#sofie makes things
sincerely-sofie · 4 months
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Finally got some more sticker paper, so I made some pins and stickers for TPiaG (along with miscellaneous older sticker designs) to celebrate! Long Twig has become a sticker as prophesied.
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anglerfishenthusiast · 5 months
"sterma perma with like, six heart emojis. just like a ton of emojis."
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rooolt · 2 years
I will simply never get over kugrash, like thinking about him makes me sick will utter sadness and love. I genuinely think he’s one of the best characters ever written, acted, portrayed, whatever you want to call it, he’s ruined me. He’s got everything, he’s a little creachur, a pathetic old man, a deadbeat dad, his children are Santa and a vampire, and now he’s fully just the universe because he ate a bagel. He’s a dancer and he’s the rat king and he’s a hairy baby and he broke Esther’s curse his name is Bruce. Like he’s so iconic with his dumpster smell and his plastic bag shoes and I am going to cry just writing this post. I love him so much, Brian Murphy I owe you my life for this utterly beloved guy taken from us too soon and yet at the narratively most perfect time.
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l44serbeam · 2 years
watching st4 vol 2 just to completely erase it from my head the second it ends
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twelvedaysinaugust · 1 year
What do you think about Sofie? I find it really weird how she was denying that bua and how she keeps liking LTHQ’s posts about the doc and Charlie’s posts about Louis+ she’s stalking Louis’ uas…it seems like she genuinely didn’t expect that article to drop but she was with other guy at Barney and she’s been following and liking other guys so I’m just very intrigued by this whole situation like what’s going on here…does she crave attention or something? I just don’t get it like why did she get so upset by that article and tried to deny it.
I think she’s trying to make a dollar and a name in a city where it’s damn near impossible to do so. 😭
Good for her.
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
I’m trying so hard ya’ll.
So 🤬🤬 hard.
But I want to eat that salad I posted today SO BAD
Ever since I queued it, it’s all I’ve been able to think about.
I stg I’m not pregnant. Maybe. But I’m craving that salad so bad I wish I could reach in the computer and materialize it in front of me. So I can eat it.
Please help 😭
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fagmegumi · 2 years
if i had a cent for every pathetic war criminal who suffers from erectile dysfunction from doing too much cocke I’ve encountered in fiction this year. Etc
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wextarbt15 · 3 months
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(wextarbt15.tumblr.com) Ironically, now I wish I was the guy in this video, only taller. CONTINUE...
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cocainecowgrrl · 10 months
very cool the main thing that makes me feel ok is gonna be ending in a couple weeks very very cool I am gonna be super normal about this 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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diorcities · 14 days
What habits the dreamies got from their gfs (like adapting her rutine style to theirs)
you ask, i deliver. i don't think any of them would read if you're a bookworm D':
thanks to sofi for the inspo ily :(
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jaemin: starts baking. i think after seeing you happy baking cakes for him every chance you get he'd slowly start making cookies and muffins for his sweet girl; he'd suggest spending a day making sweets with you, especially if you smell of vanilla afterward.
mark: starts copying your speech and mannerisms. he'd start using your expressions and quirks. if you make a gesture he would immediately copy it by inertia until you point it out. he thinks you're so cool, poor guy loves everything you do so he just can't stop mimicking you.
haechan: starts sleeping with a teddy bear. gets jealous really quickly when you fall asleep and it happens to be in the middle of the two of you. the first nights he'd toss it aside so he could be hugged instead, but then when you're gone he brings it with him to bed because it smells like you.
jeno: starts liking plants. if you have a fond to take care of plants, little by little, his apartment would be filled with small flowers that he'd take care of because it remind him of you. i think he'd try to recreate your cozy apartment, and he'd probably plant your favorite flowers.
renjun: starts collecting trinkets. vinyl records, seashells, shiny little things. wherever he goes, he'd take a coin or a nice rock or a keychain because you have a habit of collecting tiny trinkets whenever you travel to have a piece of it with you, so when he's on tour, he makes sure to always bring you something with him.
chenle: starts to fiddle with members' hands when he's nervous. he's used to biting his nails as a stim until you start holding his hands and fidgeting with them to make him stop. when you're not around, he starts to grab his friends' hoping they'd do the same thing.
jisung: follow along with your jokes. they're mostly playful teasing. you have this silly habit of sharing something similar but really distorted to make it sound more awesome when he's telling a story.you both know they're not true so you begin to overdo what really happened in each other's anecdote until you're both laughing.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Made up my bulletin board all pretty with art and goals for the upcoming New Year! Hopefully staring at Twig cheering me on will get me through writing the last chapter for The Present is a Gift. It’s a real doozy, that one…
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Making the art for this was a real treat. I almost like the two mock-ups I made for possible bulletin board layouts more than the finished product!
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On the topic of The Present is a Gift’s completion status: I have one chapter left to write, and then the full first draft is done! Once it’s finished I’ll let the manuscript sit for a couple weeks or so and then come back to edit it with fresh eyes. The chapter is giving me a lot of trouble though, because it’s an extended flashback that dives into Darkrai’s backstory from an outside POV, and I am struggling to get into the narrating character’s head enough to write it very well. Nevertheless, I persist, and I’m hoping I can get the pre-edit break period mostly over before the end of December!
Thanks for reading my goofy lil post on my bulletin board. Enjoy this meme.
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anglerfishenthusiast · 6 months
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i dont think ive ever loved a creature the way i love Baby Names
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baptismbaby · 8 months
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toxic! ellie x toxic! reader (modern) warnings: degrading, breathplay, hitting, bruising, strap usage (r!receiving), player!ellie, petnames based on heartbeat by childish gambino wc: 2.9k<3
You and Ellie had the worst breakup in Jackson. You two were dating for years and were constantly arguing, taking breaks and making up again. The cycle frustrated everyone who hung around you two. You would tell your friends you were single “for real this time,” while Ellie kept her distance waiting for you to knock at her door. Usually you would but if you didn’t, Ellie would sneak into your house and you’d walk in your room to find her sitting on your bed. She’d promise she wouldn’t hurt you again, wouldn’t cheat on you again, and you’d fall into her arms with tears and forgive her. Things would be fine for a week until she’d fuck up again. 
At some point, you decided you really wanted to move on. You had gone to her place and told her to never talk to you again. She thought you were fibbing and showed up to your house while you were sleeping, waking you up to say sorry. When you threatened to shoot her in the leg if she wouldn’t leave, she stormed out and broke the picture frame you had of the two of you on the ground. You blocked her on everything and avoided the places you knew she’d go.
