#rose is my special girl and ill throw hands to defend her
butchhatred · 7 months
"we need flawed female characters" yall couldnt even handle rose quartz😭😭😭
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wosoimagines · 5 years
Doctor’s Visit
So, this took me quite a bit longer to rewrite on my computer than I had planned, but I did add some stuff to it for you guys. Also, I think I’ve decided that I’m going to post Monday-Friday.
prompt: You don’t have to do this if you have a lot of requests or anything but I was thinking maybe one where baby R has to get blood drawn for maybe like a check-up or something to make sure she is ok after she returns from being ill and she really hates getting blood drawn, so the team is there with her to comfort her and distract her? Thank you! combined with; Baby R has to go to the doctor but she hates doctors and hospitals so she hides in a bathroom and refuses to leave.
warnings: None
words: 1442
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There was a knock on the door. I chose to ignore it from my spot on the floor. I paid more attention to my phone as I scrolled through Twitter. I could faintly hear talking from the other side of the door, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.
“(Y/N), come on,” Julie pleaded. I was tired of their begging, but I knew that I would regret it whenever I unlocked that door. It would be less painful for me if I just waited it out and only had to deal with the anger from everyone else on the team. “You need to come out. There’s no reason for you to be scared.”
“Let me think about it,” I snarked and gave her a pause for dramatics. “No.”
The knocking began again and this time it wasn’t stopping. I glared at the door after a minute because whoever was knocking wasn’t stopping. I wasn’t going to leave the bathroom though just because someone kept knocking.
“Sonnett, stop it,” Christen snapped from the other side of the door. The knocking on the door stopped.
“What? I’m trying to annoy her into coming out,” Sonnett defended. I shook my head at her. “Is it working?”
“Seriously, you need to come out before Alex and Kelley get here,” Becky said. I wasn’t going to come out, even for Alex and Kelley. I ignored the texts that I got from Alex asking if I was ready to go. I knew that she wouldn’t be happy when she got here, but I wasn’t happy that she made me a doctor’s appointment without asking me.
“I’ll tell Sinc not to trade jerseys with you,” Tobin threatened.
“No, you wouldn’t because then I would cry and that would be on you,” I countered.
“You’ve had pneumonia, (Y/N),” Ali pointed out. I rolled my eyes because everyone had acted like I couldn’t take care of myself when I had first gotten sick. “You have to go make sure that you don’t still have pneumonia.”
I changed from Twitter to Instagram. I could hear a different door opening and closing. I assumed that it was Alex and Kelley finally coming into my room. I could hear them talking with the others, but I didn’t pay much attention to what they were saying. There was another knock on the door.
“Come on, (Y/N). We’ve got to go,” Alex called out.
“No, I’m not going,” I said.
The knocking began again and once again, it wasn’t stopping. I knew that it was more than likely Kelley this time. I thew another glare at the door when the knocking got annoying. Kelley wouldn’t stop any time soon, but I needed to ignore her.
“She won’t stop until you come out,” Alex said. The knocking paused for a moment.
“If you come out, (Y/N), I’ll stop for good,” Kelley agreed. The knocking resumed.
“Do you want to hear it Spanish? No.”
“We’ll go out for ice cream afterward,” Alex suggested. I groaned slightly at that because I always took every chance I got to get some ice cream since I didn’t get to eat it often. We really only went out for ice cream on special occasions.
I couldn’t cave at that, however. I would have to show much more restraint than caving at ice cream to get out of this doctor’s appointment. I wasn’t even sick anymore.
“I’ll teach you how to surf,” Kelley offered.
My thoughts stopped in their tracks. I had been wanting Kelley to teach me how to surf lately, but she never would. We were both picky about when we went to the beach and it always seemed like we both went on different days. I could have had some of the other women teach me, but I really wanted Kelley to be the one to teach me.
“Can we still go get ice cream?” I softly asked.
“Yeah, we can,” Alex said.
I moved over to the door and stood up. I sighed as I leaned my forehead against the door. I unlocked the door before cracking it open. I peeked out of the crack.
“Promise?” I held my pinkie out.
“Promise,” Alex wrapped her pinkie around mine.
Once the door to the bathroom was opened farther, I was pulled out of the bathroom by Alex and Kelley. The two proceeded to drag me out of the hotel that we were currently staying. I wasn’t surprised that we were walking or that the 20 other women were following us. I was surprised, however, when I walked into the doctor’s office and all of the other 22 women on the team followed me inside. 
Kelley took me to a seat and forced me into it before sitting beside me. I could see Alex checking me in at the window as the other women with us either stood or sat near us. It didn’t take long for me to be called back, but I had a feeling that had to deal with the fact that there were so many of us. My height and weight were taken, but none of that was out of the usual.
The other 22 women that were following me crammed into the small room with me. I couldn’t help but shake my leg once I was sitting on the padded bench. I had my attention mainly on Alex and Kelley as they were the ones that were primarily keeping conversation with me. Occasionally, Julie and Becky would jump into our conversation.
That was until a cotton ball hit my face. I jumped in surprise when it happened before looking for the culprit. Pinoe had her hands raised in the air as she cheered. I picked up the cotton ball to throw it back at her, but it was grabbed out of my hand by Alex who gave both of us a glare. Pinoe stuck her tongue out at me, but I didn’t get a chance to say anything as my attention was being drawn elsewhere.
Sonnett had taken to poking me until I looked at her. She immediately added me to the conversation that she was having with Lindsey, Mal, Rose, and Sam. I wasn’t too surprised when Tobin and Christen joined the conversation. They kept me occupied enough that I never noticed when Alex was talking to the doctor about how I had been doing the past few days or when the nurse came through and was taking my blood.
“You ready to go?” Alex asked as she stood up. I looked over at her with my brow furrowed.
“They haven’t taken my blood,” I pointed out. Immediately, all of the girls started to laugh at me and I wasn’t sure why.
“They did take your blood,” Alex motioned to my arm causing me to look down at it. “You just didn’t notice.”
My eyes widened when I saw the cotton ball taped to my arm. I really hadn’t noticed that they had come in and taken my blood. I refused to look at the others.
“They took my blood without me knowing,” I whispered.
The others immediately began laughing at me again. Alex ushered all of us out of the tiny room and out of the doctor’s office. We all headed to the nearest vegan ice cream shop. Alex and Kelley both held me back so that they could pay for my ice cream.
“Choose whatever you want,” Kelley said causing me to look back at her. Kelley normally did let me do more crazier stuff, but she normally helped to keep me on my diet. “You had to get your blood drawn today, you deserve it. Whatever you want.”
I smiled but turned to make the insanely unhealthy ice cream sundae that I loved. Alex was shaking her head at me the whole time but Kelley had her phone pulled out. I was sure that I looked like a little kid the whole time, but I didn’t really care about that too much. Before I grabbed a hold of my ice cream, I wrapped Alex and Kelley into a hug.
“Thanks for taking care of me even when I don’t want you too.”
“No problem, kid,” Kelley ruffled my hair.
“It’s what we’re here for as your national team moms,” Alex added.
I grinned at the two of them before grabbing my ice cream. I ran to join the younger girls at a table, but I couldn’t help but grin and wave every time I caught Alex or Kelley watching us. It really was nice to have Kelley and Alex as my national team moms.
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Dark Stars {Part 7}
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*Loki x OFC*
Part: 7/10
Words: 4.9k
Warnings: none, for once
Summary: ~Loki could just let her die here and now. His problems would be solved and he could go back to his usual ways. But then he would forever be left with an unsolved mystery and he hated the prospect of that even more than the fear of what would happen if she lived.~
A story of what happens when Loki stumbles upon someone who is like him in every way. Only better. Oh, and they just happen save Asgard too.
A.N.: To celebrate over 1000 people following me (how insane is that?!), I decided to share the newly edited version of the very first Loki fanfiction I ever wrote! Enjoy the mischief 💚
All Parts can be found on my Masterlist!
