#so uhhh i hope this is okay for you dearie~)
blazeoflife · 2 months
@ochazos sent: ❛  no one here deserves to die except for me and the monster i created.  ❜ / end portion of the game angst....
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At first, Junpei knew he had to keep his temper in control. The night before, he could remember pushing Makoto into the nearby cabinet on the ground floor, angry at Makoto for having Ryoji inside of him for years. He had to nurse his cheek after Akihiko punched him hard to knock some sense into him.
Last night was the first night, and only night thus far, where everyone was losing their mind and falling apart. Fuuka crying, Ken sobbing--it brought him back to reality and realized he was a dumbass for causing so much trouble. Hell, if he had a nickel every time he did dumbass stuff, he would have two nickels at this moment.
Sitting in the dorm's living room, watching as Makoto walked passed him, Junpei knew everyone was scared shitless about fighting in general. Including him. He winced in pain as he removed the ice pack from his face, giving it some space to breathe, as Makoto said something to him.
"...no one should have to die, Makoto." He pointed out, placing the ice pack on the table in front of him and glaring at his friend. "Too many people I've known has died." Junpei pinched the bridge of his nose, quickly removing his fingers as the pain from his cheek radiated up to his nose. A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned back on the couch, his head tilting back, unable to look at Makoto.
"This might sound stupid coming from me, but why do you have to beat him? You don't have to do this shit alone."
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nikkiiiscute · 4 months
One Headcanon for everyone one in the neighborhood! (Except for u Home D:<)
Note that this is when everyone was still alive / human sooooo yeah.
🍎Wallace would sometimes weirdly talk to the puppets and would call them by his friends' real names. Example : "Julia's hair is soft today, Right Barnabus?... Yeah she's like a.. Hair master, hehehehe" "Said something about my hair? uhhhh.. Dory (Dory is a nickname for devil dorelaine) said not to touch the puppets during lunch... Hello? Wally?"
🐶Barnabus likes to have an airhorn to sneakily sneak up and it's kinda like this, "BWAAAAAHH!! hahahaha, I'm never getting tired of Aira" "*huff huff* First.. YOU KNOW I CAN'T STAND NOISE!!! Second... You.. Named your airhorn Aira? Third... Your paying for my book.. Do you have a 50? Thank you." "Aaalright alright sorry, Ayy how ya doin lil buddy?... Ehh.. Wally?"
🌸Julia would often give people nicknames that are fun (and may or may not be from Jonas (Jonesy) heres a look. "Hiya Bya! Sup Franko! You too Eeedee! Hello Popsie, good day to ya! Lookin good Barney! Howdy Howdy! Oh hi walls, Said something about my hair? uhhhh.. Dory said not to touch the puppets during lunch... Hello? Wally?"
☀️Byeol / Sally will come up with episode concepts with sammy Julia as they got a good story to tell and would show it to Dorelaine as an Episode Proposal kinda like this, "Ronald Dorelaine, What do you think of our most Astounding, Most Remarkable episode?" "Hope ya like it Dory! I like a new side character move in :>" "Oh just in time! What is your Creative Brain thinking about this Spectacular Script huh Wallace?"
🦋Frank will always have a book or two during Lunch Breaks so they can keep up with entomology / lepidoptorology while on the job, Why not we take a look? "Hiya darling, What's the new topic? Is it okay if I can see?" "It's about Chimeras, It's a rare thing with butterflies that can give them Asymmetrical Wings and yes dear, you can see the pages" "How you two lovebirds doin?" "Hiya Howdy, Doing great. Say, Do you know any sneak peaks for the new episode?" "Nada, But I got one more readin' buddy! Say, How'd ya like to know things about my favorite bug? ay Wally? "
✉️Eddie is clumsy in work, It's obvious that Byeol added this trait cuz he would ACTUALLY trip on set. Here's a nice preview. "Hiya Frank! I got the package ya- AAGH!! oof!... I'm A -Okay!" "CUUUUTTT!!! Eddie, You really need to stop being a klutz or else it will fuse into your characte- Ohhhh! That needs to be written down, this WILL be added to your character! Now I'll just ask Dorelaine for approval" "Aaand there's my clumsiness fused into Mr. Dear. Which is actually kinda cool. Ya hands still sweating Wally?"
🐛Howard is the person that prepares the sets and Eddie helps out, I feel like Howard would be indecisive about how the layout of it should be, Heres a snippet. "Gee.. I-I dunno if the flowers should be pansies or marigolds..Uhhhh I think both! then it'll be the main focu- THAGHH!! I CAN'T THINK OF A LAYOUT!!" "Ay! ay! Calm down Howdy! ya just need some brain rest and actual rest, Ya stayed up 'till 4! I think the 'Bodeguero' thing is getting to ya head. So, Whaddya say?" "uhhh, Sure thing barn. EDDIE!! TELL DORY THAT I NEED A BREAK!! AND TELL DORY MS. PERDIZ'S NOT FEELIN' WELL AIGHT!?" "Got that covered!" "*heavy exhale*... Oh howdy - do lil guy.. Didn't notice ya Walls"
🐦Poppy is prolly the one with the sewing / repair puppets as she can do the job either at Home or Work cuz she's convalescent like my mom. So she's rarely in the Poppy suit and Voice Acting, That's why Partridge is rarely seen. Last part I swear. "Hello dearies, I'm back from my doctor's appointment." "Hiya mothe- I mean! Ms. Perdiz! How's your stomach doin?" "Doing well dearie! now, you said something about Mr. Darling puppet having a tear? Hello? dearie are you okay? Mr. Darryl? Wallace?"
❌ Samuel is dead, He has no info on him. We are so sorry.
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 years
Pack Tactics (Werewolf x Reader)
Pairing: Fem!Reader/Male!Werewolf
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Established Couple, Angst with a happy ending
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2896 words
Summary: You are in a wonderful relationship with your sweet partner, Gray. But this far into the relationship, you’ve yet to tell him you have no intentions ever of having kids. You can’t help but wonder, how will your child-loving werewolf boyfriend will react?
Request: I live for very specific comfort! No pressure if this doesn’t inspire you or if you just don’t want to write it obvi.... but could I have a f!reader x m!werewolf where the reader is 100% sure she doesn’t want to have kids ever never ever in any capacity and is worried about how her werewolf bf is going to react, worried she’ll be dumped or something (ya know cause idk I feel like werewolves are built with a breeding kink and like into the whole having a lot of pups) there can be smut if you want!! I love me some dramatic angst comfort :)))))))
A/N: Sorry this took so long y’all, school and stuff has been kicking my ass. But writing this sweet little fic has been a nice reprieve from my work. Hope you enjoy!
“Alright, I’ll get the chicken, the asparagus, and the pasta. You’ve got the wine and the dessert?”
“Sure thing.”
The two of you nod, Gray stepping away from the grocery cart before you call out to him.
“And not one of those huge tubs of ice cream.”
Gray emits a dramatic whine, pouting.
“But the big one is 25 cents cheaper than those little pints. It’s practically free!”
You furrow your brow and pat him on the shoulder.
“Not if we don’t finish them, they aren’t. Now go.” Gray rolls his eyes, clutching his heart and throwing his head back. You playfully push him, walking away with the grocery cart and towards the deli section. You can see the top of Gray’s wild brown hair as he moves into the next aisle, his 6’5” form towering over all the little old ladies who usually crowd the store.
You’re browsing the chicken, trying to decide between 2 breasts or a full rotisserie, when a familiar sound reaches you.
“Oh! If it isn’t ____.” You forcibly paint a smile, fingers automatically clenched around the stellafoam package as you turn to see your next door neighbor Mrs. Star. Her teased, bleached blonde hair teeters on top of her head, bobbing back and forth with the clack of her neon blue heels. While you can respect the 60-year old for digging her feet in and refusing to update her wardrobe from the 80’s, her pension for gossip is a little less admirable. “Shocked to see you out and about, what with that big ol boyfriend of yours.” She says, blue eyeshadow crinkling into a wink and nudging you with your elbow. You wheeze a bit, quickly covering it with a laugh. “Back in our honeymoon phase, Richard and I barely left the bedroom. And he was half-way balding back then, not the babe-a-rama you got going over there.” Mrs. Star’s laugh reaches a pitch almost too high for your human ears to pick up, maybe even giving Gray 2 aisles over a headache.
“Well, y’know, gotta keep our energy up.” You wince, immediately berating yourself for that comment. Mrs. Star throws her hand up in a “oh, you” gesture, letting out another half-whistle half-screeching chuckle.
“Oh I do, honey, I do.” She sends you another dramatic wink, which you return with a shaky smile. The corner of your cart bumps into hers as you begin walking along the meat aisle, trying to forcibly end this interaction. But Mrs. Star pulls off an impressive turn with her cart and strolls alongside you. She does little to hide her wandering eyes, trying to piece together any juicy info from your groceries. “So, are you two trying for kids yet?”
The wheels squeal to a sudden stop, forcing you to choke on your saliva as the shopping cart’s handle digs into your stomach. You keep your gaze locked on the frozen steaks  and turkeys, already way past the chicken you meant to grab.
“Uhhh, no. We’re not really in the phase of our relationship yet.”
Mrs. Star clicks her tongue, pressing her hand to her chest in a show of embarrassment. “I’m sorry, dearie. Old habits you see, whenever a new couple moves in together I assume they’re halfway to the wedding already. You young kids like to take it slow, huh?”
You nod, hastily grabbing a package of buffalo wings, hoping for an excuse to escape this conversation.
Mrs. Star continues to walk by you, her cart blocking off any convenient means to leave unless you significantly pick up her speed. Her eyes glance over the sweats sat in a display in the center of the aisle, humming a small tune.
The end of the aisle is approaching, you’re almost home free! You ready your feet to book it with an excuse, but Mrs. Star clears her throat and begins to speak.
“Now dearie, I don’t mean to pry-”
What do you call these last 3 minutes, Star?
“But I’d at least pop on a ring on that finger soon. Someday someone’s going to snatch that boy up like a piece of meat, saying all the right things. Men got all those suspicions about over-the-hill pregnancies, his eyes might start wandering. That’s how my first divorce went, so I should know.”
You pull your cart to a stop, breathe catching as you look at Mrs. Star, shocked. You can handle some inappropriate questions, but to question your boyfriend’s loyalty and insulting your relationship is crossing another line. Your brows furrow with a simmering anger, your cheeks heating up as you're ready to let loose.
“Well, Mrs. Star, if you must know I have the most wonderful boyfriend on this side of the planet, and unlike your deadbeat first husband, he’s as loyal as they can be.” Mrs. Star looks at you, eyes widened and right hand halfway to grab a pack of oreos. You huff, pushing your cart away from hers and towards the cash register. Right before you leave her sight, you turn back to her with a simpering smirk. “Have a great day, Mrs. Star!”
Your heart is heaving with anger, prepping a rant to Gray about the horrible interaction you just had. On the other side of the store, you spot Gray, his curly hair all tussled, holding a large Rosé and a package of ice cream sandwiches. Just the sight of his back calms you a bit, excited for some delicious food and late-night cuddles. You jog a little towards him, but slow down when you see him crouch down, looking at something hidden from your sight.
You turn your shopping cart slightly, trying to peer behind his massive form, and freeze.
Gray’s sticking out his tongue, pushing up his nose, and making many more silly gestures to a baby in a stroller. The baby laughs, it’s chubby cheeks bright red as Gray blows another raspberry, thrashing its arms up and down with joy. The dad is laughing at Gray’s antics, leaning down and patting his kid on the head.
Gray promptly stands up, sending another big smile to the kid, before waving goodbye. The six-month-old waves back, uncoordinated and decidedly adorable. Gray laughs, turning away and walking towards you.
Your feet feel cemented to the floor, heart down in your stomach.
He’s a natural, you think, nausea building up in your throat.
Gray was the oldest of eight, not a large number for a werewolf family. You adored them, and they you, but Gray had a way of dealing with his youngest siblings. Whether it was letting them climb all over him like a jungle gym, or attending imaginary tea parties, Gray was a pro. He was the guy to cram himself into a tiny chair at the kids table, eating tiny cookies and cracking jokes. ‘Dad’ seemed to be stamped into his very being, the cuddly werewolf with a love of children. He’s any mother-in-law’s dream.
But all those sweet things turn sour when you think about what Mrs. Star said. Gray, moving on without you.
Gray’s eyes light up when he sees your cart, jogging over and holding up the bottle of wine like a prize.
“Hey!” He says, quickly sliding an arm around your waist and giving you a peck on the cheek. “I got your favorite, and those delicious mint-chocolate sandwiches.”
His happy voice and comforting touch help abate whatever it is your feeling, but the way Gray’s brow furrows tells you your  discomfort is present in your eyes. “Is everything okay?” His large hand comes up and rubs your shoulder. You give him a shaky smile, fighting away negative thoughts with a bat.
“Yeah, let’s go home.”
Wet fur presses up against your bare neck as you lazily stir the boiling water, Gray’s shifted muzzle now snug in the crook of your shoulder, the white flecks across his dark fur peeking into your periphery. Your free hand instinctively goes back to scratch between his ears, causing him to let out a satisfied huff, hot air blowing across your chest.
“That smells good baby.”
“It’s just salt and water Gray. The pasta’s barely al dente.”
Gray laughs, turning his head  slightly so he can press a small kiss onto your cheek.
“You could make even that taste delicious, ____”
You dramatically roll your eyes, pushing away his chin as he continues to peck and nip at your neck. After showering Gray always made sure to rub in some cherry-blossom leave-in conditioner into his fur. The artificial perfumes just lightly touch your senses, but the mental connection they have to Gray make them smell that much sweeter. You turn and give him a quick kiss on the lips, patting his shoulder once more.
“Do you mind setting the table? Maybe get started on those messy dishes?”
“No problem.” Gray mumbles, reluctantly pulling away from you and tugging up the towel that hangs loose on his hips. He barely needs to reach for your fancy plates on the top shelf, his chest muscles flexing and bicep taut. Even with his thick fur, you can see the bone of his clavicle which accentuates his long neck.
God, he’s so hot.
You think, smirking a bit as you continue stirring.
And all mine.
You hum, but the cheery mood you’re in quickly sours once you remember your conversation with Mrs. Star. That small seed of doubt seems to grow and leech from your chest.