That was a year ago. Of course, you’d spot her somewhere but you would quickly leave to make sure she didn’t see you. What you didn’t know was that she would. She even made new social media accounts to keep up with what you posted. Four months ago, you got into a relationship with a girl named Eliana. Ellie thought it was hilarious, you dating a girl with a similar name as her. You’d post about how sweet she was and Ellie would get angry. She had half a mind to send Eliana a video of her fucking you from behind and claiming it was recent just so you’d come by, yell at her but hopefully give in to her convincing you to be with her.
Ellie would hook up with a new girl almost every night but hated it. They just weren’t you. At some point, she’d let a girl named Sofie come by whenever she wanted. She looked similar to you so it was easy for Ellie to pretend it was you. Although there were similarities, she didn’t even compare to you. She was awful. She didn’t get as wet as you would, which Ellie missed. She was also extremely vanilla. It didn’t bother Ellie that much but it bored her. She gave Sofie a key to come by whenever she wanted to get fucked but Ellie always had to reach out first. It wasn’t often but enough for Sofie to assume they were dating. Ask Ellie and she would say otherwise.
About two months in your relationship with Eliana, you had sex with her for the first time and was disappointed. She wasn’t good at it. You were trying to be patient with her, telling her how to touch you and how to use  a strap but she just wasn’t catching on. She started to get more pissy with you and grew distant. You couldn’t stop thinking about Ellie. You missed her terribly. You’d take the arguments with Ellie over Eliana anyday, at least it would end in hot, angry, makeup sex. You refused to let Eliana touch you. She was getting annoying, always bitching in your ear about shit so miniscule that you couldn’t help but to laugh at her every time she tried to belittle you. You wanted to reach out to Ellie but didn’t know how. You unblocked her on everything instead and hoped you’d receive a text from her.
A month later, you were no longer posting about Eliana and Ellie had taken back the key from Sofie. Ellie noticed your lack of posts. Eliana would post stupid heartbreak poems and dumb shit like “if she wanted to, she would.” Ellie decided to try texting you. It was stupid, she believed you definitely still had her blocked. She sent you a simple “hey,” expecting it to go green. It was blue and said delivered which made Ellie immediately chuck her phone away from her. You responded a couple minutes later, “I was waiting for you to message me.”
You started texting Ellie behind Eliana’s back, talking about how Eliana was tedious and mean. Ellie would sympathize with you, telling you all the right things that made your love for her grow. A couple weeks ago, you got into a fight with Eliana. She brought up a touchy subject with you, something you felt comfortable enough to share that only Ellie knew besides her. You made her leave and called Ellie, crying. She came over to comfort you until it led into a makeout session, then she fucked you for hours. She wanted to overstimulate you to make up for lost time, she wanted to break you, she wanted to make sure you’d come crawling back to her. She would also get real gentle and sweet with you, to remind you how much she loved you without having to say it. But something about you feeling unsure about leaving Eliana for her woke something up in her. The idea of coming around when Eliana wasn’t there to get a taste of you boosted her ego. It was sneaky and gave the both of you an adrenaline rush, the idea of being caught turned the both of you on. 
So you two kept seeing each other. When Eliana would leave, you’d call Ellie and ask her to come over. Or you would leave Eliana’s place and go straight to Ellie’s. Tonight was another night of arguing between you and Eliana. You couldn’t wait for her to leave so you could call Ellie and complain about everything she said. You knew Ellie would come over in a heartbeat.
“You’re so fucking full of yourself,” you spat out. Eliana groaned and reached down to grab her bag. “Yeah, that’s right. Run away from me. That's all you know. Run from all your problems and refuse to take responsibility!”
“Fuck you!” she screamed. “How about you go crawl back to that stupid bitch Ellie. I can’t put up with this bullshit anymore. She can deal with you now.”
“You know what? I just might. At least she knows how to fuck me and make me cum!” you hollered.
Eliana left, slamming the door hard. You scoffed and headed into your room, grabbing your phone off the dresser. You dialed Ellie’s number and held it up to your ear. After a ring and a half, she answered.
“Need me to come over?” she asked. You could hear the smile in her voice.
“I’m so fucking done!” you griped. “I’m over it, Ellie! Over it!”
“Wait, with me?”
“No, with Eliana. She just left,” you said. 
“I’m coming,” Ellie hung up before you could respond.
Ellie shoved her phone in her pocket and looked over at Sofie, who stared down at her twiddling thumbs. “I gotta go, my friend needs me. You should probably go so I can get ready.”
Sofie looked up at her with watering eyes. 
“Sorry, she comes first. She’s been through a lot and-”
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Sofie interrupted. 
Ellie stayed silent, scratching her head and scrunching her nose.
Sofie got up from the couch and turned towards Ellie, placing her hands on her hips. “I should’ve known. You’ll never be over her.”
“Okay, Sofie. I don’t see why you’re bothered about it.”
“Cause we’re dating?”
Ellie chuckled which made Sofie angry. “We are not dating. I fucked you a couple times and that’s it.”
“But you gave me a key to your place?”
“Yeah, to come by whenever you wanted to fuck. I took it back because I don’t want to fuck you anymore. You never used it, anyway,” said Ellie. She was getting frustrated. She wanted to get ready and get to you as soon as possible. “I only let you come by because you said you wanted to talk.”
“Yeah, about us!” Sofie snapped.
“There is no us. There never was. I was clear from the beginning that this was short-term. You were someone to have fun with for a bit. It was alright but it’s done.”
Sofie stormed out, yelling something about how Ellie was a horrible person who used her. Ellie shrugged it off and sent you a quick text. “Getting dressed. I’ll be there soon, sweetheart.”
Ellie arrived at your place fifteen minutes later. Instead of knocking, she walked through the door and right into your room. You were already half naked in your bed, wearing a see through tank top and a thong. Ellie smirked, kicking her shoes off and removing her jeans and hoodie. Ellie already had her strap on over her boxers. Your cunt ached, desperate for Ellie’s touch.
“Needy little girl,” she teased, crawling over your trembling body. “I haven’t laid a hand on you yet and you’re already shaking.”
“You don’t know how badly I need this, Ellie.”
“What, your little bitch can’t fuck you good?” she asked in a condescending tone.
“No, Ellie. No one can,” you breathed.
Ellie brushed her fingers down your body, eliciting a moan from your lips. “My little angel, I love that you miss me when I’m gone.”
Her hands reached your panties. You thought she was gonna push them aside but instead she gripped them and tore it off, throwing the ripped fabric off to the side. You groaned, feeling your pussy throb even more. You loved when Ellie was like this. You’ve had to throw away so many panties and tights because of her. You didn’t mind though, she always got you more.
