#skyrim werewolf custom
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I know that the difference races don’t have different beast-forms, but like come on. Alligator werewolf? That’s sick as hell.
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Also here is the first design/draft I did of Lynthrax’s beast form. Looks cool but it’s not my best. I think the other one is better, personally.
Also the pose and colors could be better
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dynamite124 · 10 months
Y'all have inspired me with all these questions regarding Vampire, Werewolf and Snow Elf characters. I might have to work on something special with Taliesin being aware of these traits.
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squidmayo · 2 years
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more werewolf banter bc i LOVE this
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isamajor · 10 months
Whumpblrful’s 100 Drabble Challenge - Whump Edition (prompt 36 to 40)
Five new drabbles from @whumpblrful‘s 100 drabble challenge.
36 - Bleeding Out
Remiel remained frozen halfway, wedged between two swinging blades. From there, she could see Xelzaz being rammed and slashed repeatedly by the red-tinged blades. Everyone saw the Argonian on the ground, rapidly bleeding out, unable to intervene or suffer the same fate. Remiel's heartrending cries, begging him to have the strength to take a healing potion, echoed in the ancient corridor.
"Xelzaz is bleeding out! We have to intervene!", cried Lucifer, distraught.
Nebarra stared blankly at the scene, as if it couldn't be real.
"How will you do it, hatchling, without being butchered like him?", he replied in a flat voice. (104)
37 - Escape
The wall made of imposing blocks of cut stone and metal were threatening to engulf him. He closed his eyes for a moment to calm his breathing. The second after, he had lost his group. Taliesin trembled. Called. Only the echo of his voice answered. He felt a feeling freezing his limbs and entrails. He had to get out of there. Escape from these ruins. He would find the others outside. Frantically, he began to run, retracing his steps, guided by the remains of the Dwemer automatons they had destroyed. Gasping, he finally emerged into a chamber where he could finally see the exit. (104)
38 - Fall
Telmiltarion had never been the most agile of companions. His lack of sure footing, he usually made up for with strength and good will. It hadn't been enough this time. The passage along the cliff was narrow and perilous. His foot rolled on a stone, and before his companions could hold him back, he stumbled and fell below into the waves that pounded the base of the cliff. The Mer's fall seemed endless. And his cry of terror was echoed by the horrified cries of his friends who, helpless, saw his body fall and disappear in the foam. (100)
39 - Burns
It was the price to pay for the power of magic: this energy which passed through the hands of the mage was not without consequences, and Lucien had learned it by experience. His beautiful soft white hands that were used to quills and paper, now sported a dark, painful redness in the center of the palm, sometimes the burning turning into blisters when using more destructive spells. And gloves didn't prevent the damage of the Magicka flow on his skin. Even healing spells, if he healed others, caused him burns, pain and redness when he strove for too long. (100)
40 - Transform
There was a metallic taste in their mouth. Aela's blood. Was they sure ? The Dragonborn scream, they are in pain but no longer recognizes their voice. Their hands become hairy, dark clawed paws. Thick fur grows and covers their body. They become a beast. Filthy, repugnant, and so savage... They panic, and rushes to get out the Uderforge, to run away. It hurt, so bad, all that power. Where have they gone in this animal body? They wanted to shout, "Skjor! What have you done to me?" but only a long howl came out of their throat. (98)
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alexanderdragonborn · 11 months
Anara: *studying over her notes*
Remi: Dear?
Anara: Hmm?
Remi: Remember how I wanted to study Farkas up close on his werewolf form?
Anara: Yes?
Remi: Keep in mind this is purely for research. I just remembered that you also have the beast blood. Sooo
Anara: You want me to transform into a werewolf to study me?
Remi: Pleaaaaase?
Anara: *chuckles* Fair enough. We can leave tonight and you can study.
Remi: Yes! Can't wait! Oh, now for the questions. Questions 1 Can you speak to dogs! Question 2. Is it actually painful? Or did the adrenaline numb it. Question 3 Why do you keep chasing foxes?
Anara:....you have more questions then those 3 do you?
Remi: Yes, I do. Question 4-
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silverdisable · 1 year
should be able to go into a bloodrage if you're sick while on your period
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zhongluong · 25 days
what are your OCs
I had someone ask me this just a few weeks ago! I totally didn't forget my ask button says that
So, all of them are TES related, this time I'm gonna give a quick rundown of each and pick one to go into more detail with. Not Neean, he got that last time.