It was still dark when she found herself standing on one of the palace's balconies. Quietly, she walked through the open window into the dark room, and straight towards the sleeping figure on the bed. Before she could say a single word however, a hand with a knife shot up from the bed, aiming for her throat. Yet, it went right through her body, the illusion only weavering slightly under the brutal attack. She inwardly thanked herself for remembering this trick from Loki's memories.
The man jumped out of the bed, looking at the illusion in confusion.
"Loki?!" He asked quietly.
"Hello Thor." Ivy said gently, letting the illusion slip and now stepping into the open room herself.
"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked immediately, reaching for his hammer.
"Please, I mean no harm to you. I came here seeking help." She answered calmly, trying to put up her best facade. "My name is Ivy. I'm Loki's… friend."
"My brother has no friends." Thor answered, staring at Ivy from a few feet away, taking in every detail about her in the deepest suspicion. "Why do you wear his shirt?"
"Look, we really don't have time for this right now. Loki is dying and I need your help"
"What? Where is he?" He frowned, concerned but still watchful. "And why should I believe you in the first place?"
"He's safe. Far away from here..." She answered, searching for Thor's eyes in the dark. "And you will have to trust me for a second and come here."
Ivy held out her hand to him, palm facing upwards. She was prepared for this. She had known she needed proof.
"What are you doing?" Thor asked a little warily as Ivy stepped towards him. He rose his weapon, ready to defend himself, but before he could hit her, Ivy had placed her hand on his chest.
In an instant, Thor saw images of his own childhood. Memories of him and Loki, causing mayhem around the palace. Images of their mother, their father and their friends. Little moments of his past he had long forgotten about. He smiled at the sighed, but before he could really grasp any of the memories, they were gone again.
"How did you do that?" He asked quietly, letting his arms drop to his side. Somehow he was very certain of the fact now that she wasn't a threat to him, and most likely telling the truth even.
"Loki showed me. And now I show you, because you know your brother well and you know that he would not share these memories with me if he didn't trust me."
Thor nodded. She had a point there; Loki didn't open up to anyone. Ever. The girl in front of him must truly be special to his brother if he allowed her into his head. But that also meant that she spoke the utmost truth, that Loki was dying. For real this time.
"How can I help?" He finally asked, and Ivy went on to explain her plan.
"We're looking for a book Loki has read." She started, and Thor let out a groan, rolling his eyes.
"He has probably read every single book in the whole palace. Twice."
"We're looking for a very specific book, from Midgard." Ivy ignored his pessimism. "It should be in his room, but it would take me ages to find."
"Yeah, he has hundreds of books in there."
"And that's why I need your help. We need to find that damn book as fast as possible, or there won't be any helping him anymore."
"You can help him with a book from Midgard…? Why didn't you just ask him what's in the book?" Thor questioned, earning himself an eye-roll from Ivy. Geez, she got now why Loki was constantly annoyed with Thor. He wasn't really the smartest hen in the pen.
"We must go now." She simply stated, grabbing Thor's wrist and bringing them into Loki's room.
"Wow, how did you do that!?" He asked in bewilderment, looking around himself frantically before he realized where he was.
"It's called magic, Thor… honestly, didn't you pay any attention to your brother?" She huffed, starting to dig through the books immediately.
"Uuhhh, I have an idea! Wait here!" Thor said excitedly and hurried out of the room before Ivy could complain. If he was getting the guards, Ivy would totally stab him. Wow. That was so very Loki… She smiled sadly to herself.
Loki owned all kinds of books, but nothing about plants would surface even from the dustiest of corners. A few minutes later, Ivy heard voices outside Loki's bedroom.
"Is she the girl who killed the guards in the forest?" A man asked.
"And who almost killed another dozen in the city?" Another added.
"And she stole my clothes." The woman's voice Ivy recognized.
"You do realize I can hear you, right?" Ivy said loudly, though not taking her eyes off the books. "You can just as well talk about me once you're in here, searching."
The door opened and Thor entered, behind him following three men and the lady Loki had called Sif.
"Ivy, these are my friends." Thor introduced awkwardly. "Guys, this is Ivy. She's with Loki!"
Ivy turned around for a second, flashing a badly feigned smile. "Great. Now search, will you?"
Thor rolled his eyes but started picking up books to identify their content, motioning for his friends to do the same.
"Geez, she is just as ill-humored as Loki himself." One of the men said under his breath, and Ivy could also feel the other three staring holes into her back. Only Thor seemed rather at ease now, with his friends around.
"You can talk to me, you know.." Ivy finally said, having enough of the silent judgement thrown at her.
"Why did you kill the guards in the forest?" One man asked immediately, not even bothering to pretend he wasn't curious. He was huge, all muscles and good nutrition, and had red hair and a thick beard.
"Because I felt like it. " She answered sarcastically and rolled her eyes to herself, but then decided for honesty. "They were chasing me. I had done no harm, and I was merely walking through the woods when they attacked me. Probably out of boredom, or the desire for my body… who knows. One stabbed me in the shoulder without reason and I felt the need to defend myself."
Silence followed for a while. Then the same man spoke up again. "But why would they just attack you if you hadn't done anything?"
"I can hardly ask them now, can I? They are your guards, not mine." She answered coldly.
"She really is so much like Loki, it's disgusting…" Sif grumbled.
"Why thank you!" Ivy responded in an exaggeratedly high pitched voice, laced with feigned happiness.
"That was no compliment." Sighed Sif, throwing a book into the nearest corner of the room.
"Why do you help me then, if you despise Loki so much?" Ivy asked out of honest interest for once, while she quickly flipped through a huge book with a blank cover.
"We are helping Thor, not Loki. Because he is our prince, and our friend." Another man with blonde hair answered. The other three made noises of agreement.
"And I help you because you care about my brother as much as I do." Thor finally said. "And to be honest with you, I never quite understood why Loki was arrested with you in the first place. I mean, you killed our people… But he didn't help you with that, did he?"
Ivy sighed, growing more nervous by the second as still no one had found the book she was looking for. "No, he had nothing to do with that. He only healed me when I was dying from poison."
"There have been quite many incidents of poisoning in the city, and also around the palace, actually…" The man with the fuzzy beard answered. "I just overheard a few guards talk about it today. They think it's mere coincidence, and they don't know what kind of poison is used anyway, as everyone who has died of it wasn't worth an autopsy."
"What? Why has no one told me about this?!" Thor's voice thundered through the room and Ivy actually flinched at the sudden loudness.
"They think they can get it under control before anyone important gets hurt." Beard guy said quietly, obviously feeling ashamed for not sharing this piece of information any sooner.
"Is that what happened to Loki?" Thor asked, concern filling his voice now. Ivy didn't answer, but simply nodded. Not that those idiots would consider him an important person anyway… But to Ivy, Loki was important. Maybe to Thor as well. There was no time discussing this right now.
"Hey, I found something! It has pictures of plants in it, but I can't read what the cover says…" Blonde guy finally said, and Ivy brought herself across the room to stand directly in front of him in an instant, harshly grabbing the book from his hands, and thus making him take a step backwards.
"Wow, she's hot and knows how to handle herself…" Blonde guy remarked, rising his eyebrows, but Ivy was too busy finding the right page to care about him.
"At least she's not stabbing anyone." Beard guy sighed.
"Not yet anyway..." Blonde guy smirked. "Maybe I'll stab her with something entirely different tonight…"
Without as much as looking up from the book, Ivy threw a heavy punch at his face, causing his nose to bleed like mad. Sif only snorted at him from a few feet away, as did Thor.
"Here, I found the plant!" Ivy stated. "Atropa Belladonna…"
"What? Is that what poisoned Loki, seriously?" Blonde guy asked through his hand, with which he was still holding his bleeding nose.
"Here it says that one has to get something called 'carbo medicinalis' and dissolve it in water, then get the poisoned person to drink it." She summarized. "Brilliant! Now I only need to find some."
"Carbo what?" Thor asked with a deep frown, looking to Ivy for an explanation.