Ellie pressed the tip to your entrance. “Beg for it,” she demanded.
“Please put it in, Ellie!”
“I want you inside me! Please,” you whined, bucking your hips forward to try to sink yourself onto her strap. She shoved your waist down and slapped you across the face, watching in awe as you yelped and held your cheek to dull the pain. 
“Don’t fucking pull that again, little whore. I decide if you deserve my cock or not. Are you too stupid to get that? Huh?”
“Y-Yes, Ellie. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”
“Good girl. C’mon, keep begging me to fuck you,” she growled.
“I need your cock inside me, please! I want you to fucking ruin me.”
“Yeah, you wanna be my braindead little slut don’t you?” she taunted. “You don’t wanna think about anything but my cock stretching your tight cunt.”
You sighed, struggling to keep still as her hands went all over you. She shoved your shirt above your tits and grabbed them. 
“Fuck me Ellie, please! I can’t take it, I need to feel you. Please,” you cried.
Ellie smirked and put her cock back to your hole, slamming it inside of you. You screamed out, gripping the sheets underneath you. Ellie wrapped her hand around your throat and squeezed tightly as she thrusted into you hard and fast. It was hard to keep your eyes open to watch Ellie. All you could manage to do was squeal in pleasure. You started to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen in your brain. Ellie noticed and took her hand away, caressing your cheek then slapping it.
“You like that, huh? Yeah?”
You couldn’t speak, unable to focus on anything besides the feeling of Ellie’s cock fucking you deeper. 
“Aww, poor pup can’t talk,” she mocked.
She placed her thumb in your mouth and you opened it to suck it. Ellie moaned as you gently bit her. She pulled away and leaned towards you, her breath fanning over your face as she felt herself getting closer from the friction. “You’re mine, all mine,” she whispered. “You belong to me. You’re my pet, my fucktoy to play with. No one fucks you as good as me. Say it!”
“I’m yours,” you whimpered. You could feel your pussy tighten around Ellie’s strap. “I-I belong to you. I’m your… I’m your pet, your f-fucktoy to play with. You can u-use me anytime, anyw-where you want. Oh, fuck, I’m about to cum. P-Please can I cum, Ellie?”
Ellie nodded, giving you the permission to let your orgasm take over you. As your body shook, you absentmindedly cried out that you loved her. Ellie felt a warmth go over her entire body in adoration. 
“That’s it, baby,” she cooed, fucking you through your orgasm. She was close too, all it took was you calling out her name once again and she finished. Ellie collapsed next to you, the both of you breathing heavily and giggling.
“God, I love fucking you,” spoke Ellie.
“I love when you fuck me.”
Ellie glanced over at you, admiring your glazed eyes and red puffy lips. She noticed your cheek was starting to form a bruise. “Shit, I didn’t mean to hit so hard.”
“It’s okay,” you replied. “I don’t mind.”
“It’s gonna be a nasty bruise.”
“It’s from you. It’s okay.”
Ellie relaxed at your assurance and let out a sigh. “Seriously, I wanna know what you ever saw in Eliana. She sounds like such a bitch. I mean, bringing up… y’know? I’d never do that to you. I know I’m not the best but I couldn’t say that to you. I think I’d die if I did that.”
“I saw nothing in her,” you said honestly. “I mean, she was cool at first, I guess. She really was kind. Boring but that’s just because we had nothing in common. I wanted to move on from you. She was a rebound, that’s it.”
“Then why deal with her when you could’ve been with me this entire time?” asked Ellie.
You grinned. “It’s fun, isn’t it? Sneaking around, texting each other behind her back. I hate cheaters but… really, she deserved it. She is not a good person.”
Ellie’s heart stung at the mention of cheaters, suddenly remembering the drunken nights when she’d make out with a random girl at a party or let one grind on her thigh while dancing to make you jealous. She reached over and grabbed your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours.
“I know I always apologize then do the same shit over again. But I swear to you, baby, I’ll never do it again. None of it. Without you, my life was a living hell. I would hook up with different girls but it meant nothing to me. They weren’t you. I only want to be with you. When I lost you… I knew I had really fucked up. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance. Or, well, you’ve given me lots of those but a real one.”
Something told you that Ellie was being genuine. Before, you knew she was lying just to get you to stay but didn’t mind it. You couldn’t live without her. You tried and you were an empty shell. You shouldn’t have gotten into another relationship. You should’ve gone back to Ellie months ago. 
“I believe you, Ellie,” you finally vocalized. “I need you, really.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Ellie played with your fingers. “You know what’s funny?” you said.
“Before I called you, Eliana told me she didn’t want to deal with me anymore and to crawl back to you.”
Ellie opened her mouth to say something but your phone rang. You picked it up to see Eliana’s name across the screen. You groaned, flipping it over to show Ellie. She laughed and grabbed it. “Let me answer!”
“No!” you tried to snatch it away but Ellie held it above you.
“Come on, it’ll be funny,” Ellie begged. “I’ll put it on speaker so you can hear.”
Before you could decline, Ellie answered. You tried to slap her arm but she grabbed your wrist and gave you a look before smiling. “What do you want?” she questioned. 
“Wait, who is this?” Eliana asked.
“It’s me, Ellie.”
“Eliana, listen: she took your advice and came ‘crawling’ back to me. You don’t gotta worry about her anymore. She’s in good hands.”
“What the fuck?”
Ellie muted the phone so the two of you could cackle. Whatever Eliana said, neither of you could hear it. Ellie shushed you and unmuted it. “You fucking bitch!” Eliana screamed before Ellie could talk.
“What the fuck did you just call me?”
“Can’t believe you fucking cheated on me with Ellie,” she continued, rambling to herself at this point. 
“She was mine first. She always belonged to me. If you know what’s best for you, you won’t be trying to reach her again. You don’t even wanna know what I’ll do to you if you try it,” Ellie threatened. “I suggest you lose her number. Don’t get stupid and try coming over here.”
Ellie hung up the phone and went to your contacts to delete and block Eliana’s number. She set it on the dresser next to her and turned back to you. “There,” she said proudly. “You don’t have to worry about her no more. You’re my girl.”
“She… definitely deserved that,” you chuckled.
“I kinda wanna fuck you again,” said Ellie, changing the subject.
You bit your lip and swung your leg over Ellie so you were straddling her. You leaned down and kissed her softly. “You know I can’t say no to that.”
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From love and life
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a/n I feel like we might need some good old fluffy fluff with a tiny bit of angst. So enjoy! Any sort of interaction is so so so appreciated!🤍🫧
summary: you're heavily pregnant but your medical assistant is needed in a close by town. Emotions run high and a little someone decides to make an appearance, just the timing is not ideal.