Going chronologically:
Inge the Oathkeeper - they/them Nord Vestige, general in the Three Banners War. Ancestor of Ylva Oathkeeper.
Morgan Lelles - he/him Breton Vestige and lightning sorcerer. Member of the Mage's Guild. Works with Inge and Tarim (belonging to @tiredbosmer ) to end the Planemeld.
Skip forward two eras.
Vanikar - he/him Dunmer. High-end courtesan in Riften, occasionally sells information to the Thieves Guild, but nothing his clients tell him. Customer Confidentiality and all that.
Neean Andrones - he/him/??? Argonian alchemist, born in Riften. Time traveler and paradoxical origin of much of his own knowledge and also his Hist.
Ylva Oathkeeper - she/her Nord Last Dragonborn, Harbinger of the Companions, and werewolf. Works with Tarim (the first one's grandson, also tiredbosmer's) to end the Dragon Crisis. Spends less than a year as High Queen and hands it back to Elisif.
Technically pertinent to the latest group, but actually much older:
Iizkaaljoor - Ice-Champion-Mortal, read as Campion of the Ice Mortals. Lightning aligned dovah, lives in Lake Ilinalta. Helps Ylva and Tarim 2 during and after the Dragon Crisis. Noticably smaller than other dragons, amphibious.
Bahdobrahm - Wrath-Of-North, read just like that. Ice aligned dovah, huge. I think I'm gonna infodump about him today, tiredbosmer is the only other one who knows about him yet.
So, when I say huge, I mean this guy is massive. We decided that dragons in TES are actually different sizes, with Alduin and Odahviing being the biggest. The idea is that the 'first' ones are bigger, especially the first of a particular kind. Bahdobrahm is big enough to easily rival Odahviing, a good visual is the Legends card for him. However, Bahdobrahm looks bigger because he's a Frost dovah, and has this mane of spines going from his horns to partway down his tail.
He also, way back in the beginning of people settling Skyrim, was the one to allow safe passage for the other dragons to cross the Sea of Ghosts. He already lived in the northeast peninsula of Skyrim, hunting among the ice floes for wolf-whales (orcas). So, basically, Alduin had to ask him to come through. Imagine being a literal demigod and needing to ask permission from this less powerful sibling to cross the hallway to your new room.
Then when the Dragon Cult lost power, he refused to join either side. He doesn't exactly like other dragons, and mortals are usually more of a nuisance than anything. Despite not being against the humans, he did end up getting killed by them.
Fast forward to the Dragon Crisis, and Alduin resurrects him, hoping maybe now he'll be on the dragon side of this war. He was wrong, Bahdobrahm told him to fuck off and went back to minding his own business on his mountain and hunting whales.
Inge accidentally finds his roost chasing down a bandit, and they manage to immediately get on his good side. They keep coming back to talk with him, and they make friends. He proceeds to catch a narwhal and flies halfway across Skyrim to deliver it to Oathkeeper Hall.
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wikagirl · 8 months
I'm the only vampire all my friends picked werewolf and one of them modded in the werebear to be playable and the other is in the progess of putting the final touches on a custom were-cat mod (bc he thinks the available ones look like ass apparently) so his khajiit doesn't have to turn into a doggo anymore , now watch my dovahkiin become the first in all of skyrim to invent were-sledding
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callsignbaphomet · 3 months
I can be 100% wrong about this but in my head Jelani and Angelus are super good at fixing stuff (in any AU) and use it as a productive bonding time <3
No, yeah, you are 100% right about this. I'll try not to word vomit as I usually do lol. Emphasis on try.
In Oracle Angelus is good at a more techy IT sorta approach to fixing things. On top of drawing one of his other favorite things to do is make mods for games he likes to play or games friends or family are playing and want things not already available and will happily help if someone broke a game by incorrectly installing something or wrong placement. Very into jailbreaking phones. He loves to reverse engineer programs. Trevor is currently teaching him all he knows about cars. Also, also, also! Since he's a werewolf he's got "close ties to nature" so like all werewolves he kinda has this...sixth sense about plant life so he or any werewolf for that matter can totally help nurture your plants back to health.
On the other hand given the year and place Jelani was born in yeah he can absolutely fix most anything that's broken in and around the house. His dad and uncle are engineers so whenever he and Loke visit their parents back home he likes to help his dad and uncle with personal or work related projects. His aunt's a vet, back in ye olden times she was the one that tended to cattle, pets and other animals and Jelani was always right there assisting (huge animal lover and nerd. Always said that if he wasn't doing what he does he'd be a zoologist or biologist). When he visits his parents he'll make time to visit his aunt and help her like he used to as a kid. So yeah, he can tend to wounds, illnesses and stuff.