2 years into this relationship and the two of you have only danced around the conversation of the future. You of course had agreed on living together, what your career paths looked like, even the potential of getting married in a couple years, but never kids. As two 20-somethings, you felt like you had all the time in the world.
But the thing was, you didn’t really need all the time in the world.
You didn't want kids. Even with your family or your neighbors needing that your opinion “might change some day,” you were confident in that decision. Not that you hated them, you just could never picture yourself being a mom. A fun aunt, maybe, but never a mom. It wasn’t even a point of contention in your own mind; The picture of you, your partner, and maybe a couple of pets thriving into your elders was bliss enough.
You sneak a glance to Gray, now clothed and back turned to you as he sets the table. He’s diligently folding the napkins into  fun shapes, a ritual he does every date night. From the hole in his jeans you can see his tail wagging, content as he hums to the low radio playing on the window sill.
A smile crawls onto your face, a small giggle escaping you as you watch Gray’s hips bob to the beat, silently mouthing the words. You snort as he does a dramatic little shoulder shift, Gray’s head whipping back towards the kitchen as you throw your hand over your mouth.
“What, don't you like my moves?” Gray says, shimmering his shoulders again, a large grin across his face.
“They could use some work, Kevin Bacon.” Gray clutches his chest, throwing his head back in mock pain.
“You wound me. After all these years, you would cut me so deep?”
“Sure would.” You turn back towards the simmering pasta, setting the wooden spoon on the rim and brushing your hands on your jeans. “Oof!” You squeak as you yanked away, Gray wrapping his arms around your waist, twirling you in a stumbling circle.
“And how ‘bout now, m’lady?” Gray simpers, eyebrow cocked. Your hands slap his chest as you laugh. He lets your feet back down on the floor, but keeps his arms locked around your waist. The two of you slow dance to the beat, and when the chorus hits, Gray gives his worst rendition possible. You bemoan and feign plugging your ears, but find yourself singing along anyway.
Everything about Gray is warm and bright, from his goofy grin to his excitable tail to his two left feet. He adds that pep of energy to your daily routine, pulling you out of an exhausting cycle for a quick jog to the beach or an episode of your favorite drama. Gray fills out all of those little spaces, makes them a little less gray.
Your head rests against his chest, feeling the fur through the fabric of his t-shirt as the two of you sway back and forth.
You want it to stay this way.
But that pestering weed squeezes your heart again, forcing images of Gray with a kid on his shoulders. Showing up to little-league football games with a big cooler and a “#1 dad” T-shirt. All those little moments, all without you.
You can’t fight the deep sigh, pressing your face even deeper into Gray.
Just let me have this. Just this moment, just for now.
“Ugh, I think my stomach is going to explode from excess-pasta.”
Gray huffs, laying his head on your lap as the two of you slump onto the couch. His tail wags lazily, flickering back and forth as his legs swing over the coach's side, his long torso bunched up as he curls into you. The fur of his head is soft as you twist your fingers into it. “But I gotta say, what a way to go out.”
You giggle, losing your thoughts in his soft fur. Gray lets out another deep breath, nuzzling his face into your hand. You brush over his cheek with your  thumb, admiring the cheekbone you feel just underneath.
But that burning question refuses to leave your mind, and you ask it without even thinking.
“Do you want kids, Gray?”
Gray’s eye’s stay closes, his posture relaxed as he sinks into your massaging fingers.
“Hmmm, maybe. Never really thought too much about it. Why?”
Your throat dries up, mind reeling. It wasn’t even a definitive yes, but your heart is still reeling. Your fingers pause and Gray's eyes open. He shifts his head when he sees the look on your face, concerned. “Babe?”
You nod, eyes still wide, trying to fight off the inklings of a panic attack. Gray pushes himself up on his elbows, paw quickly coming to caress your cheek. “Baby, is everything alright?”
You find the energy to breathe, and suck in deeply. Your heart begins to slow down as you look into Gray’s yellow wolf eyes. You dig your cheek into his large palm, smelling the perfume of his conditioner.
“Yes, sorry, I just-” You pause, taking another deep breath. “I ran into Mrs. Star in the grocery store, and-I’m sorry I’m overthinking things.” You mutter, patting yourself  on the cheek as to snap yourself out of your mood. Grays other hand rubs the back of your neck.
“It’s okay, baby, I’m here. Did she say something?”
“No-Well, yes. It’s silly, typical Star things. She just brought up how ‘ought to get started having kids, and it just-” You let out a shaky sigh, pulling away Gray’s hand with your own and looking him straight in the eye. “I don’t want to have kids, ever.”
In Gray’s eyes, you expect to….something. Confusion, disappointment, maybe? But instead, all you see is relief. Gray rests his paw on your thigh, squeezing it.
“_____, is that what you’ve been worrying about?” You nod, throwing your eyes back down, but Gray tilts your chin towards him. “If you don’t want kids, we won’t have kids. Simple as that.”
Your eyes widen and you pull your face back.
“Seriously? But-what if-”
“____, I grew up with eight siblings. I’m going to have to deal with more nieces and nephews then I can count on my fingers and my toes, I think I can handle not having kids.”
A weight lifts off of your chest and you slump forward into Gray, pressing your forehead against his clavicles as you let out a long, relieved sigh. He laughs, patting your back and kissing the top of your head. “I’m sorry you had to deal with this all day, I didn’t even realize you were so upset.”
You slap his chest, letting out another frustrated sigh. With him? No, but yourself, and Mrs. Star, for stirring up nightmares for no damn good reason.
“It’s not your fault, it’s mine for being so paranoid.” You press your chin up, pouty lips admiring your boyfriend's face. “I’m sorry for freaking out. She really got me into my own head.”
“No apologies needed baby.” Gray says, giving you a small peck. You send him a cheesy smile, chasing after his lips with a couple of small kisses. A low rumble growls out from his chest as you nip at his jawline. Behind him, you hear his tail begin to hump on the floor.
“Hmm, does that mean you feel better?” You nod, pressing another kiss into his pulse point.
“Yes, thank you for letting me get that out.” Another kiss, now on his Adam’s apple.
“Welp,” Gray says, quickly adjusting himself. In another second, you yelp as he picks you up by your butt, legs quickly wrapping around his waist, “Let’s give Mrs. Star something to talk about, hmm?”
You throw your head back with a laugh, clinging tight to his chest as Gray blows a raspberry into your neck. “That good with you, my lady?”
You nod, giving him another kiss on the lips as he carries you off into the bedroom.
Yeah, you have it good.
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gaylotusthatexists · 4 years
rises the moon - part one
Pairings: currently no major ones, but eventually parental moxiety and intrulogical, possibly either royality or roceit but haven’t decided yet 
Summary: After running away from home, Virgil find the Forest, where he is appointed as the new Lord of Spring. 
Trigger Warnings: running away from home, implied bad family relations
Word Count: 1500
A/N: Hello! This was written for the songfic challenge hosted by @sanderssidesfanfiction (which you can find the rules for here), based on the song 'rises the moon' by Liana Flores. Please check out the song, it's so good, Liana deserves more love honestly. Anyway uhhh I'm gonna try to update this every Friday, so far I've written the first five chapters soooo we're good for at least a month. But either way I'm very excited about this :D Hope y'all enjoy~
next || ao3
days seem sometimes as if they’ll never end 
Virgil readjusted his backpack and walked down the road, the sun rising over the buildings. He was leaving and he wasn't coming back. He had packed his things and climbed out the window, not bothering to leave a note - he doubted the people back there would even care. He doubted that they'd even notice he was gone.
He turned the corner and continued to stalk the empty streets. It was too early for anyone to be up - too early for him to be up, really. The cold hair hit his cheeks, a hard wind attempting to blow him to the floor. He pulled up his hood and held it in place, fighting against the wind. 
God, it had been five minutes and Virgil already wanted to go home. He wanted to get back into bed, where he was safe and warm, where he could sleep his worries away. But that just meant his worries would return in the morning. No, the best thing to do was go. He knew he couldn't run away from his problems, but at the very least running away would give him a chance to think. A chance to work through his problems. 
His stomach growled. How long had it been? Fifteen minutes? An hour? He wasn't sure. He was still in the city, he thought, but he didn't recognise this place. He hadn't really been paying attention to where his feet were carrying him, as long as he was away from there . People were starting to emerge from buildings, go about their days, so he must have been out for a short while now. 
He had to eat soon, though. He hadn't had any breakfast before leaving - which was normal for him, he supposed, but he also didn't usually walk this much. He glanced around the street, looking for anywhere where he may be able to buy supplies. 
Christ, he hadn't even brought any proper supplies with him. He had packed a couple changes of clothes, a wash kit, and a couple personal possessions, but hadn't once considered to bring food with him. He hadn't even thought of a plan - he knew he wanted to run away, get out of town, but had no plan for where he was going to go, where he was going to stay. It wasn't as if he had any friends he could crash with, or enough money to buy a place of his own. 
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, checking inside. A couple twenty pound notes and a handful of change. Not exactly enough to book out a hotel room, or even catch a train out of here. But at least he had enough to buy a few supplies. 
There was a corner shop at the end of the street. Great. They'd have food, right? He ran over, entering the store and looking around the aisles, trying not to alarm the cashier. He grabbed a few bags of crisps, some cereal bars, and a few bottles of Coke, taking them to the till. 
"That'll be ten pounds," the cashier said. 
Virgil glanced down into his wallet and took out ten pounds in change, a mixture of two pound coins, pound coins, and fifty pence pieces. The cashier looked somewhat annoyed at that, but nevertheless took the change and let Virgil go. He stuffed the food into his backpack, leaving out a cereal bar to eat as he walked. 
And walked. And walked. 
This was getting boring now. It would've helped if he had some music, or something, but he'd left his phone at home, for fear that they may try to call him. He wasn't about to let that happen. Still, he did wish he at least had an MP3 player, or something. They went out of fashion years ago. 
The sun was high in the sky now. Not high enough. It couldn't have even been midday yet. How far away was he from home? It must have been a good few hours by now. He could walk a good few miles in the span of an hour, but this city seemed to go on forever. 
He had to figure out where he was planning on going. It wouldn't be wise to just wander the streets, in the plain view. He had to at least get out of the city. Maybe there'd be a bus or something he could catch. Yeah. Where was the bus station again? 
After a few more minutes of walking, he noticed a bus stop down the end of the street. Okay, that was good. He could catch a bus there, hopefully get back to the station, and then plan his next move from there. He walked up and stood at the bus stop, glancing around anxiously. 
An elderly woman glanced up at Virgil, looking a little concerned. "Are you alright, dearie?" 
Virgil shot her a smile. "Yup. I'm good." 
"Shouldn't you be in school?" she asked. 
"Nope. I'm, uh, homeschooled," he lied. 
She frowned. "Well then, you should be at home, shouldn't you?" 
Virgil internally groaned. It wasn't up to this woman to run his life. 
"What bus are you waiting for?" she asked, after realising that Virgil wasn't going to reply. 
Virgil blinked. "Uh, the... thirty-seven," he made up, hoping that she would just back off. 
She hummed. "I think you've got the wrong bus stop. The thirty-seven doesn't stop here." 
Virgil tapped his leg on the ground. "Actually, I think you're right. Sorry. I'll be off." He walked away, mostly because he couldn't be dealing with any strangers talking to him. 
Maybe catching a bus wouldn't have been such a good idea, anyway. He had no way of knowing where he would end up - knowing his luck, he'd end up back at home, which was the last thing he wanted. So, he elected to continue wandering the streets, searching for a way out the city. 
He glanced down one street, noticing a field at the end. Interesting. That meant he must be nearing the end of the city. He turned the corner and walked down the street, hopping over the fence and onto the field. Maybe if he could walk to the end of this field, he could find his way to the next city over. Maybe to a small village he could crash at for a couple days. It was a better plan than anything else he could come up with. 
He imagined that he was trespassing by walking across the field, but at this point didn't care. He just needed to get out. 
But he was getting tired. His legs were beginning to ache, and his back was beginning to hurt. Maybe a short break wouldn't do him any harm... 
He collapsed onto the ground, taking off his backpack and setting it in front of him. He took out a bottle and began to drink, emptying the bottle in a matter of seconds. Wow. He must have been thirsty. He opened up a packet of crisps as well and began to eat, feeling somewhat satisfied once he was done. 
Virgil laid down in the tall grass, letting it consume him. It must have been mid-afternoon by now, the sun casting an orange spell over the field. He breathed in and out as he stared up at the clear skies, half tempted to close his eyes... 
When his eyes opened again, the sun had set, and the stars shone bright against the night sky. Christ, how long had he been sleeping for? He hadn't even noticed that he had fallen asleep. 
He had to get back on the move, even if it was too dark to really see anything. He zipped his backpack back up and stood up, continuing his journey across the field. As he walked, fireflies emerged from the grass, creating a trail of light behind him. He smiled a little, allowing himself to get caught up in the beauty of it all. 
Glancing back, he noticed that the city behind him was long gone, not even a trace in his vision. Looking forward, he couldn't find any signs of further civilisation either. Still, he walked. He wasn't even tired anymore, despite the fact that he must have been walking for the rest of the night, as the sun began to rise again. 
Eventually, he came across a forest, a line of trees towering above him. He stopped, glancing inside. Leaves swirled around his feet, the wind pulling him closer. He tried to resist at first, but soon found himself standing in the forest, the leaves only picking up the pace. 
He looked down, noticing something else swirling around his feet as well - tiny lights, multicoloured dots, or something... something flying, dancing around in circles. Probably bugs, some sort of weird mutated firefly, or maybe... 
Nah, it wouldn't be a fairy, would it? 
...would it? 
This place was weird. Virgil wanted to leave, but his feet would not budge. 
Someone stepped out the shadows. 
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important - Chapter 11: The Truth’s Demise
Yay!! I got it written! This took awhile. I have to leave shortly, so I hope you enjoy. The only thing I’ll say is I am writing Anxiety’s name reveal into the story because it was started before AA Parts 1 and 2. All chapters are below and taglist will be added soon. Enjoy!
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 – Chapter 6 – Chapter 7 – Chapter 8 – Chapter 9 -- Chapter 10
Words: 2,724
Ships: Eventual Logicality and Prinxiety
Everyone groaned. This was going to be a long night.
