#so now hes sending quinlan panic looks like what does he do?!???
gaily-daily-musings · 8 months
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If this isn't obikin at its core
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twilightofthe · 2 years
Obi Wan Kenobi Show Liveblog: Part III
Here we go starting TWO HOURS LATE because my stupid ass fell asleep trying to stay up for it
i fell asleep listening to my chemical fucking romance how the fuck does one fall asleep to MCR they are not a lullaby band xD
lskdjflsdkfk ANYWAY starting now
ahhh sir you’re as beautiful as the day i lost you (five days ago)
sorry i just love his face
and his voice
and him
just him
skdfjlsdkfk i forgot Reva shish kebabed G Quizzy
only pain will you find ahahA YEAH THANKS YODA
and WHAT AN ENTRANCE ok fine Anakin you did always know how to make it dramatic
lksdjfklsdfk “i don’t give a FUCK if anyone else died where’s Obi Wan” Anakin you’re the WORST i love you
yes obi wan teach anakin’s daughter about the force YESSSSSSSS
how does it feel when you turn on the light OOOOOOOOOF ;_:
ok now where tf are they this isn’t Alderaan
Kinda looks like Kessel?
Eh, a mining system, I was close!
*snorts* Obi Wan in full grieving crisis right now still trying desperately to be nice to Leia
Oho so the Inquisitors have their own fancy base or something?  Pff that’s cute
ok mr fifth brother just look forward to rebels yeah?
aight but that’s kinda ridiculous they’re sending out three probes for who knows how many systems?
lskdfjlsdkfk Obi Wan snappy and stressed and Leia’s just like “don’t worry I got you sweetie I’ll get us back”
leia i KNOW your parents told you not to talk to strangers you are a liiiittle too trusting methinks xD
either that or she’s just using her Force sense to read vibes
hmmmm mole man sounds familiar
obi wan dumbass put ur hood up around the troopers (tho i guess that could make them look suspicious)
damn leia you’re good
ehehehehe you see her mother’s or father’s face
Awwwww adopted kid bonding!!!!!
hmm i’m guessing he’s in no state for a mind trick right now!
aw fuck YEAH we stan a guy who can kick ass
he’s so hooooooooot
awwww baby leia noooo don’t cry
ugh i like this pretty lady but i feel like she’s gonna be murdered by inquisitor
hhhhh someone on tumblr has to translate that aurebesh
NED is a cutie and I love him
sldkfjsdlkfsdk literally everyone knows who Obi Wan is on first glance
Ehehehehehe Obi Wan’s horrified face upon looking at the suit is so *kisses fingers* THE ANGST
lskdfjslkdk never mind pretty lady’s gonna get murdered by VADER because he kills everyone and Obi Wan can’t have nice things
obi waaaaaaan u dumbass
he can’t look awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I’m still mad they’re meeting in person ngl but I do still so love seeing my boys interact!
ugh here we go
let’s hope it’s good
I AM WHAT YOU MADE ME jesus christ you can even hear the pure boiling rage in his voice through the vocorder
lol nvm Tala is gonna get killed by Reva xD
aight obes i get you’re in panic mode but HOW did you let mr tall dark and wheezy sneak up on you like that
awwww goodbye pretty lady, at least you get a hug from Leia before you die xD
hmmMMMM?  REVA BACKSTORY???  She was a Jedi!!!!!
aw yay at least Tala saved him first!
oh goddammit Reva xD
Leia’s gonna bite her hand I know it
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mandaloriandy · 3 years
For the WIP game, Obi-Wan Can’t Catch A Break, Can He?
[WIP Ask Game!]
Obi-Wan Can’t Catch A Break, Can He?
The Star Wars AU I’m Not Gonna Write: Time Travel, the Fuckening: Darth Searah 3.0
So time travel. Wham, blam, cosmic rays, everyone gains future memories. And! There’s a bunch of people who haven’t been born yet who show up out of nowhere. “I don’t understand why we’re the same age, you died years before I did,” Sabine Wren tells Ezra Bridger, when they meet up. On Kamino, everyone has a big ole freak-out before the medics yell at everybody to shut up and start getting their control chips out (and Kix, just in case, carefully does not mention the time he spent in cryo-stasis). “Hm,” says Shmi Skywalker, when her much-older-now son shows up to kill Gardulla and free her. “Things got complicated, didn’t they?” Ani doesn’t stop hugging her, so she can feel his nod. “I have some things to tell you as well, I think…”
Obi-Wan Kenobi is an initiate. This is, to borrow a phrase of Ahsoka’s, a big yikes moment. He would probably be freaking out about it more if everyone else was freaking out about it less, but as it is, there is nobody in the temple who is not halfway to a panic attack except for maybe Vokara Che, who is grimly sedating anyone who needs sedating, and Sifo Diyas, who is pointing and laughing and saying I told you so. So Obi-Wan does what anyone (he thinks) would do: he organizes his fellow crechelings to go give their various masters a slap upside the head (or, more likely given their current stature, a stomp on the toes) until they stop freaking out and start doing things.
This is not the interesting part of the AU. Just work with me, here.
Okay. So over the next few years, things become… weirdly normal? Like, nobody is pretending that Obi-Wan et al are as young as they are. But also it is very clear to everyone that they’re all still children, and have the cognition skills and habits of children. So people go off with their various masters (with only a few minor shuffles) and start doing missions across the galaxy. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (and Tahl and Yoda and Mace and probably a few others, for safety) swing by Tatooine, because they’re not gonna just leave Anakin there, but… well, he’s not there, and neither is Shmi. Plo Koon’s first stop is not Kamino (because trauma, and getting shot down by men you considered your family) but he goes there after he can’t find Ahsoka on Shili, and it’s just… empty. Palpatine has vanished. Great, everyone says. Now what.
Well, now problems.
The thing is, last time, by the time Obi-Wan had turned like seventeen, all of Qui-Gon’s friends were dead. They’re not, this time, and that’s wonderful (even though Obi-Wan is probably only like fifteen at this point so technically they’ve still got time.) The thing is, Qui-Gon is a maverick, and has never played by the rules, and knows how to play-by-the-rules-in-the-rules and also how to pretend. The thing is, the thing is… the thing is that when they had first started truly delving into this research, it was Dooku who had been following Qui-Gon’s lead.
It takes Obi-Wan Kenobi, oh, three months to figure this all out?
No, not quite. It takes Obi-Wan about that long to figure out that Qui-Gon is dangerously close to the edge of Falling. Unintentionally, he thinks. From trauma and sorrow and loneliness, he thinks. So he argues with the Council (he was once on the council) and they agree that he can keep trying to convince Qui-Gon not to Fall. Since technically he isn’t Fallen yet. He writes up all their mission reports, anyways, so he can just include an encrypted section with a status update on that. It’s Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu thinks. Surely he is the person best-placed to determine how safe or unsafe Qui-Gon Jinn is. Normally, he would be right, especially with a post-ANH General Kenobi. Unfortunately for him, Obi-Wan Kenobi is currently a teenager.
So a few years into this, when Obi-Wan is fifteen or sixteen, Quinlan Vos runs away. He Fell, his master says. Months later, when Obi-Wan senses a shadowed presence stalking him through the concourse of a space station, he just sighs and gets an extra cup of caf, then sits down on a bench until Quinlan just comes out and talks to him. Quinlan says that he didn’t know what to do – he’d Fallen before, and returned, but now it kept happening and he doesn’t know how to stop it. Quinlan says that he just thought he needed some time away for things to settle, but it hasn’t settled yet, and would Obi-Wan be willing to help him? Quinlan is lying out his ass about most of those things. Again, unfortunately, Obi-Wan is a teenager, and at this age he has a much harder time keeping his eyes off of Quin’s biceps than he should. (Also, well, Quinlan knows Obi-Wan, and knows that this is exactly the kind of narrative that Obi-Wan is looking for, because it’s the kind of narrative he’s desperately trying to find with Qui-Gon, had desperately tried to find with Anakin. Quinlan Vos, at this age, is a bit of an asshole.) Of Course I’ll Help You, Obi-Wan says. Let me just tell the Council– You can’t tell the Council! Quinlan says. Half of them died before the Clone Wars even started, they… I’m scared they won’t understand… he makes his eyes go wide, he bites his lip, he lowers his lashes. Okay, Obi-Wan says.