They do go to and rely on each other for things the other knows and can help. Even if one doesn't know what the other is doing they love to watch and help and in Angelus's case ask a million questions.
In Fallout Jelani can take apart, clean, oil and put back together ANY weapon you put in front of him. Any. He can fix any too and has even gone so far as to Frankenstein several weapons to max out their usefulness and deadliness. Gungnir, his anti-material sniper rifle, is a prime example of it. The damn thing is so highly customized that it's almost impossible for anyone else to properly use it. Loke taught him a bit about maintaining and fixing armor, Jela's got the basics down but for the more complicated stuff he goes to Loke. Jela's also been known to modify turrets, traps and other security as well as fixing them whenever they get damaged after attacks. Can fix computers, hack them and even fixed that old pip-boy Loke found.
Given his upbringing and lifestyle Angelus doesn't really know much of anything about fixing or maintaining anything. But he's been learning from Jelani how to clean and maintain weapons. Weapons kind of elude him and he's not too good with guns yet but he's proven to be a fast learner. He also helps Jelani whenever he's about fixing stuff. Angelus quickly learned that Jelani likes to keep himself busy as a form of distraction to avoid shit so he's always on the lookout for dirty, discarded or broken weapons and brings them to him and it's great for both helping Jela and for bonding.
In Skyrim Angelus was pretty much waited on hand and foot. He never had to do much of anything. Why when you have a bunch of servants doing anything and everything? However, his move to Skyrim when he ran away was a shock to the system though he still carries that mentality of "why fix it when you can just buy it again?" His time with Loke, Jelani and Uthorim have turned him around. Mostly. He found that Jelani will at times resurrect plants and flowers that have died in the garden because at times Loke can be very busy with patients. He kinda took a liking to gardening and in a way it feels like he's repaying Lo, Jela and Uth back by keeping the garden plentiful and healthy which is where Lo gets his ingredients and has a bit of a "shrine" for his parents and it helps for when Jela's not home. Since Angelus is the one that stays at home he's stopped being a diva and helps out around the manor keeping it clean and organized.
Jela on the other hand will help him clean but can fix stuff around the manor so they team up to keep things in order as Lo and Uth are the busiest of the four of them. Jela can maintain weapons though not really fix 'em. Being a mercenary and a member of Lady Valerica's court means things get damaged from stabs or slashes and he's learned to fix things which Angelus likes to watch him do and prompts him to ask a million questions.
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Somehow getting adopted by the local deathclaw family
This is for the everyone comparing Lynthrax’s werewolf forme to deathclaws, one of the biggest compliments I’ve ever gotten.
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dynamite124 · 11 months
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bigjimbopickens · 11 months
hi sorry to bother you i know this is like a dead issue now but i was a massive fan of kevin before the hogwarts legacy shit, i’m a trans guy and i stopped watching him because of it. i really miss his content though, his channel is pretty much all the games i like and my sense of humour, but i feel so conflicted about wanting to go back to his content. i was just curious what your thought process was around rejoining the cult? i know it’s kinda weird to ask now since it’s been like 6 months since it happened but i feel really weird about it.
also like. no pressure to answer i don’t know if this is crossing a line or anything sorry
It’s okay don’t worry :) enough time has passed, to me at least. Tbh this is the first I’ve heard about this in a while lol.
It’s okay to feel conflicted. I don’t speak for everyone here but everyone I talk to regularly has forgiven him but won’t forget that this happened.
I do believe he learned from this, he hasn’t done anything HP related since then, besides for a few ps1 Hagrid cameos (which is fine, ps1 Hagrid has been a channel meme for a while). I just hope this doesn’t age poorly.
What started getting me back was a bit after the apology post I noticed that other YouTubers were doubling down on their decisions or just not saying anything, including ones I used to respect. Even though I wished Kevin did more than just a Reddit post, I’m glad he didn’t stay silent and admitted he fucked up. His intention wasn’t malicious, unlike a lot of other creators, which is why I was more forgiving with him compared to others. Though I still lost a lot of respect which was regained over time.