"That's activated charcoal. It binds the toxins and prevents them from killing a person." Ivy responded quickly and in easy words for them to understand, turning to Thor as well. "Do you have something like that here?"
"We can go to the healers, they will know." He said with a shrug, and then hurried out of the room with Ivy following closely behind, shoving the book into her bag quickly.
"Should we come along?" Beard guy asked after a while of silence.
"Yes!" Blonde guy said. "I need to get my nose checked!"
Sif only rolled her eyes at him and they went to follow the other two.
"We need carbo… medi… midi…" Thor tried once he and Ivy came storming into the healer's rooms.
"Carbo medicinalis." Ivy quickly said, turning to the surprised woman in front of them. "Charcoal."
"Well, what…" She tried, but Ivy cut her off by stepping right in front her, giving her a death glare. "There's no time for interrogations, do you have it or not?"
The poor healer looked to Thor for help, but he didn't make any move to stop this mad raven woman from threatening her with her glares.
"We… There must be some with the substances from other realms." She said and quickly scurried towards a cupboard in the far back of the room.
Meanwhile Ivy grabbed a cup and shoved it into her bag, before she followed the healer.
"How much do you need?" The healer asked quietly.
"Everything you have." Ivy answered quickly and took the palm-sized bundle from the healer, then turning to Thor once more, as he stood helplessly in the middle of the room.
"Tell your father about the incidents in the city. And tell him I'm going to deal with it, as his guards are obviously unable to do so." Without waiting for an answer, Ivy disappeared just in the same moment when Sif and the others entered the room.
"You just let her go?!" Sif asked incredulously.
"She will save Loki. Of course I let her go!" Thor returned with a deep frown.
"If she hurts people again, you will know whose fault it is."
Once back at the opening, Ivy quickly filled the cup with water and dissolved the black powder in it. Now she only needed to get him to drink it… Only…
Hurriedly, she knelt down next to him, checking once more if his heart was still beating before she sat him up against her own frame and rather roughly forced the black liquid down his throat. Then, she waited. After a while his body got rather heavy, resting against her own with his full weight, and she leaned back against the stone wall behind her for support while moving Loki's head to lay in her lap. Hopefully this was going to work…
After a little while of inner debate, she carefully pushed Loki's hair out of his face, gently brushing through it with her fingers. He most certainly would never allow this if he was awake, but after all the trouble, she needed a little comfort and this was just able to do it for her. A few moments later, her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into a restless, but much needed sleep.
"Ivy." She heard her name, but her mind wasn't quite there yet.
"Ivy." It echoed through her head once more, louder this time, and she started to wake up. "IVY!"
She startled awake, looking into concerned green eyes shortly above her. She needed a second, but then, without thinking, she threw herself at Loki, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. The impact caused him to lose his balance, and he fell onto his back with a loud thud. Luckily, he had only been kneeling above her.
Despite the short fall, Ivy refused to let go and buried her face in his neck.
"Well, ouch…" He commented quietly, but unable to hide a slight touch of amusement from his voice as finally he also wrapped his arms around her waist, and held her tightly against him.
For the longest while, neither dared to say another word, afraid to break the precious moment between them. The sun was already rising, bringing light to the little opening.
"You did it." Loki finally said, his head leaned against hers. He could feel her hot breath brushing against his neck, and her heartbeat echoing in his chest. "You used you magic to save someone."
He felt her stiffen in his arms, before she lifted her head up just enough to look at him.
"Yeah, no." She said quietly, looking almost sad, before she lifted herself off him, sitting back against the stone wall. Loki immediately missed her warmth and the comfort of her body against his, but he mimicked her actions, sitting down next to her.
"I didn't use magic." She finally said, and it only came out as a whisper. "I couldn't do it." Her face fell in disappointment with herself.
"But you saved me nonetheless, which makes it even more impressive." He smiled at her as reassuringly as he could... She really shouldn't feel bad for doing something good and selfless.
"I had help." She stated calmly, but avoided his eyes. "From your brother."
"You asked THOR for help, out of all people?" Loki looked at her incredulously. "How could he have been of any help?"
Ivy let out a snort. "To be honest, I now totally understand your desire to stab the man. And all the eye-rolling… He is very special." She laughed to herself. "But he loves you dearly, he really does."
"I know." Loki sighed. "But that's his own fault!" He chuckled and watched Ivy from the corner of his eye. She seemed exhausted… But he was curious now.
"So, how was he of any help to you? And how did you get him to help in the first place? He's not really easy to argue with…" He asked curiously, his face now fully turned to her.
"Well, he tried to cut my throat while still sleeping, I assume…" Ivy laughed lightly, but continued as she saw Loki's jaw clench. "He didn't hurt me! I did that thing you do with him, you know, the illusion."
That brought a smile to Loki's face. "Oh really? How did you know you needed to do that?"
"Well, it's not quite that different to the illusions I usually do. It wasn't very difficult, but a very clever idea." She sighed and brought her knees up to her chest, enjoying the warmth of Loki's side resting against her own. "Well, then I showed him some of the memories you shared with me. And before you kill me, I only showed him memories the two of you shared in your childhood. No feelings, nothing that came after. It served to assure him that you trust me, since you showed your memories to me."
"I trust you more than anyone." He stated as a matter of fact, eyeing her curiously.
"Yeah, and that got him to help me. And the fact that he didn't want you to die." She winked at him and smiled. "He also got a few of his friends to help us. They were not quite happy with the fact that they helped to prevent your death, but they probably helped for Thor's sake."
Loki rolled his eyes. Of course they wouldn't help Ivy for her own sake. "Were they rude to you?"
"Yeah, actually. But I could very well ignore that after I punched the blond man in the face." She smiled to herself at the memory, looking down at her bruised knuckles. There hadn't been any time to heal it yet.
"May I?" Loki asked and gently took her wounded hand in his. In less than a minute, it was perfectly healed and the pain was gone.
"I could've done that myself, you know…" Ivy smiled at him.
"I know." He replied, smiling back just the same. Her hand remained in his though.
"So, why did you punch Fandral in the face?" He asked with amusement, even though he was quite sure to know the answer to that already.
"He said he wanted to stab me." Ivy said equally amused, making sure to remember the name Loki had just given blonde guy.
Loki frowned, having expected a different answer. "Literally?"
"Nah… He probably just wanted to have his own ways with me, in his bed." She laughed. It was something she had gotten quite used to, men trying to get her into their beds… It still disgusted her, but it didn't really surprise nor frighten her anymore. The guards in the city had been an exception, as they had insulted Loki. She couldn't possibly have let that slip.
Loki's face on the other hand fell at her words. "He shouldn't have done that." His voice was low and almost had a dangerous touch to it now. "No one shall speak about you like that. You're mine and mine alone."
"You're being quite possessive over someone you hated just a few days back." Ivy chuckled, but on the inside she felt as though lightning had struck her to the very core. Her heart beat too fast against her chest, her skin tingled as if electrified, and a hot and yet cold shiver ran down her back.
"I've never hated you, Ivy…" He said in a quiet voice that was equally husky as it was deep. "I only hated myself for liking you."
His voice did inexplicable things to her, and Ivy had to fight for her eyes to stay open and locked with his. "You like me?"
"More than I should."
"How much more?"
He only shook his head to himself and smiled for a moment, looking down to the ground. "A lot more."
"Oh." She breathed, unsure of whether she had made him uncomfortable by her inquiry or simply amused him.
But then he looked up into her eyes once more, and Ivy could see everything he could not say out loud. She didn't know whether it was because he was afraid of it, or because he just didn't know how, but if he wasn't going to do something about it, then she would have to do it herself. So she looked back into his eyes with everything she felt but couldn't properly express, with every emotion, every ounce of doubt and every spark of hope. They stayed like that for a while, drinking in the other's emotions until everything was said, without as much as a word.
"How did you do that?" He finally asked, his brows furrowing.
"How did I do what?" Ivy asked, seemingly just as confused just as him.
"I could hear your thoughts in my mind." He leaned his head to the side and a slow smile played on his lips. "I'm very flattered by the way."