“This was a bad idea. I’m going back to the mind palace.” Just as Anxiety was about to dematerialize, Roman stopped him by unsheathing his sword and putting the flat of it across his chest.
“Not so fast! I have a solution. It’s just a door, right? And what do you do with doors? You push them open!” Roman began to stride up to the door.
“Roman! Don’t!” Logan and Thomas both tried to stop him, but because Anxiety stood closer to the royal-clad trait, he lunged managing to topple him over and prevent him from advancing on the doors further.
“Roman! No! You don’t push open automatic doors! The alarm could go off!”
“Ugh. This is the second time today we’ve been in this position. And what alarm? We aren’t even in the real world’s plane of existence. And what harm could it possibly do?” Roman managed to stand up lifting a flailing Anxiety off of himself and onto the ground, resuming his charge towards the door.
“Roman! Stop! You don’t-”
“Just let him be stupid.” Logan rubbed his forehead, the rest of the aspects and the humans watching Roman running up to the door and tried pushing it open. Contrary to popular belief though, nothing else happened. Roman’s smirk widened into a teasing smile. “Haha! See Anxiety? Nothing happened.” Anxiety’s surprised expression evolved itself into a smirk as he watched Roman trying to move the door in an attempt to get it open. “It. Won’t. BUDGE.”
Patton had been watching the whole thing silently, before getting an idea and bounding up to Roman.
“Patton?” Logan watched the moral aspect concerned.
“Hey Roman! Remember Toy story 2? How they jumped in front of the door to open it up?” And that’s just what Patton began to do.
“Patton.” Anxiety turned to look at the logical aspect and did his best to hold back a laugh at how irritated he looked.
“Patton, that won’t...well...obviously this isn’t working.” Roman motioned to his current position and abandoned his fruitless effort at the door, joining Patton in his jumping escapades.
On the other side of the sliding doors, Thomas was doing his best not to bust a gut at how stupid his fanciful and moral sides looked. “No seriously Thomas. What’s so funny?” Joan was quite worried for his friend, because he was laughing at something he wasn’t sure he believed was there.
Anxiety walked past the jumping pair and towards the door, a smile playing on his lips. “Of course only you would believe a disney reference.“ He placed a hand on the door, curiously resuming Roman’s earlier job. Unfortunately, it was then that fate decided to make Anxiety’s prediction come true.
The alarm sounded throughout the restaurant. Anxiety sprung backwards. Joan and Thomas groaned. “Welp we are screwed.��
Patton and Roman immediately stopped jumping and looked accusingly at their fellow aspect. “What did you do!?”
“I pushed it! Just like you had!”
“Roman already showed us, that pushing doesn’t work.”
“Guys! Shhh.” Thomas silenced his aspects as he assessed the situation inside the restaurant.
The sight was quite pitiful. Joan and Thomas weren’t even in the vicinity of the automated doors when the alarm sounded. So, to the waitress who had seated Thomas’s friends five minutes earlier, it looked as if the door had only malfunctioned.
The waitress rolled her eyes, left her station, and walked up to the two adults.
“Ugh. I’m sorry. It does this all the time.” After retrieving a key from her pocket, she walked to a control panel and used it to turn off the alarm in the restaurant. Luckily for the four aspects outside, she walked through the sensor causing the door to open. Almost immediately, they all filed inside, not wanting to waste another minute in the parking lot.
“I guess that’s one way to open the door.” Logan straightened his necktie, obviously quite peeved at Prince. “I was going to suggest we find a different version of the door that was open, so we wouldn’t have to go through this...mess.”
They all turned their attention to the main eating area inside the restaurant, that had flown into a panic as soon as the alarm went off. A manager quickly passed them and rushed in to notify the now standing customers that it was only a faulty alarm. The waitress to the right of them only chuckled nervously before grabbing them their menus.
“I’m assuming you are with the party that just walked in the door? This way please.” Joan and Thomas followed hurriedly, with the four sides trailing behind.
It wasn’t too hard to find their destination in the midst of the busy restaurant. The rest of their friends had found a table that sat six at the back of the restaurant. The sides huddled closely behind Thomas, taking care to avoid the people shuffling around to get food. Anxiety shuddered as he followed his crowd, thinking back to the incident with the alarm and how he so easily triggered it. He stared down at his hands as they twitched in uneasiness. He had a theory as to why it happened, but he would need to talk to Logan.
Logan...oh god...no he couldn’t. Not after the notepad incident.
Once they reached the back table, Thomas and Joan took their seats.
“Sorry guys.” Joan jokingly apologized as he sat down. “I thought I locked the keys in the car.” He lifted up his left hand holding said keys for them to see.
“It’s no problem.” Talyn said taking a sip of water.
“Thank goodness you didn’t! Or else we wouldn’t have a ride.” Terrance laughed, leaving Valerie the last to speak.
“Perfect timing! We were just about to order!”
The waitress came walking up to the table at that exact moment, with table commodities in hand. As she began to take order on the other side of the table, the four aspects watched Thomas expectantly, whom had accidently forgot why they were staring at him like that. “Oh! Umm...There’s a table for four over there and it’s kind of out of the way.” Thomas pointed to a table down and out of the way of the rest of the crowd. Logan nodded and lead the way, with Anxiety bringing up the rear.
“Thomas who are you talking to?”
“Oh his imaginary friends.” Joan joked earning a playful nudge from Thomas.
“Hey!” This earned a chuckle from everyone at the table including the waitress who had moved to the other side of the table, collecting menus from everyone as they ordered. Unfortunately for Anxiety, she had entered into the same area he was trying to escape from, clipping him from the side. The waitress stumbled and Anxiety fell to the ground, along with one of the menus he had knocked out of her hands on his way down.
“AH!” She cried out and looked down at exactly where Anxiety had fallen.
“Anxiety!” Thomas shouted quickly rising from his chair in shock. This gained the attention of some other people around the area as well as the rest of the sides, looking back at their fallen fellow facet. Anxiety’s breath began to quicken as he saw the people staring at Thomas from his sudden outburst.
“Thomas sit down!” At his command,Thomas felt the embarrassment of shouting out the name of his ‘imaginary friend’ and sat down quicker than he had stood up; A feeling of shame creeping up onto his face.
Valerie gave Thomas an odd look then acted upon the situation. Unable to see the darker aspect on the ground, Valerie got out of her seat and held out her hand to help the only person she could. “Are you okay? Ma’am?”
“Oh I am fine dearie. I appreciate your concern. I must have just...bumped into something…” Anxiety knew that she couldn’t see him, but the way the waitress stared down in his general area while she picked up the menu before returning to take orders just unnerved him to no end. Thankfully the moment had passed and others stopped staring to go back to what they were doing before. He barely had enough time to regain his breathing pattern, when he felt a sharp tug on his hoodie. Roman had raised him off the ground, set him on his feet, and turned his body so he was facing him.
“Anxiety. Is there something you aren’t telling us?” Roman looked his shaken frenemy over, but was immediately pulled away by Patton complaining about being hungry and wanting food. The fanciful aspect was ushered out into the open before Anxiety even had a chance to answer his question. Logan however stayed behind.
“Anxiety. Come here please.” The darker aspect whipped around and slowly walked towards the logical facet, a stone of guilt forming at the bottom of his stomach. Logan pulled out a chair at the table and motioned for him to sit down. Anxiety grimaced as he did, not bothering to look Logic in his eyes.
“What sushi would you like?” The question took Anxiety by surprise. He was sure Logan was going to have something to say about the situation. No questions about what just happened? No suspicions?
“Uhhh...crab please?” Logan acknowledged his answer and walked off silently without another word. Secretly, Anxiety was thankful, because now he had a moment to recover from his fall. He had never bumped into another human being before besides Thomas. Sure he had his ‘what if’ moments in the past if he could, but he didn’t think it was actually possible. But what had just occurred solidified his deepest worries. He was not like the other sides out in public. Why would people phaze into them without a care, but when it came to him he was a brick wall?
Speaking of phazing, a shriek of laughter turned his attention to Patton in the distance who was standing in the way of many people that were coming and going. Apparently he was giggling about how it tickled each time a person passed through him, almost as if he were a ghost. Expectantly after the noise, came Logan’s rebukes about ‘messing with their brain waves’.
The anxious aspect chuckled as he thought back to Logan’s drawings of Patton. “You like him and you know it, Logan.” He mumbled to himself smiling ever so slightly, but it was quickly replaced by a grimace as a pang of guilt washed over his body. It seemed every thought he had lead back to the painful truth of the note book hiding in his jacket pocket. He tried to push it aside, but deep down he knew, that if he wanted to have an honest talk with Logan about the incident with the alarm and the waitress, he’d have to tell him the truth.
A couple minutes passed before the three sides returned to the table with their self-made food. Logan casually set Anxiety’s plate of the food he requested in front of him with a set of chopsticks before sitting down to eat his own.
The table became unusually quiet and only subtle chewing could be heard. Logan suspected it was because no one else had anything to say unless it was about Anxiety’s incident. But he could tell the darker aspect was thankful for Patton’s change of subject when the moral aspect found a topic to break the ice.
“Ssoooo...did anybody get anything productive done today?” An odd topic choice for Patton, but he was not displeased with it.
“I went on a quick quest today.” Roman said triumphantly. “It was a spectacular outlet! ...especially after losing a bet....” Roman managed to whisper the last part, but not out of earshot.
“Someone salty?” Anxiety teased while Roman shot him a glare in response.
“Be nice Anxiety.” Patton warned, still keeping the same soft smile on his face. “What did you do that was productive today?”
The darker aspect shrugged. “I listened to a whole album in one sitting, if you can call that productive.”
“Not exactly.”
“Hey!” Patton gave the logical aspect a playful nudge before turning the same question over to him. “What did you do today?”
“Well. If we are talking about productivity, my work has been somewhat hindered by a mysterious happening with my notebook.” Anxiety almost choked on his sushi, as his guilt resurfaced. God, if it wasn’t one thing it was another. Luckily, he was able to minimize his coughing fit to not bring attention to himself.
“Hindered? How?” Patton’s smile turned into a worried frown.
“It appears to have been tampered with. There is some unseen barrier preventing me from adding or removing writing and disfiguring it in someway.”
Anxiety’s stomach dropped, the pit of guilt only growing with his shame.
“I-I didn’t open it. I swear!” Patton looked at the logical aspect worried, but suddenly clasped a hand over his mouth, forgetting that he was supposed to be covering for his dark, strange son. Anxiety’s eyes widened as the truth came out of Patton’s mouth. He should have known that Patton was going to have trouble with keeping a lie.
Logan raised an eyebrow, surprised that Patton would ever even think about lying. Especially to him. “You say that, and yet earlier you told me you had seen my drawings.” By analyzing Patton’s body posture, he could tell the moral aspect was at war with himself over withholding information pertaining to his notepad. “Your claims are not coherent.”
“I’m sorry what is happening here?” Roman butt in. He’d been too busy checking out his Instagram feed to really notice what was happening between the three other sides. So when he did decide to listen in, he was completely lost.
Anxiety and Logan both rolled their eyes at the fanciful aspect. “Fine. Since all four of us are here I may as well explain the entire situation. Once I am finished though, I expect a proper explanation. Hopefully then you will find it in you to tell me the truth.” The words stung Patton like a knife to the heart. If it was said to any other side, it wouldn’t have had a big effect, but because Logan was directly challenging Patton’s role as a side, it about drove him to tears.
That was when Anxiety should have spoken up, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was silence, leaving Logan to continue explaining the happenings with his notepad.
Choices. The word ghosted his mind like a haunted memory. With as much strength as he could muster through his shame, he glanced up at Patton. The tears streaming down the moral aspects face were enough to break him. He silently hoped Logan’s incessant rambling would end itself, but Roman became bored with the conversation and had stopped listening again to go back to his phone, not even trying to care that their fellow aspect was hurting. Then he looked at himself.
Was he doing anything to stop this madness? Heck he had caused the problem in the first place. And it was his fault for taking Logan’s notepad. Granted, it was Patton’s choice to cover for him, but even then Morality didn’t deserve to be treated like this. Especially by the side he had a crush on.
Anxiety began to shake as he took a metaphorical step back, finally noticing the grave situation. Logan’s theory was becoming true. They were all very distant, even if they were sitting in the general vicinity of one another. Distant as in there wasn’t much of a bond, let alone a friendship between them. If this continued, he determined they would tear Thomas apart from the inside. Choices. The word intruded his thoughts once again bringing him to the edge of a choice he knew he had to make. If he had to be the one to fix the broken friendship, then he would, regardless of the consequences. It was worth it, he decided. Not just for the other sides, but also for Thomas.
Anxiety jumped out of his seat, knocking over his chair in the process, and slammed the real version of the note pad in front of him on the table, startling the other three sides in the process. Logan stopped talking as soon as he saw his notepad and looked up into the darker aspect’s eyes, shocked to find small tears begin to form.
“It was me, Logan. I stole your notepad.”
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smudgedtoon · 7 years
Freeday, or Lets RP
(Day4 of @lapamedotweek.)
As night fell in the forest, a shadow could be seen leaping from tree to tree though it never made a sound. It leaped down from a tree that marked where the forest ended and the civilized lands began.
“It's a purrrfect time to go out to hunt, for shinies!” The shadowed figure said they're eyes reflecting the light from the moon. Surveying the surrounding area to the left they see nothing but open field with odd shapes scattered throughout. With night vision they can tell the shapes are cows sleeping and other cowly things that cows do at night. To their right they see the tell-tale sign of people, lights, a bunch of them like tiny little bubbles of sunlight. There was a town.
“Let's get wrecked.” Shouted the figure dashing to the town.
Inside that very town, best described as a fusion of Magic, Nature and Technology. So think houses and building made of trees or nature augmented either magically or scientific-
“Amethy-st!” Whined a young chubby boy with curly black hair, he held a small notebook in his hand called Dungeon Master's Steven’s nefarious manual of dugenonly, masterly, nefarious things. He was sitting in the lap of Lapis while she sat on the porch floor.
“Come on, you already got to do your part. It's my turn now.” Peridot said clearly annoyed, couldn't she see that high stakes were about to had in their adventure if they  could just get to the adventure. “Go on Steven continue.”
