#shut down or act out
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Reasons to play In Stars and Time: Canon Pronoun Warfare.
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sidsinning · 1 year
Can I just say I could not fuckin breathe during this whole scene
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I wonder what the kids and teachers in luz's school think of her now. Shes stopped "terrorizing" other kids, mainly because she seems to have stopped engaging with most of her classmates period. She no longer brings live animals or taxidermy to school. She even participates in english class occasionally, even if she doesnt "get" the point of the book. Her rants only clock as suicidal if you know about her time in the boiling isles which the people at her school do not.
I wonder if luz's teachers and schoolmates think that luz mellowed out over the summer. If the principal/counselor that suggested she go to the camp patted himself on the back because shes "improved."
#the owl house#toh#shut up pandora#luz noceda#something something people see a neurodivergent kid having depression and breathe a sigh of relief bc now theyre finally 'normal'#people speculate maybe luz would have been fine going to the summer camp and while i agree she would have made friends#she would not have been fine! she would have just learned to suppress her identity like camila did#but going to the boiling isles was her only option bc she either gets suppressed quickly at the summer camp#or she keeps acting out at school and eventually society wears her down and shames her into conforming like it did to her mom#something about how even if the camp helps luz act like a 'normal person' she still would have been miserable bc she couldnt be herself#it temporarily benefits her by giving her friends and benefits ppl around her by making her act 'normal'#but the kids there are still weird at heart! they have a community to be weird around now but society at large will still look down on them#unless they put on a front all the time to fit in#and the boiling isles isnt perfect either its society still looks down on luz for being different#but it accepts her neurodivergence and her new friends are all neurodivergent like her so she still has a community to be herself around#and while it looks down on her for having no natural magic it isnt something shes been shamed about growing up like her neurodivergence was#anyway the camp wasnt as catastrophic as luz thought it would be and vee benefitted from it#but it still represented a slow rot. the kind that eats away at neurodivergent kids as they grow up#slowly shaming them to hide away parts of themselves deemed unfit for society#and when you hide behind a front and are exhausted and miserable from it#everyone applauds you for your 'recovery.' youve improved yourself. they never liked the old you#good job on destroying yourself and shoving the pieces into a facsimile of what the people around you think you ought to be
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
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wang yibo rates his performance as mister ye in hidden blade 🤍
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Dennis shielding Dee whether it's physical harm or a verbal confrontation. And thinking about ada's tag alongside the gifs
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They're both of equal threat to him...
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labyrynth · 10 months
so um anyway jiang cheng canonically does not consider wei wuxian a servant—let alone “just a servant”—and does not treat him like one. idk where this idea came from but it is factually untrue.
in fact, jc repeatedly indicates that he thinks wwx’s station is on par with other gentry, that he likes the idea of being part of a pair with wwx, and even jokes with wwx, mocking the notion that wwx could be a servant.
after wwx was taken in, they were functionally raised as equals, and there is nothing in their interactions as youths that indicates or even hints that their relationship was master/servant instead of simply childhood friends.
and obviously wwx is not sect leader, so yeah, he is expected to defer to jc after the war, (and that’s not an inherently bad thing, that’s how leadership works) but jc lets him get away with SO much shit that Would Not Fly if wwx were a servant (or treated like one). if jc only regarded wwx as a servant, there is literally no reason to be as lenient as jc was with wwx’s loose canon tendencies.
i’m sorry, but there is simply no valid reading of their relationship where the dynamic of their relationship is master/servant. their relationship simply is not built on obligation, as much as they both try to act like it. this assumption undercuts a huge amount of context and motivation, leaving nonsensical character decisions and gaping plot holes. there is no mdzs unless they care about each other as individuals.
#jiang cheng#mdzs#mdzs talk#mo dao zu shi#moi#not to mention the fact that we literally never see wwx ever acting in the capacity of a servant#jc basically never asks anything of wwx#maybe ‘please don’t insult our colleagues (who are also our elders and have more power than us) to their faces’#or like ‘please refrain from picking fights with people we’re trying to establish professional relationships with’#up until wwx defects whenever someone started poking at wwx’s behavior jc just shut them down. ‘that’s the business of the jiang sect.’#and some of y’all have the audacity to claim that jc didn’t do anything for wwx#that he didn’t even care#it’s appalling#i’m super tempted to tag as canon jc#but i will. refrain.#begrudgingly.#i absolutely hate it when ppl insist not only that jc didn’t care abt wwx#but that wwx. didn’t care about jc.#that wwx’s side of things was entirely out of obligation and he did not care about jc as a person in the slightest.#like imma be real w u chief: wwx does not come out of this assumption looking good#in fact he looks like a real grade A asshole#bc if he DOES think he’s just fulfilling his duties then why tf would be flat out lie to jc about their relationship#and if he has a duty to the jiang sect. why the fuck isn’t he doing it. yeah yeah he gave up his core sure.#but it costs zero dollars to NOT antagonize ppl ur sect is trying to built rapport with#it costs zero dollars to consider the political fallout for your sect before you do risky shit#like a wwx that is sticking around out of ‘obligation’ is a real fucking dick#like. either make an attempt at fulfilling your actual obligations or like. just leave??#i mean jfc it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he does in fact care about jc#and jc does in fact care about wwx#um anyway
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
2012 tmnt bashing discourse incoming hold up—
Ok so, the bashing of 2012 tmnt right? We all know how it’s goes and I won’t get into it but this has kept me up for the past 2hrs so!