Now, this was one of the rare occasions when Ivy felt the heat rise to her cheeks, and she indeed blushed furiously.
"Don't be embarrassed, my sweet." He whispered, as he gently pushed her hair from her shoulder and leaned so close that his lips were brushing against Ivy's neck. "I feel just the same about you." Then he pressed a small kiss to the sensitive spot where Ivy's neck connected with her shoulder, making her shudder pleasantly.
Ivy only blushed even more as she felt the goosebumps run all over her skin… She hadn't known that a simple and oh so gentle kiss could set her whole body on fire and make her long for more. So much more…
"Ivy?" Loki's voice snapped her out of her daydream and back into reality. He was sitting so close to her, her shoulder touched his arm and their thighs were only an inch apart, which she immediately closed before she could stop herself. But she wanted to feel more of his body against hers.
"How did you do that?" He asked once more, eyes locking with hers. "How did you speak to me in my mind?"
"I didn't know I was doing that…" She answered honestly, still a little dazed from the rather titillating thoughts she had let herself indulge in for the shortest moment.
Loki frowned, placing his hand on her knee and drawing circles with his thumb. He enjoyed touching her, not only because it made her all flustered, but also because he could be sure that she was still there with him, alive and well. Now that he had let himself get this attached to someone, he was not going to lose her. He would make sure of that.
In the shortest time, she had become his anchor, the focus point his universe orbited around, the one thing he couldn't live without. The suddenness of his feelings for her scared him, but he also couldn't bring himself to really care, nor to fight it anymore. He wasn't one to fall easily, but if he did fall, he did with everything he had.
"Maybe I could try again? You know, to talk to you without words?" Now it was Ivy's turn to pull him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, do that…" He answered, still caressing her knee. "I'm curious."
Ivy closed her eyes and tried to think of something to say. She let her mind wander to what she had done before, how she had gotten into his mind.
'I enjoy that.' Her voice echoed through his mind.
"You enjoy what?" He asked with a smirk, making Ivy look at him.
"It worked?!" She smiled brightly, her eyes shining with excitement. "I meant I... enjoyed trying this mind thing."
"Are you sure?" He murmured, letting his hand wander from her knee to her inner thigh, drawing lazy lines so softly it annoyed her.
A small sigh escaped her lips and her head fell back against the stone wall behind her. Loki relished the sight, a small smirk playing on his lips as he couldn't stop teasing her.
"Stop that…" She breathed, 'Don't stop.' Her mind responded and Loki couldn't help himself but laugh out loud.
Ivy sat up straight immediately, and frowned at him in the cutest embarrassment. "Stop laughing!"
"But it's adorable to see you try to resist your own mind." He grinned at her.
"It would surprise me if you did any better!" She replied, but decided to validate it at a different time. Instead she scooted a few feet away from him, earning a small noise of disapproval which made her smirk even more.
She retrieved the book of plants from her bag and threw it over to Loki who caught it with one hand and flipped it open with a smile. "That's how you saved me?"
"Yup…" Ivy answered, making a popping noise on the 'p' before she sat down cross-legged, facing Loki this time. That way they could have a serious conversation without getting distracted yet again.
"We searched for that damn book forever. Took six people to find it in time." Ivy explained.
"I hate that I'll have to thank them for helping you…" Loki sighed.
"I wouldn't thank them if I were you. They kept complaining about me, about something that's yours…" Ivy grinned, earning an eye-roll from Loki.
"What did they say?" He asked curiously though.
"Oh, just how much I reminded them of you, and how utterly and terribly that disgusted them." Ivy laughed, remembering their annoyed faces.
"I would've assumed it was a compliment."
"So did I!" They both laughed, shaking their heads at the bunch of people who once were Loki's friends.
Then, Ivy remembered what beard guy had said. "Loki, the man with the huge beard…"
"Volstagg." Loki commented in between.
"Well, Volstagg said that there have been quite a few incidents of poisoning in the city. They can't figure out who does it, nor how to help the victims, since they seem to be unable to identify the poison in the first place."
Loki averted his eyes, but listened carefully to every word Ivy was saying.
"They think it's coincidence, but I came to believe otherwise. I mean, we both have been unlucky enough to be poisoned, and both times they used Midgardian plants!" Ivy said with an odd excitement in her voice, clearly engrossed in her thoughts. "How could there possibly be such a coincidence? It's a different plant every time and the poison is spread randomly around the city. I mean, at first I thought it was only an attack on the royal family. A one-time thing I happened to stumble into. But then, with all the other incidents… I mean I'm not the kind of person who is selfless enough to save the people of Asgard from poisoning just because it's the right thing to do."
That statement made Loki snort, but Ivy continued anyway.
"I want to stop the person who does this. I have to. Not because it's the right thing to do, but because they hurt you." She said and nudged his leg with hers.
"I…" Loki started with a small smile, touched by her words. "You can't possibly punish everyone who ever hurt me."
"But I can try nonetheless. And I most definitely will." She smiled brightly at him, nudging his leg yet again.
"They also poisoned you, does that mean I also have to end them?" He asked with a small laugh, amused by her eagerness to do 'the right thing'.
"Of course! I'm surprised you haven't come up with that before." Ivy grinned and once more nudged his leg.
"If you do that just one more time, I will have to stop you… and you won't enjoy that." He growled, but something in his voice told her that she would indeed enjoy it very much. But now wasn't the time to find out. Unfortunately.
"I have thought of ending the person who did that to you every second since I first got word that you were hurt in my prison cell." He said calmly, yet without the previous flirtatious undertone.
"Your cell?" Ivy questioned.
"Yes, my cell. It's where they lock me up every time they feel like it. The barrier is slightly different than the other cells. The magic, you know…" He trailed off. "It's not of much importance. But yes indeed, I have had the thought quite a lot. Only that until now, there was no indication as for where to look."
"Great. Let's go." Ivy said and nudged him in the leg once more, just to annoy him. Then she got up and turned her back to him, slowly walking towards the middle of the opening. She could hear him getting up as well, his quiet footsteps following closely behind her. Once she stopped in the middle of the opening, he was right behind her the next second.
"I told you not to do that." He whispered in her ear, leaning close to her from behind.
"And I never said I wouldn't." Ivy smirked, preparing herself for whatever was about to happen. But for what happened next, she was not prepared at all.
@vodka-and-some-sass @t-sunnyside @lokis-high-priestess
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@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333 @tomstoobeautiful @dreary-skies-stuff @averyhill4445 @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @theweirdlunatic @caretheunicorn @kthemarsian @lady-of-lies @sadly-falling-through-wonderland @strawberrysandcream @noplacelikehome77 @theoneanna @mishaandthebrits @mygodisloki @i-am-a-mes @nonsensicalobsessions @exygon @hiddles-lobotomy @rjohnson1280 @annwhojumps @spookycatqueen @salempoe @headoverhiddleston @fanfiction-and-stress @createdfromblue @halszka-potter @thecreatiivecorner @themusingsofmany @inthemarvelvoid @from-hel-i-with-love @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpionchild81 @foodthatsgoodforyoursoul @crystal-28 @adefectivedetective @lokis-girl-in-mischief @booklover2929
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 💚✨ If you did, I would be SO happy about some feedback 🥰💗 hugs to ya lovely people! Toss a comment to your writer, oh valley of plenty 😁 (@wiczer made me do it, sorry not sorry)
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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i. / basics.
Name. Lynn Darcy. Nicknames. Troublemaker, sweetie, Candy Birthday. Age. 17-23 years old. Nationality. French. Languages. French, English &&. Spanish. Gender. Cis female. Sexuality. Bisexual. Status. Single. Occupation. Student &&. part-time worker in Cosy Bear Café. Speciality. Finding solutions to problems that aren’t hers and, instead, causing them in her own. Hobbies. Jogging, boxing, taking care of plants, ocasionally playing basketball.
ii. / physical.