Can be read as a part two to A slice of paradise but this is a standalone
warnings: pregnancy, birth descriptions, complicated delivery, blood, yeah...
The kitchen was dim. The only source of light was the lamp that stood in the living room. The record player lightly filled the space with old tunes as you and Joel swayed in the middle of the kitchen. It was such a rear moment lately. There was so much going on that you two hardly spent time together. Well, now that Joel was refusing to do patrol, he was way more present and even more nagging on your pregnancy brain. Even if it came from the love that he felt for you and the baby, you wish he worried less. But then again, it was easier said than done.
Your arms were lazily draped over your lover's shoulders, head nestled into his chest. Joel's grip on your body was tender. Wearier of you falling by accident, so one of his hands was firmly supporting your back, the other lovingly cupping the side of your bump. As if he were including the babe in your little nighty dance as well. Humming the tune as you two twisted and turned. There was so much love at this moment. So much attentiveness. So much reassurance. That you were in this together. That evening was going to be okay.
Even in Jackson, it was scary to bring a baby into this world. It felt so fragile. In the beginning, it made you feel selfish that you even considered conceiving in circumstances like this. But then there was nothing more that you wanted. You wanted to make Joel a father again. Even if Ellie was your baby girl as it was. You just wanted to give him a chance to raise another one. Because you knew that the fatherly love that he had was endless.
"Sofie?", Joel muttered into the nothingness of the room, and you peeled your head off his chest, shaking your head, "No, no, that's what my neighbor back in Texas was called; she was a.. well, a whore". Joel chuckled slightly and said, "Okay, Sofie gets the chop then". This had been going on for some time now. You two didn't fuss about names at the beginning, but now that you could go into labor in a matter of days, it had become quite a headache. Ellie had presented you with lists of names for both genders. She was excited to become a sister. Well, when her doubts about actually being a part of this family didn't cloud her mind. In all honesty, Ellie's reaction to the news was way more positive than you imagined it to be. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel like she was suddenly losing her rights as your and Joel's daughter.
"What about Margo?", Joel said, hands resting on your sides now, as you two continued to sway. Something in your stomach almost flusters at the sound of that, and that sensation was quickly followed by a strong kick. Joel's face quickly turned into a pleased smirk. You opened your mouth, but Joel only shook his head, "You don't even have to answer darling, our baby girl agrees," you rolled your eyes at him, "You don't even know if it's a girl," "I do she just picked her name". His hands moved to lift the shirt you were wearing. One of Joel's shirts. Both for comfort and also because it smelled like him—that's what you told Joel when he first saw you in it. Plus, at this point, almost nothing fitted you. And not all occasions were fitting for a flowy dress, even if it made the bump look adorable.
Joel's tender findings rubbed your big bump, "You're a smart little one. You like Margo, Margo Miller, huh?" Joel's attention was fully on the baby now. A baby who was happily kicking inside your tummy. A baby that mostly only kicked for Joel. Already daddy's girl or boy. The bond they built was mind-blowing to you. But then again it didn't surprise you. Joel was by your side as much as he could. He talked, sang, and read stories to the bump almost every night. Not a morning was missed without kisses. This was another source of the proposal for Joel.
"Hate to interrupt you both, but I need a snack", you mumbled, brushing some of the hair from Joel's forehead away, "You are free to continue this upstairs, and you'll be much cozier in bed; bending like that will do a number on your back". Joel looked up at you, pretending to be utterly offended by your words, "Are you calling me old?", "I'm calling it snack break that leads to bed break", you gave him a bright smile before turning to search for a jar of pickles. Joel watched you happily munching, a proud smile on his face.
You were wobbling around the kitchen, adding refills of eggs and pancakes to Ellie's plate, when you heard a knock on the door. Joel was quick to move the chair, but you placed a hand on his shoulder, mumbling a quick I got this before moving towards it. "Tommy?", it came out more surprised than it should have, but then again, he rarely came by so early and in the middle of the week as well. The younger Miller glanced towards Joel. Swallowing worriedly, you could feel a sense of dread there. "Did something happen?", you asked, moving to rest your hand on his upper arm. Tommy exhaled carefully, "You might want to kill me, but let me…", "Get to it", Joel said firmly, not breaking eye contact with his brother. "There's an emergency in the nearby town. They don't have a medic good enough", Tommy's eyes were on you now, but Joel cut in firmly, "No".
You speared him no mind though, asking, "What happened?". You had been a medic before the outbreak. It had always been your passion, not just a job. So even the fact that the world fell apart didn't stop you from wanting to help those in need. "I'm not sure, but it's a boy, and he's five at best", he continued, but Joel shook his head. "Don't try to guilt-trip her", "Joel", you warned your lover firmly. "I'm not, but you don't have to; maybe you could just talk to them on the radio?" This had to be serious if Tommy was here in the first place. And the look on his face clearly showed that the morning hasn't been easy for him.
"Get the horses ready", you said softly, "Over my dead body are you riding", Joel was up and walking towards you now. "Rode, you just the other night didn't seem to complain then", you bit back, shooting him an angry look. Ellie snorted while keeping her head down, trying not to catch too much attention, but Joel's glare still landed on her. Messing with Joel in moments like this was dangerous. This man loved his family more than he loved his life. Nothing could stand in his way. And the one who tried never survived long.
"Y/N", he said firmly, "Joel", you repeated the manner. "You're eight months pregnant; this is out of the question", he tried to reason, but in the same way as him, you were stubborn. And if you set your mind on something, making you back away was almost impossible. "You are free to stay, old man", turning to Tommy, you nodded quickly, "Go, get them ready for me, will ya?". Tommy nodded and wasted no time as he slipped out of the house. He knew that Joel's scolding would come sooner or later, but for now, he was thankful to be off the hook.
"Love", Joel's tone was smoother and calm now, as he reached for your arms. You understood his worries, and yes, you were close to giving birth, but the ride was not that long, and you felt just fine. "Joel, I ain't leaving that kid to die", His jaw tightened as he searched your eyes. Now silently pleading for you to skip this one. "You're coming along or staying here?", Joel just shook his head, still frustrated, but he said nothing. Moving towards the stairs to pack a light backpack You knew the frustration would wear off eventually. With time.
"Can I join?", Ellie's voice made you turn to her. "If you want to", you told her. The area was safe and closely monitored. The trade roads were extremely important. At times, exchanging supplies was a crucial part of surviving. "Cool family trip! Like the old days", Ellie chirped. You couldn't help but crack a smile at it. It was quite a trip you all had. Coming to Jackson wasn't easy. It seemed like forever ago now. Yet the incidents lingered in the back of your mind. It still felt too good at times. Well, even the fact that you were pregnant now was a clear indication of how everything had changed. Back in QZ you and Joel were extremely careful. To get pregnant, there was a way to end up in a grave. Here in Jackson, however, it was more than possible.