12 Mikey hearing about it. I know for a fact he’d be throwing hands with everyone in the room if need be. A conversation of sorts would come to mind. Specifically with the Rise and 2012 teams meeting and their early interactions, arise seeing how rough and tumble the boys are for being 20yrs old, especially with Mikey.
Offhanded comments about how ‘that’s kinda harsh’ ‘you’re ok yeah?’ ‘Why is he so rude?’—
And it comes to a point where 12 Mikey’s patience and fuse has been worn paper thin before he bursts. But not in a Raph way, no in a Donnie/Leo way.
12 Mikey commenting about ‘IDK man your brother seems hella arrogant.’ ‘Your Donnie has a easily bruised ego.’ ‘Your Raph is a pushover man!’ Maybe it’s Rise Mikey who finally just has him snap.
Rise Mikey: ‘Why would you say that about my brothers? You don’t have a right to comment about them.’
12 Mikey: ‘I don’t know man, what give you the right for you and your brothers to talk about mine and how we act?’
Rise Mikey: ‘well they seem harsh and meaner then mine—‘
12 Mikey: ‘and yours seem too over bearing and over dramatic. Listen, if I can’t comment on your brothers then you and yours can’t either. End. Of. Story.’
Mikey is a verbal combatant. While his older brothers Raph and Leo handle the physical combat like champs, Mikey and Donnie as the verbal warriors. He is his brother’s biggest defender behind the scenes and is willing to go to bat for them.
12 Mikey has LITERALLY been through Hell and back with his brothers. It’d take more than a few arm punches, noogies, and teasing to get under his skin.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
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whatever og text i had in mind for this post about ko shibasaki looking like sayama in this movie is completely cancelled on account of utsumi (this character)'s first name being kaoru and i only found this out cause i was looking up her name just to be sure when making this post
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like jesus christ i legally have to make this post now
#snap chats#they literally never say her first name in the movie. i think lol LIKE WHEN I FOUND OUT I WAS JUST 'NO FUCKING WAY'#i do have to be tbh and say her face /is/ a little more round than sayama's#and its absolutely predominantly because of how her bangs and wardrobe are so close to sayama's that i think she look like her#BUT I CAAAANT THE WHOLE MOVIE I WAS JUST THINKIN ABOUT SAYAMA... i miss her...#OH RIGHT THE MOVIE THOUGH noooo fuck you this movie was so good it actually made me want to write a summary for it LMAOOO#LIKE I LIKE WRITING SUMMARIES BUT IVE JUST BEEN SO LAZY ABOUT IT WITH THE PAST FEW THINGS IVE SEEN BUT GOD.#ignore the fact i finished this movie two hours ago i was too busy fiddling with a card holder kit but. ill make a post about that next--#THIS MOVIE THOUGH NOOOOO IT WAS SO GOOD //SCREAMS AND YELLS AND DESTROYS A SNOWGLOBE//#god the part where ishigami and yukawa are walking by the homeless and it just lingers on an empty spot.. LIKE I THOUGHT I WAS WACK#CAUSE I WAS LIKE 'hang on wasnt there a guy there last scene' and obviously there was since the shot lingered right#BUUUUTT WHEN IT WAS REVEALED DOWN THE LINE SHUT UPPP I LITERALLY YELLED IM SO GLAD. my roommates arent home..#on god i thought the movie was gonna end with utsumi and fukawa's convo from the beginning#and i was gonna make a gaf about how fukawa was acting irrationally because he was too in love LMAOOO#BUT THEN IT KEPT GOING AND. im so glad it did. ishigami valid tbh#id also cover up and take blame for AND ACTUALLY commit murder for a girl if she said hi to me and made me lunch while i was trying to kms#while fukawa and ishigami were talkin that first night tho i just thought of after the rain.. lol... maybe the mangaka was inspo'd by that.#anyway. this movie was great. it reminded me of sherlock but if it was directed well and actually let you solve the mystery too#CAUSE WHILE I WAS WATCHING THERE WERE POINTS WHERE I TOO WAS JUST 'hang on' AND I JUST POCKETED THE INFO FOR LATER#i kicked and screamed when ishigami was talking abut how he formats his tests LIKE I SAID 'oh you fucking slipped'#when ishigami called and told her he had a white envelope in there bitch i knew it was gonna be the stalker letter i YELLED#LIKE I LIKE HOW THE MOVIE SETS THINGS UP SO ABUNDANTLY. IT'S FUN SEEING IT FIT IN THE MOVIE LATER ON#the twist of there being two bodies was so fun tho cause at the start of the movie i was sure two murders happened the same night#so when it was played off as just one i was like Oh. Ok. im still stumped on how he snuck a body out of the apartment#but yk what one detail is like. whatever in comparison to the rest of the movie being fun to watch#god im running out of tags POINT IS. PLEAAASE watch this movie if you got two hours#ive left some minor warnings on my Watchlist doc but there's nothing. TOO extreme ??#i mean there's an aforementioned suicide attempt but aside from that it's nothing too grotesque. for an rgg fan ig#ok bye i have to ramble about the card holder i got <3
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myiayse · 10 months
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i miss her(english a3) like a lover...