Quinlan’s not that subtle, though, so Obi-Wan figures it out in just a month or so. A month of him traveling around with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. And learning Obi-Wan’s routine. Like, when he sends the Council updates. And what kind of things he puts in them. Oh, fuck, Obi-Wan thinks, while Quinlan has him pinned to the floor, his lightsaber clipped to Quin’s belt. Then, he thinks again. It’s not as if Quin knows any of his passwords, or his encryption keys, or his separate decryption keys. Without those, there’s no way Quin will be able to use his datapad to send the Council false updates, so they’ll realize that everything has gone south fairly quickly. Quinlan shifts Obi-Wan to a one-handed grip (damn those biceps) and, with his teeth, pulls the glove off of his free hand. Oh, fuck, psychometry, Obi-Wan thinks. Yeah, he’s kinda screwed. “Don’t tell me you’re working with Dooku,” Obi-Wan says, as scathingly as he can manage. Quinlan rolls his eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m working with Skywalker.” he pauses. “I mean, Dooku’s also working with Skywalker. So. You know.” Well, Obi-Wan thinks, trying to be optimistic. If Anakin kills me then my force-ghost can go complain to Yoda, at least.
Obi-Wan has failed to ask which Skywalker is the one pulling the strings, here.
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hellowkatey · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 26
Prompt: Recovery
Part 2 of Day 25: car accident (read part 1 here!) 
Read on AO3
I Will Always Be Here: Part 2
The smell of antiseptic is making Obi-Wan dizzy. He stands in the doorway-- not of Anakin's room in the Hall of Healing, but of the door to the halls itself. From here he can watch the bustle of healers and padawans running about, all too pre-occupied with treating the sick and injured to pay attention to the bystander with red-rimmed eyes.
Except for one. A Mon Calamari in olive green and white robes, her silver eyes immediately falling onto him as she exits a room. Bant Eerin crosses the busy floors with ease, scanning over him in the usual healer fashion as she approaches.
"Hello Obi-Wan," she says, giving him a warm but tight smile. She moves to stand next to him, her back against the wall he's leaning against. "How is he?"
"Broken leg, dislocated shoulder, four cracked ribs, a hefty concussion, and lots of bruising and superficial wounds to go around."
She sucks in a breath. He can feel her gaze on him, but he stares forward.
"He's lucky," she says.
"No such thing," Obi-Wan sighs. "He shouldn't have even been there in the first place. I canceled our meditation for today because I had a headache. If I had just..." he lets himself trail off. Bant seems to take it upon herself to finish his sentence for him.
"You can't blame yourself, Obi."
"I don't blame--"
"But you do."
Obi-Wan draws in a slow breath through his nose and then lets it out again.
"You weren't there, Bant. I tried to stop the speeder as it fell but..."
"That takes enormous strength to overpower an out-of-control projectile. You did all you could."
"I couldn't stop it," his voice cracks like it did when he was a young padawan. Though his oldest friend is no stranger to seeing him shed tears, he isn't keen on drying in the middle of the halls.
"You did what you could," she reassures him, slipping her hand into his and squeezing firmly. "I saw the accident report. The height he was falling... Obi-Wan you very likely saved his life."
"We won't know that until he wakes up."
They told him Anakin's body is processing the trauma. He may sleep for a few hours or a few days, they aren't sure. It's the not-knowing that has Obi-Wan on edge. Though the reasonable part of his mind is telling him Bant is right-- Anakin would have perished in that ancient without his intervention-- he also is haunted by what could have been if he was not there. A shiver goes up his spine, reminding him of how numb he feels.
Bant's commlink goes off, paging her to her next task. She looks at him, as though asking permission to leave and do her job.
"I'll be okay," he says, giving her a small smile.
"I'll come to check on you in a bit," she promises. Bant pushes off the wall and starts to walk off to one of the rooms, but then she stops, turning around slowly. "I heard a rumor."
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. "The Temple does love spreading those."
"Two Trandosians walked into the Coruscant Police..."
"This sounds like one of those jokes--"
"They confessed to causing a horrible crash that a young boy was involved in. They were arrested on sight."
Obi-Wan stares back at her, nodding. "It sounds like they did the right thing."
Bant clicks her tongue, nodding back. "Though, I also heard they looked like they themselves were in their own accident."
"The Force works in mysterious ways."
"Hmm," is all she vocalizes before turning back around and continuing to her destination.
Obi-Wan watches her disappear into another room. Beneath the billowing sleeves of his robe, he rubs his thumb over the tender flesh of his swollen knuckles.
Anakin woke up almost a full day after his accident. He woke up, surprisingly, not in pain, and to his Master sitting at his bedside looking as though he didn't dare sleep for the entire twenty-three hours. He was wrapped in so many bandages it was difficult to move but was assured even without them, his range of motion would be limited.
"This is going to be a long road, Anakin," Master Kenobi had told him while rubbing circles over the back of his hand. With all the drugs coursing through his system, even that was a hazy blur.
The pain came.
A few days later, when he was released from the halls.
He woke up in the middle of screaming while his mind replayed the progression of him falling hopelessly into the ground. He woke up feeling as though his body was being crushed, and as it turned out, it had been. Somehow seeing his leg in a cast and nearly every part of his body wrapped in bacta strips hadn't quite processed in his brain as being painful yet. Obi-Wan ran in in his night pants and undershirt twisted halfway around his body.
"Anakin what is--"
"It hurts," he bellowed, feeling like a baby for his childish whines, but his leg felt like it was being broken all over again and every cut and bruise on his arms, legs, and torso seemed to be on fire. Though his master is an adult with a beard and sixteen years of life over Anakin, he can see the inexperience and uncertainty in his tired face. He isn't sure he's ever seen Obi-Wan seem so lost, but his eyes flickering around the room searching for an answer that isn't going to be in a teenager's bedroom shows the mild panic.
"Script.. where's your medicine, Ani," he says, with feigned calmness.
"Fresher," he says, screwing his eyes shut. He hears quick footsteps to their fresher, and the water running. The next thing he knows there's a glass being pressed to his lips and a cool cloth wiping away the sweat that has beaded on his forehead. Anakin swallows the pills, hoping for immediate relief despite knowing he will have to wait. Obi-Wan leaves the cloth on his head, brushing his hair from his forehead.
"Breathe, padawan," he whispers. "I'm here."
It's words he's heard before, he realizes. When he was lying in the wreckage, somewhere in the in-between of consciousness and unconsciousness, he heard his Master's voice. It didn't make sense before. How could his master have been there?
But as his wreck has flashed before his eyes many times since it happened, something occurs to him.
"You turned the wheel." Anakin rasps.
"You stopped the spinning. I heard you, Master." His room is shroud in darkness, only the dim light from the fresher to illuminate Master Kenobi's face, but it's enough to see the way he looks past Anakin instead of at him. "You were there."
"I really tried, Anakin. I was-- I wasn't strong enough to stop it."
The feeling of his pain melting away is a drastic shift. Anakin's eyelids grow heavy as sleep tries to pull him under. Before he does, he grabs his master's hand.
"I'm glad you were there, Master," he says, his words slurring into one another, but it's coherent enough. Sleep takes him.
Anakin still has a week before he's cleared again. A month out on medical, and he still has one more week. Though he's done four weeks of this already, a whole seven more days feels like forever. It's been a long month.
A very, very long month.
For all intents and purposes, Anakin thinks he's better now. He can walk on his leg, even jog if Obi-Wan isn't around to scold him for it. His bruises have all but faded, as has the pain. Why he has to wait so long to get back into his training is beyond him, and his master has offered no better answers than 'healer's orders, Anakin' or 'you may feel healed but some things take time'
Training to be a Jedi knight also takes time, but he doesn't seem so concerned about that, now, does he?
