#riverdale season 4 alternate ending
crazymisscarly · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday (or five paragraph Monday if you’re spicy)
Tapes of Us - Chapter 25
Is it 2 years in the making? Almost but not quite 👀
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Midway through his first class back at college for semester two, Jughead found himself completely unable to concentrate on his professor.
Instead, his computer’s cursor strayed away from the poem he’d downloaded as he grit his teeth and opened up Google. He typed into the search engine: Can you hallucinate seven months after a concussion? And waited for the instant flow of information.
The results weren’t giving him much optimism, but if the insanity of his life the previous year had taught him anything it was that he had to accept everything for what it was. And right now, his life was forcing him into the path of a person who had tried to frame his girlfriend for his murder.
Elle stirred in his arms and blinked up at him. When he looked down at her, he saw the tell-tale signs that she was about to start crying. Almost automatically, he reached into the side of his backpack and pulled a bottle out of the warmer. Elle hungrily accepted it just as she made a gurgle of annoyance.
He noted the side-eye glances some of his classmates gave him, but their attention quickly went back to the projector screen with which the professor attempted to explain her poetry analysis. He snuck a glance at Donna - but she wasn’t looking at him, merely smirking ahead.
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ao3feed-jarchie · 1 year
fought the battle of jalopy in this beat-up car
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/K2sa1zc
by prettydizzeed
When Fred Andrews’ boy gets back from a seven-year stint in the Peace Corps that half the town thought would never have an end date, a lot’s changed about him, but the car’s the same. 
Words: 5016, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Riverdale, GA
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, Polly Cooper, FP Jones II, Reggie Mantle, Juniper Cooper, Dagwood Cooper, Toni Topaz
Relationships: Archie Andrews & Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews/Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper & Polly Cooper, Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge, Chad Gekko/Veronica Lodge
Additional Tags: Season/Series 05, Found Family, Moving In Together, Alternate Universe, Pining, Reminiscing, Returning Home, Small Towns, Lesbian Betty Cooper, Mechanic Betty Cooper, Slice of Life, Class Issues
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/K2sa1zc
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afaimsblog · 1 year
Welches Goldene Zeitalter des Fernsehens? - Sie haben “Westworld” gecanncelt, also lasst uns ehrlich sein!
Das sogenannte Goldene Zeitalter des Fernsehens, das es meiner Meinung nach sowieso nie gegeben hat, neigt sich rapide seinem Ende zu. Zwischen all den Meldungen darüber welche Streaming Serien nicht vor 2024 ihre nächste Staffel heraushauen werden, häufen sich jetzt auch wieder die Absetzungs- und Beendigungs-Nachrichten und die Shitstorms um die Serien, die über ihre legitime Lebenszeit hinaus verlängert werden, nur weil irgendwer denkt sie wären wichtiger als die besseren anderen Serien, die es gibt und die stattdessen abgesetzt werden. Also ja, können wir uns bitte endlich darauf einigen, dass sechs MCU-Serien im Jahr, unendliche viele angekündigte neue Star Wars Serien, und zwei neue Star Trek-Staffeln pro Jahr nicht heißen, dass wir deswegen im Goldenen Zeitalter des Fernsehens leben?
Wenn man sich 2023 ansieht, dann kriegt man MCU-Serien, Star Wars- und Star Trek-Serien und The Walking Dead-Serien, und das war’s dann auch schon wieder. Hoffentlich gibt es auch die letzte Staffel von “Snowpiercer”, es sei denn die verschwindet an den Ort, an dem HBOmax all seine Todesopfer versteckt, weil man dort keine Miete zahlen muss, aber abgesehen davon bleibt uns nur noch das Network-Fernsehen, und das wird jedes Jahr immer trostloser. “Grey’s Anatomy” schließt sich “NCIS” an und macht einfach ohne seine Hauptfigur weiter und wird aus irgendwelchen Gründen scheinbar trotzdem noch angesehen, und “Law and Order: SVU” scheint unverwüstlich zu sein, aber im Grunde lebt die US-Network-Landschaft nur noch von Krimi-, Krankenhaus- und Actionserien, wobei Letztere in Wahrheit aber auch nur alternative Varianten von Krimi-Serien sind. Selbst die gute alte Sitcom hat es inzwischen irgendwie schwer zwischen all dem Reality-Müll, Genre-, Drama-, Mystery- und Thrillerserien werden inzwischen so wie die History-Serien gar nicht mehr für Networks gepitched, bzw. wenn sie es doch werden gehen sie nirgendwo hin, oder gehen nach einer Staffel den Weg alles Sterblichen. Nicht umsonst wird “Manifest” von Netflix zu Ende gebracht, und nicht umsonst entwickelt Julie Plec ihren neuen Fantasy-Serien jetzt für Peacock und andere Streaming Services.
The CW war die letzte Bastion für das, was unsereins gerne sieht, doch mit der Übernahme durch Nextstar ist dieses Zeitalter zu Ende gegangen. Nextstar hat offenbar Geldprobleme, was nicht nur bedeutet, dass aus all den Projekten, die an sie via The CW herangetragen wurden wie etwa die neue “Babylon 5″-Serie nichts werden wird, sondern auch, dass all jene Serien, die die Rote Hochzeit dieses Jahr überstanden hatten und diese Season weiterhin auf Sendung sein werden, auf einmal in Gefahr schweben. Die nächste Cancellation-Welle hat bereits begonnen, und neben “The Flash” und “Riverdale”, die mit dieser Season sowieso zu Ende gehen sollten, findet jetzt auch “Nancy Drew” ein verfrühtes Ende, und “Stargirl” wurde mitten in der Ausstrahlung der dritten Season eben doch gecanncelt, was zwar niemanden überrascht, aber eine schlechte Zukunft für die letzten DC-Serien auf dem Sender - “Superman & Lois” und “Gotham Knights” - vorhersagt. Auch der SPN-Spin-Off “The Winchesters” wackelt bereits, und selbst bei sicheren Startern wie “Kung Fu” und der “Walker”-Franchise ist es auf einmal nicht mehr sicher, dass es eine Zukunft für diese Serien über diese Season hinaus geben wird.
Und die Kabel-Sender? Leider wurden die angesteckt, was den derzeitigen Cancellation-Wahn, der überall herrscht, angeht. Denn obwohl schon eine fünfte Staffel von “Westworld” bestellt worden war, die Darsteller bezahlt worden waren und sich gegen Aufzahlung extra für die geplante Drehzeit freigenommen hatten, hat HBO nun doch vollkommen überraschend den Stecker gezogen und verkündet, dass die Serie mit Season 4 endet. Discovery führt den Vernichtungszug gegen die Konkurrenz, die übernommen wurde, also offenbar fort, und jetzt nachdem HBOmax für immer zerstört wurde, geht es mit HBO weiter. Was bedeutet diese “Westworld”-News für ein teures Prestige-Projekt wie “The Last of Us”? Gibt es für Warner-Discovery überhaupt noch eine Zukunft?
Das Ende von Starzplay auf der andere Seite läuft ruhiger ab, weil die Serien, die eigentlich dort hätten einziehen sollen, woanders untergebracht werden. Wenn es jemand gibt, der wirklich vom plötzlichen Chaos am Serienmarkt profitiert, dann ist es Peacock, und natürlich Paramount+, die viel von dem, was ursprünglich von und für Warner gemacht worden war, abkassieren dürften. Unterdessen hat sich Disney+ zwar die Internationalen Rechte von der 2023 “Doctor Who”-”Staffel “(haha) gesichert, aber ansonsten müssen sowohl dieses Streaming Service als auch Netflix und Amazon eher noch lernen ihre Karten richtig auszuspielen, denn warum sonst haben sie noch nicht zugeschlagen und alles übernommen und gerettet, was möglich ist? Insofern ist es auch nicht gesagt, dass einer der großen Drei “Westworld” rettet. Da man sämtliche CW- und HBOmax-Produkte vor die Hunde hat gehen lassen, könnte es vielleicht daran liegen, dass Warner-Discovery nicht wollte, dass irgendwelche von ihren Serien oder Filmen von Drittparteien gerettet werden, und wenn dem so ist, dann könnte “Westworld” das gleiche Schicksal blühen.
