#riz gukgak you are so fucking cool
banchiedoingart · 22 days
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variksel · 2 months
anthony burch 🤝 brennan lee mulligan
being totally caught off-guard by one of their players' reactions to a reveal about their character lore being jokey and happy instead of shock and sadness
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dabblingreturns · 2 months
Based on this post by @derinthescarletpescatarian I have compiled a 1 to 10 score of how anoying I think the bad kids could be in school.
Adaine Abernant: pros: Quiet, hardworking, keeps her messy personal life mostly off school grounds. Has a very cute orb based farmiliar that she will.let others hold when having panic attacks. Neutral: has a posh accent. Older sister is bitch. Relitive disinterest in social scene. Cons: wore another school's uniform on the first day of school. Also came with a 2 ft diameter focus. Killed the lunch lady with a laddle on the first day of school so is probably violent. Family was rich. Not clear if she is rich....but if you hate rich people she seams like fair game. If you get in her face and anoy her she will tell you exactly what she thinks which can be mean. Also she's the elven oracle. But that seams to be anoying her more than anyone else. Since most of her anoying traits seamnto be anoying her rather more than anyone else ingive her a 4/10 +/- 2 for anoying.
Kristen applebees. Pros: no longer trying to convert people to her God. A boon for people watchers everywhere. Easy to avoide. Fun to watch. Not intentionally crule. Cons: messy personal life. Messy liturgical life. Awkward. Makes inappropriate jokes. 5/10+/- .5
Fig Faeth pros: Easy to avoid. (Just go to bard class) pretty cool about being famous. Seams Generally nice. Con: turns into other people to probe for information. So you think your talking to your best friend but its actually fig. Smells like clove cigarettes so bad for people with sensitive noses. Loud music may also disterb other students with sensitive ears. Generally seams to be fucking around at school while still multiple teachers favorite. 5/10 +/-4.5 if she's directly harmed you you probably hate her....but otherwise she's great.
Riz Gukgak. Pros: quiet, hardworking, relitivly reserved. Cons: awkward, high-strung, questionable fashion choices. Tried to eat the corpse of vice principal Goldenhorde. Moms a cop. 3/10 +/-1
Fabian Aramais Seacaster. Pros: generous and welcoming host. Opened his home up as a study/hang out space for everyone even freshmen. Fun to watch. Cons: rich trustfund baby who's dad's pirating may have lead o the financial ruin of your loved ones. Swings wildly between toxic masculinity as a highschool jock and the most flamboyant dude you ever met. Once shit himself in class. Drive a presumably loud motorcycle.If you have issues with money, privilege, and showboating this dude will push all your buttons. 7/10 +/-3
Gorgug Thistlespring. Pros. Soft-spoken, sweet, donated all his money to a forest reclamation project. Had a long term girlfriend and cause no drama when they broke up. Cons: awkward. Spent freshman year asking everyone if they were his dad. Keeps butting heads with barbarian teacher which is painfully to watch. Also plays really loud music on headphones. And once turned the artifice class into a jam session so loud that other teachers had to get involved. Also has a shitty bird construct name cloaca. Really unclear weather this kid us a genius, and idiot, or both. Going though his mean girl phase.....but still pretty nice. Also his parents may have sold your parents a sex lawn mower. 4/10 +/-2
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needlebeetles · 1 month
I am seeing a bit of straying from the source material in the Kipperlilly Copperkettle tag tonight, so I’d just like to say: She thinks magical hardship specifically gives students an unfair advantage at Aguefort, not having an association with the magical generally. So, Kristen Applebees the literal chosen one of a god, Adaine Abernant, Oracle of Everyone, and Fabian Aramais Seacaster, son of an incredibly rich pirate who later becomes an incredibly powerful demon, would not fall underneath this rule. Riz Gukgak, whose dad got eaten by a dragon, would. I will concede that experiencing magical hardship does can give characters a kind of automatic questline, (“your dad is cursed? go uncurse your dad!”) but also like. This questline comes at the expense of having experienced magical hardship. Riz’s dad is dead.
Kipperlilly (so far, I do suspect there might be something up with her family, cause kids who want so badly to have something loudly fucked up happening to them usually have something quietly and mundanely fucked up happening to them) lived a relatively comfortable, if boring, life, but grew jealous over the fact that other adventurers got cool meaningful quests while she and her party were killing rats in the starting area (by choice).
