deadgayturtles · 1 year
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fra is just so 🤍🤍
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zenhixsei · 3 years
A List of Must DO for TF
Make a board of "Do it for him" full of my art for Drift(IDW),Cyclonus(IDW),Thundercracker(IDW),Blitzwing(TFA)
Draw 50 bots before 17th Aug 2022
Design my sona to seems like he looks canon to IDW-NorthSalt
May or may not be edited later
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To anyone who knew me in 2012, I am sorry to inform you that my massive crush on this gentleman's talent has not wavered in the slightest. This was such a lovely evening and thank goodness for luring people in with promises of folk music and delivering that and more. Thank you Fra Fee! #54below #frafee #seisun https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWxz9XhYhu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u2o55pao9vlb
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rangers-46 · 5 years
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Koike Minami, 小池美波
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timmycronin · 7 years
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niomemizune · 4 years
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!
Hmhmhm.... I wonder who could have sent this?
Anyway, I have 2 (kinda).
The first is @seina-kurokiba. Or at least, Seina’s mun. He is so... patient with me. I know I’m not an easy person to be with... I’m clingy, needy, and I constantly am doubting myself. But still he is there for me every day. He’s also really cute, if you didn’t know. Every day with him makes me feel things more intensely. I’m very lucky to have him in my life. I hope he and I can continue to support each other into the future. He is the sun in my life :3
The second is the Crystal Exarch. Because DAMN. SE knows how to write a heartthrob! #crystalhusband
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mothman-misato · 3 years
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gal-the-violet · 6 years
Sovereign Academy
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The Sovereign Blades are hosting an academy to teach the next knights that will help protect the Eorzean Alliance. Classes are not limited to actual squires and knights, you can definitely petition to join only for the sole purpose of learning from the wonderful roster of teachers! You don’t even have to join the FC! I’m a professor and I’m not even part of the FC!! Check below for our rosters, we are in need of just a few more students, our teacher spots are quite full!!!
This is for Mateus, I don’t know what’s a Balmung, but it sounds disgusting!
Teacher/Instructor Roster +Area of Expertise
Ser Cyrus Amestris - Leadership, Combat.
Kaine Fatalis - Battle Strategy, Tactics, Lance Focus
Ser Rein Lambart - Claymore Focus, Katana Focus, Defensive Tactics
Ser Anson Rockwell - Introduction to Knighthood, Chivalry, Ethics, Shield Focus
Professor Galtara Ashe - Beast Tribe Anthropologist
Y'shalva Ratli - Cooking Lessons
Ser Valentinoix Vairemont - Machinist Focus
Ayase Fhey - Medical Trainer, Aether & Triage
L'iaru Seisun - Red Magic, Rapier Focus, Introduction to Charm & Etiquette
Pepper Altana - Music Lessons
Squires/Students + Area of Interest
Saterra Nightweave - Combat, Self Defense
Eike Auclaire - Knighthood, Lance Focus
Hadrefort Clement - Knighthood
Ninette Rivoux - General Studies
Sierro Kaldun - Lance Focus
Y'shalva Ratli - General Studies
Salina Sagahl - Knighthood
Natassiiya Nokomis - Cooking Lessons
Friends of the Academy
Beatrix Sirins - Cafe Owner, Ward 18, Plot 46 Mists. She gives Sovereign Academy members 15% off if they come in groups (3 or more). The discount also applies to catered functions of the school. Be sure to indentify yourself as a Teacher/student of the Sovereign Academy.
How to join?
Please contact the ever so handsome and chivalrous Ishgardian knight himself: Anson Rockwell through Discord at: Rockwell#9939
If you have any questions, let Anson or I know!
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mistmantled · 5 years
this is no doctor who musical: chapter 3 notes
post under the cut!
Irish seisuns are wonderful and look something like this. The day-i-ay song they sing in Madigan’s is “Galway Girl” (the one not by Ed Sheeran), and it’s one of my favorite pub songs; there’s another very funny one that I like called “Seven Drunken Nights,” the last two verses of which as originally written are generally considered too rude to sing in public.
