#seven kin of purgatory
pyropsychiccollector · 3 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 10/14
We're getting there~... (人◕ω◕) Last five? Hmm~... (人◕ω◕)
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Yes, the next spotlight goes to the last "Li'l Sis" type~.... Meredy. (人◕ω◕) ... If you wanna be kinky, Meredy Milkovich. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
Officially, Natsu met Meredy-chan after Fairy Sphere sent the Fairy Tail members seven years in the future. (人◕ω◕) While training for the Grand Magic Games, Crime Sorciere approaches Team Natsu to offer them support... For the sake of tracking down a Zeref-esque person during the games. But also to repay Fairy Tail a little for giving them a second chance at life. (人◕ω◕)
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Meredy was one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory, taken in by Ultear after they wrecked her village. Though Meredy was crushed to eventually learn the truth of the tragedy that plagued her childhood, she forgave Ultear and wished for her to live. Technically, Meredy viewed Ultear as a mother figure... But as I've been changing things for this harem-verse... Well, put simply Meredy-chan sees herself more as an imouto for Ultear. (人◕ω◕)
At any rate... Natsu never got to meet Meredy in the initial conflict on Tenrou Island. Ultear granting Team Natsu the power of Second Origin is the first time he met Meredy. (人◕ω◕) And put simply, Natsu wasn't focusing on her too much... He was too busy, uh...
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... Too caught up in his "crossdressing Ultear" misunderstandings. (人◕ω◕);;; But that's... fine. Meredy was happy to see Juvia again. I mean, just look at these goobers~...
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Still, during this time together between Crime Sorciere and Fairy Tail... There's nothing that says Natsu and Meredy couldn't have talked some. After all, Erza was being weird with Blueberry again, and that makes Natsu sour and bitter... He could have been doing something to distract himself, and Meredy noticed he was gloomy and not like his usual self. Natsu knows Meredy as a friend to Juvia, and thinks she's a pretty sweet girl. She shouldn't hafta worry about his problems with Jellal, though.... So Natsu does his best to pick himself up and not show the strain~... Meredy's not a dumb-dumb, tho. She can tell Natsu's suppressing his feelings... But she doesn't pry right away. They'll have plenty of time to get to know one another.(人◕ω◕)
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When did they get closer?
Another change to the timeline is that during the dragon invasion, Ultear doesn't use Last Ages. Like... I understand the "need" to with characters dying, but if you're going to undo all those deaths with one character's sacrifice... Why not just go all the way and have situations where they nearly die, but manage to survive against all odds? Ultear can still feel pressured to use Last Ages with everyone's lives at stake... Remember, there's no drama between Kagura, Millianna, Erza, and Jellal. Simon's still alive. And while Ultear still claims to be responsible for "possessing" Jellal, there's not hatred from Kagura or Millianna over it... So really, Ultear leaning toward casting Last Ages to save everyone, it's really just the uncertainty of seeing so many dragons overwhelm the capital. That's all.
... Which is why Natsu talking Ultear out of using Last Ages is pretty important. (人◕ω◕) Through dumb luck, Future Rogue knocking him off of Motherglare led Natsu to encounter Ultear during that crucial moment of consideration, pondering what to do... And Natsu can tell Ultear's at her wit's end; he knows whatever she's thinking about doing, it'll be throwing away her life. After she and Meredy helped save him from Future Rogue's shadow... Natsu doesn't want Ultear to die. (人◕ω◕) So he gives her the courage to keep fighting, regardless of what happens here. Natsu declares they'll win. Somehow. And Ultear believes him. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
I bring this up because Natsu keeping Ultear alive, that's a big reason for Meredy to grow more curious and interested in the Dragon Slayer. Natsu didn't have to take a moment to raise Ultear's spirits; not with how crazy everything was with all the dragons around... But he had a big enough heart to see Ultear was in a sensitive, vulnerable moment... and he helped her out. He helped save Big Sis. (人◕ω◕) This leads Meredy to sneakily visit Fairy Tail sometimes. Just cuz Crime Sorciere is branded as criminals, doesn't mean Meredy can help restrain her curiosity. Besides~... She can learn about Natsu and visit Juvia. Win-win, right? (人◕ω◕)
At first Natsu doesn't know what to make of Meredy's visits. He rolls with them cuz it's what she wants to do, but it's still weird to him to see a non-guild member around so... "frequently". (Okay, so Meredy's visiting him every couple weeks, but she just looks so perky whenever she's hanging around him - how can Natsu say no to that?)