The boy had an open fracture in his shoulder. A lucky one. An inch lower, and it would have pierced his heart. He was in a critical condition when you got there, but you didn't let your mind slip even for a second. Calm and collected. Not the slightest shake of your fingers. Only when he was laying in between the clean sheets did you let your mind slip, hand resting on your bump as you watched his chest move up and down. The sound of his mother's cries still swirling in your brain. How easy was it to lose someone you loved? Didn't need to be infected even. Anything could happen.
A hand that slipped on your shoulder made you jump. You turned to your side upon seeing Joel there. Your body instantly eased. Joel was scared the whole time you were in the operating room. He didn't move from the little window. Eyes watching you as you worked. Every minute that you stayed up on your feet made him more and more tense. This wasn't okay. You were too far along in your pregnancy to operate for three hours. Your body needed rest, not this. Only now did you realize how tired you were. But you couldn't show it. No, Joel would worry too much, and this was already far too much worrying for one day. So you squeezed his hand firmly before standing up.
You and Ellie were walking through the forest. Well, you were wobbling. Walking properly wasn't an option any longer. Joel was behind you both once again, keeping a close eye on you. You suggested you walked for a bit midway through the ride. Joel gave you a questionable look but nodded his head regardless. "So they just grow like this?", asked Ellie, looking at the bush that was covered in blueberries. You nodded your head, "They do. As a kid, I loved going into the forest to pick berries". It's been quite sometime now that she was a part of your life, but no matter how many stories you told her, Ellie still found things that surprised her.
You encouraged her to reach for the berry. Watching as her eyes gaped as the sweet taste hit her tongue. "Can we get some and make a pie or something?", she asked as she reached for another handful. You smiled at her softly, "Of course we ca-ahh,", you crunched forward. Bracing yourself on the tree that was by your side. Joel's steps picked up as he moved closer to you. Ellie's big eyes watched you. "Mom,", she asked worriedly, even if the tight look on your face eased. Joel's fingers wrapped around your forearms, steadying you. "It's nothing, guys; no one needs to worry", you said. Cupping the material of the long fabric beneath your bump for extra support. "You should sit down for a minute", Joel looked around, trying to find a place for you to rest somewhat comfortably.
"There's no need", you tried to sound calm, but another wave of pain hit you, making you grip Joel's hands. Ellie looked at Joel now. Worry seeped through her because even if she knew little about things like this, it didn't seem like nothing to her. "Y/N…", Joel rasped out himself, trying to undress what was happening. But you knew this wasn't nothing. Because you began to feel strange the moment you arrived in the nearby town. Then the pain picked up during the operation, but you were able to breathe through it. It didn't bother you all too much. You were sure you were good once it eased, but then you couldn't seem to sit on the horse as the pressure and pain increased. You knew this was something more.
"Don't get mad", you said through gritted teeth as the pain slowly eased, "I just… I felt", but it seemed like your baby was more than eager to do the speaking for itself as a warm trickle of liquid started to slowly trail down your legs. The material of your dress dampened. Another breathy exhale caught in your throat as you hissed. Joel moved an arm around your middle, "I fucking told you, shit", "Don't be like that", Ellie warned him quickly. Stress was not what you needed now, yet Joel didn't budge, "Like what? We're in the middle of the woods, and Y/N's water just broke". "Joel," you cried out in pain once more, both hands holding onto your tight stomach as even more liquid rushed down your legs.
"Fuck okay, come here", Joel told you, but you didn't want him to pick you up. "Dad ", Ellie rasped out, "It's okay, everything's okay, we'll figure this out". Joel wasn't sure if he believed it, but he had to. Someone had to. "Can you sit on a horse?", he questioned, but you shook your head straight away. His mind was blanking out for him. Heart racing. This was not how you were supposed to give birth. "I saw a cabin on the way here. It… was just over the valley", Ellie spoke up again, Joel nodded his head. This was the best chance you had because there was no way he was getting you to Jackson in time, "Lead the way, kiddo".
Joel lowered you just by the patio. He needed to go in first and make sure there was no one there. No infected, no raiders. That it was safe. Ellie felt like she was going to grow gray as she watched you grip the railing. She had seen Joe getting stabbed; she had been through so much shit. Put bullets through people's heads, but somehow nothing compares to this and the fear of losing you. "Hey, look at me", you caught Ellie's hand, "It's going to be okay", you rubbed your finger over her palm. "But what if you or the baby… we have no proper…", she rambled on, "Ellie, darling, it's okay". You could only imagine how scary this seemed to her. Considering that she had never seen anyone in a position like this.
"Your sibling is just slightly more excited to meet you", you chuckled slightly, and a little smile broke onto her face as well. "I'd rather she stayed in your stomach till we returned". You hummed at her words, "Funny thing about babies is they don't listen". She breathed with you through the next contraction. Doing and saying the things that she heard Joel say while you were making your way here. "Mom?", Ellie questioned once more as your face eased, "Everything will be okay, right?", you gave her the best smile you could manage, "Of course, babe."
But everything was far from being great. Joel had pulled an old mattress from the other room and placed it next to the fire that was burning in the fireplace. Ellie was anxiously changing the cold, wet cloth on your forehead as you panted rapidly, holding onto Joel's hand. They both felt helpless. Not sure how to soothe or help. The pain was evident on your face, and if at the start you could still speak between the sharp shooting daggers that ripped through you, now it seemed that you barely managed to even take a breath in between them.
Joel moved so he was kneeling between your parted legs. "Breath, love, you need to take proper breaths", his hand moved up and down your thigh, "Remember how we practiced?", you weakly nodded your head, "Of course you do, you're a trooper", "You need to check me," your hand moved towards your thigh. Joel shrugged off his jacket, quickly rolling up his sleeves. You probably would have told him how good he looked like this. But unfortunately for you, the pain was now the center of your consciousness. Joel gave you one more look as if he was asking for permission, and his hand slipped between your legs. "I feel it. I feel the head", he said firmly, and you nodded your head.
The progress was slow, or more like there was none. Your breathing grew more and more labored, yet no matter how much you pushed, it seemed to lead you nowhere, and the energy was slowly starting to leave your body. "Something isn't right", you muttered after another wave had eased. You had started to shake slightly. "What do you mean?", Joel asked you worryingly. Suddenly it all becomes awfully real to Joel. You could easily die. This could easily lead to him to losing you both. And with the amount of blood on the white material… Joel didn't need to have a medical education to know that this wasn't right.