Not gonna lie, I initially put “Finishing the Hat” in here because I stumbled upon this video of Josh Groban singing it and it made me cry, and then I thought, shit Jonah would totally sing this and I would also cry. And then I remembered with sudden horrifying clarity what the song was about and I was like OH NO I HAVE DONE A PAIN
In my head Nicholas’s acoustic rendition of “All I Want Is You” is very soft and sweet and sounds kind of like this one. (also he didn’t tell me he was going to make up new lyrics for it until the very last minute, and I’m still mad at him)
The quote “Things never happen the same way twice” is from the Prince Caspian novel. I just thought it was a nice little quote at the time, and then I was like, oh, it’s meta! hahaha. In my head the “Things Never Happen” song sounds something like “The Wheel” from the Tuck Everlasting musical. (I also imagine “Boldly Go” sounds a lot like “I Wanna Be” from Starkid’s Starship.)
All photos mine unless stated otherwise!
The views out the coach window driving up to Northern Ireland:
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The Antrim coastline and some of the mountain path you can walk up; the day I was there we couldn’t actually cross the Carrick-a-Rede bridge because it was too windy and dangerous, but the views from the mainland were still gorgeous:
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Carrick-a-Rede itself looks like this (photos from Lonely Planet):
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Dunluce Castle, which I didn’t get to visit, but looks just as lovely as the castles I did get to see. Dunluce is used as Castle Greyjoy in Game of Thrones (which I do not watch haha) and, fun coincidence, was also apparently the inspiration for Cair Paravel in Narnia, which I did not know until I read it just now! (Photos from Northern Ireland Tours and Wilderness Ireland):
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The Giant’s Causeway (last photo from Paddywagon Tours):
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And the Dark Hedges and some of the surrounding countryside:
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Yuki Kanamaru's More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Romantic Comedy Manga Gets Anime
    It has been confirmed that an anime adaptation of Yuki Kanamaru's romantic comedy manga Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman / More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers is now in the works. How and when it will be distributed is currently unknown. The manga has been serialized in KADOKAWA's Young Ace magazine since April 2018 and its latest seventh tankobon volume is set to be released in Japan on December 3, 2021. 
  Its story is set in Seisun Academy, a high school where students are forced to live as a pseudo couple as a part of a curriculum. Jiro Yakuin is paired with Akari Watanabe, who is the complete opposite of him, in the traditional "marital training" class. At the suggestion of Akari, they start living as a pseudo couple in order to get the right to exchange pairs, which is given to the top performers. They practice various activities such as the first kiss in order to earn points, but as they come to understand each other's personalities and thoughts, they unintentionally become closer and come to like each other.
  With a congratulatory illustration, the manga author wrote on Twitter, "It's all thanks to your support! I really, really appreciate it!" and "I'm so happy to see everyone from Seishun jumping out of the manga panels and shining in the new stage of anime! I'm going to do my best to make Fuukoi a work that you can love for a long time without forgetting my initial intentions, so please give me your warm support!" 
    【㊗️重大発表!!!】 「夫婦以上、恋人未満。」 ????アニメ化企画 進行中です!???? 全ては皆様の応援のおかげです!! 本当に本当にありがとうございます✨#夫婦以上恋人未満#ふうこい pic.twitter.com/hA348MEO9N
— 金丸祐基@7巻は12/3発売! (@y_marukin) November 22, 2021
    本当に本当に いつも応援ありがとうございます。 青瞬のみんながコマから飛び出して、アニメという新しい舞台で輝けることを、心から嬉しく思います! 今後も初心を忘れずに、ふうこいが皆様に長く愛して頂ける作品となるよう精一杯頑張りますので、あたたかい応援のほどよろしくお願い致します????‍♂️
— 金丸祐基@7巻は12/3発売! (@y_marukin) November 22, 2021
    Manga 1st and 7th volume covers:
    CM for the fifth volume released in November 2020:
    Source: Yuki Kanamaru official Twitter
  ©Yuki Kanamaru/KADOKAWA CORPORATION 2021
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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sweet-statememt · 4 years
Tell god I'll be there soon.
Give me a call and remind me what i'm ment to do.