Height. 160cm / 5′ 3″ Weight. 50kg / 110 lb Hair color. Brown. Eye color. Green. Blood type. O + Appearance. A petite female with a slightly built body  ( at the moment due her newfound interesting in boxing ).  Long hair naturally straight with chocolate brown pigment alongside green eyes.
Main verse. TAG.  「 MAIN / Lynn 」
Highschool student, 17 years old.  As a transfer student, she is a bit clueless and lost at the beggining. However, she quickly got used to the institute and learnt every little secret of it. Still, this does not apply to actual people. Lynn does have a lot of friends, though, and is quite close to Kim due having her as lab partner in Chemistry. But she doesn’t get along with Amber, Capuccine, Li or Charlotte. Peggy is on thin ice. Ah but, ever so caring Lynn — she can’t help but always want to help everyone.
MCLUL verse. TAG.  「 SECOND MAIN   / Lynn 」
College student, 23 years old. Canon divergent.  Mostly based on what’s taking place in the canon of My Candy Love University Life — except that Lynn never cut ties with all friends and kept in touch with Kentin alone, she still has a hopeless crush on Nathaniel but hasn’t gotten herself involved with anyone, keeping everysingle friend at arm length. So, no route Lynn?
Third main verse. / A different outcome TAG. 「 THIRD MAIN / Lynn 」
College student, part-time worker in Kentin’s bakery, 23 year old.  She didn’t want to be bossed around by her parents, neither leaving the city she grew to love. In fact, she wanted her freedom but Lynn wasn’t having it so easy.   From a side, her parents had stood their ground but so she did, fully determinated to stay. They all bickered and argued, raising their tone than trying to find a solution — that was, until Aunt Agatha got in the middle and decided to take care of the situation.   After much talking and convincing, she persuaded Lucia and Philip. Thus, leading Lynn to win only one obstacle from the many that would appear in her road.   Happily that she got to stay rather than losing all connections, she first started to help Kentin before deciding what she wanted to do with her future.
Fourth main verse. / What if? TAG. 「 FOURTH MAIN / Lynn 」
Highschool student, 17 years old.  So what if she could see the relationship stats that she had with other people? Like, a visual novel game? Well, that was about it! It was strange but she could not see options at all, she had free speech ( thankfully ) which allowed her faster to either improve or fuck up further her relationships.
Persona 5 verse. TAG. 「P5 / Lynn」
Highschool transfer student, Star, 17 years old.   ‘ You have truly made me wait, I am known for being impatient, ma fille, but I will allow it this time ’ , the brunette fell to knees, holding her head while she screamed in utter pain, tears rolling down her cheeks while her eyes were shut, trying to somehow make the pain bereable. All background noise was blocked, overpowered by a female voice inside her mind. ’ You have always clenched your fists and withdrawn for the fight, doing little to nothing. Finally, you have grown tired; let us form a pact, shall we? ’.     The voice was right, Lynn had enough. Taking blow after blow, being ridiculized, embarrassed and tossed aside — being the stepping stone others needed to feel superior while she put on a show, the happy pierrot that everyone relied onto but whom never spoke a single struggle. It was time for her to realize her own worth and speak her mind, yell to the four winds her heart’s desires; to defend and attack instead of being a mere broken shield.   ’ I am thou, thou art I we cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire! They can bind our body and tie our hands but nothing can be done nor can shatter our will! ’, the hands that once had been holding her head were now on the floor underneath her, helping her to push herself up slowly — green hues had turned yellow and filled with such aggresive determination that she had never felt before. Straightening her back, her right hand placed itself before the mask that had manifested to existence, gripping it hard, she pulled away at once — blood running down her eyes.   “ We shall show them what we are made of, come to me Amantine! ”
Eldarya verse TAG. 「Eldarya / Lynn 」
College student, 23 years old. Absynthe Garde / Alchemist.  As a descendant of a human, her father Philip, and a fairy, her mother Lucia, Lynn is a faerie. However, she was never told about the truth and because of her clueless nature, she never suspected anything weird  ( not even when her aunt would show up in particular clothes which she lied that it was part of her job as a dentist not to scare children, including wings on her back as part of the costume ).  Which is precisely how she stepped in the thin line of human world and magic world, the blindfold had been finally removed. Currently stuck in Eldarya and unable to return nor communicate with her parents, Lynn spends her days working to win the meal of the day alongside an elf named Ezarel as an assistant for the potions he needs to create, but mostly errand girl: running here and there to provide everything on time.
Mystic Messenger. / MC1. TAG. 「MysMe / Lynn 」
College student, 23 years old.   Actually, Lynn isn’t sure how she found herself in Korea. Mostly, trying to be a good friend for Hyun and be his emotional support friend when he needed one given his grandfather had gotten terribly ill and chances were… No, no. She shouldn’t focus there. In fact, she should focus on finding the place her friend had indicated that both were staying at — yet, things rarely go as planned. Sometimes, the female felt that she was a magnet to problems. A message, an adress and a distressed person were the formula to lure her towards an unknown appartment in which she ended up locked. Stuck in a position of party hoster of sorts, Lynn Darcy chose not to fight her fate and assume her role. Kim Yoosung, Kang Jaehee, Hyun Ryu, Han Jumin and Choi Luciel needed her, after all. And God knows how big her heart is to leave without providing the needed help.
Shall we date? Destiny Ninja 2 + TAG. 「Destiny Ninja 2 +/ Lynn 」
Living in the Spring Village has been a wonderful experience since she can recall, to wake up everyday and see how flowers would blossom — new ones that would arrive because of the ocasional windy days and carry along new seeds for the view to change, take different shape and colors. Yet that lovely experience started to come to an end when the Yamato Island began to get corrupted. Was the story they told her as kids to make her fear true? All Lynn can do is pray and keep up with her training; she might not be an expert, but basic defense moves could safe her. Besides, her father had always taught her how to use a gun since possessing a sword was more of an honor, a lifestyle.
Shall we date? Blood in roses + TAG. 「Blood in roses / Lynn 」
It was a poor idea for a human to wander into a castle, but after having lost her family, the brunette found no better choice than try to find a temporal refugee. Much to her horror, it turned out to be the rumored Hotel Libra Sincera — unable to return nor escape because she had nowhere to go, she decided to step inside that place.   Truthfully, Lynn never thought she would use a Humphrey’s bottle of False Mist that her mother had bought to her at age nine in case something bad would happen to them. It was easy to forget about it but Lucia has insisted for Lynn to carry it at all times; and now, she could finally use it.
Wizardess heart + TAG. 「Wizardess heart + / Lynn 」
Student &&. buddyless, 17 years old, spellsinger. TBA.
Ephemeral: Residents in the dark. TAG. 「Ephemeral / 010」
Student, 120 years old, half-breed.   A lovechild from a vampire and a human, a horrible sin for all creatures that should have been killed hasn’t been that she was born with the strongest gen as expected, which is the single reason she had managed to survive thus far in the world were ranks meant everything.   However, her mother had been murdered by other humans as soon as it was discovered that there were vampires within their world — Philippe had returned with shame and head hung low back to his family. Forced into a marriage with another woman, a mermaid that grew to terribly hate Lynn going as far as to dig her nails into Lynn’s wrists due being young and beautiful.   To say Lynn was grateful to being accepted into that prestigious institution wasn’t enough, she decided to stay and live there. Refusing to return to a place where her stepmother wanted her head in a spike — yet, her secret keeps her awake at night, what would happen if she was discovered?
Main verse.
23 years old. WIP. 
Aggrestuko verse./ Publishing department. TAG. 
Office lady, 24 years old. Lynn Darcy had studied art history, however, she did not find many jobs suitable for that and ended up undergoing trainment to become a ‘desk person'—work in an office and fall into a comfortable routine for another year and a half.
「 Lynn Darcy   /   𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓭𝔂 ┊ swcctlcve 」
「 Lynn Darcy / INQUIRY」
「 Lynn Darcy / MUSINGS 」
「 Lynn Darcy / VISAGE 」
「 Lynn Darcy / MANNERISMS 」
「 Lynn Darcy / ROMANCE 」
「 Lynn Darcy / CRACK 」
DISCLAIMER.  I will not ship with the same character more than once unless my partner tells me they will no longer write said character and, therefore, the ship spot is free again. Please, do not force the issue.   001. Will you have exclusives?   If my partner and I discuss it before hand, then yes.   002. Will you have mains?   This will be more popular but yes, I will have limit of three mains.