There is very much a “stigma” against normies in Elmville, and while I can’t blame Kipperlilly, teenager, for getting caught up in that, it’s literally fine to just be an accountant, or a janitor, or a librarian. Or a middling adventuring party. Kipperlilly Copperkettle is a theatre kid jealous of child celebrities, and while that’s like. Fair and fine, she’s not a martyr for having all these big emotions centering around being mundane and not going on incredibly traumatizing quests where the world ends if you fuck it up. She’s a teenager internalizing the social values of the place she grew up in and getting mad about not fitting them without confronting the fact that these values are flawed and harmful, because she’s a teenager (which is, imo, a much more interesting narrative).
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rizs-briefcase · 5 months
Here’s all my thoughts and whatever from watching episode one.
— THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD (looking mostly at you, murph and Lou)
— no the new layout of their character sheets is so cute
— New dome background <3
— riz being really into science now, he’s so adhd coded
— riz is so decked out in jewellery I love him
— just everything about riz driving this massive van
— Lou literally only needing to roll a 2 or higher to pass and rolling a fucking Nat 1 😭
— what a great first round guys 😃😃
— Ally and Lou rolling a nat 20 and a Nat 1 respectively as their first rolls of the season is so on brand
— the try guys stop
— this entire episode feels like a fever dream
— Fabian basically flirting with his own reflection is the most Fabian thing ever
— Fig throwing her phone away AGAIN
— Balthazar’s shadow sprinting into the desert please I’m crying
Another note; I’ve already got two squares off my bingo card
Nat 1 count; 1 (Lou)
Nat 20 count; 3 (Emily, Ally x2) - honesty I may have missed one?? I got distracted
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winter-sxlstice · 5 months
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
Riz Gukgak
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He is so. I'm so normal about him. He. MURPH <3 The tattoos The gadgets The oufit The hair He is so cool
Season 1&2 was The Ball, this is Riz Gukgak.
I spent 5 minutes just analyzing this design
I am so fucking hyped for junior year
I am INSANE about this guy you don't even UNDERSTAND. You don't get that this stupid little d&d character has the tightest chokehold on me.
Arcane Trickster subclass MY LOVE
Out of everyone, Riz Gukgak is the one that deserves to have magic the most he should have been allowed spells FROM THE START I will STAND by that.
I'm going out with friends today and this will be the only thing I will speak about I am purely insane about this boy.
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askthebadkidz · 3 months
okay but like
imagine. Your Riz. You know you’re different from everyone else because there has not been a single person ever who has even waited a second to point that out then bully you for it. You’re desperate to make friends, but you’re also trying so hard to solve a mystery to save the one friend you did have.
you see a random greaser tiefling outside and he looks like he fucks, so you think he’s cool because everyone says fucking is cool and you need to make friends so you also have to think fucking is cool. You don’t know what a healthy relationship looks like (or any romantic/sexual relationship) so you assume it’s normal that this adult is dating a high schooler.
later, when you have an adventuring party, you find out that this guy, in fact, does not fuck. He doesn’t even jack of. You see no problem with this because you think stuff like that and kissing and stuff is gross and at first you start to think that maybe you might actually be normal in some way.
but then you’re entire adventuring party begins to viciously mock him, bringing it up in every conversation where they’re talking about him like it’s some moral failing. Then you learn that he’s only like this because he made a deal with an actual devil who thought it was funny to make this dude like you as a punishment for being a creep.
not only that, but the dude in school who’s name is nearly your own and describes himself as your friend and stuff keeps harassing your friend Adaine and thinks that you’re an incel nice-guy like him because no one in this goddamn school can fathom just not wanting to be in a relationship. He literally tells you happily that he’s going to trap your friend in a crystal in a way that seems like he’s implying he’s going to assault her like you’re just gonna be. Cool with that.
and then next year you make up a romantic partner because everyone in your party is talking about kissing and make fun of you because you’re not normal. And then that person you make up manifests, crawls out of your mirror and kidnaps you, and later turns up at a nightmare forest to tell you how not normal you are and no matter how much you rationalize and even when you defeat them you still haven’t addressed that fact that you don’t love like everyone else does and you’re not normal and everyone (including your own dad) expects that you’ll grow out of this but you’re not.