Anakin feels fine, and he won't fall behind for the sake of caution. Jedi take risks. When Obi-Wan leaves to go spar with Quinlan Vos, Anakin declines the invitation to come watch them, claiming he has some homework to finish. His master leaves--hesitantly. Anakin should have known homework was a poor excuse to pass up watching him spar, but he couldn't risk saying he had a headache or something and potentially push back his clear date.
He leaves the apartment, choosing the training sala that's the furthest from the knight's one. There are only a few other padawans milling about, most of them older that Anakin doesn't recognize. He chooses a station on the end that is difficult to see from the door.
The hum of his lightsaber is a sound he missed. He waves it around slow and steady to hear the buzz of the air around it getting caught in the energy field. Anakin raises it up into the first kata of form I and then moves through the different motions.
He moves through the motions, his body a little stiff but he remembers the positions well. After a few rounds, he fires up the training droid and turns it up to his usual intensity. Anakin bounces on the balls of his feet, feeling the first shot from the levitating droid before it emits from the electrodes. He moves his lightsaber to block it, imitating the second position of the form. Within seconds, the droid is sending out another shot, and then another.
While usually, this intensity is a warmup, Anakin quickly finds himself becoming overwhelmed by the rapid firing of the droid. His form quickly dissolves into frantic and sloppy blocks that send the shots in every direction. His cheeks burn a dark crimson, half from embarrassment and half from exertion at how hard his heart is beating right now. This was never so difficult! It's going so fast he doesn't have a moment to free his hand and grab the remote he stupidly left on the bench beside the sala. A few of the shots manage to break through his blocks, and he winces through the sharp jolts.
Come on, he thinks as he tries to concentrate on levitating the remote to him. The training bolts and electric shocks are distracting though, and the remote only shakes. He groans in exasperation, finally letting go of his lightsaber with one hand and stretching it out toward the remote. He is immediately bombarded with a rain of shocks that makes him stagger back.
But the remote finally soars from the bench, flying across the sala. Too fast. Anakin's eyes widen as it shoots toward him. He reaches out his hand but it sails past him and into the outstretched hand of Master Kenobi.
The training droid shuts down immediately, and Anakin drops to his knees, panting hard. He stares down at the ground, letting his too-long hair hang over his eyes so he can't see the disapproving look he is probably receiving right now.
"Padawan... what do you think you're--"
"I've done that level a hundred times," Anakin interrupts, staring at the deactivated droid. He has the sudden urge to cut it in two.
"You did that level when you were at the peak of your fitness," Obi-Wan says carefully. His voice is softer now. Anakin still doesn't look at him, but he hears him lower himself to the ground and sit across from where he kneels. "You are still recovering."
"I feel fine, though."
"Perhaps, but you must let yourself fully heal and then ease back into things. You will not be at the level you were before the accident. It will take practice, Anakin."
He finally looks at Obi-Wan. "I just want things to go back to the way they were. Where I could train and spar and stuff without feeling like a weak youngling."
"You will get there, Anakin. I know you certainly have the motivation to work hard and gain your strength back," he cocks his head to the side, his blue eyes looking over him carefully. "But you must also listen to yourself. Recovery from such injuries is not going to happen overnight."
"It's been a month!"
"Or even a month. There may be things you can never do as well again, and some things you will find could be easier now. Either way, you just have to adapt to the way things are now."
He sighs. His heartbeat is finally returning to normal and he slides down from his knees into a sitting position.
"There will be things I can't do anymore?"
"Well yes, take speeders out for joyrides being one of them."
Anakin rolls his eyes. "So I'll never fly again, is what you're saying."
Obi-Wan smiles and shakes his head. "I'm not an imbecile, Anakin. I know how much you like flying and I know you've been doing this for a while... thinking I don't know."
His eyes widen. "You knew?"
"Yes. Just like I knew you certainly weren't doing homework this afternoon. You'd be surprised the things I let you get away with."
"Let me?" he echos in awe.
"Beside the point. You can still take the speeders out, Anakin," Anakin jumps back to his knees with glee, a huge smile spreading across his face.
"Really, Master?"
"But you must tell me when you're going."
"And always answer your commlink and keep your beacon on."
"I answer my--" Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. Anakin trails off, his cheeks flushing. Okay fine, "I'll answer my commlink."
"Good. Then we have a deal." The Jedi Knight rises from the ground, looking down at Anakin with twinkling eyes. "Care to practice some Ataru katas with me, padawan?"
"You mean--"
"I figure some simple katas can't hurt more than the electroshocks from the droid," he smirks. "And I won't tell Master Che if you won't."
The padawan grins and jumps to his feet. Already, he feels a new pool of energy filling his body. The Master and Padawan ignite their sabers and synchronously them back into the starting position of form IV.
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bardicindignation · 3 years
Oh oh oh oh for the meta !!!
#3 - What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
(I’m so curious because you have these super detailed world building set ups so I’m like ... is this ever the case for you??)
Ahhh thank you so much for the ask!!!!
oh gosh...(yeah I do go for the super detailed world building set ups, don't I? 😅😂) let's see...
Well, I'm sure if I really took the time to wrack my brains about this I could come up with several, but then I'd have to either choose or resign myself to a ridiculously long post so...alright, so, I have this star wars au floating around in my head right, and most of it is fairly serious, generally speaking, but it also contains these three (so far) scenes that are just complete and utter crackfic.
I've written a grand total of one (1) of them, which I posted on April Fools day and you can read here if you're so inclined.
As for the other two, I'm putting them under the cut bc this is still getting really long:
1) basically, I have this one scene where Ventress winds up killing Maul, then melting down his legs and then having them made into a tea set which she then gives to an extremely bemused Obi-Wan for his birthday (yes this is extremely weird, no, I don't know how the fuck I thought of it but it's strangely hilarious to me, so there you have it) which is ridiculous on it's own but then you've got
2) which is a follow up to the april fools day snippet, in which anankin-undercover-as-darth-vader convinces tarkin that Quinlan Vos is his own, entirely fictional, cousin Sergei who just so happens to look exactly like the definitely super dead Jedi Knight and who is also an extremely loyal informant for the empire. A few years later, a few more 'Imformant Sergei" incidents have happened (Anakin saw the opportunity to troll the hell out of Tarkin and ran with it; Quinlan is more than happy to facilitate this, and so is everyone else who's working with them. All incidents are recorded and safely stored to show ahsoka when they finally track her down) and what happens is this:
For leverage against the rebellion reasons, palpatine has ordered Princess Leia (roughly 15 years old at this point) taken hostage by "Vader's" "sith" apprentice, Mara Jade (who's been secretly actually Anakin's second jedi padawan since she was about seven, which Leia is aware of but Bail isn't). Rex (who is completely unaware of the whole "massive undercover rebellion right underneath the emperor's nose" thing and therefor the fact that leia isn't actually in much of any real danger) goes to investigate and try and rescue her.
Stuff happens, Palpatine orders Mara to kill Leia and Mara (who had already been planning to fake her own death, bc as she grew into her strength in the force, Palpatine had started paying more attention to her which was getting dangerous. she'll join luke and obi wan in secretly living in the secret rooms in "Vader"'s star destroyer lol) explodes the building that she was holding Leia in, successfully faking BOTH of their deaths.
Rex runs into the girls on their way out, and when a group of storm troopers spot them he decides to head them off so that Mara and Leia can escape.
This turns out to not be immediately necessary, bc said storm troopers are actually Cody and an assortment of other de-chipped clone troopers. Cody gets as far as explaining that to Rex, when Tarkin shows up.
He, predictably, zeros in on Rex bc he remembers him from the clone wars and doesn't like him and because he's Tarkin, he decides to order Cody to take off his helmet and execute him.
Cody, obviously, isn't going to do that and goes with the only option left to him: break his cover. So he and his troopers all draw their blasters on Tarkin, at which point Tarkin calls his own troopers to surround them.
Then he starts monologuing: blah blah glory of the empire, blah blah, traitor, blah blah, 'if only you demonstrated the same loyalty that Informant Sergei does without any kind of programming.'
That makes Cody snort, and Quinlan, who's been lurking this whole time waiting for an opportune moment, can't possible pass over the dramatic entrance potential and reveals himself like, "hah, bitch you wish!" and blows his OWN cover.