If your free, you know I need someone to talk too.
I'll be waiting, don't want to put you in a bad mood.
But you know I've been praying for a better day.
Been getting kinda quiet, you know i lost my way.
Hope you don't give up, I am trying to find my place.
You know It's getting kinda common to get lost these days.
And I still stay stilling here with these bad thoughts. Feeling so alone, you know how a minds gets cought.
How easy it is to get cought in the lime light, lose your sunshine.
She told me she would stay but it felt like just a day till I let her slip away.
How do you expect me to compensate with all the liers in my face.
Not a trace, left me out of place and I don't know how to change.
So easy to get lost, not easy to be found. When none bothers searching, when your heart aint working, when your thoughts keep hurting, when I feel myself shaking.
Tell me how to change this, tell me how do I save this, I don't want to brake this.
Dear god I'm praying.
God, I know I don't talk much but you know everything, so I don't need to say alot.
You know I used to be so free.
With a child mind, talk to god in my sleep, don't get scared when I dream, don't worry when I'm left alone, had a home. Tell you I was so free.
I just want to talk to god like I used too but mabe he's lost too.
Sweet, Statement
Annelise Seisun
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bomberqueen17 · 7 years
I have a lot of feels about 'functional singing' too. I went to a college with a large and very opera-focused vocal performance program, and there were times when I felt very left out, as a functional but not professional singer. but the fact is a lot of my favorite music is very much not professional, and that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. it's just a different thing.
Ha, and @bachfan reblogged with the tags too-- Music has always been such an important part of human society, but since the era of recorded music, its role has changed a lot. And now we listen to it, rather than performing it, and our expectations of what it should sound like and what role it serves are so markedly different. I think about this a lot.
I first began to practice singing as a purely functional thing-- our horses were aggressive when they heard the metal feed bin, so I started singing loudly the whole time I was out with them, so that they couldn’t hear the feed bin over me, and I sang the whole time so they wouldn’t associate singing with food either. Now I sing for the various little kids in my life, and the little ones don’t know the difference between technically proficient and sort of not, but once they’re older, they start to notice, and start to critique, and start to be embarrassed. I know I got embarrassed about my mother’s singing around then, and wouldn’t let her.
I studied singing in high school, and then tried to study vocal performance in college but they were really rude to me in my audition and basically told me it would be a waste of time for me to do that, so I never have auditioned for anything again and haven’t performed except for the odd national anthem or little traditional seisun or whatever since then. (Notice a theme? People love to tell me I shouldn’t do creative or artistic things; I went from being a prolific artist and vocal performer to doing neither by the time I was a freshman in college, because so many authority figures were so invested in telling me I shouldn’t. I’m sure I’ve been told not to waste my time writing, and Lord knows I internalized it, but it wasn’t enough to stop the compulsion.) 
But I’ve always wanted to sing, and it’s a thing humans do, and I don’t understand why I must have perfect pitch and good sight-reading and crystal-clear tone and a microphone-ready vocal persona in order to just sing songs. I have phenomenal by-ear learning skills and am really good at transpositions and have a great memory and a huge repertoire of songs I know cold and can perform without any backup or prompting, but none of those are things that Real Singers have or need, so I may as well never open my mouth. ??? It’s very weird, where we are as a society. (And there are almost no contexts where I feel not-awkward singing with other people present; people get weird about it. I only sing when I’m alone, now, or with very small children.)
 If you’re not pro-quality, you shouldn’t bother doing it. Alternately, if you’re not writing your own material, there’s nowhere you’re going to go. I don’t want to make a living at this, i just like to sing sometimes, and there’s so little space left in our society for someone who’s tolerably skilled at something doing it for fun. 
I remember sitting around a fire with a guitar, as an adolescent, and we were trying to have a singalong, and everyone present just wanted to wait for their turn to perform, or wanted to make requests, or whatever-- nobody just wanted to participate. Even at SCA things, people just want to perform. And at sessions! People wouldn’t sing along with me, and others got upset if I sang along with them.
I’d join a church choir, but I haven’t found a church I don’t hate, so. 