Oddly enough what got me to really respect him again was his video on those American Superpastors and Megachurches. Having grown up in one (though in Canada, they exist here but aren’t as big) it was very healing. He couldn’t say it because he didn’t want to get sued, but he was very heavily implying that he believes it’s all a huge scam and they’re exploiting people. But he’s right, I’ve witnessed it myself. Never would’ve expected him to make a video like that and be so bold with it. I’m glad Europeans see what goes on here and think “what the fuck?!” Great video definitely recommend.
Other than that, mainly just enough time passed where I no longer feel that way. I missed the sense of community which is why I rejoined the fandom but it’s not my main one anymore. I mostly do my own thing these days. It was awesome going to Vancoufur as Werewolf Jim and meeting CMK fans there too, I could’ve sworn I was the only British Columbian in the entire fandom. Though I don’t fully trust the fandom still, mainly people I don’t recognize. But not anyone here, Tumblr isn’t really the site for those people.
Not much else has really changed in his content, just no more HP videos in general (as of July 22, 2023) and the fast-paced editing has mostly stopped. He now only uploads on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays now + any 2nd channel content, song covers or streams. The community has changed a lot though. The Reddit protests caused the subreddit to shut down so it’s gone, so there’s now no longer one big gathering spot besides Discord, which is the one side of the community I’m not in.
It’s really your choice if you wanna start watching again, anonymous user. Do whatever makes you happy :)
Since this is related, I haven’t heard a thing about HL since February. It really was just a mid game that was only popular because it was controversial. Transphobes really spent a lot of money on this, they’re the real losers. I know single player games get less players overtime but a lot of them still get talked about, replayed or are still relevant. Idk just my thoughts. If you really want a magic game with custom spells, play Oblivion’s Mages Guild questline or modded Skyrim.
Also sorry if I got back to this so late. I haven’t had a stable connection for a while until now. I’ve been away, escaping wildfires. Average Canadian summer activities.
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aardvark-123 · 1 year
~Excessively Twee Skyrim Headcanons: Whiterun Edition~
Irileth is an honourary big sis to the entire Whiterun guard brigade. Commander Caius is only a little bit jealous of the respect she commands among them.
Despite her usual miserable attitude, Saffir managed to give her daughter Braith one decent piece of advice: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This led Braith to try to woo Lars by making him an apple pie.
Picture Braith, red-faced and scowling terribly, holding out a pie for poor Lars. "J-just eat it, you stupid milk-drinker! I need you to be strong so you can fight back... or something! Would you prefer horker and ash yam stew?! I-I don't care if you'd prefer horker and ash yam stew!"
Whiterun has a population of 512,830 if you count the farms and meaderies in the Greater Whiterun Metropolitan Area.
There never seem to be any vampires in Whiterun. There have been an alarming number of reported werewolf sightings in the city, mostly from drunkards and people up late, yet no actual attacks. It is said that creatures of the night dare not come to Whiterun because they know the Companions are there; make of that what you will.
There's a fancy clothes shop in the Wind District. Ysolda and Olfina have managed to try on every item of clothing in there without actually buying anything. "Babe, that tunic looks soooooo vanilla-plus on you! Is it really less than two thousand polygons?!"
Ulfberth War-Bear is a talented blacksmith, although he specialises in repairs and making custom pieces rather than forging an endless stream of iron daggers. He sometimes takes commissions.
Sigurd, who works for Belethor at the general store, has always wanted to make a difference in the world. Although he isn't in a position to do great deeds, he tries to help people wherever he can, be it by helping fix people's houses after a dragon attack or giving Lucia a blanket and some food. He fancies Alfhild Battle-Born, but he's accepted that she and Idolaf are happy together now, so that ship has sailed.
Ria is a certified Eager Beaver. Aela the Huntress once talked her into carrying all her things "for exercise" when they were out exploring. Kodlak once talked her into mopping all the floors in Jorrvaskr "for two-handed weapon practice". Uthgerd once talked her into polishing her armour "for armour-polishing practice". Lydia once took her out to lunch and helped her re-string her bow.
Farengar Secret-Fire was sulking for days over not getting to see the dragon at the watchtower.
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isamajor · 1 year
June Of Doom - Day 6 to 10
I’m a bit early for these days but idk when I’ll found some time to post them so, here we are, @juneofdoom‘s prompts 6 to 10 !
