#seraph of the end au
apollocabinrep · 6 months
I'm still thinking up a list of where everyone else fits into this au. I know where I want Marc and Nathaniel, but a problem I've run into is whether or not i want to put certain canon miraculous characters in or not. I love @artzychic27 's works and how they fit characters, so I'm hoping I'll be able to figure this out to be as good as I can. I may change Marc and Nathaniel around, but I'm not entirely sure yet. I've been thinking this over instead of finishing my English essay.
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Eleventh Progenitor Shinya 🦇 (Vampire AU)
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winterserafu · 8 months
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in one sweet rush, i will hear you sing once more
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kaorinatsumikana · 2 months
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Нашла эту штуку и решила тоже поучавствовать хд
Даже не знаю на самом деле что по прогрессу. У других художников вижу, свой - едва ><
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mxhirus · 12 days
"I can make all of your dreams come true. Don't you trust me?"
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@yuukiyuunairumafan since you like my art so much I decided to whip up a little sketch for you, i hope you like it!
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nayruwu · 6 months
heartbeat :)
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everyone shut the fuck up. they're resting.
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nono-uwu · 10 months
Haha more ons x prsk crossover: the kids in sangiuem, the livestock children if you will changed up the format bc procreates text function enrages me
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Extra info utc!
- An, Kohane and Toya are actually somwhat content with living out the rest of their lifes as lifestock. An bc she's too damn traumatised from losing Ken, Yuko (her mom), Nagi, Taiga and the rest of vivid street all at once, Kohane bc of her shy and non confrontational nature and Toya bc he's just happy to be away from classical music forever
- Akito, however, knows that his sister is still out there and he wants to escape to see her again. Also so he and everyone else can have a good future
- Shiho mainly just wants to know if Saki, Ichika and Honami are alive. If yes, she wants to escape and be with them again. If no, she doesn't care
- Since Shizuku and Shiho share a last name, Shizuku figured they might be related. Even if it's just a coincidence, Shizuku immediately starts treating Shiho as her actual little sister. At first Shiho is understandably scared shitless but slowly she realises that she can use Shizuku as a way to get information about the outside world in exchange for accepting Shizuku's coddling.
- Shizuku has no interest in Shiho's or any of her friends blood
- Shiho does warm up a bit and appreaciates Shizukus appearantly geniune care eventually
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22ayla19 · 3 months
Thinking about what would have happened if there had been no apocalypse and that Shinya would have been able to free himself from the Hiiragi family?
AU! A parallel universe where he was able to find the meaning of his life and even the love of his life.
I really want to think that Shinya can be happy. He's been through enough crap, he also wants a piece of the pie called "happiness."
And if the plot of the manga says that he will soon die, I want to see him in a parallel universe where he knows what parental love and affection, strong friendship and sincere love from the girl he loves are.
This boy deserves better.
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midoryasibsau · 1 year
*inhales* Au where gureshin are the reincarnations of the original Ichinose lovers.
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greenapplebling · 2 years
I know my posts don't reach the ons/Mikayuu fandom (or at least it seems like it) but wanted to ask anyways
I've been struck with the thought of wanting to make a Mikayuu x SpyxFamily au (they deserve to have their little family, ok?) and I already know I'll have Mika as Twilight and Yuu as Yor, I just have no idea who everyone else is gonna be
I was thinking maybe Mitsuba as Anya so then I could have Shinoa as Damian lol, but Idk. If anyone could give me any thoughts that would be greatly appreciated
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apollocabinrep · 5 months
I've managed to place another character in my ows miraculous au! Mainly because Nathaniel not having Alix as his support would be criminal. And onto au things
Nathaniel had come up with a plan to help Marc and the other children escape from the hell the vampires were keeping them in. Of course, this meant he had to offer up his blood to a bloodsucker that made him very uncomfortable
The plan fails as Nathaniel watches the other kids he considers family get picked off one by one in a matter of seconds. He sees the fear and hurt in Marc's eyes and runs towards the bloodsucker with a stolen weapon.
Nathaniel loses his arm, but Marc, with tears in his eyes, is okay (physically). Marc attempts to drag Nath to the exit, but Nath pushes him away with his one good arm and yells at him to run away.
Well, Nathaniel ends up getting turned into a vampire, but he refuses to drink blood because he doesn't want Marc to see him as a monster when they meet in the future. (His life mission is to find Marc again.)
Cue Alix, an outgoing, carefree vampire who thinks Nathaniel is a little odd. She offers him blood from a blood bag, and he scrunches his nose in disgust.
Despite their...different opinions, Alix is one of 2 vampires (himself is definitely not included) Nathaniel "likes". Alix doesn't push, just kinda does her own thing.
Alix has threatened other vampires when she overheard them trash-talking Nathaniel.
Alix gets more worried about him over time because of Nathaniel's whole "not drinking blood" thing. It's worrying and when they're out on missions, she keeps an eye on him.
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neo-arachnid · 1 year
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"The fallen angels you run with don't know it is our pain that makes us all human after all."
piece for day 5 of mizurui week on twitter!!
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winterserafu · 9 months
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‘cause i believe that we were supposed to find this
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kaorinatsumikana · 6 months
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
stay with me. - reverse! isekai! owari no seraph preview scenarios.
I'm writing the first chapter but some of you got so excited for this fic that I couldn't help but to give you a little glimpse of how I imagine some things would be. This right here is mostly just mindless fluff with a hint of something more... Regardless, I hope you like it!
