#right wing radicals
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voters vs. GOP
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The news this past week, that the Idaho legislature and passed and the governor had signed a bill forbidding interstate travel to obtain an abortion, followed by the decision of a rogue right wing lunatic Trump judge in Amarillo making overturning the FDA approval 20 years ago of Mifepristone, effectively attempting to end medication abortion nationwide,brings into sharp focus a process that has been going on for several years. This is approaching the point where, if Trump returns to office in 2024 with Republican control of the Senate (a strong possibility, given the Senate map and the fact Democrats are the majority of those up for re-election) andthe House, the plan can be brought to fruition.
It is no less than a recreation of The Confederacy, without an armed conflict, and with reactionary control extended nation-wide.
Look at the following:
Back last July, 2022, in response to a lawsuit brought by the Republican state attorneys general in Texas and Louisiana, the Supreme Court blocked the Biden Administration from changing a key element of federal immigration policy. What makes the case interesting is it was just the latest victory for red states, supported by Trump-appointed judges, successfully engaging in a multi-front attack to seize control of national policy even though a Democrat was in the White House and at the time controlled the House and Senate.
Since then, with Republicans having again taken the majority in the House of Representatives, the red states are moving social policy sharply to the right on issues ranging from abortion to LGBTQ rights and classroom censorship. At the same time, using the power of redistricting and overwhelming majorities in the state legislatures they they control, they are working to hobble the ability of their own largest metro areas to set a different course as they have destroyed representation by Democrats of those large cities by slicing them up into parts of surrounding districts controlled by Republicans, effectively disfranchising the progressive urban populations in their states.
Increasingly, using the federal courts and the state legislatures they control, the MAGA Republican right are creating a nation inside a nation, a Red America that operates on rules and policies that radically diverge from the rest of the country more than almost any previous era since the post-Civil War period when the South began defining their ultimate victory despite having lost the civil war, using the “separate but equal doctrine” that became known as “Jim Crow” to defeat the 13th, 14th and 15th Constitutional amendments passed nationally to ensure equality for the freed slaves.
As well as working to create a separate Red America, the MAGA Republicans also seek to bend the blue states to their political will. The Dobbs decision that overtuned Roe v. Wade was the result of a case built around a Mississippi law created specifically to challenge Roe and provide the Supreme Court that is now controlled by a radical right supermajority with the opportunity to overturn the decision. Late Friday, a Trump-appointed judge issued a decision overturning the power of the FDA to approve drugs, with a decision in a case brought by anti-abortion legal activists specifically in Amarillo because they knew this radical anti-abortion judge would deal with the case. Judge Kacsmaryk’s nationwide injunction rescinds FDAs approval of Mifepristone nationwide, including in states where abortion is still legal and without exception for the mother’s health, rape, or incest.
The decision is an attempt to impose a national ban on abortion despite the fact that the Supreme Court in the Dobbs decision said that abortion policy was a state matter to be decided in individual states. Kacsmaryk even brought back in full force the 1873 Comstock Law that prohibits advertising or mailing anything, including information, that prevents conception or produces an abortion. Using this law gets around the milestone decision of Griswold v. Connecticut rendered by the Warren Court in 1965, which overturned Connecticut’s “little Comstock law,” while leaving the federal law in place though unenforced for the past 58 years
These events are the result of a long-term movement to recreate a modern Confederacy within the borders of the United States, and then to make the cultural priorities of the GOP’s predominantly White Christian electoral base the controlling law in the non-Confederate states.
The goal is to win a new civil war without resorting to armed conflict, and to insure the political dominance of the rebel Confederacy.
While this appears to be culturally-driven, its financing comes from extremely wealthy individuals whose wealth is founded on the older economy based on resource extraction. Thus red state legislatures act against climate change proposals, promote further use of fossil fuels, and oppose environmental regulations such as emissions standards.
Blue states are more heavily exposed to the big demographic, cultural and economic forces that are reshaping American life; red states are less exposed, and where they are, those changes are occurring overwhelmingly on their large metropolitan areas, which have become “blue jewels” in a sea of surrounding red. These changes are seen by the GOP and their primarily-white voter base as threatening their declining political power. Thus the Democratic cities like Austin, Houston or Atlanta are a target for Republicans who control the state government to pass “pre-emption” laws; not only are the Republican legislatures redistricting the cities to deny them political representation at all, there are moves like what is happening in Texas and Tennessee to limit the size of local government and limit the policy choices over which those governments have control. The Texas state legislature has passed a law allowing the state to intervene in local political decisions in Houston - the largest and bluest city in the state.