6 - « You're doing great »
Compared to the rest of the troop, Lucien generally acted like a spoiled baby, struggling to defend himself alone, relying on the ability of the other members of the group to ensure his survival. But gradually, he was developing certain reflexes and when Draugr were about to strike with their icy blades, the young Imperial was able to quickly ignite them with his spells. It was almost getting scary. But it made Inigo smile with all his fangs, who never stopped encouraging Lucien.
« Good job, Lucien. You did well here. You are becoming a very powerful mage. I will try to tease you less... » (104)
7 – Bite
Remiel smirked as she wrapped Lucien’s bleeding hand in a linen bandage.
"You told us you were good with animals, Lucien."
Lucien emitted a small cry when the Breton added a bit more pressure to the wound.
"I usually am, but I didn't imagine that puppy would try bite my hand off."
She rolled her eyes with an audible sigh.
"It was a wolf, Lucien ! Even if it seemed fluffy and friendly it's a beast, not a dog ! And it probably has rockjoint and Mara knows what other disease ! Anyway, you should ask Xel to brew you a potion." (102)
8 - « Breathe, damn you ! »
The ice they were walking on had been weakened by their recent horker hunt. Sinister creaks were heard under their feet. Worried, the meat-laden group quickened their pace. More creaks, followed by a surprised growl and the sound of something falling in the water, and Inigo had disappeared from their field of vision, caught by a hole in the ice. The Khajiit could fortunately be quickly fished out but he remained unconscious, and no longer breathing.
Kaidan rushed to try to ressucitate him and between abdominal compressions, whispered between his teeth :
"Breathe... Breathe Inigo, damn you!" (97)
9 - Sprain / Defiance
He HATED werewolves. They smell like wet dogs, are tough to kill and you can't make them dead thralls. And they run fast. Xelzaz has sprained his ankle and was limping while trying to kill the Vargs who chased him. Dodging his fireballs, one of the pack sprinted towards him and and knocked him down brutally. Xelzaz looked up at the beast towering over him, with its lips curled and fangs showing, ready to bite the Argonian's head off.
"What are you waiting for, Doggy? To drown me with your drool? Or suffocate me with your breath?", Xelzaz asked defiantly the werewolf. (104)
10 - « Can you hear me? »
The fireball exploded right next to her. Remiel felt the intense heat before being knocked to the ground by the force of the thundering explosion. Her body was relatively protected by the armor she wore. The Breton will undoubtedly receive bad bruises. But she felt dumbfounded. Everything was blurry, everything was distant. So far away that she couldn't hear the battle that was still raging in front of her.
After a little while, she was shook on the shoulder. Nebarra.
He had been talking to her for two minutes, yelling, "Can you hear me ???".
She didn't heard him. Nor anything. (102)
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wanders-in-stars · 1 year
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Welcome, doves! Y'all can call me Yaz (she/her, ace and aro-spec, probably ASD too, INTP). This will pretty much just be a place for me to my share my Skyrim OCs, gush about custom voiced followers (my favourites of whom happen to be Gore, Khash, Lucien, Nebarra, and Xelzaz), and reblog whatever TES5 stuff catches my eye.
Now, onto the primary OCs!
"Main" Dragonborn; Main Quest, Civil War, Dragonborn DLC
37 at the start, born under The Lord sign
Imperial, formerly an officer in the Legion, now a mercenary
Family – undergoing rework
Sword/shield or sword/dagger fighting style, occasionally uses a bow for range
"I don't enjoy killing -- I enjoy fighting, the thrill of battle. And if there's one thing Skyrim has plenty of, it's fighting."
"Secondary" Dragonborn; Main Quest, Dragonborn DLC, and Dawnguard DLC
20 at the start, born under The Lover sign
Breton werewolf
Tamar was born into a nomadic werewolf pack in Cyrodiil, and was constantly on the move with them, both as hunters and the hunted. Eventually, she struck out on her own as a bounty hunter, but with the intent of returning home someday.
Wields a quarterstaff in most fights, swapping to a dagger only in close quarters. Utilizes Druidic-type Restoration and Alteration magic that's geared towards support.
"Hircine is not an easy master; he's not gentle, kind, or even fair. But that doesn't mean we have to be like that, too."
Thieves Guild quest line
24 at the start, born under The Tower sign
Dunmer vampire
Family -- WIP
Nightblade, dagger/illusion spell combo
"Do you think this guild would run better if I just made them all my thralls? I seem to be the only competent person here..."
College of Winterhold quest line
24 at the start, born under The Apprentice sign
Altmer/Breton "mongrel"
Family -- WIP
"I'm certain I'm nearing a breakthrough for the transmutation of table salt into elemental salts, but I'm running short on materials again... I wonder if I could convince one of the Conjuration students to spar with me?"