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bloodanddiscoballs · 4 months
I have a cold
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Is it just me or do some Bylers reach way too hard to defend Mike for things he was objectively wrong for? Like the rink o mania thing is a perfect example, Will was not being bitchy (onscreen) at all to Mike until the argument where Mike was the one who started it by blaming Will for not telling him about El’s problems. Mike was being a huge asshole there, which even he noticed and said Will didn’t deserve the way Mike treated him. He then apologized and Will accepted it because Will knows that Mike was genuinely remorseful and that he wanted to be best friends again. I hate to say this bc 99% of the time it is deeper than it looks but for this I just don’t get how you can watch and think Will was actually in the wrong.
i do enjoy a good reach and i get not wanting one character to be 100% in the right and one character to be 100% in the wrong in an argument and i don't even think mike was 100% in the wrong at rink o mania but when you back up a bit...what did will do wrong exactly lol.
do we agree with mike that he was a douche for...not telling him that el was being bullied? nonsensical. he didn't even know she was lying to him before the airport.
was he wrong for barely talking and basically sabotaging the whole day? a day el said was supposed to be about the two of them, making will third wheel and feel like shit just like in the beginning of season 3 and for months before that? right...because that makes sense.
was will in the wrong for not calling mike and for making it sound like it was his fault they didn't keep in touch? this one i can get behind but he would have let that go (the painting being a welcome gift doesn't scream resentful) had mike not made it clear that he wasn't interested in anything he had to say by...rejecting his hug, agreeing to the whole day being about him and el, ignoring him save for the vomit green joke, And not calling for months. if the first three hadn't occurred maybe will wouldn't have felt the need to defend himself when mike started a fight because he didn't tell him his gf was being bullied like he's their couples counselor or something
it's like you said mike literally starts the fight and then deflects (twice) and Then he apologizes...idk!
long-winded answer but how exactly was will being a dick lol. i know he apologizes for being mean to him and for pushing him away in the van scene but when exactly on march 22, 1986 was will mean to mike. i can see the pushing him away because he didn't call but he said he deserved the fight and admitted to being a jerk to el (literally HOW. when) and wouldn't let lucas apologize to him in season 3 so i'm not taking his self-deprecating martyr word for it SORRY
it's especially funny when you remember that mike trying to call will is a THEORY
#i know mike is self-deprecating too. this isn't about him💖#i know even byler being endgame is a theory but#and i GET IT like even if it turns out mike DIDN'T call he's not the devil or anything and i knoww why he acts like he does but when you#look at it from will's pov his behavior makes no fucking sense if he cares about him even a little. like why would he reject that hug lol#you could say him rejecting the hug was because he felt like they weren't friends anymore because will didn't call him and like sure but#then how is will not allowed to feel like they're not friends when mike doesn't call AND rejects his hug AND makes him third wheel all day#you can even say it was because he was like oh will gay can't make it obvious that i'm in love with him but that's just beyond the#realm of possibility to will. do you know what i mean? of course he's gonna think he doesn't care about him and doesn't even wanna hug him#hello after six months of not seeing him because he in fact didn't want to hug him. rejected the hug and made will feel like he was the#only one who wanted to be friends just like before#and really can you blame will for not calling when even without taking the fact that he's in love with mike into consideration the last#time he tried to show this friendship meant a lot to him he got shut down like crazy and was told that he was acting like a kid#i would've wanted mike to make a little bit of an effort too after that tf#and i know why he didn't call if he did in fact not call i know all that will isn't a tumblr byler he knows none of that not calling + not#hugging + agreeing to you not being important to the day + making you third wheel = not caring about you is not a crazy leap#if you wanna do the will isn't a perfect angel who is always 100% in the right thing (which i respect btw) i don't really see how#rink o mania helps your case I'M SORRY#you just will never convince me that it was 50/50#ask
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
btw i hope you all know that at the mere suggestion of repairs that involve anything more than repairing xyr screen avec will immediately run away. ian tried to talk to xem about it once and avec immediately started running and smashed xyr face into the floor and broke the screen.
