでも数々の作品を発表している。音楽以外の活動ではイベントオーガナイズやフリーペーパー等の執筆連載、MUSIC VIDEOの監督などマルチに才能を発揮。また2018年からはTOKYO FMにて音楽番組のパーソナリティも務めるなど、色んな意味で目が離せないMCであり、プロデューサーであり、DJであり、ビジュアルクリエイターである。宇宙と自然が大好き。
MaL(PART2STYLE) 日本を代表するベースミュージック・クルーPART2STYLEのセレクター、プロデューサー。「国内最大のベース・ミュージック・フェス【OUTLOOK FESTIVAL JAPAN】のレジデントであり、クロアチアで行われている同フェス本祭にも7年連続出演。世界各国、数々のパーティーやフェスティバルでプレイし、世界中のベース・ミュージック界のトップ・プレイヤー達から高い評価を受けている。国内外のアーティストへの楽曲提供、Remix、CM楽曲制作など数多くこなしつつ、DJとしても幅広くプレイしている。
J.A.K.A.M. (JUZU a.k.a. MOOCHY )
東京出身。15歳からバンドとDJの活動を並行して始め、スケートボードを通して知り合ったメンバーで結成されたバンドEvilPowersMeの音源は、結成後すぐにアメリカのイラストレイターPusheadのレーベルからリリースされる。DJではその革新的でオリジナルなスタイルが一世を風靡し、瞬く間に国内外の巨大なフェスからアンダーグランドなパーティまで活動が展開される。 ソロの楽曲制作としても米Grand RoyalからのBuffalo Daughterのリミックスを皮切りに、Boredoms等のリミックスも含めメジャー、インディー問わず様々なレーベルからリリースされる。2003年にキューバで現地ミュージシャンとレコーディングツアーを敢行したのを皮切りに、その後世界各地で録音を重ね、民族音楽、電子音楽、そしてあらゆるダンスミュージックを内包した作品群は、新たなWorld Musicの指針として、自ら立ち上げたレーベルCrosspointから精力的にリリースされている。 近年は音楽制作のみならず、映像作品、絵本や画集 のプロデュース、2012年には野外フェスOoneness Camp"縄文と再生”を企画するなど活動は多岐に渡るが、 2015年から始まった怒濤の9ヶ月連続ヴァイナルリリースは大きな話題になり、その年末にはCD2枚組のソロ4作目のアルバムをリリース、その影響でベルリン/イスラエルのレーベルMalka Tutiから新作がワールドワイドにリリースされる。その年には13組の若手プロデューサー達によるリミックスアルバム「Counterpoint RMX」も発表、また30年来の友人であるDJ Tasakaとの共作アルバム「HIGHTIME Inc. Alchemist Now!」も発表。そしてNitro Microphone UndergroundのMacka-ChinとPart2StyleのMaLとのユニットZen Rydazとしての活動も2018年からスタート。 またJ.A.K.A.M.名義の新曲がフランスの新レーベルからアナログリリースされるのもあり、今年春にはNuits Sonores Festivalでのライブを皮切りに久々のヨーロッパツアーが敢行されるなど、そのオリジナルなヴィジョンがあらゆるジャンルをまたぎ、世界に広がっている。