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Ferid Bathory would become your university professor and he would immediately become an instant hit, but perhaps not necessarily for all the good reasons. Some are intrigued by him, others are charmed while the rest are just creeped out - he does and says the most random and craziest things anyone could ever think of, which really does beg the question of how he even got this job. You tried to get more details out of him but he is not budging so you give up, a smart decision really.
He would be intrigued by modern society and I can see him often debating online even if he has no idea what anyone is talking about. He doesn't really care if he wins his debates and petty arguments, he's just looking for ways to be entertained. The current politics are incredibly amusing to him and he wants to know it all. He adapts mostly well but since he has such an eccentric personality he still manages to look like a clown in public. Some people find that hot though, much to his delight and low key confusion. Humans are strange, he would think to himself.
As for the way he loves you, well, that's a complete ride of emotions. He says that it was "love at first sight" for him and be because of this he often bugs you of your whereabouts and with who you were with, and just to be extra™ he probably likes to leave random hickies all over you if he can grab you. He's acting like a proper lover ought to, yeah? They're supposed to be jealous, why are you getting so huffy with him?! Fine, he'll stop but not completely. All of your actions and reactions are very cute to him, there's nothing you could do that could turn him away from you. If someone were to ask what his favorite hobby was, he would probably say something like "I like to follow (y/n) around the city and annoy them!~"
He thrives off your attention, even if it's negative. Despite his constant teasing he understands that he's down bad for you once the two of you alone and how you treat him. He is annoying but you don't treat him like a pest and that's... sweet. Yes, that is very sweet of you. He's like child asking for candy, your words and touch start becoming something akin to a drug to him. He's curious to see what this new world has to offer but he's more curious to see whether or not you'd be willing to stick by his side no matter what.
Crowley Eusford feels a strange sense of nostalgia run through him as he walks around, especially if he comes by a church. He's often seen with a calm smile on his face and people are naturally attracted to him because of this. Small children probably want to play with him and chances are he will indulge their desires as he lets them use his big muscly arms like monkey bars. He laughs quietly to himself at the helplessness of these kids, they have no idea that he could tear them to shreds if he wanted to. In a split second this beautiful, sunny day could become grin if Crowley got a little bit too thirsty... But the warmth of your hand is more than enough to bring him back down to Earth.
He's not as needy as Ferid, but he does like to watch you. Again, he's not as obvious with it like that freak but he always notices even the most little things on you, always. He sees how sweet you are to the people around you, how hard you try to help him and the others and he appreciates that. He's a little angry with himself because sometimes he wonders how things would look like if he became a bit more greedy, just a little bit. He likes it when you hug him, he doesn't want to let you go.
It's almost like he's being brought back to life again.
Lest Karr and Krul Tepes are... interesting. Due to their tiny bodies they are either sent away to some sort of elementary school or are hiding away somewhere but for the sake of comedy let's just say they are forced to attend a regular public school and my oh my, does this cause some issues. Neither one of them wants to be put through this kind of humiliation but with one good, stern look from Urd they'll both keep their mouths shut. I imagine they break some furniture by complete accident because of how angry they get, maybe not even by accident now that I think about it. They'll play along after some time passes, hell, they will start competing with each other to see who can solve things faster! Cue them both running to you to see who was better but I imagine Lest would be a lot more vocal with his praises and complaints. Krul just sort of smugly says that such trivial and childish things are beneath her but you see the way she smiles whenever she bests Lest, it's impossible to hide.
As for their infatuation, this could be problematic. Lest doesn't seem to understand why you aren't attracted to him the same way he is to you. His mind has aged like fine wine but he is cursed to look like a young boy which causes him great distress. He probably binges a lot of romantic comedies in his free time but under the condition that he is alone. He doesn't necessarily enjoy them but he just wants to understand how human courting works.
Urd Geales is the first vampire out the bunch to get a real job and it'll probably be something really boring like an accountant. He'll get the title of employee of the month in the short span of 24 hours, everyone is in awe of his skills and intelligence. People pester him all the time and he may or may not help them out, it depends on the approach they have towards him and his own mood. He probably ends up buying a really nice apartment that is used like a base for the vampires.
I imagine he gets asked out a lot but he turns everyone down. "I already have someone in mind" is what he cooly says. It's you, you caught his eye the moment he saw you. He sees you as someone very intelligent and pointlessly kind. You're so weak and pathetic but he's into that. You're pathetic in a cute way. He probably keeps a picture of you on his desk and likes to steal glances at it from time to time. He is grateful for your assistance and wants to repay you in some way.
He also likes to stare but unlike Crowley, his stares feel a lot more cold. You think he hates you or just flat out wants to kill you right where you are standing which causes you to avoid him, much to his disappointment. He's a bit of a gentleman and he tries to spoil you with little gifts such as flowers and whatnot. You always turn him down though, always. You break his heart every time you do this.
Shinoa Hiragii is absolutely THRIVING. She became an internet sensation basically overnight and her main platform is TikTok. She posts the most random shit ever but it's so bizarre and scattered that it's hard to look away. She uses sex appeal and her cuteness to get away from the dumb stuff she does, probably has a ton of simps and white knights that defend her. She tries to include you in her activities but you're too scared to be seen by her pure monsters of so called fans.
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❤️ TAGS: @ocielismyadoptedson
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tranquilproof · 9 months
i am not a lailah = seres truther but i do kind of like it to justify why maotelus chose lailah of everyone to have the power of purification. ik post-camlann it was probably just bc she was connected to michael and maotelus didn't really have much time, but like... before when she travelled with michael, why her and literally no one else.
inb4 this is in a guidebook i actually own and haven't read bc i didn't really mtl anything for zestiria
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