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zenhixsei · 3 years
How do i start...Im making this account to collect all of my art together across all the art account i have made in instagram because... to try something new here.
Anyway,Here is all of my art account that i have made.
REBLOG IS Appericated
Not sure what im going to do with this Tumblr account but i'll see how it goes
Tags as of followed:
#seiMeArt:All of my art
#seioc:For all of my Ocs
#zenMeArt:My mech/bot art
#hixMeArt:My Monster Art
This also applies to whatever fandom i draw for along with its most common slang tag.
U'll see what i mean when u see
#seisun:for my rambling
#seireblog:for my reblogs
#seitip:for useful tips regarding to art/rl
#seipin:For interesting stuff
I'll change this as i get more used to tumblr
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boffinsandbeasties · 5 years
sometimes i feel Fake saying i have social anxiety when it’s so much more well managed than it used to be but then i do shit like show up to the wrong bar for a social event, get too embarassed to find the right bar, and go to target instead
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March is here! If you’re looking for things to do in Memphis this month, this post is the one for you. For spring event ideas, things to do with kids, and more Memphis March events, you can see a list of ideas for Memphis fun every day of the month. Family friendly and free items have been marked! You can submit items to the blog’s calendar here. If you like this article, you’ll love these: How To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day In Memphis Crawfish Festivals In Memphis 2020 2020 Events – Plan Your Year In Memphis! Memphis Black Restaurant Week: Deals and Discounts Here’s a list of about 360 things to do in Memphis this March: Sunday, March 1 Memphis v. Western Illinois at FedExPark (Baseball) family Bluff City Mafia Sunday Funday at Memphis Made Brewing Aquanet at Lafayette’s Music Room Family Metalsmithing: Copper Flower Centerpiece at the Metal Museum family GiveCamp Memphis / Design for Good 2020 (through March 1) Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) Monday, March 2 Mary Gagz and Her Gaggle of Girls at Bar DKDC Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family Casmir Pulaski Day! at Wiseacre Brewing Behind The Grind: MBRW Owners at Chef Tam’s Michigan Rattler Live Taping at Ditty TV Memphis Brewers Association Homebrew Club Meeting at Crosstown Brewing Behind the Vale at Lamplighter Lounge Puzzles & Pints at the Casual Pint Square Beans 12th Birthday Tuesday, March 3 Pirate’s Mark Kickstarter Launch at 901 Games free Farm To Table Conference at CBU Open Mic Night: Poetry at Coffee Central in Southaven Wine Dinner at Paulette’s Jill Scott 20th Anniversary Tour at the Cannon Center 90s Name That Tune Trivia at Rec Room / Dan McGuinness Southaven Super Tuesday Watch Party at B-Side Music Export Memphis Ambassador Info Session at Memphis Slim House Tall Heights at Growlers Trippie Redd at Minglewood Hall Hint of Lime Brass Trio at Crosstown Arts Cafe Society Wine Tasting at Buster’s Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family Wednesday, March 4 An Evening with Emma Manners, 11th Duchess of Rutland at the Brooks Museum Disney Movie Trivia at Colettas, Railgarten, and LBOE Scribble! W/ Hive Collective at Midtown Crossing Grill free MATA Service Improvements Meeting at Bickford Community Center Zombi Child movie screening at Malco Powerhouse Tarot Share Night at The Broom Closet free Song Swap w/ The PRVLG + Crockett Hall at Bar DKDC Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family Thursday, March 5 Tigers v. Wichita State at FedExForum (Men’s Basketball) family Tea and Tour For Seniors: Native Voices at Brooks Museum Food Truck Thursday! At Court Square Alice Hasen & the Blaze w/ Blueshift Ensemble at the Green Room Bourbon Women at Belle Tavern Kiki’s Delivery Service, Mary And The Witch Flower Anime Night at Black Lodge Black Restaurant Week Kick-off