So you take the word of your worst fears to heart and next year you carry everyone on you back. You scramble to help them and to be with them and to make sure that you’ll always be too useful to ever discard because you’ve realized by now that you’re not normal, you’re poor, you’re a race that everyone hates, and you live in a couple centric world where you’re reality is considered a punishment for weirdos and creeps and not something that you just are and can choose to be. And you need someone to be there to help you.
anyways. Going insane about Riz gukgak.
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tree-fence · 5 months
kristen multi classing as a paladin? no. kristen multiclassing as a barbarian, RIZ multiclassing as a paladin. i know riz don't TECHNICALLY qualify, and maybe it "doesn't make sense" for kristen, but HEAR ME OUT!!!!
for kristen's whole life, all she was allowed to be was "the chosen one" or "that helioc girl", religion was the crux of her identity. her being a cleric AND a paladin (both religion based classes) is shoving her back into that same box that she's only very recently escaped. her being a barbarian, however, is a healthy outlet for her pent up rage. i really just want her to have a martial based class (bc butch kristen is IMPORTANT TO ME!!!), and i feel like being a barbarian could work so well for her character arc. barbarians are typically stereotyped as stupid (despite that being proven otherwise a lot (gorgug and ragh)) and destructive, and kristen, not only being a healer but also getting dumbed down A LOT despite being very smart fits well with the narrative.
riz gukgak, on the other hand, has always had a very innate love of mystery. he seems to treat his cases almost reverently, even tattooing his clues on his body (even though he was coked out of his gourd). he said he felt like he couldn't feel connected to his friends without a case to crack. you know what brings people together? GOD. let him be a paladin for the mystery goddexx and let him never feel lonely again. it also works with him being an undercover angel, because not only would he better understand what it means to work with heaven but he'd also have cool paladin abilities, which if you look into what they are, are really fucking rad, and could help him with his detective work. not to mention riz's unique connection to cassandra through kalina, who has been with him SINCE BIRTH. name a character better suited for the job.
also more rizten shenanigans (they are my favorite duo). they even eachother out completely, it's beautiful. riz is one of the most uptight serious bad kids, who's main thing is being dexterous, and brian murphy is a comically bad roller. kristen is the silliest goober of the bad kids, who is so laughably undexterous, and she has ally beardsley, the dice god, as a player. kristen brings out the best in riz, and vice versa.
they are best friends. they are perfect. kristen should get to rage.
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zp3nc3r-und3r5c0r3 · 2 days
riz gukgak/max durden. is this anything.
no bc you guys don't get it they wld get high off their asses and start conspiracy boards and find loopholes in the laws together they wld be best friends they cld be lovers for the demi riz enjoyers they're so fucking cool they need to go blow up the council of chosen with their pride flags in hand
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ratgrinders · 26 days
3, 7 and 13 for little miss kipperlilly for the character questions!!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Okay this FEELS like a cop-out answer but my first genuine thought is how little screentime we get of her! I think as one of the season's major villains I would have loved for her to show up more than like 4 times so we can get a better read on who she is. Props to Fig with the Wanda Childa bit, I think no other Bad Kid has rly doubled down on the "narrative foil" potential of the Rat Grinders.
It's hard to come up with an answer because even the shitty things she does only make her a more entertaining villain to me, but I think I also want more information on how she got fixated on Riz Gukgak in the first place? We know she's envious of his tragedy, but why specifically him and not any of the other Bad Kids who have had magical hardship? Is it because they're both rogues? I need to knowwwwwww
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the great art, meta posts, fics, etc. abt her!!!!! I think my fave was after ep. 15 when all the cool true-sight/Buddy murder art was being drawn. I also RLY like people allowing her to be unhinged <3 my girl has an iron vice grip on herself at all times otherwise she'd start stabbing people and im glad ppl recognize that.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
I think Kipperlilly would LOVE using passive aggressive smileys in text. "Whoever left their dirty laundry out on the floor, pick it up. I thought I was living with people, not pigs : )." "Ruben, turn down your music, we can hear it throughout the entire fucking house : )." "Stop touching my computer or I will FUCKING kill you : ) : ) : )."
