#so fucking normal about him guys I promise
shoe109 · 6 months
Feeling really normal right now
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motion-husk · 5 months
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Here’s a version without the doodles if ur boring like that
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Spent. A lot of time on these :)) I’ve not touched twst in a while and just got hit by a shroud shaped truck today so ig I’m back on my shit!!
Anyway I hope u all like him. I had a lot of fun with these and cried over the bottom right one bc I love teeth
Anyway ya gn :)
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Wow, what an interesting premise, I can't wait to see where this fic/comic/etc goes-
*Lilith character assassination*
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fowlaroundtown · 1 year
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Just realized I never posted this, but finally got around to making a rough Villian Donnie ref! I made it for art trade a bit ago, but the ref turned out decently good, And I’ve never actually posted anything with him that isn’t just from the waist up. So yeah. Here you go :)
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eyes-teeth · 9 months
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hes just a silly guy (is extremely fucked up and has a traumatising avatar-isation story)
alt version under cut!! :3
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lesbian lighting
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a-lonely-tatertot · 10 months
Sometimes i think about chip and lizzie and then i die
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 1 year
Headcanon time. Five Pebbles would hate being held in any way unless he specifically started or consented to it because otherwise it would make him feel small and or powerless
(look at my tags boy)
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
there’s a progression in there, somewhere, of even going from ‘the master might kill me any day now :(‘ to ‘the master is going to kill me :) she’s not going to let someone else do it after all this time’
#i wouldn’t call it hubris exactly. more like this pretty secure surity that that’s how they’re going to die.#and to them that makes sense. they chose this. they keep choosing it after the doctor offers them a way out.#because this is. they understand this. and they feel safe in the reprieve before their death.#how do you control death? choose who kills you. the last defense of a prey animal.#something something dark mirror to clara’s ‘i am owed’ speech for even is if this ever. doesn’t work out the way they thought it would.#clara tried to threaten the doctor so that he’d reverse death for her. even would turn on the master if she tried to spare them.#i am owed better. i am owed the death you promised… i am owed the knowledge that you don’t care enough to save me… you know. something like#that.#even is. kind of. meant to mirror the doctor’s companions at the time. they are a martha who can’t leave him. they are a donna who has to#remember and never speak about everything they know. they are clara if during deep breath clara reached back and truly didn’t expect. truly#hoped. that no one would take her hand. because if they can be certain it will happen they can know never to reach again.#jesus christ. go to therapy boy. you have so many trust issues.#but that’s why they’re Like That with the master because at the end of the day. who is easier to rely on? the guy who comes in to put out#fires but only sometimes. or the guy who. really really fucking likes starting fires.#better to get burned hoping someone is coming or get burned knowing that’s what would happen. and even. chooses the latter.#AND ALL OF THIS. for me to say thats why i cant actually let the master ever kill them.#i think she needs to do something worse to even. i think she needs to abandon them.#and that will either set them free to go have healthy normal relationships or. lets be honest much more likely. completely fucking break#them. which would be fun :) for me.#dw oc
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
This might be an odd complaint but I really don’t like how people act like Byler endgame would just excuse every other shitty thing that’s been done to everyone but conveniently attractive presumably straight white men in this show writing-wise. I’d be more than happy to have Byler be endgame and I expect it, but the amount of racism that’s been brushed off is ridiculous in and outside of the show. The weird St*ncy moments this season, the fact that she doesn’t get a storyline related to her trauma. Even season three was incredibly white of them. Joyce not getting hardly any scenes with Jonathan and Will these recent seasons. All of it and more—it won’t suddenly go away and make everyone on that writing team geniuses. And this isn’t to sound ungrateful or anything, but it really is disappointing sometimes. They exceed tremendously at some points such as the Upside Down lore but as for other aspects…
not an odd complaint at all! the only thing byler endgame makes okay is the fact that they didn't use will's feelings to fix a straight couple. there's so many other things they got wrong, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that the people writing the show are white men. and white women. white people