Tasting at Premiere Palace Ballroom Silent Disco Yoga at Hu Hotel Live Trivia at Old Dominick Distillery Naughty Pictionary at Railgarten Sushi Class at Memphis Made Brewing True Stories by David Byrne (Crosstown Arthouse Film Series) at Crosstown Theater Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) Friday, March 6 Post Malone Runaway Tour at FedExForum Mix-Odyssey at the Botanic Garden The Orchestra Unplugged: Devil at the Crossroads at the Halloran Centre Southern Women’s Show at the Agricenter (through March 8) family Arbor Day Celebration at Overton Park family The Lies of March at Theatreworks Memphis Burlesque Productions at B-Side First Fridays on Broad: March Madness Edition family, free Beat Battle at Stax Music Academy Jon Langston Live at The Bluff Louder Than Bombs: The Smiths/Morrissey Cover Band at Railgarten Crosstown Brewing Dart Tournament at The Casual Pint Ghost Hunt at The Woodruff-Fontaine Ladies Night + Mechanical Bull Party at Brinson’s Fido Friday Dog Happy Hour at Loflin Yard Ladies Night Art Experience at Pyro’s Ultimate Friday Night Mixer at Privé Restaurant Boxlot Taste & See at Boxlot 5 Fridays of Jazz – 3rd Man at the Central Library family, free Women in the Arts at the Dixon (through March 7) free Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (select days through March 22) March 7 Mardi Growl Dog Party + Crawfish Boil at Overton Park family, free Memphis Modern Market at Loflin Yard famil Big Birthday Party for Sesame Street at DeafConnect family, free Civic Saturday at East Shelby Library family, free Southern Women’s Show at the Agricenter (through March 8) family Memphis 901 FC Home Opener at AutoZone Park family IRIS Orchestra Guest Artist: Anne-Akikio Meyers at GPAC V&E Greenline TN Arbor Day Celebration family, free Learn to Curl with the Mid-South Curling Club at Mid-South Ice House Women in the Arts at the Dixon (through March 7) free Memphis Grizzlies Hoops and Heels aka Ladies Night at FedExForum family The Lies of March at Theatreworks Memphis Mosque Open House at multiple locations family, free Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Sunday, March 8 Southern Women’s Show at the Agricenter (through March 8) family Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family Iris Orchestra at the Brooks with Anne-Akiko Meyers at the Brooks Spiritous for International Women’s Day at 115 Vance Ave. Kendra Give Back To Arrows Nest at Kendra Scott Disney’s Aladdin Broadway Show at The Orpheum (through March 8) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Monday, March 9 Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family Full Moon Bonfire at 2693 Epping Way Puzzles & Pints at The Casual Pint VOLK w/ Cotton Clifton & the Pickers at the Hi-Tone The Pink Blanket Event at Crosstown Arts Memphis Knights Big Band at Lafayette’s EPL at Celtic Crossing 90s Purim Party at the Rec Room Purim at the Oscars! At Beth Sholom Synagogue   Tuesday, March 10 Community & Veterans Job Fair at AJC Hickory Hill free Irish Whiskey Tasting & Tutorial at Highlander Pub 90s Movie Trivia at Dan McGuinness Southaven and Rec Room Modern Jazz Masters feat. Joel Frahm at Crosstown Arts Purim Seudah at Baron Hirsch Congregation Midtown Free Group Run at Grivet Outdoors An Evening w/ Beverly Greene Bond and Susan Eva O’Donovan at Novel Memphis Royal Blues Band at Lafayette’s Szlachetka & Hunter Tynan Davis at Ditty TV Traditional Irish Seisun at Celtic Crossing Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family Grizzlies v. Magic at FedExForum family Wednesday, March 11 Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family Teen Job Fair at Levi Library Secret Comedy Show at Local Downtown Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader Trivia at Loflin Yard UAC Info Session for Airport Art the Urban Art Commission Julian Lage & Dave King at Crosstown Arts Magician Archetype Workshop at The Broom Closet Tim Cappello Live at the Hi-Tone Pandora and the Flying Dutchman at Malco Ridgeway Lit & Libations w/ Michael