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comrade-ellis · 8 months
fantasy high junior year predictions/hopes
trackerbees breakup and kristen moves in with gilear
kristen discovers a disowned gay uncle and deals with the emotional fallout of having been kicked out of her family at 14 (can we please talk about THAT instead of more religion???)
her parents fucking die and through the power of friendship her gay uncle gets custody of her and her brothers
seriously can we please explore kristen's material familial relationships i think shes cool with god for now
gilear gets neutered
*gilear voice* i thought i was going to the doctor but it was the veterinarian fig. they took my balls.
ragh and aelwyn are friends and carpool to community college
aelwyn gets so much therapy and she gets super into zen and has a sand garden and picks up a multiclass in artificing
aelwyn and fabian retcon. they never banged and they actually do group therapy together. for some reason gilear is the receptionist at the therapists office he gets fired for breaking hippa
fabian is also in therapy. they all are
aelwyn gets super into welding. shes blue collar now baby
adaine starts sewing her own pants. i won't elaborate
fathrethriel comes back. don't know why this is in the adaine section. it is though.
adaine and ayda are friends more
adaine and ayda volunteer at the animal shelter together doing therapeutic readings to dogs
zane darkshadow is present :)
tracker transes their gender and kills a man any man is good maybe that like bird guy in the av club skrank
fig, fabian, gilear, and hallariel go to family counseling
sandra lynn goes on a scam therapy retreat but she gets really into the scam therapy. she doesn't get real therapy even though she should
jawbone + thistlesprings polycule. i dont want it and you dont want it but it could happen
gilear gets neutered
gilear successful yogurt enterprise foiled by sandra lynn's scam therapy
fig and ayda queerplatonic relationship
fig quits music. she starts doing slam poetry. it is unsuccessful and she experiences professional and creative disappointment
fabian engineered the gilear neutering
hallariel gets pregnant after gilear gets neutered and fabian obsesses over proving gilear is not the father. chungledown bim is the father. fabian obsesses over proving gilear is the father. fabian struggles with brotherhood. parallels to kristen's relationship with her brothers
cathilda gets a 2 bedroom and fabian moves in with her. new mom now. at strongtower luxury
fabian joins a competitive dance team à la dance moms
the night yorb is taken care of first combat
fabian is in a ballet class but because he started so much later than the other kids it's just a bunch of 6 year olds. there's a recital. this is related to the hallariel pregnancy story line
zelda and gorgug break up zelda is probably gay and gorgug is super supportive about it they're still friends they just weren't meant to be
gorgug and biological parents can we revisit this he met them last episode freshman year and didn't mention it sophomore year
gorgug decides to become a jazz musician and leaves fig and the sig figs
gorgug interns at tech start up. also elon musk is heavily implied to be the Big Bad. no one knows what gorgug does there
gorgug starts working at the ice cream place
gorgug fucking dies
gorgug and ragh accidentally get legally married and spend the season undoing that as a B plot
riz gukgak my beloved
riz and penny are penpals
riz and ayda are friends
riz considers getting his GED and leaving the group but is paralyzed by the notion of choice
riz laser tattoo removal arc
sklonda gets fired cuz her kid is a criminal and its a bad look for the PD
riz, sklonda, and gilear blow up elmville PD headquarters and seize control of dispatch to send every single cop to one address that's just a field so there's no cops in the city and the Bad Kids can break into gorgug's tech internship
arthur augefort dies of a congenital heart defect in the first seven minutes. garthy obrien new headmaster/principal
they build a new apartment building across the street from strongtower luxury called strongtower plaza. it's not relevant but it happens
torek railgrinder owns a sexy rat who is at the vet when gilear gets neutered
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 7
this may take me longer than usual because I have hurt my hand so it's wrapped up rn and it makes it hard to type 🫡
I miss ayda aguefort i hope she shows up in this episode.
pitch perfect 2 mention! I used to be so into music related movies
So much happened last episode, this recap is so long
I am not a fan of Grix.
Two Kristen's again
"Pretty fun to commit fraud"
"That was sophomore year, I'm cool now"
Body rolling I love body rolling it's so fun to just vibe
Mandatory drug test????
Bard class cool as hell
Rip Gorgug he fell on the stairs
"Did she cast a spell on you " "I mean, in a sense..."
Littledoggy Girlcollar
they should investigate definitely
"If we all do drugs, they can't expell all of us."
Riz trying so hard to keep Fig from being expelles
shrimp burrito
Gorgug not being a fan of Mary Ann is very interesting to me and very reasonable.
"I think it's a really good thing you're thinking."
kipperlitty is subliminally messaging people with the food?!?!?!?!?