NOTHING they do could ever make what they did to lucas right. having their one black character go against the little white girl in season 1 which resulted in people being racist to caleb irl, having billy literally get physical with lucas and say he's gonna kill him and then saying in an interview that they "think" that billy was racist like they didn't write it themselves, the fact that it's literally never brought up again...lol. i know stranger things isn't a "this thing that happened was wrong. let's talk about it and try to make it better :)" type of show but still. it's crazy. also this regarding erica in season four
and you don't even have to dig that deep to find things that byler endgame won't fix: like you said, stncy being pushed on us and on nancy again in season 4? 98% sure it won't be endgame but like. why did you have to put us through that. WHY. and yeah lol, remember when they brought nancy back to that pool at the end of volume 1 like they remembered she was traumatized by the death of her best friend and then...nothing happened? idk, it's just so weird
also, the byers being sidelined? for will i guess you can rationalize it and come up with great and convincing meta reasons as to why his character was sidelined in seasons 3 and 4 (which, yeah, fascinating, i will still hate it ten years from now, no matter how important to season 5 will is), but what about jonathan? what about joyce? how does one justify the fact that winona went from being the reason 75% of people older than 15 started watching the show to having less screentime than fucking jason in season 4? it is annoying when people act like byler endgame will make everything right and will make stranger things a perfect show because it really won't
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automatonknight · 9 months
thinking about patches joining the lovelies again. and by thinking i mean i'm mentally letting hart beat the shit out of him in my head
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luxrayz64 · 5 months
jill should leave kramer behind and marry me instead I wouldn't have blamed her for having a miscarriage and I would support her work trying to help drug addicts because I fully believe in and support her cause and I would have supported her through her grief because she lost that child too and she was the one carrying him and she was the one who was assaulted and I wouldn't have started fucking killing people because I am a well adjusted adult (TWENTY YEARS OLD)
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57sfinest · 1 year
I know this must be a weird ask, you don't have to respond if you want but how would a poly relationship work with Jean and Harry? Like in general, not really specifics about who is with them or anything just like how a dynamic would work when they are still in the very codependent relationship but then they both fall for the same person. Am I the only one who sees the similarities to Rene and Gaston(?), Like that's how their relationship will end up.
since you're specifying the codependency i'm assuming we're talking a pre-martinaise j/h so that's how i'll be answering. i can definitely see where you're coming from about rene and gaston with the whole "constantly bickering rivals who both repressed the fact that they loved the other" thing but i feel like describing j/h as "in love" (the way rene & gaston were described) is a little too generous for a relationship that is based first and foremost off necessity and convenience. however the end of the rene & gaston situation definitely feels like how j/h could have ended if they both lived to that age without killing themselves or each other.
anyway like... i can't see them being able to rope a 3rd person into their bullshit. not without heavy coercion or substance abuse or some complicating 3rd factor because they genuinely are so toxic and fucked up that idk who could possibly want to be in the middle of that. BUT if it did happen, you have to keep in mind that harry is in control in the j/h dynamic. jean can bitch and moan all he wants but at the end of the day, what harry says goes-- he's got tangible authority at work + he's a decade older than jean + that's just the way their personalities collide. so it doesn't actually matter if jean likes this hypothetical 3rd person: if harry wants them involved he's gonna get them involved. and i can't see jean as wanting anyone else involved, so it would almost definitely be harry forcing it with someone he likes and jean doesn't care for.
harry takes up all the oxygen in any given room so it's going to be jean + Hypothetical Third supplicating to harry, essentially, and jean is going to make it known that he is NOT happy about sharing, but he's gonna put up with it anyway because harry threatens to leave him if he doesn't (harry wouldn't actually leave jean, they're too deeply enmeshed, there's too much between them. but he has no problem threatening to.) and neither jean nor harry will ever say they're in a relationship because that would be GAY, but they sure act like it, because if one of them ever gets attention from anyone else, the other one will immediately get jealous and defensive and possibly try to drive that 3rd away. even if they managed to get a 3rd involved who they did both like, i still think they'd be like 80% about each other and maybe a generous 20% towards that 3rd, so the 3rd would have to tolerate that. i guess also calling back to rene & gaston yeah i could definitely see them trying to take the Hypothetical Third for their own, but they'd be doing that to make the other jealous, not because they actually wanted the Third. anything that happens with that Third will always have some element of "is he looking? what is he thinking? what is he feeling?" like in the end it will always come down to the two of them and no one else.