So Tarkin is about to lose his shit, Cody's panicking, Rex is both panicking and completely confused, at which point Anakin-as-Vader along with a bevy of stormtroopers who include Appo, Boil, Kix, the 212th's medic, and Obi-Wan shows up.
Cue Rex's confusion and panic squaring itself when this, for some reason, makes Cody relax.
Tarkin's like, "Ah Vader, you're just in time to assist me in doing away with these traitors"
And internally, Anakin's like 'fuck fuck fuck' but externally he's like, "Traitors? whatever do you mean?"
And Tarkin tells him what just happened and Anakin thinks fast and goes:
"Oh, yeah they're definitely not traitors, they have until just now been on an important mission for me among ancient...sith...ruins! And it appears that they have all been exposed to a sith toxin which causes confusion, aggression, and muddled loyalties."
And Tarkin maybe buys that? but either way, he goes,
"Well, in that case, they're useless to us now, so we might as well put them down and be done with it."
And Anakin, maybe panicking a little, goes, "Do you really think that I would send such valuable assets into such a situation without having some kind of treatment on hand?"
Tarkin: Oh, and what treatment would that be?
Anakin, mind going blank: Medic, tell the Grand Moff about the cure.
Kix, trying to murder his general with the force of his glare alone underneath the helmet: Yes Sir. The...only cure to such a...toxin...is...a...special tea! Brewed...in the...legs of the vanquished enemy of...the ancient and powerful Jedi...Ben."
Obi Wan, Anakin, and everyone who still has the benefit of a hemet: *tries not to laugh audibly but are about to rupture something containing themselves*
Rex: What? the fuck?? is happening???
So, Tarkin buys it, and Anakin and his men 'subdue' Cody, Quinlan, Rex and co. and bring them back to their shuttle, where Mara, Leia, and Luke reveal themselves and they explain everything to Rex, who at this point is more or less certain that this entire day has been some sort of bizarre fever dream.
And I'd love to write the whole thing out! but to do that and have it make any sort of sense I'd have to write just...so many chapters of context and everything leading up to it which is...a lot of stuff. So maybe I'll get to it eventually, but it's not event the first star wars au on my list of stuff to write, not even taking into account all the stuff for other fandoms, so it's probably going to be a long time until I get to it, if I ever do 😅
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CHINESE HOROSCOPES 2020! Fruits Basket Style
The Rat - “You're done. Put that down and get out.” - Yuki Sohma
Other Rats: Lymantria Khan, Mateo De Alva
Congrats. It is the year of the rat. The Rat horoscope 2020 predicts that you may be filled with a vague feeling of dissatisfaction even though things will go quite well.He is loyal and devoted to his friends and rather protective of them. He is not really romantic and often is really good friends with his lover. At times he can be mean, stubborn, and narrow-minded in his view but it is merely his way of being a perfectionist and his need to live by his own rules.
Don’t listen, then, to the insidious little voice that will incite you to see things in black. Look at your life with serenity: You’ll realize that, in fact, you’ve absolutely no serious reason to complain or even to worry. Celebrate the many good things you’ve been given.
The Ox - “A mystery...” - Hatsuharu Sohma
Other Oxen: Perry Flynn, Merida Dunbroch, Berlioz Bonfamille, Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, Charlie Little, Alana Triton, Keaton “Buster” Palmerteri 
2020 will certainly be a lucky year for those born in the Year of the Ox. You’ll be relaxed and feel good about yourself, The Ox chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that in order to amplify the good celestial influences of the year and lessen the negative impacts, it will be in your best interests to take stock of your life and to hatch out new projects. and this beautiful balance will have happy repercussions on your love life.
Some of you might accidentally encounter some supernatural events that are beyond one’s imagination. Whether such meeting is a good omen or not is to be established in the near future. But certainly it brings a new chapter into one’s life. As long as one has an open mind and does not keep thinking of negative consequences, then the situation should be under control. If still in doubt, then one can choose to totally ignore it.
The Tiger - “When I’m...with Onee-chan...I feel warm inside...” - Kisa Sohma
Other Tigers: Kanga DeRosa, Thomas O’Malley, Calliope Harper, Olafur Önnuson, Gregory Eeyore, Marian May, Sindri Dyrsson
Tigers are set to reap the benefits of the Year of the Rat; career and education, in particular, will be the areas to focus on for the next few months. Be confident in your abilities. Use your talents for good; loyalty and intelligence will get you far. On the other hand, health and relationships will not have such a positive outlook. You will need to be sensitive to your well-being and others’ if you want to have a good year.
The Rabbit - “But...I think...I want to live with all my memories. Even if they're sad memories.” - Momiji Sohma
Other Rabbits: Kiara Lyons, Shannon “Shock” Adamson, Bambi Basurto, Sora Hamasaki/Roxas, Reed Fisch, Elyon Brown
The Rabbit horoscope 2020 predicts that in general, the outlook is positive. However, the year will be marked with some tense configurations. In order to preserve your serenity, it would be in your best interest to adopt a well-balanced lifestyle at the very start of the year.Be careful about your diet, and think of getting more fresh air; indeed, you’ll tend to live too much indoors, forgetting to walk or to maintain contact with nature. There’s a whole world out there for you to explore.
The Dragon -  “No I was simply too amazed by your stupidity to say anything.” - Hatori Sohma
Other Dragons: Imelda Rivera, Sun Park, Roscoe Sykes, Jake Long, Marie Bonfamille, Deb DamselBu, Oliver Twistes, Fflewddur Fflam
The Dragon horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you will become more sure of yourself and assert your originality, especially in your career, where your qualities will be acknowledged by your superiors and colleagues. But you’ll also have the tendency to adopt overly radical positions at times; try to be more moderate.Beware: By refusing to make concessions, you’ll antagonize even those who only want to help you! Expect luck to smile upon you.
The Snake - “So send me your desire. In the service of my fellow students, I am prepared to receive!” - Ayame Sohma
Other Snakes: Kristoff Bjorgman, Violet Parr, Isabel Flores 
The Snake horoscope 2020 predicts that your personal evolution will be highlighted by the Stars this year. You’ll discover new things that interest you and you’ll better understand the direction of your destiny. Many of you will be attracted by all that is related to spirituality. Your natural generosity will express itself usefully in the service of others. Think about this if ever you have an important career choice to make.
The Horse - “And if when everything ends, nothing is left in my hands...that's alright.” - Rin Sohma
Other Horses: Willis Tibbs, Marzel of Coronado, Marisa of Coronado, Gaston Lacarriere, Ralph O’Reilly, Lucius “Lock” Adamson, Ashley Spinelli, Mei Qin, Dash Parr, Haley Long, Urchin Owens, Ashle Boulet, Ashleigh Quinlan, Ariel Triton
The horse horoscope 2020 predicts that the year may be marked with important surprises. Now, as a native of this Sign, you abhor the unforeseen. Nevertheless, it will be in your best interest to act quickly if changes come to disrupt your career schedule. Given the favorable astral configurations of the year, such modifications will play in your favor, on the condition that you take up the challenge. Don’t be doubtful of your abilities; you’ll find the necessary resources within yourself to make the most of changing conditions.
The Goat - "STUPID WOMAN! Always stealing our alone time." - Hiro Sohma
Other Goats: Terra, Nala, Terence, Attina, Ella, Simba, Meg, Finn, Roo, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Ashlee T, Nemo, Wilbur
The year of the Rat will be full of highs and lows for Goats. Having enjoyed a relatively stable previous year, they should expect 2020 to be more dramatic.Goats will have to work harder than usual to capitalize on great financial opportunities during the first half of the year. These resources should then be saved to prepare for the difficult years of the Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit.
In the second half, Goats may face some serious problems that can last a while. These obstacles will require strong persistence and commitment from them. However, they should see this as an opportunity to grow and bring out the best in them. As long as Goats remain optimistic throughout the year, everything should turn out fine.