Sooner or later Tartaros rolls around. Then the one-year training trip with Fairy Tail "disbanded", and even with Natsu travelling around with the Strauss siblings... He still ends up seeing Meredy a lot more often, in addition to Sayla. (人◕ω◕) And after the war with Alvarez, Crime Sorciere is pardoned, and they wind up officially joining Fairy Tail. Natsu and Meredy's friendship very much deepens after that. (人◕ω◕)
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When did friendship turn to something more?
I've talked at length about Meredy making frequent visits to Fairy Tail... and Natsu... before eventually being pardoned. (人◕ω◕) But every time, Ultear is there to round Meredy up and get them back on the road before the Council or Rune Knights cotton on to their presence around Magnolia. (人◕ω◕) Neechan is very grouchy about Meredy always finding some way to sneak off to Magnolia... But it's not for the upstanding, responsible reasons that she claims... Nah. Neechan wants her time with Natsu, too. And Meredy taking that frequent initiative to go see him... Well, how could Ultear not capitalize on that? (人◕ω◕) Natsu hugs her every time they meet. He's very warm. ... And affectionate. ... And maybe Ultear doesn't mind Natsu's head nuzzling into her chest~... Accusations of crossdressing be damned. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
I bring this up cuz Meredy and Ultear grow pretty fond of Natsu during their time together in the months and years after the GMG. Especially after joining Fairy Tail and Team Natsu. (人◕ω◕) Sure, Erza and a few others are rather grumpy at the two getting so close to the Pyro.... But you can't blame them. Natsu has much love to give, and he's rather charming. He's the cute type of pervert, the oblivious type and not the womanizing type. (人◕ω◕)
It doesn't take much negotiating between Meredy and Ultear to share Natsu. They can both tell he means a lot to one another. Meredy wants loads of pink-haired babies between them, and is eager to share with Juvia and Ultear. (人◕ω◕) Natsu finds it cool to share the same hair color. And Meredy is rather voluptuous herself, and he frequently takes up her offers of hugs, too. Planting his face first into her lovely bosom, too. (人◕ω◕) It's not really known "when" these two first fell for each other... It just happened. Eventually they came out as a couple, which everyone already knew about long before them.
... Needless to say, Meredy's use of Maguilty Sense is very useful... and deadly... during kinky time. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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theluciferswar · 8 months
Lucifers VS Lucifers : Round 1
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shes the oldest of the seven stakes of purgatory, personifications of the stakes that are used to commit most murders in the game. every stake is also connected to a deadly sin, and lucifer is pride. shes the least powerful of her sisters but acts arrogant to try to cover that up
turns into a weird evil cat man in the third movie that i think a lot of trans people would kin for some unknown reason if they actually watched it
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insomniac-jay · 2 months
Hell lore pt.2
The nine circles are home to souls of deceased humans
Limbo is where the souls of dead, ordinary humans who were not sentenced to eternal damnation reside in Purgatory. It resembles various locations humans live in (i.e. cities, suburbs, rural areas) to make the souls feel at home
The seven rings are the home of both the Hell born Demons and Fallen Angels. The cities of Dis and Pandemonium are also located there
The rings represent the seven deadly sins with the pride ring housing both the royal family and elite
Time is dilated in Hell the same way it is in Heaven so spending a day in Hell is the same as one minute passing on Earth while spending a whole week there is the same as an hour passing
The Demon realm (the place that Azriel has the keys to) is where people who were once humans but became Demons in one way or another live
Hell's landscape changes based on whoever the current ruler is. When it was Lucifer, Hell vaguely resembled Heaven but dark. When Jezebel took over, it resembles common depictions of Hell mixed with futuristic architecture.