ACHARU : 石川さゆりをはじめとした多くの教え子を育て、トラック野郎 ひみつのアッコちゃん 魔法使いサリー ゲゲゲの鬼太郎など、数々の東映映画やアニメーションの選曲、作曲を手がけた演歌作曲家であった祖父のスタジオで音楽に溢れた幼少期を過ごす。16歳から独学でトラックメイキングやソングライティングを始め、数々の人生経験を積み重ね様々な楽曲を制作。2005年、9人編成の大所帯バンド PoPoPhuでVoを勤め2007年にSONYよりデビューを果たす。バンド解散後、シンガーソングライターacharuとしてアンダーグラウンドHipHopシーンで活動を始め、数多くのアーティストへの客演で多くの楽曲に色を添える。2010年にマイクアキラ(四街道ネイチャー)の立ち上げたレーベル”首脳組”第1弾アーティストとして1stソロアルバム"Nasty"をリリース。NIPPS(BUDDHA BRAND),B.D,なのるなもない(降神),BRON-K,ZIGHT,タカチャ,そしてD.O(練マザファッカー)を客演に迎え、約半数の楽曲をセルフプロデュースし、その音楽性の高さで話題に。その後も数々のアーティストとのFeaturingやコーラスワーク、アイドルグループや子供向けの楽曲プロデュースなど幅広く手がけている。 その後、自身のlabel、Natural HighSense Productionを2016年に本格始動。 単身アメリカでのLIVEや、リスナー参加型ヒーリングラジオを発案しパーソナリティーを務めるなど、新たな経験を積み新境地を開拓し、身も心も成長を遂げて完全にスタイルを確立させた。 日本と海外のトレンドを織り交ぜたオリジナルビートはAcharu自ら作りあげている。
GoRo 86年からタイの島を中心に楽器を製作し売りながらアジア各地を5年間放浪する。大自然の波動を音に変換する事を目指す。ディジュリドウ、カリンバ、ホー ミー,口琴など,各地の民族楽器を独自のスタイルで奏でる。その音は、アコースティックながら,電子音的な面も持ち、世代,ジャンルを超えアンダーグラン ドからメジャーにまで幅広く支持される。10年間続くGocooヨーロッパ ツアーではブーム フェステイバルをはじめ数万人規模のイベントに150本以 上出演。幼稚園、老人ホーム 障害者イベント、ルイビトンなどの企業イベント、ファッションショーなどでも演奏する。近況はサカナクションのゲストとして アリーナツアーに動向する。ジャングルから始まり,ストリートより発信された、そのスタイルは唯一無二である。
Kyoko Oikawa 及川景子  
 アラブ・オリエンタルヴァイオリニスト。 音楽の源流、魂の音楽をもとめ、たどり着いた中近東の音楽手法に傾倒。 岡洋子氏にクラシック・ヴァイオリンを師事。チュニジアのベシール・セルミ 氏、エジプトのアブド・ダーゲル氏およびサード・ムハンマド・ハサン氏に、アラ ブ・ヴァイオリン奏法とアラブ古典音楽理論を師事。 全国各地でアラブ・中近東音楽の演奏、オリエンタルダンスと音楽のコラボレー ション等で活躍する他、CD解説、各種レクチャー、DJやヒューマンビートボクスと の共演などで、オリエンタル音楽とヴァイオリンの表現の可能性を発信。 近年は毎年、エジプト、チュニジア、モロッコ、フランス等に足を運び、研鑽と 演奏の旅を重ねている。
KENJI IKEGAMI 尺八 製管師 / 演奏者
「音・自然・人」の観点から自ら山に入り創り出される池上銘地無し尺八は「過去」に学びながらも捕らわれない現在進行形である。また虚無僧尺八を軸とした即興演奏やdrone music等 根源要素を取り入れた実験的な音源制作・演奏活動を行う。 https://www.ikegami-jinashi.com/
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ltdwlbl · 2 years
Sophisticated, Classical and Jazz oriented electronic music.