"Tell me what to do", he tried to meet your eyes, but they seemed frantic. The panic was more than discouraging. No, Joel wasn't going to lose you both. That wasn't an option. "Y/N, look at me," he said as he moved closer to you, "We're going to do this". Joel turned to Ellie briefly, "You think you could find your way back to Jackson, kiddo?" Ellie nodded her head rapidly. She had helped as much as she could. Joel tried to keep her away from the blood, but he could do nothing about the screams and clear agony that you were in. "Okay, you need to go get the midwife and Tommy here", Ellie only managed to nod again. She was shaky and scared. But then again, in the same way as Joel, she couldn't lose you. With one last look at you, Ellie darted out, nearly falling off the stairs as she reached for the horse.
"Help me up. The gravity….", you muttered. Joel reached for your hands, pulling you up, before moving to stand against your back. You were all covered in sweat. Your lower half was drenched. You could feel the blood drying on your thighs and cracking as you moved. Please, you thought to yourself. If this went on any further, you were going to faint. Your body felt heavy. You could barely hold onto your knees as you pushed.
"I don't think I can…", you whispered, once Joel helped you to your knees. "Of course, you can", Joel said firmly, but you still shook your head, "This is my fault". But this time Joel cupped your face, making you look at him, "We're bringing this baby into the world, and you two will be just fine. I've got you. I'm with you. I believe in you" he said, leaning his forehead onto your damp one. Joel took a moment to breathe. You needed him to be strong now. He needed to be your rock.
You pushed and pushed, and minutes melted into what felt like endless nothingness. Joel's voice guided you through it all. You had no clue how he managed it, but he was holding onto one of your legs, giving you extra support to press onto something as you pushed. While the other occasionally slipped behind you, to help you push up. "Come on, one more, mama. One more", Joel's hand rested behind the infant's head as he looked back up at you, "Give me one big one, and we'll be a family of four". You did just that. With a deep breath, you pushed with all that you had left. Yet another scream ripped past your lips, and the pressure suddenly eased as your head fell back onto the mattress.
Joel quickly pulled the baby up as the loudest cry filled the living room. He couldn't help a smile; he couldn't help the tears that filled his eyes. Joel reached for his jacket, quickly wrapping the babe in it, and rocking it gently. "Hello, gorgeous, look at your cries", he cooed at the newest Miller for a moment before his eyes moved up to look at your tired face that was now covered in tears as well. "So…", you trailed off as Joel leaned over to you so he could rest the baby on your chest. "Dad had a good intuition", he teased, and you felt another wave of tears coming. "A girl", you muttered, looking down at the pruny baby in your arms. "Oh, you sweet angel", your finger carefully traced her cheek, "As stubborn as her mom too". Joel moved behind you, making sure that you were comfortable as you rested against his chest. "She has your eyes", you muttered, looking up at your lover, who looked down at you lovingly. "Can you believe that we made her?", he asked. You shook your head, "I'm still mortified that this is a dream".
The sudden noises outside made you both perk up. Joel reached for the gun, pointing it straight at the door. Just as breathless Ellie fell into the room. Behind her, a dark-haired lady rushed into the living room. Smiling at the sight of the baby bundled up in your arms, "Look at you three, good job, and congratulations". Lydia was the main midwife in Jackson. She cupped your cheeks, stealing a glance at the baby before moving to look at the mattress.
"Check her first, Lydia,", you asked her, but the lady only shook her head, "No, darling girl, you're still bleeding, and the baby with lungs like that is more than healthy". You wanted to argue, but the chaos of the room suddenly made you feel dizzy. Your mouth went dry. "You two, baby, and Ellie, out of the room now", the midwife pointed quickly to the two Miller brothers. "What's going on?", Joel asked, yet no one answered him as Lydia pulled your body up and away from Joel. Only now did Joel see how pale you were. But Maria placed the baby into his arms before pushing them all out of the room.
Joel's worries didn't die. They were clouding his brain. You were fine just a moment ago. You talked and… But then he saw Ellie's big eyes searching the room. She looked so small. So lost and so scared. "El", Joel called out lovingly, making her snap her head towards him, "Want to see your sister?". A long-lost sparkle gleamed in Ellie's eyes. "A girl?", she muttered under her breath. "Margo. Unless your mom changes her mind", Ellie stepped closer, careful as ever. As if too big a step might harm the baby somehow. Her hands stayed by her side as she looked at the baby in Joel's arms. "She needs a bath", Ellie muttered, Joel laughed slightly, "Yeah, we can give her one after", she nodded, her eyes never leaving the infant.
"Can I… I don't have to", she trailed off, "Come here, make sure you support her head", Joel made room on the rundown sofa that was in the room they were rushing into. Ellie's arms were stiff. She stopped her breathing for a moment. "She's so tiny… Hi", the baby grasped onto her finger, making Ellie look up at Joel as if she was asking if this was okay, but he only smiled at her. "You reckon she knows who I am?", Ellie asked. Joel leaned in to kiss the side of her head. "After all the dance parties you had and the cookies you made? I think you are already best friends". Ellie nodded her head in approval, yet her eyes darted to the door and asked, "And mom?".
Here was where Joel didn't know what to say. He wanted to reassure her but he couldn't. Because he didn't know what was going on. What if you were dead? A cold shiver ran down his back. No, you couldn't. His chest started to grow heavy all of a sudden. But the door swung open, and Joel had stood up at lightning speed. "Lydia,", he called out, bracing himself for the worst, but the old lady just gave him a warm smile. "She lost a bit more blood, but everything is okay. She's all cleaned up; you three should head to her", Joel practically sank to the floor as those words filled his mind. Whoever was guarding him was working overtime. He turned to Ellie, but she was already walking through the door with Margo in her hands. "You did a good job", Lydia squeezed Joel's hand, "Go have some family time with your girls".
Ellie was nestled by your side, silent tears falling down her cheeks as you held her close. Joel stepped in as quietly as he could, but his eyes instantly found yours. You gave him a weak smile. You knew he could tell just how tired you were. "I'm so outnumbered by females now," he said as he sat down by your other side. Moving your hand to his lips as he kissed it. He nudged Ellie slightly, feeling even more ease slip through his body as she giggled. "You're destined to be a girl, dad", you muttered, running your hand up and down the baby's back as she started to fuss.