While Heaven advanced at the same time Earth did, Hell advanced at a faster rate than both. Even more so after Jezebel took the throne
Other locations include the Valley of Shadows, Praetori, and Ament
The lowest parts of Hell are call the Infernal Pits. It currently houses Lucifer's true form and the original seven princes after they were banished and exiled in light of Jezebel's victory in the Demon Wars
Demon lore
If there's one thing about Demons and their kin, it's that they're extremely territorial. They do not like sharing a space with humans, dead or alive
Demons and Fallen Angels alike are aware of human customs--they just don't care about them. Especially when it comes to marriage
Succubi and Incubi are the only Demons unable to mate with each other. To learn more about this, I will direct you to this post
Magic and powers are used in everyday life
Pre Holy Wars, Demons never really worried about attacks from Angels until a certain one came down, took out Mammon's eye, and left
Speaking of Mammon, him and the other seven princes acted as interim rulers during times when Lucifer was leading the armies
Unfortunately for him, he got his last eye taken by Jezebel before being sent to the Infernal Pits
Hellfire feels like regular fire to Demons. To humans, it feels like fire and a pressure cooker had a child
Fallen Angels retain their human forms since their true forms were stripped from them by the Angels
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thehylianidiot · 7 months
Whumptober 18: Tortured for Information
Or: Still Alive
Warnings: Past Self Harm, Past Suicidal Thoughts, Graphic Injuries
Everyone in Crime Sorciere had scars. 
Came with the territory of growing up in That Place. The cuts that were carved deep into hollowed bellies. The permanent indents on the wrist where magic suppressant cuffs were once fused to the skin. A raspy hint to one’s voice from screaming too loud every time they were yanked from their cells and into a room of lightning and torment for a surprise interrogation, a lethal dosage against the faintest shreds of rebellion that could have grown. 
All of what were once Oracion’s Seis’ pillars and foundations could never forget That Place. Jellal had known it far longer, having once embraced it as its new ruler for seven long years until his name and its legacy were one and the same to the rest of the world. 
And then there was Meredy. 
The woman was an enigma amongst them. Grimoire Heart was considered a sister guild to the Oracion Seis in the eyes of the public, but any interaction between the two was safely kept to a minimum, enough to avoid encroaching on the other’s world domination plans and all that. So they never really knew too much about the so-called weakest of the Kins of Purgatory before meeting her. 
Despite arguably rooting for the same team now, there was still that juxtaposition between them and the only one untouched by That Place. More pep and lighthearted comments than snark and cutting words, more than even Richard and his preaching's of love could compete with. Always the most inclined out of them all to scour a new town for merchants willing to barter with them on their never ending road, always the one who kept up morale between those frantic escapes from the law. 
The unofficial second-in-command in Crime Sorciere was certainly different from the rest of them, her being not broken and molded under fire and chains but from some other catalyst.
And she had her scars as well.
They weren’t easy to spot, a blink-and-miss sort of detail. A thousand odd scrapes on her arms and legs that could be mistaken for unblemished skin if one didn’t look too closely. The odd mark on her palm most definitely belonged to an old acid burn. 
And when her earmuffs slipped and she didn’t correct it fast enough, one could spy a jagged line where half an ear should have been. 
A scattered amount of little bits and pieces, barely noticed and under the surface until one night when Jellal was out on their usual errands list like gathering groceries while trying to divert the latest batch of rune knights away from their current camp and Sawyer’s curiosity got the best of him.  
“That?” Meredy nervously pointed to her earmuffs. “That’s an old one. I really don’t think it would be interesting to anyone here.”
Everyone leaned in closer. 
She didn’t need any magic to get the message behind that one. With a resigned sigh she tapped her wrist, a soft pink flow of her magic slowly swirling around it. “Well… you know how my sensory link works, right?” 
“Yeah, we have a basic understanding.” Already growing tired of old information, Macbeth rested their head against their leg as if they were about to fall asleep at any minute. “Connecting the emotional energy of whoever you choose.”
“And the pain.” The glow slowly faded along with the last dregs of warmth in her voice. “I had to get used to Grimoire pretty quickly after my parents passed, so I kinda tried doing whatever I could to keep up with training. And I was willing to put up with a lot of pain.”
Her somber gaze wandered to her scared legs. “Eventually, they found my talents were also good for interrogations.”
A chill blew across the camp, the fire not daring to rise a flicker above the embers. 
“What do you think is more effective, someone getting hurt themselves or watching a little girl volunteer to have half her ear cut while getting to feel the entire experience?”
Nobody needed to turn around to know Erik was wincing as four other imaginations and one memory ran rampant. 