The Monkey -  "I'm a complete failure. At everything I do, I'm absolutely worthless. I know this, and yet I continue to burden the human race with my presence. “ - Ritsu Sohma
Other Monkeys: Celia, Henry, Jake Rogers
The Monkey horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, you’ll have to make concerted efforts in order to get what you want. Important changes can take place at home or at work, so you need to be prepared. It would be ideal if you could remain confident when you actually feel like sweating. If you act rather than panic, you’ll find brilliant solutions and you’ll triumph over difficulties. Be convinced that life is made of renewals and that upheavals are useful because they allow you to make progress.
The Rooster - “I alone am free. I could go anywhere I please. I could love whomever I wish.” - Kureno Sohma
Other Roosters:  Marlin, Iseul, Adella, Belle, Artemis, Apollo, Jim, Sally, Georgette, Chase
The Rooster chinese horoscope 2020 predicts that this year, your focus will be on the sectors related to relations with others. Thus, it will be in your best interest to think of other people more. Whether in your work, love affairs or family life, don’t make any decisions without foreseeing its consequences on those around you. Good fortune will smile upon you if you put your family and friends first.
The Dog -  “Sometimes I think the whole world is conspiring to destroy my house.” - Shigure Sohma
Other Dogs: Reza, Hera, Minnie, Sarina, Melody, John, Elena
People born in the year of the Dog won’t have to complain about the stars in the year of the Rat 2020, for they will have good luck in most areas of their life. You will need to be patient and tenacious at work. If you’re wise enough to adapt yourself to new challenges that arise, you’ll strengthen your character and develop two key qualities — the art of negotiating and the ability to make sensible choices.
The Pig - “I will forgive him right after I kill him!” - Kagura Sohma
Other Pigs: Hercules, Dodger, Mitte, Jane, Wendy
2020 will be an extremely lucky year for all the people born in the year of the Pig.The pig has the last position among the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. The Pig horoscope 2020 predicts that the astral climate will lighten. After a rather chaotic year, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself. However, there are still lessons to learn. First of all, show yourself to be extremely reasonable in all domains of your life. Next, vow to be more selfless. Finally, the more willing you are to modify your plans at the last minute, the better you’ll fare in all aspects of your life.
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myurbandream · 7 years
Sentinel Wars (2/?)
I finally cleaned up Obi-Wan’s POV from the Star Wars / Sentinel crossover I started., so here it is!
Part 1 | Part 2:
Obi-Wan’s first coherent thought, when he realizes what's just happened, is indignance - Plo never said it felt like this.  The Force is pushing at him, twining around him and Captain Rex, pulling them together in a manner not unlike the creation of a Force bond.  He feels awash in Rex’s emotions, drowning in his presence in the Force and hyper-aware of every point of contact between them.
(mobile users, there’s a cut here!)
At least Obi-Wan isn't the only one taken aback; Captain Rex joins one of the clones behind him in a slew of quiet cursing, and all of them are gathered close around the Captain, twitching and muttering and generally looking baffled at what just occurred.  Anakin is staring open-mouthed back and forth between them.
Obi-Wan tries to settle his racing heart and immediately realizes that he can’t, or at least not easily - he’s having a sympathetic reaction to Captain Rex’s carefully contained panic.  He reaches out a hand for a calming touch, at the same time easing serenity into the bond forming rapidly between them.  That idea backfires, however, the minute his fingertips touch Captain Rex’s bare wrist - skin contact creates a flare in the Force that's so bright he can actually see it with his eyes, not just his mind.  Obi-Wan immediately jerks his hand away, but not before Rex jumps at the sensation.  Both their heart rates soar a little higher.
“Did you see that?” Anakin yelps.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan manages to reply, swallowing hard against the fluttering in his stomach and the way his heart is trying to leap up into his throat.  Captain Rex is obviously trying to calm down, but the clone is still radiating shock and unease in Obi-Wan’s mind.
He looks over the Captain’s shoulder, at the clones who have his back.  He doesn’t want to deprive the Captain of his support system - literally, in this case, since they’d kept Captain Rex from collapsing to the deck a few minutes ago - but the two of them need to have a conversation, and Obi-Wan would prefer it to be as private as possible.
A compromise, then.  “Gentlemen,” Obi-Wan tells the gathered clones around them, “I would appreciate a moment of privacy, if you would be so kind.  Anakin, Cody, please stay,” he adds, before anyone can start to protest.
Cody shoulders his way through the crowd to the Captain’s side and puts one hand on his elbow.  The other clones linger supportively around Rex for a moment before they step away, and the room slowly empties out.  Cody leans in, murmuring in the Captain’s ear, something too soft for Obi-Wan to hear - Sentinel-soft, and that is definitely going to take some getting used to.
Of course Obi-Wan had known it was possible for Jedi to bond with one of the Sentinel-clones, but somehow he never thought it would happen to him, not now that they’re so many months into the war.  Plo had bonded with his second, Commander Wolffe, within half an hour of meeting the man, and then it was Quinlan, and Luminara, and then three Knights Obi-Wan was only passingly familiar with, and then somehow within the first few weeks they’d had several hundred Jedi suddenly acting as anchors for Sentinels under their command.
When it hadn’t immediately happened for Obi-Wan as well, he’d thought he was in the clear.  For Force’s sake, he’s spent the past couple months practically living in Cody’s pocket; if Cody wasn’t going to sync with him, why should he worry about the possibility from any of the other clone Sentinels?
Except apparently that was faulty thinking, because here they are.
“Is this what I think it is?”  Anakin asks as the last of the other clones leave the room.
Obi-Wan just nods, watching as Cody talks with Captain Rex.  They’re within arms’ reach of him and yet he can’t hear a word they’re saying.  He doesn’t want to intrude on their conversation, but he does want to make sure the Captain is alright... if that’s even possible in these circumstances.
Cody is standing close, one hand on Rex’s back and the other gripping his elbow gently, his head tilted down, talking slowly and firmly, eyes on the Captain’s face.  He looks serious, but also calm and supportive.  Cody is like that with all the younger troopers under his command, acting as a protective older brother.  It’s a trait Obi-Wan has immense respect for.
The Captain hasn’t taken his eyes off Obi-Wan since their hands first touched, and Obi-Wan meets that golden gaze evenly, trying to remain impassive in the face of the Captain’s visible anxiety - hunched shoulders, teeth gnawing at his lower lip, eyes a bit wide even now, and his hands clenched into fists at his sides.  The clone’s emotions are shining like a beacon to Obi-Wan’s Force senses.
He tries again to reach Captain Rex empathically, sending a wave of calm through his own mind and down the bright, sparking trail of the bond that’s formed between them and then for good measure he radiates that feeling out around him, filling the whole room with a deliberate, meditative blanket of peace.  Obi-Wan forcefully slows his breathing, in defiance of his still-jumping heartbeat, holding Captain Rex’s eyes with his the entire time.  The Captain mutters something to Cody that makes the Commander glance at Obi-Wan with raised brows.  Cody gives him a curt nod of approval, still murmuring to his brother, too softly to be heard.   Captain Rex’s breathing slows to match Obi-Wan’s, and his heart stops pounding quite so madly in his chest.
“Better,” Cody pronounces at normal volume, looking between them.  He gives Obi-Wan a stern look.  “Although from now on it needs to be you talking him down.  You can’t help him from over there.”
“Of course,” Obi-Wan agrees, feeling the bite of shame at his own hesitance. Cody is right - he needs to be an anchor for the Captain, not just stand nearby like a nerf chewing cud while Cody does all the work.  He steps closer, reaching out with his hand again, and is gladdened when Captain Rex reaches back, touching their fingertips together.  There’s no blinding flash of Force-light this time, but instead a warm tingling that feels like bubbles under his skin.  Obi-Wan pulls his hand away slowly, rubbing his fingertips together and looking back up to the identical brown eyes of the two clones.
“I don’t know how to be a Sentinel’s Guide,” Obi-Wan tells them both plainly.  He knows the basics, from his anthropology classes as a Padawan, and he read the hastily-assembled packet of information about the clone Sentinels that went out in the first month of the war, when the bondings started happening by the dozens each day, but it’s obviously not enough to really understand how his life is going to change now.  “I know it’s a vital part of your existence, and I want to learn how to be what you need, Captain.  I’ll need your help, your advice - both of you,” he says, including Cody in the request.  “This is new territory for me, but you’ve lived with these abilities your whole lives.  Tell me what you need, and I’ll do my best to help you.”