“Now where was I.” Steven said, as he put his hand to his chin in thought. “No, seriously, where was I?”
“You were explaining the town where Amethyst's character was going to meet Mine and Peridot’s.” Lapis said giving Steven a big hug.
“Thanks Lapis, but you better not be looking in the DMSNMDMNT.”
“I promise.”
Steven cleared his throat.
The town by day was full of travelers, but by night it belonged to the engineers. They were a group of dedicated citizens trained to take care of this town, they used the best of magic and technology to build, repair and upgrade the town. Each one was gifted with something special, a power or tech or combination of both. They were divided into smaller teams  that worked on a rotating weekly schedule. Tonight, the last night of this team's shift they were finishing the task of updating the waterways and installing the recyclo-mana filters. They split off into groups of two's and three’s and headed to their locations leaving one all by their self.
“Clods.” Said Perina as she uses her special gift, a set of gauntlets that had magical floating fingers, to find her where her assignment is.
The location was an old model toadstool house on the edge of town. Perina hesitantly knocks on the door, she feels watched.
There’s no response, but she hears a noise,almost like a splash,coming from behind the house.
“That's weird.” The young engineer says going to check out the sound.
As she's about to leave the front door suddenly opens and a old plump woman calls out. “Hello Dearie, sorry for taking so long these old bones aren't what they used to be.”
Perina turns back around to greet the lady of the house, as she does she feels her gauntlet vibrate. Frowning she tries to remember what that means.
“That's hogwash, I clearly rolled an eight.” Peridot whined, “I should know what the vibrations mean.”
“You didn't roll high enough babe, you needed at least a twelve.” Lapis said leaning over to pet Peridot's head.
“You are looking in my notebook.” Steven said, his face dropping. “Aww man now you know where the story is going.”
“She totally is Steven.” Amethyst said giving a Lapis a wink, which earned her a glare.
Still glaring at Amethyst Lapis spoke. “I am not, and I don't know anything. I wouldn't do that to Steven.” She nuzzled him and he giggled.
“Okay, well anyway Lapis it's your turn.” Steven said though now he kept the book close to his chest.
As the young engineer talks to the old woman unknown to them, they have an eavesdropper. Huddling next to the shadows of the house is a young woman with blue hair, if the area was lit one would see that the woman was wearing what looked like a bathing suit made of shimmering scales on her wrists were beautiful metal bangles. She sees the engineer and smiles, she doesn't know her but likes the way she looks. If only she could hear what was being said a little better.
As she slowly creeps up to get a better listening point, she has to stop midtrack as the woman is leading the engineer towards the back, she knows she can't be seen.
“I'm sure you have a lot of work tonight, this old toadstool hasn't been connected to the main water system.” The old lady says as she and Perina walk past the blue haired woman without noticing her. “I've gotten by, though this house has the only natural well left in this city. Do what you have to do to connect me to the main water system, but stay away from the well, it was my daughter's favorite and I'd hate to see something happen to it.”
The blue haired woman sighs in relief as the two move past her and go behind the house proper. Her glamour had worked. Seeing it as her chance the woman breaks away from the house and tries to run towards the city, only to be stopped as her bracelets began to glow and seemed to pull her backwards. Just then she see’s something move from underneath the shadow of a tree and stops struggling. “Hello?” She whispers not wanting to be caught.
The shadow stops and hesitates, before answering back. “Hello, I'm was just uhh taking a stroll.” The shadow moves a little closer but stops as a breeze blows towards them carrying the other woman’s smell. It hisses and takes a step back reaching for something in it's pocket. “Vampire!”
“Shhhh, please don't yell, she'll hear you.”
“Who'll hear me? You're master.”
The vampire shakes her head the bracelets are starting to heat up and glow brighter as smoke can be seen coming from her wrists. “No my mother. Please just help me get unstuck.”
The shadow moves forward but pauses again. “Why should I help you? What if it's a trap?”
“I have no actual powers, my mother bound me. Which is clear by the glowing bracelets that are keeping me stuck here.” The vampire tried to pull away but was held in place.”See.”
Just then a voice was heard drawing closer from the back. “Foolish child, how many times will it take before you learn I'll always know when you try to escape.” It was the old woman, her scent on the breeze carries the smells of power and something else.
The shadow sighed, before moving forward. “You're lucky, you're so pretty. So what do I do?”
“I don't know, she normally uses a type of spell to remove the binding.”
“I don't know magic, I'm a thief.”
Both parties stop and look at each other. “I mean uhhh…I was just going for a walk.”
“Whatever. If you help me, I'll give you the most valuable thing in this house.”
The thief drew closer at the offering of a reward. “I may have just the thing, but this reward better be worth it.” They drew out a small blade and the vampire drew back hissing and baring their fangs. The thief almost dropped the knife but recovered quickly. “Hey, you want my help or not. Hold still.”
Just as she was about to slide the knife underneath the bracelet she was hit with something invisible and causing her to jerk and then crumple to the ground. The knife cut through the bracelet sending a jolt of power through the vampire who went limp.
“Hey Steven are you ready to see the movie?” A young girl's voice broke everyone out of the game.
“Connie!” Steven said as he jumped from Lapis’ lap and ran to his friend. “Games over guys for now. We'll continue later.”
“But what about the part where I rescue Lapis and Amethyst  from what I can only assume was a big bad witch.”
Lapis who looked down to find Steven’s book in her lap and snorted. “What makes you think you were gonna be the one to rescue us?”
Because you two were unconscious.”
“According to Steven's book you were knocked unconscious as soon as you went around the back.”
“You clod, you're not supposed to read the DM’s notes.”
Lapis smiled at Peridot mischievously and leaned in to tease her“You want to be my hero that badly?”
“Of course I do. I'm your girlfriend. “ Peridot said bluntly. “I will be there to help you out of trouble be it fictional or real.”
Lapis blushed and tried to come up with something to say. Amethyst roared in laughter .
“Peri that was smooth as all hell.” Amethyst said punching her girlfriend playfully in the shoulder. “I should be careful or you'll have me swooning like Lapis over here.”
“I'm always smooth.” Peridot said with a nasally cackle, breaking her spell over Lapis.
“Not really, but you have your moments.” Lapis said giving her girlfriend a kiss.
“Don't I get one too? After all I was promised a reward for helping.”
“Your character was promised a reward, but if you behave until later tonight you'll get a reward.” Lapis grinned and winked.
“I want the reward too.”
“It's the kind of reward you're usually not interested in Peri.”
“Yeah the physical kind.”
“Gross, can we change the subject to like, how the hell are we going to escape the witch?”
“Well I have Steven notes.”
“I couldn't betray Steven’s trust like-”
“I can.” Amethyst shifted to lean against Lapis to get a better look at the book as her older girlfriend wrapped an arm around her. “You joining Pear?”
“Fine.” Peridot said scooting into Lapis’ lap. “Only because you're both doing it.”
They spent the next hour pouring over the book and laughing as they prepared strategies for their next rp session. When they got to the last page they laughed harder. In Steven's handwriting was one final note, ‘Perina, Purpur Crystal, and Lapis will only get through this quest with the power of love. I hope they all say yes to the coupling ceremony, which would kick off the beginning of the next campaign, Love is a battlefield.”
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bwicblog · 7 years
TC: h=owdy fr=om several h=ours in the future
MD: What are you doing se:veral hours in the future?
MD: This is Cyrrus, by the way. I'm uh MD: Tallow's friend. MD: My palmhusk came in.
SA: im dead and I'm back at my hotel. starving.
AH: what, really, Prisma?
AH: did you not buy food?
VV: ♚ ~ Room service, Honeycomb. Room service...It'd be rather upsetting if you simply wasted away, yes?
AH: lmao I don't think he's _that_ stupid.
AH: Only someone who deserves to be culled anyway just sits there and lets themselves die.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh my! Such a strong opinion. But I guess one so well suited for this world like a blueblood would have the most reasonable views on the matter anyway. Survival of the fittest and all that!
TT: hah The fu(\/)king nerd forgoT To eaT
AH: He was a little fucking busy.
AH: Also where the fuck have you been, it's been forever.
VV: ♚ ~ So many royal hues tonight oh my. hehe I'd say it's an honor but I think we all know where the honors lie. With all of us. Naturally.
TT: iTs been a few days (\/)hill The fu(\/)k Tf ouT TT: why did you miss me so mu(\/)h
TT: lol whaT
VV: ♚ ~ hm?
VV: ♚ ~ I know you're wonderfully educated. I feel reiterating myself would simply be offensive.....What is your name? I don't particularly enjoy just typing 'TT' to someone of such standing.
TT: whaT is even ^ wiTh you like wiTh The (\/)rown and The royalTy Talk like whaT TT: i donT parTi(\/)ularly enjoy jusT Typing To you eiTher so i mean
VV: ♚ ~ It's called an aesthetic and image which I'm shocked you don't care about.
AH: what, really? I must've missed you then. And I didn't but I wondered if your dumb ass crawled off and died or something.
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
AH: why are you het up about the poncy rust, TT
AH: this chatroom has way worse dickbags
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic's my name. I appreciate the observation but my name is much more delightful I think.
AH: Read that as Purrdia for five seconds. You're a meowbeast in my head now.
VV: ♚ ~ oh how cute I'm rather okay with this :3c A lovely one I hope, one of those long haired cuties.
AH: uhhh I was just thinking like, a generic cat, I'm not that great with animals.
AH: what kind are you talking about. because I don't know fuck shit about cats, honestly. They eat squeakbeasts and roll around in catnip. That's it.
VV: ♚ ~ A long haired, cutey one it is. I got one for my dearest, Dolora recently here they look like this.
_VV has sent meowmeow .jpg_
SA: cats are much more precious than that.
RS: | Dolora has a Meowbeast | ? | How Charming |
SA: No, Sipara's comment about emerel and pheres banging and Hadean's kink 101 lessons quite did me in.
AH: Oh that's kinda cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! I'm glad the darling honeycomb didn't expire.
SA: I don't want to eat anymore.
SA: ever, actually.
AH: ...their WHAT now
RS: | I didn't Think He wa the Ty
AH: never mind
RS: | What |
AH: I don't wanna know
VV: ♚ ~ And yes my dearest Dolora has a meow-beast. A lovely troll named Steamy said I should get it for him. So he is less lonely when I can't be around.
AH: lol, STEAMY?
VV: ♚ ~ Also....Prisma excuse me but what
AH: What kind of name is that.
RS: | Yes | I think | I am Going to Ignore That as Well |
RS: | Because I also Do Nott WAnt to Know | Frankly |
RS: | Tell Us about Your Cat | =:B | ! |
AH: also lmao at Hadean. I bet he's a total virgin.
AH: It'd explain his bad mood.
VV: ♚ ~ I think the blue blood here is much more interested in intimate details of others than a purrbeast. 0:
VV: ♚ ~ I haven't a clue as to what sort of name that is for a Madam but it was the one I was given so Steamy it is. Is your name any better for that matter though? I'd truly love to know it, as it's only polite seeing as I've given my own~
AH: what, mine?
VV: ♚ ~ I'd say no the other AH initial having blue blood, but I really do admire your boldness! So yes you deary.
AH: Idk, maybe you were talking to Pheres, I don't know your life.
AH: I'm Gliese.
WC: ~(Hello hello ^_^)
AH: well somebody's cheerful.
WC: ~(Wait did someone say my name?)
AH: cull an enemy or something?
WC: ~(I still regret giving you the idea for that poor cat) WC: ~(Is it at least getting fed?)
WC: ~(Haha, no. I'm just like this, I guess!)
AH: oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ Please to meet you Gliese-- VV: ♚ ~ No no it's a great cat!! It's being extremely well taken care of. I LOVE Prince Player Slayer.
AH: Your lusus actually named you _Steamy._
AH: ahahaha oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ And I'm sure Dolora does as well
WC: ~(Prince what)
AH: You named it fucking _Player Slayer_.
AH: That's the stupidest thing ever, I'm laughing my face off.
VV: ♚ ~ PRINCESS Player Slayer.
WC: ~(Well isn't that a bowl and a half of sugargrubs)
AH: bowl and a half of idiot crazy, lmao.
SA: what does being a "total virgin" have to do with someone's ... mood..
SA: I too am a "total virgin" and it doesn't change the fact i've been lobotomized.
WC: ~(Oh, it's just a silly insult!) WC: ~(There's really no problem with being the not pailing type!)
SA: I ordered sushi.
AH: I was joking, Prisma
SA: again.
AH: jeez
SA: I don't believe you.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes, Prisma, has the right idea. Being judgmental of my darling Princess is not a thing to do.
VV: ♚ ~ Who apparently has many things also going on . Enlightening.
AH: oh come on I _know_ Hadean's grumpiness just comes from his inherent trash fire of a personality, not a lack of being laid
SA: He isn't a trash fire. I rather like him.
AH: Oh I think he's great
SA: You on the other hand are another story.
AH: but he's a total trash fire
SA: My little princess, I'm sorry I kept disappearing on you,
WC: ~(Who's Hadean again?)
SA: I'm happy to have finally seen you.
SA: You are very cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh~? A trash...fire...sounds interesting.
WC: ~(I can barely keep up with all these names!)
AH: he's ID on here, redblood dude, professional food moocher and picker of stupid fights.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you ❤ I thought so as well. You're just as handsome as your picture was. A pleasant surprise with how many simply lie.
VV: ♚ ~ Define a stupid fight. I want to know more now!
SA: a fight not unlike the one I was in with...
SA: I've forgotten their name 😦
WC: ~(ID? What?)
WC: ~(Wait that's right)
WC: ~(Different ID)
Sa: and of course. I have nothing to gain by lying to you about my looks 😃
SA: did you have fun at the fair?
AH: What, didn't you hear? He fought a jadeblood dude. a.k.a MN. a.k.a Emerel
AH: They both fucked each other up.
WC: ~(Oh my god) WC: ~(Are they okay?)
AH: Idk, haven't seen Em yet, but Hadean's fine...ish.
AH: ...I want to see Em, but I don't think they'd want me around.
AH: Which fair I guess.
RS: | That is About Right |
SA: Emerel is signifiantly less fucked up, but they still look like trash.