Meredy reluctantly nodded. “I…wasn’t in a good place at the time. It was really either that or…”
A shaky breath tore through her as she gripped her chest tight. “I think that’s when Ultear brought to the higher ups the idea of transferring me to our reconnaissance-based division. I really wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for her.”
The glint of tears began to form around her eyes.“But I guess I’m still alive now.”
Their second-in-command seemed so fragile then, the way her lips trembled, her voice shaking and tears trailing down her face as she whimpered into her hands. 
Sorano reached over, pausing with a hesitation born of complete inexperience in the ways of comfort before placing it slowly on the other woman’s shoulder. “It’s okay. We’re all still alive now.”
“Yeah, that’s part of what we’re here for right?” Erik gestured to all of them. “Living past our sins and all that?”
Sawyer placed a hand on her other shoulder. “Every single day, no matter what.”
Macbeth nodded. “Finding our peace.”
“And love,” Richard declared. 
They all huddled around the ex-Grimoire mage, waiting as the seconds and minutes passed until she could wipe away the tears and lift her head up proudly. 
“Yeah, it is.” And with a chuckle, their second-in-command was back to her usual lighthearted self. “You should have seen me back when I was a Kin of Purgatory though. I’d say I could rank a list of targets more accurate than anyone.”
“Oh, anyone you say?” Erik snickered. “You mean to tell me if we place bets now on what would happen if we do a guild-wide fight, you’d have us all beat?”
“Honestly it depends a little bit on the setup, but I think I can manage.”
Sawyer laughed. “Oh come on, anyone with half a brain’s gonna say Jellal’s gonna be target number one.”
Actually…” Realizing she had caught herself, Meredy lowered her hand. “Jellal would be the lowest priority. Which is honestly pretty funny ‘cause you’d all be ganging up on him. ”
They all stared at her. 
“No really, he’d be holding back against all of you and then forfeit when it’s down to the final two.” She began pointing to each of them one by one. “Erik, your poison puts you in a similar spot so you’d be second lowest. Sorano would struggle in a free-for-all so as long as it isn’t down to three competitors her priority is low, Macbeth will lose motivation halfway through, Richard packs a punch but announces everything, and Sawyer is arguably the biggest threat if he gets to the outskirts due to the possibility of a surprise attack.”
Silence echoed across the camp. 
“Huh,” Sorano shrugged. “Lesson learned, never get into any free-for-alls with you.” 
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earmo-imni · 1 year
Me, watching the Seven Kin of Purgatory and their master arrive on Tenrou Island:
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“Sweetheart 🌸”
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“…Girl, what are you even doing with your life?”
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“Baby 💖💖💖💖💖”
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ao3feed-nalu · 11 months
When Fairies Bleed
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Qxjq2L
by DreamWeavingSpider
The S-Class Mage trials may be cut short for a certain fairy tail mage when new foes enter the island.
Words: 1995, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona, The seven kin of purgatory, Kain Hikaru, Ultear Milkovich, Zeref Dragneel
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona/Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona & Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail Guild & Lucy Heartfilia, everyone loves lucy heartfilia - Relationship
Additional Tags: im so sorry for this, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, I mean it, the anime could have been so angsty, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, Everyone Needs A Hug, im putting my cana x lucy agenda, How Do I Tag, S-Class Mage Trials (Fairy Tail), tenrou island arc, I'm Bad At Summaries
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Qxjq2L
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xtrablak674 · 6 months
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If We Share a Relation We're Related
My moms was hard-core in her thoughts about family, and this was her position, I am not sure if her philosophies would have changed if she was still with us, but these values are at the core of who I am and how I teach her grandchildren.
She didn't believe in pre-fixes my brothers were my brothers, full stop. Not half, not step, not foster, they were my brothers. #period Expanding on these positions if my siblings had other siblings by their other parent she would look out for all of the children. Meaning if she got something for one child she would get for them for all.
My late youngest brother has six children, those kids have an older sister that wasn't his, but when I visited with the children I would see seven children. Following my moms philosophies, if I got something for the six than I got the same for the seventh child. How crazy would I look treating one child different because the law doesn't clearly define our relationship? As far as I am concerned she is my niece and I treat her as such.