I can't wait to see the fan art that comes out of this episode
"Hey.... Girlie"
"Did you hear? She passed." KRISTEN EHEHEJWKEHBEE
"Hey do we need to lock it in" yeah probably
Max Durden is probably my second favorite npc
"Everyone has to have a least favorite friend, it's fine" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Fabian running a study hall is so cool
This downtime sounds fun
Riz "The Ball" Gukgak
Aewlyn mention 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Nice new shirt, did you buy it underground?"
The stress tokens are actually making me real life stressed
GORGUG NAT 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It might be more stable than mine"
i miss Cassandra I hope she's okay
The shrimp jump. WAS a miracle
let's go Cassandra!
Fig paladin of Cassandra??????????????
Oh my god is Fig Multiclassing
oh my god wait craig he's still around
"it's like animal piss but in a good way"
"Kristen, your adult man is being weird"
"You'd be a nasty as paladin?"
"I don't want to harsh your vibe"
"Everyone has to lick me"
oh no he's a noodler
gorgug has tunnel vision
Gorgug is literally so stressed
the rage!
Fabian is such a loser when it comes to talking with girls
This is so painful, Fabian needs something. I don't know what but God he need something
Fabian stress token
Walking store Adaine
ya hoo
av class 🔥🔥🔥
i need art of fishing club Riz just goin' fishing
Gorgug & Riz joint birthday party!!!!
17 having a ice cream party sounds absolutely lit
Gorbag and Roz!!!
goodbye lucilla she's gone to the skies
"I think you're being weird here"
oh my god fig
Fig is having a strange day
"Why can't I tell him he's weird"
"Haha! Counterspell! ♪"
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
oh my god Brennan said teenage rebellion.... just like... just like the song teenage rebellion... T-T-T-TAKING OVER TEENAGE REBELLION IT'S OUT TIME IT'S OUR YEAR—
"Can I take a stress for Kristen"
Riz is the only character allowed to take a stress for another person
popular kid Kristen!!!!
"Anyone who think he's cool" me too I fall in love with everyone who thinks I'm cool
alter emo hauntings a kid's dreams
"Not All Who Wanda Are Lost" single released on all listening platforms. 1 mil listens in a week
oh no...... this is going to be awful and awkward.
ohhhhhh....... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Fabian.......... This is painful........
Ivy is catching these hands, leave my girl Mazey alone
"You missed your shot, playboy" no he has a call with his bank
Riz is at his conspiracy board
Something does feel off about grix
Everyone has a stress token
"Go roll me a corrupted bardic"
Even I'm grieving Lucy, she sounds lovely...
oh there's something deep going on with lucy
"It's the boss, baby"
Murph has figured it OUT
The epic music
This stress system is making me STRESSED
I relate to the stress causing antisocial things
ohhhhhh goodness.....
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fizzytoo · 5 months
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gonna live post about fhjy except instead of making a new post every time i’m gonna update this post under the cut 🫂
ep 1: summer scaries
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figgy my beloved and her combat boots glued to her skateboard <3
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fabian top knot situation and POINTING AT EVERYTHING W HIS FEET?????
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this mirror is so… cunty
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simultaneously loving it and hating it here
FABIAN HAS A BONER for the mirror that called him “papa” and also has a vague reflection of him. FABIAN
kristen applebees jacked to shit and an ac of 20 <3 go white girl give us bloke mode
the fucking music that plays when introducing riz 😭 i adore him so bad
lou wilson i’m in love w you
riz (small, goblin sized) driving gorgug’s (tall, half-orc) van. he’s in the fucking footwell 😭 he can’t see shit he’s using mirrors I CANT
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“…quickly becoming inspector gadget.”
“but, like, hot.” “but so hot.”
“so sexy inspector gadget”
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the girls are on the car
oh. it shits darkness
fabian is always so goddamn horny and brennan is always so keen to flirt w his players <3
bc fabian is always so damn horny
teenage boy jumps from a moving van doing 90mph to a moving motorcycle also doing 90mph (he fails and gets run over)
kristen and her loud crunchy ass yerba mate x protein powder combo (also !! she has airpods in and is ignoring her god !)
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fig blasts the night yorb w a really wiggly music note
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squeem !!!! :(
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Episode four! I missed the bad kid’s insanity so much <3
Episode four of every season they’re shy!
In space no one can feel you dying 💀
“What’s the drinking age?” “You guys have murdered SO many people”
Oh she’s an actual cat now!
She/they pronouns for Cassandra are back!