Starz selbst macht aber zumindest munter weiter, wie es scheint. Nach der Covid/Schwangerschafts-bedingten frühzeitig und daher endenlosen 6. Staffel, soll Staffel 7 von “Outlander” zum ersten Mal seit der 1. Staffel wieder sechzehn Folgen bekommen. Natürlich muss hier erst noch das Ende von Staffel 6 nachgeholt werden, also ist unklar wie lange die eigentliche Staffel 7 wirklich sein wird (wer die Bücher kennt, weiß, dass Buch 7 lange und in mehr als nur einer Hinsicht umfangreich und kompliziert ist, aber seit sie anfgegangen haben die Bücher zu mischen - also zu Staffel 5-Zeiten - ist die Serie sowieso nur noch ein vager Best Off-Shuffle-Mix der Vorlage und keine Verfilmung mehr), und vielleicht deutet die “lange” Staffel ja eher darauf hin, dass wir es mit der finale Staffel zu tun haben.
Enden wird “The Handmaid’s Tale”, allerdings erst nach Staffel 6. Hulu hat hier vorausgeplant, und auch wenn man argumentieren kann, dass die Serie wohl zu lange gelaufen ist, ist es doch ungewohnt einmal wieder eine Serie zu sehen, die die Standartlänge von sechs Staffeln umfasst und nicht um jede weitere Staffel nach der ersten kämpfen muss oder irgendwo im zweistelligen Bereich für scheinbar bis nach dem Ende der Menschheit ausgelegt ist, und sich dabei immer wieder selbst wiederholt und alle Charaktere am laufenden Band austauscht. Die Zukunft von Hulu ist aber durch den Erfolg von Disney+ gefährdet, denn nun da man Disney Star auch in der daraus zu tiefst verwirrten USA in Disney+ inkludiert hat, stellt sich die Frage, ob Disney Hulu überhaupt noch braucht, und wenn die beschließen, dass sie das nicht mehr tun, nun dann wird es ein Outlet für ungewöhnlichere Stoffe weniger geben und das könnte schon in den nächsten zwei oder drei Jahren der Fall sein. Vielleicht endet nicht nur Junes Abenteuer, sondern auch das von Hulu.
Und was bleibt dann noch? Die großen Franchises, solange sie gerade in sind und dazwischen den Network-Einheitsbrei? Serien wie “Rings of Power”, “House of the Dragon” oder “Stranger Things” nehmen sich nicht nur deswegen ein Jahr Pause, weil sie kompliziert zu produzieren sind, sondern auch weil die Studios dahinter auf diese Weise Geld sparen können. Diese Produktionen kosten dreimal so viel eine früher als teuer geltende Serie. Lange sind die Zeiten vorbei als “Rome” die teuerste Serie aller Zeiten war. Klar, bei diesen Kosten kann man sich nicht jedes Jahr eine sowieso nur aus acht bis zehn Folgen bestehende Staffel leisten. Aber zugleich bedeutet das eine längere Wartezeit zwischen neuen Folgen, und damit werden Erwartungshaltungen geschürt, die schon “Games of Thrones” zum Verhängnis geworden sind. Lange Pausen sind gut fürs Geld, aber ironischerweise schlecht für den Erfolg, ja mehr Leute sammeln sich an, die einschalten, aber die sind um so kritischer, weil sie schon lange selbst beschlossen haben wie es weitergehen soll (und vermutlich im Fall von HotD nicht so wie in “Fire and Blood”).
Früher hatte eine Staffel “Star Trek” 26 Folgen pro Staffel, erschien jährlich, und war einfach immer für uns da. Heute muss sich “Strange New Worlds” mit zehn Folgen begnügen und ist zu wertvoll um einen weltweiten Publikum einfach gezeigt zu werden. Wer also nicht die hunderste “Law and Order”-Ableger-Serie ansehen will und irgendetwas heldenhaftes in Chicago beobachten möchte, der muss sich damit abfinden, dass seine Lieblingsserien seltener mit weniger Folgen zu sehen sind, weil sie mehr kosten, was aber nicht unbedingt heißt, dass sie deswegen besser sind. “Rings of Power” hätte es besser zu Gesicht gestanden weniger zu kosten aber dafür inhaltlich besser zu sein. Und genau das ist das andere Problem des heutigen Fernsehen. Vielleicht waren nicht alle 26 Folgen der vierten Staffel von “TNG” genial, aber dafür waren auch die schlechtesten immer noch anschaubar, weil es einen gewissen Grundstandart gab, selbst wenn ihnen zwischendurch mal für eine Episode das Geld ausgegangen war. Im heutigen Kabel- und Streaming-TV wird das episodische Konzept immer seltener genutzt, sprich die Serie oder Staffel soll als Ganzes gesehen funktionieren, das bedeutet aber auch, dass damit automatisch alles schlecht ist, wenn es eine schlechte Folge gibt, die alles davor oder danach entwertet, oder wenn die erste Folge nicht gut ist und es daher danach nie besser werden kann. Und um das auszugleichen macht man vermehrt Anthologie-Serie, die zwar nicht schlecht sind, und genau das Problem nicht haben, aber eigentlich teurer sein müssten als eine Serie mit Standing Sets und fixen Cast, die sie eben gerade nicht ersetzen können.
Also, nein, das Goldene Zeitalter des Fernsehens ist vorbei. Covid und die Inflation haben es gekillt, wie es scheint, aber die Produktionsfirmen haben das ihre dazu beigetragen. Und solange es Leute gibt, die aus den gleichen Gründen wie Discovery Warner gekauft hat und Elon Musk Twitter gekauft hat, Merger und Übernahmen ermöglichen, nun solange wird alles immer schlechter werden anstatt besser. Denn wer etwas kauft nur um es zu zerstören und sich dann wundert, dass er damit Verluste anstatt Gewinne macht, nun der ist an allem, was danach passiert, selber schuld.
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penforged · 2 years
MAIN VERSE  :   001.
Alternate backstory for S1-5B
While my Jughead follows the events of season 1-4, including his relationship with Betty, Archie and Veronica, there are some pretty vivid changes to his characterization and backstory. [ CONTENT WARNING: mention of drug dealing/selling, alcohol abuse, drug addiction ]
In another life, perhaps, Jughead knew a simpler life. Where his father sobered himself up, became a cop, and Jughead graduated high school. 
However, that just quite isn't how it is. After Jugheads mother abandoned not only himself but his younger sister Jellybean, to FP's continued abuse of alcohol and carelessness, Jughead assumed responsibility for his younger sister and began providing for her by getting a job at the Twilight Drive-In. Laboring as hard as he could to provide for her with the little earnings he received. Despite the small size of income, it was enough to provide a roof over his sisters head, food on her table, clothes on her back and just enough to provide a small bubble of innocence for his sister. 
Despite his constant work schedule, he managed to also attending Riverdale High School with his friends, Archie Andrew, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge. Though, his life was far from simply that.
For a short time, unbeknownst to Jughead, FP has been stealing his sons money to obtain alcohol over paying the bills. After a heated discussion with their landlord, however, Jughead became aware of FPs actions and confronted him, which lead to an intense fight where FP kicked Jughead out of the house he had worked to pay the rent on.In spite of being homeless as a teenager, Jughead continued meeting the rents payment with his landlord to ensure Jellybean had a home, as well as providing for her.