// Label: Ltd, W/Lbl (Limited White Label) // Web: www.ltdwlbl.com // Youtube: www.youtube.com/ltdwlbl // Facebook: www.facebook.com/ltdwlbl // SoundCloud: @ltdwlbl // Instagram: www.instagram.com/ltdwlbl // Release date: March 2021 // Cat#: LTDWLBL008
//A1 Nikola & Sakura Amour (Vinyl Version) //A2 Heavy Lemo - Mr. Motion(Malu Cachu Remix) //B1 Horsemen - All My Bad Behavior (Vinyl Rework) //B2 Malu Cachu - Shackled
// Buy vinyl: ltdwlbl.bandcamp.com // Reissued 2021 on Ltd, W/Lbl by permission of the artists and original labels. // Limited to 300 copies à 140g. // Each copy is hand stamped with „LTDWLBL008“ // Track durations and BPM are not provided on the record. // Mastered by Salz // Pressed and cut by Rand Muzik // Distributed by @inchbyinchdistribution
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Lego Batman Game Free Download Mac
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Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is an action video game developed by TT Games Ltd, Feral Interactive (Mac) and published by WB Games, Feral Interactive (Mac).It was released on 11 Nov, 2014 for PC.My point of view as a player: I got this game while it was on sale as a joke but in all seriousness its suprisingly fun and genuinly well made games, especially considering its aimed at a child audiance. Our website provides a free download of LEGO® Batman: The Videogame 1.0. Our antivirus check shows that this download is safe. This program is a product of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The software lies within Games, more precisely Action. Nov 28, 2017  LEGO® Life on PC (Windows / MAC) Download and install BlueStacks or Remix OS Player. Open the installed BlueStacks or Remix OS Player and open the Google Play Store in it. Now search for “LEGO® Life” using the Play Store. Install the game and open the app drawer or all apps in the emulator.
Jan 26, 2019  How to Download LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham on PC (Windows 10/ 8/ 7/ Laptop/ Computer): Click on My Apps System Apps Google Play Store. How to Download LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham on Mac OS: Click on the Search icon and type the LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham and then click on the Search using Google Play. Oct 04, 2018 The smash hit LEGO Batman establishment returns in a crazy, activity stuffed experience! Play as Batman and unite with characters from the DC Comics universe as you take off to space to prevent the malevolent Brainiac from crushing Earth.
LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham For Windows 10 Download. Play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ PC (Win 7/8/8.1/XP) & Mac OS (Tablet) | Android Apk Para PC Guide.
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The best-selling LEGO Batman power of attorney returns in an out-of-this-world, action-packed adventure! Play as Batman and tie forces by generally told of characters from the DC Comics globe as you contravene off to celestial spaces to discourage the dangerous Brainiac from detrimental Earth.
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Adventure at the hand of a crisp story applies in celestial spaces and Lantern worlds that reply Zamaron and Odym or visit thick DC realms in the Hall of Justice, the Batcave, and the Justice League Watchtower.
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Question Arises:
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Right Way to Play Mobile games on PC Windows 10?
I am writing This Tutorial to guide you how you can Play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on your PC (Windows & Mac)!
Which tool is working best (Bluestacks OR Andyroid)?
How can you set it up to play it very effectively (Best User Experience)?
Already Know? Then Must
Read the Last part to Know How to Get Best User experience (No more Crashes/ Banned)
How To Download ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on Windows 10/8/7 (PC) & Mac
Problems while Playing ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ On PC (Windows 10, 8)
Gameplay lagging | High performance is needed!
Setup Problems
Here is the Right guide to Deal with these Problems.
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Getting Banned in ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on Windows 10/8/7?
Question: Is there Any Risk to Play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on PC (Win 10)
The answer is NO!
There are numerous Players out there discussing that playing ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on PC will get you Banned, however, it’s not the reality.
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‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ is simply not Supported when technical problems occur if you don’t play on iOS or Android.
Do it Appropriate as I have discussed in this Article >>OR << Getting Banned
How To Play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on (Windows) – Easy Guide
>>Download Emulator on Your PC
>>This would Emulate Android/ Mobile
Reasons to Play Android games on PC!
Now Having Smartphones (Good Quality)
PC Gamers
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Important Instruction Before using Emulator:
Andyroid Vs Bluestacks:
To give you the full story, In 2010 Bluestacks was at first made to be a device for application engineers to try out their applications without stacking it to their cell phones!