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KENTIN BRONSWORTH. ROMANTIC TAG.  ✘ · Kentin Bronsworth ♡( ᵒᵘʳ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗˢ ᵇᵉᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵃˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵃᵗ ˡᵃˢᵗ ⁻ ⁱ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃⁱᵗ ) FRIENDSHIP TAG.  kcntin ; ʜᴏᴘᴇ( φιλíα ) ABOUT.
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RAVEN KENDALL. ROMANTIC TAG.  ✘ · Raven Kendall ♡「 ᴵᶠ ᴵ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʰᵉʳ ʰᵒʷ ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵇᵘᵗ ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ᵃ ᵐⁱˡˡⁱᵒⁿ ʷᵒʳˡᵈˢ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗ」 FRIENDSHIP TAG. ABOUT.
HAIDA HYENA. ROMANTIC TAG.  ✘ · Haida Hyena ♡「 ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᶠᵃˡˡ ᴵ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ᶜᵃᵗᶜʰ ʸᵒᵘ / starryburglar 」 FRIENDSHIP TAG. ABOUT.
✘ ·   ♡( )
✘ ·  ♡(  )
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peculiar-bonds · 6 years
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind - Chapter 5: The Unexpected Companion
Synopsis: While Mane 6 are on a research mission in a small town from another world called 'Earth', they learn about an old myth among the inhabitants: the Slender Man. What is the ugly truth of this haunted town? Will they survive the monster's deadly grasps?
It had almost been one hour since the last encounter with Slender Man. Meanwhile, Mane 6 finally reunited, and it was quiet and peaceful in the woods of terror, for now…
The girls could finally catch their breath and get some rest until the next attack. Not even Rarity cared, the dirt felt like the best place to sit on; anything is better than Slender Man after your tail. On the other hand, Twilight was still asleep, and Applejack sat by her side, with a worried expression on her freckled face.
“How come she isn’t awake yet?” Rainbow Dash asked while approaching her elder friend.
“It ain’t the first time she behaved weirdly tonight. Before we even got into this cursed forest, she was almost paralyzed, if ya remember…And this time, it was a nosebleed and a fainting spell! What’s next?”
Applejack didn’t even get to finish expressing her worries, because Twilight suddenly woke up, feeling a lump in her throat. The other girls were looking at her with wide eyes, totally startled by this abrupt awakening. Even if she was still weak, the petite girl rose up to her feet and went to the nearest bush to throw up out of nowhere.
“Sweet Celestia, sugarcube, are ya alright?” Applejack exclaimed, extremely concerned about her friend’s illness.
As if it wasn’t enough, there was a noise coming from the other side of the landmark. It was accompanied by a few light steps. The panic reinstalled among Mane 6.
“He’s back!” Fluttershy muttered, scared to the bones.
“Fetch me a stick! This is gonna turn out reaaallly bad!” Pinkie Pie requested, determined to defend her beloved friends. They didn’t take her seriously, so the energetic teenager grabbed a stick from the ground and approached the area.
“Pinkie, are you crazy???” Rainbow Dash exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
But the pink-haired girl didn’t listen. Without any hesitation, she was ready to hit the intruder in the head, while suddenly:
When she heard these words, Pinkie Pie stumbled into the stranger, causing both of them to fall on the ground. When she looked closer, it was actually a young girl, just like them, but still different. The youngster had long and dark hair complimented by icy blue eyes, a very thin body, and an extremely tired expression.
“Would you please get off me? I assure you that I’m not who you think I am,” the girl asked, almost begging to be released from Pinkie’s “paranoia trap”.
“Oh, sure thing! I’m sorry!” Pinkie giggled, rising back on her feet. “I honestly thought, you were, um…Slender Man! You would not believe…”
“…How horrible this monster is? Yes, I do, because I have to confront him almost every night,” the newcomer complained. “And, by the way, who are you and what are you doing here at this hour?”
“Oh, I’m with my friends over there. We were trying to find Slender and see if he’s real, but apparently, he found us and…”
“I KNOW. Everybody is coming here like they’re doing a funny ghost hunt on Halloween, but it’s more than that, I tell you! It’s a true nightmare!” The girl confessed in desperation, while tightly gripping Pinkie’s shoulders.
“Oooookayyy…I’m Penny Pie, by the way! But you can also call me Pinkie! What about you?”
“I’m Kate. Kate Milens. And I have a feeling I’m going to die tonight…”
“Oh, don’t be so silly! We’ll get out of here soon! Come, let me show you to my friends!”
Kate seemed hesitant at the beginning, but she had no choice. Any human seemed like a better alternative than the faceless eldritch monster, who had been haunting her since childhood.
“Hey, everybody, look who I found!” Pinkie exclaimed in utter happiness.
“Shh, the freak might hear you!” Rainbow Dash aggressively whispered, while scowling at the friend in front of her.
“Anyway, as I was saying…” Pinkie continued, quite annoyed by the obvious remark. “This is Kate Milens! It seems that our ol’ friend Slendy is after her as well. Kate, these are my best friends of all time: Rachael, Rebecca, Anne-Jay, Florence and Tara” she presented as she pointed to each of her companions.
“Hello, Kate!” the others greeted the new one simultaneously.
“Nice to meet you all! Glad I can finally meet someone who’s a human around here…and alive,” Kate replied with a faint voice.
Meanwhile, she glanced at Twilight, who clearly felt ill. Her face was paler than usual, dark circles started appearing under her eyes, her expression signaled fatigue, and her vest was stained with remnants of her vomit. Kate knew what the problem was, since she experienced the same symptoms anytime she encountered Slender Man.
“I see you’re also suffering from the Slender Sickness. Don’t worry, it’ll pass once we’re out of here”
“Slender Sickness? Wow, I should have known it’s his fault for all of this” Twilight stated with deep worry in her tone. “We just want to go home, Kate. Do you know the way?”
“Yes, I know every inch of this forest since I was little. Come on, pack your things and follow me, we don’t have much time left to stand still…”
“Say no more!” Rainbow replied with excitement.
“You said you’ve been coming to this forest since you were a child. What were you doing here at that age?” Fluttershy asked Kate all of a sudden, while they were heading to the next landmark.
“He always called me. Almost every night. At the beginning, I didn’t even know where that voice was coming from, so I blindly followed what it said. I was too scared to ask questions, to be honest. But despite all of this fuss, he always let me live, I don’t know why.”
“Wait, Slender Man CAN TALK??? That’s it, we’re doomed,” Rainbow intervened in the conversation, this detail being the only one that she picked up from Kate’s confession.
“I’m sorry for everything that’s happening to you, darling,” Rarity comforted the genuine human among the group. “I hope you’ll find your peace away from this horrible creature soon”
“Me too, Rachael. Me too…”
Suddenly, the wind started getting louder, along with the low droning sound from the beginning.
“Oh, no, he’s back! The page must be in that tunnel. We have to be quick!” Kate warned with panic.
“I’ll go first this time! Fetch me the stick!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed while grabbing another thick wooden branch from the ground. “Be right back! Slendy won’t stand a chance against me and my new friend, Tim! Come after me if I scream, by the way!” she boasted with excitement, then ran away to the tunnel.
“Damn, I swear she’s so crazy sometimes…She even named that stick ‘Tim’??? What the heck? Please excuse us, Kate, we’re a special group here,” Rainbow Dash apologized in her utter disappointment.
“Truth be told, I actually admire her enthusiasm and bravery…but for how long will it last?” Kate admitted, gulping in distress.
Before entering the eerie tunnel, Pinkie Pie looked all over the surroundings for anyhting out of order.