“We’ll-”  Captain Rex stops, swallows, clears his throat.  “We’ll figure it out, sir.”
“What does this do to the command structure?” Anakin interjects, hovering at Obi-Wan’s side.  “Are you gonna have to separate from the 501st, Rex?
Obi-Wan has to fight the urge to curse out loud, even as he feels a spike of panic from Rex.  He hadn’t even thought that far ahead, but Anakin is right.  Captain Rex might be the only Sentinel-clone synced to a Jedi who is not immediately adjacent to him in the chain of command.  That complicates things immensely.
The Captain - Major, if Anakin is serious about promoting him - needs to be with Obi-Wan, but he also needs to be with his troopers.  If he’s that apt to a command role, it would be a waste to remove him, especially if there’s a position that needs filling and the Captain is qualified for it.  And it wouldn’t be right to make Captain Rex some kind of honorary Commander, or to jump him up to take someone else’s position in the 7th Sky - Obi-Wan refuses to replace good soldiers out of favoritism - but that leaves Rex with no purpose other than tagging along after Obi-Wan like a youngling at their parent’s workplace, on the off-chance that he might be displaced by his senses.
“Captain,” Obi-Wan ventures quietly, thinking through the problems as he speaks.  “How long since your senses manifested?”
“Five years and three- no, four months, sir,” Captain Rex answers promptly, letting none of his worry show in his voice or face.
“And you’ve not had any problems with your senses before now?”
The Captain looks away and bites his lip for a moment, and Obi-Wan feels an upswing in anxiety from him, but then he squares his shoulders and meets Obi-Wan’s eyes firmly.  “Not too much, sir.  I’ve zoned out a few times since the war started.  Only once during a live combat action.  Back on Kamino, a few times a month ever since I manifested, but it’s not hard for any brother to shake me out of it, sir.  I’ve been functioning just fine on my own.”
“Is that likely to change, given…”  Obi-Wan gestures vaguely.  “Given what’s just occurred?”
Captain Rex shrugs and looks to Cody, who shrugs back at him.  They have a silent conversation of minute facial expressions before turning back to face Obi-Wan.
“Normally I’d say no,” Captain Rex answers him.  “For two brothers- I mean, two clones synced together, there’s no physical damage or increased instability from being separated.  Being partnered together isn’t a… a constant need, it’s for the safety of the Sentinel during combat.  We’re war clones, sir.  In a fight we can’t afford to be stuck in our heads for even a few seconds, or we’re dead.  A partner is there to snap you out of it before you take a blaster bolt to the face.  Synced partners can rouse their Sentinel a lot faster than any other person, that’s all.  But for a clone and a Jedi...” the Captain trails off, frowning thoughtfully, and finally shakes his head.  “I don’t know for certain, sir.”
“Then what do we do, Rex?” Anakin asks, worrying at the clasps of the glove on his right arm.  “I don’t want to lose you as a Captain - or a Major - I mean, obviously, you’re doing great, I want to keep you - but I don’t want you to get killed because you don’t have a partner, either.”
“That’s your choice, Commander Skywalker.”
Cody opens his mouth with a scowl, but Obi-Wan beats him to it.  “Actually, Captain Rex, it’s your choice.”
“I don’t get to decide what my post is, sir,” Rex protests, but it’s half-hearted.  Obi-Wan can see him thinking, working through the implications that Obi-Wan just considered himself.  It’s a messy problem, and Obi-Wan might have the final authority on the solution, but-
“I refuse to dictate your life any more than I already do.”  He holds Rex’s eyes, putting steel in his voice.  “If you want to stay on with the 501st, you can.  You’ll keep your promotion to Major, if you choose to accept it, along with any other commendations you earn.  It’s your risk to take, and your right to decide how you want to live your life.”
“And if I decide not to risk it?”
“Then I will find a place for you,” Obi-Wan says firmly, although he’s not remotely sure what that place might be.  Cody and Captain Rex both look skeptical, but the Captain nods his acceptance of that promise.  He chews at his bottom lip for a moment, considering.
“Do I have to decide right now, sirs?”
“No,” Anakin says forcefully, and Obi-Wan shakes his head in concurrence when the Captain looks to him as well.
“Decide now or later, it doesn’t matter, and whatever you decide doesn’t have to be permanent,” Obi-Wan promises.  “You can change your mind.  Stay with the 501st if you want, and if things change, I’ll always be happy to make a place for you.”
After another minute of deliberation, Obi-Wan can feel when Rex makes a decision - uncertainty coalesces into determination in his mind.  Rex takes a fortifying breath and looks between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
“I’d like to spend some time with you, General Kenobi, if that’s alright,” he says firmly, belying the hint of nerves Obi-Wan can still feel from him.  “I want to make sure I’m properly synced with you, and figure out the limits of what I can do.  After that… I’d like to return to the 501st.  If you can afford to lose me for a few days, Commander Skywalker?”
“I’ll keep your bunk reserved for you,” Anakin agrees, and then he grins.  “Actually, if you want to, you can pick a new one when you come back, because you’ll be a Major by then, at least if I have anything to say about it.”
Captain Rex manages a small smile at that.  “Thank you, Commander.”
“If that’s decided, we’d best go about our duties.”  Obi-Wan nods to Anakin.  “Padawan, take the rest of your men back to the Resolute and we’ll coordinate our hyperspace route.  We need to check up on the outposts along the route to Kamino as well.  If the Separatists are ahead of us on the way to Kamino, we need to know about it.”
The four of them leave the briefing room, where Anakin goes left and collects the crowd of officers in blue-painted armor that are waiting in the corridor.  They watch but make no comment as Captain Rex follows Obi-Wan and Cody to the right, heading to the bridge of the Negotiator.  Cody and Rex fall into step behind him, perfectly attuned the way all the Sentinel clones are, but Obi-Wan still feels the tug of Rex’s mind, catching his attention the way Cody never has.  The background hum of an empathic Force-bond is comforting in a way Obi-Wan doesn’t want to examine too closely.
He knows Sentinel-Guide bonds are lifelong, but still, he doesn’t dare let himself get used to it.  Obi-Wan has a bad habit of becoming too attached for his own good.  He doesn’t need another complication like that in his life.
~~ to be continued??~~
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tvtheorist · 6 years
Episode 4: Brother From Another Mother
MONTY is in his room and he is doing his magic on the keyboard with FREYA, FELICITY, FINN, RAVEN, BELLAMY, OCTAVIA, ANYA, and JACPER there. FELICITY is helping MONTY.
Suddenly COULSON and PIKE come into the room with campus police.
JASPER: Excuse me? What is this?
COULSON: We're here for your friends computer.
MONTY: You can't do that.
FINN: He has rights.
FELICITY: Yeah stop.
They are coming to confiscate MONTY'S computer and everyone is putting up a fight about it. They end up arresting MONTY, JASPER, and FINN as it gets really heated.
OCTAVIA: Stop it let them go! You have no right!
ANYA: Let them go!
PIKE: I suggest you all stop unless you want to be next.
They leave on that note with everyone else looking at the door pissed.
The selection committee, MONTY GREEN'S folder is slammed down onto the middle of the table by DR. MAY.
DR. MAY: MONTY GREEN is a 22 year old first generation Korean American student here at Cornell. He received his bachelor's in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Environmental and Sustainability sciences. He is a current master's student here at Cornell in Evolutionary Biology and Atmospheric Science.
SINCLAIR: MONTY one of the more brilliant candidates we have in both computer sciences and in engineering.
PIKE: Yes he is brilliant but his skills are more dependent on the electrical grid. The type of community we are testing is one that would be without electricity.
DR. MAY: His skills may use the electrical grid now that we have one but trust me, Tycho's skills are not dependent on anything but himself.
COULSON: Shall we take it to a vote? Those in favor….