At the beginning of mobile games, numerous people didn’t have a cell phone to play with, so they just began using Bluestacks (regardless of whether Bluestacks was not proposed to be a gaming test system) basically on the grounds that it was the main thing that worked.
Today, Andyroid created an emulator which is composed of the scratch for Players/ Users who need to play mobile games on PC (Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ XP/ Mac).
The advantages from Andyroid over Bluestacks:
Easy to Download!
Easy to Setup!
Easy to Use!
Andyroid is Much smoother than bluestacks
Andyroid needs Lower hardware requirements on the other side Bluestacks turns PC hot as it uses full hardware sources
Andyroid can’t get limited to only use what it needs (I’ll show you later)
Enough of the Discussion 😉 Let’s Get started with How to Play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ on PC! – Step by Step Instruction!
Step 1: Download Andyroid Para PC (Windows) OR Laptop
Download Andyroid Emulator on Your Windows 10/8/7
Download Andyroid From Here Andyroid Emulator
Wait until the installer finished successfully.
Open Andyroid from your PC (Windows) OR Mac!
Step 2: Login/ Create Your Account:
Select Language & Then Create a New account or Use Existing Google Play Account (Given in Image Below)
If you want to use your existing Account to Play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ On Windows 10 > Then log in with your existing Google Play Account!
If you don’t have a Google Play Account OR you want to use another account create a new one! (It,s Easy like Hell)
Everything is Ready!
What you need to Do is Download ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’!
Step 3: Install ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’:
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Now open the Google Play Store Account.
Select “install” and wait until ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’ has been installing.
You can now play ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’, but I would recommend to Change these Settings!
Step 4: Configuration (Recommendation)
For the Best Experience (Better Result) – I would highly recommend you to change these settings!
Adapt Hardware Resources
Lego Batman Game Free Download Mac 2019
Andyroid will not need more than 1024 MB of memory and 2 CPUs (if you’re using a PC (Desktop), you can also choose 1 CPU if you have a high strong CPU.
Lego Batman Game Download Free
You can set it up in the “Virtual Box” settings – It would set automatically in the beginning, but you can double check it.
Setup Keyboard Support
Playing with keyboard hotkeys will make easier Gameplay >>> Reason >>> Every Gamer knows 😉
It’s All done! Enjoy ‘LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham’!
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Site: TechGamea
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Cue is the most reliable, intuitive DJ software. It empowers DJs to mix, scratch, juggle, and sample audio and video on its dual virtual decks. You can use Cue just like you use vinyl, CDs, or most other DJ formats. Just load tracks from your virtual crates to the virtual decks and mix it up. You may be taken straight to the Software Update pane, if not click on the Software Update cog icon. Your Mac will search for an update and if there is one you can choose Update Now. Mac OS Supported OS Mac OS X v.10.10 - 10.11 / mac OS 10.14 At least 200MB free space on the hard disk At least 512MB free space in the memory (RAM).Perform the update after closing other application software.Disable the computer's sleep setting.
VirtualDJ 2021 uses advanced technology and the power of modern computers to revolutionize what DJs can do. With this new version you can mix in real-time the various components of your tracks (vocals, instruments, kicks, hihats, etc). This opens the door to new ways of mixing that were simply not possible before, and will forever change the way DJs mix. With real-time stem separation on any track, perfect live mashups and seamless transitions are now the new normal:
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This SOFTWARE USAGE LICENSE AGREEMENT ('THIS AGREEMENT') constitute a legal agreement between you and TAMRON Co., Ltd. ('TAMRON') setting forth the terms and conditions governing your downloading of the software provided through the Website (including various electronic data stored in the download files, “THIS SOFTWARE”) for TAMRON lens mentioned above ('THIS PRODUCT').
IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THESE TERMS, DO NOT CHECK THE BOX OR CLICK THE BUTTON AND/OR DO NOT USE, COPY OR INSTALL THE SOFTWARE, AND UNINSTALL THE SOFTWARE FROM ALL DEVICES THAT YOU OWN OR CONTROL. “Software” means any and all firmware programs and associated files provided with respect to the Product; any and all software programs, applications or “apps” and associated files provided with respect to the Product; all modified versions of and upgrades or improvements to such programs (such as those provided via web-based updates), all subsequent versions of such programs, and all copies of such programs and files. ALSO, BY USING, COPYING OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Best proxy for mac. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND YOU PURCHASED A PRODUCT CONTAINING THE SOFTWARE FROM AN AUTHORIZED RETAILER, RESELLER OR APP STORE (AS DEFINED BELOW), YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RETURN THE PRODUCT FOR A REFUND, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE APPLICABLE RETURN POLICY.This product is Software licensed to you by Belkin and, where applicable, by Belkin’s suppliers.
If you click the 'agree' button, THIS AGREEMENT is deemed to have been concluded.
1. LICENSE (1) THIS SOFTWARE is owned by Tamron Co., Ltd.('TAMRON') and/or its licensors. The copyright and all the other rights to THIS SOFTWARE are reserved. THIS SOFTWARE are licensed, not sold or transferred, to you for use under terms of THIS AGREEMENT. (2) THIS AGREEMENT allows you to install and use THIS SOFTWARE in THIS PRODUCT owned by you via your computer. TAMRON may acquire information needed for the identification of the computer in which THIS SOFTWARE is installed for being able to prevent unauthorized copying or the purpose of improvement of THIS SOFTWARE. (3) Notwithstanding stated in section (2) of Article 2, you may make one copy of THIS SOFTWARE for backup purposes only.
2. PROHIBITS (1) You shall not sublicense, transfer, sell, distribute, rent, lease or lend THIS SOFTWARE (including a copy for backup) or any part of thereof for a fee or non-fee. (2) You shall not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify or create derivative works of THIS SOFTWARE or any part thereof. (3) You shall not modify, remove or delete any copyright notices, trademarks and the other intellectual property notices contained in THIS SOFTWARE.
3. LIMITED WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE is provided “as is” and TAMRON hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with respect to THIS SOFTWARE, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights. In the event of TAMRON’s negligence (except in case of gross negligence) for the content you receive any losses, damages or expenses arising out of or in any way related to the use or inability to use THIS SOFTWARE, TAMRON shall be liable to you for direct and normal damages only.
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4. SUPPORT TAMRON will support at its sole discretion in case that you cannot use THIS SOFTWARE due to a failure of THIS SOFTWARE. Provided, however, this support does not guarantee or warrant that any or all malfunction of THIS SOFTWARE can be successfully fixed. TAMRON may terminate this support at any time.
5. UPDATE TAMRON may, at its sole discretion or at the discretion of TAMRON's licensor without notice, modify, amend, update, stop or terminate to provide THIS SOFTWARE at any time, and such are subject to the terms of THIS AGREEMENT.
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6. TERM (1) TAMRON may terminate THIS AGREEMENT without notice from TAMRON if you fail to comply with any term(s) of THIS AGREEMENT. Upon the termination of THIS AGREEMENT, you shall cease all use of THIS SOFTWARE, destroy all copies for backup and delete electronic data from your computer full or partial of THIS SOFTWARE. (2) The provisions of Article 2, Article 3, this Article, Article 7, Article 9, Article 10 and Article 13, shall survive the termination or expiration of THIS AGREEMENT.
7. EXPORT LAW ASSURANCES You shall agree to comply with applicable export control laws, regulations, or orders, and not to export or re-export THIS SOFTWARE directly or indirectly, in contravention of such laws, regulations or orders.