Jugheads income had went from threatened to demolished when Hermione Lodge purchased and bulldozed the Drive In. Perhaps it had been symbolic, truly. Where his former work had been destroyed. In his most desperate hour of needing work, he accepted an unlikely and highly dangerous job task of making drug deliveries for the local gang. 
While it was far from a safe job, it came with a much more sustainable paycheck and multiple opportunities to earn more. Which, despite how ultimately degrading they were, with Jellybeans safety within his mind, he willingly accepted the extra jobs.
Perhaps throughout his trouble, his one saving grace had been Betty Cooper. The one person he could count on, and felt like home as he made his way through school with his friends and located random locations to call home for the night, and surprisingly being accepted into Yale; where he ultimately gave up his position so Betty Cooper could have his spot.
At the tail end of his high school experience, the one event he hadn't anticipated, had been receiving a video tape of his girlfriend cheating on him with Archie Andrews. Projected in front of countless of his classmates, in the midst of prom.
Overwhelmed and hurt with betrayal, Jughead distanced himself from his circle of friends. In the show, Jughead spent the summer with Betty. However, in my canon, Jughead couldn’t bring himself to take Archie to the bus stop and instead, silently fled Riverdale. His last point of contact being with Betty Cooper to call her and Archie out for being liars and hurting both he and Veronica with their lies.
In years of his state of betrayal, Jughead's perspective grew darker and darker; in his desperate yearning for relief in his own life, he too fell into a life of drug addiction, and resigned himself to a dark life. Working for gangs.
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
Not an insider, but I’d like to offer this suggestion why RAS is pushing Jabitha. Firstly, completely clueless that the fans don’t ENJOY the break unless there is active pining and angst. He’s attempted to prolong the ships because he wants to also prolong the show. RAS has his mitts in so many ovens, he doesn’t recognize how he’s driving people off. (Part 2 of ask coming, I’m sorry)…
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i don't actually know if you meant this for me specifically, anon, tbh. i am aware there are people who think he's overtly pushing this ship or that ship for this season but as someone who's been around for a good while now (as in since 2017 and stopped lurking in 2018), roberto is really just being himself to me.
this is the same man that told b/a fans to tune in for 1x13 to see more b/archie. and then they watched this after betty and jughead said their first i love yous:
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(gonna take the fact that babe, can i call? by the hunna came on my playlist when typing this as a sign, ha)
ras has always been in the moment, vague, and slightly trolly. all at once. that he's "rooting for j/abitha" doesn't surprise me. it's been his answer for more than one ship, the man has his canned answers and he uses them. that he's deflecting questions by bringing it back to something else that's currently part of the story also doesn't surprise me.
also that people are surprised that people who are into b/a are asking him about b/a or j/t is like...okay. what did they expect from them?
expecting him to spoil things when he's only talking a few eps ahead isn't really his style from my memory of his interviews. you can, as always, read between the lines for him because he's usually pretty careful with his exact language and in the end, you can be right or wrong based on your bias and opinion and he can be technically right or wrong based on whatever definition you applied to what he said.
see: the whole AU thing. now, is it an AU depending on your definition of it? yes. could it be that it's not an AU to him because he thinks of an alternate universe as a totally separate thing outside of how his story for this event connects to riverdale? sure. is he wrong or right? depends on your personal thoughts on how that works.
i do think that because he's never really had to talk much about other ships outside of the core 4 and c/honi with occasional b/a talking points, people are giving his words more weight than before. but why? he's not really saying much different than he would say for any other ship currently onscreen.
which is my last point. the ships onscreen are currently happening. i write fic that maybe 3 people read and i still don't give away what's happening in later chapters to anyone who asks just because they want to know.
i think people might be giving him too much credit for his motivations on the low level interviews he probably does in any given week. he overstates and undersells. he always has. and when j/t is over, he'll have a totally different answer for whoever asks. when archie isn't dead, his answer about b/a might change. he's going to say something different about each ship in each phase they're in.
and sure, i can be wrong and he can have totally different motivations but as someone who interviews people regularly and asks the same questions over and over again and almost always gets the most predictable answers because everyone knows what they're supposed to say, his talking points always ring the same to me even if his words change, tbh.
this is why i've always been a big advocate of watching what they're putting on the screen instead of assuming that interviews are giving anyone any real information. look at how click-baity and out of context that "bughead is dead" article was. they're not in it for any sort of integrity (see also: the screener with no shame posting a kneeling man emoji knowing what it would imply), they're in it for engagement and getting people mad has always worked better for clicks than making anyone happy.
but if you didn't hear or see any of that and just watched that last episode? you watched a totally different story happening.
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bettyminicoop · 3 years
We're at AU since 504, and I'll prove it to you.
So, Riverdale is a comic.
No not like this.
This is how this article began a day ago, when I tried to develop a theory about season 5 and try to explain the absurdity of everything that we have seen on the show lately. But Riverdale is really a comic, in which anything can happen, including events that take us to an alternate universe.
So, the main secret of the season 5 is not mixing ships, it's not about TBK, not about Moth Men, not about TRAUMA™. The main secret of the season 5 is: "What the hell is going on here?"
Does RAS like predictions? Jughead in 417 literally says, "In what future are we not together?" Thus, launching this universe, in which we find ourselves since 504. And there is an explanation for all this, oddly enough.
Honestly, I think that the absurdity of 518 helped me a lot. I realized that all the ship's nonsense of the season is a red herring. I calmed down, exhaled, moved a little further and looked at the whole picture.
For convenience in the future, I will call the events of the first four seasons as RD01, and season 5 since 504 as RD AU. So, everything that happened in RD01 also happened in RD AU, but in a different way. And something may not have happened at all. This is where all the inconsistencies with the plot of the first four seasons come from.
1. The writers are not lazy, they don't forget what happened 5 episodes ago. RAS simply deceived everyone by taking a very risky step. All of the plots that take place in Season 5 have a backstory that we don't know anything about. Except for certain plots that are taken out of the context of the first four seasons. But the difference is that all these plots that happened in RD01 went completely differently here in RD AU.
2. The episode of Citizen Lodge has the most direct evidence for the existence of RD AU. Because if this episode hadn't happened, it would have been hard to guess RD AU. It would be impossible to connect the dots. Citizen Lodge is the key to unlocking the mystery of Season 5 of Riverdale.
The Midnight Club takes place in 1992, but Citizen Lodge takes place in 1988. Although these are the same characters, in the same age range. But at Citizen Lodge we were shown newborn Veronica, because Hermosa never existed here. In RD01, the Lodges have a family rum business, RD AU Lodges are shoe shiners not originally living in Riverdale. The events of both episodes contradict each other, because they took place in different universes. This is not a fault of the writers, this is a deliberate hint. This whole new RD AU universe exists several years earlier than RD 01.
Small addition. In 516 it is indicated that Hermosa exists in the RD AU. But maybe she is younger than Veronica.
3. The last time a clear timeline is set is 503, when Jughead sits in Pop's a year after graduation. And when he walks out the door, he says that the next time he saw his friends was six years later. But we haven't seen that yet. Because that's where RD01 ends.
When 504 starts, nowhere is it stated how many years have passed. The first timeline is set by Veronica Lodge. "It's 2021". And this is the very first clue that we are in the middle of RD AU.
4. When Season 5 was announced, RAS said it would be a 5 year time jump. But by the start of the season, it turned into 7 years. And there is still no error. In RD01, after Bughead says goodbye on the porch, their next meeting actually happens in seven years. But we haven't seen it yet.