GOP state legislatures are resorting to increasingly overbearing and indefensible power plays to hold off the rising tides of opposition resulting from their descent into reactionary rule.
On every issue from gun ownership and religious affiliation to participation - or lack thereof - in the 21st century information economy, most red states are diverging more sharply from the experience in blue states while becoming more similar between themselves.
The difference between the 25 red states that voted for Donald Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections, compared to the rest of the company shows the diffrence of the two Americas in sharp terms.. At a time when the immigrant share of the total US population is nearing its all-time high, 19 of the Trump states rank at the bottom 25 states in share of population composed of immigrants. While the overall share of the population that are college graduates is rising, 20 of these states are in the bottom 25 for the share of population holding at least a four-year college degree. The 25 Trump states, by contrast, fall into the top half when states are ranked by the share of population that are White Evangelical Christians or who own guns.
In economic structure as well, the red states are rooted in the powerhouse industries of the 20th century than their blue counterparts, and have less of their economy involved in the information-age industries that generate the greatest economic output. 23 states Trump won rank in the top 26 states emitting the most carbon from their energy sector per dollar of economic output. In contrast, 18 Trump states rank in the bottom half for share of the workforce employed in technology jobs.
Housing costs and taxes are generally lower in the red states, but with high-wage, high-value information-age jobs concentrating more in blue states, nnly three red states with large energy extraction industries - Alaska, North Dakota and Wyoming - have median wages that equal the average of all the blue states. The gross domestic product per person and the median household income are now both 25% greater in blue states than in red.
Blue and Red states are divided as regards where people live. Three-fifths of residents in blue states live in core urban counties and inner suburbs, with less than one-third in the least urban areas. Red states are almost the mirror image: almost three-fifths of residents live in the least urban regions with less than one-third in core urban counties and inner suburbs.
The most urban counties are the most Democratic-leaning parts of red states; the least urban places are the most Republican-leaning parts of blue states. If ythe most urban places are removed from the red total and the most rural places from the blue. the gap in total economic output widens further: the blue state contribution to total US GNP is 75% bigger than the red.
The real threat in the red state effort to set their own course and impose their values nationwide is a challenge to underlying national cohesion. Red states are testing how much divergence the fundamental national cohesion can take before it unravels.
To a far greater extent than earlier, control of state government now aligns with a states’ preferences in presidential elections. Republicans control all the state legislature in all of the 25 states that voted twice for Trump. Republicans also control the governorship in 21 of the Trump states, with only Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky and North Carolina dividing executive from legislative power.
Of the 25 Trump states, 21 have already moved to restrict abortion access since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. The same 21 Trump states have passed laws denying rights to the transgender community. The same 21 have passed laws since 2021 restricting how public school teachers can discuss issues of race, gender or sexual orientation, while making it easier for critics to ban books from school libraries. These same states are also the majority of states that have passed legislation making it more difficult to vote following Trump’s Big Lie.
Seen as a whole, red states’ drive to set their own rules represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction after the Civil War that led to Jim Crow segregation; these states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.
Blue states have moved forcefully to defend and expand many liberties now under siege in red states. But congressional Republicans have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation; while they have little chance of becoming law so long as Democrats control the Senate, the new social order red states are now creating offers the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.
Vote like your life depends on it.
Because it does.
[Thats Another Fine Mess]
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superreader30 · 4 months
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Abortion wasn’t always a religious issue as White evangelicals initially had a range of positions on abortion until right-wing evangelical leaders dominated the political scene in the 1970’s. The leaders sought to steer evangelicals toward supporting the pro-life movement.
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alwaysbewoke · 15 days
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jellyfishfem · 24 days
op is a terf is the new she’s a witch
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blackpilljesus · 2 years
The right downplays misogyny from boys as "boys being boys 😏"
The left downplays misogyny from boys as "it's the toxic masculinity 🥺"
In both scenarios boys aren't directly held accountable for their actions and the women + girls they abuse are seen as passive objects for male character development.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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pat-lechem · 6 months
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lol the ignorance and detachment from reality here is so funny! israeli jews, even the most far-right, ultra nationalist, religious zealots of them, don't have any desire to take over the world/make every country jewish. it's something no israeli ("zionist") talks about or prays for! literally no one! "the world"?!?! this really ridiculous meme seems to have taken a muslim idea or something(?) and apply it to judaism or zionism without thinking for a second about..... plain facts!!!
maybe worry about iran...... who's actually meddling and taking over arab countries?! maybe worry about russian influence over arab countries?! instead of making up nonsense about israel!