8. HANDLING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION TAMRON does not acquire personal information (name, address, date of birth, phone number, e-mail address etc.) in connection with THIS AGREEMENT. However, your IP address will be obtained for the purpose to provide THIS SOFTWARE. The information will be sent to the server that provides the service for technical requirements to establish communication. The IP address is obtained and processed to prevent unauthorized copying of TAMRON’S SOFTWARE. For notice on processing of personal information for you, please see here.(https://www.tamron.co.jp/terms_of_use/personal_information.html)
9. GOVERNING LAW AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION THIS AGREEMENT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. THIS AGREEMENT shall not be governed by United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods. Any dispute arising from or in connection with THIS AGREEMENT shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.
10. SEVERABILITY If, for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of THIS AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect.
11. ENTIRE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement between you and TAMRON with respect to the use of THIS SOFTWARE and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter.
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(1) TAMRON may change the THIS AGREEMENT if it is necessary to change THIS AGREEMENT due to amendment of laws and regulations, changes in social conditions, or other circumstances. (2) In the event that TAMRON changes THIS AGREEMENT pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, TAMRON shall determine the effective date, and shall notify the following items by posting on Tamron’s website or other methods by the effective date. ① Changes to THIS AGREEMENT ② Contents of THIS AGREEMENT after change ③ Effective date
13. LANGUAGE Any translation of THIS AGREEMENT is made for local requirements and in the event of a dispute between the Japanese and any non-Japanese versions, the Japanese version of THIS AGREEMENT shall govern.
Computer requirements
<Windows> Supported OS Windows® 10 Windows® 8.1
<Mac OS> Supported OS Mac OS X v.10.10 - 10.11 / mac OS 10.14
<Hardware requirements> At least 200MB free space on the hard disk At least 512MB free space in the memory (RAM) *Perform the update after closing other application software. *Disable the computer's sleep setting.
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After accepting the user agreement, please download the installation file.
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priyankakulkarni24 · 3 years
Impact of COVID-19 on Instant Beverage Premix Market Global Size – Countermeasures Of Economic Impact And Marketing Channels
The global market for instant beverage premix is predicted to exhibit a solid growth in the forthcoming years, according to analysts at Transparency Market Research (TMR). The global market for instant beverage premixes is featured by the presence of a large pool of players, on account of new entrants being encouraged by the low initial investments and low entry barriers. The market is highly competitive, with onus on market players to introduce new flavors, and engage in strategies to stay headstrong in the intense competition.
A number of players are also expected to resorting to competitive pricing of their products, offering deals, sales and incentives such as free gifts/merchandise to the buyers to lure them in. Players are seen consolidating their market presence through efficient production facilities, and enhancing their distribution channels by forming strategic partnerships. Giant industry players are acquiring smaller, popular companies in order to expand their geographical outreach into unventured markets.
Some of the leading players in the global instant beverage premix market are Starbucks Corp., Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd., Keurig Green Mountain Inc., Ajinomoto General Foods Inc., and Dunkin’ Brands Group Inc.
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As projected by TMR, the global instant beverage premixes market is expected to expand at a 5.70% CAGR over the forecast period of 2015 to 2021. The market, which stood at US$60 bn in 2014, is prognosticated to reach US$85.8 bn by the end of the period of forecast. In terms of product type, the segment for instant coffee held a market opportunity of US$30.4 mn in 2014, and is expected to witness the most prominent demand over the forecast period. Geographically, the region of Asia Pacific emerged as a key holder of the global instant beverage premix market with nearly 35% of the overall market share in 2014, and the trend is expected to continue over the coming years.
Demand from Quick Service Restaurants, Corporates to Accelerate Growth
Growing interest from corporate buyers because of high utilization rate of instant coffees will bolster product entrance. Brisk administration eateries are required to be the new pattern for the buy of prepared to serve beverages driving the business development. The corporate area is the biggest consumer segment in the market for instant beverage premixes. This is attributable to efficient and simple planning of these remixes, as individuals don’t the ideal opportunity for getting ready traditional beverages, for example, tea or coffee. Quick paced life and occupied way of life has brought about noteworthy ascent sought after for instant refreshment premixes, as it empowers consumers to make beverages rapidly. Comfort of conveying instant premixes will drive the business development. Growing patterns on instant tea, coffee and drain will push the product demand.