The father of my former favorite nephew was mad at me because this nephew wanted to come visit with me for a week and wanted to bring his brother along with him. Per my previous statements I was totally down for all this, as far as I was concerned the more nephews the more fun!
My former sibling attempted to forbid me from this action, like I am not a grown ass adult who pays for all of my own bill. Last I checked, I never came out of his nut sack so he had no sway over what I do or whom I invite to my home.
Anyhow this was a point of animosity and he was particularly pissed when I shared photos of the children's trip. "That other boy ain't no kin to me, I don't want to see photos of him." Well I made it clear he will either see photos of everyone or no photos at all, because I wasn't cherry-picking photos based on his distorted perceptions of who is and isn't family.
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It was sad to me because this wasn't how we were raised, I wonder who had distorted his ideas of family and it was curious that I the pariah of the family had a better understanding of what family was and wasn't. If we share a relation than you're related to me. So my nephew's sister and brother were my niece and nephew and they could call me Uncle Trevor just like he does. Even though his younger sibling only visited with me for that one week they still call me Uncle Trevor and feel comfortable enough to be asking me to borrow money, which I constantly deny.
This all takes me to the conversation with the niece who will probably send me to my grave, the Florida-based one with the dead-weight boyfriend of nearly a decade. She's telling me how she's caring for her beau's daughter who stays with them every other weekend. She's talked about how the child has malnutrition, cavities and is addicted to coffee.
From my perspective all I see is red-flags, the trifling father of this child has never made my niece an honest woman, but expects her to care for his child emotionally and provide for her as if she was her own. I called bullshit and told her as much. I told her this child is clearly under some kind of ACS and once this neglect is discovered all the courts will care about is pointing fingers at the adults around the child. If she has no clear relation to the child it would be best for her to defer all decisions to the father and stay in her childless lane.
She went on to tell me she feels like a camp counselor to the child and that her roll has never been clearly defined for herself or the child. All of this is extremely problematic to me. I told her she is a parental figure, because if the child is ten and she's been with her dad eight years, she is all the child has known outside of her moms. I told her she has done herself a disservice to allow herself to be put in this undefined relationship purgatory.
One of the first thing I do with any kids I am interacting with is be clear about what our relationship is and what will and will not be tolerated within that relationship. I told her this is a theme of her life, continuing to exist within mediocre or sub-standard situations because they are familiar or comfortable. She is clearly a maternal or aunt-figure to this child and the dad is a fool for not making this clearer to both of them.
Both child and father share a relation her which by my definition makes them family no matter how blended. Its only through clarifying these relationships and acknowledging their existence can we grow and understand the importance of those in our life.
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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Funny passer-by moments
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I see it. I like. I take it.
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“Oh, no. Ma sword” Evil guys are suffering the most.
Damn you, Fairy Tail! Stealing precious objects from the guys trying to demolish you and bring back the most dangerous person in this whole universe.
Shame.on.you Fairy Tail. You suck
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rockkcityboy · 6 years
Ep 102
Look, I'm basically dying at this point and honestly doing this live blog is half preventing me from watching more cause I want to watch it but also it's exhausting to type. I refuse to give up on it though; I'm not going to stop. But it's just gonna be a lot harder for me to upload multiple episodes every single day
Mest is fucking eating flowers, I'm so done with him
Levy with messed up hair??? A mood
"Did your writing cancel out mine?!"
Did you not fucking read it???? It said Silence, what are you, Jared, 19, who never fucking learned how to read???
Levy is action is pretty awesome. Too bad she usually isn't that badass.
Gajeel's more worried about Levy than himself, she's getting hit with eggs and he's getting fUCKING CUT
"Looks like he's still alive"
What the fuck do you mean "looks like" he's talking and moving, of course he's alive
Why are they complaining about Levy getting away without even like.... Attempting to follow her
"Dammit, the woman got away"
You tried to hit her once, Gajeel blocked it, you gave up
Well done, Levy, falling directly down a fucking hill is exactly what's needed. Get the fuck up, you're a Fairy Tail wizard, you aren't gonna be kept down by something like falling over
Genuinely can't tell if Gajeel's face is drenched in sweat or tears cause both seem likely
Wow did I ask for a recap of everything Gajeel did wrong ever? No, no I didn't. Give me the things he did RIGHT. I'm aware of his mistakes. He's aware of his mistakes. Master Makarov is aware of his mistakes. Levy is aware of his mistakes. We're all very aware of his mistakes. He's trying to be better.