Esmeralda (Esme)
Dark Brotherhood questline
26 at the start, born under The Steed sign
Family – WIP
Combat style – WIP
No canon questline; generic treasure hunter, pirate, and dungeon delver
24 at the start, born under the Tower sign
Family – WIP
Swashbuckler and fist fighter; occasionally uses a crossbow for ranged.
No canon questline; generic dungeon-delver
36 at the start; born under the Lady sign
Family - WIP
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ithekingofweeds · 1 year
Do you guys want to meet one of my favorite OCs? Jk you don't get a choice :)
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This is Tek'har, and I adore her. She's been with me since the start of 2020 and in that time, has gone through a few designs, but this is probably my favorite because I decided to not limit myself to what skyrim offers in terms of armor and weapons. Yes, the blade is majorly inspired by Luna's in Dota:DB, but deadass, it's such a cool weapon, and I've been in love from the very first time I saw it. It would definitely fit Tek'har and her style.
This is also the first time in a long while that I've played with lighting and shading in my art. I think it turned out okay? Here, have the non-shaded version, too
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Let me gush a bit, okay? This is just a bit of optional trivia:
Tek'har has two main weapons: This boomerang sword thingy called Zukoa Kuz, or "Glass Fang" in ta'agra, and her longbow Zrege Tak or "Burning Strike". Zrege Tak has a burning enchantment, and Zukoa Kuz has life-drainer. Along with these, she's capable of one spell, which is Moon Fire, a frigid flame which can give severe cold burns.
Her armor is custom made, created out of mainly ebony and dark steel, with leather and linen parts. She's left handed, so her left glove is fingerless because she feels more control of her weapon that way. Her right has steel claws for extra damage when unarmed.
She was born to her single mother, a caravaneer in Skyrim, and lived the first few years of her life with the caravan, being taught their ways. The caravan was attacked by traffickers however, and Tek'har was separated from them, never knowing what became of her family. She lived on the streets of Markarth for most of her youth doing whatever she could to survive, which as it so often does for the poor and desperate, eventually ended her at a cross with the law. She bared alleged reassurances that should it come to execution, her remains would be brought to Elseweyr, but all it did was make the young khajiit weep, for she had never been there, nor did she belong there.
Eventually, A companion who had visited the city ended up spending a night due to getting too rowdy at the inn, and would eventually offer Tek’har another chance. He paid her bail with interest, and brought her to Whiterun, where she started training under the companions, as well as running errands for stray coin. Her views of lycanthropy would change from the common khajiit onlook, to a more positive light, perhaps even one colored with desire and curiosity.
Tek’har was hard to control, brash and violent at the best of times, rowdy from too long spent dodging guards but with the quicksilver tongue of a prosperous merchant. She also seemed to have a certain bloodlust that couldn't seem to be culled.
Eventually, at 19 winters, she would accept the offer of lycanthropy, but it was quite apparent that the young woman became a danger in beastform. Both cat and wolf, large, brutish and hungry.
Asbjorn would extend his own offer of coming with him to serve The Dark Brotherhood, and she would accept. During her travels as an assassin, she would come across the cult of Namira, and morbid curiosity would lead her to pledge servitude.
Tekhar’s dreams are marred by nightmares, even more so than just a werewolf. It is a reminder of the rage all three gods she serves feel, and of how her soul will be torn asunder upon death. One does not pledge servitude to the Mistress of Decay, the Dread-Father and the Father of Manbeasts and live a life that is kind to them.
Despite being a mess, Tekhar has some redeeming qualities. Theve mellowed out, calm but sharp as a blade and unwaveringly courageous. She is typically unfazed in the face of peril, with a moderate level of distrust of the world around her. Her loyalties are slack, but steady. Rarely does she become less loyal unless provoked into becoming so, but she never fully commits to a single cause, taking contracts wherever. She's erudite and strangely elegant, priding herself in clean cloth and polished armor as a token she has moved from the slums, but is also notorious for crude language and brash words. She can be ruthless and cold in circumstances, but holds a certain warmth and solidarity for those less fortunate. Her humor is dry but abundant once you get past the cold indifference. Shrewd and full of street smarts, raised by barters, she certainly knows her way around people. So though stubborn and unapologetic, Tekharhas been shown to also be capable of personal reflection and growth
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