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cantofworms · 2 years
#should I write a drblr manifesto ahaha I promise it’ll be super#reminiscent and thoughtful and praise filled ahaha#not at all bitter and angry and overwhelmed and#fucking disgusted at some the weird ass people ahahahahaha#hmmmmmmm should I do that should I should I bc it was an epic time right !!! so epic so fun !!!! sosooooooo girly blogger parasocial girl#girl love everyone’s so nice and kind and we’re all a big happy family pls guys we’re the best !!!!#we deserve to take back the tags we’re all soooooooo normal ahahahaa right !!#we should all definitely live blog and bring hundreds of people to attention of this fucking criminal accusation that has nothing to do w#us bc we know nothing at all like what do we have to lose we’re all secretly aware of eveything pertaining to American law and how libel#work and and and and and and OH you know what we should DEFINITELY DO is ask BLOGS what our moral stand point should be !!!!!!!!!!!!#pack it up guys hari said dream bad and she knows him so much she’s basically his pr manager ahahaha#so silly but actually this random Girl behind a screen w a blog dedicated to mcyt should for sure be giving us constant updates of shit that#can’t be proven with thousands of other forces at play that !! we have no control over !! and never did !! and never wil !!!!!!#ahahaha also VERYONE needs be talking about this and doom posting and throwing around serious terms cause it’s not a big deal ahahaha !!!#dtblr is only three girl bloggers in a trench coat nothing matters and while not influence OTHERS on their opinion in the matter !!!#who also don’t know Jack fucking shit !!!!!!! same as us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!#surely this will have no remaining impact at least not on myself which is all that matters :(#I miss the community sm :( I can’t believe literally everyone is still here just w slightly altered blogs :(#but at this was a wake up call for me ahahaha I’m stepping back I was soooooooo crazy back then ahaha#so happy I realized#my evil ways and I can only better from this situation now god bless#anyway now I will go on and continue to post sad memes on my Beand New Blog and missing and mourning things……#hashtag sad hashtag girl#OH and also maybe repent my sins a little thro reblgoging someone’s else’s manifesto woopsy !!! ahaha#I don’t agree w %100 of op but this is how I’ve been feeling !!!#I definitely over reacted and contributed to a mass echo chameber of extreme anxiety and toxicity which will forever stain a large majority#of an alresdy massive fandom that’s constantly under hate !!!! oh well ahaha#at the end of the day things will never be the same….. did you hear me I SAID the community while NEVER come back#people are SMARTER now and wil CONTINIE to post their THOUGHTS because what we need more of is GIRL BLOGGERS OPINIONS because there’s NOT#enough to go around tag limit these r my thots if anyone cared ahaha ^_^
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jvzebel-x · 1 month
#sometimes i get really sad about my life you know? like. really sad about it lmao. for various reasons.#like it would be really cool to be normal. very often i just wish i was normal lmao.#but then i remember meeting this guy while i was homeless&he had everything that i late 20s/early 30s college grad would want#stable&well paying job in the field he actually went to college for#rented part of a banging a duplex that had a yard allowed dogs&was a five minute walk from downtown bar crawl area#had both one of my fave motorcycles-- an r6--&one of my all time dream cars-- a 6speed cts-v.#i presume a dating life from the tampons that were in his bathroom.#&yet. he was miserable from what i could tell lmao. &it was weird bc it was like he didnt realize that#until he met us lmao. i would be more annoyed by that. i was v annoyed by it at the time lmao. the amount of weird jealousy i dealt w while#fucking homeless+sick is disgusting&ill never forgive fucking anyone for it&a part of me will always be dead+rotted bc of it lmao.#but for him it was different in the way of. i could kind of understand it lmao.#he had come from a rough background from what i understand&was a success story.#&yet he clearly felt trapped in his own life. clearly felt like he was surrounded by things he should be more grateful for while none of it#filled the hole in him ppl like him are PROMISED success will fill. being apart of the status quo but on the good end will alleviate.#he had been in one accident&never rode his bike again. when i asked why he lied&told me the bike was unrideable bc he didnt know me lmao#&when i asked if there had been any damage past the obvious dent in the gas tank he got red+quiet+changed the topic.#he worked at some big bank&didnt bother trying to brag bc the one thing he DID know about me is that i am v anti bank+leftist lmao.#he considered himself a leftist too until he talked to me&realized he was actually v centrist in basically every view he had#&that centrism came from a desire to keep his privileges as a cis white straight man-- something that made him openly embarassed.#he used to deal thru college&when i met him he couldnt keep up w one round of dabs w me something that also obviously embarassed him.#he had surrounded himself w ppl just like him&was jarred upon meeting anyone outside of that bubble who wasnt a far right asshole.#&he didnt like what he saw about himself. &that was really obvious.#when we left his place after the brief week we were staying there he was literally in tears about how much he wanted to come.#to help&see where we ended up or whatever idk lmao. i guess im still actively annoyed by it lmao.#but i still get it on some level. when you reach the top&realize youre not fucking happy where do you go from there?#will a house do it? will moving to a different location for your same bullshit job do it? will meeting a girl exactly like you do it?#&when i want to be normal so bad it physically hurts i remember him&i think maybe things arent so bad lmao.#like it could be worse i guess lmao.