the janitor and ian are both of the theory that avec is actually just a sentient robot after this fact because they keep saying weird shit and acting like this
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butchfaith · 4 months
i let the intrusive thoughts win!!! 🤪🤪🤪 [stayed in bed in the foetal position all day every day for the past month barely eating not texting anyone back hyperventilating and only thinking Certified Approved Thoughts lest i fall into all manner of sin and bring about the complete slow painful destruction of myself and everyone around me]
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whiskeyswifty · 9 months
#this is such a niche gripe i guess idk its why it's in the tags#but i really get so annoyed by how a lot of this fandom acts like they know everything about her especially like where she goes#and what she does in her free time because they think they KNOW about everything but#all you know is what she chooses to show you like specifically paps like...... she calls them. all celebs do. 99.999999% of the time#these days it's how that industry works which i KNOW for a fact but like don't take my word for it if you don't believe me fine#but it's how it is and i can tell you that from professional experience but also like#the amount of friends and people i know who've seen her places all over the city for YEARS now#and there are no pap photos of her in those places nor did anyone know she went to that building/restaurant/bar/event#there are a feeeeeew places in the city which are celeb hotspots and the paps might skulk around there but that's cuz#they are known spots for that and waiters and staff tip them off for profit shares#like i know someone who saw her literally last night at a restaurant#there are no photos of her there and no paps outside#like if you think she doesn't leave the house or go somewhere without you knowing cuz you think she's papped everywhere...#thats just simply not true lol couldn't be FURTHER from true#she goes so many places and does so many things that you just don't know about. it's VERY easy to live a private life in the city#EVEN THIS WEEK she's gone more places than you've seen her getting papped at cuz i know people who've seen her!#i can't tell you the amount of famous people i've come across in these situations and the press and social media were none the wiser#people i've sat next to at a crowded brunch counter or people walking their dog or taking their kid for a bike ride like.... ALL THE TIME#famous people love new york cuz new yorkers don't bother them and they can live in relative obscurity#idk what i'm getting at i guess this weirdness like I AM GONNA SHUT DOWN ANYTHING THAT I DONT HAVE PROOF OF#is so deranged to me because...... you only have ~proof~ of like 10% of her life#so the other 90% of it didn't happen cuz.... you a blogger on the internet don't have photographic evidence of it????#IS THAT NOT THE MOST INSANE THING TO SAY????#idk really weird that people just think they know her and shut down any one who poses something that doesn't fit into their#frankensteined version of her that they made out of a bunch of paparazzi photos and flight trackers and deuxmoi posts taped together#as if THATS somehow MORE sane and a more realized person#idk if i'm making sense i'm annoyed whatever whatEVERRRRR
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clamsjams · 8 months
i got back in mcyt about a year ago, and although that was through empires, i mainly got introduced to the new minecraft streaming ecosystem (or at least new to me, there were probs streamers back in 2012 when i was first into minecraft but for me youtube was the main thing) through joe hills streams. and joe is awesome, but now that i’ve gotten a bit more into some other streamers through qsmp, i’ve seen that the way joe does things is very much not the norm. but i feel like it should be. i think starting with joe set my expectations and standards pretty high, and then going from that to other streamers was kinda a bit of a letdown. like obviously everyone’s an individual and no one’s artistic process is going to be exactly the same but also i see posts floating around about discourse and i always think to myself like “oh this is why i rlly like the way joe does stuff bc of this thing etc ect.” and obviously it’s not the streamers fault that ppl are shitty but i do also feel that like it can be indicative of the community that a creator builds and what they choose to tolerate vs what they choose to deal with and how they deal with them, there are ways to encourage a better kinder community that i feel big creators just don’t do. of course joes not perfect and he’s only human and it is different bc of the difference in audience sizes, but i feel like these creators are just completely absolved of all responsibility when it comes to community culture and that’s not great. so going from joe, who is very open about his rules and the way he expects ppl to conduct themselves in his chat and his measures that he takes to deal with that stuff, to creators who are almost entirely removed from those processes, was pretty jarring
idk if this makes sense it got away from me a bit but i may make more posts about this another time
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shalegas34 · 2 months
just got a prescription for drugs i had to sign for at the pharmacy. lets fucking go
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