"Would you have taken people's lives if Jose ordered you to?"
Look, if you're implying that killing someone, or knowing that you would if asked, makes you absolutely terrible for life, then you're gonna have to clear out your guild a bit.
Gajeel joining Fairy Tail is honestly so pure
"My katana!"
I love when Gajeel just fucking eats the enemy's weapons, it's such a power move
Levy, you've said his name like twenty times in the past ten seconds, you can stop with the name thing, people do know their own names
Alright Gray, Loke, time to reveal yourselves to Lucy and Cana
Loke was so fucking prepared to admit they were stalking them and Gray is just not
But that's fair after the reaction he got last time he stalked Lucy and admitted to it
"You think I'll answer to the likes of you?"
I'm pretty sure everyone will answer to Erza, dude. I'd like to see you try avoiding it.
"You'd do well not to underestimate the Seven Kin of Purgatory."
You'd do well to not UNDERestimate anyone. However, Erza is totally within reason if she estimates their power in general.
But also;
"If that IS your real name."
I can't believe Panther Lily is this much of a mood
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
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Fairy Tail Memories Part 2
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Seven Kin~
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kk-killer · 4 years
Ultear and Meredy icons♡♡♡ like 💖 or reblog 🔁 if you want to use
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godneinharticht · 7 years
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The amazing and glorious villains of fairy tail
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Ultear: Update: I may or may not be in a cult.
Ultear: Update two: I may or may not be the leader of said cult.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Child of The Galaxy - Fairy Tail x Fem!Child!Reader - Chapter 6.5 - Grimoire Heart - Tenrou Island Arc
S-Class Wizard Trials
Previously on Fairy Tail...
"You fools don't stand a chance. Our main fighting force is right on our heels. Wizards whose power far exceeds my own. They are known as the 7 Kin of Purgatory." The goon laughed as you glared.
"Grimoire Heart..."
"The 7 Kin are coming?" Juvia realised as Erza requipped.
"We must put the trial on hold. Right now, prepare for battle! Condition red, we shall intercept them at once!" Erza declared as everyone spotted the red flare in the sky.
Enemy attack.
"You there! Speak! Tell me why you've come to this place!" Erza ordered the Grimoire Heart goon that was sat on the ground.
"Revealing that will do me no good at all." The goon refused, as you rolled your eyes.
"She's not giving you a choice, dude." You pointed out as Erza got mad.
One hit on the head later...
"We seek him. The legendary Black Wizard known as Zeref. He is here on this very island."
"You fool, Zeref is long since dead-"
"Erza... there's a wizard who walks the island, and death follows him. There's no way it could be anyone else." You pointed out, but you went unheard as the goon claimed that Zeref had been sleeping for 400 years.
"Master Hades and the Seven Kin of Purgatory will be arriving on these shores very soon, and it would be wise of you to not take them lightly. The Time Wizard, Ultear. Rusty Rose. My superior, Caprico. Kain Hikaru. Zancrow. Meredy. And, there's one more member I haven't mentioned, who's already here!" The goon laughed, as Erza and Juvia stared in shock.
"There's one here now?" Erza repeated, as you tilted your head to the side, feeling the spatial energies around the island.
"We have to go! Everyone is in danger!"
"You can sense them, can't you?"
"So much destruction... the Seven Kin are already here, and the Master is destroying their ship!" You explained as you struggled to keep up with Juvia and Erza as they broke out into a sprint.
"How did they overrun us so quickly?" Erza asked aloud as she held a sword up to the incoming Grimoire Heart goons.
"Not sure, and I'm afraid more are coming and quickly-"
"They were dropped as orbs by an overhead flier... they're all over the island. The 7 Kin are here too..." You stated, creating an orb of spatial energies to throw at the goons, fighting alongside Juvia and Erza, much to the disagreement of both of them.
"Who goes there?" Erza yelled as she stopped running, sensing someone approaching. Juvia and yourself also stopped, turning to spot the pink-haired child.
"I have encountered the enemy while on the mission. I will destroy them immediately. Ending their lives is now my highest priority. Commencing combat operations."
