If somebody is down to talk about really dettailed and complicated fictional worlds they created im always here, just so yall know.
Really, everything is ok, im desperate
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sleepboysummer · 6 days
penny and ezra lamb are like violet and klaus baudelaire if they were evil
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anarchist-art · 7 days
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Crassula socialis (ring plant) is thriving! It took me a long time to find the right place and buddy and watering "schedule" for this guy and I love to see it happy!
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poop-me-a-flower · 9 months
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Variegated Ledebouria socialis - a low maintenance, easy to please plant. Not as floriferous as the normal version and the leaves are longer.
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Neurodivergent socially awkward people of tumblr,
How would you go about asking someone if they like you?
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fawnarchive · 4 months
mutuals!! what’s your favorite thing about your f/o ? and, bonus question! what’s their favorite thing about you?
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vaerjs · 4 months
Essere caregiver è allo stesso tempo la mia più grande condanna e fortuna. Mi ha fatto sviluppare empatia, una sensibilità molto forte, un'attenzione a dettagli di abusi che altrimenti non avrei notato, ma a che prezzo? Il carico emotivo di trent'anni di vita in un ambiente depressivo non è leggero e per quanto scappi lontano ti resta incollato alle spalle, come i brillantini dei lavoretti Natale che riescono a farsi spazio ovunque anche quando pensi di essertene liberata. Aver scelto un lavoro un ambito sociale ha acuito quelle sensibilità e mi chiedo chi sto cercando di rispettare non chiamando i servizi sociali.
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lospalatoredinuvole · 7 months
La maggior parte degli amici non sono veri amici. Sono presenti solo quando le cose vanno bene, quando le cose sono divertenti, quando è conveniente, quando ti sei realizzat*, quando è vantaggioso per loro. Ma spariscono quando queste cose vengono a mancare.
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gregor-samsung · 3 months
“ Gli uomini tutti d'un pezzo dove li aveva mai visti?, insistevo. Erano quelli capaci di vere inclinazioni, rispose. Proprio il contrario dei personaggi, che avevano sempre bisogno di decidersi per fare qualcosa, e quando poi la facevano non era per farla ma per fare come gli altri... Se neppure io lo sapevo qual era l'idea che avevo di me stesso! Si, doveva esserci una smagliatura, tra me e me, di cui bisognava pur venissi a capo. Mi pareva di non sentire amore o anche rallegrarmi come immaginavo accadesse agli altri, con naturale abbandono. Glielo avevo confidato io una volta! E poi per orgoglio e necessità me l'ero accollata questa supposta diversità, l'avevo costruita, difesa, mi ci ero adattato, ostinato, barricato dentro, e avevo finito per preferirla. Ma era forse solo una maschera che col tempo sarebbe caduta, o una mia ipotesi tutta ancora da accertare nei fatti. Come poteva lui ritenermi incapace di vere inclinazioni, e io stesso crederlo, se non avevo mai avuto fino ad oggi una qualsiasi esperienza che me lo confermasse? E oggi, ecco, l'occasione si presentava. Oggi alle sei. Dovevo rifiutarla per rimanere nel vago, oppure dovevo approfittare e farla con Mira l'esperienza — oggi — alle sei — per saperne di più su me stesso? In fondo era lui a spingermi a questo, a provocarmi ritorcendo contro di me quanto gli avevo confidato. Solo se lo avessi smentito, mi dicevo, avrei potuto riconquistare la sua ammirazione e fors'anche la sua amicizia, sì solo così sarei passato nella prima categoria, quella degli uomini, che lui rispettava... L'occhio nel labile specchio del finestrino mi stava guardando carico d'apprensività — non erano i miei, per l'appunto, i pensieri di un personaggio? — e già mi comunicava il solito disagio quando di colpo l'immagine sparì insieme con gli alberi della Villa Comunale. “
Raffaele La Capria, Un giorno d'impazienza, Bompiani, 1976, pp. 17-18.
 NOTA: L’edizione del 1976 è una riscrittura dell'opera prima dell’autore pubblicata nel 1952.
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the reason i chose trickster for wotr Cecios path is bc trickster is right up his alley. this man is a walking parody of common tropes and he abuses the fuck out of people expectations & simplifications of how people work. he sees social interactions as a game and knows the optimal character he needs to be and what he needs to say to get the best score. hes not genre aware per say but he is aware of stereotypes in life and how people dent to perceive different things.
like hes a fucking cop planted by an organized crime group and all he has to do to hide that is make up a sob story about a dead sister and wanting to avenge her, then occasionally get angry at the right people before holding himself back and Doing The Right ThingTM and following the law, be a little depressed when hes reminded of his sister and a little angry to but in the end he does the right thing- and that carefully crafted weakness is his strength, because they see his passion for justice as a flaw and dont look deeper at, oh, the fact hes manipulating people into becoming dirty cops for the fucking mafia and covering up crimes and framing other people for those crimes left and right. and killing people. like a lot of people.
hes also conventionally attractive and knows it which helps massively.
but idk the way he basically wink and nods at the reader about how hes taking the piss out of and manipulating people expectations is very trickster from my knowledge of it prior to playing the mythic path. cause hes not exactly subtle or nuanced in his masks mot of the time and he gets a perverse joy of just how stereotypical and on the nose he can be before anyone clues on to his antics [the answer is no one who lives for long and even then not many people]
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jewishdainix · 5 months
Ooooooh ooof. Elend is going through THE most frustrating thing ever
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anarchist-art · 13 days
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genshin-brained · 6 months
I enjoy thinking about the Fortress of Meropide coz in some aspects it's quite outstanding for a prison establishment (encourages people to start a new better life, doesn’t treat the convicts as subhuman, the administrator personally provides individuals with support in cases of abuse) but in other aspects (local currency invalid in the larger society, a SINGLE RANDOMIZED free meal a day) it makes me a little *head in hands*.
This is, however, somewhat amended by the fact that, historically, the Fortress is less of an actual prison establishment (despite de facto functioning as such) and more so an isolated self-governing society of exiles. And, well, if you're going to condemn the system for not providing people with basic necessities for free, then that condemnation is to be extended to all other societies of Teyvat.
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figgiforever · 17 days
The favorite food of some of your OCs? Is their taste similar to yours??
Do they cook yummy polish food in Kyrimorut I have to know
Well, I don’t put too much thought into food in fiction, sorry. Due to my stomach problems I have a hard relationship with eating and food in general. But I’ll tell you this:
Tiggi can eat anything. Anything. She grew up on the streets, she can eat even something that’s covered in mold and she’ll be fine. It’s possible also because Allases have stronger stomachs. They adapted to be able to eat anything that grows, flies and crawls on their home world, even mosses, lichens, small reptiles, raw eggs…. they do not engage in agriculture, fruit-growing or animal breeding. They eat whatever they can find.
Another fact about Tiggi – she’s not a great cook. She can make edible food because she sees cooking as an important survival skill but nothing more. She’s used to eat anything to survive. Her taste buds are burned out. So when she prepares something it’s edible (for her at least) but not necessary tasty for a regular person. In Kyrimorut they keep her away from the kitchen. But don’t worry. Fi would gladly prepare something for her :)
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