"I think someone's hungry", you said, trying to get more comfortable. Joel instantly stood up so he could pull you up slightly, reaching for a spear blanket before putting it behind the makeshift pillow. The suckling noises filled the space within seconds, as Margo happily latched on. Her tiny fist flexed in the air. Ellie instantly moved her finger for Margo to grasp; her tiny fingers wrapped around it, and her fussing eased as she ate.
Joel just watched you three, his hand resting on your thigh. This was both the scariest and most beautiful experience ever. He got to bring his baby girl into the world. He had missed Sarah's birth back then. Only got to see her wrapped up in a pink blanket hours later. It had eaten at him for years. He knew he wanted to be here this time. There was no doubt, and now, after everything, he thought that it couldn't have been more perfect.
"You're okay?", your fingers squeezed his thigh gently, making him turn to you. "Yeah, just thinking about how perfect you are and how much I love you all", you couldn't help but smile, mumbling a quick I love you back to him. It was Ellie who was struck by those words the most. She knew that you both loved her. You had told her that many times, but Joel had never directly spoken about it. "I love you all as well", she mumbled back. Joel glanced at her as he reached for her hand.
"You reckon we could all fit on this", you spoke up after a minute, already starting to feel tired again. "I take the left side", Ellie said quickly, once again moving closer to you. "Who said we're allowed to call dibs", Joel questioned teasingly. "You snooze, you lose", she stuck out her tongue as you brushed some of the hair away from her face. "There's plenty of space for everyone to get a cuddle", you said softly as Joel slipped behind you, your body melted into his tender chest. One of his hands sneaked behind yours so he could support Margo, who was still feasting. Joel pressed a kiss to your shoulder. Life had both taken away from him, but then gave him so much more. His other hand rested on Ellie's back protectively. This was both empowering and crippling at the same time. Between Joel's arms was his whole world. World that was made up of you three. His biggest treasure. His most prized possession.
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piginawig · 2 years
Oh cool, we’re forging suicide notes now.
Surely her sister must know that suicide note was faked???
And reading it out loud on tv. Woooooow manipulative.
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drewstarkeyslut · 3 months
Dark!rafe and dark!reader who show up to the boneyard with different people and after a verbal fight the two end up hooking up in his truck. Maybe they leave together 👀
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Warnings: smut (p in v), choking, slapping, creampie, kidnapping, rafe forcing jj/sofia to watch as he fucks reader (idk what else, sorry if i missed anything)
A/N: sorry it took me forever to finish babe, my motivation has been down the drain lately. i truly dont know if i like this, it’s mehh.. but i hope you enjoy it🥹🥲 also wanted to thank @drudyslut for helping me alot with it by coming up with some ideas, your brain works wonders! ilysm bestie💕
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You and Rafe were together but not together, it was complicated. You loved to get under each others skin. It was like a competition, every fucking time. Rafe was a jealous guy, and you were a jealous girl, that was obvious. Shit got crazy from time to time, it was inevitable. You two were toxic together.
Tonight there was a party at the boneyard and you decided the best way to mess with Rafe’s head was to show up with none other than JJ Maybank. You and Rafe had gotten into it the night before, nothing new but you were out for blood. You knew his hatred for the pogue, so you definitely knew what you were getting yourself into. That was the plan and you went with it.
What you didn’t know was that Rafe was two steps ahead.
You and JJ arrived at the boneyard, his arm draped around your neck. His hand basically grazing over your breast. You two walked in smiling and laughing. That’s when you locked eyes with Rafe, he was seething and you knew it. You were living for it.
The first thing you noticed when you looked over at Rafe was the girl who threw herself all over him, peppering his neck with kisses. It was Sofia, the girl before you, the one bitch you despised.
“Hey JJ, you go ahead, I’ll catch up with you in a bit!” You give him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. You knew Rafe was watching and it killed him to witness that even when he just had the bitch all over his neck just a few seconds ago. No one touches his girl, and if they do, they might as well be dead.
“Alright Princess, be safe.” JJ nods at you then proceeds to catch up with the rest of the pogues.
“Hey fuck face!” You shout, storming towards Rafe.
“Who me?” Sofis questions, obvlious to the situation and making it obvious she was annoyed with your presence.
“Not you, you nasty little whore. Him.” You point in Rafes direction. He’s already eyeing you, theres no telling what he’s thinking about with that blank look on his face.
“What do you want y/n? Shouldn’t you be with your little pogue boy toy, Maybank?” Rafe spat, his arms pushing Sofia closer into him. He did it to piss you off, and it was working.
“Actually, yes. Just wanted to stop by and say fuck you, have fun with this dumb cunt! Just know you’ll be thinking about me when you’re inside of her. Have a good fucking night.” You hiss, looking at him then to Sofia. You turn around making sure your hair whipped the bitch in her face.
“Oh I will, sweetheart.” Rafe jabbed. A devilish grin adorning his face as he took a sip from his cup.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Sofia questions Rafe. His eyes are still locked on you as you make your way back to JJ. He watches as JJ wraps his arm around you pulling you closer to him. He says something to you that makes you laugh then plants kisses on your forehead.
“Nothing Sofia, just…fucking drop it.” Rafe’s mind was spiraling, all he could think about was you and that fucking pogue and he didn’t like it one bit.
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A couple hours passed since you arrived at the boneyard, you were currently grinding on JJ, genuinely having fun. You were feeling a bit tipsy, not quite drunk yet but definitely not sober. You honestly were just having a good time. You didn’t want to think about Rafe right now, thinking about him with Sofia would just push your fucking buttons.
“Hey JJ, would you please get me another drink?” You ask him with pleading eyes.
“Of course princess. I got ya, I’ll be right back!” JJ gushed.
You were dancing with Sarah and Kie while waiting for JJ to come back with your drink. Ten minutes go by but it felt like hours, JJ never came back. You start to worry as your eyes scan the boneyard. You get a glimpse of where the drinks are set up, but still no sign of JJ. You decide not to worry.. just yet, thinking he probably bumped into John B or Pope and got carried away.
After another hour of dancing and talking with Sarah and Kie you wander off to look for JJ. He certainly wasn’t with John B, because he came looking for Sarah. Pope was with Cleo. So where the fuck did JJ go? Did he find some other girl to take to the Chateau? And if so, why didn’t he just tell you? It’s not like you two were an item.
You were so lost in your thoughts when all of a sudden a hand covered your mouth and an arm wrapped around your torso pulling you into someones chest.
“Shh. Baby girl. Don’t make a sound.” Rafe whispers in your ear. His dick was slightly hard, you could feel his bulge poking into your ass.
He leads you to his truck, throws you inside, and walks to the drivers side, hopping in.
“What the fuck Rafe?!” You yell.
“Shut up y/n! How ‘bout you be quiet f’me..yeah?” Rafe mutters. He starts the truck and starts speeding off.