"Y/n. Portal away." Erza ordered you, watching the pink haired child, a member of Grimoire Heart.
"Portal away where? Every Fairy Tail Wizard is fighting one of the 7 Kin right now!"
"Y/n!" Juvia warned, not looking at you until she spotted the portal from the corner of her eye, and you jumping through it.
Your feet touched the grass gently as you looked up, spotting the explosion of brilliant orange flames and dark grey flames to one side, then one of Mira's Evil Explosions on the other side a little while after.
Your eyes widened at the next explosion, blood running cold until you didn't feel it. The lack of spatial energy, death. Nobody was dead. But your guild was struggling, and they didn't want you to fight.
A frown crossed your face as you continued to walk, stumbling across damage caused by some sort of battle.
"Y/n! You're okay!" Wendy called over to you, waving you over as you appeared.
"Erza and Juvia sent me away, but I can feel everyone fighting. Gramps! You're injured..."
"You can sense everyone fighting, child? Your powers have grown, even now." Makarov croakily remarked from where he laid on the ground, bandaged and unmoving.
"I take it you portalled nearby after Erza and Juvia sent you away?" Lily enquired as you sat down next to Makarov and Carla.
"Mira and Lisanna are hurt, so are Elfman and Evergreen, Gajeel and Levy too. I saw Natsu's fire with some weird dark fire was closer though..." You explained, shrugging as you wrapped your arms around your knees, closing your eyes to focus.
"Erza and Juvia are fighting a pink haired girl as we speak. They sent me away as she appeared." You added as Carla deadpanned.
"You couldn't get a name before portalling, I take it?"
"It's not like they throw their names out with a 'how are ya!' before trying to beat us to a pulp!"
"Wow, a flaming Lucy just took out one of the Kin!" You exclaimed as Carla, Wendy and Lily all sweatdropped, even Makarov looked alarmed.
"Just how exactly was she on fire?"
"If I was placing bets, my money would be on Natsu." Carla answered Lily's question as Wendy suggested making a portal to work like a window and let everyone watch.
"I could, but if someone saw, they could attack us through it. I need to learn how to add restrictions to my portals next." You concluded, thinking about the concept as Wendy sweatdropped at how intense you were over your magic.
"Wendy!" Natsu called as he, Lucy and Happy ran over.
"You made it back! Did you find anything?" Wendy asked as everyone spotted the returning wizards.
"Is master doing any better?" Lucy asked as the three drew to a halt.
"I can't say that his condition has improved."
You zoned out as Mest, Doranbolt? Mest, returned on a 'rescue mission', with Mest revealing how if the Magic Council found out about the chaos, the Etherion Canon would be fired.
"The sky. It looks like there's a storm coming." Wendy pointed out as you both glanced up at the greying clouds, hearing the crackles of thunder.
"In more ways than one. Somebody made Juvia angry." You realised, staring up at the sky.
"Tell me why you are going after Juvia!" Erza demanded to Meredy.
"Number 13 is worthless trash. So I want to get her out of the way. Then I will end the one you sent away, the so-called Child of the Galaxy... her priority is the lowest, because even her guild deems her unable to put up a fight." Meredy stated, summoning her swords of sensation again.
"Number 3 is Gildarts, but it appears he is no longer on the island. Number 2 is Makarov, but Master Hades has already defeated him."
"Master Makarov is number 2? You mean to tell me there's a higher priority target than the Master of our guild!" Erza exclaimed as Meredy had a dark look on her face.
"Number 1 is that man. Gray Fullbuster."
"Why him? Why choose Gray?" Erza shouted as Meredy began to focus her power.
"Because, he has her blood on his hands. Ultear's mother died because of him. That man, can never be forgiven for the pain he caused Ultear! When I find him, I'll tear him limb from limb!" Meredy screamed, sending her swords of sensation flying at Erza.
The sky went dark as thunder crackled, rain pouring down over Tenrou Island.
"Now you've done it, if you dare carry out that threat, I swear to you, you will never live to speak of it." Juvia's face was dark as one eye glowed red, rage overtaking her at the threat of Gray being harmed.
"Yeah... that pink haired girl threatened Gray in front of Juvia." You concluded as Wendy sweatdropped.
"This rain just doesn't wanna to let up..." Lucy remarked as you huffed.