MAY and SINCLAIR'S hands shoot up followed by GRIFFIN, KANE, and finally BEAUREGARD. Again the decision is 5-3. MONTY'S folder gets added to the board next to the others selected.
Everyone left in the room, FELICITY, ANYA, OCTAVIA, RAVEN, BELLAMY, and FREYA. They are all looking at each other and it's clear they've been talking about what to do.
FREYA: What can we do?
RAVEN: They aren't going to do anything.
ANYA: We just saw them get arrested RAVEN.
FELICITY: Yeah by campus police. Those rent-a-cops can't do anything.
BELLAMY: I hate to agree with FREYA but really what can we do about it?
RAVEN: They kick them out we all quit.
Everyone is looking at her like she's insane except FELICITY
FELICITY: I agree.
Everyone is still skeptical.
RAVEN: Guys, we have to stick together. Besides, none of this would have happened if we didn't ask MONTY to hack into things for us. We have to stand together.
FELICITY: She's right. They won't let us all quit. They need us. Plus we have a right to know.
FREYA: We have a right to know. So does everyone else.
She has a creepy smile on her face. RAVEN was looking some type of way taking a stand with FELICITY by her side.
Inside COULSON'S office the three boys sit in front of COULSON'S desk. He is looking at them sternly. PIKE is standing by his side looking sternly at the boys too.
COULSON: So tell me…Why the sudden interest in my private email's MR. GREEN?
MONTY: I don't know maybe your wife hired me.
PIKE: Excuse you?
COULSON: Listen here young man you're in serious trouble. All three of you will get kicked out of this program.
FINN: going to make us disappear like the others?
COULSON: I have the power to do whatever I want.
Suddenly JASPER shakes his head and stands up going for the door. Everyone else in the room looks at him confused.
COULSON: MR. JORDAN where do you think you're going, I'm not done with you yet.
JASPER turns to look at him and PIKE.
JASPER: Yes. Yes you are. Because if you were really going to do anything you'd have already done it. Plus our friends know everything we do so if we disappear you really don't think they'll tell everyone what you've been up. You don't think they'll tell everyone about Operation Wild Fire?
JASPER opens the door and then looks to his friends who are shocked stunned by JASPER'S badassness.
JASPER: Come on guys. Let's go.
The two boys get up and leave with him. Out in the hallway FINN looks to him friend smiling.
FINN: When did you become a badass?
JASPER: I guess right now.
They continue on their way looking back once to see if they're being followed. They aren't.
It is the selection committee and KANE has just placed JASPER JORDAN'S file in the center of the table.
KANE: JASPER JORDAN. Twenty two years old. Received his bachelor's here at Cornell in Chemistry and in Chemical Biology with a minor in Sustainable Energy Systems. He is a current master's student studying Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
KANE: I know he's a bit of a class clown but he knows his stuff.
PIKE: I have to admit that it does seem kind of pointless to have MR. GREEN and not MR. JORDAN.
The others nod in agreement.
JASPER'S file get's added next to MONTY'S on the yes board.
COULSON enters a room and sits down at a table, all the other faculty are already there.
COULSON : Okay, well, the buses will be in front of the dorm tomorrow night at 10pm, we're going to be taking them out to -
BEAUREGARD: Are you sure that's a good idea?
ABBY: Considering this sickness going around. I just told all of you just a week ago. I didn't tell you what is happening after they die. We shouldn't be sending them out there right now.
COULSON: We need them to focus. This is something that the government and the CDC are sorting out. We have to stay on schedule with the program, we don't need them to be thinking about this, plus out there in the woods with no one around for miles is better, they won't have to worry about this sickness.
KANE: But it's spreading at an alarming rate. There are reports of this infection in over a dozen states already. We've lost students who have returned home to look after loved ones who are sick. They won't have contact with anyone while they're out there.
BEAUREGARD: Not to mention, what if they do get the sickness, they will all be out there with limited resources.
PIKE: We'll have the drones. We'll be monitoring the students, plus they'll find the supplies for building a radio and then they'll be able to communicate with us whatever we can't see with the drones.
BEAUREGARD: I don't know. I just think that this isn't the best time for a practical.
COULSON: Well, the apocalypse doesn't always come at the right time either. They need to learn how to adapt.
BEAUREGARD: That's my point Tennyson, what if this turns into an apocalyptic event and we're sending them to their deaths.
NIA chuckles.
NIA: I think you're letting this program get the best of your mind, QUINLAN. Virus's like this spread all the time and everyone always makes a big deal about them and they turn out to be nothing.
ABBY: Yes, but did you not hear me. After they die from this virus, they come back, that is when they get violent, that is when they attack and bite, and the sickness goes on and on.
KANE: We heard you Inez, we just aren't buying it. That's literally something out of a horror film, come on. Maybe their heart rate just drops so low the monitors aren't picking it up. But the dead do not just get off a table and start eating people, I'm sorry. That's insane.
PIKE: Amen!
BEAUREGARD and ABBY just look at each other with concerned looks, it's clear they are on the unpopular side.
At the seminar the next day we see JASPER and MONTY there with FINN, FELICITY, FREYA, ANYA, RAVEN, BELLAMY, and OCTAVIA. When the teachers all come in they all stand up. COULSON beings to address everyone trying to ignore them.
COULSON: Welcome students to your fourth seminar.
He sees they are still standing He turns to them
COULSON: Will you all please sit down.
They don't.
COULSON: What is it?
They pass a computer to FREYA. FREYA looks at it and reads off it.
FREYA: …Operation WILD FIRE is becoming a success. I daresay the lowest populations will surely be wiped out before you know it.
COULSON: Stop this right now!
ANYA: (Louder now) Population control will no longer be a factor.
COULSON: This is nonsensical.
OCTAVIA: (Louder) The global economy will skyrocket. The IOP program will institute their plans and hope will be restored.
BELLAMY : Is this what we all signed up for?
FELICITY : The virus has a 100% mortality rate. It's already killed over 70 Cornell students and over 670,000 people worldwide.
RAVEN: When they die they are tossed into piles forgotten about as if they weren't even people.
FELICITY'S mother, DR. ABBY GRIFFIN is looking at her daughter feeling betrayed but FELICITY doesn't look like she feels guilty at all.
BELLAMY : Is this what we all signed up for? To be responsible for fixing the mess COULSON and the others professors have started? Is this really what we want our legacy to be? We thought all of you should know the truth and decide for yourselves.
The class is in a panic and speaking rapidly and loudly COULSON is stunned he doesn't know what to say or do but stand there and look dumb. BEAUREGARD sees this and decides to step up and speak to the students. He does a whistle to get their attention first.
BEAUREGARD: Thank you for informing ALL of us. Now that we are all informed it is up each and everyone one of you to decide what to do with the information. We can tell the school create a panic or we can work together to come up with a solution. A way to make all this better. A way to fix it. MR. BLAKE is right. You didn't sign up to clean up after us but unfortunately in an apocalypse you are cleaning up after someone's mess. This will be good practice.
The students all are in agreement with BEAUREGARD and FREYA even cracks a small smile.
In BEAUREGARD'S office, BEAUREGARD sits at his desk working when BELLAMY comes in.
BELLAMY: Why did you ask me here?
BEAUREGARD: Because it is evident that the students listen to you, look up to you.
BELLAMY looks confused.
BEAUREGARD: COULSON still wants the practical to continue as planned. Meaning that tonight at 10pm all of you will be bused hours away into the Catskill's and left to your own devices.
BELLAMY: Is this a joke? So much for trying to fix what has happened-
BEAUREGARD: I don't like it either…that's why I've asked you here.
BELLAMY is still confused. BEAUREGARD reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out something and places it on the desk in front of BELLAMY. It's a gun. BELLAMY is looking at it stunned.
BEAREGARD: Maybe it is a good thing they're all going out into the middle of no where. Maybe in thirty days this will all be over.
BELLAMY: Do you really believe that?
BEAUREGARD: I don't know what to believe anymore but I know I want to keep FREYA safe. I want to keep all of you safe. So I'm giving you this gun to protect her, to protect all of them. I know you two aren't friends but promise me. Promise me you'll keep her safe.