RS: | You had Plenty of Opportunity to Visit After the Fight |
SA: but I only saw them briefly
RS: | But He is Recuperating |
RS: | So | No | No Visitors | =:) |
VV: ♚ ~ A jade blood, oh my.
VV: ♚ ~ Sorry Honeycomb, I did have loads of fun but I'm rather intrigued by this supposed blood lust that has happened oh my!
AH: Oh please, Pheres, like you weren't freaking the hell out. And you wouldn't have let me in anyway. You don't have to pretend.
AH: I get it.
SA: it was exciting until it turned into a fight to the death.
SA: then it was less exciting.
RS: | Am I Pretending | ? | I thought I Said Outright | You are Not Wanted as a Visitor | =:? |
WC: ~(How awful) WC: ~(I certainly hope he recovers soon!)
AH: You said I could have visited after the fight, but I know full well that wouldn't have gone well.
AH: But it's fine. I'll see him later.
AH: I'm just glad he's recovering.
VV: ♚ ~If It was as deadly as is being told I truly wonder if a speedy recovery is possible?
RS: | Oh | Please | RS: | We have No Idea How that Would've Gone | Given You were Busy Fussing over Hadean |
SA: :3c
AH: Uh, yeah, considering he was in trouble.
RS: | But | Let's not Drag Out a Fight Into Public Like This |
WC: ~(Is this really what you want to fight about?)
RS: | It's Unbecoming |
VV: ♚ ~ No, no. It gives some good unbiased opinions on the matter!
VV: ♚ ~ There's two sides to every story and all that of course
WC: ~(Perdia. I don't feel like unbiased is the word you're looking for)
VV: ♚ ~ Oh but it is I promise!
RS: | Hahaha | Do You Constitute as Unbiased | ? | =:P |
WC: ~(Somehow I don't feel like unbiased is in your vocabulary)
AH: Sure there is, but your eagerness makes me kinda uncomfortable.
VV: ♚ ~ I have no idea who anyone or anything is. I have no bias. Negative.
VV: ♚ ~ Pure minded as they come!
WC: ~(Uh uh)
AH: So whatever, I guess.
WC: ~(Speaking of, why ARE you fake dating your matesprit?)
AH: wow.
WC: ~(What do you get out of that in terms of benefits?)
RS: | Perhaps I will Give You the Details in Private | Then |
RS: | In the Name of Gaining Relevant Second-ha | RS: | Hahaha | Heavens |
AH: one door closes another opens I guess.
VV: ♚ ~ I must admit the eagerness is in partial that I haven't had a particularly interesting--- VV:♚ ~ Excuse me
VV: ♚ ~ He is NOT fake
RS: | Who is Your Matesprit | Again | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ You can ask Dolora himself of our status!
SA: but little princess, that just means we can sabotage all of it.
WC: ~(You weren't exactly...good at hiding the fact that you don't care much about him)
RS: | Oh | ! | Dolora | ! |
AH: hahah wow
RS: | How Charming |
AH: who the heck is Dolora
VV: ♚ ~ I purchased him a meowbeast, to make up for my absence. I care a LOT about him
SA: Oh, perdia you have a matesprit?
RS: | She Does | ! | Evidently |
VV: ♚ ~ I do.
WC: ~(No, you got it to torture him)
WC: ~(I was there, remember?)
VV: ♚ ~ I did nothing of the sort.
WC: ~(Uh huh)
SA: Oh, that's exicitng news.
SA: I didn't know that.
WC: ~(If you say so >-> )
SA: 😢 now you will never truly be my little princess 💎
VV: ♚ ~ It's incredibly exciting and romantic and pleasurable. Being accused of anything less of my dedication to him it's rather upsetting--
SA: I'm teasing.
WC: ~(If you say so, dear.)
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! You almost had me Honeycomb
SA: If she says it';s romantic and pleasurable and exciting and she says she's faithful
SA: then she's faithful.
SA: why antagonize her furhter.
RS: | Oh | Don't Worry | Prisma |
RS: | Teasing or Not |
SA: Why so, Pheres?
RS: | Young Love is Rarely a Lasting Thing | =:B | Give It Five Sweeps |
RS: | I am Sure She will be There | To be Swept Off of Her Feet |
VV: ♚ ~ Hmph
SA: then what's your current relationship?
RS: | | I am Teasing | By the Way |
AH: lmao I side with Pheres on this one.
TT: i swear To fu(\/)king god if anoTher shiTTy ass supporT main ruins anoTher one of my games i am going To piss on everyThing everyone loves and break someone's fooT.
AH: young quads are - LOL HI
TT: also whaT did i miss
AH: not much
AH: sounds like you've been having a hell of a time though lmao
VV: ♚ ~ Is there a plan to be sweeping me off my feet? VV: ♚ ~ Ah, the crabby one has returned
WC: ~(Why don't you tell us how you really feel)
RS: | Hahaha | Unlikely to Last Past Ascension | Given Our Castes | RS: | But You Know That | So It's a rather Unkind Thing to Bring Up | Prisma |
VV: ♚ ~ You sound the sort to piss on anything regardless of being angered enough to do so
RS: | Did I Upset You | ? | =:( |
SA: It was unkind of you to bring it up to perdia as a joke or not.
SA: feelings are very real, no matter how short they are.
SA: or how idealistic and naive.
TT: all i feel is anger and vinager running Through my veins
AH: you are not the dude I expected a defense of young love from, Prisma, so I admit this kinda throws me
WC: ~(Would you like a chocolate bar)
AH: what're you gonna do
AH: beam it to them through the internet?
SA: i find feelings to be very important, seeing as I cannot feel them myself
TT: my lusus Tells me To never Take (\/)andy from sTrangers when he was alive
TT: buT The biT(\/)h is dead so whaT flavor
RS: | Heavens | I did Upset You | RS: | My Apologies | ! | It was a Joke | One that She Herself did Not Appear to Take Remiss |
WC: ~(That wasn't literal, Gliese)
AH: Then how can you find them important if you don't feel anything.
SA: It's fine.
WC: ~(I don't even have any chocolate anyway!)
SA: I am calm.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm not, dearest Honeycomb. HAHA!
SA: like always 😒
TT: i haTe This (\/)haT everyone lies
WC: ~(I'm sorry you had a bad day) WC: ~(I hope it gets better!)
SA: You're not what--
RS: | Calm | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ Calm. but I also kid. I'm fine. It's fine.
SA: oh. Good.
VV: ♚ ~ Everyone's just so incredibly colorful here.
SA: this is good.
VV: ♚ ~ what isn't there to be calm about.
SA: I'm always calm Pheres, that was the joke.
SA: Hah. I have gotten you.
SA: like you have gotten me.
RS: | | | | Haha | =:? |
WC: ~(Sorry! >=<)
VV: ♚ ~ Chocolate, rage and vinegar. You're going to keel over and have a pusher attack at this rate my god.
WC: ~(My matesprit brought me some earlier but I kind of....ate it...all of it.......)
TT: i am like eighT i (\/)anT die so TT: anyway ThaT is unforTunaTe if They really loved you They wouldve given you more (\/)ho(\/)olaTe
SA: food is the ultimate display of love.
AH: booooring
WC: ~(I think he was also being chased by angry bluebloods or something at the time) WC: ~(So I didn't see him for long)
AH: why not having cool adventures together as the ultimate display of love.
WC: ~(Oh, we do!)
AH: That wasn't at you but okay cool.
WC: ~(Whoops, sorry)
AH: good to know you're not totally boring
SA: Pheres, you called emerel habibi
SA: are you from that area?
SA: I speak that language.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Haha | Ah | Yes |
TT: The only boring one here is The one Talking abouT languages To be Tbqh
SA: and I don't care what you think since you're pissing on things that make you angry like a spoiled grub 😃
AH: Languages aren't bad.
WC: ~(I wish I had a crunchy chocolate bar to offer you)
SA: I didn't spend very long there, but I remember the ocean.
AH: Man, get the stick out of your bum, it's not even funny anymore.
SA: I wish I could go back.
RS: | Well | Why don't You | ? | It's hardly Moved | Haha |
TT: you wish you goT The sTi(\/)k in your bum ba(\/)k????
WC: ~(Scandalous!)
SA: i feel like if I did it would ruin the illusion. You know, like rosetinted classes.
SA: perhaps I'm only fond of it because I don't completely grasp it.
WC: ~((. ◕ o ◕.))
SA: Do you visit it, very often?
RS: | The Ocean is Nice | Ah | My Hivestem was Farther In-land than That | But | RS: | I Saw It as an Adolescent | It | - | RS: | Hahaha | Glasses | =:B |
SA: Oh.
SA: yes, glasses.
MD: Hello.
SA: 😊
RS: | Mm | ! | Meukit Lives in Hanhai | Which | is One of the Northern Regions | of the Southern Hemisphere | RS: | So I Visit It Frequently |
RS: | I Suspect Yours may be Farther South | We've only Got a Touch of Coast |
MD: Coast where?
RS: | ? |
RS: | Oh | Ocean Coast | !|
MD: What does that look like?
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, nice, travel talk. I come back to more pleasant things. I'm so delighted~ VV: ♚ ~ Yes, do describe it in great detail. Make a slide show even, a full presentation.
SA: Meukit?
SA: Oh, it most likely was... I just remember a very large, gleaming city. It was like marble.
DD: A busy ᵰight full of oceaᵰ talk. Color ᵯe surprised.
SA: that was it, though. That and the ocean.
MD: Hello, Servitor.
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds incredibly lovely~ VV: ♚ ~ Servitor....?
RS: | Meukit | ! | cerebral Cottontail | He is on Here | Sometimes | He's got a Lovely Fashion Blog | RS: | And | Oh | That sounds Lovely | Yes | It was not Hanhai | Then | Haha | RS: | Our Cities are | Mm | | | Sooty | or Else | They're Temasek | =:B |
SA: Oh, is he perhaps the blue one?
AH: Frickin' clown-filled Temasek.
RS: | You should Visit Us | Then | RS: | It can Hardly Destroy Your Nostalgia |
DD: Ah. Hello agaiᵰ.
SA: perhaps I will. I want to travel.
RS: | But | Perhaps You will Find It Charming |
RS: | Mm | He is the Blue One |
SA: I've met him, briefly. I think...
SA: they were interesting to talk to.
MD: How is your lusus?
VV: ♚ ~ Allow me to join you if you do Prisma! I'm rather interested myself...and am in need of some proverbial leg stretching. Dense cities get to be too much often.
SA: Do you live in Provenence, Perdia?
SA: Pheres, do the cities there have the early markets? I've heard about them while reading about other cities.
DD: Sated for the ᵰight. Aᵰd how are you? Have you beeᵰ reflectiᵰg oᵰ what I told you before?
MD: Yes sir. MD: I think I':ve been doing well.
RS: | Yes | ! | We Do | Haha |
MD: Thank you for teaching me, sir.
RS: | All of the Cities Do |
DD: Well it's the least I caᵰ do. Are you acquaiᵰtaᵰces with the other trolls iᵰ this chatrooᵯ?
MD: I know Pheres.
MD: Hi Pheres.
RS: | | But | Oh | Hold On | RS: | I'm Sorry to Cut This Short | But | RS: | There is Something I Need to Deal Wit | ? | ? |
SA: do they? That's amazing... I need to acquire fresh dates. We had dates, I think. Perdia, we could go to the market and get dates.
SA: Oh, yes.
SA: take care, Pheres.
MD: Oh MD: Bye.
RS: | Hello | ! | RS: | Ah | Forgive Me | I'm not Placing a Name to Your Handle |
MD: It's Cyrrus.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Cyrrus | ! |
RS: | Hello | =:B | How are You | ? |
MD: Pretty good! Tallow isn't hurt today.
DD: Ah. The ᵯarooᵰ is Pheres. I see.
MD: So it's a good day.
DD: Well. Oᵰe of the ᵯarooᵰs.
RS: | | Wait | No | RS: | Ahh | Let Me Message You Later Tonight | ! | And We will Talk | I Promise | RS: | I need to Check on Emerel | =:( | My Sincere Apologies |
MD: What happened to Emerel?
MD: Is he okay?
VV: ♚ ~ I do not reside there but further inland actually Prisma!! VV: ♚ ~ Oh more guests~
RS: | Later | ! | I will Tell You Later | Haha |
MD: Okay
MD: See ya
VV: ♚ ~ Tah,tah~
SA: Further inland... That would be easy for me to reach. We could tour provenance if you would like.
DD: I hope I didᵰ't frighteᵰ hiᵯ off. ᵯarooᵰs caᵰ be so delicate.
MD: No MD: Emerel is his matesprit.
SA: I think Pheres is stronger than that.
MD: Did something happen? Does anyone know?
VV: ♚ ~ !! I'd adore that. Ballet is having some off time anyway, I should take hold of the opportunity. VV:♚ ~ I'm rather unsure actually if anything happened....Citrus was it?
MD: Cyrrus.
DD: Aᵰd Eᵯerel is...?
MD: His..matesprit. He's green.
MD: I don't know much else.
MD: He mostly talks to my friend more than he does me.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh that makes much more sense then. I'd have thought you wouldn't match such a fruit name after all.
DD: Ah. Hᵯ. Well good for the ᵯarooᵰ. Pheres. I'ᵯ sure greeᵰ is a good step for hiᵯ.
DD: Is the other ᵯarooᵰ botheriᵰg you ᵯD? Or. Cyrrus I suppose.
MD: I'm not : very fruity, no. MD: Whoops.
MD: Ah MD: It's okay. I don't mind.
VV: ♚ ~ Other maroon...
DD: Hᵯ. Well, if you say so. Yes, you. You're the other ᵯarooᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Excuse me, my higher hued companions, but I'd truly appreciate my name. Here! Let's start this over with proper introductions. VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintance~
VV: ♚ ~ There~ Now I'm not just 'another maroon' I'm _a particular maroon_.
MD: Uh MD: Nice to meet you.
DD: Hᵯ. You ᵯay call ᵯe Servitor. Particular ᵯarooᵰ Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Charmed I'm sure, Cyrrus and Serpintine.
VV: ♚ ~ Oop! I meant Servitor.
MD: Now you're just doing this on purpose.
VV: ♚ ~ Had my nails done today it makes typing tricky at times haha
VV: ♚ ~ I truly apologize from the bottom of my pusher.