Kristen’s middle name is on her character page now!! Kristen Chilis Applebees!
Catchin me on my left foot hereeee gato.
Ooh they’ve got other offers
Why would you SAY that
That definitely circumvents the truth in a cool way……
When your only two followers fight :(
Just stop saying it pleaseeeeee
Say a n y t h i n g other than that
Oooh the mall!
Why would you SAY THAT
So many of them have stars in their hats! And I have stars in my body! :D
I love Cassandra so so much
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Kristen when you’re in the dark she’s there holding your hand. She gives you forehead kisses
Oh well that makes it all okay then!
Oh my GOD
What the fuck Bill
God the fucking. D20 directly reflecting my life experiences.
Simeon du Vayne the new lunch lad. What’s your vibe
Ooh third eye is sick
I love that they’re never gonna say her name right
Gorthalax! Hi!
On my first day of high school this guy yelled fresh meat at all of us and he continued to be a pain in the ass all fucking year
Fig. Fig no.
It does seem like the rat grinders might be direct foils to the bad kids. Let’s see how this goes!
Kipperlilly did not come at y’all nearly as hard as Kristen went aggro at her
Is it the sack of rats trick?? Is that where they got the name???
I love how pissed they all are about this
THIS is what riz has never been more mad about ❤️
The bad guy this season is just xp leveling 😭😭
God how high level are they????
Kindlesnap Whatsherface
He’s just a guy!
Please please nat 20
Crushing. That’s crushing
I love ripped jeans gorgug <3
That is SO much
Corsica Jones is HOT
Kristen and Riz dynamic duoooo
Riz Gukgak character of all time
Archaeologist Siobhan Thompson!!
Really emphasizing the ‘sorry what’ thing that post was talking about
Fig barbarian level!
That energy is more intense than anything fig tried to imply from goldenhoard
If the cig figs break up I’m gonna be fucking devastated
Oh yeah the junior year eggs. Okay.
Can I have some of your girlfriend’s hair? I need it for school.
I love that we all called the kill mum idea
She really should get paid for the elven oracle shit
Inclusive kinggggg
Ooh maybe I’ll wear my owlbears sweatshirt tomorrow. (Best holiday gift I got!
Ah the epic highs and lows of high school bloodrush
Max Durden!! He’s so cute.
Love that for him tbh
Who is this motherfucker
What the fuck are you doing
(Zac wheezing in excruciating pain)
Don’t align yourself with her Riz
I love that everyone is going so aggro on the buttcrushers. Absolutely demolish their asses.
“You don’t have to call me coach” oh OUCH
Bucky Applebees!!!
Love the paladin repppppp
Oh kiddo
Oh Kiddo :(
I’m not trying to be cool I’m trying to be president
She’s had a lot of jobs but not that many of them were… legal.
Fabian’s so lonely :(
Bad kids study party!!! Real and confirmed!!!!
Aww I was so excited for Adaine to work at Basrar’s but the mall is fun too
Hmm. Sketchy!
German shepherd mode <3
Emily and Ally are having SO much fun with this
The procrastination is so fucking real
I’ve deeply missed you
WHAT what does that mean why is this the case
Oooh okay I’m really getting the sense that that blue mall battle set is the Synod
Sunglass kiosk. Palm tree. Mall things.
Ooh I just noticed seacaster manor in the background of the dome art
Strudel dimension, don’t put your hand in it. Don’t! Put your hand in it!
We don’t know if the strudel is infinite it just hasn’t ended yet.
I’m obsessed with this guy.
I’m so obsesssed
Mazey Phaedraaaaa
Oh my godddddddd
“I’m from hell” girly I love you to death but you are from downtown elmville
Ooohohohohoh she’s good at this
I love dnd mechanics manifesting as real elements of life within game
I don’t know as much about warlocks as I should really do this is great
Babe you cannot make student government cool. You just can’t.
What is this energy
Crab kinggggggg
We’re so fucking back
I’m Christian Delnore and I have Children!
Kristen’s energy is SO wild this year. She said she was trying to move past chaos and then came out the gate with This energy
Tracker’s dating the fucking Princess. Of course.
Messy high school relationships :)
That’s how it goes!
The intense side eye I am giving the whole situation
Kristen do you wanna fuck Kalina
What do you want with the president??? (To say hi)
Hell yeah gsa member Kristen Applebees
Torek with the button press!