Farris Smith at Novel Memphis Shakeout at B-Side Thursday, March 12 The Great Dying + Tiffany Harmon at B-Side Memphis As Puck Dinner & Drinks at Puck Food Hall Food Truck Thursday at Court Square An Evening With Keller Williams at Lafayette’s Music Room Tipsy Grammar at Railgarten Pecha Kucha: Crosstown Arts Resident Artist Talk Businesswomen of Memphis Soul at Stax Museum Lee Bains + Glory Fires + HEELS at the Hi-Tone St. Patrick’s Caravan Pub Crawl, leaving from Silky O’Sullivan’s Allen Stone w/ Samm Henshaw and Andy Suzuki & The Method at Minglewood Hall Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) Friday, March 13 Graham Winchester Record Release at DKDC Larkin Poe at Minglewood Hall Whiskeys of the World at Celtic Crossing 5 Fridays of Jazz – Stax Music Academy Jazz Ensemble at Central Library family, free Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family Elegant Southern Style Weekend: Spring Edition at Graceland (through March 15) “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Saturday, March 14 Diary of a Wombat at The Orpheum family Farewell Angelina at the Halloran Centre Memphis 901 FC v. Saint Louis FC at AutoZone Park family Grind City Coffee Expo at the Pipkin Building 47th Annual Silky O’Sullivan’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Beale Street family, free Folk All Y’all: An Evening with Sarah Potenza at the Green Room Elegant Southern Style Weekend: Spring Edition at Graceland (through March 15) “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Schoolhouse Rock Live! at Circuit Playhouse (March 14, 21, 28 + April 4) family Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Memphis Black Restaurant Week (through March 14) family Sunday, March 15 4th Annual Soulful Food Truck Festival at Clayborn Temple family The Emerald Isle at Elmwood America 50th Anniversary Tour at The Orpheum “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Elegant Southern Style Weekend: Spring Edition at Graceland Andrew Duhon w/ Towne at 1884 Lounge  Monday, March 16 Cher Here We Go Again Tour at FedExForum Shelby County Schools Spring Break (through March 20) family Zack Horvath at Automatic Slim’s March JUICE Meeting at 2363 Park Ave. Puzzles & Pints at The Casual Pint Possessed by Paul James / Chris Hamlett at the Hi-Tone Subtype Zero, Knoll, Grave Lurker at CANVAS Tuesday, March 17 Shelby County Schools Spring Break (through March 20) family Memphis v. Lipscomb at FedExPark (Baseball) family Cooper Young St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Cooper St. family, free Martin Lawrence “The Lit AF 2020 Tour” at FedExForum Grizzlies v. Thunder at FedExForum family St. Patrick’s Day Party at Highlander Pub Get Lucky Party  at Loflin Yard TJ Mulligan’s St. Patrick’s Day Festivities at multiple locations St. Patrick’s Celebration at Flying Saucer Cordova Allison Kasper at DKDC Spotlight Concert Series at Crosstown Arts Wednesday, March 18 Shelby County Schools Spring Break (through March 20) family Blues Traveler at Minglewood Hall Pirate’s Mark Party Game Pre-Release Game Party at 901 Games free Welcome To Night Vale Live at GPAC Rooftop Workout + Yoga + Cocktails at Old Dominick Do The Funky Chicken at The Green Room 90s TV Trivia at LBOE, Railgarten, and Coletta’s Café Conversations w/ Amanda Lee Savage at the Brooks Museum Kelley Anderson, Bailey Bigger, Alex Greene / Brower + Josephine at DKDC A Novel Book Club at Novel Memphis  Thursday, March 19 Shelby County Schools Spring Break (through March 20) family Eric Johnson at Minglewood Hall Food Truck Thursday at Court Square family Bridal Expo at 409 S. Main Comedy & Crablegs at Regina’s Cajun Kitchen The Dude Ranch: Blink 182 Tribute at Tin Roof Tipsy Jenga at Railgarten Industry Night at The Pocket James McMurty w/ Bonnie Whitmore at Lafayette’s Free Spirits Tasting + Education at Grivet Outdoors HEAD + LOKELLA at the Hi-Tone Protophye and Jantsen at Growlers “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Friday, March 20 Shelby County Schools Spring Break (through March 20) family Mid-South Con 38 at Hilton Memphis (through March 22) family Revenge Body at Arrow experimental electronic music event (free, suggested donation $5) Frank Foster at Minglewood Hall Spring Fling at the Rumba Room (through March 22) Cake at Graceland Soundstage Silent Disco at Loflin Yard Twin Soul at Newby’s Stories of Stone at Elmwood Cemetery Blackwater Trio at Loflin Yard Whiskey Republic, HEELS, Petty Gene at the Hi-Tone Linda Gail Lewis at Hernando’s Hideaway An Evening For Memphis Inner City Rugby at the University Club Play: Love, Loss and What I Wore at Evergreen Theatre (March 20, 21, 27, 28) 5 Fridays of Jazz – Ekpe and the African Jazz Ensemble at the Central Library family, free Lie-rish Legends Bluff City Liars Comedy at the Brass Door $5 “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Saturday, March 21 Fast & the Furriest 5K and Walk at Shelby Farms family Black Violin at The Orpheum Mid-South Con 38 at Hilton Memphis (through March 22) family Strauss, Tchaikovsky, & Shostakovich feat. Zuill Bailey at the Cannon Center Germantown Symphony: 250th Anniversary Beethoven Celebration at GPAC Grizzlies v. Pelicans at FedExForum family Spring Fling at the Rumba Room (through March 22) Memphis Armored Fight Club at the Hi-Tone Wolf River Harbor Cleanup at Mud Island Mustache The Band at The Bluff Time Warp Drive-In: Monty Python Night at the Summer Drive-In Lightsaber Dueling + Decades Glow Party at Rec Room Little Raine Band at High Cotton Brewing Pints for Pangolins at Crosstown Brewing TRAP Karaoke Memphis at Minglewood Hall Ballet 5:8: The Space In Between at The Orpheum Spring Fishing Classic at Bass Pro Shops Play: Love, Loss and What I Wore at Evergreen Theatre (March 20, 21, 27, 28) “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Schoolhouse Rock Live! at Circuit Playhouse (March 14, 21, 28 + April 4) family Sunday, March 22 Mid-South Con 38 at Hilton Memphis (through March 22) family Memphis Current Release Party at Slider Inn Downtown Spring Fling at the Rumba Room (through March 22) Tim Few at Alfred’s on Beale MercyMe w/ Jeremy Camp at FedExForum Layered Pendant Class at the Metal Museum Sturgill Simpson at the Landers Center Bring Your Dog To Bingo Day at Loflin Yard Black Joe Lewis at the Hi-Tone “Women in the Pit” at Hattiloo Theater (Thu-Sun, through March 22) The Book of Will at Playhouse on the Square (through March 22) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Monday, March 23 Orpheum 2020-2021 Broadway Season Reveal at The Orpheum Dinner On Stage at The Orpheum Memphis Sandwich Clique Takeover Young Ave. Deli Ultimate Werewolf Game Night at Wiseacre Hip-Hop Violinist Rhett Price w/ Franceshci at the Hi-Tone Betty Davis: They Say I’m Different Film Screening at the Stax Museum Puzzles & Pints at the Casual Pint Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Tuesday, March 24 Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Memphis v. Ole Miss at FedExPark (Baseball) family Track Night in America at Memphis International Raceway family Wine Tasting & Tutorial at Highlander Pub Elizabeth Moen at Hi-Tone Goner Presents: Damo Suzuki Network at the Hi-Tone Jaime Branch’s “Fly or Die” at Crosstown Arts Karen Waldrup at Lafayette’s Wednesday, March 25 Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Grizzlies v. Celtics at FedExForum family Friends Trivia at Coletta’s, LBOE, and Railgarten Sneak peek pre-release screening: Son of the White Mare at Malco Powerhouse Music for Cello and Jazz Trio at Crosstown Arts family Song Swap at Bar DKDC mssv at the Hi-Tone Breeze Cayolle & New Orleans at Lafayette’s Dear Readers Book Club: Mostly Dead Things at CY Gallery & Gift Shop Creative Aging’s Senior Arts Series at Lindenwood Christian Church Thursday, March 26 Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Food Truck Thursday at Court Square Nick Cannon Presents: MTV Wild ’N Out Live at FedExForum Bob’s Burgers Trivia at Miss Cordelia’s Art by Design: Dinner with the Designers at the Pipkin Building