RD AU probably takes place five years after core four graduated from high school. And this is confirmed by Bughead's conversation in the bunker when Betty asks Jughead why he's bringing up a conflict five years ago. Which by the way does not negate the fact that voicemail happened only two years ago. Because it is the aftermath of a terrible five-year conflict that ended Bughead's relationship in RD AU. Do you seriously agree that kissing was a terrible thing to do? Probably something worse happened at RD AU.
5. On the chest of Archie RD AU there is no scar after his meeting with the bear, so this did not happen in this universe. We've been shown Archie's breasts so many times this season but we never really noticed!
6. Tom Keller and Sierra McCoy do not appear to be married in RD AU, although they literally fought the Gargoyle King for their relationship.
7. I believe that the RD AU timeline is shifted 4-5 years back relative to RD01. As confirmed by Bughead's bunker conversation and the events at Citizen Lodge. And this explains why RD AU is now in 2021, and not 2027, as it should be in RD01.
8. I watched season 5 very casually and hardly saw more than 1/3. So I need you to help me collect more evidence for the existence of RD AU. For every plot, event and conversation, you need to apply an AU theory filter. And I can promise you, every piece will find its place in the puzzle.
By the way, differences can be not only in plots and dialogues, but also physical in the appearance of characters and interiors.
I'm sure that Veronica's question to Archie, where he sees himself in five years, was also not accidental. But I no longer have the strength to develop this and build it in the context of RD AU. Especially because I don't know much about their relationship history. I trust you to figure it out.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Season 5 of Riverdale is still Jughead's book from RD 01, called Rivervale.
Will we get the RD AU backstory in Season 6? To be honest, I'm not sure if we need it.
Is Polly still alive in RD01?
Could Alice's hallucination at 518 be AU on AU? That is, literally being RD01 inside RD AU. Because these scenes were, it seems, the most "normal" in the whole episode. Follow up on this idea. Or we can just wait for season 6 special.
It does not matter at all which ships the RD AU will end with. It does not matter. Because season 5 and season 6 special is not about ships.
Maybe season 6 special is when RD01 and RD AU mix. Well, let's see, it's not long to wait.
Is there a chance RD AU will end on episode 100? Perhaps.
Please give this season and finale a chance. I am currently re-watching individual episodes to find confirmation of my AU theory, and now season 5 makes sense! Check it out for yourself. I'm sure there will be a TBK mystery in the final episode next week that will make my whole AU theory obvious. But I will write about this separately right after this post.
Looking back now, I think the flurry of spoilers ahead of 518 is literally when RAS went crazy. Because we're incredibly dumb and didn't want to see obvious clues in the narrative.
I will never pull this stone out alone. So, my young archaeologists, arm yourself with hammers and brooms, and help me bring this treasure to the surface completely.
I want to say THANK YOU to Bughead fandom. Because you are amazing. Because you are building theories, you are guessing, you are thinking. Because you spin every situation, you question every plot that happened on the show. And I am overwhelmed with complacency, because the uncovering of the main secret of Season 5 came from the Bughead community. After all, who else besides Bughead can uncover Riverdale's secrets?
And thanks to those who first brought up AU in Riverdale. Because only thanks to this theory, I was able to pull the thread and untangle the whole ball.
It's so liberating. It’s like someone has suddenly turned on the lights in the dark room we’ve been in since the beginning of Season 5.
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
I was tagged by @asarcasticwitch - thank you so much!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
737, which is an ugly number :(
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,890,054 words, which ... AH I might actually get to 2mil by the end of the year!
3) How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
thank you, ao3 dashboard for this handy list:
Teen Wolf (TV) (377)
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) (187)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (93)
Glee (29)
Young Justice (Cartoon) (11)
Kingsman (Movies) (9)
Original Work (9)
The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (8)
Criminal Minds (US TV) (7)
Thor (Movies) (6)
Deadpool (Movieverse) (5)
Weird City (TV) (5)
X-Men (Original Timeline Movies) (4)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) (4)
Ragnarok (TV 2020) (4)
Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) (3)
Teen Wolf (TV) RPF (3)
Iron Man (Movies) (3)
The House in the Cerulean Sea - T. J. Klune (2)
Venom (Marvel Movies) (1)
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (1)
Captain America (Movies) (1)
Fate: The Winx Saga (TV) (1)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (1)
X-Men - All Media Types (1)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1)
Riverdale (TV 2017) (1)
X-Men Evolution (1)
Push (2009) (1)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
With You, I Belong
Mates and Marriage Proposals
The Perceptions of You and I
(baby) maybe that matters more
Breathing You In
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ughh so, fair warning, I have a lot of works. I definitely do not remember all of them, however I do have four works tagged as Unhappy Ending and then another nine works tagged Ambiguous/Open Ending, which is way more than I’d thought I had! 
however, there is one fic that stands out in mind when I think about which of my works has the angstiest ending! Heed the tags :)
And Now?
Teen And Up Audiences | Major Character Death | M/M | Teen Wolf (TV) | Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski | Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Canonical Character Death, Peter Hale Dies, Unhappy Ending
Stiles Stilinski finds out who his soul mates are by setting one on fire.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
ughhhhhhhh I truly do not know??? 
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write many crossovers at all! I have some mcu/teen wolf cross overs, I have a teen wolf/glee cross over plotted (that i’ll probably never write), but my strangest is probably this teen wolf/x-men cross over!
what-ifs (don’t fuckin’ matter to no one)
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)Teen Wolf (TV) | Logan (X-Men)/Sheriff Stilinski | Logan (X-Men), Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski | Memory Loss, Telepathy, Mentions of War, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Child Neglect, Grief/Mourning, Telepath Stiles Stilinski, Telekinetic Stiles Stilinski, Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling
There’s somethin’ there. Somethin’ that has him sleeping curled up on his side with a pillow tucked to his chest, somethin’ that has him splittin’ up his food ‘fore he eats ‘cause he don’t need as much as a baseline. Has him turnin’ to tell someone shit that ain’t there. There’s just...there’s just somethin’ there that’s missin’ and it shouldn’t be missin’.
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sometimes! I don’t write a lot of smut because I actively dislike writing it, but the smut I do write is super super soft and sappy and full of emotions lol
9) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to almost all of my comments! comments i won’t respond to: negative comments, unsolicited criticism, comments that aren’t relevant to the fic itself, comments simply asking for more 
I love love love responding to comments! I love every single comment that I get and I want to show how much I appreciate getting them, and personally I think responding to comments is the only way to do that! everyone has different comment philosophies, but for me, if someone is taking the time to comment on my fic like I so badly want them to, I think it’s important to respond to show my appreciation! 
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
aha YEAH I DO. this past weekend I actually got a number of shitty comments and had to file two ao3 abuse reports for harrasment (: I love it
I am no stranger to hate comments. I write copious amounts of age difference fic. I write copious amounts of incest. I am not going to apologize nor am I going to feel bad for enjoying either.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ughhh I sure as heck hope not! 
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a number of them :) I always always do my best to make sure it’s linked to the original fic, AND that I add a tag noting that there’s a translation!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have made a few attempts! the only successful attempt is there's nothing i wouldn't do to make you feel my love which is a collaboration with @flightinflame, not quite a co-write!