Explore Transparency Market Research’S Award-Winning Coverage of the Global Industry @ https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/global-adaptogens-market-to-expand-as-ancient-lines-of-medical-treatment-gain-traction-tmr-851676748.html
Changing Lifestyles, Food Habits to Propel Instant Tea Premix
Enhanced premixes will witness high development rate because of varieties in customers’ flavor inclinations. Innovations in technology as far as new flavor advancements will support the growth of this product segment. Rising interest for custom-made flavors give a few future extensions to the product improvement and advancements. Green tea is growing as an exceedingly famous over the world. Advantages offered by the product, for example, weight reduction and directing glucose levels in the body will empower the product demand.
Request for Covid-19 Impact Analysis @  https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=covid19&rep_id=7742            
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blackhouseltd · 4 years
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CD: 100 MADE (**Only 50 available via mailorder) HOODED SWEATSHIRT: 30 AVAILABLE (**All hoodie orders come with a copy of the CD)
-Hoodies- High gloss black print on a midnight grey zip-up hoodie. 100% pre-shrunk cotton. Available in S, M, L, and XL.
-CD- A remix sound interpretation expanding on four specific tracks from Sterileprayer's debut full length album, prolific French experimental composer Philippe Petit provides an entirely new soundscape of layers to these tracks using a variety of extremely rare synthesizers, offering an even darker, completely disorienting and mind-expansive musical experience. The original mix from the original album versions are mixed and mastered in a completely different way, and is run on a very limited edition of 100 copies, fully packaged.
PLEASE NOTE: Only 50 copies of this are available in the US direct through the BH Ltd. Mailorder. The remaining 50 copies are to be distributed in Europe.
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eastformsdnb · 7 years
Let soulful vibes and funky grooves take you to dancefloor extravaganza Tracklist: Dave Owen & Dorsh - Our Little Secret feat. Dorsh (Satl and Skeletone Remix) [Soul Trader Records] Marcus Intalex & ST Files - Nightfall [Renegade Hardware] Dr Meaker - Music In The Night (Unreal Remix) [V Recordings] Break - Unification [Computer Integrated Audio] The Invaderz - Waterworld [Ingredients Records] Malaky - Right Now [Liquid Tones] Commix - Satellite Type 2 (Adam3 Remix) [Exclusive] Command Strange - Black & White feat. T.R.A.C [V Recordings] S.P.Y vs Aladdin - Dusty Fingers (We Enter) (Adam3 Bootleg) [Free] Dialogue - Toybox VIP [Free] Anile - Jack of Clubs [Medschool] Total Science, Digital & Spirit - Apply the Pressure [Computer Integrated Audio] Taxman - CODED [Free] TC - April Fools (Adam3 Remix) Exclusive Danny Byrd - Red Mist feat. IK [Hospital Records] Phibes - Hustlin [Free] Universal Project & Friction - Streetlife (Adam3 Remix) [Exclusive] Artificial Intelligence - Movin' On (DJ Marky and Bungle Remix) [V Recordings] Sigala - Give Me Your Love feat. John Newman & Nile Rodgers (Andy C Remix) [RAM Records] Metrik - Fatso (Beatport Exclusive) [Hospital Records] deadmau5 - Strobe (Dimension Club Remix) [mau5trap] Fred V & Grafix - Major Happy (Original Mix) [Hospital Records] Danny Byrd - Supersonic [Hospital Records] Michael Jackson - Human Nature (Makoto and Specialist Remix) Slynk & Granular Sumo - People Get Up [Symphonic Distribution] Kalimna - So Good to Me (Jaydan Remix) [Universal Music Ltd] SpectraSoul - Always [Shogun Audio]
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