"It was Juvia's magic that started it, but now I think it's actually raining..."
"It's nice to be dry, but I can't help but I feel kinda helpless." Wendy admitted as she got changed.
You frowned as Carla revealed that Lily had stayed at the base camp, since Gajeel and Mira were badly hurt, whilst also revealing that they'd spotted Grimoire Heart's ship on the east coast of the island.
You agreed when everyone decided to head to the base camp, whilst Mest tried to keep the Magic Council at bay from firing Etherion.
"We've got company!" Natsu announced as you all sensed the magical power from the approaching wizard.
Bluenote Stinger.
"Who are you? One of the kin?" Natsu shouted, but he gained no answers.
"Tell me. Have you learned to fly? No? Pity... Then you'll fall." The wizard smirked, stopping the rain from falling over him before it crashed down again.
Everyone screamed as the ground under you all began to move, the force crushing you all into it, even you were powerless with your gravity magic.
"You know, personally, neither the Fairy Tail Guild, nor our plans for Zeref mean much of anything to me. But there is one thing I've been longing to do on this island. Where is the grave of Mavis Vermillion? I wish to pay my respects to Fairy Tail's first master." Bluenote demanded.
"What do you want? Tell me!"
I want the sparkle of fairies. Fairy Glitter. One of your Guild's three grand spells. Just as powerful, if not more so, than Fairy Law itself." Bluenote announced, as Natsu glared.
"Is glitter all you want? Then try hitting up a crafts store-UGH!" Natsu growled as Bluenote shoved him further into the ground.
"He's using gravity magic. I didn't know it could be used like this..." You admitted into the stones around you, as Natsu tried to fight Bluenote himself, unable to get a single hit in on him.
A groan left your lips as Bluenote held everyone down with his magic, even Cana who had arrived with Fairy Glitter at her disposal.
"I guess even his strength can't stand up to this level of gravity..." Carla admitted as Natsu's head was buried in the stones.
"Gravity..." You whispered as Natsu Fire Dragon Roar-ed the ground into an explosion.
"GO!" Natsu shouted as Bluenote sent everyone but Cana flying.
"Assemble, O river of light that's guided by fairies! May your radiance shine, and vanquish the fangs of wickedness! Go, Fairy Glitter!" Cana shouted, the bright light cutting through the rain clouds as the attack took place.
Everyone's eyes widened as Gildarts' appeared from one of your portals, Carla's gaze falling to you as you blacked out. Your forceful use of portalling a person instead of a location overwhelming you.
Your unconscious body was carried away from the battle between Bluenote and Gildarts and towards the base camp.
As Bickslow and Freed returned and helped fight Rusty Rose.
"We saw the red flare and came back with Gildarts."
"He went through one of those portals young Y/n utilises." Freed added to Bickslow's explanation before the fight began.
You were barely conscious as the Tenrou tree fell, slipping unconscious again as your magic power was drained, along with everyone else who bears the Fairy Tail emblem.
When the magic returned, Natsu was carrying Makarov, Lucy was supporting Cana, and Wendy was supporting you as you lingered between conscious and unconscious.
A groan left your lips as Wendy propped you up against the rocks, allowing herself to try heal the others, until she was warned against it.
"Even Y/n's injured?"
"After using her portals to summon Gildarts, I can understand why. Y/n needs to be taught combat in battle, after all of this that is." Levy admitted as she crouched down next to you.
A laugh left your lips as you heard Happy mention how Ultear had kicked Natsu's butt without breaking a sweat, before talking about how Zalty was Ultear, or was Ultear Zalty?
Your head tilted to the side as you watched Virgo began to dig pitfall traps around the camp.
A smile crossed your face as lightning struck, Gray had defeated Ultear in battle. You knew what the thunder and lightning could suggest, as you glanced up at the sky, sensing his approach.
Laxus was on his way.
"Let's go- way to take all the fun out of it, Y/n!" Natsu exclaimed as you opened a portal to the east shore.
"What? My power's back too." You deadpanned, quirking a brow as Natsu huffed and headed through the portal with Lucy, Wendy and the exceeds.
"Y/n, wait!" Levy exclaimed, but the portal had closed as you snuck onto the east shore too.
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projectionoftime · 5 years
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