“Ha! Easy peasy! Though Slendy’s middle name is ‘unpleasant surprise’, if you ask me…Am I right, Tim?” Pinkie asked her imaginary wooden friend, then made it ‘nod’ by swinging her wrists. Still, she held her new weapon tight, because it was time to enter the dark enclosed area. The girl started shivering out of nowhere: it was the Pinkie Sense.
“Didn’t know I’d still have this as a skill here…” she muttered to herself.
In order to calm herself down, Pinkie started humming “Giggle at the ghosties”, the song that confirmed she’s the Element of Laughter, in almost the same circumstances.
“When I was a little filly and the sun was going dooown…”
Suddenly, something slimy grabbed her ankle. Uh-oh…” she thought to herself. The feeling of it made her startle in an instant.
“The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...” she continued singing, this time trembling.
But Pinkie stopped before she could finish her cheerful song. Her heart was racing faster than ever, and cold sweat was dripping down her round face.
“I shouldn’t have come by myself, that’s for sure…”
*Meanwhile, outside the tunnel*
“It’s been a while…shouldn’t we call after her?” Kate asked with a frightened expression.
“PINKIE PIE!” Twilight screamed.
“PIIIIIIINKIIIIIEEEE PIEEEEE!” the others screamed as well in unison.
They realized it was no fun game with Slenderman, so headed straight to the tunnel.
*Back in the tunnel*
“You know what’s weird, Tim? I’m pointing my flashlight everywhere, but no sight of him. It’s like he’s a shadow…”
But at last, she found the page; it was at the end of the tunnel. This time, the message was ‘LEAVE ME ALONE’, scribbled in the same manner.
“Gotcha! And oh yes, I can totally relate to this one…”
It also didn’t take long for Slender Man to appear right in front of her, with the same unmoving, but menacing posture he had got in front of his victims. Pinkie Pie didn’t hesitate at all to let out a piercing scream, and due to the adrenaline, she reacted by throwing ‘Tim’ right at the eldritch horror. Right after a few blinks, the creature disappeared, and right on time, because the other girls arrived.
“Pinkie, are you ok?” Twilight asked with concern.
“How can I be okay when I just saw him in front of me?” she replied with panic in her tone, and it didn’t take long for her to burst in tears, and hug Applejack in search of protection.
“Easy, sugarcube…he’s gone, we’re here now…” Applejack comforted Pinkie while hugging her tightly.
“You should have learned this lesson by now!” Kate started scolding the group. “If we’re together, he gets discouraged and attacks less. I learned that when I was with another friend…NEVER go alone into his woods, I’m telling you!”
“You’re right, we’ll have to stay together from now on…” Twilight agreed. “And that means no heroic acts, okay? We have no power to do something here.”
The others also agreed in unison.
“Let’s go, we have no time to lose!” Kate concluded.
The next landmark was an abandoned truck with a tank. The girls looked around the vehicle, but there was no page.
“Have you found anyhting? Because he’s right behind us!” Rainbow screamed in fear. “Go, go, GO!”
Without any hesitation, the girls ran away as fast as they could, even if their stamina was decreasing dramatically with each step.
“I can run faster than this, what’s going on?” Rainbow asked, while panting all the way to the next stop.
“This is also Slenderman’s fault…” Kate replied.
“AH! WONDERFUL!” the other screamed in pure annoyance.
The following landmark was a portable cabin made of metal. The door was locked, so the only way they could find the page was on the exterior of the building. Kate was vigilant this time.
“Found the page! One more left!”
This time, the paper only contained doodles of trees and a simplified sketch of Slender Man in the middle. But that was the least thing to be concerned about. After taking the page, Kate could feel it in her bones: an unnerving beeping sound, that started getting louder and louder. The Equestrian girls were also affected, and they couldn’t move their limbs because of the sound’s high-pitched frequency.
“WHAT IS GOING ON???” Rainbow screamed again.
“This is the last stand, it’s now or never!” Kate replied ambigously. “No victim has ever reached this stage by far!”
But it was too late to contemplate about anything anymore. This time, Slender Man’s appearance was by far more terrifying than the others. The moment he appeared, several thick black tentacles sprouted from his back. It was clear that he was enraged by the girls’ presence at this point. As much as he enjoyed a good ‘challenge’, humans always drove him crazy when they were alive on his territory for too long. Thus, he went berserk in a short time and started coiling his tentacles around the girls’ waists and necks, lifting them up to his level. Suddenly, the whole forest was filled with bloodcurdling screams. It was a frightening sight for Twilight, the only one that wasn’t ensnared in the faceless being’s tendrils; she was right behind the cabin, too afraid to make any move.
“The end is near…” she mumbled to herself, a tear falling down her cheek.
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Family Feast
Requested: @ravenvampiress
Special Christmas Prompt #21
Summary: His grandmother is old-fashioned, but her verbal attack on Asana sees her leave the house for fresh air, where Klaus and her exchange some words. Unknowingly, she falls into the pool, covered over in a thin sheet of ice.
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She exercised her fingers, hoping the stretches would drift her anxiety away. Soon, she would have to face another Christmas dinner with Klaus' extended family, many who had learnt to accept her marriage to Klaus, but his grandmother still held her doubts and clearly conveyed her dislike of her.  
Struggling with the zip on her classy knee-length and long-sleeved blush-coloured dress, she felt Klaus' hands guide the zip up followed by his tender lips on the nape of her neck, "Relax, would you."
"How can I? No matter what I do, she will never like me and it makes me...nervous," she admitted, referring to his grandmother.  
"I know, but she means well," Klaus replied, and turned her around to face him, "She just wants what's best for us."
"If that's the case, why can't she see that I am what is best for you?" Her rose eyes met his violet, and her hands naturally curled around his waist, "I love you, what more could a grandmother want for her grandchildren than someone who loves them, cares for them."
He chuckled and flicked her on the forehead, "I don't care what she thinks about you, I love you and you are my wife," Klaus smiled, and bestowed a light kiss on her lips, careful not to smear her lipstick, "You look beautiful tonight."
"Thank you, and you look as handsome as usual."
"I know," his reply made them both laugh, "Shall we?" Klaus extended his hand to her and she happily accepted his escort down the hallway and into the large dining room they used for these large dinner parties.  
For the past three years of marriage to Klaus, and the five years before their official engagement, Asana had slowly grown accustomed to their large events and the elegance of those events, from private dinner parties to large balls and shows, nothing was done cheaply. This large Christmas feast with the extended family was no exception.
Outside, the snow began to fall heavily and the Goldstein manor, inside and outside, was beautifully decorated in Christmas lights and decorations. Downstairs, though, the happy melody of the piano weaved between the chatter of the people, while some sang the lyrics of the Christmas hymns.  
"Mother, please be nice to Asana this year," Walter stated as he watched them descend the staircase, her arms looped around his and seemingly engaged in a delightful conversation between themselves, "She is a delightful lady if you gave her the chance."
"Commoners do not belong in our family, Walter," she harshly said, "In my day, classes were respected but now, anyone can go from rags to riches."
"She does not love him for the money, Mother."
"So she says."
"They have been married for three years now," Walter pointed out, "If she wanted money, she would have wasted him away by now, and if you would just look at how they look at each other. She is as besotted with him as he is with her."
Klaus guided Asana over to greet his grandparents first, with his grandfather happily greeting her with a smile but his grandmother still refusing to look at her or greet her kindly, "Good to see you my little Klaus," she did not hesitate to greet him though.
"Good to see you, Grandmother," he smiled, accepting her loving kisses on either cheek.  
She then turned to Asana, "Good to see you again," Asana smiled at her, but the older woman turned her nose up at her and walked away to greet more members of the family.  
Asana turned to Klaus, "She's colder to me this year than last year."
"You are exaggerating," Klaus pinched her nose, and step ahead of her to greet more of his family, Asana eventually followed him and received pleasant greetings from the rest of his family.  
His aunt who loves to bake, had a collection of recipes she had accumulated from Asana, but struggled to get the same excellent taste Asana's sweets provided. His female cousins picked apart her beautiful dress and they engaged in some girl talk, all the while his grandmother eyed her off, and turned to Mary, "How come I never see her family here?"