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[Michael Egan]
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May 24, 2023
MAY 25, 2023
The Department of Homeland Security today issued a bulletin warning, “Lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland.” Both domestic extremists and foreign terrorists are using online extremist messaging and calls for violence to motivate supporters to launch attacks. Individuals upset about the 2024 election and new laws or court decisions might attack “US critical infrastructure, faith-based institutions, individuals or events associated with the LGBTQIA+ community, schools, racial and ethnic minorities, and government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement.” The advisory is in force for six months. The announcement warned that a key factor in potential violence is “perceptions of the 2024 general election cycle,” a reference to disinformation suggesting that U.S. elections are rigged. This false allegation is a staple of former president Trump’s political messaging. That disinformation led to the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, of course, although many of those who have stood trial for participating in that attack have expressed regret—at least in front of the judge. But not all of them. Today Judge Christopher Cooper noted that Richard “Bigo” Barnett had “not shown any acceptance of responsibility” for his actions before sentencing him to four and a half years in prison. Barnett is an Arkansas man who was convicted on eight counts for his participation in the attack, during which he was famously photographed with his foot on then–House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre informed reporters about the budget negotiations and averting default, calling it a “manufactured crisis.” She called out members of the far-right Freedom Caucus for referring to the full faith and credit of the United States as a hostage, and reiterated that it is the duty of every member of Congress to avert the default that will cost millions of jobs lost, devastate retirement accounts, and throw the United States—and the world—into a recession. “Let’s be clear about what Republicans are demanding in exchange for doing their job and preventing a default,” she said. “Earlier this year, they put forward an extreme package of devastating cuts that would slash…support for education, law enforcement, food assistance—the list goes on and on and on and on—by what now would be about 30 percent.” While Jean-Pierre didn’t say it, the Republicans’ insistence that spending is out of control does not reflect reality. In fact, discretionary spending has fallen more than 40% in the past 50 years as a percentage of gross domestic product, from 11% to 6.3%. What has driven rising deficits are the George W. Bush and Donald Trump tax cuts, which will have added $8 trillion and $1.7 trillion, respectively, to the debt by the end of the 2023 fiscal year. The U.S. is far below the average of the 37 other nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, an intergovernmental forum of democracies with market economies, in our tax levies. According to the Center for American Progress, if we taxed at the average OECD level, over ten years we would have an additional $26 trillion in revenue. If we taxed at the average of European Union nations, we would have an additional $36 trillion. What Jean-Pierre did say is that the Republicans’ demand for cuts in the name of fiscal responsibility and deficit reduction is belied by their protection of tax breaks skewed for the wealthy and corporations. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said those tax cuts would add $3.5 trillion to the debt over the next decade. As the credit rating of the United States totters, House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) repeatedly told reporters the debt ceiling crisis is not his fault. Indeed, he cannot corral the votes of members of the right-wing Freedom Caucus, who say they will not agree to raise the debt ceiling unless the Senate passes the extremist bill McCarthy got through the House by assuring party members that it was designed only to increase his bargaining power with Biden and that it would never become law. That passage is a nonstarter for Democrats and also for a number of vulnerable Republicans. And yet without it, McCarthy can’t get the votes he needs from the Freedom Caucus. And yet, the Republicans refuse to work with the Democrats, so the extremists can dictate what the House Republicans do. We’re right back to the same fight we saw over McCarthy’s speakership, where extremists held the trump cards. “We’re not going to default,” McCarthy insisted. In contrast, all the House Democrats have backed a discharge petition that would force a bill to increase the debt ceiling to the floor, but they need five Republicans to sign on to it. So far, no Republican has publicly stepped up. Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s announcement today that he is running for president was awkward. He made the announcement on Twitter, whose owner, Elon Musk, has said he supports DeSantis, but the technology didn’t work and Twitter crashed repeatedly, leaving DeSantis’s audience unimpressed. The campaign of rival Republican candidate Trump scoffed. A spokesperson said: “Glitchy. Tech issues. Uncomfortable silences. A complete failure to launch. And that’s just the candidate!” His commentary later in the day was even harsher. President Joe Biden also threw shade. His team tweeted: “This link works.” The link went to the Biden-Harris campaign donation site. On a more serious note, the president today used the one-year anniversary of the massacre at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and 2 teachers died and 17 more were injured, to call for gun safety measures. Since the Uvalde murders, Biden said, the U.S. has experienced 650 mass shootings and well over 40,000 deaths from gun violence. Guns are the top killers of children in the U.S. Biden called for a ban on AR-15-type firearms and high-capacity magazines, and for the establishment of universal background checks, national red-flag laws, required safe storage of firearms, and an end to the immunity from liability that gun manufacturers enjoy. He noted that these commonsense measures are popular. “To the families of the children and to the educators…we know that, one year later, it’s still so raw for you. A year of missed birthdays and holidays, school plays, soccer games, just that smile. A year of everyday joys gone forever. The bend in his smile. The perfect pitch of her laugh. “God bless those 21 blessed souls lost on this day in Uvalde,” Biden said. “And may God bless their families. We’re thinking of you.”