I love them SO much I missed the bad kids SO FUCKING MUCH
Ohhhh this is the backstory of that button from the merch drop ok
They’re so unhinged
Torek Railgrinder Theater Kid!!
Oh noooo
Oh fuck
Why would you volunteer ANY information
She was a fucking turncoatttt
The name keeps getting further and further from anything
Stone cold
So excited for the party
Oh god
Zero separation of church and state
What oh no oh god please no
AAAAAAAAAAA okay I guess next weeks is the mall fight!
I am so scared and so excited.
It’s our time! It’s our year! It’s all gonna be okay!
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god riz gukgak is so fucking cool. riz they could never make me hate you
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undercoverangell · 3 years
moments for the pok lives au bc i love them your honor. fh s1 spoilers!!
pok after being attacked by goldenhoard is mildly blind in one eye, just for a few months until the antibiotics fully kick in. cue this moment
pok: yknow despite being blind in this eye for the next few months there is one thing i can see
sklonda, genuinely curious: oh? whats that?
pok: your beauty :)
sklonda, wiping away tears from her eyes: that **sniff** that was a fucking **quiet cough sob** lame pick up line and it was dumb and you're dumb **sob** for saying it
even after he is healed he just
"you know, some things are still a little fuzzy in this eye, but yet your beauty remains consistent"
he is at home for literal months while recovering before he can go back to work so she comes home to dinner almost everyday for like a solid 6 months while he's healing. wakes up to a full breakfast too. on her days off she just gets a bunch of downtime with him while riz is at school, most of which is spent sitting in the backyard of their new house and just talking. she can also take more time off bc he got a promotion so she can work like. normal shifts.
they nap together a lot. pok has nothing else to do bc they arent putting him on cases for 3 months bc he cannot read out of one eye. when sklonda isnt working on cases she is also incredibly tired. they just pass out together. sometimes riz joins them. there are periods from like 3 pm to 5 pm where its just silent in the house as they all nap.
riz has a big attic room to make up for his shameful room back when they were in the apartments. one wall is pure corkboard for him to conspiracy board. theres like a little coffee machine in there, a bunch of drawers bc theres so much room. a little secret area where he goes to chill out. theres bean bags where he and his friends hang out and most of the time the bad kids find that the gukgak estate is the place to be. pok cooks incredibly well bc he grew up making dinner for himself while his dad was working so dinner is usually amazing, theyre incredible parents who are like "yeah eat in ur room idk just dont wear shoes in the house and dont get dirt everywhere." once pok trusts them enough to know his true profession suddenly theres just like 6 new secret rooms in the house they didnt know about and it becomes the bad kids hangout spot. they have like passwords and everything.
pok, standing at the door of one of the secret rooms: ok mijos dinner is ready come down and serve yourself some!
pok:... i dont want to come in im just letting u know dinner is ready
kristen, poking her head out: WHAT IS THE PASSWORD MR BALL??
pok: jesus christ the password is lunchlad.
fig: ok cool whats for dinner?
pok is mr ball, sklonda is mrs ball. (padre and madre ball are good as well). sometimes they do all sit down and have dinner together and pok does wonder if they do know his name
"so mr ball..."
"my name is pok gukgak. you know that right?"
".....okay so mr ball as i was saying"
"i think id prefer just being called mr pok."
pok and adaine are fairly close. not like jawbone levels but pok has anxiety and ptsd and his dad kinda sucked too so he can relate to adaine a lot. also, what jawbone doesnt get academically and arcane wise, pok understands bc he works w magic users and researches magic for his job, and adaine probably LOVES hearing about his take on magic as someone who cant cast but works with it almost everyday (messaging spells on missions to keep instructions secret, clairvoyance as cameras, wards on everything including his house). he never needs her to like dull stuff down for him and if he does its more like "i dont fully grasp what your saying and youre using terms i am unfamiliar with, id like to learn about those terms and become familiar with them" adaine comes over when she needs advice w arcane stuff and like magic and he is just a rogue but he will try and help where he can, and give recommendations of who to see when he cant.
pok is the one who drives riz to prom. when sklonda shows up and he tells her that "hey lol the guy who tried to eat me is inside" she just. "OH MY GOD WHY DO YOU.... STOP THAT, NO. NO NO. NO MORE TROUBLE." When Kalvaxis attempts to eat sklonda he just goes "dude you couldn't eat me what on earth makes you think you have a CHANCE of eating my wife??"
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