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arthur-r · 2 months
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actually so relieved to run into this weird vent art from like a week before my partner broke up with me and remember how i was actually profoundly unhappy when we were together. like i literally would have broken up with him within the next couple weeks probably. all it would have changed if he hadn’t broke up with me would be that a valentine’s day together would be a lasting painful memory. whereas our relationship is nearly managing to comfortably fade into background noise.
#this art is weird which is why i never posted it shdhdf but i figure it goes along with self-actualization/the silly stupid angel song#i remember the same time i drew this i had drawn a monster based off my now-ex (it’s in a notebook somewhere)#and i just kept drawing and giving it more evil attributes and thinking why am i doing this it’s supposed to be my partner#but like. my subconscious fucking knew. he was basically a demon feeding on my life force#anyway i’m a fan of the bloody keyhole in my chest cause that’s so real#i love when i write or draw something and then like. months later i finally get to the realization that i subconsciously clearly highlighte#like yeah he’s demanding symmetry from me (golden ratio) and fucking clawing to get to my secrets (keyhole) and expecting me to be this#idealized and appealing figure but also refusing to give me any actual affection in response like i’m just a fucking statue to stare at#and then idk i’m bleeding golden blood because WHY NOT shdhdf maybe there’s symbolism i figure out later but i think that part’s just rad#oh and of course a halo like from THAT ONE GUY WHAT IS HIS NAME paintings#i want to say like giorgio but that’s not right. WHO IS THE GUY WHO PAINTS THE GOLD HALOS#GIOTTO i looked it up it’s my best friend giotto!!!! i can’t believe i turned my back on him…. forgot his name…. anyway i love his halos#and i was halfheartedly emulating that while i was drawing shdhdf. so anyway that’s the story of this whole thing#but no it’s so good to notice that actually i was discontented and needed to break out of the pattern. cause like i don’t think i fully#understood that i’m ALLOWED to end something i’m not happy with. so even though i deserved to i wouldn’t have done it. so it’s a lesson now#i’m aware that it’s something i’m able to do and something that i should have done. and i’ll do it earlier next time. ANYWAY sorry for this#ex talk#vent cw#i’m so normal i promise. i’m actually getting really normal about it genuinely though. basically fine kinda sorta almost. shdhdhdf#anyway i hope everybody is doing well. sorry for just throwing stuff around every once in a while and being otherwise absent#lmk if you need anything anytime!!!! love and light /gen#me. my post. mine.#delete later#ask to tag
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ribbed-vault-heart · 1 month
🦇 fagnsfangs Follow
i dont want to start anything but @castlecrypttt has had the same familiar for 20 years and i dont think she ever intends to turn it...
🧛‍♀️ castlecrypttt Follow
"i dont want to start anything" then why did you @ me you braindead fuck?? willie has been with my family for so long because its his choice. he doesnt even want to be a vampire he enjoys being a familiar. and we take care of him, we give him as many flies and spiders and rats as his little heart desires. all you snobbish vampires who look down on having familiars dont seem to realize that its not a one way relationship. he helps us with our vampire needs and in return we protect him and give him lives. he's going to live far longer than whatever his normal human lifespan wouldve been, 20 years is nothing. and hes part of the family. keep out of our business you clearly dont understand
🩸 bloody-bloody-marie Follow
oh my g*d i cant believe there are still vampires on this site defending keeping familiars.
🧛‍♂️ fresh-blood Follow
genuine question, whats wrong with having a familiar?
🩸 bloody-bloody-marie Follow
are you seriously asking me about the ethics of keeping an enthralled servant that you force into doing your bidding...
🦇 fagnsfangs Follow
op here, i think youre seriously misunderstanding the concept of familiars. a lot of humans would love to have the opportunity to become vampires in exchange for a few years of servitude. the issue lies in when the familiar is promised vampirism and yet never gets it. and no, vampires shouldnt be using thralls to get their familiar to do its job.
🕷 blood-is-the-life Follow
familiar here, and no. i dont really care about becoming a vampire. that was never in the deal i had with my master. but yeah, do agree thralls shouldnt be used unless the familiar is okay with it
🧛‍♂️ vampire-guy-steve Follow
if you dont want to become a vampire then whats the point of being a familiar?
🕷 blood-is-the-life Follow
well for me its a sex thing.
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