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am unable to answer this lol I don’t have an all-time favourite. mutli-shipping forever.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
god okay this is such a good question! imma ramble about a few so bear with me here! (i may have 700 posted works but I also have a few hundreds wips & ideas floating around in my gdrive, too)
gone & past - this is a starrish wip i’d started in 2017. I ended up deleting it from ao3 to rewrite it and never got there, but I have about 20k of content! I built my home, inside of you - thorki human au with college jock thor and high school dancer loki. i’ve got a start and nothing else Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Sweet Sweet Lovin’ - massive wip where... well, the sheriff fucks his way through the entire pack. I want to write it but. trans allison au - this is an au where allison is trans and that changes the entire season 1 canon. it features stallison, petopher, and a looooooong ass outline that will never exist beyond my wips You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love) - this is a stetopher a/b/o au with pregnant omega stiles and alpha pair petopher falling in love. it started as a labour of love to someone I no longer have in my life. I have about 30k, a full outline, but idk. makes me sad to think about it they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered - this is my big x-men first class rewrite that I honestly don’t think i’ll ever finish. I have a few thousand words, a full outline, but no love lost for cherik so. doubtful Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby) - this was a fic I was SO excited about, and then it kinda flopped and stayed a wip because I didn’t have a plan or the motivation to finish it. it’s a winterspider human au with amputee bucky and science twink peter that I adore the premise of but who knows breathing you in chapter 2 - I have a massive second chapter planned for this fic but the first did so good so fast I am way too intimidated to write more in case everyone hates it lmao
there are more arjgoirjeg there are so many more but these are the bigger ones I can think of right now!
16) What are your writing strengths?
ughhhhh I hate answering this because I have, like, seriously bad imposter syndrome around my writing BUT I do think i’m able to weave poignant backstory into narration & i write strong, distinctive narrative voices!
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
literally I can’t write settings at all. I don’t know how people vividly describe settings but I absolutely cannot do that and it’s one of the reasons I haven’t delved into original fiction. I need to write the town my characters live in?? fuck that imma just use a location we’ve seen on screen & let readers fill in the blanks lmao
I am also shit at long fic. I don’t have the mind for long and interesting plots, and I don’t have the focus to write long fic (which is why every long fic i’ve ever posted has taken me literal years to complete smh).
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it! both as a reader and as a writer. as a writer, I generally only use a few words, or small sentences that can be understood by context, and I generally don’t 
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
the last thing I wrote and posted was this one:
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | X-Men (Original Timeline Movies) | John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake | Bobby Drake, John Allerdyce, X-Men (Team) | Not Canon Compliant, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Summer, Teasing, Fluff
It was a really, really hot Saturday, and most of the school was outback, enjoying the sun, not caring about the heat, and having the time of their life.
Everyone but Bobby, of course, who was melting away.
“I just want to remind everyone that I make ice. I am the Ice Man. I am not built for the heat and soon enough I’m going to melt away into nothing.”
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this is another impossible question! I have a few I really enjoy, but I really don’t think I have a favourite that stands out above the rest!
i’m tagging: @4magicandmayhem @insertmeaningfulusername @midrashic @wynnefic @ikeracity @stronglyobsessed @elledelajoie @wolfnprey​ & anyone else who sees it and wants to do it! seriously! go ahead :)
blank questions below the read more!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
9) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
16) What are your writing strengths?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S5 E4 (The True Season 5 Start) (maybe spoilers, probably not) (will also only make sense if you’ve watched the episode, as this is not a recap).
5 Things I loved  
1.  I loved that Archie is in some sort of war but we don’t see what war.  This makes for a much more interesting way to deliver the information they need to rather than get bogged down on which war in which place.  It made me think of Dogville, a film by Lars von Trier, where the ‘set’ is a sound studio with markings on the floor.  You are watching a show, says Riverdale, so this a deliberately crafted alternate universe.  It doesn’t matter which war. 
2.  When Archie comes back to Riverdale, the Serpents are performing a song on stage at the Whyte Wyrm.  Utterly pure Bollywood.  There is no reason to do this song number, they just wanted to do it.   I love that there is so much show in Riverdale.  I’ve also never seen a heavily pregnant woman do a sexy song and dance routine AT A BAR in any form of media before!  There’s references to Britney back in the day with the girls in short shorts carrying actual boas on their shoulders. I also hollered with laughter at both Archie and Kevin outright wanting to laugh at this show Toni is putting on.    
3.   I love the post time jump misery of everyone. Post college life as a 20 something can suck so bad, seems to be the point. 
 Job  - Being committed to a career can lead to discovering people in your life don’t want you to outshine them (Veronica). You might think you’ve set yourself up for something long term and then turn out to be wrong (Archie).  You can do all the things - graduate from a good college with good grades after you earned a sensible degree - and still have to hustle like a maniac or settle really hard to make ends meet (Toni, Kevin, Fangs).  Tasting early success can end up showing you only how  very far you have to go and how little it matters (Jughead). 
Personal life - You can definitely have an I have absolutely no friends, wtf happened to me evening or two (Betty). Whatever you didn’t heal from in your teens can take over your whole life with drastic adult consequences (Cheryl, and possibly, Reggie). You can be irresistibly drawn to the absolute wrong person to be with and nobody can stop you because you’re grown (Veronica, Betty, Jughead, and again, possibly Reggie).  You have even less support from parents/ guardians than ever before (Veronica, Cheryl).  And sometimes, when you meet up again with people you were really close to in your teens, it’s actually awkward and terrible (the Diner scene).
4.  I love thicc slutty miserable adult Jughead.  I had a person who really disliked me for this blog (their ask was an ad hominem attack)  ask an interesting question:  A Jughead stan? (derogatory).   I wasn’t sure, but I think now I can be. I’m a Jughead stan!  I am surprised that I find adult Jughead so much fun, like, even more intriguing than the beautiful delicate sadboi, the passionate Serpent Fail King, the feral manic G&G player, or the smug preppy (though I am partial to this last) iterations.  This irritable person who talks over a fan to correct her and obviously engages in a game of self-defeating chicken about not doing any housework with his equally irritable girlfriend - I love this, that he went from being the most perfectionist idealist teen to this dude who memorizes his best performance review for his job. (See also my 3rd point). 
5.  I love that they did something with the Serpents and the Serpent Queen.  FP’s failures (it was more FP’s fault than Jughead’s) as Serpent King decimated the Serpents, and Betty should never ever have been anything other than a Serpent groupie, so Toni and Sweet Pea (SWEET PEA GETS TO TALK!) reconstitute the group, with Toni at the head, and they seem to have learned something from Jughead’s time as King, when the Serpents were homeless and under a lot of strain. They’ve diversified - they own a bar, they run a trucking business, and those who want to and can also get white collar jobs
3 things to consider
1. The dream shows how Archie views all these old friends.  Jughead is a burden and an obligation, at the same time - someone he has to save, maybe, but definitely someone whose entire weight he has to carry around.  Reggie is an equal (when he falls, Archie moves on). Veronica, Betty, Fangs and Sweet Pea are merely his ‘audience.’   The person who actually takes time to pay attention to what is happening to him and sends him love & encouragement without any demands is Cheryl.   Someone - if it was you please say in the comments! - gave me an important hint, that Cheryl is known or likely to be the spokesperson for the creators of Riverdale, so maybe this just means, The Show Loves Archie.
2. Betty thinks she caught serial killers, in the multiple, in high school. But she didn’t, so she’s still very wrong all the time about her own life.  Her Dad and Charles desperately wanted her to know who they were and she just refused to take the fucking hint, and Jughead actually figured out most of the rest (Penelope as the true Gargoyle King, that Hiram was using the Gargoyle King as a prop, the stuff with the Stonies).  The one bit that Betty put together on her own was that Warden Norton killed the Principal In the Cupboard, and he wasn’t even that important.
3.  What makes a town or city function? According to Riverdale they are in order of priority: (1) emergency services esp having a fire station and more law enforcement than the lone sheriff and social services, (2)  solvent residents (signified by the abandonment and decay of the leisure space, the park, as well as the metastasized skid row), (3)  connection to the national transportation network (if Greyhound won’t have a stop in your town you’re done for?), and (4) a high school.