DD: Lowblood two-facedᵰess is ᵰot welcoᵯe. Try to keep your ᵯaᵰᵰers.
VV: ♚ ~ Not two faced at all I assure you! A singular face truly trying their best at the moment dearest seadweller. VV: ♚ ~ I take great pride in my appearance so really, I do mean that my nails can make it...rather difficult to type. VV: ♚ ~ You'd be astonished just how untrustworthy talk-to-text programs can be.
MD: That's how you actually talk???
DD: ᵯᵯᵯ. I suppose you ᵯust treasure your looks while they reᵯaiᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you mean my speaking pattern or something else darling?
VV: ♚ ~ If it's the speaking then why shouldn't I put on my best voice for such high company?
MD: You uh MD: Uh.... MD: Not to be rude, but you sound like the overmade villianess in a story.
DD: Cyrrus. Have you ᵰot experieᵰced a lowblood tryiᵰg to please?
D: I ᵯust adᵯit. Soᵯe do a lot better thaᵰ others. But the poor thiᵰg is tryiᵰg.
MD: Of course I ha:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ My apologies if it comes across as such! -- I am no poor thing however I assure you.
MD: I just ha:ven't run into anyone this bad at it.
VV: ♚ ~ Mmmm I do have eyes I can read just as well as you can.
DD: Of course you areᵰ't, Predie.
MD: Perdia, this isn't a good place for you. MD: You should lea:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ I'll admit you both may be a tad correct however in it not being the right approach! It's enough for cooler hues but not ones of such a cooled hue such as yourselves. VV: ♚ ~ I'm staying.
AH: oh my god
AH: fucking fishfaces
AH: lol yeah fight the power
D: ᵰow Cyrrus, doᵰ't be rude.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia. Perdia. Not Predie, however close to pretty that name is.
VV: ♚ ~ I know for a fact you can read and write, despite what you're showing me right now.
AH: idk Perdia maybe they're just really good at faking
MD: Sorry sir. MD: Sorry Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ I've seen better faking from a wriggler pretending to rest.
AH: lmao wow
VV: ♚ ~ Am i wrong in my statement?
AH: probably not lol
DD: Ah. The little ᵯarooᵰ has teeth wheᵰ it coᵯes to a keyboard. How quaiᵰt.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia.
AH: you do know you sound like a huge tool right.
MD: I...don't actually know why you keep talking about your reading abilities? MD: You just said you were on chat to text!
AH: Not saying her name doesn't make you look powerful or cool, pinky.
AH: You just look like a dick.
DD: I suppose that ᵯakes you. Brave by calliᵰg ᵯe Piᵰky theᵰ?
AH: If you get off on intentionally being an ass because society lets you then you're just pathetic lmao.
AH: It's not brave if I'm just calling it like I see it lol.
MD: Can we stop fighting please?
AH: what, haven't got the stomach for it
VV: ♚ ~ I am on chat to text but I DO read the screen. It's a program where i push ONE button instead of the many on my keyboard then SPEAK so it may type for me.
VV: ♚ ~ Fighting looks much worse dearest I assure you. A little harmless disagreement is all that seems to be. Any of this really.
AH: lmao yeah
DD: Really Cyrrus, this isᵰ't a fight. You're a tiᵯid thiᵰg, areᵰ't you?
MD: No sir. MD: It just seems like a wasted effort to argue in a public chat.
VV: ♚ ~ I think we're bonding!
DD: Yes. Boᵰdiᵰg.
AH: lmao, Cyrrus, the point of the internet is for public arguing
AH: duh
DD: Pretty ᵯuch. Though it's a bit less fuᵰ wheᵰ you just drag it out aᵰd shiᵰe a spotlight oᵰ it.
VV: ♚ ~ See! All normal. Nothing to fluff your gills over. Or what have you that seadwellers do!
MD: I don't fluff my gills.
MD: They don't even ha:ve fluff.
VV: ♚ ~ Fluff doesn't pertain only to fur or actual fluff, honey.
MD: Tell me about seadweller gills, please, Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Simply to create volume etcetera
AH: lol I guess if fish know anything they probably know their own shit
DD: Soᵯe seadwellers have filaᵯeᵰts that are rather flashy.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you actually want me to talk about seadweller gills? I'd feel like a professor of some sort if I lecture.
MD: I didn't get that one. Just normal gills.
VV: ♚ ~ I know they're a weak spot for some and an EXCITING spot for others.
DD: Geᵰerally the surface seadwellers ᵯoreso thaᵰ the deeper oᵰes.
VV: ♚ ~ And that's my knowledge on that.
MD: Gross
VV: ♚ ~ I won't correct you on that.
AH: oh my god wow
AH: boy am I being _educated_ tonight
VV: ♚ ~ That was my exact reaction learning such a thing too!
AH: Lmao
AH: I'm sure it was
DD: I would chaᵰge it to a weak spot for all really though.
VV: ♚ ~ Not even from hearsay at that! You try having a nice meal with a seadweller and learning such a thing.
VV: ♚ ~ How can gills be a weakspot for all if we lower hues don't even have gills.
DD: All those with gills, ᵰaturally.
VV: ♚ ~ If you attack hard enough anything and anywhere can be a weakspot I'm sure. Which is easy for anyone brutish enough!
MD: How about we just make it a nothing spot and lea:ve it at that
DD: I'ᵯ sure you could teach us all about brutishᵰess Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ A primeballerina wouldn't know anything of the sort beyond brutal practices.
AH: lmao yeah pull the other leg
AH: dancing can be deadly as hell
AH: comballet never stopped being a thing
DD: Hᵯ. You are the secoᵰd lowblood I have spokeᵰ to iᵰ here that practices ballet.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh don't go and give all the secrets away shhh~ ❤
SA: i apologize I fell asleep.
SA: what have i missed.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm being bullied by seadwellers. It was truly awful.
AH: yeah they were dicks
AH: well mostly the fuchsia
AH: violet here seems more confused than anything
MD: Hey
MD: What did I e:ven do to you?
SA: Oh.
AH: nothing that's why you get 'confused' instead of 'douchebag'
SA: 🤺 i will fight.
DD: Bullied ᵰow. Hᵯᵯ. Truly I aᵯ sure you are cryiᵰg your eyes out.
VV: ♚~ Fight for my honor, my honeycomb prince :"(
AH: lmao
DD: ...What's wroᵰg with this yellowblood?
AH: Prisma? He's a little weird, otherwise nothing
VV: ♚ ~ I am. But at least my makeup is all waterproof so nothing is ruined from it I simply look amazing as usual.
SA: What would you think is wrong with me?
SA: It's the least I could do, dear little princess.
AH: lmao he's a fish probably thinks we're all wrong for not kissing his feet
VV: ♚ ~ ✨
SA: I still have plenty leftover from my last duel for your honor.
DD: ...AH. Is this... Roleplayiᵰg...?
AH: no, we'd have to have
AH: what's his face
SA: No, we are simply being silly.
AH: Tallow?
AH: We'd have to have him in here, that's when roleplay hour happens
DD: I see.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm never silly, simply....mmm...less than genuine for the sake of fun. There that makes it sound classier.
MD: He's sleeping.
SA: I don't kiss anyone's feet, also.
SA: Hyperbolic?
AH: lol yeah
VV: ♚ ~ Yes!
AH: who would _actually_ kiss someone's feet
AH: that's totally stupid
VV: ♚ ~ Oh you'd be surprised.
DD: I would rather you didᵰ't. Seeiᵰg as how I aᵯ at least 500 feet uᵰderwater. I thiᵰk it would be hard for you.
AH: oh god don't fucking tell me if people do
AH: I don't want to know
AH: god you're worse than Prisma, at least he has a sense of humor
VV: ♚ ~ I'll not tell you then!
AH: I've been saved
AH: praise be to mother grub
SA: in Hadean's world that may be part of Kink 101
SA: I will not let this go, I am so very upset.
DD: ...I... Hᵯ.
VV: ♚ ~ Kink 101...
AH: I'm gonna get him just for saying that. I'll buy him a hamburger and then _throw it away in front of him_
SA: cover your ears, princess.
AH: just to get revenge
VV: ♚ ~ I'm well ahead of you I'd truly rather not know oh my
DD: I do ᵰot. Thiᵰk I waᵰt to kᵰow about laᵰddweller kiᵰks.
AH: why are seadweller ones better
AH: and don't you dare fucking answer
AH: because I've never wanted to know anything less in my life
AH: but since you seem allergic to jokes
AH: I figure I'd better fucking clarify
MD: Why are we talking about peoples' kinks?!
D: Well. Siᵰce you said ᵰot to.
MD: How is that not pri:vate?!
AH: oh my god, what are you, 6?
DD: I could reveal soᵯe of the ᵯysteries.
AH: _No_
MD: Does it matter?!
DD: (c:)
AH: lmao you're being a weenie so yes but no seriously I am so gone if pinky starts revealing his true nature as a pervert
MD: Why are you obesessed with public kinks? MD: Are YOU going to go and trigger peoples' kinks?!
AH: oh my GOD I was KIDDING
VV: ♚ ~ Aw a 6 sweep old!! Hello darling aren't you precious. Oh I simply must turn the other cheek here, adorable. Really. Grubby I'm sure but adorable.
MD: No, I'm not 6.
DD: I aᵯ ᵰot goiᵰg to reveal aᵰythiᵰg. But it is fuᵰ. Kiddiᵰg.
SA: 😂
MD: I didn't e:ven say I was.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh boo. So you're just childish? Ahhh how utterly dissapointing.
SA: i love being facetious it went over 50% of the heads in this chat.
SA: i can rest well tonight.
DD: I'ᵯ coᵰcerᵰed there's soᵯethiᵰg wroᵰg with that yellowblood.
SA: I'm concerned that you find me concerning. I'm quite well, thank you.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm gravely concerned there's much more wrong with you and your friend .
SA: I do not need your concern nor do I want it.
SA: I agree with Perdia.
DD: Well we ᵯust agree to disagree oᵰ which side is coᵰcerᵰiᵰg I suppose.
AH: spoilers it's you
D: Agree to disagree. (c:)
VV: ♚ ~Being stubborn isn't very royal like you know~
TC: evenin all
MD: Hi.
TC: h=owdy
SA: i still wish to know what you find so concerning about me.
DD: ...Stubborᵰᵰess keeps throᵰes, soᵯe would say.
SA: most people think I'm a fucking delight.
DD: You appear to fall asleep at. Raᵰdoᵯ? Aᵰd scrolliᵰg up I saw ᵯeᵰtioᵰ of a lobotoᵯy?
VV: ♚ ~ Evening~
SA: Oh.
SA: Hah.
SA: I get tired very easily.
MD: Um, please excuse the concerned chat. MD: It's :very...concerning.
SA: Hadean isn't here to stop me from dumping my life story.
AH: yeah he just passes out but he's fine
SA: So I will exercise caution.
SA: and do it myself.
SA: 😃
VV: ♚ ~ Oh jolly, story time~
AH: lmao
DD: As far as I'ᵯ aware, ᵯost lowbloods do ᵰot get parts of their thiᵰkpaᵰs reᵯoved is all.
AH: it better be good, Prisma
AH: yeah well as far as I'm aware most fish don't start with thinkpans to begin with because they think money works instead
MD: !!!
MD: Why would you take out part of someone's thinkpan?!
AH: so what are we gonna do here
MD: I get it in a comic book but real life???
VV: ♚ ~ AH what was your name again? I need to take note not to forget. I really do enjoy your quips~
DD: I ᵯeaᵰ I would thiᵰk ᵯy fists work better thaᵰ ᵯy ᵯoᵰey. But I suppose you kᵰow best AH.
VV: ♚ ~ Kudos
AH: Gliese
AH: lmao that was weak but whatever
VV: ♚ ~ Maybe they lost their money....
SA: Oh, no.
MD: I'd rather talk it out.
VV: ♚ ~ And they only have fists to survive on...tragic.
SA: I'm not saying anything.
SA: for once.
SA; If you want to see it you can read the lowblood chat or scroll up.
SA; It's been there three or four times now.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm weeping once again from how depressing that thought is.
SA: I'm getting wiser.
DD: Oh. ᵰo. I have pleᵰty of wealth?
AH: lol, maybe I'll just ask Hadean
SA: Hadean better not tell you.
SA: or my little heart will be broken 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Are you never going to stop getting wiser, Prisma~?
AH: he'll probably tell me to fuck off
AH: let's be real
SA: I can be rather wise sometimes but usually I am rather mediocre.
SA: I am sorry, little princess.
SA: Maybe when I'm not very tired I will share.
SA: again..
AH: but then I can tell _him_ to fuck off and we can continue our beautiful bonding
TC: chats real busy this evenin
AH: lmao yeah thanks for the news captain obvious
TC: n=ot sure iffin i can keep up with all this chatter
VV: ♚ ~ No need to apologize my prince we can chat about lives and the like while traveling~
VV: ♚ ~ Do your best or just peruse, both are equally entertaining I assure you
MD: How are you tonight?
TC: if tha lowblood chat tweren't so empty all tha time I'd just linger there
TC: im d=oin just fine
SA: but then how would we get these lovely seadwellers here.
TC:fergetin my =own quirk is all
VV: ♚ ~ You seem unique enough with out it. Don't worry
MD: I'd talk to you in the lowblood chat if I could but MD: Well I could log into Tallow's account MD: He's not :very good at passwords
TC: i just pulled in ta the faire actually TC: im a bit late
MD: We were there earlier! MD: In fact, we're not far away still. MD: We ha:ven't made it home yet.
MD: It was really fun, though.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh look at you! You do have a friendly bone in that gelatinous body of yours! I'm absolutely stunned and delighted. VV: ♚ ~ Is it a one a day sort of use or were you simply grumpy?
VV: ♚ ~ It obviously had nothing to do with my own hue.
MD: Please lea:ve me alone, Perdia.
AH: lol wait
AH: you're at the ren fair?
AH: are you doing anything cool
AH: or are you just some lame kitschy souvenir merchant
VV: ♚ ~ I shant because you were rude to me earlier. I deserve and will take my revenge.
MD: And this is me hitting the block button that I just disco:vered.
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm
VV: ♚ ~ I truly do despise when one is so hypocratic.