College Night at Newby’s Free Hot Dog Day/Baseball Opening Day at Railgarten Paint & Pints at The Doghouzz Cookie Decorating Class at Sweet Lala’s Bakery Of Montreal w/ Locate S at the Hi-Tone Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Art by Design at the Pipkin Building Friday, March 27 Memphis v. UCF at FedExPark (Baseball) family Garden Show and Plant Sale at the Agricenter family Night Out For a Cure at Crosstown Brewing Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family 5 Fridays of Jazz – Rhodes Night with Joyce Cobb at the Central Library family, free Art by Design: Cocktails by Design at the Pipkin Building LIT AF Tour: Martin Lawrence at FedExForum Cocktail Culture at No. 2 Vance Shufflegrit at Loflin Yard Southern Momma An EM Comedy at The Orpheum The Made Experience at Jack Robinson Gallery WALRUS at Lafayette’s Cassette Set at the Blue Monkey Fido Friday: Dog Happy Hour at Loflin Yard Memphis International Guitar Festival at The U of M (through March 29) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Play: Love, Loss and What I Wore at Evergreen Theatre (March 20, 21, 27, 28) Saturday, March 28 Memphis v. UCF at FedExPark (Baseball) family Churros, Chips, and Cervezas at Primas! Spillit Story Slam at Ixora Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Memphis Brewfest at the Liberty Bowl MuliMEMfest at Agricenter International $5 per family or food pantry donation Memphis International Guitar Festival at The U of M (through March 29) Memphis 901 FC v. Birmingham Legion FC at AutoZone Park family Let’s Brunch Memphis! Festival at Beale Street Landing That Golden Girls Show: A Puppet Parody at Halloran Centre Memphis Brewfest at the Liberty Bowl Opera Memphis Presents Mozart’s Così fan tutte at Playhouse on the Square Grizzlies v. Raptors at FedExForum family Pilates & Pints at Wiseacre “Hoops from the Heart” Wheelchair Basketball Tournament at the Kroc Center Midtown Legal Clinic at Idlewild Presbyterian Church Step Up For Safety: Sneaker Gala at Clark Opera Center Play: Love, Loss and What I Wore at Evergreen Theatre (March 20, 21, 27, 28) Midtown Legal Clinic at Idewild Pres Future-Everything presents: 03.28.20 Memphis at Growlers Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Schoolhouse Rock Live! at Circuit Playhouse (March 14, 21, 28 + April 4) family Sunday, March 29 Memphis v. UCF at FedExPark (Baseball) family Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Joe Restivo 4 at Lafayette’s FATHER – The Two Horns Tour at Growlers Devil Train at Hernando’s Hideaway The Millennium Tour (Ying Yang Twins, Bow Wow, Soulja Boy) at FedExForum Memphis International Guitar Festival at The U of M (through March 29) Ain’t Misbehaving at Circuit Playhouse (Thu. – Sun, through April 5) Monday, March 30 Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family The Millennium Tour at FedExForum Memphis Music Listening Party w/ Boo Mitchell at Central Library Puzzles & Pints at The Casual Pint Mary Gagz and Her Gaggle of Girlz at Bar DKDC The Flying Karamazov Brothers at Buckman PAC Madison Line Mondays at Lafayette’s 80s Movie Trivia at Dan McGuinness Southaven and Rec Room  Tuesday, March 31 Midtown Opera Festival (select days through April 5) family Memphis v. Mississippi State at FedExPark (Baseball) family March Volunteer Orientation at Memphis Tilth Gospel Groove of Liz Brasher at the Stax Museum Rustenhaven Band at Lafayette’s Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day w/ School of Rock Day at 5007 Black Rd. War of Ages w/ Convictions at Growlers Monster Jam at Landers Center The Mystic at Crosstown Arts Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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niomemizune · 5 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💛✨
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Wow, thank you, Seisun. That really makes my day!Also, I totally feel the same about you! So please keep being a bright ray of Sei-sunshine :D
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