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A VERY long post
… on how to build a hero Riverdale-style (or the power of double standard)
I will forever wonder: how is it possible that, although both Betty and Archie use morally ambiguous means, and although taking down a serial killer or a cult is ultimately more beneficial to a community than taking a gun and inciting a civil war, there are still people who believe that the woman who took down the serial killer is corrupted and in need of saving by the guy who helped start a civil war …
We all talk about how Jughead and Betty think that the end justifies the means, but in a show where existing within the grey area is the norm, what is it that perpetuates this idea that Bughead are more morally ambiguous than any other character? Aside from the fact they’re given the season’s mystery A plot and, thus, more exposure.
Archie is a prime example of someone who thinks that the end justifies the means. That’s the definition of being a vigilante, which has been his storyline twice in the show.
He believes that bringing a gun to the Southside and forming the Red Circle is fine because he is protecting his father, that burning a car or cutting the chains of protestants is ok because Hiram’s vision for Riverdale is Good™, that beating thugs bloody is justified because they were Bad People™ who threatened the El Royale minors. (They were. He could have tried to build a case against them instead). And yet, in the worst of circumstances we will say he’s a bit of a moron, never that he thinks the end justifies the means.  
In season 1 Archie was a himbo (and a bit of a fuckboy). (He was also Grundy’s victim but the writers though that was … hot?). He couldn’t make up his mind, he was jealous, he kissed someone who was not his partner (I can’t believe I’m writing this about Grundy). Yet, I (like most of the fandom) didn’t have a particular problem with him. He was called out on his behaviour, but without malice. Partly, I suspect, because he was behaving similarly to comic!Archie but thankfully sans the triangle plot. Archie stopped being a fuckboy after season 1. He did have two kisses with Betty while in a relationship with Veronica (season 2 & season 4) but they both came out of nowhere and the first one led nowhere (and in a way the second one will similarly lead nowhere because of the 7-year time jump). Archie started losing his popularity with the audience in season 2, not because of the kiss, but because of the gentrification storyline and -more importantly- because of the writers’ decision to ever since actively brush off his more questionable behaviour, while still giving him problematic storylines.
The idea that Betty needs saving and that Archie should be the one to do it, comes from this double standard.
1. It is not really about having good intentions. Just like Archie, Betty and Jughead do have good intentions. I should think that trying not to have your family/friends brainwashed by an organ-harvesting cult or ridding Riverdale of a drug lord (drug lady?) mother are fantastically good intentions. The juxtaposition lies elsewhere. @go-ldy called it earnestness vs ruthlessness. I call it impulsiveness vs deliberation. Archie acts impulsively, which makes him seem more earnest and is, therefore, seen in a more positive light. Whereas Betty and Jughead are shrewder: they think things through, are aware of the grey areas and then consciously go on with their plan anyway. For that reason, they seem more ruthless than Archie, although their intentions are equally good and their execution is no more questionable than his.
2. But then the writers explicitly tell us that, in Archie’s case, the end does indeed justify the means. More often than not, we are shown Archie earning a sympathetic pat on the shoulder for his good intentions (and “misguided” actions). Yet, the audience in never told in the same explicit way that Betty’s and Jughead’s actions were for a good cause. This is an artifice to set Archie apart and reinforce him as an earnestly “good guy”. The writers like this device and keep employing it season after season. (Personally, I find that having Archie repeatedly earnestly engaging in problematic choices, has a cumulative negative effect. Obviously, the writers do not agree.)
3. Unlike Archie, Betty and Jughead are explicitly labelled by the writers as dangerous / dark™. For all that Dark Betty (also ™) has very specific visual marks, Betty’s “darkness” has been a very vague notion, encompassing (AND deprecating) her sexuality and mental health. Don’t even get me started on the non-existent “killer genes” (by the way, Archie wouldn’t be able to do anything about them, because, you know … supposedly DNA). Likewise, for Jughead, the Serpents were originally presented as dangerous and evil: Jughead was ashamed of his father being a Serpent and, even in their evolution in season 2, they were still morally ambiguous (f.e. Tall Boy, Penny). These labels sticked, even when the Serpents fizzled out to mostly being Jughead’s posse whenever the plot was in need of more friends/allies and despite the fact that Betty is usually NOT Dark Betty when blackmailing people (blackmail being her most questionable behaviour so far, alongside being coerced to cover up Chick’s murder).
4. In comparison, Archie’s character is continuously lifted up by the writers, who alternate between scenes of Archie’s questionable -but ultimately acceptable- decisions (f.e. the way he delivered the news of the break up in 2x18) with scenes of his good guy persona (f.e. trying to warn Jughead of the Southside High raid and being his right hand in the car race in the very next episode). Betty and Jughead are always too involved in the mystery, so their “good persona” scenes are usually their couple scenes. As a Bughead fan I find them very nice and hot and validating for their relationship, but they do not carry the same moral gravitas as Archie making a Thanksgiving Feast for everybody in El Royale or trying to convince Munroe not to take drugs to boost his performance (even if these are isolated events). These are explicit and unquestionable reminders of Archie’s goodness that, in a way, are also meant to redeem his more questionable choices. No other character is afforded such scenes with such frequency. While Betty and Jughead were out there trying to solve a mystery (and keep Jughead alive) Archie’s whole season 4 plot (that went absolutely nowhere) was a series of shirtless moral dilemmas (wherein he always chose wrong and then righted his choices). Archie was even afforded an indirect redemption arc for his choices in season 2 by means of the juvie/boxing storyline in season 3. Indirect is the key word here.
“I’m messed up, Veronica.”
“We all are, Archie. And, honestly, you less than most.”
Archie is not less messed up. His goodness is not solely character driven. Neither his intentions not their outcome are better than the intentions or the actions of other characters.
When Archie beats Dodger (who was about to flee anyway) up to the point that Darla cries “Stop! You’ll kill him!” he’s objectively not a Good Boi. Yet when Betty blackmails Donna out of profiting after having planned a lot of murders/attempted murders, she is a Very Unscrupulous Sleuth Indeed? Bitch, what?
There is just a very particular and consistent way in which Archie’s “grayness” is dissolved in Sweetwater River by the writers that simply does not apply to other characters. It’s a deliberate writing choice.
For some viewers this obviously works. For me, it just pisses me off.
Comic!Archie didn’t interest me much. Riverdale!Archie, however, actively annoys me.
It’s not because of the things he does per se. I might not like them, but, eh, I don’t particularly have a problem with them either. Everyone in Riverdale does questionable things. It’s because of the way the writers try to shove that double standard down my throat.
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crazymisscarly · 3 years
I get lots of messages asking me about Tapes of Us, and while the final chapter is not yet finished (soon, I am very hopeful), I wanted to post a little excerpt for y’all :) just so, you know, you have proof it really is coming back soon hahaha
Thank you to those of you who have messaged me! It really gets me keen to keep writing, knowing that people actually want to read my work :)
Tumblr media
Midway through his first class back for semester one, Jughead found himself completely unable to concentrate on his professor.
Instead, his computer’s curser strayed away from the poem he’d downloaded as he opened up Google. He typed into the search engine: Can you hallucinate seven months after a concussion? And waited for the instant flow of information.
The results weren’t giving him much optimism, but if the insanity of his life the previous year had taught him anything it was that he had to accept everything for exactly what it was. And right now, his life was forcing him back into the sordid path of a person who tried to frame his girlfriend for his murder.
Elle stirred in his arms and blinked up at him. When he looked down at her, he saw the tell-tale signs that she was about to start crying. Almost automatically, he reached into the side of his backpack and pulled a bottle out of the warmer. Elle hungrily accepted it just as she made a gurgle of annoyance.