"You know why, she has no family to invite," Mary answered her, feeling like she had to always answer this question, "She's a lovely girl for our Klaus. She...grounds him, and has made him friendlier."
Somewhere among the clamour of the chatter, everyone heard a service bell, "Dinner is ready to be served," a waiter announced and Asana took her place next to Klaus, this year they were seated across from his grandparents. A decision Walter made to help his mother realise Asana is a wonderful woman for their Klaus.  
A decision he would eventually regret...
"Klaus," she called out to him.
"Yes, Grandmother," he answered her, after laughing at a moment he had with Asana.
"Did you know that Olivia Houston is still single?"
Awkwardly, he wondered why she would talk about her for, a woman he had only met a few times because his grandparents were friends with her father, a duke and her a duchess after his death from illness, "...No, I did not."
"She is a duchess now," she added, sipping her tea, "She would be a better match for you than this...orphan...you found."
"Mother!" Walter shot her a scornful look.
Astounded by her confidence, Asana looked her in the eye but she gave Asana a dry smirk. Klaus noticed the unfriendly gesture, but he did not say anything. His grandmother, though, continued, "Walter, I am just advising him to keep his options open for better women that are refined and educated. His current wife is...unsuited to him."
Placing her knife and fork on the plate, Asana reached for her wine glass and started taking large gulps of the intoxicating juice. Klaus snaked an arm around Asana's shoulders, and squeezed them to let her know that he wasn't going anywhere but that didn't stop her cheeks from burning red from embarrassment as the others caught wind of the verbal attack.
"Duchess Olivia is a splendid creature – grace, beauty, personality, the very art of a lady. Whereas Asana here, is average at best, an orphan communally raised in the pits of farms and paddocks and had to be taught manners because no one taught her propriety. Is this the type of woman you want Klaus to be with?"
"It is what he chooses, and we are very fond of her. In fact, Mary and I think of her as our daughter," Walter defended their marriage, and Asana felt grateful, but she started to think Klaus should say something.  
"Well, of course you would, but if that is the case then perhaps you should have adopted her the minute her parents deserted her."
Gasps around the table could be heard, and Asana felt tears bubbling within her chest that she lost her appetite, surrendering her fork and knife over the plate. Klaus looked across at his grandmother, but he didn't say anything, and the tension became tense and the chatter around them went silent. Suddenly, she felt the sting of those words more than she should have, and, at the same time, overwhelming embarrassment.  
She took her napkin from her lap, and quietly excused herself, "...Excuse me, I need...some air," she quivered, and Klaus gave his grandmother a brief glare and went after Asana.  
Grabbing her jacket, she headed out into the snow covered gardens, but Klaus caught up to her, "Would you come back inside? It's really coming down out here?" He called out to her to stop her.  
"I can't listen to anymore of that," she admitted, and stepped closer to the edge of large in-ground foundation that doubled as a pool during the summer, but in winter became a sheet of thin ice, unstable to even skate on.
"Yes, she went too far tonight," Klaus agreed, "She had no idea about your parents."
"She knows well enough that I don't have a family," she faced him, "Why are you defending her?"
"I'm not, I was only saying that she does not know about you too well to have know how you would have reacted to that statement."
"How can you even say that Klaus?" She grew tired of this game because it was the same all the time, his grandmother would say something mean to her but Klaus never said anything, "Listen, I know she is your grandmother, but if this is how it is going to be every year...than...what's the point in me evening participating in this event?"
She turned her back on him again, and Klaus heard the sorrow in her voice, "I don’t like listening to her attack you like that, but...she's my grandmother."
"I'm your wife, or does that not matter to you?"  
"Of course it does."
"I'm not asking you to throw her out of our lives, Klaus, I am asking you to defend our relationship, to defend me," she urged. "Is that too much to ask?"
Her feet fiddled the snow, "It hurts me when you don't defend us when she starts insulting me like that."
"I didn't know it bothered you this much."
"Of course it does," she said, "When she says that you would be better off with whoever other than me, and you don't say anything, it feels like you agree with her. So, tell me, are you happy that you married me?"
"Why would you ask something that stupid?" He wondered, "Of course I love you, and I am very happy that I chose you to be my wife. I have no reason to regret that decision."
"Then, defend our relationship, like your father does," she said, and her foot touched the thin sheet of snow below her feet.  
Instantly, the ground around her began to cave in and she plummeted into the freezing cold water. "Asana!" Klaus immediately grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her out of the freezing water into his arms, "Are you okay?"
She began to shiver uncontrollably, and he wrapped her inside of his jacket. "Let's get back to the house." When they re-entered the home, eyes turned to them since she was trenched in cold water and trembled from the cold.
Klaus leaned down to whisper in his father's ear, "She fell into the pool, so we are going to turn in for the night."
"...Alright," Walter excused them, and explained the situation to the family.  
Drawing a warm bath, Klaus slipped in behind her and had called a servant earlier to bring up some wine, "Is it okay that we are up here and leaving everyone down there?"
"We have tomorrow's dance party," Klaus said, "Not to mention, a few of them are staying for the entire holidays, including my grandparents. But, after tonight I'm sure they understand."
"Why doesn't she like me? Have I done something to offend her?"
"No, she's just old-fashioned. My grandmother grew up in an age when social classes were respected, and she still believes in respecting the institution of class," Klaus explained, "It may seem rude but that is just how she grew up."
"Your grandfather doesn't seem to mind me?"
"He always bent the rules of society," Klaus shrugged and wrapped his arms around her to cuddle her with the warm water around their body. "More importantly, are you feeling any better?"
"Yes, much better," she rested her head back onto his shoulder and peppered his jawline in kisses, "Kiss me?" She requested, and he complied, sealing her lips with his in a sweet touch.  
Once they dried off, they dressed again and headed downstairs to re-join the family in the festivities. Walter asked her quietly if she was injured but she shook her head, "No, I'm fine. I just needed a moment to regather myself. I apologise for any rudeness on my part."
"You have no reason to apologise," Mary leaned over to add, both parents thankful she had not been severely injured when she had fallen into the ice-sheeted pool, "Walter and I spoke to her, but unfortunately she is unwilling to apologise."
"It's fine, really," Asana smiled.
Taking their place at the table again, Klaus' grandmother smirked at Asana from across the table, but this time Asana was not going to give in her to her taunts any more. Waiters had reserved plates of food for Klaus and Asana, and his grandmother brought up the subject of that single duchess again, "Will you consider your life choices, Klaus?"
"No," Klaus replied.
"No?" She sounded exasperated, and turned to Walter, "My son, how are you bringing up your children?  
"Grandmother, I am already married to the woman I love, and we already have a plan for the future. Furthermore, there is no other woman I could love more than I do her. However, something became very clear to me tonight. Your rudeness towards my wife I hope would had stopped once I gave her my name, but I see it hasn't, but I simply did not say anything because I could careless about your opinions or your standards, my life is not for you to decide," he held Asana's hand on the table, squeezing his fingers between hers, "However, my wife values the concept of family and has threatened to cease coming to these family feasts on the account of keeping whatever problem you have with her from ruining our dinners. But, that is not fair. If you can't speak to my wife kindly, even if you have to pretend, than do not speak your insults to my wife at all."
"Klaus!" Gasps filled the air in the room, and his grandmother shouted his name in mortification.
"Mother," Walter begged her to stop, "Please, stop."
She had risen from her seat, to glare directly into Asana's eyes, "What spell have you cast on him, witch?"
"I love him," Asana replied, "He's a wonderful man."
Fed up with this petty nonsense no one expected his grandfather to speak up, "For heaven's sake Beverly! Sit down, and eat, leave the young couple be. Asana is a delightful addition to our family, get used to it already."
For the remainder of the holidays, his grandmother did not speak to Klaus or Asana until the very last day of their visit, after New Year's Eve. Having had some time to think and observe their relationship, and had come to give her a chance.  
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