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seeing posts that talk about the usa as like. an unheard of dystopia that has unique hardships that arent experienced anywhere else. like I Need You To Understand What People's Lives Are Like Pretty Much Everywhere Else
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athenawasamerf · 1 year
I had a spiritual experience while reading the last chapter of Andrea Dworkin’s Right Wing Women today. Nothing has hit me harder or opened my third eye more than reading her careful dissection of the models of anti feminism, and going over the specific paragraphs about the woman-superior model. I was immediately sucker punched in the solar plexus. I could almost feel Andrea Dworkin sitting next to me, discussing the ‘divine feminine’ bullshit that’s on the rise on tiktok and Twitter right now. I have never before been so suddenly and powerfully aware of the importance and meaning of a concept I already believed in, which is that we as feminists need to stop reinventing the wheel and throwing it out every other generation. Everything we are going through today as women and as feminists has either been extensively described and dissected, or predicted by feminists past. We need to immediately stop discrediting all feminist text that’s already been written, and focus on understanding it and applying it to our world. We need to build on, not demolish and rebuild. And like, I knew this and believed it in theory, which is why I started reading more theory in English, but it just. Hit me right in the face.
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lilithism1848 · 8 months
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
Feminists who make sensible, reasoned arguments in favour of autonomy and have calm debates with the anti-abortion crowd are amazing and I admire them and of course we need them to continue educating and informing, for the sake of the women and girls on the fringes of the discussion especially.
But ffs I do not CARE if the foetus is alive, or a person, or a baby, or anything else. If something is in my body and I do not want it there, it is not staying inside me. I am not a vessel. I am not obligated to grow a new human with my own body and its resources.
"Consent to heterosexual sex is consent to pregnancy but also if you're raped don't blame the ickle baby and abort." Sure. Hence abortion. Hence contraceptives. Solutions are invented when there are problems to be solved. Whether those problems are natural or created or even self-inflicted is irrelevant.
"Mothers have an obligation to their children." And yet, those who seek abortions should be prepared to choose adoption as a satisfactory alternative. So which is it, are we dutiful mothers from the moment of conception or are we supposed to be happy performing unwanted reproductive labour for adoptive parents? Are we cattle or are we dogs?
"You're killing your baby." I don't care if it's an endangered Amur leopard cub tbh, it's not staying there. I am not a mother and I do not want to reproduce. I have seen motherhood. I think mothers are incredible, as a group and often as individuals. I also think unwanted motherhood is the cruelest fate imaginable, for both woman and child.
Bottom line is, there is no scenario where it is more ethical to force a woman or girl through pregnancy and birth than it is to safely terminate said unwanted pregnancy. No amount of guilt-tripping or moralising or misinformation or provocative rhetoric can outweigh my right to choose not to be pregnant.
(Also personally I would terminate myself if I couldn't access termination for an unwanted pregnancy. So I guess the foetus would still technically end up aborted lol. You ain't growing from me, sunshine.)
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jellyfishfem · 18 days
okay but why arent we the ones calling gendies conservative and right wing and religious fanatics? I mean they really are, they just pinkwashed their bigotry to hide it. its all misogyny with extra steps. they are a different flavour of right wing. they are working to uphold the patriarchy. the nazi to transwoman pipeline? they are no different than ben shapiro or trump or that woman who brought guns to campus and whos husband went to conversion therapy. same goals and they are working together pretty efficiently to put women down, to put lgb people down, to put people of colour down, to put intersex people down, to put disabled people down. they are a TEAM
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Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxies are to blame. Nobody cares for the actual Palestinians who are pawns and human shields for Iran’s foreign policy. Egypt denounces Israeli counter measures against Hamas but won’t take in Palestinian refugees or allow humanitarian aid to cross into Gaza.
The world will never be stable as long as rogue fascist states like Russia, China, and Iran use terrorists as foreign policy proxies. It’s asymmetrical warfare which is using unconventional means when you can’t defeat someone on the battlefield. Cyber attacks, hostile financial manipulation, terrorism, misinformation, propaganda, radicalization, election meddling, and just about any kind of disruptive practice you can imagine.
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mlfeminist · 3 months
men in all camps demand that women accept abuse in silence and shame, tie themselves to hearth and home with rope made of self-blame, unspoken rage, grief, and resentment.
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