He noted the side-eye glances some of his classmates gave him, but their attention quickly went back to the projected screen explaining the poem they were analysing with the professor. He snuck a glance at Donna - but she wasn’t looking at him, merely smirking ahead.
Jughead had absolutely no doubt in his mind that she wasn’t at Yale for the educational experience. She had to have an agenda.
Jughead spent the remainder of his time in class mentally kicking himself for not checking in with Moose again before he left Riverdale. Had Moose even ended up coming home for the holidays to see Kevin, like he’d said he would? What exactly had he said about Donna… she was Moose’s girlfriend, and had apparently told him all about “Brett’s” attempt on Jughead’s life.
What the hell was she playing at?
Jughead didn’t stick around to find out. The second their professor dismissed the class, Jughead was shoving his computer into the backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. Elle was quiet as he walked to his next class; he settled in to the back of the lecture hall as he tried to calm down his racing heart.
“Dude, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you move that fast.” Jay commented as he sat down beside Jughead. He pulled down the side-table and rested his computer on it.
Jughead couldn’t respond - he was too busy focusing on the doorway, and waiting to see if Donna would walk through it.
She did.
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pink-flame · 3 years
ballarke 11 & 12
Bellarke!!! You’re coming for my emotions and I love you for it lol.
11. If they aren’t a canon pairing how would you get them together?
It’s like you know I’ve thought about this A LOT. 😂 Also I argue they are canon to an extent but I digress lol. ANYWAY...
I would have all the tension and feelings building up through season 4 like they did in the show. Love confession during the episode where they’re frantically trying to get to space before the earth melts down (again). They still get separated and Bellamy spends maybe a few less years than in the show thinking she’s dead and she calls him daily on the broken radio. They reunite and get together mid-alternate version of season 5 probably in a charged, life threatening situation. They stay together and become the bad ass soulmate couple they were always meant to be. The end. 😂
12. If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom what would it be and why?
Ooooh interesting.
My first instinct was Being Human cause I wrote an au that crossed those two over a bit. I could see Bellamy as a brooding vampire and Clarke as a ghost or werewolf. Why not lol?
I kind of want to plunk them into Riverdale both because I think they could take care of all that nonsense before lunch and because I want some fun teen time for them.
Send me a pairing ask.
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go-ldy · 3 years
i always knew they’d parallel the “ask me when we’re 18” line - but instead of building towards it all season they crammed it into the end of a big story arc bc it wasn’t a priority, but they knew were running out of time and had to do it so it’s why the kiss/fb felt forced.
and if they really cared enough to make it a big turning point, the writers had the perfect opportunity to unwind bughead with jughead being gone. but they didn’t, and instead used ba as the “match” to light their powder keg on fire and blow up the core 4 before the time jump.
I know, anon, I know. The reason for the storyline was to blow up the Core 4 and create a “reset” that they could come back to after the time jump. It is extremely frustrating. And I agree that if they were going to go down this route, I would have preferred more seeds being laid in early season 4. Why not bring Betty and Archie back into each other’s lives in season 4 when Jughead was away at boarding school? We could have seen them becoming closer again and maybe even feeling guilty that they were spending more time together than with their SOs. Instead, Betty and Jughead seemed stronger than ever. 4x01 - 4x16 contained some of my fave episodes for Bughead that this show has ever given us. (Not to mention 4x19, which remains such a GIFT). 
You know the fake dating was the Riverdale way of “building it up”  but from a character and emotional perspective, the arc was flat. Fake dating is such a fun trope because usually the two people have been pining for each other before the fake dating. Or, alternatively, they fake date long enough to develop feelings for each other. In this case, Betty and Archie spoke all of two words to each other all season before the fake dating, and then it was over in the span of about two minutes. 
But here we are and I will continue to write fic about it until I can make it make sense in my head lol.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 3 years
TV diary 2020.
All the shows I finished this year, with some thoughts on the highlights. 
* Anime / Animated
- Harley Quinn. 
- Back Street Girls: Gokudolls. 
I mean, I laughed, but yeah: Both of these are as bigoted / problematic as you have heard. So uh… not recommended? Or at least only recommend for quick laughs, with the caveat that quite a few people will instead be very annoyed, to say the least. 
- Carole & Tuesday, season 2. 
Lovely show about the power of art and collaboration in the first half —and about the ways in which art can serve as protest in the second. The final musical moment is pure magic, ambiguous ending and all. 
- Beastars. 
- The amazing world of Gumball, season 1. 
- My hero academia, season 1. 
- She-ra & the princesses of power. 
- Magia Record. 
- Yuki Yuna: Hero chapter 
- Aggretsuko, season 3. 
- Haibane Renmei. 
- Sukeban Deka (OVA, 2 parts)
Classic action series that, while dated to say the least, is the template for later shows as different as “Revolutionary Girl Utena” and “Kill la Kill”. Hard to stomach sometimes and yet —exhilarating! 
* Docu-series
- Sex, explained. 
- The movies that made us. 
* Anthologies
- Creeped Out, season 1. 
- Scream, season 3.
Sincerely, I enjoyed this one way more than the other two seasons —it completely scraps the plot of those first two and offers a new story (and with the costume from the movies, at that). What makes it work is the cast and losing most of the smugness of the first two seasons. Overall an enjoyable slasher tale. 
- Homemade. 
Terrific anthology of shorts made during the quarantine (not all necessarily about it). It’s an extremely diverse set of stories and techniques, and a showcase of a few of the most interesting film directors currently all over the world. 
* And the rest: 
- Riverdale. season 3.
- Cloak & Dagger. season 1. 
- Black Lightning, season 1. 
- I am not okay with this. 
- The chilling adventures of Sabrina, season 3. 
- Feel Good. 
Seriously underrated Lesbian Dramedy. 
- Dare Me. 
- Working Moms, season 4. 
- Hollywood. 
Surprisingly good alternate history drama springing from the question “What if minorities had actually been given a fair shot in olden Hollywood”? 
- The Politician, season 2. 
- Typewriter.
- Ju-on: Origins. 
- The Haunting of Bly Manor. 
- Little Fires Everywhere. 
THE highlight of this year for me. Terrific drama that believe it or not actually surpasses the classic novel it’s based on. Excellent performances and writing, not to be missed!!
Shows I have not yet finished, hopefully for next year: 
- DC Superhero Girls. 
- Avatar: The legend of Korra. 
- Riverdale. Season 4. 
- Onyx Equinox. 
- My next life as a villainess. All routes lead to doom! 
- The umbrella academy. Season 1. 
- Warrior Nun. Season 1.
- Tiny Pretty Things. 