“Where the hell are you taking me? I don’t want to go anywhere with you, where is Sofia? Got bored of her already huh?” You start going off, still pissed about him bringing Sofia to the boneyard.
“I said shut the fuck up! It’s not that hard to listen is it?” Rafe hits the steering wheel, noticably agitated, he turns up the music to drown you out.
“Well god damn. Alright. Someone is fucking pissy.” You mumble under your breath and roll your eyes. You were used to shit like this when it came to Rafe, nothing surprised you anymore. You stare out the window as you listen to “RUNRUNRUN” by Dutch Melrose blasting on the radio.
Rafe finally pulls up to Tannyhill, you look at the beautiful home you knew all too well. You knew what Rafe wanted from you, why else would he have brought you here? Shit, you wanted it too. You couldn’t deny it even if you wanted to.
You hop out of the truck without Rafe having to force you out of it. Rafe stalks towards you, he opens the door to Tannyhill and you both step inside. You push Rafe against the wall as you look up at him with hungry eyes, his eyes dart down to your tits, licking his lips. Rafe grips your throat, turning his body so that now your body slams against the wall. He always wanted to be in control, especially tonight.
“You know Rafe, if you wanted to fuck me, you could have just called me.” You bite your lip looking up into his eyes.
He wastes no time going in for a kiss, you don’t hesitate, not even for a second as you kiss him back. He releases the tight grip from your throat, putting his arms out low enough so he could pick you up.
“Jump” Rafe orders. You do as he says, wrapping your legs around him as he holds you up against the wall.
He shoves his tongue in your mouth and you moan into his mouth, your tongues clashing. You two were completely absorbed in making out as he carries you up the stairs into his room and throws you on the bed, climbing on top of you.
“Shit, you got me hard as fuck. I can’t wait to fuck this tight pretty little pussy but first....” Rafe reaches over and turns on the lamp, letting the light brighten the room just a bit.
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You see something from the corner of your eye as you look over and see JJ and Sofia tied to chairs. They were gagged with tape over their mouths so they couldnt make a sound. They were crying and fighting their restraints. Rafe made sure they wouldn’t be able to get out of them.
“What’s going on Rafe, why are JJ and Sofia here, like that?” You question him, you weren’t even shocked to see them restrained as if it happened before.
“Oh hmm, I don’t know — maybe because JJ here didn’t seem to know that you’re my girl y/n, and no one fucks with my girl. No one touches what belongs to me.” Rafe stated confidently, looking JJ straight in his eyes. “So, he and miss Sofia here will be watching me claim what’s mine. They will know who owns you.” Rafe smirked, palming himself through his shorts.
There was something so sinister in the way Rafe thought and did things that surpisingly didn’t bother you and did quite the opposite. It turned you on.
“All yours, and only yours Rafe! Let this cunt know that this pussy is the only pussy you’ll be fucking that cock into, the only pussy that cries for you.” You grinned, pulling him closer by the loops on his shorts.
“Fuck, you really know how to get me goin’ such a good slut f’me. I need to feel you, need to be inside of you, now.” Rafe growls. He pulls his shirt off, unbuttoning his pants and taking those off too.
“Wow no boxers huh?” You giggled. You start drooling at the sight of his hard cock, precum dripping from his tip and onto you. Just the sight of his cock had your pussy sopping wet.
“I bet you’re not wearing any panties, damn slut. How about we check?” Rafe laughs, lifting up your dress to reveal your pussy glistening on full display.
You pull your dress over your head and undo your bra throwing it on the floor. You wanted him, you were impatient.
“Fuck me Rafe. Right now. Want to feel every inch of your cock, need you to fill me up full of your cum.” You moan. Rafe pins your arms above your head, visicously gripping your wrists.
He smashes his lips against yours as he enters his length into your wet cunt. You gasp, your moans muffled from Rafe’s tongue down your throat. His cock slowly thrusting in and out of your pussy. His cock drowning in your wet pussy.
He pulls away from the kiss, one hand giving a slap to your cheek.
“You like that huh? You filthy slut. Fuck. You feel so damn good.” Rafe gives the other side of your cheek a slap.
“Fuckkkk, y-yyes! ch-choke me Rafe. I need to feel your big hands wrapped around my throat.” You beg,
“Whatever my little cumslut wants, she gets. But.. can you handle it baby girl?” Rafe asks but wastes no time as both hands release the grip from your wrists making their way down to your throat. The grip was deathly, your airways were absolutely constricted, face turning a light shade of pink.
“Oh fuck, yes. Oh my god, faster please daddy. Feels so fucking good! I want to cum” You scream, your words coming out strained due to your struggle for air.
Rafe picks up the pace, his cock ramming into your cunt, his thrusts sloppy and brutal. Your juices making a mess on his large veiny cock.
“This pussy is mine. You’re all mine. You belong to me. You got that y/n?” Rafe rasped. You just nod your head, too focused on how his cock was making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You couldn’t lie, he was the best fuck you ever had and ever will have. You were addicted just as much as he was.
“Yes sir. All yours. Every inch of me belongs to you.” You moan out as he releases his grip from your throat.
“That’s my fuckin’ good girl.” Rafe praises.
“Fuck! Ahh, Rafe I’m gonna cum!” You let go and squirt all over his cock.
“Shiiiit, I’m gonna fill this pretty little cunt up. You want it? You little slut. Fuck come on, tell JJ and Sofia just how much you need my cum baby girl.” Rafe taunts. You almost forgot that JJ and Sofia were in the room, tied up, and trying to keep their eyes shut so they didn’t have to witness this.
“Rafe p-please I need it! Need your cum to fill me up and drip right fucking out of my pussy!” You whine. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him more towards you. His cock pushes deeper into you making you tremble and scream.
“God damn baby girl, keep grippin’ this fuckin’ dick just like that. Ah fuuuck, you’re doing so well f’me. Fuckin’ take it like a filthy whore. Oh shit baby girl, here it comes!” Rafe groans loudly, a string of curses falling from his lips and thick white ropes of cum shooting deep inside you.
He looks over to JJ and Sofia, “Bet you thought you’d be the one in this sweet pussy tonight, yeah?” Rafe laughs. JJ mutters something under his breath as he still struggles to find a way out.
Rafe goes back to paying him no attention. He pulls out, his warm seed spilling out of your pussy and dripping onto the bedsheets.
“Wish it was you filled with his cum instead, hmm? Too damn bad it will never be you, bitch.” You stare into Sofia’s eyes, you hated that bitch and wanted her to know that he was not hers to fuck around with. Rafe was yours. Always will be.
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