#sounds silly enough
zackieboyo · 7 months
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dumb thing I made in wattpad's cover maker
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unspecifiedfigure · 8 months
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something happens and i’m head over heels ✨
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concretdandelion · 3 months
dropping dan and phil in the bong and smoking them
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close up of them in the bong
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rare pen doodles cause finals week is grinding me into a fine dust
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a lil while back i had a dream where there was a giant hippo in the road with moose antlers. i've never climbed a tree faster
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dailymanners · 3 months
If it can be helped, avoid making sudden loud noises around others without giving them a warning first that you're about to make a sudden loud sound.
If you absolutely need to make a sudden loud sound for whatever reason (for example testing your home's smoke alarm) warn the people around you within earshot first (such as your housemates who are home at the time you're going to test the smoke alarm)
First of all, PTSD is far more common than many might think, and sudden loud sounds are a very common trigger for PTSD.
Or even if someone doesn't have PTSD they can still be startled or frightened by a sudden loud sound, and obviously it's pretty unpleasant to be startled or frightened. But also, you never know who around you might have PTSD that could be triggered by a sudden loud sound without warning.
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dismas-n-dismay · 12 days
Psst. She's got something to show you!! Check it, Tiny Falin!
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doctorsiren · 3 months
I’m taking a hard stance on the kitten thing. I will say again: I’ve been harassed with that name before so I personally find it gross. I love Diego. I love Godot. I choose to ignore the kitten comments because I think it just makes his character seem weird and predatory towards Mia when they met and I don’t think it fits with a lot of the rest of his character. I’m not in the mood to have back and forths on this point because I’ve been personally harassed with that term and it makes me uncomfortable the way that it’s used. I have my opinions and will say them on my blog and if you don’t agree, you don’t have to be here. Yeah, that sounds kind of harsh but it’s the internet. This is my space I’ve made and there’s infinite other space that exists.
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writerfae · 1 month
You know what would be funny? Aiden and Halea teaching each other for their realms typical insults
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jolselin · 1 year
msp is so nice because this gaggle of teenage boys resolves everything by actually talking about their feelings and the main love interest's defining trait is being the most whipped guy in the history of guys in love and somehow it's genuine enough that it does not come across as boring or overly didactic... like the screenwriters aren't trying to show you An Example, they're just telling a nice story and since they're also making it not just earnest but also silly and goofy at times they're succeeding at actually making television you watch for entertainment. this is probably why it reminds me of shoujo manga like kimi ni todoke. they're just applying the same storytelling methods but on guys. it could've been incredibly boring but it's really well-executed so instead it's a highlight of the week
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spotsupstuff · 2 months
Cap's got a new voice claim! feat. a tiny bit of Sparrows n her's unchanged vc because 1. it's cute to hear them together and 2. I snorted. The vibes are so different
[songs: So Familiar by Jean Castel and Driving Myself Home by Rose Betts]
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pisscreant · 1 month
idea: a month or so into their partnership, someone nefarious spies on Harry and Kim's conversations over phone/radio. thankfully, their conversations have become so full of batshit topics, wild tangents, inside jokes, and misc nonsense that they're nearly incomprehensible to any outside observer
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frenchfry99 · 9 months
Behold the most terrifying mobster-
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Some scribbles below
(Her existence in this au is 99% a joke)
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Lilly dislikes being called Lillian, seeing it as boring and too serious, but is still sometimes called that by her father and oftenly by other mobsters
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Same as her original version she loves animals, but can get her paws on more obscure or dangerous ones-
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I'd say Lilly is pretty much fearless,to some comedical levels,which gets her in trouble quite often -
(Despite being little there's not much people in the mob who can handle her overly energetic and stubborn personality, but there are still few exceptions)
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Literally fighting my demons to let myself post dumb doodles and not only finished pieces-
Just realized I always forget to add the clown nose on her human ver lol
Also og Lilly doesn't know what a dad is but in this au she has two smh (this ver is from mob au where Wally is not the boss). How did she get into the mob? Well it all started whe-💥💥💥💥
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skeletoninthemelonland · 10 months
Do you like all the Springtraps 🤨
Or Just springtrap :^
Ofc there are a few exceptions, but in general- Yes, I do like all the Springtraps!!! :O
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asexualstellar · 4 months
Is your cishet tommy at least aro or ace?
tf you mean “at least”
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caffeinatedopossum · 5 months
I think I know now what it is about life that makes it worth living and I hate that I can't tell anyone. I can't write it down for me to reread when I forget because it's... just a feeling. And maybe you aren't supposed to be able to put that into words or hold onto it. You just have to trust that you'll feel it again
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