TC: i came ta d=o my usual TC: play a pleasant tune =or tw=o an maybe sell s=ome=one a quality hand made musical instrument
MD: Maybe we'll come back to hear you since we aren't far. MD: I'd ha:ve to wake up Tallow, though. He gorged himself on macarons and went to sleep.
TC: =ooh macar=ons
TC: well i'd be mighty flatterd if yall came back just ta hear me TC: id have ta play ya s=omethin real special
AH: lolwot, you're here too?
AH: figures
SA: I am...
SA: most likely going back to Provenence soon.
AH: what, not even gonna stay for Hadean?
AH: cold, Prisma
AH ...I'm kidding
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
SA: I would stay for Hadean and Sipara, or even Perdia, but I am also very tired and
AH: but at least say goodbye to the dude before you go
SA: I do not wish to be here if something else happens between Emerel and Hadean.
SA: I don't want to intervene.
ID: woowwwww what.
MD: Can someone please tell me what happened to Emerel?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I'm no longer there, a costume is tedious to upkeep when it's so long .
SA: Of course I will tell Hadean goodbye. He is my friend.
AH: I'm not gonna let anything else happen between those two.
AH: God fucking help them if they try.
MD: Pheres didn't say he was okay and he normally would if he was, so what happened?
MD: Is he alright?
ID: damn right i'm the fucking devil.
ID: you chatty lil bitches. D:<=
AH: looooool
VV: ♚ ~ Ohohoooo
SA: 🎊
AH: yeah okay, this from the guy who runs his mouth 24/7 and has enough opinions to fill an entire gossip rag
SA: Emerel
SA: beat the shit out of Hadean.
SA: It was very bad.
ID: first things first- Emerel is fucking fine-ish. Because he's a fucking cheater.
AH: they kind of beat the shit out of each _other_ but yeah that's true
SA: But it is okay, because Hadean bea thte shit out of him too.
SA: and it was good.
ID: two, wow what the fuck prisma I beat the shit out of him too!
MD: Oh.... MD: Is Pheres okay?
AH: lmao he's fine
ID: it was very good.
SA: I just said that Hadean beat the shit out of him!
AH: prickly as ever
AH: so he's fine
AH: I know, I know, chill
MD: I'm glad. Pheres is our friend.
ID: damn right i did.
AH: It was just funny because I got there before you
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds like an eventful time has been had. Oho
SA: that was my single exclaimation point for the entire day now I have to wait to grow another.
ID: i shanked the fuck out of him. accidentally.
AH: oh _shit_
SA: you are ruining my fuck farm, Gliese.
AH: you used up your only one
AH: well damn, I guess I have to pay reparations now
ID: wait who taught prisma to swear.
AH: woe is me
ID: who is taking my darling boy's precious firsts from me.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes I'm wondering that too ID.
AH: probably the highbloods he grew up with we all have foul mouths
SA: ...
SA: What.
SA: Oh I've always known how to swear it is just usually polite to avoid it
AD: oO this chat is moving fast tonight~! Oo
SA: Why do you have unique swears to teach me, Hadean/
AD: oO that's new! Oo
SA: I am all ears, professor,
SA: Language 105.
AD: oO who's arguing tonight OuO Oo
ID: later pris.
VV: ♚ ~ You actually want to LEARN such a thing Prisma?
SA: No, I am being silly.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, pity. There's some interestingly written on walls otherwise I could've shown you.
ID: uh. third. gliese i saw you being a shady twit and hauling my carcass off does not absolve you of that!
ID: so fite me you nubby bunny. =:P
SA: Perhaps next time, Perdia.
ID: ...also fourth what are you doing with the crown wench.
ID: pris is she taking advantage of you.
SA: who?
SA: Oh.
SA: little princess?
ID: yeah her.
SA: how so...
SA: She has been very polite and accomodating.
ID: has she asked you for anything?
SA: she even called me honeycomb prince because I didn't like mustard.
SA: ...I don't believe so?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I hadn't realized you'd meant me I'm not a wench. Perdia. I prefer Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ And I like it I think that's enough reasoning.
ID: hm. perdia i got my eye on you. don't mess with pris.
VV: ♚ ~ mess? How mess?
VV: ♚ ~ Me? Never.
ID: you know what i mean. so don't do it.
VV: ♚ ~ I adore him and his charms. I could never.
VV: ♚ ~ Would having your own crown make you happier?
ID: i don't need a crown to be a king.
VV: ♚ ~ I like that attitude.
SA: An entire royal court.
AD: oO crowns are so fun though! Oo
VV: ♚ ~ A good thought, unfortunatley I like the decorum of having one.
AH: lol come fight me at the banjo player's spot, Hadean, I'm listening to SICK TUNES.
AD: oO especially when they sparkle~ Oo
AH: oh hey Canela
AD: oO GLIESE!!! <333333 Oo
AH: what's up
ID: crowns are gaudy and only weaklings who need the power that an object can bring wear them.
SA: what about a tiara, Hadean.
AD: oO i just got done watching the joust thing! Oo AD: oO the one where people poke each other with pointy sticks! Oo AD: oO it was so fun! Oo
SA: much more secure and minimal.
VV: ♚ ~ Only Gaudy if you pick the wrong one!
ID: tiaras are just flimsier crowns.
SA: I'm buying one at the faire.
AD: oO tiaras are marks of pride Oo
SA: I will be pretty.
SA: since laedy refuses to acknowledge me as handsome.
VV: ♚ ~ Prisma get one yes! Let's match.
SA: I will pick the next best thing.
ID: ...pris you called lal ugly first i'm pretty sure.
AD: oO and even better, you can wear a tiara like a headband Oo
SA: Oh you're entirely right.
AD: oO which makes them infinitely better than crowns Oo
AH: you mean gouging chunks out of each other with lances, Canela?
AH: lmao
SA: Maybe I will get him a tiara too.
AD: oO yep! that one! Oo
AH: did anyone fall off their hoofbeast?
SA: do you think that will make him happy?
AD: oO i wanna try jousting someone! Oo
AD: oO sure did ~uO lots of people did! Oo
SA: I want it to have rubies on it.
ID: i think you buying him anything and telling him he's not ugly will make him happy.
AD: oO some guy got stabbed right through the shield too Oo
SA: Oh.
AH: Canela do you even know how to ride a hoofbeast
SA; that's much simpler.
AH: that's kind of important
ID: though i am firm in my belief that tiaras suck.
AD: oO i can learn! Oo
AH: okay fair
AD: oO you don't hatch knowing how! Oo
AH: do you have _time_ to learn though
AD: oO well.... Oo
VV: ♚ ~ So between tiaras and crowns which is better hm?
AD: oO probably not i guess...... Oo
AD: oO oh well Oo AD: oO maybe some other time Oo
AH: fuck 'em both, wear a flower crown
ID: neither. flower crowns are fine if you want to be palebait gliese.
AD: oO i saw some nice flower crowns at a stall back there Oo
VV: ♚ ~ It is getting warmer isn't it? A flower crown does sound rather fitting.
AH: fuck you flower crowns can be fucking intense
ID: intensely palebait-y.
VV: ♚ ~ Give me an example Gliese I want an intense one.
AD: oO gliese we should get flower crowns! Oo
AH: oh my god are you ever going to shut up about that
AD: oO and match! Oo
ID: yeah gliese. get a matching flower crown.
SA: Hadean is mad because I did not make him a flowercrown with the buoquet I got him.
SA: ...
AH: okay well if you have a crown with thorny roses, belladona, nightshade, and stinging nettles, _obviously_ that is a badass crown
AD: oO and she will look very intense in it Oo
AH: it could fucking kill someone
SA: ... What did I do with the buoquet did I leave it on the patio?!
ID: like the person wearing it.
AD: oO maybe someone made a flower crown out of it Oo
AH: he wishes he was as stylish as me - lmao yeah
SA: no it was for Hadean!
SA: and i just left it there on Pheres's doorstep...
VV: ♚ ~ I shall get myself a belladonna flower crown for the season then it's settled. VV: ♚ ~ And oh my Prisma....
ID: i'm sure pheres won't fuck with it pris.
AH: yeah he probably just took it inside or whatever
AH: it's you, he doesn't have anything against you I think
SA: please don't poison yourself Perdia...
ID: yeah. he saw that you brought it. it'll be fine.
SA: I feel very silly... I never forget things.
SA: I'll come and get it tomorrow.
SA: where are you staying, Hadean?
ID: uhh a hotel. i don't remember the name.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I won't. Others may have to worry but I'll be fine enough. But really that's all that matters I think! I'm fine.
VV: ♚ ~ A name of your place of staying is rather important.
AD: oO who's still at the faire? Oo
AD: oO i don't really want to leave until i have to myself Oo AD: oO it's so fun! Oo
ID: it's beneath me to remember.
ID: uh i'm at the fair.
SA: professor Hadean has much better things to do than remember his own address.
VV: ♚ ~ Is that so?
AD: oO what are you doing there? is it fun? Oo
SA: I will be at the faire for one more day, but that's it.
ID: i foguth a jadeblood and it ended in a tie i think.
SA: I am unsure who you are, AD.
VV: ♚ ~ I left but do hope the rest of you have a decent time.
ID: which was kinda fun if you like ties.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you like ties?
ID: fuck no am i a fucking wriggler ties are for two losers.
ID: but it is what it fucking is.
SA: If it helps any you still have honor 😦
AH: I'm still here lol
ID: honor and a whole lot of fucking pain. =:I it's no longer the floating too-much pain, it's the fucking everything hurts and i'm angry pain.
AD: oO oh i'm canela Oo AD: oO hi sa~ Oo
SA: do you need medicine?
SA: hello, Canela. I am prisma.
VV: ♚ ~ Let the anger fuel and heal you? I believe I've heard someone say that at sometime or another. Ah well you seem the strong type.
AD: oO hehe good to meet you~ Oo
ID: pris, drugs do nothing for me, remember?
SA: Oh. Yes.
AD: oO was that the fight where gliese's friend got hurt D: Oo
SA: I have some of my drugs if you would like to try those.
VV: ♚ ~ Are you TOO strong?
AD: oO both of her friends, actually! Oo
ID: if by too strong you mean too fucked up, yes.
ID: and yeah that was me.
ID: i was the rustblood if you didn't figure it out.
VV: ♚ ~ I didn't mean that but that answered that I suppose!
AD: oO ouch Oo AD: oO you stabbed the other guy too! i saw it! Oo
AD: oO that was kind of a scary fight Oo
ID: yeah. and i bashed him in the face with a brick. =>:D
VV: ♚ ~ A dirty fighter with resourcefulness.
VV: ♚ ~ That's interesting.
SA: 🏆
AH: I was gonna answer but I found Emerel's signmate and Hadean got there before me
SA: I still take offense to your tent threats.
AD: oO is emerel doing well now Oo
SA: emerel is fine. as disappointing as that is.
AH: He's recovering I'm told - hey
AH: Em is my friend
ID: oh yeah, emerel is doing fucking cheery.
AH: Badmouth him somewhere else
ID: nu-uh gliese, he pulled some shit tonight, he gets some nastiness.
AH: ugh whatever
AH: you're both dorks, I'm talking to Canela instead
AH: Canela, what else have you been doing
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm. Sweet Honeycomb, Gliese,....Canela I believe and....well I think that's all. It's been grand but I've business to attend to. Have a delightful night all ❤
SA: sleep well, little princess.
ID: woowwwww fuck you too.
AH: lol was that to me or Perdia
VV: ♚ ~ ❤ hehe
AH: because honestly could be both
ID: ms. artificial sweetener.
ID: but also maybe both.
AH: oh shit, the suspense will keep me awake at day
AH: how will I live.
ID: y'know. fake sweet that'll probably give you tumours.
ID: that's vv.
AH: I mean, I've met worse
AH: but lmao not gonna fight you there
SA: the likes of splenda and aspertame.
ID: damn right you ain't.
ID: yeah. your buddy there is like splenda pris.
SA: What makes you think so?
ID: because we're both maroons.
ID: she's using one of the maroon tricks.
AD: oO hey don't make fun of gliese's friends Oo AD: oO SO not cool!!! Oo
ID: gliese was splenda your friend.
ID: because if so, i'm gonna be hella disappointed.
AD: oO mostly i've just been walking around the cute little shops everywhere! Oo AD: oO i even got some new clothes out of it hehe~ Oo
AH: lmao, let me put it this way
AH: I'd take her over the fish
AH: and she wasn't that bad I guess
ID: ...the fish is. ad?
AH: but she's not like
AD: oO oh Oo
AD: oO okay Oo
AH: okay wait no
AH: not you Canela
AH: there was this fuchsia dickhead in here earlier
AD: oO i thought i did something wrong there! Oo
ID: oh. okay. so this fish is okay?
AH: and they were being a total prick - nah sorry
AH: Canela's cool
AH: like, the only cool violet I know
AD: oO <3333 Oo
ID: /oh/.
ID: well. good on you for aiming high there gliese.
SA: oh, you mean the one that kept saying I was concerning and strange?
AH: yeah that asshole
AD: oO you seem quite lovely to me! Oo
PR: Hey everyone
SA: do maroons usually try to trick people into giving them things?
ID: well don't worry pris, you're strange but we're all pretty fucking strange here.
SA: oh, thank you both.
SA: it warms my heart.
ID: maroons that are flatscans will try and latch on to a sparker for protection, yeah.
ID: oldest trick in the book, get someone to fight your battles for you.
SA: does she know my psionics though or just that I have them. I do not remember.
SA: has someone done it to you, Hadean?
SA: hello, PR
ID: i mean, they've tried before. but when you know what to look out for, it's pretty easy to avoid.
PR: If someone's 𝞃rying 𝞃o use you for psi, jus𝞃 give em a li𝞃𝞃le zap PR: Or wha𝞃ever you can do
ID: i'm backreading and you're going to travel with her pris?
AH: lmao, seriously?
AH: that's fucking sad, I know a flatscan rust but she never did that
ID: pris doesn't do much zapping. uh. pr.
AH: because even though she's a total ass she's not a weakling like that
SA: I may, I don't know. I would like to travel, but not alone.
SA: I do much more throwing. But it makes me tired and hurt
ID: hey, some rusts can only get by off of mooching off those with power. that or they get taken advantage of.