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Opting for a pandemic-proof fall lineup of mostly scripted acquisitions and alternative fare, the CW will launch its 2020-21 season starting next week. That makes for a compact regular season, a late spring “midseason”, a summer featuring a record number of scripted originals and a likely stable 2021-22 schedule with virtually all established CW series returning, led by hits like The Flash and Riverdale, joined by 3-4 new series. “Right now, we’re probably going to stay the status quo down the line with everything we have because a) they’re working and b) I’d rather have a known quantity on the air than an unknown quantity,” the CW Chairman and CEO Mark Pedowitz said about the network’s current plans for next season in a fluid situation because of the pandemic. The CW announced last fall that Supergirl and Black Lightning will end this season. That may be it for series departures, with the rest of the network’s current shows eying a renewal. Ten scripted series — eight returning and two new ones — will premiere over the next six weeks, including Batwoman, All American, Nancy Drew, Walker, Legacies, Riverdale, The Flash, Black Lightning, Charmed and Superman & Lois. Shows such as Roswell, New Mexico, In The Dark, Supergirl, Stargirl, Dynasty and Legends of Tomorrow will launch ‘midseason’ along with new titles Kung Fu and Republic of Sarah. Despite industrywide Covid-related production shutdowns and skyrocketing costs of filming during a pandemic, the CW series are on track to deliver their full orders, Pedowitz said, adding quickly “that could change tomorrow” due to the pandemic. Additionally, Pedowitz admitted that he may need to “start making hard decisions” depending on the Covid situation over the next few months in order to get back to some sense of normalcy next season with a regular fall lineup. “Do you cut the orders of some of the shows this season so that they have time to ramp up for next season?,” he said. “If it’s an issue, we’ll know by March. You have to end production on whatever you’re doing now in time to turn it around to have a fall.” To help speed up returning series’ turnaround and get the shows back into production sooner, the network is considering commissioning writers to start earlier and produce scripts for next season before they have been formally greenlit. Looking back at this past fall, Pedowitz said he was happy about the decision to go with acquisitions and shows in the can (plus the final Supernatural episodes) despite modest linear ratings, touting “digital growth in a difficult time” and calling stacking on the network’s digital platforms “a godsend.” He listed Nancy Drew as a very strong binge viewing performer. “Digitally-wise it was a huge success, linear-wise, we did what we were supposed to do which is we kept the lights on, providing fresh programming to the affiliates and advertisers,” he said. As for the upcoming up season, “Now the question is, starting next week, can we get (viewers) back given all the stuff that we are dealing in the country? I don’t know, I’m hopeful,” Pedowitz said. The network brass again are setting “our linear expect at one level, our digital expectations at another because the launch is staggered over production issues.” From the Arrow-verse to the Archie-verse, Pedowitz also admitted that he has spoken to Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa about another Riverdale spin-off. He said that he hasn’t seen a script yet but that Aguirre-Sacasa, who is also chief creative officer of Archie Comics, is thinking about the future of characters such as Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge and Jughead Jones as they prepare to graduate, with a seven-year jump set for this season. “I do know that he’s thinking long term on how to continue the Riverdale situation,” Pedowitz said.
I present Tap Dancing Mark Pedowitz to you, my friends!!!
A) Love how he literally contradicts himself and reverses course in the middle of this
B) Thinly veiled “everything is performing like shit for the most part and we have no $$$$$” (currently the only new hit is Stargirl and while they’re pretending Plaiderdale performs well it didn’t, and doesn’t)
C) Love him admitting he’ll be either cancelling/or ending lots moar going forward....after saying he wouldn’t
D) REALLY doubt Walker performs all that well....thinking middling for Lois/Clark thing (and haaaaattteee Tyler)....plus no Netflix $$$ for any of these shows
E) Most importantly: Love how you signed a sucker deal with RAS and now it’s biting your ass sooooooo haaaarrrddd.....Plaiderdale spinoff? Ummmm.....Kitty Litter Swell flopped hhaaarrrddd....and RAS’s shows (excepting CAoS) are fairly $$$ to produce.
And you literally told us the time jump isn’t working already and you’re thus eying cancellation and an “adult” spinoff in the future.
Which, unless it’s Juggy Loves Betty, won’t get you viewers, either....and Cole won’t be signing onto that....EVER
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sarahwyland · 4 years
I had a feeling Part 4 would be the last. Shows on Netflix - particularly ones that cost a lot of money to make like CAOS - tend to have a 4-5 season run. It’s not like “back in the day” before streaming when they would shoot for syndication (100 shows). I think the cast knew it, too, despite the denials of “we don’t know.” There’s no “I’m saddened by this news.” It’s “Last Chapter, let’s go.” They were far too emotional for it to be a season end. 
But more than that, 4 parts feels right. One full year in the life of Sabrina. I doubt they wrap it up entirely in a neat bow - have you seen Riverdale? - but I do hope they recognize what they’ve got and give each character a proper send off.
And I hope they give us a redeemed Nick and a Nabrina end game. If they don’t, the only alternative I’ll accept is Sabrina, alone. Which, honestly, wouldn’t surprise me. 
But like, Nabrina, okay? Thanks. 
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tandv · 3 years
Agree with all you said. Also wanna add that from my perspective, the fact that Reggie has been primarily a supporting background player is in itself a racist downsizing of his character. As a lifer Archie fan and moc who’s always recognized Reggie as the fifth main teen who is either core 5 or at least the level of Cheryl, it means something to me that the ONLY Archie verse where he is Asian is the one world where he is this minor of a player. I know most show fans don’t read the comics, but I think in spaces like tumblr, most active fandom folks are at least aware that they downsized his relevance and that the Rarchie frenemy dynamic and the Veggie alternative romance should all be bigger deals. And, frankly, I think many in the va fandom are pleased to see that he’s not being allowed that, while at the same time complaining (for valid reasons) about how the show mistreats Veronica, and advocating for more Reggie in a performative manner (“more Reg as long as he knows his place and stays tf away from his most iconic triangle”). Ofc not everyone is like this, but enough are to make me raise a brow.
Oh for sure. I think it’s always important to clarify that in criticising fandom, it’s understood that we recognise that not everyone is in the “bad egg” camp. We know this. It’s just that there’s enough of the negative side for there to be discussions on the topic.
When Riverdale was first beinf advertised everyone was like oh hey they made the Pussycats Black! This is a power move. They made Veronica and the Lodges Latinx, they’re representing diversity in these traditionally white beloved characters this is great. But other than casting these actors...the diversity has been lacking.
I really like Reggie as a character even at his smaller capacity and I realise that some of his lower involvement is due to Charles’ scheduling, but as we learnt from Vanessa we know that’s not always an excuse that is valid in this show. Reggie is there mostly for comic relief or muscle nowadays. His biggest storyline outside of a one episode arc in early season 4, since he was involved with Veronica was the AU episode of Jughead’s story. Which wasn’t even him actually having a storyline. It was a fictionalised version of a fictional show written by another character.
People are starting to defend Vanessa and the other WOC which is great and ABOUT DAMN TIME, but not enough people are also shining a light on the fact that it’s not just the women, Charles/Reggie is also not written as a main character should be. And he got promoted the same time as Vanessa. The two of them haven’t been treated the way main cast members should have been from the start.
I’m not entirely well versed in the comics as I would like to be but another character who I feel could have had a bigger role is Dilton. He was significantly more involved in the comics than in the show. And I was quite upset when he was killed off if I’m honest. I mean yeah he’s no Archie or Jughead but the show also let another MOC be so background that half the fans didn’t even remember who he was when he got killed off.
And the last part of your message is another reoccurring theme in fandoms. People are fine to enjoy these characters until they’re threats to their ships. And then all the niceties go out the window. I’m dabbling in another fandom atm with a MxM ship with one white character and one POC. Some fans decided instead of the two white leads (one with a WOC love interest. The other the MOC I mentioned) should be a ship, and have started picking apart the MOC for his mistakes and invalidating the ship and the character in favour of their crack ship white of faves...
Even when non white characters are the leads and do get screen time and character development. There will always be fans who find an excuse why they’re bad people because they’re racist at the end of the day. That’s what it comes down to. Even when the writers aren’t contributing by giving their non white characters lesser roles or importance, the fans do that job for them. It’s a messy cycle.
But even if fans do this. It does not excuse professional writers for not writing every character as if they’re important to the story. If one actor is busy, then make sure the other non white cast members and characters are given those lead roles in the episode.
Promoting non white actors to main cast and then still not giving them screen time and in the case of Vanessa, not even paying them the same as the white or male cast members...do better.
Write better. Be better. Do better.
Fake diversity isn’t okay. It never was but it especially is not now.
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