BELLAMY looks at the gun for a moment before taking it in his hands.
BELLAMY : Why me?
BEAUREGARD: I see something in you that I don't see in the others. Do you know how to use one?
BELLAMY nods slowly looking at the gun in his hands. He did just kill someone he thinks after all.
This scene opens with FREYA knocking on BEAUREGARD'S house door. He doesn't answer but she can tell he is home. She uses her key and enters, she sees her cat in a carrier and her pink hunting bow along with a bag of her things BEAUREGARD places down. FREYA is hurt, she doesn't understand what is going on. BEAUREGARD looks mortified to see her there.
FREYA: What is this? You call me over just to kick me out?
BEAUREGARD: No, it's not what it looks like.
FREYA: You know I actually thought you wanted to work on things. To work on us but I guess I was wrong. I came here to apologize for before but clearly that was a mistake.
She begins to grab her stuff but he grabs her arm and pulls her into a long kiss. She kisses back but once it's done she is looking at him confused with tears in her eyes that won't fall. He certainly has tears too and his are falling.
She takes her stuff angrily but confused too and she leaves.
FREYA shows back up at her dorm living room and RAVEN, JASPER, MONTY, FINN, ANYA, and FELICITY are there waiting for her. They see her come in with bags.
RAVEN: What is all that?
FREYA: My stuff. Packed and ready for me when I got there.
JASPER: So I'm guessing you didn't get any information out of him about our supposed practical?
FINN gives him an elbow.
FELICITY: Are you okay?
FREYA: Yeah. Fine. Whatever.
Suddenly MURPHY and BELLAMY come into the room. BELLAMY sees the cat inside it's carrier and so does MURPHY but what MURPHY doesn't see that BELLAMY does is FREYA wiping tears from her eyes.
MURPHY: What is that?
FREYA: A bow.
MURPHY : No, not that. THAT!
He's pointing to the cat. FREYA ignores him.
BELLAMY: What's going on?
FREYA: Nothing that concerns you.
Suddenly there is an alarm sound ringing through the halls and the power goes out. They look out the window and there are three large buses they see COULSON and the other staff standing outside
COULSON: You all have ten minutes to pack whatever you think you need. Your first practical starts tonight. Let's go.
Everyone looks at each other with terrified looks.
RAVEN: They can't seriously be sending them on their practical now!
BELLAMY: It might be for the best. Maybe all this bizarre stuff will have passed.
They all go to get their bags and ANYA goes up to FREYA.
ANYA: Are you really okay?
FREYA: No. BEAUREGARD and I are really broken up
ANYA: Are you sure he just didn't want you to be focused
FREYA: then why pack my cat?
ANYA looks sad for her friend and they go to get the rest of their things.
Everyone is getting onto the buses, OCTAVIA sits down next to RAVEN and they chat while everyone else is getting onto the bus and they are watching them.
OCTAVIA: Where do you think they're taking us?
RAVEN: I don't know, probably a state park or something, They're going to be watching our every move with drones, leaving us to our own devices for thirty days.
OCTAVIA: I bet we won't last ten.
RAVEN: You thinking Stanford prison experiment?
OCTAVIA nods. RAVEN smirks and looks around.
RAVEN: Who do you think will crack first?
OCTAVIA looks around at everyone as they are driving. She stares at her brother who is sitting next to MURPHY a little longer as if she is worried he'll be the first to snap.
Up where BELLAMY and MURPHY are sitting on the bus they are chatting.
MURPHY: This is going to be like a thirty day vacation where we get to do whatever we want.
BELLAMY: We can't.
MURPHY: Who says? Look I'm just saying someone has to be in charge
He raises his brow at BELLAMY
MURPHY: It's whatever you say boss. If you say whatever we want they people will follow. It's not fair they sent us out here. Not now. Not with everything that's going on.
BELLAMY: Why me?
MURPHY: People listen to you. Plus all the girls would do anything he said just because they want to get with him and now that you aren't with BROOKE anymore-
He sees the look BELLAMY is giving him.
MURPHY: I'm just saying.
He looks to the back of the bus and so does BELLAMY and they see STAVO and BROOKE canoodling.
MURPHY: Move on. They have.
BELLAMY turns back around thinking about MURPHY'S words.
Everyone begins to get off the buses at their campsite and we FINN with JASPER and MONTY and FELICITY. There is a platform built in the middle of the campsite so they can build a house or structure there. MONTY is looking over the camping gear
MONTY : We've only been given 25 tents. Theirs 100 of us.
JASPER : Correction. 92.
MONTY : Still. How are we supposed to all sleep?
FINN: We'll have to triple up until we can build a structure.
FELICITY: Well let's get the tents passed out because daylight will be here soon and we should get some sleep.
They do that.
We see BELLAMY setting up a tent for himself and STAVO comes over to try and talk to him.
STAVO: Come on man we've been best friends since sophomore year.
BELLAMY: Yeah well best friends don't sleep with each other's girlfriends. If you liked her you should have told me.
STAVO: Would you have really backed off?
BELLAMY: I can get with any chick I want, I would've let you have her. I don't need to be with anyone who isn't into, just me.
STAVO: You know she really cared about you.
BELLAMY: Yeah whatever. Sure looked like it.
There is a silence for a moment before BELLAMY spots two girls nearby.
BELLAMY: Hey. RACHAEL, CAMILLE? Since we have to triple up how about you two stay with me?
They nod and giggle before starting to walk over. BELLAMY looks over at STAVO.
BELLAMY: See. Like I said, any girl I want.
STAVO stalks off mad. BELLAMY just continues putting up the tent in front of the girls with a big smirk on his face.
ANYA and FREYA are putting up their tent with the help of BECK.
BECK: He probably just wants you to focus right now. I wouldn't worry about it. Anyone would be crazy to break up with you.
ANYA: Uh, do I have to remind you that you broke up with her sophomore year.
BECK: I did, but there were different circumstances then
FREYA catches his eyes and she looks guilty and he looks almost angry but just for a second and then BECK looks past FREYA and at BELLAMY.
BECK: It looks like someone else is newly single too.
FREYA and ANYA look over at BELLAMY who is flirting with the two girls and even has his shirt off now. He enters his tent with the two of them. FREYA still has the look of guilt on her face.
ANYA: What a pig.
They get back to putting their tent up.
The next morning FREYA is looking through her bag to see what BEAUREGARD packed for her she sees that he packed her some clothes, tarps, survival stuff also cat food which makes her laugh. She then finds a tablet. She looks at it curiously.
FREYA: What's this for?
She turns it on, and of course there is no Wi-Fi so it is essentially useless.
It is BECK who enters the tent.
BECK: Hey, uh, we're going to go through the supplies, want to give us a hand?
FREYA: Oh, yeah, I'll uh be right out.
She tosses the tablet to the side and leaves the tent to go help.
BELLAMY and the others are going through the supplies. RAVEN is there, along with NYSSA, BECK, ANYA, FELICITY, FINN, OCTAVIA, MURPHY, MILLER, and EMMA.
BELLAMY: They only left us enough food for week at most.
FELICITY: Well we're supposed to be here for thirty days I guess they want us to figure out what we're going to do for food. They've given us a little seed.
RAVEN: Will anything grow that fast?
FELICITY: Not really. We'll have to hunt, FREYA, good thing you got your bow.
FREYA: We should still plant, to be safe. You never know, they say thirty days but they could mean sixty.
FINN: Good point.
MURPHY: They left us building tools, but no materials.
NYSSA: You're the civil engineer, I thought that would be an obvious one, they want us to get our own materials.
JASPER comes up to them
JASPER: No electricity, no signals on our phones, nothing works.
ANYA: Now that's a true apocalypse.
FREYA looks curious, she is looking through the stuff.
FREYA: Do they think this is a game?
MILLER: Haven't you seen the drones flying around our heads. This is a game to them.
Everyone shares weird looks.
JASPER is working on something. It looks like a still. FINN comes up to him
FINN: Are you working on what I think you're working on?
JASPER: We'll be drinking within the week.
JASPER and FINN share a smile.
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