SA: what did you do when you found out?
PR: 𝞃ha𝞃's why I added "or wha𝞃ever"
ID: uhhh let's not talk about the past too much pris.
SA: oh. Alright
AD: oO ahhhh this dress is adorabubble~ Oo AD: oO i think i love the faire clothes! Oo
ID: but yeah. some maroons act meek and mild. roll over and hope they're not worth bothering to cull. and some just try to round up some poor suckers to take punches in their place.
ID: the bottom is a sucky cut-throat place sometimes.
SA: 😦 I wish I could protect more people
ID: ...pris that was not the lesson to take away from this.
SA: was the actual lesson to be wary and concerned about the people I meet who are overtly nice to me for seemingly no reason?
ID: /yes/.
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's a good lesson 𝞃o learn!
SA: what if I do both. Could I protect you and Sipara and Perdia?
SA: and be worried about taken advantage of by everyone else
SA: it is a formidable lesson
ID: me and sip take care of ourselves.
ID: perdia is one of the ones who you need to be wary of!
SA: but I want to believe she is genuine.
SA: I almost used a fruit emoji
SA: I am not used to knowing people who readily turn down my helping.
ID: i mean of course you do, you're like a freshly pupated wriggler in your hopes of everyone being wonderful and having your best interests at heart, but...
ID: buddy. most people suck.
PR: Aww
ID: and most of them will stab you in the back if it means they get something out of it.
SA: I can take them
PR: 𝞃ruuuueeeeeee
SA: but I will be more careful
SA: 😄
AH: I _guess_ but mooching off another lowblood seems dickish.
AH: mooching off highbloods, fine, we can handle it
AH: but trying to mooch off another rust just because they have powers seems assy unless you're also contributing somehow
ID: =:/ some of them make you want to stab yourself in the back just to make them smile too pris. and you're a good target for that.
SA: ...
SA: but you wouldn't do that, right
SA: 😖
ID: what. /no/.
AH: Hadean is not that particular kind of dick
ID: if i was gonna stab you i would've done it while you were napping.
AH: also sup Dahlia LMAO
SA: I would have woken up please do not that take as an invitation strangers in the chat.
AH: see?? he's good. in that department
PR: No𝞃 much, was dying of boredom!!!
SA: and irnwoild ahve veeb vad
ID: sorry to break your pumper btw gliese, but scamming highbloods isn't always an option.
AH: lol, you have nothing to fear from me, I don't care. hell I'd probably shiv someone who _did_ disturb you, Hadean would skewer me if I let you die
ID: like look at fucking. port port.
ID: damn right i would gliese, you both have to get along.
AH: and then I'd have to put up with his bitching
AH: which is horrible
AH: see???
SA: hello gliese.
AH: sup
SA: port port?
AH: Port Mina
AH: my ass end of nowhere desert town
ID: where gliese is like. one of three highbloods.
SA: I am glad you wouldn't take advantage of me, Hadean. 😃 I am also glad gliese would not attempt to kill me in my sleep
AH: yyyyup
ID: tons of lowbloods screwing over lowbloods there.
AH: four if you count the banker
AH: but who cares about the banker
SA: Eugh
AH: though even Lapyen's questionable, she's my friend and all but she works here way less now
ID: i'm here to make sure no one takes advantage of you pris. it's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
SA: perhaps one day if we all believe very hard I will be able to detect it myself
SA: actually that is a lie
SA: my clairvoyance allows me to detect immediate intention.
SA: but it does not work unless the person is actively trying to lie to me
SA: thank you, Hadean.
ID: i mean, anytime. and if the fake sugar bitch hurts you, i'll light her hive on fire.
AH: huh
SA: port Mina sounds like it may require help of some kind, Gliese.
AH: that's a weird kind of psi
AH: does sound handy in some cases though
AH: lmao Port Mina needs more help than anyone can give
PR: Wai𝞃, how far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from wai𝞃 shi𝞃
SA: please do not light her on fire. I think a slap on the wrist will be fine.
AH: don't waste your time worrying
PR: I can'𝞃 remember 𝞃he righ𝞃 name
ID: i'm lighting her hive on fire, not her.
ID: not my fault if she stays in the hive.
AH: _lmao_
SA: that isn't my only psionic, Gliese. I would have been a catastrophic failure if it were.
AH: ...why
AH: oh wait
SA: we'll ensure she's out of it please
AH: you don't wanna talk about it
SA: I am tired of talking about it. Yes.
AH: sure whatever
SA: but if I must I will
AH: nah I don't care
ID: man look at you go pris, not talking about- well.
AH: not like I enjoy _my_ psi
AH: do whatever lmao
SA: even better then.
ID: i will sit on my throne of best psi ever and throw beetles to you poor peasants. it's fine.
PR: La𝞃e, bu𝞃 I remembered how 𝞃o spell i𝞃
AH: Dahlia has best psi here
AH: plants forever
PR: How far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from Derevnya?
SA: when you are better. We should have a psionics fight.
SA: I bet I will win 💗
ID: uh pris i saw you need a nap after throwing some knives.
SA: but if Sipara gets worms maybe I will be better
ID: ...man pris don't talk about the worms.
AH: why, the worms are just worms
SA: oh. Okay
AH: what are you a weenie
ID: hush up gliese. it's just not info he needs to be talking about.
PR: Well aaaanyways, you guys know any good places for cake?
PR: Or like, swee𝞃breads
SA: I think someone in this chat is a baker
ID: there's a place in the greenblood circle that had good sweetrolls.
PR: Omg
AH: hope it's not the greenblood I just ran into because he looks sad as _fuck_
AH: and also just like Emerel
SA: clones?
PR: Well I live in 𝞃he middle of nowhere so i𝞃'd 𝞃ake a minu𝞃e 𝞃o go anywhere
ID: oh. yeah.
PR: Bu𝞃 a girl needs a swee𝞃bread, you feel me?
SA: I don't know what the prevalence of surviving identical twins is on alternia. I imagine it is low
AH: no lmao Prisma don't you know what signmates are?
SA: sweets are amazing ❤️
invertedDissident has sent glieselikemyshirt.png!
SA: no, my sign only exists for me.
ID: magic.
SA: 😂
ID: carefully.
ID: sips got it for me.
SA: he believed very hard
AH: lmao of course she did
ID: pheres owed me a shirt.
AH: fuckin Sipara
ID: but he had to fucking emerel wrangle.
AH: I guess that's true
ID: so sips grabbed what would fit.
AH: LMAO yeah none of Pheres's shit would fit you he's no taller than I am
ID: and it's too much fucking effort to take it off so i'm wearing it until it rots off me or my wounds heal. whichever comes first.
PR: Bru𝞃al!
ID: i mean we cut it up to get it on me so i doubt he'll want it back.
SA: why did you say that, now I have to get you clean shirts or at least something you can slip on
ID: i left my old shirt as payment.
AH: _lmao_ I'm sure he has more
AH: I bet he'll love it
SA: I'm sure 🙄
ID: i mean i think it got plenty of his blood and mine on it.
SA: he was loving it on the patio.
SA: I am swiftly becoming. Unpersonable. I will rest
ID: yeah well i hope you ate your sushi first.
SA: Hadean, I will bring you your flowers and shirts tomorrow.
SA: oh, yes.
SA: it was Jurassic park roll.
ID: alright- i have no idea what that means but okay.
SA: and salmon sashimi
ID: i will see you tomorrow, explain it then.
SA: I'll bring some
PR: Damn, you're ge𝞃𝞃ing spoiled!
ID: sure, i'll try anything once.
SA: goodnight, friend. Goodnight, Gliese
SA: goodnight PR
PR: Nigh𝞃!
ID: night pris.
ID: so pr, got a name.
PR: Dahlia
AH: Dahlia's cool
PR: 0;
AH: her psiionics are rad
ID: gliese your definition of cool is sometimes questionable.
ID: just saying.
ID: but nice to chat at you dahlia.
PR: Cool mee𝞃ing you 𝞃oo PR: Wha𝞃's your name, ID
ID: hadean.
PR: I'll remember i𝞃
PR: Bu𝞃 also my psi IS rad
ID: something to do with plants i think i saw earlier?
AH: my definition of cool is perfect fuck you
PR: Yep! PR: S𝞃andard florikinesis and more
AH: I know EXACTLY what is cool at all times
ID: uh-huuuuh gliese.
ID: huh. neat.
ID: i never remember the fancy word for my psi.
PR: Wha𝞃 can you do?
AH: Supreme Dork Powers
AH: that's its name
ID: Ergo...kinesis...?
PR: No clue lmao
ID: fuck off gliese, i'm the coolest.
ID: i make constructs out of energy.
AH: LOL yeah whatever helps you sleep at day
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's freakin swee𝞃
AH: look, it's better than my psi, but a rusty nail to the foot is better than MY psi
AH: yeah but he collapses like a wriggler afterwards
ID: let me get out the tiny violin.
AH: fuck you, I will steal your tiny violin and sell it
ID: fuck off.
AH: truth is pain
ID: let's see what you do when you overextend your psi.
ID: get to it. hop hop.
AH: oh my god
AH: was that a hopbeast joke
ID: probably turn in to a vegetable if you did though.
AH: Hadean that's uncreative as fuck
ID: i mean it wasn't.
AH: good
ID: but now it is.
AH: I hate you
PR: Burnou𝞃 could happen
ID: =:P
AH: are you _actually_ sticking your tongue out
AH: I wanna see that happen
AH: just to see how dumb you'd look
AH: if you looked dumber than usual I'd fucking clap
AH: what an achievement
ID: ....girl you wear the ugliest poncho known to trollkind.
ID: you cannot judge dumbness.
AH: I'm actually gonna ditch that I think.
AH: not because it's ugly, fuck you
ID: praise be to whatever wretched god is listening.
AH: but because it has my old quad colors on it
AH: Kiiind of outdated - oh my god eat a bulge
ID: \o/
ID: that's me praising right there.
ID: i'd fight with the strength of a thousand seadwellers to escape that fate.
AH: except you don't _have_ that dumbass
AH: you have the strength of one half-starved lunatic
ID: your poncho will inspire it in me.
AH: oh my god
ID: dahlia, back me up. it's an ugly poncho right?
AH: I will shove it down your throat - dahlia's never even seen me
ID: well trust me dahlia, gliese is a dork with an ugly poncho.
AH: trust me Dahlia Hadean is an idiot with dumb tattoos
ID: my tats are the coolest, your poncho looks like twelve generations of fleas live in it.
AH: your tats look like SHITTY CLOWN PAINT you fucking loser
AH: my poncho has never been anything but fucking pristine
AH: except for sand but I can't avoid that in the fucking desert now can I
ID: pristine garbage.
AH: is that your internet forum name
ID: left to rot in the desert for a perigee.
AH: you goddamn thin skinned pansy
ID: then pressed in to the form of a poncho.
AH: oh my GOD it's just A FUCKING PONCHO
ID: says the pansy defending her shitty poncho.
ID: worse fashion sense than pheres i'd almost say.
AH: you did NOT just say that
AH: this means WAR
ID: 0=:)
ID: when i win the war can i burn the poncho.
AH: when you lose the war I will shove the poncho up your ass
ID: man you're just obsessed with shoving.
AH: you infected me because you shove so much shit into the world
ID: first down my throat, then up my ass.
AH: from both ends
ID: don't blame your depravity on me gliese.
ID: it's alllll you.
AH: I will blame _all_ depravity on you Hadean
AH: you are the source of it
ID: ms. 'hadean hasn't gotten laid'.
AH: oh my god it was a joke
ID: nope. i'm now pure as the fucking freshly fallen snow.
ID: you're a depraved monster.
SA: kink 101
ID: kink 101 was not putting things in a chute that didn't belong.
ID: like a poncho.
AH: _wow_ rhfvolkmjnfhgvuio
AH: god I hate everything right now
SA: 👌
AH: mostly you
AH: but also everything
ID: mostly yourself you mean.
ID: i'm innocent.
AH: fuck you, I'm not a goddamn angsty shithead
AH: that's for losers and wrigglers
AH: LMAO you're as innocent as a full grown subjug
ID: /wow/.
ID: stop bringing clowns in to this.
ID: i'm sorry i'm not indigo enough for you. =:(
ID: further depravity, gliese has a clown kink.
AH: oh my GOD NO
SA: 😩😴 what kink class is that
AH: god no I hate purples.
ID: uh-huh.
AH: they all fucking suck.
SA: at least a 300 course
AH: I don't even KNOW any purples.
ID: I saw the clown horn gliese.
AH: _Prisma_
AH: Prisma why
SA: I work for a number of them sometimes...
AH: lmao you have my sympathy
SA: because I just now put on my jammies and laid back down.
SA: and thus I am barely awake still to antagonize you
SA: they pay eell
ID: gliese is the head professor of clown kink university.
SA: my handler was an indigo. As well
Sa: but I dislike clowns
AH: I have never read a worse sentence in my life
AH: and I don't think I ever will
AH: wow
SA: clown kink university
SA: alma Mater
ID: she got her phD in juggalonomics.
AH: too busy dying to squash this garbage like it deserves.
AH: why
ID: secretly has a 'down with the clowns' tramp stamp.
SA: a minor in face paint interpretation. She secretly knows exactly what your tattoos mean and it's her favorite
SA: does it have a squeaky horn under the text
ID: of course. pointing down.
SA: 😳
SA: 😴
ID: ...did we break her.
SA: gliese come back
SA: we love you
ID: speak for yourself there pris.
SA: do you islike plaronic loce--
AH: I need to drink to forget
ID: drinking is how you got the tramp stamp to begin with gliese.
SA: whiskeyyy
AH: _god I hate you so much_
AH: you know what Prisma.
AH: that's a great fucking idea.
SA: tequila is what you drink to make mistakes
ID: man she's gonna wake up covered in face paint and smelling of faygo again.
SA: sticky with a cheap red wig
SA: 🎉🎉🎉
ID: ....y'know what, that's the perfect ending to this chat to make everyone curious enough to scroll up and read. gj pris.
SA: ❤️
SA: I can't keep my eyes open
SA: feel better Hadean
SA: 😴
ID: getting there. thanks pris.
ID: go sleep.
OA: :o)
0 notes